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foreign [Applause] [Music] kids wake up it's time for school I don't want to wake up wake up or I'm calling your dad what is my dad gonna do he's a [ __ ] yeah I bet I'm gonna get him right now [ __ ] fish on me like huh now get the hell up and wake up for school but our house it's ruined foreign this is why I freaking have a job cause you kids won't freaking learn to get up and go to school so get the hell up and go to freaking school before bash your freaking head in you understand me so go to freaking God damn School you didn't have to beat her up like that I don't give a [ __ ] they have to go to school friendly faces that we wear oh can I have chocolate pudding just come for breakfast but first put on your school clothes ah okay Bunsen let's go that's dumb belt what'd you say about my belt nothing exactly now go get ready for school ow my leg why do you have to torture me for torture butson nah I'm the youngest okay let's put on my phone [Music] shut up button you always cry for everything okay I'm gonna put on my school clothes I gotta get my hair done yay I'm looking so pretty yay I got one ready Mom I'm ready I'm ready for my breakfast yay ow uh yay Mom I'm ready what's my breakfast now I gotta put my clothes on I got my hat got my pants yes sir got my school shirt because I'm cool and I got my shoes let's go okay Mom what's for breakfast for breakfast you guys are having watermelon and corn yuck I hate corn ooh I love watermelon yeah tasty yum yum yum oh Mom can I just save this for school nope you have to eat it now it's your breakfast come on we're running late oh this Chase is gonna well I'll eat it no your sister has to eat it eat it now I'm not eating dumb food that's it I'm calling your dad again no no no no no no no pussy's fish on me like huh what did you need me for he's not eating your food eat it before you get this whooping I am not eating this disgusting corn eat it or you're gonna catch these hands uh you know what you eat it I missed does it taste good yeah ouch oh my bad son it's okay all right your dumb sister needs to get ready for school uh I hate this family wake the hell up no I said wake up dad why do you gotta destroy everything oh I'm sorry oh I don't want to go to school oh can I just say can I can I stay home and pretend I'm sick look I have this in my mouth okay I have this in my mouth I'm sick I have a temperature oh stop me a machine not like he get it right okay I got you guys lunch for for um School chair out of here we need some room okay get this chair out of the way okay why don't we barely have a house because you guys just destroy everything around here because of you whatever all right so for lunch I'm giving you guys some um I'm giving you guys some apples no okay for I'm giving you guys some apples some juice boxes and yeah okay and the rest of your stuff should be um just in your um desk oh yeah so pack those now get on your backpacks okay Mom backpack on backpack on okay now have fun well me and your dad get some so we can have another child I'm gonna be in a male child I mean um we're just gonna um go to work you know what I'm saying yeah come here [Applause] okay kids go to school Okay Bye Mom you weird um I mean I mean nothing what did you say nothing nothing nothing nothing so you shouldn't be talking about my woman sounds like they're making I don't know oh yeah oh yeah mom the door's not working oh yay why is there a watermelon here I can't walk good oh fine I'll hold your hand ah stop dragging me mom he's dragging me wait this is our school what do you mean wait that's our school this is this looks cool let's go let's go inside come on no I'm scared come on stop being a little baby now no hey yo stop being a baby come on not fair you're the one that didn't want to go to school at first watching my mind because it looks cool haha now this makes it extra cool okay class welcome to the first day of school um you may not have seats because um we're at a budget oh well at least I got to stand I don't like standing too bad kid you're just gonna have to get through the school day haha okay so get out your books and read um um Pages um one through 69. 1 through 69 yes one through 69 are you deaf I love books let's read I hate [Music] don't worry your book is a child's book with edible candy inside of it what that's not fair what is my book it's not the same thing it's way up the e-poisonous stuff what yay that is not fair because he's younger I have to eat the script disgusting stuff that is crazy you are the worst ever like I swear to God I think he's cool should have brightened let's just read our dumb books teacher can I go to the nurse we don't have a nurse unfortunately what good ha ha well my arm is bleeding uh oh I have this take this which one [Applause] my arm wait okay okay sure regeneration can I get some of that no oh this is the best school ever I'm gonna be some new friends yeah you wish [Music] so after that they read 69 pages yes finally done I think I'm gonna throw up I ate all those disgusting poisonous candies I feel good wait why the hell is your arm like that uh oopsies okay weird so what are we gonna do now uh it's lunch time so go eat your food I bet someone recently told me so I recently told you that you should um quit um your job in doing ads okay um you can go eat um have fun I guess I don't know I'm gay that's why I like to put peanuts on my tray you're weird okay let's eat this cafeteria it looks so cool okay and that's all done about learning about the army and why you should defend yourself I bet that'll Stick Dude really hard the school yay all right it's lunch time so go have your dump snacks or whatever you want to eat okay Bet let's go Bros looks so yummy you about the way [ __ ] dude you cannot hit my brother like that what you gonna do huh what you want to do nothing exactly so mind your own damn business don't freaking punch me I don't care just move out the way fat ass I'm telling [ __ ] if you tell I swear to God I'll punch you the hell out of here uh no so shut the hell up damn like bro why can't you just get that that I don't like you just shut hello happy birthday [Music] foreign okay so what we got for lunch we got uh we got a bottle of water we got some apple we and we got corn okay I got my juice box oh my God can you shut the hell up you're so loud then move out the way I'll show you with the move and then like move bro you're so damn cramped what the hell move hey you do not talk to my brother like that I swear to God what you want to do huh quiet man I