2021 Michelin GT Challenge at VIR

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to what is a beautiful setting for anything particularly for motor racing we are at virginia international race where a circuit that was saved by the current management group and brought back so that we can enjoy the fantastic racing that it always produces in the hackney global broadcast center as the drivers are on their first formation lap it's john hindhoff and jeremy shaw with sheer adam as our vp racing fuel pit and paddock reporter robbie fawley capturing pool position for turner motorsport after some problems for them and tommy milner getting his first pull position for corvette it's just the gts here just over three and a quarter miles 17 corners and uphill and down dale well sort of up to the southern end of the circuit or being up in altitude and then back down to the start finish line plenty of action areas notably the breaking area turn one that long sweeping entrance to turn one down the front straight long fast run from orchard corner north tree there anymore at turn 12 but down to the top of the roller coaster at turn 14 and then an action area for perhaps the wrong reasons if you overcook turn 17 the hog pen you're in real problems because there's an awful lot of greenery there one of our porsche keys to the race grass slippery track grippy what do you want you want trophies so steer off the green jeremy short alongside me here in the haggarty global broadcast center fantastic first pull position in corvette colours this weekend for tommy milner yeah just thrilled for tommy i mean just he's just a really really good guy uh as he said this is his home state track he lives so if he can do it in four hours he's doing well he certainly beats google maps by will over half an hour uh no surprise there probably not better than that exactly so but yeah it's a lovely guy he's worked so he's come so close so many times in the past as she was saying this is his 84th uh excuse me his 83rd start he hasn't qualified the car anymore far from it but he's had success here in the past he talked about having the first pole here had his first win here as well back in the rolex gt days driving for his father in the ptg bmw but now looking to get another and he also had success here when he won here for corvette race in 2012 and clinched the championship with oliver gavin that weekend so a lot of good history here for tommy milner it's not been playing sailing share for the team that find themselves on pool position in gt dear torna they're pretty much missed here full session but bill oberlin and robbie fawley and turner motorsport bounce back and capture poor position for gt tier toner in the number 96 bmw starting this race today exactly where they left off last year that would be at the head of the gtd field this was the site of bill auberlin's record tying win here in 2020 robbie foley and bill auberlin they would have liked that little bit of extra track time that they lost yesterday from coolantly but they're happy enough to start off on pole and they have a very fast bmw m6 gt3 in the drive they're just hoping it stays dry yeah that car suffered a little bit of a coolant problem which is why it missed that session early on we've got some fast cars coming through from the back of the grid we've got a particularly fast and quiet car at the front of the grid as well for the first time in imsa competition history pacing the field to the green flag is the porsche take on turbo s over 700 horsepower electrically brought to all four wheels of that car i drove on at daytona a couple of years ago it has the lowest center of gravity of any porsche and the lowest cd as well the lowest drag coefficient it is a proper porsche it just happens to be powered by something other than an internal combustion engine there is a porsche with an internal combustion engine at the back of the field with the problems that the number nine faff car had uh zachary robichamp will start nearer the back than he was expecting they went off and had their times disallowed from qualifying after unauthorised work in the pit lane trent hinman joins him at the back as well in the right porsche that's the teal number 16. that's another very quick car that car failed right height they had enough and something was left dangling down and the aston martin vantage gt3 of ian james their real wing was out of compliance on the 27 heart of racing car watch for those three coming through from the back but for now it's all eyes on the front of the field two hours and 40 minutes on the clock for the michelin gt challenge at vir lovely start oh was the just somebody out the line that looked like the audi might have been moving across the bend waves the green flag and the corvette train runs down to the first corner here comes robbie fawley up the inside somebody's forgotten to tell robbie he's only a gtd car he's up in the third overall that's great news for the gtd paul sitter trying to follow him through there with the championship contenders madison snow in the lamborghini urakan the car that wears number one so an excellent start from fourly in the liquid molly car as they come through towards the bottom of the snake turn five six seven heading up to the climbing s's for the first time super start by both of the corvettes and cooper mcneil typically does take a lot or two to get the heat in his michelin tires but watch out for that weathertech car coming back the battles are further down the field what a cracking start jeremy shaw from robbie falling brilliant start by robbie foley you already put a fairly fair gap between himself and not only the weathertech porsche but particularly madison snow's lamborghini behind madison however there's a huge long trail of gtd cars and that is going to be the battle we're going to see all the way through this race but as you say a brilliant start by robbie cole might not last out there in between the gt the bomb cars but he's put himself in the best possible position down the back straight here comes the heart of racing 23 it's roman de angelis this is the championship contending car having a look on the inside then the outside of the number 14 lexus that's sitting just in front of him so that's been a change of position there from how they started 39's in there as well richard high stand that was the car that i thought might have just slightly been out of line it's still wet offline but everyone has gone as they are mandated on the tyres on which they qualified which were slick tires so slick michelin tires that were used in qualifying uh the choice to change was given but you would have given up your your position and your points that you gained from qualifying job team elites from tommy milner three from four in the corvettes then that bmw then cooper mcnally in the 79 weathertech porsche then it's this battle for second third on down which at the moment is uh headed by madison snow so a change at the front jordan taylor has got past the ball sit and set off at the head of the field and pull the witch jeremy by 1.4 seconds yeah he has a really good start certainly for uh for jordan taylor there to uh to to get that jump on tommy in those difficult conditions we see the tracks pretty much dry but certainly some damp spots out there so there won't be a lot of grip well we talked about it when it's fully dry particularly it's damp like this so a great start there for a triple taylor to move his and try and make hate while the shiny but he's certainly going to make a out of the front of the field some movers in the gtd field though zachary robinshaw already up uh quite a few positions in the number nine codes up to the ninth position uh right ahead of trent hinman yeah those two coming back through the field having been relocated after those technical inspections forced the qualifying runs at yesterday the cars firing through the field and have already made up a couple of three places a piece jordan taylor sets the fastest lap in the early running keep an eye on that the start was very very slow and it was a good job off the line originally by the number four pulsator tommy milnet but the number three yellow corvette ran the outside into turn one managed to cut back and just find a little more grip on the inside at the first time of asking a turn one and that's where the pass for the lead was made really nice two very hard charges but let's not forget they are team mates and therefore first rule race as hard as you like lads just don't run into each other and in the meantime we have a gt le man one two three again jeremy as i suspected the porsche taking just a wee moment or two to get the michelins up the temp and pressure cooper mcnail back up into third position in the 79 weathertech porsche 911 and has immediately put about a second and a half into robbie fawley who still leads gtd of course he did but i think as he went past there he cost robert foley a little bit of time he he was a couple of seconds ahead of madison at the end of the first lap so he lost a bit of ground on that last time around he was i think probably well he did improve his lap time compared to his opening lap but not by nearly as much as everybody else did uh so a good battle there for richard highest and is that he was the fastest guy on track in gtd on that but last that the [Music] what did we say stay off the green that's the slippery and the number seven on the side as jeremy says says that that is seventh in class frankie montecalvo now very careful application of the throttle to try and get that lexus rcf gt3 back onto the track it was at the top of the the hill coming down the roller coaster and he's got damage to the left-hand side at the front straight into the pit lane where she adam our vp racing field paddock reporter is waiting shay first time that we've seen alexis go off at that part of the track done and then cut back across into the pit lane need to make sure he had a legal entry to the pit lane as well a lot of damage to the bumper it's hanging limply off and they are going to change the tires while they've got frankie in here it's going to be a bit of a longer stop though and they are going to need some gaffer tape to try and hold that front bit of well what used to be bumper on to the car but a bad start for the number 12 lexus yeah that number 12 car i think i said 14 my apologies it was indeed the number 12 the team is going to work but as she rightly reports that it is not going to be the work of a moment almost failure so it might have been better putting a new front clip on that but they have assessed that spraying it to get the dirt away from it so the uh gaffers tape will stick the race tip will stick meantime the team car the number 14 aaron taylor says roman d'angelis on his tail pipe and he's sitting right in behind the madison snow driver lamborghini urakan that second third fourth and uh in fifth position actually it is michael uh de quesad quesada who is not that far away i'm also looking down there's the audi goal richard hyston's gone through in a second hasn't it yes he has high stand through into second position whilst we were checking on that lexus in the pit lane so high stand second now madison snow third and the fastest lap last time around by richard highstand early running here with just two and a half hours still to go just two and a half hours still to go and richard highstand fastest man in gtt at the moment jeremy and his claws down robbie fawley looks like he is the man most likely in that 39 carbon audi at the moment indeed so each last three laps actually richard heinstein has been the fastest car in gtd there is number 12 car back on track not yet up to speed as he negotiates turn one let's have a look and see what um just lost it um why that damage occurred i i've got to assume perhaps the that he hit somebody before that because um i don't think there's any any reason for that damage to be caused as he slid off the road yeah this is the this is the number 12 car which is now rejoined the lexus rcf right at the back for frank monte calvo it was not insubstantial damage on the front end of that car either to be fair so it looks like maybe he's running into the back on the side of someone and the fact that they were changing the left front tyre as well suggests there was a bit of side to side contact maybe frankie felt he was have having a tire issue the tyre was maybe going down because that is the area just ahead of the front left wheel that is damaged on the body work so he has returned but has lost a lap to the gtd lead uh yes he has just had to check that so he is now a lap of his class leader which is being held at the moment that class lead by the liquid molly turner bmw and robbie fawley super qualifying by robbie really put a great i was going to see a lap together but it was two or three very good laps together but he's got his hands full now with richard heist out through the sneaking up to the climbing edges jeremy fabulous piece of surface yeah tremendous uh and uh the skies there's certainly some very threatening looking clouds at the moment but it's uh dry ing lap times are improving at the front jordan taylor going quicker with every lap so far but behind him in second position colin milner he's been a little bit quicker on each of the last uh three laps he's set the fastest lap of the race so far 141 last year's fastest lap by the way was by nick tandy then of course driving at porsche and at 141.3 so good lap times already uh in the uh in the front of the field meanwhile in gtd as we can see richard hyster putting a pressure on robbie foley and a little bit of a gap back to madison snow aaron tielitz and roman d'andreas in the number 23 house to martin he looks like he might feel he's a bit quicker than the two lit at this stage he's he's uh he's he was passed by this on the opening lap but roman did andrews he's got to be clever here at this stage because he's going to look at the big picture the big picture for that number 23 team right now is the gtd sprint cup championship they need to make sure fourth place is good for them they're running fifth at the moment but their main contender isn't winning so where they are right now is just fine of course they want to win the season long championship as well so there's a bit of a fine bouncing out there for that 23 but it's going to be it's going to be patiently there's no point in pushing the envelope there with the deal and risking it yeah and that comes back to what we were talking about in our porsche case the race it's all very well seen taking each race as they come jeremy but when you've got a championship troll field for crabs and potentially two championship trophies actually for that heart of racing aston martin bandit's gt3 team then you know at this stage of the season um you'll take what you get i i think at this stage when everything's so close there's no need as you see it's that risk versus reward isn't it there's no need to be pushing it right now you've got a couple of pit stops and two and a half hours to go yet and and then you can decide what your strategy is going to be and also look to see where the lamborghini huracan of paul miller racing and the other contenders are he indeed so that's exactly right but clearly he's got the speed there look at this despite a straight line speed advantage the aston martin had there heading up toward the roller skater he got right up onto the tail of aaron this but not close enough to try and make a pass at the top of the hill through the tucking behind him heading down the hill now down down that roller coaster into hog pen that tricky final corner where frankie montecalvo spun off in the early stages of this race and now competing lap seven but it's a super battle between these two and roman deandres he'd have been frustrated certainly to lose a couple of positions at the start lost out to both the number 39 and the 14 but as you say john it's uh he's doing just fine where he is right now the leaders aren't getting away either correct that's the important thing that is another good point and the the pit will be telling him that as well at imsa radio if you'd like to get in touch uh if you are moving around in the in the us xm two or two this weekend you're outside the us and you're listening on rs2 on him to radio at the moment i would normally say this but you quite i could i'll happily let you tune away from the radio if you shoot straight back to our streaming video outside the us at no uh interruptions we go flag to flag with the interracial commentary and that is on insert radio.com on the live video tab you'll find it very easily indeed so as i said under tuna half hours to go fastest lap of the race last time around in gtd is the plaid porsche sitting in behind uh zachary robichon uh or sitting behind the emg excuse me and michael de casada is trent hinman who's gone past sacramento overseas jeremy on that last uh yeah and they've been trading faster slaps to the last few that but the two porsches once again those quarters