Part 2 - 2021 Rolex 24 At Daytona

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[Music] goes the 0-1 car which is all white with a little bit of red detailing on the top of the roof and the dorsal fin for kevin magnussen he's part of just a three driver lineup there are only a handful of cars in the dpi category that have decided to go the lemon style of driver combinations as in three rather than four so you have the zero one with wrenching van der zander scott dixon kevin mackinson the five car likewise sebastian gordon and the 55 mazda who've done it that way for quite some time actually oliver jarvis a current driver jonathan bobarito with harry tickle who's just exited the 55 car at that scott i believe so exeter man tickle out pomerito clambering in for pasta there's jonathan at the window already jeremy in this race always be his first [Music] stint [Music] stepping in uh around about the two hour mark it's easy to miss the odd stint here and there zero 0-1 back in again no not back in again it hadn't stopped turn at the same time or in the same group of stops as the other cars around it so this is fine for the cadillac chip ganassi racing dpi magnuson comes in and that will allow ricky taylor to [Music] the moment bradley is returning to broadcastia busy hunting down drivers this is spinner out on the racetrack though that's coming out of the western horseshoe and it is rejoining me to be an mp3 car which was in a little bit of strife hopefully not too much time lost as the zero one car which was driven by kevin magnussen heads back onto the raceway two drivers then being chained and others settling in for longer stints that is no driver change kevin magnussen staying at the wheel joe we've been treated through the years formula one drivers almost kind of discovering this race for the first time but you think kevin magnussen will he'll notice through his dad of course but uh do you think it's become an instant favorite for the day for magson jr i i think magnussen junior's been fed up for this since he finished his four with a one job back in abu dhabi just before christmas and he's really fired up in fact one of the recent quotes i read he was looking forward to going for a win again and it's been a long time these young drivers they you know they go through the junior formulas and are very successful in their climb up the ladder and then they get to f1 and unless you're in the top well these days unless you're in the top two teams arguably uh you don't really stand a chance of actually winning it's a fight for those podium and lower points positions isn't it and magnuson's been in one of the poorest cars on the f1 grid for a long time now and for me bit of a i think it's a bit of a waste of a talent deck i've always rated it i'd always people you talk to you can be a bit marmite with regards to people's opinions but i think he's a very very competent and capable driver and you know what johnny this week or last week and the rest of this the previous week we've just seen has proven that hasn't it that kevin madison has been absolutely on the job uh from the very outset and yes he'll be familiar i'm not sure if he's actually been here i remember interviewing his dad jan in the pit at le man a few years ago and kevin had just been dropped for the first time by mclaren and um and he's standing next to him and i said to young is it okay if i've talked to your son and he and jan of course and young's inevitable style said ask him is it kevin do you care for an interview he said yeah yeah go on so kim the you know studio came to me and i said so kevin uh you're here with your dad um have you have you ever fancied doing any racing and he just looked at me as if i was a crazy man you know it's like uh i said don't worry i'm already kidding so come on tell me the truth tell me the truth about mclaren and he didn't of course he gave me the uh the politically correct uh answer um he's a great kid he's a great driver i see a kid he's an adult in fact he's a parent now isn't he so that that's he he's entered the real world there um i'm expecting big things from that young man um he's in the ganache team he's and part of judge at this stage of the daytona 24 hours but um speed wise and performance wise yes very much very very rated by me 28 years young now would you believe our daughter's the first time george i know i reckon this will be the first time he will have ever raised with a roof over his head because uh it's all been open-wheel single-seater stuff up until this point uh the spin by the way for the lmp3 car which i still have yet to identify i've seen a number of times now still can't quite get there but it involved the bmw from team rlll so a gtlm car i think the red and white bmw which would make it the 25 machine and just rapidly scrolling through race control messages to try and work out whether that's been identified it will have been identified by the clerks of the course there and uh blame apportioned if necessary but lmp3 spinning across the nose of a bmw coming out of the western horseshoe both able to continue on in fact the bmw didn't really affect the 25 car although there may be some damage on the nose of the philippe driven m8 gte will keep abreast of that and uh any penalties that may go the way of i'm gonna suggest the bmw if uh if anybody because often the car that gets spawned out by a car behind it tends to be the fault of the car behind not always that's not me putting the blame on just suggesting that that's the general pattern of things tim buray comes into pit road for tower motor sports christopher meese heading back out again he's been willing the dragon speed oracle for a little while now because he's setting the best time within that car not too long back not too long back which would have been 138.137 so in and out for chris meese tristan nunez doing the chasing in third spot and all rather busy around the outside of the tri-oval for car number five that was a narrowing gap between the right motorsport porsche and the very hard concrete wall on the right side it might be safer barrier there actually but nevertheless you're going to be hitting it with that sort of speed just avoca had it all in hand i am sure and still continues to lead but only by 3.7 seconds now because a 136.1 from the chasing kevin magnussen is quicker than votier's pace probably not helped out by that traffic devotee cause at the end of the lap the gap steadily decreasing the sharp end of the order ricky taylor in third and in fourth place stand mike rockefeller making three cadillac dpis in the top four out of turn one goes a number of gt daytona cars of course the ferrari of nicholas nielsen [Music] straight the back straight and into the bus stops uk so slamming on the brakes working their way left and right plenty of curb being taken by all gt daytona cars there and now an opportunity to see a jtgt daytona car being overtaken by a gtlm machine so the white headlights of the ferrari on the high side in the driver's briefing if you're in the slower classes you're instructed to stay down on the low side and allow the faster cars to overtake and make their own arrangements so that's exactly what davide regal did i was able to get by nicholas nielsen well before the breaking area for turn number one jeremy shaw joining me johnny palmer in the haggarty global broadcast center part of the race where gt daytonas are properly getting stuck in and posing the odds moving chicane for the prototypes that are looking to lose as little time as possible on each lap yeah exactly right and this is going to continue now for the next uh what is it 20 hours uh because we're almost coming up for four hours into the race that's pretty remarkable isn't it oh it's been really interesting so far uh tristan bocce has stretched out that lead in that last it was just high i think it was 15 seconds at one stage but now it's down to just four over over k-mag david magnussen ricky taylor is dropping back a little bit in caliber 10. that's the konica minolta acura which we won't be too concerned about that but mike rockefeller as you say has taken over the wheel of the number 48 car at this last round of pit stops driving takeover from simon pagano so his first time back here for a couple of years i guess but you know he's got a lot of experience here in the past uh has has rocky including one win so back in 2010 that was 11 years ago that was it that's amazing i think it was that far long ago but you know interesting race i think at this stage you know mike conway is driving another 31 car now he took over from chase elliot uh and the gap brought from him to the country fields now it's a little bit less than 20 seconds just getting some information through regarding the clash and the incident on the exit of the western horseshoe which i was describing was actually the 33 lmp3 that was involved which is the short creech motorsport dj and that car spinning after some contact from the 24 bmw 24 was a portion assessed incident responsibility in that incident the car 24 given a drive-through penalty because of that and the treble one uh gets a penalty the fire extinguisher not properly manned for car trouble one which is the grt grasa racing lamborghini but we're probably a few sticks off now stein shot horst has just brought it in that may well actually be the drive-through penalty that he needs to do so it's another drive-through for austrian squad grt grasser and their treble one current they've got two cars all changes of position in gt daytona class that is led still by kyle kirkwood for vassa sullivan and the second indie doctor but only by half a second back to trent hidman's almost ever present right motorsport porsche in the top three then it's charlie eastwood for tf sport the first of a couple of astons because darren turner slipped behind the tf sport car an indie dodger on this lap takes the gt daytona lead now not sure where that happened on the racetrack but uh already now has a lead of 0.4 of a second so deutsche 57 wind ward racing mercedes ahead of kyle kirkwood that's the first lead change we've had in gta gt daytona for about an hour or so i feel like a long time ago you saw that see do we see that change at number 14 car's been in control for a quite a long way so uh uh yeah hats off there this is windward great of course uh stepping up to the interwebin tech sports car championship this weekend for the first time after uh after some very strong runnings in the michelin pilot challenge with the gt4 mercedes and that's a super strong lineup in that number 57 car as well there's three silver drivers in there and the platinum morrow engel is the platinum driver but russell ward into doncha and phil ellis who uh yeah all are very very strong drivers indeed so they got they felt good coming into this race i think and they're certainly looking good right now you're tuned to rs2 insert radio part of the radio show limited network of channels it's johnny palmer and jeremy shaw in the hagerty global broadcast center and joe bradley's looking after the vp racing fuels pit and paddock updates here are the uh the here's the order then after four hours of running as jeremy makes the point the master in race update and the number five car of tristan votier leads the mustang sampling cadillac machine it's a 126 laps down for that car four seconds the advantage over kevin magnussen ricky taylor's third and mike rockenfeller is fourth in inaccurate and cadillac respectively tristan nunez drives the number 11 lmp2 win or to sport orika he leads lmp2 from the simon huffaker car scott huffaker car and timbu raised third in p2 gtlm is jordan taylor the first of a couple of corvettes car three leads nick tandy in four with two bmws behind philippe and jesse crone in 25 and 24 respectively lmp3 is led by spencer pigott car 74 for riley and indy dodger as mentioned has just taken the lead in the gt daytona class for 57 whiteboard racing mercedes out front from the vassa sullivan lectures with kyle kirkwood and trent hidman in the right motor sports porsche is third that is a mazda racing update with four hours done [Music] it's rs2 insert radio and we are into our five of the 59th edition of the rolex 24 with dpi cars running first two settlings about to be able to grab a word with yacht fan out from sadly the now retired 29 crew racing team nederland and they were looking for a very strong debut having competed nicely in the european level series and the world endurance championship will get to yacht in the due course focus on the battle out front which is still just over three seconds between [Music] those uh old foes the old rivals of mustang sampling and the zero one cadillac great to have zero one back in the entry remember chip ganassi racing ran four gts for three or in four seasons not only in the united states but also in the world championship as well regulars at the 24 hours of le mans that program has come to an end but it does mean that we get to see the zero one back in the uh the daytona 24 hours which is brilliant to see and some really quick names signed up by that team as they return to dpi competition certainly in the mix with just over four hours gone ricky taylor running in third in the 10. mike rockefeller for allied carpet i like cadillac 48 do you know why i said allied carpets very nearly because i was told to remember that and then when pronounced saying as i did for the opening time yesterday during free practice for ali that's not the right way of saying it ally is i have always printed in my mind that phrase that i'll try and never mention again that's that explained olivier clark in fifth place the 60 car from my shack racing and the acura with lmp2 bobbling nicely yes there's an eight-second lead which is an excellent debut in this chapter for the winner at carnival steven thomas a nice clean first stint he did a brilliant job at the floor last week he in very very wet conditions at the start of that 100 minutes to arrange to decide for the annual rolex 34 at daytona he worked his way through into the lead of the class with the super thomas despite his almost total lack of racing experience really really impressive uh and now tristan nunes leads the class now uh he was a uh for the winner of the walter hayes trophy years ago that was 2012 i think from scotland from the tbsa scholarship winner from a couple years ago he also showed well at the walter hayes so those two are first and second right at the bay between llp two uh half acre for the pr1 matterson motorsports team and then gabriel over the tower knows where his third place he's about 17 or 18 seconds behind them in third position uh and then close to defenders on that last lap on the heartbreaker mr family is doing a nice job in the fourth position for dragon speed usa and then uh kyle tilley the era sport in uh in fifth and uh all of those cars you know the top four on the lead lap at the moment at least in overall terms uh and uh behind code said it was giorgio serracioto then he's taking his turn at the wheel of the czechoslovakia down the back straight snow big bod coming out of the tri oval and into turns one and two go the there's the mike conway driven wheel of engineering car so this is now at the back of the pack if you like dpi but uh that's okay because they remember made that stop it was slightly out of secrets possibly to put mike conway into the car maybe to get the 31 car out of a bit of traffic and also into a a more comfortable position on the race track but the lap times look healthy on 38.5 last time around capable of 134.8 was done much earlier [Music] another crew for both corvettes deciding to go with the three drivers and uh it's jordan taylor that leads the class there's been a moment though for the number 12 vassa sullivan lexus now that's the car that is a bit further down the order not the kyle kirkwood machine that is still second the car 12 is in he's in 12th position in class in fact and he's being driven by robert mcginnis glow yellow and black machine very similar liveries actually for both cars although sponsorship differs very slightly it's the curry shares with tanzan bell and frankie montalvo zac veach guinness having to rejoin again something happening all on his own and right in front of the zero one of kevin magnussen i know for 55 master i should say so oh a big question mark there i'm sure in the mind of jonathan side to go over the spinning lexus do you go where on the bit of road that it currently occupies or aim for that bit and hope the car's no longer there as you stream past well it's a mixture of two i would suggest and moderato did incredibly well to deal with that situation unsurprisingly jeremy the 12 lexus is in to have all of that dirt and grime and grass retrieved from the front vent from the front splitter yeah i think that might have been on his in-lap actually because uh beginners was due to bring that car into handover beach for his first first ever endurance race that beach of course has been driving indie cars for the last seven years came up through the road to indy and is now making the move across to uh sports car racing having been dropped by andretti orders for the end of last season despite bringing a sponsor to the team that's another story uh so exactly now he's he's been relishing this opportunity he's going to be the full-time driver in his number 12 car for vasu sullivan with frankie monte carlo who started the race and it's the car that had a problem earlier on with his transponder lost a couple of laps making that change but um other than that the car has been running very very strongly [Music] so the 55 do you know i think there was a moment there in jonathan bombarito's mind that i i should go left here and hope that the lexus spins to my right towards the outer wall and then very quickly decided to redress and rethink that thankfully for the 55 master which the name of the game at this stage of the race is to keep your nose out of trouble as we've said many times before modeling incidents around this place because it is such highly concentrated [Music] jordan taylor leading by just a second over the chasing nick tandy so the [Applause] four headlights in jordan's mirrors i suppose a comforting feeling to know that it's your teammate acting as a bit of a rear gunner but don't make no mistake about it if nick tandy senses sniff for the lead he's going to go for it whether it's a teammate or not and the same can be said for jordan taylor if the roles were reversed its way out of turn two goes the number four car very shortly as they head off to the break to the international horseshoe they're about to be overtaken by an mp2 car by the way and then the next car on the road is one of the two grt grasser racing lamborghinis that's the one with the orange on it so has to be car 19 and 19 is being driven by tim zimmerman the german currently running in nicely positioned and he himself actually trying to eat into something like a 10 second advantage that the number 75 mercedes has that's the sun energy one mercedes mercedes-amg gt3 with mikhail grenier at the wheel of that canadian driver for sun energy one of course the kenny hubble car as well the sun energy livery and kenny hubbard was going hand in hand and more recently more recent years the mercedes as well but with the flame effect on the front of the nose which always looks very dramatic by day all night speedway turn three there's the 48 car of mike rockenfeller to put a further lap on the two gtlm leaders down into international more battling prototypes that's for the lead jeremy and it's really come down there last time i checked it was three seconds it's now point four between voting magnussen yeah yeah magnusson has really got a bit between his teeth and uh he's a he's a very impressive young man he's uh side by side in a split are they that was very tight they headed up towards turn six i think that able to hang on to that lead but not by very much banks and last weekend you know he hadn't driven this cadillac until sebring a couple of weeks ago that the chimpanzee team did a test at sebring that was the first time he drifted the car absolutely loved it uh he then last weekend's race the 100 minute race was it was held in wet conditions he started the car third by the end of the first lap he was in the lead he had never before driven his car in [Music] [Music] yes with the ferris wheel in the background so it has to be the second of the horseshoes rather than international but uh now leaving the sea what i didn't see is the builder to that though and uh how quite how olivier pla got there nice to see the serious xm backing on the dorsal fin that car hopefully you many of you are tuned in by that as well too into radio rs2 part of the radio show limited network of channels the hagerty broadcast center currently has within it johnny palmer and jeremy shaw with joe bradley working hard on the vp racing fuels pick pallet reports 15 minutes gone by the way so uh working our way through the fifth hour it's at five to eight in the evening eight o'clock in dubai that meant the fireworks lighting up the sky a little bit later here aren't they but certainly we'll have some evening entertainment eventually some fireworks the second of the horseshoes the 16 uh porsche having actually dropped a couple of places for trent hidman so charlie eastwood's got ahead in tf sport aston martin nicholas nielsen up to four from the 21 ferrari trent hitman no very much in touching distance of those two cars that have gone ahead pretty much neck and neck through speedway's turn one and two in again under green is the 31 car jeremy this is this car definitely plowing its own furrow strategy he managed a total of 22 laps on that stint which is which is yeah it's about right that's certainly good um they went off strategy with that stock for chase elliot i'm curious to know why they made that stop earlier last time around with that number uh 31 car which was slightly unexpected but right back on schedule now for the number 31 good good um [Music] this early on in the race i suppose you can afford to take you know a little tweak to the strategy and actually it doesn't affect things too much we're way away from her needing to back time now can we provide an answer as to how olivier pla ended up on the grass yes and it is more contact i want to say for the 25 bmw that certainly looked like the right livery on the roof of the 25 would you concur jeremy shaw unsure on who it was to be honest but whatever it was it from my perspective that was certainly whoever was driving the gt car it was not his fault uh it looked to me like olivia pie just cut across his nose and kind of spun himself out which is really unusual i mean that was my initial impression in any case it was different from the incident which involved the 33 lmp3 because that was after the corner if you like and the bmw uh i suppose could have got out of the throttle there was it was a start to the push earlier on which then continued with driver still on the throttle and had the opportunity to get out of it that was less the case unless what's the case coming out of the corner on that incident and as you say it is down to the dpi driver to allow sufficient space on the exit be aware of the car that it's overtaken so that will be being reviewed make no mistake about it and we will find out at the 12th corner i have fully feeling it was the 25 bmw again i'm very much prepared to be wrong on that but it was the right paint scheme that sort of red white of the 25 as opposed to the 24 which is black with the blue and the red detailing down the side but phillipe has now brought that bmw in i clash at all this is um also because it's due a pit stop but uh let's wait and see unless there's a message is there it is big part it is the 25 and 60. so we've identified the cars correctly now is there a decision jeremy yeah i don't know yet it's under review so we'll have to wait a little while for that one but uh i i i when did that last that car last coming to the pits i think this is a bit early uh for that pit stop