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matthew chapter seven okay now again this is the concluding thoughts of jesus on the most famous sermon that has ever been preached the sermon on the mount he starts the sermon off by talking about people that are truly blessed blessed are the peacemakers blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god he goes through all those that are blessed and he continues on he addresses so many incredible amazing practical realities of a follower of jesus talks about you know like hey don't be a person that holds unforgiveness he teaches us how to pray in the sermon of the mouth he just he does so much in the sermon this is the concluding thought that he has to summarize his sermon now anybody that knows preachers knows that when they start it's pretty good starting middle is like oh i don't know where you went there but in the end the conclusion's like epic every preacher's like and i conclude with and that means they have four more conclusions that are coming this is my conclusion means 15 more minutes is coming your way this is his epic conclusion this is how he's landing the plane in matthew chapter seven watch his final words here on the sermon on the mount this is how he's how he's ending the whole thought matthew chapter 7 verse 25 it says this therefore everyone who hears these words of mine he's just been preaching for a long time and he ends this way anybody that hears everybody's like bro we've been listening to you preach for a while everyone who hears these words of mine that i have just said in matthew 5 matthew 6 and matthew 7. there is so much truth go back and read it for yourself maybe this week matthew 5 matthew 6 and matthew 7 and he ends by saying this therefore anyone who hears these words that i have just said and puts them into practice it's like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain came down and the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone now again he's been preaching for quite some time but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice matthew 5 matthew 6 and matthew 7. if you just listen to everything i just said but you don't apply this to your life let me teach you what that's like he says that is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the rain came down and the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash when jesus had finished these sayings the crowds are amazed at his teaching because he had taught as one who had authority and not as the teachers of the law i want to preach a message today write down the title it's called you're going to make it you're going to make it i don't know what you've been feeling about yourself i don't know if i'm going to make it no no no you're going to make it you're going to be all right you know that song we going to be all right you going to be all right did it i don't know the rest of it but anyways you're gonna be all right just want to encourage you today i'm not here to give you doom and gloom i'm not here to give you a warning you're you're about to have a great crash i'm actually here to build your faith today and build your hope you're gonna make it you're like man i don't know if i'm gonna make we're about to go into lockdown phase number two we're about to shut all the restaurants down and i lost i thought it was already hard enough it's nine months into this thing and i don't know if i can handle another no no no no no you're going to make it you're going to make it because god is with you god is for you hold on to peace hold on to joy hold on to jesus i want to give you an encouraging message i haven't met anybody in 2020 this last year that's like you know what biggest issue i've had this last year i am just way too encouraged i don't know what it is i just feel so happy and nothing's gone sideways and everyone in my world's got you know held it together and my kids are awesome they obey every time i ask them to do something nobody is too encouraged you don't need a doom and gloom message you don't need to get your life right message you need to hear what heaven is saying over your life you're going to make it you're going to be okay god is for you god is with you keep holding on to the hope that is found in jesus he ends these sayings he ends this sermon by not giving a warning but giving a reward he says listen it's not that the person that hears these sayings is exempt from storms is that the storms are going to come but the storms will not destroy see the enemy wants to destroy you john 10 10 is the theme verse it's the foundational verse of zoe church john 10 10 says the evil one comes to steal kill and destroy but jesus said i have come that you might have life the enemy wants to destroy you god wants to rebuild you the enemy wants to totally mess with your life god wants to build you up in a holy faith that will keep you going i want to encourage you you're going to make it even when you don't think that you are i promise you god is going to get you through this storm the storm has come the wind is here but you're going to make it come on let's pray together jesus we love you we acknowledge you we thank you greater is he that is within us than he that is within the world we pray today on a day like today you will help us understand your love it's undeserved it's unearned god we can't strive for it we can't work for it it is not by our behavior it is only by our belief and our trust in you we thank you for who you are today in jesus name and everybody said together i'm going to give you a few things to write down number one just we're going to start here but just we're going to go somewhere write down number one the storm has come and i want you to understand