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the false Angel the blood Angel Civil War A Tale of Two Brothers in the annals of the chapters of Space Marines there are moments of sacrifice Deeds so brave that they are recorded for posterity to inspire to encourage to remind the reader that within even the most seemingly unlikely or unlucky there can reside the seeds of greatness yet amongst those glittering Pages those almost innumerable Legends of heroics there are smattering of other entries moments of Calamity times of darest loss yet even fewer still are the Moments Of Dishonor of purity of purpose discard Ed of treachery and even kinslaying where aares fought aares all will think immediately of the heresy Unleashed by Horus yet these are the dark days of the legions not the chapters for even after that even after the horror of the first heresy still there are times when this has occurred where the chapter has been tested and sorely failed shattered so badly the bol of Fire And Blade were exchanged in the doleful D of self-destruction where brother slw brother few are the chapters who have survived such a thundering few are still for those who have learned from one and one might think that this Bane is cursed could never fall on the purest of the pure the first founding chapters those who continue the line of the Legion yet even amongst these the paragons of their kind the Twisted head of betrayal has been raised and so today I shall reveal to you a terrible and tragic moment a time when the soul of the progen of The Emperor's Most Holy son near fell to the Ws of the Lord of Lies a tale of those who should have been above corruption an ordo Inquisitor an arrogant priest and two brothers not just of the blood but of the same human mother and father today I shall tell you of the false angel and the blood Angel Civil War believe story continued from blood angels playlist Captain ruo masaro walked with a heavy heart he was not alone of course constantly the gold and armored Warriors of his attached guard were ever present at least two marched with him never more than a few Paces away even here even at the midst of his own battle barge and Rubio could not help but feel like a fraud for they were the sanguinary god the very best of his chapter Heroes of Legend even amongst the aares most would find it a boon a blessing a verification of their own ability that men's such as these would be willing to treat his life as more important than their own yet to Captain masaro he just felt the weight of his calling for he was so content before to be a brother of the line he had never ever wanted to be promoted he had never wished to be moved from the place where he felt his abilities ran the deepest in the thick of it amongst the bals and blast transported by the land Raider he had come to love like a companion he had never wanted this yet when the blood ran so thin when there were so few blood angels left how could he refuse the call how could he refuse promotion from the Regent of an entire half of the Imperium for it had been chapter Master Dante himself who had asked he could not refuse and he had lost everything in that one moment at least that is what he had sought for decades now it had cost him his closest companion he still blamed himself for her death perhaps perhaps if another had led the forces perhaps if another had been elevated to Captain perhaps that Warrior would have been able to turn the tide without this terrible sacrifice perhaps an never ending trail of cause and effect all reaching back to his actions he had lost the camaraderie of his battle brothers for a captain must never show the depth of their misgivings and he had lost said Brothers in the last campaign he was now all that remained of squad Justice ER hundreds of years of experience wiped out in the blink of an eye his brothers gone because of one stray bombardment shot from an enemy he should have spotted a segment of a battlefield he believed he had overlooked it was not true of course war is death and Carnage he knew this yet he felt the loss so Gravely and now now he understood at least he thought he did he understood how the Ancients he was about to meet must have felt the tudge of time was cruelest to those who were left behind those who had somehow survived such as he and of course the four he was about to consult with Captain masaro had ordered their Awakening when they made warp translation into the system previously a little noted Backwater containing unremarkable worlds in an altogether unremarkable region of the Imperium far from the front it had been an idle that was blessed in its distance from the constant Wars but strategic prognostication had sent alarm so loud so forceful that when the orps of the battle barge cleared they were surrounded Ed by the pride of the Imperium so many ships so many chapters represented here let alone the massive buildup of Naval and militarum regiments some said that there were nigh houses and even the god engines of the Lio titanicus on Route it would be a campaign like few others no it was not the size of an indomitus Crusade but few things had ever been that large not since the great Crusade itself and it was the thought of this that brought Rubio back out of his Ry for one he was about to meet had existed since that time as a thought of the Sanu God was bad and stepping into this room was even more so if alone ruo would have stalled at the portal to this room he would have taken a moment to breathe and to Center