Part 1: Lenny discovers the best Glock Magazine Extensions… ever!

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[Music] hey there's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance a custom shop right here in San Diego and I've got something really cool to show you it's a magazine extension that I think has a better design better features and functions and will add plus 6 for your Glock 17 9-millimeter or plus five for your Glock 20 to 40 caliber and also work on your Glock 19 it'll add plus 5 on the Glock 19 and plus 4 on the Glock 23 of course it works the same way with a 34 in the 35 but it's pretty awesome and I think you're gonna like the design so let me show it to you real quick first of all here I've got it to show you on a Glock 43 okay it has a neat design to it in a sense that it's got a kind of a cutout but it does give you a better grip on a 43 so they're available for the 43 but what I want to show you right now is the installation procedure for your Glock 17 22 34 35 1923 alright but the neat thing about this one really is really three features one the design is different it allows you to mix and match your colors to kind of do something you know kind of custom so you can see I've got a red and black here I've also got check this out if you were to do some themes this particular set up is black and silver with a red accent so there's your black and silver and a red accent pretty darn cool nice-looking but extremely functional and I think the best thing is is how you actually install these things so let's go ahead and go through the installation process and I'll show you what you what what this thing is all about and I think you're really gonna be impressed because I was and that's why I decided I'm gonna sell these things and we're gonna make them okay so that said here's what you get with the package you get the the extension itself the base plate is interchangeable in different colors and so if you wanted a red base plate or a gold base plate something like that you would actually then buy the base layer is a separate piece and be able to mix and match those as you go alright so this is what you get here you also get a set of screws the allen screws that actually make this thing work and I'll show you how they work in just a second you get the two Allen wrenches and then you get the extended power spring that's the package that you get like I said if you want different color base plates you buy those separately as as accessories so let's go ahead and talk about how to transform a standard Glock 17 round nine millimeter magazine into a an extended version that will take 23 rounds pretty damn impressive so first things we're gonna go ahead and take the base plate off our factory magazine the base plate comes off fairly simply with the right tools if you have to take it off with a punch if you'd put your punch into here and then press this off and sometimes that is hard a lot of people have difficulty doing that you also can bend your punch if you look at this punch you'll see it's kind of got a little bend do it right well that's because I you know your prior on a little bit and the punch is bent yeah so I can bend it back it's not great but the solution to that and the easy way is with our MDT the MBT is our magazine disassembly tool it is a great device it is a really simple as one two three and I'll show you those steps right now so it's magazine disassembly tool as you can see right here it has a little post and a little arm just like a camper so number one is get hold of this thing place the post into the hole number two and now number three is just bend it off now I wanna be careful that I capture this spring with my thumb so it doesn't go flying away because the spring is loaded in the magazine body so we go post into the hole and now it's just a can opener down and just like that I've gone ahead and broken the seal alright again I've got my thumb over there just so nothing flies out now as I pull them the base plate off which is what that's called I'm gonna make sure my thumb is right over top there so that it doesn't go flying away hit me in the face or hit someone else in the face or just get lost happens a lot trust me so there comes off now I got my thumb over top as you know there's a hole there right if I go ahead and take this spring up just a little bit this is called the insert plate and notice a little post right there see how that post intersects with the hole that's part of the mechanism that keeps this magazine together is that pressure that spring pressure there does not allow it this base plate to move the other thing that happens is you've got two small little ears on either side of the magazine body that kind of captured that base plate on there alright and because it's plastic on plastic that stuff kind of cubes a little bit and that's what makes it a little bit more difficult to take off however we're gonna remove those for the installation or a piece and I'll show you that in just a second so we've got really two pieces of the magazine apart we've got the base plate and the insert plate okay it goes like that and this is the magazine spring and the magazine follower now these followers just so you know are specific to calibers and so on the top here it'll say nine-millimeter let's even get some light on that there you go so be aware that if you're the wrong follower you may have feeding issues okay so that's it so I want to put that down like so so there's really two pieces there spring and follower and this is the magazine body the body itself okay and so really there's five pieces to a magazine and here they all are what we're gonna do now is put our base plate on to this magazine body and to do so I'm going to go ahead and shave those little tabs off the magazine body because the extension the plus six extension for nine-millimeter is aluminum and we don't really need those anymore because we've got a better way to capture this on to the magazine body so I want to pull out a favorite knife of mine that I've had for many many years and I will be honest I think I've had this knife for about 20 possibly 