Part 3 - 2021 Rolex 24 At Daytona

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on the twitter john says shout out to all run fellow fans and corvette fans uh in canada and we're gonna have rob fellows on in the having the global broadcast said uh uh in the morning sometimes we're going to find out what time ron will be available for us and drew adamson what are your thoughts on the gtd pro class talk about that with it's a president john doonan uh about an hour or so ago drew um i'm i think for ipsa it's uh it's gonna be it's the right thing to do i don't think they really had a choice with only three full time edmonton gt le mans there's some new gt3 rules about to come around the seo and the fia have been involved with it makes it far more a technical class which has all always been for me slightly i love gt3 wrestling don't get me wrong but i've always been against gt3s doing anything at the bottom of the ball particularly as the top class of of gt and the reason i say that is because the the lack of what i would call a technical rule book it's a it's a balance of performance and currently gt3 are balancing performance and conformity formula so you build the car you have it balanced for its performance and then what it's scrutineered on uh is nothing other than it is as per its passport um each time that you bring it to the track all the nuts and bolts have to be exactly the same that leaves the option up to build very very special cars for something as important to manufacturers as le mans and when you've been around as long as i have and that is a very long time uh you will see in that the following that is that the costs go up massively and you see special cars being built by manufacturers just to win at le mans and they are taking out the realms of being customer cars at that point and all the minute he kills the class it happened with gt1 most recently i had others as well and that's why i've always been a little bit wary of having the current style of gt3 cars in terms of how they are defined and policed if we get a more technical rule set with measurements defining um the box and all that sort of thing it might work but to be honest i don't think you need to change very much with gte as it is at the bottom um you know gt um gte he's and has been for the last couple of years vying for the most numerator of entries along with lmp2 and it's the same in elms it's healthy in the elements as well i agree in the short term but i can't see gt and gtlm lasting in the long term with only with only one outlet for manufacturing so the question is what do we do in four years time when this generation of gt's are all replaced by other cars yeah the porsche will be the ferrari replaced with something else because there's gonna be no incentive for the manufacturers manufacture new ones do you at that point just saying unless people still want to buy them yeah our gentleman field is now p3 do we always need to have gt cars at the moment i know it's heretic to think about that but if you had a p1p2 or um is that enough or do you need a car that looks like a car that's in the road well but but ultimately that's what the new top class is meant to be cars that look more like what's on the road that kind of hasn't happened yeah glickenhaus's car will be road legal but you know it's not like something that looks like a porsche 911 he's going to be at the short end of the field when paul should do their lmdh they'll be styling cues it's more likely to look like a takeout isn't it let's be honest um that that would make perfect sense uh for them or one of their other hybrid uh offerings a bit more like a panamera around the front end i like the old gt remember the gt1 when we talk about gt once that the gt1 porsche came about because they had they were launching a brand new porsche and it was the first 911 with a water cooled engine that was the 996 one year with the friday headlines and that was where the money came from from the marketing budget from that from that new car so there's merit i see this buried in that in the front of the field i i just i just think you've got to be so careful with gt racing i i i don't disagree with this thing at all i don't think gt3 should be in its current form should be at le mans but it's too um it's too subjective it's not objective at all it's completely subjective about what it is you know and it's not quite as bad as heinz our friends are doing 10 laps of valencia anymore but um you know it it it it's not a it it will get gained i mean manufacturers have managed to gain gte which is far harder to court first year before gt for example but um you know it i think it'd be a difficult thing but i think there's going to be a situation in four years time where you know it's going to be difficult yeah the only company i can see actually making gte cars is porsche because they can make them in a commercial manner easily well i i i think a technical based rule book and the aco i mean this has all come about because the aco set their technical working party and vancouver neil is their sporting director um they set them a couple or three years ago now i remember talking to andrew cotton about this from racecar engineering who had a first car engineer the set of a project to effectively write a set of gt3 regulations for a quarter port ac or version of gt3 now it would seem stupid to do that and have that technical exercise if at some stage you weren't going to have gt3 cars in the big race they already have them in some of their other championships but they wanted to take ownership of some regulations to protect the sporting integrity of the world's greatest motor risk uh that's at the moment and i think having done that and then now knowing that we're going to see a new set of gt3 regulations how much of that thinking the acl put into into being two three years ago whenever it was will be in the new rules uh i i hope a fair amount of it so that we can get that situation where there's some technical you know and without wavers as well unfortunately i've heard from inside the technical workforce gt3 that that waivers have been handed out all over the place already in the draft regulations dave alcock says do you think a technical rulebook for gt3 pro replacing gt le man could be as simple as a minimum of maximum box size minimum weight and then control the fuel usage tank size fill rate etc yes yes yes yes but i still think you need to have a set of regulations i used to be able to look at a car and say that's not legal i remember crawling underneath the back of a jaguar that went to levon um with paul gentilotti's team and finding a trans axle in the car and thinking that's not legal not allowed to move the gearbox you weren't in those days did mata didn't last 24 minutes and it might 24 hours but that that that car strictly speaking wasn't legal um by the the letter of the regulations sam collins and i at sabring many years ago crawled over a certain prototype and we were looking underneath the ducts at the front and we could quite clearly see what would be describing the roots as wing like structures which were expressed in that part of the car and asked questions about it um the ford gt there was questions asked about the arrow on that but interestingly the aero on gt le cars was was more free than prototypes those flying purposes at the back of the the ford gt uh just a behind the back wind tool up from the rear wheel arches there were wings they were aerodynamically shipped you would have been able to do that that's the sort of stuff i'm talking about when it describes a plane angle and how big the cords got to be to to make it a wing a wing type device or not that's a technical rulebook and gt3 doesn't have that gt3 says take your base car build a gt out of it we'll balance it and then just bring it back to the track i am oversimplifying that because it takes a lot of work to get your gt3 paperwork in line and about six and a half thousand before progress i've been taught by people who've done it but i'm trying to simplify the explanation there's no reason why we couldn't take a car you don't even need strictly speaking you don't even need the manufacturer to be on board with it it doesn't have to be a manufacturer build dave we've seen that from gts in in the past that may be manufactured being blessed but that's kind of changed now because it's customer racing and the good news about it is that it's uh it's an income stream customer risk isn't it is still the next big thing porsche has been doing it for 70 years so everybody wants to do it that's why the tcr cars work so well that we talked about earlier on that's why i believe that lmth um dpi 2.0 will herald in a new golden age another goal for endurance person because lmth's could well become the porsche 956s 1962s of their generation and that's exactly what we need in endurance racing which to a greater greater or lesser extent down through the years it's not being paid for by manufacturers it's been paid by individuals or groups of individuals so customer racing has to be at all levels [Music] you know it is true yeah well one thing's interesting discusses later in the show is how they're going to differentiate with gtd pro and gtd are they going to give the pros 10 more horsepower is it just the talented drivers and they'll be the same apart from that uh that that's a very good point and i would think tv here on that um i think again it'll come down to specification of the car as well to what can't be done and what we think uh that is let's have a quick look at the standings we've got some pit stops going on in fact we've had both the leaders in cheer adam tell us what's going on top three in fact in at the sharp end of the field we've got ranger vandazanda in this should be fuel and tires only for ranger also under the pit lane aj almendinger and he will be staying in the pit lane i guess he's got to go back into the booth or to the motorhome with the cat and the dog um but that is dane cameron getting back in i would imagine he has not been in the car since the first uh quadruple stint that he did to start the race we've got tristan votier out in the number five mustang sampling cadillac oliver jarvis was in 55 mazda as well so very very busy down here on the pit lane but everything clean and the fuel nozzle comes out on the msr actor the last car that i was waiting on so now we're clear again and we start another racing hour with a master in race update um with pit stops going on in dpi let's start at the other end of the timing screen in our five class structure that we have of course this year in gt dear torna it is nicholas nelson for af courser in the number 21 ferrari that leads by 2.1 seconds andrea calderelli just got into the portland racing car and has just turned that car's faster slap last time around 46 3. [Applause] not as quick as the fastest that of the gtt race that's a 45-7 and that has gone to the car that leads zachary robichon is in the faf sport porsche he's another eight seconds further back he's got two seconds uh on jan halen for right motorsports in the tailgate porsche in fourth jack hawk smith in fifth for the number 14 lexus from vasa sullivan is another 10 seconds further back in the top 10 to 10 to five mid but by russell ward for windward racing that number 57 car is another 11 seconds away from fifth position in three stephen makalia friend of the show one long groovy person for mueller mortis mother sports to kane still leads in the number six car remember that's come back from four laps down at the end of the first hour to lead from sean creech motorsport by nearly a minute now 56 57 seconds and oliver askew is aboard the riley motorsports leisure in third he's another minute 38 back from schwalbe who is driving that shock for each motorsport number 33 at the moment in gt le mans corvettes are back at the front of the field it's their turn to lead one and two again they've been the reese's competition card jumps up the second or on the pit stops for a few laps between them so the bungee cord hasn't got any longer or shorter between those two corvettes running around in lockstep uh reecey reese's here under them five and a half seconds further back then the two bmws they're ten seconds further back than three and a half seconds between them in lmp two timothy bourier for tower motorsport the number eight in eighth position has 21 seconds ahead of the win or sport origa in second then the chesterlar racing car is another minute 15 further back uh just having pitted actually that car uh tonya fuerko is still behind the wheel and paul luke shattered the era motorsport also just out the pits is 34 seconds further back so that's a another pit stop influenced uh standing right there at the moment managed to let everybody i think cycle through so academy kobayashi is leading now by 11 seconds over reggae fantasanda that is the 48 cadillac from the zebra one cadillac and two of the light full of cars out there funny minolta accurate number 10 car for alexander rossi in third is five seconds further back and has 22 and a half seconds on philippe nasa in the red and white number 31 and i'll quickly get down through dear cameron in fifth for their shank racing sixth tristan 48 and all of those are on the lead lap that is 65 seconds and we've got a car stopped out at turn five which is the west horseshoe sheer adam what can you tell us on an outlook in the era motorsport lmp2 orica is stopped on course at turn five this could bring out a full course caution if he does not get moved once again but it's still showing up as stopped on track so this could be uh not good news for some people out there and very good news for those who have just served their pit stops yeah let's see what happens as we've gone through that other another race hour under 16 hours to go now fabulous moon this evening back in the uk alan prosser just stepped outside to what he calls the big fridge that's the outside world outside the front door he's just getting to the adult beverage you could read by the light of the moon where allen is at the moment not quite full moon can't be far away very chilly across the uk this evening thanks for staying with us at uh what is it coming up the midnight daytona that means coming up at five o'clock in the morning here in the uk [Music] thank you for staying with us [Music] just couldn't see the 18 car we've followed a couple of days king through five into six and the car was nowhere to be seen then it didn't be crawling either so he had stopped he's managed to pull it off there is actually another road so inside the uh the two horseshoes there's another inner road you can go back and you may have pulled it into which is makes it threatening safe we're not quite sure how they rescue it without pulling out caution well there are two gates there actually there's a gate that's at the international horseshoe uh which is part of the old track actually so that's paved through the kink uh and down to i'm having a quick look as we get a shot from the on board on the wheel and cadillac there there's also an access gate to the left uh just before the right-hander at the west horseshoe and nasa flashing his lights there at another prototype ahead which wasn't alice alexander rossi so he's about to put a lap on somebody there dave cameron in elegant isolation at the moment in the number five in the fifth position in the number 60 car uh with about 14 seconds between himself and fourth and 12 seconds between himself and fifth uh it's an odd one uh that risk control have definitely put out the message that stopped the turn five i i was just going to say has it turned another lap that's the question yeah so yeah the the last lap around was two minutes and 37 seconds he did just bring it back into the pits yes so some problem on an out lap paul luke chateau has dropped him out of the top places and down to sixth for the era motorsport car now that could be something on an out lap sheet like the loose wheel perhaps or some issues yeah they've heard we've definitely seen that before it would not be a surprise but it does seem a bit strange that he's definitely stopped at turn five managed to continue went past the pit lane and completed another lap and then brought it into the pit lane so i think it's probably something a little bit more sinister than just an obvious loose wheel i think it's probably something to do with the control of the elite needing to happen restarting the car and now it's not it's still not clear whatever gremlin it is so they'll go in they'll either give them a quick steering wheel change and hope for the best or it's the uh majority of plug in the computer and go and look just like confused between them [Music] one of the things that can happen when you come out the pits of course is that they then speed them in the fields to clear and you're chugging around in a very unpleasant place where's cars aren't meant to go slowly even when you have to for safety reasons in the pit lane it's uh exceptionally annoying to be on it for too long a time could just actually do the engine on the drive line that much good either cash your mind back to your viewer in listener a few years to lemon when the resonance of being on the limit that behind the safety car actually caused a problem with i think it was the car private drive shaft unwound the prop shaft not without his car didn't it yeah that's a while back now mind you i've took that out yeah that's frightening [Music] isn't it funny how as you get all the time stretches and compresses but with no apparent reason for what seems like five minutes ago and what seems like 20 years ago and neither of them were the case they were all about three years ago you know it's very hot very very odd indeed well what have we learned then sheer and nick in the uh the last three hours as we head into uh in towards the witching hour at dear torna and sunday morning beckons and the first shift of the sunday service will be the reverend johnny palmer and his team uh coming back into the hagerty global broadcast center we've had a couple of decent long runs uh over an hour and 20 minutes now on this one and i i'm not really seeing anybody dominating it looks great for can we call bias out stops around the corner though nick and we've seen the cadillacs at the front of the field with very different pace as they go through their stops uh cabrik's been in uh already been out for nine laps and ringer vanderzander for let's see uh seven six so that they've still got the the majority of their stint to go i think it's safe to say and this is going to celebrate we haven't learned very much to be honest um because yeah we still have all right the masters are back off the next yellow flower get in all seven cars are in contention and are behaving differently at different times in the run and don't forget in how many hours now six or seven hours it's going to be light for the last eight hours of the race with the heat and it's all going to change again so um you know looking at gtlm you know that all the cars that didn't have an accident the first lap are all within you know a few seconds of each other and that will continue going on so i think it was it was great to get that these people know what they're doing well now they've stopped having silly penalties in any way for any particular car has a chance of winning or more of a child what about the other class this year lmp2 has been a battle of attritionist uh nick alluded to a few moments ago the latest being that number 54 car are you seeing any patterns there do you see any favorites there no no uh being the short answer um lmp3 completely wide open we've got a big gap between the number six motorsports sean creech and then the first of the rileys with all of our ascii behind the wheel now it's a big difference there but again we aren't convinced that they're going to keep going round and round like they are look at cororado sport possibly the best prepared out of all of the uh lmp3 cars just given the dent that the team came off of running the factory porsches the last few years so they struggled with some brake issues who's to say it's not going to affect some of the the smaller teams that are making their empty debuts in this race and then in lmp2 it's it's anything but wide open i mean the 11 win autosport has kept their heads down they've kept quiet they've driven a great race so far but we're only eight hours in we're a third of the way through i think everything's going to change before the end of this one the only