Continually Filled - Billy Burke

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we're gonna take a pause on mark is we've read the first half of mark it's like this rapid-fire fast-paced movie of the miraculous and I thought that is so fitting that we were able to have our friend Billy Burke here right in the middle of that actually finish that and go to the next half so anyway it is my delight to have Billy Burke with us and introduce him to you today Billy Burke comes to us from Tampa Florida where his world headquarters is for his healing ministry and it was as a young boy that he was told a days to live had cancer his grandmother took him to a Kathryn Kuhlman healing service much like you'll experience tonight and I grew up as a boy hearing about Kathryn Kuhlman I would see her on TV holding these healing service meetings and my mother would talk about going I don't favor did but they were gonna go see Katherine Coleman it this was the Kathryn Kuhlman that Billy Burke was there at that meeting and with days to live having cancer Katherine Cullen looked at him and said as only she could and said do you believe in miracles and with the word of healing and a word word spoken to Billy his body was healed and he was cancer-free Catherine began to take him under her wing and begin to mentor him and he began a healing ministry of his own travelled all over the place all around the nation the world we are absolutely blessed Billy I know there's Billy could be anywhere in the planet right now and we are so blessed he would be with us right here in Lansing Michigan he continues to carry God the message of God's extravagant love in his healing power through his books his radio programs and television and we're blessed to have him as our friend and to hope well you gave a warm Mount Hope Church welcome to our friend evangelist teacher author Reverend Billy Byrd [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh everything Oh everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's do it the right way okay everything know everything every thing is come on [Applause] ladies ladies everything Oh [Music] every come on man everything Oh don't help us Jesus I hope so where's go come on every hand up all over the place Holy Spirit touch us in this short time together that we have I pray this morning that you would do extra work on breaking through impossible thinking to possible thinking all of these conditions that we live with that we treat that we doctor with Oh God in intervene help us maximize our time in these meetings in this anointing week by week month by month oh god we want to see change paralysis we want to see a change dementia and Alzheimer's we want to see a change cancer and dialysis arthritis blindness and glaucoma cataracts and high blood pressure Oh God touch us today touch us touch us touch us and heal us begin something continue something finish something oh we thank you those famous words it is finished come on say he's our Alpha he's our Omega he's the author and the finisher he gives me faith to begin it and he gives me faith to finish it I believe it's finished give him a mighty praise can you do that where's the whistle come on yeah yeah yeah you may be seated all over the place quickly if you have your Bibles the book of Acts chapter 4 I'm switching gears here this morning we had a great first meeting those for the people that were up early seeking the Lord early they're not better than you don't worry about it they're not better they may think they are but they're not don't worry about it chapter 4 verse 31 says and when they had prayed the place was shaking that means the building not them where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spake to the Word of God with boldness these are the same people that were filled that were filled just a few weeks earlier well if they were filled a few weeks earlier why did they have to get filled again it's because darkness takes it out of you the same way coffee takes water out of you iced tea takes water out of you they dehydrate your body that's why you have to drink extra water if you're gonna be drinking iced tea and coffee you want to keep your body hydrated so that you don't suffer any issues that could complicate your health but this this this needs to be said because it's important that we just don't have an experience with the Holy Spirit where we say I'm filled with the Holy Spirit and then I speak in tongues and there I'm filled well there's so many people that I know that speak in tongues and they're just utterly depressed all the time so what good the tongues deal you if you're depressed some of the most negative people have been around your tongue talking people some of the people can't get healed can't even get a break can't even make minimum wage come on somebody our spirit filled people it's amazing to me yet yet in their mind and their mind they say I'm filled with the Holy Spirit no you made me feel with this spirit we don't know if it's the Holy Spirit come on say Amen why because it doesn't take one filling you must be continually continually continually can Oh continually it's not what you do it's what you do and what you do and what you keep on doing and what I want to talk about this morning is your full will fight for you a lot of disease cancer cannot grow and heat that's why they use radiation animals won't attack you if you have a fireplace or built a fire even vampires won't come near you with fire The Walking Dead won't come near you if you have a fire no fire is always meant it was that's why they jumped out of the buildings on 9/11 they jumped to their death stories to their death verses facing fire nobody wants that's why hell is the eternal fire Gahanna that's why the bible says get on fire for Jesus get to fire our God in your belly and disease won't want to hang around I don't care if you're 90 70 80 I don't care how long you haven't been able to walk or see the miracles that we see in this hour and our meetings are just I'm telling you and they're all can be proved I mean from organs growing to cancers to it's it's wonderful to see this but somebody somewhere has got to get on fire and the only way you get on fire and not be emotional is if you get filled with the Holy Ghost and you stay filled and you refuse to just let your in filling beats more than just tongues man when your filt the Holy Ghost there's an aroma there's a presence around you I mean cancer don't want to come near a really spiritual person you know how many of you could ever admit to me that whenever you're full of food pay attention because you should know this when you're full of food it affects your thinking okay I don't know if you're honest here or not I hope there's Mountain hopers or honest people how many ever got so full of food you just couldn't think right come on somebody there you go there you go how many got so full of food it changed your decisions what you were gonna do that afternoon how many ever had so much turkey you became the turkey let me say the only thing missing was the feathers no soul of anything how many of us I ate I ate too much I was gonna go visit the daughter tonight in the grandkids right just honey I just don't it takes away energy it actually makes you think about fool and then your wife says you shouldn't have eaten so much I know but I mean you had to have that third helping of sweet potatoes didn't you had to have that third hell yeah I know as you but it's too late because full affects you so does empty Billy Burke when he's empty doesn't love that many people I mean I can criticize you with the best of them I don't feel like healing anybody they've been smoking Lucky Strikes let them see how lucky it is but when I get filled with the Holy Ghost my god God don't mind about that just mercy from heaven he loves you anyhow come and get that healing that power what's the difference here if one is an empty Billy Burke full of Billy Burke and one is a full Billy Burke full of the Holy Ghost you're different empty then you are fool you really wouldn't have as many issues and sometimes we struggle getting healed and we're trying to get healed while we're empty we're trying to get delivered while we're empty we can't figure out why we can't get we can't give breakthrough but nobody has the guts to tell you that you're empty so pastor Kevin hired me to come in here today and he said tell them what I can't tell them I gotta face these people every week hurry and tell them that's what God did with Elijah you lied you went in and prophesied that Jezebel instead ain't going to ring you're done then God took no say you lied you let's get out of Dodge and took him out by the dot by the stream because sometimes you know we just we just don't want to hear you know some of these issues that you could be in such a different place today I don't want to hear about your age we had one meeting where I think half the place was in their 90's they were getting healed of Alzheimer's dementia arthritis glaucoma cataracts were coming off lumps were coming off in their 90's one man was ninety nine one lady had lupus at 86 ran around screaming the power God the pain had left one lady had her eye hanging on her cheek I walked by and just picked her and tucked it back into her head and she screamed on me see when you're fool you will do things that you don't normally do and say things you don't normally say your body will respond differently that's why alcohol takes over a person and alcohol makes a person do things they wouldn't normally do