Noun Clauses - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #14

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all right everybody welcome to the class welcome to the SmartStream live class it's Wednesday afternoon here in Vancouver I'm Sean I'll be your teacher for the next hour or so if you were if you're new to the class welcome good to see you I see some familiar names and the chat as usual good to see and of course you probably see a familiar name or two in the chat as well we've got our friendly moderator laying here to help you with all of your needs if you have a question during the class if if you're not sure what I have said if you need me to repeat myself or you have a question about anything put it in the chat and Layne will get those questions to me and I'll try to answer as many as I can as often as I can okay we've got I see Kareem is in there too good to see you okay and Kareem could probably help out he's he's often my slang translator all right so yeah if you guys have questions or comments put them in the chat and we'll get we'll get to them okay so I hope you're doing well wherever you are whenever you are and let's get let's get rolling here all right yeah see how hi everybody see lots of lots of greetings coming in it's nice all right so let's let's jump into it here let me go into this all right so what are we talking about today we're talking about well we're gonna start talking about this lady here okay so I assume you know what what her name is you know what the name of this painting is and you may even know the name of the painter you may know who painted this is very famous painting but we're going to start today I'm going to ask you some some questions that may seem a little a little crazy maybe okay I'm not interested in asking you who this is or who painted this or or maybe even how old this painting is I want it I want you guys in the chat to give me some ideas write it right away I'm going to get you guys working right away okay here we've got a lady who's very famous for that smile that oh that little slight smile and I want you guys to tell me why is she smiling okay I want I want you to tell me why you think she smiling what what do you think she's thinking about um I would like you to guess what what you think she finds so so amusing all right get me some ideas in the chat all right and in fact I mean you guys know who this is maybe a little bit less or no wow he's probably equally as famous I think is is this guy all right if you can tell me who this is or if you can tell me the name of this painting that would be that would be great that I'd be impressed if you could tell me who painted it I would be even more impressed but again I'm not really looking for that today I want you guys to tell me what you think this guy is looking at what what is this guy screaming about okay I want to know what his problem is all right what is his problem is the question all right so I'm seeing some stuff coming in from above the Mona Lisa somebody says maybe she's she's a she's ashamed okay maybe it's like a Koi it's a it's a bashful smile maybe okay what about the scream what's he what's he so upset about some people say ghosts yeah okay okay how about this help with this let me ask you another totally unrelated question we're not we're not talking about art today okay we're not talking about why he is screaming necessarily but um yeah he's scared obviously yeah and some people awesome people see like know who it is munch is the painter and the the name of the the painting is the scream so some of you guys know what it's called and you know who did it that's good how about this I'm going to throw something out you look totally out of left field here for you okay take a look at Hey look at this this guy all right I want you guys to guess what this device is for I want you to tell me what this guy is doing and and what is this machine for and of course all of my questions they have a purpose to them I'm asking you very specific questions for a very specific reason okay so this machine what do you think it's for okay um it says it's for here for hearing something that's probably right okay any any other ideas what do you think I want you to guess what this machine is for all right obviously not a new machine satellite dish some some some people are saying yes CF teachings as a satellite dish as iam says to magnify sounds these are good guesses okay so actually what what this machine is for was before they had radar this guy would have to go out into a field with this machine and he would listen to see if he could hear airplanes coming approaching airplanes alright now again I'm not we're not talking about approaching airplanes we're not talking about art today alright the reason we're talking about this the reason we're asking these questions is what we're talking about today is noun clauses and the reason I asked all of those questions is that I asked you a bunch of questions with noun clauses in them okay so the question is well what is a noun clause and how do we how do we use them now some of you you may not know exactly what it is but you probably already do use them okay so let's talk about it let's talk about noun clauses alright and and what they're for so let's start by talking about a couple lessons ago we talked about adjective clauses all right so an adjective clause that we learned two weeks ago is as we said a group of words together with a subject and a verb that is used to describe or modify another part of the sentence particularly a noun