are super fast as they have been for the last four or five races uh and they're moving their way up the order now up into the four four six and eighth positions row sean hitman as you say right behind michael de quezada who was hanging on to the tail end of that lead group in the gtd he's only lost about a second and a half or so so he's still pretty much right there really good job for michael dickerzada first time here i think actor vir so for doing a good job to stay ahead of these super fast porsches at the moment meanwhile out front there's still the two corvettes uh are weighing in lock set but only about a three-quarters of a second to just a couple of car lengths between them at the front of the field cooper with neal he's out for his own in third position but then there's super battle in gtd yeah the two porsches coming through from the back after those forced qualifying tech in frick infractions for 16 car that was ride height the number nine car effectively didn't get a time set in qualifying so there were no points and started all the way at the back and that stayed at the back even when other people got put to the back they did get points john they actually did points they just scored uh 18 points i believe was the amount scored the only car with zero points was the 27 heart of racing aston martin not involved in either of the championships because they elected to change their starting tires that forfeits your points copy okay thank you adam with that vp racing fuel pit and paddock report and once they've got you there just a little note about minimum drive time in gt le man that hasn't passed yes that was only 10 minutes so at any point in time porsche can pull the kevin estrada ace up the sleeve and throw that into the weathertech car okay that's good and for gt deer torna minimum drive time is 45 minutes so we still got about another half an hour before we'll see driver changes there thank you and here comes coop mcneil now 23 minutes to go so that's uh 1 20 143 minutes two more stops from here i'd reckon that is new set of michelin tires going on ship and the driver change nearing completion kevin ester just working on finalizing his shoulder belts lap belt's already completed has to get the right side shoulder built in there we go uh they're not tightened yet but they have completed everything else kevin firing the car back up michelins are on fuel is done and kevin is able to roll away so mr estra does need to pull down those shoulder belts thank you kevin for listening to me once again make sure they're over the hans device pull down the belts nice and tight if those are not tight enough for race control's discretion he's now out on the racetrack they might be having a look at that onboard camera though john yeah they can see it all the time looked like he'd forgotten which book the press there drives a lot of different porsches and there's some subtle differences between the gt3 and the gt le man version of that car now that's dropped them down and that means of course that they are on a completely different schedule for coming into the pits than that of the two corvettes but what i will say is that kevin is an exceptionally fast driver and we need to just keep an eye on that car now and work out how far away he's dropped from the leaders and then see what happens when the two corvettes come in for their stop because that as i said is a very different strategy that is being played there just to get the faster driver in as early as possible jeremy and you know a reasonable strategy in fairness we've seen it yeah absolutely i mean it could you know cooper with all due respect he's not a factory driver he's not going to be as fast uh as his other guys you know he's effectively uh in my in my estimation and and therefore you know if they want to win this race as soon as they possibly can he still needs a full course score she's a long long way back [Music] uh that comes sooner rather than later then you know he's going to he's going to take an awful lot of beating because that is the fastest car and what's the fastest car in the first two sessions and uh you'll see what he can do it's gonna be an interesting strategic call and certainly the right one for that competition another set racing team so keep an eye on that gap main time at the front of the field the two corvettes leading the mortal race no prototypes here yet this is the michelin gt challenge at vir so it is front and center for the grand tourist possibly no more grand atura than the corvette down through the years and then it's new c8 mid-engine format [Music] new zeal six just saw some specs and some pictures of that uh recently that car set to be the challenger on in street trip to the new 992 porsche gt3 with probably 200 horsepower more than the flat 6 porsche hearing that it's likely to be the 5.5 engine mounted amid ships in that new z or 6 for the c8 i can't wait to see that and we are getting them with the steering wheel on the right hand side now so my hand has gone up several times but i'm still waiting to be called but i do i do volunteer if one needs to be running shall we say get a few miles on it yes that's the sort of thing that i am absolutely up for so the two corvettes still leading as they come across the line in the battle for gt tier tournet now for third and fourth position there's about a second between robbie foley and richard hyston with madison snow three tenths of a second further back he's closed back in on the audi in that lamborghini number one the red white and black car the silver on there as well he's got about half a second on the first of the lexus rcf gt3's of our team then it's roman de angelus for aston martin and then it's the mercedes of michael d casada saw an early pit stop then for the weathertech car after the 10 minutes and the bright orange racing helmet of kevin estra the apple frenchman he's had a cracking season this year winning a lot of big races including having his family at the nurburgring 24 of course this year that one there was i spoke to a week after that he was very very happy indeed clouds gathering but still dry at the moment 66 fahrenheit on track that's dropped by about four or five degrees since we started the race and as soon as we get cloud cover and there's no sunlight and energy going under the track surface it's actually warmer in the air than it is on the track at the moment and that's because of the thick cloud cover but as yet no spots of rain sheer adam has been monitoring things down at corvette racing what do you have ship [Music] the two cars running nose to tail about half a second separating tommy milner from jordan taylor the team trying to figure out ways to split up the strategy between the two cars they do this frequently weekend and week out look for an early pit stop potentially from that number four corvette to try and get tommy miller back out into a bit of clean air but as you mentioned the r word it is in the air right now within 15 minutes we could have a potential for moderate to light rain and then more coming toward the end of the race let's try at the moment that's the cars you play you can't you just can't anticipate whilst it's still dry that extra pit stop would be the end of your chances so it's sheer adam rvt racing if you're having before the jeremy show us with me john handoff in the hagerty global broadcast center good to see the two corvettes out front and they are racing this is not a demonstration that their team orders are there are no team orders just don't run into each other we've changed the colours of the car now jeremy so that if there is any swapping appeared they can't actually see it when they get back to the pits when they were both quite yellow of course it was more difficult to tell but these two are battling and in fairness uh tommy milner and nick tandy have been on a bit of a roll yes certainly happily what the last two races that pairing uh so yeah they are on a roll and got the pole position today mistake at the first corner of course cost tommy that pole position advantage here in this race but he is the fastest car on the track a couple of laps ago three laps ago uh jordan taylor reset his best lap of the race uh but uh but to thomas milner went quicker again so he still has the fastest level 141.929 now for uh tommy milner is the fastest lap of the race last time around jordan taylor was within a tenth of the second of his best lap she said a couple laps ago but he's still not able to pull away but this this super battles going on back in in gtd we just saw at turn one uh that was a zekker rubbish of finally sneaking past michael de quesada for the uh one two three four fifth position in the sixth position in gtd [Music] at the moment number 16 trent hinman looking at the back of the amg that teal blue car and big slide going through turn 10 south bend last time around for michael d casada the 28 car is really sliding around and if he's already slightly overheated those rear tyres [Music] like blue luke meantime a little bit further back ian james has got past rob ferryall me and james started at the back in the other aston martin of course jeremy which had the rear wing infraction and now he's starting to make a little bit of ground having got past the hardpoint portion yeah uh it took him a long time uh here is number four car on to the pit lane uh that's interesting as predicted by you yep they wanted to be in the clear air and being less than half a second from the team car was not doing now let's see i believe tommy is staying aboard somebody he loves these kind of conditions does nick uh winner of the 2015 pick them off overall in a gt car well this would be another overall gt win for nick tandy and first one for tommy milner belts are completely done and tight thank you nick for making sure you got the tug down on the shoulder straps well before the target fully fuel nozzle comes out forever on that car 21 seconds stationary wow that's an impressive pit stop from corvette racing it's a balancing act that's to be honest here because they're going to do four tires they're going to do a driver change so what they want to do is burn off enough vp racing fuel jeremy to make that worthwhile what you don't want is to be sitting waiting whilst the tires are going on or the driver is bolting himself in to the car i would say that was about perfectly judged by the number four crew yeah i think committed though now to a three-stop strategy the same as number 79 car so covering that i'm sure tommy probably felt he was faster than the number three cars we see a trend him a track trying to make a move around the outside of michael de casada at turn where he was alongside in the breaking area that cassava's doing a nice job there to hold on to that position no weight room through there for trent hitman but for tommy yeah i'm sure he thought he was faster so bring me in put me in fresh fresh air so to speak uh so i can i can try and make some ground for when jordan taylor finally makes a stop as they're a little bit later on that lap but what trent himmer did get past micah de quesada so now up into the seventh place two hours and 12 minutes still to go and that blue porsche then now having moved up a position so nick turned it oh and off for de casada and he's done damage to the back of the car that looked to me like turn 10. south bend on the run up towards the up tree corner and he was very lucky very lucky indeed there michael that he managed to catch that car the at least the left rear michelin was on the dirt for a moment and the car pitched 45 degrees to the left definitely some bodywork or some diffuser coming out from underneath that amg number 28 so let's see if he calls to the pit lane sometime soon adam's been analyzing the pit stop for corvette shay just to give you an idea of how impressive that corvette racing stop was they were on the pit lane for a total of 43.2 seconds that's from pitt end to pit out the 79 car the porsche they were on the pit lane for seconds so that means six seconds gained for the number four corvette even though they had to take more fuel chapeaux to that gray car yeah i think most of that was kevin ester not being able to get the car started to be fun brutally honest kevin won't like me for pointing that out but he had a couple of three stabs at various buttons and combinations of buttons on the steering wheel and on the dash panel the car was down for quite a wee while that car by the way in 14th overall and as the leaders there is the number three leaders are coming up through the snake and in fact he's just going up the climbing esses so just ahead of the leader by a couple of corners so still on the lead lap and trying to close down the back of the gtd top 10 until bechtel steiner in 11th guy cosmo in 10th that's the next two cars so they're having a cracking scrap with miesha goytberg in the lamborghini erdogan who's in ninth position that's the monitoring grt grasa racing team car and what's impressive to me jeremy is that quick stop for nick tandy or at least for tommy milner a change to nicotendy did they did they managed to stay ahead of the the gtd field there yeah they did yeah they pulled out well over a minute on the on the gtd card so plenty of time to make that stop uh and that's you know certainly going to to play into his favor as opposed to kevin ester who's got to work his way all the way through the gtd cars uh but because even after those first nine laps of the race uh number 79 car was already half a minute behind the two corvettes so you know with that pit stop as well i know sherry was saying a lot much longer pit stop he's got a lot more work to do to catch up so as i said earlier the number 79 car really does need a full-court caution to get himself back into contention but they're doing everything they possibly can meanwhile these battles continue in gtd then it's great to see that as well uh yeah and madison slows down right up with richard high stand in this battle for second audi the dark green green uh audi at the red white black and silver at lamborghini yurakat he's so close in fact that when richie richard heistand just pulled to the left a moment or two ago going through turn 10 to get out of the way of a bit of debris from michael dick assad's car i think uh madison didn't see it and he did hit it with the front right of the paul miller racing car meantime another place made up jeremy shaw by roman de angelis for aston martin indeed so and uh he has got himself up now into that into that fourth position ahead of aaron tielitz so he made that past a couple of laps to go did roman d anderson number 23 aston martin so even if the number one car were to go on and win this race it's currently however running only in third position fourth will be enough to clinch that gtd sprint cup championship for the number 23 team and having got past our until it's roman dancers has quickly pulled away from number 14 lexus and left him into the grasp now of zachary robichal in the uh the number nine fat porsche's coming all the way from the back of the field uh and now brother james is going to chase after madison snow is running in that third place out on their own at the front of the field the number three corvette team but now coming up to some traffic and ahead of them gt three battles [Music] [Music] racing nsx so until is in [Music] 11th position kevin ester has just gone through this battle trying to steer on the lead lap one or two spots of ray at the southern end of the circuit is this a dive down the inside by the leader bechtelsheimer left the door open for a moment but he said he's on battle but now [Music] the additional grunt of the corvette has got it passed danger time now for the leader jeremy um as he's coming to these battling cars in gt daytona yes indeed so he's got to be you've got to be careful here certainly and for for tommy milner excuse me oh nick nick candy did it wasn't drained to drive awesome number four car correct yes i'm sorry so nick tandy is not yet up to the pace of the jordan taylor and uh but it's going to be a little while yet before he has to contend with that traveling yeah he's got a decent gap actually the next car that he comes to uh will be the lexus of frank frankie monte carlo who had that early damage and spin remember down at the hog and the hogs pain and he's got half of the back straight before he catches uh that car and as we just mentioned the rain coming in from the south end of the circuit from around about 10 12 or 3 exactly as it did yesterday so now we've got to keep an eye on the track conditions down there we've had 35 minutes of the 2 hours and 40 that we started with on the clock it is still dry at the moment there is some damp that if not to say wet patches on the circuit but it is still very much slick mitchell entire weather out there right now as madison snow continues to stop richard heistant for second position robbie foley a second and a half further up the road as they go over the top of the roller coaster and still this battle just outside