whenever they were sober but the Bible talks about being more sober minded than drunk we're to have sobriety but we're to be full of the Holy Ghost as if though it wasn't alcohol because if we just act our own way all the time and we medicate Medicaid and Medicaid then we're not letting God show us our staying full was a challenge staying fools a challenge it's not a weekly issue or a feel-good issue or a crusade issue it's a daily issue how can I stay fool of the Holy Ghost we got to need them I don't know if you realize this or not but let me give you a big revelation today okay here's a revelation you need a lot of help the PERT look with the person beside you as he's talking directly to you tell the person so you think you're easy you think you're lovable you think you're easy to be with easy to live with you think your fully cooperating with God it's amazing what you think you're delirious I'm gonna tell you right now you're in strong delusion that's why God's gives Holy Ghost you to listen and say hey I want to help you in a way that nobody else can a lot of people don't have the nerve to really help you or the honesty nobody wants to hurt you nobody wants to say the right thing to you the truth is hard to hear hard to take but just people that need to hear the truth so how do we do that in love and even when it's in love we offend people and we don't want to you know and I mean so staying full of the Holy Ghost really caused you to escape from you you really ain't God came in to you but to possess you he came in you know to own you to live in you and help you'd be almost absent as he takes over your whole being and thinks for you and talks for you and gives you strength you know and fights a lot of the stuff that we spend a lifetime fighting and oftentimes not getting victory over he wants to heal you today today tonight tomorrow there'll be many many people in this congregation if you're open to this that you won't be blind anymore or death or have cancer it can happen that quick it don't take God long I mean God's like a hot skillet if it's hot the egg will fry fast come on say Amen but when he's working with cold people it's hard to get people warmed up we have people in Full Gospel Church they're still deciding whether they believe in miracles or not stayin fool come on stating fold it will affect your decisions see if you're full of the Holy Ghost your ailment you'll invest or you'll buy you won't be afraid of signing your name on the line some where you won't be afraid of taking a trip or or giving your tithe to the church but if you're full of you you may take a second look and think cuz you're full of you that's why the Bible says he told them go and get that's why Peter was such fearful before Pentecost and faithful after Pentecost why Holy Ghost made that he's the difference maker yeah dunno and you don't have to tarry you don't have to wait you mean just Holy Ghost every morning I just say Holy Ghost fill me I acknowledge him I'm sittin at a restaurant called Houston's anybody ever go to Houston's restaurant outside Miami Beach we was in his church down there service down there and afterwards were in sitting in a restaurant and we were eating away and in the table next to us there was an afro-american family I didn't know them never knew them they weren't part of the church and as I and as the one man was eating I was over there sipping my iced tea and we had just had a great meeting and I looked over and I just boom just zeroed in on I was full as for Holy Ghost I try and stay full I may be tired I may be weary from traveling I may just come from some far country but on a plane it don't take long to get full on a plane in a taxicab you can get full the Holy Ghost anywhere I don't need a climb to get full I don't need a praise team to get full Jesus never had a praise team he never had a climb man he lived full he'd talked for he got filled he was never on empty semi you like that needle down there where the e is no wonder you are the way you are you got to get that needle up to F quit riding on e come on tell you neighbor you got to get up on that come on tell him so I saw this man that crossed across the table and I just noticed the way he was eating his food and I thought whoa because I was full I was my mind was able to be given over to the gifts see when you're him do you think about you when you're empty there's nobody in there but you hi me yeah how you doing not good I know how you doing down there my leg hurts I know I feel it yeah they said I'm gonna die I know what do you think not good I know see when you're not when you're empty all your didn't there's you now when he's in there they tell me I'm gonna die and your nook and I you're gonna live okay I'm gonna live I'm broke money is on the way money is on the way see whenever you're full somebody helped me here today see whenever you're full whenever you're full the same way food affects your thoughts the same way food affects your energy Holy Ghost will affect your thoughts I know it sounds strange if you're not experiencing this you need to take the whole that goes beyond the sanctuary beyond the meetings anyhow I said I so I yelled over right over I was so full I didn't even pay attention where I was I didn't care of school I said ma'am ma'am cuz he got up and he went to the bathroom the guy that was troubling me his big afro-american man Prep about 6-3 6-4 I said ma'am she said yeah I said that man okay she said why would you ask that I said just is he okay she said he's got brain cancer that's my husband he's dying why would you ask me that I said you mind if I talk to him she just go ahead he went to the bathroom so I got up and I went to go to the men's room to meet him in the men's room well when he came out of the men's room he started going out to exit door like if you go the parking lot I'm just gonna follow you out there so I followed them on there he's walking down this sidewalk right on Houston's jammed restaurant people everywhere I didn't careful well I wasn't thinking I wasn't thinking about me we think too much about ourselves we just think when you dwell on you think about dwelling on you think about it who would you assign to think about you all day I said sir sir he turned around he said yeah it's hold on sir just a minute hold on and I remember the big slab of cement that we were standing on I looked at his I'm Billy Burke I said I'm a pastor I said I believe in miracles I was healed of brain cancer I said I don't know you don't know me I don't want to scare you but I said I just believe God wants to heal you right here on this sidewalk bring outside this restaurant the power once the full one you sir he said are you crazy yeah he said he said I just came out of there I'm going to a doctor I said your wife told me you got cancer I said come on right here right here right now now there's no music there's no bay run to help me Kevin where's he at Michigan come on somebody okay there's nobody to help me but see I was so full not of me if I was full of me I'd say and I feel bad for that man I'd keep eating see me when you're full of you all you do you have sympathy but no compassion you feel sorry for people you don't see anybody hurt I feel bad but you don't go visit you don't send a letter not even an email and you don't give money but you feel bad that's sympathy that's not compassion compassion does something but compassion comes out of what Holy Ghost oh I said Sarah my name's Billy Burke I said Billy III know he was uncomfortable I was uncomfortable people are passing us by to the restaurant coming out with toothpicks they're going looking it's like what's going on here you okay okay and somebody put my hands on you sir I'm gonna touching the power God's gonna come on you right here then I'm thinking my mind there's no catcher's so I grab just one guy going into the restaurant I said I said hey can I borrow you from home he said yeah what's going on here I just stand behind this guy he said he said he said what for us that he might fall and well the guy at least is why but I fall I said you never know what happens you never know by this time I'm in so deep I have nowhere to go but forward come on I know where to go right so I reach up and touch this guy I said Holy Ghost touching with the power hits this guy he falls down this stranger wasn't even trained at the church he wouldn't even train he caught better than some trained people I was in when church they were letting them hit the ground and thought they'd get him on the first bounce honest to god that's a true story I told the pastor you better retrain your people or nobody will come up to the front this guy falls on the sidewalk lace right there I was like wow he's your what's going on I says the Holy Ghost don't be afraid people are stopping looking a little congregation here I said he's burning up all the cancer he's healing your brain tumor a brain cancer you're gonna be fine that well the wife comes running on I said the power of God's on your husband ma'am don't worry about a thing I'm full I'm not fooling me if I'm full of me I'm thinking what am i doing no I'm not fooling me how do you get funny get full of him you need him you need him a sign that that fear lives in you so prevalent means there's more you it there's more of you in you than him in you miss this this Holy Ghost is amazing if you maximize his presence in you this works how does it work because I I've worked it and I don't just work it in the safety of the aquarium here it works in the deep blue ocean