LIVING IN FAITH by Marino Restrepo

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[Music] hmm [Music] welcome to living in faith i'm going to start reading to you from 1 corinthians 3 18. let no one deceive himself if any one of you considers and self-wise in the way of the world let him become a fool so that he may become wise for the wisdom of this world is foolishness in god's eyes to this scripture says god catches the wise in his own wisdom it also says the lord knows the reasoning of the wise that it is useless because of these let no one become an admirer of humans for everything belongs to you paul apolos save us life death the present and the future everything is yours and you you belong to christ and christ is of god the word of the lord and we have even especially today this great um uh division in the church between those that are humanly wise and those that are a wise of god and it's difficult because those that are humanly wise are very loud and extremely aggressive authoritarian and create a lot of fear in people that are weak in the faith and they tend to follow those that are authoritarian and those that are humanly wise because they have the wisdom of the world and it makes sense to weak people and that's why all this confusion in the church today seems to take uh lots of people following human wisdom and the wisdom of god is clouded for many catholics but you know this has been the journey of christianity even judaism had the same type of features if you look at the old testament carefully you will see this type of features taking place among the people of god it's nothing new i think that we can summarize this reality of human wisdom and and god's wisdom by saying that uh our earthly life is a spiritual battle between the two uh human wisdom tends to the spirit of the world at the end and god's wisdom tends to god as simple as that so it is sort of like a challenge that we all have as christians to make sure we know in which side are we walking on the problem is that people that are humanly wise and do not enter into the wisdom of god are death to the spirit and you can see that clearly in the gospel when we find the pharisees and those or tribes that were around christ during his time this public life and they can't hear they can't see the they are mute to the spirit and jesus said it's very loud he who has ears to see you know he said that many times and he was referring to that in particularly because he was referring to those that only have human wisdom and you know when when you when we say human wisdom we also include theologians and religious scientists and and catechists and people that are in the pastoral work of the church that are really educated uh well educated and but don't have god's wisdom they they are only educated intellectually academically but not spiritually and therefore they only have human wisdom though they are working through the theology of god you know still even through the doctrine of the church but it is so incredibly uh tricky to see the fine line between those two because people that are speaking so fluently and articulate and structurally about the doctrine and theology fool people very easily and then they think people think people that are weak think that those people are of god obviously because they are speaking of god they are they are dealing with treaties of the faith with death and the knowledge and but they don't come from the spirit nothing comes from the heart because all comes from the mind it's all intellectual because all human wisdom no love so they can fool people easily and that's why so many people are misled by by a new gospel or by by crooked and heretic theologies by uh wrong teachings of doctrine and also wrong catechism and we have that in the church today abundantly it is scary at the same time it is the times we are living so it's not like uh we are going to be scandalized or scared you know we just um acknowledge that and uh and face it and and learn how to live through this because um you notice the people that are basically playing human wisdom in the church are people that you cannot argue with because they are deaf to the spirit so arguments with them is you are useless that's one of the reasons why saint paul says not to argue with anyone because the truth is the truth and which you don't have to argue it so you just testify the truth in every aspect under any circumstance all the time and that's it that suffices you don't want to discuss that the sun is shining if the sun is shining i you like to discuss that you don't want to waste the time doing that the sun is shining and that's what it is and that's what the truth is also truth is the truth and we don't argue it so now there are times when we find ourselves in situations in parish in parishes and situations in the church and different angles of our participation in the church where you're talking about a bishop is the one that is playing human wisdom or a priest or a religious or a you know a lay leader and and you find them like that and what do you do you see there is a time for everything when things are really bad like a priest is preaching errors is from the pulpit or in the homily obviously your responsibility is to go to the sacristy after mass and tell him what he did and what you think it is that he did and tell him that he just appreciates it and that you are not happy about it and he should not do that that's one-to-one conversation is your responsibility before god your responsibility before the church and your responsibility before your community and uh so that's as far as we can go because then god will work we plant we water but only god make it grow as saint paul teaches us and we know that um this journey of faith is beautiful because it's a school and we are all learning