Fixing the Ford 8N

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hello everyone today i got the ford in the garage we're going to go through this and try to figure out why it doesn't want to run i left it in the last video it was parked out in the field and i went out there to get it to pulled in here and i couldn't get it to start it would sputter a little bit but i tried for probably 15 minutes to get to start and it wouldn't start so hopefully we didn't break it too bad but there's just i don't know there's a chance that maybe the distributor is wrong i know a lot of you were saying that there could be a problem with the distributor i don't think it's the carburetor just because i tried messing with the choke and it didn't seem to change anything i tapped on it to make sure the float wasn't stuck i i don't think it's the carburetor i think it is the distributor or the points something like that so we're gonna dig into it and see if we can figure it out so the first thing we need to do is the distributor is right on the front of the engine here so we need to get that cap off get the coil off of there and which i have replaced the coil because when i convert it to 12 volts i had to put a 12 volt coil on there i'm gonna get all that off so we can get to the points i did notice after running this all day mowing that the distributor was completely clogged up with grass in all the vents which is probably not a good thing and i should have paid more attention to that i guess but i need to blow all that out because it's just still full of grass so hopefully we didn't hurt the alternator at all we got that wire off of there and now there is a wire on the top of it that we have to take off and it has a nut on there so we gotta get this in there loosen that up and then take that off there's an awful lot of oil on the front of this i mean i haven't changed the oil in a little bit on this tractor and it hasn't gone down at all so i'm pretty sure we're probably fine on that front but i was noticing on the bottom of this this little contact here actually has some corrosion on it where it uh touches the distributor cap and the distributor cap also has um some corrosion on there so that could just be the problem right there i think i'm gonna pull the cap off which the cap is new and this is new but like i said that was probably about three years ago or maybe two years ago because for your first year i had this i it wasn't converted i used it on 6 volt and i just left it exactly how i got it after that winter of trying to start it with 6 volts i decided that that wasn't going to work anymore because it did not want to start in the winter on six volts so i converted the year after that so it's been like this for two years and i haven't touched it so could just need a little cleanup hopefully that's all it needs i might just clean these points up and then put it back together and see if it'll start because if it starts just from that then that would have been our problem and i'm not able to get this nut off here for some reason the whole stud on there wants to spin all right i was able to get the coil off i just held that with some pliers and got off of there but this contact point on the bottom it's probably not going to focus on it very well but there's actually a small pit in it right there so i'm assuming this was probably arcing and that's probably our problem right there so i filed it down cleaned it up so there's no more corrosion on there and i might actually put a little dielectric grease on there hopefully that'll help it a little bit but i need to get the cap off of here now i decided just to pull the cap off but i think i'm just going to pull it off all the way and we can look at that all right got the cap off and the rotor it actually looks like this contact was barely touching the edge of this and so that could be our big problem i actually think that is the problem right there so i think what i need to do i might actually bend this contact forward a little bit more because then it'll make better contact with this the cap so i think that is all the problem that we were having i don't know if this is right but this rotor it looks like it's actually igniting on here pretty late then the other problem i saw was this i must have hit it with a stick or something something got shoved up through there and it damaged this uh port here and then when i pulled the wire off the end of the wire came off inside there so now i gotta figure out what to do about that i probably should get a new cap i'm gonna try to just fix this myself and go from there all right so i filed this down and i don't know if you can see this very well it's probably not gonna focus but the whole end of this electrode here is actually eaten away and i'm pretty sure that's the only spot where this was making contact so i bent this a lot and now when i set this on here it makes way more contact with it so i'm really hoping that that will fix the problem because it doesn't really look like there's anything else that was the issue um the only other thing i could see was the distributor shaft actually has a little bit of play which isn't good because it's pretty much always going to be changing the timing but you can kind of hear there's quite a bit of rotation on there but i don't think i'm gonna be able to fix that unless i get a new distributor and i'm not gonna do that right now we could look at the points take this little cover off here and then get back behind there it actually all looks like brand new behind there i probably should look and inspect the points on it but at the same time i feel like they're gonna be fine i really feel like the points aren't the problem i never actually replaced the point on this i don't think i need to honestly i seriously think it's just this that's doing it so i'm just gonna go for it and think this was the problem and i'm gonna put it back together and see what happens so i'll see you once i get back together all right i got all put back together before i try to start i want to blow this out though let's give it a go turn the gas on should be good yep hopefully it'll just fire it up give it a little choke probably don't need a whole lot keon clutch in nothing i might need to try to give it some choke hold this more or nothing will happen not what i was expecting i was expecting something yeah we have no ignition at all now so i made it worse incredibly all right i tried bending that electrode a little bit more that contact point so let's see if anything happens now nope all right we have no spark i pulled out the spark plug here and laid it on here and it's not sparky at all so there's definitely something wrong with the ignition obviously i mean i kind of figured that but i don't know whether i broke the coil now or i mean i definitely made it worse so there's something that i did is made it worse i'm a little concerned that that stud i may have broke on the coil because i spun it a little bit i didn't spit a whole lot but enough to where if there was like a connection on the inside that it was like soldered to it would have broke and now the coil is bad so all right so i decided to just take the whole distributor off and so we can get a better look at it's actually pretty easy to take off just two bolts so now we can actually get a little better in-depth view of everything and possibly test the uh coil just on the workbench here yeah we can see the points really nice points actually look new so maybe these were replaced i never have changed these but it really needs to be cleaned up it's really oily it actually looks like this might be where the leak is coming from is this gasket here i think the best thing to do is maybe clean this up a little bit and then hook everything up here on the workbench and see if we can get it to work all right well i had all this hooked up and i showed the camera that it was getting spark and stuff but the camera wasn't recording so sorry we're gonna miss that but i had this coil on here and i had it just like wired up right here and i was getting spark so we know the