Causative Verbs - Smrt Live Class with Shaun #21

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hey everybody sorry that was that was weird I was I was about to start and then the batteries in my mic were dead so fresh batteries new class yeah hi everybody happy Wednesday afternoon good to see you hi yeah I see some people there lots of familiar names and faces in the chat some new people for sweet bunny hi don't think we've met before it got Miguel Alejandro Rafael Selma Diego lots of people Caio is in there I see that cool anybody who's new my name is Sean I'm going to be your teacher for the next hour or so and every Wednesday from from here on end to the for the rest of my life I guess I'll be your OB your teacher Rosalinda hi CF teaching Carla Pass koa Rosa lots of shout outs here okay so it's Wednesday afternoon here in Vancouver BC and as always I'm coming to you from the studio at the Canadian College of English language and yeah it's good to see ya it's I look forward to this class all week and here we are so yeah lots of people cool ok if you're new or if for some reason you've forgotten remember that if you have questions during the chat put them in or during the class put them in the chat put your questions in there put your comments in there and we will try to answer your questions as best we can ok you've got crammed in there as a moderator zach is in there as well and they will help you and they will try to get your questions to me so that I can help you ok so let's get rolling here let me a little drink here mmm delicious alright let's go I'm gonna go into the class here and I'm going to pop in where am I there I am okay so um today's class we're going to start with the magic word for for the beginning is customized okay I'm going to put a question up for you guys to to answer for me and then and then I'll tell you why okay so yeah let's roll exactly the question is what are some things that people often get customized or custom-made now last week in class we were talking about making verbs and making nouns we're not talking about word building this week we'll come back to that in a future class but we did see this word customize last week which is a verb obviously makes means to to to make something special or specific for you to change it or make it in a way that that you specifically wanted so what are some things what are some really common things that people get custom-made or that people have customized clothing CF teacher says of course yes so that's the one that comes to mind for me probably maybe the most common is yeah people get suits made for them by you know a tailor professional cars kayo said yeah you can customize your you can you can customize your car you can have somebody pimp it up for sure okay so I said clothing suits these little cufflinks here the shirts I mean the little pocket thing is you can have all of this stuff made for you houses computers yeah lots of good stuff coming in Luciano's here cool bicycles especially here in Vancouver I don't know about you guys if you've got much of a bike culture but here in Vancouver lots of people riding their bikes and lots of people getting their bikes customized and and fixed up for the for the road computers definitely I also think of not just athletes I don't well it could be any athlete but athletes often get there equipment customized you get custom custom-made tennis rackets or shoes or any kind of equipment that these athletes get someone else to to make it specifically for their hand or for their foot minecraft minecraft' world yeah maybe yeah okay um Luciano you're not you're maybe you're like two minutes late for class don't worry about it that there have been much later students than you so don't sweat it of course the one thing that came to mind when I was thinking about having things custom-made having things made specialty cakes no I I put this one up here because again this will all make sense in a moment guys I'm not just ranting like a like a crazy person but this is a cake for a child's birthday party that I went to I took this picture of this amazing Star Wars cake at a child's birthday a few months ago someone loves cakes Miguel loves Star Wars of course right Star Wars and cake together what could be better now of course the mother and father of the the children whose birthday it was did not just whip this cake up in the morning on the day on the day of the party obviously they they had this cake professionally made by somebody who's very skilled I mean it's very amazing yeah it is really nice it was really nice I think maybe it looked better than it tasted but that's that's fine I guess definitely the the grown-ups the adults were more impressed with the cake than the kids the kids just wanted the chocolate but the the fathers were amazed by this cake okay so why am I talking about the cake and all this stuff because today we're talking about a very specific structure in English called the causative causative verbs or causative structure all right edible it was the question yes yes that that cake was just yeah the cake was edible just before we move on this part here at the top this was the cake the legs you couldn't eat the legs but this part you they cut into it is just cake under there yeah it's amazing anyway I know I'm I'm always talking about food I'm always torturing you guys but causative verbs causative structure is what we're talking about now the causative structure is very common in English we use it a lot and it's basically when one person or thing causes or makes another person or thing do something okay so one person makes another person do something one person or one thing makes another thing happen this is the causative okay busco is hungry now