Participle Clauses - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #17

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all right hi everybody three o'clock here in Vancouver Wednesday afternoon good to see you I see some some regulars in the crowd here today Selma's they're Crim's they're obviously Mary Ann I saw you earlier Caio Miguel Bruno so many different people a bow welcome if you guys are new welcome to the stream I'm your teacher for the next hour I'm Shawn nice to see you and nice to see you again as always usually we've got Lane as our moderator as most of you know Lane is on holiday he's away this week so mark is is jumping in you guys know mark from from the earlier class okay so he's going to be helping out and let's get let's get started if you guys have questions my hair's my hair's a little little crazy there isn't it if you guys have questions during the class just put them in the chat and we'll get to them as quickly and as often as we can okay so yeah put them in the chat comments questions anything you like and let's get rolling here okay so there I am okay so today's class is on participle clauses okay participle clauses which some people also call participial phrases but for today's purposes we're going to call them participle clauses okay it's a grammar lesson but it's it's the kind of structure that is probably more useful in your writing and your academic writing although we do definitely use these participle clauses in speech everyday speech okay and what we're doing today is we're really kind of putting a bunch of previous lessons together okay a few lessons back we talked about participles what they are and last lesson we talked about modifiers and specifically misplaced modifiers okay so all of this is going to kind of come in and blend in together for this lesson on participle clauses let's get started Miguel notice my yes it's I guess it's so it's a not quite a new haircut anymore yeah it's a couple couple weeks old but that's fine let's get started okay ah there she is okay so what we're talking about today is this check out this sentence as she entered the house she heard a familiar voice in the living room okay this sentence a complex sentence okay two clauses there's nothing wrong with this sentence it's a beautiful sentence it's a wonderful sentence but there's another way you can write this sentence and this is what we're talking about today check this out entering the house she heard a familiar voice in the living room so the focus of of the class today is how you can take a dependent clause like this as she entered the house and you can change it a little bit modify it slightly and write that entering the house okay entering the house she heard a familiar voice in the living room both of these clauses have the exact same meeting okay it's really just we like to shorten things up a little bit in in English we like to say we're busy people we'd like to save ourselves some time so every once in a while we we shorten things that we take a couple words out of a sentence and tighten things up a bit okay and this is what we're talking about so if you look at the first sentence you notice that in both clauses the dependent clause and the main clause the subject is the same you know she okay and she if you've got a complex sentence like this where the subject is the same it is possible and it is quite common for us to take that conjunction at the beginning that as or because when while these kinds of conjunctions at the beginning of a dependent clause and the subject and just remove them take that conjunction take the subject out and then the main verb in that dependent clause is entered if you take that ending that edie off and you add an ING like I've done below you get this beautiful what we call a participle clause okay so entering the house is a participle clause and this is going to be the whole focus of today's class okay particularly not just what they are because I basically I showed you what they are just now but we're going to look at how to use them what is their function and a particular mistake to try to avoid when you're doing this okay so let's just do a little bit of a review a few weeks ago we were talking about participles okay to two types that we were talking about today I want to remind you what those two are but add a third in there as well okay so what's a participle we've got three kinds we've already talked about present participles was it really all that means is a verb form with it with an ING ending okay so deciding taking pudding this is a present participle so when I talk about present participles today I just mean ing that's all okay as we discussed in a previous class as well past participles really that's just the third form of your verb okay so you've got the present you've got the past and then you've got that past participle which some of you refer to as PP but you can call it a third form okay things like decided take and put depending of course on if it's a regular verb or an irregular verb okay so decided is regular taken and put our irregular verbs in the third form so we talked about that and pre in a previous lesson but the third type of participle which we didn't discuss is the perfect participle okay so this means using the verb having it's kind of putting the present in the in the past together so you use the verb having plus the past participle the third form so having decided having taken having put over there yeah say having put okay so this is what we're talking about participles the main question when it comes to participle clauses students ask is when do we have to use a participle clause when do we do it okay and the answer is you never you never have to you never have to use a participle clause okay mark if you're going to put your phone next to me that's perfectly okay yeah okay so participle clauses are a style choice okay you never have to do it but remember that when you're learning English when you're writing a test when you are writing an essay okay for a class or something you want to show your range you want to show your ability in the English language and the truth is that these participle clauses are used