okay so it's a group of words that describes a noun so this is where the this was the example we saw a couple weeks ago right is the girl who is wearing red lives on my street so in this case who is wearing red is an adjective clause and that Clause is describing the word girl okay so we're not talking about adjective clauses today all right we're talking about noun clauses so a noun clause they do not describe nouns okay that's not what the purpose of a noun clause is a noun clause is a noun so it now clauses are nouns so you may be like what what are you talking what are you talking about all right so don't give me that look yet okay I'm getting to it so a noun clause what is it is the question okay what's a noun clause let's let's define it well before we define it you're going to come out and say something like this tion I don't understand what a noun clause is I don't know what a noun clause is can you tell me what a noun clause is all right now one thing you should understand one thing you need to understand first is this section of that sentence what a noun clause is is a noun clause and again you're going to give me one of these looks right what what are you talking about okay and some people in here are asking this question what are you talking about I'm talking about noun clauses okay so a noun is a person place or thing right we all know that okay a clause is a group of words with a subject and a main verb okay so put those two things together and we say that a noun clause is a group of words with a subject and a verb that functions as a noun now right so in other words it's a group of words in a sentence that function together and sometimes they function as the subject of a sentence sometimes they function as the object or maybe a compliment in a sentence okay and again we will talk in detail about all three of those things what I mean by the subject and the object and the complements okay so this is this is the topic for today let's let's dive into this and and and look at how we use noun clauses okay so let's look at a really simple example of a noun clause I know her name that's a real simple sentence okay I is the subject know is your verb and in this case her name is the object of the verb know alright so we can also take that object out of the sentence and we can replace it with this I know what her name is okay so in this case what her name is those words together that is a noun clause because that's a group of words with a subject and a verb and in this sentence it's functioning as the object of the verb okay now that's that's one little example we're going to be looking at lots of them today okay so I'm going to talk for a little bit I'm going to give you a little bit of information then I'm going to get you guys doing some practice okay and then I'm going to come back and teach you some more so we're going to be back and forth here today okay so why is this I don't know why the Mona Lisa is back on the screen but that's again that's a noun clause okay so we often use noun clauses to ask questions alright to answer questions or to emphasize something in a sentence like if you make a point in an argument and I'm going to be talking about that today to about helping you make strong points in arguments okay so to ask a question answer questions and emphasize this is a really a common use of the noun clause so there are different types of noun clauses guys but today what we're going to focus on first is noun clauses with question words so most of you I'm sure you know is that what we mean by question words are basically these six words right the who what where when why and how so we're going to start by looking at these clauses okay so a noun clause typically this structure is a question word like what or which or who plus the subject and then the verb all right now the area that really confuses students sometimes where students make the mistake is they often see these noun clauses and they think they're questions or they try to use the noun clause and they accidentally make kind of a question form so it's important to know the difference between a noun clause and a question a noun clause is not a question in itself so you do not flip the order of the subject in the verb like you would in a question okay so what I mean by that is if you look at this question order where are you going that's a typical structure for a question right you've got the question word where then you've got the helping verb are and then you okay in a noun clause you don't do that flip you just keep it like this and say where you are going now in itself the way it is like right there it's it's incomplete right where you are going is not a complete Clause is a dependent clause but the main difference between a question and noun clause is that difference in the order of the subject and verb okay so we're going to be practicing that a lot here today alright somebody people are asking me what you want to know what I'm drinking there's a noun clause there would you like me to tell you what I'm drinking its water that's all I know it's boring I should spice it up every once in a while drink some juice or something maybe next week okay so now in clauses noun clauses can function as the object of a verb that's a really common way to use that that noun clause after a verb and here are some really common verbs that are followed by noun clauses okay like say guess see note L understand show explain and remind this is not a complete list there are way more verbs that you can use you could even sometimes use