for number 25. i would have expected to see it in just yet i don't think um so maybe there is some damage possibly to the left front of that number 25 car after that contact from the with the number 60. i got 29 laps on phillips stint he did 27 before that and 27 before that so it's about right actually for a stop say yeah i think we can say that's fine i'm on schedule and uh we'll wait for a decision or lack of one from race control regarding the incident also getting news from race control that there is another retirement i don't think we've mentioned the high-class racing car yet but that is out of the race the car for dennis anderson robert kubitzer who i'm sure many of people will be trying to follow through the race anders fuel back and ferdinand habsburg another one sadly to put a black cross through jeremy shortly yeah that was a pretty hot the uh hotly picked car i think for success here despite the fact that drivers don't have much experience this racetrack habsburg's been here uh before of course but uh for the rest for that team it's just great to see that team here first of all and the fact they were they were running strong uh he was that had smurf was here a couple years ago finished fifth overall that was in 2018. uh for dennis anders hernandez shortback and robert kubica of course this was their first rolex start although if your bike did do one race at uh sebring it was a couple of years 2019 so he did he was the only other one with experience of this racetrack so that's a great shame to see that car out of the race and the review has been completed and the incident involving 25 and 60 uh philippe bank and olivier clark no further action so if anything we thought it would be the prototypes driver's fault but in fact it's been called as a racing incident trajectory is meeting on the exit of the western horseshoe and uh continue as you were i suppose if it was labeled as player's fault then it was sort of self-policing because he ended up on the grass anyway grassy moment again for the same car the 25 it's really been in the wars over the last 30 minutes or so and that was coming out of the bus stop chicane so that's the out lap isn't it for connor diefer leaping on cold tires yes he takes this moment to start weaving from left to right to try and get some much-needed heat into the new michelangelo remember no tire warmers in this championship so the first few laps can be very gingerly indeed i remember you jeremy shaw and john hind off making the point that maybe the michelins in this particular year taking even longer to come in so what happened to conor d felipe loses the back end into the bus stop and has to take to the grass almost cleans out a weathertech piece of hoarding as well the advertising hoarding there on the exit but thankfully avoids that it doesn't get it wrapped around the nose of the car which could have spelled disaster for the engine temperature and thankfully just avoids disaster there lost him some time on his out lap at least in the car is still in one piece [Music] yeah that's his slightly good [Music] sorry jeremy a good couple of minutes yeah it's not been a good couple minutes for the bmw team has it and all of a sudden the the two corvettes are admittedly clear of the recent competency only ferrari i think uh all those cars are due at pittsburgh fairly soon as we see one for the rates leader tristan vogtier had been under intense pressure from kevin magnussen who closed in the the gap from second to first it was about five seconds but the last seven or eight laps they've been running nose to tail but now let's get your service for five yeah [Music] in this race five car completing its latest stop rejoining you'll be surprised to see the change there apologies i should have been paying attention to the stock itself confirmed for you just down munez in the meantime still leads lmp2 after 137 laps completed by the second fastest of the prototype cars dpis first and seventh then lmp2's in one solid luck at least still in the wrecking it they want eight to an eighth from from eighth to fourteenth position and then the other three lmp2s that started the race uh are now out of it the 29 upgrades high-class racing now officially labeled as a retirement and the 81 dragon speed usa [Music] was a driving change there sebastian taking charge of the number five car so we've had duvall all day back into the mustang sampling jdc miller motorsports cadillac now on to pit road is mike rockenfeller for another stop for the fourth placed car ally cadillac dpi [Music] for entire change before it's open but driving checks taking place there so a new water bottle check on the driver as well [Music] the thing that rockefeller will be concentrated on on the outlap is how much [Music] tries desperately to get heat into the tires as he leaves pit road two very thick black tram lines left behind the ally car and it will head back into the race gtlm still led by i say still led by nick tandy he's snatched the lead away from jordan taylor did that a few laps ago and now built himself a tidy lead of five and a half seconds so the silver corvette now ahead of the yellow one davide regan 62 ferrari running in third [Music] indeed and uh they they the corvettes last pitted on lap 105 106 104 it was for rigon uh so i would expect regal to be in first of that trio [Music] for our race leader kevin magnus is ricky taylor gonna stay out take the lead [Music] that's the question isn't it it's uh two minutes back from this car [Music] so that will give the lead back again to the number 10 machines the lights are clean kevin magnussen [Music] yes he's in for trent hidman indy doncha also in former race leader and it will be for the 57 car a new driver as russell ward takes charge off the windward racing car shares it with philip ellis [Music] nte sport so andrew davis bringing that car in for another stop but uh how many stops it's fifth which is about right for gt daytona kyle kirkwood yet to make its latest stop once it comes in that'll be stop five as well kirkwood for eastwood and for darren turner who hasn't yet come in either so that's your top three currently three front engine cars in gt daytona alexis from two aston martins as the 42 car the nte machine is back on the move there was a drama for this car i wasn't there jeremy you'll probably remember a little bit more about it but the nte car some question marks yeah that's very true johnny because there was an off again at that notorious pit exit here at daytona uh alameda was was going out uh today was kind of which day it was now i think it was on friday morning uh no it must have been on thursday sorry uh and uh he uh collected the wall there and did quite a lot of damage to the right hand side of that car in actual fact yes last night they were still waiting for some parts to be thrown in some bodywork parts to be flown in from detroit they finally arrived and the car was all back put back together again unable to start the race and uh certainly it's been a a very respectable first run for that team in the early stages it might be perhaps a uh a lap down to the leaders in gt d but uh it's a very promising first run with the car that they certainly struggled for pace with in that audi through the through the raw last weekend and uh this week in practice as the well go ahead jeremy shaw just the the last car to make it stop on sequence again this time around is a number 10 car that's the uh conica minelle monotonous very taylor racing acura and again this car was good it gets with his team always gets good uh fuel mileage and uh on a fairly regular basis this car is coming in you know one lap later than some of the other cars this was a 22 lapsed into all of the leaders running 22 that since dpi on this last on this last uh run before the previous stops yeah as you say slightly staggered really getting uh they're all they're all stopping at the same time but now that we've had a decent amount of clean flag running then obviously that's going to happen when the car stopped just hit off sequence and that rhythm continues on then until well effectively the next caution but we're almost two hours clear of caution number four so this is by far the longest portion of green that we have had the long way continue generating a brilliant race still very close out front by four and a half seconds sebastian balde separated to wrestle zander two cadillacs out front there with a rejoining elio castaneda's for conica minolta and the acura arx zero five team [Music] looks like rejoining in fourth place so rocky mike rockefeller's got a head mike conway who stopped before the next batch of uh main stops if you like the ball could have stopped so he's now inching his way back towards the sharp end of the screen fifth position for my conway staring at a 30-second gap now until he finds castroneves a little bit tighter than that will allow a lap also to unravel before we properly place elio in the order jonathan bombaritos in sixth and then juan pablo montoya who takes charge of the earlier spinning for the 60 car for my shack racing when olivier player was at the wheel but montoya now drives the seventh placed dpi through turn six goes elia castroneves germany making the point that was a driver change quite right ricky taylor getting out and brazilian castaneves in and corvette hitting one side of their carriage so jordan taylor in and out of the car nikki katzberg taking over the all yellow corvette c8r mid engine to remember a radical departure corvette design in its current configuration debuting this event 12 months ago what i haven't fully taken notice off jeremy is whether we've still got the uh the bunsen burner blue flame emitting from the exhaust from the tailpipes of this corvette remember that last year got the two of us very puzzled indeed it was a cool effect wondering whether it was actually meant to be doing that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] away [Music] is [Music] um [Music] is [Music] about 12 laps from now okay thank you for that update that's jeremy shaw i'm johnny palmer you're listening to rs2 imsa radio part of the radio show limited network of channels and we're in the hangity global broadcast center with joe bradley working hard getting drivers when they are available get a little bit of light onto various narratives just unfolding in what was said to be a very eventful race once again it kind of always is and particularly early on as well we've had plenty of incidents some of which have delayed well uh favorites some cars sadly that were pre-res favorites are already out but that's the nature of this beast i'm afraid to say many times we have lost potential winners early on in the piece and this race is no exception it's proven itself to be no exception nose to tail running again in gt daytona with uh aston martin being pursued by a ferrari and almost going for a move that's very tight indeed aston has to take slightly to the dirt there and i think that was um the angelus well aware of the location of the 21 ferrari of mater matteo cressoni i wonder where andrea caldarelli is in all of this mixture because calderelli started this lab actually sandwiched between those two cars i wonder whether calderelli's checked out and is now firmly into fifth position and that has left yes in fact up to fourth now matteo crazoni up to fifth place i think that was a lamborghini and a ferrari getting ahead of the number 23 aston martin driven by roman d'angelis the canadian driver deangelis a little bit on the grass through the second element of the bus stop chicago and then couldn't hold back the progress of matteo crossovi in the af course of livery ferrari that's the scarlet red with the central body stripe the white green and the red the italian flag very cool top to the windscreen as well the visor strip on top of that a of course a ferrari is almost illuminated in italian colours very very cool indeed that's the beauty of a day in tonight race is the appearance of the cars changes with the race a pillars c pillars a little bit of both for certain cars starts to become lit up with leds and you almost have to have a different spotter's guide for the night time running from in the day [Music] so listening to rs2 insert radio and uh we can now catch up with this vp racing fuel pit and paddock report with ted giovanni's who's been very patiently waiting on the line hi ted great to have you with us it's another daytona don't they i know it is it's great to have you here hopefully you can hear me ted as i was saying another daytona 24 hours a race that you really that's a cool place to be watching can we go anywhere [Applause] that would be great wouldn't it but uh he's gonna hear us in order to do that and uh i would favor turn one all day long rather than getting into the rv we'll give him a moment to head away from uh the race [Music] in traffic meantime um the zero one car heads through the left-hand key in field they'll get back to ten very very quickly but you've got guests lined up out of the door at the moment so we'll get to all of those involved very shortly figuratively literally yes the rumble that ted giovanni's was enjoying a moment or two ago now thunders its way out of turn six generated not only by the zero one car but scott dixon turning a few heads i'm sure down at turn number one he's already on the back straight now and into the boston game 2.2 seconds is the gap that he's trying to slice into a slightly shorter margin he's done exactly that actually coming out of the right in the left 1.7 seconds now that gap's coming down to sebastian bourdain jeremy shaw who in himself is no slouch no indeed he hasn't taken dixie long to get up to uh to get comfortable in that car has he he's only done what seven laps now uh turns his rip capture really about 35.7 last time around for pixie as he goes across the line to complete that but 149 but a couple of uh gtd cards negotiate but he's about [Music] because [Music] acura making its way out of the tri-oval and now down into turn number one careful not to get too close to the tyre wall on the end on the inside of that bend and then having to leave the car from one side of the road to the other to get underneath uh an lmp three car i think that was possible to put the tail at the speed that elio castroneves is peddling but castroneves taking over from jordan taylor at the last stop and producing some very impressive lap times the 136.5 last time around ahead he's able to lap slightly faster than that actually mike rockefeller did a personal best sector one time sector one fairly short and the shortest on the lap but still getting through there in just under 23 seconds is uh now lighting up the timing screen but actually quick elapse by far coming from scott dixon who is now only point seven of a second off the back of the race leader pedro vanessa heading to the trailer by the way so he'd be able to hear us much more clearly we'll get to him due course we're also lining up for a jacked life from the track a number of other people as well so looking forward to that just as soon as we get to it anyway the sebastian bourdain cadillac out front from scott dixon and this gap is going to fluctuate to an extent back and forth over the next stint or so 22 laps is something to keep in your mind i would suggest though because beauty of this now two hours of green flag running is that uh you get an idea of what a fuel tank will give you in a cadillac or an accurate seem to matter to lots of masters what's the master doing yeah 22 laps as well although there was a 21 lap stint for harry tignall it might just be that uh it was a convenient place to stop at that point to hand over to jonathan morito but 20 21 22 laps is about the ballpark figure to be aiming for anything short of that we should start to be getting a little concerned to the back straight there goes the number 10 car in gtlm alexander sims has now taken charge of the number four car that was the corvette tandy driving it now nine second advantage for alexander sims over nicki katzberg and connor d felipe in the best of the bmw's we're almost back to the order that was set a few hours ago jeremy shaw jorgun on back in the 62 ferrari we heard from him live on air he's in fifth and chasing once again two bmws third and fourth and the two corvettes that are leading uh all of a sudden they were running pretty close together for a good portion of the race and now just a little bit colin lee felipe despite that uh the instant maybe 20 minutes or so ago it's just 10 seconds behind the second of the corvettes in third place uh then the the 24 bmw which uh was involved and had a drive through not too long ago that car is now running [Music] in gtlm and separated in total by around about actually they're just they've just been left by the leaves it's difficult to say at the moment but uh they are all on the same lap with each other at this stage in the race i think goony is uh a minute behind the race leader at alexander sims and that gap is pretty much the same after the 62 car also served a penalty much earlier [Music] battling the dpi category is closed once again and they're heading out of the western horseshoe now i don't think scott dixon has ever been quite as close as this now i know okay scott has only just taken that car over but when it was in the hands of kevin magnussen he wasn't able to get quite as close to the number five car as this and there may even be the opportunity for a lead change we're going to head to lance wilson very very shortly but don't want to miss the lead change because scott dixon has got a cracking run on sebastian bourdain he had a look into the bus stop chicane and then backed out of it but that was one of the best moments to take the race lead for chip ganassi racing and the second of the cadillacs scott dixon has been working on that for the last four or five laps and a really good opportunity but sebastian bourdain saw him coming and wasn't going to leave the door open so that will provide a perfect opportunity to grab this vp racing fuels pit and paddock report that's awesome from the sean creek motorsport crew good evening lads good evening good evening hello out there i hope you didn't mind me just holding back on the interview there because we were set for a lead change in dpi uh and i'm probably gonna have to cut it in a moment to two again when they these two cars get onto the back straight but let's try and get a question in before that point um it's been an eventful race for you guys hasn't it lmp3 first of all you're running aligier there was the choice of two legie or duquesne but both seem to be very evenly matched this weekend yeah i i would agree i mean we win um i've been running here in the states for about well since we came into the um insta about my fourth year running the wii j uh comfortable with the platform um you know both are strong cats you know they each have their pluses and their minuses then they see you know at the end of the day they're pretty well balanced out there they're incredible machines to drive they're a joy to drive and um you know we're out there i don't think nowhere close to his heart but sort of as hard as we can you know at this point in a 24-hour race call the uncertainty that it's outstanding it's an outstanding vehicle you know we got great support teams done a great job um you know right from top to bottom so it's just a matter of you know fueling tires for another you know 19 hours and 12 minutes [Music] i get to uh follow these cars in europe on the european le mans series bill and also the missionary road to them with these cars opportunity to race for a couple into races in le mans week we are at a phase where there's been a reset to a certain degree four brand new chassis for season 2020 and the new cars are now available in the states too so a word on with you having experience of leagues in the past what about this new car and also what about the opportunity to race in the main show here at daytona so yeah i'll certainly i'll go through those one at a time the new chassis is not a quantum change from the first generation car but it it does pretty much everything just a little bit better so what i mean by that is you have a little bit more arrow particularly up front it's a little bit easier to roll some more speed into the corners a little more torque um with the larger motor 526 versus the five liter motor that we had in the past so that little bit of extra smoke there gives us a little better run out of the quarters than we had you know previously and i think that's pretty much important here the weathertech series where you know we're sort of plotted between the gtvs and the gtlm cars make our speed slightly differently but you know for the most part we're all getting along pretty well out there we're all you know you know coexisting in in peace thus far and um we do our part to make sure that continues but cars you know it's a great car there's no if answer but we're very early in our experience with it we um we just got our car a matter of weeks ago um had a little bit of testing to do with it and then um you know crammed and jammed in as much as we could through the roar and things and um feel good about where we're at and it's you know it's a matter of pushing hard enough to be where we want to be but not so hard to overstretch the car because he's never run a 24-hour endurance race before so we're pretty soon we're going to be in uncharted waters here lance wilson this is uh jeremy shaw in the uh jeremy hello how are you thanks so much for joining us oh fabulous that's great a couple of questions for you first of all you've been doing a lmp three now for a couple of years i know originally before the car just moved from kind of testing and then the plan was to get back in the gt3 car again but you were having so much fun with these cars you carried on with them you've got to be absolutely delighted that nfp3 has been brought into the weather's export style no you you you have a great memory i had several years of experience in weathertech and uh never running a full season because like you know i had a job and with you know didn't have the flexibility to be able to do that i run the 24 about nine years or so and i'm always in gcp and i i was blessed to be able to you know have some amazing co-drivers over the years many of whom went on to become factory drivers and things and got immense help along the learning curve things i sort of got the point where i was sort of hitting a plateau in my own skill set my own ability so you know i bought a p3 car just to sort of get comfortable with bumping up the minimum corner speed which is sort of when i looked at data against the you know the fast pace to do this for a living that's where i was giving up the most ground and then you know once i got in the car and got you know i'm far from fast in the car but as i've evolved you know my skill set as a wall to drive it it's an outstanding platform to drive and i i can't stress that enough it's just i don't want to say it's easy to drive because none of these things are easy to drive that's why it's racing it was easy to do everybody out here doing it but the car itself it's a great package um it's got you know with the new um the new engine we bumped up about 40 45 horsepower got a little bit more downforce um i'm you know i'm thrilled and um i have you know like many many thanks to the powers that be at emsa for bringing us on board letting us run in the show uh hopefully we'll put on a good show for everybody and um this [Applause] [Music] yourself i know you're carrying a covered awareness uh on your race car for this weekend yeah so i um you know yeah i'm i'm a physician i'm a surgeon by training um i'm very and interested in development i um did um come down with covid last year early on in the uh sort of pre-pandemic if you will i most likely contracted it in the february early march time frame at that point in time you know it was i don't think it was under the radar but it was not widespread in the states at all to the point where maps weren't being