swear to God I'll punch you at recess you know what stop missing one brother I swear to God I'm gonna get you guys at recess man I'll freaking do this on my butt to my bro man I swear to God I'll punch you to death and the only thing that you can punch is this bottle bet let me punch you bro that's another one I mean you know what ha take that no no no no baits baits babes is this for us okay let me have a video Ah that's good [ __ ] right there this kind of reminds me of you and me bro all right now this is empty so take this little [ __ ] [Music] ah dude you know you hit it I mean my Barrel hey can I get a taste of a watermelon sure all right take this ah is it good yeah it's really good all right sure [Music] oh yeah what's up bro it's a recess recess time baby Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess um I guess Recess Recess Recess Recess [Music] [Music] all right so I've been thinking about you like like for a long time now and boy you can't even post get your ugly ass out of here ah ow dude oh bro what the hell you got my shirt all dirty bro mine too why are you getting us all 34 bro like what is your problem she looks so beautiful hey get your hands off our woman yeah bro get your hands off our woman who told you you can touch her nobody cares oh you want to go we want to go wanna go wanna go wanna go yo there's about to be a fight over here dude hello and so the other kids from the other classes came because I don't have enough room to make more classes let's go recess yo my bro wait what is going on recess time baby wait what the hell what's going on well as for the God if you don't move out of my damn way I just I swear to God move I'm just trying to talk with my woman okay you don't have a woman oh you want to go you want to go bro hands off my brother dang bro he's only eight oh he's only eight and what are you 11 [ __ ] bro I'm 15. I swear to God I'll put you up I'll put your ass up can't do nothing I bet you really want to go where you want to go you really want to go huh huh you wanna go you wanna go I swear to God I'll punch your bro I'll punch her skull out of your freaking head you're a damn baby oh [ __ ] he better go Super Saiyan bro ah what the hell all right anyways but what does that sound in my house so literally he was being beated the hell up like literally all his clothes just like fell off like that like literally all his clothes like all this clothes he was naked they ate like all his clothes like were just like falling off only what was his own shoes man I swear to God bro you be you be mad annoying I swear to God no no help me bro why are you so mad annoying dang bro I'm gonna punch you the hell out okay I'm gonna stop oh okay whatever you're already gonna beat up anyway so what's the point ah man like bro I swear to God like move up the thing wait huh it's blue bro like [Music] well we went away [Applause] I'm gonna go check on um Mr um Mr Bob yo Mr Bob yo what's good my G oh Yos good bro what's good I'm here bro all right let me go hey that was the queen dab hey yeah but where the kids oh you're getting um they're outside right now there are recess oh okay um all my new kids okay oh yeah Bryson he's gonna he's gonna defeat Buck though he's gonna have this [ __ ] he can have this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I can't do it oh sure he's getting the he's gonna he's gonna beat the [ __ ] up out there by day bye um bye bye Titan what bro I swear to God like bro just move out of my dang way bro you complaining this [ __ ] Bro do not freaking do not freaking kick me I swear to God like bro move out bro I'm I'm punching you to death right now bro just oh boom bro that's it bro bro God dang bro oh my God my God hey damn bro why can't you shut up for one goddamn second in your entire life damn that is crazy for real Titan what the hell have you done beat the [ __ ] out of him he was just killed my brother oh no he ain't Dead He's unconscious [ __ ] why'd you do that why'd you freaking do that because I can and I'm older than you I'm 15. you're 11. so what damn bro I'm never messing with Titan bro I'm getting out of here hey hey you're staring this body right into the ground making it right how's it feel [Applause] S I swear to God bro I swear to God you're so mad annoying oh my name is Brighton I like to piss people to [ __ ] off like bro can you just shut the hell up and watch you ah damn freaking love life just shuts up God damn God damn foreign should we should we go check I mean sure okay whoa whoa whoa kids chill out chill out chill out kids chill out okay chill out bro wait you Mason what the hell have you done [Music] Titan look what you did to him he deserved a day bro he was trying to pull up on my girl dude you cannot hurt this simple kid wait how old is he um I'm his own brother and he wait is that how you say it I don't know um he's eight what you are spelled good I don't even want to go through this nasty ass school again [Music] [Music] wait what is he saying my Battle Cry see you see you later baby I gotta go another triple oh [ __ ] I ain't paying for that damn School wait what's cool oh yeah my kids have to go to school um sorry for ruining your school I guess you're gonna have to make a new one wait did I kill everybody I damn it I messed up again wait where are my children oh what the hell dude who the hell are you why are you pulling up all our school for no reason bro you're the one that messed with my kid now do not freaking talk to my kid like that ever again this dumb computer this dumb school is done everything dang this double and Nobody messes with my young one wait young one Brighton where's my boy Brighton dad you do realize that wait where am I where the [ __ ] am I Brighton where are you that you do realize that you killed everybody in the entire School except for me and Brighton Maybe I killed everybody in the entire School no you did not agreed because I am gonna kill you that's why you always defend yourself I'm a master at karate I have a freaking black belt oh now do not mess with my freaking kids now let's freaking go home oh my God this guy ah what the hell my bones wait wait where are we going we're going home ow I'm stuck ow oh ah [Laughter] ouch huh ow wait mom what happened I think I'm pregnant hi kids I'm back they just pregnant out Dad no [Music] wait I'm a baby the end
Channel: Saadat Entertainment
Views: 4,939,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Recorded by XRecorder:
Id: XpcxwaM8bm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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