himself before pressing the door time and walking in yet he could not the sangary guard looked on he could display no sign of weakness not before them yet surely they would see it immediately thought Rubio their ancient eyes would see through his rigid exterior they would see the weakling within the man who cried over a lump of metal the man who had led his old Squad Brothers to ruin the man who did not believe he should bear his armor let alone the Chevrons of command and Rubio would have mouthed his one refrain his deepest most secret thought one that hounded him every second of every day since Bal it should have been his genetic brother Luca Massaro who stood here it should always have been Luca yet he could not hence his arm shot out economical in its motions and the door opened to one of the most sacred places on the entire battle barge the stasis room the Hall of ancients where the dread Nords now silently stood waiting for him of course one was still in deep Slumber brother camax he was now painted all in black with red salty hairs he had fallen to the black rage and would not be awoken until the death company were deployed thankfully there were few such at present but as the war raged on rubo was almost certain more of his brothers would [Music] fall yet the other dread norts were active though not Ino brother Cel inomed within a Furioso brother rickell a primaris marine within a painful redemptor then brother orento one of the rare Librarians who had been in tuned but above them all at the head of their Collective there he stood the legendary brother bobel the unbowed among his kind he was almost silent but always lad for he was a thing from another time a different age one of the few contemptor dread norts left and Rubio's heart sank and swelled at the same time brother bariel could not be roused from his Slumber but once in a score of attempts sometimes not for centuries did he wake an ancient of the early Imperium a contempt a dreadn one who had actually seen the angel with his own eyes one who had witnessed the power and passion of the emperor himself the master of mankind when he walked amongst his people still and here in this place Rubio wanted to both sing anthems to his sire that such a warrior would be amongst his host it also Captain masaro wanted to hide for how could he hold the Gaze of one who would fought shoulder toosh shoulder with their Primark it should have been Luca yet the captain slowly took off his Helm and looked up at this Paragon of War one who had helped conquer the Galaxy and he spoke most honored ancients most loyal sons of sanguinus I am captain Rubio masaro I come before battle to gain your counsel wilt thou grant me thy wisdom the silence that followed was deafening until cut by the wearing of Gears by the redemptor then each slowly dipped their body forward in a clear sign of ascent as they had no heads to nod or Shake done in order of seniority until at the last only bariel was left all waited for he did not bow he moved forward the one step that covered the distance between himself and the captain and slowly raised his right arm and even the sang guard fidgeted in blatant shock the arm came down carefully and was placed on the paldon of the captain on his right shoulder masaro Captain Rubio you possess a proud name my last console was named thus perhaps this is why I heard the song of waking this time son of B I will guide Thee I will show thy Warriors the way report then ask your questions and together we shall see this war one together we shall see this deed done long hours passed and Rubio now marched from the room with new purpose yet there was also a deep and challenging confusion for his most ancient Brothers had mentioned something again and again trust not to the soras never deploy with Templars or fanatics on his flanks belief they cautioned against those who held it those who wielded it like a chainsword held it as Central to their core rubo had always seen it as a strength had always been envious of those who possessed it yet if bobel still had a face then it would have contained a market sneer belief is brittle he had said time and again his manra head seemed to be no no you are right no you are just no you are fighting the right way at the right time do not believe but no you are a son of the angel bariel had been Storch no faith no belief belief could be shattered belief could be broken belief was a trutch of the weak those who could be turned to evil he recited it again and again belief could be twisted belief could Cloud the Mind belief made an aartis brittle belief was the enemy brother Cassel and Rick will were mostly silent in the face of their seniors brother bobel had held court yet it was brother orenta who had shook Rubio to his very core he had spoken of a time when he had relied on belief he recounted how he had been blinded by it and not only he but a full company of Brothers had nearly Fallen to evil how their belief had been turned on them he told rubiel a tale he had never heard before and how their faith then belief had near damned not only the blood Angel's chapter but threatened every last asares of the blood he told the captain of the Fallen Angel welcome gentle listener I am baldemort your faithful servant and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the Warhammer 40 Cas setting the Grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war this video will have a simple but I hope compelling Arrangement there will be description discourse and