Carve a Little Lumberjack -Full Woodcarving Tutorial

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guys welcome back to the channel uh this week i made myself a little uh another little woodsman with the flat cap looking fella and i had some requests uh to do a simplified version of him in a little four inch block of wood so that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna take this little inch and a half square by four inch tall piece of basswood and uh using 99 just a knife and we're going gonna carve up little simplified little woodsman so let's get at it let's get our centers marked on here we'll do all sides let's go across the top too all right so we're going to carve here but i'm not going to really measure anything today we just want to uh want to freehand it a little bit so i'm going to mark about halfway halfway on this guy here that's the bottom of his beard all right so if that's half but that's the beard let's just take a gander maybe a third half to a third this is what i want to uh try and show you guys that it doesn't really matter about your uh all these exact dimensions and cut for cut just one get the wing it and uh here we go so obviously that'll be the shoulders all right we're gonna have a hat on this guy i'm gonna have a hat all right shoulders hat all right feet you know we'll start off with a finger thickness for the feet okay all right now we know we're gonna thin the head up a little bit all right i'm gonna take a little bit up there so the shoulders are wider than the head so it's pretty pretty straightforward the arms when we get there we're gonna keep the arms back a little bit so if this was the uh back the shoulder we're gonna come in so it's a little bit on the on the on the back side okay and the bottom of the hand is gonna be holding an axe it's gonna go like that pretty much the same as the feet stay just a little bit forward to that better to always mark these wider and then uh narrow them down after but if that's the case here so we'll do the same back here this hand is going to be his pocket so we might as well just aim that over there right now same thing just a little bit forward of the center line and then down all right but we'll flush all this out as we get carving but that's what i mean about not not measuring everything and just just having at it you know the feet here in the front obviously you're gonna split the feet we'll end up if that's the beard there it'll be out here we're gonna come down you know like that but on the bottom side we want them in a little bit basically on this guy here especially for the uh the hand that's holding the the axe we're gonna have to get some uh some meat out of here to give the give the fist to hold the axe you know what i mean so that's we're gonna narrow this down a little bit of an angle all right so let's just get started i'm going to uh [Music] hahaha i'm going to use my old helvey knight this is the occ tool knife great alternative but i'm just going to go with middle and helvey so i want to get the feet here first just the just gonna rough in this whole guy right away but like i said if you've been following my channel for any time at all this is all just repeat so that's why we're kind of moving into more of a demonstration based than a play-by-play on all these because uh it's just repetitive if you're new to this of course i have the whole playlist to get you going but so now we know where our feet are all right i'm gonna move this camera back a little bit better he jumped in the frame this is my uh that i did this week he's a he's a bigger he's much bigger all right all right what we didn't talk about is we also have a butt so this is the foot let's just bring the foot here and just jump up a little bit we can uh we can cut in a butt watch that arm there we're gonna come right into that and again all this is just we're just setting the setting the major things and then we'll fine-tune everything all right i've got a butt in place like i said we're just going to set the bottom of this beard let me get that in i want to get some good some good depth on that we got lots of meat on this i think i am going to switch knives this one just has a little bit more reach on it i can do the whole thing at once all right so i'm just digging the bottom of that beard in that one good good quarter of an inch or so all right but yes if you don't have a big enough knife just work on one side and the other side and the middle smaller again all right do the back shoulders i've been waiting we're gonna hear some uh we're gonna hear some tractor noises soon i had to wait the neighbor is uh running a big big tractor with the uh this big large tree moving spade so we're sure to be entertained with the tractor noises but it's not gonna stop us from carving now look at that we've got our butt our feet our beard okay so we're gonna come across here just like that i'm just kind of doing that line in the middle and we're doing a woodsman today but it doesn't matter you can do a if he was holding a he could be holding a rake or he could be wearing overalls doesn't really make a difference that's what i say from now on i think i'm gonna just just go at things and just make them because the play by play is uh just repetitive so we got that in there but now let's take all these corners off and again that's why we put center lines here and here i can make sure that i'm on a 45 degree angle just by watching you know the measurement from the center line they'll do the same so that's it if they're the same on both sides you're taking the 45 degree corner off right same in the back just wrapping it in all right now we know that our beard is not gonna be like that so let's take that front corner off like so now we talked about the feet here we want to narrow them up but i want to keep that meat so i'm gonna i'm gonna come here i'm gonna try and make a line across that bottom of that hand right because i want to keep as much there