in other words out beyond these walls how are we gonna win the lost if we if we're so fearful of the atmospheres that were in I mean Jesus did his ministry so that Paul's under the worst of the Emperor's of Rome they never stopped him the evil Roman Empire he went around doing but he could do the only thing that stopped him was the unbelief this guy is laying there by the way so he's a he's a look at me says can somebody help me up he's I can't get up I said what that means the power is on you pretty strong man he is getting you in my mind I'm thinking what are you doing what are you doing I said man okay and then I could see it was I so help him up I said sir you're gonna be okay you won't have any more surgeries any more treatment you gonna be fine he said I feel different I said I don't pray for people in restaurants that's not what I do but you were quickened I said this is I just you know let's just see what this goes I gave him my card and I said you know come and see me I could go back to the doctors I want to know what I know lost track of them so we're in a meeting about a month later in Miami I have a long testimony line of the people that have been healed the night before I see this man in the line and I think I recognize that guy we comes up to these young girls with them and she says this is my dad I said yeah she said this is a guy that you got at the restaurant about a month ago he was dying she said we never say sir he said you touched him he fell on the sidewalk and I wasn't there my mom was telling me but my dad does not have any more cancer in his body No now the thing I really want to tell the story is this at that day at that moment I didn't have time to go get filled you know I couldn't I didn't just bomb my entry with you I need your gun oh come on like Popeye you know get a can of spinach you know what I mean I was wearing how that can came out of that shirt was always so skin tight weird that how the dead can come out of a skin tight shirt but we don't have any time to go get spinach but if you're full if you're full it'll fight for you I'm sitting in a restaurant I have eaten a lot of food I was full here comes the dessert tray the dessert tray is something on there nothing on there is good for me Key Lime not good delight chocolate not good he can't not good cheesecake not good good for you that time it gets to me I'm already full so she says can I give you would you want something on my eyes right my full just fought for me no room for that I'm full I go to a church in a certain city not this one of course but I go to a church in a certain city and the pastor always takes me to this restaurant I cannot it's his favorite restaurant they celebrate him there he's got his table there and for years I go to this church and of course I know where we're going afterwards I don't like anything on the menu but I go I go I go and I do the I do it so we were there recently and he says to me hey we got reservation I'm thinking yeah I know I know you do and so I was all prepared for one more slug at the I don't want to tell you where it is because that wouldn't be nice you might like it who knows you might like it so the whole way there I'm thinking you know there's I know the menu I have nothing on the menu that really I need strings I just go there maybe I'll try and get a salad and then get something later and I'll be with the pastor you know he goes into his favorite spot we go the restroom we pulled and all of a sudden the parking lot is the restaurant is full he come on it says Billy we're gonna have to go somewhere else I said oh come on stay full fought for me see full will fight for you whenever you don't feel like fighting that's when your empties the enemy comes in and has a heyday with fear and terror and I thought I thought I so I'm back at Houston's here well maybe six months after this event did this happen I'm walking out of Houston's this time watch this I'm walking out and on the very same spot the very same piece of concrete as I'm walking by getting ready to remember it like that's where so-and-so went under the power and got healed of cancer there's a lady and she stops right on the square aha and I'm very aware of the square that she's on and on I said to you okay ma'am she's just I can't breathe I said oh my god ma'am here's Harrigan I said ma'am do you know that right on this spot about a month ago a man was healed of cancer right on this very piece of concrete she said oh and she had to catch her I said what's going on with this spot he said don't worry about it just stay full don't worry see when you're full you don't try and figure everything out now I know I'm talking to some of you you think well I have busy on the time your feet hit the floor till you get to the coffee pot you can get full about time your feet hit the floor you get to the bathroom you can be full by time you get to work you could be overflowing if you're serious about this Holy Ghost thing your feet hit the floor you get up you're on whatever you do you stretch and you're going to coffee pot fill me I need you today I need you today fill me today I need you Holy Ghost I need you I got to go do a deal I got to hang out with relatives I got that I got to get my car fixed I gotta get I gotta go to dialysis today I gotta go to see so-and-so today fill me with your presence fill me with your power and begin to believe that that third person of the Trinity is there to do that very thing and then he will come on say one baptism many many many fillings so they were baptized in the Holy Ghost in Acts chapter 2 here they are next chapter for getting filled again but what happened what happened is culture today culture takes it out of you I mean the stuff that's going on in our culture what every one of his faces you know the from the food industry to the entertainment industry you know to the to the battles on the news media's we get caught in their gauntlet of all this craziness and if we're not careful we can get filled with political news we can get filled with current events you can get on yahoo and get the spirit of yahoo come on somebody didn't get delivered and he gets the spirit of google come on somebody then you get them then you got to hold it go though the spirit of safari pretty soon you don't know where you are you're half chrome half safari in park google and then you wonder hot what's wrong with me cuz you're not full the holy ghost and it doesn't take much you don't have to get weird didn't make you weird it makes you strong you wait you got saved because you were lost you get filled because you need strength you need wisdom you need strategies and the more home the more filled you stay the more pressure and the the person inside of you puts on diabetes puts on the glaucoma is your pressures off behind your eye your whole body's made of a blood pressure i pressure organ pressure all these pressures as you get older but and you're fighting genetics and arteries in blood flow you're fighting which are the curse of your ancestors and some of them may or may not have been wholly good you're fighting it from the inside out and all you have to do is say holy spirit I surrender to you I surrender to you and then what then temptation then temptation can't even get a home I mean I came in for a meeting in the Bahamas walked in they put me in a casino a hotel on Paradise Island so I walk into my casino a prostitute approaches me I didn't know she was a prostitute she said hey baby hey baby make you happy tonight I can make you happy I said I'm already happy I'm already happy Oh baby not like me I said oh you can't do who made me happy oh she I was full I mean not as she was I'm sure and by the world standard she was a pretty lady she was all that I don't you know she was all that that's what she did for a living she grabbed guys that came in there through the casino who's had to walk through the casino to get to my room and that's the way it is when you go there so but I was full when you're full did you ever wonder why the Apostle Paul this used to drive me crazy pastor Kevin he just made everything horrific in the past seems so easy to forget all this one thing that I do I just put two things but I've read that all my life and thought something's wrong with this picture he wasn't human how come I can't just put things behind me they keep jumping up here I put them back there they jump up here and put him back here how come he just put a bit here that's gone what's the cool what I didn't get saved at jcpenney come on I got saved from the same cross that he did why don't that work it's because he was talking from me perspective of being full he was fooled this one thing I do that's why he said follow me as I follow him because he knew where he was in it there was no double mindedness he wasn't going through a bad movie he was never attempted to slide over to a pornographic website oh there was no slide in him left or right how do you keep from sliding how do your front slide into the back slide come on how do you know that hit about ten people right there I'll tell you maybe a hundred I don't know how do you how do you do that it's just aren't you yeah I work here and then there's people working every kind of environment possible there's believers and they're working in dark places to be a bright light how do you avoid the temptation we're not called to hide here in the church we're called to get so full so strong that God can strategically place you anywhere and you shine and you don't eat the Kings beef and you don't