Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness | Pastor Paul Brady

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hello and welcome to today's broadcast it is our heart that you know that god has great plans for each and every one of us over this next few minutes i believe that your life is about to change one word from god can change our lives forever so no matter what you're doing in life today i know that every one of us has an opportunity to change and change for the good well glory to god i have a short message for you this morning should take me about three hours to get through it amen but i won't keep you long because we have tonight to go as well and that's 6 p.m and a little bit that i'll get done this morning i'll just go into that but i had this saying and it was there stars can't shine with thy darkness stars can't shine without darkness i'd like you to go to isaiah 60 please it's a well-worked portion of scripture the jew but we can take it we can see what's going on a lot of people are speaking about how bad it is a lot of people are talking about how woeful it is you know even the twins and ourselves anybody that's visiting this morning this is pastors chris and jill twin from brisbane australia amen and they came to us by the way of new zealand uh amen will be with us for the next few weeks powerful people and the pastor live in every scythian church in brisbane amen unto any of their flock that are watching good morning to you or whatever time it is with you amen but we're so blessed to have them here happy father's day but i was speaking to pastor chris about something what was i speaking to him about on the way here in the car it'll come to me in a minute obviously it didn't impact him hallelujah [Music] it was so good we lost memory of it a rice shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people but the lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you the gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising now you can speak about everything that is going on around the world but here's the thing ladies and gentlemen we must get to the place that we don't see this darkness coming like it's a fear factor we see this darkness coming as a reminder that the darker it gets the brighter we shine this is what i was talking thanks for your help guys i remembered myself this is what i was doing is that there will be no returning to normal we're gone from those days and people that want to return to the way things were pre this pandemic it's not going to happen the world changed in 9 11. it didn't change with covet it changed dramatically on 9 11. from that moment everything globally changed the attack on freedom took place in the united states of america because the united states of america represents the very meaning of freedom in civilization a lot of people that live in the united states of america yes you know that yes you say those things you know home of the brave and all of those different things but a lot of people in america millions of people take their citizenship and nationality for granted and when you grow up and you live outside of the united states you understand what it is to come into the united states to feel the freedom and the patriotism of this country we were talking about this we've talked about this many times over the years is that as people from within people that were born in other nations that were brought up in other nations we always loved to come to this nation because it was so free it was so large in its thinking it just seemed to be that you could be anything in america there were many people that wanted to encourage you here but i've learned as i've lived here that so many people do not truly have a grasp of what it is to live in a land called america because they have not lived anywhere else the dickersons lived for 13 years in russia i would say that russia is a little different to the united states of america yet when you come here there is freedom but what really struck a chord in our hearts over the years coming to america many times was the patriotism was the love of flag and country in our country that we were brought up in the six counties of the north of ireland we couldn't even fly a flag if we flew a flag it would be a symbol of sectarianism it would be a symbol of division do you know what i have sensed over this last several years in america that the flag which everyone used to love has sadly started to become a symbol of division and sectarianism a teacher somewhere in america decided that she would take the american flag dime because she did not want it or allegiance pledged to it and she raised the pride flag instead ladies and gentlemen we can ah and sigh we can shake our heads but the reality is this that the gospel must be preached to the ends of the earth this is not can we go back to the way things where no we must move forward into what it is supposed to be if darkness is increasing then surely then we are brightening we are lightning one thing that we must never allow to happen is the right to preach the gospel freely because once one freedom starts to be taken away another freedom starts to be taken away and another freedom starts to be taken away welcome to living in other nations there is a freedom in a liberty that exists within the united states that if it is only the church that wants to fight for it then that's what we will fight for so that other people will reap the harvest of it but i have a word for you this morning that you were supposed to shine like a star you were supposed to be seen and not hidden you are supposed to stand out and not blend your walk with the lord is supposed to be something that people recognizes and because of that you may find persecution but the worst thing that you could do right now is try to hide your light because stars are seen in the darkest of skies it is amazing how many many million miles away stars are yet because of the curtain of darkness you can see them a mixture of gases brightly shining in a dark sky ladies and gentlemen this is not a day for us to try and hide our light but this is a day for us to shine like we have never shown before i speak