Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @ RCCG August 2019 HOLY GHOST SERVICE

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louia is louder than that of your neighbor your miracle Baliga let's answer the most high god bless you so Lynette yes it's a full orange worship let him hear you tell them you love them so funny fellow tell them you appreciate him Fellini they call him by his name king of pain oppa lot of laws although one will do our the Ancient of Days the Lion of the tribe of Judah anyway the unchangeable changer you better do you go by the worship to him Joseph ooh adore him he magnify solanell coming Beauregard that's no one like belong to him Cucaracha let me give Him glory given a fool given moderation we'll just fool magnify history America magnifies Holy Name it will come in regard magnify soul in a good copy for a God praise and praise and prison and press the King of Kings the Lord of lords and your power power to do a hula the ancient of this a luchador the one who was before the monsters were brought forth 1931 he assumed I walk you are live in glory give him Hannah a few the remedy she have people were just a fool thank you Father I base you in Jesus mighty name will worship me or look on now this is yeah Josie I want you to lift our voice to the Almighty God no Frankie we'll go you see a lovely little Marie loud and clear okay kitty kitty myself father open my ears now et let me hear you today Jackie boy Julie open my ear so long so that I can hear from you he leave I'll call each other we load up on my yesterday let me hear from you t this very night for Newton thank you Father thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed a drug we are serving the gold of miracles I know yes I know [Music] we're serving a God of miracles I know yes I know hallelujah [Music] we're [Music] what about you [Music] [Music] [Music] further my team we bless your name come ye rudder force go King of glory about go a lot stronger my - oh no I feel just like we're a lord my team but - I thought I knew who glory be to your Holy Name thank you for what you did in the past okay thank you for what you have been doing since this convention start thank you for watching we do tonight thank you for what you would do even tomorrow please accept our worship in Jesus name I don't want to go to zoo tonight please send your world let it bring healing so your people Huey was aware why will you eat let there be deliverance that they are the miracles beside some wonders and all those who are watching us all over the world father please speak to them - we were naive about Palmisano at the end of it all let your name be glorified know people work and in your company to go but the time we'll go home let our testimonies be complete in Jesus mighty name we have praying the near corner is not background let's all shout hallelujah [Music] well before we continue there was one young man who came here to Matsuyama Kenichi oh I see please bring him when he em to me everyone the backwaters was asserted that when some people came to see Jesus with your friend they couldn't get in the normal way they broke through the roof this was granted they are requests I don't know how this fellow money to pass through all the people who and work with any employer already had already riskier so bring them back then shall come with one or two people I say your excellency tonight is my life and then you may please visit her god bless for those of you who could not find a chair here and in the new arena [Music] because the do buffer is overflowing I want to rejoice with you oppai because the floor you are sitting on is our night by the time you get up every problem in your body would have disappeared into the floor we're trying we'll try to get as many chairs as we can it looks as if who need an extra 1 million chairs before we done hope we have her to move about 10,000 people to wear the Passos do their prey but see people sitting on the floor Roberto God is a very good problem all over Europe I'll ever hear somebody shout hallelujah I would like to see the people in the old arena I want you to wave your hand so that I know you are here in the very well and the camera mushroom there are so many of them as you climb all right go ahead show those who are sitting on the floor if you can pick them out so I can see them if you are hearing the it with with in your hand you are hearing me with your hand so I can be sure you are you are listening properly you're hearing properly that's vertical clip we visited with India so surely those of you who have final see two are sitting on the lawn engine about somewhere as fired the Lord will grant all your requests in Jesus name today Friday no George God give us additional 23 babies tottering boys and ten girls and so with the set of twins both of them boys so we now have a total of 86 children 45 boys and 41 girls that the boys shout praise the Lord and let you guys out Alleluia now I'm not going to talk about sanitation tonight that I was talk about it tomorrow and the reason I'm not talking about sanitation tonight is that tonight is a night of absolute joy I want to announce to all the workers who have been on suspension I need a group because of what God wants to do tonight suspension lifted now last year some people came trusting God for the fruit of the womb now they're here with their children this is the what do I even do a mohawk and some people came two years ago when they came last year they were already pregnant this one is one one we do you that their babies we're yet to come too much if you multiply the babies came since the last convention so if you are one of those who have been trusting God for the fruit of the womb and now your babies are here this is Yamanashi GD kindly bring them forward so we can pray for them whether in the present auditorium or into the arena why don't you are coming those of you are born in the month of August stand on your feet so we can pray for you who are born in the month of workers let me hear you shout hallelujah father I want to thank you for your children born in the month of August is the eighth month of the year and it is the number of a new beginning oh this your children born in the month of August further give them a new beginning a new beginning of joy of success of progress of anointing of a closer walk with God meet all their needs Lord let the new year be better than the previous one this day let them serve you more than ever before in Jesus mighty name we have prayed your honor congratulations god bless you now let's have some music