Part 5 - 2021 Rolex 24 At Daytona

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[Music] i i still think the story's to be written here uh johnny uh to be honest the the night time is nearly over that's another little beer point really isn't it for all of these teams to to check to check off their list but that's how portuguese the wrist said so 15 and a half hours ago it's what happened to the last three three and a half hours that really counts [Music] the reset button is pressed and uh that's your strategy right down the pan and it's you've got to deal with it i appreciate this racing chunks but you can't think too far ahead it's not like other races that offer a code 6d for example rather than the full reset yes okay laps ahead is good i mean if you can get laps ahead of your rivals then they can only ever gain one lap back at a time and just ask master about that when they fell three laps down it's now just two uh to the race leader who is ranked as out there oliver jarvis hasn't lost faith nor have anybody at master motorsports with years looking after mata's there lena gaide calling the shots she's no doubt been in this situation before you don't focus too hard on exactly where you are right now because it's where you are in 8 hours and 40 minutes and in one second back we are now at the end of another clock hour so 7 00 a.m at daytona the hit of daylight appearing in the sky particularly as the cars head through speedway turns one they are really getting a big dose of sunlight now in their eyes that florida sunshine which is unmistakable two classic moments for photographers and fans alike at this racetrack where the sun goes down and when the stun starts to rise as for 31 but he lifts over the first bit of the boss stop uk it's got mike conway at the wheel by the way in his wheeling engineering cadillac rengar vanderzander leads the race by just under five seconds from aj almandinger for maya shank racing that's the better of the two acuras currently but only by three four seconds the two acuras are pretty close to one another actually separate entities of course one from my shack racing with curb aggregate the other from conical acura helio castanova's brazilian driver piloting the number 10 in fourth position kamui kobayashi is uh at the wheel of the ally cadillac racing dpi that cars uh fifth and it's the 48 machine also with 512 laps completed and then the slightly larger gap back to oliver jarvis as i say four lmp2s now for a long time leading up to midnight and slightly beyond that i think there's something like seven lmp2s all locked together in combat so one or two have dropped away one or two have hit problems the notorious problems at daytona so gabby obri for tower motorsport still well and truly in the hudson actually leading that's displayed on my timing screen by a lap currently we're waiting for paulie shout out to cross the line again to confirm that but i think the way this this time system is configured it is a lap between tower motorsport and here at motorsport with the dragon speed machine of devlin defrancesco 82 currently in third place and then it's the rwr euro eurasia legie and that has sven muller doing the driving and this uh tricky transitional stint between day and tonight conor d felipe is piloting the gtlm leading car which is now a bmw remember that for many many hours corvette 1-2 they're not far away from that red bmw the 25 with tony garcia just two seconds to drift and tommy milner a second away so corvette very much still in the fight as is james collado's reese's competition ferrari marco whitman dealing with a larger gap of a minute and a quarter back to the fifth-placed car and kevin estra has been working very hard to gather all of that lost pace back again and lost her position back again he was down to 37th overall a number of hours ago now back up to 18th place and all that stands in his way between the nose of his mother and the back of marco fitments bmw are two prototype cars back bells lmp2 win all to support orika and the lmp3 of spencer pigott in the 74 riley motorsports car so that's a tremendous run for weathertech racing and their porsche 911 rsr 19 they have kept out of trouble after a trying opening few hours and finally getting some reward they are lapsed down um indication it is around about 10 compared to the gt11 leader exactly 10 according to that graphic in fact but psychologically to be as close as they are to gtlm i think that's uh that's meaningful just to know that they are steadily climbing the park and it doesn't take a lot to lose 10 laps if you hit a drama if you're one of the five cars that is in the mix in gtlm gt daytona philip ellis for winward racing the mercedes number 57 leads uh that class from matteo chris sony in the air of course ferrari number 21. rafaeli machiello for sun energy one mercedes uh he's running in the number third spot by the way so you're tuned to rs2 it's a radio part of the radio show limited network of channels it will be joe bradley joining me very very shortly as part of the vp racing fuels pit and paddock reports but before we head to joe delighted to say that uh on the line we can chat to christina nielsen i believe aha you are there brilliant sorry i was sounding pretty doubtful there because i wasn't sure until all the technicals were in line but you are here fantastic uh how how are you christina because we're we're getting to one of those really important psychological points in the race sunrise we're nowhere near there but you've done well to get this far i feel as a team as a driver to to get to sunrise it's a big step yeah absolutely i mean unfortunately um the diffuser came loose here in my final spin uh there's causing a bit of issues about halfway through um so you know we're trying to get the drive time done because it fitted with the um with finishing so yeah basically uh just uh bringing it home and and the guys were fixing it in the pit and then cat jumped in um so you know we're still there but um we did have our first challenge um but yeah what can i say luckily there's still quite a few hours left so we're still hopeful that's the thing isn't it you can look at the timing screen at this point in the race i feel yeah we wanted to be a little closer to the top ten for example but i mean i've been saying this about the master crew in dpi as well they lost i think three laps with eight or nine hours gone but you have to concentrate on this one particular stint there's one particular lap in fact because you never know when the next quarter is going to come out and an opportunity to gain a bad load of time back again yeah absolutely i mean focus on the things that are within your control right that's it control the controller is the famous phrase regardless of what sport you're playing tell me about uh this initiative this year then attacking the race with a poor chairman in more recent years i've associated you with i think other manufacturers within gt daytona you've raced porsches before yes yeah i've raised quite a few as much practice now that was available in ccd uh but yes i did i did race the previous generation of the gt3r i was right another sport back in 2018 um it was the most enjoyable uh experience and not with them but you know unfortunately we had an awesome information hub so we started off starting the race from the pits basically and and got back on track like an hour and a half two hours after and was uh completing the 22 hours of daytona at that point for us but you're in quite a good position therefore to comment on the you know the ins and outs the intricacies of uh quite a lot of the gt daytona cars in the class i was mentioning earlier on that a lot of the time in world motorsport even if a category is open then it may tend to just veer towards one particular manufacturer but gt daytona never seems to do that we've got this amazing spread of different cars and take a snapshot of the top five and six daytona very often it involves five or six different manufacturers is that the organizers doing something very right in terms of the balance of performance and making it [Music] yeah i mean absolutely of course there's always just talk about vop and about performance and doing all the prep work i think the series does a great job but i think it's also about creating you know big international events that are in people's bucket list that they want to come and do and i would say this one is absolutely one of those kind of races and i think you know the competition level is really high it's you know acknowledged among the manufacturers among tropes competitors like this is the place that you want to be you want to be in the championship you're trying to be competing and that naturally attracts um you know so many different brands and people from all over the world tell me how cat is because i was doing start of 2020 back in europe as i'm sure you know the test weekend did not go well at all pretty much put her out for the season it's brilliant to have her back yeah absolutely i mean if there was a year to sit down i guess last year was the worst one that's true yes but yeah you know we got to have the glass that cool um but no i mean chad and i have been spending a lot of hours on the phone and you know trying just to see everything that we could put something together for for 2021 um this deal with hardpoint and evm takes together rather late um thanks to vb and viral kerry and richard mill so really grateful to have them on board and being a part of this effort and being a part of showing that you know imsa has diversity and are supportive of you know creating an evil playing field for both men and women um so very excited about that and i very much hope that we can continue it after they tell us and you know we we don't want to repeat last year but we just did based on and we would like to come back absolutely and are we close to being able to announce all the rest of the year things are up in the air right now but um you know the the the calendar has been obviously released by imsa and i guess you guys are working very very hard behind the scenes to make sure you can do as many races as possible i'm gonna say yes we are um and um and that's about it what i can share right now but we're feeling confident and hopeful for for the future moving forward and is the idea that you and cat we'll stick together for as many races as possible as a twosome and then you will invite others along when necessary yeah absolutely i mean i think both her and i built up a nice friendship uh besides the track as well but you know on the other hand it's it's also a part of of showing something that hasn't been done before i mean both cat and i have had a go with the championship i wanted together with alexander baltan back in 1617 you know she was fighting for the championship in 18 and you know we both done it with mel drivers and we would love to do it as a as a female duel as well [Music] i mean that something that's happening in the world endurance championship for 2021 is that fingers crossed will have two uh driver lineups that are all female the reach-out meal racing crew of tatiana calderon sofia flourish invites kavissa for lmp2 and the same goes in gte am with uh stepping up rahel fry michelle gatting and manuela gosler who have done a elms campaigns and now move into the wec i mean i'm a man right but it's important on one hand it's important not to focus on it because the timing screen cannot tell the difference in genders the other hand you've got five six seven year old girls perhaps at the moment thinking i can't go into motorsport because it's all men in there and it needs people like you to tell the younger kids that is not the way we want to carry things on yeah exactly i mean i think that's the that's the whole purpose of it right um on one hand it's about creating awareness um but also being part of of action being taken um instead moving towards creating uh morbidity for women within the sport and you know i think the the nice thing about racing is that you know while we as drivers get more of the glory um you know there's a bunch of people on the team that are part of creating the results that are you know done together and you know the girls can hopefully one day look up to those if they want to be a driver if they want to be a team manager a mechanic an engineer there is plenty of roles that are still quite male dominated within the world of motorsport um where i would love to see more females stepping up and taking those roles yeah brilliant thank you christina for taking the time out for to chatting to us and um okay timing screen tells us you are in 13th right now but uh very much in touch with the next batch of cars and let's hope after the recent hiccup that you can get some solid running in for the next few hours yeah we're crossing fingers for some yellow i'm sure excellent thank you so much christina nielsen joining us here on rs2 imsa radio part of the team hardpoint ebm outfit er bamba of course the ebm within that and uh juggling the driver and the team manager role in car 88 so christina nielsen catherine legg rob ferial the man we didn't mention and el bamba represents that quartet so uh in a moment or two rejoining me in the haggarty global broadcast center will be joe bradley your that by the way was a vp racing fuel pit and paddock report and we're grateful to christina nielsen for uh taking a few minutes to tell us all about her race so far and uh well timed actually because we're now heading to a new set of uh pit stops for renga vandazanda in the cadillac chip ganassi racing dpi car zero one and the aj almandinger driven my shank acura car 60 also in elia castle neves follows suit and having already made their stops back to the track go people respectively quarter past seven in the morning joe bradley we're turning up the dimmer dial here steadily brightness appearing and just once again one of those real atmospheric parts of the race yeah very much johnny good morning uh morning everybody at 7 00 am just ticked by uh 15 minutes ago and it's uh for me this is one of the major milestones of this race it's you've gone through the night you see the sun coming up it's the most ambient time of any rare sunset and sunrise and you've achieved something and you get the feeling when you see the sun coming up and the ambient temperature kind of starts to rise you kind of see that finish line just off in the distance what you've got to then reconsider and you've got to keep telling yourself there's a full day's work there there's just under eight nine hours still at this race to remain and it's very much not over and i'll tell you what johnny that lmp2 battle is very much where is it the olu who's just been in the pits and now re joined the track uh just before that pit stop he managed to get onto the lead lap of the number eight the gabriel aubrey tower motorsport oraca onto the lead lap with that car and he's going to be chasing that leading lmp2 down [Music] what's happening out front because there's a great ball a gamer porker on the front i know i i call it a high-speed game of chess um with regards to the dpis leading this race and they are just going out and just hitting their marks putting in those lap times so consistently it's incredible and johnny are you aware that the 31 queen interview with cadillac has damaged four and the team are worried about it it doesn't seem to have affected or it certainly didn't seem to have affected mike conway's lap times he was lapping very much in the region of the cars around him uh i'm just wondering what people do ronnie's now going to make of that damaged underfloor it's causing a problem with regards to the carzero performance and the downforce so that's another one to keep an eye on just at the front of the film no no we'll have plenty of time to do that i mean all classic to doing this but i've noticed it i think more so in the dpi division that uh they are just bombing over that first curve at the bus stop and surely the undertray of the car will be grounding out as they hit that so you've got punishment there you've got other curves as well around the racetrack but i think because you're hitting the curb at the bus stop at such high speed such high ferocity as well maybe that has created an issue maybe it's completely unrelated it's something that maybe the cars run over and uh picked up a bit of damage there which has been made steadily worse but i suppose people with irani then getting some experience of exactly how the thing's driving now it can be described in a matter of ways probably also by mike conway by his radio messages to be feeling it first hand he won't necessarily know how to drive around the problem the good news is he does seem to be able to keep pace with those around him because he's doing about the same sort of lap time as kamui kobayashi who is always a good benchmark the japanese low one minute that's 37s from durrani the second place acura is just underneath that marker for the 136.9 but there's no indication as yet joe that's holding people durrani back at all my only in that regard is that uh it may be getting steadily worse and it's a question of you know again how much are you pushing i mean jeremy mentioned this earlier on we're still at a phase of a race where you're driving within yourself to a degree these cars are capable of one minute 35's and well we had to very start the razer 134.6 so bear in mind they're about three or two or three seconds off there there is more time to find as we get to the really crucial hours of the race but they've got to make sure at the 31 crew that there's some of that car left by that point well i i i got that information from the team and i'm not sure whether that information is kind in our world and the the team at the time that i was sent that were indeed worried about the effect that damage to you before uh was gonna have because um just looking at mike conway's lap times and his average lifetime from his previous stints and it didn't seem to have that massive effect but i'm only comparing it to the cars around him and at the moment uh give you an example the leader uh finger van zander at the front of the field 137.2 was his last lap time uh bye and uh durrani's was a 136-4 so up ahead of him uh castroneves 136-9 if anything he's just put in a quick lap [Music] well yeah and uh you you want to be doing that as much as possible because they've had a long night already and will will be on tensor hooks in case they get a last-minute radio message maybe at speedway turned three or four to say people's got to come in and with that i mean on the floor is not something you're going to access quickly so that would have to be behind the wall job surely to get things straight down but the signs are good you know he's only three tenths of a second off the back of dane cameron so i think the car is fine but if you were to repair something like that that's it's not a it's not a quick job job oh man that's gonna that is just gonna completely hit that car out of contention right now i would suggest that cars in contention for the win uh certainly for the important the dilemma that the wooden engineering team had was they found damage on the floor um would have preferred to have replaced it because you know race engineers and risk mechanics they're like a pristine race car and they they like everything to be perfect but it already had a qualifying race with already a week of running where things would have been taken and tapping the amount of engineering debriefs that have gone on for hours in my experience is no one's business where the engineer just you know they just can't make that decision on you know let's just try to whatever that might be so they wouldn't have been happy with it not being absolutely perfect however i think the choice the choice that they made was the right one because if they had decided nope let's replace that floor that car would now be way down the field it's not a quick fix like it's hit [Music] and it's you know probably better to get more than one driver into the car so that they can offer some assessment and advice but you know so much of a 24-hour race is as problems develop learning how to drive around them working out how much of any time you're losing per lap and then just living with them it's very hard to simulate a broken car in three practices i suppose you could do it if you rented a track and did a couple of test days and then worked out you know which you could maybe take off the car and say well we can live without that but really that's an integral piece so that should be replaced but very similarly to how uh mechanics simulate broken cars and how to fix them at speed i suppose it would pay you to work out which which of the bits of the car you could safely run with um for several hours and we're still talking a third of the race here so not too well there's never a good time for uh an issue like 31 has suffered but uh you can hear the engine of the 31 in the background now right behind an lmp2 car and i was just wondering whether we might be able to hear some flappage perhaps but i think it's more subtle than that and maybe just the feel of the cars set up that something's not quite right it could be very subtle johnny the the design the aerial design on the underneath of these cars are actually more important than what we can see and there will be subtle differences with regards to i'm not sure i didn't get the information as to where they think the floor was damaged um but there is it's always been rearranged attitude that the engineers the mechanics of looking back before that has briefly arranged that's going to affect our performance i think that question has been fully answered though because that car is it may lack something somewhere and the drivers are able to be aware of that for instance you know the car's not got now got great turning or it's got a it's a little bit loose on the throttle application coming out of the infield airplanes by now they've got their heads around that and they're driving around that issue and it really shows the caliber and the stature of these drivers they are the best sports car drivers in the world right now we're watching here at daytona and uh it doesn't surprise me that they're able to drive around that issue and have now regained that pierce having identified exactly where the the the problem is lean from whatever it is that's been rearranged and now that people has cleared the lmp2 machine um he's right with dane cameron now so this is a good yardstick dane much much earlier on in the race was given some uh rather second-rate michelin tires purely because he'd been through one stint already and he ended up with uh some second-hand rubber and it was notable in the lap times but today was still peddling as quickly as he could but as safely as he could and again if you end up with a set of tyres like that it's really something once more that you just have to live with for 30 odd level 20 odd laps in the case of dpi and then hope that the next time you're in the car the situation has improved the 97 aston martin stays nice and high and wide at turn six to allow the battling dpis through third and fourth positions then for dave cameron and pepo dirani and uh for fear of not giving gt lm and d any love then let's give you the order there speaking of the 97 aston martin tell you that's ben keating in the tf sport aston in another highlighter yellow livery car so uh yet another version of the british racing green you could uh argue they used to be in that very deep traditional british racing green color then there was a a slightly lighter shade of that that adorned the new vantage and i would say that's a a different color again for car 97 and tf sports obviously tom ferrier trump terrier deciding to for the moment scrap the blood red livery that ran on the number 90 car throughout the world endurance championship campaign won the 24 hours of le mans and we need to get used to this new uh livery for ben keating the car that he shares with richard westbrook charlie eastwood and maxwell root that car is seventh ahead