Pastor Billy Burke // Miracles in the Marriott

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welcome to millennial thanks for tuning in today we believe that God is something very specific something very special to speak to you in a very unique way so as you listen did I get ready open up your heart and receive a fresh word from the Lord right to where you are in this time well happy is the people whose God is the Lord how many people are happy in this place tonight I'll tell you welcome to a place of miracles you are beautiful a man we have word for you very very very soon look at you never say very soon praise God so it's so powerful those people that are visiting tonight you don't want to miss what God is doing praise the Lord here at millennial and a man there's lots of information for everybody and there's guest services if you'd like to fill out a card tonight and stay in contact with us a man not only for what you know we're doing but also for upcoming dates you know because we believe that God is a plan look at you ever say God has a plan how many people believe that God has a plan for this area let me see your hands amen we know it's gonna take more than Church it's gonna take a move of God a man in ways that we are not familiar with come on how many people believe the best is you have to come praise the Lord hug somebody's neck tonight you may hug somebody kiss somebody if you have to praise the Lord amen shake somebody's hand and love somebody amen praise God [Music] it's so wonderful to be in his presence [Music] well here we are Friday night at the Mariana ladies and gentlemen it is so powerful praise the Lord Amen I can hardly wait the Sunday everybody shed a big Amen praise God hey man I just want to just say very quickly before everything gets going tonight this last two nights has been just very powerful wonderfully powerful in God and you know we've seen so many different things happen over this last couple of nights you know when we knew that we were moving from building to building you know it means well you know we just go to the hotel for a few weeks and all those different things you think yourself well did we put things on hold until we get into your building and and I said no nothing ever goes on hold praise the Lord and amen and so every every every meeting that we've had that was scheduled praise the Lord Amen with these meetings with Pastor Billy and sister Melanie I tell you we could not put these off and for what has happened over this last couple of nights among us God among us remind you well got with us you know John paper wrote in his the climax of God's happiness is the delight he takes in the echoes of his excellence in the praises of his people see something happens when we praise Him I put people over the years said oh my god is he gonna sing that song again why does he sing the song so long why does pastor Billy sing the same songs every night why do we sing the same songs why does pastor always sing the songs the son that we've just signed the King of glory sign I don't know about you but it just takes me places I'm just not singing a song I get to worship Him I get to invite him into my space that he's welcome in this place Maria Woodworth Etta sometimes would sing the same song for three hours and then the glory would fall in people's lives would be gloriously touched what you're witnessing in these meetings what you witness in this church what your what you're witnessing in these special meetings that we're having all the songs all the singing all the worship everything interspersed with each other it's a powerful work of God's grace everything goes together everything works together and the Holy Spirit beautifully begins to to touch that which desperately needs attention to heal back that even doctor says is a write-off case see there's no place that God cannot go last night we saw evidence of fallopian tube that was not there and that is there last night we saw someone that couldn't bend band like an acrobat and these are just some of the wonderful things that God has been doing among us ladies and gentlemen I would home last night I said Nora we're very grateful known but very grateful man because I'm cried for years and years and years to secret your goodness seen miracles over the years I've seen eyeball I've seen different descent in services so effortless with Manso decreased in god sue increased she's such an answer if your hands would be right for this room those that are watching online see I'm not biding time I'm actually spending time with you to tell you that you've been prayed for great prayers have been prayed for you to receive all that God has I speak the piece over here the things that annoy you to sell things that have distracted you to be removed the desires of your to be father we love you tonight with her hands raised her we submit ourselves one more time to you and bring ourselves as a living sacrifice so that you can do only that would you do we received the impossible we receive roadways crooked places made straight in Jesus if you believe that's a good prayer shut a big evening well we're so glad that you came tonight please put your hands together and welcome pastor Billy Berg [Music] as we as we continue to stir up the presence of the holy spirit don't waste it don't waste it that's where miracles happen but if all you do start up to feel it but you don't use it to get set free if you just use it to get stirred up emotionally but you don't apply that to your migraines or to your legal blindness or to your diabetes maybe the presence of the whole that that's what these people lunge to get into once they get into his presence because that's where everything happens and it's already stirred up I don't know about you but I'm sitting just all stirred up you don't even have to know the song to get stirred up so everything I don't know these songs will just get stirred up anyhow why because just the presence that uses any song it's so that's so amazing put your hands up all over the place so what I want us to do we're gonna sing a few more courses we want to make sure we just give this thing over to the Holy Spirit as much as we can but your shoulders and your eyes and your hearing and your prostate and and every other part of your being and your money and your joblessness the fear factor that you're facing issues you can't get set free from you you're trying to get pregnant you're having a difficult time whatever it may be tonight in this in this atmosphere as we continue to stir him up use this moment this miracle moment to leave a broken yoke on this floor to let the janitor have to sweep it up tomorrow morning LED to be yokes laying all over this room and on the hallway in the parking lot come on say Holy Spirit I'm yours all evening long and I yield to you reveal unto me that hole the devil has on me he revealed to me whatever resistance I've had to you in the rarey of surrender tonight I can't go much further till I give you more of me and so I give you more of me in this place tonight open up my eyes in my ears and heal every cell in my body touch every organ and my blood to don't forget the bones all of me tonight come on give him a mighty brave [Music] come Holy Spirit I pray and come [Music] comment back straight [Music] so [Music] Aaron [Music] jaysus I know [Music] Jesus [Music] door [Music] [Music] Oh tonight [Music] me and make me [Music] use me [Music] it's called fresh oil fresh fire spirit of the living found me and mold may come on [Music] feel me [Music] oh come on use me yeah [Music] Oh just in the moment just let me let do the yielding this it's not a song the song is to lead you to a decision worshipping no song worship a person we seem to get closer to the one that's going to do the work we need the help of the Holy Spirit to get Pride out of the way in fear and unworthiness when he shows up all of those other spirits they take off because of his wonderful presence come on say I choose to yield tonight my condition my challenge my struggle I'm tired of being the same old way I need some fresh oil and some fresh fire I claim Psalm 92 10 I'm gonna get fresh oil tonight come on give God a big shout come on [Music] you maybe see it all over the place Wow hey did you know that not one person that jesus healed was a Christian I want to encourage somebody with that tonight in case you think you have to be really really good no it's he's really really good he heals you he heals me because he's good but not one person when you think about it Matthew Mark Luke John all of them because he had been to the cross yet their sins had not yet been covered so there's been all of these people that he healed every miracle you can think of they were not yet born again they didn't have the spirit on the inside of them like you do here tonight and if you don't have that spirit on the inside of you then please by the end of the evening don't leave this ballroom please don't leave this ballroom because there's a greater place than the Marriott hotel come on in Tulsa Oklahoma come on give God a big big shout over the place I said a big one can you give him a big one my god I mean last night was stupendous how many had trouble sleeping last night anybody besides myself that trouble sleeping let me think you say why would you have trouble sleeping well I guess I'm just having a you know a nightcap that we got out of here 10:30 court 11:00 so some of you didn't know that we might stay that late the door's locked right after the we done them singing so you you tell god I'm gonna leave until I get a miracle so we lock the doors God doesn't put pressure on you but the Holy Spirit does press you Paul said I pressed for the mark that's not a pressure from without it's oppressing from within to get everything that Jesus just didn't die for but then he suffered for Billy Graham said dying is easy but suffering to get there is the most difficult so the many many different ways in which people leave this life I mean there's so many ways and none of them are none of them are that great and I've heard people say well if there's a way to go that's the way to go no the way that goes nowhere you're going I said the way that goes I mean a lot of people while they died in their sleep well that's the way to go not if you're dying you're sleeping going to hell it's not so you want to make sure that tonight at that one that we're singing to lives in you I tried to never sing this thing a song I've trained myself and every time I sing I'm see a person I'll name the person I'll envision him on how I see him and it's good to envision him the New Age has stolen Bible principles and removed Jesus that's what New Age is just it's principles of the scripture without the Savior we happen to include the Savior and the Word of God happens to say looking unto him come on say I'm looking unto him that means you envision him and you see him you know as you know him to be but I will give you a little hint he's no longer has brown hair he's the blond I'll tell you that right now so the Bible says actually says he has hair white as wool and he has fiery eyes come on say fiery eyes and a voice like many many waters he's now glorified the body of it he had when he resurrected is the body that you'll have when you transition from here to there he came out he was able to eat he was able to you know do certain physiological things he wasn't yet glorified he still had the brown hair and still had the wounds but when he ascended that's whenever he became to glorify this how John saw him in the revelation so I don't know what your scariest movie you've ever seen I don't know who you ever said I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley but if I wasn't born again I wouldn't want to run into that revelation one Jesus in the middle of the candlesticks I'll tell you that because he's going to be a serious day whenever you stand in front of the Christ come on save the Christ and I know a book that was written many years ago and that book said something greater than heaven and worse than hell greater than heaven worse than hell is to look on the face of the Lamb if you're born again it's gonna be greater than heaven but if you're lost and all you are is a religious person that goes to church there's gonna be a worse than hell you don't want that to happen to you and I say that in the very beginning of this because last night we saw we saw so many amazing miracles did you see them online that anybody watched online anybody hear about it last time last night are you all alive here tonight anybody alive in this room every once in a while just give me one of these so I know that I'm I'm liable to say come forth everybody you know but I mean the miracles that we saw the people getting whatever phase of the miracle that you get if you get some form of the Europe improvement or it's better and then you wake up the next day say well it's better but I didn't get all of it well that means that he's giving you the portion you want you to go after the rest be encouraged then you're not where you were be encouraged that it's improved I mean we see people go from blind to color blind to color people that are twisted and deformed you know over time straight walking from a walker to a cane to two wonderful Asotin you know I I don't understand why all of the instant and the gradual we don't understand that but wherever you're at tonight make sure that you're making a move towards him because he is your healer I'm not sure healer I'm here to help you get to him I'm here to help you believe that whatever you're facing can change I said whatever you're facing whatever you're fighting and it can change so quickly as we saw last night come on say everything everything I have everything I hope to be I owe it all to him come on give him one more praise can you do that you know I mean it takes it takes humility to really in a public meeting to get here some form of humility because really by nature we don't want anyone to know what's wrong with us I mean Legion had 6,000 demons in him one nail that's what a Legion is 6,000 get six thousand demons look at your neighbor and say you're not that bad come on tell you now if he says but yes I am then shake you but you