one where i am seeing a bit of a pattern nick is in gt lemon um you know it only takes two cars for a race uh all five cars are still relatively close since that since they were closed up with that last full course yellow the two corvettes do seem to be running to a plan and they're staying about a second apart it's three in front of four at the moment the ferrari goes by in a pit stop cycle for a few laps and splits them and the two bmw's another 10 seconds further back but it just i get the feeling that the the corvette have got something in reserve there if they were being pushed it it if if you read like this obviously similar for the the qualifying race it does seem the car does have a slight edge um but again temperature didn't go up you don't know how that the uh the end has been set or how the ferrari is but it's yeah if you if you had to put your house on on a qtm winner at this point it would be corvette because they've managed to lead every single time relatively easily and there's always a point that they know it's easy there is no point wearing your car out pulling out a lead with 16 hours to go just having a comfortable few seconds and then worry about it again you said before worrying about with three hours and four hours to go it it is the corvette way i mean they've ground out results before look it's the fourth of july race here they got that one spot on tactically because it's not just about the pace of the cars it's about the nose on the box as well through for another lap ally cadillac of kevin kobayashi and the lead it's a little over 13 seconds 36-2 last time around compared to 35-1 for that car's best lap this is good pace from camwing and it's consistent pace as well drops into the 37s only when there is traffic around these uh not the kind of drivers you see making huge mistakes normally speaking next driver is up on the stand suited and booted don't read anything into that they tend to be ready just in case they they need to come in tristan fortier catching fifth position cameron at the moment number five cadillac and the number sixty accurate i said dean cameron was having a quiet run if you remember not so very long ago well 12 laps of that advantage that he had over tristan at 12 seconds rather has disappeared in eight laps [Music] at meantime when i said don't read anything into the next 48 driver sitting on the box with helmet on it it's a bit warmer b you can probably plug in here radio and listen to what's going on somewhere um but see can we could be actually still got half a stint to do uh in this one so he 15 20 minutes as much as uh still to run in that car so forward this four off yeah 13 laps so he's got another seven or eight laps before he comes in i'd also say these times as well uh having your race helmet on which is a perfect fit to your head and erase balaclava it's a great way to keep your social distancing as well you're in your own bubble uh you don't have to wear a mask plus you've got a carbon fiber one in front of your face and of course you've got the balaclava as well i always like to get ready nice and early because there's nothing worse than having to rush around fighting he unplugs or worse still get ready and on as as you realize that the car is coming in that lap you realize that you haven't put your earplugs in create your uh buds in your ear and you've got to take your helmet and your hands device and everything off find them and put them in in your ear yeah that's not good no it's bad that situation kobayashi began to stretch his legs faster slap for that car 34 9 1 8 last time around johnny palmer is getting ready to take you into sunday morning just a couple of minutes before midnight uh welcome back to the hagerty global broadcast center gp we've had another decent long run and we've i think we've decided that other than gtlm pretty much this uh there's no there's no real rival reason and certainly no big patterns that we that we want to pull out of this next three hours could be pivotal often are as we're going to sunday morning gp yeah it's definitely a milestone in the race isn't it and i think treated as such by uh many of the teams as well you've done well to last this far and we've still got three hours and 40 minutes there or they're about to go till half distance and uh yeah just to be able to make it into sunday morning is often tricky particularly to get there without anything happening to your car i mean that is the way to break up 24 hour races for the teams as as well as as for us you know midnight will be a milestone half distance will be a milestone for these for these race teams johnny it will and then there are you kind of focus on you know moments ahead that are many hours away and then all of a sudden you brought right back into the present moment does that exactly rusty was just there with two gt daytona cars right in front of him out of turn two and he had to squeeze between and aston martin and the concrete wall to drive drivers left so you can't afford to be thinking too far into the future for a risk of losing exactly what you're doing on that lap and this particular laugh at this moment so he said through that hairy uh period of time is rossi and they're up onto the banking and heading for the tri-oval once again grace is led by kamui kobayashi as john has mentioned [Music] 134.918 his best lap so far wrecking vanderzander in the chasing cadillac is 17 seconds away and then you've got the chasing number 10 car of alexander rossi that he shares with elio castroneves philly albuquerque in the line up there as well as ricky taylor and there are more gt daytona cars just around the corner of the international horseshoe so got into a little bit of clear air and now that's gone again so working his way around the second of the horseshoes on the infield with one two legs actually i make it they've uh taken on a completely different look look uh overnight so one with the blue roofline illuminated brilliantly and one with the red actually they're more easy to tell apart at night than they are in the daytime although there's uh subtle sponsorship differences between the 12 and the 14 cars again three abreast on the back straight for alexander rossi now has he got any concern immediately behind him and distraction therefore not really felipe he's on the same lap in the 31-wheeler engineering cadillac but 24 seconds away so he can fully focus on the road in front and it's relatively clear for him now heading through turn number four speedway turn four and back to the start finish straight and win order sport leading the lmp2 category driving that eleventh car is thomas [Music] in a reasonably comfortable position there's then antonio fuako the de lara for chetila racing running in third place so jeremy shaw coming back to the broadcast once again joining me johnny palmer in the haggarty global broadcast center we are past midnight it's now sunday morning jeremy and uh that's you know just a few more minutes into the book but psychologically it's a big hurdle that these teams have reached now [Music] it is indeed johnny and this is always for me a tremendous part of the race a bit after midnight next couple of hours or so are always really really interesting i find and uh you know this has been a fascinating race so far it's been that super stint by uh kamui kobayashi there just turned his best lap that car's best lap of the race just three or four laps ago in the dark at night very very impressive but he's extended his lead over the number zero one car already van der zandes now up to over 15 seconds and before this round of pit stop before the last round of pit stops which was about 13 laps ago 12 13 laps ago the gap was seven seconds so it's more than double in this in this run for uh kirby actually extending his lead alexander hanging nicely there in the third position felipe nasser uh has is up at the fourth again now number thirty one car seems to be running it could be better as it was kind of earlier in the in the late evening so this week i don't think we're definitely night time now after after midnight um and the dane cameron has been slipping back in fifth position in carnival 60 that's the maya shack facing acura and i just uh put a note in to the team and he's dane cameron indeed he's double stinting a set of tyres right now so that'll explain why he do just a little bit of time uh and he is coming under the pressure now from tristan gottier who uh that number five car you might remember had a uh a drive-through penalty for jumping the restart it was after an hour or so ago it was more than that an hour and a half ago i guess and uh that since then he has been uh struggling to make up that time but uh voce now pretty much on the tail actually it is on the tail of dane cameron so they are battling for fifth and sixth positions uh they are the last cars on the lead lap because oliver jarvis is still one lap down in that number 55 mazda that was a car that ran super super well in the early stages johnny um but uh has been struggling a bit quite quite recently they they also had a drive-through penalty earlier for speeding in the pit lane that was very very early on not really a factor but more significant was the fact that they missed the opportunity during the that postmaster fortune to get their lap back it was a miscommunication between the the uh the pit lane and the driver and he came in a lap too soon and that uh effectively negated any possibility of getting back onto the lead lap so a bit of a mistake there from mazda plus i hear the cars not not not really quite as nicely not handling quite as nice as it was early on but you know this is overnight and much cooler now uh in the daytime it could be much better i'm sure there will be some more full course cautions before then good just disrupts that big what an hour and a half or so johnny hasn't it under green flag right now uh yeah i can check the information on that uh you bang on actually an hour yeah so again a good spell we managed to get to almost four hours on the previous green the yellow in between was pretty much 20 minutes so that was the full caution period which allowed both sets of cars prototypes and gt's to make their pitch stops um average times would favor kamui kobayashi in this 19 lap stiff it's 19 laps old at this point he's managing to just about 136.0 on average and looking back to rengar van der zander's times at 136.8 across his 15 laps you're right to draw attention to dave cameron who is uh slower than that but we know the reasons why good investigative work there by mr jeremy shaw to find out the date and having to use the same set of tyres again risking possibly being caught by tristan votier therefore in the recovering number five car and he's right on his tail isn't he now having said that um so yeah there's that little bit of time that's being uh gobbled up by tristan voting with every single lap and we've got a real battle on our hands now between the 60 and the five cars for fifth and sixth places jeremy shaw and johnny palmer in the hagerty global broadcast center and dealing with the vp racing fuels pitt and paddock reports is joe bradley evening gentlemen i should have said good morning um only just but yes you should yeah you know what it's it's even for me it's this time of this race guys that i think these drivers really show their class and sure why they're the best drivers sportscar drivers in the world we expect them and we take it for granted that they're just going to churn out the laps and keep on just going round without any incident and they really are and we're in the realms now of just stretching that tire light to the max and we've seen now kobayashi for instance deleting the leading ally cadillac racing uh number 48 he did a 15 lap stint which was then followed up with a 22 laps 21 laps 20 laps um we look at the car behind them in number one we've got we had addicted earlier he his stints were punctuated by a short ten lapsed input uh after he took over the car from kevin magnussen just on the about the black 142 um he did um we saw scott do 22 laps we saw scott do another 22 laps and then we saw another 22 laps then we had that shortstop because of the yellow he did 10. he's back out he did he extended that one to 24 before before he brought back the 0-1 car in and gave it gave that call to but this is the kind of thing this is the kind of thing that happens to these guys out there and and it's the difference between the guys at the front the guys in the deep the eyes especially the joker's shoes as an example there you see them going round and round and round and what we kind of take for granted is that they're all at this time they're hitting their marks they're hitting their attacks they're pressing that brake pedal at their marks and they're keeping those cars on the track as best they can at such fantastic speeds and if they slip up in the in the slightest they know that even at this stage with 15 and a half hours remaining the risk and they can lose sight of that wrist they can lose a grip on this race it's that tight even at that's at this stage it's incredible this race [Music] is relentless and uh particularly in these long spells of green there's sort of nowhere to hide really because even the odd lap that is a second or so slower than it should be it's very easy to spot that and uh not only by your own team but all those that you're competing with as well and chinks in the armor like that will readily be observed by teams and most often exposed as well so you've got to stay in the hunt as much as possible that crucial lead lap as always another pit caller there is the ally sponsored car the ally cadillac racing machine off kamui kobayashi from the race lead rengar vandazander stays out and therefore becomes the new race leader again and the lead marching back to alexander rossi who also stays out in the number 10 acura is now down to 13 in seconds but uh that radical paid scheme on the ally car the white the pink and the purple looking great underneath the floodlights as it heads down pit road and already some tyre temperature being sought by i assume ko by actually staying at the wheel i was watching tires being changed so they'll be stone cold do you reckon it was a driver change there jeremy saw some some video of jimmy johnson i think it was on the pit wall uh about 15 minutes or so ago to wait until the uh when the the timing clicks over camus he's been at the wheel of this car for quite a long time he took he's been at the wheel for two and a half hours indeed yes it's just clicked over so there's jimmy johnson now at the wheel of uh that lead what was the leading car prior to this round of pit stops the gap from uh from the 48 to the number zero one car was about 18 seconds on the lap before uh camilla kobe actually brought that car up to foot lane so now the seven time nascar champion is back out into the race where his second yeah they're running through the second rotations now so and julie did a good long speed early on to start this race and now back at the wheel of that number 48 car that's exactly where he wanted to be isn't it in the lead very very different conditions as well but he's no stranger to night racing with so much nascar experience under the floodlights and uh i suppose deliberately the team didn't give him the distinct uh going from day in tonight so there was also opportunity to practice our 45 minute three practice three on uh thursday night so apple opportunity to get the required packs in to people who qualify for the race you have to got those and also a few extra where possible just get properly never really is a lack of light around this place compared to other tracks around the world that do twice around the clock races but it's about also where we run the risk of being blinded not only by the floodlights themselves but also returning cars on the infield for instance that the lights designed for the race cars to be as bright as possible there's no option for a dipped headlight you would have on a street car here and when you get cars returning from the western horseshoe and you're motoring on into there there's always a chance of lights just momentarily flying in you disorienting you and it's about being used to that and ready for it when it happens so the allied car now hitting the curb perfectly through turn six and again on the outside of the exit of that corner up onto the high banks will go jimmy johnson but the rengar van der zander driven chip ganassi cadillac now leads with the chasing car that was alexander rossi coming into pit road and being serviced so the wayne taylor guys the konica minolta acura team descend upon it there's a windshield tear-off removed and the fuel is still going in the tire change is done well relatively sedately but i remember it was on this car that they had the hiccup on the rear right sedately because it's the fuel that generally takes the longest time and therefore everybody else can perform their duties in a fairly chilled out manner but that wasn't the case on one of the stops for the rear right corner because the car was lowered far too early before the personnel on the rear right had completed the job but they've come back from that slight hiccup and running just three seconds prior to that stop from the dane cameron car number 60 which uh streams across the line now actually to produce a three second lead rossi will take a bit of time to get up to speed as well depending on how old those michelin tires are that's down this okay camera was only dane cameron that was needing to nurse his car on older tyres mustang sampling five car is in as well pushing hard on the tail of dane cameron he's coming for his 15th stop gtlm it's uh a corvette that continues to lead but uh a wave of pit stop for the other four cars has jumbled up the order a touch so ferrari from recent competencies john edwards in his blackbeard w number 24 is also downwind road but tonio garcia rejoining team glock in the red bmw team rll m8 rejoining the racetrack as well expect therefore tommy milner to pick next time around interestingly though he's only made eight stops yes he owes us one but there are other cars that have made as many as as 11 and a ferrari in the bmw for instance so was it that they took advantage of stopping under cautions more so than the forecast it's not unusual to see the car with the least amount of stops leading the class but i haven't realized at this stage race to see a difference of right will be two eight two or nine to eleven stops so a firm advantage for the silver corvette system machine is on about the same sort of schedule running in fourth place for antonio garcia car number three this place loses none of its atmosphere at this time of night and if you uh have headed to to click on the live video tab then hopefully you're enjoying our audio perfectly synced with the visuals live from the world center of racing and they overhead shots just never lose any of their majesty you can see the cars at great distance but very close to one another just pounding out the laps and you get an idea of the scale this place a pit stop for the 0-1 jeremy shaw from the race league indeed 285 laps completed there by that car 22 lap stint for ringer manta zander that's a pretty standard for that car the number five car truckier we talked about him pushing hard to catch up with dan cameron during his 21 lap stint for the number five car the number 60 as uh is uh is finally in now on lap 285 so that's a 22 absent also for dane cameron i'm pretty sure he will be very grateful for some new tires this time around he managed to hold hold his position ahead of the number five car we'll have to wait and see now whether the fact that number five was able to get out a couple of laps yeah two laps ago that that car made this pit stop when it was able to make up some ground before the number 60 car gets back up to speed uh trying to be quicker on pit road and then taking advantage of the car that has stopped later but he's on cooler tires scrambling the grip when the car behind us has had a couple of laps already to build the temperature and hopefully for the chasing car can pick the rejoining car off but it's not never quite as simple as that it's a bit of a queue developing now on the infield not for the first time in this race an lmp2 car needing to be overtaken by the 31 wheeler engineering machine not gonna do it into the kink at turn four so we'll need to wait maybe for the braking area into five and the 31 is going to have to go around the high side i'll