Improving Reading Comprehension - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #8

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all right hi everybody welcome back to the smart live class happy Wednesday if it's Wednesday wherever you are it's Wednesday here Wednesday afternoon but you know whatever day it is or year it is or planet you're on or whatever welcome I'm your teacher once again Sean and yeah I'll be your teacher for the next hour I see some familiar people in the in the chat which is great and of course we've got Lane our moderator in there in the in the chat to take care of you if you have any questions or anything while we're going through this fired it in the in the chat and we'll try to get to your questions okay let's get started I don't know if my voice sounds a little strange to it maybe a little deeper than usual I'm just getting over a bit of a cold so I've got some honey I got some lemon I got some hot water I'm ready to I'm ready to go if you guys are okay so let's get let's get rolling what are we doing today reading skills is where we're going to start okay so this lesson I put together because we've been noticing on the Facebook page learn English on Facebook and I mean in my class as a teacher and in other teachers classes students are always asking the question how can I improve my reading skills or my reading comprehension so I thought we would put a lesson together and give you guys some tips get you guys using some specific strategies that you can use to improve your your reading skills okay we're going to start with the obvious kind of stuff and then we'll get into some more skills specifically geared towards or focused on I would say academic reading right for school but what we talked about today you can definitely apply to pleasure reading as well and that kind of this where we're going to start because usually when we say the word reading this here this is the the type of reaction that from the students this is what students think of when they think of reading and I I want to take you from here today hopefully over time take you from here to here ah reading shouldn't be this it should be this look at that that's so nice look at her she's she's happy she's in a field lying on the grass I mean that isn't that that's how everybody reads I think right so I want you guys to improve your reading skills so that you don't see reading as torture right or something terrible but something that's enjoyable that you can do in class and and out right so let's try to get you there in the grass all right with your the book let's start with oh and some people are seeing speed speedy recovery Thank You Selma yeah I'm okay uh I had a cold a couple days ago I'm getting over it I just I talked too much and now my voices is gone but that just means maybe I'll talk less today and make you guys do more work yeah so this is the question that students ask how can I improve my reading and my reading comprehension alright this is what we're going to start with and of course I'm going to start with the the obvious answer okay don't get angry at me don't run away yet I'm going to start obvious and then I'm going to give you some strategies later okay so the obvious answer the answer that I give my students every time they ask how can I improve my reading skills the answer is this read read read all right now it seems obvious but it is okay so the only way you can improve your ability to read is by reading if you don't read enough then obviously it will always be a challenge to to read something and understand it okay so read read read is my advice fit for today but hopefully I'll give you something a little bit more useful than that okay but it is important to understand that yes it's it's not magic there's no there's no magical wizard that's going to appear riding a unicorn on a rainbow and and give you special reading power it's it's all up to you to read as much as you can as often as possible just so you see how the language is used in in written form and you become used to it and it becomes a habit and it gets easier over time okay so that is my first piece of advice okay but we're going to go beyond that obviously okay so what can I say how can you improve at reading the first thing I would say is also read what you like okay oftentimes students spend so much time kind of focused on the academic side of things they're reading the the IELTS book or the you know the textbook that kind of stuff is important and you have to do it but it's important also that you you find something that you're interested in right pick a subject that interests you or pick a format that interests you and and read about a comics reading comic books in English is still reading in English okay so it's still it's good read comics fashion magazines sports news movie reviews whether it's online or in a magazine any reading is good reading reading is reading so pick something you like because if you spend too much time just reading IELTS kind of stuff this will be your experience with reading yeah so you pick something that interests you and again hopefully this will be your experience reading yeah back in the grass there are so many pictures on the internet of happy attractive people reading books in the grass so I thought I'd share some with you today yeah so I want you guys again to be happy on the grass or in the snow or wherever you are lying down reading and enjoying it so pick something you like okay is rule number one again we'll get more specific to the strategies in a minute reading short things is okay short texts is okay right short articles if you don't have a lot of time you don't you don't have to to aim too high be realistic about what you can handle and how much time you put towards you reading okay so you don't have to be reading a Russian novel in order to improve your reading you should eventually someday they're great they're really nice you should read them but also reading a short article in on a website or in a newspaper or something like that is good too alright so set kind of realistic goals for yourself and and get a realistic habit happening okay so that's kind of where the the general advice ends and we're going to get a little bit more specific now as long as I can speak alright the key when it comes to reading for pleasure or or reading especially reading for academic purposes for school you have to go beyond