more by native speakers than by English students obviously there are more advanced structure so the only reason you want to use them is really just to use variety in your writing to show your range okay so the participle clauses have different functions different reasons to use them different kind of meanings inside the participle clause and this is what we're going to look at today okay so we're going to look at time relationships reasons results conditions and reduced adjective clauses so different ways of using participle clauses to show how how an see you can be with your with your sentences - as I said show variety and range in your sentence structure okay so let's look at all of the different functions of participle clauses I am going to explain a few things for about probably about 10 minutes or so and then you guys are going to get to work I've got lots of work for you guys to do today okay so as I Miguel could see marks forehead yeah yeah mark marks just putting this phone oh yeah sure hello guys hey it's mark yeah the class on Facebook - so sorry yeah no problem it's a little strange but that's fine so yeah he's just putting the phone down so so we can stream this kind of on Facebook as well guys don't worry about that so the functions of a particle clause okay and his arms I guess you can see ok so functions we use participle clauses to show two actions happening at the same time okay two things happening at the same time look at these beautiful happy children here okay holding hands the children ran across the field now in this sentence holding hands that's your participle clause okay so I'm using ing right the present participle and I'm expressing that two things are happening at the same time so what I mean here what's missing what I've reduced and removed is very similar to my first example as they held hands the children ran across the field okay so these two clauses the actions happening at the same time again you can reduce it if the subject is the same and you use the present participle and it means that both of these actions are happening at the same at the same time or or very close to the same time okay almost almost the same time yeah okay so that's one function to show two things happening at the same time another function is we use participle clauses to show that one action happens after another okay so two actions but one happens first and then the other one happens later so look at this guy it says having finished his assignment Chris turned his attention to more important things okay so in this case in this sentence I'm using the perfect participle okay having plus PP yeah to show that two things happen in sequence first this and then this so the long form would be like so after he finished his assignment Chris turned his attention to more important things but again we can take after an he because he and Chris same subject you can take after and he out add the perfect participle and there you go okay so again we use the perfect participle to show one action happening after another okay all right another function is reason Mohamed is answering asking a question this is a phrase no but the clause has to have a subject and a verb yeah right so this is that's a good question mohamed about the about the phrase and some people call them participial phrases as well I would say the argument is you can call them a clause because the subject is implied right you don't see it but it's it's in there okay so let's look at another example and I'll explain that good question coming in from from mohamed okay so two things happening at the same time as what we talked about before now this is a reason okay listening to music in my bedroom I couldn't hear the doorbell all right so in this case the present participle I'm using their and my meaning the function is to to show the reason because okay because I was listening to music now Mohammed your question about it being a phrase or clause people will argue about it and you can call it a phrase and that's and that's fine but when we reduce it there is still that that subject is still kind of implied in there okay so that's why we can call it a clause I hope that makes sense so again in this case the subject is the same I and I so you can take that out of there shorten it down and you can say listening to music in my bedroom okay so that's reason now let me show you another example of a reason this one's a little bit different okay having grown up in Russia he was used to the cold snowy weather having grown up in Russia now in this case I'm using I'm using the perfect participle having grown now but I'm still showing the reason I'm still saying because right so what's the difference between this sentence saying having grown up in Russia and listening to music why am I using the present participle here and the perfect participle here now this is an important difference but it goes back to what I was saying about the first two functions of participle clauses okay and that is that we use the present participle when the cause and effect relationship is at the same time so the reason and the result are happening at the same time I have my music on I can't hear it so we use the ing form present participle in this case I'm using the perfect participle to show because he grew up we use a perfect participle to show that the cause and effect relationship that reason and result one happened before the other so the the reason happened long ago and then the result is now right so he grew up in Russia and then he became used to the cold ok so that's an important difference for reason so so far same time after reasons three ways to use participle clauses and I'm going to show you three more okay then you guys are getting to work for me all right condition all right ah now I know which one I would choose here but let's look at this sentence consumed in moderation red wine has health benefits so moderation means the one in the middle moderation is not not too much a little bit okay so consumed in this case would mean to to drink yeah so consumed in moderation red wine has health benefits obviously if you drink too much it's not good for you if you drink none then you don't