Ford 2000 Will It Start?

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hey guys welcome back to another episode of crazy DS equipment so today we're going to kind of walk through the 4 2015 2 [Music] [Music] so guys I've got one kind of talk to you about the fourth out about the 2000 here forward and then I got something else I wanted to address with you a lot of you are several of you pointed out in the top 10 100 Farmall video that I wasn't my usual chipper self in my voice that I was very monotone and today if you notice all the first two shots of this video as me sitting on a old vehicle back bench yes I'm not going to be very motivated on help and and today I'm gonna try to keep keep us guided get a list stuff done I'm a week and a half out from having I wouldn't call major surgery but I had some surgery and stuff and I am still extremely extremely sore when we filmed the the top ten pharma video I was exactly three days out from it and I have never been so miserable in my life but I just tried to focus and I do want to apologize because I wasn't on the top of my game I made a couple mistakes in that video I accidentally said four cylinders instead of six cylinders on the 560 and for some reason I said I said overhead valve on a farm all KUB and a farm old cup has a tell head motor and we all know that but I do kind of feel bad for making those mistakes but I was about this much here when we filmed that video so but you know no big deal is just a simple in and out kind of surgery but it's one of those it takes a long time for you to heal from so but back on the omelet on the mm here you know we picked this up on a on a trade-in it came in the gentlemen traded this for a tan Ford the one that you guys seen in the past videos where we had to end up doing the the motor swap which I'll tell you what truthfully me and Doc thought that tractor was never going to either a get out of the shop or leave the lot and I thought we thought that thing had decided that this place was going to be its permanent address so it was great to get that get it get it finished up and get it traded he got him a great tractor that was good the motor was good everything about that tractor was great so hopefully on this trade that we didn't end up on getting the look getting a lemon here this thing has been sitting he that he that he felt it was probably about three or four years since the last time it had been used to Italy before that had been probably five years that it was only used occasionally so it has done a lot of sitting there may be a lot that needs to be done I'm pretty sure being a gas tractor with that little three cylinder gas engine that I'm probably going to need to get doc a carb kit for it but we don't know what else is we're gonna find in there I have a feeling from the from the amounts of little rat messages left all over the thing that there's probably going to be some wiring issues that is going to need to be addressed and stuff but I guess what we just need to do is get in there and the dog needs to get the tin work pulled and that way we can really see what's going on and let's get in here and and get this thing checked out guys so let's get moving sorry about all that [Music] all right guys as crazy D is talk to you about this interest in a trade Ivan took time to pull the hood off as you you've seen and as you can see there's a lot of let's call them mouse tracks and there is even underneath this is here's for your battery this this just as bad or worse underneath it where your Pleasance and stuff are supposed to be there your plug wires are and they are all to Don so we have to replace those and I notice there's a spot on the main wiring harness then I'm gonna have to fix yeah other than that when H we took it in as a trailer and it's supposed to be leaking as that valve and I'm not seeing any trace of that and the pedal that it leaves is a lot farther back than it should be for that so that's the problem we got to find and other than that I got it you see it if there's some spark see what we need to do freeze we have to spark go in and hey Doc yeah do we got some spark plugs in our stock and wires and maybe you could replace and see if we can't get this thing to crank over and start today we can I can sure look and see what we have it may not be they might not be something we have to get in it might be something kind of special I'm not not work a whole lot on these little these little forages in the right actually they the serious body style changed so well I should take a look and see if there's something we can't see if we can't try to start this thing today because that would be nice if we could then we know a little bit more where we're at because that that steering gearbox he was pretty adamant of that it was linking pretty bad I know you don't see anything but I you know those these little for two thousand four that situation yeah so we a dig through our our parts and see maybe we can try to get it to start yet that would be awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay guys so as you'll see I have changed proof at different plug wires on it I check spark to make sure that this work and they did some work together get to that point we put some fuel in it and we're gonna see if we get it to start and if kind of that if it starts that will help find some of the other problems if it doesn't it kind of gives us an idea of how much more work we're gonna have to do so I don't think we're at that point so let's see what we get a voice from bond from behind the cameras did you turn the fuel on you always do that duck that's hilarious giving it one side of the muffler good thing it's winter and they didn't come out of the muffler alive that's a bee Oh port beam up a little bit but yeah I don't know which way it is on that [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] nice little one back in tech that afraid [Music] right [Music] get in here go to the back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the gas okay so you got it to start mm-hmm you got it - it runs we put new plugs you clean the points she fired up you just put gas and it didn't take much easier to start it so kind of made a list of the things that you found so you said that we're going to need to put it needs we're going to put fluid in the back yeah for the rear end that's what if this point weren't working also you said that they need to subscribe to the channel if they have it yet mm-hmm and oh so good I said hit the like button - oh yeah and hit the like button - you haven't done that so hold on here let me get some of this so we got the guy oil and oil for the transmission mm-hmm or for the rear end I can't seem to handle pin so we got oil for the rear end and what else did you said yeah there's that really only thing we need to do to it and what was with the you couldn't get it to throttle it do I need to get the just from suppose it's set throughout those two three four years a little PB or something like that after so you need to do that yeah what else we got to get done to it - is that pretty I mean I don't see it looks like this you give it a hydraulic valve it's the other things might be bad or something that was wet so do I need to order those parts or is that something you can fix we may need to order those those parts so you know I'm not sure you need to let me know if I go over to the parts store and whatever is there too - J and H he might have a handle this I think it's just other things if I remember I uh so is there anything else that we need to do before this is to want give it a bath is even a bath I'm not putting that on the list cuz that's what's gonna give it okay so you need to come into during the week this week yeah finish this one up and then what do you got to do the I believe that's left I hadn't pulled the gearshifter out and worked it back into neutral so all I think this less because that is trying to get figure out why we're not having spark yet so so you just gotta get spark on that and that one's done and then you get those both out on the lot this week yeah so you need to come in during the week and do that so but otherwise guys I think that the the four mm good deal it seems like a pretty decent tractor we got a little bit of fixed in the do on the to stop a fluid loss for the rear end so that we got fluid in so the three point stuff will work and that'll be on the lot so this will be a thirty five four thousand dollar tractor on the on the lot that's a pretty good trade up from a two thousand dollar eighteen Ford and the M is almost done and yeah yeah it's going to be a good week so but anyways guys thanks for coming in thanks for watching we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Crazy D Equipment
Views: 8,229
Rating: 4.9532166 out of 5
Keywords: Ford 2000, will it start, will she start, ford, ford tractor, for sale
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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