2018 Miracles on the Mountain: Praise Your Way to Healing (7 p.m.)

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh everything Oh everything [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on all over the sanctuary hands up say Holy Spirit I need you tonight to touch me and to talk to me I'm willing to do to go to say yes whatever you want me to do I need you big time I yield to you this night in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just very softly come all these we do we need that anointing come on down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come and I know and I know [Music] and I know [Music] [Applause] there has to be a shift in your thinking and my thinking and it is this I really need him we can get so equipped with knowledge and power and anointing we forget that we are connected to him we're only greater in him greater is He that's in me not me that's in me but don't say greater is me it says greater is he we're dependent were the branch he's the vine we got to stay connected come on put your hands high and say I need you tonight I need you to heal me I need you to help me get healed I need you to touch me with a chapter and a verse with a promise right here right now that eradicate all disease turn back the clock give me strength that I've never had before take away all my taint tonight make my bones move and my blood pressure be normal in Jesus name when we're kindness praise Him come on [Applause] ideally we go that's all century miraculous [Music] change and one written through Calvary [Music] [Applause] the sour Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated so much I I'm up here trying to recover from all that happens with pastor George and pastor Terry and then you add Tennyson to that and it's already a great evening come on save it I've never known that kind of love from a church I've never seen anything like that I thought how am I gonna do service tonight you know when you get hit with that kind of love that just wants to give and expect nothing back it floors you we all need more of that tell your neighbor he's talkin about you come on tell you Wow I mean for a pastor to stand in his church and asked for partners I know you don't know what I'm saying a lot of you I've been in this 35 plus years 36 37 I don't know I quit counting after 35 but I've never seen that kind of selfless Hey use all these people they give partners to somebody else I think it's a great idea if it just blown away just blown away now that what Kenneth said about the oil Roberts anointing for 10 bucks a month I mean I think the price has gone up over the year [Applause] come on say there is spiritual inflation come on somebody help me with it before you fill that envelope out there if you didn't hear pastor Terry's and message this morning if you know you know you need to really feed your faith that mean instead of just living on feeling or emotion or even meetings a leap of faith must be supported by a walk of faith if you lose sudden weight you have to support it by a change of lifestyle see everything that you do it instantly has to be supported by something consistently and that message that she preached this morning I watched it from my room recovering from last night and I'll tell you what I mean - the way she put that all together I'm God I'm your Haley I'm your boss I have healing for you I want you to be healed and I can't help doing anything else and she broke that done pleased and then pastor George's message on the Monday morning before that get something get that hunger stirred up inside of you yah-hoo isn't gonna help you that much Yahoo Google or Chrome come on whatever listen to those names I was on Safari I was on Google how brilliant has that made you there's only one collection of books the Bible is not a book at 66 books they'll all say the same thing come on somebody help me get tonight [Music] and get that yearning and churning and burning on the inside of you and it can unlock faith that you didn't even know that you had so amazing last night was absolutely amazing you know I mean tonight tonight I mean you know whenever an axe five whenever they jumped into Peters shadow they didn't have to sing they didn't have to confess they doesn't have to forgive all they had to do is jump into a shadow that was already there and tonight I think that's all we have to do I mean if your faith isn't stirred right now we might have to resurrect you if your faith isn't already a pitch fever I mean you've already heard already how much and how bad he wants to heal you and deliver you last night we have stuff here that was absolutely the book of Acts but you must continue pay attention to this if you want the anointing to linger the one thing that God requires if if you're not a Bible reader we should be but if they're not the very least thing that you could do on his menu is every day give him thanks I praise you thank you for what you did I mean between the time your feet hit the floor and you're on your way to the coffee pot I praise her for that touch last night so that healing I got last night when they wait wait wait wait when they came out of Egypt and they cuts through the Red Sea the first thing they did Merry Men Gunter timbrel and they sang the song of Moses it's only one of two songs that will sing in heaven the song of the Lamb and the Bible says the song of Moses and that song of Moses was the horse and the rider and they had a Holy Ghost party on the other side of the Red Sea nobody but they never did it again when that when the manna fell they didn't do it when the quail fell they didn't do it when the water came out of the rock they didn't do it they did it one time and then they felt that God owed them the rest of the way they lost gratitude and when you begin to get unthankful orbit you're thankful but you won't express it you know when you forget to get her that anniversary card you just say you know how I feel babe no roses no card no dinner no nothing you know and I'm just saying if you continue to be highly expressive it's the most important thing you have to give him he knows you're capable he sees you express yourself all the time over this and over that over the ball game come on over you know watching your daughter get some kind of reward he sees you have emotion and he says man nobody can touch you like I can that's not asking a whole lot even if you're not a person who likes to be public about it you get private you're in your own car pick your head up in your car and say thank you to what you did to my son I thank you that you healed my mother-in-law my father-in-law I give you praise that you didn't let me die in World War two or didn't read on I thank you that I just you know if you want to go private for a while do go private but don't ever go one day without looking up and I thank you for today this is the day the Lord has made come on God always gives you something to see how you respond he'll give you some favor to see how you respond to that favor he'll give you some anointing to see how you handle that little annoying thing will you thank him will you praise him over you act like will I deserve that he'll give you some promotion what does that mean that means whatever portion of your healing that you get if you're sitting on 30% tonight if someone's to say how's your back from last night well it's about 70 percent praise him for that 70 percent come on praise him praise them for that 70% if I said to you I'm gonna give you each a million dollars but there you go come on now [Music] you got to praise Him you got to be a little bit my god [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well who the Christians gone wild [Applause] we may be seated just for a second Wow some of you need to check right now because you don't even need prayer you guys deal right now again like I said last night the moment you sense the change don't wait on me don't you get in line and away dear you list somebody nowhere you shout it out loud you just saw hey Billy I'm already healed Billy that lump is gone Billy that the the hernia is gone my pain is gone I'm not bleeding anymore you don't even need a word of knowledge you certainly don't need my hands because he's got your hands on him come on pull on it right now just pull on it pull on it pull on it pull on it I mean that pull on it if you're here tonight and you're paralyzed you can't walk there's been a severance in your spine same thing you don't know when the next time is your time your next act of obedience not the last one the last one didn't bring manifestation see the Bible says now faith is doesn't say no manifestation is it says acts 1:7 is times and manifestation is in his hands but faith is in your hands so we stay in faith he chooses manifestation it keeps us close it keeps us yielded to what he wants he's after something in each of us I said he's after something and he's one of them this is not Walmart where you get a miracle for you know for nothing these aren't cheap they come by way of the cross miracle is the most expensive thing salvation and healing deliverance it comes at a very high price it's very important than that if you're looking for better I says one of the first things I tell people to do is just say Holy Ghost go through me if there's anything in me come on we all know the stuff and other people can you say Amen when they have a problem it's a demon when you have a problem it's a weakness come on say they got a bad spirit but you just have a weakness it's very important that you say Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost go through me that's what David prayed if you find anything because sometimes there's things there that we just haven't dealt with we've forgot about it it's blocking the flow unhindered flow say that unhindered flow the Holy Ghost wants to have unhindered flow moving through you it's so very important I mean that this blind lady I was telling you about as we pray for some of these people last night in a crowd this size we don't have a lot of time to spend with each person you understand that this service moves very quickly before you adults will be saying amen and driving out of the parking lot it just goes so quickly so with all of these people we want to give God as much opportunity so some of this work has to be done by you by your digging inside of you by you getting inside and purging and saying Holy Spirit come on touch me talk to me quit trying to change other people that don't work that just don't work but this blind girl she came to Weston Toronto she was born blind 28 years old her name is Marie never seen in the life she married never seen her husband had two babies children now older never seen him the one of her children and she came up it was 10:30 at night we were closing the meeting and and I went down and I said you know I was really wanting to close the service it was that kind of a meeting closing again and the lady screams she says can you pray for one more person I brought her from the she was a native Indian we have all of this unfolded it's all documented she had tubes also her head had never seen anything not even a shadow I said to her I said so tonight you know I said tonight's gonna be your night to be to see and she says well she said that that really can't happen and I said pardon me she said my parents told me that I would never see again she said my doctor just last week told me I'd never see again and she said my Indian chief told me that God is a rock and he handed me a rock and said that's God and you're ordained to a world of darkness I said Wow now