Ford Tractor foot throttle

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hello my name is David I want to go over the foot pedal assembly for a Ford tractor I was surprised that this style of tractor didn't come with a foot pedal first let me just kind of go over my experience with tractors I didn't grow up around tractors I guess my my first exposure to tractor use was as a teenager I would mow some grass for the church and it was a two-wheel drive Kubota tractor with the rear deck and then later on when I got some property of my own I bought a very similar type of two-wheel drive it was like a 25 horsepower small Kubota tractor and I've got a lot of good to say about that kind of type of tractor and then later on after that I got a four-wheel drive Ford L 4400 Kubota tractor front-end loader and so forth but some circumstances came up and I decided to go ahead and sell it and I but I found myself on the homestead here needing a tractor something to scrape gravel and do a little bit of bush hogging here and there and things that you just can't really do with an ATV like pull a log and the ATV just sits there and spins where a tractor can just snatch it and go things like that so I started looking to see what a relatively small amount of money could do in the tractor world and I started looking on Craigslist and finding old tractors like these and come to find out these tractors actually run and they and you can get parts for them in fact you can set them up to be almost like brand-new if you want so I was amazed at that there's a whole following of parts availability for old for tractors as well as others but one thing that struck me after I started looking into them is all you can use is that the hand throttle here I thought it just seems so awkward I was just so used to having a foot pedal you know from automobile use as well as the previous tractor usage I did and so I looked a little bit further and found out there's this this product called the Dowden foot throttle and it's an easy setup as you can see it's it's mounted underneath the footplate here I actually still need to put the one retaining screw in right there but the this is actually a replica of the one that was available back in I guess the 40s and 50s and you can get them for a ten tractors as well as this particular model here this is a 1959 Ford 601 work master with that that red tiger engine it's just just the neat machine I'm very pleased with it and but like I say not having a foot throttle just made the vehicle seem so awkward in slow maneuverability but let me just show you this shaft it comes down here it goes underneath the assembly here there's a an arm that comes up behind this linkage here it sends it to this shaft running it kind of like a 45-degree angle and then if you can see right here it's almost kind of like a horizontal teeter-totter where it connects to the other side of the machine so let's go kind of go around the other side and see where it connects up you say was this a difficult thing to install it I would say it was difficult one of the things that I would recommend I think the most is this shaft right here this is the original throttle linkage shaft their instructions detail how you actually have to flatten it out and go straight with this thing you have to straighten it out so that you can actually slide it through this sleeve right here that's that comes part of the kit then it has to be put back in the same shape that it was in originally that can be a little bit difficult but I would recommend getting a sheet of paper and tracing the original shape of the shaft and there's there's two different dimensions that you have to keep in mind there's that direction there's here and then there's a 45 or a 90 degree angle right here that has to be retained so that's just kind of something to think about there but you want to get it back to that but like I say where we come from the other side is this teeter-totter type shaft right here which is is the same linkage then connects on on this stainless steel shaft and it kind of rides in along here this little set we call adjustment piece it sets the throttle linkage in this direction and then this is the governor of the for the engine so it took a little bit of fine-tuning because originally I had a certain rpm range that's a foot throttle would use it would maybe have like a maybe a 500 rpm range and then after that just didn't have anything so I had to fine-tune it but let me just show you a little bit the operation here it makes it so much better regular hand steady mowing grass or whatever you're doing lot of smaller I blow the ability you know if I put that [Applause] you have such low speed these Beaufort tractors they don't have the low range transmission stock on the bikes with like maybe a modern track so really the only thing it gives the ability the difference most speed is just low rpm of the engine itself if you can get it on the other side here where the throttling like right now I'm just coasting but 600 rpm that ends in one down to virtually nothing the nobility and the same thing load up that trailer there that's a nice low rpm one two just slowly feather the clutch and let the thing out [Music] [Music] nice low rpm [Applause] [Applause] by RPM range that the throttle covers goes from right here at 300 [Applause] [Music] hundred RPM maximum right there if I were to use the hand that's about 2,000 rpm right there so I still have a little bit more rev range with this but based on the adjustments that I made I was very satisfied with with just the and like I say it's just so much better for toy-building love it worthwhile modification you track
Channel: David Nagel
Views: 8,813
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Keywords: Ford tractor Dowden foot throttle pedal
Id: guTbX35nvgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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