that because it's just we don't want to live like oblivious to the fact that it's a storm like when you're going through a storm it's like it's just okay to call it a storm the storm has come there's wind there's rain there's floods there's torment watch matthew 7 25 the rain came down the streams rose the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock can we just be honest with each other we're in a storm can we just be okay with being like hey this is not fun i'm not i i enjoy sunshine the reason listen the last year i lived in washington the state of washington it rained 91 straight days why do you think i moved here yeah god's calling you yeah i just like i gotta get out it rained 91 straight days i'm like god please call me to la plea i like the sunshine i don't like the rain i don't like the wind it's pretty awesome today my parents are here at the ministry center make some noise for my two parents dave and wendy veach pastor david wendyview and uh my parents we i grew up on an island one of the san juan islands in the state of washington it is called whidbey island my dad pastored a church there and um and we had a we had a phenomenal uh i went fifth grade all the way until i graduated high school and one of the things about living on an island up in washington is that the wind howls in fact just right around the corner from our house you would just take about a five minute drive and you would be at the ocean and when you would go through the winter months of being on this island i'm telling you the wind you'd see the white caps of the ocean and that thing would howl have you ever been in the car driving in the wind and you feel like the car just kind of like you're like oh wow whoa is this the movies whoa whoa this whoa like you could feel the wind i'm telling you the reason why i left that that state of washing that beautiful stay i love washington with all my heart my seahawk fan go dogs i'm just i still love it it's just i need to live here in l.a where it's sunny and it's awesome and there is no wind and there is no rain one it rains once a year and it's like that time that i'm like why did why god don't let it chase me down here but sometimes it's like we could be in a storm and we can be like oh no it's fine it's cool i'm good it's not bad it's it's it's it's not that bad it's like no can we just be honest you're in a storm there's a lot of rain there's a lot of wind there's a lot of there's a lot of animosity there's a lot of disappointment there's a lot of anger it's a lot of hurt your bank statement doesn't look the same your social life doesn't look the same your thinking is not the thinking that you had last year you're in a storm and part of life is just recognizing this is this is where i'm at it's what i'm dealing with it's where i'm going what i'm going through this is the reality of my situation wow this is what i'm facing at work that's what i'm facing in my life this is where my soul is at this is where my mind is at this is where my relationships are let's just be honest you are in a storm god did not say that the storm wouldn't come he just said it won't destroy you anyone who hears these sayings puts them into practice it's like a wise man that built its house on the rock so when the storm comes it will not destroy the storm has come it could last months longer we do not know but the reality is be encouraged it will not destroy you because just because it's raining and just because it's howling and just because there is such a ferocious wind in your life it does not mean you'll be destroyed the storm has come let's just be honest can you identify today what the storm has done to you sometimes you understand me like all right let's just let's just see the damage let's see what happens i remember windy windy days growing up on on whidbey island i remember after the the the decimation of like a big windstorm you would drive down the road and there'd be branches all over the road and there'd be there'd be you know trees that had fallen and power lines that are down but you just kind of hunker in and you wait to get out the next day once the storm is over to see what has happened let's just be honest before we go see the damage let's just understand we're in a storm but you are going to make it i'll tell you why here's a few reasons why number one write this down you have the help of god you might be in a storm but god's here to help you god is building your house god is building your life god has not forsaken you and god has not abandoned you and god has not left you high and dry he doesn't let you go through the storm it's like all right little buddy let's see how you do i'm going to be over there in heaven you just you fend for yourself no god is here building you up in the midst of your storm oh i love this verse right here look at psalm 127 unless the lord builds the house the builders labe in vain oh watch god isaiah 59 19 when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him in other words god says if there's going to be a storm and there's going to be trial and tribulation i'm not going to abandon you i'm going to help you i'm going to build your life i'm going to build your house i'm going to build up your company and build up your future and build up your soul i'm going to be a builder in the midst of the storm i'm not going to wait to see the damage i'm going to build you right now when the when the enemy comes in like a flood the lord raises a standard against him he said i'm not going to let you be touched i'm not going to let you be harmed i'm not going to let you be thrown sideways i'm not going to let this destroy your future there's a calling on your life there's a future that you have i'm not letting you get