yeah I know I'm sorry for that maybe maybe you can have someone make you a sandwich or something while you're watching this this class okay so the causative the reason we're talking about all of this all of these things before is my question to you was what are things that people have made and that question is using the causative voice or the causative structure okay so this is today's lesson I think is very useful and I I might talk a little bit more about cake later on sorry but we're not completely done on a cake yeah we're kind of we're going to come back to it Miguel would have eaten the legs - yeah I wanted to - okay so when we're talking about causative verbs it's some there are quite a few but there really there are four main ones that most people think of as causative verbs and that's have make let and get okay there are other ones like force and allow these are causative verbs alright mark talked about pizza today yeah pizza and cake it's a good combo mark and shot all right so causative verbs these are verbs that we can use to explain this whole causative structure of one person getting another person to do something okay causative we'll talk more about this in a minute the thing to remember about the causative structure like any sentence in English it can be in the active and the passive voice okay so today we're going to although I'll show you couple examples and then we will break down the active voice first and look at how that's constructed right and what Crim's not hungry no all right and then we'll look at the passive voice okay so the active voice causative structure is something like this I had I had a mechanic fix my car right so the mechanic fixed the car I probably just paid the mechanic to fix my car okay this is what we call the causative this is what we're doing today and the passive version of this is I had my car fixed I had my car fixed okay so let's kind of break this down first focusing on the active on the different ways to use the active voice with these causative structures and then I'm going to get you guys to do some practice okay because as I said it's very common structure sometimes some some ways of using it are quite easy I think for students but a couple of these causative verbs give students some some trouble okay so I want to make your life a little bit easier torture you with pictures of delicious food but help you with your English that's that's what I do okay so the active structure you ready here it is subject followed by the causative verb and then the agent the verb and the object that's it piece of cake alright we'll see you here next week thanks for watching ya know it's it's it's simple but obviously let me let me walk you through this kind of formula okay this is the the structure for the active sentence now usually starts with the subject now of course most of you know that the subject of the sentence just means who or what the subject or the sentence is about I was distracted by my Selma's couscous dinner there so subject is what is the sentence about so I'm going to make a sentence I'll say he he will be the subject of my sentence okay so the next in the formula is the causative verb so was they had okay I think as far as causative verbs go have is the one that kind of causes the most trouble for students all right hey Mariette nice to see you so we're going to say hat is your causative verb here now it's important to remember that this is going to be past tense but you can write the causative structure in any tense you like okay so you could say he has he is having he will have he is going to have future present perfect all of these tenses work and you're going to see the tents in the causative verb not in this verb later on in the sentence okay so my sentence is going to be past simple he had okay now after that you've got the agent now the agent is just a word for kind of the doer of a verb right the person or thing who does a verb is an agent now usually in most active sentences at least in the English language the subject and the agent are the same person or thing okay so okay let me let me show you an example your regular sentence your regular active structure is he made a Star Wars cake okay that's my sentence he made a Star Wars cake so in this sentence he is the subject of the sentence because the sentence is about him but he is also the agent of the verb made okay so he is both the subject and the agent of that main verb so he made a Star Wars cake of course his cake his cake looked like this okay this was the cake this is the Sowers cake that he made right if you want this cake again you have to get someone else to make it for you I think if you want to make this cake at home that's fine you can be the subject and the agent and you can make this cake but if you want this one the subject in the agent have to be different so in this sentence he had the store in this case the store is the agent of this verb then the main action verb is make right so he had the store make the object a Star Wars cake okay and now this is the active closet structure right now miguel asking the question about the subject an agent maybe I answered that while you're typing the question I'm not sure if you're if you're still not sure ask me again and I'll go over it again but the agent just means the person or thing who does the verb ok so in this sentence you've got the subject is he the causative verb is had the agent is store and the verb is make so the store is the agent for make meaning the ate of the store does that verb and then the object the Star Wars cake alright and then you can add some extra detail at the end for his son's birthday put a period on it and you got a nice clear sentence okay he had the store make a Star