some students are really mysterious and and uh careless and and uh annoying so to say so many students are good students they are very firm and and they teach you just by by by uh watching their testimony of life you know the way they walk their lives the way they talk their lives the way they behave in general and some others are just there and they just rolling wounded rolling with the punches as they say not making any difference for themselves or for others and so mediocrity is always there lukewarmness but still is a school you know we all been to school most of us and we know the experience of school so it's not much difference the school of life in christ is a school we are learning so many lessons and we hope and pray that we will learn as much as we need for our soul to be well equipped and filled with the light of god at the moment of parting from this life from this earthly life that's what we need to do and that's what we need to aim for uh to be strong and to be filled with god when the lord calls us and focusing our life like that help us a lot because we are we are just existing surviving this early life with an aim and the aim is to make it to the light make it to the city of jerusalem and make it to salvation and what what a good sight that is you know a lot of people are really confused in this world because their horizon is not the transcendence from this life to the next they are caught up in this world really badly you know um and uh when you read the life of the saints and also when you um read some of the messages of our lady the virgin mary in some of the apparitions that are approved by the church you read this insistence of heaven for us to be focusing on eternal life and you know constantly constantly insisting in us uh living this early life like that looking ahead and is an urgency from heaven to let us know and to get us to wake up into a reality that transcend this life and this is a constant talk you know that comes from heaven and uh so this program of living in faith by example is one that does the same see we are trying to get across a message that is vital and it is to wake up and not to let these circumstances and so many events of this world that are uncomprehensible and unexpected and difficult and uh cruel and we can find so many objectives to describe it but um we therefore if we grow uh if we shift spiritually into this realm where our life is placed somewhere else you know and we are just in transit this helps us a lot not because we are going to live up to an illusion or a fantasy no because it's like we are going to live by the gospel and that means we are walking with an eternal sense of living we are not walking our life our local life with just a plain temporary life sense of living because that will be very scary people that are atheists people that don't know god they live a miserable life in that sense because for them the end is the end there's nothing else going on and that must be so lonely and especially no future after dying no no no other life that must be sad you know it must be difficult we have the blessing and the grace to have this amazing gift of the faith and faith teaches us and to to be so so free and uh and to be so hopeful and also to understand pain and suffering to understand human suffering to understand your neighbor because if you do have a name that transcends this life then your heart is big when it comes to love neighbor when he comes to feel the pain and that heals you because one thing is for sure that is clear our understanding of pain and suffering free us is an uplifting of the mystery of this world it just it just gives us an amazing freedom you know you could see the freedom of the martyrs like when you read the life of san ignacios of antioch you read the whole journey from antioch to rome and it was a journey of a death sentence you know he was going to the coliseum and you know what was happening in the coliseum in those days and he was in a journey of faith like a giant he was stopping all christians that were trying to get his freedom from the romans he was stopping them and said don't do that i need to be grinded by the by the teeth of the beast so that i can become a better life like my master did and he did he did become that but when you look at that type of sainthood that type of a brave life in the spirit then you understand the strength that the spirit gives you and you understand the difference between human wisdom and uh and god's wisdom the senignaces of antioch of course was living up to god's wisdom and he knew better that's why dying in the coliseum wasn't a big deal to him i'm sure humanly he was you know a little uh annoyed with the way he was going to be shoot away by the beast by the lions but still you know he wasn't backing up he was going for and he did uh you know that the day he died in the coliseum they say that in those days that was the day when most roman pagans converted to christianity he the guy was thrown into the coliseum the coliseum was filled with lions and this guy dressed as a bishop when running towards the lions singing songs and approaching those lions and that's why there were so many conversions that day and that's why he was saying i have to become a bread of life like my master let the beast shoo me away and this is gigantic and how could you translate that to our times you know today we do have martyrs you look at africa like nigeria and the boko haram and how they decapitate our priests and our religious and rape our girls that they steal from catholic schools and and enforce them to become muslims those are martha martis of today and isis are kill martira is many catholics during this war that that was way against them for for a few years and those so we have today's marches the that they should