better get out of that seat quickly we magnify so many things and we're ashamed that's exactly what the devil wants you to do is to be ashamed of something and conceal it I mean some of the people we've seen healed of AIDS and HIV and some of those other sexually transmitted diseases it's amazing that these people came forward publicly to young people in Puerto Rico is a huge crowd they both had syphilis they were living together they were just you two young kids living together fighting this horrible disease and they came on a Sunday morning and they said our organs are blistered and raw and we're so afraid we don't know what to do and the doctors told my girlfriend that should never ever be able to have a baby I said well doctors are trained in natural law and we applaud them for that I have a doctor I have a nutritionist I go to my doctor but then the Holy Ghost trains us in Supernatural law and really both again if you're gonna leave here you need both working and I told them I said well that's what the doctor said then that's what that's what the situation is but I said you know there's so we heard that maybe we could get a miracle I said we you heard right but when we're not look we're not married and we're living together I said well can you living wrong evidently you don't some things you shouldn't be doing but the last time I checked now after I can read my Bible but I think it's the same as it was the last time I checked he's rich in mercy you come to him with an open heart and you mean business I mean God can do some amazing things while you're yet in a broken dark place and they said well we want to get healed and we want to get married she's not one to have a baby as well slow down slow down I said first why don't we just believe him because let's just believe him I said light I'm gonna lead you in the sinner's prayer I'm not gonna pray for your salvation I want you to see the business of God in the land of the living we all see him as someday but in the land of the living so this was on a Sunday morning Paul may go under the power and they're laying down there she said I feel burning over my body I said that's the fire of God and he said I feel burning too I said well the gods fires going through both of you so Sunday night they didn't come back Monday they didn't come back Tuesday they come back Wednesday they show up I mean they were just smiling all over she said we went in on Monday the day after you prayed for us and we both went and they took we have disrupt they had a gown on each of us and we were sitting on a gurney and when the doctor came in and took our robe off we were blister free come on somebody come on every symptom had been removed and a year later and she got pregnant with a wonderful baby come on give God a cow and yes they got married come on give my mighty brain now yeah doesn't always end like that it does if you put your wheel to it you can sing the songs here and enjoy the good idea of a miracle you can get engaged you can risk everything and say I'm gonna trust him I'm gonna trust him to heal me to heal whatever I'm facing it's as simple as high blood pressure as deep as cancer or paralyzed whatever you need a missing organ to grow back I'm just giving you things that we've seen and continue to see at a high rate and last night we saw some of that right here I mean this fallopian - I said it right I practiced all day I stood in front of the mirror and I said this is the fallopian not Philippian but fallopian [Music] it's hard being human isn't it and don't we need the anointing why do you think I think why do you think I like come Holy Spirit why do you think I've seen come Holy Spirit I need you because I do I just really really do I need him every day let alone in the miracle service I was at Thomas Jefferson High School ones that we had two or three thousand people in that High sports like New York City loves in the back of the stage was a big auditorium and I said to the Lord I said you know I've really had a rough week and they're getting ready to introduce me on to the the crowd so that been a really really rough week and I said I don't he said do you think since you're healing these beat or do you think I'm eating these people I so of course I think you are but I'm just let you know I had a really really rough week she so what did you give you a rough self out there and just to let me use you tonight I said well that makes that sound like you're using me he said I'm just using you isn't that interesting we don't like anybody use us come on say men and yet we say oh gods use things and then when he does you feel used come on somebody help me it's amazing I said we can't experience a little bit of this glory get out there you can't experience any of the glory all of that glory is mine I was tied to that whipping post my back was beaten like raw hamburger by my stripes whoever will believe it's not automatic come on it's not automatic but by my stripes I am healed [Music] give him a big shout come on come on get my mighty brain [Music] I watched it did you guys come to you bring did you bring you the worst yes he's here can you come and tell me this is a miracle we had up and Eufaula Oklahoma just a short while ago we told you about it the other night this boy could not talk could not walk did you eat him he brought the brace this was the brace that he was in and mama somebody talked to me because this happened this happened just a few weeks ago yes and tell the people he's the only one in the world with this condition is that right yes the only one in the whole world and he was an easy case study so the Holy Spirit took great interest in this person and so the study is over tell us Helens and he'll tell them here he didn't talk and brother Burt prayed for him and he he began talking I'm sorry it's just every time I meet you I just begin to wait because God so good he's just so good his his back began to curve severely and it was so severe that his his torso was deformed and he couldn't couldn't hardly walk well and they they fitted him with that to try to to fix it to avoid surgery and we were thinking we thought he had it for four months no it was only two we looked back at the date he got the brace and he wore it 24/7 and anytime I would take it out I only took it off to bathe him but as soon as I would take that brace off he would go right back his back would but it would go right back but we kept doing it and the night I took him down brother Burke prayed we got back to our seat and he never asked to take the brace off he wanted it on cuz I think it made him feel good he has to take it off and when we took it off his back didn't move back too [Music] did somebody break them [Music] so so so no so tell me about the case study tell me he was born with an extra chromosome or two extra premises or an extra piece an extra piece two chromosome 17 but there's so much in that extra piece they don't have another case like his whole world no they were not able to find one so they were studying you yes it is amazing [Music] and since since then he he's done the just continuously keeps doing things for him he he's began to undress himself dress himself and open things where he couldn't before I just do things that he wasn't doing before and we've just we've cried so many tears of joy and just been in awe every day of God's goodness miracles I've seen that's all [Music] Oh Jess ready [Music] my daily [Music] [Music] now I did promise you we're gonna bring you to Florida we're gonna do a film done I'm gonna get this documented and we're gonna treat them all to a place called Disneyworld [Applause] cuz they've never been right they've never been so we're going to make sure they get taken care of in Orlando could get him over there meet Mickey Mouse and all those people he went he listens to your CDs where you read healing scriptures with music every night now the whole 45 minutes every night we listen to that and he asked for it that's for brother really work he turns it on himself before that he wouldn't ever go turn the CD player anything on it obviously you should be he started doing that so this he's young he's pure we're kind of getting mixtures we get older or the mixture in this we're not as pure but we should be attracted to the annoying thing that we're in week after a week I mean just feeling it here in this church this great millennial church wherever you are whatever preachers you're listening to they really feed you we use all these words I get fed I really like him I'm learning a lot it's the anointing that's Annette anoint they should make you want to get closer and he goes over I love this he goes over and turns it on himself no coaxing no prodding no you should be thankful no it's the it should be a natural overflow to praise him and to give how do you keep your healing you you let your unique bring you closer not close not with you can be close to church and not the Lord you can be closer to the preacher and not to the Lord if the church is here to make you connect you to him the preacher to him these meetings to him I mean this is all about h IM j esus so are you closer to the light go to a great church but are you closer to him does the preacher of the choir and all of the special guests bring you closer to him because that that closer means you hear him he hears voice and you live for him and you thank him every day of your life if the fact that you're still alive some you shouldn't be here tonight I said some of you I'm talking to a handful of people here somebody better give God a little bit of praise here tonight a close call and near-miss I mean wow but you're here why he's not done with you and he wants to heal you this is so special I'm just so I'm so glad you came [Music] and we're gonna and we're gonna get you to Disneyworld okay you happy about that so when you get off your information what do you think I want to get all of your information tonight I know we're winning so is there a good time when you can come down here a better time than another time purchase new work I'm free of a job you work at the church okay yeah so you can take off no yeah so what so what's a good month for you to come back what's a better time for you this is October that's good for you we're just we're just thankful we're just absolutely thankful now when she heard when the mother heard you felt you came running you were just yes and you're still you got your boy bags hey the greatest thing that I can say to you tonight before we get moving here the reason that we sing the reason that we pray is because we believe we serve a God of intervention come on say anywhere in the process anywhere in the chemotherapy in the dialysis in anywhere in this in the therapy at all he can step in when he when he smells what he wants to smell when he sees what he wants to see it's over no more team on no more dialysis no more medication no more insulin that's right he's just looking for something in each of us stay faithful if this is a story here stay faithful it happened one night not long ago amazing talking walking and run and running he took off running today and it was just like any little boy and see running look at that mother it's worth it all come on somebody give God a shout [Music] thank you so much we'll be in touch okay we'll be in touch with you give me least hahahaha oh don't be afraid of me I won't hurt you this here's all straight look at that that was so hunched out yeah he's attracted to the annoying thing I would not be shocked I don't sense any prophecy I'm to give you or him at the moment but I did there's a drawing of him and the more that story gets out I mean he's the only one among 8 billion people it has this disease and God came down and plucked him out of a out of Eufaula Oklahoma he's an okie from Muskogee right here and and he got the healer I just love it come on say against all odds say it again come on one more time come on give him a shout tonight hey come on who do we have here last night some people got touched raise your hand quickly come on you got touch stand up come on come on stand to your feet got touched you in my powerful way where's that girl that had the bras come on raw girl come on and that legally blind lady back there she's here somewhere saw her she was legally blind she's in the audience tonight come quickly come on quickly who else wants good touch left side come come come you had a powerful touch you're the powerful touch somebody else quickly yes yes yes tell us what happened young girl okay when I was like 11 I was diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and December of 2016 I was he is from t3 to l4 but you refused yes rods put in your back to rods and 25 screws 25 screws and 2 rods yeah yeah but last night the Lord just begin the process of healing and you're just regaining my movement back well you what you did down here do you realize what you did yeah it's pretty amazing yeah cause you told me you couldn't bend we'll do it can you bend tonight [Music] come on what's up man [Music] something [Music] come on Amy [Music] [Music] have you told anybody today when they probably saw you on www-what your family say yeah and then what did they say any hot is good okay what god is good all the time yeah this is a life-changing thing for you yeah and you want to do what with your life a counselor like a guidance counselor like look at high school counselor my high school counselor she'll be able to give them some good advice right [Music] any of your friends see you online or anything like that or no who's who here her friends are here anybody back here come up here come up here come on who's this guy but who is he Elijah what are you thinking this Elijah huh cuz you knew her before yes yeah her all back she had surgery she's got a long scar down there all back she had almost all of her vertebrae fused together just touch your toes now it's crazy it's amazing see it just goes to show you're the miracle that you get especially in public is no longer just yours you become an eyewitness to other people you know that hey this is this might be real is real and that's no mystery in the city of Tulsa come on stay in Tulsa has been so blessed with miracles for years decades but you know people