I understand is 10:30 now scored 11 getting close to 11:00 and here's a young lady who not only can't see but she's full of bad seed she's full of contaminated seed and that's like Wow Lord you know I could have just prayed for her I could have just said whatever I could have closed the meeting but I felt compelled so could just spend a little bit more time with this one woman the place that people were kind of ready to go and that was kind of 10:30 court 11:00 11:00 o'clock and I just said you know could I just talk to you for a minute I said I'm standing in front of you so don't you know I'd want you to I'm not I'm right here I just listen to me and I just began to talk basic stuff he loves you your Indian chief was practicing spiritism I said he tells you gods that rock no God is a rock of our salvation he's not a stone he's not a piece of wood he's not a crystal you know he's not some mystic force he's a spirit you know he's the same yesterday today and forever and he loves you she just stand there and just couldn't see and I just said do you understand what I'm saying to you young lady do you understand this she said I hear you that she said yes to understand what you're saying to me is just a shock I said what do you mean it's just a shock she said because of what my chief told me we'd worship our cheese so we shouldn't worship the chief honor the chief or of God on to the chief honor all men but worship God and so she says yeah she said but what you're saying is just and I was just moving my hands like this in front of her I said no that's wrong jesus loves you he died on the cross he took stripes for you you know you're not under the curse you know you're no longer that curse is broken what that chief said is bad seed and I said and I remember something Gloria said years ago I don't know I'm sure she remembers this it's the phrase I've used through the years and that's this anything rooted can be uprooted come on you better say this anything rooted can be uprooted but how do you operate how do you uh produce you you you you that's why Holy Ghost is in you to help you you don't want to do this grace empowers you but you still gotta take what he empowers you to do with Holy Ghost and purge Billy Burke can only sing so many songs I know a lot of songs about me sing so many I know a lot of Bible verses but I can only say so many so they can we say so many verses like I only sing so many songs it has to be something else I can do I can purge I can see Holy Ghost go through me continually we pick up stuff every single day from somebody somewhere intentionally accidentally who knows and I just took a couple of seconds with her and I said no I'm telling you right now she said what's that I said we mean what's that she said what's that this is the blind lady I said you see that she's just she looked at her caregiver she said what's that it's right on the film and she said that's that's his hand she said I see it I see Saints I saw my god don't say it like that [Laughter] [Applause] and then she touched my nose and then she touched the ushers nose I never touched her I walked around to tell the people what do you think of this she fell out for the first time nobody touched her fell and nobody even caught her she's a felon bounced right off the floor what a great way to be oriented into being slain in the spirit I walked over esta what are you thinking this and she was out and the whole footage just shows her laying there when she got up then she got born again then she got born again but take the time before you come to meetings tomorrow morning this week especially in the aftermath and all of these miracles because we don't have time to do that here I said times they're very very precious in these meetings we're here too last night tonight in tomorrow morning how about tomorrow morning come on tomorrow morning but take time to just check and see there could be some contaminated seed inside of you and you don't want to stay there any longer if you've ever had food poisoning if you ever had some form of botulism then you know and that gets inside of you know when you ate the wrong thing I mean knowing you eat too much come on let me see how many oh yeah I know you knew that one and when she got up and later she testified she said I was just shocked at what you were saying to me and as you were talking not touching but talking not touching but talking I fell something breaking on the inside of me what was breaking all those lies you'll get so much bad seed if you don't get it from other people you get it from your own thinking you know what you believe to be true come on say it can show up on the x-ray that's a fact but the truth is you're healed it can show up in your blood that's a fact but the truth is you're healed come on state the facts change mister truth never changes you've got a big phrase come on all over the place [Applause] come on and that's why and that's why in these meetings if you have to borrow some faith for the night if you have to borrow some faith that's what the gifts of the Spirit are giving you some faith it to add to what you already have you know to get you through this trouble time this man David I don't know if David's here tonight was David here tonight did he come back tonight is he in the meeting David David David come on up here David come come come hurry David oh my God he's running look at you now last light what happened the Paragon just arrested me and it was so heavy I've never felt that that ever happen do you like that before ever no you weren't lifting up off the floor I mean seriously that was serious yes sir and your pain no pain tell the people what you were fighting I don't like to call it what it is but it's under my feet cancer colon cancer and it's gone in Jesus name no pain no pain all night no pain all night no with your weight clapping the right time I'm trying to talk to the man right here and so you came up in pain yeah a lot of pain I've been off and on I get pain laughter not until last night you came up and you were in pain and yet boom you got that touch and then last night tell me about last night when you went home last night when I went home no bleeding no bleeding no bleeding no pain cancer is gone if if if every disease begins with a symptom then why can't every miracle begin with the absence of a symptom [Applause] house coming we get a symptom well we know this cancer we get a symptom we know that's a kidney stone we're so quick to x-ray ourselves diagnose ourself when a symptom disappears we go well I sure hope it's come on give God Fairplay if you can move quickly to doubt if you can move quickly to fear and he takes away glaucoma and drops your numbers drops your sugar numbers drop your blood pressure numbers hello [Applause] [Music] why we should not be able to come into this room and break the rhythm of any kind of pain we shouldn't be able to we shouldn't be able to break the cycle the rhythm of disease of fainting of dizzy of caring you're that man from Potter's house last night who's I don't know if easier or not they came back oh my god it's on the front row [Applause] you at this mean this means for brother Jake's you're gonna be a worker now yes right I'm being working here you'd be working here yeah oh I talked to my wife about it your wife what I spoke to my wife about it and we decided we're gonna come here [Applause] he ruined everything I was gonna say but c'mere you were I'm coming right back David come here quickly you were in the wheelchair with whistle with a hose in your nose where's the hose at so home ha we did the with somewhere when you you don't need it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm I'm Mar I marvel I never want to lose the wow factor do I see a lot of miracles yes am i grateful oh so much because Billy Burke knows where he came from and how far gods had to bring me and I know that I can't do that I can't do that see they're his gifts they're not my gift they're his gifts we have the gift of the Holy Spirit if I had the gifts if I could just turn it on I'd be in the hospitals tonight why would I be here I'd be in the hospital somewhere just empting rooms but see when they're his gifts then he uses me I don't use him and so I marvel here's the man came you were in a wheelchair with the hose and you had a what you had some kind of what oxygen oxygen bomb yeah and what was your diagnosis my diagnosis was I had that BTS with it I was out for like nine years with it you were wet at diabetes but how long was you in the chair in the breathing about eight years eight years and come here you're the one that got in here right precious wife now did he want to come to last night no he was yes yesterday was a dialysis day and normally when you get smooth imbalances he rests all day yes until the next morning yes so I knew if I told him to I want we were coming here you didn't tell them no [Applause] you mean you mean he came home from dialysis yeah then you said hey we're going would you tell him you were doing I'm picked him up from Dallas since last and will you go someplace with me will you go someplace and he said yeah no he said the one I need to go home and the rest I said please just this one time go someplace with me I got something to show you [Applause] and so he didn't question you the whole way here I'm not until we got into eras that he was not familiar with he goes where are you going and I said you're see just wait you're see and you were driving yes okay and so then when you pulled into the property that he say anything when you'd pulled in Kenneth Copeland ministries is this yes you saw the size he's are you taking me to church when I need to be rested is what he said me what I wasn't going to go home once I got here oh he didn't have any choice u.s. she had the key come on say Jesus took the keys come on so he's in a wheelchair with that hos egg hoops eight years he'd use and did you believe this what happened to you last night no no I didn't you didn't believe it know what I do now [Applause] they didn't believe when they knocked on the door that the church praying didn't believe Peter was going to be released so they obviously didn't have the faith for that but they had the faithfulness for that and sometimes whenever you don't have the faith if you'll stay faithful God won't move on your life because you're faithful you're still moving in the right direction come on somebody help me so you come here you're in the wheelchair you get called out you take the hose off you can breathe yeah you were slain yes what did you think about all that well I mean I mean all day we are losing in you what I've been running around all day I came here all day yeah and I hadn't used any oxygen in the wheelchair [Applause] pastor George I believe this is that portal I believe that that the portal I saw in a vision the whole United States that I saw this whole the portal is like an entryway like Jacob's Ladder the windows of heaven is like the portal the windows it's an entrance in and out of the heavens and I saw this portal right over this place that that means that God has some plans oh you don't know what I'm saying is that because all other people they're going to come here that need to walk into a ready-made atmosphere they can grow later but right now they got to get well see Jesus main option these main function is to rescue you first if you're hanging out of a third-story building is on fire Jesus don't look up and what is your smoking in bed [Applause] no we do that and call it ministry Jesus says jump I'll catch you as a smoker in bed yes sir we'll work on changing