Part 3, Level 1: Modifiers - Blender Beginner Tutorial

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g'day and welcome back to the donut show where we make virtual Donuts you can't eat so in this video we're gonna make the icing we're gonna start making the icing so what I want to do is I want to basically I mean there's as always a hundred ways you could do it but the way I'm gonna do it in this part it's gonna be the easiest way and that's just take half of my donut just cut off the top half duplicate that and then give it some thickness and then that is gonna look like icing on top of it so what I want to do is I mean object mode right now but if I went into edit mode this will enable me to as we mention in the last video click on each of these vertices here so I want to select half of my mesh so if I was just to drag like drag a box over it you can see I'm selecting but a couple problems one you can see but like it's actually kind of hard to look like side on but also I'm not selecting through the mesh so first thing I want to show you is how to look directly side on because this is kind of like freeform look and there's perspective things there but sometimes when you're modeling you want to look dead on and like do like an intersection like cut something in half so I'm gonna use number pad one and that will look front on to the mesh you can also use number pad 3 and that's just the right hand side of that and then number pad 7 will look top down get my keyboard shortcut list if you haven't got that already that'll come in handy but it's all there alternatively the other way if you don't have the number pad you can just click up here these little axes here that's that's how you can look sight on front on etc or as I mentioned before as well for people that don't have another pad the tilde hotkey that key underneath escape that also has this little pie menu so you can go top right left or because there's actually a fourth way you could do it this is the same hotkey I believe as ZBrush but if you hold down alt and then middle Mouse drag like if I drag up or if I drag to the right or left it'll just snap you to the closest AXI view which is there you go there's four ways to do it now in blender that you just be one number pad right but anyways blend is more accessible now where we invite all colors into blended now the touch devices and styluses and everything alright so I'm looking front on right now now I want to select half the mesh but I can't because I'm not able to see through it so you can do that by going to the top there there's a mode called x-ray mode so x-ray right the hotkey for that by the way if you want it is alt Z alt Zed will just toggle between that mode there so with that they're done now I can drag a box over it and you can see I've selected the top half of my donut so I want I want it to be the top half like you could go like that but I want to make the icing there's gonna be like dribbling icing in the next part of the next video we'll do the dribbling bit but for now I just want to select the top part so I want to duplicate this so to do that the hotkey is shift D shift D for duplicate and when you do that you'll notice immediately after that its duplicated it and it's now following your cursor now I don't want to click right now because then that would just place it randomly here I want to cancel its movement so I want to snap it back to where it was because I wanted to G be just resting on the donut so I can do that by hitting escape or by right-clicking either of those functions will cancel a movement and it will now snap it back to its original location so it's duplicated and it's now resting on top of the donut so straight after that I want to immediately make it its own object so to do that the hotkey is P P for part of it to be separated I don't know why it's P it's been P forever but P for penguin that's a good good way to remember it I don't know I said that we're gonna select selection okay selection alright so now that I've done that if you exit out of edit mode into object mode with tab by the way you can see we now have we have two objects that are and by the way we haven't talked about the outliner but it's this section in the top right hand corner it actually displays all of your objects if you click this little drop down you'll see all the objects that are currently in your scene so you can see we've now got two objects called torus so actually this is a good point we should probably give them names right now so I can double click this and I can call it icing the other way by the way you can rename something is at any point right here it's the same hotkey as you rename a file in Windows which is f2 so at any point like we emmaus as some ways want to give something a quick name f2 is how you can name it I was cool I don't know and you can see it's now given the name up there in the outliner icing and donut just a quick thing by the way when we duplicated this there's gonna be some people following this tutorial that and I'm just ignore this if you didn't do this but some people are stuck right now because after they duplicated the icing they right-click and then they click something else and now you have a horrible problem the worst problem ever you can see you've got mesh that is intersecting other mesh and you don't know how to select part of the mat like the mesh that's on top of it and it's it's it's the worst problem worse than Hitler but if you have this problem what you want to do is you there's a hotkey ctrl L if you've got a avert like one vertices selected ctrl L will select all of its connected vertices so I'm saying this because some people will be stuck at this point and they'll be like I can't continue so that's how you do it you select part of the mesh anyways I'm going to delete that and now we've got our donut and our icing ok so it's now sitting on top hooray for us by the way I should I this is my third time recording this video so I accidentally haven't done this but when you bite a fault this is what you'll see when no no one more there we go when you try to zoom into your donut you'll see that it's like half it's like cutting into your donut and it's very annoying it's just because the clipping amount for blender like as a default is set like quite high like that the stock clipping which means that because it's like its design blend is designed to work for like large-scale scenes and we're working at like 10 centimeters right now really small so this I'm pushing in in Fornelli nothing to do with properties but it's it brings up the properties sidebar or you can click the little arrow up there and drag that out anyways clipping start I just want to change that to point zero zero one and now when i zoom into the donor it doesn't clip so we can actually get in close without things disappearing okay I'll hide that again okay so I want to give this some thickness the donut is paper-thin it is a paper yarmulke and we want to give it thickness so there's a modifier for that so if you close to the modifier stack by the way I discovered someone in the comments mentioned spanner and wrench are the same thing today I learnt so I sing make sure your icing selected and we're gonna go add modifier up here and the one we're looking for is called solidify what this does is it gives thickness to any mesh so it basically extrudes it and it's now given thickness to it and you can see that it's now a super super thick icing it's currently facing inwards so that icing is pushing into the mesh itself so there's this offset value here if I drag that all the way up it's now facing outwards but it's too thick obviously unless you wanted a crazy amount of icing like they do for like cream cheese on bagels right it's like here's a kilo of cream cheese on a bagel too much so what I want to do just change this thickness amount to something reasonable so I'll just type in I don't know a point zero zero two will give you two millimeters of of icing maybe I'll add a five at the end and just uh you know it looks nice if it's like a juicy thick thick icing on top that's so gross dear all right so one final thing before we get to the next video hey we're making good time I want to move because you can see like on the edge here like that's a hard edge for that icing it's it's you could cut your cut your teeth on that edge there it's a hard and bright angle and that's because what we've got is we've got this a little throw the subsurf modifier it's smoothing it out but it's doing that first and then it's doing the solidify step after it and it's giving it a hard right angle edge so I want to swap those around because it works top to bottom so I'm just gonna hit the up arrow now it's solidified first and now we've got a rounded edge for that icing there yay for us cool so we will in the next part of this tutorial we will go in and edit it and we'll actually start to make it look droopy like it's dribbling down a little bit so go ahead click here towards the next video and I'll see you there
Channel: Blender Guru
Views: 4,098,987
Rating: 4.9691815 out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender beginner, modelling, 3d modelling, blender tutorial, donut tutorial
Id: R2qjqqfkH6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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