do go to heaven and an each generation has to be reinforced if the god of yesterday's the god of today wonderful so that thing so that really impressed you what happened yeah every night should have to do things I serve back stay straight it wasn't what she to do but now it's just amazing to see everything she's starting to do amazing isn't it just so amazing so amazing me there's still the work going on in her and there's a working on in come on give God the big shots come out all over the place okay what happened to you at the end of the service I came up and you play with my glasses and I can see and I did my homework with no glasses my school [Applause] [Music] what do you think of that it's amazing and guys amazing in you are too just don't put me in that category baby [Music] so what are you gonna do now that you can see something what are you gonna do I mean when I get back Angra vent where anger bed when I get back into Great Bend Kansas you're from Kansas you came all the way from Kansas yes when you get back to Kansas when I get back to Kansas I told my person who is helping Judy who had surgery and that I want to come back with no glasses and they want to say that um they want to see Christopher come back with walking and talking and and I'm going to tell them and preach this sermon you can tell them every sermon yeah well I'm gonna tell them like [Music] and they'll all pass away [Music] mother whatever you want to say okay well I'm just I'm just praising God for her she just she just goes after God and I'm so thankful any progress we're seeing him this is gonna sound really small but I'm gonna do I just want to say because I want to testify you know we never sleep all night never never ever ever two nights ago he cried from midnight to 5:00 a.m. you know I just held him and prayed in the spirit and praise the Lord last night he slept peacefully the entire night come on somebody dipped on this down starting he sees the fruit and his sister says yes your whole body's made up by peace peace runs your whole system every organ all of your blood pressure you know is your body has to be stabilized that's why when peace comes inside of your life oh my it's the beginning of so much healing because of all the disturbance that was there friar it's a great sign give God a big praise that come on thank you yes what happened ma'am you had a wet one a lump on your leg yeah for about three months and when you work in the crowd last night yes I'm still working the crowd there you go just work in the ground Cheryl have you heard that just working the crowd [Music] I'm sure you know what she meant yeah I hope they don't and you had a lump there and it left and when you were doing that I felt like something was running down my leg you so wet like something ran right down might like one yeah yeah yeah and then started going down one down down and that's still there a little tiny bit but it's nothing like that's a yeah where do you where do you go to church you're from Iowa what church do you go to an Iowa okay we're glad you're here glad you took the time to come yeah thank you I'm glad I came too the Holy Spirit [Music] and I'm beautiful beautiful [Music] I'm touching you again if something in your digestive tract is being wonderful is that right something in the digestive tract is wonderfully being healed you never told me that did you come on give God a big shout come on come on give him praise yes what happened before you got here told me to come all three nights that the importation and revival huh so I was laying in the floor jumped around and I'm going to get me my whiplash injuries darlin oh wow my back is healed I had sway back and I have no pain that I haven't had a chin I think that was ten years old oh and I'm God told me he would heal me so I could do Crusades so I saw Jesus walking last night right before the outbreak is this spirit yes walking through the aisle and then he told me I said why can't I stand up and he said because they had anointing there's a Spirit of God is moving out of the hotel into Tulsa and I believe that yeah I didn't know if you're picking up on that because you kept talking about Ryder pick up on every train right before this service began maybe we better sing again I don't know I saw him standing over me yes I I can't think of somebody's gonna fall on me or you know I just got out of the music and and I started concentrating on gene I don't tell you to lay down [Music] where can I hide in here there's no chair big enough we tell as a relay mare to concentrate word that so I did and I've been doing that and I have accomplished I see him standing over me and he'll tell me things and I saw him standing over me when I fell in the fire so when you jump around know anything hits me God touched me without you touching me I love it and then I really been coming for my eyes because I can't drive anymore I can't paint anymore I can't I read one eye for my my cataracts I don't have anymore so that's what effect God feeling always wonderful about all of this is is that when he used somebody as much as he's healed you he's on he's working hard but listen to me there's gonna be a joy I have enjoyed it's gonna be what did Jesus say that your joy may be full what did he mean by that perpetual never goes away come on give God a big shout I tell you come on that was a hard interview right there I'll tell you what yes ma'am what happened to you well I came up here I'm in need of a lot of Prayer and I'm still in need of a lot of prayer healing does prayer healing but when I came up here last night and you called me over and I just felt so like it's so much I need but all I could do is cry and I just said I need a lot of healing and you're not prayed over me and I went down and I saw exactly what you described earlier to this evening I saw Jesus and his eyes were on fire I just saw fire coming out of his eyes and I saw the white hand and it's just what you described earlier tonight and I was sitting there going jab and I'm I'm a leader of a so so ministries George oh yeah you know it's also in in our healing ministry and so I'm used to seeing Jesus a lot in that ministry and I usually see him with the brown hair and the blue eyes but that tonight or last night I saw his eyes were on fire and I saw right here and I've never seen him like that and I just feel well moment and but I need healing and excuse my voice I'm a singer I usually sing some allergies are something I'm sick of this I haven't been able to sing the whole summer what's your range what song I'm a soprano your soprano well yeah and I my voice is just almost gone and I need that hill too but I have endometrial cancer and you're fighting that yes let me give you a little helping hand here tonight you know whenever you see I have try and train your words to say I'm fighting I have the Jesus I have the written word come on I have a promise I'm fighting cancer I'm fighting arthritis because that word have it is a form of ownership and you don't want to own disease you don't want to hone a bad condition right right I agree in fact I usually won't say the word my friends no I just say C because it doesn't deserve a name but and I won't say I have I'll just say the C but I agree with you but and I'm very swollen because of it and I spent almost every night is for some reason hits me about 4:00 a.m. just in English horrible pain because of because of the cancer and the bleeding I find a woman bleeding the Bible with a show blood you coming you're bleeding tonight I came in here at the first night bleeding and I haven't been bleeding very much the last two nights I haven't had hardly any so I'm really thankful cuz sometimes it's so much I can't leave the house how do you know you still have cancer well I haven't that kind of pain where since I've been here and the kind of cancer that you're fighting is endometrial it's the lining of the uterus but endometriosis is not always malignant it's not endometriosis it's actual tumor it's a cancer it's of the lining of the uterus and they set up a stage too and they wanted me to have surgery and chemo and radiation pretty much all my friends think last night you were - you went under the power not sense no but that was just last night and we lived three hours away we came I point to you is how do you know it's still there well I don't praise I'm fry brain didn't I'm believing that it's not there in Jesus name I believe you know what I believe is this if every disease begins with the symptom then why can't every miracle begin with the absence of a symptom you know what I mean if if you have a pain in a certain place or a lump and it had that symptom tells you moment connects you to a disease when that disappears it should connect you to the miracle but more more easy to grab to the disease and we are to the miracle come on telly put your hands and I'm grabbing for the miracle tonight I'm grabbing to be healed and whole inside and outside all the way around got work to do got an assignment to do come on somebody to give God a shot [Music] yeah [Music] never never never doubt the way the Holy Spirit works through certain people you know like this lady right here she came to yield she came to receive that's why you're here [Music] if God has a story for everybody and he wants to add to your story what happened to you ma'am well you called for middle name of Marines yes yes fire fire but I want to say on Monday night you said that shoulders were being healed but I haven't been able to raise my shoulder sometimes I don't even lift it at all for how long months and now it's unlocked there's no pain somebody give God a shout come on somebody give God a shout I saw somebody who has somebody else with the testimony from last night or night before either one of these two nights anybody quickly anybody at all where this gentleman here coming up yes sir what happened sir your left arm was like it hit it had gone numb right through here and I had pain like three or four days and I'm not going to loop or not I was having like for a month different things from happening and I laid down on the bed I was like bored say it's attacking me again and the Holy Ghost is just like what are you doing magnifying him attacking Wow so I jumped up just started speaking the word no from Roman say beautiful eight - yeah 826 oh come on and so your name came up like I was think about it Kathy meek was talking about you Glennon Kathy yeah great people right and so I go yeah and Google at me yeah Eagle man I work there crowd they googled me up anyway I was watching the miracle I'll remember tolls Oklahoma right here anyway so watching the Eagle Mount 2018-2019 I saw where he was gonna be here and so when you call me up it's just like it's about 95 percent now 95 yep just that means feeling that means no pain that means no pain yeah emotion and all of us and uh I started where you talked about the Olive Lee yes when I was praying for it probably Saturday yes Sunday I was praying and it's like got about 30% better and then I was like okay like and I said no one said you know no one knew yeah oh you know yeah and I just kept going over and over and so when like I was about three more hours of it and so when you call me up I said here it is never shaken amiracle it my spine is stabilized my hips are stabilized I have new cartilage in my skeleton yeah yeah yeah and I have a new disc and my lower back and the devil is a liar my toes are healed too if that's not enough right somebody better give him a shout-out daily Wow that's a home now were you from men well I'm from Ohio my brother lives in Tampa and I'm here I've traveled the world okay you're my landlord yeah and you came here for the meetings no no I'm living are you living until my brother listen to you okay but I just love the Lord and I know the power of the anointment and I know its presence and it was just so strong and I couldn't look my to come I know everybody here knows I'm sorry I couldn't breathe I could just feel that I was pounding pounding that the Lord I mean I couldn't really walk up and I asked him not sure if he'd walk yeah because God just was also very much he loves you so much and everything you wanted yours he loves you receive him as your Savior Lord if he loves you so much oh good put your hands up a little bit of place and receive the love of God in me tonight heal me of all the rejection all the abandonment issues all the brokenness I receive this as a word from heaven heal me from the inside out in the name of Jesus come on give God a big shout come on give him a big shout give him a big big shout my heart is lady I know you do I can tell I believe it yeah yeah yeah ma'am [Music] ma'am you're overflowing you are on overflow and we're the beneficiary of it you've touched us all tonight we've done you've touched us all [Music] he's making you home he's making you home and give you praise [Music] come on man come on come on it's just amazing all these people yes what happened to you last time you was here I had they told me I needed to go to a kidney specialist yes and I went and my kidneys was acting up and they said it was sugar going into my kidney 3,000 but I went back and it's down to 300 and I keep I keep declaring the word of God and before I started going to this church I just wanted the pastor to know that I went to the emergency five times with blood pressure over two hundred and a hundred and forty-six on the bottom the enemy tries to take me out but since I've been going here I haven't went one time to the emergency come on I am so grateful to the Lord I find you cakes I just listen that word it's just stirring in me and I just am so grateful but when you called a cataract the right cataract I had a cataract removed but it everything went fine but then when I went back that you wouldn't heal it was hemorrhaging and so they took they send me to three specialists and went in when you called it the cataract had been removed but the right I was still messing up but I said I take it in the name of Jesus God's got a plan for my life and I'm gonna do what he called me somebody so look into a bright fallopian come on come on you didn't bring the paper with you tonight did you did you bring it she did her friend brought it