Part 1 - I Found A Lost Phone At The Café. Now I Can't Escape From Its Owner

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hi guys i'm austin and i'm a 23 year old college student i guess my school years went by pretty smoothly as i had my best friend jake by my side when we're not partying and living large me and him would work part-time at this local restaurant the pay was pretty dismal but it funded some fun nights out at least my story starts as many do with a cute girl and i'm talking ariana grande pretty me and jake first spotted her one day in the coffee shop that we always drop by on our way to work neither of us could quit staring at her she must have noticed us too as instead of leaving she turned back smiled in our direction then walked over to the counter and ordered another drink to go she was obviously doing this because she wanted to talk to me so i rushed over there to start a convo the problem was jake tagged along too and offered to pay for her drink she seemed flattered smiled then thanked us both then i was about to ask her for her number but she rushed off as she said gotta go my uber's here it was such a bummer all i knew about her was that she was the hottest girl ever and her name was darcy well that was the name written on her takeout cup feeling a bit deflated me and jake walked back to our table but as we passed the table she'd been sitting at we saw a phone i presumed it was hers and she left it there so i lunged for it before jake could he looked so annoyed now the chance to see her again is mine the phone was locked but i was sure she'd call any minute now i wanted to wait for her to come back and look for it but i had to get to work i kept the phone in the pocket of my apron throughout my shift you know just in case she called and also so jake wouldn't get his hands on it and try and steal my girl during our break time i sat down with jake and we looked at the phone for a bit yeah i know it was locked so there wasn't much to see however even on the lock screen we could see there was a picture of a brunette girl why would she have another girl as her wallpaper though could this be her girlfriend or something nah i seriously needed to quit overthinking i'd seen the way she smiled at me she totally liked me this probably was just an old picture of her when she had brown hair finally as i was finishing my shift the phone rang i cleared my throat then in my sexiest voice answered with a hey there only to my surprise she started screaming at me calling me a thief i tried explaining that she'd got it all wrong and i'd meet her at the coffee shop to settle things down she sounded so cranky and not at all like the mild-mannered girl from earlier then again i would have acted crazy too if i lost my phone after the shift me and jake walked back to the coffee shop and as we approached the place i pulled out my phone and called the number earlier to ask where she was waiting but then i saw a big guy pick up his phone instead i was terrified so i shoved darcy's phone to jake and told him to go return it he didn't know anything and excitedly grabbed it and ran over only to be stopped by that guy in front of the coffee shop he asked aren't you the one who stole my phone jake was puzzled and looked at me for help and we just mumbled out that it wasn't that it was some pretty girl's phone she left it behind so we thought we would find some way to give it back to her then the man said no it's not any pretty girl's phone don't be sly we've looked at the cctv and saw what you did it was a mess so are you telling me that we couldn't see our dream girl again but be caught up in this stealing chaos instead this sucks things got even worse when this big guy put jake in a headlock luckily a woman walked toward him and said it's okay tim we can talk this out well he wasn't wrong anyway i am a pretty girl i'll take care of it from here then she gestured to him to go wait in the car and leave us three alone she told us her name was chelsea and that the scary looking guy was her younger brother she gave us a chance to explain what happened then she told us what was shown on the surveillance cameras in the end we realized what actually happened while we'd been talking to darcy at the counter chelsea and her brother must have come in and sat at the table darcy had been at then they quickly changed their minds and switched tables but chelsea left her phone there by mistake once this chelsea girl realized it was all a misunderstanding she kept on twirling her hair around her finger and i'm sure i saw her wink at me was she flirting with us i mean she was kinda cute but she's surely older than us like around 30ish then she said so how about we go hang out sometime as i see it you owe me a coffee at least was she being serious i couldn't go on a date with her i don't feel comfortable dating someone that much older than me and what about darcy she's all i had in mind right now i mean i could always go and tell my brother that you guys really stole my phone she smirked was she joking or being serious i didn't know and i wasn't going to chance it so i splutted out sure coffee will be good we exchanged phone numbers with her later she texted us to set up the times and places i didn't want to meet her so on the day of the date i phoned jake up and feigned being sick and told him he'd have to go alone to my surprise he didn't seem to mind instead he sounded excited about it then after the date he came straight to my dorm saying he wanted to check up on me but i knew it's just an excuse all he did was go on and on with me about how much fun chelsea was and that she was rich and stuff so it wasn't just a simple coffee date but she took him to this fancy restaurant too i didn't expect jake would be like that i'm glad he enjoyed it though anything so i wouldn't have to go on a date with her this went on for a while and soon they seemed pretty serious whenever jake spoke about her he went all gooey eyes so my boy was in liv she clearly cared about him too and made it so he didn't have to work at the restaurant anymore i was happy for jake i truly was and also relieved i didn't have to date chelsea but i also felt down about it all he was in love while my dream girl was out there somewhere and i didn't know how to find her and that's when my luck changed i was at work carrying the drinks over to a table when to my surprise i saw that darcy was sitting there i must have been gawping at her as she laughed and said hey the coke's mine blushing i passed her the coke then said i don't know if you remember but we met a few weeks ago in the coffee shop around the corner sure she smiled it's nice to meet you again coffee boy she was so cute and sweet there's no way i could let her slip through my fingers again so i checked to make sure my boss wasn't looking then i asked darcy for her number she wrote it on a napkin and passed it to me on her way out i was so excited i fist pumped the air through our messages i discovered she just started an internship around the corner and she really wanted to impress them so they'd offer her an official job i was happy as this meant i would get to see her loads every time she came into the restaurant i tried my best to make a move with her without letting my boss notice one time i gave her a free dessert then said something sweet for the sweetest girl i know cheesy i know but girls love that kind of stuff there were sparks flying everywhere i knew she felt it too i just needed to find the courage to ask her out then one day suddenly chelsea texted me asking why i never came to see her i thought this was odd so i replied that i thought her and jake were kind of official now to my surprise she replied come on you still haven't properly made it up to me after stealing my phone you know the cops wouldn't be too happy to hear that either right or i could just tell my brother i didn't want to get in trouble with either her giant of a brother or the cops so yeah i agreed to go on a date with her we met at the same coffee shop where this whole phone drama started as she said it was close to her work this time she introduced herself as the marketing manager of some big company wow okay that's impressive for her age she's beautiful and successful maybe i really have been a bit rude to this respectable woman so i decided to sit back and hear her out but the next minute she was like austin i've loved you since first sight she grabbed my hand jake's a sweet guy but he's not you what she didn't even know me she was crazy and how could she do this to jake then suddenly a group of people walked into the cafe she said they were her employees and waved them over then told them everyone this is my boyfriend austin i glared at her but i had no choice but to awkwardly greet everyone just to get it over with as quick as possible but then i saw a familiar face in the crowd no way
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 152,080
Rating: 4.9375949 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: w3XFSKe3Np4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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