words like want or like but these are some common verbs that we use with these noun clauses with question words okay so let's look at some examples Oh Oh trouble trouble in paradise all right obviously there haven't they're having some problems here what's going on so her question is why did you say that she I don't know if she said it quite like that but why do you say that is the question all right now that's that's a fine question there's nothing wrong with that but if we want to change it slightly change the structure a little bit show our range right and use a noun clause what she could say if she was interested in showing this guy her range of English she could say I don't understand why you said that okay so why did you say that and I don't understand why you said that there has a very similar meaning but in this case why you said that is a noun clause and it's the object of the verb understand so it's the same basically the same meaning okay now what you'll notice though the difference is in the question you using that verb do we use do a lot in questions why do you study English for example or why did you say that but in the noun clause you'll notice that I didn't use the that helping verb do because it's not a question what I had to do instead is put the verb said in the past tense okay so you have to make sure you're kind of changing that verb tense when you're taking a question and turning it into a noun clause or in this case sometimes people might refer to this as an indirect question as well okay so what's he going to say to that how's he gonna answer he's going to say I don't know so why did you say that he doesn't know I don't know it's it's a I wouldn't say it's a good answer but it's his only answer but again another way of saying that he could add a noun clause and say I don't know why I said that and again in this case why I said that is complimenting the the verb know or as serving as the the object of the verb no okay so this is just one way that we can kind of again show variety and style to our our use of language and again it's very common when we want to kind of emphasize a point in a fight or something like that another example is very common to to ask people things - - to find things to ask for help we use noun clauses all the time okay so where can I find books about art and film there's nothing wrong with that sentence but it if you asked a stranger that it might seem a little bit short a little bit unfriendly impolite right so sometimes we would put something at the beginning and say do you know or do you happen to know could you tell me please where I can find books about art and film okay so in this case again the same meaning but the second one I'm using noun clause to kind of finish that sentence and make it a little bit more polite and again if you look at the order of the two examples in the question I've flipped can i and in the noun clause I haven't okay so a really common mistake is when students will say do you know where can I find books about art and film but you can't say that you have to flip it back to the regular order of subject and then verb okay and that's where students often get tripped up a little bit but this is where this is kind of where we're going to start okay with these questions using using the the noun clauses the object of the verb alright before I get into this subject complement stuff we're going to dive right into the work okay so I want you guys to to use kind of what I've what I've talked about so far and I'm going to ask Lane to please put the put the link in the in the chat for everybody to get to okay and I'm going to open up my copy of this document here and make it nice and big so really all I want you guys to do is is practice this concept of taking a question and expanding on it using a noun clause either with which or what or actually not and sorry not not so much which but what when why how who okay so get on that document or I'll just leave the screen like this for you guys to see as usual I'm going to pop off the screen I'm going to put some happy music on there for you guys to to listen to to inspire you okay and I'd like you to take these sentences and finish the second one using a noun clause so let's do the first one together okay before I pop out the question is what is your favorite part about learning English oh wow yeah this is a tough question there's so many wonderful things about learning English so you take that direct question and you turn it into could you let me know what your favorite part about what learning English is and then question all right just like that so really this is kind of this the the easier part kind of to ease you into it it's really just playing with the structure and the order of the words so what's your favorite part becomes could you let me know what your favorite part is all right so I'm going to disappear for a couple minutes if you guys have questions put them in the chat and we'll come back and we'll answer them okay I'm going to pop out for a couple minutes and I'm going to put on the music all right get to work member member all right everybody I'm back this is good lots of good stuff coming in in the chat great let me put some of these answers up here so I think a lot of people put in answers and a lot of them are are the same because you guys are getting them correct so that's that's a good thing so B is what's the difference between a compliment and a compliment well hopefully you know if you were here last week we did talk about the difference between a compliment