what we call passive reading okay so passive reading if you go beyond it it means to be an active reader yeah so what does it mean to be an active reader what is passive reading and what is active reading because obviously reading itself you are doing something so it's it sounds active right so sometimes students don't don't really know what I'm talking about with that but what is the difference between passive and active let me compare because last week we were doing comparison contrast so passive and active reading the difference between them is similar to the difference between watching a documentary on TV about fish in the ocean which is fine it's great that's passive reading and snorkeling in the ocean with fish that's active reading okay as we said reading is reading is good but in order to really improve your skills you have to go beyond this passive reading passive reading basically means you have a book and you're you're getting the information but it requires very little effort on your part so there's not a lot of thought going on while you're reading it and oftentimes students do this for assignments the teacher says read this article and they sit down and they start to read it and I know this has happened to me and I'm sure it has happened to you at least once where you sit down and you read something for five minutes ten minutes you read two chapters five chapters however long you've read and when you're done you realize that you can't remember anything that you just read right so you are reading the words but you weren't really concentrating you weren't really focusing on the words and that is passive and we want to get beyond that active reading as I'm trying to show you here is about getting in the water it's about swimming it's about touching it and feeling it and it's about interacting with the words in the text whether it's a book or an article or an essay or report reading should be an interaction between you and the person who wrote it whether they're there or not right so this is this is what I want to focus on how can you be an active reader I'm going to give you a couple tips today with reading there's so much to talk about that we can't possibly cover everything but I'm going to try to give you a few tips to be active readers okay so active reading starts with what we call preview okay previewing or surveying some people might call it right and I saw some people using words like skimming and scanning and that kind of stuff this is all related to active reading the preview will means literally before to look before okay so before you read the article it's important to look through it quickly right look at the title quickly read the introduction if there's a short little introduction at the beginning of an article or essay read that quickly skim through the whole text okay and look for things like section headings so if it's if it's divided into headings or into sections rather each section may have a little subheading of its of its own a little title look at each title okay section headings obviously look for pictures charts graphs and lastly anything that's written in bold right sometimes an author will put important or key word in bold in in a chapter or in an article to draw attention to them going through this stuff first will give you the advantage when it comes to actually reading through that so this is kind of pre reading if you want to call it that is previewing okay so just it just to show you what I'm talking about I'm going to put something on the screen okay I have taken today I went online and a pendant article on a topic that I thought was interesting and I put the article up here and I'm going to show it to you on the screen except I took all of the text out the only thing that I've left I've left the title I've left the section headings and I've left any kind of pictures that were in the article okay so I want you guys to take a minute 60 seconds or maybe even two minutes maximum I'm going to put all my happy music I'm going to pop off the screen and I want you to look at this information look at the title look at the headings look at the picture and I want you to decide what do you think this article is about what do you know about the way it's organized what does this information tell you about this article before you read it and whatever you see whatever you notice pop it into the chat and then we'll talk about it together okay so this is the article you got the head you got the title up here you've got your section headings down here and you've got a single image on the side again I've taken out all of the words from this article this is all you have okay so this is basically like previewing the article all right I'm going to pop off look here quickly and decide what what is this article about what do you know going into this article alright happy music is coming on and I am out of here you member all right yeah we got some good stuff coming in some people put in some some answers in there Eduardo nice one how to how to fly without wings sounds inspirational I don't know how how inspirational this one is but some okay so you look at this you're previewing through the text obviously all the text is gone you've got the title the headings and one graph on the side and you have to you have to think before you read it what is this article about so I saw somebody said drugs I think is air Aeryn is that it I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing your name correctly but I think I saw that you call yourself Aaron said drugs Selma saying the frequency of dope egde among students or article of students who dope to study yeah I wouldn't use yet dope to study I don't know if I'd use the word dope in this case dope as a verb it sounds more like steroids like for athletes although I guess you could argue that this is the same thing okay so an adverse side effects is coming in okay so you're looking at it you see the title obviously you know that it's about something called study drugs right so you know it's about drugs which you guys are correct about and you know it's about final exams you got finals here now looking also important to note to mention that down here you've got for section headings right now what that tells you immediately is that you have four sections in the text which again seems obvious but it's important to see how an article is broken down before you read it because