coil is good um i think the major problem is still these contact points right here so put the distributor aside distributor works perfect so i'm not worried about that all right let's try again so i know the problem that terminal on the top of the coil is bad i uh i must have broke it when i was trying to get the nut off and i just spun it off so i just took a wrench and spun it a little bit and tried again and it worked so that's definitely the problem i don't think that was the original problem i think the original problem was that contact point between the coil and the distributor cap but i obviously got that fixed it's just now that terminal is bad which it's probably not gonna keep working there's a good chance that the connection is broken and it's just laying up against like i spun it just enough for it to contact so i'm probably gonna have to get a new coil but i'll just get one ordered it's actually really easy to swap that out real quick so i think that's the route we'll take but let me get that spark plug back in because it doesn't actually it started running on three cylinders because this spark plug is still just laying here so let me get that back in and then we'll fire it up all right let's see how this runs actually i don't even have the gas turned on so i was running off residual gas in the carburetor which my garage is all closed up right now so i'm not going to lie around for very long let's see what happens and that's what it was doing before maybe a fuel issue now see this is what it was doing before it would sputter like that and it would just shut back off again so we haven't actually fixed the problem unless it's still that terminal but i feel like it's just doing the same thing now so now i'm going to take the carburetor off and we'll see what that looks like all right i've never taken this off but it should be fairly simple so i'm gonna take that nut off that nut off and this hose clamp and the fuel line and that should be it and now it should come right off all right got the carburetor off i did forget about the two linkages for the choke and throttle but they come off extremely easy you just they're spring loaded so you just push them and they pop off it's an amazing design wonderful very easy to work on so now i'm going to take it apart it looks like it's actually extremely clean and even the nuts that were on here were brand new so i kind of feel like whoever i bought this room like went through this right one before i bought it so we'll take it apart and see what it looks like i don't know what this thing is everything in here looks brand new so i'm pretty sure this was rebuilt like there's no corrosion there's nothing in here that looks out of line even the bowl looks really clean like there's nothing in the bowl need to have anything done with it like i don't think this is the problem at all there's nothing wrong with anything in here i'm thinking that it was not actually ever the float was ever sticking because there's no sign of that happening those don't have any liquid in them i don't think there's anything wrong with this i think this is more a problem of ignition because it looks like all of this was replaced before i bought it so i'm gonna put this back together put it back on the tractor and then we'll go from there all right so i figured out what is going on i've been messing with the distributor and the coil and then trying to start it and i found out that the rotor has enough play in it to where if i push it all the way one direction it barely sputters and then if i turn it all the way the other direction it runs perfectly for like maybe five seconds and then it starts sputtering again and then shuts off so there's just enough play in that that it doesn't want to keep running and it moves enough so i think i'm going to take the distributor back off and just move the timing in the correct direction whichever that way needs to be and then it should run better so that's what we're gonna do all right so i think i finally figured it out it was that timing just off enough that it wouldn't keep going so what i did i couldn't actually adjust the distributor anymore because um the points on there were already slid all the way so on the rotor the little end of it the electrode that actually sparks every time was there it's riveted on there and it was like pivoted all the way in the wrong direction so i just pivoted it the other direction so it moved probably about an eighth of an inch on the end so it seems that that was just enough to get it to run right so now if we fire it up it should run right [Music] well isn't that terrible or i'm just wrong well that's embarrassing [Laughter] so i just had it running perfectly so i guess we're not done yet that's crazy it was just running perfectly i don't know maybe you need a choked a little i think i just need a choke hopefully just need a choked i had choked the last time when i started it let's try to start again see yeah i think it was just a show well i think that was it it was actually really simple i wish i didn't have to take everything apart five times but at least i know the carburetor is extremely clean and doesn't need anything done to it the ignition system is actually good i probably need to replace that coil still because that terminal on top is bad that was definitely one of the problems but the distributor probably needs to be replaced because the teeth where it engages on the engine are worn down quite a bit and that's probably why i'm having this problem so i probably do need to replace the distributor at some point but hopefully this will work for a while this way at least through this winter but i guess that's probably going to be all for this video it is probably kind of long and a lot of short clips and stuff but yeah i guess that'll be it i do have another little project i picked up um a couple days ago now take you out and show you that so it's a little different but i picked this 4runner up i only paid 400 bucks for it but it needs the front is damaged which isn't really a big deal but it needs the timing belt replaced as you can see the timing belt it didn't break what happened the guy said that um the water pump went bad and he was going to replace it so he took it all apart replaced the water pump put it back together and then the timing belt like fell off or skipped a tooth or something which on these it's not a big deal because they're a non-interference engine so he just tore it all apart again to see what was wrong and then just never put back together so hopefully i can put it back together and it'll work i need to get a timing belt and stuff but should be pretty good for 400 bucks it yeah i i'm fine with that so i'll probably uh do a video on that i know it's a little different than what i normally do but um i enjoy that stuff too yeah i probably should do an oil change on this while it's in the garage here um i haven't changed the oil in quite a while but the one amazing thing about this is it does not use oil like the oil level has not gone down since i've changed this and honestly i haven't been the best about changing loyalness probably been well over a year before since the last time i changed this so i really need to do it and the hydraulic fluid i definitely need to change i changed it right when i got it three years ago so that is probably something i definitely need to do actually i was gonna look at the level on it it's actually just below the full mark but it really doesn't get too uh milky because i run it really hard so when i got this it was just really milky like it was pure white but since i use the pto a lot and i use that mower and stuff it keeps all the moisture out of there so i don't tend to have a problem with it getting milky but i really should change it it still looks fine but it should probably be done anyway we're gonna end it there thank you for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Humble Acres
Views: 5,016
Rating: 4.9172416 out of 5
Id: mGQr4nynEuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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