and a compliment so hopefully this sentence is not true about you but this is here let me make that a little bit bigger so it's the same there we go okay so I don't understand what the difference between a compliment and a compliment is all right and that's coming in from Valerie and Selma and Luciana I think you guys all had the same the same answer okay so I'm not sure exactly which one I copied and pasted but you guys are all you're all good all right what about the next one what is acceptable behavior that's that's a very good question and I guess a very good answer to is I'm not sure Oh what behavior is acceptable okay we're getting set a couple maybe different answers in here I'm not sure what behavior is acceptable that that that works I think others said I'm not sure what acceptable behavior is okay so it's it's up to you either one of those works that's good good stuff guys okay let's see a couple more and then we're going to get a little bit deeper with this this whole noun clause thing all right so what are you implying is Dee coming in from let me see here what have you got please tell me okay what you're implying here I'm going to put this one up here just because it's not quite right so sometimes I like putting a little mistake up there just to just to explain it okay so let me make this nice big pair like that okay so please tell me what implying are you with the question mark all right in this case you still have to mess around with the word order a little bit okay and I would say please tell me what you are take that over here what you are implying okay please tell me what you are implying in this case put a period there that's good okay couple more coming in and I see more yeah it's good um so 4e how much does it cost I don't remember and kayo this answer is coming in from you and there it is I don't remember how much it costs yeah you guys are you guys are killing it this is the easy part yeah good okay what about F alright Bruno's back it C Bruno and for F how many languages can you speak he wants to know and I'm going to take Bruno's answer and put it up here he wants to know how many languages you can speak good stuff again I'm just gonna enlarge that so it's all the same size good in just a few more here who was your teacher last month answers for G Balor ESA's could you tell me she says could you tell me who your teacher was last month yeah really good thanks Valerie alright and a couple more and again if if anybody has questions about any of these answers that I'm putting up here you can put them in the chat ok H what does acquisition mean could you clarify you see here died of or yeah yeah not sure if I'm saying your name right but that's well it gets a good answer right here okay so that's could you clarify what acquisition means perfect perfect perfect perfect all right and a couple more here and then we're then we're done with this section Selma 4i where would you like to go I do not care where you'd like to go yeah nothing not a very good answer though I mean your answer Selma is fine but not a very nice response to the question where would you like to go yeah pretty bizarre way to answer that question but but you got the grammar right that's good and the last one J what kind of computer do you have what did the teacher ask me and I'll put that there the teacher asked me what kind of computer I have that's good and again I'll just make that a little bit larger here excellent guys that's great so again this is using noun clauses to make these kind of indirect questions right and really in all of these sentences or close to all of them the the noun clause is the object of that verb but that's not oh yeah did I pronounce it right D then Y AB D AB okay cool thanks crab for that great so there are other forms of noun clauses are there there are other functions of noun clauses and that's what I want to talk about now okay so I'm going to go back in here to my presentation and we're going to talk about how noun clauses can function as what we call a subject complement okay now what do I mean by subject complement I mean that the order of the sentence is like this you know the subject and then typically of the verb be doesn't have to be B but it's often the verb be followed by the noun clause so that the subject and the noun clause are basically the same thing much like I would say I a teacher i and teacher are the same I am Sean right I and Sean are the same okay so we use noun clauses in this way as well let's show some examples all right John thinks noun clauses rule I agree I couldn't agree more John that that noun clauses do in fact rule all right oh this is nice okay this is nicer than the the fighting couple this is what I've always wanted I mean not me per se I'm this is what she's saying I assume okay so this is what I've always wanted what I've always wanted is a noun clause you've got what the question word then the subject and then the verb okay and this kind of subject compliment use of the noun clause is really good for a nice emphatic sentence making a strong statement right okay so that's good for her that's nice what about this one home is where I want to be right not right now I'm enjoying myself with you guys but in this case where I want to be is the noun clause is the subject compliment home and where I want to be is the same the same thing okay and another one yeah so I tried to make muffins last night guys okay this these are my muffins so my question for you is is this what muffins should look like this is I'm just curious all right is this