you later the hope tonight for you is to make the jump he don't heal you because you're good heals you because he's good it's very important that his main thing is still written he when he pulled Peter up out of the water I mean he later said as Peter standing on the water that he found that Peter had mixture in him how could you doubt Woofie he had to rescue him first before he could ever straighten him out you gonna be rescued who do you got to be rescued from the devil no you the devil at some point but we become our own worst enemies by not cooperating with what God wants to do it's a bit I'm just I'm just it's amazing and the fact that you now water your wife's doesn't do this all the time with your husband take him somewhere like that doesn't mean it'll work for everybody this is not textbook but the Lord evidently told you to do that and he don't have the wheelchair he don't have he did he sleep last night um yes he did he slept really well he also has a sleep apnea yeah but I was still just trust in the Lord we didn't put any sea peg so I'm on him last night or anything [Applause] there was an old song that says they baptize those Jesse Taylor in Cedar Creek one Sunday and the devil lost a mighty right hand and I I feel God has a great to work for you to do I don't know what else to say but and welcome to Eagle Mountain [Applause] come on talk to me now so you came up no pain all last night today pain no pain and you feel strong I feel strong so when you go back to the doctor's month Monday Monday what are they scheduling you to do Monday radiation and put a bag right I mean chemo on me but I'm gonna tell them now I'm gonna tell them to check me out check you out [Applause] [Music] singing hey touch me come on everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] battery [Music] me ooh hallelujah hallelujah singing hey touch me softly oh he touched me [Music] [Applause] joy something wonderful happens and now Hey [Music] me he's healing a herniated disc right now hurt disc herniation being wonderfully healed by the mighty power come quickly get on my right or my left quickly disc herniation wonderful cataracts are leaving right now cataracts are just leaving if you'll just rub your eyes you're going to begin to see the cataract is not there both eyes some heaven and one eye cataracts are leaving right now rub your eyes before you come up is that that Utica your back what's the matter man talk to me I guess herniated discs in my back yes and I just know in the name of Jesus I came to get healed and how is it right now how is it right now well it's moving I'm healed in the name of Jesus [Applause] there's a lady here with multiple lumps on your breasts multiple loves not one but multiple they're all leaving every single up is leaving your breath hurry come quickly don't wait don't wait don't wait is that you tell one of the ushers come on hurry up man hurry how long you had this a year ago I was diagnosed with stage four not only in the press but the bones from my neck to me tell me about the breast there's lumps there too there's two lumps two maybe three maybe three how about three two one zero [Applause] come on pick her up pick her up pick her up quickly I need someone to go man my god that's the power still on you and I not another word these lumps God will often started at area before he moves to the next area he knows exactly our makeup he knows what you need and I need to get momentum back to get the edge can you feel here you have to go to the ladies room feel smaller or maybe gone I have to well then you better go check also you better go check you come back after that go check I want you to go check hurry number somebody go with that girl right there quickly yes bring this lady to me here quickly bring this lady what's the man what is this you may be seated everybody what is this what is huh and how many do you have who you you're the daughter she has Stage four breast case Stage four breast cancer 70% of her breast tumor is in her spine and were you from where you from South Dakota South Dakota came from inner bones all the way you're the husband this bothers you I'm sure the big the husband's correct and you came up huh we've been taking care of her since December a year ago yes and we've just been using God's food she hasn't had any radiation or chemo or anything and perhaps just who died of cancer with my parents look and you watch them I said I'd never take you said you'd never take him already and I said she's never you're the daughter you're the daughter so she moved in with me and my family and I'm gonna touch you listen to me I'm gonna touch you there's gonna be a power girl for your body you know me do you hear me and these pumps are gonna go tonight they're gonna leave that's your sign gonna go somebody better give it goes [Applause] don't be afraid just lay there I know it's strange for some people but the best place to be sometimes is under out of your own power out of your own control let God's work let him work in you beautiful beauty is being healed somebody with Crohn's who is this Crohn's disease being healed your whole intestines is being who is this with the Crohn's come quickly where's the Crohn's come quickly hurry with the Krone come come come with the Crohn's my god this is over this is all over get Crohn's buy the whole day oh the Holy Ghost come on somebody give God a shower we touch we pray we yield he heals do we figure that out no we don't try and figure that out we trust our faith kicks in we believe you can believe a doctor for a bad report you can believe the Holy Ghost for a good report man what is this quickly crows um I haven't been diagnosed but I was fine nature Pathak doctors told about a leaking gun and one of and having all kinds of issues would you have any histamine is kicking up that's what you have you've histamines kicking up from your belly all kinds of thing is is not Crohn's just this is histamines out of control yes I mean it's a nice to last night it's over it's absolutely all come on somebody give him a shot [Applause] what's that it's gonna take a while on this one it's gonna take a while no stuck and take a while it's gonna take as long as you can get to the ladies room that's it get into the ladies room quickly take this think I wanna know bring her back come on give God a big shout between my herniated disks how'd you do that when I was 21 just working out too much cataracts where's the cataract well it's clear your eyes are clear right are they clear caused by myasthenia gravis close by what my thinner grabbers close my eyes and I'm allergic to the surgery up anesthetic and you know really you know you're such a sweet lady do you know though I know I'm you what I thought God but I just need his help with getting this cataract office which I sit in this one it closes hey boy how was it right now closure the other eye close the other eye they put your hand over that eye what you listening yeah how is it now it's it's blurry is it could you see it close it's open I know it's open but if I scare it close a Bulgarian won't close no more no more no this is a miracle service every night at home I know this is a miracle yes just touch this eye oh oh my god lady dear God that lady's got the Holy Ghost [Applause] clear its what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now see this lady right here watch.watch we had to work a little bit first Corinthians 12:10 one of the gifts is the working of miracles not miracles Jesus had to work the miracle why did he have to work it why didn't he just turn the water into wine because he wanted people involved and he wanted to work with their expectation the working of a miracle creates expectation sometimes we don't come really expecting he's got to get in fix some things to get you what shifting in another direction he put mud on his eyes spitting mud his DNA on mud he could have just healed them but he worked it then he sent him two miles away to a pool with nobody helping them imagine being blind with mud in your face just trying to get from this property out to the main road and the Bethesda pool was that approximately two miles but the whole time that man is walking towards the pool he's thinking my god when I got to get to that hole he got his inside motor running so your inside is connected to your outside you gotta want it I'm you got to not just say I'll you just can't say I'm gonna go and get I'll take it if I get it no you got to want it then jump into that shadow now that lady's precious I just in this man over here from from well he's the Eagle Mountain now but this meant [Applause] and that's not our motive here to get you no no no we're just glad you're here but this is you you said you didn't even believe that was gonna happen my wife keep thinking would be I didn't well your wife is she had the faith for it yeah I guess you'd be you owe her a lot probably right how many lumps do you have on your breasts breast over here but I was diagnosed years ago and they came back and that's it mine how do you know they're still there my chest still feels tight and I hadn't examined yet you haven't examined yeah no I'm gonna touch you power is gonna go through you every lumps gonna go away and there'll be no cancer do you hear me there'll be no care you think that power oh come on somebody give him a mighty brave [Applause] [Music] what happened to that guy that was right here it was a guy right here where do you go where do you go he was laying where'd he go back here for he had a herniated disc or something like that yeah what's the matter with this guy regular get up here how are you feeling sir good my shoulders not hanging now like it's gonna slooping children so I have two discs in between yeah that are herniated yeah they were and they were right so I've been healed before so I don't have pain or anything huh but I just want my disc back so did you get him back I got him back that's don't selling to the exciting of a healing does he got my disc I can tell by the way you clap well that's a disc healing that's just like [Applause] Okara this lady's Pentecostal all the way right here I'll tell him that she began to talk in tongues come on this we thank God were you from Canada where course the Canada where's that ass it's yeah just a hundred mouths from a hundred mouths are you staying for the whole weekend I was here yesterday I wanted healing from my life in the grab-ass and Hashimoto's your hashimoto uh-huh wait a girl here in June healed of huh she look I so I saw that that's when I first saw you my whole life your whole body I was watching some I'm a secret I'm the best kept secret but every night since then there you go you're precious I'm so glad you're touched and the Hashimoto's is gone [Applause] [Music] and I came up here because I already know that you have the breast lumps I have lumps this is you're a caregiver no I came up here because before I came here I told God that I already know that I'm gonna be healed I came here for her and I get that G is ALS mm-hmm I told God that I'm sacrificing she's fighting a you know she's fighting that she can hear me and understand me right what's your name sweetheart Denise and who are you oh man glad you're here grant glad you brought her this is the place for miracles yeah where are you from where you from Prescott Arizona Prescott Arizona yes and just to clear the air we have seen people healed of ALS this is not an impossible thing amen come on let's give God a big shout you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're shrinking [Music] it's smaller they're shrinking they're