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how's it going Champs we're playing cosmonius hi and we are back in science today we're starting off in science because I've got the top secret book yep that's right all mate over there gave me the book I'm pretty Keen you've seen this thing honk it says top secret on a champ you've never seen anything this amazing calm down oh he wants to fist bump you're an awesome new kid thanks man yes hit it oh he's on fire and he doesn't even care I'm gonna head over this way because we've got some top secret stuff to make this is gonna be really good and then we're going to check out some other classes I'm really pumped uh one heat two shiny three dimensional compression oh I see what's going on so they're basically like Clues as to how to make the other fluids okay lighter than air would have to be I'm I'm guessing this be this one here right uh let's put that in here all right done uh what else do we have shiny shiny has to be the metallic one I'm guessing okay oh what just happened I just broke something into this glass in there as well now okay I've better grab a new one of these dimensional compression I don't know what that means let's turn the heat on and let's just start with this and we'll see what happens okay stir this bad boy up dimensional compression that can't be good I think that's the right thing oh dimensional compression pressing from three dimensions to two Dimensions making something 2D of course shiny it's a mixture of three It's gotta be and then lighter than air okay all right pop that in as well now stir three ingredients what's gonna happen yes yes we did it man I'm so pumped I made something that looks deadly what even is this fluid okay I know the best way to test it let's get rid of flame hands switch over to water hands and just dip my hand in there what's gonna happen oh it's rainbow whoa it changes colors like a rainbow okay oh my God what does this do the book just vanished okay it's bouncy what what is that okay oh yes all right that's done used for visibility okay let's hit a bleb with it let me know in the comments what your favorite colored blab is early brain blab well a new blab see I thought the rainbow would be this one here because look at it it's clearly a rainbow we have a rainbow this guy's pretty amazing do you have any special abilities he just switches colors okay he's kind of like a bit of a boring bleb except for the fact that he's multi-colored I like this guy he is my favorite he's not my favorite I don't know which one my favorite is there's so many good ones I think a sparkle blab or a planet blab would have to be pretty close but then we got the void blab the tele blab the world and the blab ah but look at the sparkle bleb beautiful you guys can hang out how many blebs can we make and we put some sticky em on this blip eh what what are you doing he's eating the sticky ice blocks he's actually not becoming sticky okay they just bounce off him I better not shoot him with a rainbow thing otherwise he'll turn into a rainbow now let's make the other fluid so we have we need coal this time so let's dump this turn that off um has to be called absence of entropic forces dangerous adhesives has to be stickier oh this one seems really hard okay sticky them kinetic kinetic has to be bouncy okay get some bounce here absence of entropic forces stain stain coffee cause like coffee stain there's a coffee stain actually on the book right there okay now I think it says cold so we have to make it cold right so uh I don't know let's just use this hand swish this over to cold hey friend what's up I hide from the ceiling friend has the best puns all right let's go to cold see I like puns and dad jokes because I'm an actual dad because Dad jokes are made purely just to entertain dead yes we did it so we've made this rainbow looking thing now I'm gonna switch my hand actually I'm gonna do this one so I've got one on each there we go bang dunk my hand these look the same are they the same or different oh they're like brighter I don't know you come here I'm gonna give you this other one [Music] nothing happens let's get this plan he became a rainbow one as well what I'm so confused okay let's get this fluid it's the rainbow fluid watch this you get the tornado move and then you can do this whoa oh ah I am Doctor Strange what's it called when it's like a tornado of water is it like a typhoon or something I am also putting color everywhere okay I don't understand what this rainbow is this is a really weird one okay put uh Beaker of wow this stuff is called wow speaker of rainbows yep really yes it seems designed to irk me this guy does not like color okay so I've done all the fluids I've got these two ones oh take that I still can't do that particular assignment though it's currently locked I don't know why it's locked okay I need to take some photos of these guys though here we go let's just get a few snaps take your shot hey hunk thanks no worries let's take a photo of what's your name Glen smile he doesn't smile [Music] [Applause] we've got a photo with glank and we've got a photo of honk uh honk a happy alien jock with long arms a sweet hairdo and a smile just for you that's nice here you go here take this take it huh take the thing yeah you want this you want this why aren't you taking the photos oh I can't give him anything anymore yeah put it oh my God okay we'll just leave him on the ground then fine hey what's happening over this way what are you guys up to hello what is a foot we're searching for the key to the school so we can reboot it yeah yeah okay we forgot about the key all right let's go see the principal oh yes hey what's this a little breaker oh we about to let off the fire alarm I'm gonna burn this thing so that the fire alarm goes off that'll get the principal out of his office oh created sprinkler system is deploying hey sprinkler system open up principal so I haven't seen this guy in ages oh I gotta go in uh oh we should probably help him out okay I'm gonna put some of these fires out oh hey out the fire hey yeah I am I'm putting out the Flyers with my cool hand my rainbow hand which I still have no idea what it does what is this who's this thing oh there's the key there's the key we need we require your key to the school yeah yeah give us the maintenance key give me that no I got that the key it One of a Kind no it's mine now let's take a photo of the principal hey principal well how is my goopay street yeah okay let's have a look around his office and see what he's got uh flail I found a new card that's good we've