what muffins should look like it's my first time I'm just getting started here yeah or maybe this is maybe this is what this is why I don't usually bake muffins maybe yeah some of that is an epic fail that's right this this is what an epic fail means absolutely okay so if you'd like to try my muffins just let me know and I'll mail you one okay just okay so these are subject subject complements okay forget about the muffins let's talk about subjects as well so noun clauses can be subject complements but sometimes they can be the subject of the sentence itself okay so okay going back to these unfortunate people Chris and and and Sheila okay having a fight not having a good time so his comment upset her obviously yeah she's not she's not happy okay so you can take the subject of this sentence his comment and you can replace it with a noun clause what he said upset her now in this case what he said you've got question word subject and verb but together those three words together function as the subject of that sentence right because if you look at it you really just got subject verb object right so his comment upset her what he said upset her let's look at another example of the noun clause as the subject oh that was fun Oh question coming in you tread his comment upset her I see so your question is upset her or upsets her that's a good question now it depends upset is actually an irregular verb right so the past of upset is upset so my sentence here that I wrote for you guys my meaning is is the past tense like it happened yesterday okay if you put an S on it and said his comment upsets her it's grammatically correct but it sounds like he makes this comment every day or very regularly which which isn't very nice if that's if that's true but that's a really good question coming in from nutrit H yeah okay but in this case yeah this is a past tense verb alright thanks for your question now let's get back to this poor guy how he kept his job is a mystery to me right so in this case again how you question where he kept his job that whole thing that whole Clause is the subject of the entire sentence okay and these guys again yeah I know let's let's put it let's put this argument to rest here okay sometimes if you really want to make a strong point in an argument if you really want to win the argument and make an emphatic statement you can you can double down on your noun clauses right what she's saying here is what I don't understand is why you said it right a very common thing that we was saying in argument is I understand what you said Chris what I don't understand is why you said it okay so in this case she is doubling up on the noun clauses to make it as emphatic as possible so the noun clause is both the subject of the sentence and the complement here okay so what can he possibly say to this right other than mate I mean maybe he has an answer up his sleeve yeah to something like this he has short sleeves but he might say I don't know honey I am Who I am again in this case I am Who I am Who I am is a noun clause it's not a good answer in this situation but it's all he has unfortunately for him okay so the point of this is these noun clauses have so many different functions yeah they can be subjects they can be objects they can be complements and this is again only the the beginning of the different types of noun clauses and the different ways we use them but for now again I want you guys to get to work for me all right John likes that answer I am Who I am yeah well you can try it John I can't I can't guarantee how successful it will be in an argument but try try it out and let me know alright but don't don't blame me all right so how about guys why don't you go in to go back into that exercise for me Selma thinks he should have apologized yes I agree with that too definitely would have been would have been easier for him I think he could have said what I said was wrong all right good noun clause there all right so now clauses are useful very useful for apologies as well okay so looking at this document here guys you've got five different pictures and again we'll keep this pretty simple to try to get through it as try to get through as much as we can you've got an image and then you've got this is and then nothing so I want you to try to use your imaginations use your creativity and use a noun clause use what or how or where or why or when and compliment the subject this so this is it looks like a nightclub but you can't just say this is a nightclub or this is a dance floor that's not enough I mean it's true if you say this is a dance floor that's that sentence is fine okay it's grammatically correct but it's not practicing the noun clause okay what I'd like you guys to do instead these give me a sentence with a what or a why or something in there to to compliment that subject so this is where Shawn nice to move from time to time all right you can say whatever you want swear Shawn bust a move from time to time maybe Corrine my my slang translator in the Czech and can translate bust a move and we'll also show how old I am okay so that's one possible answer I'm taking that away because I want you guys to to give me your answers okay so again I'm going to pop off happy dancing monkey music is coming back on and I'll be back in about two minutes try to finish those sentences with a noun clause what or which or why and then we'll go over them and then I've got even more information for you okay so I'm popping out good luck get to work member you all right everybody good stuff lots of good answers coming