2017 Miracles on the Mountain: Get Manifest-Minded (7 p.m.)

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[Applause] this is a wonderful weekend in Fort Worth Texas how much leg you came tonight you don't need Billy Burke to touch you to get healed this meetings have been set aside miracles on the mountain revival capital of the world a 1970 Kenneth was flying back here to the airport has his headphones on and he heard a voice come in through the headphones revival capital of the world so he heard it up there close to heaven can you say Amen and then it was three years later that he heard this is the place to do it something has been going on around here something is escalating and building miracles are happening way before tonight but tonight we just want to give it a little bit of lighter fluid come on somebody but but you have to make this your moment you have to do something quickly the name of the Lord is a high tower the righteous run too many times a word of knowledge is called that and someone says I don't know if that's me or not take a wild guess what's it gonna hurt to get something that you're not sure of right just that I don't know if that's my word or not but I'm gonna go get it come on say man but so valuable tonight as you move towards him and you allow him to heal you in the seat I will not be disappointed if you come up here and say sorry I'm already healed I don't need your prayers I'll be happy for you we all be happy for you because we're expecting things that disappear tonight come on somebody come on gaming [Applause] every hand up all over the place give me a little bit more volume please if you can if that's possible Holy Spirit we thank you so tonight for this moment and when we say come it's not because we don't realize you're in us but we need that extra power in this corporate space you were in the the disciples in that upper room you breathed on them they get the Holy Ghost but then you came into the room you were in the room you were in them and revival broke out god we pray for disease to get healed here tonight for people to leave pain free cancer free cause heimer free paralysis to be healed missing body parts to grow back Oh God we ask you for an avalanche of the supernatural right here right now now in your privacy put your hands high and just make a covenant right now that you will do like Mary said to the servants whatever he asked you to do whatever whatever tonight that maybe you're facing and you're fighting and you're tired of doctoring you're tired of medicating nothing you have maybe terminal tonight but it's taken out the quality of your life things aren't the same anymore you don't have the same level of energy tonight's your night tonight you're not saying if God's gonna heal anybody on planet Earth tonight it's going to be me get him a mighty phrase come on come on [Music] you may be seated just for a moment tonight so good to have you all here many of you came from distances and we're expecting these next 3-4 days to be tailor-made just for you let me tell you about a recent miracle that we just had then I'm always amazed at these miracles because they all have a different flavor some of them relate to terminal disease and some of them relate the Alzheimer's and but just one happened outside of Atlanta and I say this because this could relate to you tonight and we're in a church outside of Atlanta and God that God began to heal people and there was a word of knowledge that someone was being healed of scoliosis that's curvature of the spine and I missed him in maybe five minutes later one of the leading superintendents I believe was for the Church of God he was there with his daughter they came for his daughter to be healed and she had she had the worst case of scoliosis I have ever seen I'm sure there may be worse but I mean you could set a cup of coffee on her hip here that's how curved she was it was pretty bad and he'd brought her up and he's told me who he was and he said we brought my daughter and she's in a lot of pain and look at her and so she lifted up her little blouse there and it was really you know it's pretty heart-wrenching to know what people live with every day while they're standing in faith while they're believing and I looked I said okay here we go you ready are you ready to go and she says yeah I'm ready and I looked at the superintendent he said amen I'm ready and I never touched a power hitter she is on the ground now can I pay attention to this so she gets up off the floor and she's screaming daddy daddy the pain is gone I was like let's look let's look her hip had gone you know perfectly straight the bones moved everything you know so everybody is absolutely celebrating the miracle right okay follow with me so the church was you know in a great set of meetings that time and so the pastor said would you come back you know next month we'd like to do this at least one more time I said sure I'll come back next month because I mean there was it was just happening there so the next month I went back and the the bishop and his wife came to me with the girl and they had x-rays now pay attention to this this is so neat it's really neat you know it's neither I wouldn't be telling you right I mean he says hey we're back he's remembering my daughter I said of course he remembers only a month ago I remember that and hey how are you doing behave behave behave and I said how are you doing she says I'm just praising him I'm just loving him all the paint's still gone and look past her belly my hip is nothing has happened and and that and the dead look to me says yeah man we got a problem that's what's the problem he says his x-rays are we talking about I said your daughter's here pain free she's straight there's no more I can even see that don't take a you know a genius to figure this out he said but look at the recent x-rays and ladies and gentlemen when I looked at the x-rays pastor George was amazing I looked at his x-rays and everything on that x-ray had her bones still the same now I'm in front of a packed out house and he's wanting an explanation why this x-ray don't match the woman standing there you think this is an easy job I know you do and it startled me I said okay I'm in here again I'm not an x-ray technician but I could understand that it was very clear on those that x-ray were the indentation and the back and the spine and it was all there I said but you didn't take these he says yeah we took these after the healing as you took these after she got touched here he said because we were so excited we couldn't wait to you come back we wanted to show you hey we got proof but he's a no I don't know I said I said she's standing right here in the flesh so I interviewed her to the dad I said do you have any pain she said no he knows I don't have any pain let me see you're straight yeah I'm straight he said I know all that here's but why don't these x-rays match the body and I said Lord help me here here's what he said he said tell the dad did the x-rays haven't caught up to the healing that's why that's why you're gonna be ultra careful whenever you rely on what you see outside of what you see written in that scripture you know what I'm talking about I thought that was so amazing that sometimes we go back and the x-ray or the the whatever the thing that's supposed to confirm the miracle works against it so you got to be careful that you don't fully comprehend know what's happening in you know tonight that cataracts are gonna go know that their blind eyes are gonna open tonight know you know and and how can how can that be a lie against you if you knew how you felt when you came in he's here to do anything tonight I said he's here to do anything tonight I was with our pastor friend in Miami having a big seafood dinner after a big meeting down there in Miami and they brought out a whole big pile of crab claws from Joe's Crab House great place in Miami to get crab claws so he said to me why don't you pray over the food and I said sure and I said I feel bad though he said why do you feel bad I said all these crabs gave their life for us tonight he said you kidding me so don't you know anything about crabbing I said what are you talking about he said they take one leg off and they throw the other crab with one leg back in the ocean I said I never heard of such a thing he said well they'll grow another leg I mean to tell you he told me that I thought what it hit me like you mean crabs just grow legs like that and we're higher than the crabs you have got a break out of just kidding prayer and think that that's the most amazing thing I got prayer I went to the meeting lamp but I got some prayer you know you you got to get mad at fest minded over these next three or four days you got to begin to think you know what this is in this is my Alamo I'm making a stand I've had so much prayer talk about all the people in heaven or jealous of me come on it's so very important you understand that it's the manifestation that matters commercially the manifestation that matters we was in Pittsburgh man comes in a wheelchair could not walk would then have a bad back or bad feet he couldn't walk his spine had been done in he was in a wheelchair for 20 years 20 years and so I walked over to him I said how you doing tonight sir and he said I'm doing great I said are we gonna walk tonight he's what come for some prayer I said okay then we walked well I got my prayer I said Oh keep it then we're gonna walk is that right Billy you're embarrassing me let's excuse me he said I came for prayer I said well did you read the sign this is a miracle service did you read we don't have regular prayers here if we pray we expect he said please you are embarrassing me i sat on one embarrass you I want you to walk so I put my hand down on both sides of the wheelchair says listen I'm not here to embarrass you if you want me to back off while back off but this place is packed I'm gonna get very busy I said so I'm gonna say it again do you want to walk he said I can't walk I said I'll tell you what I'm gonna give you a deal I'm gonna count the three and you stand easier don't you understand I can't stand I can't walk I came for prayer can you give me a prayer I said you already have enough prayer you don't need any more prayer you need to stand up when I tell you to stand up he said I would if I could but I can't I said that was before tonight come on say the next time which is this time can be my time you got to quit bringing the last time fast-forward start thinking this is a new moment a new miracle moment so I said okay here we go I said here we go I said you're gonna I'm gonna I said I'm come on I just want you to stand don't beat you running around here just stand so I took that weíll try shook it kannada three he jumped up out of that wheelchair and I watched this way his legs were shaking and he just began to save these amazing words I don't believe it I'll believe it oh my god I don't believe this at all I believe it I said okay I know you don't you borrow something that's okay don't worry I said come on now what do you want to do he said I want to walk I said we'll walk he said but I can't walk I said I know I know but just try pretty soon he's walking across the front and she's looking at the whole place I don't believe this I can't do this I know