it over you this morning to stiffen up a little lift your head higher and begin to shine brighter persecution knocks at the door of the church it always has in different forms but now it seems to be a full on frontal assault you are the people that are being called that use hate speech just because you will not conform to a socialistic way that is run by anti-christ spirits we are the people of god you say you shouldn't talk like this but we should talk like this because the very threat of the freedom of preaching the gospel of jesus christ is at risk people will say well what if they come and take away your 501c3 i say take it the 501c3 is not going to stop us from preaching the gospel the early church did not have a 501c3 and so if that's what they're going to hold us over the borrow for well then take the 501c3 we shall be the church whether we have a 501c3 or not a piece of paper means nothing well i need my tax break god will bless you beyond what your tax break could be this is a way that we have to start thinking in the united states of america this is because if you're not thinking this way then you are in survival thinking and you're just holding on to the good old days and the good old american spirit it's not the american spirit that you're holding on to ladies and gentlemen it is the holy spirit of god which produced an american spirit that stood against tyranny and were able to acquire their independence from those forces can i have a big amen now if people in america can do that right back there in the 1700s amen i believe there's a people in 2020 2021 2022 come on 57 82 i believe there's a people that can rise and say you are not taking my freedom you are not taking my voice can i have a big amen [Applause] somebody wrote me a letter you know and said you know about the 501c3 i wasn't even thinking about the 501c3 honestly i couldn't care less about that stuff anybody that works with me knows i couldn't care less about that stuff but what i do care about is the plan and the purpose of god any believers in this room today every time they shouted pandemic i said it's an awakening shout it out it is an awakening unto god wakey wakey ladies and gentlemen this is not about business as usual you've seen church change well you know all churches you know they're going online that's not [Music] right it is complete violation of hebrews where it says when you see that they are preaching approaching all the more get together and assemble you cannot just go online and not assemble ladies and gentlemen we were born for each other can i have a big man you can't stay at home and just watch we were born for each other you have a part i have a part we have a light you have a light and when we get together we shine brighter it doesn't matter how dark it's going to get just know that you are programmed to shine brighter if you do what you are if you be what he says you are then you automatically are going to stand out in a crowd ladies and gentlemen why because you carry the blessing of god you carry the power of god you are different you are not to blend and church became a people of blending you can go to places today it means you just don't even know where people are at with god and if you ever did ask them how their life and walk with the lord is they would say that you were untight grace you see to challenge someone in their lifestyle today it's not welcome they call it abuse if i was to challenge somebody they would say that pastor is abusing me he is challenging my life this is the way god has created me and you're going to see pastors and ministers begin to receive more and more persecution because of their refusal to buckle under the pressure of conformity and blend but a star has no choice other than to shine forgive me if this is boring but you're going to university you have no option but to shine you're starting a business in the business world you have no option but to shine you go into a hospital and you're sick even in your sickness you have no option but to shine because even in your sickness his healing is still working you could be as sick as a sick thing but yet other people around you in that hospital get healed there were many healing evangelists were sick themselves but everybody they touched got healed this is not based on how you feel ladies and gentlemen this is how you are this is our existence this is our reality and he created us as a light to be seen and not to be hidden and the persecution is coming to you let me tell you you're doing something right [Applause] so stop trying to live your life like you're just you know pleasing everybody because it's not going to work you can't live your life with 50 shades of grey these are days you're either in or you're out i'm not talking about church i'm talking about the kingdom of god and i've said for years you you tried to ride the fence you're going to get a splinter where it really hurts i've been telling folks you got to make sure that every door is closed every door that needs to be closed you close it if you're fiddling with pornography stop it because it is a door into your soul and it is going to pierce your heart and grip you and hold you no weapon i say today if you were dabbling in that stuff you stop it because you don't know what type of doors you are opening you don't know what the enemy is trying to do he will come through any door if you are living with bitterness and unforgiveness you need to get yourself sorted and you need to get those doors closed you need to walk in love and unforgiveness you say you see he's challenging me i am challenging me i am challenging us i am challenging us to rise not just to sing a song but to be the church because no matter what you're going to shine and if your life is not lined up with the way that the word says it should be lined up then your light is going to make you look hypocritical because if you're trying to be a christian and live like the world and they find out that you really are a christian [Music] give me this bottle here i might be glad you came to church this morning come on shut it up today's the day america is not for sale come on say like you mean it america is not for