worn everything from the flying airplanes i got sick when i was just in california with my daughter got quite sick and i just attributed to the flu and i went to self quarantine to not affect my family with the flu but you know it was you know it's no joke and that's partly why i'm you know i'm trying to increase hope awareness and importance of math wearing and have people seriously consider the you know the benefits of vaccination because you know i you know in the spectrum of covet illness i was relatively mild but you know i'm 59 years old it was the sickest i've ever been in my 59 years of existence and i would not wish it upon anybody so you know yeah we're you know i'm doing what i can you know through social media through fan engagement through all the media outlets i can um and again i'm not you know i i have no interest in telling anybody what to do or what they should do that you know that's not my you know goal or objective or my solar objective is you know simply to have people speak to the people who are in the notes speak knowledgeable and then make the right decision for you and your family because the stakes are very high it's not a hoax it's not trivial i've been through it it's no joke and so yeah you know we've been giving out a lot of swag we can you know face match sure all sorts of you know gear for people and um again you know again you know my my expectations are fairly modest but if i can impact a couple of people who impact their families and they you know take you know take it upon themselves to you know learn about vaccination and pursue it then you know racing aside i won this event because you know that that that's a far greater good at the end of the day as much as i want to win this race finally um you know heaven and have the opportunity to potentially have a greater far-reaching impact but far more meaningful dr lance woolsey thank you so much for joining us thanks for everything you do and and have a great run for the rest of this rolex 24. uh well thank you and uh yeah i can't thank you folks enough for having me on and put on the best show we can for you guys look forward to seeing everybody in person when it's uh when it's recent one except take care everybody thank you [Music] paddock report with both me johnny palmer and jeremy shaw so time now in daytona working our way towards the end of another hour it's 25 minutes to nine o'clock hour six would you believe the 59th running of the 24 hours of daytona just before we get to that junction a great opportunity to catch up with somebody else so we were talking about covid and obviously the perils of it and trying to avoid where possible and ted giovanni's is now on the line in a conversation that well hopefully won't fully focus on the kobe virus but ted's doing some incredible work as part of his foundation good evening ted giovanni's let's make sure you're there uh yes i am i'm here and how is spectator return number one how is spectating it turn number one that sounded superb well it's uh it's very loud uh because it's rate coming into the breaking area so uh the cars are full song uh there's just still uh paint down there the yellow paint that's awesome to the right i mean also the left so now it's pretty loud and it's pretty spectacular because you can see the cars you can see brakes um and you know convenient for me because that's our pitch down there so that's sort of you walk around the corner and there there we are well uh brilliant for you to to add to our effects mics we thank you for that and also thank you for uh heading back to the motorhome as well so that you can hear this call a little better we really must ask you about the the amazing work that you're doing as part of the foundation researching the covid virus we've just spoken to lance wilson who was explaining to us that he actually caught it in the very early phases when it first arrived in the united states like like the uk like the rest of europe it was a learning process was it not to find out how to battle this thing uh yeah and what we're doing is we're um the work that we're doing is more secondary right now to actually battling it what um the folks that we're working with are doing they're creating a mathematical model to evaluate the effectiveness of all the vaccines and in order to it's a worldwide collaborative that's the center of which is at indiana university but those folks are trying to um be able to model the effectiveness which means that they are waiting for information and data that once the um you know the the vaccines are out there and you can get some data on the following of the patient um to be able to see which vaccine is working for more effectively [Music] my personal suspicion will be that um they might find out that certain vaccines work better for pre-existing conditions like you know diabetes or someone uh disease so that's what i think we're going to do so ours the results of this work is for downstream still and may not happen for another six or eight months whereas the developers of the vaccines this is the two drug companies that are out there but there's uh two more than the pipeline um they're trying different approaches to to actually to to deal with the the virus itself meaning once people get it uh or preventing it and i think the vaccines will tell them more uh about how uh to treat patients so um that's sort of uh kind of what we're doing in a nutshell so it's it's it's coming uh and that's sort of where it is but we started this project uh last year well that's really interesting information thank you for fleshing some of that out for us i suppose it's all of that research and your day job that then allows you to come motorizing at the weekend really great that we can kick off the calendar as scheduled on the traditional weekend for the 24 hours of daytona you're in the 64 porsche with team tgn 18th place i notice in gt daytona at the moment but it's very very early days and gt daytona is such a close category [Music] uh yeah it's uh it's very it's very competitive and there's a lot of great drivers that are matriculating into the uh that particular class and so uh you know we uh decided that we would just wade in and see what um you know what we can do for um uh working through the series we wanted to um we wanted to race it into 24 hours and that sort of achieved this up so what we did is we partnered with the right motorsports to help us with the car and then we melded some of our crew members to do the over the wall uh parts of it and we plugged our four drivers one of which is myself but there's net from houston and owen trinkler and uh they're they're just plugged into this and now we're on a rotation through the you know driver change uh just like most of the other teams well i make this your first venture into the main weathertech sports car championship and is this your first 24 hour race therefore uh it is absolutely 100 correct and that's why um [Music] you know that's why we needed to to partner with somebody that actually knew the particular car that we were going to race but also uh knew the 24 and had experience with with it so it shortened our learning curve a little bit we still have a steep learning curve but it shortens it a little bit and um you know my co-drivers have all driven in the 24 [Music] so you'll be given the 3 a.m shift then won't you to do a good couple of uh hours in the night right uh well they they've been they've been pretty gracious to just take some of the weight off of me but um no i'm gonna i'm not really gonna drive the 3am shift uh but i've done two stints already and so i'm uh i may i may be off for a while that way and then come back um in the wee hours in the morning well it's always good i think to um to make sure the nerves are put aside as early as possible to get in the car and get those important shifts out of the way and extends very much still in one piece so we wish you well ted for the rest of the race i'm going to allow you to go possibly back to term one now to enjoy some more race action but thank you for spending a bit of time with us not only on your foundation but also on your team's efforts so far yeah thanks very much for the opportunity and we're really excited and happy to be here thank you guys wonderful ted giovanni's there from team tgm and we'll keep an eye on how that porsche gets go continues on it is currently in 18th place as i mentioned tuned to rs2 into radio that was a vp racing fuels pit and paddock report it's johnny palmer and jeremy shaw in the hagerty global broadcast center at the end of another hour that's five completed this is your mazda in race update and we're at a point where one or two cars are choosing to pit including the race leader scott dixon in the 0-1 cadillac dpi so at the end of 163 laps that car is in and should mean that elio castaneves will take the race lead for conica minolta in the accurate dpi third position although now on an out lap might rocket feather so dixie will probably feed back in to second place rocky may slip behind sebastian bourdain at this rate in the mustang sampling cadillac morday has already completed in his stops the 16th problem on toya uh my shank racing acura is in fifth position in the lmp2 category it is the 11th car that leads being driven by matt bell gabby obrie for tower motorsport is second and then it's fabian schiller for dragon speed and also annoying car 82 with nick lalapierre hitting the eop r1 matters and motorsports 52 gtlm still the story of two corvettes followed by two bmws it's alexander sims in the four the silver corvette that leaves the yellow nikki katzberg driven c8r then conor d felipe in the reds and black bmw ahead of the black blue red detailing number 24 beamer of mark of um of marco whitman and then it's jule gouna in the 62 reese's competition ferrari four lmp3s all together on the timing screen uh 20th position down to 23rd the class is led by car 7-4 which is the riley motorsports legion for scott andrews and second is jan mccleary the 33 sean creech motorsport car the same car that lance wilsey drives incidentally and now while andrea calderelli was showing signs that he might do this he now leads the gtj toner class with the paul miller racing lamborghini eureka number one ahead of klaus bakler the austrian driver from right motorsport that's the porsche number 16 ahead of matteo cressoni for af courser ferrari 488 number 21. that's the latest master in race update here on rs2 if the radio all pit stops taking place for the dpis including for elio castroneves so i'm not sure he ever did actually get to the lead of the race jeremy sure we had scott dixon in and out just yet so he'll stay here but i don't think anybody got the lead did he the number 10 no i don't think he did not quite no because he's quite a long way behind the two leaders they've pulled about 25 seconds over the 48 car which was in the last previously and the number 10 car nothing quite got into the lead on this rotation but it has led some laps in this race we've had five different leaders so far number 31 number 10 number 16 number five and the uh number five because is that oh zero one excuse me that was the other one the five cars have led the race and we've already had now about 20 lead changes [Music] frenetic stuff and 7.2 second lead rather realise the closeness of the race to this point we have had it as high as 14 seconds five car back to the top of the pile who knows for how long four but uh there's a seven second gap emerging in one or two places now first second and second to third as castroneves rejoins that'll probably extend further actually by the time the brazilian goes through the next timing loop as the 21 ferrari is back on the move now this is a challenge for second position in gt daytona and around the outside of class bachler is going to go matteo crosoni he scored as in second place as they went through the tri-oval that was a fantastic bit of driving you don't often catch klaus bakler out like that but obviously the ferrari got a much better run through speedway turn four and sweeps across the nose at the right motorsport porsche to take second place they are trying to hunt down andrea calderelli as a moment or two ago the konica minolta acura that was in pit lane was there a fumble here when they were refitting michelin tires i don't think they quite had their new tires in the right places and there was a delay or the rear right just would not go on now of course oh yeah it was lowered down onto the rear right way too early because it was still being lined up and correctly located it just isn't going to go on at all and this was a huge delay for the 10 that we're only picking up now finally those lug nuts are located and the wheel gun can be applied but got to be at least 10 seconds joe bradley lost in that pit stop for carter yeah johnny in 10 seconds might not sound like a lot of time in general terms but in motor sport that's a lifetime i think about that you are lapping a tenth of a second two tenths of a second quicker than that car just think how long that's going to take to gain that 10 seconds back and and re-establish yourself it's an absolute lifetime 10 seconds in a pit stop that johnny is why you see these teams uh practicing and practicing and practicing the drills of tire changing and refueling these cars and also that's why we see the drivers uh practicing all the time swapping their the drive seats um it's very very crucial even in such a long water risk we'll see by tomorrow afternoon this race could come well could very well come down to less than 10 seconds yeah and yeah that may be the race being won or lost right there uh the beauty of this race of course is the safety cars and as long as you stay on the lead lap or within one lap of it there is always the chance of your race to to change direction once again um so staying in touch is key but uh they were kicking themselves down at konica minolta acura r uh arx05 as the team is called with the new for 2021 acura because elliot castroneves a brilliant stint and then with a slight fumble with the location of the tires and then getting that rear right on there was a delay the mechanic in charge of the airline thought that everything was done but there was no arm in the air from the rear right mechanic and that's the reason why it needed to be lifted again for that uh wheel to go on but it was just a sort of spiral effect really one bad thing happened and it was followed by several others back in the race it goes fourth position for elio castroneves and he's about 18 seconds nearly 19 seconds adrift of mike rockenfeller it could have been half that or not for that mistake and the gap if anything this time jeremy shaw opening up a little bit okay that's just on the last lap but about eight tenths of a second gained by race leader sebastian bourdain maybe hit some slightly favorable traffic yeah it could be uh but yeah that that uh delay for number 10k once again that stayed out uh a little bit longer than some of these some of the other cars uh that is the the seventh pit stop before that car during this race and uh it's it's done the least amount of pit stops the the two leading cars number five and zero one have both done eight uh but uh yeah there's been quite a few cars in this race have had to do it earlier on in the race they had to do an emergency service up which accounts for an extra pit stop even though it doesn't cost them a lot of time but the number 10 car there that really did cost them a lot of time because they they came into the pits yeah around about i think eight or nine seconds behind the number 48 car and now yeah you reckon you're right about about 10 seconds it cost them during that stop it seemed like a lifetime corvette on the inside of the 57 mercedes the former class leading gt daytona amg he doncha for windward racing at the wheel so you lead the class one moment half an hour later you're back down to 13th that is the nature of the gt3 division gt daytona as it is called in the into weathertech sports car championship the number four car of alexander sims trying to keep its powder dry very busy behind this car so sims will be grateful to have worked its way his way through traffic and has cars up ahead as well it's in these moments around speedway turn three and four that you're having to judge those cars in front are they cars that you're likely to be catching before turn one or are they prototypes which you really don't have to worry about because they will just disappear into the distance but all of this is being computed by these world-class sports car drivers as sims comes from the high line at the tri-oval across the there's normally a solid white line where the daytona 500 happens but it's been painted out to offer as much grip as possible there is a problem here though for the number 19 grt grasa racing lamborghini of albert costa and it looks like it could be a tire down for the huracan gt3 for spaniard costa he is below the double yellow line on the flat apron there and working its way working his way back to pit road so i've seen this many many times before the car has to continue on at as high a pace as possible looking to see whether the michelin tyres are fully inflated it looks fine on the right hand side there may be an issue on the left possibly with suspension or a michelin tyre which is on its way down tough to tail but it's just about going to make its pit stall there's another car rejoining which is the 25 bmw which very nearly caught the back of the lamborghini hurricane when you're making your stop and then rejoining you have to be so much aware of what is going on around you because cars heading into the pits aren't necessarily going to be up to speed this could well be fueled jeremy shaw the car is not even going to make it stall and here comes grt grasser as a team three guys four guys to try and get the car into the right place i think it is on the dregs of that fuel tank [Music] so they're all now pushing the grt grasser car to his right hand position a sheet of paper here that tells me how far down pit road grt grasser racing team are positioned and i make it boxes 32 and 33 it's a box 32 for car 19 but it must have stopped closer to stall 22 so 10 boxes further down and finally grt grasser can get the airline plugged in it goes up on its internal jacks and the fuel can now go in joe bradley's got a thought on what's going on rt you know what that was an awesome perfect fuel stint wasn't it to get that looks like it yeah to get that close to the pit box maybe the next time they calculate a refueling stop they'll maybe not just they'll not shave that razor blade as uh as finely as that that almost worked they sorted a cartoon thought it might work well lads you were close but not quite close enough and that's going to cost them time isn't it it is but credit to the team because they were alert i'm sure albert costa had been on the radio saying i'm not going to make this guys i might need a bit of man power to help me the final few feet and so it proved now question is how many laps had albert managed on that stint and we need to compare and contrast with the previous one i made that a 30 lap stint for the spaniard and they did tim zimmerman did a 30 lap stint before as well and they don't they've actually managed a 32 lap stint prior to that the 34 lakh one i'm gonna discount from uh for miesha goickberg because that will have involved at least one caution but we have been green certainly all the way through aidan reedstein which was uh i'm sorry that's the wrong car skipped a line now but we've been green for all of the previous stint for tiff zimmerman there we go and the 30 laps that he was able to do so that's a strange one because alva costa has oh maybe he ticked onto 31 maybe that is the difference you can do 30 you can't do 31 and that will be jotted down in the notebook down at grt grasa racing no doubt about it i suppose these are the things you need to find out during free practice rather than in the race but at least he didn't get stranded all the way out on the back straight and to cause a caution and have to come up into pit road on the end of a tow rope it wasn't as disastrous as that that's one of the mistakes that will hopefully only make once in the race sharp end of the field dpi led by sebastian bourdais still this seven second lead back to scott dixon then it's nearly 21 seconds the difference to mike rock and fella so although he's in a cadillac as well it looks like the mustang sampling and the chip ganassi racing caddies seem to have the pace over the third place car just at the moment fastest laps sent earlier on in the race the fastest lap of the race was set by the number 0-1 car at one thirty four point six five seven that was done early on and a one thirty five point zero offered by the number five car as well the fastest that the 48 car has managed is a 135.4 but we also need to concentrate on things like average lap times as well through stints that are generally 22 laps in the daytona prototype category eliot castaneda is running fourth people durrani from wheeling engineering still just about in the right position by the lap is just over a minute and a half here and pepo trails the roast leader by a minute 19 so [Music] another 15 seconds or so lost for the brazilian and he's running close to falling off the lead lap it's in control at the moment but uh just needs to catch the odd bit of traffic here and there and that could get dangerous matt pablo montoya is right in the zone for falling off the lead lap might already be there he's a minute 36 off race leader sebastian bourdain so we'll be looking in the mirrors before and approaching [Music] has worked his way by the way to the sharp end of gt daytona off a spectacular move around the outside of klaus battler to take second place as it was then and now has managed to make his way to the very front of gt daytona backless followed him into second and charlie eastwood for tf sport is running in third place in the 97th car with roman deangelis for the part of racing team in the aston martin so how many different manufacturers can i offer you in the top five four with the ferrari a porsche two aston martins third and fourth and the mercedes in fifth position so we're nearing the end of this little segment of our broadcast with uh rs2 imsa radio but uh if you're just joining us perhaps thinking right settling in for a full night of action and i know there are many many of you brave enough to stay up for the full duration then there is a a great team on its way to keep you company with the return of john hindof who has been a busy man this weekend allowing to call free practice for and uh three odd hours here as well so uh john you will have been chilling out in the green room but ready to get cracking again now how do you know what color the road was johnny green rings aren't near the green have you noticed that never ever never ever give up you talk about that yeah that's uh that's been a really interesting session yeah there's been one or two clashes that we don't like to see and uh i did like the fact that race control actually allowed some of them to just lie and uh they were almost self-policing in the case of olivier clarke you're gonna get that in the early stages if they turn i get the feeling that you know the race just needs a period of time to settle down but we're there now and um i mean you'll have the stats for how long this green flag has gone on for but this is what i craved really after that succession of yellow yeah you absolutely raised my mind because you've had two hours and 41 minutes under great flag uh johnny palmer joe bradley our vape play racing field pit and panic reporter and jeremy shaw was joining johnny in the global broadcast center now it's a quick personnel change here on himself radio rs2 on the www dot imps radio dot com website sound and fusion there and of course at the circuits 7.9 fm sirius xm series 217 that's two on six excuse me xm2 welcome to our broadcast in the hagerty global broadcast center for the first time for 2021 and the 