Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon @ RCCG February 2018 HOLY GHOST SERVICE

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give him glory give him Hana giving my daughter shun let him hear your voice bless the king of kings and the Lord of lords there's no one like him give him glory give him honor give him adoration bless His Holy Name [Music] let's the Ancient of Days magnify him praising adore me lifting high [Music] magnify him crazy [Music] thank you Maria thirty-ninth recent updates a your name forever be glorified thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we worship let's lift our voices to him loud and clear say father answer my prayers by fire tonight [Applause] grrr hats off to the Almighty [Applause] further please answer my prayer by fire tonight thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you lord in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Jehovah [Music] oh my see and your day whatever [Music] oh please please [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh wonderful Jesus marvellous Jesus powerful Jesus glorious Jesus miracles Jesus everlasting Jesus love in Jesus kind Jesus faithful Jesus reliable Jesus glory be to your holy name accept our worship in Jesus name tonight my father and my god the kind of miracles have never done before please perform them in our lives and the lives of all those who are here and the life of all those who are listening to us all over the world something so big that we will never forget tonight further do it in all our lives [Applause] thank you Almighty God in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen somebody shout hallelujah ii withdraw triple for and sir good evening god bless you and then you may be seated for a while to be standing very soon except those who are born in February a bonny February [Applause] father I'm committing all your children born in the month of February into your hands February the 2nd the month of the year in every year of their life this year with a blessing double double their success double their promotion the Buddha testimonies double their victories the Buddha joy and just let me be well with them in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the children of February shot another Alleluia the special legal service comes around a match from the first to the 3rd of March if Jesus Sarris the theme is stronger than your enemies Patrick the subtitle is give me this Monty on Monday to Friday last year we had it for three days this time we are going to have it from Monday to Friday 6 to 7 p.m. daily at the old arena those of you who cannot make it here your pastors will make arrangements so that you can gather other than your churches or somewhere in the open so you can key in to what is going on it's going to be very very Extra Ordinary there's going to be a very special prayer for Nigeria on February 13 those of you can join me the welcome to join me at the old arena it's going to be walking day I know it's going to be drawn in the daytime from 10:00 to 1:00 p.m. to the hours of solid prayer those ceremonies despair but if because of walk of a war is not the other you can't come [Music] don't walk about and they can relate it later on in the day for you to join in it's a session for Nigeria I will be calling on you to pray very soon before we go to the salmon [Music] I've received a lot of calls and taxis and etcetera cetera say daddy well you know saying something and to see what's going on well I am a Christian and as a Christian I belong to the Christian Association of Nigeria and the crystallization of Nigeria has a chairman president whatever he says that's what's upside I am a Pentecostal I belong to the Pentecostal fellowship of Madeira and the Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria has a president whatever my president says that's what I've said that's how to beyond our authority amen but to you my children and this I'm talking to my children alone I'm not talking to Nigeria and not talk this not a press conference talking to my children you see there are two sides of me one side is a mathematician the other side is a pastor somehow I can't separate the two for long and so before I ask you to pray I'm going to spell out some equations which we will solve simultaneously [Applause] after which we do what we should do equation 1 there are certain problems beyond man a certain problems man cannot solve the situation one equation - there is no problem beyond god that's equation true Luke chapter 18 verse 27 Luke 18 verse 27 thank you Father we want to spell out equations a God asked me to tell somebody we've been suffering from severe neck pain started as if you didn't sleep well but continue to become something serious as me to tell you the pain is gone so where are we now equation 2 no problem beyond God Luke 18 verse 27 okay equation Teresa's man can hide from man a man can hide from a demain that's equation to it equation for C no man can hide from God persecution for some 139 verse 7 to 12 some 139 7 to 12 DB said we are can I hide from your spirit go to the top of the mountain you are there go to the bottom of the sea you adapt as well we are equation 5 says security agents can be compromised ok bribe your way out of the clutches of some security agents security agents can be compromised the situation fight equation sixes God cannot be compromised his holiness is not negotiable as a chapter six was one two three Isaiah 6 1 2 3 the angels always crying only only only the Lord God Almighty equation which equations that one 7 equation services man can sponsor evil it is possible for men to sponsor evil and such of the tree was 8 or 9 instantly eight or nine remark oh hey man said to the king I want you to destroy the Jews here is money for you to do it I will pay you for killing the Jews equation eight says God cannot sponsor evil it's impossible for God to sponsor evil job chapter 8 verse 20 job 8 was 20 so we have 8 simultaneous equations if you solve these equations simultaneously as only one answer the prayer warrior is more effective than the activist the prayer warrior is more effective than the activist and the solution if we put it in another way in a slightly deeper way you will come to the conclusion that you can call that the corollary that the enemies of God and the children of God make the same mistake certainly one mistake that is common to both the enemies of God and the children of God they have one mistake in common and what is that mistake both of them on