say that's the 11 car i guess it is as the leading lmp2 machine i thought i could see the lone digit number one illuminated as its positional light [Music] goes a touch wide deliberately to allow car 31 through so mike conway lost a short amount of time there to take to the high banks once again in gt daytona matteo cressoni i remember scything through the order in the daytona class in my last shift the af course of ferrari wasting no time at all keeping at an arms distance corey lewis now from formula racing slam mcgee and luika and halen for the right motorsports team that's a porsche running in third and a lexus fourth so again four different manufacturers in that the top four aaron t lids for vassa sullivan then makes up the top four positions in car 14 and conway now confirmed into fourth place because of the stopping dane cameron now rejoining and conway i guess on that lap has managed to pick him off as predicted [Music] wheeling back into the top five also passed a cameron is tristan vottier to all that pressure in the earlier stint finally results in success for mustang sampling up to fifth place and crucially ahead of jane cameron you have to think dave is on some slightly better tires this time therefore in a position to offer a response during the next stint so this could get very tasty over the next half an hour or so joe i suppose that um sometimes you've got to take your medicine at various points in this race if you are going to be double stinting tires tires restricted in this race as they always are and sometimes you're going to be in a good place regarding michelin rubber as in a brand new set sometimes you've got to just live with a rather tired set beneath you towards the balancing act isn't it it's about being it's about optimizing your run but also managing your tires and the person on the pit wall at mazda um lady gage she has that saying of push without risk and it really is that and where you can make up the time is by siding through the traffic and timing you move through the traffic not getting held up at all but it's it's once you start really having to push those tires that's when things can kind of come back to haunt you and you are you can save a bit of time in the pit stop by just fueling and we can change the tires at the same time as fueling um but it's still you know it still shaves off those few seconds in the pit stop we talk all the time johnny don't we about you know if you lose time in the pits it takes an absolute age to make that time back up out on the track so if we can shave time in the pits to a minimum then we are going to gain track time and that's what we're seeing we're seeing these tyres being double triple and sometimes even quadruple stink the time [Music] yeah you're fighting for tenths of seconds down on the racetrack and very easily a slip up in the pit stop could cost you whole seconds we saw i think 10 of them evaporate for the 10 car when they made that slight error on the rear jeremy reminds me that it's 38 sets for the dpi class that you get and that is for the entire race week now is there a division anywhere in the regulations that says you need to use some of those 38 in practice or is it entirely up to you yeah you can you can use them however you like but that does cover all the practice not qualify now because that was last weekend but there are all of the practice sessions in which there were four leading up to this race uh so yes that's that is the allocation for the entire week so you know they'll be making um you know more you they they can't put fresh tires on at every pit stop that's that's the bottom line here so there are times in the race where you're going to where you are gonna have a double stint and obviously you want to get those out of the way early on because you will for sure want fresh tires at every every fresh every new stint for the final several hours of the race the one thing i had noticed though is that the distinct we think dave cameron was on the older tyres it wasn't him in the previous stint so do we think that those those are tires from an earlier day cameron's did that the other side of the wall cooled down a little bit and then reapplied to car 60 later on well good good point i did i didn't see whether they changed tiles on that pizza but i i admit it would probably be unlikely that they would have changed tires but then again it was aj holman who got out of the car if aj said the car was was working fine on that certain uh you know maybe maybe that would have been all it needed for him to stay out there so i don't honestly know but i did ask a question and i was told that he is uh was double stinting yeah it's just uh experience at le mans double stitching can be literally keep the same tyres from wasting to the next and then other times they do this clever thing where they actually take tyres off they go through a completely separate heat cycle and are designed to do that as well which is an incredible bit of tire [Music] wizardry really because uh you're taking various layers off the tires and still there is performance beneath but that is uh the modern-day tyre technician joe you know at lmp1 level which we've now lost and we go into hypercar era in the world championship but in the days let's say when wec had audi and porsche and toyota each manufacturer had its own tyre technician they were looking at the tyre and how it behaved on each individual car and also looking at this this heat cycle element as well and and you know what johnny the the the back of the pits the the pits side of the pit wall um the other side of the pit here but i should say it it's a never-ending sort of um stream of activity behind there it's like it's like rush hour pretty much constantly the whole of this 24 hour is where you see tyres being coming off the car now uh please don't imagine that once the tires are taken off the car they're just left in the corner to cool down they're taken back to the uh to the garage to the awning where they're redressed and they're inspected that they'll be minutely inspected for cuts and abrasions and bits of wear that are really going to put a big question mark on that particular tire also they'll be they'll be put under a heat gun and you'll take the layer of pickup off which is basically um as as the slick tyre is used the rubber melts and some of that rubber peels off and and just ends up on the track and cars behind will then come up come along and pick that rubber up and it's called we call that pickle if you've never heard that being referred as pig when the tire comes off the car it sometimes has layers of rubber that really does prove along there so you redress the tire and go through that inspection phase and check out which tread is on that type so even though they're they're a bold tread pattern there's still a layer of there's a level an amount of rubber that is called it's called the trench on that tire and there will be wear indicators within on the surface of the tire that will tell the tire technician just how much cover is left our tire and the tire technician will make a decision as to whether that tire can then be recycled cycle back into the floor of the car uh it may even be that when we get plastic for the fifth garage as it is um we kind of cycle through and mix and match sets of tyres that have come off of cars you can't mix and match tires from different cars in your team it's got to be from the same car it's nothing stopping you using the two rears and two completely different goods to then put back on the car for a stint and and this is a constant it's a constant machine you know kind of behind the scenes we think that you know a motorist is all about the guy and the girl behind the wheel it's not it's a poison [Music] thing and when times are better if you ever get a chance to get to this race at fifth time behind those behind the pit wall behind the big guarantees up against the fence and just see the hive of activity that's going on it just reminds me of beehive so a hypothetical i feel beautiful all doing their own stuff but it's about also it's all about everybody knowing each other's roles trying not to get in each other's way but uh it becomes a little bit like clockwork i suppose there is a real science to it though as well every team will be doing that particularly important [Music] making sure you don't lose track on your spreadsheet which tires need to be where at the fourth place is just heading out of the first couple of quarters motorsports porsche with its trademark tartan livery the half and half shared with the silver rear on that car and again some green led lights to make it easy to pick out it's being chased by aaron t lynch in the sullivan lexus i haven't said that i think uh position away from the lexus which will put two 911s now into the top four best of the two lexus is therefore fifth and then we got an aston martin for richard westbrook the vantage number 97 down in the 146.7 so able to laugh at a similar speed to teelitz and overshot for that matter as well so they're motoring on at an even pace but the problem for westie is he's got about half a minute to break down before he can be involved with the scrap for fourth position it's still mateo crossoni for af course leading the class by nearly 18 seconds over corey lewis [Music] of the 19 gt daytona starters just the one car that he's out of the race i'd make it all certainly shown as stopped now we had confirmation earlier on that three lmp2 cars had retired and i'm assuming from the current state of the screen jeremy shaw that uh front pereira's grt grasser car is out of the race or is it that it's just behind the wall receiving some work car 19. 19. that was the one that had the uh the what looked like a fire at um on the end of the back straight that was a while ago i think that car is has been retired so yeah i don't think we're going to see that car again looked a bit terminal i see that we've had dramas also in the pit lane in the past with a lamborghini four two catching fire um the 49 stars that he had has now become 45 runners in the race then but uh well reasonable distance into the race the race of the rwr eurasia league [Music] been a regular runner with tf sport with charlie eastwood and uh [Music] donnie adam as part of tom ferry's team right that was so getting more experience now probably his first drive in a prototype continuing uh week of daytona high downfalls cars exciting times for sunday where his career may go to next as the race is led by jimmy johnson in the number 48 car and even just heading out of turn two through the kink at 2a the right to the left and now onto the brakes into the first of the horseshoes on the in field jimmy's car that was earlier driven by cameron kobayashi remains at the front therefore at the cycle of the latest pit stops jimmy's trying to nurse this three-second lead but reggie vanderzander not hanging around his wheel tracks found about six tenths of a second on the race leader on that one lap alone so there's another gap that is starting to come down jeremy yes indeed uh and uh on that last pitch the number the zero one card changed only two left side tires on the chimpanzee racing entry calendar zero one regular xander he's now running a uh this is his uh he's made two pistols this is triple stint here which is about normal for these guys these days uh but how soft here to jimmy johnson who has he came out of the pits with about a lead of about around about five seconds four and a half five seconds uh it's come down to maybe three but uh that's pretty darn good going for somebody who really doesn't have a lot of experience it well hardly any expensive sort of a car because he's also done a fair bit of testing over the winter to prepare for his uh partial indycar campaign with the chip ganassi racing team so he's got you he's getting used to downstairs cars and jimmy also to get prepared for the completely different cars for the most part of his camp every stellar career he's also been getting a lot of time in a uh a formula uh formula regional car as well the the american f3 series he's been driving one of those cars and getting a lot of miles in just pounding around and getting used to a much lighter car than a spot car and a car this kind of got you know pretty good still got a pretty good weight to power ratio just to become more familiar with the surroundings of the of the single sealers yeah and we've got a number of drivers that are getting used to slightly different disciplines of the sport this weekend whether they be drivers that are far more used to gt cars making the adjustment to perhaps their first prototype drive and jimmy's kind of in the same boat i mean hugely experienced on the big ovals and the short oval well in nascar but as you say those cars although they do have a little bit of dependency on aero nowhere near the sort that the the 48 car that has and the confidence that you must show going into the medium and high speed corners because that invisible hand that pushes down on the car to give you all the extra grip it's not necessarily there unless you've had massive experience of it so you've got to have faith and it'll it'll help you turn in every single corner and the faster you go and the more you'll gain the grip but full well and uh impressive that he's adjusting to it so quickly we are going to have a battle on our hands though no doubt about it with uh the more experienced reggaevantas der zanden now just a second away from the nascar start alexander rossi 17 seconds away but not able to lap well it's a slower lap wasn't it rally go to rossi that time around 138.8 caught some traffic no doubt two cars ahead of him one is in the 137s the other is sub 136 and mike conway able to produce about the sort of pace of the last lap as uh the race leader is doing as well so rossi maybe into a phase where we've got all the tyres on that car as well akira that is in third place far right facing it's um quite a sister car but it's a similar machine for my shank racing camera should be into a happier mode now and with new tyres beneath him and he's only three tenths of a second on the tail and tristan fottier now so we have got potentially a role reversing here votier was doing the chasing in the previous stint now cameron looking for an opportunity to get by and likewise stocking battle for the lead as well with out of the international horseshoe that's the scrap for fifth and sixth in the mention between tristan vottier and dave cameron and the battle for the lead is down to just 1.3 seconds now they'll have eyes everywhere as is always the case at the daytona 24 hours jeremy shaw several battles all happening together indeed so whether those two overall leaders are working their way through the gtlm leading pair as well that's the two corvettes antonio garcia now number three car is ahead of the number four they've been separated by not very much for most of this race it's number three ahead of number four with two the two long-time stalwarts of this corvette racing team antonio garcia and tommy milner driving at the moment but davido rigon is at the wheel of number 62 recent company ferrari that was a car you might remember that was a call for a penalty earlier and the incident at the bus stop called for incident responsibility a drive-through penalty that car remains only about 11 seconds off the lead and then the two bfws are running in lockstep so about another dozen seconds further back down through number 24 john edwards just ahead of his teammate timo glock so at this stage in the race with coming up to nine hours down [Music] big problem of course early on in this race uh it's still running running running well now kevin ester is driving that car at the moment it's his 37th position overall and he's about a dozen laps 12 30 laps off uh behind the other cars in gtlm it's going to be a tall order to make up that it is possible if there's a lot of caution appears you thought it would be early part of this race you're going to be an awful lot but then we've got had two pretty long periods of green flag running so that certainly is not playing to the benefit of that portion but the porsche is running well and it has set the fastest lap of the race in gtlm a good bit earlier in the proceedings and that time was set by kevin epstein who's the car right now [Music] so it's midnight 38 in daytona and that means with uh almost nine hours completed we are [Music] very far away for another hour being ticked off in the race time therefore for a master in race update right here on rs2 into radio and returns to the hagerty global broadcast center with myself johnny palmer and jeremy shaw [Music] together jimmy johnson leads with the cadillac dpi car number 48 not very far away completing 300 laps by the way for the allied cadillac racing team cadillac kid ganassi racing are in second place and within a second now on the race leader wrecker manager carter at one third is the ten of alexander rossi for conica minolta acura and the wheel and engineering cadillac of mike conway running in fourth place car 31. that is tristan votier and dave cameron completely together having to deal with traffic and also dane cameron looking for an opportunity to get by at every turn of the course so five and sixty nose to tail fifth and six seven places for the 55 master motorsports dpi for harry tingle lmp2 is led by wing order sport in their oracle for thomas merrill in the number 11 machine gabby obrie for tower motorsport is in second place and nearly just over 50 seconds is the lead margin in element 2 with andrea veliki in the 47 chest racing de lara running in third gtlm is led by two corvettes tony garcia and tommy milner 1.6 seconds separating the three and the four c8rs then it's the risi competency only ferrari of davide regard 62. john edwards and team o'clock both in bmw's from the same team team rll on fourth lmp3 is led by the sixth car which has driving it stephen mcaleer the scotsman ahead of wow barbosa for leads claws class oliver askew in the 74 riley motorsport felicia his third and in gt daytona a ferrari a lamborghini a porsche and alexis how's that for a top four af course a lead it with matteo chris only car 21. corey lewis is second car number one paul miller racing jan halen sir for right motorsports carson's dean and aaron t lynch from vassar sullivan number 14 another race hour is completed they're really not that very far to go now 15 hours remaining on the clock it's into rs2 himself wave from kevin magnussen who is very much enjoying this race from the frat perch chilling out currently watching his man ring of van der zande on lap 301 and well hoping to keep the pulse relatively low these race drivers can do that of course they're not previously in the car doing the attacking but there's now only half a second between the second place cara franken sander and the race leader jimmy johnson this slip started for jimmy with a five-second lead and now he's got reggae back of him held up at all at this point this might be alexander rossi's opportunity to slash the gap of 15 seconds that he has to third position mike conway will be wanting a bit of fireworks ahead of him as well so that he can join the scrap place they are completely together jeremy shaw who joins me in the hagerty global broadcast center heading through speedway turn three that is the battle for the overall race league yeah pretty good isn't it tremendous stuff uh very close between these two i i'm impressed by what jimmy johnson has done here this is very very different for him uh but he's uh he's turning some very very good laps pretty consistent working very nicely through the traffic and it's to stay ahead of something like regular he talks about alexander rossi uh six laps ago he turned that card best flat of the race 35.253 um and then a little while maybe 20 laps or so ago kobayashi who was driving number 48 car at the time in the lead he turned that car as fast as lap as well so it's really interesting to see to me to see you know some of the cars are turning go faster and faster as the race goes on others uh not so much another 31 car for example number five and over 60 all those three cars set their best laps within the first 15 laps of the race and haven't really come close to that since uh as i speak mike conway brings the number 31 car into the pit lane this will be a uh a regular stop for him and that 300 it's a little bit earlier well they're 21 laps that's not about what that team has been have been doing uh some of the other cadillacs uh 