as we [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Bailey Lori [Music] [Music] uh-oh my ego [Music] Oh [Music] oh my my do you got Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh God [Music] [Music] Oh sucka [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't go to my attorney for you Oh [Music] to my papa Oh now you got your for new artists [Music] or your papa [Music] Oh to my boring your papa [Music] go to my or y'all [Music] now I want you to see how many whole where they have been weeping month after month and then they came to Jesus together we cried to him and now there's love time in their homes I want you to see those who are here look at those who are in the auditory please join me in such a really big hallelujah to the [Applause] they Almighty God himself knows how much I love children to tocopherol Almighty if I had my way probably a graph are they dozen of my own is it with you Muffy to me Gina so what I couldn't have on my own is supply through anointing for this way did you live before me although you Python you know I want you I want you to please help me stretch of answer was this children and pray for them that our joy over this children will last forever none of them would I or that the war become mighty men and women of God please pray for them pray for them intercede for them for just one minute or two thank you daddy about you but are not some God you are unknown to Yellen but are not some God you are thousands of children all right bless your Holy Name correct go wrong what a mighty God thank you God bless you in Jesus mighty name we have prayed so father we want to say thank you but we're too far away for the ones that were opened thank you for this wonderful children that were given to a new couch is normal thank you for homes where there used to be sorrow but now there is laughter I do care for my deleted user who purchase a DVD a liar please accept our thanks Jesus where the worst of but that if there's all these children to You Lord our each evildoer bless them protect them keep sickness away from them keep that away from them keep demons away from them become greater than the appearance I let them serve you to the very end in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen [Music] congratulations you can dance back to your sister and the rest of us please let us rejoice with [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nope I can't say you got my Eagle not rich I live [Music] you are the mighty god that bridge aya - I got my G goat not breathe I am [Music] thank you now as our custom Righetti she was the only good service of September mmm oh she gets off is dedicated to those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb so if you have relatives and friends trusting God for the fruit of the womb invite them to next oligo service to go and by this time next year people returning forward their children to what you will do but the only way service in September is going to be for more than those who are trusting God for the foot of the wall for watching put your informative in the corner because our team then is lifted into glory and I believe God is going to leave someone very very high next month our next major program is in October - cookie when you Irish castle is the youth convention well Amador and their theme for this year is his power and glory to glory it's going to be from October the church to disease oh well not Co she can well or Tokita and like I've always said anyone who's younger than I we say youth me or torn York and then in December in the Lottery's we have the Congress from December 9 to 14 December nitro 40 will be our Congress this year and the theme for this year's Congress the great turnaround yep Allah the great turnaround vivid Allah will be for the Congress from December night or 14 in Japan and Anja committee or to EGR pagoda in there Joe Joe Cassano kinoshita July I want to briefly a pre appeal to every one of you at the fair oh I don't normally say this but I need help I want to see the children in their children auditorium yesterday and it became crystal clear ha ha before next convention to have to build a new auditorium for them I knew there were so many too big yeah I was scared and I know before next year God is going to multiply them Bousema beautiful they don't know much more severe law and before this time next year we're going to need at least an additional 1 million chairs so I need help Italy know 800 buddy do you know no worry accommodation I've become seriously insufficient when they come [Music] and if god listen to your heart to come to my age I'm not going to ask you to write anything down I know whatever you determined to do you will do it oh oh my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus kristus jesu alright that's preparations it will directly tonight it's one of such nights that comes once in a lifetime oh so I want you to really really get ready of it a parody a beginning because I'm believing God that within the next one hour door opening what a chipmunk raccoon learning your life would never be the same again I'm not the one who said so it is God Genesis chapter one Genesis is rickielee thank you Father they lured us 'but returns home on here tonight they said before this night is over I will taught you three times we haven't even started out getting and Goldust meet with her so on listen to me here now or wherever you are listening what a typical you copy that daddy you cool he asked me to tell you as you increase your place but you kill including Duke you - I will crease your anointing item based on dr. Lee Lewis move softly move little bit let me show you I think we should just stand on our feet I just prison for it the way they were cutting ye this is just presume that this if you want to increase the noise change if you don't want don't praise Him Dubuffet fabula I think you forfeit if you want its anointing on you to increase just praising praising the wall before prison you do that's easy to do oh no that bless your name King of glory I worship you or two clicks God you are what a merciful God wrath what a glorious God you are what a loving God you are what I'm understanding God you are all right bless your Holy Name I wash it you give your glory I give you all ha no I give you all a duration I praise your name Lord I praise your name Lord you're worthy worthy of my prince revelation more and more all the days of my level just people praising you a tip on a dory you because she loved woody tonight time to enough for what you've already done oh what a great God you are what