59th running of the daytona 24 hours the rolex data in 24 hours and say hello nick dearman john uh very interesting very interesting not all blade sailing from of course acura's having problems with their wheels going on and off and these are both the team so we've got the accuracy very very experienced but they just seem not to be able to to get those wheels looking yeah i mean it's interesting gremlins that turn up in the first races of the season i don't know if they've done a 100-minute race because nothing's there they don't get the same temperature buildup or the same sort of panic buildup you do when you're already nearly six hours into a 24-hour race and yeah there may have been little tiny amendments to improve things um it's often seen sometimes i think at the heat of battle you don't actually know those improvements whilst yes perhaps reducing a half a turn of nut to make it slightly quicker or a wider thread we've seen it happen before in f1 sometimes those nuts in the mounting whilst it seems great at room temperature suddenly in the heat of battle just a little bit out of tolerance and we've got a huge problem with the sticky wheels sticking up adam is back with us as well looking after hello uh looking after tradition i can make it happen inside look hang on here we go here we go hello uh she had him back with us it's our vp racing field pit panic reporter quite a lot of people on twitter that shared just uh what about an hour or so accord maybe a little bit more now uh at rs at [Music] that nasty looking incident for turner when fuel got uh got flung all over the place bill auburn was down there at the time and was affected by that rocket what can you tell us about those that were close to that fuel spillage everybody is fine bill said that he was covered in gas it burned him really well but he went straight back to motorhome took a shower put some fresh clothes on he's ready to go again so everybody thankfully okay from that one and yeah scary moment for people watching at home for sure to see a driver that they know and love as much as bill in a situation like that it's not something you ever want to be a part of he did have his racing helmet off but the visor wasn't all the way down and when people sometimes talk about penalties being handed out the warnings being handed out for you know incorrectly and tired people at the fuel stop all right bill was a bit further away uh and not involved directly in the in the future but that just goes to show doesn't it how seriously you have to take uh have to take safety all the time in a bit oh absolutely and it's the reason to be quite honest that i don't stand in front of a car when it's leaving the pit box because if it's going to drag any equipment with it it's going to go in that direction so you always want to be standing behind the card nasty once down through the little whoopsie for corvette number four she's just gone a little bit too long at the international horseshoe first of the infield uh hairpins and that is alexander sims who's leading the gt at le mans category i would suggest that probably not anymore i think that was his teammate that just uh sneaked through there they've got about 100 seconds on the chasing pack which is led by connor philippe of her bmw team rl in the 25 car let's do a couple of updates uh first of all some penalties coming in or ear penalty at least and an update on lexus as well in terms of the penalty it was just called for car number nine that's the fast motorsports porsche beautiful plaid representing team canada matt campbell was a little bit late on his pit commit to come down the pit lane and he didn't exactly get lined up where he should have been race control notice they called a penalty that is a drive-through and a lot of people might have noticed that the number 12 lexus which is a full season entrant by the way for frankie montalvo and zach beech went behind the wall a little bit ago i've just received information they sustained damage to the radiator due to debris on the track so that car back in the garage needed quite a bit of repair it's already fallen down to 18th in class and in another six laps it will lose that last place position to the still recovering at number one one one of stein's shot horse behind will right now grasser racing lamborghini that car has been suffering with electrical gremlins all race meeting not just the race today adam with that vp racing fuel pit and paddock report still just on 18 and a half hours to go and we've been well officially nick dearman in the dark well you and i have been in the dark for a very uh long time but officially it was it's one minute past six it's now what nearly ten past nine uh here at diatonic um we're seeing a little bit of a pattern emerge now and this is the beat of the race right now 13 hours and 11 minutes uh from sunset on saturday tonight to sir sunrise on sunday morning and this where this is where the british if you've got to tick off the laps at this point haven't you yeah i mean you think you remember really about daytona and it is unique in so many ways but this way particularly because it's not actually dark it's completely different it's a proper completely floodlit circuit in the uh the bowl of the nascar circuit and the difference in lighting between this and going down the back of the mold sound straight at le man is well night and day uh very good i mean obviously i'm getting tremendous deja vu because i was i was here all last weekend virtually so i've turned hundreds of laps around this traffic with the team honestly in the dark it is 90 as it would be in the daytime unlike other tracks you can use all the same references because it is just floodlit you know and it make it and the difference in speed is is nothing you have the same amount of confidence especially when you go in the front right over the front and again very different from what we had a couple of weeks ago where we had 13 hours and 16 minutes of darkness at the dubai international circuit for their 24-hour race it's one of the great joys ian forrest uh has i hope he's still listening before he disappears he's hoping for the uh 79 porsche leading in class and certainly 97 aston when he comes back he's heading off to bedford in the uk europe at the moment and matt is finally on his lunch break 2 a.m in the uk so that's what 10 minutes ago so still listing in i hope uh matt watching and listening um great uh stuff from daytona that's at himself ratio hashtag r24 radio one of the great joys nick is the fact that is the fact that there are many there are many 24-hour races around the world and and goodness sake we cover a great [Music] [Music] um that was the big 24-hour race daytona had a 24-hour race and you know that was that was about it nowadays there are plenty of international 24 hour races quite a lot of the television we do quite a lot but they all have their their own unique character yeah i think it is yeah i think this is part of the the president the move away from the sport movie that's and the ability for the television and the following and the fandom of enduring sports car racing has has enabled these marquee events to be set up and we start with we do 24 that we would normally have bathrooms daytona then you know batters with 12. and then we have the other big events of course which is nurburgring 24 which is which is crazy and um the spa 24 which is again completely unique in its single class environment so you have these these sanctions in the season um in a normal season when the dates are running when you have these big endurance events and they and you're absolutely right they have completely different characters um yeah i would say that my feeling is the daytona in many ways is the most successful i think i think it's the one that's the the biggest crossover the ability if you actually if you're lucky enough to be here next year yeah you can get up on the banking seat three-quarters of the circuit seven eight in the circuit branch you know you don't have the cars disappearing off in the boom docks for four minutes and coming back again um you know all the activity go on the infield it's a real spectator event and you know kind of combines that american passport with endurance basically that's a perfect description well done uh nick tiermann who's in the hagerty global broadcast center so just a wee while ago alexander sims went off at the international horseshoe he's since pitted in the number four corvette [Music] yeah that was a that was a 32 lap stinch here but he steered in the car yes he did and he did os a trip down the pit lane he had been out on track for more than 50 minutes at the time of his off so perhaps it was just the tires giving up at the end of maybe a very long stint but yes his pit lane visit was due and nick katzberg just made a trip down pit lane too so the two corvettes are running on a slightly different strategy than the two bmws who are running on the same strategy than the ferrari it's interesting that they're all putting at different times something for you to get your teeth in the stream and now that you're back on uh [Music] has just come in and left the pizza actually steered aboard the number five mustang sampling cadillac but only did a well obviously it's a bit short it's about four laps short i i reckon uh of what we've seen him do uh and it's that rockefeller just come in as well that's interesting fellas come in a few laps early in the ally cadillac so boards here in the mustang sampling car came in after just uh 18 laps on the racetrack [Music] body after 18 rotten fella [Music] i think that was just a seven day for rock and color so something odd going on with those guys [Music] so that he's going for what will amount to a triple well i don't know and rocky's didn't as well what i don't know that share and you weren't on there i don't know whether sea bass took tyres uh at his last stop but i wonder if he was just feeling the pinch a bit on the tires he got towards the end of the stint as i said maybe four three four laps shy of what we might have expected to see so i think perhaps for you to uh to cheer up if you don't mind the tires would be the least there was once you get to nighttime temperatures dropping uh hasn't dropped that much nick seven eight celsius michelin tell us on on the track uh and when i was you know three hours ago it was 90. now all right it's it two degrees is two degrees but as as any tyre tech i'll tell you but um the the temperature the air temperature holding up really nicely uh that's still at seven eight celsius at the moment so you know it it is i mean don't forget we're not at happiness nine yet and we've got we've got the long nights still to come she would have been looking at the forecast you were normally our weather feared uh what is the uh what is the overnight for aston into tomorrow morning for for the environs of the racetrack well and when you say i'm your weathervane does that mean you stick me on the roof and i spin in the wind to tell you which direction pretty quickly yeah pretty butch oh okay yeah um no rain no rain expected whatsoever our low tonight it's supposed to get down into the 50s i believe it is 61 right now as the the last michelin update i had on the weather going down to a low of potentially 54 55 tonight so not much variation in the temperature clear skies overnight a little bit of cloud in the morning especially toward the end of the race have to say and a high of 75 tomorrow so basically ideal conditions to be in the pit lane another car that i need to check up on which was doing very nicely thank you very much indeed no it's all right [Music] why is nicole lapierre dropped down has he just stopped as well no no that car spent quite a bit of time five laps uh at a minimum behind the wall they were working on something and i have sent a text to find out what was going on haven't heard back yet but i'll let you know what i do sean was asking about that car a couple of three minutes ago r24 uh radio or x24 that's where it comes from i think you've been malaise amongst the p2 cause i mean we've lost three already or three struggling badly uh 29 the 29 20 and 81 may well be earned now we've got a problem with um 81 is a definite a definite retirement i i saw that early on is this is this the first outing i think it is this is the first competitive outing for the newly power reduced p2 isn't it uh with the 6.6 reduction horsepower about 40 horsepower to make a little bit slower down in down the straights of le mans so they have got a slightly different version and i know being gearbox and everything else they have got a slightly different version was here last year as they adopt the new regulation well you say that but of course uh lmp2 was always hamstrung uh or has more recently been hamstrung in into terms nick because uh when they took them out of the class with the dpis remember the yeah when caught the sport were battling for the championship and then the next year they took them out and and imsa were the first people to to actually apply their own bop to take them out to the top class effectively so that's a fair point and and if i'm honest i don't know the full technical answer to that but somebody will uh that's a video uh if you don't mind uh r24 again just just talking about the virtual world they made that change halfway through the practices [Music] it only took about a second off the lap time you think it would take a lot more but um and about five miles an hour down the main street you said that made that easy at the drive in some respects yeah definitely did the thing to remember is and it's interesting you may lose 40 horsepower but if you think it turns a really really interesting track you look at it you think this is so simple and then you actually realize no it's at it's really think about how many very low speed coming out of one coming out of the horseshoe coming out of five coming out of six that'd be good so you've got all those uh acceleration we're coming from a very very low speed at that point your attraction limited this only got a million horsepower because you're you know you're you're limited by what the rear tyres can put through in some ways having a slightly softer power delivery it makes it a bit easier yes you're losing a maximum speed absolutely and and also a bit of acceleration from higher speed to acceleration for example out of the bus still but you know it's not it could be more i'm sure it'd be more um have more effects at other tracks it may have more effective percentage wise at the moment for example and some of the medium fast circuits this track is really really interesting design it's and it's simplicity is not it's not existing it's one of the most difficult circuits to get right because there's a challenge there's there is a challenge every chord apart from turn three and seven four where they challenge uh that's nascar through a nascar or they challenge not running into the back of somebody's going slowly [Music] we just had a pit caller down the lane and that was the mazda jonathan balmarito getting out of that car and oliver jarvis getting back in so that's all three of the mazda drivers who have now rotated through the car not necessarily rotating in the car thankfully uh but it was fuel and tires from the new jarvis this weekend back out onto the course and also into the pit lane another english driver that we love a lot oliver gavin in his yellow car but this time it's gtv and this time it is a lexus so the number 14 making a trip for fuel and tires as well and the zero one is in the pit lane this is scott dixon from the lead of the race will be staying aboard but getting four fresh michelin tires as well as fuel and i've just had an update back from the 52 machine that's the pr1 matheson lmp2 machine that people were asking about they were leading class they dropped five laps they had to change the intake so that's why they dropped back so far but apparently they are pushing like crazy for the remainder of this race remember this is one of two cars that ben keating is driving in the race today so even if this one isn't the winning speed would choose to stay it's not there's a long time to go and six spots that they can get back he still has to drive and he asked martin of which he's done zero driving time so far uh scott dixon uh following of a 22 lap stint last time around with a 21 lap stint that time around so off sorry did dixie get out of that car she didn't did he nope nope there was no crowbar you got still behind the wheel uh a very fine driver in anything he gets me behind the wheel and i think of which he gets behind the wheel uh and he goes out for his triple then uh and a triple is gonna be something in the region uh of 70 105 minutes or just over an hour and a half [Music] so not the ironbox stint that uh our colleague paul truswell would be looking for all the best paul i'm sure you're along back in in walking and looking at before i distracted myself there oh yeah um so still a bit of an odd one because on that last pit stop signal the mustang sampling cadillac the cunningham and alta acura and the ally cadillac so that was 5 10 48 48 rather than the 22 or 21 22 laps that they've been doing all right i know we're talking three four laps we're talking you know seven eight minutes but it just seems a bit odd that they did that what do you know uh about those pit stops i'm not suggesting there are any problems but have you been able to find anything out from the team as to why they pitted four laps earlier than they have been um many thanks to kyle churra who said that from both teams and he did check in with both teams they were regular stops so they were perhaps a little bit early but there was nothing unfortunate to bring them in early [Music] uh tom firth is asking what happened how i meant to mention this earlier on actually because uh while i was uh away from the mic in the hagerty global broadcast said that i noticed a couple people talking about break changes and how and who might do bridge changes is it only to be gt lamont um no is this the short answer and sure there's a there's a a specific regulation for break changes for lmp three which includes during the race eight minutes stop um which for which is mandated for them to be able to take their time into a safe break change is there somewhere specific in the race that that has to to happen as far as we go uh well there isn't a time where they say it needs to happen now like everybody needs to stop on the track now and come into the pits now and make this happen no it does need to happen before i believe it is 20 hours of the race have been completed it might be 22 i'll have to double check myself off the top of my head um but we've just had a very rare occurrence oliver gavin has been given a penalty uh he he much like matt campbell was a late committer to the pit lane entry and was given a drive-through penalty which he is serving right now all right adam our vp racing fuel pit and paddock reporter yeah there's your time at the penalty box aren't there there's a lot of people who are with a lot of minor infringements i've been watching most of the race um you know what's being going on and the number of people are getting called to silly things like rotation their wheels off and off the ground and uh speeding and everything else really you have a chance to make up these penalties because the will at some point unfortunately a full course yellow but it doesn't even i just feel a little bit of casualness crept in rustiness ring rustiness almost surprising seeing how late the last season ended john well and you know in our porsche keys to race uh which seems like five minutes ago where we were doing that um in the mission of pilot challenge uh the michigan counts down to green [Music] and she's been in fairness on a bit of a soapbox all the raw week and all this week as well and it's you know it it does show and a drive-through here is actually all right you're going to lose a lap pick but it's slowing down getting into the pits speeding up through that nadjie exit that runs alongside turn more oh it's it's been that's going to lose you half of that maybe a little bit more imagine trying to make up half a lap on the track you know that that's that's the better part of the minute for more classes at least very very tightly um uh various classes when they're actually out there running around between a great level you never get that time back so perhaps you're a little more careful i think you know i'm not i'm not saying anyone deliberately does it but perhaps there's a little bit less focus on some of those things but it goes fine you know for six hours eighteen hours we'll get that back at some point yeah move on whereas that kind of laser focus when you come in the pit they make sure i do a to b somebody's counting him in somebody's counting maps i mean it's the same you know limited somebody's saying don't drop don't don't run the car you know it's it yeah it's a very good professional team but you know even they will have different priorities that's nick dearman he's alongside ranger lined up in the agni global broadcast center and whilst we've got plenty of racing this weekend by by monday afternoon you'll be you will be missing your fix of racing won't you so one o'clock eastern at six o'clock in the uk it is our post dear torna edition of the hagerty inside track in sound and vision responsible lining up some of the headline makers before that and hours worth of chat on the hagerty live portion of uh you can ask the questions as well of the panel that's the inside track one o'clock eastern six o'clock in the evening uk [Music] hopefully you'll join us for that although what kind of state i'm gonna be in i'm i'm not i'm not really built to be in front of a camera anywhere never have been is my much loved father used to always tell me face for really awesome and he was right wasn't he on that so many different ways but after 24 hours uh i i'm not even more radio like weren't you i've been my guest we faced the radio in the 1950s probably you know hd radio mates by that by that time [Music] just slightly off that is very true very true down the inside at term one for our wrist leader sebastian borte who carving cars he's been through a bit of traffic he's laid now some 15 seconds on scott dixon in second he's got half a minute on elio castroneves in third cadillac acura elio back with acura although of course a new team this year with taylor moving over to the accurate gti accurate [Music] acura committing their future in prototype racing to imsa into the new rule set in 2023 which in mortal racing terms nick is really just around the corner if you're going to be having your new dpi 2.0 with the mild hybrid what the ac are calling lmdh uh if you're gonna have that at this race in 2023 but you have got to commit about now and other manufacturers who were thinking about doing this we don't know what gm are doing [Music] and everything was still on the table but you're going to have to commit pretty soon to get that program up and running yeah absolutely i mean we've already had very positive news from both ali and porsche we know that um there are other manufacturers who are who are going down the currently they're not only route though you can house lmh seem to think they're going to get an entry into this this event as well come to me to b3 yeah you you yeah there is a there is a change coming in in the chassis of the p2 cars which of course the lmdh are based upon you need to be able to start assessing those you need to start saying exactly how to what you can change what you can't i think you know you know few weeks ago the prototype had on uh on regular money it was yeah the teams have been focused for a long way but they themselves are spending a couple of months evaluating unknowns pretty much before they start sticking a bit of metal into a milling machine or you know a vacuum forming some carbon fiber just to make sure they start with a basic concept correct because it's that's the key thing you can make a misstep on day