well outside and into the top ten for the 66 gradient acura the 32 mercedes of guy cosport and the lamborghini huracan that's the nightning jrt car of guy cosmo all in a battle together down through towards the final right-hander turned 17 all very confident in taking the curve there but a lovely exit by till bechdelsheimer he's in the draft of the number 32 amg ahead of him in that curving front straight but guy kosmo stays to the right hand side he's going to make tilgo the long way around now can he do the cutback ah guy was too smart for that parked it on the apex a little bit of a if not a block pass a block hold there in turn four nascar corner the left-hander pekka shiver again using the curb on the apex on the inside of that corner and that bridging car looks a lot more nimble and looks like it's being positioned jeremy shaw in a variety of different lines i'd say that till's got a little bit more grip than that guy cosmo at the moment [Music] i think so and uh certainly it's a good little battle going on there a while ago misha goever got past uh guy cosmo for that position uh but uh but uh cosmo is hanging in there and as you say till vettel chimer is all over him as well so stupid little battle going on there they're about eight seconds ahead of ian james who also managed to get past john potter uh a lot more easily than he had done uh getting past rob ferriero uh and now ian james he's just said his best lap of the race he's trying to track down that eight second gap to that little back into the talking about with mr guy cosmo until deathly shining and big time the battle for second has heated up again because madison snow did have a little challenge on uh richard heist done basically the same uh drive train on the lamborghini engine and gearbox the v10 has the r8 audi is at the moment i think she in balance of performance is a little bit lighter than the 39 audi ahead of it their 39 lamp yes excuse me yeah the audi is 1310 kilograms versus the lambo 1340 so imagine 30 kilos extra that's what 75 pounds yeah yeah it's a good week shopping that dive down the inside of madison it's a lot of sugar a lot of bags of sugar isn't it sorry that's a lot of sugar and flour yeah it does now this might be an opportunity for madison snow needs to be right up on the tail that he's just allowed kevin esther to come by in the weathertech porsche and gets a lovely run out of orcharding and here comes the aston martin as predicted by jeremy shaw ian james is right in behind them excuse me yeah um roman de angelus is right in behind them both the astons coming up on the battles at the moment but as jeremy right he said roman d'angelis is there now and we've almost got a three car battle for second position jeremy yeah they have uh you're absolutely right in the meantime all of a sudden robbie foley just leaps out a little bit over that battle for second place with richard hyatt coming under increasing pressure from madison snow to flash across the line to complete lap 22 and uh as you say robert d'andreas definitely closing in there and when he got past number 14 of about a couple of seconds to this number 39 and number one battle and that now is well a lot less of that second madison snow again in the whale tracks going through into turns uh in the turn five but there's just not enough room there on that short straight from four to the turn from three rather to the turning of four and five nascar corner got a really good run now it's full of my leader through the climbing s's coming to turn 10 fully already threw it into the compression now rising up towards the first part of the oak tree turns 11 and 12. [Music] it's all the way out over the kirby onto that tarmac that was put there a few years ago now [Music] two rises on that long back straight that houses the secondary pits variety of track configurations can be used to either complete any of the console games i bet you've done challenges on a pretty much every single version of them backwards forwards up and down daytime night time and in the rain it's a very challenging track here we're on the long circuit today just over three and a quarter miles on the full track fastest lap last time around jeremy by the gtd leader he's now burning off that vp racing fuel and beginning to pick the pace up in that olympic molly turner bmw he is indeed just turned his best up as you say there 146.172 that was on the previous lap he just completed his 23rd lap uh and he still hasn't had much of a margin over those two contenders behind them meanwhile uh that was a 46.1 for robbie foley the fastest lap in the class so far set by trent hinman 145.9 but hitman still trapped behind exactly rivershaw who in turn is trapped behind aaron and number four and that is let me see six seven connect isn't it uh of course guys and just a point there as well i'm actually very impressed jeremy that this battle four second position robbie fallen [Music] excuse foreign mitch tyson madison snap come back to that in a moment because john potter's had a spin and gets him pointed back in the right direction uh but he's off the track and down in the dip on the on driver's right at turn one and i'm not sure he's gonna get that up the hill there oh he's doing very well indeed but he's gonna come right under the apex of term one and he he's got it through my my point jeremy was gonna be that uh richard hyster madison snow sort of battling but they're not really holding each other up they're still that one and a half seconds away from robbie fawley that gap hasn't changed hardly at all uh true indeed and uh there's a replay i think of what happened to john poddle it's got a little breaks a little bit too heavy to turn one spun around and then try to rejoin and then that went on to the grass and cost him a lot of ground he was only come back under creative pressure there from robbie from rob ferial excuse me in the team hardpoint porsche which of course is based right here at vir so i'm on track for a rob ferial and rob will take over that position from john potter so that battle has not slowed down that scrap for second it would seem and for the moment at least roman d'angelis still just at about a second [Music] behind them and he's got one of the corvettes coming through as well at the moment that's the leader in fact isn't it that's coming through them at the moment so i do not the fact that the gtd cars are not giving up that much to the leading corvette as it comes through roman de angelis was sitting pretty close on the right yellow rear end of that corvette until they started to climb the hill and then the little bit of extra grunt from the corvette and a little bit more downforce as well so he could take jordan taylor could take a little more speed through the very fast uphill section there that was what paid and now he's on the straight he passes madison snow but then has to drop back in between those two gtd's to get a secondary tour jeremy to get past the car barn audi so that's how close those cars are even in a straight line yeah really interesting isn't it uh there isn't uh a big speed differential there until because it's off in the creations unit nutrition car and that is that's coming into the orchestra he's gone off a turn ten hasn't he at the south turn [Music] we think he may have had health there we'll check that out in a moment he was in that battle of course with guy cosmo and miesha goykberg and they were in close company we'll get that to you as soon as we have that information i'm watching the race control channel to see if anything pops up there the leader has now cleared the gtd battle what that has done to my eyes at least jeremy is it looks as though robbie forley is lost out again just a little bit there i'll come back to that in a second becklesheimer in behind the amg that is in 10th position nope just lost it at the top of the rise at nine and went off to drivers right at 10. like the back end just got away from him pit window has opened for gtd and in comes back to scheimer straight away mario farm bucket stands ready he's ready to go she adam yes he is and a new set of michelin tires going on to that 66 gradient racing acura not many sticker tires for mario so far this weekend so he's going to be a happy camper going out around vir he knows the track he knows the car having won the championship in this car last year so let's see what super mario can do tony designo hi tony tuned in he was uh watching and listening to our radio show limited coverage of the nurburgring finale earlier on the dip which finished handily about five minutes before we came on air for michelin count down to green despite it being delayed a little bit this morning for fog tony and i think he's spot on here jeremy uh this adam's a radio gtd pit stops feel like they're gonna mean an awful lot today with how close these cars are on the track and how hard jeremy sure it is to pass don't think there's much to add to that to be honest is there from children thanks for answering the question yeah i'm sorry tdz hit nail on head with rather large hammer to be honest we've got this battle now here's the first of the pit stops from gtd apart from that one from gradient that we saw after the offshoot adam is down watching the pit stops for a lamborghini and an emg gt3 and i'm fairly excited about this mercedes pit stop for gilbert hawthorne because guy cosmo getting out and we've got mike skeen getting in mike who last year over mercedes i want to say it was the last minute call up at the daytona 24 earlier this year to fill in for michael de quesada with the allegra motorsport team but this time he's getting in for new michelin tires and a whole lot of fuel going on in that car and for grasser racing they are doing fuel tires and a driver change misha goykberg is out and in is frank pereira so now we've now here's here's a funny thing here's the 66 christian car getting a little love tap from the faf porsche who gets a little love tap from the uh from the right car that's in behind it as well don't forget that is uh super mario farmbacker just getting up to speed there jeremy but that was a dangerous little moment there one car that has pitted and three that has have not yeah what was interesting also about that is you see the the leader in gtd uh coming into the pit then robbie foley's hand over to bill oberlin for 45 minutes has of course been completed until beckham shiner he tied his spin nicely because by the time he got to the end of the lap the pit window was open so he was able to come straight into the pit so that was effectively his in-lapper which he spun but my point there about number 66 car when it rejoined it certainly hindered coming on to the back straight and that allowed both porsches to get a run and get past and it's as they headed on that on that back straight away because the porsches are super fast in a straight line yeah and on such small things etcetera etcetera etcetera our porsche keys to the race track position so pit stops absolutely it's tony tozino tweeted out him to radio recently stay off the grass grass is slippery tractors grip me and don't forget those championship implications as well there are people out there who are fighting for trophies at the end of the year this round and one more between them on for the overall championship and of course for the long distance championship as well the endurance cup for gtt but this one is the last race for the sprint cup and the aston martin number 23 doing at the moment enough jeremy shaw to take that championship yes indeed been a really nice opening sit there for roman d'andreas he's keeping the pressure on that the carpet directly ahead of him that is his closest contender in the championship for the sprint cup coming into this weekend the gap was 74 points uh between those two it was uh extended by five as a result of lost gun claiming maximum points in the secondary qualifying session yesterday for gtd so uh 79 points said that the margin coming into this race it's jeremy shaw who's alongside major on high note in the hagerty global broadcast center a couple of porsche passes a lot or two ago which were aided by the nsx and mario farmback are coming out on cold michelin tires remember no tyres tire warmers allowed here and the lexus was the one that lost out aaron taylor tried to get up the inside in the second part of the oak tree corner and that cost him on the exit and the two porsches using that to drag through yeah taylor's had to back out of it there and the two porsches dragging each other by all very tight on the back straight but a little bit of bump drafting from the right motorsport car on the faf adam trent himman's gone off john at turn one he just spun off the track uh he did get going again i didn't see what caused him to go off but that was one of the porsches we were just talking about trent edmond driving the number 16 right the tail covered colored porsche was in fifth position in class after that exchange uh earlier on uh that car has not yet stopped but into the pit lane the number 88 hardpoint car rob forreal out catherine leg in i think we mentioned mike skin getting in for guy cosmo didn't we yes we did only got help from kathryn lake as she was coming out the pits i think there so the two porsches getting together and that is under review as the overall leadership adam jordan taylor for corvette number three the yellow car is in the pit lane jordan taylor in staying in antonio garcia taking over fuel and four new michelin tires also under the pit lane we've got the 39 carbon audi in richard high stand his job done for today jeff westball taking over fuel and michelin tires going on there a little bit of a slow driver change going on for that audi also into the pit lane the number 23 heart of racing ask martin roman deangelis handing over to ross gunn we've got trent himman in the pits after that incident he will be getting out and handing over to patrick long that's going to be a lot of fun to watch and also in michael dickerson with the allegra motorsport mercedes handing to daniel morad fuel and tires for every car still the corvette on the chest there we go that was a slow stop for quarterback racing um one minute nine seconds on the pit lane they lost 26 seconds during that stop i'll find out why it looked like a problem with both back wheels from the view that i had we might get another chance to review that so [Music] back out and two corners ahead of their teammates so behind their teammates should i say uh so the four has gone through nick tandy has gone through actually it's a little bit more than that they're just coming up to the uh climbing yeses now and nick tandy is into the upgrade corner so the four corvette has taken over the lead of the race and now leads as he's on the back straight well importantly that time lost did not allow kevin estrada through into second place so antonio garcia now just have to hunt down his teammate but we we did see those pit stops track position are going to be key in our porsche keys the race and there goes the carbine audi off the road that is coming again through the turn 10 area through the climbing esses and just over the top of the rise at night mario farmback has just put the fastest lap of the racing in gt dear torna in the graduation accurate now that he's got his michelins up the temperature and pressure of course he's dropped down having previewed his pit stop to 13th position let's see how much time he can get back as other people pitting and getting up to speed estrus stuck at the moment in behind the leader in check that's the former leader in gt dear torna now let's see if we can find out what happened to the number 39 uh was there a touch i don't think there was between bill oberlin there and start number 39 audi it was close but i don't think it was a touch [Music] and it was the liquid molly car so it just scared him off the track really more than anything i think there jeremy um it was right at the top of turn 10. sort of there that was sort of side by side i'm not sure side by side through over the top of the rise at uh at nine and ten [Music] still waiting to have a look at the ah share you might be able to tell us what the situation is with the catherine leg and trent hinman accident reviewed no further action the incident involving the 39 carbon audi and the 96 turner motorsport bmw is under review uh the update on the three corvette it was bad equipment for the rear tire change that's what happened so unfortunate for them the number one is in paul miller racing madison snow out of the car brian sellers is in four new michelin tires just waiting on the fuel adding a little bit of fluid in the back too an oil canister going in there we've got zachary robichaun in for the nine faff motorsport porsche lawrence van tour is behind the wheel that one now and he was doing his reign dance a little bit earlier on that crazy guy we've got aaron thielitz with the 14 lexus into the pit lane jack oxford's taking over and also ian james has brought in the heart of racing asked martin number 