but you're doing that aren't you do not do not get so comfortable with being treated and sustained with things that you don't think they can't ever go away in a moment pray for going for marshy cell on the stage because she came up for a neck condition she's laying on the stage her green pant leg slipped up and I could see that she had braces middle braces on her legs I said how you doing down there sweetheart nice and airy I said is anything else you want I'm looking at braces she don't even know that I'm looking at him and she cuz I think when the car is up on the rack fix everything come on right right Oh and I said so you do you and I was kind of playing with a little bit said so because we lose touch with your needs what becomes common to you becomes very invisible and you get used to diabetes you get used to pain medication you get used to a neck brace at nighttime or traction at home you know you find the good church they love you anyhow come on see they love me any home and you hear about faith you learn faith that you don't move in faith and so I said to her I said hey I said you sure there's nothing else she said no I'm you don't know what this means I said what about these what am i God these she said are those she said well I said well why don't we do that too well why are you here what just let's just take care of the neck the braces the legs let's just go for it tonight a special say the house special come on say you can get so comfortable especially in a great church and live off of somebody else's faith and never move into a new place in your faith and she says but but I said come on you want to do this because we don't you know we got people here when you want to do so she scooted over to the side of the platform took off her braces and she sat there and she just did one of these well but if I fall I said then you will get you will get you if you fall but I can't walk without these my legs just give in I've had these for 15 years that's don't worry about it don't worry about it if you can't experiment in front of Christians if we don't have wiggle room for demonstration come on if we can't walk on the water sink a little bit but get back up on the water come on she took those braces off and next thing I know she's running around this on then on and on and I don't want to tell too many stories because we have so many because God has been so faithful and that's why I love partnering here with Kenneth and glory and pastor George Terry this whole team they got the world in their sights in their crosshairs take a good look of the way things are because it's all about to change Oh mine I mean you ain't gonna be able to buy a seat here pretty soon why because people are hungry for a move of God come on people are hungry and so here's Kenneth in 70 hearing revival capital 73 putting a stake in the ground here and then all these years later coming as his ministry has flourished and gone global now God's bringing him saying okay let's go back to revival capital and the refocusing on what this place was meant to be whenever he first got there prophecy I'll tell you what ladies and gentlemen I believe is going to be more people healed out of this very spot then we could ever imagine possible come on come on but something in you has to become more manifest minded than what you may be here tonight now if you're here tonight and you're just kind of testing the waters and then later on you wanna you know you want to pursue but you at some point in time you've got to get rid of the bengay your wife sleeping with two men you and Ben Gay come on somebody at some point in time now we believe in everything for a season I would never curse the wheelchair never or a cane or a crutch never but for a season there may be a season you need to be on something like that or even medication if it keeps you right your heart beating your lungs respirating but there's got to be a point where you say wait a minute wait a minute while the blood is more powerful than this his name is more powerful than this you know and at some point in time you got to begin to say that hey you know I want to get more from the Calvary benefit package than what I am and when you stand when you begin to see people get healed don't begin to think wow that's because you know they're good Christians God don't heal you because you're good he heals you because he's good come on help me I don't think jesus healed one Christian that was all before the cross all those miracles you think of that He healed them while they yet were because he yet loved them so he don't heal you because you're good he heals you because he's so good and he wants to share his goodness with you and sometimes you just get caught sideways into a way of thinking as you know they were sharing earlier just a way of thinking pastor George be sharing into a way of thinking that isn't proper and pretty soon you just you're satisfied to be a spectator you know you come in hurting you leave hurting and you live hurting bones move disease leaves miracles are for real oh did you what a hair it I just said I said come on they are for real let me just a snippet of my story healed of brain cancer at nine years old and then delete Kathryn Kuhlman's ministry in Pittsburgh I had three days to live we couldn't get in the church church was packed they had to carry me halfway because I couldn't walk I was paralyzed on one side had a patch over my eye and one of the hurt rushers saw us walking almost walking away we couldn't get in the building and he saw my grandmother he said boom come here and they snuck me in the balcony and I began to watch what I didn't see happening in our church I'm not saying anything bad about our church there's a great church he was a good pastor it's good people good church but I didn't see that she I like really good men use come on somebody I like everyone surround the men you see something that says new beside it come on new right and I had never seen that and while I was trying to figure it all out my name was called and my name she pointed to me and said you're being healed of cancer and I went down and stood in front of her when she touched me four rows of people fell with me [Applause] for Rose I thought I'd died that day I thought I'd die couldnt get up I just couldn't jump up don't fall - get up fall to get something you know don't just fall to fall fall fall to get something sometimes he has to get you in that horizontal spot to talk to you he can't catch him he slays you to talk to you come on say him in or he slays you - Helia if he's that you don't have to be Slade and we know that but you want to get like Jesus said whether that all righteousness might be fulfilled he wanted everything even to the point of having the Baptist baptized them come on preacher hands up see I want everything I don't want to come behind it nothing I'm here to pick it up carry it nurture it walk in it and begin to heal other people I will be used in science wonders and miracles I'm getting a deposit and an impartation to be an impact person in these end times give him a mighty praise come on give him a mighty free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we could just go up a pillow acapella quietly Holly precious [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] this mighty touch ah [Music] just the lady singing it ha [Music] so beautiful hallelujah [Applause] [Music] ah he's in this place big time [Music] ah [Music] he's healing herniated discs right this moment disc herniation l4 l5 he's healing herniation of the disc come on get out of your seat get to my left or my right quickly he's healing herniated just the COPD being touched right now COPD being by the power of God quickly hepatitis C being touched by the power of God quickly he's healing prostate cancer big time tonight prostate cancer a big big time on my left or right please on my left or my right over here please over here there's a man right now if you'll reach down you'll find out that her knee is gone come on let me know scream at me say it's gone till come on fit go with that hernia was a scream at me it's gone where are you come to me quickly hurry come to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] about a year a year you had it a year and you go to church where Living Word Christian Center Minneapolis Minnesota Mac ministries Mac Hammond Pastor Mike Hammond know you're here for all for the days you here for the whole weekend to two days yes so you got your healing on the first day [Applause] [Music] that's not all you came for but that's part of what you came for there's other a triples of glory going the whole way through your family you are not alone and they're not detached your whole family's coming in by the end of the year everybody's coming in [Applause] oh dear Jesus why are you here ma'am why are you here quickly why are you here what's the matter bulging this where are they right now but they barge it I'm barging at the moment they're not what happened she got they disappeared [Applause] [Music] what do you think of that how many years did you have those since 93 just 93 diagnosed in you know the headman the holy spirit has the heavy lifting here he does the miracles we praise figure that out he does the miracles say that's the heavy lifting we praise it'd be a bad day if we switched assignments come on somebody when God heals somebody I mean to tell you that atmosphere what caused the anointing to linger it's in this building that's over this property 93 and they're gone I'm sorry come over here this is amazing where do you go to church Plainview first God Pineview first assembly we're so glad you're here Plainview thank you I'm Annie member you're a wet eye Manny member [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's another man you're holding out on me with the hernia and you let him come up and get that but there's another man yet that hernia is leaving you even now who is this who is that you who is that come on what happened here just what happened how long you had that let's say about eight years eight to ten years are you hearing all this and it's just left over there it did you called out the hernia and say and you told us to say it was gone and to check it and it's gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's amazing it is he's good you had that how about eight years I'd say eight eight to ten years yes see the wonderful thing about miracle services you get healed and keep your clothes on them what he taught me is gone [Applause] oh there's something going on around here how long have you have your hernia almost a year and you sir five years and you checked it and it's not there yours was in the center of your navel huh umbilical hernia those are the hardest ones and it's gone [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing see the powers all over this guy here yeah you know it's not just you have these issues but it's the the game the devil plays with your head come on say it's the voice that shows up with the condition I mean the curse brings a package deal the affliction and then the voice that says hey hey hey and it just belittles you makes you afraid fear and then the spirit of fear and it's spirit of infirmity travel together their their their Co partners in crime and I'm telling you if if the sickness