in let's go over some of them together now I don't I don't know if we got any for number one I mean I did number one for you I think somebody put in like this is this is where I danced all night that was one of the answers this is where I danced all night great good for you as long as it's yeah not a school night I hope number two the Apple this is okay so there's a lot of good sentences coming in that some of them are good that aren't at aren't actually noun clauses like this is a really tasty looking Apple that's true yeah that is a really tasty looking Apple how about okay this one all right this one's coming in from Bruno this is okay I'm gonna make that enlarge that so this is what the doctor told me to eat that's good yeah good good for your doctor good good advice Bruno yeah okay one more I think this one's coming in from Selma put that here and as this is what my grandmother likes to eat every day that's good healthy good for her right and also I mean I should also point out that with noun clauses like this you can also negate them you can make them negative right and say this is not what I want to eat right now right this is healthy but it is not what I want right I want some popcorn or whatever it is this is good okay what about questions number three this country I lived alright maybe this is is this coming in from Luciana here this is where my cousin lives I think that I think you put that from number number three a couple of them don't maybe don't have numbers but I think yeah that's right this is where my cousin lives I think so unless why I don't think it's for number four living in a tree that's that's good okay another one this is where Americans live that's that's also true okay that's really good at how about number four okay is this one coming in from this one is this one Paul's maybe let me take the this is oil this is what it looks like in spring and that's that's good all right this is what it looks like a spring beautiful I hope that's true wherever you are oh another one this is this is where I first met your mother for number four yeah that's great on to the tree that's romantic yeah where I Met Your Mother and how about number five this is okay now let me see it's kind of I'm not sure whose this is but let me put this on maybe John this might be yours here this is my computer I watched smart English on now this is that's a good sentence but we don't quite have that noun clause yet okay so let's fix this one up a little bit just so we're sure that there's a noun clause in it so this is my computer i watch smart English on so how about this is how okay this is how I watch smart English or this is what I use to communicate with Sean or something like that right using how or what or something some kind of question word alright good stuff guys yeah okay so um one more kind of thing about noun clauses that I want to go over today okay and again if you have questions about this exercise put them in the chat and I'll try to answer them before we're out of time okay so going back into my presentation we've been talking a lot about question words what and how and when and why but we also use that clauses for noun clauses which really just means the same concept of question question words or question clauses but that you use the the pronoun that at the beginning now you guys are very familiar I'm sure with using that clauses for reported speech when you're telling me what someone else said right he said that he would be late okay that is a noun clause and that's that's exactly what we're talking about here today is these noun clauses but that's about what I want to focus on today because reported speech really could be its own its own lesson I just thought I would point out um that that clauses can be used as what we call an adjective complement so you can add a noun clause that starts with that after a bunch of very useful adjectives to to complement it to emphasize it to give more information so words like essential or true or possible and all of these other ones awful important interesting behind me you've got inevitable which is a great word if you know what that means put it in the chat you might be able to help somebody out inevitable okay so we can follow these words with that clauses like so so your doctor might say it is important that you take better care of yourself so that you take better care of yourself is a noun clause it's a content clause and it's complementing the adjectives important okay or this guy yes guy again it is amazing that he was able to keep his job alright so again good luck for him he's lucky it was lucky that he was able to keep his job it's amazing that he was able to keep his job again the adjectives or the participle which we talked about last week or the week before is being complimented by this noun clause okay and one more these guys again but this is the end for them it's unfortunate that they could not work through their problems that's kind of a sad way to end things I guess but though they'll be ok alright so again in this case the word unfortunate the adjective unfortunate because often times followed by this that clause to complement it okay and yet we've got some some definitions of inevitable right so inevitable is something that is going to happen you cannot stop it so maybe it was it was inevitable that these guys broke up right because Chris was unwilling to apologize and he is who he is it was inevitable that they would go their separate ways alright so how about this the last thing I'm going to get you guys to do today