of him on the road is the motorsport porsche in the plaid colours half tartan and half silver that's the number nine car and matty campbell the australian wizard is at the wheel of that car running in sixth down then it's jan halen fifth also in a porsche for right motorsports car 16 in fourth place corey lewis paul miller racing's lamborghini hurricane last year's winners running just outside the podium spots right now rafaela martiello is in third for sun energy one in the mercedes from number 75 metallic blue with the flame effect around the nose philip ellis is driving the windward racing mercedes car 57 in second but back to the lead of the class in gp daytona matteo cressoni that's the 21 entry for the scarlet red ferrari of chris simon mann nicholas nielsen and daniel cerro but it's chris who's really impressed me in his stints so far in this race uh leading the way by just a second over felipe ellis and in gtlm it's still bmw from corvette corvette less than a second between each of those cars and you can lump in james collado as well completely nose to tail for comedy for lean bean antonio garcia tommy milner and james collado and it's marco vittman who was very much with them as well until this pit stop for the 24 bmw the black m8 gte has just come in to serve his 19th stop corvettes we're doing better on fewer hit stops let's say first and second places as was the case many hours ago i thought was a reward for pitting uh on fewer occasions but then you look at the 25 bmw that's done as many as 21 stops compared to corvette who've done 16. they're still up the bmw still has the race lead so that logic can't necessarily be followed and bmw [Music] it's it's that gtlm battle johnny just reminds me for those four cars are just driving with this one for the last hour oh yeah completely it's the same every year isn't it it's a smallish class but always i tend to find the most competitive joke absolutely it's it's an incredible battle that and and you can just tell especially when the stream goes in car and the way that the drivers are driving they're driving very very quickly um but they're driving very smoothly and there's no if that was a difference if if once we get into the last hour let's say and especially into the last pit stop kind of stint phases the bmw peels off now out of the lead of gtlm color to philippe on the pit board um this is a bottle that's going to go right to the very end and into the pits also is the number four tommy milner bringing the corvette um i've been brought farthest in yet uh faster speeding and gone out um so that means that the number three corvette will inherit the lead of gtln and james colada and the recent competition ferrari has gone through and will take up that second place of course this will all pan out when we get through this pit stop fears and we'll see these cars back out uh conor to philippe and it's the corvette that gets off the pit apron first and will overtake the bmw bmw a little bit slower in that pit stop the actual pit stop that took place so tommy milner showing remaining in the car didn't quite see if there was any driver changes there on either of those cars so to philippe stays in the bmw number 25 tom milner in the number four corvette and it's milner who has made that move while standing still effectively he took the pit stop and then moved off first and it was fuel and tires on the number four no driver change for the corvette and it was an absolutely choreographed dance around the car that has gotten that number four corvette it's the silver livery car there's a three car is the usual corvette yellow that will effectively inherit the lead when we see the two cars running at the front of gtlm take their pit stops but it was once again proving that long distance sports car racing it's all about the team number three corvette now in and the ferrari of collado in let's see if the three corvette they could do as efficient a job as the number four did car just take on fuel tires are done that would have rubbish being scooped from the front grill that'll assist in getting the air to that mid engine [Music] heritage of that mark is now in engine number three off the pit apron but it's gonna steer ahead of the ferrari of the rigsu team once again corvette racing i'm sure they are indeed a very solid tape and the gtlm pit stop fares is pretty much over farthest is out of sequence uh in currently running fifth in gtla two minutes behind but uh we'll see these cars close up back on the track and regain that track position yeah i noticed as the three car headed out again with tony garcia at the wheel so that was [Music] [Applause] [Music] le mans rules that would need to be fixed but uh in the weathertech sports car championship particularly the night session section has almost been completed i think that's less of a drama and therefore corvette didn't address that i was right in my memory by the way that it was bmw winning in 2019 and 2020. so they are on a hat trick there's been a drama for the 75 mercedes was nice and high up in the standings in gt daytona now that i believe is an outlet for kenny habal therefore on cold michelin tires and couldn't get the car stopped into the international horseshoe so just had to run out a little bit wide onto the grass there which has cost him some time and quite possibly a position as well three of the cars or all three of the top three have pitted on the same lap there including the 21 of simon mann so man and hubble in online 491 philippe ellis spitting a lap later 492 for the windward mercedes which therefore leads briefly and that now we've got a batland on track because the bmw's having more than a little look around the outside of the number four car this is for at the moment third position in gtlm but bear in mind antonio garcia and tommy milner have just rejoined the race track and this is quite possibly conor d felipe's opportunity to get back in front of the corvette he led going into the stops in gtlm at the moment looking at at least losing at least one place and is that the other corvette just the head as well i believe it is so corvette first and second and the bmw has suffered a net loss jay bradley of two places now there's an aston martin off at the bus stop chicane together with a porsche i think two gt daytona cars have clashed there on the braking zone on the back straight section yeah confirming to the 97 tf sport aston martin not sure which car they've had a coming together with but it's into the bus stop she came on the back street it's always a tricky piece of racetrack especially to share it with anyone and that's portion number four yes porsche number 64 they're coming together with the 97 tf sport and again shared real estate oh and the porsche looked like it was uh he didn't turn in he didn't turn his first airplane yeah he was gonna look like he was about to straight line it looks like a bit of uh damage on the 97 that's going to be vicky's worth of it i think both of those cars got away with that very lightly johnny i think that uh that 97 aston uh from what i could see didn't look like we would have been affected too much but getting back this gtlm battle johnny that the reason we've got the corvettes out there in front of gtlms right now is down to those guys in the pits they were outstanding the pit stops that we saw carried out on the number three and four unbelievable this battling and that's pure air effect it was almost as if the three car didn't have a final gear to pull there but i can assure you it's near enough identical to the number four and the benefit that the number four car had was that massive hole punched in the air by the three all of the wind resistance being caught by the leading car at the time which was antonio garcia and he had little choice but to allow tommy milner around the outside or was there a clever little bit there of maybe feathering of the throttle realizing that tommy milner's got slightly the quicker car in this phase of the race you allow him to go try and let him pass but not the bmw at the same time and potentially build a gap for the silver corvette it was tough to call that joe meanwhile the 97 aston martin has reached pit road again a chance to describe it to you from another angle this time uh as the cars go into the bus stop from behind those cars and it was just a missed breaking point i think for the 64. i'll tell you who's driving that just no opportunity to turn in uh realizing i think that there was a car to be battling with but uh the opportunity to to turn in was sadly missed for ted giovannes oh the man we were hearing from right here on rs2 insta radio earlier on in the broadcast so ted sadly had to come in to pit road with i guess a damaged porsche and likewise at least the 97 was dragging something probably a part of its splitter on the ground so that's going to be looked at by tf sport and actually bends back in the session there ben keating back in the race uh for the 97 car so i reckon ts sport have turned that car around pretty quickly there's a there's a lot happening at that point johnny into the breaking now it's a very very high speed turning and it's a left right followed by a right left and the the right left exit is pretty flat out to you you try to scrub off as little speed as possible and we saw there i'm not sure whether that was the ass and trying to get around the outside of the porsche or the porsche down the inside of the [Music] and hopefully we'll see both of those cars rejoined without too much of a delay flat the gtlm though this is a this is a quality fist fight do these guys know that there's eight hours of this to go can they keep this up of course they do of course they do and of course they can they do it year in year out and corvette after such a strong championship year in 2020 with a brand new car let's not forget i look like they're going to continue in this championship where they left off at the back end of the previous season but bmw very much taking the fight to the well-known american brand so you've got the german bmw squad the corvette crew from very much from the usa and then the ferrari of italy represented by american squad recent competition porsche are there as well okay not with the factory cars but there is an x factory uh porsche in the hands of weathertech racing as well uh and yeah get used to this because it will be this frenetic i get the feeling all the way to the flag we're moments away from the 16th hour being completed you're tuned to imsa radio part of the radio show limited network of channels remember you can get in touch using the handle at imsa radio and the hashtag r24 radio r24 radio and joe bradley and myself johnny palmer in the haggerty global broadcast center it is time therefore for a racing uh update a mazda in race update which sees renga vandazanda in the cadillac dpi lead on 535 laps by 4.7 seconds over elio castroneves in the best of a couple of acura's the first from conica minolta acura car number 10 running in second and three seconds of drift is the maya shank racing example with kerber packaging and the dane cameron car number 16 third then just a couple of feet away really from the tail of that uh acura is the next of the cadillacs people durrani in the wheel in engineering number 31 damage floor or not that's going very strongly ally cadillac racing represented by the 48 car of kamui kobayashi and then a couple of laps down from the dpi leaders uh oliver jarvis in the master motorsports dpi car 55. four lmp2s come next gabby obrie in the eight tower motorsport oraca paulu shout out for era motorsport same type of chassis car 18 and again another oracle for dev d francesco and dragons being broken to his third ahead of the rwr eurasia number 51 car which is being driven by cody ware um don't really need to remind you of the order for gtlm because they're completely together and it's likely to change at any moment but i'll give it you anyway tommy milner leads in the number four corvette tonio garcia glued to his rear tailpipes in the three corvette then kennedy felipe just a few meters behind in the red bmw and davide regan is a massive six seconds adrift of that top three but looking to get involved as soon as possible augusto farfa is slightly more distant he's over a minute adrift now in the 24 bmw the black one lmp3 is led by oliver askew for riley motorsports the 74 league leading drow barbosa in another legion for sean creech motorsport number 33 and in gt daytona it's now marrow engel for windward racing in a mercedes number 57 leading the af courser ferrari of simon mann 21. kenny habal despite that grass track moment he's still in third in the 75 suddenly one mercedes and then it's a lamborghini from formula racing fourth car one and jan halen in the best of the porsches for right motorsports car 16 despite that damage incurred in the night and when it could rise from turn one backwards having had some contact that is the latest mazda in race update and there are now just under eight hours to go [Music] back up onto speedway turn one go a clutch of gt daytona cars led by ben keating and i'm trying to judge the pace of ben's number 97 aston martin to see whether it's carrying significant damage uh it's about to be challenged by a couple of cars and there is an overtake to be made there by the right motorsport porsche brilliant car placement from jan halen to get on the inside of corey lewis and snatch fourth place away from the paul miller racing lamborghini so ben will be grateful not to have been involved in that it was almost as similar as the clash that ben had with the the porsche of ted giovanni's thankfully though in this case contact was avoided joe bradley yeah this is what i mean and it's like really is like threading a needle into that uh into that bus stop chicken on the back straight very very high speed while we're in gtd land uh i've got to mention kenny hubble is now at the wheel of the 75 uh third in gtd kenny habel in the number 75 sun energy mercedes kenny is about to complete his mandatory bronze drive type previously i think before um towards the middle of the night he'd completed five and then he went off and had some rest so this is the first time we're seeing kenny back in the car but uh that that's one of the things that the teams will be taking off will be to ensure that they meet what regulations uh they're obligated by the regulations and they'll be making the naught of their bronze drivers and making sure and ensuring that they have got the right amount of drying time and not underneath that now we've seen that on many occasions haven't we when teams have been excluded because of minor miscalculations with drive time and uh we're here to see that because we're having a really strong run they've been leading that class for some time and now they're just kind of ebbing and flowing as we um right [Music] yeah the regulations if you're not paying attention it's very easy to breach those when you're not intending to because not only is there the set minimum drive time particularly for people like bronze rated drivers and silvers as well to an extent but also because it's a sliding scale which tells you that uh particular drivers can only be at the wheel of the car for example for four hours in me6 but it can be any period of time that sort of slides along through the race and it's very different difficult from a strategist's point of view to stay on top of that because it's a it's a movable feast you know the race is happening around you and if you're not paying full attention uh to precautions and when you think you might be able to get a driver out of the car thinking right they've done their time sometimes the caution can really throw the cat amongst the pigeons and time disappears at different rates depending on what part of the race you are in so it's who would be a team strategist uh engineer's job is is tough enough but then to make sure that all the either dotted and the t's are as far as drive times are concerned it's it's a very tricky business indeed and also the race officials stay on top of all of this as well so uh i'll stick to the commentary thank you very much for the rest of the stuff to uh pick more important people looking at you that's what i was about to say johnny that's where we're sat in the commentary booth uh carlos points in the wrong direction just into the west horseshoe there on the infield not sure try and clarify who that is ah and it's the uh it's the winds delivery car isn't it not sure the number off the top knee head johnny um 91 if it's an lmp3 well that looks like yeah know it's a p2 i think it's the 52 car which is also got the winds delivery on it and i just needed to see the race number there to see whether it had a blue backing or an orange backing but it's a it's too big a car to be a as it is in lmp3 so i reckon that's an lmp2 car with uh it's another machine that he drives from time to time presented into two different cars this year not a first for him but the 52 car has at the moment scott huffaker i make it yeah it's the pr1 matthewson watersport car and it looks like he's kind of beached himself on that out outside curve the outer curve into the pits has come some of our leaders the wheel and car has been the mayor shank racing classic that's [Music] which you know can be clever until the caution doesn't happen but it hasn't happened yet but i think that's race control uh giving um scott huffaker as much time as possible to recover the car i couldn't work out whether it made contact with the tile or or not it's difficult to tell from that particular angle whether scott can easily drive it out of his resting place what do you reckon joe is it is it just stalled or has it suffered quite yeah he's trying to get restarted isn't he i there's a chance that he could be beached um although there's no real heavy curbing on the exit he just lost the back end going in and he looks like the rear wheels are on the grass on the on the outside of that turn now we have gone full course caution now it looks to me that he reversed the car now the car's moving ever so slightly now i'm wondering johnny if that was that spin has been selection issue or whether he's he's spun it and he's just stalled the car but the car's back on track and moving going to be a very short you know what i bet the rare students are thinking um why you've done that a minute ago yeah draw the yellow now yeah well it does it's not scott's fault it's not race control's fault either it's just one of those quotes of a motor race it so often happens that way you know you you count to 10 all 20 they he really cannot get out of there so we must throw the throw the caution and um 10 seconds later the car's moving again but i think the main issue was actually getting the car started because the headlights were going on and off which is indicative of a reset to control up delete as it's often coined and just getting the car going again i i was kind of siding with you that it was beached for a period of time now whether he was able to roll it back sufficiently to make sure that the car was no longer grounding out and then finally got enough power to the rear wheels to get him off the grass but i'm just grateful to see the car not make anywhere near contact with the tyres he stopped well short of the of the barrier thankfully and did well to half spin the car and keep it out of the scenery it'll come down to pit road now sure no it doesn't it continues on because i suppose pits are closed right now being a full course yellow and then we will have our first phase of pit stops for the prototype cars how long since the previous caution over an hour so this will be a regular caution period with uh each batch of cars allowed to come into pit road and take on some much needed fuel quite possibly a driver change as well maybe some a new set of tyres and what this will provide joe is again nose to tail dpis for five cars that all remain on the lead lap so we get to enjoy one of these fantastic restarts again and it's what's going to happen to regular vanderzander i think johnny um he's steered out whereas the cars behind him in second third fourth and fifth all pitted and that has put the cart that the second third and fourth and fifth place cars of course are going to come round right under the tail of the leading zero one the cadillac of chip ganassi racing leads this race but he kind of causes a pit stop in comparison to the other runners around him so i'm not sure how that's going to work out now [Music] [Music] how much longer rengar is likely to go might be on the ragged edge in terms of fuel here you know [Music] the caution's definitely going to help the dutchman because he doesn't earn as much turkey lady go ahead got it on the edge of his fuel stick johnny he's not on the edge of his field stick does that suggest he's been in there because i've got him completing a 22-lap stint so has he already come down pit road you talk about rengar here or we're talking about something else yes no no van der zander i've i've got him at 22 laps as well which means he's due a pit stop isn't it very very imminently well i just wonder whether he's taking a stop as emergency service because it was that close but no he's still labeled as the race leader down to 19 seconds now because of course everything is being bunched up behind the safety car um but i think next time around they see because we're circulating at what a third of the pace of racing speed or probably less than that burning nothing like the amount of fuels would do on a normal racing lap so maybe they'll get away with this a 23-lap stick he did do 23 laps previously as well and just by how long the green's been out that would have been a fully green stint i think it's been after eight minutes uh we're putting it at a time um putting a time savings rather than lapse it's been out 38 minutes so it very much is um and it looked like the cars behind got in just before we threw the yellow preempting that yellow as you mentioned johnny and now we've got the all one team the chip ganassi race and cadillac team preparing to receive renga vanderzander so he didn't sneak in under our noses our data in front of us is correct and he does indeed also pit stop so they're just waiting for that the pits to open under this full course caution [Music] the team will know how close he is because uh i think if there was any concern at all they would have called him in for emergency fueling which provides you with a quick shot of fuel for five seconds but they haven't needed to do that and um that would that would have of course taken his lead position and you know away from him as well and wants to try and retain that for as much as possible there's no telling how things will unfold once they finally do get to pit road and uh the best place to be and then he's out okay he's gone past the pit entrance so he's staying out i'm not sure um [Music] uh the last message from race control was to commence the pass around that was two minutes ago so car five has emptied the pits that's the only car that's peeled off so far so lloyd duvall is obviously right on the cusp but confirmation that the pit lane is still not open so like having to do emergency service here in the mustang sampling the cadillac dpi reggae van der zander or at least his team chip ganassi racing are happy for that car to stay out happy in inverted i'm sure they would they would have liked to have fitted the car but they just cannot at the moment he's due a pit stop he was getting to that point where in the fuel stint he was needing fuel and it was just by timing johnny this is what can happen it was bad timing that that yellow came out and he's obviously got enough fuel he can feel that he can run behind the safety car and make it round another lap and the thing is we need the pits to open under this caution process for the zero one to be received by the ganassi team they're waiting patiently and they know what job in hand they've got looks like they're preparing a front section to go on the car and what you find the teams will do when they pit under a yellow period they'll take the