get the benefits of the red wine okay so the magic word that I just used is if in this case what I'm saying is if it is consumed in moderation red wine has health benefits okay so we use that shortened Clause at the beginning to show a condition alright so what you'll notice though in this sentence is that well of course the subjects are the same okay but when you reduce it you have to remember that in the condition we're using the past participle okay we haven't really seen that yet so far we've only been using present participles and perfect participles right now we're using the past that third form and that means that we're using the passive okay because when you're using these participle clauses if you're using the past participle it's a passive clause it's a passive sentence and this is important because the only way to write a participle clause to express a condition and if is if you use the passive voice it doesn't work with the active voice okay again we're going to do lots of practice with this guys so the more you use it I think the the clearer it will be okay okay so two more functions and then I'm going to test you yeah result so we've looked at reason we also used the participle clauses to show results now this is this is too bad for this guy I'm often I guess I'm often showing pictures of fighting couples that I don't know why just happens I guess he forgot their anniversary making her very upset terrible terrible nice tulips so I guess those are tulips so you'll notice that that participle Clause at the end is showing the result now but this one is very different from all of the other clauses that we've seen so far for a couple reasons one all of the other clauses we saw at the beginning of the sentence this one's coming at the end but also because in this case this participle were using the present participle to mean which made her very upset but this is different because the subject of the participle Clause is not the same as the subject of the main clause okay the word which does not mean he I mean he did make her upset but the fact that he forgot the anniversary that whole action is really what made her upset so he forgot their anniversary is which okay so when you're expressing a result it's important to see that the subject is not the same okay and how about yeah so result as I said you're using and you're using the present participle okay and then one more real quick because we've actually talked about this before in a previous class this is just a little review okay and that is to say reduced adjective clauses in this case students students studying in Shawn's class are so lucky as you can see okay in this sentence I have just simply reduced an adjective clause and we've looked at this in previous classes right we said studying here instead of who study so students who study in Shawn's class are so lucky gets shortened down to students studying in Shawn's class are so lucky also which we've seen before is the passive form of that that past participle so white noise is a fantastic novel written by Don DeLillo probably one of my favorite books white noise now in this case written by Don DeLillo we've shortened up which was written so you take which which was out shorten it down and it becomes a participle cloths Mohammed agrees you're so lucky here okay so this is really these are really the the six functions right that we've talked about to review we said the same time after reason conditioned result and reduced adjective clause yeah and these are just the ways that we laugh it's funny these are all the ways that we use participle clauses so let's see how much you you picked up there okay now it's time to get to work so I am going to go in here I'm going to share something with you guys I'm going to take this and we're going to put it down into the chat oops that didn't work try that again and if it doesn't work for whatever reason I can just leave it on enough that's strange okay for now how about I just leave it on the screen and I will enlarge it so everybody can see it okay so this is what we're doing I've given you at the top of the screen you've got the six functions of the participle clause that we've talked about okay and below it you've got six sentences so all you have to do is match a letter with a number all right so if you look at the the letters it says are to reduce a relative clause to express result to emphasize one action happening after another these are all the functions that we've talked about yeah and below number one it says used properly the medication is quite safe you have to decide what is the function of used properly here okay so how about this I am going to pop off the screen okay I see that I think Mark has put that link to the doc in the chat you guys can click on that if you like make a copy of it or you can just use this screen here because I'm going to remove myself I'm going to put the music on and all you have to do is match the function with the with the correct participle Clause and put your answers in the chat battery Valerie's here admitting again that she's late hi Valerie that's okay I again I wouldn't have known that you were late if you hadn't just told me and that's fine okay so I'm going to disappear I'm going to put the music on match the function with the sentence okay go for it good luck member by travelpod member by travelpod member you all right everybody good stuff welcome back lots of answers coming in on the chat let's go over some of these together all right so lots of good stuff let's look at them the first one it says used properly the medication is quite safe so looking around here I see is it respond respond Oh answered one is f Mohammed says one is F I think a lot of people are saying one is F row on row up give nice to see you hi says one is F and that is correct I would say for number one the answer is f a condition meaning if it is used properly the medication is quite safe if you take too much obviously not a good idea okay good all right what about number two looking around the chat oh you did you do what are you got for number two ah Luciana the Sienna says two is a so let's look at number two teachers trying to motivate