set the blood for for the church and continue on uh giving their lives for god with bravery and conviction and faith that is giant but we will always say that the spirit of martyrdom has been very scar it's very very small you know in the church always most people have run away from that even you can see that in the apostles before they receive pentecost they run away only john state the rest left and that's the case you know human case where people humanly cannot make it to martyrdom because they still work working and existing on human wisdom and human wisdom will not lead you to martyrdom no way because you human wisdom will tell you hey save yourself buddy you cannot let anybody kill you and that's what the human mind would tell you because you will never speak from the heart you will plainly speak from the mind and so looking at the reality that we are facing uh as christians today knowing that so few people in the church today are willing to give their lives for the church it's pretty scary you know because you hear people saying oh you know in this diocese we don't have an exorcist and at first i used to wonder i wonder what bishops are thinking because there are so many demonized people by the way they practice so many pagan traditions and cults and and things they practice that are demonic they end up possessed or obsessed oppressed all kinds of spiritual states of of illness and then but one day i was visiting the blessed sacrament in a very small oratory and i was wondering in my heart i was wondering why are those visuals not naming exorcists and i got it very clear in my heart to have an exorcist in a dialysis it's a grace that god gives the church when you don't see the exorcist in the diocese it's not because of the bishop because god is taking the graces away as simple as that so we do have what god wants to give us because the catholic church is the church of god so the spirit of god is the one that runs it and every time we focus on humans in the church we're missing the point we are not aiming at the center see we we have to know that god is on control see when you look at the pope make sure you don't get entangled in pope make sure you land on papa see it's very important because if you get caught up with the human side of papacy then you may lose the papacy by losing the pope and a lot of people are suffering of that today they got they mingle with the person of the pope and they end up losing the person of the papacy which means they lose the church still they feel like they are better church than the church but the truth is they lost the church because they got entangled with the person of the pope that's why they lost papacy and it's so easy to fall into this trap and you see very wise humanly wise bishops cardinals priest lady that fall into the strap and it's so sad i look at them i said oh you see it's going to be so difficult for them to face jesus when they go because it's painful to see them being trapped like that and satan laughing and they think they have the truth that's what is worse than anything they are they never shifted they never grew spiritually they just became wise humanly and it's an absolute tragedy we need to um realize that the more confused and complicated this world becomes the the more we need the wisdom of god and the wisdom of god we couldn't possibly get it if we don't get very simple because you know everything jesus teaches us about wisdom is all about humility and you know when you are very wise humanly one thing you don't have is humility you don't have that because you become so powerful with your wisdom that you can't see small things so therefore you can see baby jesus too small you can't see bethlehem the manger too small too insignificant you can't see small things you can't see the the the uh com the this the eucharist too small too uh tasteless to nothing and you couldn't see it you couldn't deal with it it's too small and that's what human wisdom does because it gets you to be so big it make you makes you so big that you can't see small and when you cannot see small you lost you can't see the gate to heaven you will never see it you will never be able to enter it because you're too big and small paths are not for you you can't really see them in small paths it's like uh wise humanly wise people can't see a saint because they will not discern it they are right in front of them and they have no clue they are a saint no they will they will despise the way they are they will consider them uh meaningless people you know and this is usually what happens that's why it is sad to see people that live like that i sadden myself all the time from this type of vision of humans that are trapped in the spirit of the world because you know human wisdom we can say at the end it is basically the spirit of the world you know even though it could be dressed in religion but still what good does it do if it is not of god it's empty of god empty of the love of god and it's a tragedy god wants us to be very alert and vigilant in those times in these times because you know you look at the church you see what the church is about today and we know we have a new church in relation with the past as far as technology is concerned for example as far as science and industrialization all of that has changed the the social doctrine of the church because we are living in a world that the church doesn't have any record of uh the world was never like this before and so the church has to travel this journey with the world not letting the world permanent but walking with the world because it is from the world that we are taking week the big fish we are fishermen of men and they are in the world our fish is in the world so we need to look at it and we need to learn of it and understand it and that way we are