bend the knee come on somebody we're like you're like the little slave girl in naimans house captive little slave girl but she knew where the healing was and when the time came she said the name and I know a man who lives down by the river he carries the anointing and he will heal your leprosy a little flower growing between the sidewalk somebody give God a shout come on come on somebody but what's the one thing we can all do we can all we can all stay fool but to do that you're gonna have to realize that you need him now we all know we need to lose a little weight we all know that we need to get a little more exercise we all know that we need to be nicer to whoever don't we don't we all know that so we all know that we all need that we need to spend more time with our family we all know you know you go down that long list and we could all have a big gathering and say boy how many know you need to do that you'd all be going like this but oh listen to me get out of the hard Lane get into the easier Lane his yoke is easy get filled with him and then he empowers you to do what you don't really can't do come on come on come on you know it's so hard to even do spiritual homework the meditating there confessing and the declaring because you're learning on your own but when you get in you come in you kind of back into this I need you fill me just the humble cry of you needing him beyond being saved beyond the Bible knowledge that you have and admitting I need you Holy Spirit I need that help that you promise come and fill me fill my mind and he will now how that will manifest in you we don't know other than it's just you get this desire you get this energy you get this surge okay just like whenever you take medication you get you you feel something giving you an effect or whenever you take a certain vitamin or when you feel some kind of an effect it's the same way when Holy Ghost has that only you're using his name and you're using what that scriptural reference I will be your Paraclete dose I will come alongside you I will empower you I will make all grace abound to you I will give you a desire you don't have right now see a lot of you know you should but the desire is not there people come to our meetings I'm more desires for them to be healed than they are now that's weird come on just something wrong with that picture why should I want you to be healed more than you you're the one with the problem not me I said to a blind girl in the outside of Washington she's an afro-american girl I said her mother brought her she's completely blind I said tonight we're gonna see she said a year I was at old boy this is really gonna be interesting it is I'm gonna touch you put my eyes you're gonna be able to see is gonna be amazing she said okay okay no nothing nothing she didn't bring nothing to the party she didn't bring the noisemaker the Hat definitely not the cake and no candle she brought nothing to the party so here I am no what if I bring nothing to the party there's no party I came full I'm not gonna walk into Mount Hope Church on Sunday morning empty I'll cancel you don't need one more empty person talking to you come on you don't need one more dry man telling you a wet story come on say man you need somebody coming here saying hey I got some extra you need some more I got some oil come on you need some wine I got some wine I'll come on overflow on so I said her I said come on this let's I'm gonna pray for you then you're gonna see and she said okay so I touched her eyes I came back and I said to you huh can you see me she said when what she said that bothered me is how she said it it's how she said it no expectancy nothing nothing you got real issues in your body in your life in your bank account it's real it's real to you does the anointing affect your reality should it should candid yeah but you got to bring it if you can't bring nothing else you got to bring at least a fool you you are not a car you're not a house and you're not money you're you you have a house you drive a car you live in a house you have goldfish you have a yard but that's not you you are you all you can do is take care of you you get full you get excited when's the last time you were so turned on to God I mean you were just I'm going Sunday night Monday night Tuesday night [Music] I'm gonna watch be Jesus on my computer I'm gonna listen to Christian music I'm gonna turn off easy listen to soft rock and pop I'm gonna listen to Jesus music we got about another hundred people right there right there another hundred I mean what you want to just get full you can't fight a full time devil as a part-time Christian come on they ain't gonna learn a full-time devil will beat up a part-time Christian you show up full and you become like because I like I said some of these confessions did the Apostle Paul would make would just blow me away like how strong can you where'd you get that same place we can get it if you want it if you believe there is a Holy Ghost so maybe until you come out of that wheelchair or you shake off this whatever it is you have to shake off maybe a step that we've missed in this whole journey is getting empowered by him on the inside you know you know if Adam died on the inside and then he died on the outside nine hundred years later the day he ate the fruit he died not physically he died on the inside he lived for another nine hundred and fifty years so he died from the inside out so if you die from the inside out why can't you get healed from the inside out come on come on oh I don't know who's happy here this morning I don't know but if every disease begins with a symptom why can't every miracle begin with the absence of a symptom has come whenever we have a symptom we think oh I got this I might have dad you know how about how come when something leaves you think well it's gone for now house can we make more out of a symptom to a disease than we do a lack of a symptom to a miracle my eyes are cleared one stead of saying praise God I'm healing why do we say well I don't know see because we're not operating out of full you get ful you'll hear stuff come out of your mouth you'll be shocked and I'm not just saying get full you know what if you've come out of meeting so you've had a high come on you've come out of me if you've Road that way for at least three days Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and then all of a sudden boom and then you said to yourself well that's that lasted about for what's God saying you say man get full get another get more signup for full time Daniel didn't start praying when he went into the Lions Den come on we wait to get a prayer life or when the Lions are around Oh Shah Baba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba no he took three day three times a day into the den come on somebody was already praying in three times a day he took a habit to the den somebody giving God praise Paul and Silas took a habit of praise to the jail somebody to give Him praise the difference between these characters and sometimes that's not all the time not the person next to you but it's nothing I may be but you never know what Dave was they took life full into the prison poets others didn't say we'd better get it we better start praising none they were already praising they just took it to the prison Daniel took prayer to the den and what happens when you take stuff when it's what it's already something this move you're full of it come on then it goes right to the doctor's office with you it goes right to the chiropractor with you it always goes right to the you know when you're paying your taxes it goes right it goes right to you if my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches and well when yours every day when you're getting any fielding and you need my how many'd money to pay off your bills let me see I mean good use some extra money how many would really how many would really receive money if it was offered to you how many would admit you worry too much about finances your health how many would have to admit here in church you're in church now look up we don't want that roof to fall come on say Amen I would have to admit that most of your day is thinking about how you feel and how you have to treat your body and taking a vitamin or a pill or a drinker making sure you check your blood pressure your sugar count let me see your hand how many a lot what if you were so full but what if this is real when that tray came around then the restaurant I mean it has some in it Oreo crust cheesecake I love worry Oh trust you scared and I thought where can I put that I can't find any room for it of course do you know how they want to sell the piece of cake so they say put this ticket back to your house take it back to your room you know and and then I'm gonna do that just don't do that but fulle long as you're not full there's room anyhow that that prostitute at the cat casino sent me you're still wondering about that let me go back to that I knew some of you still wonder what here now the women weren't wondering but some of the men worse let me help you so she says baby I can make you happy I said I'm already happy she's a back and make you happy like no other I said you mean you cannot do Jesus she said see you later see you later yeah yeah don't wanna none of that so if you get full of the holy spirit you surrender to him and he's in your knees flooding you he's not separate from your arteries in your bones he's gonna break drug addiction alcoholism and sometimes we're trying to get everything outside in