one and then you'll discover them several years so they're all you know they're all thinking what they do but suddenly you know they're looking at huge competition it's pretty obvious i'm going to say because i can but there's going to be a gm brand in elementary just depends which gm brand it is with this casual or corvette and therefore you're going to have at least four major manufacturers we haven't have mass to commit yet they probably will you know in the american side and then when you get to the mom there'll be eight manufacturers at least [Music] and suddenly we go from a situation of abject despair about what the hell's happening next in the top level of endurance sports cars in june to having an abundance of riches um which is main reason why all these people are driving p2s we said many times before yeah and you've made a very good point there which i i think i just need a bigger one because people might have sort of just let it wash over them it's going to be the new the new dpi it was his new concept which i think rather sensibly the ac have took on so which we're calling lmth that is based on the new lmp2 cars which we've not seen yet so if you're a manufacturer even if you're a current dpi manufacturer and your link is one of the four obviously you're most likely to go with the one to go but not necessarily bigger you might want to see that new version of lmp2 before you make a decision yeah we look at the way the the last launch went it it very quickly became obvious that in its native form the riley was had problems then it was found that the oracle was was quicker in a number of situations than both the leisure and dollars despite getting an extra bodywork amendment to those two shots they'd never really caught up with the oracle 87 and that was pretty evident almost i would say from the second or third race once we were playing them properly and suddenly yeah we saw everyone grabbing it got the point where the legion distributor from the uk had to have to drop the card to run the oracle to be competitive so you don't want to start scattering your chances straight off but on the flip side the car that's leading this race is based on the dollar so you think well if the basic core elements are right and it's just the arrow which was so nailed down by the as the problem then really do you say go with the partner you know but we know i assume they'll be able to get it right or will someone come to something so trick that you don't have that at the heart of your car you're starting with a you know doesn't have to be much a point to a point five second deficit snake dearman and the haggerty global broadcast center uh let's uh head to an interview now tonight and joining us live from the very center of the action that is the man at the head of imsa that's john doonan president doonan thank you for joining us here on imsa ritual how how are you john and happy new year it's so good to hear your voice um happy new year to you all so wish you were here every time i think um hearing you and the in the pa i could just go find you somewhere in the broadcast booth here on site and give everybody a big bear hug we missed you guys being on site [Applause] uh well um we are we're we're there in more than spirits we're there we're there in volume a volume as well i i i know you've been on on the line listening there and obviously we're talking about dhdpi at 2.0 [Music] and it was a concept that has rightly had sensibly been taken on across the sports car world as one of the options for the top category of prototype racing this week a big big announcement from pimsa that as of this race next year that gt3 will become the top class of gt racing no gt lamont but gt3 pro is that himself once again taking the lead and saying look we think this is the way to go [Music] by all means follow or are you just at the moment not looking any further than the north american market and imps's own constituents well as always in our strategy we're hoping that uh with our partnership with the 18 auto manufacturers that run in imsa we can take direction certainly from them and what their interests are to grow their brands and use insta as a marketing tool for their vehicle platforms and it seems like the right time discussions have been going on for probably 18 months or so a little bit before i arrived here given the conversations given the transition of the gtlm and gpe globally are going through uh in the next few years based on feedback from our oem partners he felt like it was the right time and we're in constant communication with our partners at the aco effect as you know pierre dion is here today and they've been working in unison with us so we'll see what happens for global convergence on gt down the road but we're excited to be able to kick it off here at daytona in 2022. well i never thought i'd be standing part of that press conference that we had at daytona about prototype convergence i really had to nip myself uh when we were we were doing uh that one uh if we could get that thorny issue of of gt convergence sorted as well that would be extraordinary it is clear to me though john and you've more than hinted at it there that the manufacturers understand why this needs to be done and talk to doug uh last year uh now back end of last year all be maybe a bit bit before that actually middle of the year after they won their 100 themes of race here at the fourth of july uh laura wanted trop uh uh his successor also saying they absolutely have to look at it so listen there's no worry for you that manufacturers like gm so important to insert you don't have a gt3 product there's no worry anybody lose them at their factory involvement [Music] now they're similar to when you reference lmdh we had a great announcement here last year and i think uh similarly uh there's a market speech [Music] all in favor of that same type of convergence eventually we're going to kick it off here we're excited about gcd pro it provides some of the manufacturers the opportunity to continue to have a factory supported team if you will but we also know that most of those manufacturers have a business model around customer racing so it's a little bit of the best of both worlds when you break it all down and uh there's a lot of smiles and a lot of uh in the paddock this weekend with people excited about the opportunities that gtd pro and gpg will bring spring next year do you know i've said this down through the years john and you and i have talked about this before you were in that the position that you hold right now one of the things i really like about himself on a decision like this about gtd pro this effectively reverses a policy that is a putting about factory all-pro teams in gtd a couple of years ago and it's not a u-turn this is reacting to events this is knowing knowing what's going on in the world of sports car racing you're exactly right john and we have a little bullet point in our mission statement let's do what's right for the sport and uh certainly that involves our partners but our goal is definitely with this to do what's right for the sport the manufacturers competing in gt3 specs cars or with gt3 protect cars globally they're readily available by many of these brands and we have nine manufacturers and gtd uh with us on a pretty regular basis here in imsa so the volume and the inventory of cars is available some of them uh the manufacturers want to showcase those cars in a pro format but again customer racing is big for most of them and our hope is is we even have a driver line of requirements across the categories that you could see um everybody fighting it out at the last few cents of some of these races in gc3 cars you know that specification globally so we're really excited about it and uh can't wait to see what uh 2022 holds in that regard it's it seems to be all good news at the moment john i i mean it's a terribly difficult situation for any business important sport uh whether it's imsa as a series or the teams uh in in the planet ease is a business but we had toyota in the michigan the pilot challenge for the first time yesterday and the new supra gt4 gr led sun laps you've had uh the electric uh tcr car with augusto farpas whizzing around doing demonstration laps and i know marcelo lottie the man behind at tcr he's at uh has been at daytona having some meetings as well i mean you guys relentlessly pushing pushing forward at the moment it's it's a really good time it is john and you know before the event both with our staff as well as all the community here we talked about how much of a privilege it is to be able to be racing right now and uh we're taking that very seriously and there's a lot of responsibility around it but you're right we have kept our heads down and outside of having to wear masks in the paddock and try to remain socially distanced and and all the things that we need to do to operate these events safely we have been pushing forward and uh we're in business as mr france said this morning at our uh chairman's breakfast with uh everybody separated in a big room we're in business when the green flag dropped on the roar before the 24 and so many events this weekend uh it tells you that we're pushing forward we're thrilled with having 18 manufacturers you mentioned toyota joining us and michelin pilot acura made an outstanding announcement uh on tuesday relative to their commitment to lmdh and the driver lineup here and this this event going on right now there is a lot to be thankful for and uh just like you said yesterday the epcr hyundai vlobster and was really special to see that launch out of finland yesterday and they took me back to my flight car dave oh yes we we all love electric racing victories on the line obviously a big exporter of electric racing for uh unproponent of electric racing for a long time with rc racing as well john i know you don't have an awful lot of time uh this weekend so thank you for taking some of it with us and i know you you'd like to watch a bit more of the racing so i'll let you sneak away before i'm sure another uh appointment but thanks for joining us here on on imsa radio so glad to be with you uh thank you and the entire staff for what you all do we're so pleased to have you with us um always a key part of the weekends when the sessions open and you all come on air it means so much to us and i know it means a lot to your listeners so thanks to everybody and i can't wait to see you all at an event real soon huge audience john i can tell you just from the twitter around the world at the moment watching and listening in john tuning uh the president of himself thanks for being with us again and thanks to nate stephens for for setting that up as part of our ap racing pit racing field pit paddling for cheers [Music] well we've gone through another racing hour there and went a little bit over but you'll understand why we uh when with john on the line we stayed with it the motel 6 prototype is facing the wrong direction in the in the bus stop at the moment but has re-fired and goes through the cut-outs so slightly late for our update i don't think there's any damage on that car adam the update uh five minutes ago uh would have been exactly at six hours if we hadn't been talking to mr tuning and oh got chopped by well just ran deep almost running at the back of the uh of the gt car that was going around that uh lmp3 car at the moment and may have been a tiny bit of contact there from the seventh lmp 3 machine and that car sitting well down that is the excuse me it's a 38. yeah it's 38. my apologies why i put that into lmp2 i will say um and i'm a a great fan of multitasking racing but i really wish as someone who's kind of coming to it um you know once a year effectively working on the event they they'd adopt the the same thing as uh as kraventic do whereas each of the classes have their own set number oh i agree i should have said that the john should have said that to john dude absolutely right number seven what group is number seven in well it's 38 it was in seventh position thing and i think it's borrowed some parts from one of its ipc uh gt up gt lmp3 uh stablemates there because it didn't look like that at the start give us an update on these pit stops and then we'll do a quick rundown and some michelin endurance cut points from about five minutes ago uh well we haven't had the michelin endurance cut points uh they've been awarded but the uh standings i suppose you would say have not yet been posted online so i will stay a foot of that and give those to you when we get the opportunity but as has become the routine the bmws are into the pit lane first it's conor did felipe staying aboard the 25 that is the red one and marco vittman let me see he has done a double well conor's also done a double so marco could be staying on for one more um as far as other pit stops that we've had during this segment it's actually been fairly quiet in the pit lane actually everybody listening in to mr doonan and not wanting to do pit stops while he's been talking so that's been nice and when we get those points i will let you know [Music] so let's take a look at the standings a little bit late after our interview and chat with john doonan uh is scott dixon who still leads then from chippenham racing cadillac from cadillac mike rockefeller in second it's nearly 40 seconds behind elio castro nevis next up in the number 10 for connie of an altar that of course now an accurate for the winter team fifth place cadillac is that sorry fourth place is the number five cadillac of like duvall the 30 seconds further back decent battle for second and third actually between rock and fella and castroneves out on the circuit mazda in fifth to number 55 holding jarvis back in that car there they've cycled through their drivers he's 26 seconds adrift from fourth and montoya in the number 60 fire shack racing accurate has now is he off the lead lap now yes i think he is in fact i've just realized that as we were doing that rockefeller and cast members are the short places so that's mike robert fella who's just passed castroneves for second position in lmp2 matt bell that's uh uk matt bell the tall fella originally from newcastle upon time for win or sport leads in lmp2 from fabian schuler for dragon speed 45 seconds the gap between the leading 11 and the number 82 number eight john ferrano for tower motor sports in third place they're all auricus chatelain racing obviously doing the same shift pack as i am it seems like i talk about him every time i do the run down the 47 car is the fourth place in lmp2 and that's a tallara of course then the other chassis leashed here sally yolick the turkish driver rwiu razer in fifth and the top six mid up by ryan diel for era motorsport uh but uh he's back to the 20 seconds back gt lemon corvette corvette got withstanding alex taking a little bit of a grassy route around the international uh the international horseshoe a little while ago i've paused for a moment she will give us an update on that she knows exactly what i've paused but we'll do the update uh two corvettes first and second nine tenths of a second between them they're uh racing in uh team uh racing as a team at the moment it would seem and they've pulled out nearly a minute on alessandro pegidi for reese's ferrari the 62 in third ahead of the two bmws which are another 44 seconds back and have uh for the first one which is kind of the philippines behind the wheel of 25 and then 24 the black for the 15 seconds behind that lmp three uh scott andrews behind the wheel of the riley water sports league year that's the 74 car jan claire for sean creech motorsport the 33 went red white blue car is in second with kent cook about a minute further back in third place and in gt daytona it's klaus bakler for rice right motorsport six and a half seconds ahead of roman de angelis for heart of racing team uh in that aston martin advantage they've got three tents on lucas stoltz who's gently been moving up the field for sun energy in their mercedes mg gt3 to the 75 garments by gradient this weekend and in fourth place oh well in fact that's just changed because bakla is just pitting uh but behind that it is so luke staltz now goes to second roots is in fourth and it's the of course with the 21 in fifth that's a ferrari of course the faf motorsports matt campbell in the night porsche in sixth position that's how it stands at the moment clumping of cars around the circuit that's your master ingress upped it for this uh this hour and share the reason i paused when i was talking about corvettes is because we had a slightly unhappy looking pit stop for another gtd ferrari not the one that's running uh at the in the top six that would be the 63 skidaria course ferrari running this weekend brett curtis ryan briscoe marcos gomez and daniel sarah it's a handy quartet among the four of them marcus gomez who took the car back out it wound up being no big deal but it did look a little bit iffy on their stop for a moment but no harm no foul so no point in talking about it at least good area of course would be happy if we don't talk about it yes did look at all uh happy uh nick dearman has uh got another guest for us uh on the vp racing field part of before two have you got nick oh yes thank you in fact it's a hangover from joe who's got a chat with uh austin mccusker from the riley motorsports uh leigh in p3 because he's got a bit of a story about how he's actually driving in this race at all yes that's that was uh uh unexpected for you austin welcome to uh welcome to himself radio thank you for having me you know uh it was a little bit of a late late thing i wasn't pushing to run the rolex call but we had a a nice we had some names to scholarship so after thank you for getting me given me the opportunity to run this race and then bill riley as well and jim cox to uh you know have faith to meet her on their car uh you've already got plenty of stories from this race you're with the team give us a quick prayer sheet a quick summary of what's going on since the green flag dropped six and a quarter hours ago uh so we had some issues in the beginning of the race with jim he uh one of the drink bottle tubes came out spraying water all over the car so it uh shorted out one of our dash panels so that set us back some time in the pits and then um i got in the car and just kept my head down and tried to push for everything get some traffic as quick as possible and keep the car clean to give it off to dylan murray and uh just chipping away at it hoping for some yellow sometime soon [Music] it's a 24-hour race it's a particular mindset austin because if you do have those issues earlier on there's plenty of team managers who've told me down through the years you know if i'm going to go out i want to go out before hot past 9 10 o'clock at night because then i can get away and find a decent restaurant i don't want to go out with a terminal problem two or three hours before the end of the race and if i have a minor problem i'd rather have that at the beginning as well because at least it gives us a chance to fight back i suppose that's the mentality you've got to have yeah definitely i mean we got hopefully our one problem out of the way and we'll see if uh these lmp3 cars can last until the end and uh everyone is expecting each car to have its own problems so we'll see how all these cars fare in these conditions and hopefully us getting this problem out of the way the beginning of the race helps us towards the end as a driver how has your mindset changed then as we going through this race obviously you're very excited you're here uh it's a it's a it's a competitive class that you're in but you know everybody's got a chance then you've had a problem when you get back in again what are you going to be looking to do and what are the what do you expect your team manager to be telling you are you going to be driving to a time to a fuel number or what how does that work i mean we're just pushing as hard as we can right now to get as many laps back um i think we're 13 laps down so we need to uh just keep our heads down and make a good strategy and uh get as many laps back as possible and hopefully we'll be there in the end nick dearman here in the hagerty global broadcast center has a question for you austin nick go ahead austin one of the great things normally about being in a multi-class sports car race is you know where you stand you know who you're fast to that you know who you're slower you would know you're slower than the p2 the dpis and your fastener gtd's it's kind of a unique situation here that the gtes are making a very similar lap time in a very different way how difficult is it to negotiate the traffic and around those gtv cars we've as far as our standpoint it's uh the cars you know it's a real endurance race for our cars and we're trying not to fight with these gtlms it seems like in practice our car could be a bit quicker on one lap but um i think their race pace is a little bit better than ours so we're just trying to you know let them buy as many as possible we know they race hard and and we'll push you around so uh just navigate through the gcd field is really our our biggest biggest thing i'll i'll ask one more and let you get away because i know time is precious and getting some rest uh is precious as well you've got lmp3 experience austin ipc champion in i was gonna say last year 2019 now of course but that that must be at least some some help for you for jumping into the car this week [Music] so it's a bit different and it's uh which i've been used to the the ducane for the past you know a couple of seasons that i've been running but it definitely helped my jump into riley motorsports he's been pushing and developing the car as much as possible with me in it austin thanks very much for that uh best to you the team drive well drive safely and enjoy thank you so much appreciate it it's uh pre-paid racing fuel hit paddock with boston mccusket they've got a long hard ride back they do and speaking of a car that has a long hard drive back um alan metteny is guilty of speeding into the pit lane and i know that it was him who was in the car because he was in the car both as it came in and as they left the 42 nte audi five clicks over the limit necessitates the drive through and then a subsequent penalty just popped up car 42 same vehicle exit the pit lane with hose or tool attached that also is a drive-through so two drive-through penalties coming for the 42 audi which currently runs 16th in category that's going to drop a little bit very self-assured young man austin mccusker and very uh indicative now of young drivers seeing the opportunity in sports car racing and making a shift uh early part of that thought in a minute share adam you've got an acura in the pit lane i do and it's pink and black which means that it's the mire shank racing acura i think that is aj allmendinger who is getting strapped in behind the wheel of this car his first stint of the race as juan pablo montoya has jumped out meaning that they have now settled through all four of their drivers as aj kicks it into gear and leaves no problems there no chance of stalling which is good uh we haven't seen the same of some of the other drivers they get in for their person but aj very self-assured behind the wheel of this acura and he sets out for what should be a triple or even quadruple stint into the night adam nick dearman and major hindorf in this stint as we go through another clock hour 10 o'clock dear torna evening ten o'clock evening still is that late evening i'll have we moved tonight at night tonight okay definitely right you did a night club without content i don't know nowadays well i don't [Music] and that was 1927 of course never out of fashion absolutely absolutely yes about the about young drivers jeremy talks about the opportunities and i mean that goes to what we were seeing with with john dude and president and you know more factory teams gt d pro that's another great opportunity for for drivers to to earn a living yeah i mean i think it it goes back to the kind of the long