Wars cake for his son's birthday and that's your typical active structure okay now the one thing that kind of confuses students sometimes is this verb the second verb because of the basically the form of it okay now before I I pointed out that have or had in this case is the causative verb and that takes the tense of the sentence so if it's past tense future tense whatever it is you're going to see that tense here but that second verb make is always going to be base form okay so let me know lanes here - yeah look at that good to see a long time no see so let me show you what I mean here this in this formula that we're talking about today the causative verbs have make and let if those are your causative one of those is your causative verb in the sentence then the verb later is going to be base form meaning no tense just the most base form like make B go and so on okay if the causative verb is get the verb is going to be a little bit different you're going to use the infinitive so you're going to say - okay well that's a lot of information let me let me show you what I'm talking about so this was our sentence he had the store make a Star Wars cake for his son's birthday so in this case as we said the causative verb is had so the act the action verb later on is the base form but if we say he had we say he got then make becomes to make okay so he had the store make a cake he got the store to make a cake that's the difference I see some questions coming up here maybe we got shot and repeat the sentence maybe if somebody can send me that I'm not sure what that question was okay but yeah if there's if there's more questions get them in the chat so again just to be clear let me show you a couple other examples of taking taking these sent using these sentences in the causative structure okay so this is a very common one my brother let me borrow his car okay I think students generally don't have a problem with let I see Rosa said she made me wash the dishes is a sentence structure wrong no that is she made me wash the dishes Rosa that's a perfect example of the causative structure and that's much like I think this sentence of mine the teacher made the students practice causative structure right so again in this case maize is your causative verb over here practices you kind of your action verb in the base form over here the same let is your causative verb borrow is your action verb okay Alejandra has a question do we do this independently the tents that we use the causative verb now let me I'm not exactly sure if I'm getting the question right but I think if you're talking about tense the tense of the sentence has to be in the causative verb right so the teacher is making the students practice right now or in this case in this class the teacher is going to make students practice causative structure all right so it can be any tense this causative verb and we'll look at more examples too I wanted to keep it kind of simple at first but we'll look at some some more examples so doctors had the man placed in a psychiatric hospital that's not very nice but well maybe it's necessary I guess again a good example of causative structure and one more I'll get him to call you back okay so you'll notice the main difference between the first three and this last one if you use get then the action verb is with with - okay it's the infinitive not the base form okay so OH before we go into the passive how about this let me pop out here and I'm going to so I'm going to share something with you I'm going to put this in the chat okay so I just put a link in there okay you guys can hop on that link and open up this dock or you can just look on the screen I'll open up my copy here too okay now what we're doing here we're going to practice some causative structure in the active voice okay let me make it big so everybody can see I want to I want you guys to do some practice with this okay so let me go fullscreen I've given you five sentences here okay and I'd like you to try to rewrite them with this structure that we're talking about try to rewrite them in the causative with a causative verb with the causative structure so we'll look at the first one together and then I'll get you guys to do four of them okay so the first one is when I bought the TV I asked the salesperson to explain the return policy to me so this part will just we'll keep that the same okay oops so when I bought the TV I would say I had because it's past tense the salesperson explained the return policy to me okay now let me go up here a bit there we go that's not working that's fine well leave it like that so when I bought the TV I had the salesperson explain the return policy to me okay so in this case again this is the causative he is explaining it to me but because I am arranging it I am causing the salesperson he or she to explain this to me so that is your causative verb and that is your base form action verb okay so take a couple minutes alright and do the other four I'm going to pop out here I'm going to put the music on put your answers in the chat here and then we'll put them on and we'll talk about it together and then we'll get into the passive voice okay so I'm going to pop out get to work member you all right good stuff lots of answers come in on the chat lots of good stuff coming in so let's talk about it together and then we'll talk a little bit about passive voice okay so for this and I saw a couple people are getting ahead of yourselves with the with the passive voice which is fine in common use we use the passive voice for this exercise I was looking for the active voice because this is what we've looked at so far but oh some people some people are not big fans of my music that's that's a shame that's okay alright so