Party Time with My Loli Waifu Gets Chaotic in Viva Project VR!

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hi miku now i know last time we got stuck in the middle of the desert i know it was pretty miserable we found our way back home thanks to herbert who probably hates my guts right now today is a really big day you know why because your friends are coming to visit the house so you know what we have to do right i'm pretty excited i know you are picture time because it's a big day yes perfect shake it out like it's a good old picture look at your eyes see it's a good picture and you know it now come on you look adorable let's get you some breakfast we're gonna make you some eggs ignore the burning ignore the burning that's just cooking miku i told you no cooking lady drop it i'm making breakfast for you you have more than enough to worry about just stand here or i will put you in the oven i'm not joking you will go in the oven meet me do you want strawberries for breakfast i have a strawberry pastry give me those nobody eats fruit for breakfast drop your drop your items i feel like i'm juggling with a child come here dr drop the wheat an apple a day keeps the pedos away would you like an apple keep the pedos away good job one more egg and we got to get you in the bathtub it's got to be perfect no miku you know what screw it eat your apple and i'll give you this pastry that's on the floor here there you go is it good we're going bath time come on your friends are gonna be here soon i'm gonna clean up the house and stuff even though i'm not really going to do anything but you my friend need to get in the bath see what why why are you behind the toilet that's not how you flush the toilet silly i said i'm going to do the cleaning not you get in the bathtub you can't flush yourself down the toilet believe me i've tried fine get in the bathtub and what are you gonna do if i don't leave are you gonna do the stompy stompy thing or you're just gonna wait okay fine i'll be back in a moment just remember you gotta hurry up make sure you get between your toes make sure you wash your hair too not you not me not me not me get in the water i'll be right back i've got to get your new clothes ready miku when i said wash your hair i didn't mean diet you goof oh well here go ahead and get dressed i'll give you a towel and i'll be right back okay where's the towel here we go go ahead and get dressed what are you doing take your towel keep your soap bubbles covered there you go i'll be right back oh your your bits got all soapy no no no no no just stay there your friends are here and you need to get ready let go of me we're not looking here hold a towel in front of yourself please no that's not a towel get in the bathtub where you belong go on just stay there get cleaned up and stuff and in a second i'll come out and get you out the door please please please hello ladies so while miku is getting dressed in there are you okay why don't we all just sit on the bed and wait why why do all of miku's friends have tails i don't know do you have a tail no thank goodness stay here this house might be a little bit too small for five people i can understand that just just stand here and wait a minute hopefully everybody is steady on their feet uh no she's she's not miku oh dear god she's stuck in the bathtub um nothing's wrong just you know helping her get ready what are you doing we have guests get yourself together woman here are you okay uh miku's having a slight issue it's how did i just go through the door it'll just be a little bit longer entertain yourselves with a rubber ducky would you like a rubber ducky no no miku you don't go what no miku you naked get back in the bathroom how dare you you're embarrassing yourself in front of our friends and family get back in the bathroom come on stay here until i megu stop it let me get you some clothes okay oh dear let me get some clothes for you wait that girl would do anything for a rubber ducky are you dressed oh thank go oh god you look atrocious let me get you something else what about now you look homeless no why are you guys dressed like triplets you're not sisters you're just friends that's cute okay we'll go with that one it's not exactly perfect but mikko you're in your underwear miku mikumiku come back i see you checking her out don't check her out okay she's having some issues getting dressed in the morning there you go same exact thing while everybody else is in wifebeater so you're slightly more classy now can we greet our guests with some class please hello friends miku and i welcome you to our home let me show you around okay we have a kitchen we have a dining area we have a bathroom as i'm sure you've seen and then we have all the land outside let me show you the bathtub for whatever reason the the pink one back there doesn't want to cooperate here is the bathroom it comes with a nice view oh my dear jesus so i have a question do all of you bathe i know you just got out of the shower but let's just get dunk one how many lollies can we fit in the bathtub two get out of the toilet we're taking a bath three not that many can you not cooperate in the bathtub you're supposed to use a hair dryer to dry your hair not the floor mat what in the hell is going on there how did you manage to pull that off come on catwoman up up up here dry them out you know the one with the pink hair is missing all the fun i think you're dry this is quite the house toy we've got more to show you guys come on what happened to your skirt you're kind of wearing it kind of not was it just body paint and i'm not gonna ask i'm not gonna ask you're friends with miku which means you're already a little strange who splashed me and it better have been with water please stop licking the floor like you're drunk on tequila get up can we all leave the can we all leave the bathroom please get your feet out of the toilet this is a disaster i'm supposed to be showing a house showing you what i bought miku for a wedding gift and you guys are just gonna go make a mess in my bathroom i just cleaned it up come on come with me this door doesn't want to stay open now pinkie come with me come with me we're all going to the dining area we're going to take a nice big group photo say cheese everybody um wrong wrong direction wrong direction come on catwoman are you stuck in the windowsill come on cheese we'll take a picture of you my god you just pushed her through the roof that is magic are you okay picture you're looking at me like how the hell do i did i end up in this situation let me get you out of the chair there you go shake it off it's okay you're still relatively young did i get a picture of everybody who wants to fight for the hat the glorious please stop the glorious sun hat who wants to fight for it i'm back down hat