here's the girl was who didn't have any fallopian - she just got married and here's the the x-ray explain the everyone is so here's one they're both open yeah so there's not one of these it shows that you don't have one right crate so that's this is only having this one all from only one to having two right here what what's that make you feel like I mean know that said God did dead on the inside easy just rejoicing [Music] and describe have you told anybody Facebook come on everybody come on [Music] my name and we go I'm sorry no more testimonies we done with the testimonies yes ma'am what happened well I came to the meeting last night and I brought a friend with me who is legally blind she was one of the girls that called out legally blind and when y'all were talking about when you're worshiping to see Jesus yes she said well she got healed her eyes legal blind eyes now are seeing but she said that when does she when y'all were talking about seeing Jesus in the worship she said that she saw Jesus and talking about his eyes came in her eyes and made her eyes well she was she could see yeah so she I think she came up and said that yeah I remember the man is here tonight but she can't come tonight but this is your friend I want to tell you that anyway thank you yeah so you know I came for a Minnesota to bring her yes and so you know this woman though yes she's been a friend of mine for like 25 years how long's she been legally blind at least 25 years ever since I've known him I know she's not [Music] come on or if I glorify Hey yes it's evening you called out people that are taking water pills yes water pills like a water bill because of congestion heart had evolved that mitral valve that was now Wow and so the blood was back flowing [Music] give me this water pill to help [Music] and drainage from my chest for me it's my time it's over with i gifted I'm grateful to God you hate leave those symptoms that I know in fact I would through the quiet and had to have open-heart surgery to fix and since then I had heart arrhythmia hate through a failure fit so I'd have to go back into the into the hospital yeah they went into shock didn't Akio right right right ready to get it started with correctly international normal sinus rhythm last time that happened was this not into the real well with tonight my wife and I came to help set up I started skipping you started skipping so call out the water bill so here I am you pray for me and let down spirit and I just looking for a certain the next morning my wife and I were talking and I said who was that laid their hands on my leg and she said there was there wasn't anybody laying here your and their hands on her leg well when I was playing out I had just felt like somebody have come and just [Music] laying there at first I thought it was pastor Paul and we know where to pray for because I was I was laying in this area and my wife Connie goes how great Wow so I was God touched me [Applause] come on house nobody down I don't know what happening [Music] my god when I [Music] power funds go right here the world I have when I see the stars I see the star are you going from I hear the Rolling Thunder my part through you never Oh [Music] Oh [Music] then so come on somebody help me [Music] my middle names me my middle names worried so there's bad and last night my right leg was shaken off and on all that and the significance is when you have an awkward date one leg compensates for that so my right legs pretty much bore the brunt for 18 years and no pain it's done I've work come on come on what's the matter with this ground [Music] [Applause] hey you ran over here yes I ran in the bathroom last time in the bathroom yeah it's easy to do I'm home alone [Music] amazing you you're just beaming the joy of the Lord is my strength you're healed yes I am I was healed before I came here the scripture I was standing out I think it's John 14 18 but but we paraphrase it says he who loves the Lord I will manifest myself for and that's what I come on [Music] [Music] let her go the powers on or let her go it seems like there's a spot right over here I guess they come up you praise them and then they're being overtaken you can go from a heel to hole so healing isn't the end of the road is wholeness spirits and soul and body that's what he wants that's what his plan is Oh lady [Music] you feel like what you're nailed to the ground you're gonna scare people from coming up what happened young man hey one of the last times I was here was in the spring and I spoke with you it was it was a day that you said take the next day off his rest and that day was a very pivotal time in my life and I got to speak with you on that but I really I was able to trust God release a few things in my life and I don't really have changed now I haven't been here I think you came once to this church I was going I was all gone on business I have three four months and I'll tell you the last three or four months have been some of the best time of my life come on give God a shout praise God praise go thank you crazy awesome awesome where you from I'm from here that's awesome [Music] sometimes God gives you a word and you have to act on it you have to obey it I mean that's why he gives it to you there she goes you okay you went help going back to your seat do you want to do yourself do you need help she did the other night now she don't come on give God a big break come on there's a lady right behind man what's the matter man with the code I was just trying to inquire I don't know if you allow for me to stand proxy for my daughter of course I will thank you sir thank you so much what's wrong with your daughter well I quite don't know sir there's a multiple thing concerning her it's a digestion she has irritable bowel syndrome being healed IBS irritable bowel syndrome right knows being healed who is this irritable bowel come on get out your seat you're here tonight IBS you here here in the room come on come on come on hurry up this is gonna be amazing I can have this problem anymore come on get loose of this who cares what people think get healed get healed you're the one suffering not all them I just heard here ma'am is that you how long you had this how long six years five or six years you don't have it anymore it's gone I mean it completely to be completely gone from your life completely gone irritable bowel did you catch her that she hit the floor what's the deal where did you catch her when you clobber on the first bounce huh I want you to catch them before they hit the floor right okay what's happened to this service [Music] we'll all come on with the hat on what's going on with the hat so I've never been diagnosed but my mom had Crohn's disease and I've struggled with digestion my whole life so and I want my eyes to be healed - what's wrong with your eyes I wear contacts I have negative four point two seven and or something like that in the left yeah they're in I have my contact case so I can take him out and test tonight and everything I'm ready I took him out last night and I threw him on the floor I'm like [Music] it's name is Jesus [Music] save us I had a friend from our church and we live near I live in Elk City Kansas City can my church sin for Tonya Kansas and I had a friend during a worship time come and she said begin to pray that word over your life and God will heal you I have fibromyalgia and I have really bad problems with my hips Austrade you come over here what's your name melody who melody where do you hurt right now in my lower back where do you hurt now that's where you used there where do you hurt right now kind of check it [Music] I need a hula-hoop now there's still some pain in the front in my hips going down but it's better much better yes and it's gonna get better even tonight come on somebody give God a shout I'll tell you I don't know what's happening here I have lost control of this service I'll tell you that [Music] you're here standing in for my daughter and she has digestion problems so she's okay [Music] are you okay [Music] but there's something [Music] seeing oh I'm going here shielding I can't want you to yield I'm just the old thing this was not my plan I'm you I'm flowing every one of our middle names needs to be flex we need to flex flex and flow you should have paid for these seats up here I'll tell you that this lady right here the poor dead where's leaves a coat on yeah right here master Savior [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well yeah IBS ah you've had this several years over 10 years anxiety and sleep issues and multiple other issues he's moving through your system he's not only healing you of this but there's an autoimmune is we've been dealing with an autoimmune deficiency where your body's been fighting against each other he's cleansing you tonight and he's breaking you free from people you shouldn't be with he's break he's doing for you but you're not able to do you hear me this breaks tonight somebody give God a shout come on come on give him a shout all these people on the floor of me wonderfully touched as a Laker they're being wonderfully healed and made whole there was wonderful he's clenching your system sweeter this this girl with the blonde I just prayed for this is the friend this is someone who's really speaking into your ear speaking into your influencing you in a way that you don't need to be influenced but just irritable bow these other autoimmune he's cleansing your whole system he makes your navel clean tonight Wow what's going on here man what's going on you're irritable 80% of your immune system is right here 80 some percent right in here's where your immune system is that's why your navel is there that's why Solomon talked about the navel all right you girls okay over there are you okay [Music] are you sure you're okay [Music] we went from a healing church to a happy church but if again what what's happening here what's going on here man okay irritable bowel syndrome below bad and I also want to stand for my son Brian he's an adult what do you hurt me back hurry now it is yeah [Music] no it's not it's not hurting now the powers on him in that part the Holy Ghost Bow Wow Wow what kind of a clap was that bite [Music] if you're watching online we need to come and help us we need to come and yell get in your car if you're close by but right over here Marriott 71st yes been quickly with the Hat on the sequin that said what you said with her the same thing no not hearing about audio news you said the same exact thing you said to her is what my doctor said to me but I obviously knew I didn't even come up here to talk about me or my issues I came to say that I believe that God had me sit here and not come up here to build my faith and my faith has been so increased I love him since I've been here I love him and I knew I should sit don't go up you didn't even call anything that concerns me but I just wanted she's talking about a residual effect of a meeting that even though you may not need a healing God is strengthening your faith phases go with her come on somebody we should leave meetings like this with the attitude I'll do it I'll get through it I'll buy it it'll be given to me say somehow some way it's coming to me now give him a mighty brain you're missing everything if you're sitting here thinking I didn't get much here you're in the atmosphere [Music] something's got a shift in your thinking you said it I love it I've been laughing for three days because the devil the enemy tried to put these symptoms and all these things yeah yeah and every time I stomach start to feel like crying just laugh and brand tongues and laugh and pray in tongues and laugh for the past three days the symptoms are easy the same thing you said with her yes yeah what's the simple joint pain where's your joint pain now don't have any joint pain now I hit replacement surgery last year do you have any pain at I have no pain no pain you're healed man I'm healed where are you from I'm originally from Detroit and I moved here twelve years ago to go to Rhema and I'd kept me here but I was going back but he has other plans you're not done with the assignment you're saying I'm not over yet Wow come on give God a shot come on man ma'am you here man put the young girl is that why you're over here okay [Music] what's going on here the girl Nevaeh Nevaeh it's heaven spelled backwards okay so she was born without a tailbone wait thought of Sheldon yes so she has problems with knowing when she needs to go the bathroom that kind of kind of stuff because of the tailbone yes lack of agility yes there's no sensory nerves there no what no sensory nerves so we need a tail bone right here yes we do what do you think young girl can Jesus give you a tailbone for a very long time that she would be he or she's my niece she lives with me most of the time we had a fallopian tube here that was created last night open up we see these creative miracles or they're just not hard for God to do okay what's her name Nevaeh the famine lid I'm a seven back with this rice I'm gonna let you I'm gonna let her bury her head in you I'm gonna pray for you put your hands up all over the place for the precious couple here this little girl because we're believing that she's gonna have a brand-new tailbone completely restored in her body for the bones to grow back that this step of faith tonight would be honored and that she would have it before she leaves this room tonight by the Holy Ghost we can be proud somebody give God a shout out [Music] amazing amazing as we lift our hearts before you Oh [Music] come on Holi Holi Oh what he goes date tonight 21 tonight what do you want a few years ago I'm going to have blood work done checkup every year and one of my was low Lumos they found out it was an issue with thyroid okay so I've been taking that rude medicine for it right here right here is a gland called the Simon's clan that's what your issue is you're gonna heal your assignments glands and you won't have any problems you won't have any problems on come on somebody I guess are you okay [Music] [Music] my day nine on Wednesday 90 pray for Kevin and then for Stephen and then you came and prayed for me yes I went down in my seats and it was the Lord with affirming and and and