a mighty God you are what a glorious God you are patients of this may your name forever be glorified I praise you Lord for thank you daddy glory glory glory glory holy emanations of this glory be to your Holy Land glory be to the Holy Name thank you Father Thank You papa thank you in Jesus mighty name we worship please visit nowhere Joe please diligently tonight here hunting for a bunny let go from your spirit if the word of God comes your way you better catch it quickly tonight I can assure you you will never forget tonight I am reading from verse 1 to 3 as a litigator thank you daddy daddy asked me to touch over here tonight he said your case will be finally settled here tonight coconuts here Yoshi failure sevilla name well in the beginning God created the heaven and the entity cost a large area and that was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters I guess he wanted to use show Fukuzawa new Teague and allow the revenue to be and God said normally we will let there be lights molecular and there was like emergency one that alone is already a message for someone allylic Oh God to fish and say for you God is saying to somebody right here now Fellini see less they are the lights you see I told those who I'll be here from the beginning of the week Mustafa wasn't you any letter detachable Pauline and it's possible for a crowd of people together the OSI secure gorilla we drop the actual Elaine and God will speak Cicero and only one fellow who here I gave them examples with money up when I don't have the time to go back and tell you that I will yeah Cucaracha mild soap opera you see the courtesy of tonight's not one eerily and is split into somebody was in Panama sorrow and so on whoo here that's right in wine let's say Lord it is me and God said uh normalcy will be chilly worse or a meta and and is telling you is a conjunctions join is something that had gone before to something that's about to happen when Louie or Jared Jaffee to salute a society my to pony as for God you know who God is each other Russia and then said what he said I salute you saw and I time God for all those who have spoken before me I see together owner of Cooper mythology was who shot you were tangled especially for Bishop Elia will be Indian made it clear to you also for a comeback we once God said there's already no power in what he said to bring what he said to pass to share that's why I'm already rejoicing because I know my case is going to be finally said to hear tonight little woman logic we under Russia de la Chapelle Elaine and I told the people who are be here before was the do Colorado mountains who are fish argue that the importance of a statement is determined by the one who made the statement was of my way your honor she mad he alluded to Oh truly a little sorrow God is the one speaking here on Lauren is eroding the maker of a banana who chose afford it is in the world allow you to describe himself by the world not so I read that if you are are you two wearing no no at the beginning was the word yes it was in your robot the word was with god and the word was the word is speaking the world are wrong sorrow glory be to God for normal now if we look at the passage we just read about war as a military tiny I say when God has finished creating the heavens idea but a long-term way it on the earth was without form or I just wanted to do confused go back disorderly cause he took ago it was void it was empty Osho cuckoos on colony that was the situation or no rebellion before God said to sorrow so when God said let there be light accumulate you were the several things that you see from that statement of equality we know below first of all kakaako God was saying we'll let confusion and the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 33 currently a very careless a catalytic man first Corinthians 14:33 both kinetic energy Lima si Catalan Noble God is not the author of confusion or God is unity - so the confusion came as a result of forces of darkness - to Tijuana to so let's be like if you read from verse 4 to 5 of the same Genesis chapter 5 the second is become the next single contribution that is a pretty light from darkness yamato-kun apart he says so doctor stay on your side also for July because light has come it eliminated a in John chapter 9 verse 5 you will join arica second John I was 5 la Ășnica second jesus said I am the light of you who will be money a Matthew chapter 5 and we might really come from verse 14 to 16 anybody can do Matthew 542 16 we can were psychologically looking they turn to his own people and say you are the light of the world he was announcing to the devil also issues of all powers of darkness article comment below tell your side B Taney who do care because as for me am i we belong to the light to real be natural to get a minimal energy and so tonight I am saying to somebody holidays on the authority of the word of God no reassessing pending or normal darkness we leave you alone let there be light thank you thank you also me something it means let progress beginning that's what you covet it oh you say do you prove that travel a ship FEG live with it in Exodus chapter 10 we also do recover verse 21 to 27 lesser Coconino Connecticut a little that for those time twenty one to twenty ten second you look like a Telugu if I personally will when there was darkness in the land of Egypt the Egyptian who not even stand up from where they were I want you to tell you believe it what you could see darkness stops progress if you are driving the kinda night super welcome and suddenly did your headlamps go out to DDT nama to you I don't if you are wise you stop immediately when you are surrounded by darkness you can't move - somebody's here tonight beginning from this moment your progress will be accelerated because 626 is 26:46 it's not become great he wants you to make progress wants you to grow higher he wants you to fall - not you become very great and as light comes into your life today - if you wanna do you keep on making progress well I see what it's like that's what you see I told my children was the father mommy and I'm sure you've heard me say it before our creative work you so babe it doesn't matter what you see now when if you so tell Alyssa see we have not yet started algae bellow as God leaves when you come next year the crowd you see now we'll be far far less than what you will see next year i prophesy to someone to tell anybody by the time you return you'll be far far greater than you are now also me something else was your coil because the earth was not only confused she says we are you I need