27 the sister card of the one going for the sprint championship and it is alex roberts taking over that car i was talking with alex a little bit earlier on today he was saying how much it means to him to be a part of this championship once again he finished just off the podium his last time at vir looking to try to improve upon that just a note if we do get to see that corvette stop again and we might just watch very carefully because even in the midst of things going wrong there was no panic there it appeared to me that the gun field on the left rear tyre so instead of panning it the tire changer went back to the wall changed the gun and then started again on the right rear tire before going back to the left so he didn't have to run backwards and forwards a couple of times extra just that little clarity of thought even when things are going wrong did they lose some time yes what is it as much as they could have absolutely not another fastest lap in gtd by mario farmbacker jeremy shaw that number 66 creating car is the same chassis that mario raced last year in different colors yeah very familiar with that car certainly yeah but you're a lot of ground to make up of that spin uh for till bethel chamber of course but uh also right before that picks stop john madison snow set the fastest lap of his race in carnival one uh great time to do it he comes in next time around handed over that car to brian sellers and we'll see when they get back up to speed again where they are in relation to one another but here now ross gone uh under increa under stout pressure from jack hawks with meanwhile bill auburn he's already four and a half seconds down the road in the lead of this race or will be i think after the pit stops have been completed so jeremy shaw with the major unhind off in the hanging global broadcast center across the start finish line number 96 turner bmw looking at the back of brian sellers and tries to go around the outside oberlin versus sellers well get the popcorn in settle back because we've got an hour and 41 minutes of this 101 minutes and i will guarantee it will be nip and took the lamborghini looking tiny next to that number 96 it goes down the inside turn three and four and now into five there was a little rub on the left rear guard of the lamborghini by oberlin oberlin wants to be through he's got an advantage at the moment he knows he has tries to go up the inside through the climbing esses and makes it goes through well brian sellers deciding that wasn't his fight at that point i think there jeremy that uh he didn't need to be holding up bill orbilin in the clear feisty move the bill orbital in well always in a feisty quick mode in fairness for that look to me so brian just backed out of that one there and playing the long game yeah i mean yeah i think he did i'm not sure he had an awful lot of choice in the matter because bill was pushing the envelope he gave him a little bit of a nudge to turn four there actually took off his strike on one of those two cars so uh you could see you could see that uh the number 96 car was being forceful there uh clearly you know sellers he's only just done one lap out of the pits the number 96 car he's already done five laps so his tyres mitchell tires are well up to temperature so i think really that was a smart move by brian serzer he could have made things difficult and if he did though he risked making some contact between the two and going off the road which wouldn't be good of course so you know in terms of championship he's still looking in good shape for the for the overall championship here he's still right in it so they've got to look at the big picture here coming into this race in the overall championship for the gtd the number uh number one car is ahead of the uh so they are battling in the championship the two opening drivers for corvettes having a chat down in the middle in their work one would expect will be done they'll stay sooner than boogies [Music] this is taylor and milner just in case they need to come on alan prosser says i thought i saw the corvette gun operator signal there was something wrong with the wheel and then even tried the gun on the wheel then brought another whale around to be put on okay right certainly there was something going on at the back of the car so let's see if we can get a definitive of what that equipment failure was here the problem as i said what struck me was the complete lack of panic down on the berlin corvette racing big time battle for fifth and fourth position jeff westfall now looking at the back of the number 12 and that is the lexus uh frankie monty caldwell that's not a battlefield position is it because frankie's still off the lapland of course hasn't stopped yet [Music] looks tough [Music] because he did that extra stop at the beginning correct he had the uh issue correct yeah so he's hoping for together go ahead chef i've got an update from corvette by the way uh it was wrong rear tires on the three car stop right so they couldn't fit them because they they were either from the other car or something like that correct good spot that is an excellent spot by whoever worked that one out and don't forget it's not just a question of somebody looking to see what numbers are written on in white marker paint as they go out because you drive through an rfid reader now and all of the michelin tires have got chips in them in fact i was just reading a very interesting article in this month's edition of racecar engineering about the new porsche mission r which not only have michelin built some b-sport tyres for but they have put a smarter smart chip in there that can tell the driver how much the tires are wearing by feeding that back by bluetooth or some kind of harry potter magic i'm not sure how michelin do all this stuff they're far too clever for me all i know is that they've built very good race and straight tires and do a lot of work here actually sorry say again jeremy too much information yeah it's up to the drivers to feel about to feel it michelin do a lot of work here though don't they they do a lot of street car test work and uh and work here as well as obviously michigan race where road atlanta on i i seem to recall in the past month uh we've been here there's been all kinds of demonstrations and uh and runs going on here so michigan know this track very very well indeed yeah they do you're right that's a a very good point um they do a lot of testing everywhere and they have a lot of great information and you know they're just giving more information to the drivers good for them on board with the heart of racing aston martin currently running in the uh fourth position which would be enough to clinch the sprint cup championship at this stage ross gunn and look at the tail end of lawrencevantour both of these two making ground toward brian sellers in fact they were both quicker than the race leader bill obliged last time around for bill o'brien would lead to 146.2 146.3 for brian sellers now got that lamborghini fully up to speed and then there's a 3.8 second gap back to lawrence vancouver who turned a 45.9 so three times quicker than the leader two tenths quicker than him was ross gunn in the aston martin so this battle is heating up in gtd [Music] hour and 35 minutes to go then 95 minutes nick tandy leading from his teammate he's already up the climbing s's as his teammate antonio garcia in the number three car [Music] to turn three and now into turns four and five that little chicken very quick chicken in fairness kevin estrada now eight call it nine seconds behind antonio garcia and closed in about half a second last lap around now wheel goes on on the left rear and then there's a shake of the head from the wheel man no no take that one away it won't work so he goes round to the right ah they had the left wheel on the right side yeah the right wheel on the left side and that's why they went round to the other side so he noticed so that if they had an encapsulated nut on there the the nut would not tighten because presumably sheer they have different threads on either side so the wheel would have gone on quite nicely but the nut would never have tightened up because tighty on that side is lucy on the other side correct and that's just some of the brilliance that you get with corvette racing uh not very long ago i saw a race car that had the tires uh the front tires put on the back and the back tires put on the front uh yeah that was not pleasant thankfully the driver noticed right away but yes for corvette racing they have that down to a science yeah the steering wheel for some reason in a straight line was going uh left hand down yeah i understand understand well good spot anyway not too much time wasted there but they have lost the lead and now find themselves in a rather tight battle jeremy shaw that number three corvette the bright yellow car with the white kevin ester driven proton engineering run weathertech number 79 porsche with estra uh on full attack mode now and all of those three drivers tanya garcia and estra presumably in to the end of the race yeah absolutely i'm sure they are yeah but i mean a very uncle i mean that was a big huge mistake from corvette racing i think you never see the team making that sort of mistake i mean you know that they they practice their pistols they know which ties should go on which wheel you don't take the wrong one it's just something that corvette race never does so yeah at least they spotted it but a very uncharacteristic mistake by corbett racing and that's certainly unless there is a full course caution is going to cost any chance of a race win for antonio garcia uh you're right the three leaders in in the three three cars are changing i'm turning very similar lap time so right now it's about 28 seconds almost half a minute between the first two that gap has stayed around uh and kevin estrella is about eight eight and a half seconds back in third position again that gap's remaining fairly stable as well so uh it's hard to see any major changes there in gtlm but in gtd i talked about the fact that lawrence vancouver and roscoe were quicker than the two leaders last time around uh on the next lap however ron brian sellers and baltimore lobby both turn their fastest laps off the race so you know this is a long way from being over in gtd [Music] there's uh alan prosser who first spotted that issue and tweeted at himself radio and turner motorsports uh i've just tweeted allen could spot a failed mouse on the moon at night blindfolded um yes and he would normally be able to find a screen grab of it as well atlanta rodney camel alan prosser thank you very much indeed for giving us the benefit of your uh eagle like eyesight uh all that when so much is happening for us here in the hackney global broadcast center coming down to 90 minutes now to go here's how it's dancing gt dear torna bill o'brien leads by two and a half seconds in that bmw m6 gt3 for the number 96 car then leads to the number one that's brian sellers in the lamborghini hurricane for paul miller racing he's got about three seconds now caught three and a half actually on lawrence vancouver the number nine the plaid porsche behind them it's uh in that slos vancouver by the way in that number nine car ross gunn is another oh just three tenths behind so that is a proper battle for third and fourth position with the aston martin in fourth position which is where it needs to be to win the championship whatever else happens and five and a half seconds uh is the safe gap at the moment to the 39 jeff westfall driven audi r8 carbon car dark rear and green machine then it's jack hawks with uh six seconds further back in the lexus rcf gt3 that's the number 14 the yellow and black car just rounding the orc three corner now behind him daniel has taken over the 28 and is side by side with trent hinman as they go down the back straight perfect time to be talking about them a little bit of side drafting going on and they touch i think there was a tiny little touch there as they go up towards the second rise and the top of the roller coaster now hindman will have the inside rise oh this all started a couple of uh quite a long time ago yeah this was the early one same spot but what it shows john is the straight line speed of the porsche absolutely right yeah absolutely right and just waiting to see if that pass was actually completed by the number 16 of trent hitman [Music] and yes it was yes it was because i can see it going around turn one now that teal blue color is the uh one of the easier cars to spot and is now going into turns four and five and with four what 10 cars lengths so the pass was made a little bit of side drafting doesn't necessarily speed you up but it can't slow down the car that you're trying to pass and trent hinman once you've got fully alongside that jeremy going up the hill to the roller coaster he was on the wrong side for the first the left-hand part of the roller coaster but he knew the corner was going to come to him indeed it'll be patrick longer at the wheel of that car won't it uh at this stage did they not change drivers in number 16 yeah excuse me they didn't oh well no no not yet ah okay wow okay that's a big big tip of the hat then to train him to sit there and he's doing a very fine job at the wheel of that that number 16 car next to these sites is gonna be jack smith but he's another four seconds up the road so he's gonna have to work get work cut out to catch up with that number fourteen lexus but a super long opening stint here for trent hidman yeah very interesting that uh the left trent in there she will be able to look at the pit stop times i presume they did give him a fresh set of michelin i can't imagine anybody who want to try and double around here no no they gave him full service they just didn't do the driver change saving patrick long for the final stint to uh keep him a little bit more fresh whereas everybody else is going to have double stinted to the end yeah absolutely oh mario farmback is off and buried in the tires this will be a full course yellow and ease with one hour and 27 minutes on the nose and this is at the top of the roller coaster i think yes it is and he's gone far enough off that he's almost cannot be seen under the tires the tires have done their job the catch fencing's done its job but that car is buried and a very long way off but it looks like it's gone straight in it's a very odd angle could have gone in at a slightly more acute angle and then been pulled around onboard camera still working bodywork has been peeled back from the front and the shape of the nsx has lifted up that conveyor belt style banding and gone underneath and lifted the first couple of rows of the tires and we'll wait for news from the team there about uh the driver and whether they could talk to him there are actually uh two separate rows of tires there there's an uh initial row of probably or an additional array is probably the best i should say of probably what four banded stacks of tyres held together with the uh the banding on the front of it the conveyor belt and i can't see any skid marks at all on the grass so he's gone in there virtually unabated speed as mario farmback we're talking about and he's basically submarined under those but has stopped before he hit the tyres in front of the retaining wall and the catch fencing so those initial ties much as it turned at sunset at sebring those tyres a sort of initial row of tyres were put in there um many years ago to slow the cars down at the end of the backstreet mario farm batteries out dusts the dirt and mud off his gloves he's left his helmet on and he's straight to the porsche cayenne emr global response vehicle well whatever anybody thinks jeremy about uh issues of tires they have done their job there in point the fact he wasn't going as quick as i thought but he just once he was on the grass lost that going into the roller coaster and then from then on he was a passenger and just did not appear to slow down very much at all no scary incident there for mario fabric it's kind of over the crest there isn't it and then down the hill on the grass and yeah the tyres i think there might need to be a little bit more gap between those uh two separate tyre barriers there uh there's there's a good car lengths between them and he he pushed the tiles all with a very scary incident there i think uh i'm not sure whether he would have been able to get out of the car with those tires kind of on top of certainly on top of the back end of the cars he went straight underneath the first uh tyre barrier that was a very scary incident and great to see he's out of that car and and you're right and certainly that barrier will have prevented what could have been a lot worse i had a lot of damage in the car driver yeah exactly right here's the worst thing about that and i can say this now and i'm saying it's slightly tongue-in-cheek because we've seen mario walkway the worst thing about that is he knew that was coming from a very very long way out and it appears that he just couldn't