Ascend With Heaven’s Sound | Pastor Chris Twinn

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hello and welcome to today's broadcast it is our heart that you know that god has great plans for each and every one of us over this next few minutes i believe that your life is about to change one word from god can change our lives forever so no matter what you're doing in life today i know that every one of us has an opportunity to change and change for the good oh glory to god hallelujah i'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god than dwell in the tents of the wicked i heard that in my spirit as we were ministering to the lord earlier in this in this year this time his house his place his place and one of the beautiful dynamics about his place is we can be in his place and be his place we're the temple of the holy spirit the temple of the holy ghost and i'd rather be a doorkeeper than i'd rather look stupid spilling tea on myself and be very comfortable in the presence of god and in the presence of his people than out there spilling all sorts of other substances and looking ridiculous for for nonsense sake do you know what i'm saying can you hear what i'm saying i'd rather be a doorkeeper it's king david said when he was criticized and ostracized it's going to get more vulgar than this there's a liberty and a freedom and a dance and a jump and a shout have you found your place in his face the pastor asked me to share some some thoughts some insights some studies as we've come into this time of rosh hashanah many of you may say rosh hashanah the rash head the chana the year so the head of the year going into this new time this new season 5782 and we've understood as we looked in and seen the face and understanding the glory of his face his face that shines upon us the grace of his face all that comes in as we desire and look upon that face that beautiful face of jesus and as we understand now moving into this uh 82 this the the presence of god my heart hears seek my face and it responds lord your face i will seek and this place of his presence and the dwelling of his presence so precious so beautiful so so for ramashna there can't be any pretense there there's no pretense i've been meditating on this as we this this time rosh hashanah is the the feast of trumpets and a trumpet is a beautiful thing but it is totally dependent on the breath and in in hebrew the breath the word breath and spirit is ruach and it is it is is one and the same now a a piano or or a guitar or something you can you can strum it from the outside you can drop it and it'll make a noise but a trump you drop a trumpet or a shofar it'll just thud it's not going to play by itself it takes breath it takes for sticky abroad something that comes up and out and is released psalm 47 and verse 5 in the amplified classic says god has ascended amid shouting the lord with the sound of a trumpet now we don't often think of god ascending i mean he is the most high but there is something in the shout of his people there is something in the sound of the teruah the teruah is the sound it's the it's it's what's released in this time in this season as it heralds that's a word that came up in my spirit earlier heralding heralding heralding heralding heralding heralding these things heralding the king heralding his glory heralding bruschne fast god has ascended amidst shouting the lord with the sound of the trumpet the passion translation renders it this way god arises with the ear splitting shout of his people i don't know if you noticed this i i was certainly aware of this maybe i was just hearing something from me but did did you notice that there were many more voices here tonight than people angels angels angels did you hear did you recognize that the volume the volume was not a natural volume the sound was not a natural sound the expressions were not just natural expressions there was something assisting brosnay fanduel the hosts of heaven were in assistance tonight hallelujah and there was a sound coming up here i wouldn't want to miss this why would you stay home from this you can't get it online now god bless anybody that hasn't got anywhere to go and this is what you can find and and bruce but but if you can you've got to come and you've got to ascend and you've got to let the breath of god you know i was meditating on this because we talk about going deeper we talk about going higher you know and and and we were just talking the other night about something i just saw this it's like getting into an elevator you go in you go in but then the coming higher is effortless you you don't you don't work hard in an elevator to get up to the top floor you you come in you step in you you enter in so you come you come in that shout that shout bro you come in you enter in and that shout there's a there's an there's an elevation there's an ascension in him come on come on you've got to get a hold of this there's an ascension in him and this terror is released hallelujah you know over the years uh i've had opportunity to minister on the feasts of of the lord and and and many times i hear people say ah that's just the jewish stuff and you know how time our time many times people are going from one ditch to the other right i mean either poo pooing at all and just saying that's a lot of you know just old stuff and it doesn't belong to the church right over here to people trying to become jewish you know and there's a and everything in between and yet yeah what we need attack what we need to tag ourselves onto what we need to understand what we need to really connect to are the things that god says they're mine they're mine we don't just want to lay hold of anything out there but we do want to lay hold of that for which