you know that each section is going to focus on one specific thing in this case you've got adverse side effects or stopping the trend okay and then you've got your your image over here which if you look closely at it is looking at the different level of student you've got freshmen sophomores juniors seniors and then cumulative means everybody looking at the different numbers and percentages of students what year of university they're using these drugs okay so yeah I've seen good stuff come in students using drugs to learn faster and to to focus and that kind of stuff and this is good this is a good start so that is that's the preview that's before you read okay good so now it's time to read the article or is it well no not yet okay it's not time to read yet because before you read it's time to question okay when I say question what I'm talking about is after you preview after you look at all of these headings and all this information but before you really start to read it's a good idea to create questions okay you're creating questions that you can answer while you read all right and it's also good to use the information from your preview from the title from the section headings and whatnot use those to help you create these questions to help you write the questions down now the question the students always ask is why why would I write these questions down what's the point of making questions good question itself and the answer is because creating questions gives you a purpose okay it sets a goal for the reading and that will eliminate or reduce the chance that you are going to read something and start daydreaming because you're going to be more focused on answering the questions it gets you engaged with the article or with the with the with the chapter right so writing down these questions gives you purpose in a we all want we long purpose right so this is this is good and this is exactly what we're going to do now so go back we're back here okay I see people are talking about millennia the length of the article now obviously for the live class I can't get you guys to read the article now so we're not going to do that exactly we're just looking at kind of the intro to the article okay so again this is just the title the headings and the information on the side of the graph your job is to write down some questions that you think of while you're looking at this stuff that you will probably be able to answer by reading the text so what questions do you have about this information or about this article that you want to that you want the article to answer okay so for example my first question and hopefully it would be your question too unless maybe you already know but my question is simply what is a study drug okay if I see the article and it says examining the use of study drugs during finals my question is what's a study drug and hopefully the article will explain that okay so this is what I'd like you guys to do again I'm going to pop out for two minutes again this is active reading look at this information and based on what you see write down some questions that you would hope the article will answer for you okay number one as I said what are study drugs but you can write down any question about this article that that comes to you put it in the chat and then we'll talk about it okay I'm going to pop out again put the happy music back on think of some questions for this article and put them in in the chat for us okay all right some good stuff going on in the chat I'm seeing lots of good questions except for Zack all right so yeah Selma says why do students use drugs yeah good right good question Oscar says how does how does a study drug work right how are the study drugs supposed to work good question Selma again why are these drugs popular among students good question Erin says my my question is what does the drug benefit so what are the benefits of the drug I okay yeah I'm not sure if the articles are the benefits maybe maybe the article will be about that yeah maybe you and Zack could talk to each other about that um what else do we have here we've got Eduardo welcome back good to see you say what do the last students use more drugs than noobs once we're always seen so you're saying that down here the students here use more drugs well they actually just be careful of that because this is actually all of the students together and I don't know if you can quite see it but that's that word is cumulative means all of the students now if you look really closely actually seniors which means the last year use the drug oh yeah no you're right they were offered less but they used the they use the drug more sixteen percent over 13 percent yeah there are my math skills again alright good stuff Mary Anne shows her face in the chat good to see you the dangerous effects of study drugs good why do universities need to inform students of the danger what are the side effects these are excellent questions can you get superpowers with drugs not an excellent question but thank you Eduardo yeah so this is this is the beginning now once you have the questions in theory if you were at home by yourself well you are at home by yourself but if you're not in the stream you've got this article and you're going to sit down and read it now I'm not going to make you read it yet maybe that'll be your homework week okay because yeah I don't want to just sit here for twenty minutes while you guys read an article so in theory after you preview after you after you question it's time to read alright but it's important to keep a couple things in mind when you read when you read you want to answer your questions while you read and if you have more questions as you read you want to write them write them down and answer those questions right so reading is all about answering your own your own questions and as I said before interacting engaging with the text okay now the thing you want to be careful of and the thing that kind of traps a lot of students is new vocabulary now obviously as English students you're going to encounter a lot of words that may be new that you're not familiar with and the one thing I would urge students not to do it's important not to stop at every new word you see and look it up in the dictionary okay you don't want to do that what we're going to be talking about now is using context okay because I don't this is a scary situation I don't want you