get the car slowed down jeremy as he came to the top of the hill he turns in to the left-handed part and already he knows he's not he's not making it and he's not slowing down there was no way he was making the right hand corner there it was as soon as he went on to the brakes that that that accident was happening and he knew it indeed so and it's downhill over that crest and yeah you're getting particularly with the grass being wet after the rain earlier on this morning you're going to get no purchase at all down uh to help slow the car anymore so any retardation that there was on that car was all done before he left the racing surface and clearly there wasn't nearly enough to get that car around the corner so you know it's a scary part of the racetrack there it is which is a scary track and and that was a very frightly incident and great to see that mario is out of that car and that one has to uh to hope also there's not too much damage to the car like i say the tarwar from that respect has done i think a pretty good a very very good job kerrigan smith here the track manager at bir you know he is uh one of the leading sea safety advocates in this country uh uh for for motor racing safety and has done a fabulous job here in conjunction with the ownership team and connie nyholm and the rest of the team here at at vir and you know they've uh it's uh you know it's it's a it's a a challenging racetrack it is tricky you're going to go off here and there are going to be consequences yeah but uh what they've done there to to ameliorate the the problems for the driver that he clearly suffered when he went off the racetrack there has uh has saved a saved injury they're great to see there's been a number there have been a number of uh of safety changes made at this circuit since the last time himself were here down at turn one um those of you with a good memory uh will recall that we've had some very big accidents down at term one well there's a new uh fence down there and some additional catch fencing uh down there this area at the top of the hill at the roller coaster uh at what is effectively turn 15 16 i support 15 14 15 at the top of the hill that has been changed relatively recently as well because of an incident in a race earlier this year and because it's what i do noticing things we'll get to to share in a sec because this is going to bring everybody in and put all of the gt uh le mans cars back on the same strategy it's not that they've just plonked those tires by the way down in front of it they've dug the grass away so that there was dirt underneath those tires so there was something to purchase on those tyres so there's a lot of thought going into that share you've got the gt come on failed in and having been the most recent pit stopper the number three corvette is the first car back off the lane no tires for them after the last time just fuel for nick candy it was four new michelin tires and the same story kevin estrada both of those cars owed us stops they were well within their window for needing to come in but now it's going to be another splash for gtlm to try and make it to the end of this race as we heard from mark miller a driver of the gradient racing acura on normal weekends he told us that with all of the flat out time around this track your pit window tends to not get stretched as much as it does in other locations um yeah and you know half the number of laps done for antonio garcia that's why he was stationary uh for a short amount of time jeremy uh because quite honestly uh he he didn't need as much fuel so there was no point in trying to put tires on again he'd only had them 15 laps ago that's exactly right but this is certainly good news for everybody except for the number four team because number four team without this full course caution they were out front and and well clear and looking golden but with the timing of this yellow of course it's going to bring number three and the number 79 right back into the picture that was kind of the gamble that the number four team took might make by making that early stop you know if there was a cautionary stage they were going to be vulnerable and indeed that has been the case so it's going to be it's going to make it a lot more interesting for us watching that's for sure in the uh in the final stage i don't think we're going to see probably any of the gtd cars coming into the pistol an hour and 18 minutes remaining so they can't get to the end from here unless there is would be another long full course caution um certainly they're going to need another pixel at some stage just looking at the damage on the front of the gradient and sx it's body work certainly there's one or two coolers etc in there and i i do think something went wrong with the car as soon as he breaks i i that is not a driver error at that point uh i said that as soon as i saw it it didn't look what right there was a a wiggle uh as he started he's quite heavy breaking for the top of the hill at term 14 and he mario i think was a passenger for most of that his concentration there was trying to keep it straight uh and go in i don't think he wanted to throw it sideways at that sort of speed or backwards so he put it in uh as straight as he could oh well we are seeing content doesn't it come in the picture well yeah okay well yeah i mean if particularly if the leader comes in then everybody else really has to to to to cover that um it's a bit of a gamble there by the number 96 team i would suggest but because you don't think this caution is going to be long enough to get to the end but they are going to need a you know another pizza at some stage uh and by uh by coming in now you know at least that their final stop will be a good bit shorter than you would otherwise be sure adam's watching these pitch stops as our vp racing fuel pit paddock reporter it's fuel and tires for the turner motorsport taco mobile the bmw in and out and it's still entirely palmer racing paul miller jumps the bmw leaving the pit lane but the first car out is the first car in the championship that is fast motorsport taking just a smidge less fuel than everyone else since they were a bit newer to the racetrack having been on the pit lane a little bit sooner than everyone else if you see what i mean their pit time was a bit more recently uh i'm looking and i am seeing long listed against the blue right motorsport porsche so they did get a driver change done in that time as well third off the lane was the 39 carbon audi that's jeff westfall once again but we had two cars who elected not to come down the pit lane at all and now we're at the head of the field that's frank pereira in the 19 grasser lamborghini and the 32 of mike skeen that gilbert carthor from mercedes also staying out was andy lally but he's trying to get a lap back uh ian mccarthy saying so great to see uh mario fanback jump out of the graduate car so nimbley after that accident that looked rough uh at imsa radio thank you for that and the clear-up goes on this is not going to be the work of a moment because there's a lot of tire stacks that have to be moved we've got an hour and 15 minutes to go um i'm confidently predicting that it'll be a good 10 to 15 minutes before we get going again i know how fast the crews work here and put all the machinery there that they need already but uh there's a lot of shimmying of heavy bits of tyres there i would think certainly we're looking at a sizable chunk of yellow so behind the safety car with an hour and 15 minutes on the nosy to go in this saturday main race of the imsa michelin gt challenge weekend still to come today we have porsche race one of two this weekend for the porsche carrera cup north america presented by visit cayman islands and then tomorrow a full card of racing that includes another porsche race plus the mission pilot challenge and the prototype challenge as well that's all to come tomorrow i will have that for you in sound and vision here on imsa radio dot com and insert dot tv thanks for joining us if you're on xm2 or 2 our usual channel for imsa weathertech sports car championship events next up for this championship it's the big one 10 hours of more to petty lemon and that's another saturday race check insert.com for all the details very busy weekend with many championships coming to a close that weekend so this has reset everything now jeremy because everybody stopped really i suppose making the uh making the consideration that this is going to be a relatively long pit stop and there's no point in staying out if everybody or the majority of people have come in you might as well take your chances and reset and at least make up the gaps that you had to the cars in front yeah i mean you know for the for the number 19 to 32 you know nothing to lose there by staying out and and you're leading the race uh and you're right it depends on how long this caution period uh turns out to be um it's uh it is going to be wild yes and it could conceivably bring the the cars that did make their pit stops into the range of being able to make it to the end without needing another pit stop um if it goes another you know let's say 20 minutes uh definitely the case anything earlier than that there's certainly going to be quite a bit of fuel save required i believe yeah yeah and uh worth mentioning how hard the track services who are out at the top of the roller coaster at turn 14 at the moment now reconstituting that tyre barrier plus all of our marshals track workers medical support flaggers people parking cars punching tickets thank you very very good thank you very very much for all your good near great work uh across this season and indeed every season both here in imsa and around the big wide world of motorsport we simply could not go racing without all of you each and every one of you the jobs you're doing are essential so thank you very much for giving up the present precious resource of your time to be with us and allow us to indulge ourselves in our favorite sport it's going to be a different look to the paddock tomorrow with the imsa weathertech sports car championship teams being able to pack up tonight a rather different look to the weekend but plenty of racing to come tomorrow so if you are in reasonable driving distance of vir i would heartily recommend coming up with some great driving roads around here uh great hospitality as well for the concluding part of the michelin gt challenge weekend so if you can make it come up if you can't or you're further afield tune in to our live coverage [Music] streaming video and our intermediate commentary if you're outside the us for the mission pilot challenge but we will have all the porsche races both the porsche races for you on insert radio.com in sound and vision flag to flag no blocks little breaks been a great season for the porsches as well this year and we have five races left two here and three at matul patilamont first season of the 992 porsche cup cars and a real battle royale between three youngsters in the pro class and it is the first time we've had a pro category in the imsa porsche series upgraded this year to the new 992 car and to a carrera cup rather than a gt challenge which has meant that those young drivers are all eligible for the young driver program at their shootout later on this year waiting to hear who is the chosen ones it's not necessarily going to be the driver that wins because i don't think we'll be finished the season before that decision has to be made and the drivers go off to the shootout in europe very late this year [Music] and actually whilst i was saying congratulations to our officials and marshals we should also say what a good job jeremy that imsa have done this year a little bit different look to the championship season but we've got all the races in and not all the venues this year we've gone over the border to canada but it's been what is a pretty decent season again of himself weathertech sports car championship racing and the developmental series as well they have kept all of their races in fact that's why there's three porsche races at uh motel patilla mom because uh they couldn't support the indycar race uh because the indycar is didn't happen in canada so it's been a heck of a year for the logistics team and the the sporting team the competition team at himself as well indeed so i mean a tremendous shame not to go to canadian time spotlight with everybody enjoys going there even with the passages across the border for the teams uh but that's the you're right here that's the only race we haven't managed to get to this season so indeed a brilliant job everybody involved with him sir and their promoting partners as well at the racetracks to make these events happen it looks like the uh the lights are off the safety car so we're going to go back to green with an hour and seven minutes remaining and i think that's going to require another pit stop from all of the gtd uh contenders and the gtlms as well so this is going to be a real bond fight now for the remaining hour and seven minutes or so lights are indeed out on the porsche tycoon turbo s safety car share adam was watching the numbers and the pit stops not everybody fully filled here knowing that they would probably have to stop again they've listened to the porsche case the race they've gone for track positions which caused that uh well the number nine bath motorsport corsa did for sure they were about four seconds less on the pit lane than the three cars behind them also doing short fuel was the 16 right motorsport again a short stop and the 27 hearted racing team they took substantially less fuel than their team car [Music] saw the massive amount of torque from the electric motors in the all-wheel drive over 700 horsepower when required means that they take out turbo s has dissipated the pit layer quietly without any fuss very comfortably as well by the way as we go back to green with an hour at six welcome to the repair crew and after good five or six minutes of what i thought it would take them to do it and the two corvettes are at it and here comes kevin estra side by side for the two c eight r's and estras following through we might just sneak between them here as they go to nascar corner trying it round the outside still stinging it to the corvette there's a touch someone's going to end up on the grass and it's the weathertech car back down to third for a mormon i think the noise of the porsche 911 the number 79 car was ahead as their head away behind them frank pereira was leading in gtd for the number 19 brasser racing team if they're short filled as well or did they not come in to the pit leg they did not stop yeah so they've rolled the dice the other way and but that's okay estrus added again in the white porsche now we know how fast the porsche gtd cars are what are they like in gt le mans spec just looking at the restart to make sure nothing was all right did the two corvettes i think they were all right hour and five minutes to go seems to me jeremy that extra feels that his best chance is whilst he's getting the heat into the tires here he's really got some pace and he's giving nick tandy a real going over well he certainly is that was really elbowed out of the first chord the first three or four corners wasn't it on that on that restart that we talked about it right at the beginning the restart lapse outlaps every time that we're gonna be really tricky because it is difficult to bring these tyres up to temperature on this track and snowball the grip it's not super hot here today and so that's exactly why we saw such elbowing for position there on that first lap the first two car by the way in uh gtd at the reset did not stop uh i think mike skiing is now he brought that car into the pitch as he has to uh to make his what he hopes i guess would be his final stop but the big loser of that round of pitstop by the way is number 23 aston martin that fell from uh fourth position down to who's it now in the uh in the ninth place yeah also in the pit lane the number 12 acura for zach beach but this is not for service no no this lexus has received a very hefty penalty running the red light at pit exit stop plus 60. zach is in now serving that yeah that team they're a little bit unlucky with that caution period because the number 19 and 32 did not come on to the pit lane with everybody else's gtd number 12 wasn't able [Music] so he was able to get back on the lead lap get the wave around get back on the lead laughing number 34 for magnus racing with archangel but not the number 12 car so once again nothing go right for that number 12 team this season is a radio if you'd like to get in touch with us we're coming down to the last hour or so of the race 63 minutes to go across the line and kevin estrada has made the pass up in the second and he's not convinced that that is enough for him right up behind the leader now nick tandy second or saw further back so it's garcia estra tandy what a trio they are corvette porsche corvette well this oh he takes two cars to make a race we've got three in the