30 to 22 laps but the number 31 car seems to be only doing 21 on a regular basis okay got off strategy from some of the other cars relatively early on but yes 21 on the previous lap for nasa uh he got a 22 before that and then we're kind of into the phase that was affected by yellow flags so not reliable to read too much detail into that there was a 20-minute caution pretty much between three hours and 50 minutes of green and we're now up to two hours and 15 minutes of this green segment as the 48 car comes in to pit lane so from the lead of the race frank van der zander now called as the race leader but that happened after jimmy johnson [Music] prior i suppose that reduced the opportunity for reggae van der zander to force it over to because it really was only one single file roof a bunch of cars and then there wasn't the scope to get a move done into the international horseshoe but jimmy johnson who took the car over on the previous pit stop from cabu kobayashi will stay on board that's confirmed now as he leaves but a few set of tyres which he's desperately trying to get temperature into as quick as possible weaving on the pit road and he'll do a bit more weaving probably on the run down the back straight as well [Music] and then be three car which looks very much like a dk and heads out of the left hander at speedway turn four it is a duquesne it's the motorsport american entry car number six that leads to class known as stephen he's got 30 seconds as a gap back to our barbosa but on the average time to wonder how they compare on this particular step to leaders in lmp three i'll tell you that 15 laps so far for stephen mcelroy on this particular stint um it is close between mcaleer and barbosa mcalee's done 15 laps barbosa the portuguese is 16 laps and they are well here's the average for mcaleer it's a 146.0 for barbossa at 146.057 there is a thousandth of a second in it on average times across pretty much 15 laps phenomenal consistency from both drivers there and that gap has not holden at all therefore first to second it may be changed very very slightly here and there but it's pretty much 30 seconds between the leading ducane and the second place league an indication as well that with this reset for 2021 with the new chassis for lmp3 coming in bigger engine new design for both the x norma now duquesne and the league but it looks like their performance levels is completely the same which is testament to those that are balancing the performance and also a great set of regulations when you've got completely different manufacturers building to the same regulations different cars to get the performance that accurate is most impressive sorry jeremy struggling to hear you there say how about the the third place cardinal p three oliver asked you that has seemed to be seemed to me to be turned some pretty good laps in that number 74 car as well during this stint he is even quicker than the two leaders yeah 145.3 so yes you're right to point that out the two leaders doing pretty much exactly the same times but uh on average six to seven tenths of a second quicker than mcaleer and barbosa so yeah we need to look at the gap second to third coming down as well which is about the same 25 seconds [Music] [Music] and it's got damage on the left side of that cadillac now what happened here was this on the in-lap perhaps oh there's a car backwards at turn one and it's got completely t-boned there from a backwards porsche so that's what's happened missed that at the time but at the point it's the 16 right motorsport car isn't it i think it's the right motorsport porsche the right car you mean yeah i think i think i've just been in the pits check so so maybe an outlast yeah patrick long he's just come out of this on that lap i think hit the brakes the car did a 180 and he's then heading towards turn one backwards and cleans out the zero five cadillac absolutely t-bones it and these cars are built very very tough indeed but there's really not a lot left to that left hand side of the car so presumably the zero five well how's it going from its resting position um into well behind the wall because i haven't got a time that would tell me that it's done a very very slow lap round two round back into the pits again unless of course it's not triggered any timing loops as it's done so but tristan votier we'd be expecting to see a lap time of three or four minutes in order to do that yeah that's a very good point it may have been it may have managed to sneak into the paddock via one of the other routes i suppose i've just not triggered the the the pit although it is labeled in the pit so at some point it's gone through the loop and perhaps of course jeremy it's he's probably missed all of the infield hasn't it and therefore had that lap completely deleted by timekeeping as a non-legal lap therefore we don't get it displayed on the screen but there's huge dismay as you can quite rightly expect out of mustang sampling and jdc miller motorsport thrust into this rapid repair work it's been pulled up onto the incompressible jack stands and joe bradley watching this along with jared shaw and myself johnny palmer how quickly a race can turn joe yeah absolutely johnny i'm just looking at those pictures there on the live stream that's my environment you know what it's it's about how a team reacts to that kind of adversity that uh sets the men from the boys so to speak or the girls from the women to be correct um i've got a theory as to why that car hasn't triggered the timing beam um the cadillac team tend to be the first pit apron on pit in and also there is a turning in point to the padding behind the wall area uh right and fit in so they basically come in the pits and before they get to their pit apron there is access to the paddock which they'll have turned immediate left i think the timing beings further down the pit lane so when that car rejoins that's when we'll see that will be a huge amount of time being registering on the timeline scoring i would think yeah i'd go with that but also i think because the crash happened at turn one so then tristan votier is never going to go through the infield he's just going to rejoin at turn six isn't he and timekeeping will say well that wasn't a lap so therefore we're not gonna count it and i think we're right i think you'll take penalty if they miss that and and the bus stop as well if you if you pass the bus stop you get them um when actually that was scrapped and um they went for something else but what we have got joe is reference that the car came in the pits so it did trigger the loop at pit entry yes then yeah it's it's never given us a tie which as i say it should be about three or four minutes once uh tristan's recovered and then well just trawled its way all the way around the infield below the double yellow line and it's apparently right that if and when that car rejoins it's gonna be well 30 minutes possibly for a lap all right i'm not on sight and i can't really get a closer view of what happened with that car but it looked like it got in the middle of the side pod on the left hand side of the car which is basically just an area where things are mounted and ancillaries are are mounted so that's i'm not going to see an easy repair job but it's better than being hit in one of the front or rear axles because then you're damaging suspension you drive you're damaging drivetrain if it does just add a clean hit in the sidecourt that all of that will be needing to be replayed however it's a massive job because you talk about all the floor areas um which attaches to the uh to the actual tub underneath the car and it looked to me as though that's the kind of repair job so my point is in seeing that he'll have been able to get that car but he would have been able to get that car at speed around the lap and into the pits that's probably why we didn't notice there wasn't a massive uh situation where he wasn't limping in the back of the pit he would have been able to get there pretty quickly at all the four wheels and pointing the right direction also for the porsche it's not like hitting one of those dpis when it's sitting stationary you know when you really feel that it's a car on the ragged edge which is just on the very edge of adhesion so i mean they're a bit like billiard balls and it's not going to take much to pitch it into a spin it looks like a big impact actually the right motorsport porsche has been able to continue around for its remaining laps lapses i wouldn't say the mustang sampling dpi is unscathed but uh the damage would have been a great deal had it been doing a slower speed almost the high speed that you're approaching turn 1 has helped the impact to be less severe although i don't really like the smoke slash steam which is pouring out of the engine bay obviously on the five car joke johnny that's that's because in that side pod that i mentioned one of the things that is housed there is one of the radiators it's a radiator an oil cooler or cooler or whatever um it is a radiator so you you could have engine coolant uh but you're gonna have to detach hoses and and have engine coolant uh all around that area so that's probably what that steam is what this situation has done johnny this race is such a the daytona 24 hours is a race that has come you have to to win this race you have a have to have a 24-hour optimized run i'm not sure jeremy might be able to add to this but i'm not sure in mod in the modern era we've seen a car soak up a time in the pits where it goes laps down for it then to climb back up i think for the number five we're now going to see a damage limitation with the dust when that car gets back out well that's right joe i mean they're going to hope too there's only seven cars in the class so they're going to have to hope that somebody else has some serious issues as well crucially however there's a note here from race control car 5 penalty incident responsibility with the 16 so so of course the race control they've obviously seen the footage uh which is actually right in front of them it was down in front of the tower but it must have been voted speedy that collected patrick long in number 16 car so he has been the number five kind of has been called for that and he will have to serve a penalty when they get that car back underwear again so now that penalty has been called and it is against the number five car in the meantime reggae van der zander has been out of admits he's now in the lead of the race so he he stayed out five extra laps compared to jimmy johnson who made his stopper like 302 uh regular alexander came in on 307 he's just completely 309 and as a result of being able to stay out in the racetrack with some clean air remember he was right behind number 48 when the number 48 had that lane and uh there's some clear laps under his belt for cadillac chippenham racing ranger van der zanden now leads this race [Music] there are many extra locked off cctv cameras that they have access to and through the years they've actually invited me into rose control to have a look at those and then be able to describe them to you on the radio a little bit later on but there must have been an initial bit of contact which then led to the porsche spinning and then the secondary bit of contact which i thought had done the damage to the side pod off of five car i can't quite visualize at the moment what would pitch the porsche into a spin from the five to then put the five in front of it and then the reverse t-bone pipe and as i say they've got those extra angles and i'm sure we'll know the answer to that and uh i'm gonna have to pay very close attention when i get the chance to describe that incident to you but it's peculiar and it goes to explain a very unusual it turns out not error from patrick long uh that would have been it was going to be the date in the diary to note down but we didn't we need not to now you'll see the other prototype here there's the porsche and then we've got another prototype which is the number six out that's the number 16. which car are we on board with there johnny well we're on board with the porsche and i don't see ahead of the 16 there is no cyclops which tells me the five is behind it so there must be some contact to push the porsche into a speed and then the fives in front of it yeah that is the car that gets collected so it's bizarre but you know it must have been a tag maybe it was when they were side by side to put the porsche into the initial spin and then the the kind of instigator as in tristan vogtier then gets walloped for a second time when the porsche is out of control that would be i'd like to see that again [Music] the number 60 car in that picture when we saw the replay uh but uh certainly virtue was he had been overtaken this you've been having a pretty good battle over the last hour or so in the previous did cameron in number 60 car was running on an older set of tyres so he was struggling a little bit for pace and was overtaken by the number five car but now on this on this most recent stick he'd be catching up again and i had actually overtaken oj right just a couple that's before that incident the strange one certainly and we're still getting information through from various sources [Music] which i'm reading through as we speak about that well with thanks to declan brennan with these messages um talking about did we by the way ever get to the bottom of who was at the wheel of the 16 at the time oh he said patrick long didn't we yeah this was about yeah and he came in and they came in and made the pit stop right afterwards to hand over to the driving the car now which would be oh patrick long okay fair enough i thought you'd said patrick long it's just that decla brennan says that what in this attempt to go so it's about the timing of it as well but [Music] coming out of the pits quite possibly yes the right porsche kept going then pitted after [Music] we saw the pit stop before we saw the uh the incident and that's what what explains that okay you still maintain still reckon it was on a nap lap for the 16th no i i think probably not i i just think that the uh we didn't the the incident took place then the porsche came in the pits and and then we saw that the the replay of the incident after that had already happened in our minds yeah so it was the incident that led to the pit stop rather than the other way round [Music] exactly thanks dex for the update um another chance to describe it to you right well see there is a prototype there but it cannot be seen by the 16 car at the point of impact so it's got to be either behind or alongside the 16 right motorsport car at the point that the initial contact is made the porsche is then in a speed so there goes cameron through the picture then there's another car i think it's the gtxd car and then the other two are having their little thing behind it aren't they yeah well i think there were two points of contact it was the first one that pulled the porsche into the speed and then when the porsche is out of control it goes backwards into the side of the five which is done all the damage which is centered behind the wall the initial glance between a car i'm gonna say the five and the sixteen i don't think did a great deal of damage to the five or the sixteen for that matter but it's the secondary impact which posed the problem and puts the five car behind the wall that's now tumbled down to 13th position and the 16 car has actually got away with that relatively on scale skate now bear in mind this is a gt3 spec porsche so the engine is in the traditional place in this porsche it's not like the gt lm car where the engine in the gearbox has been spot through 180 degrees it sits right at the back of the car and that was my concern for the 16. the five might get away with it because as as joe was saying side pods are important aesthetically and they carry things like radiators events and whatnot but the repair process could be pretty quick however you run the risk of massively damaging the engine on this porsche but it sounds sweet to me there it is in the background flat six is singing for patrick long who took charge of the car after the incident we think with chad halen at the wheel when it took place matteo cressoni leads this class car 21 from corey lewis in the paul miller lamborghini huracan and aaron t number 14 car is in third ahead of zach robyshot rafaeli martiello now driving the sun energy one mercedes so ferrari lamborghini lexus porsche mercedes is the current top five and to make it a different manufacturer again in the top six richard westbrook the tf sport is there for the aston martin brand car number 97 rengar van der zander leads the motor race though five minutes past one in the morning and there's a gap for nearly four seconds between gregor van dijk and jimmy johnson without the rossi of the 10 car ahead of mike conway busy again out on track for the 16 machine chance to see the rear of that car courtesy as always of rooftop ray's brilliant camera work and the rear wing has escaped very nicely indeed on that right motorsport car i suppose the dpi machines are that low slung the rear wing has just gone over the top of the zero five car and uh didn't need to be straightened out at all so amazing that uh there'll be a little bit of dentage on the rear of the 6d but it could have been a lot worse for that car which had been featuring in the top three obviously it's put it quite a way down the order now but a good result is not out of the equation car 16 running now in 11th position with bill oberlin to chase to turn the motorsport porsche is already spinning when the contact the proper contact is made with the number five car but there has to have been some initial contact between five and 16 for the five car to be assessed uh incident responsibility that's the bit we haven't quite caught all this there is damage on the left-hand side of the porsche which i haven't spotted actually on the 16 car so rear left hind quarter just in front of the rear wheel on the left side is quite badly affected that may need to be addressed in the next pit stop probably with some tape another bit of cable ties i think david is a big fan of that and repair work [Music] jeremy let's uh forget that incident for the moment we've spoken a lot about it and focus on what's happening in the sharp end with rengar van der zanden now ahead of jimmy johnson looking to try and extend the gap uh yes indeed and it's it's you know staying pretty pretty you know fairly similar it's fluctuating just a little bit between the regular vendor and jimmy johnson but really not much at all three and a half seconds actually five seconds on five laps to go so he's actually come down a little bit uh alexander rossi in third position he's closed down just uh just a tad a couple of seconds or so ten seconds behind him behind the second place car in third and then the gap back to mike conway in a number 31 car those also remains fairly stable as well around about 28 seconds uh a pretty big gap back to dame cameron in the number 60 car prior to the the last round of pit stop the gap between the number 31 and the 60 was around about a half a minute and it's now 36 seconds so it's actually gone out a little bit so cameron um tell me before the start of the race that uh yeah the car felt pretty good but not great but uh they thought it was gonna be a little bit of an uphill battle in this race but it was still you know we're still what two and a half hours away from the halfway point in the race so a long long way too early to draw any sort of meaningful conclusions i would say totally when we get to half distance which will be 3 40 in the morning um still got the back nine to complete you've still got an awfully long way to go and uh just a hint maybe of a pattern developing in the race corvette are doing very well so far they must be elated with the speed that their cars can produce only the second year of the development of this car looks very much like jordan taylor getting on board the number three to take over from antonio uh to take over from antonio garcia yes and the number four card tommy milner has yet to appear that the four card tends to be later and the three on the cycle and jule goonan in the number 62 ferrari is back out again for recent competition and john edwards rejoining the frey as well with the 24 bmw bruno spengler the wheel of the 25 car and it's all about that top five really the factory a pseudo teams of that the one car that we wanted to be in the mix but isn't at this stage is the weathertech