their students may try to incorporate games in class and Luciana I think you are correct that that is indeed a that actually you know what oh let me do something here let me change this I'm writing on the student copy I want my copy there there we go that works better for me so we said yeah one was F two was a okay thank you Luciana for that and I see I think Miguel answered that one too correctly good stuff what about number three he tripped and dropped a glass of red wine in the living room completely ruining it number three Bruno says be okay does anyone agree with Bruno on this case Roland does good what else we have here Maryann says three is B as well and I agree you guys are correct good stuff that number three is showing the result right completely ruining the carpet meaning which completely ruin the carpet good stuff you guys are crushing it you're nailing it good stuff number four says lining up outside the auditorium the graduates prepared to walk onstage so what is the function of number four again Luciana says D okay what else do we have here for kayo is sand B maybe or E I wouldn't say it's B for number for chases C now for number for Chan wouldn't say that that number four is two actions or and one thing happening after another looks like to me as we said before about the present participle when we use that we're showing two things happening at the same time or almost at the same time like listening to the happy music the students answered Shawn's questions right so these are two things happening at the same time so whoever said d4 number four is absolutely correct good okay what about number five having graduated from University Sam spent the summer traveling in Europe Oh Jana is here lots of familiar faces cool all right who else who else is here who gave me an answer for number five Bruno says five is C okay who agrees with Bruno is 5c Caleo says I think he said five a/c yep good good good Rowan says five to C as well Luciana says five is C Miguel says five to see I think you guys are correct say five is C right meaning after he graduated Sam spent the summer traveling in Europe which means by process of elimination number six wanting to avoid the crowds in this in this sentence it has to be e right this is the reason because he wanted to avoid the crowds he left quietly through the back entrance maybe he's some kind of celebrity it sounds like okay cool good job guys so let's let's continue with this this is this is great so just to keep the focus on you guys I want you to I want to maybe challenge you a little bit more now this was just really matching the function of the participle clauses which is good now I want you to try to use some of them or take a take kind of a long form sentence and reduce it shorten it down and use a participle clause okay so let's go down to part two part two rewrite the sentences with a participle Clause so I have given you five sentences and again there's nothing wrong with these sentences I wrote them myself they're beautiful sentences but I want you to reduce them show range show your ability to make them a little bit more natural maybe okay so number one it says they hoped to improve their scores so they spent extra time at the library to prepare for the exam so in this sentence you have to first decide what function is the relationship between the two the two clauses okay I am I expressing reason results condition and so on and then you just have to reduce it and make a participle clause okay so when you're doing that you may have to remove some words and change things around a little bit okay so let's do the first one together as one big happy family here okay I'm going to copy this and put it on on mine okay and all you have to do for this one I think this is showing a kind of a reason like a cause and effect type of thing so I would say rather than they and hoped take that out say hoping to improve their scores good yes and people are already some people are ahead of me Yeah right so really the one thing the one thing you have to be careful of in this case is the word so okay because the participle clauses expresses a reason just take that word cell out of there and it becomes hoping to improve their scores they spent extra time at the library good idea good and I see the answers already coming in on the chat so I'm going to stop I'm going to get out of here okay I'm not going to slow you guys down I'm going to scroll up a bit do two down to five you got four sentences rewrite them with a participle Clause just shorten them and make any kind of changes you need to good okay I'm out of here music's coming back on you member by travelpod member by and we are back lots of stuff coming in in the chat so many answers this is great a lot of different answers to which is which is cool okay so let me let me get in here alright what are you giggling about over there okay okay it doesn't matter dump - alright so Miguel said having spent several years in Japan Caleo said the same thing I think having spent several years in Japan Shea having spent several years in German I think lots of people got number two corrects Rowan has it good mohamed nailed it Valerie's got it alright selma - yeah so i'm just going to do what you guys did here and say i'm going to take take the subject and that helping verb away and say having spent is you guys sense having spent several years in japan aha now this is the tricky bit right and some of you caught it and some of you missed it if you missed it that's okay all right that's why you're here okay always look out in this case for that so because having spent several years in Japan that means because right that has that that reason in there so you have to take that word so out of there okay so having spent several years in Japan he was quite familiar with the culture awesome fantastic okay three more number three the road crew accidentally hit an underground electrical cable and knocked out power to the entire downtown core well that's terrible what do you guys do with number three now I guess number three do have options I guess in this case you could you could look at the results you could look at the reason it's really up to you now