to be in this situation here okay I want to show you how to use context the outpour mouse he'll be okay don't worry he'll get out and so will you alright so as I said don't look every new word up in the dictionary as you read because that will slow you down and you'll miss out on the context of the sentences the context of the paragraph okay the first time you read through it you want to get the general meaning by using the context okay context meaning the information before and after a word so look at how the word is used in the sentence look at the words before it look at the words after it and it will help you to understand then meaning just to again show you as an example even this sentence on the screen use context and the rest of it what if a student doesn't understand the word context in a sentence right you've got this word context some of you may this may be a new word now it's important to again look at the sentence look at what comes after it and you'll notice this guy here this little reduced adjective clause sometimes called an A+ the information before and after a word this little bit of the sentence explains the meaning of context okay so pay close attention not just to the word itself don't stop with the word you have to keep reading because you may see the the definition of the meaning afterwards also in this same sentence you see the word grasp again it might be a new word for you right if you see the word grasp you might not know what that means in itself or you might know that that grasp actually means to to grab onto something to hold it tightly but in this context what does it mean well based on what we're talking about and based on the sentence you can see that grasp means understand right so use the context to help you understand the meaning of the word especially the first time through if you read something the second time then you can go back and use the dictionary but don't get stuck don't get trapped like that little mouse with so many new words around you okay so oh yeah and the other thing is keep reading don't stop just at the sentence to because maybe even the next sentence itself or maybe two sentences later will help you understand a new word remember that if you see a word that you don't understand it's possible that the author the person who wrote the article may know that you might not know the the meaning of the word and will help you in the next sentence to understand it with with certain things okay and those certain things we call context clues right little hints in the sentence that will help you understand a word so context clues include examples right so look for words like such as or for instance or other or especially okay that will help you understand a word definitions and synonyms as we just said with context you want to look between the commas in a sentence oftentimes we'll put a definition in the middle of some punctuation in that sentence to help you out okay and contrast sometimes we use when we're talking about last week with comparison and contrast we often use a contrast to help explain something right we say something and then we say what it isn't in order to to help you understand what it is alright so with that in mind I'm going to make you guys do some practice so if the friendly moderator could please be so kind as to share the link to the exercise in the chat you guys Lane's going to put a link in the chat and I'd like you guys to open it up okay Oh we'll get to the mistake of the week later don't worry about that for now I'm going to open up my copy and it should look the same as yours okay here we go and I'll even make it a little bit a little bit bigger here perhaps so that it can fit on the screen all right so everybody open that up make a copy or if you can't for some reason open it up you can just look on the screen here this is this is this is going to be fun for me all right this is what I've done this is what I've done I have taken about six or seven sentences that I've written or taken from somewhere else and in each sentence I have put a word that does not exist okay I had some fun this afternoon and I just I just made up I just made up some stuff okay just made up words that do not exist so do not look for these words in the dictionary it's impossible because they're not real okay so if you look at the first sentence it says because of the drugs possibly pataw phorus effects many teachers doctors and parents want strict rules in place to protect students from the temptation okay now the word puto phorus is nonsense it doesn't exist all right it sounds real though I think I should I should start making up more nonsense words Shakespeare made-up words why can't I I guess right so this word is not real what you have to do is read the sentence and based on the sentence itself you have to decide what you think this word would mean you can give me a synonym if you want or a short definition so for example in this first one because of the drugs possibly put off phorus effects what could what could be a word that would fit in there I would say something like well how about adverse okay now we know adverse or we can even take that back and say damaging right we know it's damaging or something negative because of this part here right the teachers the doctors the parents they want rules in place to protect the students obviously if they need protection that thing that pataw phorus effect is a bad effect okay don't worry if you can't pronounce these words because you're never going to see them again I made them up okay so a is done for you Pettyfer as' is damaging what I would like you guys to do now is look at the next six sentences I'm going to pop out I'm going to put the music on and I would just like you guys to tell me what these words mean based on the context of the sentence alright happy music is coming on if you have questions if you're if you're scared or feeling lost or alone just put it in the chat and we'll help you out okay I am going to pop off here see you later member member you all right good stuff lots lots of answers coming in there's lots of fun for me um I don't know if there's a job for Oxford or something just making up random words for the dictionary but this is this is fun okay so let me make this a little bit bigger on the screen you've got lots of good answers coming in so that we can look specifically at each at each one okay so Sean's tips