their rich the power of prayer the enemies of God Andheri the power of prayer we the children of God will damage the power of prayer when there are some of us who have come to realize that the weapons of our warfare and not Conner and they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds so that's why I'm calling on you my children I'm talking to my children and we'll ask you to pray some prayers tonight I want you to operate with the same energy with the same intensity with which we pray the prayer against kidnappers when they kidnapped those school children a resort came rapidly I don't want you to pray like ladies and gentlemen tonight I want you to pray at the children of the Lion of Judah are you ready to pray stand on your feet and let me hear you shout hallelujah you lift a voice to the Almighty God and say father we are ever due to a shedding blood a hiding expose them and deal with them go ahead talk to the Almighty God they can hide from you you know where their expose them Lord and deal with them all those who are shedding blood wherever they're hiding expose them and deal with the esposa deal with them Almighty God the KY hide from you you know where they are expose them and deal with them thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have praise appropriate number two I say father all those who are condoning evil all those who are conniving with them expose them and deal with them go ahead after the Almighty God all those who are condoning evildoers all those who are conniving with eboo dress or mighty God whoever they are all those who have been compromised by evildoers expose them a deal with them I suppose them to deal with them you are the Almighty the Almighty God show yourself mighty so yes mi tío long I suppose them and deal with them thank you five [Applause] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed chronometry you say father all those who are sponsoring evil and bloodshed expose them and destroy them go ahead talk to the Almighty God all those who are sponsoring evil all those who are sponsoring bloodshed don't just expose them destroy them destroy them only one of Israel arise and suppose all those who are sponsoring evil all those who are sponsoring bloodshed father and suppose them and deal with them Thank You in Jesus mighty name we afraid just one more prayer this one you want to make it a bit personal you lift over to the Almighty God as a father anyone focusing or me my family your church for evil intentions further destroy them open your mouth and cry to your magickal anyone focusing on me my family your church for evil intentions or a moccasin dairy market and further destroy them wipe them out where their mouth Lord all those who are focusing on me focusing on my family focusing on my ministry focusing on your church for every intentions father wipe them out Thank You Bobby in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially be in Jesus men but I let the heaven share your Amen I say so shall it be in Jesus man now if you believe that the answer is going to come let me hear you shout hallelujah god bless you you may please be seated now we are talking about stronger than your enemies part to our text as from last month this in Luke chapter 11 verses 21 and 22 nuclear that one 21 and 22 and while you are opening your Bibles I want to thank the Almighty God for the brother who brought of the fest message that was beautiful god bless you son I want to thank God for the choir I can sense a fresh anointing and a fire this year you will get better and better in Jesus name when it's wrong man and keep at his palace his boos are in peace but when is stronger than tea shall come upon him and become him he taketh from him all this ammo where he trusted and divided his spoil now that is the main text it takes for part two for tonight he's found a mac-11 from verse 22 to 23 back 11 22 to 23 and Jesus answering saith unto them have faith in God turn to your neighbor and say have faith in God say it one more time see the time so they will know it is silly okay for verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass ish 1/2 whatsoever he says please help me prophesy to your neighbor God we answer you by fire tonight now okay listen spend few minutes appealing to those who are not yet children of God to surrender their life to Jesus you see it is not possible for a sinner to be stronger than his enemy because according to the Word of God the hands of the Cena is with him from heaven God says in proverbs chapter 13 verse 15 proverbs 13 verse 15 he said the ways of transgressors had the yoruba interpretation is so accurate he said God has given traveler to the sinner the rewards the sinner is programmed to fail by God himself in proverbs chapter 11 verse 21 proverbs 11 verse 21 God said even if hands join hands a prisoner who a sinner will not go unpunished not awarded there is no way a sinner can overcome his enemy God say even if he is hiding among the rest of us if he's singing with us shouting with us but is living in sin because there's no weekend escape punishment when you read autonomy 28 verses 1 & 7 determine 28 verses 1 & 7 the Bible says when when you can't immediately to the voice of the Lord your God to observe and to do all that he combines you he says in verse 7 says when enemies come against you one way they will flee seven ways in other words if you are a child of God the Almighty God said how we already fight your battles for you anybody's fighting for you if is the one smiting your enemies there's no way the enemy can win however each race winner according to proverbs 20 verse 1 Robert went adverse what he says stiff the dissonance flee when nobody's evil pursuing him in other words even when there are no enemies it's an elusive Irani so someone several years ago he looked officer ah you people followed me here I say which we put as I can't you see when I do Club the only thing I saw was a lizard he say you don't know them they can change ELISA Cena's flee when nobody's posturing suggests the weight is thinner can be stronger than his enemy this is already running the country monster to fight and then the Bible shows clearly in John chapter 5 verse 2 to 14 John 5 verse 2 to 14 it's a sensitive God should give a sinner victory by grace if God graciously decides to give victory to his sinner something more terrible we'll see come upon him there is the story of the man who was sick for 38 years and disor healed him without even asking him to give his life Betty told him if you continue with