taken out you need to understand that though the storm has come god is still god though the storm has come god will help you build your house he has not abandoned you he has not forsaken you he has not left you high and dry in 2020. oh i love what david says in psalm 23 yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me god is with you you might feel like 20 20 i don't know who's still with me i don't know who my friends are i don't know who my community is i don't know who really rocks with me i don't know who's who's in my corner god is in your corner being cursed today that god is building your house unless the lord builds the house the laborers labor in vain it is futile efforts to try and build your life on your own god is building your life god is building your house god is building your future god is doing all the work that's why he's the cornerstone that's why he oh i love that old hymn my hope is built on nothing less than jesus he is my hope he is my salvation he is who i'm building my life around he is who i'm building my life upon and as i build my life on god god is building me up you might be in a storm but doesn't mean god stopped working god didn't stop he's using this to mold you and shape you and change you and rearrange you and and and release you into your god-given potential storms get our attention start listen it's it's rare that you get god's attention or god gets your attention on the mountaintop of success it is always in the valley of despair what is it about a storm when the rain comes and and the wind and and you're under attack it's like oh jesus i need you it's not on the mountaintop of success it is the valley of despair god's using it to show you i'm building this i'm using this i'm doing this i'm raising you up i'm helping you in these areas it's god it's not you it's god so you you you're going to make it and the reason why you're going to make it is because god is building your house god is building your life for it is god who is at work in us both to will and to do for his good pleasure god is working on you god works the day shift he works the morning shift and he works the night shift god is working on your life and it is god who is working in you to build you up the enemy comes to destroy the enemy comes to decimate the enemy comes to take you out but i'm telling you god raises a standard against him we have a friend the other day that um someone uh hop their fence and try to break into their to their to their house got into their garage and tried to take one of their cars and so our friend called us and told us you know this story and said you know that thank god for the ring app in the ring app they were able to watch the whole thing come out come come down you know so they watch the person come in and try and take the car and all that can i just tell you god is watching over your life and when the enemy comes in like a thief when the enemy comes in to take your life steal your joy steal your peace steal your future know that the lord says i raise a standard against him i'm not just a ring app that's watching you i will kick i will rebuke the devourer in your life god is building your house and number two here's why why i'm encouraged you're gonna make it number two you love practice you love practice i know that about you you love practice remember allen iverson's famous uh uh press conference where he got in trouble with his coach and he's sitting there and he's in trouble because he didn't want to practice and he got mad he's like the mvp of the nba at this time and he's like we're talking about practice y'all practice not a game not a game practice yeah i want to just tell you you practice like you play the reason why you're going to make it is because you practice the teachings of jesus you're trying to apply what he said you're not the foolish person that's like you know what that's what you say good for you god no no i'm going to build my life however i want to build it i'm going to spend my money i'm going to sleep around i'm going to do this no no you put god's word into practice look at what he says here so matthew 7 25 therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock you are not a wise person if you hear the words you are a wise person if you practice the words he said listen whoever practices my teachings matthew 5 matthew 6 matthew 7 the sermon on the mount whoever practices this stuff you will become like a wise person that doesn't build on the sand builds on the rock let's just be honest when you build on the sand that means you're building on your identity your fame your following your finances your performance your future what you want but when i build it on god's house god's ways god's principles god's thoughts god's laws god's grace when i build my my life on that it means i practice what he preaches whatever he preach now again he's just preached for a really long time the greatest sermon that's ever been preached and he says hey in summary i just want to tell you i'm glad y'all came to listen to me today it's free of charge we will you know we're blessed to be a blessing we want to just it's free i'm not i don't need money but i'm just telling you you heard a lot of sayings today but you will not be blessed by hearing you will be blessed by doing if you put this stuff into practice and you do your best to live out what i just preached when the storm comes and is coming you ever notice that life doesn't have just like one storm it has many storms i heard someone say a long time ago you're either in a storm coming out of storm or preparing to go back into a storm but it doesn't matter i know some people that are the happiest people even in the midst of adversity even in the midst of a