racing porsche which had dramas very early on sees it circulating in 37th position overall with kevin estra at the wheel looking to try and get ahead of what's that 13 gt daytona cars and the bulk of the lmp3 field as well so set for quite a bit of recovery there we're talking 12 laps that that car is going to have to try and make up of the rest of the gtlm field but again it is a relatively small class so some dramas up ahead could see the porsche backing contention even though it'll have to do it from a fairly long distance away looking for lengthy problems really for any of those cars ahead of it but uh this is good for from corvair i mean they had a strong car last year but it wasn't its debut season jeremy it feels like they've really learned from their opening year with the mid-engine corvette in the 2020 we're the tech sports club championship building on that now the corvette they had a really really strong run here last year that was the debut for that car here the the world debut for the c8r it was a really strong run they ended up with uh yeah not the finish they wanted for finished fourth in the race here one year ago but the car said it was competitive through most of the race and as i said that was pretty much out of the box so the car for a debut season it was a remarkable year last year for that new mid-engine corvette and uh ended up with a deserved championship uh but yeah it was so tight in gtln last season the porsches often had the top fastest car but for one reason or another they just didn't get the results until right at the end of the year um and uh corvette's no doubt about it deserved the championship but here at daytona last year and the last two years he's been in bmw team rll and even now we've still got all five of those cars in gtlm uh duking it out amongst amongst each other interestingly the number four car has now taken the lead in the gtlf number three carpet a couple of laps ago tom and milner still has not brought that car into the pits he's between now 302 that he's done now a couple of that before he would have done a couple of flaps more than the number three i would expect the number four car to come into the pits next time around because the other class contenders right behind him have already just made their scheduled pit stops tommy's previous completed stint was 33 laps i noticed so it could get that far i don't think that would have included any yellow because we're far enough clear of the previous yellow period now hours and 45 minutes nearly so 33 laps looks to be a goer for the tommy milner corvette the silver one yeah it does so yes either either the end of this one or the next one stranger isn't it that you get [Music] yeah it is but then but then the number four car was in the slipstream of number three car pretty much all the way through that last stint uh they were they were separated by probably not much more than a second or so so when you're in that sort of situation you often can't you know take advantage of that draft and lift off the gas a lot earlier than you would do otherwise even if you're saving fuel so that could be a significant saving that is going to be two or three laps worth but it certainly could be a lag at least yeah less air resistance means less fuel being burned i suppose as well so the uh it all goes together to uh to provide your slight advantage across a race and talk about uh hooking all of these sticks together it seems very very small advantages with each step of the race but if you can continue to produce that it can present you with a rolex by the end of it joe bradley always likes to talk about fuel mileage and tire management all of that sort of business together with uh getting the cars in and out of the pits as quickly as possible i'm impressed with so few pit stops so far joe from each of the corvettes actually once tommy milner comes in for his latest stop only been 10 visits to pit road whereas the next best is the ferrari with 12 so it's not just the race on the track but also it's so crucial to be quick in the pit lane as well it's a high speed game of chess guys i told you ages ago i always use that analogy it really is but just to sort of shed some light as to where he may have gotten that extra lap from um i'd use the example of this if you finish the stint with let's say 0.4 of a lap not liters not not time but 0.4 of a lap of fuel in the tank the next stint you finish with it have a lot because finishing with 0.8 of a lot worth of fuel in the tank isn't enough to get you around that lap it's the next stint where you can grab that extra lap worth of fuel that's in the and that mounts up to be usable eventually and also there's no doubt about it that the corvette guys will be fuel saving and it was i think it was last year when i interviewed scott dixon and i asked him that question and i asked him the question about how do you how do you feel scott because he is the master he really is he's surely his class at this race and in this series but also an indie car needs to be made main drive and i thought i asked him tentatively and i thought he wouldn't really tell me however his description was so detailed and so eloquent and if i can summarize it it's basically as you get to your breaking point if you're in a sprint race you would you would you know go from a very rapid transition from the throttle pedal to the brake and you would maximize that and then go straight back onto the throttle you just basically smooth that transition period uh completely and you just lift off the throttle slightly earlier you're then scrubbing off a little bit of speed which enables you to then break later towards the corner and you are able to then carry the same amount of speed sort of into the corner mid corner and out of the corner but in that phase of throttle transitioning the brake and then going back on the throttle you smooth that up and that does amount to an amount of fuel being saved if if you base basically if your right foot not smashing the throttle then you're not using fuel and that will mount up it's it's all you know it's all about the mathematics and it's all about the you know the minute savings you can make at every single breaking point will eventually mount up soon yeah yeah you make a really good point in that uh the end of his stick is always gonna be a little left in the tank that you just cannot get to and is useless after one stint but very very useful after three because it can all add together so painting pictures with words is joe bradley as part of our vp racing fuels pit and paddock report describing that perfectly could well be the answer well tommy real has done 33 laps now so shawnee has come into the pits at the end of that lap and yes he has because he's handed it over to nick tandy in the class leading corvette there was only 3.9 seconds between himself and jordan taylor so jordan will head back into the lead of the race in car number three [Applause] pit stops rather completed for the number four corvette we're back to the phase therefore before we'll be doing the chasing prime opportunity once more to get into the slipstream and save a little bit more fuel lifting and coasting keep our eyes peeled for that as to whether nick tandy could uh get as far as tommy was just done on two separate occasions 33 laps he's the high benchmark to aim for brendan govandasander meanwhile to lap [Music] behind on the average times and further into the stint jimmy johnson by five laps and with the 48 pits earlier the zero one car and the ten in relation to that [Music] [Applause] [Music] working hard in the previous stint to try and chisel away the 17 second lead this is much better now for him because he can see the car he's chasing every time he comes out of one of the tight corners on the infield there will be jimmy johnson's cadillac locate the crosshair very easily indeed lmp3 heading down pit road is the riley motorsports league this car is second now well jeremy we talked about the speed that oliver ascii was able to produce and then his hard work means a place gage during that stint coming down his road in second with maurice krantz leading the class yeah it's been a very very good stint there from oliver i think it might have been a double at the wheel of that car the youngster from jupiter in florida very much the star the open wheel ranks in the voting windy sea of pitstop now for the second place jimmy johnson bringing that current he will hand over most frankly [Music] really good effort there by jimmy johnson uh he had led through a good deportion was hanging right there in second position but the man on the chart they're definitely closing in on jimmy johnson as the johnson leaves there's adjusted car the ally cadillac leaves the pit lane routine service there for the number 48 allied team that's part of the action express family i would agree with you on simon paschall because he did three after a double and start of the race for jimmy johnson he needs to be recognizable 48 car that he is running i assume for his whole career certainly the uh that font of 48 with the italic bright [Music] as well outlet for simon pagino then [Music] back to the cycle of drivers which guests see a double stick from the frenchman then we might rocket fella take charge if we [Music] driver correct would need to catch up with jimmy johnson after that stint i'm sure joe and others can attempt to organise that give me a little time as well to cool off after heading out of the west horseshoe is the second place car of alexander rossi with bmw 25 bruno spangler just ahead diving now on [Music] [Music] yeah no that would be the logic explanation certainly but the the gtd card is actually pretty quick on the straight line in a straight line and there's there's not much speed differential at all between the uh gt lms and the gtd's remarkably and all of them are quicker as we uh as we saw briefly from an onboard there than the lmp3 cars they can only do about 178 miles an hour i think on the straight the lmp3 cars that's what they're kind of regulated to um and um so that you know they make their speed mainly through the corners and we we talked about it at the beginning of the race the propensity perhaps for incidents between the lmp3 cars and particularly the gt traffic but uh um just let's leave it at that uh you know it's been it's been pretty clear for the most part so far well actually now for the number 10. talk about the the weathertech racing porsche potentially going slowly but actually that's produced the best lap of the gtlm class full stop 142.642 so um sadly it's position rather gives us a different story that's because of drama's early one in the race it's a very fast rate car that car [Music] um [Music] these things down as the rank of alexander cadillac he's on lap 327 just over a minute's advantage but it's only because philippe [Music] i knew what i meant on my screen [Music] stephen thomas driven car and gravel leaky kind of still loitering in the background but it's got about 60 seconds to try and find so the chetilla de lara is from the perspective of two leaders not a distraction [Music] 81 hit dramas very early on indeed it was in fact our first retirement uh a moment at the bus stop chicane on the previous lap for the class leader in lfp three so carnival six [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] on rs2 into radio lance will see here [Applause] [Music] myself [Applause] [Music] gap evaporating very quickly for uh first of all second and then quite possibly the lead of the class as well judging by ascu's current speed [Music] he was shown in second place because uh large wheels had already made a stop at that stage so third is where he has been running now for quite a long time in another 74 car for riley motorsports but um you know lawrence scrams there they put that off by the way and boy he was that he and and lauren were massively impressive last weekend they dominated absolutely crushed everybody else in the first round of this year's uh michigan um prototype challenge series here at daytona they just ran off again basically [Music] this is his first race in the internet transport championship but he did race here at daytona and very very a porsche cayman gt4 car two or three years ago in the mission of pilot challenge so he does have experience around here already uh and uh made very very good use of that but it goes off then he still got a handy lead it was around about 50 seconds over the number 30 excuse me yes over the number 33 car they complete another lap since then and it's about the same actually 55 growing he's not yet completed this next lap so we'll have to wait and see what that gap is next time around but the gap from number 33 to the number 74 about where it's now it's now 31 seconds 31 seconds i think between the number 33 and the number 74. that's interesting you say he's raced to daytona before i got him racing at uh road america in 2017 in a porsche cayman so that would have been yeah gt4 car so that would have been the michelin pilot challenge or what it was called in those days four years ago um i haven't got down on the notes that he raced to daytona so interesting that you raised that knowledge maybe maybe i'm wrong okay it was uh it was it was a muller motorsport america entered car he raced with gabriele piana uh [Music] a regular or has been in the last few years in the michigan cup that brought to europe and support build to the european level series and kind of ease motorsports very very strong ties with that outfit regularly racing with them as he is doing this weekend car peeling off to drivers left is the number nine car for lars kern so that's the fourth place faf motorsports porsche heading into the pits just as the allied cadillac car as simon pagano zips by into the tri-oval dane cameron driven by shank racing acura is into pit road only when the cars are stationary you get to really be mesmerized by the paint schemes that are utilized for this particular championship year i hope these are not daytona specials as it were and how these cars are going to look for the rest of the year but certainly a lot of money has been spent on just the design of these machines and it is glimpting in the floodlights so that car now leaves pit road with the sirius xm sponsorship on the dorsal fin you might was playing tricks i can't i can't rely on my mind playing tricks that was purely from uh archives that i just wanted to look up but uh so it was a road american trip rather than a visit to daytona orange crabs indeed it was yeah i'll let you off it was four years ago [Music] through the bus stop uk goes uh the number 60 taking charge now of that machine olivier clark k max back at the wheel of the 0-1 330 laps completed record by the way record distance those with shortage memories might even be able to recall that it was last year that we hit a record distance in this particular race at 833 laps 2965 and a half miles for the wade taylor racing cadillac of ryan briscoe scott dixon kamui kobayashi ranking vandazander i would say at this stage jeremy 833 or even 834 [Music] [Music] the previous year 2019 was the reign of 51 wasn't it so that certainly wasn't a greatest distance such remember we've had maybe two of them in the last three years off track moments now was that the six a few laps ago yes it was at the bus stop chica hitting the grass on the inside of the bus stop and also on that loop coming out as well so the delay that we mentioned at the time for orik skratz that much talked about morris kratz now but he did hang on to the class lead oliver askew 30 seconds becomes 20 seconds he got 19 seconds now in his chase to hunt down lance wilsey so that is going very much in the favor of the jupiter man and third place in car 74 yeah although actually maurice krantz has set the best lap of the race in lmp3 and turned to 143.485 that's way back on lap four right at the beginning of the race uh scott andrews has set the best lap in the number 74 car that was lap 186. and oliveroski has just completed laps 307 in that third place 74. as i was saying a little while ago he was he was a standout in the in the open world ranks moving up through the road to indy he won the usf2000 champion and he won a whole bunch of scholarships to get up to uh to his opportunity last year when usf2000 finished third in the indy pro 2000 championship uh won the indian lights championship in 2019 and earned him a cool million dollars to take towards an indycar ride from last year which is secured supposedly in a long-term deal going off the road at the bus stop it's maurice again yeah the replay again but that securing the ride with the mclaren the spam team aaron mclaren excuse me uh schmidt peterson um and it's supposed to be a long-term deal for some reason they let it go towards the end of last season which i thought was a really bizarre decision because from my perspective um he actually did a really good good job last year he and pato award were a really good combination two young drivers they look for the future of the sport but uh i'll ask you he had a couple of crashes for sure which you're going to have as a rookie at that level but he was competitive had a pokemon finish but of course he had a big crash in indianapolis and ended up receiving a concussion which kind of looked undiagnosed with a couple of races and um shortly after that he was told these services wouldn't be required for this year which was a tremendous shame i think for the sport amongst anybody else because he's super talented and the hats off here to the right of those sports team and guy robinson in particular and bill riley for picking him up giving him this opportunity to drive in the sports car racks and he's having a fine performance now he's now within 16 seconds of last naughty as he tries to make up ground on the uh leaders currently running his third place it's all rescue encounter 74 in lmp3 i'm pretty sure i remember interviewing oliver when he came to the uk by cliff dempsey racing uh as part of the team usa scholarship i can't believe the name of the guy that runs that now but uh that would have been five years ago i think 2016. but i remember coming to the uk and uh [Music] character even in a sort of 10 minute interview and the thoroughly nice young man he was in those days and amazing we're now five years old from that but still no slower the will of a race car yes certainly does quick gets quicker with every day our fight kevin magnussen continues to lead the race and lap 3-3-3 now completed and uh he's got a leader six seconds over philly power cut the relatively new name back into the number 10 conica minolta acura [Music] to get revisited a moment or two ago in the garage for the number 10 [Music] stop seems to be under control away taylor racing [Music] ferrari now in the hands of simon mann [Music] took the lead and then looked to extend it so a really good drive from the likeable italian [Music] [Music] and then we've had nielsen and chrysoni back in again for 30 odd laps [Music] towards the 30 lap phase so just getting settled in now and uh his job is to try and hang onto the lead as best he can 17 seconds cushion back to aaron second place [Music] so [Music] lewis do you think paul is lewis doing the catching there gt daytona second and third i don't know i know that's all right your lap chart is very very detailed [Music] only he's that was the end of the first of the triple stitch for stephen thomas so he's just given up the lead now to the number eight car which will uh go back into the just a been a see-saw battle between number eight and number 11 now for for for quite a long time the tower most sport by star works entry leads at the moment matthew goes in the air at the wheel of the number eight car steven thomas so we i think we'll resume most likely in second place and andrea belicky has also just made the pits off in the third place lmp2 car kind of a 47 and i think all those three cars were on the lead lap and then eric lux and their way to dwight merriman in the 18 car both one lap off the ultimate face in lmp2 you're tuned to rs2 imsa radio that's jeremy shaw and i'm johnny palmer and we are both in the hagerty global broadcast center also joined by joe bradley who's looking after the vp racing fuels pit and paddock reports and it is time now with another hour of the race done 10 completed already for the master in race update which is as follows kevin magnussen leads the race in the 0-1 chip ganassi racing cadillac by 9.4 seconds over the chasing conica minolta accurate