be my teacher will explain this confusing grammar to me let me see some answers here Luciana's got it yeah okay good so she said I'll get my teacher to explain this confusing grammar to me good Luciana got it alejandro kayo yeah how much people got that one that's good so again if you're using get as your causative verb then you have to put the action verb in the infinitive with the two right okay now interesting kind of difference there if you look above it again we used had and then explain is in the base form not the infinitive that's the big difference and I think I we tricked you on a couple of these with with have I think have is the one that kind of trips people up a bit okay so see you should ask your mother to send you some food from your country yeah that's that's a good that's a good idea all right okay I guess it's answers coming in from Rafael from Selma good kayo now a bunch of you kind of tripped up on on this one little thing that you're real close you said you should ask or whoops you should have your mother now some of you said to sin but remember if you use have you should have your mother send you some food from your country okay you should have your mother send you some food from your country now again just like we were saying with tenses the modal verbs you can use with these causative verbs as well okay you could have you could you could get your mother to send you food right so remember if you're using have then no two over here alright good stuff yeah people are makin that's okay people are making mistakes with have that's fine mistakes are beautiful yeah if you guys didn't make mistakes and I guess I wouldn't I wouldn't have a job what I write so keep on making those mistakes keep me keep me working alright so D when guests check into the hotel a staff member takes their bags up to their room and again a lot of people got it or got real close to it kiyo you're pretty good except you went to you change the tents for some reason you said had their bags but here this is a present simple general truth right like kind of every time a guest checks into the hotel but that's pretty good what else do we have here who else yeah kid Luciano again you've almost got it there but yeah you missed the infinitive but that's fine so actually I'm gonna get I'm gonna get lazy I'm gonna I'm gonna copy this at least there we go whoops so when guests check into the hotel I would say they have a staff member take their bags up to their room okay so when guests check into the hotel they have a staff member take their bags up to the room that's perfect alright and you guys don't want me to lose my job good yeah keep my keep making mistakes even even if even if you're just doing it to keep me employed I appreciate it okay all right so last one the doctor is going to examine my sore leg tomorrow I see Diego put an answer in here saying I'm going to have the doctor examine my sore leg tomorrow and that is perfect so I'm going to have whoops or I mean you could say I'm having I'm having the doctor I'm going to have the doctor examine my sore leg tomorrow and that's great I'm going to have the doctor examine my sore leg tomorrow perfect Cristina the doctor is going to have my sore leg okay now with Cristina saying the doctor is going to have my leg examined maybe Cristina but that seems like the doctor is getting someone else to examine your leg which maybe maybe the doctor might say the doctor will have someone x-ray your leg right because usually the doctor doesn't do the x-ray so you could do something like that so Alejandra saying I understand the rules but is difficult to identify the subject now and just remember that I mean with when it comes to subjects subjects are usually pretty easy because really with a subject it's what or who is the sentence about so Alejandra I mean in this first sentence the doctor is the subject the doctor is going to examine my leg that's the subject in the new one with the causative I am the subject because the sentence is about me I am going to have the doctor examine my leg okay now in this case the doctor he's still important because he's doing this verb here so he's not he's not really the subject of the sentence but he's the agent of the verb and that's that's the difference okay good questions coming in now I noticed that some people were putting some passive sentences in there and that's fine I mean I think I don't know I forget if it was Luciana or if it was CFT Ching was getting fancy with the passive voice and saying something like I'm going to have my leg examined tomorrow I'm going to have my leg exams tomorrow now this is it was teaching okay this is perfect now this is the this is the the causative structure as well the only difference is now that this is the passive voice not the active voice okay so I think this is a good kind of segue or transition into talking about the passive voice and then we'll do some more practice okay so let me go back into this and we'll go over some rules here good and again if you guys have more more questions about that anything I said let me know and we'll go back into it it'll start here where we pass it okay so the passive voice passive voice might even be a little bit easier because there's really only one structure there's no difference in in causative verbs okay now I will say for the passive structure I think have and get are more common than let and make in those other causative verbs so most of what we're doing is today is looking at have and get okay so here it is subject causative verb object and verb in the third form your past participle which some of you call PP right okay so this is the passive structure for causative let me show you what I'm talking about here so subject is he