opportunity to remove the front deck and with basically a service one or a brand new one and while the server to brand new one is being used they'll repair the winglets and clear out the ducting on the one that's just come off the car and you'll see them swapping around in it it's usually period because that's when they can they're not gonna cost themselves too much time and it's not going to be yellow and that's what i think and that's a team have got in hand there as part of a servicing process on that one car do they have in a dpi such a thing as daytime bodywork so that uh the the aero settings are very slightly different on that new nose of the car because obviously rather the the air quality changes doesn't it overnight um i'm sure we've seen toyota before at le mans changing bits and body panels because they feel that the car goes uh slightly better in different setups through the evening and now of course we've reached the daylight portion of this race so he's ended the pits and number 48 there i think and get to that point of the stop where we are gonna remove and replace the front section of the car it's designed to be able to remove very quickly there is uh maybe three or four fastenings four fasteners on the car the crew already clicked like tools that front end of the car is slipped off the pristine looking unblemished new front section is offered to the front of the car they've got to get that in line not forgetting to plug in the connector for the lights oh beautifully designed just the way that the front section if you've ever johnny tried to fit a piece of fiberglass to your race car it doesn't always look as easy as that tear-off strip comes off the windscreen to give van der zander and a bit of oil replenishment also and the field one off the apron and back out into the race full service and then some but if you did plan a nose change at some point far better to do it after a caution period ensure that you don't fall off the lead lap but teams were doing full break changes earlier on in the night time and didn't lose a lap jeremy shaw making the comment that he couldn't do that in the old days 30 40 50 years ago but the technology these days allows you to do that fairly comfortably within a safety car lap and i believe that is the first fluid replacement for the great cadillac of which there are four in the race so somebody just covering all bases there [Music] in the race but three in contention at the moment with the chip ganassi the william engineering and the ally cadillac car the other one sadly is no longer in the fight is the five car that uh hit problems much much earlier on and car five though still in the race is down in 35th position overall with lloyd duvall at the wheel that was the car that came in for some emergency service before the pit lane was opened properly rengar vanderzander then on and out lap i'm sure someone that is attuned to his car as much as the dutchman will notice a slight difference then in the car's performance because of the new nose it's the main reason for doing that is because the other one was laced entire pickup and the problem is the rubber wraps itself around the dive planes and the carefully designed arrow of that car and all of a sudden the arrow stops working it also becomes slightly heavier as well lots of rubber all over the front so the team can now clean that now that it's safely off the car and the new piece has been attached and joe bradley with the vp racing fuels pitt and paddock update knows a little bit more in fact about the work that was taking place well i haven't i've been informed by one of the collective listening nick um your second name nh247 uh has mentioned that um you understand more about generating i'm not sure i'll check that out um still can't find a second name uh bodywork change is about generating tyre temp with more ambience than anything to do with air lower temp air density is more about extra horses at night of course um so we may have seen that johnny we may have seen the nighttime front of that car being removed and the daytime one being put on that car so you you called it there i think um [Music] yeah the word i was chasing for was atmospherics rather than aesthetics but i think i was wrong with both of those in actual fact i think it would have been great on fourth terms because it's cleaner and it looks yeah it looks better [Music] okay palmer gets two things right one fell swing mark this day down in your diary because i've done that very often let me assure you so yeah look very smart indeed there's the 0-1 car [Music] so pretty much the whole field johnny take an advantage of this uh full course caution and pitting as the gtlm guys are i've been i've pitted now and are back out would you believe all five uh cars that are running at the front of the gtlm field have been in and full service [Music] yeah number of people spotting that the rest of the gt daytona field uh takes the opportunity to pit thank you to declan brennan for once again his extra pair of eyes on the daytona class it's uh tough to call this race because there is so much happening all at once and almost being able to see the whole of the racetrack is a negative thing because you think i should have seen that i should have spotted that collision over there i should have seen that overtake here because it all plays out in front of you but at the same time you cannot have your eyes in all of the places around this uh amazing racetrack there are lots of nukes and crannies that tend to hide little incidents particularly when you sit in the main grandstand that can be the odd overtake pulled off at corner 2a which is a tricky corner to to actually see from that distance you need to be down on the infield to witness the right and left kink between turn two and three on the running to the international horseshoe cars can go missing very easily around here even if you're a team wondering where's that car gone should have finished the last lap two seconds ago there are one or two that have felt that already this weekend sadly some retirements including um in the lmp2 category that started with 10 cars it is now down to well possibly six of the best seven cars i don't know how antonio is going in the chest racing the lara that car had actually led the class for a period of time number but i think it's been in the pits for a little while now the three definite retirements for lmp2 are the racing team nederland orica last driven by guido van de garda high class racing's orica number 20 car and ben hanley's dragon speed machine sadly reaching the end of their race after just 53 laps completed another car that is definitely out of the race is the front pereira grt grasa racing lamborghini urakan doesn't look too rosy for the sister car within that team either the trouble one of mekko bortolotti ralphie nike marco mapelli and stein scott or two other question marks as well in the gt daytona category although still running for vassa sullivan a now repair number 12 lexus which caught fire in the night time on the back straight arriving at the bus stop chicane and then grinding to a hole with a large amount of flame licking from both both exhaust outlets which exit the car just behind the front wheels and that started a small grass fire as well with frankie multicalvo at the wheel having to exit very quickly indeed but the corner workers the marshals with their rescue unit were to the scene very quickly indeed as you would expect here at the daytona 24 hours quick response doesn't even begin to describe it if you are in trouble around this place gtlm cars snaking their way through the bus stops uk followed by the gt daytona cars really not very far away now joe bradley from um the [Music] order being re-established and i think we're shaping ourselves up for a restart very soon yeah they're bunching together aren't they johnny i think it might be this time bye i think he's right i can't yeah i think we're right i think we're about to go green gp so elliot castroneves deciding he's got enough of a margin just to weave very slightly to the left to the right the master remember he's not on the lead lap for harry tignel and around the outside there goes the all-white car of rengar vanderzander wasting absolutely no time at all picked off at least one place there and unlatched laptop rather lapped again himself compared to the master so rengar up to third position already he's managed to leap ahead of people durrani as well confirm that in just a moment as they head into the west horseshoe but there's been no change at the head of the order for elio castroneves then it is dame cameron in the 60 maya shank racing acura so two of the acuras first and second and then in third position rengar van der zander often pursued by the people irani car jimmy johnson loses one place in the allied cadillac machine started reached out fourth he's now in fifth position and dueling with harry tinkle who's still a couple of blacks down gabrielle o'brien taking the restart in the lead of lmp2 from kyle tilley and devlin defrancesco and it's tommy milner davide recon antonio garcia and connor di philippi for corvair ferrari another corvette and bmw and you can lump the other bmw into that as well they are completely together once more and that's what ensures that gtlm i think will stay nose detail all the way to the finish pretty much if we get cautions as regularly as we've been having them and because of that we're not going to reach race uh a record distance by the way the record distance set last year at 833 but these cautions yes they interrupt the flow and they do deliver a restart like that every couple of hours or so so they're welcome for me but i do appreciate from the team engineers point of view you want to be into as much greek flag running as possible and they're a bit scary as well when you're watching your car that's true tv screens on the pit wall going awesome side by side almost wheel banging um i'm a little bit determined by the exhaust on that probably with an engineering which was causing something um i think we're pretty settled with that but the exhaust mode for me sounds like you may have a leaking exhaust quite frankly from the head of ab the exhaust manifold yeah if you're in europe um it's got a completely different sound to it and uh i'm not sure usually when that happens lack back pressure can cause an increase in power but it's also doing decremental detrimental effects to the overall versions of the car and and the engines anomalies within the the engine management system for um i'll be amazed if that car makes it for seven and a half hours something like that hey i've been through many many times uh have you mentioned what we think is the issue for the shetland racing delara [Music] no no i didn't call it because i thought i'd leave that to you all right temperatures in the number 47 dalara high temperatures in the engine and the gearbox it turns out that the gearboxes where as what's falling over on that car and that's cause i think that's down as an official retirement now johnny am i right and i guess gearbox it's a gearbox failure and going we're back to the very beginning of this race uh our gearbox issue uh um destroyed the orbs of the racing team netherlands number 22. uh freaks fanart put the car off and it was it's believed by the team that when freitas put it into reverse to back it out of the tires very very front of the car they have pulled two off one of the cars in the gear box that too very very tightly confines all the inside of these gear boxes that brought the tooth caused absolutely inside the gearbox of the 29 and caused the catastrophic failure and that's all it takes all it takes is a chip tooth you've got a loose bit of metal floating around there and if that gets in between the teeth and the cogs you have catastrophic gearbox issues and i wouldn't be surprised if it's something similar when they get that number 47 dalara gearbox off that chetlar racing car and to the workshop open it up and they'll find something nasty in there to completely go against my last statement i i look at the screen [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's been there it's been in the pits for three hours that has not been a quick fix for uh for the gearbox and replacing the whole unit uh but yeah high engine temperature high gearbox temps um were a major concern for cetalar and that's the reason why it sadly had to sit out a very large portion of this race but they are not a retirement let me retract that statement uh lives again to fight a few more hours at least i like that spirit johnny that's great yeah yeah well those guys at chettala run by af courser have won many in a war just purely for racing spirit before either appalling by us here at radio show limited or i think one year the aco actually gave them a gentleman award after a season at the european le mans series one thing they are not short of down at that team is uh sheer and brazen enthusiasm so uh if they can get the car out again they will do so and andrea baliki uh is he's 41st of something like 43 remaining cars but that doesn't matter because now the target is to finish the race and why wouldn't you if you're one of those four drivers all four of us drivers want to drive here at the theater international speedway so if they can get the car out and running we can at least enjoy and have the pleasure of driving a racing car around this beautiful track and and i think that's what it's all about there comes a point if you've encountered issues where you've just got to resign yourself to well today's not our deal let's just go and enjoy driving this risk panda and we've been told peggy nelson uh asked me this information it's their final race which is galore that's a good enough reason to get that car back out and enjoy the dalara lmp2 for the final time yeah i wonder and somebody will have the stats about that car how many races it's actually competed in because uh there'll be a few 24-hour races i'm sure along the way not here at daytona then it would have done an awful lot of four and six and quite possibly eight hour races as well along the way so someone will have the history of that car um remember four different available chassis in lmp2 and we're about to go into a slightly different era for that division as well with uh some tamed lmp2 cars because the top class in the world endurance championship will become is becoming hyper car which won't produce quite the lap time that ones did and therefore the trickle-down effect to other classes is that they will have to be slightly slowed as well so it's the end of an era really for lmp2s to an extent a little bit of performance shaved off and of course the tape four manufacturers that feature an lmp lp2 currently will be the same manufacturers available in lmdh as well the future category uh which will take this particular championship forward and those cars the lmdh cars will be eligible to be run at the 24 hours of le mans as well in a very interesting decision for future sports car racing and hopefully there'll be the opportunity for a lot more crossover between the aco government and regulated championship and all things state side seven hours and 24 minutes still to go unsurprisingly the top two in gtlm are completely neck and neck with the bmw just in the background a second and a half away conor d felipe keeping the two c8rs very much in sight and now gusto farthest who has won this race [Music] i think i've said the last two years running yes he has is augusto the only driver to have featured in the two bmw wins here at daytona in 2019 and 2020. i believe that's the only common name so 2019 was farthest joined by connory philippe philippe eng and colton herter and in 2012 that was a shortened ratio of 2019 and then in 2020 which ran to a record distance a total of 786 laps for the gtlm category it was that man again augusto farfas but this time with john edwards chas mostert and jesse crowe so 25 bmw won it in 2019 the 24 bmw in 2020 and could they do it again three years in a row therefore in 2021 there are two corvettes out front in order to stop that from the vet brand and two bmws still with fire in their belly i think previous years we've had one of the bmws drop away and the other one looking very strong in 2019 the sister car the 24 that didn't take win finished something like 20 odd laps adrift in ninth position and it wasn't particularly a happy year last year for the sister bmw either 24 bmw won it from two porsches and a fourth place finish was the best that corvette could muster from their debut event but remember 2020 would be very special indeed for corvette racing with a championship to take away with them at the end of the season back from a brand new car so they did incredibly well with the mid-engine corvette straight out of the box busy down at turn one again with gt daytona cars including the kenny hadball machine now kenny stayed out with me joe in the last caution and that is again in order for him to tick off his driving time so they're getting the bronze time burned here as quickly as possible and that will mean that he can hand over to his uh three co-drivers to the flag they being rafaeli martiello lucas stoltz and mikhail grenier so he's just lost a place there johnny that was an overtake for position uh john ellen and the whiteboard supports porsche carson second in the gtd class and can he have all um just ticking off that driver time to achieve his obligation but with disrespect to kenny we wouldn't expect them to be as as quick out on track as a driver like john hillen [Music] no but um yeah go on [Music] porsche uh due in for lauren's van tour to take over and um lauren informs us that uh during the night there was a pit road accident in the night and our steering is bent pretty badly i'll try i guess we'll try to hang in there so it's a kind of a damage limitation right now for that number nine and i can only guess when he says a pit road accident which was culminated in ben's steering i can only kind of suspect johnny that black car hit the pit wall see what do you think i can think that ben the steering that that's uh a fair summation i would say there's a little bit of speculation in there but as you say you've got to hit something very very solid in order to bend the steering because it's built incredibly strongly and uh built to take a lot of punishment as well but once it starts to be bent in the angles it wasn't designed for by a concrete wall there tends to be only one winner there kenny harbaugh every credit to him for holding off briefly uh a certain marrow angle there in a exactly the same car uh the whip racing mercedes level pegging kenny on the uh the infield section there and kenny habbal was giving no no given or taken there for the 75 car and they were elbowing each other out i think kenny realized he was probably going to get picked off at some point by marrowing but he didn't make the job easy for the german and the 57th card doesn't slot through and as you described joe jan halen followed suit right now daniel serra's up to third and 21 may of course ferrari and in fourth place corey lewis in his lamborghini huracan and kenny habal presumably that is the minimum drive time done and dusted now because he'll hand over he has handed over to his canadian teammate mikhail grenier and kenny harbaugh can take a well earned rest he'll find a seat either on the pratt perch or back in the rv and enjoy the remaining seven hours and 18 minutes he can become a fan for once but it's very tricky to do that when one of the cars that you're watching is yours and you are absolutely desperate for a race win but well in contention that 75 car kenny happel through the side of relief that uh his hard work for this 24-hour race is done joe [Music] yeah and a great run for kenny he um he had a very busy day yesterday at the start of this race he did a 30 lap stint followed by a 14. he then handed the car over he then did a 27 lap stint at 11 laps did that was punctuated by um i think a yellow flag where he came in then a few and then he finished off yesterday's job with the 31 lap stint and then back in the car today it will fulfill his requirement he'll be you'll be happy with that i'm not sure real he's probably beating himself up and i am trying to see if we can actually get kenny on the telephone and uh and maybe give him a call and uh and get his thoughts on it i'm sure he's not picking himself up too much for letting john hillary get by there because you know he's up against the crows there and he is the am driver and uh it was great and he's kept it on the island and he's just absolute for the um yeah and uh remaining in sixth place for mikhail grenier so it's all about making sure you hang on to that lead lap for as long as possible and they're still there okay there's a minute 20 seconds now between them rejoining 75 and the next car which will be matt campbell's fat for motorsports porsche maybe that son of nikki one car drops another place but maybe aidan reed is at a sufficient distance away actually in the turner motorsport bmw always get this slightly grey area when a car rejoins and the timing screen the timing system sorts everything out but um they are there or there abouts crucially for sun energy one meanwhile rengar van der zander in the zero one um chimp ganassi raising cadillac is leading the way by one and a half seconds from elia castillo's in the number 10 car in the acura then it's the maya shack racing acura third with peter durrani and jimmy johnson for wheeling and for ally cadillac racing tower motorsports gabrielle bree leading in the number eight car for lmp2 ahead of kyle tilly in the era of the sport orica and devlin defrancesco still in third position as the elio castroneves acura arrives at the bus stop with 75 mercedes just ahead of mikhail grenier and around the outside now of the rejoin 47 dallara will go people durani to put another lap on that lmp2 car people's last lap still very much on the money and 136.832 and he is only six tenths of a second shy of dane cameron at no point really do we know what age of tyres these cars are on i know jeremy shaw got some information earlier on in the piece about some tyres that were being double stinted does nothing really stand out in terms of times being produced by the dpis that would suggest that anybody's on very old michelin robert i think that they're able to hold some of the better tyres back it's 38 sets available to all dpi cars but that's not for the whole of the race that's for every single session so it didn't involve qualifying last weekend of course in this year's format with the race but they've had to do four free practice sessions and now all of the race on just 38 tires 38 sets of tyres it's like a holding pattern johnny at this stage um just over seven hours remaining they're they're lapping in the 36s the 37s fantasanda currently goes the fastest lap of the race so far with the one four four six and the cars behind him 135.2 for the castroneves car 10 135 2 for the dean cameron mia shankar there that's their fastest slaps and then the wheel and engineering car that's got a fastest lap of a 34 8. so we're not at an optimum pace we're at a very quick piss don't get me wrong but it's kind of like we described in the gtlm class where you've got those cars just keeping to the piers keeping to the program pushing without risk yes they are pushing the cars without really destroying and leaning on those tires in a in an overly aggressive way and uh and that's pretty much what we're gonna see right now until perhaps the final couple of pit stops and then it'll be gloves off and we'll see what the performance levels of these cars are driving really like going towards the checker flag nothing again between people and irani and one of the lsp2 cars to get by but uh this is tough on your dpi current looking for a way past the lmp2 your dpi is faster up on the high banks and the back straight away but it's a game of patience when you're on the infield because the aero benefit for an lmp2 versus a dpi is about to say accidents pursuing an acura veggie