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Games Workshop Warhammer 40K Pariah Nexus Sergeant ulas fired his bolt rifle one-handed hauling a slacked limed Imperial Guardsman to his feet and thrusting him towards his comrades they took the soldier with fearful eyes dragging him away from the Imperial fist glowering gaze you'll say had not moved his feet in the past half hour except to occasionally refine his firing stance or when a forward lunge had been necessary to decapitate a scatterling blade fingered xenos horror his battle brothers had remained as unwaveringly staunch as he for all the Imperial fist stoicism however the Stark reality of the situation was inescapable each time they and their fellow Imperial Soldier cut down a wave of trudging and roid fiends another emerged from the firet smog of the battlefield to take its place the necrons came on in shambling lock step far light and muzzle flare lit the hollows of their skull-like visages energy weapons flashed in their grip as they Advanced laying low human Warriors who unlike the zenos could not be replaced Yus shouted again increasing the volume of his Vox Grill to a booming Roar as militarum soldiers fall back to the third Embraer to their credit the Ragged formations of Imperial Guardsmen followed Yus his orders with alacrity as he retreated so the Imperial fists stood their ground amidst the cyclopian blocks of a destroyed curtain wall and kept firing dozens of necrons advanced on them through the smoke and fumes of the battlefield their bodies and eyes alike giving off an eery glow that made them easy to spot more groups of Imperial Guardsmen flooded between Yas and his battle brothers some fell screaming hit from behind by gor Weaponry their armor flesh and Bone disintegrating others stumbled or even crawled eyes glassy movements becoming ever slower until they simply collapsed or stood vacant and unmoving in the midst of the battlefield Yas had seen the same symptoms in countless human soldiers of the past weeks of battle the stilling had claimed these poor riches the necrons he noted simply passed them by as though they no longer recognize them as living foes he thought or perhaps they were return for such unresisting victims once those who still fight are destroyed there were others holding this line against the seemingly endless ranks of necrons marching Over the Horizon battle Sisters of the order of our Marty lady shouted their prayers to the emperor a single Noble Knight of house Griffith stood in the distance as sted the remnants of an outer Forge Shrine man ulyses Knew by the remains of a scari cohort there had been others many others defending mzor but their numbers had dwindled over days of grueling battle as either the necron's nightmarish weapons or the smothering shroud of the Nephilim anomaly claimed them such wider concerns were irrelevant to y's current Mission however the Imperial Guardsman appeared to suffer the effects of the anomaly to a greater degree than the other Mortals thus their protection and their deployment to defense lines where their efforts would still have some efficacy was his duty at this moment he knew he needed to secure their Retreat from the second Embraer to ensure that the third Embraer had soldiers to defend it while the Imperial fist held their ground and Damned to the tide of alien Androids a scratchy Vox message reached him indecipherable it was not just the Imperial Guardsman that appeared to be hollowed out or worn thin by the Nephilim anomaly many mechanisms were too as if the very machine Spirits flagged as badly as the loyal Imperial Warriors who relied upon them for their soccer repeat he spat into the Vox link even as He adjusted his aim and ra another necron with bolt shells the Android's glowing body blew apart and its fragments began to fade from sight laid company fores request positions a third embrace your Corridor the reply was barely audible but the reverberant tones and authority of a space Marine's voice gave the demand for information around Timber distinct to one of dwan's sons this was the black Templars verul he had been reported dead three times already what is your status brother the fulf asked julus orpic shows that your command have moved once more from your allotted positions confirm the black Templar did not respond but the ruins indicating his and his ble Brothers positions continued to move deeper into the neon's ranks it was not the first time the back Templar Zeal had overmastered their discipline to ulas it seemed as though even as a Nephilim anomaly had withered The Souls of the astromar soldiery so it appeared to have paired the black Templars back until they operated upon fanaticism he wondered what it was doing to him then discarded the notion as irrelevant they would fight on they would defend mzor from the necrons until relief reached them or death brought an end to duty there was nothing else brother Sergeant the last of the Imperial Guardsmen have redeployed to embrace F3 reported brother lysia willus nodded acknowledgement fired off another volley and Amplified his Vox Grill once more Warriors of the adepto saritas fall back to third Embraer the battle sisters complied backing up in significant better order than the Imperial Guard had their bolters sang A thunderous Himel of Destruction as they went usas thought briefly of verul Somewhere Out There amidst the advancing foe his Spirit worn down to his hardened core of instincts with subconscious ease Yas loaded another magazine of Bolt shells into his rifle he braced again his feet didn't move the zone of Silence it was a sprawling region of space from which no communication came a zone of Silence so complete as to eventually draw the Strategic attention of the ultramarines prim Primark rabu take Gilman from half a Galaxy away to the Imperial forces sent to investigate its haunted depths it was known first as a Nephilim anomaly and then as a Paran Nexus no one in the imperium's highest eons not even the Lord Commander with his statistical and organizational genius had any inkling at first that the Nephilim anomaly was but one among many par nexuses at the dawn of the era indomitus after the spiritual darkness of the noctis Turner lifted psychic distress caus bombarded Terror from every corner of the Imperium these mingled with the foul oratory of traitorous demagogues and alien Warlords and the Wailing of billions of damned Souls the cacophony was overwhelming those rare regions of space that remained utterly silent stood out as Stark Mysteries and none more profound or Sinister than than the void of psychic silence that was the Nephilim sector the grinding bureaucracy of the endomet Crusades hierarchy rumbled into action the Primark appointed a battle group of Fleet Primus to discover the fate of the sector silent systems and battle group kides began its long journey from its mustering grounds in its Commander group Master Maron Gilman had selected a level-headed and proven naval officer fiercely p and immovable on a decision once made Moran proudly took up his role as the Lord Commander's torch Bearer and the champion of Fleet primus's Vanguard into the region before the combined warships of battle group khedes even reached the systems border the Nephilim sector Marin's outriders reported panic and Terror spreading through these worlds like wildfire planets were in open Revolt roused by doomsayers who claimed done an onr rushing malefic phenomenon would soon consume them populations were attempting to flee their planets on mass astropath signals revealed heretic and xenos Raiders fighting Fierce Wars with Imperial forces from the foror stars to Lynch pin locations like the zabin system in many cases they seemingly fought not to seize world but instead to harvest Resources with which to fuel their own flight from whatever terrible power had been Unleashed upon on the stars in this region Marin would not be distracted from the mission entrusted to him by the primarch but he dispatched task forces to restore Imperial rule in the worst affected systems Marin's remaining strength entered the Nephilim Subs sector from the galactic Northwest by the established warp channels his ship's Navigators spoke of perceiving a shimmering psychic Veil as they approached the zone of Silence against superstitious warnings of caution Mar commanded the battle group to plow onwards he had not come so far to be held back by talk of void spirits and Ill Fortune what lay beyond the psychic Veil according to the sensitive amongst the ship's compliments was a Stillness to the warp terrifying in its totality a phantom Frontier the ship spared into task forces as they entered the Nephilim sub sector Maran pushing them towards the systems of Paradis zos shentai and vertigos Navigators astropaths and seers wailed that they felt the cold Hand of Death clutching around their souls War hardened battle psychers complained they felt stilled unable to reach for their powers at times struggling even to draw their next panicked breath as they fought not to drown in thin air warp engines stuttered requiring even more power to drive the ships through the uum the task forces's Crews and armies began to suffer disqui and tension executions for direction of Duty or malcontent sword when task forces finally translated back into real space on approach to their target systems Maneuvers the failing warp engines barely managed there was still no sign of Imperial Transmissions coming from Worlds that TI's records claimed were heavily settled the feeling of a suffocating myasthma only worsened as the first four forces descended in drop ships to the Silent Planet initial reconnaissance revealed ghost settlements emptied of citizens when the task forces did eventually encounter the living they sprawled like glassy eyed and unresponsive dolls some overwhelming physical and spiritual lethargy had failed them the same Wonder began to smother the task forces the longer they remained there the baffled strategos of the battle group named the phenomena the stilling eventually evidence of any cause for the stilling was long to surface some empty cities and Mining communes bore signs of violence it was amid the partially settled jungles of mesmo in the zor system and later on other worlds that the source of the innovating Scourge was discovered in the form of Blackstone pylons so tall they scraped the troposphere The Architects of dis steing and the crippling of the Nephilim sector Finally Revealed themselves when the battle group's forces first attacked the pylon of mesmo armies of nekron surged to attack in sudden and ferocious assaults across systemwide battlefronts a stilled region the first Clash with the necrons of the Nephilim Subs sector came in the shadow of the mesmo pylon but even before this the task force of battle group cedes had gathered disturbing evidence as to the cause of the Region's ominous silence vanished populations abandoned High cities and omnipresent spiritual Suffocation proliferated Marin and the battle group's commanders determinedly sought out the cause Agri plexes space ports generate Tums refineries mining settlements fortifications even entire hives all stood empty or else were peopled only by scattered drifts of the still Imperial forces found food cold and moldering at tables as though abandoned mid meal servers stood dead eyed and Silent their Machinery still operating but their living component seized ground cars mining Rigs and shuttles lay where they had crashed as though their pilots had lost control but done nothing to prevent Collision in places much damage had been done by fires raging out of control or unattended plasma generators overloading nor was it only human life that appeared to be affected treading through verdant undergrowth on calipure Imperial Guardsmen gagged as they realized the soft given crunch beneath their boots was not lomy Earth but the bodies of countless small animals that lay in catatonic stuper the stultifying my Asma affected the Warriors of the khedes task forces without exception soldiers complained of feeling watched only to scum hours or days later to Growing lesser and exhaustion some would stumble to a halt mid-march stand slack Jordan unresponsive where they were not executed for dereliction of Duty these pathetic wretches were dragged aboard evacuation shuttles for attempted treatment or experimentation depending on which of Marin's commanders reached them first but precious few regained any semblance of awareness not even the adeptas of starties the Scions of the night houses or the servants of the omnicar were unaffected by the stilling they were more resilient but not altogether immune only the battle groups adepto saratas appeared largely untouched when the Towering pylon was discovered on mesmo by ultramarines of the battle group it was soon clear to them that the noxious and smothering effect plaguing ked's Warriors was emanating from the ominous structure itself the closer they got the more intense was their une galvanized by the thought of at least having a definite Target Moran capitalized on timary strategic intelligence and organized a large assault upon the site reaching mesmo proved incredibly dangerous in itself warp drive failures as well as Madness and suicide amongst his ship's astropaths caused his assault forces to arrive peac meal where they arrived at all for some were mired in distant systems or deep space unable to perform warp translations those forces that reach the surface faced Legions of necrons that marched from structures surrounding the pylon base orbital bombardment from the battle group's powerful warships was deflected by the pylon tremendously powerful Quantum shielding while a strike force of the adeptas aartis pushed forward to attack necron Ground Forces around the pilon's base the supporting forces of Imperial Guardsmen suffered terribly from the pylon waves of innovating Force more in heart or collapsing glassy eyed by the moment the battle for mesmo ended in Failure only the Space Marines fighting Retreat and punishing rear guard action preventing it turning into a route and enabling at least some of the assault Force to make it to the evacuating Landers the discovery of the pylon on mesmo was joined by others each one was unique though all towered to vertiginous Heights some appeared embedded in solid rocks though whether built there landed from orbit or grown from underground could never be concluded others were found in orbit around stars or the fringes of systems even in deep space many were discovered by the battle group's most determined and experienced investigator Lord Inquisitor draxus she led efforts to understand what had occurred in the Nephilim sector commanding numerous small missions by Specialists to hunt down more information on the nekron's plans as as well as any way in which to topple the seemingly invulnerable pylons more defeats followed mesach for kedes his task forces on worlds in the paradise and V almus Systems the battle group's Army suffered a string of punishing losses there were costly victories too including the so-called death march of Paradise 2 and the raid by a small UT Marines forth into the sanity defying realm beneath a mining commune in the vertiga system the greatest victory of the campaign's early period one much needed for what group Master Maran saw as failing morale was led by ephrael Stern the demon euge the uncovering of more of the nekron's pylons and their obvious effect on Imperial forces in their vicinity had cemented man's belief that they and the Sinister xenos were behind the Region's blight yet Stern had selected a Target that did not host such a structure instead having been scouted by the battle group's reconnaissance ships as representing a major Hub of transportation for the necrons The Ice world of cherest in the lore system harbored a trio of dolman gate at its Southern pole surrounded by a necron complex as large as a city these served as a crucial circuit through which large necron forces moved to bolster warfront throughout the region if the gates could be destroyed it would choke off the xenos reinforcements at a stroke commanded by Stern two huge Invasion Cathedrals thundered down upon the frigid site discoring many hundreds of battle Sisters of the orders of our mared Lady and the Bloody Rose they were accompanied by a host of other drop ships and assault