you know break this power heal this person do this do this the anointing and and for a lot of people that will work but for some that it doesn't work her hasn't or it could it be I'm asking could it be that God's wanting to heal you from the inside out when they lowered the man through the roof he didn't get healed outside and he got healed inside out he was cleansed on the inside and his legs began to work why people why why do I say these things because your inside is connected to your outside come on say my inside that I cannot see is connected to my outside so if food can make you think and food can change make your decisions changes and food can make take away energy food can make you go to bed when you're not tired food can make you cantankerous and angry moody moody you're all bloated and stuffed up or something I don't know where the keys are why would you put the keys I know know where the keys are you would never talk like that if you weren't miserably full of porkchops come on so any man and you don't even connect it nobody does nobody does all of a sudden you the food gets digested and you return to normal hey sweetheart did you find those keys I'm gonna kill you how come you talk to me like that earlier he don't even know I don't know not even connecting it to full not even connecting you can get so full of something that is just if it's the right thing you know people get full of you know the wrong people then they go impersonate them they get full of the wrongs ideology they go kill people see what you're full up is when you're bumped is what spills out you know if you're full of wine iced tea is not coming out you may think is but it's not we shouldn't be struggling a temptation man we have the greatest lover the greatest person we have enemies forgiving us he's washed us why do we struggle because we don't live our lives full if you're full like Joseph you just tell part of his wife I don't got time for this how did it all just Nick Johnny just shake off a snake I was so excited not excited interested in that snake I went to the San Diego Zoo to find out what kind of snake that was that held on to his arm because they have the largest reptile supposedly in the known world so I got the San Diego I go into their reptile center and I told the guy yeah here's the snake I'm after it's over here on the island of Malta over in the Middle East find me this snake he's a we gonna take you right back to it so we walked back I couldn't wait to see what this snake looked like when I saw that snake and then they that snake was bigger than my hand its fangs run over an inch long it said that this snake fastened onto his arm it means because that's why the Baptist called the Pharisees vipers is because the poison was in their head the poison of a snake is not in his teeth it's in his head it goes down through a hollow Fang that's what he called them oh you vipers because her poison was in their thinking when I saw this thing and they put the story together I said oh wow I mean imagine just shaking that off feeling no harm and then saying come on let's get on with church I'm thinking why some of you stayed home over less than that come on somebody say Amen oh I had a sore back my leg was hurting huh he sure how did he shake off let me just forgot the past and he shook all just shook it off and then then he just presses for the mark what what's this guy is he like superhuman or what he's full on a regular basis not the Holy Ghost there's no other answer or else God would be a respecter of people he would tease death with Jesus but when we go to Paul we have no excuse because if it's Jesus we say well that's Jesus that's Jesus walking on the water that's Jesus walking through a wall but when you go to Paul what are we gonna say well that's you're not come on you are not a cheap copy shout out loud I'm not a cheap copy come on and I don't want to make this this is not hard it's so easy we miss it the works on him all the heavy lifting I'm not talking about I'm not talking about getting into all this filming a film I'm not talking about that I'm sweating and waiting one hour not at all here's what I do here's what I do just to stay for on the way to the coffee pot if I miss it to the coffee pot to the car if I miss it to the car somewhere in between in a gridiron on a plane with my head against the window too tired to do the next meeting you know nobody even hears me but I know he does because he's everywhere we are and I just say fill me my mind is tired my body is weak from the last set of meetings oh I must carry this treasure fill me again master please touch me and fill me again Catherine Coleman I I was I used to be with her behind the the big doors of the church and she would put her hands on the door and she would look up and say please pastor please just use me again and I said miss Coleman cos none of us called her Catherine anybody that knew her nobody called her Catherine nope never it was a miss Coleman and I said mr. Coleman I said why do you do that whenever you know he's gonna use you why do you say that she's a little bit Billy I don't know that he can use anybody Billy he don't need me but I need him I said okay I didn't that one flew and went right over my head but now I know now I understand especially you here that are over 50 how many it's over 50 how many know you're over 50 let me say isn't that amazing isn't that amazing what our needs change our needs change and if you're not careful you will succumb to what happened to your mother and father and their mother and father or you'll follow CNN or Fox or some medical dictionary every black woman over the age of 45 here's what you can expect every black man that lives in they have a demographic and a statistic for all of us you are put into a category and if you're a single man if you're a single woman and here's what you can expect sorry I'm not getting into your little category I've been bought and paid for I've been to Calvary I've come out of the grave the masters put his touch on me come on somebody give God a shot hey [Applause] but you have we all are responsible because not only you call they receive your call to carry it this is Mount Hope people expect you to have hope we're to go to church Mount Hope they expect you to be hopeful they don't expect you to be doubtful where do you live down the road what kind of car do you have gonna need one where do you work don't how do you feel horrible where do you go to church the Mount Hope I don't think that fits you I don't think that fits what you don't want to lie say that is your circumstance say that is your real circumstance because people live people live in in pain in a house they don't like and work a job they don't want to go to they're at an age they don't think they've accomplished anything for the age that they are they've lost money through alimony if they're divorced through bankruptcy throw all kinds of scams and there you are and you go to Mount help so you can't take this building with you pastor Kevin can't travel with you Rene don't want to go with you come on say Amen so what do we do here what do we do we can't lift this up and travel around with my hope right if you're still one of the flags will catch it cuz we got cameras out there come on so what can you do what do you take out of here to remain hopeful how do you do that in the midst of what you there's only one way people there's not two ways three ways this is not a hard thing to figure out you stay filled with him the Holy Ghost come on and when you're filled you know that you're filled because you won't be like you and never apologize for it never apologize for it if you have to get filled you know you know when you pull your car for gas you don't tell the gasoline people I'm sorry I'm back fright you need gas is that correct you need Holy Spirit now some you don't realize this yet because you haven't maybe been through you know maybe you still think you're in you may think you're Wonder Woman I have one guy came to a meeting some spider-man I said I'm Batman he's that's cool man there's people that they're all kind of crazy realities out there people get mixed up one guy can't be dressed up in three-piece suit he's I work for Benny Hinn I said yeah but he's a friend good he said well I just want you to know it worked for him that's it that's good okay what do you need well I said God would have you know that I work for him I said got that three times ago finally I said to him excuse me you're not him you are not him you're you tell me about you I can't find no more I get sick when I fly so he's trying to impress me with who he works with he didn't want to talk about him because him wasn't working listen to me you can get filled today it's not hard it has to come from a thirst on the inside of you there's people that are trying all kinds of experimental drugs to be healed the cocktails that people are taking for AIDS and for HIV we have meetings where they line up we have means where Hindus live lion appears and Muslims and people with a just it breaks my heart don't let anything come from the outside in to try and help them when they don't realize something could come from the inside out if they would just cry but that takes humility that takes humility Oh to say you need God on that level because right now you seem relatively healthy why do you think he slays you in the spirit because standing up was always a sign of being in charge so he wants to put the power on you too sometimes put you down to let you know hey wait a minute I