INSTAGRAMMABLE Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E13 | SORTEDfood

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- [Mike] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (slashing) (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normals (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore. But everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) Hello, this is FridgeCam, I'm Ben and this is Jamie. - And I am so sorry for what you're about to witness. - People love the Pass It Ons. - Nope. - All right, are we ready for this? - No, are we ever ready for these? - Janis, what's our theme? - [Janis] Today's theme is #Instafood. You must cook a dish and take a photo to upload to Instagram for our community to judge. The success of the challenge will be dependent on how the dish looks, but how much you're willing to compromise on flavor is up to you. (snickering) - Was it just me or was Janis sounding extra sassy? - Yeah, well sassy! - And order? - [Janis] The order will be determined on who has been in each position least over all Pass It On challenges. - This is fascinating. - I never, how many have we done? - I honestly though I was gonna be going first. I thought I hadn't done first that many times. - So, is that the order? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's the order. - Guys, we might do this. - Yeah, except you've seen what my plating skills are like. - Oh no! - No! - [Janis] One at a time, the boys have 10 minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what's happening behind them until it is their turn. - There's so many ways I can go here. There's too much choice. (klaxon) The most Instagramable dish I think we've ever made at Sorted was on that James made in a Chef VS Chef battle. Which was a top-down shot of a beautiful deli board. So I'm gonna try and do that. Into a pan I've got some beautiful tomatoes, I'm gonna chuck half my tomatoes in there whole. Just straight away, in there whole. Also gonna throw in some shallots as well. We need a load of color going on and textures, people need to eat with their eyes. Beautiful bulb of garlic, put that in there, roast that. ♪ Shake your booty now ♪ ♪ Shake your booty now ♪ ♪ Shake your booty booty booty booty ♪ - Also, I'm gonna try and get another tray on the go with some roasted beetroot, thyme and rosemary over that. I've got loads of time. I don't know how, but I've got loads of it. I'll start cooking it and let a chef work out what to do with it. Not much to do, but that's not my problem. I'm just gonna get as much cooking, giving the chefs all the options. Oils, salt and pepper, into the oven. Eight seconds! Bit of lime juice in there with my rhubarb. Ah! (klaxon) Six, six out of 10. (dopey music) - Right, number one, you turn that music off and you put something proper on. (record scratches) I don't wanna hear that. (upbeat rock music) Thank you! Right, what we got going on? Rhubarb. Oven. (record scratches) So what are we making? (dopey music resumes) Um, I'm gonna go over here and have a look. Okay. One of the things that always looks really great is poached eggs. Now, you could do them very last minute, or you could do them now and leave them on a plate for somebody to reheat later down the line, and that's what I'm going to do. If I'm honest, I don't know what the end dish is going to be. It's also not my problem. That's really dry, so I'm just gonna put some more water in there. Now, one of two things has happened there, either that egg had no white in it, or (laughs) the water wasn't hot enough and I panicked because of time. I'm gonna end my 10 minutes and I haven't even done anything, aren't I. You're gonna play the music, you're playing the music again. I get down to a minute and this hasn't worked I'll just hide everything that I've done. (laughter) Now, you're laughing but runny yolks by themselves are actually very Instagram popular. That's a, it's a real thing isn't it. Put that on there. Put this back. Turn this hob off, otherwise he'll think it was Barry. People have been telling me for a long time to stay out of the Pass It On videos, and I think what I've done is I've just proved them right. What would I give myself out of 10? (klaxon) It's a zero, I've not done anything. It's a zero. It's time! - Ah! Okay, okay. That looks like it's been in a while so what the hell has Jamie done? He's unbelievable! He's done, has he done that? He's made rhubarb look like ham hock. You put that on Instagram, you get it taken down immediately. What? What does this need? Like what dish are we making? I don't wanna do chicken. I don't really know what that is. And I definitely don't wanna be eating that. I'm gonna take this. So oil, salt, pepper, drizzle of honey, chili flakes, and I'm hoping that sweetness of the honey will balance out and compliment the roasted sweetness from all of that roasted veg. Ah, there's not enough bloody trays in here! I don't know what the dish is but if they can char the chicken, hopefully the honey will give it a really nice color and it'll taste nice. I'm just really, really hoping that now the two chefs can turn this into something that looks good. I've still got 33 seconds left. Quite a lot of spare time left. I could spend my last five seconds asking myself more questions about that. (klaxon) I think that might have been one of my weakest Pass It On performances ever so I think I deserve no more than a two. - There's not a lot going on. There's nothing in the fridge. There's a lot in the oven. There's pure panic going on here. People have just found everything that's colorful and put it in the oven in different ways. This looks like it's been cooking since the first person got into the kitchen. (laughs) Ben doesn't need to see that. It's the first thing I've hidden in a while. I need to get Ben a plate, 'cause Ben won't be able to choose the plate. I could give Ben a challenge, I'm gonna have Ben plate on this marble plate 'cause that'll be difficult. I'm gonna set everything up really nicely for him. Nothing's cooked, what have they done? I know I'm doing a Ben where I just critique everybody's work and don't really do anything. Still got five minutes, we're fine. So I'm gonna give myself a four just right now. Could change in the next four minutes, but it's looking unlikely right now, you know. Okay, got a bit of color on those. They're going back in the oven because they're not gonna on there. Right, these aren't gonna be a nice eating experience, so I'm just gonna whip 'em out. It's very Barry, and I like it. Extra virgin olive oil after it's cooked, because you don't wanna cook it with. Hit it with a bunch of salt. And