barges as well as the drop keeps of house Moran in the Ferocious battle that followed thousands of Imperial Guard infantry and companies of Battle Tanks followed Stern into the icy polar storm despite the anomaly smothering shroud in the freezing cold every astrom militarum Soldier Advanced to the sounds of the battle systs voices raised and shouted War hyns they felt their own faith in the god Emperor swell like the fires of the brazers flaring amidst the battle sisters racks and felt certain that with such holy Warriors of the master of mankind at their head they could win this day many hundreds fell to the ancient blades and EA iic energy weapons wielded by necrons of the niac dynasty that resisted them it was not enough boyed by the collective faith in the emperor and with the demonus herself striking down the nyac Fon with blazing bolts of Faith made manifest the necrons were pushed back ground down and forced to phase away and Retreat the xenos dman gates were torn down in fiery conflagrations and the beginning of the cedes resurgence was born Stern's Victory on chist was a strategic turning point in more ways than one the destruction of the nekron's dolman gates on that world reduced what had been the insurmountable advantage of the xeno's mobility it limited their capacity to pour additional forces into continuing battles in the systems to the galactic north of the region in the zido system the andom blades chapter were finally able to break the siege of ExAlta on the planet at mesor while on heelas in the shentai system the fall in necron reinforcements all nine regim of Kari light yry to break out of a cordon in which the necrons threatened to annihilate them more significantly Stern's Victory on cheris appeared to prove the effectiveness of Faith against the entropic effects of the necron's artifice this seeming Revelation was seized upon by the pi of battle group kedes few more than group Master Maron himself the Decay that haunted so many of the Nephilim subsector could they proclaimed be put to the torch of belief unconfirmed rumors circulated of still soldiers Rising again with gasps of relief when surrounded by Warriors of sufficient Faith be it the teatry of the adeptus mechanicus or the fervor of the Imperial cult the solders of battle group kedes clung to their Creed like Shipwrecked Mariners to spars of wood in a store what Humanity in its blinkered understanding had not yet grasped was that the Nephilim anomaly was a single Cog in a scheme whose size and import were beyond anything the Imperium could engineer the cosmic mechanism was spread to Encompass the entire galaxy with its goal as nothing short of divorcing reality from the warp for all eternity the work owed its Grandeur and Immortal time scales to some of the nekron's most ambitious minds and its Patron was no less than the silent King himself while the likes of Inquisitor draxus attempted to piece together the neph monor's nature to her and the rest of battle group kedis it still defied rational explanation to its Architects however the Contra IM materium nodal Matrix as they termed it was an unparalleled work of cosmic engineering to affect the realization of his vision the silent King had drawn together some of the greatest kryptics known amongst the necron dynasties even a number of the historically rebellious but incredibly gifted techn mandres these eldrid technologists possess skills as transposal Geniuses Crypt fractal numerar plasmatic viers and other aptitudes as esoteric and grandios as a lineage of the most Highborn of nobles to create the growing Nephilim anomaly entire Stellar systems have been translocated the orbits of their constituent bodies had been realigned to match insane fractual circuits planets have been dragged from their host systems across Gulfs of space to Circle synthetic singularities or else cast aside as Cosmic clutter where they impinged on lay lines of Galactic power consigned to wonder the void has Rogue planetoids linking each astromatic Hub corridors of St nodal entanglements were woven across light years of space to create a web of negatively charged anti- empiric energies between the mega structures encircling the star of the zenu system and the noal positions of the Blackstone pylons the Arcane scientific mechanisms that underpin the neim anomaly suffuse the star systems with a p that choked off connections to the warp nor was it the only construct Crim Tex in service of the silent King had established other Contra empiric matrices around the remotest fringes of the Galaxy to encircle it like a noose these prior nexuses were the means by which the silent King hoped to imperiously Sunder the corruptive influence of the warp from the entire galaxy once and for all with its malignancy isolated from real space the necrons would be free to harvest the soulless husks that remain of the Galaxy's other species through them perhaps a way might be found to undo the curse of biotransference to usher in a new time of Flesh the silent King's Galactic Endeavor could never have succeeded without the armies of many of the nekron dynasties the structures within each Nexus could be threatened by the youngest species before they were fully operational and so the silent King had leveraged the loyalty and ambition of countless Lords and Fons to his cause he used allegiance to protect his Blackstone pylons and Crush attempts to both escape the growing silent realms or to invade them using dolm Gates Cesar kept a close watch on his nodal matrices around the Galaxy's Edge often hiding his presence from his servants and enemies both it was in the Nephilim sector however that the silent King stroe forth from his War bark the song of Oblivion to lead his followers seeing his great work threatened by the rising tide of foes there some dynasties including those of the cesarian provided Legions and service to the silent King out of absolute loyalty to him others bent the knee out of fear of the triar pretorians or voiced their support only in return for guarantees of great wealth territory and harvests of stilled specimens in the Nexus regions despite his political Mastery the silent King's offers and threats were AB Ed by some Fons none more so than the Sach though they led to strien claims of the god Emperor's renewed favor battle group K's seemingly miraculous victories could not Eclipse their more numerous defeats several task forces were lost entirely to necron offenses to the effects of the entropic Shroud or simply vanished without explanation group Master Maron was compelled to pull his remaining forces back to a narrow inter Frontage focusing on systems where several task forces could be brought to bear at once worse he was stripped of the Grim wisdom of Inquisitor draxus with her expanded retinue and assets requisitioned from Marin's dwindling forces the Lord Inquisitor had vanished on a mission of her own few among the Imperial forces would have understood this significance even had they known that the silent King had come to lead the necrons in person yet his presence was swiftly felt by group Master Marin strategos Imperial battlefronts that have been stabilized Through Blood and Zeal shuttered close to collapse under renewed necron offenses ghastly new weapons were Unleashed by the Android aliens to whose cosmic power Marin's followers had no answer battle group kedes was on the brink of annihilation when tentative contact was made with a struggling floer of Imperial warships entering the Nephilim sub sector here at last where the task for forces of Moran had detached to stabilize the systems beyond the anomaly's boundaries they rejoined their battle group in the very nick of time with them came reinforcements from Battle group orus of Fleet Primus including missions of the order of the bloody Rose and skari cohorts from Mars Imperial aligned nigh houses and hundreds of regiments of the astrom militarum at a stroke the emperial forces of the Nephilim Subs sector had doubled yet in the face of necron attacks increasing in size and frequency and the undimmed horror of the Region's choking Aura those who had lost heart saw only the dragging out of an unavoidable and horrible fate Moran and his commanders reorganized their task forces integrating the reinforcements into their revised battle plans when they could reach them that is for some were scattered or stalled after breaching the ghostly Veil limited Vox with messages often carried via desperate short range warp jumps and passed between a series of hastily deployed messenger fleets hampered the task forces of cedes and orus the few Hardy astropaths who remained to the combined Fleet could not force more than the briefest of messages through the anti- empiric Paul and with no guarantee even those would reach the wider Imperium the least insane Navigators all told their captains the Region's boundaries were becoming harder to detect as it spread further and seemingly in every direction many of Marin's commanders advised a withdraw to a Les bited region from where a request for Aid to stem the nekron threat could be dispatched Pious and stubborn group Master Marin refused the very notion of retreat disgusted him it was epistolary srest of the Imperial fist who conceived of a conclave one which would compromise the strongest available battle Psych sear and astropaths and they would force a distress call out through the shroud of the Nephilim anomaly without the need for retreat these Pyers gathered on the ice world of chist in the Lor system still scarred and bloody with a victory that had been won there cherest had come to be seen as hallowed in Imperial face and Sanctified in the sight of the emperor on chist the effect of the ceiling appeared somewhat reduced the phenomenon was attributed by minor priests to the fierce faith of the Conquering battle sisters and subsequent bolstering of the unceasing prayers and offerings of many thousands of frostbitten Marshal congregations where cheris polar dolman gate smashed the Hope was also that nekar attempts to retake the lore system would be styed what srest and his conclave needed was time in which to pool their psychic might and punch a warning through the Nexus to this end Lieutenant stvore of the Imperial f M and Marshall arnolf of the black Templars lent an Interstellar counteroffensive across a broad front to drive the wider necron forces back from the low War system storv envisioned the anim Subs sector as a single Fortress vast in scope but currently overrun by an invading xenos occupier those planetary systems presently held by Imperial forces were considered as secure if often besieged strong points War fronts akin to Fortress walls were then drawn between them some currently in Imperial hands While others were considered breached with this simple and robust strategic picture established three strike forces of arnos black Templars reinforced with the most aggressive or zealous Imperial troops available launched a system by System Counterattack out from the heart of the Fortress they drove like a sing Force out from the fortress's gates and Scattered the necrons as they Advanced impetuously towards the region some strategos believed was the heart of the Nephilim anomaly behind them came Lieutenant storm V's armies around a backbone of Imperial fist forces he mustered huge defensive garrisons of astrom militarum adepto saritas and adeptus mechanicus soldiery some of Storm for's Warriors bolstered the strong points of the Fortress or retook breached Wars others moved up to secure those systems of Worlds purged by arnor's crusading advance they man stations and docking facilities Hive cities and Shrine plexes quaries and Frontier settlements storv s Artisans raised additional defenses wherever possible while in the void further protective measures were put in place fields of orbital mines defense monitors and reawakened orbital stations webs of hidden or platforms and clusters of semi-automated torpedoes all hung ready monitored by the swiftest frigs of the message of Fleet it was hoped that these defenses would also provide some early warning of necrons trying to circumvent the Fortified systems as the counter offensive led by the Space Marines drove ever outwards so the psychic conclave on cherest completed their Mighty ritual a blaze of empiric force leapt from the world a strident intermingling of warning Clarion and cry for Aid hurled like an immaterial spear towards the heartlands of the Imperium Sanctus this apparent success was not one without cost many psychers died from the strain of forcing the warning through the veil and then it was over the smothering shroud closing in around cherished once more none amongst the Imperial forces would know if their efforts had been worth it until Aid arrived if it did the march of death Marshall arnor spearheads secured many victories the speed and Zeal of of their Onslaught allowing them to maintain momentum their Forward Motion lessened only once several nekron dynasties deployed massive blocking forces in the path of the Imperial Advance seeking to mire Arnold's armies and spoiling attritional conflicts at tra IG and Gorno illuminata the xenos strategy was only confounded thanks to Imperial reinforcements by stor for's reserve forair the fervor of Marshall arnno assault forces was beyond doubt yet the long delays that they had to endure push the sanity of the more zealous Warriors to their limits with the everpresent effect of the Pariah Nexus wearing at the edges of their Consciousness each grinding battle left the Space Marines perilously low on ammunition fuel cells and energy coils they preserved what they could by resorting to crushing their foes beneath their armored fists and feet whenever possible letting their genetically augmented strength the whining to qu of their armor servos and their hatred of the xenos drive their blows the assault forces resupply fleets straining to successfully make one short warp jump after another steadily falling behind the nearer the assault forces approached the nexus's center more than one Supply ship had to be abandoned in the interstellar void as warp engines or Galla field generators were burned out in attempts to force a war translation the ship's real space engines capable only of ins system travel were simply unable to move the ships the huge distance to the nearest system before the crew themselves had long since rotted away despite all the efforts of the adepto saatis and their supporting forces the commanders of battle group kedes and orus could not escape the Stark reality of their situation the counter offenses were blunting themselves against resurgent necron attack waves across a half dozen systems a number of the bass ban and defense lines secured in the initial flush of Lieutenant stormforce successes were now perilously close to collapse once again on Hollow lithic deases and illuminated cartographic LEC turns necron fleets and armies Advanced on entrenched Imperial positions City by City Planet by planet and system by system like rot creeping through flesh that had already died despite the dedication of the battle group's messenger ships and their Crews Imperial strategy could not keep up with the speed of many necron forces nor ever claimed to have identified them all demands for support or information were repeatedly dispatched to garrisons that had long since been eradicated whimpered claims of attacking necrons received from fortified outposts were dismissed by logisticians sure that there were no xenos there at all many such reports were dismissed as delusions brought on by the steing the necron steady gains as they forced Imperial armies to seed ground or else annihilate them could have been even swifter and more methodically efficient but for the actions of a few Nobles the dynastic forces fighting in support of the silent King were not the only necrons operating in the region some necron Warlords raided human ships or worlds with no thought for the silent King's wider strategy trains in the infinite after alerting an imperial Fleet to a hidden necron Presence at Alice nebula was accused of raiding numerous other necron and alien ships stations and vaults staring up a confused Hornet's Nest across six entire systems Fon vesca last sign of the fanet dynasty appeared to have suddenly vanished leaving her subordinate nekron RADS isolated and vulnerable where also reached the