able to enter it and pick up the big fish for god and this is something really important to have clear now today in particularly we see so many conversations in the church that are mostly useless they are very intelligent conversations and they have lots of people following them they are wise humanly they are very structured and they are manicured and even fashionable and politically correct and they are brilliant and lots of people get seduced by them but then when you look at the at the truth of the heart you see a crisis like the pandemia and then you noticed where this is all leading and you notice is leading to nowhere because during the pandemia we could see catholics drowning in the mystery of fear the mystery of giving up insecurities of all levels and pain and also resentment and boredom you you know laziness came up and took over many people and so many bad things happened to catholics during the pandemia because they were not fed by god's wisdom they were fed and led by the shepherds of the church with human wisdom very weak charge obviously thank god not everybody there is always the remnant of god that is god's god wise and we have in our hearts uh this need this hunger even thirst for souls if we really are who we are supposed to be if i am the chosen child of god that was baptized you know that for to be baptized we had to be being given by the father to the son and so we have been chosen by the father and giving to the son this is an amazing uh journey i mean if you look at it it's gigantic so if we do our chosen if we have been chosen then we feel in our hearts that thirst because we have been chosen to be fishermen of men and and we will have the thirds of the fishermen we will have that because we were created for that but lots of catalysts are very confused with that thirst i find so many people around the world in my missions that sincerely ask me and sometimes they are growing up people you know adults of over 50 sometimes and they said i'm so tired of looking for god's will what is my vocation i mean what is it that god wants from me and seriously saying that and believing that and going through that and i find that most of the cases are like that because they haven't make a move in the wisdom of god this is all human wisdom it's just plain earthly life earthly religion nothing to do with god because if once you have a personal relationship with god and you sincerely become this child of god then you are not looking for what god wants from you you are doing it because you love him and he is the one that will live through your heart and leads you to do what you need to do that he wants you to and it's so simple you know it's it's not like you need to hear his voice in the bathroom or it's not like you you need to have an angel come to you and tell you it is like your relationship with god your personal relationship with god is the one that leads you through the one that guides you and enlighten you and and push you like a wind to go in the direction that is appropriate for your spiritual growth for you to make it to make it to salvation as simple as that and it's beautiful you know to look at life that way because it changes everything for one thing we know by the example of many mystics of the church that when a christian is not a joyful christian it's not a hopeful christian it's not a peaceful and charitable christian it's not a good christian and it's as simple as that and the biggest sign of christ's presence in the heart of a person is the joy and the peace in spite of it all you see sometimes i find people in the funeral that are burying their son or the mother or the brother or the wife or the husband or a good friend and you find them going through the closing of that relationship but you also find the joy in their eyes always and the peace uh there is a time for crying and a time for a joy right a time for joy and time for sadness uh and those seasons we go through but the heart is not going through those seasons the heart is in god so if you if you are in god you always have the joy the peace and the hope obviously regardless of what is happening in your life regardless of what kind of experience you are going through so god is going to lead you and this is something amazing for it's difficult for a lot of people to let someone else guide them you know especially when it is a spirit and especially when it is a good spirit because it's so incredibly mysterious how people are easily led by evil spirits by practicing new age for example how easily they follow all of that and spend a lot lots of money and things like that but when it comes down to following god and following the light and the true path people don't find any interest in it it's too empty for them they don't find any reason for that so simple and so strange and mysterious does not for me see so it is an amazing grace to be faithful to god to be obedient to the church to have the simple wisdom which is the simple wisdom of god and to be at peace and to have joy and to be charitable it is a jewel you know it is precious when you find a person like that you say yes this is the path this is the presence of god amongst us this is christianity for real how great that is and how much we miss that how much we need that because there are so few people like that a lot of people in the church want to make believe that they are like that but you know it's like a cheap perfume in a special perfume bottle steal the cheaper fuel once you open the bottle the bottle doesn't make the perfume perfume is going to be bad anyway so some people pretend they don't make it once they open the mouth you know they are not real and there's too much of that and too little of the real perfume of god the aromas of heaven saw scars on earth and god is so merciful that still he keeps the church so strong in spite of it all the church keeps on navigating to these murky waters towards the final port and where we will meet our prince of peace jesus and uh we will meet them anyway because all of us uh are going to have our day when we are going to be called by god and we will meet our maker face to face but some people will be here when jesus returned that's a different experience and if i tell you what i sincerely think about it i said i that doesn't take my sleep you know i i want to make it to heaven i want to i want to get the grace to be holy i want to work for that every day of my life but i'm not wondering when jesus is returning that's nothing that is to me is something that i'm thinking about it i think it's an amazing gift to know that he's going to return you know it is just incredible and i believe it because that's our faith that's the deposit of faith we believe in and i do i believe but when it is concerned about uh about my personal life i say yes all i want is i want to make it to the city of light on top of the mountain to the city of jerusalem we are citizens of that city but we are to make it there that's why we have to help one another when we talk about living in faith like this program is called we talk about walking together we talk about helping one another we're talking about enlightening one another we talk about helping each other to open our hearts and look inside and see who am i what am i up to and who's god and how much of god do i have in my heart and those things are important you know are basic as simple but so vital for us to have clear and god wants us to look at our moment you know our instant he wants us to be cautious he wants us to be meticulous and to be looking closely to every step of the way because you know sometimes we think time is on our side and we think we have time and then we postpone many important things because we think that way but when we do have some kind of uh enlightenment of conscience then we realize time is not on our side time is running very fast and it's running out and we need to get the greatest growth before is out before is over and uh that growth i'm talking about it is the spiritual growth the growth in god to grow in god is to grow in love and to grow into the wisdom of god that is to grow in god and it's a grace it's a big grace because that means we are not wasting our days if we only knew how costly is every minute of our lives every bit of the heart every step we take every thought we have we will be very meticulous and we will be very careful we will be pretty good administrators of that time for the time that have been given to us very straight and radical about the management of that time so today we see people running and rushing but they are not concerned about how much how much time they have they are only concerned that they are running out of time see the speed that's why they are rushing and that's what the brushes of this world are all about i'm running out of time see this is the feeling you get because why are they running so fast why is speed is so important and you look at it yes on one end is the grace of development and technology speed you know it probably makes things better for people's survival and it just becomes an aid and a good tool but spiritually not always works well because people that are in a rush rushing left and right every day they may they may not think about god they may not have any focusing on transcendence into the next life they may not at all even though they are catholics and and you see that um everywhere because you know traditionally we find that some countries are very catholic you could say in eastern europe like uh croatia and poland and some other countries are catholic countries that are still surviving on sacred traditions uh surviving insane doctrine and obedience to the church and it gives you hope you know it gives you hope but at the same time when you look at the whole world how big it is and how many how many citizens around the world are catholics and how little are they really engaged with this uh shifting into the spiritual realm i'm going to start answering some questions that we have gotten through the program and i'm talking to jay lew dear marina my sister-in-law died a month ago from stage 4 breast cancer she was a devout catholic who believed that she will be healed in this life as we mourn her passing how we find comfort and peace from the laws of a loved one it is difficult to see the light as we are engulfed in sadness thank you yes it is difficult but at the same time our christian faith challenges us to use this moment of mourning in order to athlete our hearts into the real faith that it is to believe that she is in a better place you see when someone is suffering so much of a disease like cancer then we know that there is a great purification through that process um and through that journey of of disease the pain the suffering and also the hopes that one has to be healed by god and to continue on living this life but uh as christians we have to remember something as you said she was a good person she was a devout catalyst and therefore the only thing that will get you to understand her passing is it was her time because that she was a good cutter at the bow category and she didn't get a healing from god that means god was calling her and god took her already and that would be a faithful way of looking at it that doesn't take away the sadness that doesn't take away the closing of this moment of letting go of a loved one because we have to go through this pain and the suffering and this sadness we have to go through that you see the example of jesus with lazarus he knew he was going to resurrect him and still he cried before he did that so you see this sadness