25 years it's a cold steel knife I liked it when I first saw it I actually bought two of them I've never used them they're always in a box but man they are beautiful there you have it and the nomenclature on this one is it's the Magnum tanto nine feels great looks really cool and it's a heavy blade so that's gonna help me go ahead and slice these off with really barely any effort so the technique is of course the moving blade it's not just you know a chop its movement okay the movement is where you get this sharpness and so let me go ahead and give myself a lined up here and I will go ahead and come straight back and I already have cut it you know all the way down the bottom so there we go basically I've done it now I'm gonna go ahead and do this side and the one again move and there it is and now I'll just come in here and clean it up and voila so it's off and I'll do the other side and again I'm gonna just cut down first and it's already cut and I can feel it just that easy and now coming from the side and a little bit more material here so it takes a couple strokes and it's done - so now I'll clean it up and the tabs no more there we go and there's my blade I'll put that back away and probably see it another five years now every once in a while I'll look at it you know they wow that's pretty cool but I don't cut with it that's just kind of a collector's item at this point so there you go now there's my magazine body that's basically prepared and ready to accept the the base plate so like I said the base plate comes to you and there will be two screws installed in it and it kind of captures it and you'll have the Allen screws or Allen wrenches to take those screws out I'm gonna go ahead and use a little easier tool because it's faster and well because I have it and it's actually you know a great tool so what I'm gonna do is take the base plate off remember I said you can mix it match colors right that's the fun part about this and go ahead and slide the main body onto the magazine itself and so hence I want to go ahead and get it started and just push it on just like that voila and that's basically how it starts so now that's it I can go ahead and put my first screw in and you don't have to do in this order but I will do that right now I'm gonna take the smaller of the Allen wrenches capture that screw put that back up into here and just screw it in and you're gonna notice it's gonna come out the top here and that's what's going to capture the magazine body onto the base plate just like that alright and now I'm gonna go ahead and take my extended power spring okay and you'll see how it's bigger to be able to push those extra five rounds or six rounds around okay and you're also gonna notice there's a top and a bottom there's a front and a back okay the bullets go up and so the spring goes up you'll notice that the smaller part of the spring is going to capture the follower all right so the followers actually stuck on there so I can go ahead and just pull it off bite and you heard the click okay so now what we want to do is we want to go and take it in the same orientation and put it backwards see when I get it to click in oh yeah just that easy good so it worked that that was pretty easy okay so there it is it's captured now again so again it's going forward so the forward part of the magazine is that way I'm gonna go ahead and drop this thing right in here and there you go and so it looks like it's seated well and now I can go ahead and this is the base plate we'll use it we use a black one right now I'll go ahead and just compress this with my thumb alright and so all I want to do is get it basically set can press that like so and slide that on like that voila and that's it now to capture the base plate on to the extension I use the other smaller Allen screw which has a larger wrench and just put that into the bottom like so voila and now we have completed the process it's really that easy I mean it's not hard at all if you have the MDT it makes it a lot easier I'll say that so there you go there is our package and the great thing about this is it accepts six extra rounds all right and it fits into guns with mag wells it's very very important we made sure it works with the mag wells okay this is our big mouth mag well this is my Glock 34 that I shoot in competition gets a little beat up but what's nice about it I've got the mp3 finish on it and it wipes off nice and easy it's very easy to clean and keep clean this gun has at least 40,000 rounds through it now the other thing I want you so you see is that it does fit into a standard Glock as well just so you if you don't have a mag well it'll obviously fit and function this is a brand new gun it's empty and here is now a 23 round magazine into your Glock 17 pretty awesome so that is our new Double Diamond extended magazine baseplate it's attractive it's good-looking it's easy to put on as you just saw the other thing is really easy about this is you can actually take off the base plate and clean the inside the magazine without taking the entire extension off and a lot of guys really like that too because you can get in there with a brush with with the base plate still on it so it really is a better design I think it is like I said it carries six extra rounds it's attractive and I really like the fact that you can mix and match your colors to come up with some personalized themes for your particular gun I'm Lenny McGill this of course is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego California and if you're ever in San Diego you want to try this 23 round magazine come on down we've got a shooting range and you can see for yourself how good they work we'll see you next time you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 129,634
Rating: 4.7918921 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Glock, Handgun, Magazine extension, double diamond, mag extension, magazine, extension, plus extension, glock parts, glock magazine, guns, pistol, custom glock, custom guns
Id: 5qjJc0xvxy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 13 2018
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