T to need money it was empty holy SH Appa back unopened and so when Co said let there be light let fullness begin make you better let truthfulness be so preparing because if you read Genesis chapter 1 the historically robust 21 to 22 sak kok and lucas i think is available Genesis 1:31 to 20 the necessary female cochineal watch available after you split the devil and this led idolized and he has put severities you know they just put some branches in order to show you could see me to the to say okay son you take care of the day I won't deny our planet you not I finish order then we say what we see bring forth he won't mutiny abundantly neocon report let there be light means molecule Altemus you will a land Moscow to emptiness queen latifah open so food and say I'm standing on that word of god is eternal decree to everyone of physically your emptiness ends tonight tonight [Music] [Applause] spiritually imagine your emptiness ends tonight probably the one I like the most but yeah it's all good you know and let there be light you know my like you and before I tell you that I better prepare you because tonight you are going to pray oh you're going to pray oh because a night like this comes only once in a lifetime like this on some taichiwus fight or defeat on your my account service a car let there be light means let joy be consumed our city are you preparing because the Bible says weep in the door for a night joy comes and the Maha yoga law I decree to somebody yesterday you saw sorrow no more some of my friends are they will know the fella I'm talking about our group are 82 officer any panic or this man aconcagua studied abroad we came back with two peas value or mobility I couldn't get a job Oh ceviche and I'm not talking of now I'm talking of some touches something years ago when they are very few in the country 20 jail Maui or my way they applied but they wonder who they won't even call them for interview will be toka whistles yes it was equal food for a wine event because darkness surrounded me to do Billy Billy when they brought him to my office at a little better I thought it was a madman they brought you know if web problems are big enough it mixes nama man the gave His life to Jesus this light shone it was like before enriched home they got a telephone pole Ouya that will we got your application we are we need you my joy into my lord let my progress be a seller return Jesus what you look back panel to combine the light into my life oh you are saying well as I give you combined light into my life by saying well command light to my life I say let's try you thank you Jesus oh by the comment lights into my life let there be light in my life in every facet of my life from now let there be light physically let there be light material in my life literally let the ability whatever you want for my light into my life form and light into my life and to my family to the dream presentative godfather command like she's read a lot by the illu up a shame when a man liked my life thank you for the formaldehyde of man lies intimately trees into my areas of operation to every tree that has to do with me Father command light let there be light and there will be light thank you Jesus in Jesus mighty name we have prayed just like background socially being Jesus man please be seated then the next time we hear God talking to man Nick media culture by the Asura the first time is spoke to man vocal to a power in your solo in Genesis chapter 1 Regenesis early from verse 26 to 28 and say you can do miracles you love mom Genesis 1:26 or 20 an asterick in a second if I were a kid did you know the first statement from God to man after I created Oh what you'll also see any on later diet on these you pay you are blessed all soon I just created oh she looked at him I said I believe God is looking at ID by 8:00 tonight what I believe and he said oh yeah you a blessed people yeah a la foo-foo do now what does it mean to be blessed can you - merci de la foo-foo several things open up on Connie it means let the four C's in em and on that see to it that you succeed if you read Genesis 27 see Ibaka necessary cattle in your book from verse 26 to 29 I say Kennedy do my jade cocon yellow one Genesis 27 get a surrogate a yellow cone from verse 26 to 29 secondly the dogmatic Okinawa when Isaac was blessing Jacob look at what he said he said the dew of heaven will bless is safe that rain we fall on your land in the right season the train will be there to support you to succeed oh she's Yuri I wasn't my parent when I saw you was speaking and suddenly I had the sound of rain what I said rain when you to hear I know this is the rainy season I suppose you'll ever need I spotted my problem Essaouira you know you're a Grammy ready who do you have to support me not hinder me all the latitude Elaine you put a dummy GT blower you want to fall Luca Pharaoh I will call for you when I need you Matthew button body unit for tonight valide I don't need you to do before I go to you if you are blessed Isaac said to Jacob the sake of taka-kun he said the fatness of the earth all right will be part of what to help you succeed you're really not soil is good soil typically you tell your Laura a doesn't have told us in the parable of the sower Joseph when impart ultrasonic lachchi a loopy we Matthew chapter 13 you will Matthew D Catalan Traverse territory and say capacity control Matthew 34 verse dilatory much we'll get the LASIK at a secure job I said so I went to show me some fell by the wayside our constituency about Saalfeld or rocks our jr. fell a montage person like that so fell on good soil superseded I decree in the name of the one who was sent to me hua casa uruguaya to Robbie from now you were so good so I actually we see and then we wait for that to say let people serve you know you Monsieur I like that verily the reason why many people have not oxidized because there's nobody to help them of we teach Apollo quinium you which is really really good soldier a law of war but in the name that is above every other name so when you go to the gurukula from tonight Oh lattice irregular everywhere you go quickly to Abbado you will find help us why thank you Father baba issue daddy asked me to change my story that is so so come for you I've had it before 30 story before long time ago but you certainly do well my children want commands who commands school bt t our soldier I went to visit them on the open day Illuminati camu you are twofold as a setter and I noticed one young boy stood by the roadside in the school look in the direction we're becoming God directed my attention