storm he said how can you smile like that how can you be they carry such peace and such grace and such ease and how are they so at ease in the midst of a storm that's because you know they just they're practicing the teachings of jesus and the more you practice that the more your life is built not on circumstance but on jesus and the more you build it on that you're going to be okay i want to encourage you practice what jesus preaches jack practice what god has spoken if it's in his word if it's what he has said i'm going to put it into practice in my life the bible says forgive those that have sinned against us okay i'm going gonna forgive the bible says that i should give to god and to give to god's house i'm gonna practice it heart for the house the bible says that i should literally watch my body it is the temple of the holy spirit i'm gonna put it into practice whatever god said i'm about if it's in his word it's got to be in my life i'm going to practice what he preaches and the more i practice that the more it prepares me to go through a storm the more that i'm in a storm and i'm just okay why because he is my rock bed he is my cornerstone he is my identity he is my life i might have lost this that and the other but it doesn't it doesn't define me you're going to be okay because god's building your life he hasn't stopped in 2020. 2021 people like man i just can't wait for this year to get over 2021 really like we just get like is it off on switch like life's just gonna get grand and awesome again what if this last six nine more months what if it's another year from now we're like 2022 is gonna be my year like i'm not living my life like that i'm gonna be joyful i'm gonna be kind i'm gonna be planted in this house don't let the circumstance define you we're defined by the cornerstone that we're building our life upon write down number three you have a mountain of grace for every mountain of pressure there is an equal mountain of grace so you might be under a mountain of pressure of going like man i've got pressure about this decision i've got pressure in my finances i've got pressure in relationships okay listen i just want to make sure you understand for every mountain of pressure there is an equal mountain of grace every time the enemy comes in like a flood the lord raises a standard against him listen the evil one comes to steal kill and destroy jesus said i have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly listen every time the enemy tries to harm you god turns it around for the good for every mountain of pressure there is an equal mountain of grace you gotta understand god is up to something it's not that the enemy's scheming stuff and the enemy's working stuff and the enemy's throwing stuff in your life god's throwing stuff at your life god's like i love you i'm for you here's a promise here's a friend here's a stream here's a church here's a connect group here's community here's a blessing listen it's not the enemy that's sending stuff god's sending more oh i love this look here in in psalm 46 god you're such a safe and powerful place to find refuge you're a proven help in time of trouble more than enough and always available whenever i need you so we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away we will not fear even when the earthquakes and shakes moving mountains and casting them into the sea the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves cannot erode our faith in you it's loud it's dark the lights went out the other day was so windy here in los angeles my least favorite weather pattern in the whole world is wind i can do a little rain but when the wind starts i'm like ooh ptsd i can't stand the wind i can't stand the wind i cannot stand the wind and i was like babe i think the the electricity is going to go out what will we do with our children charge up the batteries on the ipads what are we going to do get buy some candles he is saying even in the stormiest of conditions we will not be afraid it will not move our faith in you stop looking at your current condition and start putting your eyes on jesus the author and the finisher of our faith are you more focused on wind and rain and conditions of your structure are you more focused on jesus you're going to make it god's building your house you're going to make it you love to practice and you have right now in this season a mountain of grace well yeah there's a mountain of obstacle and a mountain of attack and there's this mountain of pressure yeah yeah but have you looked at the mountain of grace it is greater and bigger every time you're up against something difficult god's like coming through going like hey don't focus on this mountain focus on the mountain zion of grace oh i love this in isaiah watch isaiah 62 he sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the lord's favor has come and with it the day of god's anger against their enemies to all who mourn in israel he will give a crown of beauty for ashes a joyous blessing instead of mourning festive praise instead of despair in their righteousness they will be like great oaks that the lord has planted for his own glory what is he saying no no no no stop looking at the despair stop looking at the bottom line stop looking at the pressure look at the prince of peace look at the mighty savior look at the alpha and the omega look at the mountain of grace who are you focused on in this season don't put your eyes on the economy don't put your eyes on social media don't put your eyes on a political leader don't put your eyes on on the on the virus updates put your eyes on jesus now he's building your life you put into practice his words and there's a mountain of grace available for you you might be like oh