class and they're all in with a shout here jeremy in this last hour and two minutes yeah very much so this is really gonna be interesting now and antonio garcia he's gonna have his work cut out if he's going to stay ahead and potentially win this motor race because uh he's got a very fired up kevin estrada behind him and coming into this round this is one this is antonio garcia he's won here three times uh in the last uh what five years here 16 17 and of course last year with jordan taylor so trying to keep that stream going and tie up the championship in the best possible way by winning a race but he's certainly got uh kevin estrada has a very different plan for the final one hour and two minutes of this race so battle at the front of the field is on in gtd frank pereira leads from lawrencevantor and then bill oberlin in third position and they're together on the track as well please [Music] indeed let's just keep that one going as it is for the moment as their drop down to the hog pen to come across the line there'll be just over an hour and one minute to go uh flash of the likes by lawrence van too so that's obviously going to give him an extra 15 miles an hour down the straight no it won't and i'm pretty certain frank pereira knows you're there to be orange lawrence here comes auburn sitting right in behind brian sellers is about another two seconds further back as he tries to close this gap now nick tandy not able to go with the guys in front and he's on new tyres remember shear reminds me did uh i think esther took new ties as well didn't he correct but garcia just took a splash of fuel right so what's going on here is tandy's pace that's a couple of tents off last time around i didn't see any contact on that restart but it was as jeremy said a bit elbows out [Music] so try and get a good look at that uh corvette number four the next time it comes around [Music] top three absolutely together it could be that tandy was just taking a bit of time to bring the michelins up to temp and pressure because he's right back there now jeremy yeah he certainly is and uh gosh this is going to be a tremendous battle i think between this this trio i think they're probably gonna need another pit stop as well uh before the end of this race unless there's another thing of course caution so you know that adds a little bit of intrigue as well number three team they've already had their miscue on pip lane so what we're looking for another one that's for sure [Music] side by side is thick or pasty lexus class and therefore of the race in gtlm well i'm being told that tandy was hit by both the corvette and the number 79 weathertech car uh it doesn't seem to have slowed him for the moment uh he's right back on it [Music] and adam has news from gradient racing i am so relieved to be able to say that mario farmbacker is okay he's been checked and released from the infield care center he's back with the team and said he doesn't know what happened it just was a loud bang and then the car would not slow down so unfortunate day for gradient but best news of all mario's okay yeah very good uh awful to happen at any time of the season coming towards the end of the season it's never good you want to finish off a season well we wish them the best bit of work to be done on that the bodywork from the front ended up by the rear wheel and they won't really know what that damage is until they get that car back and start stripping it down [Music] so we wish created all the best after that nasty incident i think it was a strange one for mario he doesn't make mistakes not infallible of course the driver is just the odd way that that car went off without any retardation whatsoever and the wiggle as soon as he breaks and he went into 14. we'll get i'm sure that team's very open as indeed the all odd but went down the image of pit lane and if they find out i'm sure we'll get to find out as well meantime the battle at the front of gtd has been turned up to gas mark nine and the afterburners have been lit and by the way brian sellers is closing down on the top three now and he's taking about what seven tenths of a second out of them in the last lap or so and now he's under two seconds behind or just on two seconds behind it was it was just that last lap it was his fastest lap at the race actually for that number one car with ryan so it's in that uh fourth position at the moment he's got a big little trade of cars behind him though with jack auctions jeff westfield lost gun patrick long daniel morad alex triggered us all in a row behind him trying to shake him off meanwhile the the leader the two leaders the corvette and the porsche antonio garcia and kevin estrada they also turned their best lap for the race last time around at 141.6 for antonio garcia but nick tandy he has set the fastest lap off the rate on the previous time at 141.3 [Music] so back to green flag for a wee while now things getting back up to temperature kevin ester goes from a very long way back into turn one to try and take the lead away from antonio garcia in the number three chevy corvette doesn't get that one done he's in the tough position isn't he of defending and attacking at the same time into the pit lane from the lead of gtd grt mrs frank pereira didn't stop at that last full course yellow but with 56 minutes negotiate adam he might be able to go from here yeah he should be good to make it to the end with 56 minutes to go fuel and tires for frank pereira in that number 19 brasser racing lamborghini now this team has a podium on the air but it was without frank that was at belle isle when frank was unavailable to drive still looking for his first top 10 finish of the year in that car let's see what happens now that banter and offline have been released clean stop from grasser away goes the lambo and at the front of the field overall jeremy the pace is heating up even further indeed two two more uh personal best laps there for number three and then 79 uh and even then they're not pulling away from uh nick tandy who was quicker than both on the natural front on that last slap so this is just a tremendous battle that's waging out front here and they are going to be need to make another pit stop before the end of this race which is who blinks first for number 19 team yes they can get to the end from here so if there's a full course caution that would be in the favor of the number 19 number 19 car except for the fact that if there is another full court caution everybody else in gtd probably won't need to make a pit stop so this is a fascinating contest that is unfolding i wonder if they can what do you reckon 54 minutes it's tight it is tight particularly here mart miller was talking about anything from just over an hour down to sometimes 47 to 50 minutes well we're right in the middle of that kind of window now for the grt grasa lamborghini they've dropped down to 15th overall adam westfall is in the pits we've got our second pit caller this is the 39 carbon with peregrine audi jeff westball staying aboard but he is getting four new michelins and he should not need as much fuel as pereira did since his last pit stop came at the end of that yellow so interesting that they gave him fuel only i would imagine at that pit stop but a long tire change losing time now as also under the pet lane comes at 44 magnus racing with archangel acura andy lally fuel only for andy having just taken on new tires right and again the the reasons here that they don't want to be you know caught out by a full-course caution for those contenders of the major stops uh number 39 44 that were in that they're not looking at the championship they're just trying to win this race uh and so that is why they came in earlier rather than the leaders because very interesting to see which of the leaders the champion contenders is the first to blink because if there is another thing they could probably get there without feeding that stock that's what makes it so interesting we're back to that old analogy that i often use of the athletics commentary and the stagger unwinding in the four by 400 meters relay well we're right into that at the moment because we're not really sure how this is going to unwind at the front of the field it's much easier we reckon all of these cars have got to stop and here comes estra again trying to use the traffic to his advantage they're up behind front pereira in that green grt grass a lamborghini and it's a bit of hip and shoulder on the leader and he's gone through forceful very forceful indeed pin treated and estra goes through the lead and garcia drops to third as nick tandy nips through and becomes the best placed corvette porsche from two corvettes now that was just coming into the snake where we saw bill oberlin make the pass earlier on but that was with the help at least no fighting from the lamborghini and now well live by the hip and shoulder dive by the hip and shoulder because nick tandy says you do that to my teammate i'm going to do the same to you and ushers the porsche off the road on the exit of orc3 [Music] so now we have corvettes back to one and two but it's tandy ahead of garcia so two very forceful bits of driving there that i know will be being looked at jeremy coming out of five and i'm in the six actually you know i've seen that again and that was a bit cleaner than i than i thought from the the porsche there was a little bit of contact [Music] he got a brilliant run off the corner no doubt jeremy spot on but then tandy was pretty uncompromising as he dived through at oak tree on the exit of augustine pereira in the way but not in the way if that makes any sense and i think it just took estra's concentration there jeremy [Music] was uh certainly a forceful move there yeah there was sort of a gap there wasn't there for nick tandy and he reckons got to be so careful haven't you you always see if you're the car on the outside you've got to leave room for the car on the inside but julie that goes the other way if you're the car on the inside you've got to leave room for the car on the outside as well um so i could see that going either way if i'm honest or not at all but i tell you what i bet it's fired kevin we're going to be the beneficiaries of that jeremy aren't we yeah yeah certainly race control is definitely going to be having a look at that one then uh i believe i'd be surprised if they don't when there's uh any kind of contact that results in a pass um even you know sometimes the right call is no call you've heard us say that that before him to read you on him some tv well they'll have a look at it i'm sure they will meantime clear the jaws music bill auberlin is closing in on laurence van too for the lead in gt dear torna and in behind now in third is brian sullis fourth is jack hawks within the number 14 lexus and fifth ross good in the number 23 aston martin working his way back up towards a championship winning position as it stands right now with the lamborghini only in third the aston martin is winning the championship but if that lamborghini was to get to the head of the field and ross good steered where he was then it would not so we're going to have to keep an eye on all of those positions i don't know where to look jeremy no you're absolutely right thank goodness there's only two classes here but this is why we have these gt challenge races uh from michigan and they are absolutely sensational it's been a great way so it's gonna continue to be so bill by the way he just said his best lap of the race last time around the 45.2 45.3 ron van gaal who certainly has this race under control i think right now depending on the final pit stops if they need them uh also setting his best lap this time around patrick long in the number 16 right motorsports quarter he's in the uh sixth position at the moment he turned at 145.5 as well [Music] global broadcast center adam is our vp racing fuel pit and panic report that's still to come today porsche carrera cup north america will have that live for you race one of two this weekend sound efficient whether you're in the states or further afield no blocks no bricks flag to flag jeremy and i getting excited about flat six ancient racing cars difficult for me have to see it difficult for jeremy either because the risk has been cracking this year last five races of the year uh and first one of two this weekend comes up straight after our michigan post race tech this evening snap off the racer by kevin ester this time in the porsche a141.014 that is three tenths quicker than the fastest lap from last year set by nick tandy of course who was one of the porsche battery drivers last year now switched camps to corvette racing but that record was set back in 2019 by earl bamberg also these guys work well here adam has been crunching some numbers and watching race control let's do the race control report first of all no further action so they did not review the r3 and 79 but they did look closer at that tandy esprit moment and they decided nah that's all racing um as far as pit stops go we're definitely going to need more stops from gte we've got the 88 team hardpoint porsche in the pit lane now captain mike brought it in seventh position the leaders the front uh six as they are right now have been out on the racetrack for 30 minutes and 30 seconds 46 minutes and 10 seconds left to go means that there is no way they can stretch the fuel tank i don't character richard westbrook with your pink fluffy bunny slippers not gonna happen in this one thank you vp racing fuel pit and paddock and 45 call at 46 minutes to go and the battle for second place has reignited and threw in the second kevin estrada in the porsche 2.6 seconds the gap to the leader saw estra immediately pulls away from tony or garcia now the question is jeremy can he catch nick tandy [Music] i'm curious how well garcia fell away from nick talley who just certainly his best lap on the race by the way of 41.21 last time around so that number four team uh that was a a great lap and he clearly had his work cut out but is a fascinating motivation is still unfolding here 45 minutes remaining so let's just take a little breath and try and run down what we're having a look at i'm just trying to see who has stopped and who hasn't stopped well catherine leg has just pulled in to the pits so at number 88 hardpoint car when that comes back out again that should be able to go up to the end [Music] and who else has just stopped the 28 daniel moore had cars just stopped that's the michael dick assad has started that mercedes uh that's just stopped and in comes tony or garcia oh you weren't expecting that shirt were you uh i was not expecting it so soon but the thing i'm interested in john they have a new set of michelin tires up on the wall nine sets for the weekend for the gtlm competitors but antonio not taking new tires on that last pit stop when everyone came in under the caution he took fuel only on that occasion let's see we're waiting for the left to rear michelin to be changed in the right front new left rear goes on titan's excellent parking air driver a little bit of a weight as the entire chamber was still going on enough the fuel nozzle had been dis detached from the car but now antonio has gone to the end yeah and presumably that jeremy what the thinking is that they've made their last stop first because they can go 44 minutes in that car to the end indeed and you know they've just been passed by number 79 so the back of the trade in any case so not really nothing to lose come in make you stop try and make use of these fresh tires turn some quick laps there's there's number 79 car off the road trying to get past some of the gtd traffic exit turn one into turn two and they're back up with them again this is on the back straight up towards catherine legg who is second of the cars that have made their stops last stop in gtd daniel morad i reckon is the leading car who is definitely fueled to the end in the number 28 mercedes emg gt3 and estra pulls to the right-hand side cathode leg not fighting that different class of course down the curving front straight and the gap now between tandy and estra has gone right out [Applause] and now we've got to see what pace is left in these cars 6.8 seconds that's all traffic and that little mistake jeremy that's how tight it is yeah yeah just call them at the wrong time [Music] and go on the grassroots costume some more time but certainly a great few laps there from nick tandy to work his way through them nice time to stop for antonio garcia for a number of reasons yes he'd lost position but also just about the right amount of time to do four tyres and put enough fuel in to get back to a full tank again shortest stop possible in and out thank you very much and let's get back on the track and then if something does happen up front plus actually the three car like he's just had to fight he's we're through a little bit of traffic but he's going to come into some clear roared as soon as he clears the number 12 zac reach lexus which he should do in a moment or two's time the problem is