to that boy after some time I went to him hello was the problem he said I'm hoping maybe maybe my parents to hold him accountable yeah well I will be by well except there is a betrayal urdhva mukha the one you are I searched for that boy oh oh so you because of that you ran well you know moving around with the appearance eating chocolate well I'm on Youku you know I do my bat would be one-to-one yo one gel so I took him by the hand woman no.1 and let it to maturity me and he said with that OC Ballinger drunk with them okay when you are and Lord asked me to remind you of that story on our nuclear oddity turn because it asked me to tell somebody to learning in software but they said the people you expected will help you didn't show I want to repay you roll over oh wow they said I will show whoa dude it's not you know to be blessed not me oh the Angelika forces must help you Oh human beings a William Palou most happy one Latino lower but it means more than that what one two months uber know if you are blessed of God it means you cannot because it is there in numbers chapter 23 company when America Telugu thrombus 5 trailer si can see Coppola number 23 from verse 5 to 11 number Eureka Telugu si can you see Kokkola the Bible say one King got one prophet or Baca Mujica and I seem to come across the children of Israel O so that you were to defeat them go by the who you are and the prophets instead of causing the children of Israel began to place them in the clinker angry oh by the prophets say the prophets say over Aquilino so how can I cross whom God does not de la bufa knee i decree in the name that's above every other name also on your life will be changed to a blessing when God said to the first time I spoke to man we've got a cultural bias or oh say godless he said be fruitful or necrosis whom are Susu multiplied by gamma 1 is aku replenish yes there's the human and have the winner goes in one is over I wish I had time to check each one move little by little we will cover the car Yasukuni about move appearances be fruitful you all know that the Koala Montezuma's you naked be a zoo it means whatever you touch will prosper too much if you google juvenile it usually multiply means just what means increasing appeal to us will be humanity lock will not will increase rapidly humanity look we know 10 plus 10 is 20 terrible remember mama where would you open for 10 times 10 is whole dress for me well underway with your girl before I see you next time he to pitarrio the story will be story of multiplication [Applause] replenishments overflow here who was let some time to be bus fun only definitely cattle it you KU sa camera sometimes it was five and said I'll prepare a table before me what I believe isolate what in the presence of my I miss goddess bless you dear me we can't do anything about [Music] it doesn't matter what the enemy may try one if you to your dimension because you are here tonight your joy overflow I know what's in it I will tell you a story before you pray it's also history some of you know we went to or the program in wartime unlawfully you come and I was a man there who was about 50 years old or can you come very highly educated but are never married semantically Yahoo I never had never been able to speak to a woman today how now watch here Bobby Artie can you believe we had the metal everybody light came into his life Emily what a year the yolks were destroyed less than six months after the program you got married some nine months later they had a set of twins it was a mind that people thought was important now and it's Yahoo Yahoo Volkl easily two years later another set of twins so I had to say to him I like softly gently gently stand on your feet please pray this prayer with all your heart so awkward right and google rocman with faith as a father Hoopa Baba because you say I am dressed this holiday was so primordial a beautiful I command all the forces in heaven but until then Yahoo and honor to come to my aid now nothing on you know what you see go ahead talk to the Almighty God Mary sorrow because you say I am blessed I command every angle every force in heaven so they're gonna need to come to my aid laughs now what now speedily gonna go speedily speedily speedily all those forces that can help me succeed in life I command you wherever you are now come quickly come speedily speedily speedily come on hip because I'm blessed of the Lord forces on inner forces on earth the campus of sleet wherever you are I summer you now come quickly in Jesus mighty name we pray father Baba I demand multiplication because I must begin to overflow now try to the Almighty but I demand I demand multiplication points for the multiplication is so beautiful because I must begin to overflow from now in Latin I'll be there that is my overflow overflow demand the multiplication okay [Applause] I demand multiplication now I demand multiplication what applications reckon overflow select an overflow Lord you have blessed me I demand multiplication so I can become a blessing speedily thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed you go like this like Madras so shall it be when you think Jesus mighty name you're gonna like this ooh please be seated Georgia Dooku and God said if I were to go through all the tender God say and there are implications to Mercy we will leave that to the next year our new crew DVD book so I have to jump my food yet all the way to the Book of Isaiah no single way Isaiah Isaiah 54 you can leave your gotta the 70s are 54 verse 17 and God said no sewage fashion against you shall prosper many what determines a guinea or they say I will protect you in your novel and he explained why awesome a year later the same as our 54 wicked you can live from verse 15 to 16 sa article edu don't worry they will gather together in case we walk we talk not of me to party city passenger Sugata agrees you medically to beta-test you shall fall for your sake student which I made all the waste us to destroy Buddha panel at affirmed at a neutralized the airport so we do food he said in mark chapter 16 verse 17 to 18 the new amok will carry us a catalogue negative legume accesses our temperature mark Oracle in Telugu as a catalog article ago I said there's no poison that will have any effect of you you know boys a big Magilla to Linda para new year and even that of his native Papa the poison of snake will have no effect on people yet and it proved it in Acts chapter 28 Oh Cynthia a posteriori kgd be open from verse 1 to 6 Pat's 28 verse 1 to 6 when is they came out of the fire and fast any state or shown that Jupiter I