silent king of nekron forces directly attacking his loyal servants and even laying Siege to nodal systems on the galactic Eastern an edge of the nodal Matrix he dispatched Overlord neskar of the sharakan dynasty to discover who these treacherous armies served if it was not a noble bent upon selfish personal conquest or suffering some manner of post hibernator Madness then perhaps those techn mandres he had been unable to sway to his cause had at last found allies the Bastion of Imperial resistance that Marin stvore arnolf and others had built was breached many times like barricaded barans and a compromised Fortress some of the Imperial forces defense imp placements managed to hold as they had been intended these were the ones that had time to become fully entrenched with reserves of resources to endure extended seizures on the mineral Rich worlds in the aravon system aboard laborator stations orbiting the neon let gas giants of Zeta at hippus and at the mining communes of the verticus system Imperial Defenders held back increasing numbers of necrons deployed from immense tomb ships a small necron force of the sharakan dynasty managed to reach the heavily fortified Lor system its ships assumed to have slipped between the layers of watching Imperial picket squadrons this assault too was repulsed but none amongst Marin's commanders doubted the far stronger xenos fleets could yet bludgeon their way through the system's outer Sentinels the inconsistence of the necron fight back enabled pockets of Imperial Defenders to survive where they might otherwise have been crushed some held world cities or even lone fortresses surviving in the midst of a grinding necron Onslaught that had crushed their outer defenses and stall W armies into kernels of resistance other holdouts anchored networks of fortifications orbital batteries and fleets of Warships spost surviving planetary systems and retaining vital strong points within the wider for Fortress envisioned by arnolf and storv War's plan the mtika system had been such a strategic hold fast yet it was amongst those whose Defenders had been routed by the necron advance the aonic nutrient gra networks a wonder of the sky Farms of hanen's world they smashed in a blanket of burning mechanisms half a mile thick the sunken Archies on zorin had been CED through with energies that had vitrified the Subterranean Habs Aran spindled corpse shapes in their billions melted into their surface the Cory worlds of vgo Alik and vgo's Gamal their industrial and trade sites once thronged with labor forces in the hundreds of thousands now echoed only with wind that whipped firestorms across the depopulated shells of factorum cities only on the rad scoured Moon known as matias's colic did an isolated gar hold out unable to detect any Imperial signals for all the few thousand Space Marines battle sissors and Imperial Guardsman knew they were the last Defenders of the sub sector obsessed with extinguishing this last holdout destroyers fade ones and other nigh uncontrollable necrons or mortia colic had been left there when the primary dynastic forces had moved on to hunt down more numerous human threats steadfastly aloof from the necron's nobility who supported the silent King for all manner of obsequious or unhanded political agendas orican the diviner considered his own motives for coming to the Nephilim Subs sector more important and far-reaching the former Chief astrologer of the silent King's Court had experienced a series of ominous tragedies several of his most recent prophecies had suffered spectacular failures his divinations had been Twisted fated moments turned out of alignment not just subtly but with gross divergences from timelines he carefully manipulated orans attempts to mitigate these disasters traveling back and forth along his own history to hide his feelings from other necrons revealed to him a tantalizing corruption the chronomancer came to the conviction that some inconceivably vast release of fundamental energies had ripped through the weft of his prophecies the tempal spatial Origins of the Calamity were obscured by casual storms of remarkable ferocity but orican was a master of his craft he followed the strands of broken prognostication in a trail that ultimately led him to the Nephilim sub sector here he knew was a focal region of the silent King's nodal Matrix what loyalty oricon had once felt to the ruler of the necrons had disintegrated long ago but the diviner still respected the silent King's attempts to cleanse the Galaxy of the warp's taint orican was by now convinced that a singular event was coming that would corrupt the machineries of fate and quite possibly imperal the nodal Matrix in its entirety it was this threat that he set himself against hunting with ever greater urgency for the war torn systems of the Nephilim anomaly for Clues as to what singular event could so fundamentally ruin his masterful calculations as the war within the byus turned once more against the Imperial armies many prayed for a miracle of Deliverance they struggled to believe would manifest invasions rebellions and insurrections blighted the rest of the Imperium Sanctus and the armies of the adomus Crusade as huge and numerous as they were were spread thin across countless War zones the desperate psychic message Thrust out from cherest however had managed to punch through the anomalies outter Veil after an agonizingly slow track passed and shunted through one astropath relay after the next it eventually reached rut Gillman where he coordinated the campaign of Fleet primers with his towering intellect and capacity for strategic Insight the Lord commander of the Imperium recognized the threat represented by the developing situation in the Nephilim anomaly he had not fully understood its workings or ultimate goal but he did not need to in order to stamp it out the Primark diverted a fraction of his attention to focus on the Nephilim sector what appeared to be happening there both the Insidious technos spiritual threat and the mobilization of such vast and coordinated necron Legions demanded his personal intervention there were urgent logistical matters he had to handle first matters on which billions of lives and entire campaigns hung thus unable to set out immediately in person gallaman instead mastered a response force and sent it ahead of him to stable iiz the situation in the Nephilim sector battle group have faced us of indomitus Fleet Primus formed its foundation commanded by group Master vican the battle group's strength was hugely augmented by a mighty contingent drawn from the ranks of the adeptus mechanicus and let my Arch magos bellarus call himself gullan reasoned that if any of his lieutenants could comprehend the true technological threat developing in that war zone it would be he the response fleet's mission was to exploit the information gleaned from the chist message and employ every effort and strategy available in an attempt to counter the spreading xenos nodal Network it would further be the duty of K's Force to relocate the surviving elements of battle group kedes and orus to provide them with whatever reinforcements was possible and to once again solidify the battle lines they had drawn up in this way a two Bridge head into Nephilim anomaly could be secured when gim and himself arrived with further reinforcements The Hope was that however dire the survivors had claimed the xenos thre to be the combined Imperial armies would be enough to drive them back whatever Peril was represented by the expanding zone of Silence gullan would see it eliminated entirely yet before he could do so it would fall to bisaria call to construct the foundations for the primark's onslaught it was a mission the ark megar was only too eager to undertake after all a region so rich in Noth deposits and abandoned Technologies might prove as profitable to secure as it was strategically vital damur Al vulka piloted her KN Warden damus along the narrow roadway SAR claw vulker followed in his night Paladin Oma the two knights forced into single file by the close confines of their and jealous alic prehab belt ruined buildings seemed to press in upon them from either side looming dark and cadaverous from the whirling snowstorm that reduced visibility to a dozen yards at best Dam Soro kept a portion of her attention on a tactical orator knowing it would be the only warning she would get if the necrons located them she despised the notion of creeping through these ruins hoping the storm would Stave off the en me but then she thought this was the war on cherest Now quickly shaking off the distraction Sor thought for Focus not for the first time she silently cursed the fog clouding her thoughts and the numb tingle in her extremities she could not afford to let the anomaly unfold her too many of the omnis faithful had fallen that way she focused through her external vid feeds keeping a weary eye upon the snow covered roadway way ahead amidst the prefabs one had almost to watch for wrecked houred transports Frozen corpse piles or toled Rubble hidden beneath the snow one wrong footfall on such ground and her night suit might be pitched into a fall from which it could not be recovered sorrow felt disloyal to her Steed for thinking it but the truth was that daus's machine Spirit was suffering as badly as she was and so she could no longer entirely trust that the knight's own senses would detect such a hazard before it would trip them on her tactical manifold Sor saw omer's Rune flash Amber before stuttering back to Jade a glance through her rear wood feed showed a shattered Spar of masonry falling from where claw's night suit had slipped it with weapon limb the laps reminded sorrow that she and her Steed were not alone in suffering under their anomaly shroud machine guard take this cavus slum m door over the Vox and your cousin replied Sor our Patrol is almost at an end Outpost ganos lies but four miles to our West marching this route Shields us from the attention of the foe hopefully she added silently to herself her gaze darting across the external vid feeds at the ruins and the white whirling melstrom around her this onless sinking sits ill with Oma replied claw seeming set on quarrel asness quite out of character with his usual stoicism another symptom of distilling that had worsened in recent days sorus knew it yet her own mental reserves were fraying too and she could not stop herself from scowling behind her gilded face mask cousin you know as well as I it is necessary she said more sharply than she intended had we the supplies of ammunition and fuel to support direct conflict and enough saf Tristan still conscious to tend our steeds I would be the first to lead the charge against these xenos fils that way at least lies Glory claw shot back in frustration a final charge for shivery and The omnis Sire better than rusting away in obsolescent Hope until they pick us apart like car and feeders on a carcass Dam Soro heard The Whispers of the GU of her throne some counseled faith hope and endurance others are growing by minority these days echoed claw's own sentiments dias's reactor gave a restive rumble that she felt as a Tremor through her throne not you to she muttered did they think she felt differently about matters was she the only one with the self-restraint to see that they were being tested and could not simply succumb cousin we must have faith she said after a calming breath our Messiah would not have abandon us to such an ignominious fate we the livid green flare of gor fire came so suddenly that it dragged a gasp from Dam Soro cutting her off mids sentence her external vid feeds blazed Emerald through the glare she saw deflorated energies rake Oma's right shoulder guard and scour away The Last Remnant of its proud heraldry flade layers of adamantine and plasti bowed into particulate clouds to be whipped Away by The Scream winds theight Paladin lurched sideways its bulk toppling a burned out Barrack block over the Vox sorrow heard hope cousins pained cursing as he fought to turn his Steed and angle his iron shield towards a threat the blast was followed by another from the opposite side of the roadway yet that first shot had been all the warning a veteran like Dam Soro needed even in her mentally degraded State Instinct saw her tilt her own steed's iron shield deftly and absorbed the force of the gors blast in a flash of emerald on turquoise dias's stuttering orator chimed a belated warning as it painted multiple targeting runes across her external view field s's fingers twitched in a haptic dance as she cogitated targeting Solutions and threat vectors there were at least a score of contacts to the south of the roadway and an undefined number to the north data readout suggested anti-grav assets amongst them but the word ing snow storm made visual recognition impossible sorrow was hunting by energy Spore alone cousin she barked through the Vox we live replied SAR claw voed tight with psychosemantic pain they will not Dam solo triggered her weapons the moment diodorus acquired positive lock with an effort she restrained her Salvo to conserve ammunition her night suits Avenger Gatling Cannon screamed briefly as it spat a hail of shells into the white hay two Warheads lept from its storm spear pod a third of all sorrow had left explosions flared dimly amidst a swirling snowfall a slew of hostile ruins vanished from her horsebacks Sara's response was less measured he was angry sorrow suspected his pride stung by having been caught unawares sorrow heard faintly the thumping of Oma's battle Cannon as it placed a full spread of shells into the ruins north of the roadway reprimands about Ammo conservation could come later for now sora's blood was up and she couldn't help a snar of satisfaction as her cousin's fire eradicated more of her foe the charred remains of an armored Bastion collapsed amidst the blossoming explosions burying yet more zenos attackers even as they stalked into view reading something heavy moving three points South rocked claw Sor checked her orps she saw nothing come on old friend she muttered to diamas strive for acurity and be swift if you can a Guist return flickered on the screen as it powered up whatever it was the target was moving rapidly towards her Dam Soro sent haptic commands racing through her thrown mechanicum compelling diodorus to adjust stance bring its Weaponry to bear and re angle its iron shield an instant later another stream of gor fire erupted from the snow and hammered dias's defenses not one blast Sor realized but three the first she caught on her Shield the second went wide the third goug dias's torso armor like a sword cut to the ribs sympathetic pain exploded through soros's side and she convulsed subconsciously making diamas take a step back three armored shapes erupted from the screening snow metallic humanoids with heavy cannons in place of arms and grotesque incar gra sleds where sores is brain insisted their legs should be she recognized the Locust heavy destroyers even as they attempted to skim past her night and then flank her Shield although she was wounded and if she were honest with herself likely halfway to being stilled Dam soros's Fury was enough to propel her into action she swung her Avenger to bear and raked one of the grav skimming Android artillery Warriors into scattering shrapnel the second she swatted from the air with a skillful backhand swipe of armas's thunder strike Gauntlet the blows smashed the lockhurst into a flank of a Hab block and left it embedded a sparking ruin that slowly faded from sight in a haze of green energy the third heavy Destroyer weaved past her and sorrow felt up moment's impotent rage as Android slewed around in midair to reveal its cannon at her Knight's undefended flank the necron never fired Oma's Reaper chainsword came down upon it like the omn aire's own judgment and clothed the lock hust in half its wreckage lay twitching in the snow the heat of its demise racing obscuring clouds of steam Dam Soro allowed herself a long slow breath orex told her that had been the last of the ambushers thank you cousin she said you were right he replied simply we endure the omnis I expects no less let us complete our sweep as they set off again into the snowy ruin Sor nodded to herself they would endure they could not give in and soon omnissiah willing they would be relieved the Noth acquisition the advance