this is true Sean's tips about context clues are so helpful that the students were able to Schmiedt the meaning of the word beyond a doubt alright so I saw yeah lots of lots of good stuff coming in Mohammad said grasp selma said understand some other people said grab or grasp or understand that's exactly right the word that I would put in there if you want a new word that you might not know the word I was thinking of is ascertain okay so ascertain is a real word Shmi is not okay so now if you see the word like ascertain if you don't know it based on the context you can figure it out okay good stuff what about see let's move this up here a bit while it was la la mood by critics and audiences it first was released the movie was later praised for its use of experimental techniques so I think I saw four see I think it's a Mary Ann sit criticized yeah and I think a couple other people said criticized as well and that's exactly what it what it means okay so if you look at this nonsense word you know that it would be criticized because of the contrast because it says here it was later praised you know that la la mood must mean something critical criticized or again if I might if I can give you a new word possibly slammed okay so while it was slammed by both critics and audiences it was praised later right so in this case slammed is a bit slangy right it's it's figurative but it means to to criticize something harshly to say very critical things about it okay good you guys are nailing it all right what about the the next one D at the end of the lesson we will answer some of your questions as long as they are equalities topic all right sounds like an adjective must be an adjective and I noticed that I think Selma got it I think you I think Selma you put the letter C to it but I think you meant D and Eduardo got it as well Mohammed got it too a whole bunch of people got it I see the word related right if as long as they are related to today's topic as long as they are see I see somebody said similar that's that's good - I'm similar to today's topic or how will this actual word pertinent right as long as they are pertinent to today's topic so again if you see that real word not like what was it before qualify but pertinent means to be related to and you can tell that by the context all right now my personal favorite word that I made up today is e the idea to change the group's name was not falafel II accepted nearly nearly half of the people in the group voted against it okay so falafel II obviously is an adverb because it's modifying accepted and again lots of good stuff coming in Selma says fully Mohammed says totally Eduardo says completely what else do we have here Marianne actually got the word that I was that I was thinking of which is unanimously right oops there it was not unanimously accepted now what does unanimous mean it means that not everyone accepted it right unanimous means something is completely accepted as you guys said totally completely awesome really good stuff alright what about F now F is tricky I wasn't necessarily thinking that you would come up with the the actual name of the science but a lot of you obviously noticed that it is some kind of study or some kind of science right because it's gone boom ology Eduardo Shawn ology would work as well I see archeology and stuff like that now the fact that you know that it's a field of study is great it means that you're using the context now the tricky thing about this one is it really doesn't even matter what the name of it is here because you know exactly what it is it is a field of study and it says it right there and it's a field of study that concerns this the short-term rhythms of time and their effects on plants and animals so as I said before if you look later in the sentence this is actually a clear definition of the word that we're looking at that at the top now don't worry if you if you don't know what this is but this type of science is actually called chronobiology chronobiology is the field of study that concerns itself with time and how time affects plants and animals so that's a new word for you maybe okay and the last one on our context clue is painting Jinping ting Shen I guess is what is the word after being bombarded with emails from angry citizens the politician wrote and printed a pink tension a statement saying that he had said what he had said was not true now the tricky thing about this one too is let me show you this what I can do here I can just take this out entirely look printed a statement saying what he had said was not true so we know because of this comma here that whatever this word is this section here is actually defining this word painting shun write a statement saying that what he said was not true now if you're not familiar with this it is called actually called a retraction okay so they printed a retraction which is a statement saying that what he said was false or not true okay good stuff so this is what we're talking about when we when we talk about context clues look at the sentence and use the words before and after to really understand a new word don't get don't get stuck like that Mouse all right good stuff so there's so much to cover when it comes to improving reading skills that I thought I would spend some time on that today but we can't we can't cover everything okay so I thought I would give you a few tips like preview write down questions and use context clues in your reading okay and maybe what we can do is start having this as a regular feature in the stream where I can give you once a week I'll give you a little reading tips okay to help you with your pleasure reading as well as your your reading for for school okay so speaking of that one thing we're not we're not done but I'm going to mention what I put oh maybe it's actually on maybe it's none of my copy maybe it's just on your copy at the student copy let me take a look here one thing we're going to get to the mistake of the day in a minute here but I did include the link to the article that we were talking about before okay so we've already previewed it we've written down questions and now for practice it would be good for you guys to after the stream later in the week whenever you have time to actually follow that link and read the article and see if the article answers some of the questions that you guys wrote down okay I'm seeing some good stuff Mohamed why does five