your say something was will come the pipe was stated it clearly Romans chapter 6 verse 23 Romans 6:23 the wages of sin is [Music] passed away the sinner can defeat the enemy the way the old against him is too high Xena we died because the wages of sin is death but the designer would surrender to Jesus Benghazi's forget the gift of life so in brief those of you listening to me you have not a surrender your life to Jesus all you have a choice to make in Deuteronomy chapter 30 from verse 19 to 20 nanometre she must attend to twenty God says I am blessed before you the choice blessings of course is life or death is a choose life that you and your seed mainly huge you can continue to live in your sea and continue to be defeated or you can come to the Lord Jesus Christ I have the Lord of hosts as your life if God is behind you if God is for you they shouldn't let no enemy that can withstand you so for two to eight minutes those of you who are yet to surrender your life to Jesus Christ or mine do so now I'm going to come from 1 to 10 a bad time I said 10 you are not already standing before me I will know you've made up your mind you want to remain in your seat no problem the enemy will like that very much because they will keep on dominating you but if you are tired of being terminated by your enemies and you want to become stronger than your enemies come and surrender your life to Jesus let us blood wash away your sins and you have a brand new beginning I'm counting now 1 and those of read the old arena just go towards the altar there are men of God there who attend to you to those of you at the other various stations Josh much was the altar and the man of God they are watching to you also surrender your life to Jesus and He will save your soul sorry now don't come to him if you are not ready for a new life because if you come to him you mostly bye-bye to a life of sin you must be ready to live a holy life for the Almighty God that is the condition when is a common to me or either liberal heavy laden and I will give you rest he said you must be ready to take my yoke upon you the yoke of holiness for five six Thank You those of you are clapping your hands whenever with a seven it 9 now those of you have come and those of you on the way begin to cry to Jesus now ask him to have mercy on you ask him to save your soul ask him to please forgive all your sins promise him that from now on you will serve Him ask him to be your Lord ask him to be your Savior promise him from this day onward you will be one of his children during his widow the rest of us please let's stretch our hands to all these people and intercede for them pray that the one who saved our souls will save their own shoes also pray the God who give them a brand new beginning let's intercede for them if you see on the way they are after hurry up now because the time for this section is almost over come very quickly oh thank you Jesus let's pray for them for another 30 seconds anyone still coming throughout the body up early up here early up in the new arena and the old arena hurry up in the other beam centers and cry to the Almighty God asked God to be merciful to you I've got to forgive all your sins ask him to give you a new beginning promise him from now now we serve you we do your will I'm tired of the devil anyway don't want to live a life of sin anymore thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed my father my god I want to thank you for your word and I want to thank you for your promise that you so ever will come unto you you win o wise cast out these people have come to you now father please receive them in Jesus name have mercy on them save their souls let your blood wash away their sins receive them into the family of God give them a brand new beginning please Lord don't let em backslide let them serve you till the very end in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the Lord now those of you in front I want to rejoice with you because from now by God's grace I'd be praying for you so I'm going to need your names your address and your prayer requests and the counselors will give you cards which I want you to fill just put information I need very quickly and then return the car to the counselors and I promise you I'll be praying for you god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we should have faith in God I believe that one is easy if we don't have faith in God that daunting will be here tonight and then he says if we have faith and without not who say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and as long as we don't out he says shall be so now a Monty symbolizes a huge enemy a strong advisory well rooted a hindering force the mountain is something that says they are not going forward so what do we do if we find such a man change in our lives I'm going to beg you tonight to pray like never prayed before because daddy promised me I think I told you and some of the prophecies for the year the mountains are going to move and since the prophecies he gave for example for the international scene our already coming to pass increasing flawed code getting colder or getting hotter before have been following the news they count down to the last day has started to listen to the news you hear the scientists saying scientists now that the clock for the Doomsday has been moved forward to two minutes before midnight even the scientists up come out to say the end is near so if all these prophecies already coming to pass I want the one about maintenance moving to begin in your life right now [Applause] so what we do if we find a mansion or we identify a maintain in our lives first thing is don't ignore the Monty you have to confront in order to conquer you have to confront in order to conquer what you tolerate stays with you but what you confront you can conquer in Matthew chapter 18 verse 18 but written verse 18 the Bible says whatsoever you bind on earth is bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven that was called I said what that means is whatever you allow God we alight whatever you forbid god we forbid it as long as you tolerate Demonte it will stay in second in chapter 4 verse 1 to 7 second Kings 4 verse 1 to 7 that Widow of one of the sons of the prophets captain tolerability for watching until the creditors came I said curate then she woke up and he did she cried out for help Dan CD have claimed he is going to come to somebody today in Matthew chapter 8 verse 1 through 4 but you ate one too for a Bible tells us about a leper who came to Jesus Christ only God knows how long she had been a leper she will be tolerating it incurable disease isolation she kept on tolerate until one day he said no more that was the day he was healed in Mark chapter 10 verse 46 to 52 mocktail 46 to 52 for 40 years but males had been begging he has surrendered to darkness which okay God made me this way so except on beginning but one day he made up his mind no more no more darkness no more begin I want to see light the day he cried was the day he was free in Joshua chapter 5 if you read it from verse 13 and ward the way to Joshua chapter 6 verse 5 Joshua 5 verse 13 all the way to Joshua chapter 6 verse 5 you will see that Joshua was faced with the world of Jericho it didn't pretend that there was no war no no no he went to see the world to see how to confront this world it was why they are trying to confront the wall that helped him that an India came from heaven told what to do to get rid of that world don't ignore your problem let us to get up on frontage to be so that this Monty can move to do disorder before a sister who was barren yet I get the pass of Capri after some time the pastor says our sister prayed for all orders they have come to testify you remember it was a problem oh well when I was a student I became pregnant by mistake and I bought it in the process of a Borgia the doctors in order to save my life when I was bleeding removed my one Oh buzzer so does the problem you - behind you have no wound and you asked me to be praying for children first all you had the one who say with God all things are possible as I said I see from daddy on what whenever the pastor saw her come in the Passover on one day she saw the pastor running was but I'm sure after we say the past was gone out she saw the password running and she decided and we stopped talking to man have we talked to God that day she cried to the Almighty God you are know the testimony at least some of you do that night she had a dream in the dream she was standing stagnated and a huge man walked into the room holding the skin of an animal he was so frightened when he saw the size of the man she couldn't move Wendy Mangareva you wrap the skin of the animal around her waist by time she woke up she was menstruating again she knew God had given her a brand new one I think by the time she was sharing a testimony economy about many children she had five also stand on your feet stop talking to mine let's talk to go to get that lift your voice and so father I need help help me right now come on talk to the Almighty go don't pretend that you don't have a Monty let's confront the Monty so that you can be moved let's come forth this enemy so we can conquer father I didn't mean spell I need your help right now right now I need your help I need your help Lord I need your help and I need it right now I need your help right now help me I need your help Almighty God I need your help and I need it right now help me help me tonight me tonight I need help i need help that only you can give me I'm not talking to the pastor I'm not talking to the Apostle I'm not talking to them I need your help Lord it's your help I need so help I need Oh daddy you have to happen help me help me right now right now right now I need your help daddy and I need it now thank you Oh glory be to you me I need your help Lord need it right now thank you Father and Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially being in Jesus name please be seated I know you are just beginning to warm up you pray with with all your strength later second thing you should do is talk to the Munchie Jesus himself said so he said if you shall see to demand and engage the man chain in the conversation what kind of conversation tell the mine team they are actual force now you and I and one of us has to move Montaigne and the one who is going to move is not me talk to the mantle and explain to the mantle the reason why you are not the one who move some 16 but each subsystem Bassets cm it is written I have set the Lord always before me my focuses on the Lord is at my right hand the Bible said so the Lord is my shadow upon my right hand so I shall not be moved it's written some 16 verse 8 Montaigne listen carefully I have said the Lord always before me is at my right hand I shall not be moved some 62 4-6 in case the mantle didn't hear that some 62 by 6 the Lord is my rock and my salvation is my defense i shall not be moved Monte this was my rock on him implanted is my salvation I am saved it's my defense if you think I'm talking about my own strength no no no no he is my defense therefore I shall not be moved some 125 was one some 125 was 130 Monte mitosis in him in God I am as much Zion because we are just looking at a lot very much a muscle man Zion that can never be removed it abides ever wanted electro force you Ana one has to move and it's not me Hebrew starting was 8 Hebrew 13 verses Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever is constant is all movable and according to acts 17 verse 28 acts 17 verse 28 it is in him I leave I move and have my being Monday unless you can change Jesus that's when you can move me because I am in Jesus it is in him I live it is in him I move it is in him I have my be a means constant not only am i living in him is also between a me galicia chapter 2 verse 20 galician true verse 20 crucified with Christ nevertheless I live the life which I live now is not me living it is the all-mighty Son of God that is living a me so much in case you ever had all upset someone 21 from verse 1 through 3 someone 21 from verse 1 2 3 says we lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help I have permit from the Lord who made heaven and he will not suffer my food to be moved glory be to God when when the mountain knows that you know that we are not going to move when it realises you aren't going to move it is a mantle that will move I told you a story before long ago when I was very tiny the primary school was a bully - big boy he got a knife I was very tiny very weakly looking so he was always speaking of me always beating me slapping me knocking me on the head he knew I couldn't fight back was too big but one day I just decided enough is enough and I just got this inspiration and we fight this way he will kill me I know that one for sure but then if he kills me the government we kill him so it will be drawn game and this love me as he used to I told him don't do that again say what you spoke and say yes so he came back and hit me knocked me down I got up and I began to fight him and he