as i can by keeping the uh a bit of an angle there we can get more meat back here but i still want the toes i want the feet to be kind of sitting sitting like that all right so that could mean also putting that angle here just to get as much as we can on the arms all right but whatever we do here kind of got to do on this side right all right all right we're going to uh we're getting ahead of ourselves with that arm but i'm gonna put a cut across that just to be able to come up into that all right so we got some meat here for the hand and we can fine tune that after pretty much uh we'll have to uh make sure that center is even on the foot but anyway let's get these arms just kind of cut in here now i want to go nice and deep on these you know watch where you're you're cutting but what i want to do is go nice and deep here because if i don't when i come in the side you know it's going to just be multiple slices and then you're going to see every cut into the side here so by going nice and deep we should have a nice nice clean see i got one little stab mark but otherwise it's nice and clean nothing worse than a whole whack of cuts in the side all right that's it got one arm popped out come over here let's take the back of this arm making sure like we know it's going to pop at some point right so just make sure your fingers are in the way now we can bring that clean that up see outside all right now i'm gonna do the inside here we're getting so far ahead of ourselves we should be up in the head but same thing nice and deep watch your fingers and we're just gonna take that little inside corner out and then we're going to leave it we're not going to uh touch this again until we get that headset that's where we're at all this doesn't matter like this is all going to come off down through all right let's get this head rounded up here so i want to get that it's going to come down well that fire happens or so just start working that head around we're just removing wood so we got less wood to remove up the side here right that's why we take out the corners yeah see we got our head thinned our shoulders stick out same thing on this side i'm working our way around that you can be thinking about what kind of hat you want on your guy you can put a toque or a ball cap or a flat cap but now we're saying goodbye to the our top lines all right okay now we've lost our our little chin and neck so we want to cut that back in always watching the center lines you can go cut this way i want the same thing on this side right okay all right that's where we are so we're happy with our our head shape right now okay let's get down here and clean up these uh the front and the back here okay so we got a straight cut across the back for the butt we're gonna bring that across come up and now this is goofy looking here so we're gonna bring that up all right i'm just gonna give him some shape to his back take off some of these corners a little hunches back a little bit now we got too much too much back here so we can get rid of some of that [Music] now that's your center we can just bring that split the legs a little bit all right just so we don't lose that later okay now on the front here i'm gonna take these shoes down a little bit [Music] take the corners off by taking that corner off like that now i can run this angle down match it up right same here pick that up there run that down join her up there's our feet so we'll put their little we'll split the feet right now again because pencil lines don't last all right we can even take this cut out of here all right okay rough rough feet now you can see we got quite a line here so i'm going to come across here take a bit of the arm put a bit of the gut off right up into the neck see that same here and then we're going to have to recut we've got the big point of the belly too much i'm just gonna round round round round now remember this guy's hand is gonna be in his pants so this is probably probably down here but we want the elbow to stick out more than uh it's going to be straight so we're going to angle that back a little bit this way towards there and we're going to bring this down all right we're going to recut this just by setting it down cut down down and pop it out again back a bit of a back angle both ways okay a little swoop so that's pretty much that one arm over here let's uh take some edges off same idea shoulder can come in a little bit we're going to leave the meat on the hand though all right i want to leave about again what happened or so let me cut that in all right just to uh separate the hand we do it there we're gonna bring around the side a little cut little cut okay okay all right there we separated our hand all right let's just kind of keep keep moving around the carving and taking off a little bit more see as i narrow that leg down to the shoe i'm creating trying to create more room for that axe because we're going to be drilling a hole right in here so we need some more we need some more room yeah that's a good good amount of space in there all right but we also we're gonna have to narrow that down here but when we're doing these uh trying to match each side this hand's in the pocket so that so in that sense we need his hand to actually be in his pocket so it's okay to leave a little extra here to show that it's a hand in pocket but let's say let's say [Music] the hand goes in the pocket here all right i'm just going to bring that down all right so we just put his hand in the pocket so now we can come down all right we can narrow that a little bit more get these pencil lines out of here let's give it a little bit of a shadow here the same thing in the bottom a little bit of a shadow a little little three-way chip cut there now we know for sure his hand is in his pocket that also means that's the bottom of the shirt but still doesn't look the same when we look at both sides so we're going to swoop that a bit on the back side shirt shirt jacket all right this