nick tandy at the front of the field has got getting on for a quarter of a lap of clear roared ahead of him the next set of cars that he's going to catch up with are the battling hawks with gun and pat long train of cars in the 14 lexus the aston martin number 23 in the porsche number 16 the blue cup [Music] 41 minutes to go both of these classes jeremy living up to what we expected this is going to go right to the end [Music] talked about it with mark miller two hours 40 minutes people say it's not an endurance race strategy doesn't play its part as today we've seen a couple of different strategic attacks being taken and at the moment we still don't know which ones are going to come out on top we don't yeah the top six in gtd have not yet made their final pit stop again you they're there they are at this stage hopefully that was a full course they're out in front and if there is a caution they might well be able to get to the end and if not they're just going to you know run as hard as they can it's a flat out race uh between these two brown sellers uh had got back within a second again as he crossed the line this time is he with a second yeah i think maybe he is just about no not quite uh but uh it's certainly a fascinating battle between these uh top the top three pulled away and are pulling away from jack hawk smith who has got his mirrors full filled by both ross gunn and the aston martin 23 and patrick long in the right most watched porsche car number 16. yeah and i i suspect that jeremy if you know these guys at the front if they don't get a yellow they're not going to get to the end so they'll just do a splash with no tires and and that that's going to be it for a decent position for them because just coming down the pit lane here they're going to drop down a long way and everybody who's already done their stop so you've got the benefit of new tires are actually turning some pretty decent laps indeed uh you know frank pereira is just his uh best lap part of the race i don't think he's he's not in control she's quite a long way behind him from andy lally because of course that number 19 grass of grt race of number d that led at the restart but because it hadn't pitted during the previous caution needed a lot more fuel than did for example andy lally and all of the other cars that pitted over the course last half a dozen laps or so change of position there as catherine leger's just been passed by jeff westfall that is for ninth position in class [Music] jeff had been chasing catherine around so that's the 88 porsche dropping down to position the 39 great and bright green carbon audi going up a position [Music] and those both of those cards have stopped oh estra's off ezra's off at the orchard and he's stuck in the mud and he's got reverse kept the revs down but there goes the victory for kevin estra and for weathertech it's a corvette 1-2 with 38 minutes to go now has he done damage this damage to the left front body work but more importantly will be here has that pushed onto the left front tire and b has he done any suspension damage i suppose c you've got to ask yourself uh did he jump or was he pushed he was being no he should he would have been on his own oh yes he was he was chasing down tandy gone past garcia hadn't he yeah good point jeremy yeah garcia's been in the pits he's a long long long way behind so this could be very very costly now for kevin astra so now before cardo takes advantage of that comes into the pits to make its final stop very smart very smart indeed from corvette racing uh nick tandy in the pit lane now estrus gone through and actually has taken the lead of the race but of course well i think yeah well look at it it's all just a stop 36 minutes to go and he's already been in that car for 43 minutes albeit with three laps of caution at the beginning so not a chance as we said earlier on four laps of yellow actually at the beginning of his stint so estra chew in [Music] maybe he'll get he could go quite a long way questions how long he elects to stay out well the longer he goes the less time he has to stop if there's no damage and if he's not going to put tyres on you know i suppose well actually that's not true the longer it goes the less yeah the fuel will be the same you just do a time stop but the car will be lighter if you don't put it in now if you wait till the last possible moment the car will be lighter at the end i suppose that's the only thing that you would do now see if we can work out what happened we just lost it on the way in to turn 11 too much pace into the first left-handed part the back end start at the slide that poor moment of inertia that mid and rearranging cars have and didn't even take too much of the curb on the inside but the car just drifted out as soon as the left-hand michelins hit the dirt on the exit of turn 11 before he turned into 12 that was it and he's in the pit lane adam with a vp racing fuel padding port the new leader into the pit lane he'll give that up of course he's missing his mirror uh kevin ester was left side just a tiny bit of damage as you said the the nose punched in a tiny little bit nothing into the wheel roller that's the good news four new michelin tires going on this car won't be able to see anyone who comes up on his left side uh they're doing right side tires as well but oh they dropped them before the right side tires were off the field nozzle came out they should have just done left side tires only that would have been perfect timing but no day goes from bad to worse says this car is going to finish in third unless something happens you spot on that was a perfect time for two tired stop and to get him out and indeed nick tandy is just going up the hill now the two corvettes just 3.4 seconds uh between them now and in the battle for gt daytona lawrencevanta in the platte porsche which let's not forget ladies and gentlemen started uh having not set a qualifying time after being excluded for an infringement in qualifying starting at the back of the field by two cars and is now leading the race 13th position lucky for them at the moment jeremy short now leading the race unlucky for him is he's got bill o'brien behind him yeah good news and bad news i guess isn't it um for for him but you're still what uh 33 minutes remaining in this race and the question is how long will the gtd leaders elect to stay out uh we're pretty sure they need to make another pitch off um as we think through the 456 cars it's gonna be an awful lot of fuel safe required otherwise but jack hawks has certainly has fallen back they're pretty pretty yeah more than half a second a lap to three leaders and he is keeping lost gun and patrick wong behind him while he does so it's number 14 lexus currently running in fourth place in gtd [Music] it's been a good job by lawrence van tor and he continues to lead gt dear tournament down to half an hour 30 minutes [Music] [Applause] to go overland closing in on the breaks of the liquid molly bmw new car for next year of course jeremy for a gt dear torna will be the bmw m4 gt3 very svelte looking machine [Music] yeah that's certainly going to be interesting isn't isn't it and this car has been super successful all the way around the globe at the uh the uh m6b is getting a little bit long in the tooth uh but it's uh also spinnable you could say but yeah i don't know [Music] from scott currie for the most top-line american sports car wins uh so he won this race last year and he's trying to do so again but uh this is lauren's van tour and does that ruby shawn fast porsche car number nine well it's won two of the last three races it was the second last time out two wins before that so it's very much the form the car at the moment and hello therese fanta who is tuned in in barcelona the racing he's been doing that the gt world endurance challenge wasn't well challenging rather than barcelona and dries i know he's watching and listening [Music] bro is doing a candy job at the moment very good indeed [Applause] [Music] down towards term one again i said this earlier in the week but i did think the porsches looked particularly well sorted around here in both of the classes jeremy and they just don't seem to move around quite as much as some of the other cars i mean obviously the drivers have got to drive them quite smoothly but auburn's there now target acquired in the bmw as they go out turn five and up the snake for their 68th time indeed and uh brian sellers just not quite able to stay with him at this stage he slipped back now a couple of seconds in that third position but bill oberlin he wants pass doesn't it he needs to you're very much in in the championship reckoning question about that uh currently in the overall gtd championship it's the it's the number nine car that leads but by just 20 points coming to this race as a result of that problem yesterday uh during the qualifying session for the number nine car the uh the aston martin is another [Music] 2501 so 67 points back in third position the bmw is 53 points behind the aston martin so you know all of these contenders very much thinking championship they're very much they are in the mix all about porsche keys to the race of course championship positions along with the track position we talked about in our mission in camp david green half an hour to go time for you to think about some quick questions for us as we wrath of the hymns of weathertech sports car championship afternoon although not the racing because we have porsche carrera but we will have a short edition of the michelin post race tech so adam's radio michelin prt for any questions point to rising or general observations the original accuser editorial show [Music] and we'll thank you for your company on that in advance and then a quick turnaround for the first of two races this weekend porsche carrera cup north america will present the fighters in cayman islands which i'm very looking forward to seeing the times that these cars have been putting in around there and around the vi art circuits they have been exceptionally quick and sebastian very quick again this weekend one of three young drivers and with these kelly moss rodriguez teammate kai von burluck parker thompson as well top three in the championship at the moment some great driving this year from the whole field and they look at sound fantastic those cars still to come before that we've got a couple of classes here jeremy to finalize and find out who's gonna stand on the podium estrano fighting his way through the battle for gtd this could get spicy as well yeah uh um you know this is it's a tremendous motor race there's still only uh just over a second between the two corvettes out of the front of the field as well so they are you know turning very very similar lap times kevin esther with those couple of uh of course excursions he's now pretty much out of it he's a full uh half a minute behind the two corvettes as he worked his way through the gtd leaders that are one lap behind the gtlm cars at this stage in the race but um you know those two are super closely matched on in uh gtd the the portion though he just got a little bit of an advantage there with with the gtd excuse me gtlm porsche right behind him as well now in between himself and the second place a couple of people including e mccarthy and nigel dobby have tweeted at himself left wing end plate is missing from the porsche number 79 as well you can easily see it's missing because it's bright red normally on the gt cars yeah absolutely right as a consequence of that run into the tires at oak tree corner that he's just gone around through he goes [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's that gap now 35 seconds to the leader 33 seconds to antonio garcia two corvettes jeremy lapping in almost in lock step at the moment yeah absolutely right nothing to choose [Music] garcia in second position [Music] well still a little bit of tactics to play out with the top cars not having yet made their stops final stops in gt dear tournament [Music] so stretching away for a moment we've got a second donkey all of a sudden the intervention of the 79 didn't hurt in all fairness there's something moving around on the front of the leading car as well the number three corvette looks like the maybe the onboard camera or the part of the front end that horton fetal tube has been broken and it's just wafting around a little bit yeah that's exactly what it is it is the the mount for the tour tube a couple of the measuring devices right in the middle it's above the corvette wings on the front of that car just caught my eye a little while ago actually mention [Music] not doing the measuring they would normally be doing so not getting the data however it's not slowing down in tandy at all at the moment jeremy uh he doesn't know not much slows down nick tandy particularly when he's got a center victory i had won the last two races both on the west coast and will take raceways and then a couple weeks ago at long beach and trying to make it three in a row and here now is the first of the the leading contenders in gtd to blink that's number one car on to pit lane with what 24 minutes remaining i think this might be just ria's going on to this you are correct they expected that they would need about 10 seconds worth of fuel cars off the air jacks it was 14 15 having trouble getting the car moving again with slick tires but yes rear tires for brian sellers also under the pit lane ross gunn with the heart of racing ask martin and patrick long in the blue right motorsport porsche patrick jumps the aston martin in the pit stop let's see when lauren's bill and jack all elect to come in because those are our next three stoppers thank you for that paid racing field and panic report [Music] leader going through gt tournament traffic including the aston martin number 23 which is battling with the allegra motorsports car return number one and the aston 27 goes off that's roberto's got off jeremy yeah and then he caught right up to the number 28 car daniel mora trying to make a move there uh into turn one that's not worked out for alex he's lost some time there but he had been fast he'd made up a fair bit of ground on daniel morad and it was right on his tail and trying to make that pass but in the meantime the uh number one car is back out on the racetrack where is he compared he was quite a long way ahead number 23 and 16. he pulled out over nine seconds uh as we see now the race leader in gtd onto pit lane as well so that'll put bill auberlin now into the lead of the race he has not yet made his final pit stop in comes the faf number nine car from the lead of the gtd class ship left side tires they're doing right side tires four tires stop wow they're putting a lot of fuel into this car for larry 14 15 16 17 seconds so far stationary in the box jack hawks comes in they're doing left side tires for the 14 lexus only that was perfect timing as to when the fueling was done the car dropped off the air jackson rolled away fast motorsport their their pit stop time uh pit excuse me time on the pit lane was [Music] 40.0 seconds it was 38 seconds for sellers 38 seconds for hawksworth let's see how this shakes out on the track the number nine up to speed is ahead of brian sellers as the faf porsche climbs the hill sellers just coming through to the bottom of the snake now so they've made their stops oberlin still out there yet to make you stop in the 96 question is now jeremy do they tough it out or did turner come into the pit lane if you were on the box what would be your call to oberlin well your bill i asked bill what do you want to do do you want to come in and yes he's going to come in right now he's assured that they could say yeah if he had gone full course yellow then he would have been hung out to dry would have gone all the way to the back of the pack so don salama there and the team at turner most want making the right call there to bring bill in he doesn't want to be called out by that yellow and he will come in for final service now for that tournament as well bmw only for the turner motorsport bmw so race control is going to take a look at that big entry because bill auland actually went around andy lally crossed over the multi-strike lines to get in 13 seconds worth of fuel for the bmw it's got a 107 liter tank so it must have had here comes the fab car here's the fab car coming up to the front straight and he's got out in front of it so he has not given up the lead just ran over a bit of debris there going down towards turn one i reckon that was about 11 seconds that the fuel horse was in so the top three now in gtt overland four tournament sport bmw porsche lawrence van tour in second and brian sellers in third position and they are fueled to the end that is very interesting but remember it is new tyres for the nine rear [Music] for the lamborghini and no tires for the bmw i love it jeremy again different strategies yeah brilliant really really exciting stuff going on here and uh i think that's a great call certainly going to save him a lot of trip