I Took a Trip with My Loli Waifu and Things Got Weird in Viva VR!

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come on get up everybody it is not supposed to be a cluster already we have to go solve this problem and figure out how to get all four of you especially miku oh i just caught you but in a way i probably shouldn't have i am so sorry miku whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa everybody's getting real tight and real close this is nice we we potential excuse me oh scout i thought you were getting up that time come on shake it off you guys are way way too hyper this morning for me way too hyper jesus christ calm down pinkie i'm about to throw y'all in the water is everybody ready for the trip a kind of sort kind of kind of sort of oh dear god that was a body pile already we could potentially be time traveling so whenever you get yourselves together there's a nice side body drop you each are gonna take one item that's important for the trip that you can't live without and miku i already know what that would be don't you hi i know you know what that is come with me not not all of you just me kumiko's the only one not coming of course miku no ah not everybody fights this is miku's this is what miku's taking time traveling she can't live without it miku y'all need to calm down and not fight over the rubber uh uh no assaulting my waifu you already have a rubber ducky would you like more you're getting some love from the horse scout calm down i know exactly what you're gonna take as well body train miku i'm sorry you're all gonna jesus horse calm down you cannot have the rubber ducky miku i'm sorry you're gonna be fighting with them for the rubber ducky apparently the entire trip why don't you take did you just throw miku out of a window miku miku how did you end up way over there no get back inside come on i know you're over it me too they're a little hard to handle are you okay i kind of threw you a little rough it's okay miku don't worry i i have to find out how to get you to the next dimension now somebody take the camera that way we can take pictures of what we see and he did miku no uh not everybody at once go on here pinky you can take the cam camera camera somebody take this camera thank you we're gonna need some food would somebody like to take the melon where'd your camera go who is the camera scout scout stole it okay you don't get to carry any more stuff it's between pinkie and her daughter whoever doesn't take the melon gets to hold franklin pinky pinky piggy you're gonna carry the chicken and we'll have everything we need to time travel when we get to the sauna miku come come you have belly pain you're very giggly are you feeling okay today i think pinkie's having some issues come on come on we'll get franklin on the road he's with his girlfriend down probably at the the valley scout oh dear please don't tell me they all have diarrhea now maker's got problems do we need to make a bathroom stop before we go on our trip no okay well excuse me wait here just a minute i'm gonna go talk to herbert and herbina this is a reunion for sore eyes are you guys getting along better did you did you talk about everything oh now it's not the time to introduce yourself miku why are you sliding on the ground say hi to your stepmother caught you no i said i say hi to your stepmother not kiss our hooves oh dear you can't ride her this this is a this is a disaster already why don't we just get going herbert herbina it was nice to see you i know you're mad at me i'm sorry forgive me if pinkie's daughter wants to come that's great if she wants to spend time with her other family it's fine what are you crying about oh i said that and you're running towards me i gotcha on the way to the sauna this way this way this way we're gonna see the fauna and hope everyone's okay it was a terrible song but you know what we could use some road tunes thank god for your beak thing franklin oh franklin it's time to become chicken nuggies yes that was a response okay be quiet sneak up we need a chicken don't don't you ruin this for me be quiet no chicken franklin got him hi franklin who would like franklin pinkie you get franklin take franklin be nice to him he's a living being and he's very important miku are you saying goodbye yeah i know but once we actually time travel everything will make sense i promise i'm not crazy taking trips with you ladies is difficult everybody's got something important but man oh man can you not walk right you're all running in a line like little penguins i feel like you guys need tuxedos maybe to live in the arctic the city does everybody still have their important item oh you just elbowed franklin in the face we're missing someone miku look i i know i know it's a lot to take in this is gonna be your last time seeing the city the gazebo the church now that you remember everything it all means something we're gonna stop at the store see if you ladies need anything and then to the sauna we go oh great i just realized we have a ramp please be on your bestest behavior up the ramp hopefully in this new world their legs work better i hear a chicken oh no franklin franklin it's okay it's just a garden i said their legs should work right we didn't even make it to the ramp franklin is eggs nope nope nope nope nope come on literally stop it franklin's losing all of her eggs why did i name a female hen franklin i don't know it's 20 22. i can name you whatever i want come on miku get out of the garden no no no scout no not everybody needs to go and sniff the roses franklin doesn't even like flowers ouch would somebody