doesn't keep you where you are the fear of getting out of a wheelchair if I ask you to walk away from a cane or a walker that's because I believe you're being healed you're here to expect that and believe that is that right this here's amazing it's the beginning of this great weekend and why you here sir you're helping here's the pastor ma'am the powers all over you come here phones all over you the powers all over you again we just give God prison come on young man what's going on here hernia we're l4 l5 yes yes you may be seated all over the house you may be seated l4 l5 yes and no her knees uh-huh got to her knee is where they at now they're not there they're not there no two hernias left this man's body and your discs are where which one Hill v l5 to the so it hurt K me coming in here tonight is it hurting now and it's not it's not have you ever felt the power before no never what do you think should he feel the power tonight [Applause] you know we're gonna move with a moderate speed we're not gonna run through the crowd we're not here just to see people fall I mean falling is a part of it if that happens for you but we're here to really see you and you shall recover you say but this is emotionalism well I need a little bit of that too that's why people go the movies and that's why they root for hockey and basketball and football it needs a little motion win point I'd rather come deagle Mountain International Church this was amazing don't you think so ma'am why are you here ma'am I'm looking at you why are you here talk to me I have breaking in my ears ringing come on see whenever some people you know some people Jesus didn't go to they had to come to him so you got to be careful that all through your life if you live long enough he's gonna do a myriad of ways in which he's gonna heal you and strengthen you he'll use the natural arm in the supernatural Armand he'll use the gifts he'll use the elders of the church you know I mean he'll use all kinds of things he'll use it me a better way of living he'll satisfy your mouth with good things a lifestyle change so we're sweet we sign up for whatever defeats the devil but I would think that before you check out of here you want to know what it's like to have the power of God moved through you and take up one of those stripes that was on his back come on say Amen to your ring and how long you been ringing like that off and on you know all the powers all over you lady yeah you know that yeah you feel the power yeah yeah it's precious isn't it mm-hmm what are you standing talking to me here for just go [Applause] [Music] it's yielding people are in deep in bondage because they've yielded to something wrong a wrong movie they yield to do it wrong music they yielded to it right this is a yielding to the Holy Spirit come on say the Holy Spirit and if it's for real the fruit will be there that's what I love about this church about KCM about Kenneth and Gloria it's got to be real come on give God a big shot it's gotta be real come on say real people with real issues get real miracles this lady's done you're vibrating shaking the whole place bless her heart it's not her ears it's her jaw her jaws off killing when the older you get your bite changes and it changes the muscles sometimes on the part of your ear here and that's where a lot of the ringing or tinnitus comes from so he's fixing her bite right now makes us is here come on bring her up would you no powers oh she can't get up she can't get up no she can't get up no no don't do that you'll hurt her don't do that Wow would you know her name anybody know her name Brenda can you hear me Brenda can you hear me still ringing we magnify come on magnify your name holy come on we magnify [Music] we [Music] [Applause] away [Applause] wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] where [Music] we [Music] holy we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Paulo Rio we [Music] man what is this what is this talk to me what what Billy we and I want it gone tell me what do you three brain tumors 23 brain tumors shut out of my head you saw the golf-ball-sized tumor last time I saw you like two years ago huh and they took me fight for life and told me to go die they told me the very yes four to six months they'd said to me and I'm here three years and I'm done with cancer [Music] the blood of Jesus over my surgery room nobody wanted to take out my tumor they told me to go yeah go to hospice yes I went to the surgery room a guy from Germany studied take it out in Colorado in Denver yeah and and shoots and I did it Billy I had it taken out pled to blood of Jesus in this surgery room they all looked at me like I was not so what are we facing you how do you wins the last time you had an X ray blood test when's the last time cat scan what I just had a CT scan of my body because it was everywhere and then they open up your head it goes to your lymph system yeah I had tumors sticking out everywhere yeah but you know I'm here I see that and I am NOT going anywhere I love it I'm not I love it the only reason we bring stories of other people to you or to any place is to let you know that what you may be fighting has already been defeated the number one call we get in our office is ask Billy if he's ever seen anybody healed of Lou Gehrig's how about Mongolia babies nobody ever calls and says has he ever see anybody guilt over arthritis although that's very painful that's nothing to be yes no there's no light thing it's crippling but there are things out there that have the word hopeless written over them pancreatic cancer Alzheimer's we think we had a lady healed of Alzheimer's in Indiana they brought her in Sunday morning he said you got to help my wife he said we have to put stickies all over the house to remind her what room she's in so she don't hurt herself you're in the bathroom you're in the bedroom and then we put stickies in the kitchen and he said I can't do this anymore do you think I can get a miracle this well of course she can get a miracle so we pray for her in Sunday morning he came back Sunday night and he said I need help I said what's the matter he said she's remembering way too much that's the truth healed of Alzheimer's you can't let the sentence of death stay on you come on the Apostle Paul said we had it in ourselves but it got broke it's possible to think that and you remove yourself you know from the mainstream of the Scriptures whosoever you have to put yourself in you're going to make up your mind what you believe you can't go too much further just on somebody else's belief who was the Lord to you I think a book Kenneth wrote a ton of years ago way back in the beginning that book that I've read some of that over and over and that got inside of me God made a covenant in the earth and now he needs man to make his heart with that covenant and a man that doesn't believe is a man without a covenant so to be a believer not have a covenant an agreement an idea of what God has for you I don't know when he wrote that that had to be early and I grabbed a hold of ends on my gun I'm making up my mind right now even though I had been healed and had all that experience that I had I had to make up my mind because what you're always under assault to doubt that what you're in can be changed we've seen hair change colors eyes changed colors I mean some of the most amazing things we've seen and you say what does that got to do with anything whatever it takes to get people to believe this is this is amazing here she's in the battle so she decided to go to the healing meeting well she decided a couple and she's still here notice what she said I'm still here [Music] come on that's a fighter [Music] could this be her night [Music] could this be hot moment quit comparing your miracle with other people's what would you rather have a Lazarus testimony or or a withered hand testimony I'm gonna get you on this one what would you rather have what would you rather have oh that's not fair that's political if any I've ever heard political see we all want the great stories but we don't want to experience anything to have those great stories I only have a great story because I didn't ask for that it was it was it came on me I was afflicted and I'm sure she didn't ask for that not nobody wants these stories but once you're in it what a chance for God to do something so spectacular even if he just shakes your own family shakes your up your church family ma'am tonight to Mert by tumor begins to go away snap crackle and pop that mighty power come on give God a shout Oh oh how we doing sir I've been told I should ask for a double portion of your anointing you want a double portion of my anointing I do because I've been told unfit to be part of that revival yep you are part of it the anointing is not mine to give you can get it here by pulling on it the master is the one that gives that anointing get hungry for it position yourself be in these meetings get into the Sunday meetings get in front of the internet people you got to put yourself in the line of fire you can't lay in bed and say I'm hungry but I'm tired too you can't do that come on say make up your mind get up and get food or go to sleep come on you got to get hungry and you get hungry and I'm telling you what he will make sure that you get your portion it's amazing and master we ask you to give it to him give it to him give it to him come on give God a big shout come on give me this lady in the purple come on sweetheart what's going on with you l4 l5 uh-huh I'm just won't be free of pain and I brought my husband here to be healed of a stroke from Astoria he's in a wheelchair let's get you first yes so where's your pain at it's there now it's leaving yes thank you Jesus glory to God Thank You Lourdes he's healing lions disease somebody with lime is disease you're here was lying was disease being wonderfully healed tonight paint still there just a little bit poquito yeah tell me tell me when it's gone tell me when it's gone thank you but hurry up because we got a lot of work to do it's gone Oh [Applause] come on what's going on here so what but what's going on yeah bulging discs in my neck and it's gone and they wanted to do surgery they wanted to do surgery was that bad and now it's gone yes sir he they he'd hit him I'm worried about this section over here this section is really into it now come on if we have to get you cease to get you excited tomorrow night we'll get you see [Applause] there's things you can do that what that magnetizes the anointing to you that makes the written word in you come alive they both need what your faith and if that faith isn't third then he has meetings like this where you tap into the corporate faith there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that get what you can anyway he brings it to you and be thankful and there'll be a cut time coming your life if you grow in faith you'll shake half the snakes off if not although he didn't bring the snake to church he didn't bring the snake to the elders he didn't say I need a word about this snake come on somebody his faith had grown so much by that point he was just shaking stuff off Prison couldn't hold him prisons couldn't hold the apostle do you hear me he wasn't afraid of all of Rome in Caesar to come on he was not afraid of them he had shaken off all that