christ jesus has laid hold of us and so the scripture says god says in the word he says these are my feasts these are these are my feasts leviticus 23 1-2 the lord said to moses say to the israelites set the set feasts or appointed seasons of the lord which you shall proclaim as holy convocations even my set feasts so we don't just throw them away we understand that the first three feasts earlier in the year with pesach passover with the unleavened bread that whole context with the first fruits and with shavuot or the pentecost we understand all of the parallels all the things that will fulfill that jesus did when he first came but these last three are things that we are looking forward to but in the in the hebrew context the hebrew word that is used when god talks about these things he says these are holy convocations now we don't use that word or that that sort of language in our modern vernacular today but if you if you translate it literally from the hebrew it is dress rehearsals have you ever been to a passover meal where you sit down you literally walk through the evening of the liberation and the the the lamb and in fact jesus uh and took this feast and that particular feast of pesach and he brought it into that covenant of communion and he do this in remembrance and enter into enter into the memory of that looking backwards you see time we we we don't necessarily in in within the church world talk about or understand time correctly but to function and flow in the things of the spirit we have to shift a little bit in our understanding because if we stay on a linear concept of time we miss a lot of things and all of a sudden you pick up your bible and you read the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world and that really messes your timeline up have you ever noticed that isaiah reaching toward the cross says by his stripes we are healed peter looking back at the cross says by his stripes we were healed both connecting to an to an axis through time called the cross and it reaches all the way through and so we have to tap into that's why when when we come to shavuot uh which was which was the the the the time when the word of god came down on on mount sinai exactly 50 days after the passover the people rebelled 3 000 people died you jump forward to the exact same moment on the exact same day and the holy spirit comes see the word and the spirit the word and the spirit always in perfect harmony and on that same access that same spiritual axis the word of god came here the word here the word of god came and in through rebellion three thousand died here the spirit of god comes and through submission and yieldedness three thousand are saved so we've got to tap into these things and so as we approach something like uh trumpets the head of the year we we come into something that we we participate with like if any of you have ever been involved in dramatics or stage or these sorts of things when you go to that dress rehearsal you don't go up there just willy-nilly just sort of go well it's just another practice no this is this is like it's the real thing this is we're getting into and so what does this represent well the sound of that trumpet the release of those things is very very powerful hallelujah in psalm 27 pastor was reading earlier there's so much that is revealed in this and psalm 27 is actually the psalm that is read every day over these 40 days 30 days leading up to which is the time of teshuva or repenting or turning or realigning pastor was ministering on this before uh earlier and and people are afraid of the word repentance now like we're going to lose our righteousness come on now but i'm the righteousness of god yes you are and there's time to realign with that come on yes you are not trying to be but so many times what's happened is people have have gotten things backwards and they've they've gotten confused and frustrated uh with themselves and we've gotten spiritual principle upside down and and we've tried to be good enough to be spiritual we've tried to overcome the flesh so we can be spiritual all the while galatians says if you walk in the spirit sure you will overcome the flesh and so there's a place of divine realignment at times which is called repentance where we what turn away from some stuff and fix our eyes on jesus the author and the finisher see that see how that statement encompasses time he wrote it he's finishing he's the beginning and the end he's the alpha and his the omega he's the aleph and he's the tough glory to god listen to it in the amplified classic for he will hide me in his shelter brosna fonda this is just from verses 5 through 10. in the will in the will prostate hear o lord when i cry aloud have mercy and be gracious to me and answer me you have said seek my face panim my face you've said seek my face inquire for and require my presence as your vital need hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this is the air i breathe hallelujah this is the air i breathe hallelujah your very presence living in me hallelujah come on this is my daily bread this is my daily bread [Music] you're very word spoken to me and now [Music] is there a desperation i'm not talking about something that we've we're not already connected to i'm talking about a hunger for his face his presence [Music] like joshua he watched the man of god joshua watched moses in that tent he watched him meet with god face to face what was the heart of joshua exodus tells us moses would go back to the camp but joshua the son of noon a young man would not depart from the tabernacle there's sometimes there's going to need to be a tenacity to stay maybe the modern church generally has forgotten what it it's like to stay at the altar a little longer it's times