pardon she can't tell the difference between the back of an lmp2 and the dpi but from the front that he's very accurate shaped indeed the dave cameron car the point still stands though that uh it's tough to overtake when you're in the top two prototype classes and the dpi looking to lack much better to do it through speedway terms one two three that can then be completed on the back straight and into the braking area for the bus stop people very close indeed today and camera coming out of turn six and then dave kind of checked out for the rest of the lap so whether the back markers and the people just couldn't get into the throttle as early as he would like he was steadily reeling in game camera now as they reach the try over just going to run out of straight row though that 31 car looks very good on brakes mind you they have changed the brakes on that car and probably the case on all the dpis actually as around the outside there goes the zero one of renga van der zanda and that was a moment or two ago to take the race lead and elio castroneves had very little response uh to be able to provide to the bravery from rengar vanderzander who was up on the high side through one and two in the marbles and from elliot castroneves viewpoint joe bradley that zero one car was moving around all over the place in the marbles fantastically controlled by mr van der zander worth the risk wasn't it just to get by that traffic i think that's where the time we're gonna see being made up and it's gonna be those decisive moves and the move really has to be the size of johnny you need to tell the slower class car that you are meaning business that you're coming through it's the tentative approach that will cause the gt driver to be a little bit hesitant and that ends up in all sorts of content obviously and quite courageous as well from rengar um he's he's quite known happily for his bravery isn't either dutchman and uh that was another example of just sending it really and uh having to deal with the car on the marbles and we really saw the the skill and the reaction time of these young young drivers they are absolutely outstanding i've said it before i said again this is the top echelon of sports car drivers that we're seeing here at theater agreed and uh i'm not saying i necessarily forget that the uh 12 months between each of these doesn't take me very long to access the archives and remember this race is just a wonderful event to kick start the season of course actually here on the radio show limited network of channels the first event of our season was the dubai 24 hours a couple of weekends ago then we had the roar unusually between dubai and this event and the raw between the 24 included the positions on the grid being aligned courtesy of a race and there is still that slightly gray area as to whether the 50 odd lap race last weekend won by the 31 crew was actually a race at all and will will that stand as a race win in the archives or was it merely a qualifying session held over was it 51 laps or something so jeremy's still not sure about that 350 points so that's a a factor of 10 multiplication year on year used to be 35 points and irrespective of how long the race was that's another really interesting uh quirk to this championship is that irrespective of whether you've won a 2 hour and 40 minute race or a 24-hour race it's exactly the same points hall of course in the wec they do things slightly differently there and have uh increased points for a 24-hour race as opposed to a six-hour race but i kind of quite like the fact that um it's the same points on offer there are various stages to this race as well where points are awarded according to the positions at the six-hour mark etc but last weekend's qualifying race did run to 51 minutes just over an hour and 40 and was a win for philippe nasa and people durrani they drove as a twosome for will engineering racing in the cadillac second and therefore second on the grid for the race was oliver jarvis and harry tinkle in the master and tristan votier and doing duval in the five jdc villa motorsports cadillac the mustang sampling car which unfortunately has dropped well down now in this event but they managed to achieve third place on the grid so joe bradley and johnny palmer are here in the haggarty global broadcast center you're tuned to rs2 imsa radio part of the radio show limited network of channels we are seven or eight minutes away from another hour being completed that will put 17 hours in the books for this year's race and it is time for a vp racing fuels pit and paddock report a chance uh to speak to a guy that we were waxing lyrical about uh just a few moments ago we've given you kenny habel a moment at least to catch your breath but um well a frenetic stint and one that will live long in my memory because you're very nearly towards the end held off a certain narrow angle also in a mercedes brilliant driving kenny oh thanks mate i appreciate it i was i was driving my nuts off i'll see you that much there's a lot of bloody pressure looking in the mirror and uh bogey's all over me and my right rear was shot it was starting to go off and she was a little bit wounded so i was struggling to get traction out of the low corners and of course when you've got murrow engel looking at you might as well be in the ocean and a great white's looking at you [Music] well let's say go on joe you ask him a i was just going to say kenny you yesterday i'll call it yesterday it was before the night time you did quite a few back-to-back stints give us an idea of how physical it is i mean all right your job is done now isn't it that was you i believe that was your last stick you've qualified with your drive time it was really busy for you before the nighttime sessions wasn't it ah mate it was and then i tell you what i'm not too happy with them because for some reason when i was you to come in for a stop and uh and do a double obviously get fuel and of course you're supposed to get tired and they said look we're sorry we're going to keep you on the old tyres and give you 120 litres of fuel i said you've got to be joking mate i'm as nervous as a butcher's son you know that's just impossible with all that weight and the rears it just melted so that was tough for me and they did it twice so i don't know what that was about you know but i said these professionals are meant to be doing that stuff not me yeah yeah leave that to the pro driver eh um what exactly does that do you mean then so the heavy car on the worn out tires yeah so they wanted to save some new sets for the end because we were short and um so i did a double sin when i come in i was expecting tyres and i said can you last another spin on the old tire uh and i said i can but i mean it's just really tricky with all that fuel in the back so maybe thanks to mercedes amg i'm really proud of his strong car and made off 47 years old so it's not that easy anymore but my laptops are very good very consistent and we're happy on the consistency of your lapping and we've been we've been really singing your praises kenny that that was a great stint now with seven hours of this race remaining you can kind of dust off uh just off the overalls hang them up your job is done and i've got to say you should be proud of yourself because you've done an excellent job i.e you've got the car back in one piece because it's very very dicey out there having at this stage of the race it's a little bit of relief or is does the disappointment of not getting back in the car that at this wrist now overshadow that now i'm relieved mate i'm going to have a coffee and a doughnut just watch these guys i don't want to get back in kenny well done you've done your job mate and it should be a big pat on the back yeah usually at this stage i'll be patting you on the back and getting a handful of sweat i'll let you go and cool off and thanks for talking to us uh can he enjoy this appreciate it appreciate everything thank you guys kenny who i'm most envious of because uh normally in any usual motorsport year right after daytona uh the rsl the radio show limited team will be heading for mount panorama to call the bathurst 12 hour sadly that race is missing a year for 20 21 for obvious reasons but kenny i understand just bought a house on mount panorama so uh he'd be heading back to that wonderful part of new south wales and we'll get views across just an epic track sadly with not any race cars on it next weekend although he'll probably have a sneaky lap or two once the security are looking the other way just a kiss three and a half well for him it sounds like it is you just drive to you just drive head to the end of his driveway and uh make sure you remember which way the traffic goes yeah hopefully we'll get back to whether his home country will let him in at the moment he'll certainly need to spend a couple of weeks in a hotel before he can do that anyway let's move on because we've got a really close fight in gt daytona between mercedes and ferrari that looks like for the lead of the class it very definitely is daniel serra around the outside but the 57 cars not having one bit of it and marrow engel stays to the inside line okay two wheels on the grass for the german uh but he could see that lead being snapped away from him and marrow engel was not gonna give up the fight i could see those cars almost starting to touch one another they avoided the contact thankfully and the 57 mercedes to the inside line retains the race lead but you know this lap actually the leader was called as daniel sarah for the space of a corner now to the 57 mercedes fabulous racing still over seven hours to go and the zero one is back on pit road because we've had sufficient time under green since the last 31 minutes well remember that pretty much everybody fitted in the last course was just under 20 minutes in duration and we must have had there for roughly 20 odd laps under green which means that the dpis need to have another splash of fuel it was 21 laps for rengar vanderzander 25 for elio castroneves well he was helped out by the caution jimmy johnson has done 21 laps as well and all three just pitted but that uh brilliant run that daniel serra had on marrow angle out of speedway turn four a little bit of side draft as well taking to the outside line and then wanting to put the ferrari in front of the mercedes but maro engel's been in that position many many times before he wasn't going to permit the brazilian in the very italian car from doing that but a very the very lap later sarah's going to have another slice of the action here we're in exactly the same mold you can be forgiven for thinking this might be an action replay it is not and it is the next lap around as daniel sarah tries exactly the same move this was not quite as close and they're about to be overtaken by alicia in the lmp2 category as well well make sure if you're not already that you've clicked onto and to the live video tab to make sure you can stay on top of this we're gonna we owe you i'm almost sad to say a master racing update with the latest order but hopefully in the background if you've got the video stream at your disposal you can enjoy this scrap at the head of gt daytona it's rs2 ipsa radio for 2021 and time for a master in race update kevin magnussen for the cadillac chip ganassi racing squad has completed 566 laps scored as the leader but that car is actually on an outland after pit stop number 29 and as i alter that those words elio castroneves will become the new race leader so car 10 now out front from kevin magnussen and by the way elio castroneves drives the acura from konica minolta arx 05 and the 60 car camera and for maya shank racing that acura is in third position peter durrani running in fourth and i'm a 31 wheeler engineering caddy ahead of jimmy johnson's similar machine for allied cadillac racing and then the harry tinkle mazda still two laps off the pace in car 55 but lap times being produced from the master dpi are still very solid indeed the 18 kyle tilley driven era motorsport orica leads lmp2 from machiavelli back inside the tower motorsport car devlin defrancesco has just come into the pit lane to uh serve a scheduled pit stop it's not number 30 for car number 82. gtlm is tommy milner leading his teammate antonio garcia both in corvettes car four ahead of number three in third position it's how gusto farthest for the bmw team rll squad the first of the m8 and davide reagan is four for recent competency only conor d philippe fifth in the second of the bmw's the red and white one in lmp3 oliver askew in the riley motorsports legion leads the category 17th position overall for car 74 second in lmp3 is draw barbosa motorsport and third is stephen mcaleer for bulmer motorsports and in gt daytona you don't need a timing screen to tell the difference between the top two in the gt3 category because marrow engel and daniel serra are pretty much door under the door handle all the way around the land it's still just about the mercedes ahead of the ferrari first and second jan halen is third for the right motorsports porsche and fourth position corey lewis in the best of the ladders for formula racing fish is another poor shirt for matt campbell and the clad delivery faf motorsports car number nine [Music] there are seven hours still to go in the 59th edition of the rolex 24 of daytona here on rs2 into radio that is the latest mazda in race update fabulous entertainment being delivered by marrow engel and daniel serra and they've got to be careful along with trapping very closely indeed not to be delaying themselves too much so that jan halen can he's about seven seconds away so incredibly despite the closeness of the battle at gt daytona they're not losing a great deal of time able to pump down one minute 46.7 [Music] they have i know that's what's momentarily confusing me now what i don't know is whether the ferrari properly established itself as the leo there was some contact that time through and that was a slight touch from marrow engel to ensure the ferrari did not take the position and that's really put daniel serra on the back foot but that's the type of contact joe bradley joining me in the haggarty global broadcast center that will be reviewed i'm sure by race control yeah definitely it looks like the run out of real estate didn't it it's it it's the you know what i'm going to say this out it's probably the hardest piece of face crack in the world turn one here coming off the back and breaking at the same time from maximum speed it's the run all the way from the bus stops you can on the back straight all the way around nascar's speedway turns three turn four and down towards the triumville and then as you're coming off the trio you are trying to control the car and modulate the brick and scrub off the speed so you can actually turn it let's add into that mix and then you've got a car alongside doing exactly the same and that was just a prime example where both cars are just absolutely trying to make that corner and just basically run out the racing room for one another they've had a mild conduct importantly johnny that contact won't have too much of a detrimental effect i can continue to see this by concerning that for any of these uh either the scenes or the ferrari drivers are taking out those tyres by maintaining this piece and actually raising one another yeah and uh well i i don't think mario engel is necessarily the character type to say in this phase of the race daniel sarah's slightly quicker than me i'm going to let him go because the all-important thing is that you hang on to the lead lead lap yes most and what he has provided with um i'm sure on intentional contact in turn one it's just a little bit of breathing space now to tune in 0.6 in the second and daniel serra having worked incredibly hard a to reel the mercedes in and then b to get a possibly three bites of jerry there coming out of speedway turn four he'd done it on sequential laps put the ferrari in a cracking position and clearly the top head poke in that ferrari is mighty compared to the mercedes you've got the draft as well that you should factor into it but it's the ability to gobble up the mileage coming out of the bus stop chicane and through speedway turns three and four ferrari just seems to be slightly sweeter towards the end of each of those laps and he was able to get fully alongside and fully in front albeit for a short period of time of the mercedes but then it was a question of whether he could get his ferrari down to the inside line to take uh the apex that turned two and uh never gonna make that easy so five tenths of a second is currently the margin angle to sarah then this seven second gap back to jan halen who has in turn a five second cushion on corey lewis to the paul miller racing lamborghini urakan matt campbell in the faf motorsport porsche is fifth and still going strongly in sixth place is the uh gradient racing rod solid energy one mercedes of uh formerly kenny habal rs2 amanda radio a short time ago now being driven by his co-driver mikhail grenier with a certain lucas dalton rafaeli march yellow still to come in the 75 they'll be working out when to apply those drivers in the remaining hours pretty close between kevin magnussen and dane cameron as mechanics prepare themselves down in pit roads so the 10 car not very far away from a pit stop very impressive indeed uh some press-ups going on as a part of the warm-up down at wayne taylor racing and the konica that car has pitted in total 27 times and he's got 27 laps on the stint this has been a long run joe bradley it's uh it was the tail end of the oh no i need to scroll across a little bit further uh to tell me that uh elio's now into his next stint of one two three four five laps so maybe that was just a bit of down training from conica minolta and their crew because they've already performed that 27th pit stop and it'll be another half an hour or so before the car is back in again castroneves on the face of it 26 laps looks a very long one but to say that included the tail end of the previous caution as well joe up to just over 40 minutes of this current green flag run i think i'm back johnny here is joe bradley yes it did yeah i was just saying johnny that we talk a lot to the drivers and we talk a lot about the drivers and the physicality and the exertion that the drivers go through for endurance racing it's also very very physical and exertive on crew members i mean try being a crew member you you the idea of being your uh crewing a race car is you want long periods while the car is out on track going around what it's supposed to do and then you get bursts of intensity the car comes in the pit there's you've got to get the job right you've got to get the wheel going on you've got to get the tire onto the pegs you've got to get the hook back on or reacting to coming in with a adversity and haven't been repaired um it's a pure team sport of jewish racing and that that's it's not why we love it it's not why before we look with enduring sports cars it's it's a massive passive um feet when you get supported check the flag it's an achievement just to get your car to the finish and i called the phrase didn't i um a soap opera behind every garage door well i suppose in im's a racing it's a sort of behind every concrete piece of pit wall [Music] yeah and uh you can understand the annual outpouring of emotion from the whole team you are lucky enough to be part of a squad that takes victory no matter what class you're in but there's also to an extent an outpouring of emotion if you can just get to the finish and you might be in the middle 30s in terms of overall position but you know if the target at the end of the day was to get to the finish and you managed to achieve that that is something that is just should not be underestimated to any extent you can have a game plan at the start of the race but whether it will actually play out to the letter i would argue probably not because there's always going to be hurdles there's always going to be something to overcome through the course of the race that's when you rely on the team you know the drivers are pretty significant part of it but they can only steer the car in the right direction accelerate and break in the right points and do the overtaking but the thinking of where the car needs to be on the racetrack at any one point into the clear air where possible that hall has to be done by the team and then of course you've got to think about the preparation necessary ahead of such a long race as this not least at the four free practice sessions but also logistically getting everybody to the track particularly in the current climate with all the necessary tools and infrastructure around you and that there's no there's no surprise that when the chicken flag finally is waved all of a sudden that emotion and that fatigue catches up with with one and we've seen it year on year so many many times there are hundreds if not thousands of stories all unfolding at the same time up and down that pit road and one or two heart in mouths probably surrounding the incident between marrow engel and daniel serra well everybody involved there can breathe again because that has been reviewed by race control and it's deemed that no further action is necessary so called entirely as a racing incident it delayed daniel serra didn't pull and he's again glued to the tailpipes of marouane so give them a few more laps and i reckon sarah will try exactly the same thing he'll put out of his mind what happened uh previously and it is a fresh start for the ferrari to try and mount a challenge on the class-leading mercedes of marrow import jan halen it was seven seconds the last time i checked it's grown two now nine and seconds so jan unable to live with the speed of both engel and sarah in the lead of gt daytona and corey lewis stabilizing the gap really to yan remaining at five seconds there [Music] still two corvettes with tommy milner with a slight advantage over antonio garcia but it's uh less than a second after 548 that's completed for those two corvettes the recent competency only ferrari put in third ahead of the best of the bmws for brazilian farthest and you know into matcha vaccine now to the pointy end so he's got a head of kyle tilly and tower motorsport now lead lmp2 here we go daniel sarah i told you that he might do this to the outside of marrow engel something like a fourth bout of deja vu for me and he still can't get the move done but that won't prevent him from trying and again at the start finish line sarah was scored as the race leader the positions switch back again in favor of the german by 23 thousandths of a second but this is going to stay different top at least to the end of this this particular stint joe bradley i really don't yeah absolutely it really is they are so close on performance sarah gets the ferrari ahead across the line across the trial then the mercedes has the optimum line into turn one and that's what we see you can break uh more um steadier if you like the car's more stable on the inside line using all the rubber line and here we go again they're out of the banking once again and uh sarah the one the time getting up behind and under the rear wing of that mercedes to use that slipstream effectively and what we're seeing now is the mercedes driver having to drive defensively they're side by side into the bus stop not really it's always been a dubious passing place through that very very fast section of racetrack now this is where sarah will want to try and get the driver he's got about three car ends in between himself and the mercedes and you'll see the slipstream effect come into play as they come through nascar three nascar four of the drag down towards the try over is where the slipstream effect really comes into play and sarah moving to the right again ahead of the mercedes once again for as we see the cars go into the braking area will be the mercedes that once again it's deja vu on numerous occasions johnny it's the same act every time we see these cars going through and into turn one it's the same placement it's the same everything