oh two seven gets a sad face I think sad I think five oh two seven gets should have should have a happy face or one of those unicorn emojis or something one of those cute kitten faces or something fine yeah oh yeah someone's got it right she's got the happy face and she got lesson five even better okay so forget about reading for now let's talk about the mistake of the week all right let me get in here all right so back to the presentation let me go all the way down here it is time once again for the mistake of the week all right what is the mistake of the week this week well let's see if you can find it okay it's something that we have looked at in previous lessons and I want to kind of review to see what you've what you've learned all right so mistake of the week here it is take a look at this sentence and see if you can spot the mistake all right again I'm going to pop off the screen for a second put the happy music on and whoever sees the mistake first of course for today March 16th 2016 you are the best student on the Internet of course unless it's already March 17th where you are in which case you can be the best student on the internet for the entire for the entire day so good for you whoever gets it first is the best and the strongest all right fight amongst yourselves it's a race what's the mistake spot that mistake and then we'll talk about it together okay go for it all right you guys are super fast you quick on the draw Marianne is tough to beat once again maybe two weeks in a row I think she used the the first to spot the mistake now a couple people did see it as well I see Oscar I think you said the mistake is her should be his but no it should be her because Sarah is female so it's Sarah is a woman so Sarah's father and her mother I noticed interesting that some of you noticed the are e order in the word Theatre which is not technically a mistake actually that is an alternative spelling this is British spelling and therefore is Canadian spelling because we are part of the British Commonwealth this is British English are E and in the United States American English would be er but both are fine yeah both are recognized okay so that's not a mistake the mistake is yeah and some other ones are coming in here good stuff the mistake is the comma there and I think that Luciana you got it to notice that that this comma is here now this is a very common common mistake that students make in their writing and that it has a special name it's such a common mistake that it has its own name of mistake okay it's called a comma splice now splice means to split okay so split with a comma a comma splice happens when you use a comma to separate two independent clauses with no kind of conjunction or anything like that okay so you've got a subject and a verb here you've got a subject and a verb here both of these are independent so you can't use that comma only to separate these two clauses it's it's a mistake and that's a common mistake it's a mistake that even native speakers of English make this mistake okay so let's look at ways to fix it and I see lots of examples coming in of ways to fix it I think I'm going to give you something like five or six different ways that you can fix this mistake to avoid it okay and it's kind of a review of basically everything that we've talked about over the last few weeks okay so let's fix this comma splice again you can never have two independent clauses connected together with just a comma so let's fix it option one Sarah's father is a renowned artist the comma is the mistake make it a period capitalize the H now you've got two sentences okay Sarah's fathers are renowned artists full stop some of you like to call it full stop next sentence her mother is a successful theatre actress no more mistake everything is wonderful in the world okay so rather than put a comma there start a new sentence and now you've got two simple sentences all right next option - here's this mistake again Sarah's father is renowned is a renowned artist okay the comma mistake here again and I think Marianne even mentioned it in the in the chat take that comma turn it into a semicolon as we've discussed in previous lessons and now you've got two independent clauses connected with the proper punctuation it's a good compound sentence and again everybody's happy nobody's crying it's okay it's a beautiful sentence okay and yeah I see lots of good stuff coming in here on the chat - this is this is good so that's option two semicolon alright option three I'm not even close to being done yet there's so many different ways to fix it again here's the mistake again it keeps coming back this comma splice it won't go away Sarah's father is a renowned artist comma her mother is a successful theatre actress okay this isn't a mistake fix it with ant that's all you need to do okay if you really want that comma there just put the and and then the mistake is gone because you're using that conjunction from fanboys which we've talked about before okay and again everything's fine speaking of this actually while I'm talking about the different ways to fix it let's see if this might be a new word for you the word renowned if if this is a new word for you I want you guys to put in the chat what you think it means based on the sentence okay so let's get back into this all is right here this is wonderful but I'm not done yet because there's so many other options to fix this sentence that says the sound is gone is the sound gone sound is absence no okay option for corrected there's that mistake again get rid of that comma it's gone completely what are you going to do now you put where as the conjunction okay and now you've got you've got a complex sentence okay so you've got that conjunction there and there's no need for the comma take it away whereas this was one of the contrast words that we talked about last week it sounds good okay is that a question coming in let me take a look Selma's got it yes the word famous does mean renowned right you've got successful here you've got renowned skillful is coming in from Oscar well known well-known for Mohammed is right I would say renowned means famous or well-known you guys are you guys are professionals here good stuff okay I'm not done yet I've got so many other ways to fix this mistake okay option number five I'm not even I'm not even slowing down or not even getting tired okay so Sarah's father is a renowned