bum doesn't have to be so sharp just like we created space in the front we gotta create the same space on the back of his hands all right we're getting there let's just get this shirt marked and then we'll jump back up to the head all right it doesn't have to be imagine your shirt doesn't have to be perfectly uniform it can be off to one side i like how we're how it's working out here all right little pretty dirty corner here clean that up all right that's looking all right pretty thick pretty thick here still so let's take some of that up there give it a little kick in the knee that's probably okay though feet were bigger than his hips separate those legs again there a little better i can hear my belly rumbling all right let's get up to the hat before we get stuck down here like i'm doing right now all right so we know we're going to uh have a hat in this guy so i want to just kind of smooth off a lot of these rough rough corners so i think i'm going to go with the flat cap idea like this fella so as you can see here look at this that cap sticks out pretty much like his nose does all right so we can do the hat first give it a little flat cap top something like that all right so this is my my cap i'm not a bit of an angle right let's just go right across it i'm just gonna roughly set the cap in all right so that's there so this is the back i should draw lines but i'm just gonna roll that knife across that way i'm just getting this in rough it's not a big cap all right let's set that in there let's now we'll just really get her in there very careful now because you know that it will break so easy but when it does or if it does then you go with the toque we haven't really said where the nose is but you can see we're definitely bringing that back setting up the future nose now i want a little bit of a rounding hollow in here a little bit peak you know i mean you know what i mean all right all right so i want this really broad down rounded this whole thing i'm gonna round it right to that center line all right i'm just going around i want that hair to look kind of a kick kick out a little bit i don't want straight down all right i'm gonna thin that too we don't want that hat to look like it's sitting on top of his head so we can't give it too much for a reveal from the hair make it a little bit smaller a little bit of kick up on there all right let's just put our nose in we're gonna stay fairly uh high so that's really upset the nose no reason but we know we got the beard so let's just set that in place just by doing that now what i want to do is i want that face to stick out from the hair so let's say i come down here i need something to uh to kind of guide me so i'm going to come make a line like so kind of with that arm even a little bit i want the same thing on this side i'm going to kind of follow the arm and you'll look at it from above make sure they're fairly uh pretty much the same i'm gonna stick my knife right in that and go all the way down this side i go all the way down fairly deep now i want to a little stop cut here this one here i don't care so much but it will anyway just and we're going to take that out look at that stop cut here that one's not quite as deep so i'll do it it's all about matching all right so we almost got there now from the nose up i like to uh really thin thin that up really it's in that temple area right now we know this looks silly all right take that off there but on these sides look at that that's a goofy looking hairdo right so i'm just going to come across on an angle like that yeah same thing on the bottom and i want to take that right out of there so now we've divided the hair from the beard give some good depth you know there's a neck in there somewhere okay we're going to keep it simple we're not going to go with ears or anything in this guy but there that's different isn't it even up here i can just take a little corner okay okay oh my doug's gone silent just working my way around i really don't want that hair to sit straight anywhere so i'm just gonna do these little scoops trying to get a little bit of a kick in the hair there i think for this guy the hat could have been a little bit more part of his head but i think he'll be fine see how i've got some more some bulk on the bottom of this chin beard here i like that and uh i think we're in pretty good shape here always cleaning up anything you see but before i go too far i want that hole drilled so that i'm safe and i can carve around the hole nothing worse than having it all finished and having the drill skid across something or whatever or splitting or whatever so let's drill this hole so that we have it for our future axe all right okay so i'm going to stick that drill bit in here all right but i want to make sure i got enough meat left i'd rather touching pants almost than not have enough meat and i'm also when i'm drilling it i'm aiming back i don't want to come out shallow so it's gonna go in here [Music] all right nice and slow but we got our hole all right i can tell i blew up the back of it here which is okay and clean that up now depending on our on our axe handle i think i want a little bit bigger so i'm just going to upsize my bit but it's nice to have that pilot hole so now i'm just going to follow that pilot hole [Music] i'm really gonna work it nice if you go too big and too thin you're gonna blow up the side but this was just uh that's just just right okay now we can clean up that hole and now we got square hands we don't have square hands do we i don't think so i'll take that the edges off give a bit of a plane yeah all right now normally if i was holding something say i was holding an axe handle see how my thumb is above my hand my thumb is going to be in here so it's it's hidden but just keep that in mind in the future if your hand is separate that that thumb goes above but we're not going to see my thumb here and we're going to keep more of the uh the glove feel so we're not going to