got some other stuff down here staring into the void what oh the sky drive manual yeah I know where the SkyDrive works oh blabber tree a blimp saw me today unable to speak what oh it's like blab poetry what else we got around here there's a few uh trophies and things and there's a tape what does this say self-improvement tape I'll listen to that later we've got one of these I'm gonna make a huge make it really big and then make it rainbow yeah cool where's it going this thing is weird I don't understand what the rainbow power is it makes stuff kinda shiny a rainbowy and then have this weird Cloud go over it oh oh another key appeared up you can make unlimited of these Keys what they only need this one got the key dudes let's go oh God I gotta use the thingy to open this uh okay telekinetic power yeah open it there we go bang that in there welcome you know what our cosmonius please enter your passcode uh what how are we supposed to know the passcode hang in there new kid I would look at what someone else thinks hmm passcode okay I think I'm gonna have to use what Spirit of you and is encased in that stat must know the password oh oh the statue knows the password okay eight nine four six eight nine four oh eight nine four six yes oh what's going on dude oh my God there's something down here you did it you're a real master mine so we can go down here um I don't know if this is gonna finish the game you've got to reboot the score okay just give us a wave if you need help all right what is this I've got a kaleidoscope ooh colorful for this well I found a book okay so much reading oh man we've got to finish this thing okay it's a puzzle hmm is this the button yeah it is okay that thing is frozen so I better melt that okay oh you can heat that thing up to make it go upwards okay then okay all right go up go up functioning at 100 capacity I don't need to be reset hey I'm just running the new kit protocol so once it's up there you go I don't know freeze okay so now we've got purple I can join this purple one up to the other purple one and then we get a fan and we'll bring it back down again I guess we'll try and get it to the second one I need a cog where's the pinwheel go oh down here hey nice then we use this we obviously go like that [Music] Okay pink foreign I still haven't done all my assignments yet I don't think I'm ready to finish the game that's all right it'll probably allow us to finish them once we're done all right make this bigger [Music] that's up there I don't think it's big enough [Music] that looks good so maybe if I spin this one around and make that ah there we go Gotta spin it the other way spin the other way and then they alternate and then that'll go down the bottom will this one come back down again maybe I can freeze it in place or if I take that off there there we go okay I'm happy with that position so I'm gonna take that Cog away so the orange one doesn't move then I'm going to use my Whirlwind ability to bring that one down again I've got to bring that one down and then I need to freeze that middle one or the second one in place so let's get some ice freeze that's fire that's the opposite of freeze spice yes yes okay blue come on Blue time and we've got an arrow AI reset that's nothing right okay [Music] done AI reset [Music] do we do it this is out of order are you resetting we're gonna get a blue screen of death I am delighted to inform you that the new game protocol has ended thank you brisney yay hello students of the future oh allow me to welcome that guy you species cosmodius I'm sure you have questions I forgot his name sports dome we're going through to the sports dome everything's been reset now let's see hey it's that guy's hologram so the whole Noob kid protocol was to try and get me to come to the school but at the same time it damaged the heck out of the school because the shields went down and we got smashed with meteors that's crazy man oh that's some pretty sick dance in there friend okay let's go down to the board and find out what we haven't done uh 53 out of 100 credits oh my God I didn't realize there's still so many assignments I'm gonna get in trouble all my assignments are late I did get some really good comments from you guys on how I might be able to make some more blabs apparently if I get a blab and I read its mind then I feed it the food that it's thinking of and it will be really happy super big planet blab guy it's massive we need to read his mind what are you thinking about the world revolves around me that is so true I love my circle of friends Defying Gravity oh there it is a minute he just ate it what oh love blab he ate the fruit you just follow me around with love heart eyes these things kind of look like slimes from slime Rancher hey come on come on what happens if I make it a rainbow one now awesome I'm gonna have a quick look and see if I can give Lee Tan and uh Pink I took earlier you take this now ah here here's honk honk just doesn't have a bad side does he hey zenisha how you doing good job newbie hey thanks back to normal I know doing pretty well right because Band-Aids on them okay it's Anisha hey what's up looks like the rookie was trying to frame me I'd have to swipe that evidence later what does it say but is it really is Anisha or someone else if you go over to zenisha's Locker though they're the one that have like this complete hole in the back here we get a credit if we work out who the Kingpin is so that's Ewan cosmonius that's the big giant statue guy right like the founder of cosmonius high there's a silhouette of human cosmonius same dude but he is full of blebs there's blebs all on the inside of him why then we have the world Ender and Ewan maybe then we've got Ewan and the thing oh man I don't know imagine if this thing was full of blips that'd be pretty amazing oh got another card pile of Gould 23 out of 39. man there's so many of those cards to find Okay so we've still got a few blab's defined we've still also got a bunch of assignments to do and I feel like zanesh has got some kind of secret going on with you and cosmonius I'm not too sure if you guys know anything let me know in the comments All right but thank you very much for watching this video I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 969,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Cosmonious High, Owlchemy Labs, Cosmo High, Alien Game, Best VR games, Cosmonious High Steam, Cosmonious High Quest, Meta Quest 2 gameplay, new quest 2 games
Id: fQFaeW7QqGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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