is there is beautiful spiritual is the love of god in us but at the same time we cannot forget she went to a better place she was a good catholic a devout christian so god picked her up it was her time that's the best way to focus on it um i have to todd carver and he says a wisdom is the spirit of the world why those proverbs tell us the fear of the lord begins with wisdom no there is a misunderstanding here and it's something we cannot miss we're talking about human wisdom that's what i read in the world i read before in the beginning of the show saint paul was talking about human wisdom versus god's wisdom so there are two types of wisdom one is of god and one is plainly human wisdom of the world is the difference between the two i'm not talking about one wisdom i'm talking about the two wisdom the human one that is the one that is always wrong in relation to the spirit and the wisdom of god which is the proverbs and which is the wisdom of god um okay john doe i am not insecure i am trying to go to heaven who is joining me for sure priests could do a better providing us with tools for evangelization by playing love of neighbor and other jude base of friendship uh yes i guess we can say that many people complained in the church today of having this lack of of pastoral work from our shepherds and i agree but at the same time we have a responsibility personally personal responsibility of each one of us making our jobs you know doing our job because a lot of people are not doing it and it's sad you see so many churches so many parishes where people are lazy about the spirit they are not teaching people what they need to be talked and this laziness throws people into the world and many people drown in the world because they don't have the right pastoral work but we all should be focusing on heaven focusing on salvation and trying to get people to do that something we need to do so we are going to um um we are going to keep on working on this you know uh working on trying to trying to um make sure that we grow you know um so i have mariana saying how can we pray without being distracted i try to be concentrated but sometimes it's hard not to have all your thoughts while praying so i start over sometimes uh yes uh you know it is a discipline um for sure sometimes you have to realize that if you go to pray and you are very tired most likely you fall asleep and you're not going to be able to focus so you might as well rest a little bit before you you pray close your eyes relax and rest and then you pray and all the things that distract us is when we let our mind go wild and brings a lot of thoughts when we are relaxed and praying and so we have to develop good disciplines of concentration never using oriental concentration like some catalysts do like center prayers things like that that come from the east but we can't really develop a discipline by making sure we are rested when we pray and making sure we force ourselves to be present in every single part of that prayer that's what i do you know when i pray the rosary for example i i make the great effort to make sure every hail mary is really present in my heart while i am pronouncing it hello i'm answering a call hi who is this hello marina hello my name is toby thank you for taking my call oh anytime my pleasure thank you for calling my question is what is the difference between hope [Applause] um he has depression i suppose but and i'm not seeing any positive changes of him i'm making changes um when i go to counseling people always put divorce on the people but my heart is not ready for divorce even after three years i often hear that um you know hoping and people are not changing is making a wish so i don't know if what i'm doing by waiting is right i feel jesus never gave up on anyone he was trying to convince the judas even in the last minute so am i wrong to hope and i have faith that christ can do anything um so i would like to know what your view is on this situation yes uh my view will be uh i feel that you are doing right uh i think marriage is a sacrament and you are being faithful first to the sacrament which is sacred as it is it is called and secondly you are hoping not wishfully thinking that your husband can convert and return or at least convert the hearts in a way that you feel at peace and that is good to do i i think that people that think that you should divorce these people that will think that you need to start a new life and find another person they think like that probably i don't know but if you are just faithful to the sacrament of matrimony and you don't have any other focusing in your life than living up to the promises that you made at the altar i think you are doing fine i will say i will continue hoping and i will i don't do not find that wishful thinking or wishful hoping i think you are right and i will pray along with you thank you that's how i feel i don't feel [Music] [Applause] good i think i think you're doing well and uh i support you with prayer okay god bless you thank you thank you bye so we are at the end of the show and we thank god for having kept giving us the opportunity to have another journey like this with living in faith and i pray that all of us become holier and holier as time goes by so may god bless you all [Music] you
Channel: Maria Visión USA
Views: 484
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: JCN, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ Network, Maria+Visión, M+V, mariavision, Miami, Canal Católico de Miami, Iglesia Católica, Virgin Mary, How to increase faith, Is the virgen mary saint?, Depression, Anxiety, Jesus into my live, How to pray, Are Catholics right?, Marino Restrepo, Living in Faith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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