made you you're made out of a piece of dirt yeah yes isn't that amazing I mean your expensive dirt but your dirt that didn't come out right you can't fix that's they there's no way to fix that right you and I both know we all know when you're if you have come out of meetings where you've like wow that was and you wrote on that for a couple you a couple days you know that what that feeling is don't you feel good when you come out here on Sundays don't you just doesn't make the rest of the day just kind of take you into Monday and doesn't do that imagine if you were if you added to that imagine if you didn't let this be your only spiritual infusion today imagine if you took this just as a jumpstart and you gave it a nightcap tonight and before you hit the bed just a minute praise you fill me again tomorrow morning and you begin to get full time with this what could happen to you I'll tell you what could happen you could turn back time to extend your life you could feel better apart from all the stuff that you're putting into your body he's the answer he is your health he is your healing but put it in there you gonna really say hey come on in and touch me come on come on I'm waiting to hear somebody give God praise here today come on come on come on come on come on come on so why so why did an axe - they get filled in two chapters later they're getting filled again in two chapters because of what was going on in Penh in Jerusalem at the time under the Roman tyranny under the Jewish persecution these early Christians were being horribly tormented and tortured so what so that what they were filled with lasted them for so long then they had to get filled again they didn't apologize they just kept getting filled what would make Peter say crucify me upside down what made them go through this amazing change it wasn't just bravery it wasn't just patriotism they became filled with another presence that can make your arthritis just go I'm out of here Jesus never told the devil to leave him in the wilderness pay attention we're closing here for this he never told the devil get out of here never had to tell him what happened he just said it's written it's written all of a sudden says why the devil says and then devil departed for a season he was so full that when he came Jesus is full fought for him it just broke the devil's spirit II just I'm out I can't handle this I can't handle it come on said he couldn't handle it and the same way he won't be able to handle you okay so you love the Lord good you like praise music good do it more create more presence in you create more fire in you come on build that fire so that what so that when he comes he sees man they got a new manager something's going on here they're full now what to say about him when the demons leave a person they come back to see if the house is clean and full it's what you're full of that you fight with but if you're not full of Holy Ghost and if you're full of you you're gonna be swearing it's stuff sealed that damn car that damn door that damn house close the damn door what kind of doors that what kind of door is that we're by Home Depot sale damn doors what is that I think we related to almost everybody on this one pastor Kevin you know what I'm talking about we suffer way too much fear I don't like you I don't even like flying yet I'm in the air million miles a year how do you like it I'm uncomfortable with it believing for our own aircraft to really take the truth but but you know so how do I do that how do I get on your knowing knowing what I know about the airlines I don't how do i how do I not give in to that do I just say well I'm about the Lord's business are you kidding me filming feel me a second boom I know it's coming here with Inter Milan hope on the hall the way here from we were in where were we we've in Fort Worth fill me heart for the people at Mount Hope they don't need to see me give me something for them give me something for them what if what I'm saying to you is so free it costs you your time it costs you some humility you know there's people that are quoting the word I'm this and I'm that and greater is greater and great not greater as me this in me greater is he and so many people and on no weapon formed no weapon for him well it looks like the weapons working to me say it all you want looks like it's working against you to me quite get you're doing it in your own strength come on in your weakness he's made strong fill me Holy Spirit I'll tell you a quick story then we'll close gonna do this real quick Christmas were shop I'm shopping at the mall in Tampa for family presents I was so exhausted this year from our schedule completely exhausted I didn't even want to show some I went myself as I do every year I wait till the end you know so I can be highly challenged right for favor so I'm walking to an international mall in Tampa I was too tired to take the next step and I was so embarrassed I thought I haven't bought one package yet I'm exhausted I'm built eeper I see miracles I'm tired oh I gotta buy presents hood right to buy 402 many how am I gonna do this it's like almost Christmas and the Holy Ghost came to me history said throw my name into the soup I should throw your name into this so again this you got some bad sue appeared throw my name into I said I don't want people to know that I needed your name to shop I want people to see if doing something throw it some walk in the international most okay so I throw the name into the soup I throw the name I felt this this surge so I walked into the black and white stores called black and white give here black and white I walked into black and white walked in there grab this and take that grab that takes it oh wow I can't tell anybody that was shopped I I needed that Jesus is named the shop so I walk down in the mall he said throw my blood into it I just use your name I need your blood - I house that time I can hear my heartbeat in my ears I could feel my heartbeat in my feet yeah that's all turn I was I should I should he should drop throw my blood in I said if I throw your blood in and you're naming and my partner's find out about they won't they won't support me because they're gonna think why does he need the name on the blood to shop so I said okay I through the blood of Jesus in sure another surge of energy hit me I walked over into another store grabbed a couple of other presents you know so the names in there the Bloods in there and I thought man had about three or four bags I walked out and there it was again the third time I thought Lord he said throw my stripes in there oh your stripes I thought that was included with the blood I mean what kind of cocktails as a take here to go Christmas shopping what was he showing me a long story short I did everything and walked out with a bunch of presents but what did I realize that day how much I needed him just to do something so mundane so when we were opening a presence at the tree that day you know I'm thinking they better like everything I got I think that this cost this cost me the blood name the stripes communion forgiveness the list is long but time I got that mall here completely run me out of everything I needed to give him and and and the strength if you do this you'll be amazed that's what they did in the book of Acts they lived off of him they didn't visit him they lived off of him this church is so great it's so positioned to shake the world come on somebody give it come on come on come on give him a mighty but you're gonna have to do your part you're gonna sit you're gonna have to be an ambassador from here not just from the Lord but you everywhere you go you're a testimony of where you go to church we go to a great church a man picked me up at the Cleveland Airport in the truck to take me to the church to the hotel I was speaking at that church he said wait till you see our church it's the most amazing building be cool he said wait till you hear our choir it's the most amazing choir I said amen he said you know our pastor I said never met him wait till you meet our pastor I said oh my god I just I just asked a casual question I said how are you doing him was wrecked the truck he was livin off of the building living off of the choir they're not you you're not them you're here to get a recipe for revival you're here to being you're here to defy the odds of what you're facing in your family line your history your DNA something's chasing you come on somebody you're here to break the yolk break the curse come on come on well come on somebody give God a shout come on I can hardly hear you [Applause] somebody being healed of carpal tunnel right now who is this you're being wonderfully healed of carpal tunnel all right where are you come to me come to me quickly come to me come to God in your seat come quickly right here how long you had this lady how long you had this hurting now is healing up you had surgery it's healing up from the surgery you had from right now how was it so no pain where's the pain that somebody give God a shout come on hey carpal tunnel carpal tunnel come here how long you had this huh there's a lady here since you've ever since you had birth you're having pain in your area here and you're in right around your right around here pelvic thank you ever since your last birth of your last baby you've been having problems in the pelvic ear who is this this is definitely a woman by the way quickly you don't want a man that come up for this it would not be good hurry is this the lady right here this issue you man where's she coming