underway and they don't hurt and they're shrinking as she stands here we're gonna check in with you I'm gonna come back to you okay I want to see you stand up tonight all right all right is that okay yeah we're gonna get you to stand it okay give her a big God bless you come on ah stage four cancer two years ago yeah sure yes several breast lumps I'm paying all the time severe migraines that carotid arteries are being cleared right now on both sides of the neck any blockage in the in the blood flow on both sides of the neck this is where your fatigue is coming from it's where your heart palpitations are coming from blockage in your core if you have not had if you have not been checked and you're having these dizzy spells and you're a week and you just you're exhausted that's you get up here there's blockage on in the carotid artery come quickly this lady right here 80% and what boljan know where vertebrae and muscles weakness where you come for you come from Atlanta Georgia Atlanta Georgia you came all this way drove it you drove it Norcia get him up here you're you drove your wife all this way yes to be healed yes and he has a hernia have you checked it yes I think it's go home [Applause] you that earlier not just receive it then did you check it yes as gone wrong oh it's gone it's gone stall and she [Applause] we had her near the desk in the back of her neck yeah 80% block is an ordinary order yeah yeah and her not while I'm here I'm letting this young lady here just stand and soak a little bit when I went to her she wasn't ready so I moved here not because I'm smart because Holy Ghost I'm a blonde how could I be smart come on right I need the Holy Ghost more than most of you right but I'm being very serious that means this this is your faith has a peak point every vitamin you take has a peak point every aspirin you take as a peak point a place where it kicks in the faiths don't always kick in when we think it does in these meetings it's all through the evening whenever it may be here's that girl I told you about at 10:30 that's why you don't leave til then bottom of the ninth inning till the game's over you could get healed on the way to your car in the foyer oh my oh my oh my oh my you know don't sit there and get discouraged because somebody's getting healed and said well what about me God singing you celebrate for other people that's a fast come on say that's a fast - your own miracle I mean that you know if you're panning in the screen for gold that somebody finds gold first don't get depressed you're in the same stream now these people that are getting healed you're here tonight don't leave this auditorium you take issue with your issue you don't have to come up for me but somewhere in these seats reach be vulnerable okay who gives a holy hood who sees you get vulnerable disease steals your dignity that's what the devil wants he wants to steal all dignity that you have make you reclusive make you ashamed so when God begins to touch you don't wait for the full manifestation if you're here tonight and you sense why I'm feeling better shout about it no one may have a clue what you're going through the chat about you came all the way from Atlanta needing don't have a hernia no more I don't think God wants you driving home with one healed [Applause] it feels a little different from the whitening it's different from this morning it's different tell me just a little different different shape different size a little small so it changed the shape that means with on the move that means it's on the move [Music] you gotta reach for the hand the size of the hand the cloud every sign of improvement you gotta hold on to it you've got to become your own cheerleader you got to sing psalms and hymns to yourself David said I encouraged myself this is amazing it's on the run your cancer is over even up here up there - yeah yeah the anointing is spreading through your moving through your body that's why you came thank you oh all the bones us all the bones everywhere sweetheart everywhere everywhere everywhere everywhere [Applause] where'd that lady go hey no please get that lady in the blue sweater up here please ma'am this is not your service you can't do anything you want you're gonna come up here why'd you go back to the seats you can't do that you thought it was over we just got started I want to know who woman say that [Music] I hear they've just been leaking and everything to worse the longer you stand here you're falling apart come on how's the other part that came up how are you I'm at the other part [Music] look at that my legs are strong now they wank my muscles resolve I was just so wobbly and I could my husband help me out he would sit down in that chair hurry up come on hurry ma'am I'll cut all night I got a lot of works at Hariri I can't the three jump up one two three jump up jump up [Applause] would you get over here walk this walk [Music] [Applause] yes yes the real thing people [Applause] your name is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the lumps you have loves I hate that's what it started with the lawn and what happened spread it off in my body was that lady still back here does your wife always do this no no what church do you go to in Atlanta we go to Liberty Square in Marietta Georgia Liberty what Liberty Liberty Square Liberty Square Church yes what kind of church is Liberty Square what kind of it's a full gospel actually so it's came from the Church of God uh-huh yes all gone great great do you watch be vov or how do you hold the time all the time how many watch BB o VN all the time don't be what that we get it on based network and we watch it all yeah yeah it's coming to Direct TV - you ready hey could I tell you though I was walking I was driving past this is just well for whatever because driving past the Bible College building over here no I don't embellish I mean I'm this is as true as I heard it as I was driving past the building I thought where's that music coming from so I put the window down I said where's that music coming from and here's what I heard if you've ever been to the Holy Land and you hear that music of the prayers would go all over the city I heard Holy Land music so I don't know what part that Bible College plays to Israel or what mission Oh mine think of this place launching missionaries out of that Bible College and it opens up in a couple more months then it can anybody come or not in anybody yet anybody can sign up and don't there's a booth out there they're gonna think we're collaborating oh you're getting me partners I'm ginger amazing ma'am and the blue sweater community sweetheart how do you feel I feel great my feet but it didn't have any feelings in him how and when I feel like I had boots on you know or I was walking at times it felt like that I was walking on water balloon get out of here and now they're normal yeah my muscles in my legs [Applause] my husband has to help me I think I refuse to walk on a kind or get in you don't leave me much anymore you don't eat him that much tell him see I don't need as much anymore Joe I know he knows he knows that I couldn't even make his breakfast I was so weak we know wait till you go to bed tonight wait you go to bed tonight it's gonna amaze you no no I know that I'm already been touched Bella the risk God the real she just went to the neurologist and they said they did the muscle needles in her muscles and her nerves were dead going to her feet and down halfway her legs they said there wasn't anything that they could do that it would just continue to get worse they could give her muscle relaxers until she wound up on a wall to receive it we just need it we've trusted God we believe God with leaving healing we just needed this healing anointing and we felt like if we could get here and and get in this healing anointing that my god I'm so glad you're here so this is breast cancer you're fighting tell me about it um two years ago I was diagnosed I had the first one third trimester yeah so he got a new little one and you're from where Tulsa Tulsa huh and so it spread throughout and I have actually had two remissions where I was completely cleared this is going into all of your soft tissue when I touch you everything changes in your soft tissue this is an invasion coming into your soft tissue okay I don't want you to run back to the doctor but once you and Holy Ghost says go you go don't make it don't let them keep an appointment for you you determine the appointment from this novice come on somebody give God a shout [Applause] upper-upper carotid I'm sorry upper Carabas carotid arteries closed and they couldn't do a stent because there's such a bad how's that affecting you how's that affecting you uh I was a year from December September for a whole year and that stopped it just but how's that affecting you like tonight are you is it you short of oxygen are you dizzy are you how's that carotid how's that blockage affecting you it's I don't have the brain power the brain power yeah I'm missing you're missing brainpower yes sir you're precious you know that and where do you live sir Oh cliff where oak cliff south of Dallas south of Dallas gives you have a church over there yeah what's your she goes to see up in price of the nation's you were Christ for the nations wonderful wonderful place yeah put your hands up sir I'm so glad you're here tonight the effort that it takes to get to a meeting for so many get all that you can while you're here these arteries are gonna open up tonight you know that there's also some cleaning in your eustachian tubes eustachian tubes are blocked as well that's why the problem with the ears that's clearing up as was that right sir the right ear yeah left ear yeah that's all clearing up as well your eustachian tubes and these carotid arteries being wonderfully touched by that all the power you give God praise we give Him praise we give Him praise all sir they're being touched oh they're being touched precious you are touch this man from Christ for the nations we give you my deep praise give this beautiful man that god bless you come on [Applause] [Music] up and down he touched you he touched you he so touched you that's powerful I tell you what ladies and gentlemen I went this girl brought up right here right here quickly she waited here for so long talk to me sweetheart I was able to get up without any pain [Applause] [Music] what do you think of this we're getting there huh get in there started lay back down hurry up lay back down on your own [Applause] you did it you did it twice look at me see you have got to you've got to believe that part belongs to you I can't do that for you nobody can God can only do so much before you become what persuaded my god something's happened how many times did it take for me to fall from the Ravens for Elijah to figure out something's going on around here come on say any day any bird could accidentally drop some meat but twice a day on time for many days that's a supernatural bird something's going on don't wait forever to figure out something's going on you're not gonna die cancel every plan you have for death cancel oh wow wow wow wow yeah who's over here yes bring me this girl right here let's go right here quickly I'm sorry in the scooter you're in the scooter tonight what's going on with the scooter well I can walk some I can sit some I can stand some I just can't do any of the above very long what's this on your side um it's for pain pain mm-hmm tell me about that I have chronic pain head to toe what chronic way then were you from Frisco where Frisco how far away San Francisco Frisco all right calm down