strengthening me and it was like the barriers the barriers were broken the barrier Isaiah 58 6 says the band was broken there was a band around you strangling and it was broken and now you're not going to be as concerned about what people think is what God thinks you've lived in the fear of men most of your life pleasing [Music] Wow quickly quickly man what is this man quickly I wonder stand for four people yeah 40 poor people Gary Sullivan has stage four cancer okay Marilyn she has ringing in her ear my daughter has an ulcer okay and migraines and my granddaughter has asked my analogy problems okay and and that's it I love about you so many things [Music] you're the intercessor here for the powers on location woman the powers all over her from telling you gather the baguette or the powers honored [Music] holy softly [Music] there's a holy presence here holy or God she's under the power standing up as we they [Music] cancer being healed all kinds of cancer being wonderfully healed any kind of cancer get out of your seat now now cancers being healed now can't come lady hurry up don't wait dancer now dancer now cancer is over it's dying in this atmosphere cancers dying in disasters fear I'm telling a healing for cancer in this surface healing from that cancer in this service it's all over the service this mighty time despite they touch just might think does your husband kind of catch is he fighting lymphoma this body's being cleansed up cleanse somebody has to say and somebody has to believe it [Music] who's fighting cancer right here what's this what kind of stage he's in yeah he's in Houston he's in Houston yeah Master we give you such break every cell in the body and all the holy Lord God Almighty kind of can't you find him a couple of months I had surgery and I'm going to radiation now but I believe I'm healed it's gone they took it out of the lump out yes they're treating with what radiation how many treatments have you had going on my third week but I have to have about six weeks of it I don't think you will I think you better really have them check you after tonight you're gonna get a treatment tonight lady you're gonna get radiated from heaven I'm telling you the power by ghosts come on give daughter money shop Surpanakha give of A Shau anybody make a little bit alone yeah he's healing fibroid tumors fibroids somebody is religious fibers were either leaving fibroids come sweeter they're leaving get your fibroids up here come on hurry up oh my god this is amazing heart rate lady oh she can't even get here she can't even make it to the front [Music] the power is all over her it's just people tell you the powers all over [Music] come on give him a shout with you sorry liver your liver what are you putting back here my back's been hurting too have had back surgery you livers up here yeah on this bed to have back surgery twice if you pointing back here that your back yeah that's been hurting too does it hurt now yeah you're sure yeah jacket [Music] better how much been there's a lot better better I want that man over here and I want that man right here right here you right here Ezekiel 26 for says god scrapes you he scrapes you he scrapes these organs okay [Music] these lymph nodes are being scraped [Music] nothing removes the responsibility for each of us to believe no matter what glory you feel going through you no matter how much you stay on the floor you have to believe it and that means the whole way home I believe it I receive it when the thought comes I believe it I receive it you fight to the finish lots of the finish of your life but to the finish of the miracle come on he's the author and the finisher it gives you faith to believe in the beginning and it gives you a face to see it the whole way through this is testimony waiting to happen come on Zeek you'll 26:40 scrapes he scraped he's great it's great it's great this back in her time what was going on Beck's good the backs good how about the liver oh you're full of hope tonight aren't you yes sir [Music] where do you go to church Richard Christian Center where Richard Christensen make really break down the road great charts preacher glad you here tonight [Music] there's been a closed-door for you with their people groups of people have closed the door to you while back that doors about to reopen wherever this broken fence was wherever this an offense was is about to be wide open there's a tremendous healing God is giving you an all of bread tonight and he's saying that door that was closed to the people there's more than one there's like a half a dozen of them get ready there's a reconnection get oh my oh come on somebody give him a shot come on Wow Wow man calm down I just okay [Music] I have a sickness in my finances the sickness in your finances and last night you called for people with the middle name of Marie today the Lord impressed me this shoe that I have inside of the game I said Lord which he was saying about Murray's what's this Tuesday well look in here what does it say it's the middle name I see it and so I said Lord I'm wearing the shoe tonight but I would want to be with was received from Murray I said Lord that is me tonight and in my younger days I was in Catholicism and in my confirmation day okay everybody took Teresa's name the Lord has a tremendous sense of humor and I chose Maria so I said well Marie Maria is club so he impressed me to wear this shoe tonight and I said my finances no longer so this reminds me yeah that's reaching I mean I'm you know part of me says what but the other part of me says that she is reaching she went from his shoes since her don't have the name Marie she went and it was in the closet but I was unaware and he led me and directed me to the front oh my goodness he's a king I know that but I'm impressed that you went oh thank you sir thank you we're selling tickets faster next time you don't get this anywhere isn't his project we're selling today we'll save that tell you that right now it was lymphoma it was wrapped around my aorta and around my kidneys and liver and pancreas how does it affect you so--but what was you before what do you mean you couldn't breathe right you oh it's just yeah I couldn't eat every time I lost about 40 pounds look we mean you couldn't need what do you mean you couldn't need well if every time I I just had no desire to eat I just lost a lot of weight so what would happen if you ate I'd feel nauseous so I need some food here I need some food some of you ladies probably have a purse somebody somebody has something in that person could help this man got it we're selling tickets we're selling tickets what do you have what's this cracker does anybody have a sandwich so look what's this come on here's the wife this is the bad report that's the bad report so what's the they saw that diagnosis that I had amassed there and it's before tonight yes correct see you I do this if you're not gonna believe for change that's where your faith comes in and as silly as this may seem to some of you this sleighing and be on the floor and the gifts of the Spirit this is how God ordained it into the earth to insult the intelligence of man to confound the wise to choose the weekend of things that are not to confound the things that are that he may be exalted there's a visitation coming to the whole earth it's coming to Tulsa yet again come on give God a big shout come on the power [Music] good catch and I believe that Maria this middle name on the shoe God that you would open up the windows of heaven and there wouldn't be room to contain it connect her to the chariot in that desert place connect her to the chariots yeah that's it the guy in the chariot was the bees he opened eunuch he was treasure for Candace the queen he handled all of the Queen's money and it got to Philip out out of the revival took him out connected into the chariot they were baptizing and she transported [Music] so she's being set free it's amazing what's going on here is really amazing you must like it you're saying I don't know you're looking at me you're still here we're worshipping we're singing we're believing people are getting healed and your doubts for some of you your doubting is blocking you from enjoying it these people are wide open if that's why we bring them up in the beginning for you though you see them and they're real they're here [Music] and they're you know they're they're doing this in front of you they're not ashamed to do this in front of you it's big of them I mean it's huge because crackers of these utterance gravities were I don't think he likes the crackers he's eating these crackers you tore up the report we never believed it anyway then you're reading tell me how you're feeling what the eating oh good [Music] no not a crack face this is great [Music] I want you on when he looks in your eyes I want him to see you believe okay I want him to see and he's gonna look in those eye [Music] man what's going on with you you look well I had opener and cancer three years what you had it three years ago okay so why are you here what's this well I I just I had my blood test every once in a while and it goes up just a little bit I don't want anything you don't want the cancer again no but sure where do you live man and tells them I'm so glad you're here I am too [Music] come on big guy what's going on here come on talk to my head and counselor come on Ivan treatments now you're know what came out what did he ask emo and in the radiation antibody where that cancer used to be all up in here did they cut you or I know I've never been cooked you've never been Cano God can help me with that cutting come on so I'm gonna take it out so I have to cut so I didn't go for that [Music] [Music] what God can do come on everybody what he's done for others what he's done for gums ready he'll do for come on with arms wide open [Music] here he's moving all through your body sir the Mikey holy spirit be popping in the morning come on what God can do what come on happy doing here what's the difference here what do you feel just the thymus glad feels a little but I've just feel a little better right it's kind of weird that's different thing to call healing is kind of weird right but that's cool I just I can't it I can just tell a little bit just a little something different here ill with worship him here it is no secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on my god to do come on any snow everybody yeah see Wow [Music] he'll do for you for you with arms wide open my pill it is nothing come on [Music] see my god what's going on here do you have left God is my hero talk to me I know that I'm in the process yeah I have to ultra rare blood diseases I'm in a case study because I'm the only one that ever had another case study right over here in B Henderson is studying oh you University is studying me Oklahoma cancer statistic it caused my kidneys to fail [Music] just receive it tonight let's receive it tonight then you give this pastor a call right here you you from the area I go to Orlando Orange Church the bridge you go where to the bridge to the bridge in Tulsa yes they call him and let him know came that you were here and that you got a clean report that's what you're gonna get you're gonna get a clean report come on give Garland ciao why would we do all the Mystics we're not gonna believe that's the craziest thing I've ever heard of why would you go fishing if you didn't believe you're gonna catch a fish why go when you come to church or these meetings don't forget and you get dressed you put your cologne on your spring to perfume you brush your teeth you do all of that you pick up your Bible but sometimes you forget to bring your belief I mean if all church is for you hanging out with people that's why you're struggling cuz you're not hanging out with God there's no substitute for the secret place he really wants to get you connected to them that secret place with him with you and him the church is just an accent but why do all of this why why why is given those when you have a birthday party yeah you know yeah you like the candles and you're waiting for someone to blow the candles out and you said come on come on don't forget don't forget close the candles up that completes the party there's something here that's missing you're so used to church you're so used to sitting in a seat and watching but God's trying to get you to reach for your ribs and you know and reach for your headache and for your insomnia your sleep deprivation someone's having trouble urinating you know you probably won't come up but that's the trouble you're having you have a severe urination issues a urinary tract infection you can't seem to urinate properly if you'll make your way to the front you'll be healed of that in about 30 seconds come on hurry up girl get up here the black shirt go come on get over here with a sweetheart no more urinary tract infection for you I'll tell you that right now come on you've done it for me lady that might because of that power come on sup don't take me with you though don't let her fall on any by my cut get her get the woman would you gather [Music] are you gonna give me praise or what ma'am come here in the red come here so you go back I don't receive it come on see I don't receive it I've received that infection being healed talk to the holy spirit don't just get up and walk back and say nothing come on des it's rude to him as you're walking back out receiving Holy Spirit and receive it Holy Spirit I received he came and gave it to you he came and touched you I receive it Holy Spirit build a bridge know him more [Music] that's it you don't you're doing it right now you're doing it right you're doing it right your daughter right quickly what's going on you sir and recently five skin cancers removed one was a melanoma and my dermatologist said it was due to the medication I'm taking for rheumatoid arthritis immune deficiency where do you herd on north rather nowhere as long as I take the medicine but I could not walk my knees all up so badly if I didn't take so you have a lot of inflammation there lots of inflammation yes so you medicated now yes you are you medicate to come to church no I am daily yes yes there's two different ones ones that we're off take a daily when does