fear come on see I'm shaking off the fear coming candidate with a supernatural faith and his bulging disks are all gone are you married sir yes sir I'm your wife and she's 115 miles away oh this is just way the well worked out today 150 miles huh other side of Coffman this southeast of Dallas I just ended up on this side of town and at the end of this weekend I mean you're gonna have to make some decisions because you're gonna see it and see it and see it and see it see it and at the end of the day you know your eyes don't lie you know sometimes we're being so influenced by the wrong people well you better be careful you better watch out how I know as I saw some people getting yeah yeah well that's what they all say these people here are not under any witness protection programs meaning you can interview them out in the parking lot you hear me sneak up on them say hey was you really healed we do that in our meetings it's amazing the number of people that will bring up that don't believe and they'll interview the people that were healed we had this in New York and a deaf man was healed and a lady come up and she said I don't believe this says well come on up here lady come on up here and she came up and she said you know can you hear she looked at him he said oh my god I can hear he's crying I mean he would convince you know and she says well I don't know about this you know after you see it I mean after you see it then maybe that's part of the shock of it it's just see we're not doing much here I'm not throwing hardly anything here there's a greater presence in just come on he's going all that heavy lifting come on just say I receive it's already in me he's in the room the words in me the spirits falling this is the fixed fight devil don't have a chance come on give him a body shout [Applause] what's going on here with a cane come on over here sir what you came what's going on with the cane here where's that lady this morning was she here that she here tonight that had MS she came in the staff meeting this morning is she here by chance is she in the back where are you sweetheart is she here like the lights are kind of what can you wave at me is she here I don't see her wait she had a mighty touch this morning I was she here the woman I thought you said she was here oh she's it's not her okay somebody has their hand up there sir what's the matter here posture counsel Oh gave me six and I believe on Hill well so when did they give you six months how long ago they give you six months ago a month ago yes so you're on a five-month prediction from them correct right that's the five month prophecy from the doctors right so why you on the king the prostate councils all we don't a month beat the cancers down to your feet well I'm having a problem walking because of my feet oh that's before you came up here no Jacko check him now check him that's better huh it's better I know it's better walk back the out come on walk back here come on let's go [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so your feet tell me about your feet here's what I say this just phrased pastor George this phrase just came to me we were in Sarasota in a meeting and this phrase came to me by the Holy Spirit he said if all disease begins with the symptom then why can't a miracle begin with the absence of a symptom house come if you get a symptom you got something how come when the symptom goes away what I don't know I'm gonna say that again because that's what that's what may happen to you tonight he expects you to run you know when the Dove brought back the branch to the ark he didn't bring back a big branch of confirmation because the beak of a dove is tiny he brought back a snipping and Noah stayed in the boat seven more days just with the branch seven more days with no change same animal same smell and all he had was a branch a tiny little branch to confirm that the waters had abated sometimes the best that God can give you said little confirmation a little symptom moving around something changing tonight we want you to look for anything anything that can happen to you anything four weeks ago in Toronto I never called this not and after I called the Dada I shook inside because I thought oh Lord I never that knitted that word never entered my mind he said but he was removing scars from men physical scars were disappearing I no sooner said to have told Jesus I hope I heard you correctly on that one you know well one man who was a chief in Toronto Police Department he was stabbed several times on Yonge Street it's the longest street in the world Yonge Street and he had had a penned appendectomies on this side and where this where the scar was from the stabbing he had to be 6 6 6 5 is a huge man and he got up to come up for prices no no don't come to me don't come to me once it's called that he's doing it just go to the men's room and check his story is when he went into the men's room can you handle this one I'm gonna tell you when he went into the men's room he went to look when he picked up his shirt he watched the scar disappear in the mirror [Music] come on say sighs wonders healings and miracles if we can't get to healed how are we gonna get into the signs and wonders get stretched tonight on the way home look at your wife and say you know Mabel I think you've been right all along get refilled maybe it's a night you're here to pick up where do you want this what didn't you walk without it you can't you don't want it you don't want it [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the cancer you've been fighting is how long since Martin six just ninety-six he's kept you alive for this moment so your symptom of that is what that makes you weak having trouble urinating having pain no just my lower back what's going on there the council is all over my it's in my bones and it's down so what does it hurt I love people after they get that touch oh my they knew it all along and it's true he's removing everything that might be found the whole day come on but then a foot up and put your trust in God alone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's happening here what's happening here Oh my smile your what your teeth bag just taking my smile away too long and it's done I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said so you want her to go ahead of you ha ha you want your picture you're not up here [Applause] [Music] tell her she's going the wrong way yeah Oh mine oMG with this girl come on where are you from where are you from yeah Cal there you go right there you came here all the way from California huh and you're here for your teeth yes you're here for more than that yes tell me about it I have a motel and uh tell me why you're here more than the teacher I want I want Terry the flame of revival back to the motel I'm devoting my motel to just a huge revival and I would you own a hotel yes I do you own a hotel in California yes we rent in California um eight miles outside of the Kings Canyon National Park or the giant sequoia trees and you're hungry for a move of God there yes yeah I believe that we're gonna be the big california extension of the revival capital of the world [Applause] oh my goodness I came to your butt last year for the Southwest believers convention and I came to the church you know about the Sunday after the convention uh-huh and I got a vision guide you out of it yeah of a huge salvation and healing revival happening there your name is higher get ready yeah see see come here this is all part of what we're doing this weekend it's not just it's not just about getting healed it's getting healed on the fire to come on see God is God has really frustrated the spirits grieved that for years many come and get healed but getting no more excited about the healer he wants to wrap this things up I mean he wants to wrap up his plan of the ages he's looking for some people that say man I'm the healer this payback time payback time oh my hmm put your hands up you're gonna get everything you came for but the most important thing you're gonna get is you're gonna get a vision with details and you will obey I'm telling you Oh BAE and there's going to be a small core that you begin with that the fire is gonna fall on this small core in California right where you are do you hear me lady [Applause] that's amazing right here you got a cane - what's the cane for imps me walk helps you walk what's the matter what's the matter just old just old she said she wanted her teeth back I won't mind back to well the devil told me you're silly don't go let's get rid of this tell me about what you're shaking why are you shaking you afraid no are you nervous why you're nervous yes you feel the Holy Ghost oh gosh when he walked in here tonight he was all over this place to come out of my seat you what I said I was about to come out of my seat but I'm too old so there she said it again she was somebody tell her about Abraham and Sarah yeah it's Nocera sorry I've raised my four kids no Sarah [Applause] as your husband here my husband died when my youngest child was two years old somebody asked me why I didn't marry again I said I was too busy raising kids for the Lord so I asked him one time why he gave me so many boys and you said I'm giving you men for my army and Jesus I walk walk I don't have any problem walk just walk just walk down the aisle raising your hands come on go go girl go go go you won't fall go steady on your feet you will be steady on your feet this fears breaking tonight that's what your enemy is see the yoke is not always the disease if that was the case he would say the anointing breaks the sick yoke or the disease oh he just said the yoke you got to find the yoke you think if you have cancer that's the yoke know if you have this that's the yoke the yoke is usually lies behind the disease it's a habit it's a voice there's an attitude it's a negativity it's lack of the right information you locate the yoke I mean that's why you praise him all the time not just to adore him but to put pressure on the yoke every time you see her you put pressure on the yoke he's afraid you might hear that now word in season and that's why God has moved in a prophetic movement is to get people just a word into you that can change the whole dynamic of your life this is wonderful I'm going to touch you that fear is gonna break off for you you won't ever need this again thank you Jesus put your hands up master I thank you give you praise break this torment this torment let it come off her quickly quickly [Applause] that's just as deadly as the cancer why cuz Italy restricts your whole life can't shop at night don't want to go down there because of this can't fly don't want to go swimming fraid of sharks someone told me I would never live in Florida I said why I like Florida there's alligators everywhere I said they are everywhere they're in the toll booth they're running around the malls it's amazing the faith you have to use to avoid an alligator where did you ever get that warped conception alligators are everywhere you okay you've done a good job oh this is what's going on here ma'am you got a you got a boot on what's wrong with your foot yeah or the lord and pop the bone and then they found out I had degenerated joint disease in my foot no problem you're dizzy [Laughter] [Applause] see really really the