calm down calm down I didn't know Frisco now my mom drove me here she drove here from Oklahoma didn't drive me here you're going home without the scooter you have a church over there in frisco what's good is that hope fellowship Hope fellowship but I need one like this hour and 15 minutes away hour 15 away can you stand up without the scooter yeah yeah you know this has become more of a fear thing than a sickness thing that's only because I can't couldn't walk very far I mean when I'm at my house I'm I was on my couch all day long have you had the power go through you before yes it's about it's about to happen you won't need this little gun under holster right here you don't need it or my other tuition [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what happened I just what I just know with everything that I've been learning that when God says do it you do it to receive man I can tell it's decreased you can tell this decrease yeah much 50% probably about 40% 40% here I'm down it's still quite heavy mm-hmm put your hands up this is a new time for you listen new time for you something had you all walked up on the inside its people its people it's their words has imprisoned you he's breaking those chains tonight tonight's your night to go home with no thing on the side and no scooter and no pain and no pay power come on my car [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay hmm 6e 50% better 50% did you check on the lumps I haven't yet you haven't yet go to the girls room hurry up who you you're the goat you can't go with me what's going on with you sweetheart quickly breasts Keynes oh my god another one we're happy you had us back in September I was only 35 years old something just felt abnormal yeah and I went to the doctor and he sent me to a specialist right at first they said I had a lot going on but it was isolated and everything was gonna be okay went in went ahead and had a double mastectomy and during the surgery had a double mr. mm and they found they didn't think anything was in that lymph nodes so they found right they found cancer in my lymph nodes okay and so went in for a second right second China Seas being yelled hepatitis C quickly hepatitis C don't wait please don't wait there's two here with HIV 2 in the auditorium I know that's embarrassing I know you don't want to come up but there's two with HIV being wonderfully healed of this terrible disease tonight all the reproach as well being wonderfully healed of this quickly quickly quickly I'm waiting quickly come on I won waiting quickly I'm waiting wait another second please I'm waiting [Music] don't come this far and lose out on this if he calls you publicly then he wants to heal you publicly if he calls you in the bathroom then he'll hear you in the bathroom some was in the synagogue some was in the house some was in the marketplace he's the lord of where it happens not just that it happens who is this what's going on with you why are you standing up well then get up here you look guilty come on get up here hurry up get up here where are you from sweetheart Liberty Texas what brings you into the great service tonight what brings you well I'm a pastor of a church out there yeah and we're believing for a miracle for my husband what's the matter diagnosed with GBM with what GBM brain tumor brain tumor come on up here sir [Applause] [Music] I'm thrilled you're both here you know I was healed of a brain tumor you know that right brain cancer yes how long have you had this two and a half years malignant what the doctors saying to you just keep doing what they're doing chemo uh-huh know what they can uh-huh mm-hmm that's what they're saying uh-huh it all changes for you tonight amen why you're here right tell me about your church tell me about your church Centrepointe um do you preach the sheep raise your bow debate she preaches what do you do I'm working industry uh-huh yeah put your hands up quickly come on part of God's coming on both of you sir look at me you're never gonna experience like this this is an amazing night for you you mark this on your calendar okay this is life defining moment yes I don't know what you're doing for a living but you're gonna join her in the ministry [Applause] there was just one tiny little spot there was three earlier there were three lumps earlier yeah and now there's a tiny tiny little [Applause] come on big guy come on come on come on what's going on here knees what's wrong with the knees you're a worker here joint I had in stem cells good stem cells put in the left knee yeah and the right and the right knee are they hurting right now little bit wait a minute little bit well it's definitely working right now though are they hurting now no no I thought you said yes no no it can happen that quick [Applause] what's happening here what's happening is it's back what's the matter stenosis in the lowers it's a nosis and the lower spine you how long you had this oh boy is it hurting now a little bit yes check it right now for me please no no something's happening with these people up here on this side what somebody hourly service it was hurting really bad but it's gone hello put your hands up good news is coming to you in the letter form there's hard mail coming into your house good news from family and get ready for it each time fences are about to be mended at a high level amending a fence at all by that holy go come on somebody give me pray what is it what hepatitis C right here huh get how long your head is 20 years 20 years it's not gonna beat one what's going on here what the hell are you I don't know did you what sister I'm the sister and were you both from Dallas Dallas yeah she has a rash all over her arms it's causing her to itch all the time you have a rash like some kind of eczema or woody called Hampton it won't go away no I have to cover it I get to cover it all that you afraid to be here tonight a little bit yeah I can tell you're afraid I can tell that Wow I was afraid we were in Hawaii here a couple weeks ago a lady she had to be 300 pounds she came running up broke through the ushers and she was screaming I am Satan I am Satan and she's running right for Mickey that's why I always think um Holy Spirit I mean seriously see it's in those moments where you don't you're caught off guard that when you're pushed what your full love comes out if you're full of I see coffee isn't coming out it's when you're bumped that you find out within you that's why you get filled them when you're bumped if the right stuff sent you the right stuff comes out and I just stood there I said Lord that's either you know her or me you know and and I just put my hands up like that and I said boy just she growled at me and I just growled right back one of his fell wasn't me yeah one of us fell come on put your hands on say it's showdown time come on come on that can't be afraid you gotta stand still and believe that what's in you works that's why you're here that's why you're here to see it so you can do it you spectate to imitate you spectate to imitate we have some people healed of their ears last night do you hear you inherent healing of the ears anybody here tonight what's that they had their hearing aids taken out who was anybody here from last night where who you pointing to he's up here talking to his wife he don't go back here and they still out that she keep her hearing aids out huh are they out well come up here hurry up sir well now come up from run up here sir come on you look come on hurry up I just feel he wants to heal some more ears tonight can you run sir can you what happened to you last night you've had hearing aids and they cost how much how much do they cost seventy two hundred dollars and and you kept them out all day all day that's right on all night I took the batteries out and I took the Aged I'll put them in the shipping carton they came in and I thought about putting a salt shaker and air so I could be charged with assault and battery [Applause] was there three wise men that came to Jesus or four wise men I forget $7,200 took them out it hasn't put them back in see the more that you acknowledged and the more you're grateful you set yourself up for the next need that you have the bear the lion the giant it just continues to be a lifestyle that that you live with when you become like Kenneth you know he just continues to shake everything off and gets ahold of women keeps on going I mean the father of this house who better to be an example and then Kenneth Copeland this looks like a building but is really a well it looks like a building that there's a well that was dug here many years ago we're drinking we're all drinking God and you're from Dallas and don't be afraid you're still afraid don't be afraid no I'm not really afraid I just would you just what I don't know it's just cuz you're nervous you think so no you have you been into meeting like this before no but I hadn't sit next to people that I don't know and tried to not it she's trying not to hit try probably want to know what I'm giving her and why you here you're here for her I brought her yeah she's yeah she's geographically challenged she couldn't get her better check check check check check it doesn't it oh my god [Applause] hey hey hey hey she's crying I know that it's over storm is over [Applause] can you fix your ears name just you listen a minute what you were down here there your legs started I had open sores down here and I couldn't leave it a little and now they don't hurt her it went there it went there it started back and there's nothing going on nothing [Music] [Applause] it is no secret come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know some powerful egos come on it's no secret [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no secret holy go [Music] atatĂĽrk a week ago I checked out holy Cody hold it David please he's a senior pastor check that over hospital oh wait they told me I had stage 5 read off a b5 diabetes also they grow unheard yet right here and I was watching you for almost a week and you said what the met you are aha get her men you put it on yes what the curves on the right yeah but you ask anything yeah it has that you know I told my wife we travel 600 miles to be here the doctor told me what I left he told me you're a man of faith but in this case not even God can help you [Applause] Bansi see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Savion anything rooted can do Brutus we've lost $22,000 he lost 22,000 my wife would be waiting for a first child we wonderful shall we well you want your first child but we got to deal with first things here soon important one that you live this renal failure exactly so that you're back at you on dialysis and we don't know I don't want to be at that so then your main symptom is what oh my my they said that the kidneys are filtering like a wrong fight I'm not asking what they said I'm asking you what do you experience a lot of a lot of a lot of inflammation in my legs and also my abdomen do you understand even your speech is being disrupted right now everything feet disrupted he brought you here to be instantly healed yeah do you understand that let's do you feel the Holy Ghost right now yeah pastor you're a man of faith you feel the Holy Ghost right now yes I do yes yes don't doubt what you have going through you it's a week and a half work you went a bit Phoebe this is a week and a half ago he started healing you a week and a half ago you just came here to pick it up [Applause] like my wife says you came for the bad of the station what's what's your church's name my church is a Miss Temple of the Lord