again okay the sentence is about him so he is the subject your causative verb is had again as you'll see you I you can probably imagine the the sentence that I'm writing here right so again had in the past tense but could be any tense right could be with modal verbs or anything like that will have should have then your object like a Star Wars cake right so he had a Star Wars cake is the object followed by your verb which is made that's it that is the passive voice and Miguel Assante he had I had my hair cut and that's a that's a great example of a very common passive sentence now actually I should have my hair cut I need to get my hair cut or active voice I need to get someone to cut my hair if you know anybody that's good in the Vancouver air let me know all right so this is passive note that the verb down here is now the past participle that's not infinitive anymore it's not base form because it's the passive right so when we use passive voice we always use that third form a verb like taken or just your your regular Edie past tense verbs okay eaten bought that kind of stuff okay so um he had a Star Wars cake made and I think maybe I yeah for his son's birthday of course I added that at the end and there's your passive sentence now the difference between active and passive also is the causative verb doesn't matter in relation to the action verb so he had the verb is made if I change that to he got made is the same you don't use - okay she had her house clean coming in from pesco she had her house cleaned yeah exactly that's great good so this is the passive structure and it's really as easy as that let me show you a couple examples hmm see if teaching is asking are both formal I wouldn't say they're necessarily formal they're not always formal no I think they're quite these structures are quite common in in conversational English CF teaching that's a good question all right you can cut obviously you could use them in both I got my haircut is that's not formal I wouldn't say I had my car fixed by the mechanic there is another great passive causative sentence now let me show you a couple of mine I'll have the report sent to you today now that's that sounds a little formal right I will have the report sent to you that sounds like something that you would say to your boss or in an email something to someone right it's kind of kind of formal all right or she got the door fixed okay she got the door fixed meaning she asks someone else to do it she didn't actually fix the door herself Diego saying in passive structure will the verb always be in PP yes absolutely another question in what situations do we use either active or passive with causative good good question now I would say like every other sentence the passive voice is used more often when either we don't know who the agent is the agent of that verb or we don't really care now I mean if you if you look at my second sentence she got the door fixed now you don't you don't have to talk about the person who fixed the door because they're probably just a professional repairman right so you wouldn't need to say she got a professional door repairman to fix the door the active voice in that case sounds a little strange it might be more common to use passive because you're really focusing on the door and the act of being fixed and not the person who's actually fixing the door if that makes sense to you Alejandra the same I had my I had my house painted for example who painted it it doesn't matter the point is I arranged for the house to have paint on it right so that's I would say is when you use the passive over the active voice okay good question great question okay so how about so practice oh yeah one more thing now this is important oftentimes as you can see here these a lot of these sentences that we're seeing today are looking at one person asking or getting another person or thing to do something right like she got the door fixed or I'll get him to call you okay but sometimes we use the causative structure to talk about unpleasant things okay oh look at this game okay somebody can't get the link to open the example don't worry about it Abdullah if you can't open the link I'm not sure why I'll put the link back in there in a minute but you can always just use the screen you can just look at the screen if you need to so this this terrible guy you could say this about my car so we had our car broken into last night now Alejandra maybe to answer your question or to go deeper into your question is that we often use the passive structure of the causative sentence to talk about bad things to talk about things that are unfortunate right oh I had my car towed or oh I had my my window broken something like this okay so I had well actually I don't want to tell you too many because I'm gonna get you guys to practice with it okay he had his car stolen is another example good from Jose good example or sometimes threats or warnings right this is this is my one FRU this is what I have to say you guys Pokemon go all right playing Pokemon go in the street yes and the in the highway you can say this you are going to get yourself killed all right you are going to get yourself killed there's your your causative structure passive voice yeah about what Pokemon go so this is another use of the causative okay all right so be careful playing Pokemon go against yeah alright so how about let's let's do a little bit more practice here guys ok um let's go back into the document hey you guys are fans of Pokemon yet I don't know there might be a Pokemon in the studio I'm not sure all right so go back to that document and again I'll put the link back here it's the same if you already have the link you don't have to go back into it it's the same document