artist again that mistake get rid of it put the semicolon there and based on what we talked about last week with comparison contrast put in that adverb similarly put a comma there now you've got again a grammatical and properly punctuated compound sentence showing similarity okay notice how this one shows that they are similar in the previous sentence show that they were different this is what we talked about last week where certain comparisons are opinion is kind of up to you whether you you see the difference or the similarity okay so one more correction okay one more one more kind of fix for it and it has a little nae of the series now remember that the problem with this is that you've got two independent clauses connected with one comma and we said you can't do that okay so we said you can use a period semicolon conjunctions adverbs and semicolons all of these ways to fix it and another the final way to fix it I promise I'm finished this is the last one is leaving the comma there but adding a third independent clause and now it is a series of three which is fine too no good three wonderful three or more you could put a fourth one in there if you wanted to okay so Sarah's father is a renowned artist comma her mother is a successful theatre actress comma and her brother is a respected photographer done and now all is wonderful because you got independent clause here you've got independent clause here and an independent clause there Eduardo is asking besides - yes as a linking word mmm I don't think I would use besides I mean I think you're talking about some kind of like in addition or something like that good good question Eduardo I think one of our similarities differences words would work a little bit better like similarly or likewise or something like that okay and if you're using besides okay let me go real fast here back this way if you're going to use besides you're going to use it this way okay with the semicolon and besides and the comma but I think in this case the the logic of the meaning besides I don't think I would use that there I would use similarly instead or likewise or or something like that okay good question my voice my voice is getting deeper and deeper using my my radio voice now okay everybody so independent clause we said independent clause and an independent clause three together everything is wonderful the mistake is corrected and and that's it okay so homework for the week because it's four o'clock my time wherever it is where you are it's it's time for me to stop for me to go home I know it's sad to say goodbye okay but there's always next week to look forward to alright so homework for the week and I know that um some of you guys sent me some stuff from last week and I am going to look I'm still going to look at it as I said I had a cold over the weekend so didn't get a chance to look at it please share your homework last week I said if you had written any comparison contrast examples you can share those with me and I'll take a look maybe even I'll pop out but stick around for a few minutes in the chat if you guys have questions I'll be here I'm just going to stop talking okay but homework for the week two things you can do okay one of them read of course it look I look at these you look how happy these people are they're all reading together they're pointing at it they're smiling it's great alright so read this weekend and even or this week I should say follow that link on the document that I shared with you and take a look at that article and see if the article can't can answer some of the questions that we talked about today okay also just just because because I'm sure you guys don't have enough to do already how I put in this document that that Lane put in the in the chat let me make it smaller so you can see it he put the doc in the chat already we'll put the link under the video when it comes when it's in YouTube underneath we've got a second part to this exercise these are comma splices well some of them are comma splices some of them aren't okay you have to decide is it correct or does it need to be fixed if it's a comma splice fix the sentence okay and then next week you can share your answers with me and we'll go over them if you have questions so for example look at letter A Patrick was cycling along a country road at dusk he saw a family of deer under an apple tree that sounds wonderful for Patrick but bad for whoever wrote the sentence because that is a comma splice okay so that comma splice needs to be fixed and I would just change that to a semicolon or you can do do it a different way if you wanted to it's it's entirely up to you okay so for next week read the article see if you answer those questions that you that you asked do this comma splice exercise and of course read read read as much as you can okay and in future lessons well I'll keep giving you reading tips as well alright so note one question coming up is be wrong here we made sure I'll do one more before I pass before I'm just going to say before I pass out I'm not gonna pass out don't worry before I before I I sign off will say instead that's a good question is it wrong actually no what I'm not going to tell you you decide okay you decide if it's wrong come back next week and tell me is it is it wrong or not did you fix it or not and I'll look forward to that okay so see you later wherever you are whatever time it is thanks for coming we'll see on our Facebook page right learn English on Facebook if you have any questions or in the pins in the class next week remember Mark's class alright and Layne is telling me that we may change the time of this stream because I know that it is it is quite late for a lot of you guys and obviously I appreciate you staying up so late I know that if this wasn't on you guys would all be going to bed at 9:30 okay so I appreciate you staying up so late just for me and and we're going to look into the time change and if we change the time then we'll announce it okay guys see you later for now I'm going to pop off I'm going to say goodbye and we'll put some music back on and we'll see you here next week okay thanks for coming see you later you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 115,089
Rating: 4.78125 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension
Id: P3rZE7EG_eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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