kept on knocking me down I kept getting up fighting knocking me down I got up fighting after a while it ain't time to his thick head this boy wants to die if I kill him I be in trouble he started running and I pursued him stand on your feet leave your voice to the old matadores and father in the mighty name of Jesus I said to my Montaigne move whoo hey open your mouth and crying to the Almighty God Monty move in the mighty name of Jesus move because I'm not moving I'm not moving Monty I am not moving - Monty you move right now in the mighty name of Jesus I ask you to move Monty you after me and you are moving tonight you are moving tonight you are moving tonight not tomorrow moving tonight you move Monty you have to move because I'm not going anywhere I'm not moving I'm not moving I'm not moving I'm not moving I'm not moving in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Monty you are the one who move you are the one who will move the one who know anyone who will move one until you are the one who will move I bet our learner illusionary you are the one who will move Monty rather move you move the name that's above every other name Monty you move you have to move Monday afternoon you have to move tonight the mighty name of Jesus Christ Monty you move you move you move you move thank you Jesus intro father in Jesus mighty name we have craved a social living in Jesus name please be seated you have to explain to me why it has to move and the principal reason why demand to bow move out of your life it's because it's blocking your view as I say you belong taking raw come let me see where I'm going proverbs 20 verse 18 proverbs and nervous it is where there's no vision people perish as long as there's a mountain blocking of view there is a possibility of you perishing prophet went in I was a team where no people where distribution to prepare is and I will feel so perish someone that was to someone that was to set them to serve God with gladness I am to serve God with gladness so anything that is not allowing you to serve God with gladness should not be tolerated should not be tolerated many of us I want to do mighty things for God something is not allowed to do so we have to deal with that something delivered by the beautiful gate saw people go in and out people go in and out probably be talking more about him during this special divine hand program and its are the way they are they are dancing so the way they are worshiping God and it's a oh god I wish I have legs I would have shown this reporter dance then some of us we want to serve God but there is this comma in our lives this is not allowing us to serve God with gladness it has to go I say it has to go they match up a Edmisten a match after it was tame this is the job the law that is my strength maintained by costly me sorrow Rudy my strength but blocking my vision you were a road in my strength because you see job chapter 17 verse 7 job Cervantes ever tells us that saw redeems eyes when you are sad you can see clearly suddenly something you can tolerate told you the story of a lady who came to us several years ago event lady she wanted to stop God me she had a Monty the munted is she had four daughters the youngest of them was 28 at that time and OMA had ever said no to any of them four daughters so the woman said I woke up in the money I want to I feel like going out ringing my bell telling people to give their life to Jesus and the devil will say Jesus mama Jesus Jesus Jesus look at you four daughters I love them living with you no husband she cried out but mr. distorted before God intervened all four got married within a year stand on your feet leave the voice of the almighty go Lauren klenda in the name of Jesus everything that is not allowed me to serve you [Music] which joy must go tonight go ahead cry to the Almighty God this is not a joking matter Easter is not the time to joke everything that is not allowing me to serve you with gladness must go tonight whatever it is the producer message must go if it is poverty it must go if it is lonely message must go everything that is not allow me to serve you with gladness Moscow Moscow must go tonight and the name that's above every other name everything that is not allowed me to have fullness of joy Moscow must go let's go tonight must go to a time let's go to a nice most go tonight most go tonight the mighty name of Jesus Christ everything does not allow me to serve God with fullness of joy moss go to night must go to night not tomorrow not next week not next month it must go tonight in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Monty you have to move Monty you have to move you have to move laughter moon rock ooh secondary market under a mocha shot endemic Achanta montón you have to move after move every hindrance to my joy everything that is not allowing me to serve my god with gladness has to go and it has to go tonight dance or go tonight if it is sickness is not to go tonight if it's Berenice it has to go tonight if it's poverty it has to go tonight if whatever I do that is not allowing me to serve God with the fullness of joy most water night let's go tonight thank you Jesus thank you Jesus in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be in Jesus mighty name please be seated they're not doing too badly but I hope that you know that destinies are being determined to enact this all in your mouth is up to you by Bruce's death and life are in the power of the tongue who like to pray seriously who like pray casually for a man or woman of spirit you will know that I am NOT here to joke tonight now you have to tell them Monty Monty I am NOT advising I'm not advising [Music] not advice at all see because when you go through the Scriptures you can see that there are various ways of talking could be advice like in the tournament achieve as my team economy Tati was 19 whoever said choose between life and death I said that I advise you choose life or there could be another kind of speaking when you are pleading leading in Ezekiel 30 TV verse 11 The Seeker 33 verse 11 God was pleading with the house of Israel ISA I do have pleasure in the death of a sinner I want you to turn repaint the stone and leave why should you die it was bleeding let's imagine 20 it was 18 to 20 Matthew 24:32 20 it was a command GUI into the world as a command has not advice that's not a plea there is a stronger one from a world speaking that is a decree when God said in Genesis 1 verse 3 Genesis 1 verse 3 let there be light it wasn't an advice it wasn't Italy it wasn't a