Part 2 Farmall Disc Harrow on the Ford 8n

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all right folks we're gonna try this thing out today and uh you don't know how good it does me to see something behind this old ford like this but anyway i've had a horror on it before but it's a much heavier horror than this one is and it scared me i mean the front end stayed off the ground more it stayed on but anyway uh show you a little thing what we did to this thing we uh had to go in and tighten these up they were loose back here i didn't see that when i had it down at my dad's i wished i had a saw it because it would have been much easier to fix it there with the equipment that i had to work with but anyway we got it fixed and then i had to line this back up so these discs will turn free this one's still a little bit aggravating but maybe it'll free on up this one don't have quite as much drag on it but anyway i got a quick question uh some of my subscribers might be able to help me out we're gonna need to be replacing reworking some of these boxes uh if any of y'all got any information i know i've seen that aggra supply has uh some replay i don't know if they'll fit this hard or not though so far as i know this was made for farm all international but i've seen this type of horror with three-point hitches on it that came factory like that too so i don't know if you got any information that'll help me that'll be beneficial but uh we're gonna try this thing out here in just a second but a quick story i'll share with you and i bush hogged this just a while ago so got it all knocked down this is where the peas was at but years ago uh down at my dad's we had a garden like this and i went through and bush hogged it in the fall it was cool kind of like it is today and but before i did i went through just like i did here i went through and picked everything i could get out of it so i wasn't wasting anything and i i had corn and pumpkins in that field and i went through tromping through there and got all the pumpkins out and got the corn out i think it was indian corn but anyway long story short i started bush hogging and about my second round i found a copperhead we call them pilots snake laying laying out there just as pretty as you please and uh i took care of him but anyway thankfully i hadn't saw that here hope i don't either but we're gonna try this thing out and uh we'll see what it does hopefully we don't have no welds to break on it and uh i'm gonna set this tripod up right here so you can watch it and we'll see what happens so uh this so good okay so good so [Applause] uh well guys i can't grumble i'm well pleased that little tractor is really not designed to pull nothing real real heavy i mean the makings of it you know it's just not henry ford did not have that in mind that's really basically this is for a small farmer and a lot of people tried to overdo them and that's why they was wore out they got the red belly ford had a bad name at one time it nowadays it's considered as an antique it's considered as something worth something but there was a time the red belly ford because it's not a powerhouse and it's not a heavy-duty tractor but i'm happy with what i've seen here so and the little horse still in one piece so that's the main thing i was just concerned about my welds how they would hold up and so making some of those turns with it puts a little stress on it so that's what i was concerned about i wouldn't do that every day and another thing for some of you newcomers that's here um you can check back some of my earlier videos that fence is gonna come down that's not nothing that'll be permanent uh this was kind of a last-minute resort to keep deer out of my garden and it worked believe me i would not have had those peas had i not put that fence up and i've got to go get the sledgehammer i've got one more post i've got to put back in the ground it sits over this other side of the tractor but anyway i'm going to finish up here and i appreciate y'all watching and i'm glad somebody finds this stuff interesting besides me but anyway we're gonna get off of here and y'all have a great day
Channel: Little NC Farmer
Views: 1,021
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 8n Ford Tractor, Farmall one point hitch, farmall fast hitch, one point hitch to 3 point hitch, part 2
Id: xGhbDUPjpLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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