of battle group have faced us into the Nephilim sub sector was markedly different to that of cedes or orus for warned by the terce message bisaria call and the battle group's Tech priests had gone to extreme lengths to mitigate the dangers to their ship's warp engines and the prior nexus's illogical effect on their Navigators the forces of battle group have faced us were predominantly drawn from the forge worlds of Mars and Metallica several other Forge worlds had also provided cohorts and macro clades to fac us including Vos Prime Riser and faton such are tens of thousands of the machine Gods faithful Rod to war aboard the battle group's varied warships and Forge barks while have facus also boosted Space Marine strike forces as well as large compliments of the astrom militarum the adeptus saritas and questing lances of Imperial Knights the battle group's adeptus mechanicus leanings meant that many of its senior commanders were Tech Magi who in turn answered to AR magos bisaria call during the passage to reach the Nephilim sector following the same route as battle group kedes The Tech priests had bent their in to the matter of Conquering the deletrius effects of the prior nexcess where group Master Marin's officers and Crews have pushed their alien ships through the seemingly bealed immaturi pouring ever more energies into faltering warp engines battle group her faced us turned instead to a dizzying array of technological solutions a few radical Tech priests actively attempted experimental techniques hiding their near heretical tinkering with the warp engines of their vessels behind claims of extreme piety most however had brought ancient archotech from their Forge world's deepest and most Secure Vault mechanisms and devices of terrible Antiquity that the Magi believed would serve to ameliorate The Perils of the Nephilim anomaly some of her fac Do's Tech priests wired sigil scribe cages of psychers into their ships as living batteries attempting to emulate the conclave of chist by focusing empiric power into thrumming Banks of capacitors others had installed congregations of lobotomized Tech chist into specialized Forge shrines that Amplified their binic sarms the Arcane mechanisms deployed to push back the oppressive pool ranged in size from the fist-sized aulus geode of thin to deur Magnificat a forge complex as large as a sword class frigate none of these attempts were wholly successful a few individual ships and even entire task forces managed to enter the sub sector with only minimal damage to their warp engines and with the astrop pass and Navigators terrified but relatively sane as a whole however the cohesion of battle group faced us began to degrade from the moment it passed through the fringes of the nodal Matrix bisaria call made every effort to enforce Unity of purpose throughout his battle group and to keep them moving as one thanks to the varied efficacy or even in some cases the unexpected drawbacks of the archotech devices deployed however this became ever more difficult nor was the task aided by the desperate agendas concealed by some of cor's subordinates the battle groups reinforcements were thus scattered from the start but this was an eventuality the AR magos had factored into his strategic algorithms and one which was not wholly undesirable to him in many ways the fracturing mirrored the complex web of Egos and motivations amongst the tech priests even those hailing from the same Forge World were Rivals to some degree split up in this way cor reasoned there was less chance of confrontations on matters of technological dogma and less risk of progress being held up by those who harbored stubborn slithers of pride in their remaining flesh being spread across the galactic Northwest of the subs sector the task forces vectors and velocity ities at odds with each other also increased the probability of their locating their battle group's objectives the surviving Defenders and a solution to whatever the necrons had Unleashed upon the Galaxy Cole believed he saw the solution clearly and he had acted to prepare the tools he would need before battle group have faced us ever reached the Nephilim sector before beginning the battle group's plunge into the region call communicated what became known as the noctus decree compressed into a fractal data packet that he speared into the consciousness of the battle group's Tech priests qual proclaimed their objectives some of her facy ships and armies would form agous fleets reinforcing those Imperial forces that were found to have survived and fortifying those worlds that have fallen others would form a crean fleet to seek out and secure deposits of noth wherever they could be found and to process them on a scale never before seen within the Imp Imperium as part of his data packet Hall spread his directive what to accomplish with the secured Blackstone in his estimation of the cheris message the necron pylons were being negatively charged such a process would unlock the full potential of the Noth to repel the energies of the warp which H hypothesized when some way to explain how the zone of Contra immaterial silence was being maintained AR magos commanded the the masters of his crean fleets would oversee the fashioning of their amassed Blackstone into massive toroid constructions of core's own design which he called Lial abraser these could be towed by grass tether behind their larger explorator vessels and Forge bares employing a radical series of technological adaptions of the warp engines of those vessels cor believed his Magi could apply a carefully measured positive empiric charge to their Lial abraser these mechanisms were theorized to project and sustain a Quantum folded architecture of energy into the limal zones between real space and the warp this energistics an entangled irritant that neither realm of existence would allow to endure permanently or so cor claimed the aragos believed that once a positive empiric charge ran through their bracers at precisely the right modulation the devices would compress and excite the energy Fields they generated against a phantom veiled and a concer erected with the energistics as lapping Powers the ark magos explained and the mechanisms acting as the grindstones it would be as if the Glorious omnis himself work to wear away the oppressive barrier of the Nephilim anomaly no physical examples of ainal abraser existed no Tech priest of battle group have faced us had encountered such a rumor of such a technology the Aros ignored or demands to reveal where he had discovered the sacred design the details he provided were also fragmentary and unutterably ancient with hermetic signifiers and formulaic leaps that defied immediate understanding by the te priests yet the awe they felt as they absorbed every facet of the information overrode almost all trepidation it was called hope that with sufficient experimentation and processional refinement the Lial abraser could extend their effects to Encompass entire worlds or even star systems and th drive back the Insidious effects of the nodal Matrix one bloody step at a time the Aros shared a fractal of his accumulated Blackstone lore with the tech Magi of battle group have faced us enough for them to grasp the rare material's pivotal role in his plans and to carry out his instructions for its use but no more driven to experiment tirelessly in search of the solution call had ordered a huge reserve of noth loaded into the holds of his vessel Zar quor before setting out for the Nephilim sector however he knew that much more of the substance would be required for his plans fortunately accumulated star charts and cribed munitorum Report Stacks concerning the Nephilim sub sector suggested that the region boasted a large number of Quarry Worlds the aragos didn't doubt that the necrons would have plundered some of these words for their own dark artifice he hoped however that enough reserves would remain to serve his accretion fleet's purposes there was also the tantalizing possibility of using the necron's own works against them call held information besides the Cher message data that suggested that the necron's pylons were not invulnerable and that they could be brought down from within if that were true then their substance could be claimed for his own use and become part of the solution itself those task forces of battle group have faced us that would serve as the agis fleet were to be called Shield most compris no less than a dozen warships of varying size escorting at least one huge Forge ship due to scattering caused by the battle group's entry however some ages fleets had adopted new protocols or commanders due to ships or whole squadrons having been held back driven off course or forced into emergency War translations that separated them from their assigned agis Fleet most were led by senior adeps of The omnis Sire high ranking Magi Tech priest Dominus and manipulus as well as others who claimed polyic titles of increasingly Arcane and archaic meaning who typically named their fleets after themselves The agis Fleets comprise significant numbers of War engines longrange Tech artillery and large cohorts of battle servitors and castan robot backed by the mass ranks of skari soldiery these forces were supplemented by the majority of battle group haas's non adeptus mechanicus contingents call had theorized that those without faith in the machine guard might question the necessity for harvesting or experimenting upon Noth it might even hamper the efforts of the tech priest if they perceive such labors were slowing their Marshal advance worse within his Noth decree K had authorized his lieutenants to ignore the pleas of beled Imperial forces in favor of harvesting Blackstone he reasoned after all that finding the eventual solution to the dangers of the anomaly mattered more than preserving Armed Forces already rendered combat ineffectual by long-term exposure to the stilling he doubted however that the more bellicose or un augmented amongst the battle group's commanders would agree with this assessment thus Co had convinced group Master vican to distribute most of the battle group's adepa saatis and adepa sororitas along with hundreds of Imperial Guard regiments throughout the ages fleets his reasoning to Vian was that these fleets would be directly engaged in linking up with and reinforcing traumatized Imperial survivors who would integrate more readily with fellow humans or inspirational super soldiers than with the coldly andhuman Servants of the machine guard privately call cogitated the vican non adeptus mechanic soldiery could do the most good if not placed in direct positions where Flesh and Blood F abilities might lead them to what he considered illogical action they still operated under the nominal authority of tech Magi who had adopted the atics of their War forms and downloaded strategic protocols into their partitioned Minds these priests heeded the wisdom of experienced martial commanders within their Fleet but every decision was ultimately at the mercy of their own ruthless Logic the AIS fleets were charged first and foremost with establishing fortified presences on Imperial worlds within the systems nearest to their subs sector entry point in the galactic Northwest to this end at least one ancient manufactur and Barge was present in each flotilla these and enormous mountains of Industry churned out arsenals of Weaponry fabricated defense embracers and bunker complexes distilled chemical fuels and generated thermal and plasmatic energies in gargantuan volumes as The Fleets moved towards their targets though separated the Aegis Fleet set about their Duty with mechanical efficiency within days of the official commencement of operations a half dozen worlds have been secured by the task forces of battle group of facers and contact established with scattered elements of stern vor's Fortress such Imperial holdouts were alarmingly few however and all required some degree of immediate rescue from besieging necron forces that pressed in upon them on the ground and in the void in many other places The agis Fleets found only husks of empty Devastation above grimal and oudin pentus Both Worlds encircled by the orbiting wrecks of Destro transport barges and what had likely been escorting warships on the plant's surfaces huge Tracks Of Destruction spoke of ferocious battles long since lost by the Imperial Defenders rotting corpses and rusting tank shells were strewn throughout the blackened bones of cities inside sealed bunkers The Scouting forces of the ages Fleet found groups of slumped warriors with glassy eyes thinned by starvation despite the Bunker's ration supplies onto these Fallen Worlds the ages fleets dropped Sky darkening flights of drop ships and Lander hwks clades of lobotomize ctors set to work erecting around armored BW walks and bristling Forge shrines industrial sites were repurposed as holy manufacturer and shielded arsenals like bustling nests of insects former cities quaries and Fallen bastions were REM molded by work gangs of ctors swarms of servos scars antira lifters and Industrial patn oops World by World system by System the martial Artisans of the adeptus mechanicus and their many allies fashioned the beginnings of the foothold for reconquest aragos call had correctly assessed that a percentage of the tech Magi under his command were become distracted by their own agendas such as ever the way with the adeptus mechanicus whose War leaders are as much holy scientists and dogmatic Rivals as they are Battlefield strategists some now exploited the relative isolation and enforced communication difficulties inflicted by the neph anomaly as excuses to pursue their own experiments under Battlefield conditions some of the Magi disagreed with cor's planned use of noth entirely the fact that the necrons employed the material made them uneasy to use it themselves they abhor the R's Android forms as a gross perversion of the machine God's holy ideal and would not Su themselves or their followers by employing the mechanisms of the alien enemy instead they sought only to crush the necrons at any opportunity rather than engage in what might very well be technological heresy other Tech Magi believed the cause ESP spoused methods would lead to catastrophe they were reticent to Fashion lional abres or risk charging ing them with empiric energy in case in seeking to unmake the nekron's smothering shroud they accidentally tore uncontrolled breaches into warp space even amongst those loyal to C's Vision there were those who allowed greed to override the noct decree or whose nerve faltered as their own Warriors started to succumb to the stealing despite all their augmentations They seized opportunities to harvest or scavenge from stilled worlds ignored the D press sces of long Bard elements of battle group kedes or orus or even suborn the remnants of such forces into their own Quests for personal power rather than bolstering their positions as they should The crean Fleets that would seiz deposits of noth had a more aggressive Focus than the AIS fleets their course compromised Forge World warships that carried large scale ground attack forces made up of sarian kill clades terrai cyber FL blocks and tireless skari Vanguard and Ranger cohorts as well as congregations of Electro priests and all manner of Swift transport and esoteric attack craft it would be these that secured Noth sites once they had been located annihilating any foe already there and acting as a rapid response Force to counter attempts to reclaim the sight the ancient artifact vessels of the accan fleet also bore within their cavernous Halls large mining engines dagger tooled bore crawlers multi-med excavators and batteries of artillery scale atomizers with which to pulverize layers of surface Rock to reach deposits of noth they sought immense prolith processor shrines in echoing loading arcades were wreathed in incense and ringed with choirs of chanting Tech priests preparing them to be loaded aboard monolitic drop ships several accan fleets Incorporated Vanguard squadrons of navis imp imperialis escort far more maneuverable than the lumbering Forge ships that acted as the fleet's hunters and Scouts in the void alongside these were Gothic barks hailing from several night words pledged in service to omnis servants the noble princeps Barons and knights had sworn great pledges to the fleet's master