is here well where'd that go hang on guys somebody alright so how about this I'm going to put it up here on the screen one of my slides magically disappeared I wonder what happened that's a noun clause alright I'm curious how my slide disappeared that's also a noun clause but this is what I'm going to get you guys to do before you go finish these sentences for me okay is what was my other one it is interesting it is true it is we can put unfortunate I want you guys to finish these sentences and it is how about that we got unfortunate how about just start with this okay I want to see what you guys can do with these adjectives complements okay you've got it is interesting it is true and it is unfortunate and I would like you guys well how about this it is essential finish these four sentences with a VAT Clause all right and then we'll go over it and then that will probably be just about all the time we have for today but give me something amazing amaze me with your noun clauses okay starting with that and I'm going to pop off two more minutes okay and then we'll probably still have time for the mistake of the week but we'll see how we do okay get me some sentences in the chat and and then we'll go over it together all right I'm popping out member by all right lots of wonderful stuff coming in on the chat let's put some of these answers up here okay so number one it is interesting what's interesting well okay this is a good one from Miguel okay I'm Miguel I'm gonna put yours up here oh let's make that bigger let's make it all 24 okay so it is interesting that the universe is expanding it is that is interesting yeah I agree I agree with that anything else for interesting it is interesting that I learned ons in smart class oh yeah that's okay that's a good one true alright that's coming from Bruno um hey I'm gonna hey I'm going to put this one up here because it's a compliment to me so I'm always I'm always a fan of that oh and this is coming in from çf teaching alright so it is interesting that someone can react as good as you when there's a problem well I think well maybe you're not maybe this is hypothetical maybe it's not me but if it is me thank you yeah it's it's practice yeah okay what about number two it is true what do we have here you see number two we're number two is true it is true somebody says something about mark where did that go somebody said it is true that mark has a new board I saw that in there I'm not sure who said it but it is true that mark has a newborn that is true very much so all right oh yeah there it is that's from John of course good oh another one from Bruno it is true that he told us what we have to do that's good okay let me see another one for number how about number three because we've got very little time left unfortunately okay here's one coming in from Luciana again I like I like to put the ones on I like to put the ones up there that's just a second let's do this again and there okay so Luciana says it is unfortunate that I can't watch these classes every Wednesday that is unfortunate Luciana but you can always rewatch the videos later that's the good news yeah okay and it is essential let me get an answer in here from somebody well okay Selma put yours yours in here so largerr it is essential that a human-being drinks at least one liter and a half of water per day good advice I think yeah I think that's that's that sounds pretty essential to me I think somebody else in there said it's essential who said that it's essential to practice your English grammar yeah I think I might have been Paul that's a good answer too you know what it's it's it's actually unfortunate that all of our time is done for the day it's the hour is up time passes so quick when you're learning about noun clauses it is unfortunate that our time is up but it is true that our time is up but it is also true that we'll be back again next week all right to talk about more interesting things so I agree with Paul that it's essential to continue practicing your English grammar and to continue practicing all of your skills in English and I hope you do that we didn't get a chance to get to the mistake of the week but we'll get to that next week it's okay there's there are plenty of mistakes left in the English language that we can get to let me pop out to the big screen here all right so sadly is time say goodbye but what I would like to say is thank you for watching all right thank you for listening to me talk about noun clauses and I hope I helped you out and I'll stick around in the chat for a couple more minutes all right if you guys have any more questions about about noun clauses or anything else I'll answer them a chat for a minute or two before I split but thanks for watching make sure to keep watching Marx class as well that's on earlier on Wednesdays and check out the web or check out the Facebook page learn English on Facebook like us check out our smart English YouTube channel with our the rest of our videos and tell your friends and keep coming back and I look forward to seeing you here next week guys okay so in the meantime um keep practicing keep doing what you're doing and and we'll see you here next time okay I'm going to say bye bye for now you you you you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 106,224
Rating: 4.8624454 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Noun Clauses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 12sec (3972 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2016
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