Diego saying Pokemon go isn't available in Brazil yet well that's that's good it'll keep you out of the streets I guess see how to keep you safe it'll keep you safe for now alright so go down to the second part here guys okay I'm going to show you mine I'll put mine on here I have taken a few pictures Pokemon goes awesome yeah okay I put some photos down here and next to the photo I put a question alright my question the questions are different depending on the photo but I want you to try to answer the question based on what you see in the photo using the causative structure so caios ahead of it right now the good stuff so the first one I'm asking what happened and kya was saying she had almost up make IO you're almost there so she had what she had and Kristina's getting in there right so she had her mobile phone stolen yeah if you said stolen if you said taken from her bag not not a super smart move to leave your bag that far away from you on a bench I guess so caios got it yeah good so she had her mobile phone stolen from her bag you got to be careful now again this is a good example of I'm talking about bad things obviously she did not ask someone to steal her phone from her bag right except maybe if it's some kind of insurance maybe she's got lots of insurance money on this phone and she's asking someone to steal it alright so no yeah don't be a don't bestow P sorry abut mistakes remember kayo what I said about that mistakes are great so this is what I'd like you guys to do continue with the rest of them look at the picture and try to answer the question right what is the woman doing what is the woman doing not the dentist but the woman okay so I'm going to put that music that scares some of you some of you find it joyous and happy other others find it terrifying but I'm going to put it on there anyway I want you guys to put some answers in the chat and remember that there are a few more down here and some of them I think the last two or three are pretty tricky okay I'm trying to challenge you guys alright so get the answers in there I'm going to pop out member all right good stuff so many good answers some very creative answers coming in your 10 this is good let me scroll up here and we'll go over this together alright so B was what is the woman doing which I guess is kind of a maybe a bit of a strange question because it doesn't seem like she's doing anything but for the causative structure what is she doing lots of lots of good answers coming in said she is having the woman is having her teeth checked okay so I'll put that one in there the woman or I'll just keep a sheep she is having her teeth some people said checked yeah if you said cleaned that's okay too I mean her teeth checked her clean I see Hannah Hannah 2 6 3 7 7 says she's getting her teeth pulled um maybe later like right now he's got kind of the the thing he's scraping a bit and he's he's got the mirror in there yeah she might have her teeth pulled later next terrible action here um could be I said somebody somebody said she's having her mouth opened which I guess is true too I think in this case she's having her teeth checked she's having her teeth cleaned and maybe eventually pulled or fixed maybe if you said she's having her teeth fixed that's okay too good all right what about see what should the store do about the window and Selma says the store should get the window fixed yes the store should get its window fixed yeah the good stuff Luciana's saying replaced as well right let's that's a good one uh put that one up there the store should get the window replaced or fixed and some of you said why don't somebody put an ASAP in there too as soon as possible the store should get the window replaced so in this case again you use in the passive voice right you got get is your causative verb and replaced is your past participle because again it doesn't really matter who is going to fix the window or replace the window a professional window replacement company right good alright she's she's kidding she's getting herself tortured yeah maybe I guess that's why we go to the we go to the dentist to get ourselves tortured by the dentist now D a lot of you guys answered it but you try to kind of get around the question no my question is what did this guy do to his hair and I see maratti answered it correctly and said he had his hair cut alright he had his hair cut yes absolutely true but a little sneaky way of answering this question I think because we could say a little bit more about what this guy did to his hair and even kayo-san he had his hair styled okay um let's get more specific how did he have it styled what what did this guy do to his hair I would say something like he had his hair cut like a cap something like that or he had his hair styled to look like a hat for some reason maybe that'll be my look next week maybe I'll try to I'll try to get that lip gone it's a good one okay what about E I said what say what what hair yeah maybe maybe you guys didn't even notice that that that that was hair not a hat maybe yeah it's like this is like one of marks hats ah that's funny what did the government do with a flat Amir Lenin's body is the question now I'm getting a little trickier here okay all right um let me see you guys are crazy let me let me get some answers going on here so kayo said Vladimir Lenin's body that is the government had his body preserved by the government okay yeah you've got a little bit of crazy word order going on there a little bit kayo but that was pretty good um somebody said embalmed their Luciana said it yeah Salman went with frozen I don't think they got them frozen but I would say they had his body if you said embalmed like Luciana to death that's a good one that's a fancy one I