from come to me how long ago was this huh your son is 10 she's been 10 years I've been having this trouble since the birth what the doctors tell you hyperbole positive chill right now how was it now Ben Ben for me do something you it goes down there it's not going down there is it wonder why because the moment it was called it was healed you'll never have this again [Applause] yes ma'am what's it what's it there's a spinal stenosis being you know someone with spinal stenosis spinal stenosis who is this stenosis of the spine is that you what do you mean you have a lot of things you wake up numb in the morning does it go away how is it right now you'd have to take a nap I just need my whole spine face scoliosis Colossus let me see it so you're high on what I don't even see you high on anything [Music] you look pretty even sweetheart look good thank you guys yeah you look pretty even yeah you're even [Music] this lady right here bring her up a minute this black lady of the black top on what you answer really hi look the I don't know who's done this to your who's doing this to you I don't know who's pushing you away but you're gonna be like Ruth you're gonna get behind the right wagon in the right field gleaning the right harvest it's harvest time sweetheart for all the years you've suffered get ready for over-the-top favor hear me over-the-top favors when somebody you've got a shout [Applause] somebody with a pigeon tell your toes where your feet are going to straighten off your bones are gonna move but your one toe is pigeon-toed that's what they call an inverted step with it there's a word for that forget but your one foot I think that your right foot goes in is this your foots gonna get straightened out here this morning where are you help this lady up you okay ma'am check it check it everything how about that are you yeah now she wants knees she's like a progressive menu amazing there's a prostate cancer being healed prostate cancer I'm not you but if I was I'd run down here prostate cancer are you kidding on Sunday morning oh my god hurry up get down here [Music] [Applause] who are you huh that's your brother what are you thinking this sir did you know this was gonna happen today no I didn't how long you been fighting this just a few months about six months six months have you begun any kind of treatment surgery scheduled for the 17th of September 17th you won't need it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on say help me holy no say feel me holy girls amazing you were here earlier man what is this the powers all get behind her get behind this one man I don't need to know anything here she yielded she didn't give a holy hoot about anybody here we care too much we care too much about people she's just she's being flushed yeah don't look at me that way pastor Kevin invited me here okay I'm invited yes I'm in your house just for a couple days love me just for a couple days we're gonna help a few people this is wonderful then this wonderful amazing what's going on here sir ma'am you were here for what spinal stenosis come to me how long you had this couple of years I'm looking at the digital clock up there we have service tonight at 6:00 right I can't hear you six yes and tomorrow night is the school that the hill Gilead right how many sign up for this school let me see well we're gonna have a great time tomorrow night we really aren't tonight's gonna be strong how long you had your spinal stenosis tell the people two years and tell me how that makes you feel uh my right leg is now and tingly you're what it affects my sciatica so I have nerve pain your right leg is numb and what all the time Wow so it's nothing take me right now yes you're sure yes check it look just walk walk walk tell me how long it is it's not until 8:00 it's not it's gone she's lost her tingly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amazing isn't it amazing it's just that what happened to you you sweetheart huh it's not over you were getting ready to go again don't worry about [Music] see you know what's nice about this I don't know her age I hate guessing ages like I don't do that sometimes I try though listen to this to get it early to get this sensitivity this yielded as early in life some of you hear the only thing stopping you from yielding is you you're just you you could leave here a better stronger and healthier [Music] hmm she's being wonderfully cleansed here she'll have all the babies that she wants there be no complication of baby [Applause] what are we doing here you're here sir I'm talking to you we already helped quickly what is this I'll get to the boy in a minute here was this what's wrong my right foot you mentioned the pigeons toe right there one look straight now it looks straight to me you talk about the toe or the foot I'm looking at it take your other shoe let me see your feet together put your feet together well both of your feet are like that if your left right one needs help says your left one there's nothing no no no very fractional you're not pigeon-toed done that you're I'm talking about the foot was inverted your foot does not inverted your toes lady got great toes or anybody to say you were great dog I think I came up here just for me to tell you about great toes you have great looking toes are you married yeah does your husband lick your toes bring the husband up here quickly worse yet bring me the husband who this woman is heat way over here hurry sir we're running out of time here come on [Music] now you've seen your wife's toes I'm sure correct do you like your toes yes you do lady your toes look great but if the inverted foot is here I'd like to deal with that put your hands up holding goes there's other issues you're facing here [Music] you know all of the downloads from relatives really clogging the flow here issues in their relatives because gonna clear your mind of all this yeah what's going up a little boy he had wet he has a genetic disease tell me what that diseases um it's mucolipin-1 we cool new khalipa dosis title for uh-huh it's causing him to go blind can't walk or talk can't walk or talk and his name is austin austin i like monster can you understand me okay I need a strong man here I'm gonna kneel down if I get down you better bring me back up okay ah Hall jeez this that feels good I'm staying down here hey Austin how we doing today he can't talk he don't talk at all can you say mommy or and he can't walk you're coming back tonight as well tomorrow you're gonna be here tonight then you better be here cuz I'm gonna put a prayer and a touch on him now I want the work in him all day okay precious little boy hold the mic wasn't make thank the master he give you praise for a little Austen we pray your power go down inside of him even now begin to change dynamics physiology break up the roots of this curse and then begin to talk let him begin to walk give him strength from the inside out we break this power over him right now Austin we break this Holy Ghost in Jesus name come on give God a big shot people come on come on Jim let me pray hi I don't wanna scare him being the age that he is if he was older I would do it but I don't want to make him afraid of the church so all afternoon I want you to begin to challenge him to do what he can't do seemingly you're gonna see tremendous change today that's why I want you back tonight okay come on give God a big shout come on come on come on come on [Applause] what's going on here you love the Lord okay okay you need good we all do what's what's going on twins from the inside out are you born again yeah are you sure we all do what you say every day you say Spanish or something don't be getting Spanish on me I don't know what they're saying when they get into this other language I mean I don't mind if it's tongues but when you get into your own language you might be saying something like I don't like this guy holy ghost is all over you do you know that he's emptying you right now he's washing this your precious you have a treasure in you second Timothy 2:21 Europe oh there it is right there there it is come on somebody give God a shower come on my arms my shoulders I cannot interpret like I should what's wrong you do this school of the hearing you do the I do the sign language you heard anywhere in your shoulders my shoulder is down my arms they hurting now yes they show me where they're hurting test it right this moment in front of me what you can't what what [Music] what power when the fire got hit this woman right here somebody better give her all the shock ray [Applause] [Music] you are great yellow miracle so great there is no one else come on there's no one else there is no [Music] surgery they have a large right kidney he does yeah and and what they wanted a surgery to do what to remove the blockage or possibly they'll be no blockage when you go back and can't have them check again go to a different doctor do not go to the same doctor you'll find out there's no blockage okay come on somebody get all the power somebody give God a big shout come on what's going on here come on fighting scoliosis for a long time scoliosis my breathing and my thinking and I'm ready for it to go okay I only turn around here Scully oh so how bad is it over here on this side a little bit right okay I see it I see it and it affects your breathing yes thinking and you're thinking oh you've been born again no nobody's born born again or you won't need to be born again we got to get born again after born Catholics ought to be born again Jewish people got to be born again