Part 2, Level 1: Modelling - Beginner Blender Tutorial Series

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this video is sponsored by polygon a library of textures and models for professional 3d artists click the link in the description to learn more alright enough fooling around with flaming monkey heads let's start making that donut so I've got a brand new scene open in blender so clear whatever you did in the last video and what I'm gonna do is delete the default cube just by hitting delete and I'm gonna replace it by hitting shift a remember to add a new object and then underneath mesh we've got the base meshes that you can start with so you want to start with something that looks closest to what you want to create which in this case is a donut so this one this one is the closest match 8 torus so when you click the torus you can see you get this and it's okay but it looks a little thin it's a little bit weak for a donut thankfully though in the bottom left hand corner you'll see a box and if you click the box you can see you get settings and this is gonna change the look of the torus now by the way if you don't see the box it's because you accidentally performed an action after you added the torus so if I was to for example click on the donut even though it's already selected it's gone and I can't get those settings back there so some actions in blender you will get options immediately after you perform an action but if you do another action it clears it and you don't have those options anymore anyway so with these options here you can see I could change the resolution of the donut and down here underneath major radius I could change the size of it how thick or how fat the donut is so speaking of the radius and the size it's a good idea when you're building something in blender to start with the correct real-world scale so this major radius here is saying that this is 0.4 meters an 80 centimeter donut which is almost half me it's a big donut very big by the way if you are American and you would like to use a different unit system you can do it over here in the properties underneath units you can change your unit system to Imperial and then it will use feet and inches and penny farthings or what other crazy crazy units you guys have come up with you can use that if you want but for the tutorial I'm gonna stick to metric so this this size here we wanted to match the real world so the research that I did says that most donuts are about 10 centimeters right like about that that big right so a radius is half of that so therefore this should be 5 centimeters so if I just typed in here 5 centimeters we would get the correct thing which is point zero five meters and then if I adjusted my minor radius I mean this obviously no measurement for this but like you know how fat the donut is is totally up to you if you want to look like chubby you can you know go like that but I don't know I think something around like point two eight I think that looks pretty good now you point to six I think that's what I used previously times the times that I did it but anyways like that there we go that's the one that's the size I'm gonna use and then the other thing is the resolution the resolution of our donut now you might think that you would want to use as higher resolution as possible right cuz I remember I did that when I was starting out with blender every new object I added I used the most vertices I could most highest resolution not realizing that actually what you want to use is the lowest resolution and then use a subsurf modifier which we'll get to next to smooth it out because then you've got less vertices to work with it's easier to work with a lower res mesh than a higher-risk anyway point is is we want to set this to something low but something that will at least have the correct overall shape that we want so you know something like this and and also I want to keep the the size of these faces I want to keep them close to square like as square as possible I want to say and you're not to know it because just starting out but the reason for this is later on down the road we're gonna use displacements and it's much better if you've got square faces for displacements so anyway something like that is pretty good so these are the settings I'm gonna use you have a second to use it and we're done okay that's it we have the donut ready to go so we've added an object but let's say you want to change the shape of that object because that's very common thing you want to do when you're building 3d creations is you want to tweak it to look how how you want it so right now this is the most perfect donut that ever existed in the history of the world you could have the like a donut competition and no one would ever be able to make as perfectly round and smooth shape as this right because computers make things that are perfect and in the real world they're not so that's why imperfection is the virtual perfection which is a quote by someone but it's very true I don't know who's the editor but it's very true so what we want to do is make it look a little bit lumpy a little bit misshapen so to do that we need to enter into edit mode so if you go to the top corner top left corner you can see we are in object mode and if you change that to edit mode you will see that we get this which makes it look like a grid like a cage has appeared over it or the hotkey for this is tab because this is a very common action to switch between object mode and edit mode is tap by the way when you are in edit mode the only thing you can do the only thing you can click on is within the object itself like if I'm in edit mode on that and I tried to click on the lamp or the camera you can see nothing happens the only thing I can click on is the object itself so just something to keep a note of so while in edit mode you can see that now that I'm clicking around I can click on these little dots here and each of these dots basically is the shape of the donut as you can probably guess right and if I use the same hotkeys that you remembered from the last 1g to grab if I was to G grab this up you can see that I would make a spike in my doughnut there now I don't want just one singular spike because that would be horrible and I also don't want to have like if I want to make this doughnut look lumpy I don't want to go like this one and then there's one and then this like that's a lot that's a lot of work and it's