anybody oh you get first dibs pinky this is just a disaster what are you doing to my tree how is this even happening i give her a hat she starts humping my cactus you're on my asian pear tree from like the 1400s can you please just stop being ridiculous for five seconds calm down just calm down this is gonna be even better who wants the rubber ducky first dibs oh wow i never thought this many women would fight over one of my toys who wants it three two one go [Music] well you guys are just are slow yeah you know what i think it's cursed screw picture that way i have evidence just in case you know one of you decides to charge me oh my you look like a child what are you even doing here no you're too young for this get there's gonna be alcohol served here and i don't appreciate minors in my house thank you picture there you go you can cooperate that was that was cute for all of two seconds why did you go and do that this was supposed to be a party for us so you know show them the house and all of a sudden it turns into a disaster i thought i told you no miners get in here i don't think catwoman is moving and we might need to call an ambulance just come on catwoman are you okay you have nine lives and so well you're now down to eight probably seven now i caught you calm down are you good your neck looks a little weird here we have our wonderful rustic kitchen complete with a pantry here somebody wants okay fine i guess it is yours are we good don't steal it from her jesus christ personal distance here are you gonna fight her for the bag stop fine if you're gonna fight over the bag i will give you a strawberry everybody loves strawberries unless you're allergic there you go you're welcome okay i have had enough of you you're going in the oven i don't care i don't care i'm gonna show mika's friends that the oven works appropriately get in cover your head i don't think it's going to save you but you can try you're stuck there what are you talking about over there are you still begging her for your strawberry you are being very possessive and i don't like it come here you're out of the oven you're going in there now please don't act like you're you're innocent now look what you did you're begging everybody for their food and i gave you a strawberry i am currently up her skirt not looking in that direction now let's enjoy the outside we have all the space that we could ever want and no neighbors which is fantastic but don't ever think that you're coming over because this is a full house miku come on let's keep going with the house tour what are you fighting back there for you better be being nice is she assaulting you for a strawberry again you look kind you look kind of pissed here we have some trees i've started growing that have oranges and apples anybody want an apple an apple a day keeps the pedos away here would you like one we have enough for everybody don't start fighting here hey hey hey hey hey hey i don't want a girl fight bad girl you're getting put in the oven when we get home i know don't ask me what happened with my hand there i don't know i was giving you headphones continuing on with the tour miku adjust yourself okay if i let you go what's gonna happen here i'm currently holding you by your butt cheeks you see this ladies and gentlemen she is a puppet you're okay it's fine you don't have a bag knocking you all over the place see it was the handbag the entire time come on this is your friends we're talking about i'm sorry i didn't mean to drop you on the head never ever doing a house tour again here we have another random tree none of you have legs and it's great we need a taxi service in this place pronto miku add that to my list of developments for the land i want a taxi service every time i turn around you don't have any legs it's kind of freaky i'm being chased by dolls franklin and franklin jr i know we have are you okay i think she's afraid of chickens and here we have the water we're gonna go take a swim yeah you're next i'll come in in a minute i feel like the green river killer next i don't know where they're going but they're currently taking off without you come back i'll race you to the other side i don't know how we're gonna meet up again they're running away come back all my lollies are running away from me where are you going up up almost nope hello my friends where are the other two where where's the miner where's the child uh oh i'm gonna go down as a child murderer i can't have that no no i just got married and we just bought a house she's bottom of the river did you die just stay here okay i have to go rescue a child i don't even know if you have oxygen left in your brain honestly how long have you been under the water quick somebody do cpr stop stop squirming she's okay i think there's just one more thing i have to show you please don't have diarrhea right now i don't have any diapers for you child ladies let me introduce you to the end of the world that's right the end of the world everything that we know that's the end of it would you like to see what goes on down below huh this is what you get for stealing everybody else's stuff bye and you for beating everybody up to steal their stuff ah problem solved miku we have the house to ourselves everybody's left for the day well i mean except for her hang on a second oh just you know stay out here somewhere miku we have the house to ourselves officially now just stay put take a nap today has been rough our social anxiety got the best of us and what are you doing back here i just threw you out i thought i told you to leave i don't care where you go just don't come back here eat somehow you're floating away the way over there okay bye have fun she's not in my house i don't care what are you sad that all of our friends left i thought i i thought you were tired of them i kind of caught you you know what just just take some how the heck are you back here i didn't even hear you come in the door you know what fine just sit here with your friend you seem to be in a better mood now that she's here just just have some fun talk it through and come see me when you're in a better mood um no i i said you stay here you
Channel: Jeaire
Views: 2,495,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: viva project vr, viva project, shinobu project vr, shinobu project, viva project game, shinobu project game, viva project vr gameplay, loli, waifu, anime, party time with my loli waifu gets chaotic in viva project vr, viva project vr funny moments, shinobu project vr funny moments, vr anime games, vr simulator games, shinobu project vr gameplay, jeaire, jearie, hatsune miku, vr loli game, waifu vr, viva project vr game, viva project gameplay
Id: vBkG33vjObU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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