South Texas so we need real Texas what's the name of the church again simple or is Salvador I know kind of church is that that's a it's a non denomination and your church know you're here I came with a some members of mine where they remembers that they're right over here come on get the members up here come on all the members [Applause] come on give these members of God bless you what do you do I have my member at his church and this is my wife ha ha we attend his church and we brung him here you receive his miracle and we've been encouraging with faith that God he just has to put his faith to work and hwacha with you in this group sauce 3 we'll be driving back home tonight you're going home tonight yes you're gonna float home tonight yes sir oh my god the power on this man right look at this I'm gonna turn it again he's being healed right look if he can't even find the place of fall he's with this lady right into this chair look at this [Music] and sometimes you just sometimes just let emotions rise sometimes it's a weight lifted to be healed Hoss this man back here house this man how's your husband our Lord how are you sir talk to me what's different thank you what's different thank you thank you this man here he can hardly function this man and this is your wife down here yes sir yes sir she suffers from epilepsy thank you don't worry that lady behind you is okay she's okay don't worry about it my god this van right here though look at this man there's a man here you're being healed of polyps on your colon is polyps but you're getting paint on your left side that's what this paint is the shooting paint it comes and goes you've got polyps that are growing there they either need to be removed naturally or supernaturally tonight you can do it where's the polyp set where are they that's the paint on your left side sir that's what that is that's why he's calling that out tonight to get those polyps removed quickly bring me this lady right here with the brown in the brown yes quickly man what is this what's the matter hard-of-hearing have macular degeneration and I have eight herniated discs eight herniated discs yes hard-of-hearing and macular degeneration yes my god lady what to charge you for all then huh I have cerebral neuro I mean Pauline neuropathy and I wear braces to even stand a few where races now your braces on yeah you you're the daughter a friend and what kind of brace did you have on can I see them uh-huh so you can't walk without those that's right so what if you were able to run around this room tonight I would love it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hurry hurry hurry my god woman oh lady just walk just walk you're drunk she said she's drunk my gosh I got her come let's go come on you and I you want to take those braces off huh take the braces off you want to take you want to do that sit over here by Pastor Donnie he'll help you he's the brace remover man tonight [Applause] where's that friend yet what do you think of this what's going on here amazing it's awesome she uh she got me to bring her this weekend to come cuz she's been watching you for a long long time and she knew she would get her healing if she got here oh my she's been waiting on you I think we ought to get pastor George and pastor Terry a big God bless you for these meetings well oh my gosh we're there you're gonna go barefoot what are you gonna do here what's her name what's her name Twila come on Twila let's go Twila she went sweat she wants her socks off - dear Jesus my god she just like Moses here come on Twila get moving here Twila the gods healed you tonight Twila let's walk your wife let's go hold on to me then I'll let you go you'll be on your own this oh you shoot wants to go on her own raises up darn the old [Applause] [Applause] your name [Music] [Applause] you're what do you think of this only Jesus could do it he could use Billy Burke but only Jesus could yes you're right you're right but man what he's holding your braces right here yep he can have him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for some reason or another so that you lost your hearing again today yes about all of it well no I had good hearing when I was here and I could hear all the way home but in the night and then my eyes you know my eyes were heal - yeah cuz I had macular degeneration and I don't know I guess everybody is different with it but there was just little ball and was just floating around in my eyes all the time not continuously but it really is it bothered me okay and in the back of my eyes way back in the back it just hurt but here's what you should be saying wait a minute pardon me here's what you should be saying is wait a minute I know what happened tonight see that's what I did in the night yeah when I would wake up like that and I was those old fight balls with trucks looking around I said hey I regain from the curse of the law and your angers occur so get out of my eyes but I had to fight with it all oh just kept bothering me I still can see it's my ears that's not for cooperating okay we're gonna do it again and again and again yeah and again and again til whatever whatever it takes yeah and people by all means you can put your fingers in your own ears you can do that right I mean you know why should the preacher be putting his fingers in your ears all the time right is that right you can't do it boom in this it's amazing it's the point of contact it's still the anointing that does it it's not the fingers that does it what are we gonna do with you here I'm waiting to hear from you what's that what's happening with you well I still have some pain in my leg and my I need my foot drop okay healed but you're walking without the braces yes you're happy about that oh you don't know how happy I am okay I've worn them for about twelve or fourteen years after a car accident oh my gosh somebody injured on the motorcycle accident you're here tonight quickly you were injured on a motorcycle accident you still suffer pain huh [Applause] your wife about 15 feet and my head went into the dirt pile and I have a whole bunch of messed up vertebrae from hit this a torn rotator cuff arthritis and a bunch of other things all from that I want heal tonight [Applause] I'm ready [Applause] call that and I've been waiting part [Applause] her words I knew I knew you were going to call that I knew I hey how long ago was this accident four years I just got married a month later I had this crash the only time my husband wouldn't go with me okay let's not talk about that all right no then we're just happen that where'd it happen well I was a beautician so where does that work this out with City Kansas Rexford population 150 people she was ready for that too I was going to my mother an ex mother-in-law's or whatever okay do it let's say either that's the Bartman yeah they over that department yeah we stayed with the accident that's it you know we could be here all night so [Applause] where do you hurt the most well my head might know right now you can die before my neck right and I'll check it still very sore this check but I can turn it with you just check I am oh there it is right there there it is right there that's the power in you lady that's the Holy Ghost in you [Music] somebody better you're gonna [Applause] sir yes I thought I was healed from my motorcycle wreck but several years back this leg veins swelled up oversize diameter yeah I've had three years of a sword that will not heal on the side of my ankle okay that stops now doctors can't fix it but God can why you won the king that's now hollering cuz the sorrel inside Michael oh that's gonna go tonight oh snap - you won't need that cane anymore [Applause] check it check it sir get those sandals off yes get moving give me the cane what's the matter with you yeah go just go just get movin groovin rawhide come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's gonna keep it's gonna be 100% by morning I think that's my confession I mean it's better it was a few minutes ago so you know doctors couldn't fix it God did you know this way it was there was originally four times the normal diameter yeah black vein yeah so gravity was my enemy and blood rush down to my foot micah swap walk foot but we couldn't do this before no I couldn't so it's you don't even have a cane I'm doing this without a cane yeah I'm not gonna need that stuff no pain no more no more pain yeah that's that that's that's over tonight so no pain no pain no pain no gain so why wait till morning you're right absolutely I won't need a cane because I'm able able to walk [Applause] and you no pain no pain [Applause] this is a motorcycle accident how many years ago four four yeah and it was bad yeah your head don't hurt no it feels great feels great Oh feels wonderful yeah but you were going more wild over there whenever you weren't feeling well now you're I feel awesome I feel wonderful I'm excited how did you hear about this service how'd you hear about it my son and his wife go to this church and so we hadn't planned to come down for quite a while you're gonna be here tomorrow morning - mm-hmm and then when you go back to Kansas I don't know [Applause] I do feel there's going to be I said this is the pastor George I believe it'll in my heart there's gonna be so many people moving here they're gonna be relocating this you don't know how unusual this church is if you go here all the time you've not been outside here long enough to understand that this is a blessed place he's written his name here this is perpetual and many leaders are gonna be coming they have been for years but it's gonna increase just to get their batteries charged you get fresh fire somebody shout fresh fire - fire [Music] [Applause] I'm so happy this is over for you me too me too you look different well I feel different I just marvel at this I marvel I just you you're the one that brought her right oh you brought her who are you with and how's the pastor going how you doing come here and tell me you were laying over that chair the last time I saw ya what do it also way mean Austin that's a big word also I have few great one of the things that I have felt a lot of fear in my life yeah and when you told me got a read he's been healing your week ago it's just my wife has been telling me that you hear that music that organ music yes yes that's for you that organ music is just for you oh you hear the music again it's been a long time since you heard the music a long time you've been fighting for so long you haven't even heard the music in a cave like Elijah not even hearing the music the mantel wrapped in your face you're coming out of the cave your church is gonna grow do you hear me this somebody give this man a Bigfoot come on come on yes yes right here the purple yes what's happening to you um I have cataracts cataract no one you had together about a year and both I both uh-huh yes how bad is it right now very bad very bad I mean I I can't function in life that's horrible I can't drive I you can't lines at home No did you work anywhere no I've been in you work anyway God lady I can't wait for this woman to come up you okay sir you all right do we know this person's name right here we don't know it is that your who is this who you're the husband come on up here sir you're about to get a new wife are you happy about this she's been pretty bad and what do you go to church we just don't really go to church you don't go to one where we're glad you made it here tonight yes let's pick her up come on guys what's your name yeah bro still blurry better no not yet not better I also have diabetes and uh yeah