to see the grand work of cor's design protected the first system in which the AIS fleets encountered a major established presence from Battle group cedes and Orphus was Paradise here on several battle scarred worlds macro clades under magos eratica ass salt found grim-faced Consolidated battalions of Imperial Guardsmen holding on to fortified depos and entrenched townships tank companies stood dug in along ridges their fuel reserves having run so low that they were now operated as stationary artillery pieces pockets of battle sisters and AD Deus minor and preachers were spread amongst the Defenders anchor points of piety intended to Stave off the worst effects of the steing the skies above these exhausted armies were fouled by shores of low orbit debris from ferocious Space Battles the landscapes in which they had held out for so long were scarred beyond all recognition once verdant Plains had been reduced to blackened glass and Jagged crater Fields mountain ranges had been entirely leveled see SE and oceans boiled away and entire cityscapes had become corpse choked Morelia where flesh and Bone had taken the place of flack board and mortar in the defender improvised barricades nor were these worlds free of foes active necron threats persisted on every World in their parody system while a handful of their dark Majestic warships hung in the void as though observing the final defeat of the Imperial Defenders from afar the warships of the ages Fleet drove those necron tomb ships away boarding actions launched by the decimal redemptor and Forge py seeing one of the alien warships scuttled before it could escape with localized space secure for the moment Mega salt dispatched Landing parties to answer the static laced voice hailed of the Defenders below his followers were forced to engage swarming canopic hosts and lock spping ranks of Android Warriors from the moment they made landfall what Paradise 4 a hardcore of anti-g graphitic xenos War engines wrought Havoc amongst the first waves of astrom militarum drop troops until several engines of the liio invictor could be deployed to eradicate the threat as they pressed deeper into what remained of stor vor's Grand strategic Fortress The agis Fleets encountered both increasing nicron resistance but also the entrenched remains of those who had so long held out against the alien Androids at sheepa and shentai asor and the intact stations encircling the volan anomaly further bastions of the Imperial forces were brought back into the fold the men and women who defended these worlds and facilities had survived multiple attacks over an excruciatingly extended period all while their ranks and morale alike withered in the grip of the stilling only the Space Marine forces encountered by the AIS Fleet showed little physical exha extion though their armor was without exception chipped scored blackened and cracked a mute witness to their endurance these survivors had thrown back black limed Horrors attacking in the dark of the night marching xenos Legions under blazing Paradise star and aerial assaults by droning masses of incre construct all while the numbing grind of the Nephilim anomaly had worn at their resolve yet neither it nor the necrons had broken them many AIS fleets suffered terrible casualties in battle with the necrons they encountered AIS Fleet terent at zos and AIS Fleet crang at the edge of the volan anomaly were wiped out by huge hosts of the Android xenos others were forced to withdraw from the worlds they had come to reinforce before having had a chance to fully reinforce them their masters viewed safeguarding their own armies and resources for an attempt to elsewhere as a logical prep most though dug in they poured ever more industrial assets onto the worlds to complete the fortifications even as their forces supported by any survivors attempted to hold back intensifying attack waves from multiple necron dynasties the storm Lord strike The crean Fleets had pushed deeper into the Nephilim sub sector they sought noct Toth deposits or marked on data charts as well as searching out new ones in systems whose names had in some cases been redacted from Imperial records They also encircled more of the anomal periphery heading to the galactic west and south this frequently brought the ships of battle group have faced us into contact with predatory necron fleets belonging to the meite and nalac dynasties some of the xenos already occupied Quarry worlds and to the tech priest concern appeared to be extracting the Noth themselves other Necro forces belonging to the aggressive Nook Dynasty descended on the acum fleet's forces as a tech priest Noth Harvesters extracted the black mineral the necron's attacks upon The accan Fleets bordered on the monomaniacal be the fleets of Imperial void ships that held station above recaptured quy Worlds the ground forces they had landed to defend the extraction efforts what indeed the engines and Personnel engaged in the quaring itself it seemed as though this zenos wished to annihilate them entirely conversely however bed AIS fleets operating in the vertigos and the Z to8 hesper systems saw their Android foes suddenly and completely abandoned such efforts mid battle during heavy fighting against zaran Legions on tharia magos ordinatus zovia was on the verge of ordering autod destructs arms to be triggered aboard her precious ordinatus engine rather than let the ancient artifact fall into the hands of inquisitive cryptex even as sheets of gor energy crackled above the ordinatus Blazing flanks and the wooden magos made preparations to emulate her engine and the foe alike the bombardment abated stuttering a report from across the Quarry reported zaran PHX is abruptly retreating as though at some silent signal the xenos left only marauding packs of Destroyers and flade ones to Menace The Shack scattered Imperial lines and covered the retreat of the core dynastic soldiery Eerie green beams of energy reached down from low orbit and raised the necrons whenever they touched them teleporting them away on mass in the minutes before the tomb ships in orbit also turned about and sped from the system's Edge Vos doia sumped in her command Throne bewilderment and relief churning within her as reports flitted in of one zone after another secured and free from xenos taint no explanation would come from this miracle but in its wake the Noth mining efforts amidst the ruins of tharia were soon back to full efficacy this was a scene that repeated in various permutations across almost a dozen fronts within the Nephilim anomaly the pattern took time to reveal itself for it was still difficult for individual Imperial fleets to compare notes yet eventually AR Megos call hunched over data lecton within the stratum of the Zar quitor began to craft a hypothesis from the scraps of intelligence he had acred the arkos's personal task force had descended on a vertiga system to the galactic North here his armies of skari fought ambushing necrons amidst the mining communes of verus 2 while his warships did battle with those of the xenos in the cold void the situation on vertigos 2 deteriorated rapidly as fank after fank of necron Warriors Immortals and stilt-legged War engines appeared from shimmering portals marched from rents in the plant's crust or stalked from mine entrances lit by Eerie Emerald fire overseeing the battle from on high CO was prepared to drop reserves of ironhand Space Marines and house T Knights into the fry Planet Side when a the second necron Fleet arrived in the system without warning Legions of marching Androids poured onto the planet from flickering beams emitted by Soaring necron aircraft or stepped from hovering slab-sided war machines yet these newly arrived zenos who displayed differing heraldry from those on vertigos 2 thus far proceeded to ignore the Imperial forces entirely they instead engaged the Android Legions that had until that point had been threatening to overrun the arch mos' armies seizing his opportunity Co issued a swift string of astute strategic directives explorator vessels fired their driv and swept onto new attack vectors Arcane batteries Haring the flanks of battling necron vessels maniples of warhound Titans looped out onto the attack raking their fire through clashing necron fanes even as the Imperial Guard tank formations and formations of Martian Cavalry surged into shatter suddenly wavering enemy battle lines over several hours of ferocious fighting the two opposing necron forces utterly undermined one another's strategic positions and harried by efficient Imperial counterattacks were forced to disengage some of the xenos vanished back through Doan gate While others fell back below the plat surface with rival necrons still harrying them down into the darkness by the time the last necron forces had vanished from verticus 2's combat zones K had thoroughly analyzed the heraldic markings and strategic maneuvers of the Rival necron forces and cross reference them against vid captures from elsewhere in the Nephilim anomaly sure enough he found repeating patterns and the beginnings of what appeared to be divided loyalties amongst the Android xenos there was call concluded some manner of alien Civil War taking place within in Nephilim sub sector now he had only to determine how best to exploit it the AIS fleets had now contacted most of the surviving enclaves of battle group khedes and orus it appeared no senior Commander from either Force still lived the zealous group Master Maron himself who said to have fallen while stubbornly anchoring an especially desperate defense action over cherished a terrible being of living metal and flickering fractals was said to have struck him down with a bolt of infernal lightning though no body had ever been recovered regardless the depths of the ministorum had been Swift to claim Marin as a saint of chist there was further no sign of Marshal arnov nor Lieutenant storv War there were only the worlds that they had conquered in their advance and which in many cases remained however tenuously in Imperial hands garrisons left in their way asserted that the two Space Marine War leaders had broken through the nekron blocking forces and continued their Crusade on toward the heart of the neim anomaly for his part aragos call privately suspected the space Marine's Devotion to duty had seen them cut off and overwhelmed somewhere beyond the treda system he kept such sentiments to himself however for the sake of morale whatever the case under the direction of group master vicrin and Arc Megos cor and thanks partly to the escalating necron Civil War draining enemies from the front lines battle group have faced us had secured a solid foothold resurrecting elements of stor V's theoretical Fortress they had established a nominal stable front from the lore and scaran systems through the mitan local space to the vetus and shentai systems in the galactic north of the region such a claim was a huge simplification ation of a complexed and entangled Interstellar warfront that was constantly blighted by the deletrius effects of the anomaly nonetheless a solid Imperial foothold had been reestablished in the Nephilim sub sector like the hosts that came before them however Co and his followers were discovering that the longer they spent beneath the oppressive pile of the Nephilim anomaly the worst they degraded and Scattered their efforts moreover while aan Fleet on tharia obser and a clima 5 had already met their Noth harvesting quoters their initial efforts to Fashion Lial abrasus had met with little success worse the few times a breakthrough had seemed likely ferocious attacks by necron forces had put a sudden halt to their work thanks partly to the pursuit of their own desperate agendas and partly to a series of sweeping xenos counter offenses by xenos identified as belonging to the shakan dynasty Imperial momentum was faltering once more it was in this time of growing frustration that Inquisitor draxus boarded the zaror under an energized falsehood The Inquisitor explained to Archos call that she had faked her own withdrawal from the war zone after her success in the treda system had made a personal enemy of illumino ceras she had been pursued by death Mark assassins making a feigned withdrawal a prudent measure in truth however draxus was certain that she now knew the secret to bring down the necron Pyon from within moreover though she would not explain how the Inquisitor claimed that she knew of an opportunity that was about to arise where she could put that knowledge to good use we call support and C draxus claimed she could decisively turn the tide of the war silence and storm the silent King had responded to imc's increasingly Brazen and overt Invasion with cold outrage he had diverted Legions of the sarakan and Nefra dynasties to meet the sac on several contested worlds he had also made overtures to Oran the diviner who he knew to be at large within the bounds of noal Matrix there was no love lost between the sinic king and his former astrologer pazar hoped that oran's chronomatic insight might be enough to counteract im's vaunted hypological strategies the silent King's trial messages located orican on the lifeless world of Sig and sought to convince him of the importance of Cesar's Works orican however declined an audience with the silent King he still pursued his own disturbing Revelations and firmly believed that the threat of the coming Calamity outweighed any concerns of conventional strategic Warfare meanwhile tic legance had captured and firmly invested three full systems in the galactic Northeast of the noal Matrix tic had then allowed overlords of the Nefra Dynasty to batter his defenses with counterattacks that only served to exhaust his enemy numbers he had then employed an awakened dolman gate to lead an assault in person halfway across the Nephilim sub sector and strike the distant mirtia system the storm Lord's forces had emerged upon the contested world of Veo Alik which played host to a mountainous pylon the Imperial Invaders had yet so much as to scratch Cesar did not doubt that tic possessed weapons capable of toppling the structure however and knew he could not allow it satic Victory on this world might see a number of waving dynasties defect to the stormlord's banner the silent King thus charged allegiance of nasur usme who had so far defended Vero Alik against all Imperial attacks with driving back imatic Invasion withme responded with Zeal leading a planet wide Advance into the world's southern hemisphere to meet the satic Invaders outnumbered Imperial forces and Virgo's alic were swiftly crushed between Waring aliens yet magnos cantic lunc overall commander of the Imperial Fleet occupying the mtia system only watched wearily from afar let the necrons fight he thought while they did so they did not imperil his other Holdings throughout the system it was at this point that Inquisitor drax's compact War Fleet translated into the metian system she led an elite host of Martian Terror troops and death watched Space Marines I was invested with the authority of call and the Inquisition both The Inquisitor commanded Megos lest to provide her with Marshal support and div Visionary assaults while she stuck at the necron pylon now defended only by a skeleton Garrison from nasur uck Legions lest was far from delighted at this imposition but he could hardly refuse even as drax's drop ships Streed down through the atmosphere of vgo Alik heavier Landers bearing Megos lest's heroic Crest put down and 100 mile wide Cordon around the pylon skari Legion and manifolds of battle servitors dug in at his command Cesar loyal necron forces turned back from their attacks upon emex ludin and battered the Imperial lines with increasing ferocity yet they could not break through the stormlord for his part now pulled his rear guard back from the plant only dolman gate and collapse the structure after him what perils daxus and her team faced within the nightmare interior of the pylon were a mystery to Megos Lun cast but the the results of her efforts soon became clear the Bedrock of Virgo Alik convulsed underfoot esic energy reading spiked alarmingly Planet wide blun issued evacuation orders pulling all those forces he could out of battle and back towards orbit his own ornate Lander was powered up through the troposphere when the megga saw the necron pylon collapse into a star bright Singularity