of philly balbacre card 10 simon pagino is third for ally cadillac racing and another caddy dpi car 48 and mike conway in a similar machine this time run by wheel in engineering racing the red white car with the instantly recognizable number 31 on its flanks 60 car for olivier plar is my shank racing and another acura and in sixth place the 55 harry tignal driven master dpi from mazda motorsports then we're into a bank of six lmp2 cars led by manchester then for tower motorsports having got a head that's in the number eight car and he got ahead of car 11 stephen thomas for win order sport giorgio cerna giotto for chetala racing his third in the only dellara in the entry car uh number 47 the only dollar in lmp2 eric lux having made that stop making that stop looks like he's going to rejoin him for fifth place is for the flow dragon speed car eric staying at the wheel and just flashback on my screen now as he heads back into the motor race gtlm all about the five cars of the two corvettes the two bmws and the recent competency only ferrari nick tandy leads the class with carl paul the silver corvette from the sister machine of jordan taylor number three joel goonan is next in the red ferrari from reeci and then the two bmws john edwards ahead of bruno spengler kevin estra is still running uh but when you consider the fifth place gtlm car is 17th overall the sixth placed car in that class is sadly way down in the 34th position after a couple of dramas in the early phases lmp3 led by moritz krantz despite a slight off-track moment at the bus stop chicane for the movie motorsports duquesne d08 for the german driver that's car six he is in front of lance wilson and oliver askew but ask he's got the gap down to just four tenths of a second now to lance wilson change for second place is very much a foot and in gt daytona the 21 car is leading [Music] there are still 18 running and uh the af courser 21 car is driven by simon mann and has a lead of 15 seconds over aaron thielitz in the 14th fastest lexus then it's corey lewis and the lamborghini euro catapult miller racing last year's winners running with the number one car number one rather on the doors lars kearney's fourth in the number nine half motor sports porsche and fifth place italian driver rafaeli marciello for sun energy one in a mercedes car 75 is fifth that is those are your master in race positions and this is rs2 it's a radio for 20 21. [Music] the 59th edition of the great rolex 24 of daytona johnny palmer and jeremy shaw in the hagerty global broadcast center bringing you live coverage and it's a radio dot com and if you head to the live video tab on insurance but also the visuals perfectly synced up and the stellar work from rooftop rain who is hard at work it's a reduced crowd but they have allowed ray to be at the 24 hours of daytona and we couldn't do this segment of the race without him providing great footage on him to of the gtlm battle right now which involves nick tandy he has the number one illuminated on the side of his number four corvette well the adjustment from a poor porsche to a corvette seems to have been taken in the medford sherman's stride and i expected nothing that's really terrible equating nick had his name to a corvette i must admit but uh you know he's he's settled in there really quickly as you suggested it means he he's a pretty good team player is nick and he's settled in there right away both he and alexander sims who's joined this team as well two very good additions i think before that racing and um you know it's uh the the success for court racing i think is just going to continue this year certainly miss seeing oliver gavin not not driving the corvette but it's certainly been great to see oliver instead driving through the vassal sullivan lexus team this weekend and he's had a goodly portionless race in the lead on the class as the guy he well in this race with with the jack hawks and and uh aaron felix has been they've had a really good run so far [Music] just because he seconds to see those two at the moment and corey lewis is right there in third place as well in a lamborghini and johnny you were saying earlier on about the different manufacturers involved there right now the order is ferrari lexus lamborghini porsche and mercedes that's the two mercedes is in 56 and then the bestie aston martins which now has uh ben keating who has uh i think probably completed his duties in the lmp2 car perhaps or certainly most of it and he's now taking the wheel of the tf racing uh aston martin running in the seventh position in gtd that's kind of the 97. yeah i'm always mightily impressed with the various combinations that you get in the top five but i think that's the beauty of gt daytona in the sense that we've got so many different manufacturers represented those that aren't featuring in the top six for example at the turn of motorsport bmw be great to have that one uh towards the top 10. it's 13th at the moment so that's definitely within its grasp and aidan reed piloting the 96 bmw also the acura that we're not mentioning a great deal about but purely because it has had its struggles in the opening exchanges but there is opportunity yet for things to improve for the magnus with archangel acura being driven by andy lally and then another manufacturer the audi r8 lms of nte sport and car 42 has jr hildebrand at the wheel of that so just a massive amount of manufacturers represented in gt daytona the uh an example really of how strong gt3 is as a class um not only globally but i think particularly so in this championship the weathertech sports car championship where so many uh there are other areas of motorsport where there's a number of chassis you can choose from but often teams will go with the obvious strongest one and sadly you get sort of polarization of maybe two different favored manufacturers that's not the case in gt daytona because presumably they've got the balance of performance bang on right and therefore you choose your weapon you pay your money he takes your choice and uh again we have a a very varied field just as it has been for uh the last number a number of years in gt daytona so ferrari leading by 11 odd seconds but uh with the opportunity to try and close that gap it was teelin by the way getting ahead of corey lewis posing that question a little while ago but again thanks to definitely brennan who is paying close attention to daytona this weekend the lexus getting ahead of the lamborghini but not really making that much of a break in second position as things stand here in the corvette number three in the background and just pulling through the gears is jordan taylor relaxing into another lengthy stint of 31 32 laps they're all there abouts he took over from antonio garcia at the start of this stint so it's likely to be a double for jordan probably for 32 laps each and as mentioned the sister car with [Music] tandem reversed in the sense that we were wondering whether tommy was able to get that extra fuel mileage because he was in the draft of the number three that's not the case if this is [Music] which isn't the sort of speed that the corvettes are doing [Music] bmw john edwards last time was able to laugh much quicker than the ferrari that was only two laps in isolation i appreciate john edwards that pat continues to play out we'll have a scratch our hands at the next few laps between gunnar and john edwards so we posed the question many many hours ago now as to whether this might be the first race that joel gunnon had competed in in a ferrari well no because i don't need that long of a memory to recall 24 hours of le mans 2019 when he was at the wheel of a ferrari gte car we have a problem at the bus stop uk with a lexus stopped on the exit it's on drivers left and dead stick there we're gonna go caution because of this now is that aaron t lynch's car no it's the other machine it's the 12 in fact of frankie montecalvo so down in 17th position sadly for this car and another fire jeremy shaw now that is exactly where the exhaust is on one of these lexus i believe right behind the front wheel but i don't like the look of the flames flicking there and very sensibly indeed frankie's going to get out of that car before any more of it starts to go up yeah i'm not sure whether that is a grass fire there or whether it is uh coming out of the car itself but whatever it is it's not it certainly isn't good news and it's been a troubled day for that number 12 team they've had all all sorts of problems during this race they had some uh front frontal damage early on i saw the car just ran off the road i think remember the crosstalk stage as well so they're quite a long way off the pace looks like this might be uh might be the end of the day for them but this is finally going to bring out another caution period then um but it's been what maybe it's been a part of three and a half hours hasn't it hasn't it since we were lost since we look we went back to green three hours 21 54 sixth full course caution so what led up to this moment is that there is a lick of flame anyway from the lexus now was this earlier on in the lap that is definitely lexus number 12. which oh didn't get anywhere close to the bus stop jeremy's actually arriving into the bus stop but on the well off on the the driver's left on the back straight there's a massive amount of asphalt there which serves as runoff if you get a monster crash on the back straight but clearly frankie montecalvo could sense a problem well before the turning point for the bus stop because he is several car widths over to the left-hand side and touring its way towards the bus stop and then he actually made his way back to the track just about before finally the car cried enough [Music] spitting flames and the left bank has as you say just started to set fire to the grass if anything and frankly as he clambered out just tried to put that out with his race boot he didn't want to get too close to the fire in case it really took hold but the marshalls very very close indeed to the scene the corner workers in their um rescue unit got there quickly with the right fire extinguisher and eliminated the problem very quickly so very little damage done i would suggest to the 12. um by the fire however the damage may have already been done to the internals and we'll only get to find out well uh vassa sullivan will only get to find out when the car is returned to the garage but um yeah the door number will be somewhat scolded because of that and thankfully whether that was the spotter on the radio to frankly monte carlo or maybe some signals from nearby corner workers the message got through to him to say best places out of the car rather than inside trying to get it restarted so a 19 car field um may be down to 17 runners now but otherwise attrition has not been high it is i'm pleased to say in gt daytona to this point the grt grasser racing lamborghini huracan no longer running from pereira last at the wheel of that and now a problem for the frankie monte carlo robert mcgenis townsend bell and zach veach bayshore sponsored number 12 machine alexis rcfgt3 13 hours and 45 minutes still to go that means 10 hours and 15 [Music] it done coming up to 2 a.m on the east seaboard of the us this historic venue of the daytona motor speedway in florida for the annual start to the year of the weathertech sports car championship the biggest race of the year the longest round one which will deliver times 10 points year on year no longer is it 35 which is actually what you've got for getting pole position in last weekend's race but 350 points on offer this opening race proper of the season last week this is an interesting debate and uh maybe not the time to start it jeremy but we did have a race last weekend although for many i think including yourself not actually detail doesn't raise it did the 31 achieve a race win last weekend i'm still waiting to hear on that one i i raised that question with ibsa last week and uh we'll they'll get back to me well they haven't yet okay so in my book no quite frankly it wasn't a a championship points paying round you did get championship points for scoring a good pole position admittedly and that's why i posed the question but for me uh no i i don't think it does it wasn't a full championship round so no i don't think it does count for a race win the question is what counts for the poll so do you get a poll for winning that race um i don't know so and how many drivers are credited with the pole position um so i've asked i've asked those questions and say i haven't i haven't yet received a definitive answer from him so i mean simpson's championship so they can make the rules uh as they see fit if there's a way i i looked upon that one well it's not entirely otherwise certainly not unknown to have more than one driver as a pole sitter because the wec although they're going to be heading away from that system now but in the past few years we've had two drivers that needed to qualify the car without the two drivers it wasn't qualified um but i agree this is like somewhat of a grey area last weekend i mean this is round one of the championship the 24 hours of daytona is round one and therefore you would think at the end of this we will have our first race winner of the season but uh we also had a race last weekend to determine the grid um and um well as you say it's imps say so so we'll await that email and you could tell me what they say once it arrives just a couple of minutes away from the top of another clock hour and as i say it'll be the hour of 2 a.m an hour and 40 away therefore from half distance we're clearly far enough away from the previous caution for this to be the full dose of pit stops it should be a relatively quick recovery i would suggest for the lexus all four wheels were pointing in the right direction and obviously gonna be reasonably careful when they they tow that car down beneath the double yellow line though making sure the fire is out basically and there's uh not any uh pesky flames still actually lit underneath the car as it moves but i think predominantly that was coming from the exhaust which sits a couple of inches above road level once that is out and the unburned fuel is extinguished they can um safely move that car i would hope and it'll be straight to the garage there where professor sullivan can assess what they need to do if it's worth doing it i mean you know there are other drivers that clearly want to take part in this race and well over half of it's still to go so it would be great if they could return to the race it rather takes it out of contention not that it was particularly in contention prior to the incident because it does seem like that that side of the garage that vasa sullivan's had all the bad luck and the 14 car things are going very sweetly indeed jeremy that's exactly right johnny yeah and you know last year the number 14 car had a tremendous season they they ended up winning the sprint cup championship the gtd which is just the short shorter races and they were very much in contention to win the overall gtd championship as well until they just said well everything that could possibly go wrong plus various other things as well from the last couple of races that just had a horrible end to the year and ended up fourth in points rather than challenging for the lead and quite a long way off the lead but still it still was a great season but uh you know this year they want to get it off on the right foot and that lex the ambassador of election team certainly came into daytona with pretty high expectations you know they know their car is fast and also different such types of tracks now one of its achilles heels was always looking after its tyres but they've improved that massively over the years as we see pit stops now under caution for our race leaders also noted though is that in the 28 car billy johnson's come in for some emergency service for allegra motorsports because it's not the turn of gt daytona yet it's the prototypes first but that car has had to come in he's beaten for a little while now so and you're allowed five seconds of the fuel nozzle to be attacked on fuel just to get you those uh extra few miles to the window where the pit lane is open that 28 car is still in the pit so there's a concern there as five of the six dpis that the sharp end of this race come in the one that didn't was harry tindall the master whoever picked five but otherwise k manchester zero one and pla in albuquerque and pagano and conway all down pit road jeremy shaw yeah and the reason uh for that is that uh the number 55 card was a lap down has been for one long time and by staying out now ahead of all these cars and now pitted as they're all lined up behind the safety guard then before we go back to green those cars are trapped in between the safety car and the class leader i in this case the overall leader he'll be allowed to go past the safety car and run around to the back of the pack and while he's running around the back of the pack then is the time for the producer to make his pit stop get out again before the rest of the pack comes around and hey presto is back on the lead lap and back in the race she had an opportunity to do that several hours ago but there was a bit of communication between the pitfall and the driver and he came in soon this finally now gives an opportunity to get back onto the lead lap and and uh back in the mix again we're obviously at the point in the race as well jeremy that uh the team's feeling the need for a break change because that was being done on the 48 car i believe it wasn't 60. no it was a it was definitely a cadillac that was having brakes changed so the ally cadillac racing machine i believe was having at least front brakes still on pit road having that work done and yeah it is definitely the ally car front brakes quite possibly rears as well so this is going to be a longer stop because of that but it's uh work that obviously the team needed to do at some stage and even though we're an hour and 40 away from half distance they're clearly happy to do it slightly earlier rather than later the 28 car's still in pit road oh and finally has rejoined now with maximilian buke at the wheel for allegra motorsport so they've done a driver change as well you can't do that can you during uh the phase of the this stage of pit stops because we're not at the point where gt daytona can legally pit and aaron t from second place has already come has come in as well in the 14 car before everybody else in gt so one or two having to stop well out of the window here is now the flood of gt lm cars reach pit road led by the class leader nick tandy right on his tail is his teammate jordan taylor and joe goonon john edwards and bruno spegler will all trigger the pit entry uh loop as does the man-driven af courser the kurd driven faf motorsport porsche lewis more than the racing and lamborghini huracan and everybody else pretty much indeed takeover as well but set definitely firm question marks alongside the name of aaron teelitz in his 14 lexus jeremy and the 28 car that has just done a driver change [Music] is that a question it was more of a what is the twenty questions i'm concerned about 28 why are they doing a driver change well before the gt daytona window opens you could do emergency services but uh billy johnson's handed over to max [Music] [Music] who should not have pitted at the point that he did he came in from second place a lap before everybody else could beat daytona we were talking about all the bad luck being soaked up by the 12 lexus i'm afraid the 14 is to get a dose of it as well what was that for emergency service possibly but it's it's taken too long i don't think this is another pit stop for tielets i think this is still the first one and he would have expected to have rejoined at this stage so as i say question marks next to allegra motorsports and vassa sullivan they may have been forced into this and we don't know the full details yet this is obviously an opportunity for lots of teams to do breaks by the way because the 25 bmw is having is it's uh certainly pads changed and quite possibly rotors as well you would do the two at the same time you feel because pads and rotors discs in europe are matched and are matched at the start of the week joe bradley who's been hunting around for drivers that are awake at this time of night probably hitting a little bit of a dead end there so joe's going to be rejoining us in a moment for some vp racing fuels uh pit and paddock reports but first of all i