now what daniel sarah needs to do he needs to rethink his tactic and i was going to get by daniel serra who has sealed a full season in the world endurance championship uh in 4-4 af corset and replacing davide regan so looking forward to seeing how sarah gets on with a full campaign laid out in front of him he's done the old round was called in to the bahrain eight hours last november to replace davide regan who was busy racing gt3 cars in france and daniel sarah gets a big opportunity with af corsa well he's doing his uh fans no injustice at all here and backing up really of course's decision to seal him into the wec because uh to be able to take the fight as as he is doing tomorrow engel he's mightily impressive but i think i agree with joe in that he maybe has to just start to think about a different way of doing this because four or five times he's had an attempt around the outside of the tri-oval and into turn one and just can't make it stick i would argue he only needs maybe a couple more inches of an advantage and then he should be able to slice across the nose of the marrow ankle mercedes my only worry would be then what what merrell marrow had up his sleeve in terms of a fight back we've already seen some contact and it's quite obvious that the munich meister is not going to give this gt daytona lead up without some form of a fight but ferrari has massive advantage coming through the tri-oval but then engel is perfectly within his rights to use all of the race track with the inside line to form that defense and that's exactly what he does again at the start of lap 535 joe how many times have you said to yourself i only need a couple of more inches and that's exactly what daniel sarah's thinking and i think what we need now is for sarah to maybe get down the left-hand side of engel however morrow engel he's been around the clock a few times he knows exactly what he's required to overtake himself so that's why we say when the car comes out with the bus stops again he's just hooking the other line down on the banking and he sits on that yellow line and he blocks he blocks that entry into turn one [Music] yeah time and time again it is happening so maybe that thought process is echoing in the mind of daniel sarah now how can i start to try and fashion a different line into turn one or maybe just do it somewhere entirely different but i just i can't see the advantage anywhere else on the racetrack for that ferrari it is i don't think he has that's his only chance to get by isn't it and engel is never going to give up the inside line no and he's going to sit there and he's going to do that lap after lap after lap and that's what we're going to say now you you could be in a situation here where daniel sarah is just going through the act it's just playing the game um both cars on the pit lane at exactly the same time johnny so now we need to work out how long these drivers have been at the wheel i know whether we're in for an another dose of this for another hour-long stint or whatever these cars can do on fuel it normally is an hour around this place in the gt daytona car so let's have a look at 57 in oh or virtually side by side to the pit bay as well they would be just a pit stall apart wouldn't they um so i'm sure there's been plenty of banter between the teams as well shouting at a suitably social distance some sledging going on between wind ward racing and af corsa and 30 lap stints each now who was in the cars prior to engel and sarah i'm struggling here to track back again it was engel in the 57 and it was simon mann in the 21 car so sarah's fresh and good to go for another stint and i'm sure engel is being kept in the car here as well fuel's going in and the mercedes is released marginally before the ferrari but uh to be honest that could probably be made up by daniel serra it's the battle of the fueling there wasn't it both cars off pit road at exactly the same time johnny yeah i think we've got gun on the line yes good out of the 23 the um part of racing aston [Music] your car at the moment currently 8th in gtd um tell me what's the story of the wrist so far um honestly it's been a fairly smooth race for us we've uh we've not quite had the pace of the front front guys but we're chipping away we had a a couple of little bits of bad luck in terms of uh cautions and whatever but we're still in the fight as you know at daytona anything can happen and things can change very quickly with the caution so we're plucking away i think we're about a laugh and a half off the lead and the pace in the last system looked too bad so uh pushing on forward now we've just been watching that battle at the front of your class with the ferrari there across and give me a driver's perspective on that it looks of all intents and purposes though sarah is trying all he can to get by i'm sure that's the kid but surely he's not going to risk everything in a silly move [Music] yeah well i said i've literally just got back to my motor uh the race down in front of me and i'm watching the battle and it looks like sarah has got a little bit more straight line speed um and he's doing everything he can to use the side draft but angles defending very very well it's a difficult one really i think being with six and a half hours still to go in the race i think uh from sarah's point of view he just needs to stay where he is not make any risks and if he can save things like you know fuel and fuel and also brakes and potentially get it in the stops because angle is driving a very very good defensive line that's a good point you make about managing brakes we talk about tire management how much tire management is going on because you know it's a very high-speed train that isn't just how much are you concerned or conscious of how you're [Music] um for sure you've got to be pretty careful on the outlaps obviously there's no tyre warmers so it's very important not to destroy the stress of the tire before you've even started since um and then yeah for sure you've got to be careful in the infield with the rear sight look after the reason not spinners there is in the in the infield um and yeah it is high stakes but uh the first few laps on coal ties are very very strict for sure and uh it can catch a lot of people out the same yeah just a very quick quick i'm going to be very brave here ross and approach this topic but i know you so i feel like i can uh just uh have a little cat about events that happened here 12 months ago for you um a certain altercation a certain altercation with the pit wall is it a case of wanting to come back to this event to really have closure on what happened in 2020 and fully move on [Music] uh [Music] and uh that was the end of the race for us last year which was bitterly disappointing but um yeah this year it has it obviously has been [Music] [Music] uh this weekend and they've all said to me that um they'll never take stick out me ever again because it is very very tough um on the today also on the first first line lapping the clock in the cold night so um so far so good and uh i haven't had any any problems and we're looking forward to pushing forward for the rest of the race good stuff thank you for your candy and your honesty and in that reply it's obviously been slightly on your mind but there's plenty of movement in aston martin at this stage sadly no more factory cars in the world endurance championship where does that put you in your role with the team um so i'm very important that i've been uh kept on as a factory driver for this this season um there's been a shift of direction in um concentration of the the business so we're going to be supporting customers all over the world more concentrating on customers more and it's just a bit of a refocus gt3 rating is looking very very strong as is gt4 rating so i think it's a good time to support our loyal customers that we've had for the last so many years and yeah keep giving us full support whether that is with engineers drivers or great jobs and uh doing fantastic races like daytona one race i think is still absent from your cv just scanning through it now is a trick to the nurburgring on the nordschleife you must fancy that one though yeah so i have i've done a few vlns okay at the end of 2018 i did too and um but i've never done the 24 and that's definitely something that i want to do very soon um and yeah it's a pretty mystical place and certainly a place that i want to have a long future act in the years to come well there was a clear enough permanent aston martin suite there as i'm sure you know there's a facility in place we just need some very smart aston martin cars to uh to return to that big old 24-hour race we've missed them in recent years but um maybe with obviously formula one is the priority within aston but uh would be great to have some gt3 cars thundering around the ring and once again and maybe you could be part of it so what's the plan for the rest of the race i'm assuming you're down as one of the one of the finishing drivers uh yes i will be back in the car uh towards the end of the race um not 100 sure when um but i've still got a good synthetic left yet so um at the moment i'm just gonna have a relaxed drink and then um come back later do you feel across your stitch the track's changing a great deal and that's the another amazing thing about a 24-hour race is that the track condition is very fluid night and then back in today yeah for sure it does make a big difference and as i said with the lack of fire warmers here um you know the nights are very very difficult and it does change the balance and that's um you know one of the things that i've been trying to work out during this race actually is trying to work different ends of the car um that need it more than you know than in previous since because of the temperature drop so the balance is changing quite a lot um and we're we're working on that as we speak but um yeah things are uh things are pretty good so far and there is a big change for sure in the the track grip throughout the race obviously it's rubbing in but at the same time the cars are also wearing out as well which is why sometimes you might not see always see fastest laps coming towards the end of the race and i think the actual fast snapping gtd was set at the start when when everything is fresh but uh the trash for sure is definitely pushing up nicely at the moment really good intel there ross thank you so much for taking the opportunity and taking the time out of your down time to speak to us we very much appreciate it and with many fans of aston martin of course tuned in to our intuitive radio as well great thanks ross gee thank you actually produced by the skidaria corsa ferrari which is down in 10th position the number 63 ferrari which has at the wheel at the moment ed jones but as ross makes the point that lap was set to many many hours ago probably in clear air for the gt daytona cars a 145.72 is still the best lap within that category but marrow engels car has done a 146.1 and marrow able to produce pretty close to that actually in the current conditions into pit road joe bradley uh vp racing fuel pit and paddock report now for pebo durrani this will be his 31st stop direct to match his race number and i've been told by the team that i need to check my hearing because my assessment on the uh strange exhaust note um has been denied well i'm standing by my first assessment and i do think that car has got a problem with the exhaust however it doesn't seem to be any detriment we do know that the i was concerned about the uh some rearranged underfloor on that car but that has what um in new issues and there's no doubt about it when that car goes by it's got a different exhaustion of the other cadillacs uh again it doesn't seem to be to the detriment of the car's performance in the 31. [Music] back into this race indeed so another half an hour of the race ticked off and we're working our way towards the six hour mark therefore at 22 the hour we will be there just a quarter of the race still to go at that point but uh important just to focus on this stint in hand philippe nasa then taking charge of the 31 car i suppose that is really the stable response the uh expected reply from the team they're never going to admit that something's wrong with the car or sounding slightly strange and claim that uh that's exactly how it's intended [Music] johnny you don't of course teams are listening and they don't want to give anything away however i'm pretty sure the teams would have heard that exhaust note and be fully aware of what uh what's going on with the 31 they're right yeah they're always monitoring your competitors up down the pit you're looking at their cars as looking at the kids i mean even at this stage six and a half hours to go there's still a chance that you know you won't try and optimize your position to the detriment of the other competitors that's competitive sport isn't it that's that's what this is all about yeah quite right and uh yeah you have one here on the team radio and let's hope another here on rs2 imsa radio to get a fair reflection on what's happening up and down the order it's also important to know for example where the gt daytona lead scrap is because they're likely to be two addressed virtually all the way around the lap and therefore difficult to lap once you get to them in a big dpi or lmp2 [Music] onto pit road also is dane cameron [Music] apart from that jimmy johnson also heads off the main speedway and into the service area a little bit of tire pickup removed from the nose of the number [Music] rather removed from the 48 ally car fuel's still going in looks like tires have been done already so it's set to go once more with jimmy johnson still at the wheel didn't see a driver disappearing [Music] and he'll return in something like fifth position when this all unwinds itself and the race leader is in as well and the konica minolta outfit couldn't have an easier run into pit road they are in pit stall number one joe right next door to the two corvettes and uh it's the easiest energy therefore to the team they've got to remember they've got a different car though this year so no longer are they looking for a cadillac to appear out of speedway turn four but it's a very sort of stealth like looking accurate that uh unique nose arrangements with the the strut there's the horizontal strip across from left to right to give it a bit of a styling cue from a street accurate yeah very much uh distinctive knows that the team will be looking at but also the conical malta livery on the windshield racing car has always had for a few years now that uh that black livery very distinctive out on track that's the car driver change but uh showing that he stayed in the car but i'm pretty sure we saw a driver yeah i don't think the cars actually you should put that car also out yet is the one sorry johnny it's alexander rossi there you go joe so uh you were right you did see your change and i was incorrect i was incorrect with jimmy johnson staying at the wheel of the 48 so apologies it's actually simon paciono taking charge of that so so quick for simon to get on board i missed it and uh nascar legends jimmy johnson coming to the end of another 48 is in contention same can be said for the four cars ahead of it on the road as well the 0-1 for chip ganassi the 10 for conica minolta and wayne taylor racing felipe nasa's olivier clark and just about all of those pit stops were carried out seamlessly still mightily frustrating for all those involved with mazda motorsports though joe they just cannot get any closer than this two lap deficit that they've been carrying for probably four or five hours now i think it's uh it's it's the game that we're playing now right till the flag is what we're going to see um let's break away from this because we've got another driver to chat to giving us another bit of insight um this time we've got um stephen mcaleer on the line out of the number six the car that's currently really third in lmp3 stephen hopefully you can hear me [Music] we're chasing him joe but uh [Music] [Music] obviously yeah obviously drivers having to juggle with uh various duties when they're out of the car and time can disappear very quickly uh when you have uh cooled off after a stint headed back to the motorhome and then there were various duties particularly now we're back into firmy daylight hours for the run to the line so we'll give stephen another opportunity in the next few minutes to catch up interested to see what he thinks to an lmp3 car around daytona in a 24-hour race just about the longest race that an lp3 car would have competed in although there was the i think the thunder hill event almost certainly had lmp three cars in and then it was a question mark as to whether mp3s had run for this race distance at silverstone now i remember a 24-hour race that was run for 50 percent for prototypes but i'm pretty sure the prototypes in the 24 hours of silverstone actually got to check and flag after only 12 hours in that event so therefore won't go anywhere close to this race distance and therefore it's probably only here and thunderhill where the lmp3s have got their teeth into a 24-hour race and so far three of them are doing brilliantly well oliver askew for riley motorsports leads in the 74 car wayne boyd is second for the sean creech motorsport outfit number 33 and moritz transfer mooma motor sports america in the duquesne doa car number six running in third generation lake mohan in the sister riley motorsports car is down in 31st position overall fourth in class more importantly there are 10 gt daytona cars separating geron from the third place car of moritz krantz so it'll take a little while to work his way through that party of gt daytona cars and you have to think they're not necessarily going to be forwarding opening the opening the road for hiro so he's gonna have to work hard to get through that those battling cars ed jones will be the first on his list followed by richard westbrook and colton herter so we'll kind of try and keep tabs on that as the class leader olly askew working his way now out of the west horse shoot and speaking of lmp threes there's been a spin up from that class actor number six i'd make that car 38 which isn't one of the top three cars it's actually rasmus lit in the performance tech motorsports league which is running in at sixth position in class and can now rejoin what's a right in suggesting that was turned six yes onto the high banks now to speedway turn one and rasmus lift is back into the race still chasing stephen mcaleer so fingers crossed we will get him to air as soon as possible as tristan vottier in the number five car returns to the racetrack the seventh-placed dpi cadillac still a long long way away from any of its buddies if you like within that division the race started with seven dpis it's most impressive and testament to the the strength and reliability of the cars in that category that we've got six still at the sharp end of the timing screen and just the one difficulty for the number five which was actually assessed as its fault uh car five at the time was being driven by tristan vottier when there was a clash with jan halen in the number 16 porsche which pitched the right motorsports 911 into a spin and there was there was a secondary impact this all took place at turn number one and as the porsche spun through 180 degrees and then in a backwards motion t-boned the number five car put the five behind the wall for lengthy repair worth to the left-hand side side pod that happened deep into the night remember when uh joe was on with me here in the haggarty global broadcast center jeremy shaw was part of that portion of the broadcast as well and we'll rejoin us by the way a little bit later on we've got uh roughly speaking another hour and a half or so with myself johnny barber and joe will be keeping me company for some of that as well which we were about to talk about yesterday johnny we were about to talk about the mazda weren't we um and about that um that damage limitation room that the car was in absolutely in that time very early in the race and i was about to make a comment with regards to just how difficult the task it is it's it was three laps down after that initial delay it's now called that uh deficit back to two laps however this race is such an optimized 24-hour race what i mean by that is it's now flat out for the more 24-hour risk and you'll find that the lead cars there's very little in it and it's kind of the we've mentioned this before the leaders keep a holding pattern without overdoing it and they're pretty much running optimized every lap nursing the car nursing the brakes nursing the tires we've heard drivers mention this and for the mazda motorsports came to pull a fast one the only way they can really do that is by some a bit of luck when it comes to pit stopping maybe pit stopping right on the on a yellow flag just before the yellow flag period comes out so that they saw less time in the pits you need something like that you need to be you need the planets to align and that really is a massive massive ask and so you know mcmaster they've been there they've done this before they've got many t-shirts with regards to the situation and they will continue running around as fast as they can and hope that the phonics do align and they'll be in a position to take advantage of that very thing yeah uh as you say it's one thing finding one lap uh to get back to the lead position or uh important lead lap but then you've got to find two more so they were doubly snookered were master sports but uh the question as joe says is waiting for the next caution maybe getting a single lap back again and then you've only got one more to find and that really is a big psychological boost it is not impossible for master still to get a podium in israel and some very unusual circumstances could even present an opportunity to win it but they would need an awful lot of luck heading to the heading to their side joe uh andy cotton editor of risk or engineering that the the getting that their situations perhaps exacerbated because the leaders have been going out of sequence with regards to their pit stop with us so it's it's going to be very hard for them to read as to how to get back on uh and in touch with those leaders thanks for andy yeah there's no definite uh right time to be pitting i suppose early on in this race you get that sense of a rhythm cars come in roughly on the same lap if they've got two cars in the entry and they're in next-door pit stores then they'll deliberately pit them on alternate laps but they early in the race generally only are a maximum of a lap apart but we are well away from that now in terms of the leaders eliot castroneves and kevin magnussen to go against what i've just said are due to pit on the next lap however rather the uh the same lap the next time they come in felipe nasa will have pitted three laps before that i'd make it and then you've got olivier clara and son passionate on a different cycle again they are somewhere between the two expected in a lap prior to the race leaders so yes it's it's awkward to judge from a mastermind sports point of view and therefore maybe more reason to concentrate entirely on their own race and then just keep your fingers crossed and a little bit of luck does head your way there certainly do some and their preparation for this race couldn't have been better it seems because harry tigner was interviewed here on rs2 into radio during the night practice the session they decided to sit the majority of out and they did feature in fp4 but only from memory from in the start of it where they did about five laps and then parked the car they were that confident that uh they'd done everything all the job list was complete and they were raring to go for the race but uh haven't necessarily had the performance that they've expected from the opening stints and then they hit the trouble which put them uh while out of the boss stops uk goes felipe nasa in the wheeling engineering cadillac running in third and he's got kevin magnussen in sight for the second