Marianne okay let me take this down here oops oh yeah right here we go so you have options I'm going to put two of them here because you've got different things coming in this is good now some of you and I think Mary Ann did it you chose to focus on the first part and and turn it into kind of the the reason right so I think you said something like accidentally hitting like so accidentally hitting an underground electrical cable and then turn it into this the road crew accidentally hitting an underground electrical cable the road crew knocked out power to the entire downtown core and that's great if you did that good but there are other ways to do now Chateau 7 yeah Chateau 7 did it like this and that's good another way you can do it is I'm going to take this last part and I'm going to turn that into the result okay so the road crew accidentally hit an underground electrical cable take that away put the comma and say knocking out power to the entire downtown core now in this case that's focusing on the result right here this is focusing on the reason both sentences are 100% correct beautiful okay and are still talking about people being able to see my soul in there both of these sentences are great okay 100% correct I'm just a different focus of the participle claws and again you guys the important thing to remember about these participle clauses is you have choice you have so many options you have all of these possibilities to show your your range okay good number four now some of you I noticed quite a few of you I think you said this you took if and they and all that stuff and you went for the present participle I saw that now you can't yes I have to stop reading the chat you guys are distracting me here so yeah giving the freedom to experiment doesn't work grammatically because as I said before in the presentation that if you want to show condition and a number for this is definitely the condition right this is if they are given all you really need to do it's it's kind of an easy change you just take that away okay and keep the past participle you need that given the freedom to experiment because in this case again if you look at it that's passive right it's passive voice so it's a first condition first conditional in the passive voice so you have to keep that past participle there okay okay yeah so Anthony I'm looking at your answer and you're saying having freedom to experiment children will do well now that's a good it's a good attempt but what you're saying there is you're kind of changing it you're not saying if now you're saying because because they have the freedom they will do well if you say having okay if you want it to show a condition it really has to be in the passive form with the with the past participle good okay so what about number five after we packed all the boxes we started loading them into the truck okay now again I saw a couple different answers but I think most of them were pretty much on the on the right track or very similar okay so let me see if I can find it number six here or number five rather yeah so che got I said having packed all the boxes good good good good good having good Luciana went with having all the boxes having all the boxes packed that's pretty good I might switch the order a little bit just to make it sound a little bit more natural and say having packed all the boxes we started loading them into the truck now some of you gave me a different answer which is totally fine okay 100% great all right Chateau seven I think in Selma and some other people said this which we haven't really discussed today um sorry after packing all the boxes we okay so after packing all the boxes now this is something that we didn't discuss today but one thing you can also do with these participle clauses is sometimes you can include that conjunction or that or a preposition as well and I know Mark was talking about prepositions today okay so you will sometimes see a conjunction or preposition followed by the participle in a clause like this and that's great too now in fact if you look back at number four you can do the same thing and say that if given the freedom children will do well okay now in this case you're just taking the subject out but you're leaving that conjunction if and that's okay too that's good awesome okay again so many different ways of saying the same thing good okay so how about this now that we've talked about this a little bit let's see if you can find a mistake let me go into the presentation and again if you guys have questions about that put it in the chat and we can come back to it okay let me go down here and we will look at the mistake of the week okay the mistake of the week let me put a sentence up here and I want you to spot the mistake so let's see who the fastest student on the Internet is I'm going to put this up here turning around quickly the door hit me in the face find the mistake I'm going to disappear for 10 seconds and I'm going to put the music on tell me what's wrong with that sentence okay I'm out of here all right so some people yeah lots of people putting putting answers in there this is good now obviously I think maybe a couple of you watched the lesson last week because some of you are saying things about modifiers right so this is this is definitely a problem with the modifier like we talked about last week but it's not a misplaced modifier okay this is a little bit different now that it's hard for me to show you exactly which part of the sentence is a mistake because you could argue that the first clause that participle clause is a mistake or you could say that the main clause is a mistake it depends how you look at it basically the whole sentence is a mistake okay and the problem is yeah with that with that participle clause it's not a misplaced modifier it's something that we call a dangling modifier now last week we were talking about modifying clauses being too far away from the from the thing it was modifying and that's what a misplaced modifier is okay but a dangling modifier is a modifier like we talked about last week a word or a phrase or a clause that modifies something but in the sentence it has nothing to modify okay so yeah