think jeremy shaw had a quick thought for us as we continue this caution yeah no just trying to find out what happened to the number 14 car but there's just look at the positions there really the number 60 car got out slightly ahead of the number 31 during this round of pitch primarily because he would have needed less fuel the number 60 car on the last round of pip-tops came in seven laps later and number thirty-one current remember the 31k has been off sequence for quite a long time so that shorter pit stop has an enabled uh olivia clark to move ahead of mike conway and then behind both of them now here's a number 48 car the simon pagano still aboard that car just made that complete break change so that's fine you know that they uh [Music] break some margin on these cars so it certainly makes makes sense to take the opportunity with full course caution get that break change done you can do it without do you losing a lap which is mighty impressive so you can do that in the old days uh and get back out there and he who's lost a position or two a couple of positions but that's about it so you know good strategy i think from certainly from that team and the number 55 car will be uh will be able has not yet stopped there because we haven't yet done the final pass around but uh that carving should come a little bit shortly just for hopefully routine service will be back on the lead lap it saw kevin magnussen that will lead under this caution period for the ganassi race we're almost ten and a half hours in now into the 59th running of the rolex 24 at daytona you'll tune to rs2 insert radio this is the hagerty global broadcast center with jeremy shaw and johnny palmer and providing vp racing fuels pit and paddock reports uh joe bradley obviously teams joe have thought we'll we'll have to do breaks at some stage and this caution is as good a time as any roughly half distance yeah absolutely at uh ideal time to soak up the time that it takes to change brick waters um sometime during this race and during a what looks like to be a rather than we lengthy caution period that's the perfect time to do and it's quite it's quite simple isn't it as the cars two around the track whilst your car is static on the pit in if you're losing less track time so this is what the teams have been looking to do and now pretty much spot on it's just past 2 a.m in the morning and uh now would be a better as good time as any to do that we will continue to try and get some bp fuels uh driver interviews as we go through the night but now that we're into the night drivers it's a very straightforward process when drivers get out of cars they very very quickly need to get their head down and get some some shut eye because they're unlimited sleep like we all are and uh they'll be very quickly getting their you know taking on a few more uh hydration some hydration drinks a little bit wheat a massage to get those stick muscles haven't just been in the tight confines of a race car if the gt cars are open they'll get a massage and then they'll get the bed as quickly as possible and then if we can we'll squeeze in a bit of a chat to us to get some insight and we'll continue to uh to try and get some drivers to talk yeah sounds like a plan yeah this period almost certainly reserved for rest because we're 10 past two in the morning now local an hour and a half away from the half distance mark and drivers that aren't necessarily scheduled for a drive in the early hours of them well later on this morning will be rising for breakfast anyway to just try and get a little bit of pattern back to their day if you're lucky enough to have the night off or a few hours off in the night back on for the race lead round the outside as we go back to green it's two at rest for the first couple of cars and for third on the way out of the right-hander at the international horseshoe albuquerque just about with the lead and i don't think kevin magazine was going to try anything risky on the inside of that little kink and now he's in danger of losing second position this time to simon pagino who is no slouch and restarts pacino has already got a head of olivier claw who is right on their tail it is accurate so all change in the top five positions pretty much peter durrani is also taking a watching brief in the 31 car for the wheel and engineering racing crew desperate to try and get a bit more tire temperature into their michelin tires all five cars showing hints of a little bit of a zigzag through speedway turn two but a great restart from philly balbacher he wasn't gonna be asked twice to pull off that maneuver around the outside he then gave him the inside line for the second element of two a and darts in front of kevin magnussen so albuquerque magnussen durrani is your new order in dpi harry tingle though to the pits and was that the wrong side of the caution we talked about uh tignell trying to watching that lap back quite obviously as the battling continues down into terms one and two kevin magnussen not quite getting up to speed as quickly as those cars behind him he's being hassled and harangued by simon paschanov whose front brake rotors are glowing red hot as they charge their way into the international horseshoe there is a ferrari these 62 greasy competition ferrari to nip by now and the all important thing is can you get ahead just before the kick just after the king at turn four some of these dpis did that others had to bide their time and that will drive a bit of a wedge between these five leading dpi cars we'll head to joe bradley for a bp racing uh update racing fuels update and then to jeremy shaw's right now joe i i just wanted to wonder what you're saying there uh johnny it looked to me as though magnuson's tires just hadn't quite switched on albuquerque's tie is very much so hard and just look at that lead that he's extended to seven tenths there across the line and you can see the way albuquerque's car was so uh neutral in the corner whereas kmart he was fighting it all the way so now you'll see that by the zero one the cadillac drifter nasty racing car we'll see those tires coming on now and we'll see that car settling down but isn't it fantastic with what 13 and a half hours to go in this race and these guys are still racing off a yellow into a green as if it's a 10 lap sprint that's what this race is all about and that's the beauty jeremy of this title racing where you get a safety car you get a caution everything comes and seems up and the race is more or less reset [Music] brilliant isn't it brilliant yeah and we've had all sorts of changes of the position here we've got uh scott andrews who's taken over the the wheel of the number 74 car he has just moved uh past morris crans into the lead of lmp3 that's 18th overall more significantly though by a long way in the overall lead uh the the overall battle harry tinkle came in as i suggested after getting the wave around to to make his pit stop he should have been back on the lead lap however a problem with the tail section on that car that's cost them a lot of ground and uh they are they are they're now i think three laps behind a thick ticklish back underway again but that pit stop six minutes and 50 seconds that lap so uh better part of a a of a well over five minute pit stop that is very very costly really bad luck for the master team i mean looks finding like they were going to get back right into contention not the case unfortunately also join that pit stops rat pitstop sequence number 31 car came back in again right before we went back to green not quite sure why because uh i think pretty sure he came in with everybody else he was it was great timing for number 31 cars he was just about due for a pit stop in any case before they pick up before that caution period but not quite sure what happened to to to force the team to bring him in once again before they went back to green flag racing okay again the feeling that there's quite a lot that has happened the last caution which was nearly 20 minutes and uh now into the green as well you could entirely see what the 55's was out of that to get the man back again but they didn't bank on the issue with the rear deck which then had to be addressed and uh well really up against it now another recovery drive required for harry t stayed ahead of all the lmp2s so that's something but as jeremy says three laps down from [Music] and if you're enjoying not only our coverage on radio but also via ipsa clicking on the live video tab you'll be able to see the visuals as well perfectly synced with our commentary and um the guy with the rear deck just wants to put that guard that back on the car but there are complications with two mechanics with head torches on three mechanics actually with the head torches trying to sort out the issue there joe what what is on that point of the car that [Music] well it might have been johnny that they had to get the wiring connections for the rear lights so as that rear wing deck goes on um it attaches to the uh the rear of the car which is basically the the the body work that covers the engine but it's not just a case of clipping that on within that process you have to the wires will be dangling and there'll be connectors there that you have the wiring loom before the for the rear light to the main wiring room on the car and i think that was the fiddly bit the fiddly aspect it may have been that uh they got some kind of aerial figures on the uh from the telemetry you could say that the depth of the non-fight right but i would think well that's not all the thing is i think that's probably to do with the lights they're working now which is the crucial thing but it's cost them three laps as we say uh jeremy some questions about the 14 car as well at what point during the caution that car came down pit road without uh aaron he was in second at the time so what do you know about the sullivan entry well it's now a car curtain at the wheel of that car but there was a water system problem is what it described it's helpful isn't it which i'm not sure what a water system problem means but that's what i've been told um and so that car unfortunately now finds itself four laps i think four or five laps perhaps even behind the race leaders in gtd so what was looking super promising for the lexus team in the space of well double talk i've already had problems but it was that car that caused this latest full course caution and now the sister car has had a problem jordan has gone quite a way away from the lead lap a new race leader again now in gtd that'll be uh miko grenier in kind of a 75 for sun energy one that team has been kind of flying below the raid last week they've done a really nice job all the way through this race so far uh 10 hours and 38 minutes into the race so still an hour almost now and a half away from the half distance point but it's strangely one team that meet leeds at the moment meanwhile in lmp three scott andrews has taken the stateless mentioned that he took the lead from moritz crowns at the research the number 74 ahead of the number six by just a few seconds and the number 33 car that's the sean creature by the spawn century wayne boyd now driving that car it's three laps down and we made a long pit stop during that caution period i would assume the the team took the opportunity to change the brakes they had they get all of the lmp3 cars because the brakes were known to be marginal these cars they have to make a mandatory eight-minute stop at some stage any stage during the race to change the brakes on their cars so we've seen several other teams do that and i'm pretty sure that's what sure creature boys just did to the number 33 car so it's still running in third position in and out of the gt gtd traffic at the moment but uh that stop is now done and uh with you know this is pretty close to the halfway point in the race so assuming the cars can make it with just one great change through the race [Music] now with the stellar talent of ulsterman wade boyd at the wheel of the 33 he was a yeah european of one series champion in 2020 and i think about every pole position in that particular championship the lmp3 part of the lms for united water sports last year so great that to get experience of the daytona international speedway once again was here with sean creech motorsport last year yes it was 2020 running and indeed part of this race in 2019 as well no didn't do daytona did do the atlanta race though in a league jsp3 in fact getting steadily more and more experienced in the usa and was a real talent in formula ford in the uh mid to late naughties in fact uh uk formula four champion in 2008 i think he won the festival that year as well so wade boyd back on track after he had a couple of barren years i suppose in the early 2010s although interestingly that 33 car has just come back into the pit lane so maybe there's something not quite right with that machine and also extend that thought to the number 28 car uh maxie booth who's been three times now during this stint it was all going nicely for the previous driver which i'll remind you is the allegro motorsports mercedes so we had a stint in that car for billy johnson which was 32 laps that was bang on the running but then billy had to pick during the caution when it wasn't the time for gt daytona cars to make their stops he handed to maxi boog in what could have only had been a an emergency service pit stop so i guess on the very next lap when maxie boot came in that would have been a drive-through penalty for breaching the regulations but then five laps later came in again and has since remained out but something not quite right with the 28 car and also the 33 what was that just in and out maybe a a penalty for that car as well yes here we go servicing the car from behind the wall 33 is assessed the drive-through penalty as a result of staying in the third position but uh has litter a few more cars through as well including uh james last curve then tt should make relatively quick work of those cars although as we've said the performance of an lmp3 car very strongly in the corners not so strong when you're relying on the mechanical grip when where gt car can easily match its speed that's something that everyone's got to get used to pretty quickly the first rolex to include lmp3 cars i still feel like they're in that adjustment period even now this deep into the weekend 57 cara farrow angle leading gt daytona it was a number of hours ago jeremy when indie dodger was piloting this car to the lead of the class so uh wind ward racing are back there again in 57. they are it's been a really good run for that team so yes the number 57 ahead of number uh simon mann he's doing the nice job isn't he the uh young englishman at the wheel of that number 21 ferrari in third position still ahead of the aston martin of ian james heart of waiting car column 23 and fourth position and last kern in the the planned portal the that motor sports machine in the fifth position column and i left ben keating in the aston martin for tf racing most of the top six in gtd just an update on the on the mazda problem from larry holt thank you very much larry he was the uh he's the main man at automatic motorsports and they had to change the tale as you suggested johnny and or joe uh due to a problem with the tech with the lights but when the chin went to change the tail they broke a mounting pin uh so the tail would go back on again it wouldn't stay on again so they had to fix that and the car back is out again now though and uh so you know they're still not even halfway through the race so uh three laps out the off the lead at this stage is certainly not the end of the world no i might feel like it at this stage but it's important after all that hard work well yeah there's not much reward frankly for redressing the balance here and laughed out for a long time [Music] it is literally gained one step and three steps back again but just as quickly as you gain one lap you only need a few more cautions in the second half of the race and uh it can swing back in your favor uh very very quickly cars have come from further back than that to score podiums in this race and important important just not to get distracted you just got to focus on on the stint in hand right now absolutely right johnny palmer in lmp3 the number six car from uh sports america that was four laps down at the end of the first hour and then came back to lead uh you know for goodly portions now in second place behind scott andrews number 74 for riley motorsports but you know even in in less than half the race number six car made up four laps on the western [Music] cars in a trade uh albuquerque magnuson simon and eva durrani so the acura and then three cadillacs already nose to tail uh and uh with oliver pla only another couple of seconds back in the fifth position i suppose it's very easy to run away joe bradley with uh what's happening in your race right at this moment but you may at times have a three-minute lead you can't even start to think that you've got to race one at that stage and likewise if you're three laps down you can't think but we're done for the whole of the day because motor racing just has this this pattern this rhythm this habit of giving one moment and then taking away the other or vice versa so it's just about concentrating on the stinting hat and trying to get as good of lap times out of it as you can and absolutely johnny and the distinction between a good team and a great team is just how they react to the kind of adversity we saw there that before the you know the 55 mazda there three laps down um you know over 13 hours left you've got to keep pushing because who's to see that the car's ahead of you and you this is what you've got to keep up with you hoping you've got to keep pushing and pushing and hope that some kind of luck and perform the cars in front of you the thing about this series is the cars are so optimized in this risk and we saw that the last restart we saw albuquerque magnussen and around the outside in the turn one and three stars and you think hang on a minute like did you not get the memo that's still you know still 13 and a half hours left it's so such a competitive race that times like that where you can make up time and just look at that he's got a three second lead now over magnussen in second and that for me just tells you the kind of character of the daytona 24 hours when really you have to be pushing all the way over all 24-hour duration it's incredible and i suppose experience at those restarts is massive and kevin magnussen will obviously have experience off that from f1 further down in the single seater ladder but i don't think they're ever quite as intense as you get them here at daytona given or taken away and it's also about the moment that you hit the throttle coming out of turn four you have to be careful not to have crossed the line before but not overtaking the car alongside before you get to the solid white line but it's knowing about the little intricacies about this [Music] and he knew where to put the car at the restart which was on the outside of the zero one which would then automatically give him the inside as they go through the kink just before the international horseshoe [Music] so it's that track knowledge i think which uh is so key to this event kevin magnussen will have learned a thing or two from that restart i'm sure about that he's uh running in second position just three seconds away from philly papa kirk so there's no question about some solid pace from the day last time though he did lose around about half a second as albuquerque heads across the line to complete [Music] 360 laps meanwhile in lmp2 giorgio cerna giotto in the dellara currently outpacing all the oracas i have to say i didn't see that coming at the start of the event the lara in aco rules racing has generally struggled versus the orica but i suppose a little bit of favorable pit stop pouring for uh the stratage strategists at chettala racing and car 47 out front by nearly 25 seconds from four oracas behind jeremy shaw you're about to make a point thinking about dpi yeah a couple of things the uh the change of lead at the restart uh was the 33rd of the change in this race by my reckoning but now the 10 car out in front the other thing i can say is that yeah you're right in in p2 lmp2 giorgio sergiotto's got a lot of experience in these cars of course there's edge out a little bit over stephen thomas in second position but uh you know he's uh brand new to this building he's really been waiting for a year