to stay you said seek my face inquire for him require my presence as your vital need my heart says to you your face your presence lord will i seek inquire for and require of necessity and on the authority of your word hide not your face from me turn not your servant away in anger you who have been my help cast me not off neither forsake me o god of my salvation although my father and my mother have forsaken me now i wanted to insert something here this these verses are spoken all the way up to and for the next 10 days through trumpets into yom kippur and this is a a symbol a shadow but the bible tells us in the new testament but the substance is found in christ and so what is this all about a heralding of the coming of the king the trumpets the the name of the names many idioms names of this particular day one is rosh hashanah or the the head of you one is the feast of trumpets or terror the sound but there are many other ones it's also the hidden day the concealed day the day that nobody knows isn't that interesting why because it's over two days it's a different this is very very early this year early september uh it can be september october it can be but it's very very early this year so it changes on the gregorian calendar every single year you can just pick pick wherever it's going to be it's it's it's specific but it's it's different and so there's a place where where the the the moon is is concealed it's it's it's just the very very very beginnings of the new moon where the priests had to watch and it's it's actually over two days which is considered one whole day and so that listen to this though this is kind of interesting and this psalm that is repeated every single day through this period of time when my mother and my father and my mother have forsaken me yet the lord will take me up glory to god glory to god pass i love what uh our good friend precious precious friends pastor patsy camanetti says she says we need to live every single day with one hand on the cross and one hand on the soon return of jesus i love that and when we we hear these sounds what was coming up in my spirit the other day and we've heard pastors say this so many times then there needs to be times when we're in prayer where not not just you can hear you but others around you can hear you it is so important and and one of the things that is understood in the jewish mindset is not just the blowing of the shofar it is the hearing of the sound the hearing of the sound because others can participate with the sound that they're hearing and what you're releasing and as we were shouting earlier did you hear how as pastor encouraged us there was an elevation in the first one and then there was an elevation in the next one then there was an elevation in the next why because we could hear and we participated with and we responded to the sounds glory to god you i've heard over and over and over again in the last number of years a new sound is coming a new sound is kind of you heard this a new sound is good we're watching we're listening for the new sound and so i went to prayer one time i said lord what is this new sound gonna sound like what is it gonna be like and you know i'm thinking melody i'm thinking you know whatever you know i went into my i was not expecting what i heard next but what i heard next stopped me in my tracks it arrested me and it realigned some things and the lord said very clear to me he said the new sound will not be recognized by melody and tempo but through integrity and authenticity it won't really matter the melody and the tempo that may change that may adjust that may shift but what you will hear what will come clear is the integrity and authenticity of what comes through it's not written just to get another album out but it's not just reserved for music there's times when you will the spirit of god we open wide our mouths and there's a filling but as much as there is a breathing in there's a breathing out and this terror this sound this trumpet blast this heralding this ascension it'll it'll come and and i i i want to warn you that you'll be in the midst of something in in doing something in your prayer time in your in your word in just in fellowshipping with the lord and all of a sudden you you'll be the instrument and the breath of god will breathe through your lungs and through your vocal cords and you'll be the shofar you see see people uh sometimes i'm invited to because of my my jewish background growing up in that and emigrating to israel and those different things as a little boy and all that stuff so people hear this stuff and you know i do teach on hebraic things and people get a hold of this and say oh would you come and speak at our messianic conference and and i i really don't like going to those it's am i allowed to say that i don't know because people are trying to be jewish already and and we've missed something in that and i'll go because i'll teach and i want to bring something because because you go sometimes to this way honestly if a jewish person was to walk if a rabbi was to walk in they'd be so offended people are blowing the shofar at the drop of a hat and doing this and the other and throwing pressures around and all sorts of stuff going on and nobody's understanding any of it the the real symbolisms but what we understand now is that this substance is found in christ and so the shofar is in here the same well that's where the holy ghost is and that ruach spirit and that sound as we come closer and closer and closer you'll start to hear i don't believe we're just all of a sudden one day going to hear a true i believe we're going to hear echoes of this we're going to hear already hearing as we start to cross over as as as as we're in those birth pangs as