a two-cent chateaux seven saying is it's a very very rude door okay a dangling modifier is not a word order problem like we saw last week it's not as simple as that it's a modifier with nothing to modify so it's just hanging there with nothing to do so what I mean by that let's and there's a picture of that that rude door that you guys are talking about turning around quickly the door hit me in the face at the very beginning of this class I talked about using participle clauses and how you have to make sure that the subject is the same in both the participle clause and the main clause right but in this case turning around quickly the door is the subject now you have to ask yourself I mean is the door turning around quickly probably not unless it's why maybe if it's one of those those hotel doors I guess that kind of spin around right but in this sentence it's the the problem is with the structure of that main clause the door did not turn around quickly I turned around quickly okay so hmm question coming in from yatta I have a problem with part three number two part three of this exercise well we'll get we'll get to that maybe if that's what you're talking about yeah but I'll get to your question in a minute there's talking about this we just kind of you have to rewrite that second sentence and I know that a lot of you put it in the chat already so we say turning around quickly I was hit I was hit in the face by the door now that participle clauses that modifier is modifying I so you have to really be careful that your participle clause and your main Clause share the same subject because if not it really doesn't it doesn't work okay so with that in mind how about yeah we've got we've got Debbie Hannah we don't really have enough time for this okay how about this we're basically out of time so I'll set you up with a little thing that you can do on your own okay now that we've talked about these participle clauses and kind of being careful of the dangling modifiers let's go back into the exercise okay and Kamal is saying you have a you have a question yeah you can you can always ask a question just put it in the chat and we'll try to answer it okay whoops there we go okay so part three this is something that we can we can get started here so yeah valerie is asking so that means the first sentence is wrong that's right Valerie that first sentence was was incorrect because it was a dangling modifier okay so in part three you've got six sentences all you have to do is use your imagination your your talent and add a participle clause to each of these sentences the sentence here I don't want you to change what I've written only add to it okay so number one is I needed a holiday so before or after or in the middle somewhere I want you to try to add a participle clause so just just while we have one minute or so try to put a couple in the chat while I'm while I'm talking about this one and then we're going to sign off okay guys so I needed a holiday put some kind of participle clause in that sentence and you'll notice that I've given you six sentences so what I really like to see is six different functions of participle clauses so if you could try to put a participle clause to show reason to show result condition same time after and a reduced adjective clause that would that would blow my mind that would amaze me I would be so impressed if you could do that alright so we've got a couple answers coming in one from s sob um having worked hard I need a holiday yeah good good good good so let me let me put a couple of these in here so that's I was saying having worked hard color yeah having worked hard I needed a holiday good Mohammed is saying after getting stressed yeah I need a holiday good good what else we have yeah all right this is Marx is having worked was it for Sean as moderator for a couple weeks for a couple weeks I'm going to change that I'm gonna say this twice okay having worked for Sean as a moderator twice mark needed a holiday right good right and Valerie saying after having worked the entire year I needed a holiday these are great these are awesome right so what you can do guys is finish these up we're going to sign off for now that's all the time we have okay so I'm going to I'm going to pop out of here for a minute okay and what you can do is if you want to finish those other five sentences go for it and I guess yeah well how about this you can always send them to me on on Facebook put them in send them to me on Facebook and in the group we've got the the group from Facebook learn English on Facebook send me a message or something with your sentences and I'll take a look at them and give you some feedback okay and and that's it okay that would be great if you did that good practice so sadly having having done all I can for the day it's time to say goodbye needing to go home and see my family I must leave you yeah given more time I would gladly stay and teach you but unfortunately that's all the participle clauses I have for today okay so thanks for coming thanks for joining anybody who saw us on Facebook and joined the class thanks for for popping in dropping by and we're here every Wednesday okay so don't forget to watch marks class he's got the early the early show on Wednesday at nine o'clock in the morning Vancouver time I know everybody's sad now so many sad little emoji faces yeah Mark's got the early show at 9 o'clock Vancouver time I'm here at 3 o'clock every Wednesday in Vancouver in in the studio here at that ccel and of course thanks to Kareem who's in there to helping you guys out and thanks to everybody for coming so keep practicing use these participle clauses that's the only way to really get good at it is try to use them make some terrible mistakes and don't worry about making mistakes just do it and then fix them and that's how you learn okay so use it and we'll see you here next time guys okay thanks for watching and take care you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 114,058
Rating: 4.8930039 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Participle Clauses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2016
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