obviously he has to make this the center piece. The other thing that does feel weird is the chicken wings, the chicken wings don't feel right to me. (klaxon) I'm gonna upgrade myself to a 5.5. - Right, what we got? Stuff. I think flavors are good, nothing I need to add. There's lots of color, but each bit has to be perfect. What I'm just doing here is trying to give these chicken wings an amazing color by basting them. Little bit of green. Lots of individual elements going on, and I'm not entirely sure who might have done which or what they had in mind to bring it together. One confit roast tomato in the middle. Root vegetables, colors, not being ashamed to use these crispy bits. If you are going to put things like beetroot on a plate, make a call and leave it there because they'll stain the plate, so I'm literally just gonna do that. A mountain of wings, but it's that garlic that's gonna be that focus at the front. Some people spent ages placing herbs, I just, that's not my style. A little bit of salt. A little drizzle of honey. (klaxon) My idea of Instagram is quite different to there's, I'm sure. Rating out of 10? Seven. - Three, two, one. - Ooh! - Oh! - Oh! - [Barry] Oh, ooh! - It looks great, it's like it's, there's a lot going on. - [Jamie] That is Insta food - [Mike] Hmm, is it? - [Jamie] On that plate. - I think you've gotta take a photo, we've gotta look at the photo. - Mike but I've take the photo. - You've done it? Oh no! - What was the portrait mode invented for if it wasn't that? - (groans) Oh no! - Ebbers what are you doing? Look at the colors! - Who here's winning at Instagram out of the five of us? (laughs) - That's not fair! - Well there we go. Just saying, just saying! - I came into the kitchen and I assessed the situation. There was some great stuff roasting in the oven, I can't touch that, that's there, that's doing its thing. And I thought "well what else can I do?" And then I saw this pan of rhubarb. - Oh yeah, I did that. - What? Oh, gross. - Okay, so then what did Jamie do? - Well I looked at this rhubarb and I thought "that's drying out quite quickly, "but it's still quite hard" so I put some more water in it, and by the time I got to that point I was like "cool, so what shall I do?" And I was thinking for a couple of minutes, and um, I, uh, I, um, the buzzer went off. - What the end, that? - Well the (stuttering) - Your time finished? - There might have been a slight in between stage where I was like "do you know what's really "Instagramable is poached eggs." Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. By the time I got round to putting the kettle of water into that pan, and then turning that pan on, the pan of water didn't get hot enough. And I was like "I'm gonna finish my 10 minutes "without doing anything" so I cracked in a couple of eggs. - So? - And nothing happened. So with about 30 seconds left to go I hid those in the over kitchen and thought "well, he's never gonna believe I did nothing" so I gave myself a zero because I contributed absolutely nothing. - How many likes has that got to get on Sorted Instagram? - 5,000s a good benchmark. - Yeah. - I think, I think, you know. - That feels high, but yep, sure. Well, shall we eat it. There's some good flavor in that. I'm not just saying that 'cause it's what I did, but. - Nothing particularly original. - Do you think it looks better than it tastes? - It looks great with all of the, you know, all the natural bits, all the growing bits. But it's a pain in the bum to eat. - But that's because you haven't eaten them. Why do we throw those away? - The problem we have is sometimes - Because it feels like I'm eating a stick. - [Ben] We throw away too much of a plant and just use the nice bits. - Ben just made you eat a stick. - I'm eating a stick. - It's not that nice. - No. - That's why we throw it away. - I wouldn't say the broccoli stalk is the best bit of a broccoli but you shouldn't throw it away. - Yeah but it's edible, this isn't. (laughs) - I don't think it would look very good. - But it does it bother you more about this or that Ben has more Instagram followers than you who are a photographer? - Oh! - Oh it that the route of the problem is it? So we can we all go and follow what Barry's done on Instagram and keep him happy. - Aw, that's so nice of you! - So we know what, we know what Jamie scored himself. Ebbers? - Zero! - Seven. - I score myself a four after five minutes, and then upgraded it to a 5.5. - I scored myself a two. - A six. - What do you think? Put us in order, worst to best, and your thoughts. And if you think it's a pass then go to our Instagram page; like it. Well, then you can see whether we really have passed it or not. 500,000. - No 5,000. - Oh! (laughter) - Now for a bit of a sympathy plea. Please, because I will never hear the last of it, go over to Instagram and give that photo a like @sortedfood . - Exciting news! - Very exciting! - We've spent the last three months, writing, cooking and shooting our brand new book which focuses on heroing the best fruit and veg in the world. If you want a copy when they first ship at the end of the month, make sure you sign up to the club. - And if you're signed up to the club then of course you get all the extra benefits too, because we love to give you more. One of those is an exclusive podcast each week, and this weeks is kind of playing off what we were inspired by today. Is social media having a negative effect on the food we eat? Moral dilemma. - Well it depends if you hit 5,000 likes. - Does it look good, it is quality, does it taste good, it is good for everything around us? - Get involved and join the conversation, the link is down below. - Otherwise we will see you every Wednesday, every Sunday in this very fridge. - 4pm, goodbye! - Cheerio! `- [Mike] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. - [Jamie] Lol! - [Mike] We've built The Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. - It's coming, it's coming. (laughs) - [Ben] You missed! After all that you missed! - Lick it, it's carbs. Uh! You bit it. (laughter)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,162,374
Rating: 4.9582534 out of 5
Keywords: pass it on, pass it on sorted, recipe relay, recipe relay sortedfood, sortedfood challenge, food challenge, recipe challenge, cooking challenge, cooking battle, pass it on challenge, pass it on sortedfood, funny video, sorted food, chef vs normal, timed challenge, cooking battle game, pass it on fail, mystery ingredients, cooking competition, cook off, cooking fail, recipe relay sorted
Id: ScnZGU_EzTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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