sale my city is not for sale in the name of jesus you know i said to somebody well you know yeah millennial is growing you know and that's how i want to should be growing faster oh what what are you talking about it's growing stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger why because there's a fight coming to your eyes there's a fight coming to your children and you better be ready ladies and gentlemen that you know what weapons you have to fight when the fight comes i'm not talking about a natural war i'm talking about a spiritual war if you could see in the spirit right now you would see that there are demons that are heaping up at the back of your yard so that they can come and reap destruction in your home but i'll tell you when they come to your home and when they come to my house they're not going to find a door open can i have a big a man why because a big old red cord a big old red rope is hung in the window you're just not fighting for a nation now you're fighting for the kingdom of god for what is right for bible rights for bible truths for just basic bible truths it's called freedom everybody shut it up freedom i just love a message of faith listen to him praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god ah praise god praise god praise god praise god these are days you're going to go abiding people are being nice to other folks and when it comes to you it's like they're just treating you like you're you're like you're just there's just a horrible person not just like a fiend you're gonna wonder why why are they treating everybody else night and they're chasing me horrible it's because of persecutions because they sense the light they don't even know why they want to hit you they don't even know why they want to speak ill against you but there's someone something in you that just irritates them so you're going to try and live in a world where you're not going to provoke nobody let me tell you ladies and gentlemen your light is already provoking people second corinthians i know i got a motor here second corinthians 4 6 for god who said let brilliant light shine out of darkness is the one who has cascaded his light into us the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of god as we gaze into the face of jesus christ ephesians 5 8 9 once your life was full of sins darkness but now you have the very light of our lord shining through you because of your union with him your mission is to live as children flooded with his revelation light and the supernatural fruits of his light will be seen in you goodness righteousness and truth i declare over you today that goodness righteousness and truth are being seen in you rick joyner said this there will be no retreat in those who walk in the true light when you open your shades at night darkness does not come in and flood the room rather the light shines right into the darkness because light is stronger than darkness the darker it becomes the brighter our light will be where sin abounds grace will that much more abound can i have a big amen everybody's looking for revival in a meeting ladies and gentlemen this is just a gas station this is where we fill up we have revival in this church i'm not looking for revival people's lives are being changed constantly as believers but i am looking for an awakening everybody say awakening amen it is selfish of the church just to get together and have just lovely glorious revival meetings you are being prepared you are being empowered you are being equipped not to just have a nice meeting but to take on the world can i have a big a man you are supposed to go out into the world and begin to rub the world the wrong way you are supposed to shine and the brighter you shine the more people around you will have to shield their eyes why because you are supposed to be a statement in the eyes of those that have not accepted jesus christ as their lord and savior i believe that god is doing something so powerful i believe something has taken place my spirit mind is so energized and so invigorated some people just want to play around still get narrated and frustrated by the by the petty little things that wants to go on in our lives but i am speaking over you millennial that you are maturing in christ that you were coming to a high stature that you know that christ in you is the hope of glory and that you are rising higher and higher it's not another meaning that you want to go to it is the meeting of jesus christ that you need to make that appointment every day of your life many times a day it's not what another man has to say it is what god himself is trying to say looking for life then like let the light do what the light is supposed to do because the life is the light the light is the life in john 1 4 5 in him was life and the life was the light of man and the light shines on in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it meaning of comprehending in the greek is kara lambano to cease to stop it means that the satanic powers could not seize or stop or overcome the word i declare over you this morning ladies and gentlemen that darkness will never overpower you the darkness will never be able to seize you the darkness will never be able to stop you why because your light shines on in the darkness the life and the light of god is living in the inside of you and you are getting stronger every day you know why god wants you to come to a place like millennial because millennial is a place a catalyst of strength it is growing people stronger and stronger and stronger whether they know it or not you just can't play a dine here just in your little soul moment my mind my will and emotions and have a hissy fit just one you like what the spirit does in this church is it grabs you where you are and begins to transport you to a place of christ dwelling within you and you dwelling in christ it begins to change your relationship if you have a little sensual relationship with god over here god begins to pick you up and move you out of sensuality into spirituality he begins to mature you people said to me years ago said you know my my walk with the lord has changed over the years i used to feel him and love him