that we're off tonight when does that where does that wear off he didn't take days for it to work or the pain because it didn't your sister would be noticed yes yeah yeah but anyway the arthritis has been a problem but I have to get my medicine changed and so far the doctor hasn't done that so I try to quit taking it sometimes I do the pain comes back after about two weeks and I have to go back on the medication because I couldn't hardly get around if I'm going to play for a divine interruption and this this system of yours come on put your hands up God's going to interrupt this he's gonna break the pattern that's what a curse is that curses a pattern he's gonna break the Pat oh this holy to break the pattern here woo come on give God a shout-out they do here just a minute minute this lady was here first issues for about twenty years twenty years [Music] and they was remitted it's just non-stop I've been believing in God and trusting in God [Music] how are you this is my daughter and she has cerebral palsy CP they say you're fighting CP okay soft voice and sometimes it's hard to understand that she sings but she has furs and her feet and knees you walk okay yeah you happy you love Jesus yeah can you say I love Jesus I as I touch you all the connections to your brain get healed all the chemicals of your brain get healed this is the last night you have full-blown CP it's the last night you know oh my god somebody give God praise come on somebody give come on what's going on you're sweeter I was gonna hold the power here what's this what is this what is this right here what is [Music] and now I know he touch me [Music] singing hey [Music] [Music] but your me how long you had the fibroids in jest ma'am ma'am ma'am just take it please take [Music] he touched me I don't know your name but he's removing the girls he's removing the tumors somewhere on the outside somewhere on the inside he's removing them both and all the pain with it when you get up off that floor you won't have any sign of any fibroid come on give God a shout my god I tell you [Music] I know Hey touch me [Music] my name's Elijah Elijah I have bladder spasms now have to go pee all the time and it erupts me from sleep to bladder spasms who's your mother how you feeling I feel really light [Music] and you have these spasms when do you have them well but a lot is that what's that um a lot of the time in the daytime the nighttime are all the time mostly all the time what's the last one you had today well a bit earlier today how early um well maybe in the church service business and a bit earlier in the service here's an idea yeah what happens when he goes he's going to just go to the bathroom all the time and it wakes him up at night to have to go to the bathroom all the time and he's had this since he was little okay so so what do we believe is gonna happen here tonight young man and the guy healed by God [Music] [Music] do you promise when you get healed to tell your friends about this story probably probably I'm gonna remember that broadly touches my life there's the Bowery life [Music] touch touch above the Holy Spirit [Music] both both both of these are being touched we give you such great [Music] [Music] he's the dead right no he's an usher he's an usher I didn't mean to take the Astor down [Music] you can't fall now [Music] Down Goes Frazier no down goes the other look at me you're gonna be okay you're gonna be okay yep you healed you how much do I receive I receive my healing my healing Jesus from Jesus I know you've got a big shot everybody [Music] Philip come on Philip singing hey yes I see you buddy I'm from Russia so I'm gonna translate I'm fighting ALS okay tell me how long you've been fighting that we just had the lady in Tampa healed the veil that's just a few weeks ago boom all the symptoms I'm out the door it can happen to you too this is not a sentence of death this is a this is that this is a test that God is gonna cause you to pass yes I sent your strong faith for this this too shall pass tonight's your night the Holy Spirit to go through your body and where you were a week you'll be strong just suits you time to do and that fatigue will begin to disappear this time you see circulation will be at an alarming rate and your blood count will go up then your sleep will be deep and your body will be healed by the Holy Ghost such phrase all through this body every akin this body leaving every ache in the body all that's the Holy Spirit we give him praise we give him such praise [Music] such grace [Music] come sir bring your husband to him what's going on sir I was her knee right here where your friendship Northern Ireland's and they give me all the medication medication or normal works a couple and three or four petals in a table nope cuz I got something number of the throat the gas comes optimistic and I found AHA I need a miracle [Music] we give you such great we give you such praise such praise such pray these mountains are meant to disappear the thick of tree disappeared uprooted sycamore tree disappeared the mountains disappear the reason for the sea is that they're out of sight they're gone and this will be gone my god the power of that guy [Music] this is the beginning of a burden that God places inside of you to pray for the sick to believe for those that struggle with these oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Wow come on give God a shout come on come on ma'am you gotta hurry come on sir what's this about hurry apply you hear his head what's wrong with the head almost 22 years 24 hours a day 24 hours of creating pain get up up here you know Mary go so great there is no one else like that's the man ma'am this is every day 24 hours a day 365 days here Pathak's right here have you been to the doctors yeah they can't find anything huh they can't they can't find anything [Music] power all of its power the powers remove and everything sir he's removing everything this is restricted blood flow is all it is it's a block it's blocked arteries carotid arteries you station - all of this has been blocked in you for so long and he's opening up every passage every every every every passage come on give God his shot [Music] her husband's name Michael you know Michael he's on you Michael he's moving in the body Michael he's moving in that wonderful body help him up guys you're big enough come on that's why you're rushers check it check your hedge in a Michael come on check it [Music] for you are great here we go [Music] yeah [Music] it broke somebody help me come on you this has two hands nothing hits much better yeah let's broke oh thanks broke the hole I believe it I believe it thank you Jesus [Music] oh wow feels pretty good yeah we should give our God 30 seconds of great [Music] let's go Michael just go let's go get it all so get it all soaked you know this is two nights in a row I didn't take the offering in the beginning of the meeting that's not well but nothing is gone right here so far tonight the whole night has been just absolutely unorthodox free flow [Music] but I know many of you are gonna give and we do take it right I know right I'm just gonna give when you get tonight I was gonna give to him thank you ma'am what do you hear from him is that other lady that was here last night that was blind legally blind that's what I saw that woman in the audience now can I get four for the price of one can you do one get four for the price of one I have for myself I have a traumatic brain injury from a car accident I have three relatives that are watching online yeah did I call but my sister has excruciating headaches and cancer for the third time my sister-in-law just had her thyroid removed from cancer yeah and my nephew I just found out by law but never by law that he has cancer there's a lady watching me online awkward where's the camera at where am I look at the cam right here right here there's a lady online that you you recently you have a beautiful necklace that across but the cross came off the cross is not on the necklace you just not let it necklace it and you I see you moving your hands around just you do that quite a bit with your necklace and there's what the Holy Spirit saying - he's about to visit you you are about to be visited and everything in your body is about to get right and everything was all of your children are about to get right the wind is blowing through your whole house come on somebody give God a shower [Music] so Oral Roberts University is and they switch it thank you so how do you how do you what who do you want to get first I guess my relatives first an ether Thank You third nobody's you go first okay get this woman first by the holy cow how we doing young man I remember you I prayed for you somewhere yes we're you actually prayed for me at the other side of church at the Millenial Church yes you did anything any changed since then yes I'm still in a wheelchair but my legs are growing [Music] somebody better I mean you know how do you know that you measure them how do you know well yes I have actually I do have a measuring tape and I have measured and I used to be four foot but now I'm like for like four five [Applause] [Music] yes this is amazing and has to be so encouraging to you yes it is so why would he crow your legs if he's not gonna use your legs it's God it's god god is good god is good and I also wanted prayer for my asthma because I feel tight in my chest and it's hard kind of hard for me to breathe and I had back there I had to get my inhaler and I had to take my mind hailer correct and so I needed prayer for asthma and then also want to see if she could pray for one other person my friend Rick Mullis and he's actually here and pray for him because he had surgery I think he has a as a pacemaker where's he at he's in the room Rick Mullis are you here he's around here somewhere we see him [Music] no idea maybe he left I'm not sure but I was wanting to see if you could possibly pray for him too and because his uh every hand that there's the Holy Spirit he's here come on in the midst of all of this what we're doing this activity don't take your eyes the fact that he's working until we say Amen and go out the door and he's still working but he's working in this room for many of you you must you must yield in this crucial moment as we come down to the end here this is a wonderful time what so much is taking place from young to old friends from terminal took until the quality is all happening right here touch our friend by the Holy Ghost thank you for the extra 4 inches PO Box wait wait your awardee just foolin others here he's strapped in here where the powertest came over his this young man right here continue to heal these lumps cleanse and scrape his lungs breathe on him dear Jesus breathe on him breathe on him touch this man by the Holy Ghost touch it does it touching touching touching touching all the Holy Ghost dungeon thank you so right come on quickly everybody [Laughter] by stage 4 liver cancer liver cancer has spread to the lungs it's spread to the lung and the tumors grow eagerly you can feel that are you hurting tonight yes all that you're here let's get rid of all of this lower pain starts right there no more pain no pain no cancer take away all that Wow no pain man that's the Holy Spirit taking away the pain that's the wonderful Holy Spirit taking away the pain is the crowds all they goes oh the glow [Music] now finding Parkinson's disease myasthenia ground is hypothyroidism and digests it falls from and you here tonight I'm glad you're here put your hands up come on Holy Ghost touch my friend tonight go through the whole body fix the electrode lo6 the brain lows touch his brain the mid behind them the forebrain all three categories such a better health of 90 power we give you the mighty chin oh dear Jesus oh my sir that's the power on you that's the power of the Holy Ghost [Music] I can't wait for him to get back up I can't wait I don't know the man's name but I can't wait for him to get up the powers all over who is this man right here anybody who is that that's who your husband get up here wife power gods on your husband hurry ma'am please I want you to really watch this he's coming down the homestretch of being completely touched have you been have you been here before to the church we came last year uh he he is under this power I'm telling you this disease is broken amen praise God you're gonna see a remarkable difference tonight you'll be sleeping with a new man I mean the same man but a new man [Music] the same but the new that's what I meant you know that right these people did but you knew and I made them we're on the same page and he's fought this for how long I think about seven or eight years give them up come on kid pick him up powers all over this guy what's his name Jim what waiting for you huh and waiting for your talk can you hear me yes something's different here in this [Music] how do you feel okay um I'm not shaking you're not shaking the tremors are gone could you see my tremors before yeah I noticed that things like that that's why I do this but their tremors are gone do you see that [Music] I can't you got on thank you ah amazing don't rip update your old head is still you're still it's my head go away before yeah oh yeah oh yeah you're not moving at all it broke that's good thank you face kind [Music] just walk for me good just walk just walk he's different he's not shaking anywhere [Music] what tell me out - txt no problem these have got nothing this in you working is it's in you just working just acknowledge him acknowledge him in all your way this is the working of a miracle how's this fibroids lady you can't feel them huh the wife would come here getting up here with that oh that outfit on the necklace come on get up there you do keep even so this is gone [Music] oh the glory come on up your presents ah [Music] come on where your temple we give you ever [Music] so right you [Music] Oh Hey [Music] ha [Music] this is my son Joey we adopt anyone he was 10 months old watermelon from Guatemala he's been exposed to drugs and alcohol in the womb so he has fetal alcohol effects and autism so it impairs you know his ability to function as a normal 17 year old how you doing [Music] you want to be free [Music] you know