anointing is measured in weights like a weighty really if you get hit the way he wants to hit you why would he let you have a bad experience in the world where you are so drunk you were lost your mind or you couldn't find your way home but you come in here and you get Holy Ghost light revelation 3 says asked of me for the fire to go through you asked of me and I will give you the refiners fire this was wondering what do you know her name do you know her name are you crying what I'm sorry you're what you're supposed to be faking though [Laughter] [Applause] we're after real revival broke out at the gate because they saw that a notable miracle not a lot of smoke we're after you manifesting here are there on the way home you're marinating in this tonight you are marinating in this presence there's gonna be so many miracles here that we don't even know about you're gonna we're comin in you to call them in and let us know what happened yeah she's excited back here bring her up one try one more time I wanted to make sure she's blocking traffic really right here Wow you okay uh no I don't know no no here just go [Applause] your name is higher then the your name is Jesus your name is Lord your name is [Music] there [Music] say it again yo but I call you Lord your name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your name is Lord Oh you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is Jesus [Music] [Applause] miss Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know [Music] hi so you were telling me about the foot you were telling me about the foot degenerative bone disease along somebody came in passing blood this is this is there's two men passing blood and there's three ladies there's five of you in the room here tonight five that you're passing blood it's not normal it's in your yarn or your stool and you're here you get up here the bleeding stops get up here get up here get up pow hurry hurry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey there sir so you pull that parallel our ice chat again [Music] your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Holy Ghost [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are we're about to leave Daystar about three minutes okay and I just wanted to let them know we have a service tomorrow morning at 10:00 teaching helping them to hold on to that healing as well as tomorrow night seven o'clock and then a Saturday 10:00 in the morning and seven o'clock let's pray for our folks in DeStorm Holy Spirit we thank you for this great great ministry of Daystar thank you we thank you for the favorite between these ministries for beaming up this signal to the world then god we asked now that you would send a blessing back into Marcus and Joni and the team that's right and God that there would just continue to be waves of testimony waves of glory and let all of their needs be met according to your riches and glory thank you come on give him a big shout hallelujah glory to God well you that had the bleeding I want you to go to the men's room right somewhere and check right now go check right were you gonna go right now what do you mean you're good yeah I want you to go I want you to come back and tell me it's not bleeding huh I want you to go come on you better pray for me tomorrow Italia what's here for bleeding the bleeding how long you been bleeding over here over a year and they tell you what I haven't done of insurance civil you what don't have insurance that will cover the so I haven't gotten a check you haven't gotten the check no does your wife know yes and she says what an idiot [Music] there's a reason why she's called a helpmeet there's a reason for that she loves you yesterday yeah fight something in seed form instead of tree form fight something in seed form early detection you quit being afraid of diagnosis diagnosis just tells you where to aim your faith if they don't find anything they don't find that if it shows up in the blood test the doctors not a liar they operate in facts we operate in truth the facts change the truth never changes but denial was in faith David didn't say I don't seek a life he saw him he just saw a bigger God standing behind him your name is higher we're singing it then any other your name is Jesus don't be afraid you're gonna be amazed it's not what you think it is if it what if it was what you thought it was you'd be way off worse than what you are he had sustained you for this night men be afraid no more power come on somebody you've got a big shout your name is [Music] you're gonna check for me well the powers on them again get in the car so your name is come on [Music] your name is Jesus [Music] [Applause] Steven what are you here for sir this afternoon uh-huh I'll use the restroom in a hotel aha and it was blood it must do but I said to myself I'm coming anyhow God will take was that the first time you saw it now think of this how good is God you get the condition and the healing on the same day [Applause] [Music] the older that I get the more that I see the more I just love the story behind the story it's the story behind the story that really relates to all of us we may not all ever get the same diseases but the story behind the story touches us all I don't want I didn't want to get checked well you know what that's all about that's about that fear again I mean we we got it we got to begin to take it up Ratchet it up a level the enemy knows his time is short revival capital of the world oh you don't know what I'm saying there's already a base gonna start in California right there right there [Applause] amazing you'll have no more blood by tomorrow there's nothing wrong you have an infection that's it you do not have cancer look at my eyes you do not have cancer you have an infection you picked up an infection somewhere but you don't have cancer you bleed no more you believe [Music] [Applause] what's going on you're sweeter but I've had blood in my stool x' and i yesterday I noticed that I didn't and I was sitting in the chair and you before you said it I was thinking about it and just realized that I didn't have that in my stool and I just realized that I should probably come up here to say something and also I've been blind out of my right eye since I was eight years old I what you can't see anything I started seeing light in my eyes started tingling ice tonight tonight in my hand [Applause] your name is [Music] [Applause] come on your name is hard [Music] see that you can see my finger look at my finger you see that over here by their side open it up you see light yes and that came in tonight for the first time yes open it a little bit more can I open your eye a little bit I'm gonna get mascara on me you're probably I'm gonna just open your eye little bit more hold on here look at me what do you say I just see bite you see like well tomorrow you see images you hear me yes you get back here tomorrow this is amazing it's wonderful what's your name Hannah Hannah what's a good name Hannah give her a big gun best you come on your name what's it you're way bleeding it's spotting well yeah this is spotting no more when a word is called out it doesn't mean it's going to happen it means it's happening it's happening somebody's wearing a neck brace but only at home you're not wearing it out in the bout you're wearing this for some kind of traction or some kind of therapy this is a neck brace you wear out of the public eye you're here tonight to come and get this because you'll never need to wear a neck brace again who is this quickly come to me who is just put the neck brace quickly who is this person with the brace I'm over on this side of the church right here quickly where's the brace that come is that her coming somebody's point thing is that it's a man it's a it's a lady Oh all right here oh is it you you were a brace at home you do but you don't have it on now why not I try not to mama do you try not to wear it in public and why is that you don't want people to see the brake I wear in public winter when it really bothers you and how'd you hurt your neck I've done you feel the power yeah my work is my work is affected what kind of work do you do ice cleaning service you're a cleaning person I have an inmate Nick does it hurt you know my neck [Applause] we don't give refunds here by the way just in case you're wondering okay no refunds here in this amazing yes yes I think you could be a wild woman I do think that you're so precious you're so precious my body's where your body's wearing out I don't want with that I know wanna do you don't want it too so tell me what you would like the people have energy and being full of energy - yeah but Elana me 3325 say that don't do the would you listen to me do Deuteronomy 32 33 33 25 somebody write this down for her Deuteronomy 33 25 as my days it's much so shall my strength be so show my strength speed that means as long as you're alive no Alzheimer's no dementia you may get hit but it won't stick I'm not saying you won't get attacked and you won't get no no no no no no that's why you have a shield that's why you walk close to God that's why you stand on these promises I'm gonna touch you the power is gonna go away through you lady I mean you might not sleep then I just gonna hit you that hard are you ready for this are you ready for this are you sure oh my god mine somebody give goddess your name is Jesus psycho your Lord amazing I know there's people up there up here to get him I'm coming I'm allowed back here you okay man you're not okay what's the matter you came for a miracle what kind of miracle I had all my limit notes taken out of boot way uh-huh from cancer but I never took chemo because glory to God He healed me mm-hmm of melanoma cancer but melanoma mm-hmm uh-huh but after four surgeries in my leg yeah um the swelling uh-huh Hey uh-huh so that legs better I believe for a creative miracle okay that's so your left legs bigger than your right leg yes that's just for tonight yes glory to God you're going to bed one the way you're gonna wake up another way can I get up there get up here touch your wife that leg is going down [Applause] oh my god amazing the girl up here that could see but see light nobody touched her nobody even prayed for her why she's in this atmosphere here that's why you keep does that Mister you're going when you're leave here what's the matter here ma'am you okay what's the matter talk to me know that I'm talking to this woman here I said ever since I was a child I've had no central vision in my right eye oh come here you have what you have double vision what you say peripheral vision doctors say the optic nerve is dead they said that and the peripheral version it's yes sir both eyes have been affected so you have no peripheral vision okay what's get the peripheral vision of N and the central vision on this side Center here peripheral here yeah you know you here for a miracle is that well yes I'm here for a miracle Oh Lord I'm I'm not going back home the same way I keep words home at Rome Rome from Texas Rome texture [Laughter] it's our H ome I always tell people settle down I'm from Florida I don't know all these states city say I just think oh by saying our huh your well our and then H ome yeah I get it I get it [Laughter] thank you if you feel him moving all over this room put your hand up come on right now