time he's going to come out with a pretty handy lead plus his house is still hot he doesn't have to bring him up to temperature we talked about how difficult it is on this track to bring cold tyres up to temperature because there's not a lot of grip here and uh yeah that was a very you should be okay with that one louise andy lally there was very pretty tidy coming onto the pit lay which is surprising he came across came across that colored liner didn't it the stewards are gonna be looking at that one for sure yeah waiting to see what uh race control say about that one just waiting for some confirmation by the way uh on from gradients about that issue for the uh the crash for mario fanbacker earlier on so just waiting for that to be confirmed so auburn leads yeah what's that now that looks like seven or eight seconds to me and then it's quite tight bright sellers i'm i'm very impressed brian sellers is making the old fronts and the new rears work very well indeed that uh sometimes really upsets the balance of a car make time at the front of the field garcia and tandy together battling for the lead and adam uh andy lally coming into the pit lane there that wasn't just coming in for its final stop quickly nope the magnus with archangel racing acura is going behind the wall looks like we're not gonna have an accurate finish this race today all right thank you all right get some views on that late battle then through the uphill s's and it'll be traffic pretty much all the way for the next couple of laps at least just under or just on 17 minutes to go here jeremy and this really i mean this race certainly at the front of either of the classes it could be determined by a bit of lappery somebody getting in the way somebody putting a wheel in the wrong place yeah uh it's going to be very very interesting sitting on that last lap antonio garcia may have been up in favor of the crowd so that's been traffic for the race leader nick tandy and all of a sudden that gap went from 1.7 seconds to less than half a second so he's going to put his head down again and try and build it up uh right ahead of him on the racetrack though are the two gtd leaders they're almost two laps behind the uh they are two that's behind already the the gtlm cars as as nick taney goes past brian sellers that is the third place in gtd [Music] [Applause] so just trying to pick off where everybody is around the trap the number 96 bmw leads and he's just coming through turn five now and heading up the snake then it's the fast porsche and the number one that's the lamborghini and the two overall leaders are right there but they're in between the faf porsche and they've just both gone by brian sellers so race leader coming up to second in gtd heading up the climbing so there's not really an easy way to get by there for nick tandy he'll try and pop out and get the run into ultra turn but that porsche and lawrence van tour is very late on the brakes they should be able to power pass down the back straight station driving there by tandy he's having to use the slipstream of the porsche little flash of the lights not anything else other than to say i am here and i will come but that porsche punches from the corners from the center out jeremy those gtd porsches are really getting hooked up [Music] he's still got 7.8 seconds was the gap last time around that was the uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] seconds so we're almost a second quicker was number nine than the number 96 we've got what 14 minutes remaining in this race number nine car by the way stretching out now over brian sellers he was more than he was a second and a half quicker on that last lap in the number nine car than number one yeah and and that's courtesy of four brand new michelin tires at the last stop isn't it i mean take nothing away from lawrencevanta but they've they've gambled and they've put the tyres on and i think that's a decent gamble very decent gamble indeed he's going to be pretty close if he gets a clean run he's going to be pretty close to bill auberlin now getting close to below and getting past billable and when there's a win on the line those are two very different things mr shaw well they are absolutely no question about that you're absolutely right and i'm just looking to see what the the margins would be in the uh championship uh as we stand at the moment and the answer is uh not a lot i think in the overall series uh right now uh the number nineteen would extend usually with a twenty point lead over the number one car into the race because they've made up points uh but so right now it'd be a 40 point lead and the number 96 car if it can maintain position now would move ahead of number 23 aston martin on the 27.98 would be 70 points behind the second place car in the championship which is another 40 points behind the leader that's if it were to end right now but in the in the sprint cup championship the number 23 car still remains in control if we can finish a couple of positions ahead of the number one car don't forget we've got michelin posters check straight after this race we'll run through the championship championship implications we'll see if we can get a word with a few of the drivers but it is a fairly short turnaround because we've got another race coming up this evening with the porsche carrera cup north american presented by visit cayman islands that comes up this evening as well afternoon should i see it let's get it he'll be getting into early evening by the time we get that off [Music] the doom mongers of weather forecasting have so far been incorrect they've not had to roll out a set of wet tyres yes i know hashtag clear mind off if it does happen eleven and a half minutes to go corvette first and second eight tenths of a second between the 40 seconds further back is kevin estra overland by five from vantour now he's closing in [Music] heading towards the back of that [Music] white bmw [Music] remember complete oh and there's been a coming together and it's two leaders that have come no it's the leader of the gt dc's in the second place overall and that's a turn four no term one excuse me and that's oberlin coming together with garcia and auburn's got a right rear damage it's a puncture from the damage from the contact so drama with 10 and a half minutes to go and the race win has been snatched from robbie fawley from turner motorsport and from bill auberlin and there was contact between the number 96 bmw racing for the win in gtd antonio garcia racing for the win for corvette in gt lm [Music] so see if we can see what happened here he dives to uh hit the inside curb garcia hit the inside curb came from a long way back overland gave him room in fairness and garcia waited and then led off the break but as he was going down the inside there's all kinds of debris by the way down there just clipped the inside curb with these right side michelins and that kicked the bright yellow corvette sideways and hit the liquid molly bmw they both go around it was a substantial clip as well jeremy on the bmw enough to flatten the tie there may be even more damage than that that was really straight i mean you know it's a mistake by antonia garcia he was falling back from nick tandy uh he he'd lost he'd fall back to he'd lost another three tenths on that previous lap uh to to the race leader so tandy was looking good he was just trying as hard as he possibly could i think he just lost it under brakes he just tried to to carry too much speed it's a it's a tricky corner because you're turning and braking at the same time and i think you just lost it i'm pretty certain that the right rear of the corvette was the one that clipped the curb bizarrely absolute desolation on the turner pit ball that's really unfortunate well they were gonna have a battle on their hands but they were doing it and obviously oberlin was doing a great job that shea adam race control has looked at that incident uh no further action for that incident so turner motorsport uh two races back to back no gratification from contact being taken out yeah there's not much point in approaching any blame it's not going to affect anything uh in the race i guess it could uh it could cost antonio garcia second place but it would do nothing to return most what bmw whose race is now uh you know hopes of winning long gone [Music] bill o'brien takes the car back out as i say he was going to have a battle on his hand now this is interesting of course because brian sellers is now 45.2 seconds away from the championship as it stands right now with ruskin in fifth position sixth position wow now 4.8 seconds back vantour with four new michelins at the last stop sellers with only two on the rear of the lamborghini number one finishes in second place then the fifth position which is where ross gunning is would be good enough by 19 points in actual fact he could lose one more position uh could ross gunn uh and still have that position he's nine seconds ahead [Music] but that's just fine in terms of the sprint cup championship and by the way bill often rejoined in 12th position in class wow wow however that time is coming down and brian sellers has found some pace only six and a half minutes to go under five seconds now between vanto and sellers vanto surely just stroking it all in the faf plaid porsche but if ryan sellers could catch it past that porsche then he madison snow paul miller racing would win the sprint kill [Music] that's right yeah and uh because uh roscoe would have to catch a jack hawks with and if if he's able to win the race [Music] no way [Music] where it is right now and the number one car wins then yeah the the uh the aster would need to finish fourth well we've seen all kinds of weird things happening antonio garcia moving slowly at the moment so has he now got problems as well he's dropped a good three or four seconds last time around is he just stroking it to the finish only five minutes to go estra is well back in the weathertech car oh my goodness that mistake from extra now jeremy is even more goalie because there would have been right amongst it uh yes and twice he was off the road wasn't he yesterday yeah yeah very good point but what what a an exciting race this has been there's been all sorts of dramas they're not exactly what we think we expected coming to this weekend it's not uh things happened unfolded the way we expected certainly but it has been a tremendous murder race uh and now the gap between van turn sellers is down under four seconds 3.7 to be exact time is running out but you've got to give brian sellers his due he is pushing very hard indeed uh the leader in class the number nine faf porsche is there on the track he's just going across the start finish line now and there is the number one crossing the light now there's no cars between them as they go down to turn one they've got the leader [Music] the second place car rather in front of them and garcia is not turning the lap times that he was magnificent what a great event again jeremy here these michelin gt challenges work so well so [Music] [Applause] a battle well what is now third position between uh patrick long and jack hawks he's got a kind of a second wind in the closing stages of this race he'd been falling back from the the leaders before the final pissed off and he he'd been holding station if you remember ahead of number 23 under 16. after those pits up so uh the number 16 got ahead of both of them uh and now hawks was trying to make it back meanwhile not too far in fact very close behind now ishwar's gun in that uh in that aston martin he's been told i'm sure that brian sellers is catching boston tour and if you were able to pass launch that tour the gun would make need to make up a position to win the sprint cap title nowhere [Music] saw two and a half minutes to go still scraps going on for gordian's positions in gtd third he's still up for grabs and ross goons not that far away either you know this could all ended trying for tragedy those three cars separated by about a second as they go on to what will be their penultimate lap at the front of the field nick tammy's got a comfortable 17 and a half second lead off his team antonio garcia and kevin estra is not now closing down on garcia around about 20 seconds at the front of the field in gtd lawrence vancouver half mortar sports porsche three and a half seconds from brian celesta has just dwelled the tide a little bit maybe not 3.3 white flag next time for the later yeah and the question is where are those other cars for position in relation to the four car [Music] so we'll see the white flag in about 150 yards less than that now this battle for third will continue right to the flag there's the white flag for nick tandy for carr shares with tommy miller started on paul lost the top spot pretty much at the exit of turn one and from then on it has been a drag down straight fight saturday night's all right for fighting certainly has been this afternoon all of the three gtlm cars have led this motor race and looked like they could take the victory at various stages here comes estra to cross the line in third position and start his last lap and that battle for third is what he's going by at the moment sellers is down under three seconds walks with hawksworth to the inside on the inside what a maneuver that was on the number 16 of pat long and here comes the 23 honda racing now got to be careful here ross gum you do not need to end up off the road here at the moment driving to the sprint cup for heart of racing does not need to pass that porsche at the moment but where is brian sellers and fast motorsport and they are at the oak tree corner vanta turns in the leader coming through the hog pen for the final time [Music] tandy and milner another victory for the number four [Applause] from paul to the win that doesn't tell the story at all does it if you just looked at qualified in the race results not at all vantour chased to the line by brian sellers in what will be for paul miller racing of vietnam attempts to take the sprint cup but from 13th after not having a qualifying time to the win for the number nine porsche in gtd [Music] sellers goes through barely two and a half seconds behind it's gonna be hawks was i think in third position on the box yes it is as pat long holds on the fourth after losing that third place on the last lap at the first corner ross gunn goes through in fifth position but that by our unofficial counting will be enough to give the 23 heart of racing team the sprint cup magnificent stuff under review the incident between pat long and jack hawks with so that is not over by any stretch of the imagination and also coming together between the emg number 28 and the number 39 uh howdy that left that number 28 car uh taking a short cut and daniel morad for allegra having to go down the grass that was right at the end of the race as well jeremy yeah that was a battle of a six on the final election yeah absolutely right i think the aston's gonna get it's gonna come from behind on that on that trio to the front what an extraordinary race hawksworth was coming from a long way back was he there he'll say he was pat long will say ward wasn't very very tight indeed let's open it he got his foot in i'll give him that that could go either way as well under review at the moment [Music] so that extends their lead in the overall gtd championship they came in to this race with a 20-point advantage over brian celes and managed to snow they will extend that then by another 30 as a result of this win today a great win again three out of four now for laurence van tour and uh anzac ruby shaw tandy and miller win from four corvette from their corvette teammates kevin estra and cooper mcneil in third position it's far from paul miller racing porsche from lamborghini from lexus from porsche from aston from aston what a drive back as well for the number 27 heart a racing team jeremy yeah absolutely right with that to make up two positions on the last lap they've had a a difficult race but uh a very very strong race for the number 27 car to come i mean just one position behind the number 23 well what a fabulous race we're gonna have a very short turnaround because porsche carrera cup north america comes next so probably the best idea for us to hand the public address system here at vir back to rpa colleagues stay tuned to rs2 for michelin post race tech michigan prt items radio the celebrations will continue long into the night here we'll wrap this one up with michelin porsche tech next exclusively live on rs2 [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: IMSA Official
Views: 207,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IMSA, International Motor Sports Association, WeatherTech Championship, VIR, Virginia International Raceway, Audi, Acura, Aston Martin, BMW, Chevrolet, Lamborghini, Lexus, Mercedes, Porsche
Id: 6lSSf18yGcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 38sec (10238 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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