worship [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] it's a flower garden again Dada please please thank you well he's getting delivered right now right now right now Oh every boys every boys we deliver Oh yeah Oh [Music] get em up pick em up what's his name Joey come on Joey get up time to get up Joe Joe come on just walk just walk you'll just walk just walk this run Joey just run somewhere let Joey run Joey run somewhere right go Joey go you do don't you he broke that power put your hands high come on say dear Jesus I'm Yours I'm Yours tonight tonight I gave everything to you I gave everything to you your precious blood and your precious blood has covered me tonight has covered me tonight all the power took all the power of the devil of the devil the enemy of the enemy in my life in my life under the curse no more I'm under the curse done well under the blessing of God a minor version of God tonight tonight and fear for word and therefore I will be blessed I will be blood Jesus name in Jesus name somebody gave him a mighty mama who's this what are you thinking look at this he's still being delivered look hey you still being delivered but this is for him to even get up here like you've hurt him to get up here and talk to you he's free what had him don't have him no more but but he's been abused he's been severely abused his trust factor is very low so you can be patient with us he's a good young man [Music] very gifted young men very gift his intellect his IQs almost ahead of his years that's how smart he is believe it he needs to believe it they will I'm telling you he he don't have that film over him it broke this is my story haha [Music] Wow the handsome dudu come on sing it radical come on razor [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay something else thank you guys Holy Spirit Holy Spirit I want to get to know you I want to get to know you empower me empower me to do your will and to do your oil all the days of my life all the days of my life come on get it get it big [Music] amazing what do you think of this kind of shocked [Music] I don't know what to say [Music] guys I just want to thank you all [Music] thank God amen Hey [Music] make my day [Music] what are we doing here babe just don't sit down yet please don't sit down yet clearly don't here quickly the first thing I can't man you have just called out for appeals not appeals water pills yet taking water dose and the blood tell me to come up but I said well I'm late and then he challenged me he said I hope things for you to do but you have to reseal them so I wrote a letter and I said I am expecting my miracle so that I will never need another one another no another miracle cuz I'm gonna walk in holiness and I am going to receive everything and then I and all the other things I said on that I wrote it and I said okay Lord when I fall down I'm won't I'm a rise up like you I'm a rise up like Jesus because he said it's Christ is so he am I so I'm like Christ I'm Mike Christ because He died for me and I pushed him to do it I can't do it because you know what you challenged me last night you said okay so today when I went home and I woke up and I said okay oldest way what do you want me to so I called the bank so I said okay I should get this $150 thing but then the guy on the end said well you have to do 20 more withdrawals and 20 more the next month oh that's not what they told me so then when I got off the phone him he says okay say you were gonna do it I said well Lord you know I thought I was my backup so then I said okay Holy Spirit I didn't ask you what do you want me to do so I so today I called him and I sold this day for him because I'll never walk in LAC again because he already told me what I'm gonna be he already told me somebody gonna do you know he told me kill anybody because his name is Jesus he died for me and I'm free I'm free I see it sweet I see it but I believe you have three I believe you I'm free I believe and I like to write him so I wrote the date and the time that I wrote [Music] do you see this this is another fruit of the anointing all healings don't look alike all freedom doesn't look or sound alike this is this is wonderful what you're feeling right now you're so free on the inside now you will heal yes now you will heal now thank you Jesus [Music] I receive it worthy is the lamb [Music] worthy [Music] come on every hand up are you my god [Music] worldly of the Lamb different color [Music] come on homie Oh is [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful one [Music] I and I have a memory loss [Music] scaring you [Music] it's easy for me to say don't be afraid [Music] okay to say that [Music] but I'm gonna touch you it's starting tonight you'll begin to remember look at me you're more exhausted than anything your body's worn out my foot your mind is fine what you've been through is amazing here even standing here I'm not gonna say what but you and I both know what you've been through is amazing [Music] your mind is fine Titus 2:8 sound speech will come out of a sound mind second Timothy 1:7 sound speech and a sound of mine coming out of you both of them coming aunty you're fine your mind is fine and your memory is gonna be sharp but when you get up you're gonna be you're gonna see this into the night and when you wake up tomorrow the fog is gone the fog is gone you hear me lady the fog is gone say it the fog is gone you'll be shocked can be amazing [Music] what's that that's awesome let's get her up what's that accent were you from from the Netherlands what's your address there have been good here would add hands you have a net goes yeah yeah I have not I don't know what's your husband why I'm asking you 10:38 okay where do you see if you know you said at 10:30 [Music] you're tired I'm tired reminds Lauren my mind is fine [Music] I'm gonna losing your mom done [Music] but you need rest Midwest [Music] can you your somewhere and get rest can you arrest them though I'm only at the wall I may only my minutes Alice you weren't I'm only my mother Salvatore husband here can you come here sir come on sir I can't see you remember that part so you live in Surrey BC yes it's not she needs some rest you wear that I've known ya you've known that yes I can't give her all the time I can get what do you do I work for a window company installation and service manager how can we get her arrest nice arrested by stay home with her so she know you didn't get nothing you're okay your body's been collapsing over time your exposure to this stuff has really damaged [Music] that stuff there was me tough armor but that God is greater than that's right that's right and she knows it too tiresome your mind is fine you remembered where you live remember he's a good man yeah [Music] we talked here longer which we don't have the time to do that you would find that how strong your mind is is this healing you he's absolutely [Music] so much forward to tell me to the meeting no push me watching in Dallas with you mean I see but you've been da my smell it is I want to hear from you okay this is you're gonna see such a vast improvement here I want to give you the good report when you're gonna get you're gonna be able to give it this your mind is fine that your words that are like like Bailey said your of your mind is fine because it is she's a sharp lady [Music] amazing you don't need this right we're winding down [Music] and so such an anointing it was I'm at the cells own routine from Southeast Missouri and two of my team members to every team who's been healed with cancer tonight and one was touched I think last night and she still you're not with her hearing she was done in this morning telling me this morning she came here without her hearing me who's that she could hear without her hearing aids ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo was that she had Brenda she's there she could hear her husband top this morning without her who is just getting here without the hearing aids now come here [Music] it's always a blessing to be here to millennial church if you don't have a home church I suggest you try this church you'll love it you don't have your hearing aids in I don't have my hearing aids in it's better it's not all the way it's better yeah and then you had a couple of people yesterday kids that took their glasses off yeah I haven't been wearing my glasses since and my vision my distance vision is fantastic it's never been back and my distance vision is fantastic if I was Fenton I was diagnosed with cataracts a couple of weeks ago yes and my vision my distance vision is fantastic and I'm believing for my close-up vision my close-up vision is much better I mean the palm of my hand is clear so so what do you do with that she looks like a regular jounin she looks pretty normal to me you didn't testify earlier why didn't you testify earlier well I'm still in process that doesn't matter you're just about there you're ready you're fantastic you said was your distance yeah your palm is clear and yeah that's the time to testify huh oh I was you know yeah don't you think she should be testifying [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and now [Music] sitting on the front row [Music] powers over because [Music] let it cook us the power my world [Music] there's just not power here with my grandma and my PAP hat my grandma has had hearing problems for a long time we are going to get her ears healed tonight tonight is our night I believe I believe tonight is our night I told myself we are not leaving here until I get my grandma's ears healed and Grandma you got your bed clothes you better get healed quick I don't but I need I know we're sorry years we're focused on the years I know you want it all but we don't want a broken focus we would have focus on one thing at a time okay and so that's what you wonder the years my foot for a couple of weeks now cramming on your grandma's you know I guess I want my grandma to be healed but I want myself to be healing - I want to play my music again I want to play my music again without any pain I've been scared to play my music because no one ever hurt so they don't want it to hurt anymore definitely want to play by using my god I don't know that I've ever been in the service quite like this one it has been different from the get-go huh this just incredible give a great Church here you may never see these people to give us a great restaurant this church this church this church is going to be an amazing Church in the city it is [Music] we're watching all of these wonderful healings and the love disappeared I mean the love is the ruling force in this room that the love of God face it works by love right uh coalition six five four the goods so Brown my gut hearing is in there how much you pay for those good six times then the hand of Jesus touched me and now [Music] me grimlock in here with my fingers in there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] something [Music] [Music] Oh let's get grandma up off the floor guys helper up carefully carefully arms up be careful with them be careful with the grab come on grandma come on grandma [Music] you want grandma can you hear me grandma grandma can you hear me [Music] hallelujah I was run over by my band almost three years ago let's have a run over by the Holy Ghost I know I love that that's better but he the Lord heal your ears are open they're open yeah now who are you give me up what did you say for 53 years [Music] where you guys from from compare Americans living in the central we lived in Carlisle for 22 more miles around 80 81 oh yeah 81 and 1181 huh but we've been in Fort Smith for 33 years but your ears got open amazing [Music] can you give the Holy Ghost [Music] Hey whoa Oh your grandma's going home with their earring yes we're going home with Grandma earring what we do we say praise the Lord right so hard we thank you remember right grandma we lose your ego [Music] the Lord is our healer that's right [Music] okay [Music] [Music] do you think this is an easy job give me this my friend down here I want to help my friends up right here cause I need two guys here quickly hey you hey you [Music] amazing night for you amazing money you're a prisoner no more your freedom okay power so on [Music] there's a strong prophetic gift in you that the Holy Spirit will come on you sometime to time it just whenever he does don't scare people come on up now no whenever the Holy Spirit comes cuz he comes to me a lot at work but I have to simply [Music] because he's here oh he's here he's here always [Music] she knows that this would be saying all night hold your hands up come on receiver [Applause] [Music] that's real people all of one of our emotions have been touched enough at the end of the day at the end of the night I guess I should say easier his presence is here we all have to reckon what do we do with all of this it's not a show I'm meant to be a show there's some fun here but it's not meant to be show two demonstrations demonstration of the love of God and what he will do to get to you to give you hope to extend your life to heal your fracture your brokenness on the inside to take the anger away from you let your anger go tonight don't hold on to it we all get hurt but we all can't stay hurt leave it go tonight whoever did this to you leave it go don't be a full time victim you were victim once but don't don't let the devil get that kind of credit that's what I said she thinks we're both in this together now this one she she thinks we came together weirdness together [Music] thank you I appreciate that [Music] yeah friend gifted me with that and then I got on the start hearing him and I was like what is he saying and he was say things to me and it was just it was just tears my heart it was just it would you it would challenge me and then sometimes I would like not get up cuz he would get on at times and I'm thinking you would not getting on at the right time because I'm up now but you're neither you are your wire is a gifting and it's challenging and it will challenge your spirit and you are if you won't you won't walk away the faint come on gift guy that's true [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all good it's all good I'll go [Music] okay calm down calm calm