would say preserved right they had his body preserved no again passive voice here I see another question coming in I'm a little confused what when do you get or have yeah I would say I mean usually the cab is a little bit more common in the passive voice but I'll try to get back back to that question Diego in a minute or if somebody in the chat can get to that just because we're kind of running running low on time okay um what about F the last one here okay when there is a wildfire what two people or what do police do with the residents now again this was this was a kind of a tricky one maybe I was looking for one specific word and I don't know if I I don't know if I got it police the residents are taken from their house yeah you could say that take in lots of people's had taken ah Miguel got it police say okay so this is what Miguel said this is a good one so he said the police should have the residents evacuated right the police should have the residents evacuated or you could even say this keep an active voice if you want and say the police should have residents evacuate the area the police should have residents evacuate the area or in this case and who was it that asked the question about it but in this case get and have or the same and the active voice is really the same the police should get residents to evacuate the area okay again really good examples of positive structure Mike no what mark got his bike stolen that's that's sad hopefully we can end on a happier note than that okay so this yeah this is the causative structure now before we go I should mention this because you guys are always apologizing to me for making mistakes and just to show you why you should not be apologizing is because I realized earlier in a couple people I think caught me on it and because I I saw it in the chat when you guys were working here I made a mistake when we were talking about active voice because this particular example here when I was talking about the active this is not active voice this is this is passive right the doctors had the man placed in a psychiatric hospital so even super duper smart amazing intelligent charming people like me occasionally make little mistakes noth-nothing ones little ones I make a mistake prod or no maybe once every six months maybe okay yeah Miguel notice the word plays good I good for you you've got a keen eye and probably from all that chasing pokemons maybe his is it's good for you okay so this is not active voiceless so before we go let's make it let's make an active voice the doctor doctors had the man what can what would a doctor have you do now let me get rid of that and say the doctor let's get more specific say the doctor had the man or got the man to do what to what do we what do we do what are we doing in an office got the man to run I have like this to lie on a table basics they lie on the table run on treadmill twenty minutes I have to know what I'm talking about but there the doctor had the man whoops see another mistake the doctor had the man run on a treadmill for 20 minutes okay and that's it si si I fixed it before you could call me on it yeah I found my mistake before you guys did you have to be faster than that so the doctor had the man run or the doctor got the man to run on a treadmill for 20 minutes check his heart or something I don't know okay so yeah Luciano I got my iphone lost doesn't really work because yeah that's a tricky one how about this I'll stick around I'll stick around in the chat for a few minutes because I think I don't want to keep you guys here too long I know it's late for for some of you guys it's bedtime so let me pop out of here all right because again it's time I know time flies so so quickly when you're talking about causative structures yeah but that's class for another for another week I will stick around in the chat if you guys have questions about causative structures yeah no mistake of the week well maybe that was my other mistake of the week is that I ran out of time mistake of the week um oh actually you know what no really what I should say is that this here this was actually the mistake of the week but I didn't tell you that it was the mistake of the week right I made it I did it on purpose so that you would catch it to test you and it was not my mistake okay so that's the mistake of the week all right so class dismissed for another week I will stick around I'll stick around in the chat and answer your questions if you have some questions guys and then we'll be back here regular time next next week right three o'clock Vancouver time so in the meantime of course ya keep telling your friends and your your family your buddies tweet it Facebook like us learn English on Facebook we're there if you're not part of the group join the group keep watching keep watching mark's class on wednesday mornings and come back next week and I'll be here maybe in the meantime I'll have someone cut my hair maybe I'll get mark to cut my hair for next week's class like a hat alright so keep practicing your English and of course try to use these causative structures in your daily use of the English language because I know you're using it everyday of course so that you improve people are going to sleep some people are going to go and find pizza and cake time for me to go home and go find those Pokemon but play safe and we'll see you next time alright alright see you guys you you you you you you you you
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 36,346
Rating: 4.8657341 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Causative Verbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 53sec (4253 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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