like an egg everybody's out of the garden egg miku you want an egg that makes sense with your rubber ducky ducks even i don't think ducks have eggs do they yeah they do of course they do their birds if you give my chicken brain damage i said i wanted chicken nuggies ah so help me god pinky you're getting on my nerves you and your fuzzy daughter how would you like me to drop you on your head like you dropped franklin sorry franklin it was to prove a point come on we're going up the ramp one way or another are we making it up the ramp you could do it scout that was a little extra just just a bit oh see the horse can make it come on you're almost there success miku i'm not going back down the ramp if i go back down the ramp you guys are gonna come with me and it's gonna be a disaster let's try this again can you wait there no miku did you just pull that rubber ducky outta you know what i don't wanna know up the hill come on you get the express trip come on why do you both just knock your heads at the same time i swear this this ramp is harder than any boss in elden ring i swear it slowly slowly yes almost [Music] finally we're stopping at the store anybody need anything there was another chicken you know what we could bring the other chicken and meat hmm that's actually a good idea come here chicken i'm going to free you we are time traveling and i don't want to leave you behind anybody want a second chicken pinky are you responsible for breeding in the new world yep don't be disappointed come on we gotta get to the sauna let's go let's go let's go we have one more big ramp we have to go up oh dear god miku why are you so slow i know you're gonna miss it here but you know what the new world's even better there's more friends there's even children we have an oven in the sauna we never have to leave it's amazing and you can actually cook chicken which means franklin i'm sorry but literally you are gonna become chicken nuggies no did we make it oh not the stairs i forgot about the stairs you realize it's been so long since i've seen you ladies and gentlemen that when we get into the sauna the actual water of the sauna things may get a little bit weird not that they aren't all ready i mean literally when you get in the water it's gonna get weird you may feel some things say some things just go with it promise everything will be okay miku i cannot wait to show you what's on the other side now up the stairs oh dear oh dear traffic jam no no no come on why can't your legs work pinky took the express route you were doing so well i'll wait here apparently so will you let's all meet on this first step safely are you even you're just wearing tights i'm sorry scout tights are not jews next time we gotta get you a pair of shoes second step i just knocked you over i'm so sorry slowly there's another flat step oh dear scout me cool why you gotta push each other over all the time we're almost there some of us anyway oh no pinkie we're so close and just decided to kiss the ground one more time scout what is your issue come here no no no oh that was a hard hit i'm sorry let me grab you by your dongly thing that is not the dongly thing i was talking about um sorry about the trees i can't get up out of here you're gonna hit every bamboo stick on the way up apologies i'm afraid we're gonna show our ass is if we go to the new dimension up the stairs come on up up up okay now that we all finally made it up the stairs after that whole ordeal why don't we go in and say hi to catwoman and see if we can get into the sauna catwoman hi catwoman hi fairy i know it's been a while since you guys have been here and things were weird uh fairy is still possessed and i think it has something to do with the time travel cat catwoman cat catwoman hello hi well excuse me scout sorry scout gets a little friendly sometimes scout you can't just like flop yourself onto people not like that you can't catwoman all four of us want to time travel can you bring us to the new dimension i i know everybody has a tummy bug going on it's just something going around can we go to the sauna i have to go see the magic lady come on everybody into the water let's go come on right here catwoman you're gonna go in first because you know what's going on and then scout is gonna slide her way into the future and where's miku miku hi i have something to show you come come it's a good thing you have rubber ducky even the rubber duckies won't be alone um did i just get shot in here yes miku stop closing the door on me use your face thank you ready catwoman you scout's having some issues pinky you miku you and i going together ready [Music] oh did i make it um cat catwoman catwoman where is everyone else god damn it you need to tell me what's going on here you need to explain how i get miku and everybody else from there to here or i'm going to complain your man no no but really i i mean i need i need them here please help me that's kind of a weird way to grab you please help me this way okay let's go talk to the magic woman
Channel: Jeaire
Views: 350,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i took a trip with my loli waifu and things got weird in viva vr, viva project vr, viva project, shinobu project vr, shinobu project, viva project game, shinobu project game, viva project vr gameplay, loli, waifu, anime, viva project vr funny moments, shinobu project vr funny moments, vr anime games, shinobu project vr gameplay, jeaire, jearie, hatsune miku, vr loli game, waifu vr, jeaire viva project, viva vr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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