then detonate with enough Fury to blast away the planet's atmosphere in tatters vgo's alic was cracked all the way to its molten core by the fury of the detonation Imperial losses were considerable yet those suffered by the nasur uck were far worse for without the dolman gate to escape through almost all were trapped and slain having barely escaped the surface with his life Megos Lun was somewhat Curt in responding to The Inquisitor drax's brief Vox missive of thanks for his Aid The Inquisitor had escaped he knew not how and was even Now setting a course for the system's Manderville Point she had failed a pylon orbe at at Great cost it seemed a decisive blow in the favor of the Imperial forces at that moment though none present could truly appreciate the new and terrible phase of escalation drax's actions would soon bring to the war in the Nephilim anomaly Overlord aamc stoed imperiously towards the Imperial positions the humans had dug in amongst the last crumbling ruins of a once formidable line of fortifications that studed the valley Southern Slope axomic Legion Advanced across the valley floor towards them under a ceiling of slate gr Cloud they weighed Shin deep through muddy water the product of the long neglected Dam at the the Valley's North End having raptured some days before such conditions did not trouble axmc the Android bodies of the necrons were not like the Primitive Technologies of the Lesser species and suffer no ill effects from Wading through water the situation was however somewhat suboptimal axmc was moving at the heart of his fanks his Lich guard arranged around him with their dispersion Shields angled to protect him he and his bodyguards inhabited powerfully built and diligently maintained bodies that pushed through the waters resistance with ease the same was not so true if the ranks of Warriors spread out ahead and to either side though aemc's foot soldiers forged on as best they could at his command the shambling gate was exacerbated by the water and the sucking mud of the valley floor aamc and his leads were forced to slow their own pace to match the laboring Warriors much to his impatience all the while fire rained down from the human positions on the Southern Slope the blocky structures of their fortifications might be half collapsed and thick with rust and fern brakes yet the solid mass of them still served to soak up all but the heaviest necron Firepower aamch had to accept to the humans for all their primitive nature were making good use of their position they had dug artillery pieces into the best protected areas of the slope and were dropping volleys of rockets onto the nekron ranks with an irksome degree of accuracy their foot soldiers meanwhile had entrenched themselves with good fields of fire across the valley and seemed to possess Ample Fire power most peeving of all from aam X's position was a presence of a band of what he believed the humans called Space Marines clad in armor of cobalt blue and wielding potent sidearms the hulking Warriors had already hurled back the first of AIX Warriors to gain the southern slopes and were even now attempting to single him and his Lich guard out with their potent Firepower aamc had envisioned a Swift and glorious march to Victory against what he had assumed were bedraggled victims cowering in their last bolt hole this was to have been a clean and merciful execution he allowed now that he might have underestimated his foe the overlord's mood was not improved by the sensation of capek's baleful gaze booring into the back of his head the plasm mancer had been only too Keen before the battle commenced to test his newly invented thermog gravitic Annihilator arrays on the humans aamc a firm believer in the triarch codes of honor and adherent to the edicts of the silent King had forbade the use of such grotesque and to his mind dishonorable over Overkill from the raking blasts of plasmaire the capatch kept hurling with such Venom towards a human's positions axmc suspected the plasm maner was feeling more than little grieved about the whole business axmc was hardly delighted himself he would have preferred not to suffer such losses against so poultry seeming an enemy for he had committed to his position now and to relent without good cause would be unseemly in instead axmc raised his staff of light striking a suitably noble pose and issued a string of protal imperatives lowly Bond Sur of the Glorious Dynasty are to disperse their formation the better to confound the Unworthy efforts of the foe press the attack on all fronts and without relent such is your Master's decree capek the Imola triarch of Tean most valued counselor to the master of the Glorious Dynasty is to to focus his wrath upon the feeble and cowardly artillery positions of the foe such is your Master's decree Swift Chariots of cosmic Conquest poised amidst the firmament awaiting only your Master's bidding know the command is now given descend in Wrath resplendant and punish his foes for their ignorance and misplace Defiance such is your Master's decree with his protocols issued aomc gestured to his glitch guard to commence their Advance again satisfaction tingling with anticipation replaced the annoyance of a moment before the overlord was not ashamed to admit to himself the enjoyment he derived from watching The Mighty Legions of the sa take Dynasty humble the enemies of the silent king for a few moments the fight continued much as it had before the necrons wed relentlessly through the waters and ra the enemy positions with gor fire the humans returned fire and sent Gees of flame and water leaping high with the detonations of their artillery barrages then came the rising scream of anti-g gtic actuators hering dark shapes that dropped with suicidal speed through the roof of cloud above the battlefield a wing of Doom size plumped groundw each curving silhouette in blazen for an instant against the sky behind them stre a swarm of Tomb blade their shadow looms making them look as though each trailed a tattered Death Shroud enemy fire tracked up seeking to knock these newcomers from the skies but atomc was satisfied to see their efforts falling pitifully short few creatures of Flesh and Blood could have endured the G forces incurred as a necron attack craft pulled up then hurtled in fractal attack Victors across the flooded Valley fans of water Rose in their wakes as aamc Chariots of cosmic Conquest shot low over his foot soldiers and commenced their attack run a crimson glare danced across the water and glinted in the eyes of acmic foot soldiers as the Doom size fired their death Rays the energy beams tore up the valley slope and ripped through fortified structures causing them to explode like fragmented shells human bodies were hurled through the air or briefly picked out as blacken figures that scattered in ashes an instant later axmc Peerless visual acurity captured every satisfying detail and a Clarity no organic organ could match even as the Dooms side swept up and away to loop around for another run so the tomb blades hurtled into the attack axm X's enjoyment was marred only a little as the enemy space marinees the cursed may they be directed A ferocious volley into the light attack craft and punch punched several from the air one tomb blade spiraled into a bunker wall and detonated into a geyser of green flame another cart wheeled madly up the hill before sliming into a boulder with terminal finality the remainder however swept over the humans positions and bathed them in arcing lightning as they went aamc whose front ranks of warriors were now trudging dripping out of the mire felt a flush of Triumph surely the closing moments of the engagement were at hand then came another howl of engines their rough Timber unmistakably the product of human artifice perfect visual Clarity Asic reflected was less of a blessing when it showed him a trio of enemy aircraft hurtling up the valley and puming his vaunted chariots with fire a doom size erupted in midair its ragged carcass tumbling away to slam into the North Slope of the valley and another was clipped and forced to disengage Wheeling off in a drunken Ark with Emerald smoke bellowing from its fuselage the third evaded as enemy strikecraft plated in the same Cobalt armor as the Space Marines raced past it performed a lightning fast Wing over and dropped in behind their formation Tesla destructors spitting bolts of Lightning the dog fighting aircraft hurtled over the rim of the valley and were gone with the immediate aerial threat removed the humans rallied their Zeal was in aic's opinion becoming goh another volley from the Space Marines saw several more tomb blades blown apart or sent spinning away to explode leaving a mere handful of the Swift vehicles to continue harassing the foe meanwhile a howling mass of human Soldier pelted down the slope led by an officer who brandished a saber in one hand and a tattered Banner in the other the host of soldier impacted axom X Warriors and drove them back into the waters again with many casualties this the overlord reflected had gone beyond a joke he was preparing to join the fight and dirty his hands in person when he froze rigid a communication he realized a protocol edict beamed through the void from somewhere off world it thrummed with the unmistakable carrier signifiers of the triarch pretorians the communic ation was instantaneous information delivered with such quick silver Elegance that it took even his enhanced mental architecture a moment to comprehend its meaning somewhere in the nodal Matrix the humans had committed an atrocity he discovered their Defiance was no longer to be viewed with Indulgence nor their peoples to be accorded the honor of Martial parity aeic did not fully understand the nature of what had happened understanding seemingly was not deemed de necessary but he grasped the import the codes had been revoked this foe need no longer be extended either respect or Mercy aamch felt capek's eagerness from half a battlefield away he knew now that he had no argument to countermand the cryptic no grounds upon which to counsel restraint with reluctance aomc commanded his followers to withdraw he almost pied the ignorant humans as they cheered and waved their flag believing themselves Victorious this would all be over soon he knew the thermog gravitic annihilators would have the humans after all and axmc doubted that their effects would be merciful fatal errors Arana unleashed the fall of the Virgo's alfik pylon sent ripples through the contra immat material nodal Matrix and aestic feedback caused the operation of several other pylons to fluctuate wildly and triggered everything from localized explosions and power failures to rashes of malfunction and Madness amongst necron soldiery that inexplicably drove many into the Embrace of the Destroyer Cults their op pressive shroud lifted notably throughout the mtia system and into regions Beyond none of this went unnoticed by The Architects of the nodal Matrix illuminor Ceres was caught between Fascination grudging admiration and indignant outrage as his other worldly Oculus Scopes showed him the trauma to the nodal Matrix the ancient scientists wondered in that moment if the humans realized the two consequences of what they had done the pylons were technology both ancient in origin and yet absolutely Cutting Edge in its implementation by the necrons no species in the history of the Galaxy had attempted to employ them in the manner that ceras and Cesar currently were even the illuminor himself with all his towering intellect did not fully understand the extent of the energies they sought to drama or what would happen if that control were interrupted with the influence of the immaterium research snapping back like overstretched elastic suddenly released with the competing forces of the warp and counter to warp clash with destructive results one thing cesaris was certain of however the humans had sealed their Doom by their actions until this moment the silent King had been content to treat these Interlopers with the same mingling of honor and disdain that they approached the populations of Orcs kin and other such Flesh and Blood aliens still fighting to resist within the boundaries of the nodal Matrix they were enemies certainly but but they were also a part of the experiment and perhaps the solution of reversing biotransference Furthermore with the extent of the one unfortunate incident in the trus system they had proven ultimately incapable of causing serious damage to the silent King's plans Cesar was glad of suitably Tenacious and capable enemies to test his Legions against as long as they presented no threat to the pylons themselves that it seemed was no longer the case thus just as illuminor cerus knew he would the silent King soon issued a new decree that echoed to the farest corners of the Nephilim sector the humans fighting in this region the humans fighting in this region had engaged in a dishonorable Act of grand sabotage and might well be capable of doing so again by this act they had proven themselves Unworthy of the triarch codes of honorable combat this was no longer a War now it was an extermination a one in which no weapon or technology was to be considered taboo provided it brought Swift Victory and safeguarded the continued expansion of the nodal Matrix the techn mandres fighting under Cesar's Banner did not trouble themselves to conceal their delight at this announcement cesaris himself was scarcely less gleeful and nor were many of the cryptic and overlords who had thus far held back the most Terri ifying whippy in their arsenals in the name of decency and honor no longer would they be so constrained the humans were about to discover the true and terrible might of the ancient beings with whom they had chosen to war the omn aire's gift it had by now become apparent to the tech Magi leading cor accre Fleet that attempting to Fashion Lial abraser would be neither a swift process nor a simple one one most of the arkos's war leaders still venerated his wisdom and were thankful for the gifts of knowledge he had offered them yet even the most loyal had long ago abandoned any idealistic hopes of swiftly crafting Wonder Weapons that would banish the neph monar in short order thus many Tech priests secretly congratulated themselves on the foresight they had shown in bringing with them esoteric weapons and strange devices that could conceivably be used to gain advantage over the alien foe indeed so pleased with themselves with the tech clergy and so secretive in their habits that few amongst them realized the extent of the perilous Treasure Trove they had amassed nor interrogated their motivations for doing so it was not unusual after all for the Servants of the machine God to make use of his bounous gifts yet had they realized it even the most obtuse amongst CO's followers would have been surprised surprised to learn that they had between them bought an arsenal of ancient weapon Technologies greater and more terrible than any wielded by any single other indomitus Crusade battle group among these terrible Treasures were some of the fabled war engines of the centurio orinas Colossal super heavy weapons platforms mounting unique energy cannons or legendary artillery batteries other Tech priests had acquired Arcane explosive devices Vats of alch iCal corrosives artifacts that supposedly initiated Geo forming catastrophes or manipulated the fundamental forces of the Galaxy all of these ancient mechanisms and Technologies were precious beyond measure many were also forbidden by Autos scripture or even deemed heretical yet in each case those Magi who had spirited the weapons out of cod locked vaults or committed veiled acts of Espionage and violence to secure them would have sworn that they did so in good faith some felt that they had been moved by the spirit of the omnis itself others had performed lengthy strategic conations whose conclusions had been inescapable once Beyond the Veil of the silent Zone they would have need of archote technological super weapons described or no those who had bought such terrible devices to the Nephilim anomaly kept them safe in multi- wed Chambers aboard their flagships or in the case of those deemed too hazardous andly shielded tender barges on the fringes of their fleets they also kept them secret certainly from the likes of AR magos call and the tech clergy of any