down calm down call I know calm down [Music] then go ahead stay down to go [Music] this is one for the books right here [Music] since she said is so good now's a great time for that offering we've been talking about hold your hands up I'm gonna pray quickly we haven't been able to get to this offering really in the timely fashion that we should each night it's been pushed really has been pushed out of the place we would normally take this people leaves few people have left we don't do it for money but we need the money to to do all that we do I'm hoping there's a few of you I don't need everything her to give but it a few of you to give a lot I did a few to really hear God and do something that is special for you that's different for everybody I'm not naming any dollar announces that's what I do but I'll tell you what you should just put a value on all of this if you haven't been giving to the Lord on a regular basis this is a good time to start give your way out of debt give your way into blessing it's just this it's just a log of the kingdom the guns set up and I believe this millennial church we're gonna have a lot of guest speakers coming through here all kind of variety of people to come in and make this vision what it's supposed to be he's building a team around Paul and Karen Brady it's building a great prophetic team around them to shake Tulsa yet again come on somebody get daughters out five as they continue to unload this vision and move into the new building in the property which isn't very far away very close I can't even say how close but it's close you may never see me again if I tell you how close but I'm gonna pray put your hands up father bless the people tonight as they give as they give oh as they give Lord freely because they've seen your handiwork all over this room many tonight's healed instantly many being healed progressively we are all a miracle in motion being transformed and changed many will have God speak to them in the days ahead something by tomorrow morning some by Sunday morning but things are changing very quickly as we watch you work dear Jesus thank you for letting us see your handiwork thank you for causing us yet again to be an eyewitness of your might and of your power oh we give you such glory in Jesus mighty name Patrick come and talk to us praise the Lord as we give tonight how many people's glad you're here I mean that's just like stuff dreams for me enough but come on this give I know that I'm hungry to give in to this and praise the Lord and while you're writing your checks payable to lrm see you can see on the screen sell RMC praise the Lord and also you can give by the way of text tonight it's on your screen also eight four three two one that is eight four three two one I encourage all of us to get in on this tonight so that we can sow into master Billy and Melanie's life and into their ministry and also into that trip to Nicaragua amen so I believe that that's gonna be powerful how many people agree with us and as we're just getting our envelopes ready envelope was on your seat tonight come on everybody that's all give tonight in the name of Jesus come on if you go out to eat after this they're gonna give you a check amen you're gonna have to pay that bill right and one how many people feast it of the Lord tonight so this given to the greatest place where we could ever deposit our finances and that is into the hand of the king of stuff and amen to those that are watching tonight you know I've watched many meetings somewhere in the world Amen enough I've always looked for at places of time to give amen and there is a place for you to give tonight and then I mean right there where you're watching there's always an opportunity for you to give and also if you're in the u.s. tonight I've been watching our Facebook page there's a lot of you from the US tonight you can also give from where you are with us number eight four three two one and I encourage everybody right there really you know to be able to switch on your phone be able to switch on anything took a lot to do this to actually to get this to you amen and I just give you an opportunity to still into this amen lots of people came tonight from different places spent their finances to actually come here from afar so that they could protect what the Lord has so I just encourage you tonight in the name of Jesus to be given from where you are and do your part amen to sit where you are at home not even have to spend gasps amen come on give those guys dollars into the work of Billy Burke ministries tonight in the name of Jesus Christ how many people believe that's a good thing amen praise the Lord how many people believe this stream is a blessing amen it's only a blessing if you can't make it amen but there's nothing like the real thing being here in person in Jesus precious name so a man credit card given you can give tonight put your details on the envelope amen and you know somebody said one time to meet you mind you really live with a given thing amen listen it is diligence it's a powerful thing to be able to be the hands and feet of God on the earth tonight we saw a miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle I want us to agree 9 did pastor Billy go back is he still here is he gone already I want us to agree for strength for pastor Billy in the name of Jesus can you just lift your offering your envelope your phone just lift it amen everyone that's watching online tonight do that text to give you can give by paypal a man or click on that button a man but come on this agree that they go further than what they ever thought they could go do more than what they ever thought they could do we declare it that millions upon millions will flow into their hands to do the work of the gospel father got even with their transport father God we just pray transportation facilitation in the name of Jesus that they can go faster go further be there quicker and return home earlier in the name of Jesus if you believe that's a good thing should amen are they lujah a man look at University I call your seat blessed tonight in the name of Jesus praise the Lord I sure go ahead and pass the buckets please don't go until the buckets are passed please tonight a man I like the back of the the buckets to pass hallelujah praise the Lord is postive Billy coming back or is he gone I think he's gone praise the Lord well I'm ready for something everybody shed a big amen amen I can hardly wait amen for all those people that are visiting a man make sure that you bless your pastors this weekend beyond in your place hallelujah if you are here amen are looking for a a good home Church Amen we welcome you to millennial praise the Lord we will be here at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday he's come back are you coming back I just well he's coming I listen to all of our guys there is no tear dine tonight we have the room all the way through to Tuesday can I have a big Amen hallelujah I believe that's a good thing shed a man's Alleluia I want you to put your hands together also for all the print ministry of help so right here amen everything that they do from every table crossing of T is so powerful come pastor Billy to God be the glory come on a sing No [Music] [Music] come on Oh ooh God Oh the [Music] you care what away I can't work at all where you can't burn I've never been in quite a service like this they'll kill me and so you can't burn know I'm born like that [Music] because I cannot work it causes a lot of gas problem [Music] with his blood baby powder he Hey or the tea he's gonna give you the ability to do this but you're a whole without it you're not missing anything you're not missing a thing other thing Wow Wow that's the word curse it's being broken off you those are words that have been said to you by people supposedly that loved you but they were careless and reckless with their words you're being free from this sweetheart [Music] you'll burp you burp naturally you'll be fine [Music] the people that did that that said that carry a spirit of jealousy for you what's this big guy done over here what's going on with this guy who's with this big guy right here do we know him we have a name for this guy Jerry Jerry yes what's going on Jerry up him up get him up just let me live my life they'd be pleased come on Kari Jerry come on over here put your head up [Music] nothing there no and it's been for 30 since its last there's a just a little flicker I was a little about 30 minutes ago this is a spirit just caught it that one down just calm down if [Music] eight to the spirit comes a calm down settle down [Music] you're trying to get done computer just calm down because if be patient if you don't let him fall motive motive Odom Otis [Music] put your hand in my new club [Music] you're okay right here [Music] pretty amazed me yeah [Music] pretty amazing where your words where your words you have nothing on the left side but the healing stripes of Jesus they cover your left and they cover your right he's completely touched you look at this jury tonight look at this guy get the camera run this it is pretty amazing yeah pretty amazing yes pretty man what a great couple of days here in Tulsa Oklahoma come on every hand up before we close tonight mighty mighty Jesus in this place come on I want you to receive right now all over the room I want you to receive his healing right now you don't need me to touch you to be healed he is your what somebody get behind this lady right here my god please our regret catchers just go ma'am you're okay you're okay [Music] when he's healing people right now before you before we close the benediction tonight he's actually healing people right here he's actually healing people right he's actually healing people right here this lady had helped me all night come here man you put your hands on what a great lady you are you helped me all night you helped these people you serve yes and therefore none of the diseases has been on your family line will ever come upon you or on upon your seed that will never come upon you or your seed give God praise come on we give Him thank you [Music] what's this sweetheart what is this then the Holy Ghost anoint there's an anointing just moving through the audience it's for everything imagine which is for everything imaginable I feel the power moving so quickly over here quickly it's not just for healing is the snip partition it was gonna be a fire or yearning and the churning and the burning to serve Him I mean it's gonna be amazing quickly I'm it's gonna be amazing hurry ma'am hurry Oh ma'am don't stand just follow those things why would join a stand for it it's mighty tough just holy the one it's amazing I want this lady right here come on [Music] this mighty touches mighty - 90 but let you right there you you hurry ma'am bring that guy in the blue shirt behind you there come on blue shirt guy yeah you [Music] it's amazing it's amazing at what's happening first amazing just amazing amazing it's the biggest amazing I'm telling there was a power that's so real so made it look like Oh [Music] this role emptiness wrote come on quickly and it's all over this whole row I'm telling you I need workers I need I made several workers here weekly several workers several the glory is the falling on this row oh my god though how they lose hallelujah every hand up come on sing it [Music] I need workers I need workers I need workers I need workers and it workers I need workers I need more workers [Music] [Music] she's being delivered I'm telling you the power [Music] we must we have them you have the revered or the Holy Ghost it just serves the power [Music] it's my turn a ghost when everybody hands up hallelujah [Music] hallelujah our still on this lady right here come on so hurry up mighty touch my teeth all the power here [Music] he's out let him go the powers all over [Music] you know even what to do which way to go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you Jesus come on let's sing it thank you all we thank you all we thank you lord the you find that couple right there right here in this lady holding ourselves it's a power on that lady right there on that lady that's waiting here [Music] No [Music] [Music] come on Philip [Music] gifts of the Spirit are going to begin to be released at a level you've never seen before and you must yield to this he's putting words in you for people oh just Philip you got to do it this gift will grow on the inside of you you're meant for more than music you're meant for more music Oracle's are in you Oracle's Oracle's Oracle's I said Oracle's are in you and they will come forth boost [Music] [Music] come on let's give God the big shots in it all over this room all over the road come on 30 seconds of pay come on come on give him glory tonight I pray what's the presents that surround you tonight's gonna be with you all week all through this weekend into next week that this presence will linger this is not a light switch we've all been basking in this tonight there's no reason that this shouldn't linger all into next week as he continues to do great works inside of you what you were able to do before that you shouldn't do there'll be a resistance not to do that not to think it not to look at it or not to touch it God has consecrated you tonight for a new season well pre-transition see I receive the new season there's a new me emerging I'm called to do something special that I've never done before I'm not waiting around for the rapture or the rupture I'm on assignment God's got to work for me to do and I refuse i refuse to float down the lazy river I will get the job done in me around me and through me shall the mighty Holy Ghost not gave him a thunder or praise well thanks for watching today I believe with all my heart that something good has happened to your life listen if you're ever in the Tulsa area we'd love to see you in person and we'll always extend to you a great and warm welcome so until next time god bless you
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 10,535
Rating: 4.931818 out of 5
Id: q5izC0Q-8bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 51sec (12891 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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