not even gonna look very good what I want to do instead is I want to like grab one and then like have it affect the vertices around it so there's a tool for that and it's proportional editing so at the top of the screen there is a little button or the hotkey for that is Oh to turn that on and off and then when I do that if I use the same shortcut G to move this one vertice you will see that now as I move it the rest of the donut comes with it but it only looks like the whole Donuts coming with it if I was to scroll up like scroll on my on my mouse right now just scroll up or down until you can actually see what's this little circle appear around so if you scroll up it'll get smaller so anyways if I do this you can see that I can affect the area of vertices around it right so what I want to do is just make I want to make it look lumpy so around that sort of area and I'm going to hit Z because I'm moving it and I want to move it along the z axis so it's just going up and now you can see I've got part of the donut which is a little bit lumpy that's actually probably a little bit too lumpy so let me just undo that and let's try it again move it up Wow come on it's cleared my thing because I undid it anyway so something like just a little bit lumpy and then I'm gonna grab like this one here and I'm gonna move that down a little bit so now I've got a weird little lumpy bit of donut and then I'm just gonna like miss shape the rest of it right because no donut no donut is perfect although they do try just make it look a little bit squishy because otherwise it's gonna look like like I don't know like at a waterpark right there's little inflatable rings that you get I'll never forget as a kid we go to the waterpark a lot and yeah there was like this with this ride called the Calypso Bay at went wild Australia I used to love like stacking the rings on top of each other and they kicked me out of the pool they said they told me I could you know like to stack the Rings but it was so fun I wanted to stack them up and then be inside it and like roll around but the life gods who have nothing better to do told me to get out of the pool anyway so as you can see I'm just grabbing pods of the man I'm just moving it you don't have to copy my exact motions as I'm doing this just so you know just make your own misshapen doughnut don't copy mine follow your instincts make your own lumpy looking thing just by clicking gee etc anyways like that look at that horrible weird misshapen looking donut that's what you want you don't want a perfect looking donut you want something that looks weird so well done you've made something weird now you're probably thinking cool but can we please get rid of the jagged look because it looks like you would cut your finger running across this donut it's too jagged so if you are in object mode which is important you have to be in object mode and you were to right-click your mesh you have these settings and at the top that you've got two settings which are very common shade smooth or shade flat so we're gonna use smooth so flat is used for things like buildings flat planes things like that and smooth is for organic shapes like this one and it's gonna basically where there's two faces it's gonna try to smooth them yeah basically it'll try and make it look smooth now you'll notice it does look smooth but the edges of it you can see it does still look sharp so shade smooth is just like it's changing the way it looks but it's not actually affecting the actual shape of it in any way so if you want to actually make this higher res what you need to do is use a subsurf modifier so the modifiers are found in the properties so this is the properties here by the way we haven't really talked that much about properties but it's this whole section on the right here so if you click on the wrench spell hey guys get them confused you can tell I've never got my hands dirty I'm gonna go with spanner and this is the modifier okay so it's empty right now but if you click on add modifier you get this lovely list and the one we are looking for is right down here where it says subdivision subsurf and it's probably the most common mod or like effect that's used across all 3d software what it does is it smooths out the mesh right and as a modifier so what's good about modifiers is that it is what's called non-destructive meaning that it's not applied like I can work on other parts of the scene and then I can come back to the donut and go like I want it to be smoother and then I can change the smoothness and then I can come back to it later and go it's too smooth I want to change it again so you're not actually like nothing is being applied it's just you all the settings are kept there so that you can come back and change them as you need to so modifiers are fantastic so what this subsurf modifier is doing is basically if you look at these each of these phases here so this is what's called a face and it's a like when you've got three or more vertices and you add a solid face between them that's a face I don't know how to explain it but a subsurf modifier what is doing is it's adding like another grid between it and it's taking like the average shapes of it so like on the edge there like where it was previously like sharp it's it's added it's doubled the resolution and it's averaged it out to try to smooth it and so what you're looking at is one subdivision because that's the viewport setting the render setting is what will it will render at right so when you actually when we get to that stage that's the setting that's going to use so if I was to increase viewport it's doing another subdivision over that but to increase it again it would make it even smoother and smoother and smoother you don't want to go to either because the higher you go the more graphics is going to be used to render it in your viewport or when you do your actual render so keep it loved but one is fine for this okay so well done all we've got is a Lumbee door not and yeah yep we did we did we did make a long video so go ahead and join me in the next video and we're gonna make the icing for lumpy donut
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 5,384,113
Rating: 4.9625802 out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, beginner, part 2, level 1, donut, doughnut, blender tutorial
Id: RaT-uG5wgUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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