his first race was just over a year ago literally um and uh in third position john ferrano he's been around the sport a long long time he's hanging in there in the third position eric lux is just a couple laps back in the fourth and he's having a uh he's actually pulled away from dwight merriman over the course of the last uh you know since the restart but there's a super battle going on there gtlms no change there it's still uh mighty mighty close but what's interesting to me is in lmp3 the number 70 forecast scott andrews is definitely edging away now from foreign the gap is out out to 11 seconds between the first two in lmp3 [Music] yeah ferrano getting more and more used to lmp2 machinery had been a champion in 2018 in p3 when he won that with rlr exports in europe but then then moved up to lmp2 level in the 24 hours of the 2019 version actually two lemons in that particular season but uh rlr sports slash tower event [Music] back again to attack this great race and uh the years and years worth of experience paying dividends right now very varied colors on the ferris wheel on the infield right next to lake lloyd again providing that iconic shot night time daytona thanks once again to rooftop ray doing a brilliant job if you've not yet headed to for the video theme of this event and our audio synced perfectly you can do that very easily into at the top of the page top left it says live video click on that and if you're outside of the u.s perfectly synced good battle light on track now with the dpi category is the second and third plays scrap for kevin magnussen and simon pagino both in cadillac dpis it's caddy's second third and fourth currently and they are absolutely together now on the run towards turn five the west horseshoe they're gonna have to go on the high side of the risi competition ferrari no opportunity to overtake there they will at least one of these dpis will get that move done into turn six and ferrari has to go through the corner at the same time trying its best to stay out of the way there's a bit of a draft picked up there by people girardi experienced around this place he just ducked into the tail of the practicing horse briefly and then jinked out of it to go to the low side to deposit [Music] and people durrani has gained yet more crucial inches on the car driven by simon pagino or ally cadillac racing so it's all about that bad battle really at the moment between uh kevin magnussen simon pagino peter durrani and six seconds away olivier clark in the number 16 fireshack racing acura these three cars scrapping for second third and fourth not exactly slowing one another up but what they can't offer is the same sort of speed as our race leading portuguese philly baubaker haven't taken the lead at the last restart and that was now 25 minutes ago uh has built himself well only two and a half seconds have been slightly larger than that on occasion but every credit to magnus and pagina and irani not only are they duking it out for ray's position they're also just about keeping pace with the race leader most impressive particularly for kevin magnussen driving for the first time with a roof over his head yes he's used to downfalls but he doesn't know this track so well and he certainly doesn't know this type of car either but he is adjusted to it like a duck to water maybe that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise when you consider his father is one and jan madison so he's kind of been around this type of racing since he was knee high to grasshopper but it's one thing observing i think actually and taking active parts down the inside there into the bus stop goes philly albert kirk a couple of gear shifts to locate third probably third and then out of the bus stop powering his way into speedway turn three two and a half seconds it's pretty stable at the moment though jeremy shaw first back to second turn four yeah it is it's just stable hours nicely i don't think anybody is pushing terribly hard in this stage of the race but they are doing in in which is which is a really really good place when you're they're not hanging around by any stretch of the imagination for magnuson but he's just he's loving driving these cars i'm absolutely loving it he he loves the track he's been to he's as you say he's be visiting many of these tracks in the past uh but he's relishing the opportunity to be given this year i mean he did he's not looking down on formula one anyway don't get me wrong here he's he's thrilled to bits have had the career he had in formula one but by the same token he's relishing this opportunity i started him early in the week and i'd never met him before well i can't guess i had met in full perhaps with his dad when he was hanging around as a kid but uh in actual fact i might have met him at the formula ford festival at night in 2008 actually because he was there that that year and i think i remember seeing he and yann at that event and i'll tell you what i have a little let's have something in common with kevin magnussen because that year in 2008 he drove a one-off uh home-built uh formula ford car from denmark called the aquila in the formula ford festival and uh years previously i drove to the foreign ford festival in a one-off car the lannon back in was 1980 that was in fact a little bit before kevin was born but uh it's nice to be able to have something in common with a formula one driver i can tell you that but no super guy super enthusiastic and he was so impressive last weekend you know he he he's just uh beaming a smile every time he gets out of the car and loves the fact that this sort of track you know there's consequences if you run off the road here you're quite likely to hit a fence or something harder than that in [Music] other than being called for penalty on it you're very rarely going to get before the penalty for track limits here but if you do abuse the traffic you're likely to hit something solid the other thing he's very much confused about is the fact that tired degradation isn't a big factor like it hasn't been of course in formula one now you can push the car hard for as long as obviously the wheel of it is he's finding a bit of a fresh air he's kevin himself aggression pressure a lovely guy and only there in second place nice bit of uh [Music] rs2 insert radio 11 hours now completed in this year's rolex 24 of daytona is the 59th edition of this fantastic race and we're bringing you live coverage from the hagerty global broadcast center it is time at the end of another race hour therefore to bring you a race and a master racing update with phillip albakirk leading the motor race 366 laps just ticked off by the portuguese a man from quebra in the north of portugal driving the konica minolta acura dpi car 10 ahead of ross kilda's kevin madison for cadillac chip ganassi racing returning to the prototype class in 2021 with their uh famous number zero one on the side of their dpi simon pagano's third in car 48 just seven tenths of a second on the back of k allied [Music] and a recovering sadly again 55 mass and now three laps down after a difficulty with the rear deck and they bend one of the clips and the team worked very very hard to get that to green attached but it's cost harry taking plaster three laps giorgio ceracioto leads lmp2 for chatelai racing and their dalara lmp2 car with the 4.2 litre gibson engine powering it all of the lmp2s in the race car 47 from in second place the number 11 car of stephen thomas and then it's john furrano the canadian for tower motorsport running in third so 47 11 and eight are the numbers to look at ahead of jordan foreign but only half a second between them then jesse crowe the bmw from team parallel m8 to car 24 is third ahead of george reese's competition ferrari 62 and bruno spencer in the 25 the red bmw is fifth in lmp3 scott andrews drives the 74 lmp3 riley motorsports legie ahead of the duquesne of moritz krantz from ruleman motorsports america car six and in gt daytona the top five probably all five different manufacturers though not quite actually in this snapshot 57 is marrow angle in a mercedes but with board racing it's another mercedes for suddenly one in second 75 then simon manning af course and ferrari fourth in the number nine porsche and in fifth place it's the aston martin a part of racing team that's car number 23 another hour completed on rs2 imsa radio that's your latest mazda racing update [Music] in 60 minutes time we will have reached half distance of the 59th edition of the 24 hours of daytona and we're at a phase now which fits nicely with pit stops by the way and some of the callers include olivier players my shank acura and the simon pashino ally cadillac 48 car also in from the lead of lmp2 georgio silva giotto for chettala racing so this may take may yeah to a certain degree answer is [Music] [Music] with the same engine from gibson based in a place called repton in derbyshire that provide very solid race engines incredibly reliable to v8 eleven laps [Music] [Music] should be relatively good [Music] the same again in greek flag running 21 laps completed for another at least 10 that should be 12 depending whether he can get the same sort of mileage that his teammate tommy milner could do [Music] the throttle unusually with a clear road out front now peter durrani who's obviously wasting no time at all in the 31 car siding his way through traffic i mentioned him picking up a little bit of a toe on the ferrari in speedway turn one as well and we'll pitch on this lap together with philly barberkirk and with kevin magnussen so they all the top three jeremy have all come in and we've had a good portion of green i'm going to guess 22 laps of it yeah um and uh we have pitstop now for the uh for each of the race leaders this is uh um on schedule i think for all of them we saw a number 48 car end and number 60 come in a couple of laps so they were the first two to make their their pit stops on this sequence and that everybody else wants to pick lane as well looks like a fresh set of tires there for a k-mag and a weight goes for [Music] [Music] see but uh i uh well we'll wait to see where it where it is it should be a few seconds ahead of this pair as they make their way out of the lane because that's the order which they came in about three and a half seconds between albuquerque yeah uh it is a little bit further up the road i believe but uh is absolutely no grip at all because no tyre warmers and the mushrooms will be pretty much stone cold and this is an opportunity maybe because i'm overtaking to be done that was simon paschano who hasn't just come out from the pits maybe able to get ahead of chase elliot and i think the zero one car of kevin magnussen he one fell swoop there diving up the inside into the west horseshoe at the ally car that is the advantage that uh tires that have been heated for a lap give you over those that haven't yet got any temperature they connect between magnesium and elliot in the 31 but car then head through the next split or rather towards the end of the lap we'll get a true reflection of the order we before that might even see an overtake between the 0-1 and the 31 because chase elliot got incredibly close to the tail of kevin magnussen but couldn't spot an opportunity to slither up the inside there into the bus stop might try it again into turn one but uh this is a a delicate portion of the race i would say philly barbacoa will cross the line as the new leader we've got those cars that pitted the last two before which are firmly taking advantage and it's brilliant to see let's see where the simon passionate could get even closer to philippe albuquerque i'm rather lipping my licking my lips here at this uh part of the race john hindoff you're in for a a good portion of it i would say we are under an hour away from half distance and still no real indication to the pattern of this apart from the fact that we've still very much got five dpis in the hunt for the win and possibly the chance for the master to catch up three of the laps that it lost earlier on yeah that's the only disappointment for me if i'm honest johnny is that the master number 55 is he's not there still the two acuras and the three cadillacs and still that slight differential in various parts of the fuel entire state as to who has the base in those cadillacs i'm finding that extraordinarily interesting and in the other classes as well i still think the corvettes are doing what they need to do although they're a little bit closer than they have been normally about three quarters of a a second to a second in part they're actually now just three tenths apart the bmw's all of a sudden coming to life as well in the darkness hours and the joy is that uh we're gonna take it up to pretty close to sunrise as gp takes his leave jeremy shaw stays with me in the haggerty global broadcast center and we join up with our american tv network colleagues in 10 minutes time as the now traditional night owl shift where we get the rains from nbc and rooftop rear will be our guide and help for three hours between three and six here at dear tornado nick dearman will be joining us uh as well for part of that stint [Music] so jeremy the the race not halfway through as gmp says and i am liking what i'm seeing it seems that despite this being the uh the first race of a new season the it was a technical team have once again done their calculations and certainly you would expect it in lmp2 where the drivetrains are all the same and certainly in the sharp end of the field i i don't i don't think there's anybody who's got a massive advantage here it's really ebb and floor depending on who's in the car and where they are at the stint completely agree with you john uh absolutely the they think you're very close to the match number 60 car yeah it seems to be struggling a little bit i think but um but you know he's hanging in there you're not even to halfway yet so no point in extending anything at this stage of the race it's certainly been interesting over the last hour or so to see the number 10 car going so well republican first of all alexander did a super super long stint in that number 10 car to uh took the wheel of the car up to seven hours into the race for about about two and a half hours before handing over to the kirk and he was absolutely flying set that cars best laps on the race so far and then albuquerque has continued on from there he took the lead at the restart about um 40 minutes or so ago before that 45 minutes or so ago and it's been out front ever since so you know the actual certainty is looking good we thought perhaps the actors might struggle a little bit or they thought about trouble a little bit but uh the emphasis on the little there because it really doesn't seem too much to choose between any of them john and you know the master having lost that lap early on missed the opportunity to get back onto the lead lap log quite a long time ago now then finally had the opportunity during the most recent courses period but unfortunately only to suffer a problem with the tail which is now costing instead of gaining one lap back on the field they lost three so that was rather unfortunate but i mean having struggled with this through the evening john the master has looked a lot better over the last couple of hours of the race and it has been running very much on a pace with everybody else so if they can make up those three laps and they certainly have plenty of time to do that there's absolutely no reason to count out that number 55 i totally agree and we've seen and we know from both of their full season drivers in uh ollie jarvis and harry tignel that they have super duper pace uh when they need to uh so if they're in with any kind of sniff i i think they'll give it a go just somebody's just asked on the twitter artist original r24 radio jeremy and i've been asking this earlier on um lap distance record here was set last year for the life of me i can't find where i put it up in doors i can't find mine but i think i think probably not we've had quite a few cautions already uh earlier on we've had a lot of green flag running lately but no i don't think the record is going to be under threat we're looking at a tad under 800 laps here at the moment according to the computer i'll i'll dig it out the toilet piece of paper somewhere here at the broadcast center nick david joining us uh just before 3 0 to join our network colleagues at three eastern so good morning to you nicholas [Music] a situation where you know what three three hours away where you've still got the first four cars in 10 seconds and the fifth car uh not much further back um so it and again within the the class to get it still remain very close so it seems i i'm not quite sure what's remaining happening three hours but yeah apart from the ever uh splitting up in many ways of the uh the lfp2 everyone else is really getting down turning laps and um yeah we're just working through that that meets the race i've got the halfway yet everyone's now pushing towards daylight which is almost exactly four hours away and see where they are before they start making their plans for what happened 833 laps and i still haven't found the piece of paper but johnny department has saved me that's the distance record that set last year it's the 47 jetta dellara behind the wheel of the 47 car seventh position overall for the lmp2 leader a lot of people saying how nice it is to see the dellara challenging the usual mass ranks of of oracles we've got the eurasia leash here as well [Music] and it is and it's a it's a bunny car that i'm absolutely honest i'm not sure that's the best color scheme all right i like the sort of chrome finish on the parts of the car it's quite quite a spooky front end which i think they they all dark front ends going down the inside of the sun energy modern racing amg gt and also past the hotel six car as well which is still in seventh position a little on the side of there on the gt3 gt3 green car but they've had a good run and at the moment lead by let's call it a minute shall we for machiavellia tower motorsports and the wind autism car which has laid in third position in lmp2 at the moment another 10 seconds further back and chris mace in a prototype for the first time getting some prototype experience the audi driver why that could possibly be think about the future those are the four that are in touch must be off the laid lap now yes he is so waiting to see what the knight brings track 10 as we said wood has dropped down to 15 celsius which is about the same as what the air is not as cold as it has been at times at dear tornado as the responsible adult has just reminded us getting a few hours keeping the car even under the uh the undercroft of the fantastic daytona stadium at terracing it can get very chilly jeremy shaw in the overnight hours well i can remember frosts here in class and certainly uh lingering faults which cause long delays in the proceedings going very very back yeah you know the weather can do just about anything this time of year in this part of florida generally it's you know it's it's what i would say pretty nice temperatures in the 60s or 70s and i think that's what we've had this weekend temperature was now 58 celsius yeah which which is that's very fairly cool isn't it certainly what's that american numbers um [Music] for overnight hours that's not bad but uh you know it's certainly a different race track now surprising the drivers but then it was jordan to join a day when the sun was beating down on the track and that's one of the great things about this this event in particular in fact it does take place because this time of year where there's a warm variation in the weather years or something like that but you know it's been dry all the way along i think foreign the drivers seem to be enjoying these sort of conditions because the cars are i think are being pretty consistent under these nighttime conditions [Music] it's jeremy shaw i'm john hindorf this is insert radio around the world and around the track time to go live in sound and vision with our network tv partners [Music]
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 92,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, Rolex 24, Rolex 24 At Daytona, Acura, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Ford, Honda, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: T82ujI1AAcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 4sec (12724 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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