and oh papa daddy he says i came to live in rivers you know i just i just feel like you know i don't know him like i know him used to know him and i said praise god you don't know him like you used to know him because the way you used to know him was all about you no it's all about him [Music] i said no it's all about him amen it's not about you getting touched and jew feeling and you it's now about him his kingdom his path his purpose what can i do i'm way down the token pole i'm telling you it is god [Applause] so just in case you're in this room and you're thinking oh i'm not having those moments anymore with god oh you can have as many of those as you want go ahead knock yourself out but when god calls on you to arms when god calls on you with strength ready [Applause] and he gets you certain to march left right left right left right he's not looking for you to feel how you feeling honey are you doing all right i mean do you are you feel are you feeling good do you feel do your feet do you feel me [Music] can you feel the love tonight that's disney ladies and gentlemen it's fantasy you go put your name on a docket and sign up for war sign up for the military sign up for something in this country the man behind the desk because he's taken your signature is now saying how you feeling well i just feel so in love with america i just feel it all over me and then the church comes so i just feel the love of god i just feel the love of god i've prayed with so many people over the years i come up and say pastor i just don't feel god right now it's the grace of god i hug their neck and i hold them and inside i'm going praise god we're going to make a man out of you yet we're going to make a woman out of you yeah we're going to make a saint of god out of you yeah i'm telling you the charismatic world went to the dutch ladies and gentlemen over here unless we could do it all sensual i mean it just wasn't happening look at your neighbor and say i guess i'm shining right now i praise the lord i'm taking a drink of this water anybody want to drink after me oh i actually let a bit of back swell back what would it call it go back in there but you can drink it if you'd like it oh you don't want to drink this water that has a little bit of my back why do you take the backwash of the world [Music] why do you want to drink their bottle why do you want to drink of what they have to say oh that's kind of tight oh it's a tight message today tight tight it's a tight one it's a tight one whoa whoa then bradies i'm telling you them brady's oh they run a tight ship oh you have no idea how tight it is every time i take a drink of this pure water what's in the bottle gets dirtier and dirtier but you can drink it if you want it i'll ask you again and then why are you drinking what the world has to offer you why are you taking the backwash of what others have to say when we were transferred into the kingdom of god we were transferred out of darkness anybody believe this is a good message today we were transferred out of darkness so a little bit of pornography went in there it was just a little bit i only watched it for two minutes oh oh what i i just had sex for two minutes sometimes two minutes all it takes moving right along don't go religious on me i'm preaching a very strong message i i only hung out i only hung out with that bad cried for one night just one night just one night all one night that's all it took but i have friends that are not really walking right with the lord and then they're not your friends they are acquaintances or whatever but but they're not your friends lighthouse come on encourage me this morning because this is a great message i'm really i'm really trying to help i'm really trying to help america stay the light that she is as a beacon of hope to the nations can i have a big amen and we're not going to fall off the back of this thing you know just everybody wallowing around in the mud just hoping in the praying that jesus comes soon in the rapture i believe the rapture is coming but i just don't believe it's tomorrow i believe that there's a few years yet ladies and gentlemen that we have to work this thing and walk this planet and i'm telling you we better get with it the world can get darker but the church is getting brighter amen the world and they that are in the world are going to get darker and darker with their reasonings their senses all of those different things they're going to look for answers in all the wrong places and then you show up and you are the place of persecution you become the beaten post of the world but all you're supposed to do and shine up is be the light that you are you're not trying to hide your light you're not trying to apologize for your life oh excuse me excuse me i'm so bright that's what christians do when they team dine what they do and what they're doing is apologizing for being so bright but you know even in the church there are those that are brighter than others because in the church there are those that are darker than others not talking about skin color just in case put your hands and say i'm going to shine we've been in this thing so long that we forget where's your conviction level where is your commitment who saved you the church didn't save you jesus saved you it was jesus life that hung on a cross it wasn't some tradition it wasn't some minister it wasn't some personality it was jesus that hung on a cross it was jesus the light of the world that gave his life for each and every one of us he has my allegiance and i swear my allegiance to him that no matter what happens i'm telling you it is christ and christ only if you believe it shouldn't be a man america really hasn't known persecution like other nations but i can tell you ladies and gentlemen if you have an eye in your head and an ear stuck on the side of your head you can tell very quickly that persecution is coming and i tell you we might live kind of you know out of the out of the way here in oklahoma but don't you relax your grip because as soon as the enemy tries to find a door open he will utilize that door to get in i say in the name of jesus we are employing every weapon that the lord has given us