hurry he's healing many of you in your seats when we close tonight we have an everybody at the altar we're not done there's much yet to happen but I want you to begin to pull them your way there's many of you leaving here tonight healed he's not limited to my hands or my words you pull on him right now pull on him right now just mighty touch here comes your vision ma'am there comes your vision just the power that the Holy Ghost all dear Jesus oh my Oh mine [Music] amazing man amazing ma'am it's amazing what he's doing here he's reconstructing the rods and the cones in your EIN he's reconstructing these rods and Zee scones she's under the power standing up seriously I'm very serious here's an example of how that happens right here she's she's clueless that I'm even probably here maybe not [Applause] where some of those men that when checked where you after they come back yes no bleeding hallelujah come on there had to be a half a dozen of you where's the other men that did they go yes no bleeding come on there's another one I know there was a few more where where where where yes sir what you better get over here you better get over here now what was here's the man here oh my the powers all over me can't even get here yeah [Applause] oh my did you get hit that hard [Applause] [Music] your name your name is will [Music] water break anyone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your name [Music] [Music] [Music] but I Steven Steven Prescott so you you work for KCM right no why do you have a case oh this is part of the conference what do you live in symbaloo Texas these all side of San Antonio uh-huh San Antonio that's a good way from here couple bars right you drove yes sir how long you staying until I do Saturday morning to go back to my pastor Wow your pastors here no so no shorts Texas I'm the pastor of a church you got you got diagnosed and healed on the same day you're gonna pray for this sick and they're gonna recover [Applause] do you hear me yes sir yes yes you're going back a man on fire hallelujah so have a request don't you ruin this story no I went up there and I got touched in those better I'm just glad don't you go back with no excitement about this you will mess up the miracle welcome you arrived at that church of yours what kind of church is it there's a non-denominational Oh huh none denomination and the pastor's name myself Steven pearl you're the pastor [Applause] [Music] your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know you know who's he talking to excuse me I gotta go up here faster but you know what I'm excited about knowing that you're the pastor I'm on my way pushy people [Music] you okay ma'am how are you 18 come over here you need this at 18 you know that because you're not a follower you're a leader leadership is all over you but they make tough calls they don't go where the crowd goes they go where the cloud goes bring him up bring him up my guts sir Here I am I'm here watchu okay speak your heart to toss them 12 I had a major heart attack they call it the Widowmaker it kills 99% okay what do you want to tell me I'm bleeding you're what I'm bleeding and I also work for KCM i pioneer I helped to pioneer this ministry mr. George I know I have more stories about the KCM that you'd like to know about it I'll share no no what I want you to do is this how do you know you're still bleeding I was I I had bleeding you know I had prostate prostate problem I had you make up your mind to not fall under the power just to clean the carpet fall with purpose I mean the slaying power is real but it's as real as you let it be and if you mess that up because it's not real to you then the debt will start summation either this is real and tongues isn't real then this isn't feeling and pretty soon you buy a lie and he takes the Thunder and the lightning right out of your life father son Holy Ghost written word all your prophecies you check before you say another word you go to the men's room and you check for me I had asked each man to do that I want you to do that for me okay is that a deal let me know go check real quick go ahead oh wait will not go anywhere for another couple of hours right what's going on there give me this right here what's this what's this come to me as a boy come to me with the boy how is the boy what's the matter with him he had type 1 diabetes he was type 1 diabetes that way no he was just diagnosed last year uh-huh so he takes the needle yeah he's independent insulin independent dependent insulin yeah yeah I hear you if I hear you imagine the master hears you listen I know you've got other issues they know that but this is not one of them he's away alcoholic does he know you're here you think you want to get one look at me she's afraid of God look at me the change begins with you you're gonna stay if you're gonna stay in this then you have to make up your mind you're the one the changes you're right in front of him and if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom to be a worshiper do you hear me you have to put your hands up another part of the house look at me you do that you could be the remnant that makes everything fully your boys gonna get healed tonight here's one thing you don't have to worry about ever again he's heard your cries no more type 1 well the point fell into the power you see that he Sundanese out their kids out look at this pastor look at this he's out look at that get the camp that's why we should go just like that [Applause] you okay point you comfortable how you feel dizzy that's going around here tonight all over the place how you doing dizzy we have fell half a dozen times you can't get up I can't get up I forgot to tell you I have had blood pressure the doctor told me that about six months ago what's your numbers 187 over something and 55 and my head feels like it's gonna blow up right now I forgot about it I'm sorry yeah I was nervous that's all right crazy that's okay this is such a good Jesus man you're going home different okay nothing you don't need it gonna throw away my pills don't throw away your bills pay your bills where's this young girl here what's going on sweetheart yoo-hoo bring your granny to me I love grandmothers I'm here because of a believing grandmother so I love grandmas yeah what okay what's the matter maybe getting pinched nerves in my back oh my no come on over here come on everywhere the people can see you hey you like that buddy hey you like that the did feel good what that feel like you know what it felt like whenever I fell down I like felt kind of dizzy did you feel anything in moving in you do you feel anything moving what you feel like stuff like fixing my pancreas yeah my god out of the mouths of babes never did that or didn't come out of my mouth never did that organ come out of my mouth what's wrong with the granny you got pinched nerves where how did you do that well pen osteo arthritis oh my oh and I thought take some yoga classes because of what classes yoga classes yoga yeah and there you go it was too hard for me too hard to go you got aggravated my problem if you meditate day and night it won't hurt a thing meditate day and night on the Lord's work yeah that's it I love that yeah I agree with that totally 100% but I have a demon my legs also go to wet edema edema uh-huh you heard check him check him out we could go check him now go check them bring her up come on bring her up guys quickly come on man give this lady some room walk just walk just walk oh I know you can walk the walk without pain pick your legs up March like a soldier come on pick your legs up March pick them up pick your knees up March come on cut food two three here we go [Applause] no pain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no bad you're the jesus healed your grandma that's great you got what you know what this is what is it it's called RA rheumatoid arthritis it hurts very painful yes it hurts I can't make a fist and I can't do my work and put your heads on my hands oh yes so still hurts you know would you answer me this it doesn't hurt when I make a fist it will you know why will it huh why will it who determines that get out of these freakin preconceived notions for me well it's great you've already come to a wrong conclusion what conclusion you come to is the spiritual attract the spirit attract see if you come to a wrong conclusion if you come to you're gonna die you attract death that's why Jesus was upset whenever they came and said master who awake from the storm we perish he was more upset with the fact that they predetermined they were gonna die he's thinking I'm on this ship you're not gonna die mm-hmm but they had reached a conclusion they were in the coral ma'am ma'am how's your hands no I'm gonna count to three I want you to make a fist with were you right-handed mm-hmm when I cut three make it 50 the right hand okay when I cut through one two three that's 3/4 of the way this three fours one two three oh my [Applause] there's scleroderma I don't care what's there I'm not getting anything you got not what you got I'm not kidding well you know I don't care what it is I'm not getting anything that contains it does it hurt is it hurting now it just it hurts yeah bless your Lord look at me you're a precious lady you are a precious precious lady when somebody give him praise come on all over the place [Music] come on sir what is it hurry up you're here were you here for no rain you what I'm all right y'all from Norway yeah you came in for the meetings from Norway yeah uh-huh get my god bless you come on from Norway Rick you're blocking the people you can't block the people so what are you here for tonight I'm diagnosed for cancer cancer what kind of cancer cancer what kind first other prostate uh-huh and then a month ago and then the doctor will give me operation but I I want to receive my healing still I have received my hailey by faith by faith there's gonna be a power go through you Holy Spirit power will go through you and just work alongside your faith tonight hear me every symptoms gonna leave thank you come on say every symptom Wow come to me over here quickly come on grandma what's your name Shirley Shirley holy whoo holy what somebody praying what's going on here she's falling under the what's happened here okay leave him there that's good go ahead you're good there you're good there keep him keep your hand on him is good okay there's so much going on here I can't wait to have you all at the altar here in a couple minutes so you what's going on ma'am what's your name again Shirley holy thank you I got it thank you thank you higher I know I'm a blonde but I do get things quickly keys Lord where are you when I really need you with something so what do we want to get here tonight man what do we want to do what do you need tonight sweetheart hi dang dunk you can't talk so what happened give a stroke no what happened why can't you talk damn phone dude whoa I'm gonna touch you right here okay okay I'm gonna release the power of the Holy Spirit okay he's gonna go the whole way through you okay and you're gonna be able to talk okay is that okay speech he's um I'm sorry do you know her that's your mom come and talk to me she has aggressive nuclear severe palsy but she's about an aggressive miracle in a couple seconds I agree her her tongue her mind and her tongue