command it was a decree let there be light and immediately there was light and I thank God for the preacher who spoke before me he said your voice you are not an echo don't let the devil reduce you to a whimpering little dog you know children of the Lion of Judah and your father speaks you rules but I will say God has spoken once so ISIF I heard this that power belongs to don't let the circumstances around you reduce you to somebody who is whispering you have the almighty God dwelling in you great I see that you see you that he that is in the world when you speak you should let the man to hear you ruin at it [Applause] when you read job chapter 22 verse 21 to 22 to 22 verse 21 to 28 you understand why I am so crazy about holiness because he says if if iniquity be in your head send this far away send it right away don't toy with saying he says you would leave only you would be create things and it shall be established unto you [Music] Christian life becomes enjoyable if when you say something it comes to pass somebody asked me was a long time ago when you say there is someone here such as a tailor and you profess our UD cream I say take your choice if it's a prophecy it is so true if if my father inspires me to decree oh we get the result before the following morning [Applause] that's where holiness comes me I travelled abroad I was a will for two weeks I came back it was very hot as my children who came to meet me at the airport as one of my daughter's what upon it doesn't mean engineering I said within an hour later I started to read the following they came to me say daddy what is it we have been praying for him for two weeks he didn't live you came and you sir culturally to arraign when a litter it was raining I said well did you obey your mother all the time while I was a with aha you know mama if we don't be her fire before as I know better when she asked you to do something they do grumble you know she what we sent you on an errand at a time when you want to enjoy yourself so you grumble well but is switching follow your father and your mother you stop rumbling you issue a decree and it will be established after to the story before I went to cookie was in Lakota and as we were driving through the main street I saw a huge tree in the middle of the road Capital City the road had to bend round the tree I had a fellow who was driving as a secretary and secretary in the middle of the road and 33 we fall we went head our program came back and that night there was a storm the following money d3 was on his side uprooted from the bottom sand on your feet lift over to the Almighty God and say father tonight I decree every mountain in my life move now open your mouth and cry to me [Applause] I decree in the name that's above every other name Monti move i decree i decree Monty move rockfish in the rainbow pour on the rim of Fortuna Kaka to remove R&D Karima caching today mofo tune dairyman cache entire movement a a decree to night every Monty I'm not advising you Monty not begging you I'm not bleeding i decree Montaigne move move-move Montaigne I decreed the mighty name of Jesus Montero Montero want a moon Montero rapidly the Mukesh Cinderella market and Akira more Fortuna Monte you have to move you have to move the mighty name of Jesus at the critter night every Monty [Music] you're fine bloody Oh God when Oprah secondary market and a foreign term of foreign debt a montage Santa thank you Father thank you Almighty thank you Jesus thank you in Jesus mighty name we have prayed I join my faith with yours and I decree every month in your life shall move tonight [Applause] socially be in Jesus mighty name please be seated oh thank you my father the law said that someone here tonight he said your brain needs revival they asked me to tell you I will pray on it [Applause] yes I go jealous we used to have a meeting of what we were calling state pastors at that time every month whenever we meet there was this one of us who always say I have a testimony so after some time his colleagues nicknamed him mr. testimony and the risen Lord asked me to tell you the story is this he said there's someone here with loads of problems very soon you have loads of Testaments Oh glory be to God Nadia asked me to tell somebody they said the power that raised Jesus from the dead we raised you from your present situation [Applause] now I say you should talk to the muncher I'm happy you already talking to the Monty but if we pay attention to that passage they say you should tell the monkey way to go say to this mountain be thou removed you have already been saying that and be thou cast into the sea Nala was the Lord is saying you must return a job tonight you must finish the job tonight don't leave any evita tomorrow you must finish the job tonight otherwise going to cost is finish the job tonight see because if we leave only to maintain behind to become a bigger one in future in Joshua chapter 11 verse 22 Joshua 11 verse 22 God has spoken to Joshua the children officer for sale the land where they took a lot of the land but then they left some Giants in Gaza and gas I'm sure you know immediately what that means yes later one of the children produced by the people the children of his early behind was Goliath he came from the left over there will be no leftover Monty tonight when you kill the light tonight you must do what did he did what did he do yeah I'm happy to hear that also may 17 from verse 49 to 51 for summer 17 for tonight row 51 Goulet was already dead the rock of Jesus already smash he said Davy didn't stop there God provided the weapon for cutting off the head the story I read the first time I read it I didn't quite understand he's finding Joshua chapter 1 sorry Joshua chapter 7 Joshua chapter 7 from verse 1 to the end Joshua chapter 7 the children of fishing had had a mighty victory in Joshua chapter 6 then they got to Joshua chapter 7 and the attacker a small city and they were defeated what happened Joshua went before God but is not our agreement you told me I will be stronger than my enemies now I'm Ronnie before my name's was a problem because a Cena sent idea come to do something about it and then they discovered that there was a bank or it can he went and stole what belong to God so when they discover him oh God why what happened he said is true I stole those money ok and where is it you show them they brought it out Joshua didn't say okay my boy that's all right no Muslim programs every member of his family every member of his family if you kill ma'am a snake and you leave babies