Part 1, Level 2: Particles - Blender Beginner Tutorial

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welcome to the next Ashlyn of Donuts I don't know what that means this is level two you graduated guys you made it we're gonna continue learning the basics of London but getting just a little bit more advanced as well its beginner of course its beginner but you know progressing past the basics of the basics so let's start with some sprinkles because that is something everybody is dying you know I've been reading the hashtags and the trends of the global Twitter and everyone's just going wild for sprinkles no they're not but let's pretend they are so we're gonna add some sprinkles to I don't know now right now we've got things in our outliner here we mentioned the outline at the top right hand corner and they were just kind of like thrown in here we've got one we've got the archive you know which we which we created before we did the sculpting and everything but it's all just kind of thrown in and if we're gonna start adding extra stuff like sprinkles and all this kind of stuff it's gonna get a little bit complicated so let's just organize it a little bit so I'm gonna select my donut and my icing here and I'm gonna hit em for marry or move it's probably a better one move and I'll give it a new collection donut there we go so this little checkbox by the way in case you're curious it'll hide it from both the viewport and the render so it's like disabling something almost but keeping it within your in your scene and then I guess I'll have one for my plane we'll call this the we'll call it the environment so I just selected the plane em new collection environment and then this stuff I can just rename this collection I'll just call it cam and light well lights camera act right so something like that okay what was that something just flashed on the screen cool so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hide the environment I'm gonna hide the donut I'm gonna hide the scene and we are gonna add in out very first singular sprinkle so if you look at reference photos of sprinkles pull it up here you can all my tabs here I've just been watching some Theo von loved that guy so these are the sprinkles and you'll notice that I mean for one there's no like uniform you know Confederate standard of sprinkles but it's just like all sauce there's sums that are some that are shiny some that a dull but they all seem to have a very similar shape it's just like mostly straight but with like slight little like wiggle nough stew them some of them are shiny some of them a dull but anyways that's the kind of overall shape so you could start with ace like a cylinder object to become your sprinkle but they've got like a rounded edge so instead what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start with a sphere so we're gonna go shift a mesh and we're gonna go UV sphere now by default it's gonna drop in this giant looking thing and we'll set yeah if there's all the size of it I'm gonna go to like one millimeter like really really really small and then for the the segments the Rings here and like basically the resolution of the of the sphere that's quite important because this is gonna be basically duplicated all over the doughnut like basically like a thousand times so any resolution you've got here is just multiplied by however many sprinkles you have point is is if you have a high-res sprinkle one single sprinkle for one it's not even gonna be visible in the render like it's so far away it's not that detailed but also is just gonna like drastically increase your render times so I'm gonna go with twelve segments and six rings so very very low res and that's the radius and there we go if we bring in the donut you can see how this looks in relation to it in fact I might as well move this over here like that just one little sprinkle a stop of a sprinkle and I'm just going front oh hang on front yeah I should have put it along the front axes that's probably easier to it's like when I'm working with the scene I like to like keep my camera like looking down the front angle and then I have everything like positioned that way so I don't get kind of like lost in which side view or front view whatever anyway so I'm just putting this on the left-hand side just for whatever just keep it here right okay so with my sprinkle here oh gosh focus it and I'm a pad period okay so we want it to look elongated and so the way we're going to do that is obviously edit mode with tab and then while we're in edit mode I'm going to grab the top half of my vertices here and you'll notice that it won't select the other side so make sure you're in x-ray mode when you do that so select the whole top half and then if we would like to move it like it would just yeah it would it would be elongated but it would also be like tapered like it basically we want to like almost like create like a duplicate like a middle part of it so we're gonna hit e to extrude which you'll remember was the same hotkey that we used to make those like droopy bits Triple E bits of the of the icings so it basically kind of like takes that and yeah like moves it up but then like adds a space between it anyway you get the idea okay so we got we got one like that and what I can do because I want to make like that end that is kind of like like the reference of course it's I mean if we can actually find a reference for it yeah it's it's like it's rounded but it's not like as round as it is it's not like a sphere end it's just like it's a hard cut basically I watched video actually on how they did but it's like they get like piping of like icing and they just do like long lines on like a baking tray and then they bake it and then it just creates like like baked icing and then it I believe that's what it is just like baked icing maybe these shiny manufactured ones there may be different but yeah you can make them yourself apparently they're really easy to do anyways so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to scale this along the z-axis so if I hit s and then Zed that's doing the effect that I want it to do it's just sort of tapering it in a bit like so and then I'll do the same thing with the bottom one yes Zed and then we go look at that one singular sprinkle by itself and while we're we might as well go into shade shade smooth and this is an object mode of course make sure you're in object mode great now without donut here we could we could if we wanted to we could you know grab it and like move it here and then duplicate it and then duplicate rotate it and etc etc but I'm pretty sure the tutorial would be ten hours long and I would be receiving death threats from people saying how dare you lull me into a tutorial and then hit me with duplication so there's there's a better way to do things so there is for something like this you want to use basically what's called particle instances which is where it's referencing one object and duplicating it over the top of the surface of another object so that way basically if we're gonna do that so I'm gonna select my icing here and there's the particle panel right here and I'll move my little camera head out of the way so that we don't block this view okay so I just go by the way I don't know why there's not a like new button like the like materials there's a new button or whatever but then like particles there's no button for like new I'm sure like what anyway it's the plus top right button there click plus and that'll add a new particle setting and if you were to hit play like spacebar you would see that you get these like white dots appearing so there are there are two types of particles there are like emission types