are not on the same page they're not meshed together like he's gonna talk together Sheena understands what you're saying but she can't get the words out well she will praise God my ghost come on say hallelujah I love Jesus [Applause] praise the Lord hallelujah glory to God [Music] your name is it will improve [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] my god [Music] [Applause] all that it's all agree ma'am it's a powers your name [Music] [Applause] the power [Music] it's all over you it's all over you it's all over you it's all over you once again you'll feel the moving of the breeze of heaven once again not just one more time but once again it's been absent for some time but once again a great season of the tangible glory somebody better give God us oh my god oh yes ma'am quickly scoliosis haha and my left tip is bone on bone how crooked are you back here let me see I don't looking up here but it's down here does it hurt it always hurts oh we wouldn't mean always I'm always in pain always almost always it how about no no [Music] you're a dancer where do you dance that I have I'm a ballroom dancer I teach dance ballroom dancer and you teach dance so tell me a move you can't do or couldn't do I can't even walk up stairs without hurting let's go here we go [Music] [Applause] no pain no pain no what do you think of that I think that's amazing want me to try again you're wet I said you want me to try it try it again sure go ahead [Music] [Applause] no bleeding no bleeding the bleeding has stopped Oh somebody get happy Wow that man wait a minute that man that just came up to me how long did you have that one year and a half bleeding every day oh yeah huh what the doctor said it was so bad that he should be emaciated and not able to walk and just the bleeding the flow was so bad that right mm-hmm [Applause] amazing what do you think what you you are you almost happy you Tenma have to go ten miles to go or what I don't know this is only night number one Hey but do not miss where's your Bible if somebody showed me give me a Bible here I know this is a word church tomorrow morning when pastor George and Terry I think it's pastor George tomorrow morning correct this you've got tonight but this is how you keep it because anything you get through another person the devil knows you didn't get it on your own the gifts of the Spirit you get healed by real a it's different than a healing you get on your own and so anything that you receive in a crowd than a gift fantastic I left Kathryn Kuhlman I went home to a grandmother that scared the devil I figured out young in life the devil didn't want any part of her but everybody don't have that safety book some people go home into unbelief they go home into not much you need to be equipped you can know all the healing verses and let's get healed why is that you can know all the money scriptures and not be rich why is that come and learn pastor George is one of the most absolute finest Bible teachers I know I mean it as a matter of fact I never watch him on the broadcast or online and not learn something I want to be a full time learner come on I want to add to what I already know take a break tomorrow morning what is it Friday morning right come on Friday take a healing day you take a sick day take a healing day someone said yeah take a healing then come up tomorrow morning and make it a weekend special this could be the weekend on God's Celestra calendar this makes the difference for the rest of your life do you hear me if one day they doubted through them into 40 years of wandering one day one day sent them into 40 years of a curse then one day can turn it around you don't ok what you're crying no what your grandmother got healed what's the problem I have so much fear every day do you have what you live what Oh see these OCD the fear of what get up here get up here now see this is exactly of what we're expecting for these next few days she was touched probably a half an hour ago 40 minutes ago the anointing will get in there and hit you like he is - no can bring things to surface but she got healed that right okay how about you we've got this vomiting thing yeah where do you go to church we're just we're glad you made it here tonight you won't vomit anymore [Applause] there'll be no strong drink touch your mouth and the drugs touch your veins and you'll be kept until you meet your beau is [Applause] what's the matter I'm undergoing 48 radiation treatments six months 48 radiation yes six months of hormone therapy and believe me now I have great respect for the women who have hot flashes news tonight what what what the cancer is my latest scan has shown some bone spattering and but I don't believe that somebody don't go I see tonight you'll have something more another hand though to hold on to because there's a presence that's greater than radiation see that's where the fire of God comes in because they radiate because because cancer cannot grow in heat that's where they use radiation so if you get on fire for Jesus you get that burning yearning Charlie [Applause] get on fire and the fire takes care of anything coming that's why you build a fire in the woods that's why in 911 they jumped out of the building instead of go by way of fire there's something about fire in God says I just want to put that stuff in your bones the way it was in Jeremiah's bones get ready we're coming up front here in a second sir put your hands up Holy Ghost we thank you for this wonderful wonderful man mmm put the fire o'the room and let him know that he knows he's radiated for the last time oh my god there's people getting hit very heavy tonight yes what's this 2015 I was diagnosed with lung cancer on cancer and COPD and the way they found it I had my back x-rayed right crushed vertebrae and and there was it there I just felt the power hit you I just felt says did you feel that I just felt it hit you it's over do you hear what I said new lung cancel every death plans get back to dreaming come on somebody give God a shout come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] I call your Lord yes ma'am what's this um it's for my it's my disc low growth under the arm there's a growth under the arm it's leaving who is this you came in with his growth underneath your arm it's leaving a right now who is this just put your hand check it hurry who is this come on yell out I can't see across the whole room here it's almost like a fatty tumor a swelling of some kind who is this gone still they're gone gone I think it's smaller smaller you mean gone gone oh my god it's gone it's leaving power [Applause] tell me where was this right here what do you mean it was right there you have to be telling me the truth and you're in church now you know that was very painful how big was it um it was affecting my homes how big was it it was big not put odors that people see that how big was it it was right on them dear god that's bigger than a softball yeah it was this was well I don't know how we going everybody move your time to 10 o'clock come on the sing West can somebody phrase up tonight are you okay you okay wait don't want that girl coat though I didn't tell her to go back to her safe where'd she go no no no no not that girl that girl over here yeah you come here are you feeling a testimony card come here so where do you go to church I have a minister Skolkovo nearest ministry covenant rest yes okay what do you do I teach Bible study to people that guy told me come on pastor George pastor Terry you here is that you here this is part of this whole move right here people coming in here going to get a deposit and go add to what they're doing he's there's a thing is called healing your life healing your vision empowering you look at me you're going to continue to do what you do with better results you remember this night you're getting some of what's in this atmosphere you're going home with a boatload Oh what's going on here you called me what's better I have injury car injury year ago your car injury and two torn rotator cuff but that was sealed now heard of Hume I get vertigo okay just you get vertigo you get dizzy wait it is it's like a speak oh you're the husband yes my husband and where you guys from where you from from India India my niece is the one introduced you to me oh he lives in prodded or should you simply love okay and we are your partners you're a partner yes of course and doctor says I have some problem because of the blood pressure medicines causing heart problem - and I causing the slight deafness in my ear so so you have a slight deficit the year and you got the issues with the heart like a palpitation heart arrhythmia atrial fib very slow the heart rate all this and I get very dizzy the dizziness gone but it's spinning and I think that's why you wear the braces at home I do so glad you're here thank you thank you we've been praying for your watch is a wonderful place right here's support connect alien to you wedding is the amazing is amazing and Gloria - done for your Gloria Gloria - yeah you the neckbrace person yes I'm you where'd at home yes I didn't want to come with the neck brace because I want to be healed and you have a we have a breathing oxygen here yes let's get rid of it get up here this might be power coming on the power hold it goes come on somebody give God a shout somebody give me bro wow that was a WoW take it off hey who are you the daughter yep back heel yeah here give me give me the machine just walk over there come on [Music] [Applause] it feels pretty wet you're getting breath down here aren't you uh-huh yeah well I'm sorry that's the first time in years vanilla reef really like that she's had to have that thing 24/7 and now she's not no more she's free of that because her lungs have been restored they've been wet her lungs have been restored uh-huh and how long did you have this how long have you been using this hmm I want you to go out I want you I don't want you to go home tonight I want you to go to Walmart or somewhere that's open all night and buy Hershey stripe sheets all stripes I want her sleeping on stripes tonight okay all right do you hear me do it we both have back issues would you listen to me yes this is my service not yours okay okay and I will obey you're gonna lay on these sheets tonight they're gonna be striped is that right daughter yes sir okay you're gonna lay on these sheets tonight and this here is gonna be broken over you you may have you may have to use it intermittently okay we're not we're not trying to get you to do something you're not ready for but he's touched you but we have to make a move towards making it complete come on say there's the healing touch and then there's healed the only way you don't get healed after a touch is you just check out of it you nurture what you leave here with the anointing needs nurtured you're after a healing God's after you you're after money gods after you let him catch you you get the money and the healing come on come on amazing where'd that woman go you okay do you need it right now no no no no your breathing good yeah yeah but I want my back here would you get up here hurry huh my god what's wrong with your back bulging disc l4 and l5 where's it hurt right now though might lower bad you check it and check it would you check would you check it's still whoa what hurts