make the business will become a Muslim but that's not even the point after they killed him and his entire family after they stone them to death and the water only did the Bible said they want them to be sure they're doubly dead and then they heap a great heap of stone over them in your body we see a tornado already know that was died Tyrolean when you are dealing with your maintains you must not toy with it the most elite where to go because if you leave a little bit of it behind that little bit we become the big problem later on total disorder befall of the hunter who went hunting when they went hunting they saw the tiger I think it's a tiger a tiger Jaguar any one of these big cats killed it tiger and then all of a sudden discover oh it has a little baby and since the baby tiger hunt is just like a house cat picked it up and brought it to the village the chief saw the baby tigers aha Kanta you brought a tiger to is a baby tiger in some less and the baby tiger began to grow and it was reaching their platoon the give is ordinary the kind of food before eaten before and the the son of the hunter was using it as a pet right they need all over the place then one day the son of the counter was writing the tiger to the village stream true story and then on the way the Tigers Tom hood a little and the boy fell and when it fell watch his hand on the turn and blood began to flow and when did I guess all the blood we wanted to have the frame the little boy so it he licked the blood and when he did that which is in the taiga that mixi tiger came out and it's a trick no fan I the boy was dead and the tiger went to was the village killing everybody met on the way when you are dealing with your Monty finish the job stand on your feet lift your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear and say father every month in leaving me to do was go to DCM parish open your mouth and pray every Monday and there must be none of them left they must all go now to the Monty and parish every one of them every one of them every one of them don't leave any behind don't leave any behind every month in Moscow and go to use to deceive and perish there go to DC and perish there go to DC and perish there most go to DC and perish there go to see embarrass me every little tiger in my life must die too every month I must go to DC right now the Muslim does leave me they will go to DC and perish there any attack that have come from Danny must go back to the sender lady st. I deal with it no Monty must remain untouched every one of them must go to DC and perish thank your father every Mon team must go to DC and perish there in the mighty name of Jesus thank you Father roto DC's parish they're leavin now as I'm praying thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be in Jesus name now please be seated oh thank you Father I want to say Amen to this Refaeli God daddy say there's somebody here tonight I said throughout this year you have nothing to regret [Applause] once upon a time there was a bird now the boat was flying in the sky the hunter shot at it but the bullet missed the word but it's only one wing so the bird fell before the hunter can come to finish the job the bed had managed to crawl away into hiding that night the bird cries - God save you Almighty God because you saved my life you can heal my wing and then the bed fell asleep and his bed woke the following morning the wing happy healed so did the bird began to fly again tracing God the Lord asked me to tell someone you will fly again [Applause] that is this the one asking me to test release tornado I've told you before some years ago I was attending the conference and I was one of the guest speakers I was standing outside the hall all was big that the crowd was like there was this young man who saw me thought it was an opportunity for him to to chat so he came and was talking I was chatting and people were rushing because people do they always big the chairs were not enough after some time I said to the young man hey Agra and then join the conversation but I hope you know that in there my seat is reserved and yone is not he left talking to me on hand and the Lord has betrayed history to one particular person he said he wants to remind you that your seat at the top is reserved [Applause] now she's insane if you shy said to this mundane in other words that you must be specific my jaws and the mantle not just all Monty this particular modules be specific the Almighty might be sickness see to the maintain of sickness it is written Hospital chapter 2 verse 24 for spiritual 24 by the stripes of Jesus and if it is demons probably you say specifically to the demons it is reaching Revelation chapter 12 verse entry level revelation 12 - entry level I overcome you by the blood of the Lamb tell the demon it is written at the name of Jesus every knee must including you demon if it is poverty that is your Monty speak to each specifically telling Jesus became poor that I might become rich second Corinthians chapter 8 verse 9 second for interest it was mine now I know whenever they say it is time to sing the special song for a believer service some of us just sing the song we enjoy it we are within till the end so we can shout hallelujah pay attention to the wardens pay attention to the wardens I'm a mathematician and their pasta pasta not really some writer that you can see month after month after month he gives me a song for you if you look at the song that we sang you see it there I refuse to die because I live in Christ he lives in me I'm stronger than sickness because his Shrike is working for me I am stronger than all luck because he became for that I be rich be specific it's all in the song if your problem is persistent failure tell failure I rebuke you by the presence of Jesus in my boat you know Peter failed Jesus women and the fellow became a success if it is stagnation when on one spot all these years the people they employed after you have been promoted above you when they as donkey walk to be done they call you when it's time for promotion they promote the fellow in the club where they are drinking beer that cannot continue no if we walk like an elephant you must eat like an elephant from now if you agree with me say Amen if it is AG nation rebuke it child stagnation listen Jesus Christ said if I be lifted up from the earth I would draw all men to be highly beautiful by the resurrection and a session of Jesus Christ he's already been lifted up from the earth no mo stagnation for me be specific now going to Guantanamo stories