which are like animated essentially and then you've got hair which are static so now if I play you can see nothing happens so hair is the one we actually want even though it doesn't look like it for each one of these strands we're gonna reference that that single sprinkle there so you can do that by going to underneath Brenda right there render it's rendering as a path or a strand which is great for hair for a character but in our case we want to instead render as an object and then the object that we're going to reference this instant objects we're gonna click this little eyedropper here and the eyedropper allows you to just basically click any object in your scene and there we go look at that we have little single sprinkles over our donut so the size of them is defined by this size right here this is really how you're gonna decide I got a bird outside my window my show if you can hear that is it gonna decide how ya like some like will there's no uniform sprinkle either like some are like really like thin and like almost like yeah like a little hair particle somewhat like this so thin and then others just like thick and chunky so really like make make the make the sprinkle that you feel best suits your needs okay so that's the scale and then there's another setting here scale randomness which I normally would use because by the way this this settings like this particle settings and what I'm doing here this is how you make like rocks across a landscape you just like use this in a bow and for this case scale randomness is perfect because then you've got rocks of different sizes but it's also it's not like shrinking them like just along one axis it's also like it's scaling them so sprinkles aren't they're all like the same thickness essentially so this setting actually doesn't work for us a little bit but anyway the main setting I know you're all thinking right now is like they're all facing the same direction so that's not good so we need to change the rotation and for rotation you need to use advanced settings check the box I don't know I mean honestly in my opinion it shouldn't have even just be an advanced setting because I'm I've always used advanced settings because you always need rotation so anyway check advanced and then under rotation we're going to check that box click the little drop down and orientation axes we want to use normal and it'll still be facing a direction but there'll be a different direction and you might think randomize is the one that we need right there but randomize will it'll rotate them but it'll rotate them on a different axes to the point that they're like standing up on top of each other like facing upwards which isn't right what we want is this one randomized phase so when I do that they're staying along like their same rotation but it's like rotating along that axes not the other axis anyways there we go so having said that I will use a little bit of here because sprinkles like they land on top of melted icing right and some of them will land like top on like that and they'll like maintain a little bit of this rotation so they won't be like crazy it won't be like that but they will have like a little bit of like tilt to them essentially great so all well and good so far one thing to note though is if we just hide the underlying donut if we go underneath you will see that we have sprinkles underneath our icing as well as on top so this is you know in edit mode you can see it's it's one solid object and right now blender doesn't know that the sprinkles are supposed to go just on the top so it's just placing them everywhere so what we want to do is want to define which parts are gonna have the sprinkles and we're gonna do that in weight paint mode so with our icing selected object weight paint mode or by the way if you want a hotkey control tab will bring up a pie menu with all of those options up there so that's kind of handy so weight paint weight paint mode now when you do this it'll go blue and essentially what you're looking at is you know like what was the name of that movie with the aliens aliens vs. predator the one with the predator and it's like heat vision mode that's what you're looking at so blue means zero weight now if I just click anywhere on here you'll see you get like heat paint map red means one blue means zero and then these values in between are obviously values in between so the red values is where the sprinkles are going to appear so if you try painting it's like it's gonna be very slow and that's because our particles are turned on so if we just disable click that little monitor thing there it'll just disable it from the viewport so now when we draw it's gonna be a lot faster okay so the same hotkey by the way as sculpting F will change the size of your brush and again if you want to bring up that tool setting thing here which probably should be on by default but for every z'n it's not these are like the weight and the strength of your brush like you could go like a low strength and kind of paint but anyway default settings are fine and I'm just gonna paint like along the top here like so and I just want to make sure that there is oh that's weird why aren't I allowed to paint right there Oh strength I always confuse this to strength strength full strength but paint a white of one there we go yeah so I want to make sure that there are parts of it that like especially down here the sprinkles would obviously fall off if it was like on an angle too extreme so I just want to make sure it's just on the top yeah I don't know I'm going to it like I'm into too much detail for a beginner tutorial but you know I want the I want the result to look good and I've seen you know the past three years of people on Twitter adding me into their rendered result that they finished and I had like all these notes I'm like I you should fix this this is too uniform this is you know and it's like well I should have put that in the tutorial shouldn't I if everybody's got the same problems it means it means it's my fault from the tutorial so anyway I'm just trying to make it look nice anyway that's fine right I'm just yeah burn so ctrl tab and then I'm gonna go back to object mode so bring back our ice sprinkles and then the way that we tell the particle system to use that white paint is by right down here underneath vertex groups so you can choose a whole bunch of different properties that'll be controlled by that but the one we're looking for is density and it's group by the way if you ever mess up your like your weight paint or for whatever reason you can't find it it's like it's here vertex groups so whenever you start painting it'll create a new vertex group and it'll be right here but if you have a mess up you can just come to here and then click that little minus button that'll delete that and then you can click plus and you can add a new one yeah any noise there you go so we now have it on top of the icing where it should be arrey we got too many sprinkles you know we're gonna get to that in the following parts this yeah the sprinkles step it's a little advanced it's it's not in advance it's a little involved so this is going to be split up over a couple of videos so in the next part we will be adding some more variations to our sprinkles some different colors and different things like that so go ahead click here to watch that next video and I will see you there
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 1,617,069
Rating: 4.9796352 out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender donut, particles, andrew price, blender beginner, sprinkles, donut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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