place position it's much further down the road alexander rossi going very strongly in the konica minolta acura five laps away from the 600th marker that will put us back ahead of the 800 lap mark and now it seemed pretty obvious from about quarter distance that we weren't going to be in the ballpark to go further than we managed to 12 months ago 833 laps the record distance remember but we've been sort of flirting with just slightly fewer than and now slightly more than 800 laps as the predicted range to reach by 3 40 this afternoon by the way local time just gone 25 minutes past nine in the morning in daytona i make it 803 laps as they predicted mileage currently which means 208 laps to go but that could change at any moment but it's getting tight now isn't it joe for a second and third with uh with yann magnusson with uh magazine [Music] i said another well-known line at the start of the race some reference to how much time there was still to go that's not the line so it doesn't therefore mean another dollar in the jar but i did terribly in terms of uttering that phrase i think in my opening stint and now i've now i've said magnuson senior rather than junior but that was always going to happen i think many many races i've called in the past with sebastian prio in the race and called him andy it's just force of habit but i'll get there eventually tired minds that's my excuse let's get some um absolute insight into this i've got renga vanderzander on the line renga can you hear me uh yeah of course how are you guys brilliant we're grip it and it's great to talk to you uh we've just been speculating as to just what sort of finish we've got in store for the final six 24 hours what's it like being in front of it in the thick of it i mean it's pretty crazy man um so far we uh we have so many moments where you get pulled off and that's when you are sitting stuck and people fly by so you know sometimes you're lucky sometimes you're not lucky but we've been able to get to the lead a few times many times so uh the car is running okay after the acuras are picked up they picked up some speed overnight so um hopefully uh we'll get can have a good go at it at the end but uh it's uh it's so competitive it's it's [Music] no stranger to the top step of the podium at this race when exactly without giving too much of bear when exactly do you think you guys are gonna go right let's go for it is it gonna be three hours to go two hours to go 20 minutes to go when when should we be looking out for that no it's so tight that um any last yellow that's gonna be the decider so if that's if that's with 20 minutes to go and you know with 30 minutes to go it's only a short yellow it's not going to be a long yellow so uh you better be ready for that last half hour to uh you know put the knife between the teeth and go for it so uh it's um i think you know to be honest from the beginning in the get-go people were still backing and swiping their asses off but taking a lot of risk already i was kind of surprised with that kind of sit back and i looked at it all and i was able to drive to the lead at that point anyway so people were running wide and all that but so far it's in one big screen really so uh pretty cool check that out [Music] uh in endurance racing wendy you've got two what i can only describe as hot shots you've got kevin magnussen an indycar legend both drivers more familiar with uh sprint racing and and uh being a very having a very selfish attitude how have you found these two guys to work with in regards to you know compromising the setup for instance and it's a completely different sport isn't it endurance releasing to indycar and formula one [Music] yeah it is it is different and um uh he knows exactly what to do and he also understands the the concept of team racing you know racing as a team so uh within ganesha anyway they uh they they look at that you know chip says there's no dumb questions for example that's something good philosophy within the team that hey we're here together and uh let's make the most out of what we have and what we can do and i think scott grew up in chief connection racing so uh i'm just a big fan of scott really uh kevin i think he had a dad who has been here for 22 years so i think he told you know young told kevin exactly how it's going here and i think kevin is a very low ego in general so he's been working really nicely together it's been really good so far with him [Music] [Music] yeah it is i think the danish and the dutch are kind of similar they uh they're not far from each other anyway so uh that might be part of it they're a little bit more scandinavian but uh i think you're right uh touching the danish our little sister but uh yeah it's been really good we we've only started working this week right so he had maybe two weeks ago so he stayed away for uh for the factory visit that we did that i did together with scott and then i met him here in daytona and uh i know kevin from the past so from that respect it's already uh quite easy to uh to talk with him but you know and the other thing is like uh getting kids is changing your life as as all of you know probably but uh this is uh something also uh big talking during this weekend of course we've got this kid so it's been really nice rengar it's johnny palmer joining joe bradley in the hagerty global broadcast center here on himself radio i just wanted to ask you whether a certain thought has crossed your mind because you look back at the overall win in 2019 your name is there 12 months ago you did it again a hat-trick of wins around this place is an incredibly rare thing have you even begin begun to sort of think that that might be possible or is it best to put it out of your mind i mean statistically it's impossible right so uh but i'm going to give it a go anyway does it does it add any extra pressure knowing that there's another there's another rolex on the line or is it just the same as it was when you first did this race oh it just feels like i don't know what's going to happen the last six hours but it just feels like there's many more cars we can win this race right now uh last year we were dominating this year will be really good it's gonna be dominating so i think there's many cars who can win this right right now so um it's it's so tight so tight so i think that's something what's uh what's going to make a difference you know so in this year's edition that the one who's yet to be almost kind of lucky to win this one you know with the traffic and all that but um you know every time scott showed up last year we won so he's our lucky charm maybe it's as simple as that at the end of the day has there been a little bit of banter during race week with uh with your old friends at conicom and ulta now that they've changed their car but of course you took the two titles with that team in 19 and 20. yeah i'll just raise them a little harder than the rest of the field that's all okay maybe keep the conversation to a minimum thank you rengar we'll let you concentrate on the job in hand because it's a big one and you're well in this fight with k-mac currently running in second place and only five seconds off the tail of alexander rossi brilliant to hear from you though thank you for taking the time to chat to us here on youtube thank you guys and always a pleasure let me talk to you guys hear the action indeed see you at the end and uh let's hope it's a good result for chip ganassi racing although uh we have no favorites here on rs2 into radio remaining entirely neutral and calling the race as it unfolds with the 10 car that uh i suppose you could say was the team but not the car that rengar van der zander ran with 12 months ago he's now firmly ensconced in the chipkina seat racing outfit with scott dixon and kevin magnussen the aforementioned philippe nasa still running in third with olivier platt and simon pagino completing the top five [Music] so um yeah actually tim gray our executive producer up in london making the uh point that uh three wins in not necessarily sequential years is less rare but uh the point is that it will be back to back victory so uh well that's the nature of a hat-trick isn't it it's not a hat-trick in cricket unless you do it uh in three sequential balls so that was my definition of hat trick but anyway here we are the bmw heads out of turn six and up onto the high banks the 25 bmw of uh team rll and around the outside of the 75 sun energy one gradient racing run mercedes also at the same time as gtlm overtaking gt daytona traffic there was a prototype that needed to knit through and into the bus stop as well the bus stop joe on paper looks to be a relatively simple run through a left and a right kick however you add traffic and in that case three different classes worth of traffic and it can be very very hairy indeed it's it's all about race car dynamics johnny it's about changing direction it's about shifting that weight in the chassis coming off a very high speed piece of race track and then braking in a straight line turning the car left immediately then turning it right and then firing it out the chicken and that that's where the skill comes in for just timing that weight transference and making that transition from putting the weight on the right hand side of the car and then transitioning to the left that's what race car driving is all about it's all about the middle ear it's all about the balance and would you believe it's all about the feel through your backside and any race driver will tell you that it's all about the feel in the car you have to become as one with the car and feel it's every every move and feel that weight transference and that's what makes good drivers great drivers the ones who can do that better and that uh that bus stop shaking daytona is perhaps again there's so many parts of this track that look on paper to be well that looks like a double it's just you know straight forward right hander but you know even the infield hairpins are tricky because of the way the track is cameron there's adverse camber on the outside of both of those infield hairpins the transition out of the midfield and onto the banking very very tricky corner just to get the maxima to maximize your acceleration and then running down the bustop chicken which started the the conversation it kind of looks like the passing of this and some people did try it there but it's a very tricky place to pass not one of my favorites i'm not one of uh favorites of many that i know but uh yeah you know what johnny if it would be easy we'd all be doing it quite right that's the voice of joe bradley i'm johnny palmer and we're both in the haggarty global broadcast center bringing you live coverage of the 2021 edition of the rolex 24 of daytona amazingly the 59th time that this race has been run and uh you're tuned to imsa radio part of the radio show limited network of channels right here on rs2 you can get in touch remember at imsa radio on social media make sure you use the hashtag r24radio r24 radio and the tweets will find their way to us um the latest mazda in race update then sees alexander rossi in his accurate lead the way in car number 10 and he has a lead of 4.8 seconds over kevin magnussen's chip ganassi racing cadillac car 0-1 third position is the philippe nasa wieland race engineering race in cadillac for the brazilian driver number 31 and then olivier blare is fourth for the myshack racing squad with curb agent in the second of the acuras in fifth place it's simon pachino for ally cadillac racing number 48. the harry ticklemaster remains now only one lap down i've noticed so the 55 car has been on the move since i last checked now that might just be a quirk of the timing system will allow rossy to cross the line again and it may revert to two laps once more but harry tinkle certainly going in the right direction in terms of trying to gather that lost ground back up again in nmp2 bank of five cars are on the seventh to eleventh in overall position macho vaccinier for tower motorsport leads in car eight that's an oraca as is the era motorsport kyle tilly driven number 18 second and christopher meese for dragon speed is third also in an aurica zero seven then it's sven muller in the best of the leagues in lmp2 running in fourth place for car 51. gtlm has a corvette leading and a corvette in second for nick tandy and jordan taylor car four three then it's john edwards for the bmw team rll squad with their the best of their m8 third for car 24 david a regan is fourth number 62 and in fifth place it's teemo glock also in a bmw for team rll oliver askew in the lmp3 category continues to leave for riley motorsports he's got alessia jsp 320 that's cast 74 ahead of wayne boyd also in aligier and horitz krantz horiz motorsports car number six and in gt daytona daniel serra finally getting ahead of marrow engel in the af course at ferrari the 21 machine tried several times to get in front of the germans mercedes and to no avail but now the ferrari enjoys well half a second so the question is is he actually ahead of him on the track because a number of times they've been through the tri-level sarah's been scored as the leader and then you look against the infield and it's still the mercedes in front it might be that scenario again quite frankly but i could only tell you what the timing screen is telling me 21 leads 57 andrea cantorelli for the lamborghini huracan is in third car one and a trend for right motor sports and a portion of the 16 fourth and laurent fan tour also for porsche and this time for fast motorsports in fifth that's the latest mazda in race update and there are another six hours to go here on rs2 radio [Music] now we get to the complex point in the race where the mec points are rewarded now shea adam is always on top of this sort of thing but um so what have we had 18 hours done yeah so three quarters distance and therefore a milestone for the endurance cup [Music] and i'm probably gonna wait until she's worked it all out and is back on air in just over an hour's time to deliver who stands where points are awarded at various positions or various points in 24 hours oh really she's going to send it along what they are published and i presume that alchemil the timing company that look after things here in the daytona 24 hours will produce a document as well to let us know who is in the leading position as far as that's concerned leading position overall on the racetrack slightly easier to read it's alexander rossi but now by only 2.9 seconds so kevin magnussen is chiseling away at that gap and readily so they'll be very far away from a neck and neck battle for the lead of the race it's also very tight in gtlm for john edwards and david a regan who are heading into turn number six nothing between those two cars maybe a bmw length and that is about it heading up onto the high banks for yet another time and gtlm has just remained as close as it ever was really joe in fact four seconds i think represents the biggest gap we've had for the last five or six hours between the two corvettes still absolutely nothing it's it's settled it's settled down though hasn't it we had four cars pretty much north to till it's settled down in so far as the uh the two corvettes the leading number four it's now gonna gather about four seconds nick tandy at the wheel of dark the number three [Music] at the wheel uh four seconds deficit there and then jordan taylor has got nine seconds to the bmw of john edwards who pretty much has got w regal breathing down his neck in the 62 ferrari and that's the actual race battle that we can uh that we can keep an eye on however on same naturally a nine second gap bmw to the first of the corvettes and then further four seconds is absolutely nothing and all that would take is tripping over uh a slower car getting through traffic and then that risk would be spread out and uh it could be a completely different look to what we are looking at right now so it's um everything's still clear for and everybody still pushing without risk i think is the term i've already used this weekend you're in good company though master of that statement um just a slight feathering the throttle i noticed there from darren turner in the 23 heart of racing aston martin well aware that two gtl empires wanted to get by just before the king get four and he allowed them the real estate in order to do that so the aston martin has a well ninety second gap uh no big hard 40-second gap to mikhail grenier in the solid 81 mercedes so dt it was right first time it is a 90-second gap in fact to colton herter so aston martin chasing turner motorsport bmw that's probably where the confusion crept in darren turner and turner motorsport with mikhail grenier in the 75 sun energy one car running in sixth position tightest battle in gt daytona remains for the race lead though which is how we like it uh of course a ferrari daniel serra definitely ahead of marrow engel now on the road and leading by 1.8 seconds ferrari versus mercedes at the sharp end of gt daytona andrea calderelli remains in third position there's another pit stop for the wheeling engineering cadillac pretty swift turn around there pretty nasa team and i believe stays at the wheel as well such a quick stop i'm not sure they could have got a driver in and out at that sort of speed into pit road comes john edwards by the way and he sits on board the number 24 bmw whilst the team worked rapidly around him to change michelin tyres it is indeed philippe nasa who stays in the will of 31. fifth position i'm very interested in harry how harry tinkle's getting on here because he he's two minutes and 58 seconds away from the nasa cadillac it'll be closer than that now that philippe has made his stop and that is less than two laps around here two laps will take you over the three-minute mark and uh tickles got it down to less than that far far less than that to the next car so it's a lap deficit to philippe nasa therefore a lap desert deficit to the overall race leader as well so persistence is key as we have mentioned car 55 wager has got two of its three laps back again now stellar work from mazda motorsports and they are now very much in the the envelope the operating window to gain that final map back perhaps in the next caution hours and surely minutes we've managed to run for the last hour and maybe 45 minutes without what might do and that was a pretty swift affair that's 18 and a half minutes in duration prior to that we had over an hour's worth of green flag running and the other side of the previous caution to that it was an hour and 23 the longest green flag run i make as three hours and 49 nearly 50 minutes [Applause] after uh after we had some four cautions relatively close to one another within the first three hours and then finally we got almost four hours of green after that and the cautions though fairly regular have been pretty infrequent i would suggest on average about an hour apart and we're almost close to two hours now being clear of those pesky yellows this is a useful time for the teams to really work out where they are in terms of speed and pace and and back timing to the end of the race as well we're possibly still a bit too far out from 340 for doing that bearing in mind that the dpis will be doing 40 odd minutes maybe slightly more so there's a lot of still a lot of 40 minutes as we've said on several occasions tear off not being removed from the number 60 car instead a wipe of the windshield will suffice for the serious xm sponsored number 60 my shank racing acura and olivier platt will stay at the wheel of that car also in for another pit stop on lap number 608 is the ally cadillac racing car of simon paschener and rejoining in the master harry tignall hour now is this the point where he goes back to two laps down i think it is so it was because he owed us a pit stop that that was throwing me slightly off gained the lap because everybody ahead of him has made the stop and order is restored as well johnny yes joe [Music] you dictate it being our vp racing fuels uh fit and panic member because zhao barbosa now joins us on the line here at rs2 into radio ah excellent joe um great that we've been mad we've managed to uh contact you hopefully you can hear us okay yeah yeah no problem by ah brilliant it's uh thanks for uh getting in touch with us um your car currently running in the lmp3 class and showing the car to certain three-car isn't it [Music] motorsport um the question i want to ask is it might be an awkward one you might not know the answer but um it kind of happened in front of us and we didn't notice but your car dropped away from the leading lmp3 car and i'm trying i'm finding it hard to fathom why um that's a good question because uh when we lost that time uh uh we did a mandatory eight minute stop and i was actually sleeping so when i got back uh the pit we were a few laps back so i'm not really [Music] but uh i was a little bit surprised but still six hours ago we still have a full watkins glen race to go and still what can happen yeah very much we get carried away don't we when we we see six hours to go we think we're nearly there but we're we're very much not um joe you're very experienced at this race you are more familiar in the dpi category but this year sees you in an lmp3 all beginning to prototype we're a completely very different prototype can you take us through the the the major differences in the cars um actually it's i mean it is very different um obviously we have less arrow less power and less brakes we still use the the fuel brakes and the dpis they use the carbon brakes so that's huge difference there power wise to be different also in an aero aerodynamics this car is not as uh as as good as the dpi but overall it's really fun to drive makes good racing um and uh it's running really good people were expecting for the cars not to be as strong as they are but uh the team has done a great job in preparing the car it's running very strong we haven't missed the beat yet and how have you found dealing with traffic because the lap time a well-driven lmp3 car is kind of on a par with a gtlm uh car and the lap times are very similar but the both of those categories of cars produce that lifetime in a very different way and we've seen some problems with the lmp3s and the gtlms have you found that to be the case um it's a big challenge for sure because uh like you said we do the last time in different parts of the track and our cars everybody's thinking really careful taking as much time as possible because the cars nobody really knows if the cars can handle a really close compact racing and the city cars they they're very strong very reliable you know and they push us around so they are really quicker on the streets than we are and uh if they feel they're gonna throw them down at all they just block you it just makes racing very uh interesting on my on my side very different from what i'm used to and i used to deal with overtaking cars and being overtaken [Music] i'm having a blast so far so it's it's running very good um the car is fun to drive this class different classes i'm in the middle of everything so very busy all the time [Music] excellent now tell me about the psychology of where you're at and a few laps down off the leader what's the strategy how do you guys go about the final four five hours and 43 minutes is on the clock what approach do you take to the final stages of this race we're gonna do the same approach as we we've taken uh before uh just trying to keep the car clean trying to avoid all kinds of problems and be very conservative for now six hours and still a long way to go and we just we don't have the outright speed compared to the 74 we're a little bit down on top of these we might be carrying a little more arrow so they're a little quicker than us so we'll see um we'll see we just need to keep doing uh our job like we've been doing so far keeping our nose clean and we'll see what happens at the end thank you chao um we wish you all the very best of luck with the rest of this race but i've got one out of the box question before you go um you're a familiar name that i say