there's other complications going on there but that's on top of tea yeah yeah yeah yeah again we say yeah yeah yeah blood into the eyes blood in there it is like there's the problem he goes yep we'll check with it we'll check with your wife in a moment we'll check with your wife oh my god the power on this guy yeah Jesus Wow this amazing people I tell you what I just polyps we're polyps with a colon how long have you had this about two years how long years two years I know you too yes you're Brian and Regina they still work for me a ton of years ago give them a god bless you come on what's happening going up I have some pressure on my side mm-hmm you called out pain back and forth there in at nights look at me there's no cancer here stop the cancers think stop it there's no cancer here and there'll be no pain after tonight skin cancer growing very balanced what kind of state melanoma it's swamis elements grown over the is until we're right there yes this is all the tumor it's growing fast it's going over the bridge of the nose I mean for the other eye it's already taking out my vision on this side the eyes okay but it's growing over the eye and it's it's growing so fast day by day now it's gone over the bridge and my my nose it's like it's aiming to take out my vision on this side too and I I won't have any funding for any kind of mainstream treatment until July I think I'll be blind long before then if I don't get healed by God [Applause] Wow again I can't underline it with a sharpie deep enough I can't underline it deeper to have a place to go where there's no stealing for what God can do we know he does it a multiple of ways we know know that we know that but we can't shut down our altars we can't shut down the gifts of the Spirit well where do you where do you live sir I've been living in the Philippines I came 12,000 miles in the last three days to get here somebody better praise God right now he's touching you right now he's touching your whole body this tumors gonna fall off you hear me team is gonna fall off you're not gonna go blind on either eye that's the power I'll throw you right now Thank You Laura that's the holy s--t oh there it is right there that's the holy [Applause] [Applause] revival capital is Philippines in the world it's way out there way way out there they're coming they're coming that hope those roots are disconnecting right now I don't know your name [Applause] it's gonna begin to get loose on your forehead like a like a pimple like a carbuncle it's drying up sir everything has changed sir your vision and your right eyes gonna get more clear hmm amazing how are we over here Brian how are you Renee how are we how do you feel still a little pressure there it's gonna be gone that's just the infection in your lymph nodes there's no cancer no cancer we have lymph node infection at the most that's it amen you're good you're good you're clean you're clean Wow let's give that tumor some time to loosen up a little bit right who's back here sis ah who's block what's this quickly man you have what I had a stroke I'm sorry I have a stroke you had a stroke yeah uh-huh take it to me you hit a stroke Alphonse is this your husband come on sir come on if a man were you from Canada Canada what part of Canada thank you brave and Coover okay what happened to your wife she had a stroke two years ago Christmas Day uh-huh and she lost the most quite a bit of her memory and a speech effective uh-huh so she's believing for a speech sorry so your words aren't clear is that what you're saying isn't clear huh clearly I can hear you very clearly but you can make the sentences well talk to me say hello I'm glad to be in Texas hello I'm glad to be in Texas [Applause] under sentences and the memory doesn't bring it that's before she came up here yes it all changed this thank you yes you stepped into a shadow tonight this all changes it what it what it is changing to me right now good that is good yeah that's what that is good I'd say yeah yeah I'm doing good yeah I would say okay go ahead say something talk to me ask me a question I asked the question don't look you're him ask me a question I didn't know why is just ask me a question about this yeah I didn't know what to ask no well that sounded very clear to me right there with you yeah do you like to go shopping I like to go shopping yeah where do you like to go shopping yet yeah everywhere but that was very clear right there how many understood that one by the Holy Ghost but oh the still Jesus she's gonna be okay husband she's gonna be all this everywhere I get a kick out of that bring me this man with the blue shirt quickly sir time is running biased tonight yes what is this cataracts and what are you holding here this is also a young fella Nathaniel he's here in new wheelchair Nathaniel Gonzales yes 15 years old and he's must be muscular distrophy right he needs this for his muscles speak for what speak for her because that word speak for dystrophin his mouth his muscles do not get this coffin and so basically their time who are you who used the boy I'm actually somebody that invited the boy his mother they're here and so and this is Andrew he's got kidney disease or here he's in Dallas in the hospital uh-huh he said this boy is here this voice is this guy's in Dallas yes and you're here for you and I'm here for me Jesus you're a busy man here and what are you here for your eyes yeah it cataracts and also acid reflux aha so how bad your cataracts they just diagnosis that is this starting to form the were they now very in the very early stage well tell me how early if you do yeah can you see clearly I can see literally yeah you don't feel the pressure you can see clearly let me help you with this yes [Music] [Applause] look at this the powers on this man look at this he's yielding sometimes you don't even really yield until after you're slain sometimes you realize why would you let go and you let go then you let God but you gotta let go so you can let God do ma'am how are you how are you you know what you're doing good and what else you regret you shop home where do you shop everywhere eBay the husband's still out he heard her say everywhere he's still out he is out hit nothing wrong with him great is life face will come on [Music] come on morning morning [Music] very Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on girl [Music] multiple lumps you call that you called me out in the meeting in Miami uh-huh and prayed for me then I've been standing for the manifestation Amin okay but I started having shortness of breath and weakness uh-huh so the doctor did an x-ray and said that it was Stage four breast cancer right one lung was half filled with fluid right I told him I was coming here yes and he said I couldn't fly so we can't hold our flies and drove two days from Georgia to get here I I don't know if the person is here tonight but last night I was told this morning there was a lady that came last night fighting the cancer work ant that's cancer disease and she was scheduled that her surgeon wanted her to go into immediate surgery you may beat her tonight and she's told the surgeon no I have to go to this meeting meeting here and so not only does she come last night but the surgeon came and what I was told was that the surgeon then said to her after the meeting I see now why you wanted to go there yeah what's that man sir he told her that I told just hospice come in yeah she didn't have much time people need to vent everything living has waste and so a meeting like this they're venting what they were told what was diagnosis there there's they're venting in a sterile environment otherwise you're going to pull your stuff out on somebody else that may not be able to handle what you think and they may say like oh that we've hit it or pray no we better we better believe look at here's the husband here that why'd you leave him up here like this something's going on with this husband did you did he come with anything what do you know anything going on here I'm sorry no he's under the power he can't get up sit down I'll take care of it I'll take it up amazing you never know when that power hits you like this man right here there could be something going on here he hasn't even been diagnosed with you many you're gonna leave here thought I didn't find out something's different you've been sitting and marinating in this all evening oh my god this is so amazing how's our house our veteran going here he's doing okay yes sir better but today he's not so sure so I don't want him to lose his healing for his ears last night his ears were better yes and tonight he had some positive things happen last night he was in the car and I couldn't drive because I was so drunk in the spirit somebody from our church you didn't let him drive did you know we had a guy that goes to this church and he drove us home for her and Curtis and I just sat in the backseat and laughed the whole way home so I just really uh and laughing and he started talking like he did his old self and Curtis and I were like you know he had he had dementia last night but not today come on give God a shout [Music] what happened to you who's just totally spirit that should me [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] very spontaneous right [Music] it is nose come on can do what he's done what he's done well he goes holy goes he'll do for you [Music] come on yell party no more no more come on get it lady come on I've got prostate cancer yeah it's a nine on a scale of ten that's going Wow I've got stopped up veins in both legs and that you socks on and I gotta i need artificial help this is worn out they can't operate i moans xarelto so this is your own wheelchair no it's rented you're what he uses crutches you rented it yeah I'm glad you didn't buy it oh there's a ruptured disc what you're both talking I think I can hear get one of your ruptured disc in his back okay and he has spinal stenosis he has Spurs in here Lord he's a mess is he in a lot of pain he's in a lot of time yeah I told Jesus I wanted to be one of his miracles men tonight at 10:15 it's what 10:15 I'm ready friends along we're about racence what's happening I'm what better hey then I know I've heard you say many times once the Holy Spirit starts he passes it's progressing you finish yeah I believe it it's spreading right now I'd love to see you tomorrow morning right here I plan to be here I want to see you here I will be this thing I believe could be even dry up overnight that's what happened with the racing what my wife not both Christians baptized in the Holy Ghost and we got tithing rights 44 years waving hi where do you go to church Church in Rowlett Texas far side of Dallas we live close to Tyler what kind of church is that Holocaust no they go hey Mike as a pastor he's more research on Iraq and was there when it started 1980 I'm gonna put my hand over there in your head and power was gonna hit you sir I mean the into yesterday okay yeah and they're gonna walk right out of the chair all right you ready nah well you're gonna walk a lot at all o'clock tonight you're not don't don't be hindering me now I don't want to be hindered all right Holy Ghost you to take the limits off right what do we want to do here get ready to run sir get ready to run you're ready sir I mean get ready get ready sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay we got okay all right you ready yeah you ready to go I'm ready let's go all right let's walk let's get moving [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's he going where's he going your wife's over here right here laying come to get your