other Fleet in the battle group but also from as many of their peers as was practical still rumor tinged the noospheric information cloud surrounding the fleet's adeptus mechanicus vessels the names of devices such as the Y octo particulate Crucible dorel's necog gastra and the cyclop fox determination were whispered with mingled or and une the first indication of the Havoc such devices would unleash came when the low more system was subjected to a fresh cesarian Onslaught powering arrogantly into the system aboard a fleet of Tomb ships The necron Invasion force was amongst the largest deployed since the first counterattacks against battle Group C IES it was led by the infamous Fon nectar of the th Dynasty rowned not only for her strategic Acumen but also for the cruel relish she took in Exterminating her enemies like Vermin crucially amidst her Cy of advisers were a trio of techn mandres known as the eyes of the Void these immoral Cosmic Engineers had furnished nectari with further technological Horrors to augment her were already nightmarish personal Armory and they were only too eager to see them Unleashed upon the human Interlopers staying clear of Cher's formidable orbital defenses Fang nectar instead deployed invading host of to the surface of the neighboring world of tanes though the Stelling had long since reduced the plants population centers to haunted ruins still it boasted the most sizable astrom militarum Garrison in the system as well as sever munitorum Supply Depot of massive size the Faron intended to show The Defenders of chist what was coming for them by first making an example of tanis's Defenders nectari unleashed the full Fury of her stable of ancient war engines and gave the eyes of the Void free reign from the off Doom stalkers picked their way through the war torn streets of tanis's hives towering over the advancing nekron Soldier and unleashing the cosmic energies of experimental Weaponry upon the hapless astrom militarum Defenders hundreds of human soldiers were blasted into carbonized statues reduced to the component atoms or tattered apart like screaming clouds Caught In A hurricane's winds the quiltus Spaceport fell to a spearhead thrust by doomsday arcs and cratic heavy constructs coupled with a dimensional raiding party of hexmark Destroyers who merged within the port Subterranean bunker complex and slaughtered every Imperial officer trapped there even the warlord Titan dracos Apocalypto was laid low after being confronted with a trio of tesra arcs as it sought to retake the Herald's bridge over the river pgus answering increasingly frantic calls for Aid two entire agis fleets sped from void anchorages at the system spywood Edge to reinforce tantis Megos oradi and manipulus Prime Bez the masters of the two fleets commanded a combined Force capable of meeting nectar Legions both in the void and on tanis's burning surface however each had also secretly placed their hopes in the Arcane super weapons hidden in their deepest Vault Megos oradi Unleashed his secret Arcana even as the two loyalist fleets engaged the tomb ships in tarantian local space this ice known as the Ark of Oblivion was fired Like a Torpedo from madi's Flagship the ex machinus with its safety Wards removed and fully Awakening protocols cracking through its ominous black outer shell the ark Streed Into the Heart of the necron fleet before unleashing a devastating Contra molecular shock wave three Mighty tomb ships shuddered in the grip of the ark's power the living metal of their hulls and their luckless passengers vibrating itself to a spreading slurry as excitation Fields rippled through them the attack turned the void battle decisively in the humans favor however thanks to a lack of warning from the secretive oradi manipulus Prime Bez saw significant casualties amongst her Dro forces as a number of their landing craft were so caught in the outermost ripples of the detonation outraged at what they saw as the ignorant and clumsy deployment of a weapon that was beyond the humans true Ken the eyes of the Void responded by unshackling their own most devastating and unpredictable weapon through processes unknown beyond the technoman cabals they had sprinted a Shackled Shard of lash udra and bound its energistics into a thousand strong swarm of kopic constructs that they now Unleashed burning with Guist likee energy shuddering in and out of syn with reality the raav ing swarm overran several baged astrom militarum regiments before sweeping down upon the drop sites where manipis Prime Bez Landing parties were still attempting to reorder their strength the constructs brought with them their mechanoid chittering echoed within the minds of their victims even as those same doomed Warriors felt their Consciousness dividing into fractual compounds soon they could not tell if they looked through their own eyes or those of the horrors attacking them and skari turned upon skari in Nightmare combat rather than endure such a hideous fate Bez resolved to unleash her own secret weapon of the omire none beyond the manipulus prime and her Inner Circle would ever know the true nature of this device however for the moment its empiric baffles were lowered its ancient power source reacted in unexpected ways to the powers of lash udra the result was a silent orb of steadily expanding Darkness dancing with blue white schin of energy and churning with Myriad suggestions of somehow insectile movement that consumed Bez and her manifold in a matter of minutes the Unleashed Calamity did not stop there the orb of Darkness continued to grow swallowing up first the armies Waring around it then hundreds of miles of tannis's surface humans and necrons alike died fighting as the darkness swept over them or else fled before their annihilating energies in the hopes of outrunning them by the time the orb finally stopped growing and vanished like a popped bubble it had erased a third of tanis's mass along with countless billions of living organisms in its wake it left a ravaged Planet tumbling out of its orbitary trajectory the evacuated and Shell Shocked remnants of once Mighty armies and a plague of nightmares and strange visions that would bevil the remaining inhabitants of the L more system long after the shakan offensive ground to a close the nightmare's conclusion to the tarantian campaign repeated IM mad forms across the nephlim sub sector apocalyptic reprisal followed Unleashed atrocity as martial scientists and Engineers of Destruction on both sides sought to bring the war to a decisive end on saifer magos inal vidiian Unleashed morar F's hyper olymic upon the orosk legions of Overlord kmck necrons and Imperial forces alike were reduced to bubbling Slime by the resultant nonviral outbreak and the entire planet had to be quarantined to prevent its further spread in the Zan system a concerted Imperial push upon the voidborn necron pylon triggered a massive nav engagement that was in turn thrown into chaos by the efforts of cabal of Cesar's plasm mancers the bound dwarf star they propelled into Imperial Navy formations rought catastrophic damage and killed billions in minute however a desperate ramming action by The Chalice class cruiser silence in suffering shattered one of the Stellar shackles containing the star's power resultant uncontrolled flares raked the Zan pylon overloading several of its Quantum Shields and causing substantial damage idel Nam 10 obal each World saw its own Calamity as Dreadful forces were Unleashed Ark Megos call learned of the spreading Madness when a deputation of Space Marine and Battle Sister War leaders came in person to confront him with vid capture and collated report of almost a dozen separate disasters Co had been isolated from the Strategic IC picture for some time by combination as an Nephilim anomaly smothering par and his own obsessive efforts to Fashion a successful Lial of braer now he recognized that perhaps in response to the questing tendril of the sing he had thrown himself into his experience with an obsessive Focus that had seen him neglect his wider responsibilities the dark magos issued an immediate command decree intended for every Imperial commander and Tech magos in the war zone Co commanded that no further gifts of the omiah were to be Unleashed without full understanding and his explicit authorization yet the Nephilim anomaly remained as difficult to navigate or Force messages through as it had been since the campaign's beginning the ark mos' commands were slow to spread especially to more isolated fleets more than one magos chose to blame such difficulties and ignore their Master's decree even when it did reach them with two pylons now failed and another sorely damaged by the incautious efforts of his own followers the silent King watched the war develop with disqui the LIE had been put to the inviability of his Contra immaterial nodal Matrix the storm Lord continued to make territorial gains to the galactic north and east of the region and to Cesar's disgust appeared to be leaving the humans to their own devices in favor of pursuing his Civil War Cesar recognized the disire amongst the dignitaries of War leaders of his court his triarch advisers were bound to obey him by ancient codes but could not disguise their disqui at the dishonorable weapons the silent King had Unleashed on the other hand the techn mandes displeasure became more pronounced with every nicron defeat by what they saw as inferior human Technologies some overlords petitioned to be allowed to turn their Force against upstarts aarans and their allies While others already assigned the duty complained they yearned to exterminate the human infestation Cesar knew that he needed a clear and decisive victory over at least one of his enemies both to take pressure off his military forces and to silence the descending murmur on the political front after long deliberation he chose the human threat as his priority crushed them Z reasoned and he would be freed to turn his attention upon imch he doubted that the stormlord's more fair weather supporters would remain loyal for long with the full might of the loyal necron forces bearing down upon them to this end necron Legions throughout the Nephilim Subs sector Advanced on every Imperial held system compromising storm V's Fortress huge fleets of sarakan nailac and orosk tomb ships intercepted far- ranging accretion fleets in the Deep void after the Imperial ships were forced by the anomaly to crash translate back into real space freshly bolstered Imperial worlds in the mirtia and shentai systems were invaded Once More by dynasties loyal to the silent King their Faron seeking to achieve Swift and crushing victories over the humans using whatever weapons were necessary cryptech hyperscience now came to the Forefront of the conflict like never before necron forces across the Nephilim sub sector activated and deployed the most powerful and often the most unstable and hazardous artifacts at their command cryp exile to the silent King were urged to or annihilate human resistance with speed regardless of the cost in catastrophic collateral damage to continents planets stars or entire systems devices were Unleashed that uncoiled graphitic ribbons thousands of miles long like Titan IC whips the hypercharged planetary crust into electrifying terminals that fragmented or flattened mountain ranges with magnetto plasmic beams or L howling gales of pler slivers to Flay armies down to atoms at Zeta 8 hpus cryptex of the naac dynasty Unleashed a shocking 10 Katan shards upon a single war zone seeing the god echo's destructive potential as outweighing the risk of allowing such insane Shadows of malice to congregate of course not all Nobles followed the silent King's Command in good faith some overlords and crypts sought to carve out their own dynastic territories during the Great push into the human health systems or to settle grudges 60 million years in the souring others afflicted by personal degradation and hibernation Madness fought whatever foes their comprised senses showed them or Unleashed their arsenals of of cosmic Weaponry in random and Reckless fashion only imch and his Legions refrained from joining in their escalating arms race that now racked the nodal Matrix the storm Lord instead withdrew forces from some locations and fortified others watching and waiting to see what would occur the scaran breach on multiple fronts across more than a half dozen planetry systems cataclysmic hyper technological War raged the Imperial Defenders were rocked onto their Heels by the force of the nekron's onslaught wrestling with the ongoing hardships of the steing even as the conflict demanded new reserves of quick thinking and determination from them overwhelmed commanders were driven to increasingly Desperate Measures to maintain the fracturing Integrity of Storm's Fortress never had the effect of the noled Matrix worked more in the favor of the necrons untroubled as they were by its smothering shroud employing Quantum Communications across Interstellar distances xenos coordinated their Legions as a single if somewhat ponderous Army attacks against individual worlds or systems were timed to coincide with other offenses taking place like years distant but whose effect would inevitably bear upon one another these were not quite the spoiling Clockwork maneuvers of the storm Lord but Cesar's grasper strategy was fearsome in its own right Imperial commanders by comparison often fought alone Defenders of systems planets sometimes even individual cities or fortifications were unable to force messages through the effects of the Nephilim anomaly where before these issues could be ameliorated to some degree at least by Swift messenger frigs now the danger was to omnipresent and developing too swiftly to allow such lag exhausted demoralized and increasingly fearful K's armies faced the very real possibility of a defeat even more complete than that which had befallen battle group khedes and orus rather than countenance defeat many cast aside the aros's edict and turned to the super weapons of the adeptus mechanicus yet worn down and rendered fible as they were those who wielded such dimly understood Technologies were more likely than ever to make fatal errors in the their deployment they were also less able to discern the rash of disturbing Omens and strange visions that beset them during these desperate days as being phenomena in their own right than the ongoing effects of the anomaly matters finally came to aead in the scaran system early in battle group haases Advance into the Nephilim anomaly mid Dominus gelf had led his accretion Fleet to the system and had successfully driven local Nic forces back from several worlds he' focused his efforts around the feral world of santis Magna ploying Mammoth regolith Delver engines to Quarry the precious substance from the world's Bedrock necron raiding parties had struck at santis Magna several times but on each occasion G's prodigious void Fleet and disciplined Martian skari had thrown them back yet Imperial counterattacks had proven equally ineffective the necrons had a pile of in the scaran system a monstrous thing that pierced the moon of scarran's coil from pole to pole it and the asteroidal masses gra tethered into its orbit had all been heavily fortified and resisted any Imperial efforts at Invasion thus though the mermaid dominuses labors had seen an impressive quota of noth harvested and the beginnings of Lial abraser taking shape he had been unable to prevent the necrons or the cruel effect of their pylon wearing away at his mind and maniples birth in the Cycles leading to the silent King's Mast Onslaught gelf and his underlings experienced increasingly unsettling manifestations machine Spirits became truculent delaying mining operations and collapsing the void Shields of several fortified Forge shrines servers suffered grotesque seizures and jabbered nonsensical mathematical equations that seem to recur With viral tenacity in the Nemos circuitry of any Tech priest that heard them readouts from system orgers dismissed the faulty data scripture suggested that the planets and moons of the system were approaching a trigonometri enement that should not have been possible given their disperate orbital paths then there were the Phantom energy spikes that originated from seemingly random points in the interplanetary void and matched no known pattern of wave