i racing most afternoons um you're a big sim racing fan so i've got a question that all of the sim racers out there who indeed last weekend were probably competing in the i racing their tour of 24 hours just how close is that sim to being here and racing for real uh i might be a little bit uh the old school right i mean the theme is really good to keep especially to keep your your mind sharp and to get you used to to run like long steams and keep the concentration up because it's very tough but it's very tough if you lose a little bit your focus here you're completely out and that's uh that's not easy for sure it's a big help on that on that perspective driving wise it's really a good help and understanding the car the the track if you haven't been to a new track it's really good to do that but feeling wise i mean that there's nothing that can compare to a real car right i racing they've done a tremendous job is as close as you could get i think but when you don't have the real seat when you don't feel the car on your butt it's it's very difficult to to reproduce that feeling so uh i'm still drive a lot by feel a lot by what the car tells me and not just by visual that's what a lot of the kids nowadays are doing and so i i still missing on the i racing i still miss that part uh that uh it's very it's impossible to reproduce joe that's great insight i'm sure all of our racing fans they appreciate that insight um i want to thank you very much for talking to us we will let you go now and the very best of luck with the rest of this race and uh give everyone all our very best at shorts uh sean creech walker thanks for having me and uh you guys doing a great job he was a race winner in 2018 that's joao barbosa chatting to joe bradley and our latest vp racing fuels pin and the paddock report thanks to joe barbosa and uh looking forward to seeing him later in this event it's the uh 59th edition of the rolex 24 at daytona with joe bradley and johnny palmer in the hangity global broadcast center don't forget you can get in touch at ibsa radio is the social media handle to aim your tweets and other such things towards and make sure you include the hashtag r24 radio as well so we reach another hour in terms of ticking over into the 10th hour of the day that is and there are 18 hours and 20 minutes gone in the race so one minute past 10 on the eastern seaboard with perfect conditions it would appear no hint of any horizon just yet and down towards the first couple of corners go battling gt daytona cars with nicholas nielsen now installed in the af courser ferrari 488 gt3 and leading philippe ellis by 0.8 of a second just hearing about a possible drama for the turner bmw number 96 which was spotted he's running slow through speedway turned three it's got to the pits but it looked like the rear left uh was rubbing and actually manifested itself into a puncture so that was the reason why the car was going slowly and the car has already returned to the race so that was uh colton herter who had to come in for an unscheduled stop and the team dealt with it very very quickly i suppose they had ample warning with the news from the spotters and also colton no doubt on the radio as well to say he would be picked bound to sort that issue out but uh rear tyre failure is easily straightened by a team as experienced as turner motorsport and not too much time lost there however much more of a story developing joe bradley for car 31 felipe nasa has brought the wheel and engineering cadillac in now you and i were chatting about questions about the floor of that car and you of course had heard the different uh engine note being produced from that car the team maintained that's exactly as it should sound however the car's in the pits and is now the wrong side of the wall completely different issue it's uh philippe nazar has brought the car in it's stuck in third gear and it's gone behind the wall and uh being stuck in third gear is never a good thing being stupid any gear he's never good thing johnny itself it's it's kind of what the problem is internally in the gearbox and um if they saw my mute tolerances within these race gearboxes that literally you can't risk anything so that car that car is is kind of out of contention now and it's only been in the pits in the behind the wall a few minutes but uh for any kind of gearbox issue they're gonna have to um get the car out of gear and then see if the car will actually transition through the gears up and down the box once they've freed that up well well how quickly as we've been saying so many times a race can change complexion for one particular team 31 well in the hunt to that point but uh even though a trip behind the wall doesn't necessarily mean you are out of the race the difficulty for them is that they've hit this issue inside the final six hours so there's virtually no time to try and catch up again if this had happened in the opening six hours it might have been a different story but as joe makes the point as well a gearbox issue is going to mean a lengthy period of time in the garage and whelan will be up for the challenge here to sort the problem out wheeling engineering racing but it takes the 31 car if not out of the race certainly out of contention as joe's just said and it perhaps brings harry tignall slightly towards what he does one place closer to the podium he's still a lap away from the race league now he has done the pit stop that he owed compared to everybody else when he comes in for the 31st time that will probably drop him again two laps away but that master for me is inching just that little bit closer with every lap to the four dpis that are now ahead of it alexander rossi leading the race kevin magnussen second and only a tenth of a second away from the race leader olivier plarr is third and in fourth position simon pagino as the liquid molly back to turner motorsport bmw had to straight line the bus stop chicane on that lap and remember that car has just had a new rear michelin tyre fitted to it after a slow puncture and a [Music] neck and neck for the lead through the tri oval it's the 10 car to the outside it's the zero one to the inside alexander rossi just about hanging on to it as clipping the dust there on the inside of turn two is kevin magnussen in car zero one they also had the heart of racing aston martin to nip by safely which they have done through turn two a and in and out of the international horseshoe this is really livening up five and a half hours there may still be two go but we have got a ding-dong scrap joe bradley at the sharp end of the field between two stellar sports car drivers kevin magnussen less experienced okay than alexander rossi but that does not stop him going completely the other side of a bmw from gt daytona to try and gain the advantage you've got two single-seater hot shots coming together at the daytona 24 hours it's not an unfamiliar sight is it to see these two new drivers going at it tooth and nail they are at the top of the game and what we're going to see now just sit back and enjoy this and it's going to be all about getting through the traffic and as we go into the bus stop shooting two cars ahead of us we've got a porsche just ahead just on pure acceleration and momentum out of the bus stop chicane make swift work both cars making swift work of both the porsche and the ferrari as they come out of speedway turn four and down that straight to the tri-oval magnuson will want to try and get some kind of slipstream effect going into the breaking area he does indeed looks like inside but [Music] gt daytona a few hours ago between marrow engel and daniel serra eventually the ferrari did get in front in that particular class and is still being led by nicholas nielsen but sort of similar scenario i would say that kevin magnussen's got more opportunities around the lap to be able to pull off the overtake though because that second place cadillac looks very very strong and the acura in certain places is having to defend mightily in order to keep kevin magnussen behind as he four-wheel drifts the zero-one car into turn six to give it much tighter route through the apex and therefore on the exit so he was able to apply the pressure the uh throttle in more of a straight line than the acura which was heading up onto the high bank and this could be magnuson's opportunity he's gonna have to do it the difficult way around the outside can he break later yes he can that for me is one of the overtakes of the race as long as he can keep it on the road but no he can't he'd run too deep into the bus stop chicane and alexander rossi takes the place back again but brilliant understanding between the two of them that was high risk motorsport with five and a half hours still to go in this race and magnuson ultimate faith in the breaking capacity of this cadillac he almost got the move done there but rossi slightly more experienced around this place i think sense that magnuson was carrying too much forward momentum into the bus stop knew he was probably going to end up out in the weeds and just eased out of the throttle to allow magnuson to make that very slight error and of course now what magnuson's done he's put dirt on his tyres and it's going to take a bit of time to maintain optimum lap speed once again but that was a brilliant half overtake i'm going to call it he was he was through that bus stop chicken john he was he was kind of out of control and it was the ultimate skill of a driver like kevin magnussen not kept that car on the track barely on the track i know he put a huge amount of whale off by coming around the outside of rossi he was actually making that first part of the bus stop chicane more of a corner than it actually is you can take a much shallower line into there and rossi was on that he saw magnuson coming around he's outside and thought there you go mate you have a go and magnuson was so skillful in gathering it up they're out onto speed with turn two now and heading down towards the bus stop again i don't think we're going to get a repeat of what we've just seen johnny as magnuson has dropped the way he's lost a bit of time there with completely losing his momentum through the bus stop and as you said probably getting a bit of detritus on that uh on that rear right wheel which completely compromised him on that lap but i'm pretty sure it's not going to be long before we see madison challenging rossi again this is this is just like this fight isn't it this is fabulous two of the world's fastest single-seater drivers into this daytona 24 hours and the fastest sports cars we have in the user series and they are absolutely flat out at this stage of the race the application of their aerodynamic knowledge and how that applies to a open wheel a single-seater race car being adapted very slightly for roof overhead two-seater prototypes but uh it's pretty much the same science beneath it all and you have to have ultimate faith that the car is gonna stop in time particularly when you get such a good run out on speedway turn one well it all began actually on the route into six for me for kevin magnussen he's still possibly just a bit too far away it depends about well we're gonna go into a caution now so that is going to prevent these guys from performing the overtake it's a full course yellow because of some debris on the front straight so unrelated to this incident and this fight but debris has been spotted and therefore the yellows are going to come out a real shame because i was enthralled by that battle but safety of course is paramount this i make it will be our 10th caution of the race so far and we had two hours three minutes and 48 seconds of green flag running to this point not quite actually nowhere near the longest portion of green which happened much much earlier on three hours and 50 minutes of it this would be an exceptional race to watch if these guys were down the field the fact that it's for the overall lead of the daytona 24 hours just makes what we're seeing now a little bit of history we're going to we're going to talk about this there are lots of daytona 24 hours i remember philippe nasa and um fernando alonso that i watched racing with the wheel very similar to this that i can still visualize in my mind and i'm still going to be able to do that with this one kevin magnussen alexander rossi absolutely flat out battling for the overall lead of this race and this is something that we'll never probably find it harder to get oh yeah well i will certainly and uh you and i witnessing it uh in real time we don't yet know which way we're gonna go next as far as they are concerned but the one thing i suppose the caution does guarantee is that they're going to be even closer those two cars assuming that they are serviced to near perfection and you would expect nothing else from the konica minolta outfit and from chip ganassi racing now how did the debris end up on the race track i don't think uh this particular incident is going to provide an answer to that but the 31 car which is now behind the wall a gearbox failure which means that it's uh can only find third gear out of the box on its in-lap and uh just no straight line speed whatsoever with the revs sky high and even the routi competizione ferrari 62 nipping by on the right hand side to give you an idea of the lack of speed for wheeling engineering cadillac number 31 and that car now in the garage behind the wall team very much still working on this car though so they want it back into the race there's no hinter giving up here everything's being done at a fast pace but sadly as we've remarked it is tumbling out of contention now and very nearly being caught by well take another eight laps or so for the leading lmp2 car to catch this stationary machine i don't think the 31 car has ever won this race certainly not in its current guys we've had victories for the long associated number five when they were both being run out of action express tracking through the years that 31 car will have taken part in this race it looks like this one has always been missing from its cv and it's going to remain the case into 2021 um shea adam raising the uh potentially legitimate question is whether mike conway has ever won a 24-hour race well we know to date the 24 hours of le mans has um has been rather elusive to him and this year is not going to be his year 24 hours of daytona just seems to pick the wrong car all the time okay he was up against the eight machine with uh certain fernando alonso driving that in two years and 24 hours of lebanon last year in the september running of that event it looked very likely that the seventh toyota with mike at the wheel that might be able to take victory but it wasn't to be he is a world endurance champion for 2020 so we shouldn't take that away from him but yet to win potentially [Music] the suggestion is that he hasn't yet won a 24-hour race and uh won't do at this event either a real real shame for 31 very little notice of that incident and felipe nasser is about to be interviewed down there in front of the garage by one of the many tv crews that are here something that might conway some disgruntlement or disagreement with the racing gods that mike has had perhaps in previous years i have a funny feeling it will happen at some stage he's got too much speed that boy to miss out on the 24-hour race in the whole of his career but the 31 hasn't necessarily had the luck here either consider johnny it's these days with paddle shift gearboxes it's not down to the driver to nurse the gearbox all he can do is pull a lever the electronics make the shift back in the old days when we had mechanical shifters with mechanical connections to the gearbox with a three pedal configuration um certainly at endurance racing you know it was down to the driver and how he was able to um drive the car and use the gearbox and it could be if you abuse the gearbox if you missed a gear change if you weren't the sympathetic on the machinery that could manifest in an issue these days less so um you know philippe naser is sat there foot flat down on the throttle and he's pulling a lever to go up the box or down the box he's got his foot on the brake and he's clicking the other lever to go down the box the electronics is dealing with the actual mechanisms of that gear change within with the internals of the box so it's down to the gods and once again the planets have not aligned for that number 31 car and problems have befallen it and it's just pure it's just pure bad luck really i would say yeah and they've had plenty of it through the years at this particular event i was suggesting that the fact that it was debris on the front straight uh it could be dealt with reasonably quickly of course we have to go through the sequence of pit stops though as well but i think this is a moment that uh the daytona track staff are choosing to actually clear up anything else that has been worrying them over the last uh three to four hours so a chance to do a full track suite essentially where all the cars are bunched up on one section of the racetrack behind the safety car and therefore it is safe for the corner workers to descend onto the daytona asphalt right here come the callers then for the next bad of pit stops one or two deciding not to bother with this one but the race leader certainly is joe you're going to be watching these stops perfect run of course for conical minolta into pit stall number one but uh i make it another six cars following suit um the car looked like he hit his marks because alexander rossi has made the job very difficult it looks like for the teams quite close to the ball no tyres going on though i know this i just feel into the um just fuel going into the car from an altar car the number 10 it's done it hasn't taken tires and in complete contrast we've got tires going onto the one so that's a vp racing fuels pit report and now to a vp racing fuels paddock reports because stephen mcaleer joins us on the line and joe can have a chat to him [Music] hi stephen hopefully you can hear us [Music] sorry johnny we'll try again i didn't think that sounded like stephen that's uh i think his uh personal assistant so we'll get to we'll get stephen mcaleer to the line just as soon as we can chat's therefore to throw the spotlight off to the gt cars in a moment at all two and back out again now you see i need an accurate order for the top few cars because alexander rossi's pit stall is a bit further down pit lane and therefore he triggers the timing loop slightly later than rather the ten car is the first pit stall and he triggers the timing loops slightly later than the zero one so that's not necessarily a true order and we'll get that to you just as soon as we can but um will there be an opportunity here for the cadillac chip ganassi racing car to skip ahead i am reading it as such 0-1 appears to be ahead of 60 on the road now and the 10 car has hot had to slot into third position so that is time precious time lost by conica minolta and you start a pit stop in first you slip back to third position very quickly indeed more track sweeping taking place on the back of the end rather of the back straight away gt cars both from lm and daytona are due into the pits anytime now with nick tandy leading gtlm in the best of the corvettes from sister car driven by jordan taylor second of the c8 and then it's john edwards and jule goonall for bmw and reese's competency only ferrari respectively we turn ahead of timo glock but uh the way that they are positioned behind the safety car there's a big big gap between gunnar and glock as it turns out and still nine laps by the way back to jean-maria bruni in the weathertech racing porsche but at least he is now right with the gtlm cars on the timing screen here we go then gt daytona time and gtlm as well the lms reached the pit lane first of course and it looks like all of the top four are in joe yeah we've got pretty much the hall of the gtlm field led in by the leading corvette number three that's the yellow library corvette followed him in then we were followed in with by the uh the bmw team r uh rll of john edwards and also the ritzy competition ferrari of shoes goon on into the pits also saw the being gtlm runners all taking advantage of this uh yellow flag and pinning and all very clean and tidy and pretty much back out and on their way [Music] so this caution has resulted in the the leading gtlm car spitting after just 14 laps i make it now on a normal green flagstick we've seen these cars reach double that 31 laps for nick tandy and his teammate tommy milner had stint before that so we're well within the envelope there'll probably be only half a tank of fuel available for the refuellers on these cars heading back into the race and the 62 cara notice is now up to second place so therefore splits the two corvettes that's good work joe from reese's competition yeah i just i just want to make a comment but before i do because it's gone quiet in the pit in the pit area i just want a a massive shout out to james edmonds who's here at the the uh taking photographs but uh also doing a bit of work for the team he's also been a massive help to our team because it's down to gyms among the interviews we've been hearing since this race started is down to james edmonds and i just want a personal thank you to james edmonds who's been a massive helpless in track literally and i kid you not dragging drivers to them so we could speak to them on the phone because it is so noisy in fitlife and i really want to thank you james you've been a massive help um and while i'm talking johnny i just wanted to pause this question has this yellow flag put harry t turn the 55 onto the lead lap in fifth place that is a question that i am desperately trying to answer and we've got a number of people trying to actually provide a solution there i think it does you know there's definitely there's definitely a caveat here but i think it has i think it has the 55 all it needed was another caution and the opportunity to gain the lap back again the problem is there's still two minutes and 20 seconds being shown as a margin between tingles car and simon pagino and that's a large margin um behind the safety car so it's kind of in the wrong place now it needs a way by to get the right side of the safety car and that she'll put it off to the back or something perhaps you know but until that happens i'm not sure whether i'm entirely happy with that it's too big a margin behind the safety car but there may still be bunching to be done there always is after a set of pit stops so let's wait for that to happen and then uh we can have some wouldn't that be a story information wouldn't it just they were three laps down would that yeah wouldn't that be the story of the race the mazda and now i'm wanting that to happen saw the mazda get and this is what i was saying earlier on isn't it where you've got to get into the mindset of just plugging away and keeping people and keeping because you've got to let once you've lost time in the pits like the number 55 mazda did you've then got to be patient you've then got to wait for the the the misfortune turning into good fortune and letting the race come to you and you know what the woman on the wall and after that the strategy of that carlina kid very experienced race engineer knew exactly that was the case and that's what we're seeing johnny this is good this is going to be a mega mega final run into the flag for the next five hours also receiving news that uh the number three is being told to overtake the 62 under the caution because of fitness protocol so 62 as i said won the race visually to get ahead of the number three but it was judged to be an illegal release and uh the cars presumably come to the end of pit lane where you are allowed to be too impressed still too aggressive with a single file section and that meant that the 62 tucked ahead briefly but it will be we will be back to corvettes one and two very very shortly there's a concern here joe for faf motorsports the number nine porsche that laurence van thor has just brought in surrounding brakes i reckon front and right steering