hereby decrees any which all with that that tries to suck your blood day we die but when you read then thank you Father bless you Lord asked me to tell someone who'd wanna kiss off when you're gone before the end of this month QC Safari you will sing a song and that song is Lauren oscillated Jesus you are a wonder Jesus you are a wonder Jesus you are a wonder you are a wonder to myself if you are the one let me hear you shout hallelujah least when you I share your testimony reminders of this song to ban jury because we are going to sing the song very soon it will depend to our people in Daniel chapter 4 in a lyrically from verse 14 to 30 and second in a CEO job more damage of the territory janitor battery guitar from verse 14 to 30 the King got hungry which said up Meshach and Abednego o penises Shadrach Meshach Abednego say this to make the fire several times hotter than usual Oh Monica Keena no Luca no need no committee they should throw in these boys because they refused to bow to the trees either God to a city 90 to remove Jerry perform judiciary the fire was so hot in an economy play those who threw the boy say I want you all to my Selena we are bound by the fire I decree to somebody here today this is identically like they only one planet to throw you into a fire not even a fire will finish them [Music] the ability to say I will protect you hold up I'm sure my son will not mind me sharing this testimony by JD over here I shared it himself so I'm going to buy a little worried a ladies I was my prayer move Ania write that Ronnie and God whisper to my years honor to a party so mechanically your son is in serious danger amar let go Vanita gutte so we discussed our so sorry for you yet because he saw campaign trail me to do the political agree with one with you what do i do I can't ask him to stop nearly so welcome I love that well that since you told me it means something can be done to my CPI lesion qualified and I water for him that night so I can pray for him much about love Holy Ghost night he didn't come on time rotated a template okay because of campaign you to repay one guru killing you so I said you must come to my office now lassie efficiency except to my office I couldn't tell him what God had said Julie so food are with this orphanage she was not proposed confusion I prayed for two minutes and I repeated the same thing four times Oh badriyah from father Robert easa darbuka male father protect your survivor ee if only for my sake protect yourself father protect your son about the were double-lumen the following day doctor kg I saw it caught on camera boomer I saw the helicopter dropping from the sky like a stone Mauricio Funes on table to be any possible and it landed where my son was sitting a baby Toto Kousaka there's no you know and everybody is I came out without a scratch we're watching baby daddy life and of course I have Fame father it will be believable who say you will I will protect you Yahoo stand on your feet your voice to the Almighty it's a little muddy answer father according to your world protect me and all members of my family who will leave so clear your mouth and christ almighty a little money protect me Lord W newer protect all members of my family who would want to live there are any peace out there I'm melody there are many of them out there just protect me yeah boo boo protect those who are mind who would Almighty God who protects us boo boo boo are protectors boo boo protect us WI protect me protect my baby protect me protect my a boo boo boo boo boo boo digitally protect every one of us who matter to me thank you Father special protection that's what I need Lord who do that use that then you're out there where are you people all over [Applause] there's research early too everywhere father protect me protect my protect all those who are precious to me protect them when they go out protect them when you come me protect protect me protect my central father Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially being Jesus man you look gorgeous you please be seated the way they do cool and then there is one thank God said Oh God Betty Lou I saw in Genesis 17 verse 1 Genesis the USA in Genesis 17 verse 1 the res judicata Lucas a me he said to Abraham also from a Brahmin he said I am the all-mighty God I have the all sufficient many world God said I will provide for you Marcus is adequately go to Bangalore sufficient an abundant Allah Artemisia general Cidade a goddess Madonna no Jehovah said I am totally shocked you can provide by various means oh no no no good a little piece of law enforcement chapter 17 the apogee Eureka Telugu from verse 2 to 6 kg deacon - so six less a car EKG see Kappa first Kings chapter 17 robot Eureka Telugu - to see it provided for Elijah via birds Oh Alicia in the safest case of a 1700 communicator local coroner from verse 8 to 16 as ecological Lagoon they provide through a woman also a seafood the Basilica a Faustian satellite monopoly Rico continual from the SWAT raids and say Kelly fostering native from verse watery or bikini koko de Lucas a caricature a provider through an angel who do a galley logically a villager in John chapter 6 one who recovered from verse five to thirty they say can Busey cattle are John 6 you are to recover from verse 5 to 13 they provided truly small boy quizzes for William it by a particular car I don't want to know how god we treat you fair my followers officiate but I'm decree right now number one pass jealousy all your needs Chardonnay because God says so literally we are not so bad suppose my God shall supply all your needs you're gonna be your Pacific when either the reminds me of a funny story that you have had once or twice or ability talk on top at 11:30 party I was living with my uncle well ago bobby was a very poor man whatever he had we said there's nothing we suffer hunger together C over C see Ashley department of purple and there was this day we were both there we didn't know where food will come from no money nothing Omar between Joshua Kosovo Kosovo and so then they gave him an ax Hirsch was carrying a bow you really brought down on people I said to my uncle for me my sister said should one give you this food who said I don't know your sister Mary because my sister Lucia Bobby Moore okay chunk her and open a wall whenever I have money I will send for you - SEO I will open the bow but hot pan that yeah good chicken stew with the same dado this we were breaking the bones of the chicken where did you came back and say my sister said I went to the wrong place [Laughter] each time I try to serve people who see [Music] [Applause] you hungry even power God brought food you want to wait that's up to you stand on your feet lift reverse of the almighty go resolution of you look Molly I don't want to know the method move em on the corner - baby ba send help to me hi Nana watch me open your mouth and run cry on to the Almighty God yes ok I don't want to know how we're going to do the opposite - oh you are - OH - my regards sent back to me Lord right now it wasn't me we thought my nice man goodbye need me but do you do I need help when we lose the war shan't after me identity right and I wasn't even gonna God by any means that you choose people for noble Cunha but any mr. teacher I don't know who you are the enemies enemies yours choose send help me I don't want to know how I don't want to know the methodology I leave that to you lord you said you said you will provide you said so provide for me send have for me Lord I don't know what method you are going to use just send her to me thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the grass socially being Jesus man hello Marty DeLuca dear sue please be seated the way the Doku and then God said would be in a size 66 verse 1 we as I originally lubricant in a adorning essentially assassins the six of us were saya Rican edenia Tony I said to me he said heaven is my throne I already tell me there by first two I guess in the apology to say me what's he saying the pillow so anyway he say to somebody loud that I will promote you you said you see that in the passage powerless alienated in over said Billy took I am inside than the is galore there's no siege higher than the associates will see a Fuji tapped a veto cookie dough who took an integer so if your boss says I'm not going to promote you okay about so GUI builder it can send sending the boss or bas-reliefs and promote you go see bloggers before you when he says the earth is my first to hinder your promotion and it can lead to effective regard this under my food are piercing the world it's a season is improper chapter 21 verse 1 verse 21 verse 1 looking inside the king's heart is in my hand I told it like the river when you go to the scriptures you will find that with your promotion on this because God controls people this leap of Kings they can tell the king no sleep tonight muscle I mean because I have an assignment for you 30 bodies yet for you don't believe me read Esther chapter 6 every with the early cafe from verse 1 - 30 s a Connecticut Ella esta 6-1 to 30s the UEFI sexy khattala Joe was a fellow Kohana any competent yama they wanted they wanted to destroy Mordecai oh wait Parvati Caillou and God said I can take care of that other animal Akashi company so it made sure that the King didn't sleep who are you that you plop out so no jr. I decree today what Malaysia lightly anyone who can help you indicated to vanilla now or does not want to see you fancy then God will take away you know the end of the story Emma be the luncheon party because they came cannot see eternity about issues the one that was to be destroyed became the one that was promoted by Jenny angry God let me give another example linear aquarium you see a Genesis 37 you know a Genesis II Greek attack the new Gucci from verse 5 to 11 oh say can you see Kokkola Genesis 37 from verse 5 to 11 I say can you see Cocola now this one is my own person so let me say Amen to disruptive Ayatollah summertime you see that this is a TV so we discern that is going to rise tomorrow morning we own - man yo Lola we mark the beginning of your eyes [Applause] in Genesis 37 Genesis Yugi from verse 5 to 11 as they can see coca-cola God showed juice a very small boy learned so would you say firmly that he was going to be promoted he has passed instead of promotion the boy became a prisoner oti day one from please diabetes I mean from in detail enslave from a slip if you take me prisoner the God has said boy I'm going to promote you so just like the night like this a king slept or pursue God give him to dreams the frightened everybody DDD by the following day because of the dreams of the Kings literally are now a juicer was promoted from to prime minister asaji in bhakti-yoga in less than 24 hours I don't know who I'm talking to Oh madam ambassador every force that I behaved during your promotion who para para it was indeed because Allah WA God would give them dreams tonight but what I liked in the story of Joseph doucett food is the statement and Pharaoh made you chief are also in Genesis chapter 41 verse 44 with Genesis e OD Coconino gucci sa can do Gucci Genesis 41 can do Gucci he said oh we will I am Pharaoh we follow from now on not only law Joseph Joseph ooh nobody would do anything in this kingdom without your permission sending carrot Elisha who live a sleepy good Malawi pharaoh spoke for our sorrow he didn't know it was God speaking through him commander Liu Bowser on the solidify during the next pair you must preach with all your heart ad ratify mathematically for you we when America our nibble America I observed my wife and some of my boys yet I won't be at ceremony we when they lift I want to know and they lift was going down Oh since Oh Callie is Ocala know and my wife spoke to one of the boys they surpass the other is not a pastor miles a different one it is it cozy beyond foul with the economy and I have goes into me what what Alonso for me your wife called imposter yeah so what is so I turn to you Jojo juicer to get ready for the next convention will be boiling oil on your head just to perform that to allow me it was addictive we see how to go through several ideas before you ever become pasta but my first lady had for the impossible and the one who is greater than the first laid aside as the first lady ice sob stand on your father tonight command my promotion pass a from Oregon try to the Almighty go tonight command by promotionally Pacifica be let me see who stand in the way that we see who we block the way you command was atrocious a big abuser promotion comes from you anyway command man commands by promotion for mine my promotion command knife or a machete they let me see who is that fellow who can stop it jaws command Lord for man my promotion once was eight I know etcetera you command my promotion and we'll be on top command a promotion thank you Father oh man my promotion dodgy in Jesus mighty name we have prayed upon la la la socially being Jesus venomari you know Jason please visit already otaku be a shoe Randolph now we are qiyamah boo boo a sufficiency in Revelation chapter 3 Revelation chapter you wavy holy Geeta was insane KJ revelation to reverse up if you have