concept we've had over many many years about the concept of a professional racing driver and your chance to become a professional racing driver in open world racing is i would think optimistically there are 35 people or 40 people being paid to raise open wheelers in the whole world and that's a few for a lot of formula one gloves are being paid one way or the other a couple or three in indycar and a few in super formula and outside that everyone is bringing money in one way or the other it may yeah maybe through a an affiliation maybe a sport but so but to actually you know get there and earn a living wage you know you you need to in some form of sports cars and one of the good news is that it within within endurance rating there's been a number of potential job opportunities opening up in the uh the new gt uh gpi 2 and and uh lmh as more factory teams can't before we've now got a whole new class of gtd pro here which is going to need to pay people to drive in their cars to their pros that's the definition um which i assume is going to get adopted with with voracious pleasure by the uh the manufacturers we're waiting to do this uh cost-effective uh works raising for a long time um so you've got a chance and of course then you have the other uh way of living within sports cars which is being in the the the quick young or quick medium age person to a a gentleman driver um yeah there are a number of hundreds and hundreds of slots around you know in sro races you know and and up and down and and uh le mans everything else around from there so yeah if you if you're sitting there being you if you sit there and realize i haven't got the uh my father's not a billionaire it's quite unlikely i make everyone now um you know it's case really of looking to to how you can make a career where you will be bracing these fantastic events but also um not paying to do so there's a big discussion at the moment in uh single-seater particularly formula ones circles about about that that very thing about the the death of opportunities for even very good drivers even very good drivers who have got personal sponsors who could take money to a a.t but could buy it very very interesting out of the track at the moment that battle that the battle for third has heated right up elio castroneves in third at the moment for the accurate uh team with taylor team uh cameron kobayashi is right on his tail pipes there there's barely half a second uh between them it's the uh 10 and the 48 they're just going through the tri-oval now and down into turn one and about 50 seconds up the road there's now only two seconds between scott dixon who leads for cadillac chip gadassi in the zero one and the five of like deval and our leader then is just going through the bus stop at the moment and saw about two seconds default uh in arrears there so two decent battles at the front of the field scott dixon i think he said that was his triple uh stint in the car about 40 minutes they still stick and uh requiring i mean we've got 49 cars here and there's concentration required everywhere forced in by apologies it's a quad stick for for dixon i don't want to start you know dissing fantastic professional drivers running for you know 160 minutes but it's it's not quite the same as it is those quads and quints we saw at le mans where they did the whole thing on one set of tyres the fact you're getting new rubber every time well that might not be they might not be they might be doubling they may as well i think didn't show you so they've now got enough sets to change every time and of course with the insta rule which i don't whether i i don't think it was going to revise the modules you know you can do a thing at once there's no penalty in changing time it takes out that strategy so you know i think i think you know it is it is a great feat of fitness and more importantly concentration because you know that you are constantly having to uh go past cars the car density of you know 48 cars in a three and a half mile uh circuit is considerably greater than you know 60 cars and an eight and a half mile circuit so there's a lot more [Music] [Music] the overall basic towns of these guys just to reiterate that the interesting thing about or the significant thing rather about that those positions was that before the this round of pit stops and then not on exactly the same uh laps in the midst it was the like duval car in the hands of sebastian uh poor dear and then like that was leading by about 10 seconds uh scott dixon now on his fourth stint uh came in uh just about when we swapped i think maybe a little bit uh before that and he came in uh seven laps later than boar dated so it had been broad day battling with dixon but remember there was that slew of cars the five cadillac the 10 acura and the 48 cadillac who had those 18 lap stints previous to that so that's when dixon went through and went longer that was two end of two stints ago then he's done another 22 uh and seven laps better off on fuel than like default now in fairness like just got in that car but he's done he's done 12 laps in that car so we're seeing something going on what i haven't been able to work out quite yet is where that time went because their lap averages and dixons and boarders were almost identical certainly to the to the 10th uh on their previous 22 lap stint so was there a fumble in the pit stop that's going to be the question you know the we would have to say that's the only difference one's trying to drive one to some complete service so you would think you'd be lost in the pit these notes will actually be looking that low had a bad lap in traffic and lost a couple of seconds and now the following lap uh it's gone the other way in scotland lost a couple of seconds so it's like so it's you know this is a problem of taking a single lap snapshot in an endurance race with so much traffic it can get you know distorted one way or the other and the point you made earlier john is that the the fact is the race track is not a a solid thing it's a constantly evolving um area of time we know the temperature's dropping we know there's more rubber going down you know yeah so it's it's just because it was it was like this 37 minutes ago 40 minutes ago when you go out here last it doesn't mean you like that now even though it's still dark if that makes it it's still moving around yeah the big times of those last pit stop there was actually nothing in it certainly not that ten seconds one point three seconds was the difference scott dixon's hit time from fit in to pit out was 19 one minute 19.960 low cuval one minute 21.223 the fastest of all of them was actually elio one minute eighteen point seven nine zero so that's not where the time went do don't forget though that we saw and this is where i think um you know 10 seconds could go quite easily here we saw dixie just take fuel this year so that means he steered on relatively warm michelin tires whereas light would have got a new set a sticker said no tyre warming of any all right you can warm the tires by leaving them out in the sunshine well it's been dark since six o'clock and those first couple of laps and we saw it after a couple of the early cautions those first couple three laps uh it's it's not dicey but clearly i remember jeremy i think seeing at one stage oh i would have expected the vehicle to be quicker than that there were a couple two two and a half seconds off where they were it it takes time to get the temperature and therefore the pressure into those tyres if you've just banged on a new set and you you're at a disadvantage is a new driver as well triple one lamborghini no 19 lamborghini sorry i i i defaulted to the triple one because that is the massive car that's had so many problems he's got a fire fire in the back of the car it's just off the uh the uh bus stop area that stick i think he's actually driven straight through the bus stop now that might have just been that that might have just been on burp fuel as he tried to re-fire the v10 so yellow so we have gone then into another full course yellow uh that'll be our fault obviously uh that is the uh fifth full course yellow after three hours and 50 minutes three hours and five zero minutes he's right up against the wall and i think he's probably come through the cutout at the bus stop in that number 19. uh was that the driver yeah it was the driver out of the car walking around the back of it as the back is smoking so that is the second year in a row that the number 19 grasser lamborghini driven by very different people and then very different liveries has caught fire out of the bus stop yeah was it fire oh oh yeah there is a bit of smoke i thought it might have just been when it was re-firing and there was a bit of unburnt fuel but i could see a wisps of smoke i reckon he's probably pulled the fire the engine bare fire extinguisher there nick yeah i mean it was definitely it looked like my guess is very very yellow so it's probably it was probably oil of some sort now whether that's another leak or yeah there's a hole in the engine the piston has gone through it's there's two different reasons um but yeah that's uh that's going to take back my guess is that's probably done then it's just not been a great weekend for grass has it from from moment one which is the same share because they have committed to the uh the full season with a car this year uh they have but they haven't announced the driver lineup yet and they've indicated that the eight drivers piloting their car for this race would not necessarily be any of those eight would not necessarily be their full season uh pairing but we've yet to see uh if they would bring a car for the full year they have said the michelin endurance cup is something that they often aim for but the good news for lamborghini they still have a car in this race it bears the number one and uh oh yeah brian sellers is leading the class um may i just offer the people at home though an opportunity go get yourself some popcorn brian sellers is leading and in second place is mr patrick long ah that could be fun patrick patrick in the porsche things starting off a little untidily despite the split start and only jarvis actually did a pretty good job he'd had problems in the mazda getting off on the formulation lap couldn't get first gear uh what was it that that uh larry holt said to jeremy the uh the gearbox programming um didn't want to play i'm sure it was slightly more colourful than that when larry had let jeremy know about that but if it was quickly reprogrammed and all was good that didn't mean you have to start stop start right at the back and avoid spinning porsche and to bmw who was in the nineteen car share um it's showing as frank pereira behind the wheel he must not have been in the car oh no he's been in the car for 25 minutes though so that's very strange that it would all of a sudden um cause a configuration yeah and there's definitely still wisps of sport the emr safety porsche cayenne uh as well as a flatbed they're not able to try and tall that we saw dubai a couple of weeks ago where the car had fire which was put out in the back and then when they tried to lift it up of course the air got back under it and uh and it took hold yeah i mean the problem is you know just being the obviously that everything back there is incredibly hot you know it you know 400 800 degrees depending which bit it is and therefore if you have an oil leak or a hole in something if you then tip the car a different angle suddenly you provide a whole new lot of fuel to fall onto hot things and therefore catch fire so you know especially with oil leaks when caused by you know again it could be a pipe coming off but it could cause exactly the same situation but suddenly turn a different angle lift the engine towards the back of the engine car lots more oil dumps itself all over the engine so yeah you've got to be careful um yeah i mean i think it's interesting because you know the lamborghinis have been very successful at daytona when they they've struggled at many many other 24-hour races we we've covered um but they haven't was one here a couple so they went two out the last three years um so it's it's it's surprising this grass i think three out of three just two different teams ah yes paul miller would last year and uh they works team for the two years before because big brightness was in the car uh the two years that that one weren't there wasn't the uh ship [Music] yep you're around on that yeah man with too many watches you could never have too many watches can you no that's true every man likes a good watch another nick another nick ism and there you go as the 19 lambo is lifted or at least toured onto the flatbed the small at the back gets a little bit worse but at least the wheels are turning now that it is on the flat blade [Music] i don't think it's going to fall off it is we've snapped the thing that snapped the horse there or the tour hooks come off and it's very precariously now sitting right on the edge or was that something falling off the front i i think the angle of the the winch onto the tour hook as they were winching it up there was such that it's popped off a little bit of the front splitter and it did slip back for a moment there i was concerned yeah yeah a puff of smoke as well as you got a little bit more uh oil spread on whatever was uh was hot but didn't catch fire that time yeah this is all going on under full course yellow and the pass around is happening now so no time being quote lost here we did have that 30-plus minute earlier on behind the safety car that was our second safety car which lasted 34 minutes back at just before six o'clock when it started and had to go a bit longer on the safety car because some people were out of line um i hadn't gone fast enough which is which is interesting because that's all you ever hear every racing driver say the safety car's not going fast enough yes got a little bit jumbled and had to do a reset of the field at uh at im surrey you'll use the hashtag r24 radio and [Music] new for all things in zero as far as our broadcasts are concerned uh picture um from prototype share and we have tiggers we do scott dixon like duvall uh elio castroneves join kobayashi out of the top four coming in i can tell you that this is no tires for toy it is fuel only for the 48 machine the man from japan looking to try and win three rolexes in a row they're pulling out a lot of rubber bits from the brake ducts on that 48 machine that was quite a bit but fueling was done and the car was sent back on its way let's see who is the first one off the lane i think that was the zero one once again the question is scott dixon still behind the wheel for another stint we have to wait until he goes through the michelin rfid readers to get an accurate read on who is in the car and it is showing that scott dixon is still behind the wheel so that means that he's starting a quintuple stint wow well that in fairness though that's that's not uh by any that's any stretch of the fuel run i don't mind the imagination that was only 10 laps uh that he's in that so that that that's it's gonna be that that's exactly almost exactly harvesting so he he's going to do four and a half stints if he goes all the way to the end of that fuel fuel stops by the way in full grid flag running around about 21 22 laps for the leading dpis 22-23 for the lmp twos 32 for the corvettes uh 29 30 for the bmws 30 for the receipt company ferrari and 30 to 31 for the lmp3s and in gt tier tournet 29 to 30 laps pretty much equally across the field is whatever inspection panel they were opening in the ahead of the rear right wheel uh during scott dixon stop that didn't get that did not get shut properly again the uh it wasn't shot properly when the man just when the mechanic hopped out of the way they have no idea what that special panel was for did he use some kind of uh hex head screwdriver with that or did it just pop like a zoo one zoom fastener was it yeah right so yeah but it was definitely definitely not shut when he went uh right okay i'm not sure how important that is it was an area of negative pressure it will be a problem because it will open near a positive brush it won't matter it'll get thrust down by the airflow we often see people adding oil or uh coolant under pressure but i think that was probably well if probably a bit far forward for that that on the cadillac john that's on the left hand side of the car it's on the the same side as the field pro because they built those cars daytona spec that's why the cockpit entry area is on the left side of the car um it's a pressurized valve that's in between the driver's door and the fuel nozzle and it's a little bit early for us to see them adding fluids to the cadillac but that is something that we've noticed in years prior tends to happen in the mornings yeah we'll keep an eye out for that well that's something to find out then once you've described the pit stop from the leading gt dear to the car the red white and black for 20 21 number one paul miller racing kevin does a great job nailing the fuel probe in and i believe that was justin coming over the wall to clean out the area in the front of the car for the intake and it was fuel only for the paul miller racing lamborghini back out and running there is a porsche in front of them that is the weathertech porsche that is not the right motorsport porsche so i believe that brian sellers got out first of the pit lane meaning that he should have known in front of him on the restart but nope pat long did not come into the pit so wright will come back in the first position and then second is the heart of racing aston martin ian james behind the world that'll make sarah rigg be happy yeah very happy that car has been sitting up in the top two or three for a wee while certainly since before we came back in the happy global broadcast center nick team has embraced the latest trend in pc management manufactures it where it's full of rgb lights it's lighting everything up that's that's your modern pc build for your latest uh power game will normally always have massive amounts of color coming out of the back of it that no matter which way it's coming down the pit lane front woods uh sideways hopefully not backwards definitely don't but they'll still know it's their car that's uh too much green this time barry well never mind though hello drew adamson from i racing who is uh been watching i think since the start he was getting ready for one of their uh porsche cup championships earlier on and he and sean as well from iracing they have been watching the overhead pictures on by the live video tab and uh they reckon they need to change their playing model uh in the game now in this sim now excuse me i'll get into that now i think there were ten and a half thousand people last weekend doing the daytime 24 hours really people people yeah two and a half three thousand i think it would have been bigger but they had a slight issue getting going in the first place and lost about 500 teams but it was um yeah it's massive so if you think about it here well how many drivers at this rate sure i'm sure i know about 200 something yeah so there were ten and a half thousand people driving this track virtually last weekend one of the big uh big eye racing events which uh will continue through the year with uh the uh i racing le monde 24 spa 24 uh nurburgring 24 and petty lemon all of which we were involved with somewhere or another uh last year how many did we have at the moment for the eye racing i i think it was just they say the daytime was going to be bigger but it may just because this slight delay problem they had to start it might have been about the same site it's been about ten thousand but they they are you know yeah you think about that you see you say it quickly oh ten thousand ten thousand people were racing yeah it's uh and they were racing in jury and then the great thing is they were erasing endurance sports cars yeah and this is a people work people don't clamor to race f1 cars they don't clamor what everyone loves about it and it is the teamwork it's working in a team yes yeah you can be it's great for this type of this this world because you can be in five different places obviously no problem with us where you are but it's that working in the team that everyone likes i think and i think that that appreciation of how a team works in motorsport spreads absolutely into an appreciation of endurance racing for real adam this one for you uh we've had a couple of people including weird hayes racing who have tweeted at himself ridge or using the hashtag r24 radio can the mandatory stop for p3 break changes be taken under caution yes it is an eight-minute stop that needs to happen at some point in the race before the 22nd hour i want to say but there's a break issue going on with the 54 that's why this stop has been elongated i i'm not entirely sure if they're gonna use this as their eight-minute stop we are only six hours and 44 minutes into the race so you wouldn't think that if they need to do well he's got the spreaders out so they are doing hard at the very least uh on that car but they may not be doing roads and and it doesn't necessarily mean that they're taking this as their eight minute pit stop it might just be an elongated pit stop they might still need to serve eight minutes worth of a pit stop later in the race this could just be an issue but i've also noticed that the 74 riley technology lmp3 car that spent a great deal of time in the pit lane during this scar robinson just now going back out on the circuit so at least they've got their issues sorted the 54 having that break issue still with uh colin brown behind the wheel in the pit lane but the point that was being asked there from where he's racing was uh the answer to that is yes they cut so long as the pits are open under yellow obviously you can't come in if the pits are closed but once it's open for prototypes you could come in and if there was a 10 minute safety car and you were in the pits legitimately during that time uh obviously your eight-minute stop would cost you a huge huge amount less of tractor yeah it's not to penalize anyone it's not to say you have to sit in the no no no no no it's a safety thing so they don't imsa doesn't care quite frankly if it comes under safety car or if it comes under green flag racing as long as the job is done the brakes are changed safely and the the brakes are changed effectively that's what matters that's why they gave it the eight minute window to make sure that everything can be done and that no teams are going to be rushing to try and get anything done the other side of that is that they didn't want people splashing out many tens of thousands of dollars on quick change brick equipment or or fittings but but the point with uh i think he's he's making and it's one that's well made if you can do it under a yellow and your competitors have to do it in green flag conditions then you will get the advantage with and yes i see that's the the question uh that you have uh have been been asking daniel harvey dyer how did the number 31 slip gently back an entire lap after it was going so well this is the red and white cadillac which started right at the front of the field after it was going so well in the early early running well first of all with this they'll get that lap back in fact they have got uh that lap back and so they are now back on the on the uh lead lap and philippe nasa is back behind the wheel um not i i'm not entirely certain i can answer that question because i wasn't on at the time that it was slipping back was that just a general loss of pace or was there an incident or something that that pushed them further back and dropping off the lead dpi lap in that very long remember before this safety car we'd had something in the region of three hours and 15 minutes since the end of the previous safety car there was no rhyme or re there was nothing obvious that happened to the 31 wayland engineering cadillac that made a drawback and actually jeremy john i were having a conversation about this in