i'd say that was steel is it steering okay um yeah that they're looking beyond the brick the brake rotor the brake disc and the looking at the component parts of the front suspension and where they were looking looked like it was the tie rod to the steering rack um they're in that sort of area ah and that's confirming that information from the faf team that they're trying to fix their steering that was the one that uh lawrence van tour mentioned earlier didn't he they had they had a problem they had an accident in a pit stop and we speculated as to whether that could be then making contact with the wall which could be the only thing that would cause a bent steering but that's what they're trying to fix now during this yellow period we're quite right by the way about the arrival of alexander rossi i said he got the easiest route into his pit store but uh he did very nearly overshoot it and the team had to inch him back into position i missed that at the time when i say perfect not perfect for faf motorsport merely in the fact that we were getting exactly the same message from joanne from shea about the steering needing to be rectified so it means we're on the money in terms of their latest predicament we're about to go for a restart here hopefully all the gt lm cars are now in the right order with jordan taylor being told by race control to get ahead of jul goo not and we'll confirm whether that's happening or two but back to green we go with five hours and 12 minutes still to elapse at the daytona 24 hours for 2021 and the dpis waste no time at all in getting too aggressed and actually the dpi trying to unravel itself on an quite elephant uh the top four in dpi are nose to tail and they run us as follows alexander rossi kevin magnussen pablo montoya now installed into the 16 machine and he's lost the place already to simon pagano in the allied cadillac racing car so that might have actually been casino and montoya side by side at turn two and it was pagino getting the place and catching montoya just a little bit sleeping into one and two also coolish tyres need to be concerned as well as temperature is steadily building on this next lap up onto the high banks goes the scrap for gt daytona it's led by phillipe ellis for windward racing in a mercedes then nicholas nielson in the af course of ferrari at the ball miller racing [Music] he's ahead of patrick long for right and lucas stoltz for sudden energy one the great gradient racing get prepared sun energy one car number 75 and a speedway turn uh four come the race leaders and through the tri-oval rossi magnuson simon doing the chasing this exactly what we wanted joe bradley joining me johnny palmer in the haggerty global broadcast center we vitally enjoyed this battle between rossi and magnuson prior to the yellow and we've got exactly the same again plus a simon paciono off their tail now yeah let's just throw in another indycar champion shall we and see what we get look at this fantastic racing on at the infield through the kink and towards the western airpin it's absolutely it's it's nose to tear what's he in the tent it's even one of madison's second third pageant up as the cars come out of that airplane head down to that very tricky left-hand turn have to maximize your momentum through this get on the power nurse that throttle to get the maximum traction out of there and now it's a drag race and madison goes low on the banking and goes inside of rossi as it's embraced now side by side through the banking terms of speedway one and two and down the back straight and it looks like magnusson has got the edge and he's certainly got that advantage of the inside line and won't have been reversed and around the outside is trying rossi but madison made it stick into and out of the bus option here the question is bill madison switched those tires on first he switched out he put that car onto new tyres in the pit stop whereas rossi steered on the offset and this is what we're going to see now an advantage that is exactly the overtake he wanted to pull off uh the previous stint into the bus stop but couldn't do it because only was given the outside line by alexander rossi fantastic driving off speedway two to get in the inside line but i was impressed by the accurate straight line speed and i thought rossi might have had an opportunity to defend from the outside there in the end it didn't turn out like that great car placement from danish driver kevin kevin and he just turned in the perfect point to make sure that rossignol couldn't do likewise it was contraction out of the left-hander where magnuson had a little bit more grip that enabled him to get the momentum to get alongside rossi into the first part of that banking through speedway one and then turn that momentum off through speed with two and under the back straight where he really did extend that lead and now look at the gap as they go back out that's it that's what i've just been describing madison has pulled out probably a ten car gap now between uh is uh cadillac chip ganassi racing part of the company i have to say it's phenomenal rotation that kevin magnussen is getting from that cadillac through turn six which is the corner you're talking about and you've taught me a little bit about the importance of getting the car turned as quickly as possible in our sort of one day of carting that we get when we go to racetracks and that solid axle that you get on a go-kart it's very different technology utilized in these cars but it is about getting the car pointed in the right direction as early as possible and then getting the power off the corner [Music] yeah absolutely a little bit different in these cars but they have got which is for you know limited slip diff and settings to give them that different differential works across the rear axle so it's very very similar to what i was trying to get across to you on a card johnny and magnuson being the type of driver he is he will want and i think once he's in the same uh the same category really these guys like a car that is funky at the front and once the car is pointing in the direction you need then that's the momentum that you want and the car will punch out in the corner and a lot more than that sweeping left hander onto the banking for speed where turns one and speed returns two it's all about keeping the momentum of that car up and the traction out of that corner is all important plenty happening elsewhere in the race as you would expect right after a uh right after a caution as a safety car of course there's been a lead change in lmp2 with ryan diel for era motorsport now to the sharp end to overtake tim brouray christopher meese is in third position and in gt daytona patrick long had got up to third position lucas stoltz though flirting with that spot as well in the sun energy one mercedes ellis leads the class nielsen second and then uh well pretty much even steven's third and fourth restaurants and for long there's been a problem though with the pit stop wasn't there for zero one uh you and i treated to what had happened in the pit stop a moment or two ago and this looks suspiciously like a drive-through now for kevin magnussen a bit of a a bit of a story spoiler as magnussen comes into the pits to take a drive through and the reason he's been given a drive-through he had real rotation whilst the car was still on the jack stands it's just a minuscule amount of missed timing there from kevin magnussen the car was still on the stands that found to be dropped when he put the car in here and let the clutch out basically and that made the rear axle spin up that's not allowed from the regulations for safety reasons quite logical and it's a good rule but kevin magnussen is paying that penalty now and he's going to be dropping right off the ladies is it in the gtl right here [Music] a real shame not least for us enjoying that battle to this point but uh i have a funny feeling that the car those cars will find each other a little bit later on in the piece maybe not with rossi and magnuson as the drivers but they put us what a brilliant show on and i don't think you can ever take that overtake away from us both the aborted one when maxine tried to go around the outside into the bus stop and then when finally did pull it off on the inside of alexander rossi two fabulous memories from this year's daytona it could be difficult to forget and we're still left with two cars out front by the way because now rossi has a different uh livery cadillac in his rear-view mirror this time it's simon pagino for ally cadillac racing and another 48 and only a second adrift of those those two is juan pablo montoya for maya shank racing so still plenty of entertainment out front magnusson will slot back into fourth position so he's still ahead of jonathan bommerito who incidentally is very definitely now on to the lead lap for the mazda dpi squad so harry tignall switched to jonathan bombarito in the last pit stop and the two minutes that i was concerned about was just the extent of the safety car train in fact it was taking that long uh for the the cars to go through the timing loop and that was the differential at much much slower speed and it is condensed now to well 55 seconds from race leader rossi back to jay bomb but on to the lead lap and you can really attack the race from there this is not done and dusted as far as mazda are concerned and speaking of which we are very close now to a 19th hour of this year's race being completed and therefore right here on rs2 imsa radio where we're bringing you live coverage of the 59th edition of the rolex 24 at daytona it is time for a master in race update that sees alexander rossi leading after 632 laps for the konica minolta acura squad in car number 10 just that half second advantage blink and you'll miss the two that lead the race as they cross the line through the tri-oval they're just exiting turn two now and heading onto the infield proper simon pagano in hot pursuit then in the first of the cadillacs for ally cadillac racing that's car 48 and then juan pablo montoya in the pink and purple and black number 60 car for my shack racing with curb packaging in their acute ar x05 so third place for juan pablo fourth place for a recovering kevin magnussen after the drive-through penalty after his rear wheels were spotted rotating before they had made contact with the ground once again jonathan bobarito running around in fifth but back to the lead lap and this is where there's all changes that have happened because in lmp2 the 18 ryan dl era motorsport orica leads the class now and christopher mees is up to second place for dragon speed having got by tim buray in the opening exchanges of this particular stint he's built himself a two-second advantage now over the frenchman that's 18 82 and the eight cars there first second and third in nfp2 sadly the number 31 car is still in the pits having all of that work done on its gearbox it got stuck in third gear did the wheel in engineering cadillac and the car that has had a terrible luck at this race through the years looks like uh it is following the bad luck is following that car once again in 2021 it's not out of the race yet but it is out of contention fourth place in the lmp2 category is the 51 car of austin dillon and then it is the 11 machine of uh thomas merrill rather in the number 11 win auto sport car gt lm led by nick tandy for corvette in the first of the c8rs from jordan taylor only point eight of a second between those two jesse crone for bmw rocks third in the black number 24 and shield goon on having made his way up to second coming out of the last phase of pit stops it was determined that he jumped lying coming out of pit road and should have in fact tucked in behind the second of the corvettes but chose to split them and then was given the instruction to reverse those positions since then july for recent competition has set to fourth place with bruno spegler in fifth in nfp3 scott andrews leads the category in the 74 riley motorsports lychee second place is wade boyd for a short creech motorsport and third in lmp3 although losing places on some gt daytona cars moritz krantz for houlner motorsports and the top five in gt daytona philip ellis leeds for winward racing their mercedes 57 the 21 nicholas nielsen ferrari from af courses second lucas stokes number 75 sun energy one mercedes is third it's next the patrick long for driven right mother sports porsche number 16 and madison snow race winner here last year car number one for paul miller racing is running that's the latest master in race update right here on imsa radio [Music] wonderful sound in the background of simon pagino's cadillac v8 as it heads then into the international horseshoe alexander rossi right up ahead of it he's just keeping pace with ross seat right now there's no real advantage for either of those cars i would say and happy to stay in the low 136's they've got quite a lot of traffic to deal with right now all of the gt traffic is well and truly bunched up of course after all the cars exited the latest porsche period so i gave you the total time for that which was originally thrown for debris but there was quite a bit of track maintenance able to be done at the same time it was 17 minutes which is about the same as uh the last few portions we've had actually generally less than 20 minutes [Music] considering we hadn't reached all of the pit stops cycled through and [Music] yes joe uh you're joining me in the hagerty global broadcast center information coming in uh this is really clever information coming in from jerome who's actually at the wheel of the 91 uh valley moon sports [Music] [Music] [Music] and jerome just absolutely enthusing about being able to drive this car and be able to push he mentions how there's no balance of performance in the lmp3 class and he can just drive this car pure in in a pure racist form and just push all the way and he's really relishing this chase down i know it's uh a little bit spaced out the other three foul but it's still about to keep your eyes on these cars 25th for the number six moon and motorsports to kill microns at the wheel of that in 2015 overall and then blackballing in 30 second spot overall through the uh eleven and a half between the riley motor sports car and the golden water sports car too a race for the final step of the podium [Music] also looking like you from third position in gt daytona is uh luka stoltz just uh producing a 146.9 which is quicker than the two cars ahead of him on the road philip ellis the german-born and i think runs with the union flag on the belt buckle but uh i think he was born in munich and spent a lot of his time racing around the nurburgring nordschleifer but a lot of his close family come from the uk nicholas nielsen very much danish and a stalwart ferrari cup racing in the ferrari challenge europe won one of the big finals organized in that uh championship towards the end of uh well probably three seasons ago now but that put him into the right area to be picked up by a of course become as one of those sneaky silvers that you could run in a four-hour european level series event went on to win the elms for a team called lucy racing and uh now well established in af course of land running with their number 21 car joining matteo chrisoni simon mann and daniel sarah very strong lineup indeed there and says uh well matteo crosoni has really impressed me led the race on a couple of occasions in gt daytona he was good but he's uh possibly stepped up even more of a level for me this weekend considering who he's been at the race and act hates a lot of the time luka stoltz equal pace being produced by the german than those two cars ahead so we can look forward to the gap closing yet further top three in daytona spread by 1.2 1.3 seconds altering very slightly black one lap [Music] so it is 10 46 at daytona and just under five hours of the race still to go still arguably a bit too far out to be properly back timing at the event i'm sure the spreadsheets from the start of the race pretty much but uh there are one or two twists and turns still for the race to deliver i'm sure uh ross got rather tentative as to the order of the drivers for his car to the end of the flag at the end of the race rather to the flag he was deliberately keeping his cars close to his chest the relevant drivers would be well truly mapped out for the final few stints they could have worked out who's the quickest in the quartet or in some cases the trio the driver will have been made already for the final probably couple of stints to the finish but you need somebody quick behind the wheel of your car if there is a late caution we're almost guaranteed a flat-out race somewhere in that final hour maybe with a caution potential for this extension as well [Music] and then into turn six goes the fourth placed zero one car off kevin magnussen again great drive off turn six this is as joe quite rightly suggested where the car was very strong in that fight against alexander rossi the problem though now for magnuson after the drive-through is that it's putting him closer to the mazda if anything if jonathan bobarita behind and the lead of the race which is a good 37 seconds out of touch [Music] there'll be another caution so it should be a huge drama that will condense the field once again and uh they'll have another stab at it as well pretty much all of those and five cars 30 watts back into the race i'm sure we mentioned that joe but uh gearbox trouble forced [Music] and having to deal with lmp2 traffic scott andrews piloting the riley motorsports niger two laps a very comfortable margin over wayne boyd's shawn creech motorsport car how crowded is the house into the west horseshoe though 75 is lucas dogs who's got a head of nicholas nielsen we were threatening that that might be the case and the sun energy one car with an awful lot of hard work being done by gradient racing to prepare that car of course now getting some reward by jumping ahead of the 21 of nicholas nielsen got it done on the infield just before the left-hander at turn six and inside is the 57 windward racing machine of philip ellis as well [Music] [Music] how do you pick your way through that johnny you know what that's got to be seen as an opportunity to make up time and make up ground on the cars ahead of you by picking you in uh through all of that traffic [Music] i should remind you a factory ferrari gt driver having joined the roster relatively recently recently but at the same time as daniel serra so he's been the latest signings for af course ferrari they of course are not strictly the factory team for ferrari but it is as good as they kind of run these cars on behalf of the great mark and uh you'd be hard pushed to prepare a ferrari as well and as fast as they of course do you can sometimes match them but very rarely are they outbreak [Music] no surprise therefore for their livery to be adorned on the number 21 car and for it to be doing so well in the order by the way it's now back ahead of lucas this is all down to where the traffic's falling as well using that traffic to using that traffic to give it the opportunity for the infield backlink right a chance now to head to another vp racing fuels pit and paddock report because uh mike conway joins us on the line i'm sorry mike that it is [Applause] yeah i mean we were looking at our garage we were using a bit of tape i think it was down to the manifold approach um [Music] and then we had the the gearbox just [Music] [Music] um yeah not to be is it a case that uh one problem caused the next one and then the next one or they've been entirely separate issues um we're not sure yet but i think it could be related because of all the extra hot enemies flying around in the back end of the penguins some other cables or something like that it's a possibility but um we were talking about um gearbox problems of yesteryear whereby it's down to the driver but i mean there are so so many electronics involved in the gear change these days your job is just to keep your flat to the floor and pull another gear and hope the thing works and you're entirely reliant on on on the makeup of the electronics there exactly yeah [Music] um um [Music] mike the line's not great to you but we really appreciate you taking a few moments to just give us the update i wanted to talk toyota but that could wait uh for another day the uh the movement from the hypercar toyota looking very exciting indeed saw some footage of those cars testing around portugal and uh i'm desperate for that season to get started now it will start at 14 hours we've learned and you'll be very much part of that campaign so uh i'll look forward to that we'll do that chat some other time but uh safe journey and get to get back to the uk all right thanks a lot guys thank you mike conway joining us here on the rs2 it was a radio apologies for the difficulty in the line there very solid until now and mike not in clearly uh a positive mood necessarily no i think he probably was but uh dealing with more disappointment sadly from this race i can't believe the bad form that that 31 car has had through the years as well i've still maintained that that car has never won around here uh through 24 hours and they'll have to wait for another year as well we're verging on the point where we're going to have another shift change in the hagerty global broadcast center by the way welcome back john hindoff to the broadcast johnny palmer good morning good morning well you know we left you a nice exciting race and for the most part you have broken it you've managed to keep it together thank you very much well see joe bradley and i were blamed for crashing all the matchbox cars at dubai so we've been mindful to be very much on our best behavior two weeks later and well what we have been providing is some fabulous overtakes whether they didn't quite work for kevin magazine first time around and then he definitely did for one of the overtakes of the race so far it's just a real shame that k mag was was at fault with the wheels spinning in the pit stop and that's taking him a little bit out of contention there but the mazda's back in the fight we said it might be able to recover two of the three laps all three now are back uh and the 55s on the lead lap could still get a good result here j bomb currently driving job what a story that would be and by the way that might come where you're right mike didn't sound good he was actually standing in one of them and the beer is so efficient at uh that i think we're hearing ourselves in himself which is uh what was overwhelming but not the master the master was a magnificent story um remember that car gp didn't want to engage first gear to pull out onto the warm-up lap for goodness sake and here we are with under five hours to go and it's legitimately now back in the fight and just over a minute behind the leaders uh yeah all right it's in some respects has not been the tidiest race with uh with 10 full course yellows full course cautions but that said the racing again has been absolutely outstanding i remember i was listening to to you and joel when the master got back on the the lead lap and that's one of those oh we really kind of don't want to say anything about this because it might ruin the fairing story of it you know as if as if by saying it we were gonna we were gonna spoil it but that's exactly where we are right now in in this story this book is not yet finished which is what johnny farmer the uh a 24-hour race or was he she can't skip to the end at the last chapter of the last few pages because somebody is still scribbling away trying to work out what the twist to the plot will be
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 181,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, Rolex 24, Rolex 24 At Daytona, Acura, Audi, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Ford, Honda, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: 7f5G7a1PcUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 25sec (14365 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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