i'm in despair it's terrible it's the worst year of my life i'm going through hell and oh this is the word listen even when the enemy comes in to convince you of that god himself has a mountain of grace oh i love you jesus says to peter he says peter i just want to be honest with you man i'm going to be i know you've been following me a long time i love you brother you're you're i've got plans for you i want to tell you this though the enemy has asked to sift you like wheat i just want to tell you i'm praying for you false peter i would have been like what that's all you can do is pray you can't be like the enemies have to sift you like wheat so i cast them down to a greater level of darkness you can't do that you're just like oh but i'm praying for you buddy the enemy has asked to sift you like wheat here's jesus going but i'm praying for you praying for you the enemy has a mountain of pressure here's jesus but i'm praying for you on the mountain of grace which mountain will you gaze upon today which reality will you focus on the storm is going to come but those that look at the mountain of grace will not be destroyed he's praying for you he's praying for you worship tame you come join me here's the last thing i want to say today is write down the last one your house will stand your house is going to stand you know we've had we've had friends you know that you know houses have been destroyed in hurricanes and houses have been destroyed in wind storms and the decimation of of of storms and and winds and rains and it it is a is a devastating reality the attack of the wicked one you feel like my children are under attack my house is under attack i don't feel like i don't know if i'm gonna make it i feel under attack be encouraged today you're not under attack alone you're under heaven's radar you're under the canopy and under the umbrella of jesus are you under attack yeah let's be honest you are you probably are is this gonna be the last year the attack happens no probably next year and the year after that and year after that because you're either in a storm coming out of storm or getting ready to go back into one storms are inevitable storms in every season sometimes but we're not focused on the rain i'm not gazing at the wind i'm not wondering oh what is the damage what is going to be left no i'm looking at the mountain of grace your house is going to stand because your foundation is strong my hope is built on nothing less but jesus christ he is the cornerstone he is what i'm building my future on and so i can stand on his promises i can stand confident i can stand strong in the day of battle oh i love ephesians six watch what paul says be prepared you're up against far more than you can handle on your own take all the help you can get every weapon god has issued so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet [Music] don't let 2020 put you asleep on the couch don't let 2020 make you roll over to the situation i don't know what you're up against it could be you know like you had to close your doors of your business it could be like man i don't know if i'm gonna make it through this year i don't know what you're up against but let me just tell you you got to do everything you can to stand strong because god is in this stuff he's not the god that's like whoa whoa that's a bit messy man i don't do messes i'm god perfect so when when you've sorted everything you come back to me and then i'll help you know he gets into the weeds he gets into the mess he gets into the rubble he gets into the clay he pulled me out of a pit he's a good gracious god he's not put off by your mess you might i'm a mess today good you're a candidate for god's very best specializes in messes anybody in the bible had blemishes had issues anybody in the bible was a mess anybody in the body god used drunk people messed up people broken people god used rahab she was a harlot god can use you all you have to do today is not hear his words anybody can hear his words they're going to obey his word the foolish thing of 2020 is to be like i don't know god's will what's god's will for my life i don't know what does god want me to do what's god's will what's god's will stop asking what god's will is you will not know the specific will of god until you understand the general will of god god's not going to give you a specific plan until you understand the greater plan that's why he said apply matthew 5 6 and 7 that is my will the will from for your life is that you apply what i've spoken the will for your life is that you obey my instruction the will for your life is that you listen and obey because listening and obeying will release you into the greatest life you ever imagined and when you make a decision like this though the storm is windy and howling and raining and sideways and lasting longer than you ever thought god will be good last scripture if you're comfortable at your house stand to your feet we're going to sing a song in the midst of this storm and we're going to declare together i'm not fixing my eyes on the mountain of pressure my eyes are on zion my eyes are on jesus the mountain of grace listen to what god says to you today psalm 91 verse 9 because you have made the lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against the stone you shall tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent you shall trample under your foot because watch what god says because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and i will honor him with long life i will satisfy him and i will show him my salvation
Channel: ZOE LA
Views: 5,770
Rating: 4.932961 out of 5
Id: ksRKdfRs9BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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