or frequency within the data stacks of the mermaid domin's Fleet gelf himself suffered during this period also the moment domin's fleet's Lieutenant noted his behavior becoming increasingly erratic and paranoid concerns were raised when Gulf revealed the contents of the warded requery barge that long hung upon the periphery of his Fleet a network of ancient micro servator Satellites bristling with unidentifiable weapon systems that he called shar's constellation such worries only deepened when the mermaid Dominus ritually synced his Consciousness with the machine minds of the constellation and then recused himself to his personal sanctum ordering that VI be released into the void to do what he called their holy work this decision seemed preent however when a mighty necron Fleet stre without warning from the deep void to invade the scaran system boasting warships and fanes of the Cesar oroskar and nalc dynasties it was a terrifyingly powerful alien host sufficient to crush the accan fleet several times over alarm bells to through the decks of Imperial warships binic activation canticles blurted from emitters across the surface of santis Magna Imperial War hosts rushed to make ready their efforts hampered by malfunctioning Technologies and the premature sen essence of distilling a spearhead of strike Cruisers belonging to the silver Templars and Hawk Lords powered out to meet the foremost necron ships and by time for The Defenders to dig in yet they were swiftly outmaneuvered as employing localized Quantum tuning beams that tore shortcuts to the stuff of reality itself a formation of Tomb ships leapt past the Space Marine craft into high orbit above santis Magna a punishing bombardment of gravimetric and chronic Weaponry followed despairing s suffering and sustainable casualties at a terrifying rate the Planet Side Magi Unleashed every weapon they could at the necron fleet with apocalyptic results yet for every tomb ship ravaged by atomics or set of Blaze by phosphor chem Warheads another was already beaming entire phanes of Warriors and War engines onto the planet's surface M dominous gelf wrestled with the ancient and impossibly complex systems of shiveri constellation paranoid Whispers within his ortic cortex warned that the weapons have been sabotaged by his detractors and convinced the dangerously deranged magos to disable the satellite safety Regulators in the hopes of forcing them into operation deep in the void 25 weapon satellites from the Dark Age of Technology crackled with sudden overcharge One By One The corrupted machine Minds achieved chry and the micro thrusters propelled the them into an Arcane alignment thousands of miles across that had nothing to do with gel increasingly frantic commands energy weapons that have been ancient when the god Emperor ascended his throne thr to life and prepared to fire the first volley lit the firmament with coruscating lines of enemal energy that bipoc one tomb ship eviscerated another two and sigh through four Imperial warships cries of alarm filled the human and alien communication networks alike as shiver's constellation realigned with Incredible speed then fired again more warships from both sides died even as their Crews attempted to comprehend how their shielding and defense measures have been so contemptuously bypassed the satellites realigned and fired realigned and fired each volley leaving behind its incredibly complex energy glyphs that overlapped one another against the Blackness of the Void flaming wrecks tumbled through space venting escape craft and blazing wreckage the one-sided battle descended into Anarchy as some ship Masters sought to escape the wholesale destruction While others gripped by Zeal and xenophobia attempted to capitalize upon it then came An Almighty convulsion of reality at the heart of the maze of crisscross energy glyphs the fabric of real space bowed in a fisheye Distortion that spread and grew by the moment orp's shrieked warnings that overloaded as impossible energy spikes drove their governing machine Spirits instantly mad cryptex worked frantically at the controls of hyperspatial oculi cursing in bewilderment as impossible contradictory readouts flashed across their instruments the satellites of shiver constellation detonated one after another in a Rippling string of explosions whose Flame swirled through the void towards the swelling Distortion Like a Vortex even as their feedback painted mermaid Dominus Gul seum with his ejected brain matter all the released energies of the satellites and the glowing glyphs flowed inwards building at the center of the fishey Distortion to a glowing point that became a Rapture then burst outward in a guise of rejected ectoplasm and tattering unreality ghost light blazed like a newborn star at the heart part of the scaran system as something psychoan and Dreadful bored its way through into real space from the linal zones Beyond a shock wave of empiric corruption wled out from the emergence Point mutilating countless machines before slamming into the scaran pylon and reversing its War polarity in a ferocious storm of crimson lightning gravity distorted and an epidemic of earthquakes on floods tore at every world in the system as an infernal planetary body of colossal size manifested at the system's heart wormwood had come the grotesque Demon World of Vash or the arane blazed like a poison star Vash the arane climbed a spiral stair that wound its way up through one of the Myriad dark towers that Rose from the surface of wormwood the walls of the tower were made from hundreds of thousands of H cogs laid one on top of the other many of the cogs with the width of vor's clawed and wizened hand some were 30 ft thick others as insubstantial as a mortal's dream the cogs rotated their axis was the corporeal real space manifestation of vasor himself as he climbed a helix of stairways one of Rippling Mercury one of burned corpses reinforced with copper bolt one of forc steer written in oily blood everyone unique up through the Cog Center the cogs flat planes ground against one another with a grumbling and screeching tumble of noise that rolled between the smog spewing Towers before Vanishing amidst the louder industrial clanger of the demon world's lowlands the demon demigod reached the tower toop and gazed out upon the wck stwn Starfield of the scarland system where it spread across the heavens above the nearest Planet he saw was even now in its death throws wormwood's immaterial Gravity the energies that had gone into its making Tor at the luckless world so that its continents rised and cracked oceans boiled and scoured the land mountains crumbled upwards millions of tiny squirming beings tumbled up from the world's surface into the cold of the killing void he saw scattered like haloing flies around the dying world the ships of the humans and others of necrons two most agreeable species in vor's estimation plant easily encouraged and so delightfully inventive alas that you eraser must I Engineer here in this place for you are now but grit in the fly wheels to be whisked away machines have you made for such purpose as I cannot condone the arane turned the entire Tower toop with a sweeping gesture of his hammer Cog span around one another in screeching welters of Sparks cyclopian Pistons thundered deep below fash Hooves as the tower craned at his urging to show him a new view there it lay far across the void a pylon fashioned in the ancient style that the arane knew so well the devices were a little like him he ruminated above such linear constraints as time or natural physics here now in this bited hour just as there had been in the first days and yet uses I shall find for your noal Matrix little King lengths yet are there to which you have not been driven mayap mayap I shall wield the go Vash door tided himself mentally the problem with real space he thought was a way in which some things were and others weren't how he always had to adjust to Notions like had been or were not yet it will all come in good time of course the thought coaxed fresh bows of fume from the Demon's Vents and caused ropes of acrid pollutant to drool from its Fox gorilla Mo first though there were more pragmatic matters to attend to to details of corporeal strategy must be managed in the linear theater fully awakened as it was wored was in vor's estimation virtually unassailable by conventional armies the corrupted webway tunneling engine churning at its heart had enabled it to bypass the necron's nodal Matrix while the aran's infernal artifice had allowed him to corrupt the nearby pylon whose influence might otherwise have started wear away at the Demon World from the moment of its emergence best of all vasor felt the empowerment of worship flowing into him from all across the bited war zone so many willful acts of technological destruction had been committed such a wealth of Brilliant Minds had allowed their own corruption at the goding of his imps or thanks to their own misplaced sense of Faith or patriotism ignorance of One's Own devotions the demon reflected had ever been the bane of such intellects and never in the final Reckoning an effective defense for those who were quite sure of their secularity for all his advantages however the aravane had come to a region the very nature of which had been rendered utterly inimical to his kind one misstep the slightest moment of complacency could see his plans cast down in ruin the arane could not allow that after all his search had barely begun thanks Steam and iron and pain for my cogs then he muttered to himself another sweep of his hammer another Titanic industrial convulsion of the tower beneath him and fashor was looking out upon wave after wave of a attack craft spreading out from wormwood's orbit to fall upon the shattered human and necron forces he saw the pugnacious warships of chaos Space Marines War bands the jagged vessels of dark mechanicum coven rising wreathed in roiling fume and leaping energies and Confections of Flesh and metal tentacle and wing and Flame that were demon warships making Sail on tides of pain and fear many of these he knew had taken to travel in the wake of wormwood daring the rotted Cog churned passageways it bored through lional space and that collapsed gradually after its passing others were dark pilgrims dawned to Wormwood by strange Visions or a desire for their aran's blessings and established strongholds amongst the perilous environs then of course there were the many demonic entities indentured to his service all would wreak havoc in the aran's name all would seek to catch his eye and win his approbation or almost as though he were fully fledged chaos God already the notion pleased him it also spared him the mundane considerations of War at least for the time being let his cogs infest the mechanism of that which was real in this place LED them descend upon human and necron alike and render them into offerings they hoped would please him already the Carnage had begun rash door could sense Bloodshed and Terror engine deaths and rights of mechanized Carnage he sensed more than saw the fearing drives of Warships fleeing from the system Edge the bright machine mind of the nekron's leader flaring in speculation and amazement at what it had witnessed the Steely determination of Space Marines fighting their way clear to report what they had seen Sparks he rumbled to himself dismissing the battling Mortals after only the briefest considerations VOR had great works to undertake in this region of the Galaxy Mighty Revolutions of COG and gear to set in motion he could not trouble himself with the petty flickerings of Wal thought and deed not yet at any rate the arane would attend to his labors and afterwards he promised himself he would have some fun a scattered and shattered realm the Nephilim sector was no longer silent War increasingly bitter desperate and Arcane raged on countless worlds as well as beneath their surfaces and in orbit around them cathedrals of crenelated Industry manned by macro clades of skari and battle servitors fought with every bionic Servo and sine of their remaining flesh to throw back Legions of deathless necrons hosts of Space Marines battle sisters and the last haunted remnants of once pred Imperial Guard regiments Ward for survival against overwhelming enemy strength from his command sanctum aboard the Zar Quest Ator belisario's call watched the fragmented strategic picture with growing frustration the situation was in a constant flux across a region so colossal as to utterly overmaster human comprehension The Arc magos knew the holets he studied were gross simplifications and that the orders he issued were merely the best guesses of vicon's high Command Staff rendered in many cases long after the situation on the ground had changed beyond recognition adding to C's dismay was a rampant destruction Unleashed by his fellow Magi and against his Express command he could not help but wonder what primar Gillman would make of the atrocities Unleashed by the Servants of the machine guard in victory's name are the terrible damage wrought upon the world they had ostensibly been sent to save his own scheme for the creation of Lial abres had still to Bear any fruit though K's prototypes had at last begun to show promise the ancient holy schemata in which he had placed his trust appeared to be valid after all though it seemed now the time was sorely against the Fulfillment of their promise worst of all though from the aros's standpoint were the disturbing rumors spreading from the scaran system certainly deep space energistics a fundamental disruption of cosmic forces had occurred while reading of the emperor's tyot prop aside the dismaying corruption of chaos on every front bisaria call did not yet possess enough sound intelligence to know precisely what had come to pass in the scaran system intuition told him however that it was nothing good in one thing call was comforted however misses had reached him promising the battle group faced us had only to hold stor for's Fortress together for a little longer reiboot Gilman was on his way at last reputed to sail at the head of a truly formidable host drawn from the cream of indomitus crusade Fleet primers when Gilman arrived cor knew there would be a reckoning it might have comforted the ark magos to know that the silent King had store of woes to equal CO's own that sarak had a clearer view of matters was not a kindness his hammer blow offensive intended to decisively reclaim momentum and control within the bounds of the noodle Matrix had instead been calamitously disrupted Cesar had no answer for how such a tremendously powerful warp manifestation could have occurred in the presence of his pylons crucially neither did ceras or any of the senior kryptics on whom the silent King relied for answers with his Legion so shamefully routed in the scaran system Cesar had been forced to divert reinforcements from from his offensive against other War fronts to guard against this new threat the humans could not know it but they had only to weather his attacks a little longer and the silent king would be forced to admit defeat and pivot to a more defensive strategy such a notion was infuriating but it paled in comparison to the cold Fury Cesar felt for the actions of imk and now if his agents were to be believed orican the diviner or Soul the storm Lord evidently perceiving the weakness of Zark's position had launched fresh offenses on several key fronts worse he now appeared to count orican amongst his courtly advisers what had driven the chronomancer to such an alliance Cesar did not know but it doubtless pred storm clouds on the horizon
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 56,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40000, Warhammer Lore, Warhammer History, Warhammer Information, Warhammer Trivia, PARIAH NEXUS THE FULL LORE : WARHAMMER 40K LORE AUDIOBOOK, WARHAMMER 40K LORE AUDIOBOOK, PARIAH NEXUS, PARIAH NEXUS THE FULL LORE : WARHAMMER 40K LORE, Necrons Lore, Belisarius Cawl Lore, Warhammer 40000 Audiobook, warhammer for beginners, warhammer lore update, insomnia, warhammer to sleep to, warhammer stories, pariah nexus lore, Baldemort, Baldermort, Guide to warhammer, Stilling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 46sec (9106 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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