all church people got to be born again Baptist don't go to heaven because they're Baptists they good because they're born again Baptist come on say we're all born in the wrong way say it so we got to get born again that's whenever you lay everything down Jesus come in Jesus there's a revival about to hit this place people getting saved born-again spirit filled I feel it I do what's going on with you what you laughing at you laughing why are you so happy well you're laughing what's the matter why are you annoyed what's the matter what's the matter with yourself does it hurt now [Music] your gallbladder is dissolving stones these this all been golf stones you have three of them dissolving but somebody give God a shout come on oh my god Wow power oh yes lady to come to me this your father what's the matter with him get the mic go three to four years ago Demian Mustaine iam yeah and he been taking medication he's getting worse from Medus tinea telling the people with Menace tinea is do you know this is her father she's standing next to her father and don't be sorry this your home Church [Music] yeah so um before he had that he got shot yes it was a gun well he was in the army and he got shot and he's um hand and leg and they do talk do you talk we don't understand English you're talking so what language is he talking they're a rare Arabic yes you're from Iraq you converted to Christianity [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] say it and say it and say it because you do I need you Holy Spirit I prefer the word spirit Pentecostals like ghost I like spirit just sounds a little bit more reverent I think so you're both from Iraq you were ex-muslims you're now converted and he came down with this is getting worse except for today it changed us today put your hands up come on Pat and then when I touch you the power of God is gonna go through your whole body this misty knee whatever this thing isn't gonna break right off your body it's the devil you hear me it's the devil it's been assigned to really make you think that Christianity doesn't work but it's the opposite it's about the backfire on the devil [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave I'm gonna leave I'm gonna pay yeah yeah hey don't touch your dad leave him calm when people are under the power leave them alone they're under the power they don't need you at that moment they need you before but they're not he's working on them that means under the power that he is working on whoever's on the floor that's why I don't know why people fight that I have people that lean into me wear special shoes I don't care what you do but I'm telling you when you get in this position right here the master will do a masterful job on you where's the young girl that come here so you're here not for you for your dad look at this look at me he's gonna be okay don't ever say he has that huh don't ever don't ever say he has would you call that disease don't ever say it again he don't have cup him up help him up help him up help the man up chuckling I say say tell him to check his face he feels different [Applause] I wish I had some excited people here today [Applause] you are a first fruit both of your first fruit of the Muslim community is going to come into Mount Hope church [Applause] you are the seed that God has sent here for a big outreach into this area and even he will train you as Nationals to have a high impact with everything on the line God will protect you and keep you this healing has just begun that's gonna continue on the days of your life come on give God a big shot people you are free come on come here [Applause] [Music] after this lady here we're gonna be closing but tonight six o'clock okay this man's on his knees will do him too since you got to hell with his knees but six let's all stand on my feet could we do that put our hands high in the air oh my thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] what are you here for me I'm just keep stay there people what's going on breast cancer breast cancer do you have any lumps there you do how many lumps do you have can you feel it yes check it what you what boy I don't know what's happening here today somebody shouts something [Applause] [Music] amazing so where do you go to church you go here yeah you can't feel the lump no well we got a problem people here at the Mount Hope Church you better look around your pew and see if there's a lump rolling around here somewhere we got a lump on the run here somewhere I don't know where it is amazing she walked into a Sunday morning church not a clinic not a hospital not a therapy center not a nutrition center she had to do nothing but believe and the lump just disappeared how do you make a lump I can't make a lump disappear I'm telling you tonight's gonna be amazing be here tonight call a friend let's get some people here and shake the house shake Mount Hope shake Lansing [Music] amazing what do you think of this you're scheduled for surgery win Friday win come on heart next Friday this month attend this coming Friday she's scheduled for surgery what are you gonna do what why did you have surgery there's no lump Jesus he wanted me to come up here who did to be afraid would you afraid to come up why [Applause] [Music] oh my god what's going on here sir you're in the Walker what's the Walker about um there's just a bit na Leone for work I've been going backwards and falling down doctor told me the gallbladder is what doctor told me did walk with my walk because why because I get weak in a del down but what if he got healed and stood up well what does he got healed then what do you do with a walker when you put her on ebay what do you do with it I've heard on reaping you for anything my hope and going down always how are you too young the President of the United States of America of the free world the leader of the free world is 71 the leader of the free world 71 the schedule he keeps on beautiful city 2020 I'm only talking to you because when I touch you the power of God's gonna go through your whole body yeah you're not gonna need that Walker you'd be running around the church you hear what I said to you yes the powers gonna you're gonna be running like a jogger like a like a minute mile marker that goes same Manningham garden show that's the holy girl in that body this what's that man's name come on who knows him who Lee Lee did you know this man okay he's been like this for a while as long as you've known him he's 73 Lee is Lee right Lae like General Lee you're not sure how to spell it just bring the bringing General Lee up here just bring him up come on let's go come on general let's go get moving come on go let's go go general go go go [Applause] look at you come on walk back here walk off that offbeat way in the out there don't you walk the whole way up there and hug somebody my brother raised their wave at me my big brother right here you're right there sir yeah you with the Bible your books in your hand yeah right there wait hug this man go ahead general you get up there [Music] [Applause] come on give the general god bless you [Applause] we got it now you're hunched over a little bit let's get you straightened down here so you're hunched over how long you been hunched over you got wet okay we're gonna change that you ready okay we're gonna speak to these bones these bones are gonna begin you're gonna feel bones moving in your body you okay with that you ready when I tell you to I want you to get straight because your something's gonna snap back in your back you're gonna be able to stand up straighter did you're taller than this you got work to do you ready generally I love the general precious got down on his knees up here well don't straighten up do I tell you don't do it go ahead of time my god you gotta stay in sync with the preacher I think don't you your bone see Ezekiel said you can talk to bones and bones will listen bones will move believe me they will Oh have we seen this I ask you master for the general to make these bones moving his butt let him be able to stand up with the general that the crook could be made straight in the general that breaks that spirit of infirmity in the bones straighten general huh oh my god did you see that do it again general reach up for the ceiling general reach for the ceiling he must have straightened up a whole inch amazing just stand right there general he's a general he's big house this grandson okay we're closing here I promise for the third time after this today we will because tonight is the big healing night right you guys come to church here so he hurts he can't walk or what yeah he has lots of pain is he hurting now how do you know he's hurting master we give you praise for all the inflammation in his body that all inflammation be gone all around the meniscus the cartilages that I'm all be healed in Jesus name let the pattern be broke when we give you the mighty praise come on let's give God a big shout all over the place [Applause] [Music] hey thanks for coming today I'm gonna ask the healing teams and mystery teams to please come further administer they'll be healing the teams here god bless you look forward to seeing you tonight at 6 p.m. god bless [Music]
Channel: Mount Hope Church
Views: 31,265
Rating: 4.7665372 out of 5
Keywords: Mount Hope Church, Lansing MI, Kevin Berry, Billy Burke, Healing, Testimony, Miracles
Id: Pfigicmpbzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 49sec (6709 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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