put fingers or nothing so that's basically what it is right there nice and simple we've got our our glove holden axe hand always keep clean edges some guys just go ruff-ruff and then they at the end it's more work to clean up than the whole carving so allows you to keep your carving clean as you go it's easier a little brush here and there helps too all right okay [Music] what do you want to do now let's uh let's just finish his pants i'm gonna give him just regular old pants i'm gonna come across a bit of a shoe all i can do there be very careful just gonna put that knife in here all right don't push too hard you're taking that whole toe right off i'm gonna come down and get the pant let's see that just gonna come in here nice and easy coming back all right same thing on this side now we don't want to get too carried away too quick but we can put some wrinkles in big wrinkled pants all right just little little details that we shouldn't be worried about right now but we are all right okay let's leave the pants alone arm here very square there right into the pocket you can see that here we have not touched that piece of wood from the outside that's the edge of that uh inch and a half give them a couple little creases here like so clean out that okay and over here a little bit off take this shoulder bring it back in the shoulder i can deepen this a little bit i think here all right again that's original wood so let me get that off of there just give the back a little bit of character a couple little swoops clean that little original wood off and we look at him he's a little bit heavy side this side you can see the shirt and the arms pulling it over but that's okay we'll just uh make the shirt i'm gonna do here what do you wanna do here bring the balance of that shirt and get it over a bit there that's all that kind of took just to get that over you can get carried away with the shirt and make it however however you want again these these tutorials get get long and boring but i could just put this shirt and have a have an open shirt like this let's look at this guy so i split his shirt open you can't see the color earth under his beard but i just drilled holes and put dowels for the uh the buttons and then glued them in and trimmed them off they make a nice bold a bold button rather than trying to carve one in all right so let's just go with the nose let's just let's just get at it all right don't need a super huge nose so let's just cut that right there now come down now remember we're not i see a lot of guys making these eyes you can see i'm cutting here cutting here flat we do not make those eyes flat you can see already that they're on an angle back that's going to be even more so all right okay his eyes are slanted this way and this way see that i haven't even cut her nose in yet let's put our nose in here cutting away i'm going to keep this fairly simple get that nose flared up all right now one thing we're going to put cartoon eyes on this guy but let me show you this fella here what we're going to do if i was setting up for eyes like this now we're not going to go too deep into this but i'm going gonna take i know we're doing a knife this should be a knife one second here i want to keep it this one's just the knife only carving but if i was gonna set this up for uh eyes i'm just gonna dig this in right across here this is number nine then i'm going to really make these pockets on the eyes all right right up the side this is just how i would set up for the realistic guys since some of you uh want to go up to that step i'm not going to spend a lot of time here but see that so then i dig into those pockets then of course i can clean the nose up and straighten it up anyway the idea is to make those pockets put a line on each side gonna take the nose if the nose was finished the flare and then i would just draw the eyeball in here all right and i would cut the eyeball out one corner okay the other corner [Music] all right so there's your eyeball with a pencil mark in the middle then you take a little v tool i would just come down now remember this is rough this is very rough just know that if i do this cartoon eyes which are good for everybody that some people don't want to do them so you can do this but you can spend a lot more time rounding the eyeball but that's basically your eye you can cut that a little bit sharper and get more of a shadow all right but the bead tool is nice just to get it set and with the eyeball you can do that deeper and round it off nice all right that's a very quick quick and dirty rough eye and then you can uh if you had maybe something else here you can just kind of kind of go around underneath i don't like the v tool on the bottom there you go and then maybe just one little i think cut there just all right there you go i'm gonna leave that alone right now back to the knife only we're just gonna go like that like that come up not too high makes sure they kind of look the same as it go upside down it's easier like so then at the same time we can bring that down like that back up always double checking to make sure it's same on both sides all right so i'm going to cut first i'm going to come down this way this beard and cut under the nose this is going to make that nose pop out more this cut here one of my favorite cuts here okay i'll do the corner over here all right now you can round that do whatever you want all right let's leave that alone it continues to cut let's leave it on that's wonky something's wonky here so i'm going to stay with the beard for a minute let's round this baby out finish her off that's better all right i'll draw a little a little happy mustache remember happy goes up and then glue means side goes down so stick that knife in there three-quarter cut take the little chunk of the middle bring that down around beat that up same thing this side let's just cut right up to that he looks happy already just from that that mustache coming up okay let's let's