our skype chat because this situation is very strange chase elliot got in the car he was doing a fine job mike conway got the car like conway always does a fine job pipa durrani got in the car he did a fine job um but yet the car just seemed to lose a little bit of pace across the course of the stint so it is a little bit of a mystery nasser back in the car now he hasn't been back in the car since his uh quad to open up the race one of those being an emergency service stop but we'll see what the car can do now and by the way the the core car is back out on the track it's leaving the pit lane now i'll check in with aaron and see if that was the eight-minute stop or if they're thinking they might have to do another one later on what that adam down as our vp racing hit and panic reporter and we are under a green flag as we have gone back to racing i was just waiting to see if we had actually had the green we certainly had racing going through the try oval and back up to speed like duval what we have got though in front of the leaders is uh some lap traffic i think that was the core car just coming out of the pits there after that long pit stop so they've kept off to one side it was the 54. so throw turn six now there's a few stragglers [Music] off the back of the line of cars that came back to green flag racing uh penalty for the number 82 running the light and pit exit that's just that's not knowing the rules that's just not looking around that'll be a stop plus 60 for that car so that is that is gonna be a lot yeah that's a lot of currently running third in p2 um behind the eleven and the eight with multiple terminals but that's something you really don't want you're probably like that is a driver error and again he should be hit with uh shae's rulebook uh which actually depends on where you're hitting he could do some serious damage how many pages did you see 160 pages yeah there there abouts actually i've got it pulled up um let me just click this button the rulebook for 2021 is 155 pages i well do you know what though i i can never get away with that i always like to print it out and um normally going to the first race of the season you're in an airport aren't you so i would um find myself a lounge that had a printer and print it out in whatever airline or whatever i like to pair with i was in and then leave it leave it to be continuous this leave it to be transported by tyler nolling and the team with all the rest of our kit for the full season and be able to pull it out and thumb through it as i needed to do it that's a true story isn't it but it is but but when you do it my way you can you can text paul walters questions about the the rules and then press control f when he sends you back numerical responses to see which rule he was referring to sorry go ahead no i know i i i i just say that when you start your thing when i go to a a airport and check into the lounge i thought the first thing you look for is a selection of gin they have rather than the printer or whiskey yes indeed um it depends it depends who i'm traveling with of course if it's if if you're there we're normally heading for the whiskey selection but yeah i mean in fairness it is something that is shockingly not done by too many people and i think the the biggest issue is a kind of a is a professional complacency in that we've run this series for x number of years right now it's 2021 or whatever it is and and people don't you know avail themselves of what's changed what procedures have changed and what rules have changed what anyone in my it's it's uh it's a weird things you've got obviously you've got the the best brains in motorsport and the tactical geniuses making simple mistakes and that's where you kind of go come on boys that's that's just giving time away he's with me john hindorf in the hagerty global broadcast center at the front of the field like duval he's battling kami kobayashi kobayashi in the number 48 cadillacs it's in second place it's the five cadillac the dartmouth great car that is out in front [Music] 54 car was taken out about four or five minutes ago by john bennett and cheer i think that was their eight-minute stop so tactically uh vic gets 17 hours out of those bricks they've pulled an absolute blinder there yep and uh jeff brown who is the man on their box with the brain the size of a rather large planet um he had a stopwatch running and aaron reliably informs me that yep that's their eight minutes done and dusted so we have our first lmp3 car with the mandatory eight-minute stop on the pentlane right well that one's ticked off somebody's keeping score of this of course in the same way that everybody uh who's doing their driving is being ticked off as well pass for the lead almost the 44 magnus nsx was just in the way at turn one and i say that not deliberately just happened to be at term one as the leaders turned up [Music] managed to stay out of the way through the kick it's the infielder down to turn five this battle for the lead now has a a bit of a gap next car that they will come up against in terms of traffic and they'll catch i think fairly quickly is going to be the the 91 which is the riley board sports league year see that in the distance they're going to catch that in the breaking area of the into the bus stop maybe ashley now do you try and dive through would you follow the slower car he's got to go he's got to go he's got to go and he can't go uh and that riley well as i'll tell you what that was really heads who's in that at the moment it's uh it's cox isn't it in that car yes it is that was very heads-up driving because he started to take his line and realized that kobayashi was there and then gave him about the cars width about a cadillac's width to the first of the left-hand curbs threw that one in up the inside there and there was some you know it's not not as silly as the collada move earlier but you still think that's a lot of risk for very little gain when you're you know what we you know only 17 hours still to go [Music] news of a big penalty at the sharp end of the field adam has this vp racing fuel pit and paddock upped it i thought it looked like like duval put his right foot down a little bit too early on that restart but i didn't want to say anything because it's race control's decision and race control has decided that like the ball went a little bit too early on that restart uh jump restart car five the penalty a drive down the pit lane he was already past the konica minolta acura well before the start finish line and well clear of the 0-1 chip ganassi racing cadillac going into turn one then he seemed to back off a tiny little bit but he held the position but it's all for naught loy duvall you gotta come see richard you gotta come wave to him uh i when we were going back to green it was one of the reasons that i paused because it didn't look like a start because it that the racing had started too far back down below the yellow line as well i should mention uh although that isn't necessarily a punishable uh offense but the the the offense that that has been picked up is that he was passed before the start line and that means that like default will peel off i i i can't see that they've got any defense on that nick dearman um it was pretty bleak and that means that when like pulls down the ally cadillac number 48 will be into the lead now somebody needs to be on the forward covering at the moment let's see it right unless you feel under pressure from the car behind which is what s dixie of this parish um who is pushing very hard indeed there's no need to to be overly aggressive with what is at the moment the courtroom court leader yeah duvall got a good run and at the same time the other the other two i think realized they were going a bit too quickly for the restart they eased back he went forward suddenly found himself past both shall i go then thought no i won't it was too late he gone past start finish and it was uh it was another silly mistake just mis-timed on the throttle i think side-by-side for the effective lead of the race as scott dixon stays down low in speed where one and two and goes by can we could be actually got a great run out of turn six but kobayashi is coming back at him and we'll head down to the inside he's very late on the brakes into the bus stop and takes it back oh fantastic stuff as i say racing for the effective lead with like duval needing to come in uh this time or next or she got one more after that well you get four total trips underneath the start finish gantry before you start receiving that black flag he's already done one of them and he peels into the fit lane to serve the 60 kilometers an hour trip down the pit lane it's going to feel painful for him at this stage but those are rules just a quick note by the way the 48 avoided a time penalty but was warned by race controller that last pit stop for having an improperly retired crew member at that fuel only stop so they will not get warned again for that shay so that if that happens again whoever's in the car at whatever time the race that that will be a penalty that tends to be uh called as a warning in practice when the person manning the fire bottle or the refueller is not wearing the fireproof socks during the race it tends to be when somebody has a visor up in terms of refueling so i'd imagine that's a fairly easy to fix problem side by side again on the banking ship adam takes a deep breath as the gtd ferrari i think it was a 63 car came under attack from the two leaders they're already down and we're past specs in the distance the rear lights now through the under the turn three four area i think that was because he backed out the the first run through the bus stop because you could see it with anyone in tears one way or the other and then just steal steal himself from the following lap and then manage to use some traffic to just give himself that little extra gap to break the toe from uh kobayashi so that's a good couple of laps that scotland has put in the lead [Music] another race hour completed on imsa rachel 107.9 around the track sirius 216 xm2c raw 2 and around the world in sound and vision for most of you at hello there if you are just joining us or maybe coming back to the race after living away 20 minutes before 11 eastern 16 17 hours rather off the race still to go i'm not going to say we're settling down because we aren't we've still got this great battle with kobayashi we'll do a master in this update for you in the moment kobayashi and scott dixon battling for the lead scots pulled out the 1.3 nearly 1.4 seconds he is a very very good endurance driver not scratch that he's a very very good driver and also gets great fuel mileage in whatever he drives i remember talking to dario frank kitty about him some time ago dario by the way are pretty good on fuel mileage as well always put it down to his own fuel mileage down to not left foot breaking and when they went to the indy car that had the brake pedal on the opposite side of the steering column from the throttle uh he hadn't learned a left foot brake which is not an easy thing to do if you've not done it before scott dixon does have the ability to make mileage on that car so scott dixon then let's have a quick look through it we're in traffic we'll keep an eye on the gap as scott dixon comes through the gt dear tournament fourth of the lexus back out after early wars now coming up behind the number 88 porsche catherine legging at the last time i looked and good to see that car running well now past the vault aston martin and in behind the number 57 windward emg gt could be kabayashi rather frustrated i think that he's seen scott dixon just opened out a little bit he took the second half of the lap time around so dixon is nick noted earlier on not just quick but really quick in traffic and always difficult as the leader because you hit the traffic first and once in a while you might wake up at dorsey gt3 driver like me going around there and with the race um everyone's used to being overtaken it's absolutely true though if you watch the first time the leaders come to the traffic in any race there's kind of a huge what i never expected the car that's even behind you you don't know a thousand endurance races before but now everyone's kind of used to it more important they've also worked out you know where where they'd like to be overtaken if possible you know in the various parts of the track because they there's a kind of point yes you don't want to lose time overtaking but even more you don't want this time being overtaken so if i breathe on the throttle here can you get by without you know giving the arrow washington to the next corner so it's a it's a two-way street um and you can see yeah you can see sometimes the cars get it wrong sometimes they get it right and it's it's the biggest problem you've got always of course if you're in in the fastest car but the second fastest car is trying to get past the third fastest car at the same time and they're all focused on their own actions uh well and that's why there's an art to being overtaken as much as there is absolutely to doing the overtake because you want to lose as little time as possible let's continue our in-race update with mazda uh and it is the wind auto sport oracle that leads lmp2 in eighth position uh at the moment thomas merrell behind the wheel having recently taken that over from uh matthew bell matt bell in second place is timothy burleigh for tower motorsports number eight and third antonio fuego for chetala racing in the delaware so origa origa to lara in uh lmp three it's kenton cook for moon the motor sports car that started on pole position that's the duquesne formally norm of that organization that's we'll see in the trunk reach motorsport in second and carl robinson in third six thirty three and seventy four in gt le monitors the two corvettes the reecy competition ferrari and teamwork lock now behind the wheel of the first of the bmw so that's 4-3 62 25 and 24 saw five of the six uh back together again remember the big problem early on with contact right at the very start for the third of the three full-time entries for the imps of weathertech sports car championship the weathertech number 79 porsche that car was hit fairly substantially and by the bmw number 25 from the red car i can't remember that there and required some remedial work on the gtt pat long and brian sellers duking it out back along for right motorsport leads porsche number 16 from paul miller racing's number one lamborghini urakan daniel serra sitting about three seconds away from the lead battle in the 21 year f course at ferrari then it's ian james for aston martin for two seconds further back the 23 heart of racing take car they're philip ellis behind the wheel of whitworth racing philip very tidy on sim racing as well played part of uh the eye racing nurburgring digital series uh run by vc or esports and it's very good in real life on the nurburgring as well nice to see him in that woodward car and lauren's fat too fast for the sport porsche 911 picks up the top six that is your update here at dear tornado with 16 hours and 53 minutes to go so 31 now battle of the league that philippe nasa at 38 won last time around all right he had a bit of traffic but the leaders 35s the two cadillacs at the front of the field are the quickest cars in this phase of the race after before and after that caution yeah i mean i think we're going to find a you know a settled race place i think the the track now is going to do not a lot more apart from getting a bit dirty or a bit will be a bit more um marbling over the next five or six hours we reached kind of the bottom of the temperature tip of the day i mean with it out there now it's now but it looks like they just got their setup right i mean because you're not looking at right a big driver offset so it's the fact they've got their setup right and it's and it's not just you know how you get round and pound around the laps also obviously whether you have the uh the dexterity and the flexibility in the car to easily change directions to get past the other element of the car with the other other cars on the classes so you know they found a sweet spot certainly compared to the other uh dpis whether that will remain as we go through this 24-hour race and the ever-evolving situation is questionable but it's nice to be there now the only problem is you can't it's very unlikely you can put in a massive expansion of lee because it's going to be at some point despite the four hours of green got a minute ago another yellow flag that we bring back together and my question always is now if you've got this car that's going so well when you actually start thinking well i'm half a minute ahead there's no point being any further ahead so i'll just go to fuel state mode so nasa dropping back 38-1 last time around but the leaders were 37 ones now he's come down to a 37-3 it did seem to take the red white number 31 a little longer to get up to speed after restart even earlier on if memory served but i'm going to keep an eye on that now because he's dropped 15 seconds on the leaders since the restart just a couple of other storylines as well and jeremy feeling through some information to us even though he's on a break at the moment the 55 master motorsports dpi rather missed their opportunity i'm picking my words carefully and i can't read exactly what jeremy said to me from larry holt um the 55 missed its opportunity get the lap back they came in um at the wrong time came in a lot early missed communication that's what we're putting that down to if you know larry holt you can imagine um that he was fairly forthright in what he said then how he described that genuine mistake by the team what a character what a breed as well you talk about the size [Music] [Music] getting a little bit of running now after that break for the yellow and that was caused by uh the lamborghini with an issue i saw a very very sheer stud is sra sporting puppy in fourth 20 and 21 the fifth portion of the 24 hour of tiertonna was caused by a mechanical issue for the number 19 gtt lamborghini yep fifth caution something about that then we'll have to watch for that next year won't we and see if it does it again that's a that's a yeah yeah let's hope they can make sure it doesn't happen that's a sort of stack progression share that you love isn't this that's the kind of thing that i uh watch out for for sure um i'm just looking at our michelin endurance cup points that have been released from that first uh stint would you like to know them by team it's very easy if i do it that way okay cool all right dpi with five points is the number five mustang sampling cadillac with four points is the zero one cadillac chip can ask racing with three was the number 10 conic minolta acura and then everybody else in the class got two nice and straightforward for the lmp2 class it was car number 11. win autosport in their debut they scored the maximum amount of points second place was the 82 dragon speed uh they took four points in third place with three points was tower motorsport that's car number eight and then everybody else got two points in lmp three uh riley motorsport car number 74 maximum point second with sean creech for the 33 lmp3 machine and then in third was mjolnir motorsport and their car number six and then in gtlm we've got park four which has led most of the race today five points four points for the sister car the number three and with three points was the 25 bmw uh and then in terms of gtd which is our only other class it was right motorsport who came away with the maximum number of points second was paul another race in the defending michelin endurance cup champs in that category third part of racing for the 23 aston martin and then everybody else with two points uh and that was at the six hour mark uh it's uh 6 12 18 and the end cheer for michelin endurance cup points here as far as i remember interesting to note as well by the way that the point scoring in michelangelo's cup has not changed this year it's exactly as it was it's five on down as you mentioned whereas the point scoring in the main championship has been basically timed up by 10. yes and um actually this is a wonderful opportunity to explain something i spent some time on on the phone this morning with race control the points that were scored in qualifying and yes you heard me correctly points are now awarded for qualifying you get 35 points for a pole position 32 for second 30 for third and so on down now you might be thinking that's a lot of points if the last time you joined us that was a race winning score for the mc weathertech sports car championship in qualifying for this event we had a race which resulted in the car scoring points so the drivers of the car that started the race today were awarded the points based on where the car's starting position was this is specifically in reference to ryan hardwick who qualified the 16 right motorsport porsche but is not participating in the race due to health issues and ryan we wish you the best we hope that you get well soon from your concussion that you sustained the other day um but in effect trent himmon who fills in for him takes the points for the qualifying position which for right motorsport i believe was ninth and it also comes into effect for stephen mcelroy and kenton cook who did not participate well captain participated in the um qualifying session but stephen mackler was not a part of the murder motorsports do clean team the number six he is for the race so he does get points meaning that anyone going forward who participated in the rolex in theory has points going towards them when they get to sleep yeah that's across every driver not the person who in this case who took the chequered flag to get the grid position or indeed in the future that we get even more complicated the future but i don't even want to go there at the moment because this point scoring for um some of the classes for two different drivers in two different sessions and uh i need to already need to put my head in a bucket of cold water just thinking about that how many points for a win how many points for a win 350 now isn't this 350. but the interesting thing is that we have a couple of the classes who are participating in say 11 events over the course of the year if you've got 11 pole positions that's equivalent to a race one yeah yeah very good is it's idea that we're going to have the mostest points ever for our champion it's it's trying to bring more uh value towards qualifying and to be honest it then you can punish people for changing their qualifying position from qualifying into starting for example if somebody elects to start at the back on fresh tires they forfeit all of their qualifying points and walk away with zero not minimum points zero right okay that is interesting i had uh that's that's the bit i was going to ask you about what and share what we we were talking about uh a week ago uh when the qualifying race was on here at uh daytona um 35 is uh for the for the pool what's the difference between first and second 350 for first and second gets you uh that would be 320 points yeah so you can make up the difference between first and second if you were on paul and the person who won the race um perhaps was sent to the back for changing tires or changing his starting drive or something like that so might be controversial yes i have a problem with an awarding point to qualify an awarding point to the race i think the problem they've got is by awarding so many points it ends up being very difficult for people to actually work out where anyone is as a championship progress because the number gaps are so great that's not how we work on that so he's like 25 points for a win and somebody's 27 points ahead you know he's a win and turned up at a seventh ahead if they're 300 410 points ahead whilst that's still a win and a seven it just doesn't work in our brain and i think that they've actually i think that the ease of following those exactly the same thing it's way harder to understand when the gap is 400 points