because is but time is gone but I'm going to give you some total menace to talk specifically talk specifically mention your old Monty Monty you know the mountain of sickness the mountain of poverty the mountain of demonic oppression the mountain of failure the mansion of defeat stand on your feet and Josh go ahead and rebuke them as in the mighty name of Jesus Christ mention the man change a particular mountain in your life until it go to the sea the you sickness I command you to disappear cancer I rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus right go and jump into the sea blindness our commander in the name of Jesus Christ go and jump into the sea failure a commander in the name that's above every other name go and jump into the sea be specific be specific this specific thank you Father don't tolerate it any longer tell it you have to go mention the name mocha shake-a vendor a market and a removal Chantal you know your Monty talk to each specifically tell you to go and jump into the ocean do so tonight let it go and jump into the ocean hallelujah pod mon coeur Shakespearean drama cat and a turbo prashanta thank you Father central fire in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially being Jesus men finally please be seated I'm running up now because I want to when the ministers of God to lay hands on you tonight to combine the effect with years after the commander the mountains to move and I believe that had you your decree have been established next thing we should do is that we must remember to return all glory to God who preached before me said life is war finish one but you another one may come forward if after God has done marvelous news for you and I believe he's done so tonight if you don't change him you will need him again in judges chapter 15 verse 14 to 19 judges 15 verse 14 from 18 thank you Father amen amen daddy says there's someone here tonight he said from now on my glory will overshadow you [Applause] dougies 15 from verse 14 to 19 the Bible tells us what happened when they brought some same family bottom bound to the enemies Spirit of God came mightily upon him setting free he grabbed the jawbone of an ass and we teach he killed the thousand men and then he threw the jaw bone away and began to boast great Samson the jawbone of an ass peep upon him with the jawbone of an ass I've seen a thousand men great victory and then all of a sudden he became test Oh God TAS is about to pee what do I do w3 we'll pick it up that's in Wichita you don't need anymore lift it up they picked it up and God brought water out of the jawbone of an ass a drunken was refreshed never forget to give glory to God major problem with us Christians is that when deep when the heat is on we turn on the fan as soon as we are cool we switch off the fire God is not a fan that's song right I said I need you every every hour so I'm going to give you some minutes just to praise God in the meantime pastors will please take your position and the cancer loss you please help me you stand like this dude last time so I can come a minister to the extra special cases and what the pastor's are called me to do when they lay hands on us because the Bible says if two or four shall agree as touching anything we ask on earth it will be done for us by our Father in Heaven tonight they will lay hands on you to say your Montaigne never return [Applause] so will you please stand and begin to praise the Almighty God begin to magnify his early name and pastors who we please go quickly and take our position one for many state of the people tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you can begin to sing and many Saturday Lord us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one of my team [Music] [Music] what a mighty God we serve what [Music] [Music] what a mighty God we said what the mighty I haven't unlocked - Baba for what [Music] I have would I love I am who [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Father the mountains we never return I decree the mountains will never return when the Sun rises it will be a new day for you you will not be able to stop God with joy and your testimonies will be forever in Jesus mighty name well just let's take our tongues between offering and dance rejoice drop our Thanksgiving offering and then we'll be ready to go oh that's are you buying shipping really great job just one [Music] join me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank You Father now before I said the closing prayer let me remind you that you must all go and collect your permanent voters cards are the various places don't be discouraged if they tell you to go and come go and come make sure you go and you can't let this card because your power to determine your future lies in that card so no matter any effort to discourage you make sure you can't let your card before the closing date I hope that one is clear okay now for one minute anything special you want go to do for you this month just something extra ordinary that one go to do for you go ahead ask him now something special or the month of February Thank You Father let's begin to bring a prayer close in Jesus mighty name we have prayed but I decree that what your children have just asked for they will receive before Sunday every obstruction to the progress to the promotion to the fullness of joy of your children i decree it will vanish now I decree that your children will never know poverty again I decree that your miraculous way you will pay their debts Father please bless their offering sanctified use it for your glory and throughout this month let us have something to shout Alleluia about as your children will be going please go with them random Johnny Mathis and everywhere they turn let your presence be there with them in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen who got the biggest value tonight shout the biggest Alleluia [Applause]
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 71,075
Rating: 4.4887738 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg tv, rccg live, rccg sermon, rccg online sermon, rccg holy ghost service tv, redeemed holy ghost service tv, rccg february 2018 holy ghost service, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye new sermons, pastor e a adeboye online sermons, pastor e a adeboye sermons 2018, powerful sermon online, youtube sermons
Id: h7yGP8cxMFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 58sec (10618 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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