yeah I'm gonna put my hand right back here Jackie you leaned into my hand no lean into my hand back it there you go what what happened well it's still here the Paintsville Lane still there okay looks like she's losing a whole lot better doesn't look like she's breathing you know what I think tonight I think he wants you to rejoice in the breathing miracle okay build your faith for the back miracle okay okay so do what I said get the sheets you're gonna be here tomorrow I'm anxious to hear tomorrow yeah about the night on the striped sheets yeah okay give her a big gut bless you come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] surgery and 91 for a ruptured disk for what a ruptured disk huh and it's just been sensitive ever since but I'm also here for gallstones and I won't pray for my left ankle what's wrong with your left ankle how many gallstones do you have I think two that what they told you me yeah and they hurt but also huh no it's mostly the ankle and the bank look at me he's realigning your life he's removing some people leave them do it there's some bad influences in your circle it's putting out your light every time you light the candle they blow it out let's get this thing moving you're a great girl God's got a plan for you come on somebody oh come on the powers on this woman my god slow down Jesus what what what I said hurry Phil I said slow down you heard that didn't you did you hear that that's why I need the anointing see to do that what's happened ma'am they all four and five I've had four years and I couldn't even stand up here for as long as I need no he's and I kept standing yes be sure that it was there and it's real yeah and I'm supposed to go tomorrow for for a wife treatment for a nun face it's not there it's not [Music] [Applause] do something you Clinton do come on [Applause] [Music] it's gone she had a fatty tumor over here where underneath my arm underneath her arm earlier it's gone I had it rewind an hour ago come on somebody listen to me I had it there for a long time I never I never I really never bothered me but I knew it was there and then I just left so you should never struggle again with acceptance in who you are because people that plant a bad seed they've destroyed you they've tried to destroy they've still stolen your seat of Honor and tonight God says hey I'm taking that away honor value coming back to your house turn around face this crowd say I'm special special special [Applause] where's the catcher's at that time my boy you got to move around there big bull then that amazing she can't even get up grateful tonight what does God have in store for tomorrow morning how many's coming to the teaching tomorrow mornin is he teaching tomorrow no fantastic how many's taking the Grand Tour uh-huh tomorrow night how many's coming tomorrow night [Music] somebody's moving to Fort Worth anybody moving to Fort Worth don't you laugh though that's what's happening people are relocating to the well that's drawn them amen let's bring her up one more time quickly people to me destroy you but God but God [Music] just amazing and it's just amazing for you to what you were saying about the teeth and you know you're taking other people's work yes I am this we're supposed to do realist receive it oh thank you lord they think you are but yes I knew you're taking your word her work in their work Lord has enough for us all [Applause] what do you think of that what do you think of that oh it's awesome how about you guys what do you think of that Ellison mystery how about you guys you guys together right here oh you with who you with I know you with two single people right come up here both you single people come up here ladies hit anything up both these people need help you get him up here come on hurry up come on he's healing cancer before we leave that we're gonna pray for cancer tonight yes this is amazing you you're here from where and then here you live you know and you south of Kansas City south of where Kansas City so how'd you guys end up sitting right there I have no idea I think it's because we showed up at the same time those seats were available and then you know we're here do you know her actually no I don't we just kind of met I seen her in the other couple she's with at the victory campaign down Branson so it just kind of happened recognizing when I was there and just you know you see people so I seen you on TV too sauce I recognize you too yeah [Applause] he has been all over this room tonight I want you to do yourself a big favor and and that's your a favor when you go home tonight check wherever you have to check you're gonna find out that God touched you in this meeting sitting where you sit like I said we're not done we're gonna have one more altar call in just a moment I just think this is interesting here I'm gonna put this in the interesting category and we'll see we're interesting goes say interesting sit together slain together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on hurry up I'm getting ready to quit come on we got in just pretty soon because we got to bring you back in the morning yes what you're for healing what fear healing of what fear what's the matter just fear of things huh just fear do you know that the more word you get in you it'll drive out that fear yes I know you know they men I receive it have you started confessing what 2nd Timothy 1:7 the Lord hasn't given me a spirit of fear what righteous are bold as a lion no weapon form you know what those right speak it and speak it and speak it and speak it and speak it come on say David's words hit the giant before the stone did long before the stone hit his words hit don't underestimate those words you hear me who's with you come on sister hurry up what's wrong with your sister liver cancer what bone cancer what enough edema because you've edema in the arm lymphedema is so swollen yes that lady had had two swollen leg quickly where are you the lady had the swollen leg how is that is it going down it is get up here oh my god hey look the same huh dang its comforts gone but what a discomfort it's just the discomfort mm-hmm where's the husband dad oh come on husband come on let's go you know these legs better than anybody in here come on yeah look at her legs look look don't this that pretty close yes sir do you want to know what happened to her she had stage 4 cancer in the death sentence and she went through about we went through about two years and four surgeries she never had any chemo and they took out her lymph nodes so she doesn't get she wears compression holes in her legs could be her leg is on one side okay it was a busy two years if it now though yeah oh yeah oh I know it's it's great [Applause] [Music] Wow it's not I'll never forget that's why that's a nod I'll never forget even when I depart I'll never forget tonight that's what I'm talking about right there that's amazing that's amazing both of you and your you live where again Odessa Texas yeah so you made a journey here to be the meetings won't you hear all weekend yes sir you're leaving with more than this Oh awesome thank you thank you Lauren you are starting to cry yeah I'm having a good time too we're not used to I sure hope we're not on B viewing [Laughter] [Applause] today someone say today [Applause] thank you thank you Lauren you are precious first thing I got here I bought the the mp3 the impetus mp4 you know the video it was a great choice [Applause] [Music] [Music] precious just precious we let this ministry I mean we live we're partners we love Kenneth Copeland we love everything about it the every thing we've ever seen here we love it's an honor to be here you're shaking well you've had the latest sighs some dreams with this you've been to put Hakeem here you've had the latest side some dreams you've had almost forget about what you wanted to do what God wanted to do with your life that's about to change there goes the powers there's the power there it is there it is there it is there it is Wow Wow Wow I got a question for all of you tonight how are you gonna sleep tonight [Applause] come on stop stand over feet everybody to the altar quickly come on [Music] let's just gather up here as we can quickly fill the out ways just leave your chair amazing sir you come what's happening here what's these two girls one bring them up here what's going on here sweetheart what do you need your eyesight is poor how about you I need an emotional healing okay and you sweetheart um I have a lot of burden on me from my past and I want it to be a lot of what burden from where from my past and I want it to be completely removed I'm sorry I don't want it on me I don't want to happen you have burdens from your past how old are you knowing there you go amazing and your eyes are bad ice how bad it's blurry is it blurry now cut sort of what do you mean sort of hi I'm Laurie blurry now yeah what do you mean no it's not blurry no more yeah is it blurry no no are you sure yeah it's clear yeah come on somebody give God a shout [Music] [Applause] there any walks he walks with me [Music] we share [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me a chance with me [Music] [Applause] [Music] we share [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every hand up all over the place tonight it wouldn't be right to leave this room without making Jesus the Lord of your life what he brings to your life you can find nowhere else there's no relationship there's no amount of success there's no religious structure that can give you what Jesus the Christ can give you sometimes you can't go by other people who don't bear the fruit that they should it doesn't have to be that way for you you will have what you believe for you will receive what you contend for there's so much here tonight I am overwhelmed that the presence of God tonight I am overwhelmed there were words coming through me I couldn't get to them fast enough so I leave you with the Holy Spirit tonight on the way home at home let this be the beginning of a new season for you why not you why not right now here's a young girl here nine nine years old once they get rid of the pain of her past nine years old oh my if she has enough sense at nine to have that cleansing stream why not you why not right now I'm gonna pray put your hands and I'm gonna pray I want you to afraid with me dear Holy Spirit go through me tonight with the refiners fire burn everything out of me but I can't do myself leave the portion for me that I can overcome you promised I would not be put above that which I'm able to bear but you'd give me a way of escape let the fire flow through me let there be a level playing field and let me King down the Giant take the head off and celebrate a new day take over my life Jesus there's nobody like you I accept you tonight in a way I've never known let this be a new season following you walking with you learning about you I received the Lord Jesus and I'm gonna learn about him through his Commandments I give God praise come on give it to [Applause] you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 68,490
Rating: 4.762712 out of 5
Keywords: 5481697493001, billy burke
Id: Av0ArUM65LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 39sec (9579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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