a guitar as ikj God said oh no no I had the key of David in Kokura daffodil when I hope no man can show in fact no but she couldn't village when I shot no man capacity what's God saying here baloney he said I the last say me we will do so the 50 million come in a year I have the last media while a year the facets were with you it is where we do if I sell you a promoter you're promoted Hey Dude le diga I have the last say Familia passion why not even sometimes it to be available until availabl myself I will say maybe we will the counsel of the Lord shall stand on you dude if he says it it is a tude when you feel millennia it is no sickness that has the last say in your life is your son a whiner year it's not the doctor that has the last say your life is your own Okita it is not that that has the last say your life who has the last say thank you Father bye-bye see you I would ask me to tell you share with you this testimony Nicky buddy so before I tell you the word that is coming into solo Jimbo the water is for me but I will share masculinity I told those who were here before most of them were - I'm sorry I meant the past few days not simply that not available Alberto - testimony is polished here so told them of a testimony that I had in the oligo service in London last month I saw a beautiful coin is a new party London News tokido a woman American who had had menopause ten years before anything that we call sulawesi approaching 60 gotough everyone thought oh I've been waiting on the Lord for 38 years good luck ooh and now God answered her what a loon when she was sharing her testimony he got you Jaden nobody was sitting with us off to shout and praise God who said Italy to coo coo coo I like to eat words young by or just to kill order so God asked me to tell somebody here now it's a fear quality is to see you next time you share your testimony you vomited it everybody will stand up again God has the financing or don't you ship it so I just wanted to play one more prayer before before I conclude more affected by dragon Quilla to fear the bathroom according to one of the songs rendered father Bubba just speak according to my life such sorrow cinnamon just speaking why do you have the last say my situation might be looking contrary to what I expect it may look as if I can never fulfill my destiny if I might never get married never have children I can never prosper I can never really talk you have defined us into my life was soresina give me speak according to my line or just ward loss or rock on so sudden I am u.s. oracy speech rewarded to my life please speak forward into my life speak one word into my life or opposite ie me speak just one word pain to my life forward Lord one word if you say smell would mean that I said to zamata whatever you decree into my life tonight I know is settled split a word into my life thank you Father thank you Jesus sweetly walk to my life tonight Lord split their long in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the euro Conrad is like my drug let me conclude because we are going to pretty poverty most violent where you have evaporated yet in the you might see Connie Valley I was praying for tonight mentality flashily as you have the honor of manners of operations Jacob ECB would see garage dddd the God referred me to one passage in the Bible honor whether it is a biblical I saw 45 verse 11 we are Shia who economy our daughter s a coca-cola I saw 45 verse 11 yes we can Linea gotta sa Kakuna God said the word the only one of his race state and my study observable concerning the works of my hands new party is your world the command ye me merciful be God says tell my children so follow me for this particular night value I give you the power of attorney before you nada para command me pastor for me after what you want me to do for you a positive effect in Shibuya I'm going to give you 10 solid minutes McQueen is checked my work PACU to spread before the Almighty God Nazi Pig what the professor was gold guru and tell him all you want him to do for the rest of your life Khushi he said for mind me combine me and me be I know what I'm going to say father no more sickness no more no more no more sorrows even I command the Lord Pokemon from glory could you could oi gioi I'm gonna be the multiplication for the parcel you are with these powerful Tony giving me your family a brand new beginning you better to the success of joy not Cynthia gtrc or anybody wants to come to the altar you are welcome ladies c'mon lemme say except for me another week thank you Jesus I knew your father thank you a lot in Jesus mighty name would have prayed for not just like by drug by father my god Muhammad SAW Allah know me because I am rough Europe sensitive to this people literally wage a corner somewhere and they are obscenities to you I hear back about Kakashi into the life of all these people season I he who formerly overflowing joy the kind of miracles you say you know that they would think they're dreaming theater with one Lala I combined them into their lives the kind of success in Russia during that will silence their maccas permanently I commander me to their lives that kind of promotion you began that even the enemy will say you know doc but I only master would be you are serving invited or loot or no not like para you'll see I combine this into their life the power to succeed the power to prosperity the power to sub goal the power to heal the sick the power to cast out demons the power to raise the day the power to win so the power to plant your mind into your life socially to be human for your niche ability you will never lose already in all your lives who you called ie God will make the impossible possible to see God will revise their impossible [Music] it shall be well with you you will never forget tonight for good so shall it be human the Jesus mighty name of commanded I mean yeah somebody shout hallelujah
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 114,469
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg live broadcast, rccg august 2019 holy ghost service, august 2019 rccg holy ghost service, rccg 2019 holy ghost convention, rccg holy ghost convention 2019, rccg convention 2019, 2019 rccg convention, rccg sermon, rccg convention 2019 sermon, rccg pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e a adeboye sermon 2019, pastor e a adeboye new sermon, rccg gap tv, rccg holy ghost service tv
Id: ozubWFOHgC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 7sec (8467 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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