we have the armor of god we have the cell almost demonia we have the helmet of salvation we have the shoes of peace in the mighty name of jesus we have the shield of faith and we have the sword of the spirit you are not here to take a licking on a beaten stand there like a man stand there like a woman stand there as a saint of the most high god and receive your instructions by the spirit even if they spit on you stand there because your light is going to overpower their darkness every day i'm going to say it again your light is going to overpower their darkness every day [Music] in ephesians 6 12 i must finish your hand to hand combat is not with human beings but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms for they are powerful class of demon gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage ladies and gentlemen if we're ever going to set people free then we have to let our light shine if you're blending with the world i call you out of that today if you're too time and god with the world i break that off your life today if you've been in an adulterous relationship with the world and you were supposed to be betrothed to god then i break that off your life today in colossians 2 14 and 17 it says having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us which was contrary to us he has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross having disarmed principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it what is he saying it's a setup for success this gospel must be preached to the ends of the earth and you must not make apology for what god is doing in your life when you're around the world and you feel inferior and when you feel just a little bit fearful when you feel like the peer pressure is trying to crush you and you don't feel like you can say what it is that you need to say then you need to push into god because it's not about you surviving the persecution of your work colleagues of unsaved family members the enemy wants to make it all about you for you i got through today thank god they didn't know thank god they thank god they left me alone but this is not about you being left alone this is about you shining as a star in darkness says beware when men speak well of you but yet we live in a generation where everyone wants everybody to tell us how wonderful we are you can tell by that that we're already in the stages of seduction before you get to the place of survival just don't point me out in a crowd but too late satan can see your light in a cried and satan has a way of embarrassing folks how many people knows at least one person that was embarrassed because they were caught out doing something that they shouldn't have done you think that satan doesn't want to turn the light on you but he only wants to turn the light on you when he knows he's got you because you left the door open [Music] with the sign saying welcome come on [Music] but my light that lives in me the light of the world himself exposes every satanic operation every satanic trickery and i'm preaching this message to myself because even at 53 there was something happened several weeks ago and i felt myself being intimidated by a person that did not walk with god and i felt it like i hadn't felt it in years i felt it like it wanted to shut me down it wanted to incapacitate me he wanted me to go silent and let darkness speak you say well pastor that's you that never happens to me i dare say if i was to pass a mic around we would all have a testimony because a lot of us are finding with fancy footwork the right words to say at the right place in the right time and all those different things but sometimes god doesn't want you to say nothing he just wants you to stand there and shine but you know what i hated i hated the very feeling of that intimidation i hated that i was vulnerable enough to feel it so i wonder what on earth was working against me to bring my awareness to it i said lord have i dropped have i dropped a ball have i left open a door have a whatever whatever i don't know what it was but i can tell you what it was what i did i rectified it in a second [Music] i want you to look at your neighbor and say you're going to make it every single one of us we're going to make it i'll finish with this matthew 5 14 to 16. you are the light of the world a city set on the hill cannot be hidden nor do man light a lump and put it under a peck measure but on a lump stand and it gives light to all in the eyes that your light so shine before man that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy noble and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your father who is in heaven saint francis of assisi said this all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle [Music] see each and every one of us is so powerfully led by the divine power of heaven [Music] the light shines on in the darkness and you carry that light why are you speaking this pastor paul why are you saying these things because the church is under pressure [Music] how many people would acknowledge that as a truth it's the truth and we can just say and i still there he is in tongues again let me tell you you will be thankful to god that i pray in tongues [Music] because you can't live your life just thinking about you and what it is you can do anymore this is way beyond you pastor i'm just dad i'm just mom i'm just a son i'm just a daughter i'm just a husband i'm just a wife what can i do you can do so much more than what you think you can be a voice in your home a voice of no compromise a voice that just says this is the way walking in it you can stand in the face of darkness that wants to rail you and berate you and just shine [Music] have you ever asked yourself a question why am i being attacked so much [Music] well they don't invite me to lunch anymore hallelujah no you don't have to pick up their tongue my relationship with people is not the same anymore hallelujah you're just growing brighter but they don't they they don't they don't want me to hang out with them the way they used to praise god [Music] did you get anything out of this [Applause] come on really praise the lord [Applause] come on really praise him come