we're stepping into not tribulation just yet uh that's that's for when we leave this planet but persecution but through the midst of persecution we'll hear the sounds the wooings of heaven as we press against that membrane so to speak and as those that great cloud of witnesses pressing watching on from the grandstands of heaven you know at cheering us on because because because they don't get their fullness of their part till we've finished our part and so we're stepping in and stepping over and we're crossing over and and and i'm i'm telling you that there's there's going to be times in prayer when we're not we're not sure whether we where we are have we have we crossed over are we in heaven now is this is what did we just get raptured that there's these moments there's these moments these intensities of these moments and these sounds and the participations with things the apostle paul said these things that these things that were there that are actually not lawful for people to hear yet but i'm telling you there's going to be a moment when that shifts and we'll hear things that we couldn't hear before and we'll s and and we'll shout things that we couldn't shout before and express things that we couldn't express before there's pages and pages and pages and pages we could look at and talk about in terms of the details but as the spirit of god spoke to me earlier in noon time there's many ways you could go but only one way you should go and you can take that into monday and tuesday and wednesday when you wake up what's the sound what's the toru and don't keep it internal because the blessings in the hearing as much as it is in the releasing let me say that to you again the blessings in the hearing as much as in the releasing glory to god would you stand up with me and i want you to open wide your mouths and receive of the breath of god i know you're filled with the holy spirit and if you're not just receive him right now i mean that's he's not far from us from those who are hungry and thirsty maybe you're here maybe you're watching online maybe you've just stumbled across something and you've heard about this and listen jesus breathed on them and said be filled his breath he released a terror of the ruach of the spirit open wide your mouths and breathe deeply am i not just talking about an external thing in the spirit and i'm telling you there's going to be arising now and god will ascend in the shout some things you're going to need to shout some things you're going to need to release that breath of god you know god god is going to be heralded when jesus comes there is a heralding of the sound of god the breath of god angels join in they're blowing there is a a heavenly sound that gets louder and louder i'm telling you this is this is braufman what is it you need to herald of god in this week what is it you need to exalt what exalt god over this week what is it you need to release that that sound come on breathe in breathe in breathe in and breathe out let something rise in you now let that true arise in you right now come on join him with me breaking and easter and food hmm let god arise let god arise and his enemies be scattered [Music] home foreign oh [Laughter] [Music] um [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um [Music] come on come on follow that floor follow that sound that's coming up on the inside heel [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] let's say seek my face my heart said your face i was sick [Music] come on those of you at home don't don't just participate come on let the sound rise in your living room let the sound rise in your bedroom let the sound rise let the sound rise let the sound rise oh [Music] the churro of god the breath of god [Music] the breath of god the face of god the presence of god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and right in the middle of this i love you lord and i lift my voice [Music] to worship [Music] oh my soul [Music] take joy my king o keith kings in what you hear hears the sound he hears the sound let it be a sweet sweet sounds [Music] you know saying thank you for watching today really doesn't do what my heart feels right now justice i'm truly grateful for the power and demonstration of god's word at work in our lives the precious spirit of god ministering to you and bringing to light and bringing to bear what it is that you need to do in your life and how god wants to minister to you just eyes on you that is our god you see he's not just our god he is our father and the father desires to minister straight to you like there's no one else on the face of the planet so like what i say to say thank you for watching that's a beautiful thing but to say i'm grateful is another i believe today that as you've watched this broadcast that the power of god has gone into operation and even things that you did not know about yourself and that you did not know about god is beginning to come to light that's what i believe and i believe that as you continue to watch and as you continue to listen god is going to do great and greater things in your life and so that you can be all that god has created you to be in this time today i believe that as you yield yourself to the spirit of the lord the spirit of the lord will touch you deeply in ways that no man can allow him to do that the holy spirit is your best friend and he will strengthen you in all times regardless of what comes in your life know this that god has great plans for you allow those plans to come to pass in jesus mighty name
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 97
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lAHVQstdW5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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