give him a little bit more here he looks like a likable fella alrighty all right i'm going to dig that in nice and deep now gonna give a little shadow now we're in the mouth all right then we'll just a little cut this way we'll cut this way all right back up this way and there you go a little bottom lip okay let's bring the corners in let's just bring it all right eyeballs starting on the top slight angle just coming around a little kick at the bottom slight angle around a little kick at the bottom come across the bottom make a little stop cut that little corner out across the bottom a little tip up all right i'm going to work up into this one coming down pencil line off of here all right now see that one's a little bit higher good put one little eyeball in here and then goofy one up here who cares right okay now what you do to finish the hair is going to be totally up to you but it would take like a you know maybe i used to be too i'm gonna get a little v-tool take a little v-tool here and uh look at some hair i'll finish this more off camera but you get the idea take some bigger chunks off the bottom of the hair like so get the idea right the same thing i'm just going to take that beard and her mustache and just give him a few it doesn't take much on this tiny little guy like this to get that feel but again you can make all these little cuts with your uh with your knife you don't even have to use a v tool but going forward we're going to start using more tools so i made a video of tools that you may want to add to to your collection it might be handy in the future but anyway i'll do the beard and whatever after but before we uh do our little axe let's look at the feet here take a little bit off the bottom of the feet like so create a little shadow on the table when you set them down you see now you can see under and we can uh we can make tread we can do this all right or something we got our v tool let's not pretend we don't have one i'll just run it around all right all right let's uh i'm gonna do his hair and we'll give him an axe all right we gave him some uh some whiskers some hair and i like the more pretty good overall oh i just see something i don't have let's give a little division in the pants here i forgot that part [Music] all right here the neighbors are hard at it there we go yeah i think i did straighten out his eyes too i couldn't leave him it's no big deal uh what do we got what do we got what do we got i think we're ready for for next but you know just keep rolling over and as you see fit just take a little piece here a piece there see i can see now his the shoulder could be a little bit more rounded to match that one just keep taking pieces off until you uh till you got it right the way you like it so let's set him aside we're gonna give him uh an axe so just take a scrap of wood i don't know what uh i'm thinking about three inches probably close to three inches and uh let's just draw draw an x however you see an x just the you want you want it to be bigger than the hole that you drilled and i'll show you i'll show you in a minute a little a little bit above like so so all i'm doing is i'm carving i'm leaving the uh the metal proud of the the handle because the handle goes inside obviously but uh we're not gonna we're not gonna film the carving of this but i'll bring it back after but i like to leave a little bit of wood where the wedge is you know actually actually even draw a little wedge in there all right that gives it just a more genuine genuine look but let me carve this up and then i'll bring it back and show you how we put them into the mail we almost got it now if you're doing this i'll show you my bonehead move so that you don't do the same thing wear your carving glove i just had the glue i was just trying to cut this little top in here and i was coming across you can see the glue line here and i don't know how i did it but stuck it in my finger so you never know what the wood's going to do the wood could break at any moment so it's not a big deal but a little bit of super glue we're back at it but uh yeah it happens so better nice little cut like that and uh put you have a commission so do as i say not as i do eh all right but there is our crazy looking little little axe now that thing boy he's a this guy's a man if he's swinging that axe that's a pretty big hulking axe for him but i want to uh this is the painful part you just work so hard to make your axe now i'm going to break it huh all right i'm going to whittle that down until we can stick it in the hole actually wedge it really i kind of want a little bit of taper to wedge it in that axe is huge i'm gonna make that a little bit smaller way too big so now we've got our pieces i'm just gonna taper them down so they can stick them in the hole all right there's the back end that guy has a honking axe hmm i think it's i think that's too much axe for him i'm gonna take that double bit off just gonna make him hold an axe that's way too big way too big straighten this out there he just lost his double bit privilege all right look at that there is our little axe wielding lumberjack like i said you can you can give him a shirt and do whatever you want but i think i will go and paint him i have videos on painting so i will not bore you with the painting and we will come back and close up the video alright guys and here is our little woodsman all painted up real nice fun little beginner project but uh but fun i think they could be uh they could be related right so there you have it big thanks to all those who bought me coffee this week uh never expected always appreciate it and uh yeah i'll catch you guys in the next video and uh we'll be doing something totally different again so thanks for watching and uh see you next time you
Channel: Doug Linker
Views: 57,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Q807ZZVTcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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