than when it's 25 even though the actual gap in track terms is the same see anybody who's watched v8 uh aussie v8 aussie supercars uh will will know all about this because when you get down towards the end of the season plus subraces have more points than others uh depends not much the same as they do in the the wac as well they have additional points for for the longer races um and anyway i don't have to worry about it because that that's why i've got shear and jeremy uh to do all of that we were talking about the 16 right motorsport porsche earlier on this year and it has just pulled into the pit lane for what looks to be fuel orderly uh which would mean that patrick long is staying aboard and it means that he is not getting new michelins and indeed he's not just to clean out of the radiator grill and waiting for the ginger ninja to go back out on the circuit doesn't even get a windshield tara just gets it clean but you know what right motorsport i'm a little mad at you right now i really wanted to see that battle between sellers and plongy and nope as soon as sellers started catching up they called him into the pit lake but this is interesting because this means that patrick long is going to double stick his tires whereas brian sellers was already double stinting his tires and believe in class was daniel sarah the af course ferrari car number 21 daniel was on fresh tires so this is a very interesting uh tire strategy happening for us so daniel got in that he did an eighth lap stint so presumably he got new tires there and now he's done 19. so he's actually almost done a full stint on those tires albeit he's been down the pit lane um when that yellow came out because everybody else at the front of the field did so daniel bryan cell is in second philip ellis in third now for whitman uh gt4 as right the right portion and pat long goes out the oh and gets passed on the acceleration lane out of the pit that's all right the pit lane speed limit there uh speed trap is he's done at that point and that was a a very rapid exit and the pit lane is part of the racetrack i think that was a was that a gt3 car that came out of yeah i know it was right it was it was it was was it kobayashi or was it wrong i think it was rossi he's [Music] yeah i've got that too and i've actually just received cement intel from david walsher that hello david and thank you that's saying wright did change tires oh okay right so what we did say was the driver change then well that makes sense if you change your driver you want to put it onto a new set of tires so that's jan helen just waving left and right in fairness we witnessed the pit stop from the onboard camera and that is in the right hand side the passenger side for this race car and switch your driver as well unless something was knocked inside but if you put new tires on after a stint so that car is out there go ahead yeah was that the fireworks in the background it should be 9 4 11 11 o'clock yeah 11 o'clock fireworks it was in the uh the driver briefing and the ssrs these supplementary regulations uh they were told just to be careful jan halen still moving around on the tri-oval trying to get presumably trying to get hate in the front of that number 16 right motorsport that's the teal colored car it's a very interesting that's his second going into his third lap out of the pit lane and the traditional some of the traditions we haven't been able to do like the autograph session in the urban great but the fireworks still happening on the far side of lake lloyd from the grandstands the drivers as i say were briefed about it and confirmed that the right car took four tires and we think a driver as well on that car [Music] if you wonder why we didn't pick that up we aren't allowed to be in that bubble in the pit lane and that is why our interviews are not on the end of a microphone but we're using a variety of different telecommunications to get things done and thanks to the technical team in our main control room for radio show limit there's an image of radio in london in the uk just uh south of the river thames there tim create earlier on and it's keskob the irreplaceable case cold who i was listening to on the wireless the other day nothing my gosh really it is actually an online radio station and uh she was playing some crack in it he's a 90s music i was very happy indeed to be tuned in that was that was last sunday actually once we got finished with the uh with the 100 minutes of racing sung jingles and everything with that earbud she's hit the big time wow now at this point i'm quite impressed tim's been jingles for years many of them very humorous but none of them mentioning our names how many years i'll be doing these shows and i've been a single jingle with my name in there either let's be honest there were there were interpretations um there were some for midway motorsports that uh right in the very beginning that that uh had uh names in but we just tended not to use them because it's a it don't have as big an ego as me you mean well it's it's a um it's a collaborative effort isn't it all of these things we do we can't do it without everybody else there'd be no point me standing in the haggerty global broadcast booth if i didn't have um all the rest of the on-air talent and indeed everybody else behind the scenes and whether that's in london in charlotte from the the guys at nascar production to make sure that every race track we go to around the states we see all the cameras for the sessions that we that we cover um the technical team in london the commercial team under uh the responsible adults our partners our commercial partners themselves and of course everybody at himself at the track who also makes sure that we can do our job it's a collaborative effort which collaborative effort which is something jingle wouldn't it really all those names on it it's just um yeah i would have to be everybody we've ever met yeah that's it for matt for sorting out the pictures by the way yes um just changed uh a little always seeking improvement and uh one of the great things with working with good people and funny enough i was talking about this to somebody else through the dip when we were talking about uh doing our sim racing coverage uh one of the things i really was impressed about with uh with eye racing was that they were we're prepared to take uh a look at new solutions and suggestions even though they're at the very top of their game that's exactly what nascar productions have been we've worked together to find solutions in these difficult times but we're not standing still we're still trying to improve and uh they've responded really well so all the mats because there are several mats involved alex and keith and patrick as well uh directors thank you very much indeed for all the hard work uh and by the way we will have rooftop rare in the overnight session the night owl session for three hours from three till six uh eastern as well so just coming up to 10 past 11 and just a note there that uh alexander rossi got ahead of kamui kobayashi in that last set of pit stops uh so i can't unfortunately i can't do it coming out of the pit you know it might have been rossi is you know he's a smart cookie somewhat divisive character sometimes but nobody can deny the speed that he has no that he wants i think that when you're when you're on the way up you're supposed to count out a bit more he never was he he pushed his way out of series guys there's no point me doing this anymore he didn't hang on to fyi they don't know what we do this morning we're going to do something else so i've actually got i've got actually got a lot of respect for us i don't think he did it in an abrasive way like scott speed did and absolutely annoyed everyone else i think he just made everyone know exactly what he felt in a i think kind of professional way i've got a lot more time i've got a lot of time for rosie actually whereas some of the other people have similar attitudes i don't only and there's no doubt about his speed vanderzander then leading by 6.2 seconds the chip ganassi number zero one as uh our pictures and therefore our sound at the moment is uh from the aerial shots which are absolutely stunning i can't hear the cars too much from where we're watching at the moment but really see the relative pace of the cars and how they work the traffic and doing a very good job at the moment it's ranker van der zander he's got a whole gaggle of a variety of gt cars as he's coming up to the kink now and just heading actually through turn six my apologies that was out of the second of the horseshoes at the western end and now goes to the high side law is where you go if you slaughter that's the general rule of thumb share that's what uh race director paul barfield said on the in the online driver briefing that was done as part of the protocols here um and it's all different but there's good reasons for it uh there's a special testing station out uh by over the far side uh the at the back of the racetrack actually and everybody has to go there every day even if they are within the circuit but not with not within for example the uh the ornament drivers rv lot is separate and separated deliberately from the pit then bubble so if you are going between the two you can't just walk through the gate you've got to go out too i think it's getting 70 isn't it uh get your temperature taken get the qr code and then drive a specific way to get back in and get into the bubble of the working pit yep you have to have a sticker on your hard card every day at different color and they are different um they reflect different things they have different letters on them to say where you are and aren't allowed to go for example people are not just just a moment because we got the core car which we thought had played a blinder john bennett's moving slowly uh turn seven which is the again the dreaded bus stop area running slowly on the the apron trying to get back in the pit on that around nascar three i think i just saw that but there's so many cars in a big gaggle at the moment it's uh difficult to see in gt look keep an eye on that and gt lemon corvette racing tonio garcia leads by a couple of seconds from his teammate tom milner three from four now so they've swapped around as well for the longest time it was four from three and james collado is behind the wheel of reese's coming to tioning ferrari he's another two seconds further back and he's got eight seconds on the first of the bmws which are running in lock step it's 25 from 2014 o'clock and now custom farthest who was demonstrating the new east tcr car earlier on today the new hyundai veloster with the electric power and it goes yeah it goes sigging the electric tcr yes when's that coming out as a championship next year isn't it well talk about imsa who obviously are the north american um licensees for one of the better word of tcr um being involved in a championship in in north america the original super touring and world touring car organizer and the uh now the creator of tcr which is left to be honest it's done for terry car racing about the world nick what the gt3 and gt4 did for gt racing it was a master straw from from marcelo lotte no brilliant and and much to everyone's surprise these things run 24 hours no problem at all so the design for 20 minutes last 24 hours that's not many cars you can say that about um the other way around some of the cars we've driven in our lifetime isn't it i've given many cars that were designed between around and you wouldn't get 20 minutes out yeah mostly because the lucas electrics but that's not uh with free added smoke of course but um yeah i think yeah i think it's interesting isn't it how necessity which is which is finance become the mother of invention and and you know you can point at tcr you can point at gt3 i think we can now also um look at the future point of dpi and dpi h also keep people leaving 0.2 about how eventually people get sensible and they design platforms that work for the manufacturers and for the customers and customer rating becomes key there are only so many places where you can spend cubic dollars anymore and you know endurance racing isn't really one of them because it is powered by gentlemen drivers privateers um you know independent professionals who but yes there are works teams but they already catered for as well by a a competitive series that gives you lots of variety and choice yeah they did a good job car looked splendid in the uh bright red blue and dark blue livery pit stops for gt gt d share and in comes the aston martin of heart of racing and ian james somehow made that 107 liter fuel tank lasts for an hour and 10 minutes but also coming into the pit lane was max root in the tf sport asmr that's the bright yellow ones both of them fitting on the same lap i think roots no he had stayed out in the last stop too so that could have been a very long stint for him as well both of them in both of them taking fuel tires and it looks like driver changes for both cars as well do you know we were talking earlier on weren't we and stop up to oscar mccusker as well about why do you keep going when things have gone wrong early on milner motorsports started at the front of the field after winning the qualifying race last sunday had some problems four laps down after the first out kenton cook now back to the top of lmp3 thank you jeremy for that and ken cook lmp3 on my timing screens are a very bright purple which is ken cook's sim racing color he records that he's never had anybody run into him but he's been running a purple car so it's uh i i look at that and i actually all lmp3s i keep thinking kenton will be driving because of that color that's uh that's that's next to it and i think he commentated on the imsa releasing pro series last year and kenton went to that uh bright purple color very very early on in whatever category uh he was racing uh that was turned up in round one yes he did he did and then the final corner before the start finish straight correct um yeah amazing your brain turned up doesn't it into the pits for the number three this was the leading corset corvettes uh tonya garcia in for service with corvette racing in the mid-engines c8r share adam he certainly should be staying behind the wheel he started off this race with the triple stint jordan taylor got in for a double nick katzberg did a double and that was antonio garcia's first in behind the wheels so fuel tires and perhaps a new drinks bottle for the king of spain every time you say that to sure jeremy's not on actually um but i always remember the story about um i think it was phil toughnell english cricketer who was a spin baller spin spin baller and for his uh uh his benefit yeah uh the count he played for decided to get a whole load of uh of hats and sell the hats phil toughnell king of spin unfortunately it was misread that's all they are saying looking in spain on the miss which always makes me test match starting this week at the front of the field just a moment or two ago kamui kobayashi who had been under pressure himself uh caught up with rengar van der zander using a bit of traffic through the early part of the infield section and dips through into the lead in the number 48 you know potentially race changing in the last half hour you just choose the wrong way to go past a uh a back marker so different [Music] three and immediately jumps out into elite so again this is what we were talking about earlier on people coming to us all the time i understand that on rs2 imsa radio and live in sound and vision [Music] the cadillacs do seem to have remarkably different performance through different parts of their stint probably ashy's got this one wound up alexander rossi who's got ahead of that 48 now down in the third and 12 seconds a drift of kamui and it is really really noticeable how the performance potential of the cars are changing through through the fuel burn and the tyre wear and rossi you know rossi and kagobi actually came out pretty much together 11 laps ago and rossi as we reported got ahead of kobayashi reggae van der zander nine laps of course so a little bit different but now 12 seconds behind the thing is that we yeah there's four cadillacs in the race and we're yeah and if you if you watch other other forms of race you'll think oh there's four cadillacs in the team they're all in a team together so they're all they all know these are four separate teams running a cadillac car therefore there will be four different setups they've probably got a slightly different arrow set up i'm sure they've got slightly different damper setups that's like this matching roll bar setups it'll be you know small amounts but those small amounts will change how the car behaves um as you said fuel goes off as the tyres go through their run uh how they how they run in traffic are they better in the tow and it because the bossy are all cadillacs they're all set up minutely differently and that's where we see is ebb and flow as the cars come together on the whole all the drivers are absolutely top rates there's not a lot between them most of the time as they have having an after making mistake but yeah you can see now you know they're beginning to condense again and founders and you're getting back close to kobayashi so you know that kind of ever flows because the cards aren't the same despite all being cadillac scott fitzsimmons in australia thanking me for reminding about uh cricket and the uh gabba results against uh india that's a great test match though wasn't it five days and it came down for the last 20 minutes great stuff and by the way my qriket story was only slightly incorrect and i got the wrong spin baller and the wrong item of merchandising it was uh ashley giles and mugs as declan brennan and dom and a number of other people but the point was that i always remember that way she talks about antonio garcia being the king of spain that's how i'll tell the story it's now it's phil tasman's t-shirts no no you give me a chance to the kid ashley charles's bugs absolutely yeah you know well here we go derek underwood underwood's talked about not sure they ever did personalized items of undergarments uh we've got the we've got ferraris in the pit lane adam bring us back to some form of sanity alrighty if you insist we've got fuel and tires for the number 21 ferrari that say of course and daniel sarah bringing the car in from the lead of the gtd race it's just some names to give you a bit of a wetted appetite during this pit stop we've got in various cars in the porsche for fact zach robichon first time driving since the start of the race andrea calderelli has taken back over the paul miller racing lamborghini from brian sellers jack hawks with stays in the 14 lexus and i believe those fuel only for jack because he holds it up quite a few positions during that stop and thank you faff for taking bantur out of the car because earl bamber is now on track in the 88 team hardpoint evm porsche so we do not have band thor on track at the same time meaning that larry and earl both are staying on their wheels at least for now um and it was the driver team the 21 ferrari by the way that is simon mann taking back over that car in terms of gtlm we've had full service for both of the corvettes tom milner and antonio university staying aboard as we said both of the bmws john edwards jumping back into the 24 teemo glock pew staying aboard the 25 divided regal and it reinstalls himself to the ferrari fuel and tires for recent competition as well thank you hello to jack salivski good luck by the new job ski instructor starts monday at simpson radio hashtag r24r there are 24 videos as kimberly corby actually continues uh to extend that lead one and a half seconds over greniga van der zander he's now got 11 and a half seconds over rossy so rossi stabilized that in 12 and a half seconds to the lead and he's got 17. call it 18 seconds on aj allmanding it taking a break from the nbc booth and [Music] which one's his dear job now share uh cat and dog sitting is his day job he's got two pets that travel with him regularly right so yeah so uh mr tickles the cat and i believe it's lola the dog um so yeah the dog and cat parents is his primary job this is just a hobby nick had a cat called lola didn't you i did yeah she left me uh but she left me for wet food it's a long story [Laughter] never cared luck came back once left me came back because she got had him to vet with the chip and then came back home again and about eight weeks ago later left again for more wet food well the joke's on her because charlie gets wet through these days [Music] i sometimes wonder what goes on in the demon households i i really i really really do all sorts of animals doing all sorts of weird things absolutely right so almost uh after 20 past 11. now got plenty of darkness running still to go as you mentioned [Music] officially up one minute past don't see it again until after seven in the morning more traffic to be dealt with by our leading cars that's order of the day picky passes one of our porsche keys to the race that's just about passes four position getting through as well philippe nasa now just uh behind egypt alberta that's the battle for four so now the 31 car started to come alive a bit more and on similar lap types as the cars around it and in fact goes through as they go through the tri-oval gets by the number 60 of each at dinger and goes back up into fourth position has 20 and a half seconds to mix up alexander rossi it's his next target however will intervene of course relatively short order about two-thirds three-quarters of the way through their stints at the top drivers in fact philippe is the one who's been out there the longest on this fuel run did 18 laps last time around the car's been doing 21 and 22. [Music] what the virtual runs were getting as well about 22 left spot on three kids fellaini uh on 17 on his hitting flap of the month so he's probably got another four laps uh at the front of the field the allied cadillac is just complete in 17 laps right provides rossi completed his 16th that would not be seven it's all there are there abouts within a lap or two and remember as far as the dpis at the front of the field are concerned ollie jarvis still a lap off the lead and it's that 55 card not quite getting into that back when it had the opportunity to at the last stop and uh that will be haunting the team for the moment for another yellow flag and some stage in the future the leading lmp two car the wind or sport orica the distinctive purple uh led lighting around the air intake on uh origami 11 car in relatively clear air for once uh nick dearman as he's uh coming out of the infield section yeah the p2 race which i i would have put money on being a closely hard-fought fight with any anyone from the 10 has not materialized at all um yet we well you know we've lost four of the cars already or five of the cars and and the others are like andrew from the very very good x ferrari junior running in third is um well eleven behind the lead and i don't think you'll get out of nothing with the first uh with the next uh yellow flag but the fact that the middle sport cars managed to pull out 55 seconds on the town sport machine you think that that's got a lot a lot of basic pace the others don't have at the moment and my advice then would be to just keep the powder dry now you've got 54 seconds you don't need any more um you know you still put you can get in the lap and the laptop gets given back as well so you know it's just at this point just go into car conservation mode knowing you've got that speed in the oracle
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 244,742
Rating: 4.7731128 out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, Rolex 24, Rolex 24 At Daytona, Acura, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Ford, Honda, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: R9O6p8qzgp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 30sec (14370 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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