on magnify his holy name come on give him all the praise and all the honor come on magnify his holy name hallelujah [Music] so welcome to the end of days ladies and gentlemen i never thought that i would get to pastor an end-time church [Music] but in christ i'm able and god only knows how much i am willing to do it because one of these days we're going to look at the devil and we're going to say is this is him [Music] he's about to be put in that lake of fire and we're going to be able to look at him and say is this he that tormented the nations it says he that tormented the world you ladies and gentlemen are going to live forever you are going to live with jesus forever you are going to live you have a future of complete liberty you have a future of complete freedom now we must fight for it now we must hold on to it now we must maintain it [Music] but for satan and his bunch yes they're going to live forever [Music] but the bondage that they're trying to impose upon us while we live is the bondage that they will experience for eternity [Music] the devil should not want to put bondage on me because as a child of the light and as a star that wants to shine on in the darkness they are messing with the wrong man i declare over you the devils are messing with the wrong people when they try to get in your house they can't get in why because you have applied the blood you have lifted up the name of jesus you have made a decision that you are a child of the light and your light will shine on in the darkness any believers in this place you are the truth talkers you are the men and women of god and you are the saints of the most high [Music] oh pastor karma i need to go professor carmen sent me a text a couple of weeks ago she was saying you know we should bring this person in and we should have a truth talkers conference i thought man i tell you regardless of him coming in i'm just going to go ahead and have a truth talker's conference and get people up to talk the truth and i'm not talking about political stuff i'm just talking about the truth of god's word [Music] because we don't need to hear another self-motivated message what we need to know is the power of the risen christ living in the inside of us because greater is he that is in me then he that is in the world i love how first john 4 4 starts ye are of god little children for greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world though darkness is all around me and darkness wants to encompass me there is a light that lives in the inside of me that's going to hold me in the times when the enemy wants to overthrow me but i have a word for the devil i am a child for the light and the lights cannot be overpowered by darkness and if you are smart today you will get in in the things of the light you will get in in the things of god you will begin to speak the name of jesus like you have never spoke the name of jesus before and if there is anything that you are doing that you shouldn't be doing stop it get yourself right with god and move on into your future why because we're not moving back we're moving ahead it's not going back to the way it was it's moving into the new what is the new it's not the new normal it's the new way of god it is the way god is asking things to be done you are led by the spirit of god you have the power of god within you and you have nothing to fear shut it up with me i will win i will overcome i am more than a conqueror i am a light show to begin after god say this with me i believe that the best days are right up ahead blessed happy fortunate to be envious why because i am a child an heir of salvation with jesus christ ladies and gentlemen there is nothing that comes against you that god hasn't already sorted he spoiled principalities and powers and made a spectacle of them you as the child of god are part of the government of god on the earth the ecclesia of god move up move forward move in take your place take your stop and let your voice be heard let your light shine on in the darkness and let what god wants to do come through you like a freight train if you believe i give the lord another praise offering today in the name of jesus we give him praise we give him honor and we give him glory don't forget tonight 6 p.m amen we're just getting started with this message amen out of 27 pages i've only went through three pages so glory to god tonight 6 p.m a message of freedom let's get in this place as we worship god pray in the spirit and allow the spirit of god to move you know sam thank you for watching today really doesn't do what my heart feels right now justice i'm truly grateful for the power and demonstration of god's word at work in our lives the precious spirit of god ministering to you and bringing to light and bring them to bear what it is that you need to do in your life and how god wants to minister to you just eyes on you that is our god you see he's not just our god he's our father and the father desires to minister straight to you like there's no one else on the face of the planet so like what i say to say thank you for watching that's a beautiful thing but to say i'm grateful is another i believe today that as you've watched this broadcast that the power of god has gone into operation and even things that you did not know about yourself and that you did not know about god is beginning to come to light that's what i believe and i believe that as you continue to watch and as you continue to listen god is going to do great and greater things in your life and so that you can be all that god has created you to be in this time today i believe that as you yield yourself to the spirit of the lord the spirit of the lord will touch you deeply in ways that no man can allow him to do that the holy spirit is your best friend and he will strengthen you in all times regardless of what comes in your life know this that god has great plans for you allow those plans to come to pass in jesus mighty name
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 142
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 4w25kLA3rq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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