wife Wow huh that's my wife I'm Gary this she's married you're what I'm Gary she's married okay Gary he has wet you're supposed to be under the power she's telling me something else about him under the power ready to go huh go again go again you wanna yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] you're [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] this is what this is what I came for you got it you got it I didn't lose that you're telling Marion I'm a little hoarse that's all right you're happy though right hallelujah is [Applause] you don't know what kind of an effort that takes what kind of [Applause] [Music] I don't know where he's going where do you want to do what do you want to do now for Jesus no but I mean right here tonight what do you want to do do you want to walk out here without the wheelchair with the wheelchair what yeah you don't want to work here yeah I've got to take it back but you want to walk out without it yes you want to fold it up and walk out of here what do you want to do I want to fold it up push it out where's the wife at where's the wife time is slipping here oh my because we have Church in the morning at the wife go ahead sweetheart you know this slaying stuff here is sometimes it's easier to go down than to get up right be careful guys be careful she's precious that's okay here okay that's okay Isaac here's your husband over here he's ready to go for some more tea hey your precious both of you thank you so much you thank you and you came to the right place at the right time yes sir we did I mean yes sir this broke the cycle okay staying in that chair yes yes yes yeah different things wrong no not no more you don't know he's oh don't be telling him he got 500 not anymore no more II know how you feeling sir I feel good I do what do you mean no pain anywhere oh don't let him I helps his bout about I'm like little in my hips not much not much no what do you think of that he's been in pain for years he's a real tough man he likes to be outside doing things and it's been hard for him to be inside a lot I don't think he's gonna be locked up anymore oh I don't either well praise the Lord I'm gonna live and I'm not gonna die to my appointed time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have a neighbor this is a Mormon gonna witness to the Mormon oh yes yeah he wants to push the wheelchair out and he don't want to take it home for you don't want to be going home and he says Rock is that okay with you it's okay with me you want him to push you out maybe you want to ride it give them give your wife a ride give your wife a free room no no no no give her a ride so you need that now I think yeah yeah switch roles here a little bit there we go yeah there we go just for a ride that's all give her a little rest she's been you've been working for him yeah push your Wi-Fi yes is that when you want to go sir [Applause] [Music] about four years four years what's the doctor say degenerative disc disease and have you checked it before you came up here yeah you checked it yeah well check it what and just a little bit in the lower back right here hardly at all hard at all and it's been leaving the whole night amen the whole night the whole night the whole night yes sir bring me this precious lady right here then we're gonna call people up yeah quickly men what is this thank you for staying so late tonight I so appreciate yes I have a sister you have assists on your liver and I got cataracts I got a degenerative disease or whatever how do you know you have all that stuff you've been sitting in this annoying thing all night where your mama comes from where I think where we see Anna uh-huh Louisiana yeah then you drove here hey das huh hey Don eight hours you drove here to be in this service thank you my son brought me here your son yeah and I gotta or don't like my body fights itself I can't take medicine I can't go in chemical sensitivity the Holy Ghost is all over you do you feel a men don't you just feel me it just hits you right this moment you're not going home the same way it's over the suffering is over do you hear me [Applause] buddy you've got [Music] dear Lord amazing amazing amazing what what what what tell me what happened um I just came to get um clarity for my mind yeah I used to have epilepsy but I've come to get clarity because I've got two sons and a husband that I I need to take care of yes you're the husband he's telling me here you're still having I don't I wonder I don't listen recently she has but we're gonna believe it's over you guys got to get on the same page yes yeah you got to get in the green a game is 3:3 you got to get in agreement yeah all right yeah but I'm coming to get Mike I don't want clear I got that I got that because the Lord has things for me to do I got that my god and I need to do this right I know that but right now I want you to relax okay all right I want you just settle down mm-hmm you're what yeah and you gotta let her faith go her faith is breaking loose okay she's gonna take you places you've never been hmm hang on to her you hear me she's ready to fly yes oh my god you're taking new ground this year can't believe that mm-hmm I'm ready whatever he has for me do you notice how many people tonight in this room are saying I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready come on say I'm ready [Applause] I got her I got her okay my gosh I love you thank you thank you help me just thank you I just give you on the price she's worshipping through this creating presents she's creating presents by working give him all the praise all about and magnify him and thank him for all the healings that he did she like he said he wants to hear from you all the time and what better thing that you'd like to hear I mean when I touch you there's gonna be a piece come over you your piece has been compromised anything that cost you your piece is too expensive say that anything that cost me my piece is too expensive it's too there we go yeah she'll be fine she'll be fine you got to get peace sure have a lot of peace right here yeah wow so amazing so amazing let's get this guy in the chair here the wheelchair what's happening you sir I'm believing for registration in my joints from my waist down and flexibility of my legs I could give him walk what's wrong with you what are you fighting yeah and you're his wife yes ma'am can I get him or you yeah only Jesus gets everybody at once I can't so you've been in this chair how long three weeks or that yeah but I got where I was followed over on it yeah then you got here to get a miracle that's why you came yes and you came from where you go to church here we finally found some people to go to church right here I love this place we'll have our pastors I know they don't they the best yes what's your name again sir James James are you hurting right now James a little sore right here and my lower back so I'm gonna help you up come on let's go let's go come on James can you stand James come on James now you can tonight you're staying come on James tonight's just end tomorrow morning you walk come on let's go your name is James [Music] come on games your name [Music] yo [Applause] [Music] there your name come on say but I call you look at me James look at me your desires growing it's good your desires growing I believe and your faith is growing yes we'll try this again tomorrow morning okay okay you'd be thinking about it all night tonight okay standing on that promise okay yes give James a big god bless you come on [Applause] yes yes right over here right over here so good to have you here tonight let's all stand up our feet can we all over the place amazing oh the powers on here right now right now right now this pattern that you're in is going to be broken tonight this is not a temporary touch this is not something that goes and comes and goes and comes tonight he makes you whole of the plague he makes you whole of the play [Music] this n-word battle is over and the outward battle is over shame is being lifted from you tonight it's being lifted from you tonight God will arise on the inside of you as never before and you'll get back to putting your hand on the plow but he gave you many years ago your head is about to float come on somebody give God [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see my head you couldn't see that last night it was hard she was legally blind last night tonight she sees my hand [Music] [Applause] I'm a partner and I'm here for my double portion of healing you went to healing anointing yes oh wow she couldn't you couldn't see my hand last night and now you can were you from Granberry grant in an hour from about an hour from here come on every but your hands up really high tonight c'mon see these hands were made to release the love of God by service by labor by the anointing of the Holy Ghost sometime this week these hands will be laid on somebody and they'll recover and they'll get their healing and maybe a prophecy to this week I'm under destiny and divine appointment to pray for somebody touch somebody and change their life in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every hand up I'm waiting just for a moment before we close there's holy spirits still moving so strongly there's another prostate cancer being healed there's somebody having nosebleeds severe nosebleeds where are you waved at me you've been having nosebleeds regular nosebleeds where are we waiting on these are the way--but where are you who is it back to the man in the red shirt come on forget it get him up here this is very serious this man is very very serious let him through the crowd let him through the crowd prostate cancer right here being touched get behind that man right here get behind them power of God is on this man right here it's on them right here you bring me the big men in a red shirt yes sir where are you from sir Oklahoma come here you've been having these nosebleeds uh-huh what's the doctor say about that big guy didn't go doctor I got a healer you're still having the nosebleeds I had him last week all I wants to every day last week every day last week were there were almost every morning you'll have them no more pot you'll have them no more somebody you've got a shout come on [Music] [Applause] know what's going on with you sir pocket CTC spar so that you're shaking like always p24 running your wet feet to a spinal stenosis Pakistan is he attracted to my speed tune of what you got all these tremors yes what it removes but doctor can tell me is that what happened each other done those meetings with the camp hours well I can't understand what you're saying slow down play doctor charter done moves me so we say Pakistan suka me look at me open your eyes so look at me now put your hands on mine get ready for these two stuff okay get ready I'm gonna loosen this thing from you I'm gonna be no more tremors look at me keep your eyes on me yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay okay okay okay look at me eyes open no no look at me eyes open Shh [Music] these are all being wonderfully healed no more fear no more panic no more somebody better give God a shout come on [Applause] [Music] come on this thing your name is higher like we've never Sun good before come on David yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 98,337
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: 5738319782001, billy burke, faith, healing, health, praise
Id: DKMSSN4q9gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 55sec (10135 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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