Analysis interspersed with immersively quoted segments from the books covered so as we begin in Earnest we must first understand the elements that precede the story to Encompass its impact and so let us discuss the Weaponry of the most powerful pure and holy of all of the sons of the emperor the Primark of the ninth Legion blood angels the angel sanguinius the angel was ever one of the most potent of all those genetic and spiritual Titans the primarch yet in the darkest days of the siege of teror when the forces of the traitors ba at the very wall of the Imperial Palace only then did his brothers and their Champions understand the true depths of his courage his conviction and his raw power as the enemy assaulted the walls again and again it was often only the vision of the angel above the battlefield that held the Defenders together and when he struck down he landed like a lightening bolt a being of pure wrath his panoply of War was no less impressive than their wielder for sanguinius used four weapons of such might that none could stand before them his least impressive weapons were the pistol in furnace which could penetrate any armor the moon silver blade some said gifted by Dawn this was his supplementary or backup weapon yet the other two were by far the more potent the blade and Carmine whose Ed saw the banishment of the Great bloodthirster cander and the weapon we are most interested in today the story Spear of Testo for this was no normal weapon even for the legendary days of the Crusade and subsequent heresy the spear had been forged by the hand of the Lord of humanity the Emperor of mankind a shaft of Exquisite design topped with a teardrop spear point with a hollowed Center it had such power that it possessed an animus of its own it could Pierce any metal defeat any guard was so Swift it bigger belief and well let's hear from the text directly concerning its most impressive ability in war to quote the Spear of Testo worked and aru felt as if he were merely a vessel for the weapon like the igniter for an explosive power so far beyond him to be unimaginable and yet every second the weapon sang into his grip and the teardrop blade brought ruin to hundreds of Traitor Marines he felt himself changing power the likes of which he had never dared imagine CED through Aro and his mind struggled to grasp it the closest thing he could approximate it with was his rebirth when he left the sarcophagus on Bal for the first time but even that was a pale Shadow compared to the Majestic Force running through him now he was 100 ft tall he could see the passage of bolts and Laser blasts as if they were suspended in the air he was Invincible by the Lords he was Godlike Aro counted the word bear as in an eye blink there were too many the spear told him their numbers must be thinned and not in the sluggish pace of gun and chainsword the blood a Angel saw it clearly action and reaction surfaced in his mind as if he had always known precisely how to wield this weapon Aro swung the spear around him and Drew in energies untouched since the heresy he gathered them effortlessly at the tip of his teardrop blade in the golden backwash of light he felt the bones of his face altering becoming the mask of someone else someone unaccountably older and wiser now now mflu and Flame spilled forth from the holy Lance in a wide fan and washed over the battle like a flood every word bar it touched caught fire and burned alive and ahead of the wave rode a psychic storm of absolute Terror those chaos Space Marines not kindled into powder ran screaming in fear is cavan himself pushed his own men into the fire's path and broke all sign of his Unstoppable resolve shattered before the might of the spear The Firestorm lapped over the corpses of the dead and engulfed the blood angels theen saw it coming his body froze at the sight of it he was unable to even throw up his hands and cover his face he saw himself dying along with the rest of his Brethren as his siblings uncontrolled release of the Lan's power killed enemy and Ally alike but the Gold Flames crashed over them leaving nothing but a surge of adrenaline as their primark's legacy brushed past The Uncanny sophistication of the Testo weapon saw the markers of sanguinius' own bloodline in all of the blood angels and turned its power from them silence fell Across The aari Fortress as the last flickers of light died out around the spear slowly Aro removed his golden helmet to drink in the destruction he had rought across the Carnage his gaze met refen and the smile on the younger man's face was a warped mirror of the sanguin Angel himself but instead of nobility impurity dancing there raen saw an aspect as cruel as a Razor's Edge and his heart froze in his chest end quote the spear was made specifically for the Angel by his own father the emperor and with the two combined none but a warping gorged and augmented Horus could stand alas the angel was slain in that dread encounter he gave his life for his father details I should cover in far more detail very soon since his fall his sons the blood angels have held these weapons as sacred yet the march of the Millennia has not always been kind to the sons of the blood for they lost the blading Carmine only regaining it at Great cost and so too was true of the the Spear of Testo now one might say how could this happen the war to defend the Imperium with all its vicissitudes can take a hard toll on those who fight it and when a battle is won then the Marines must immediately go onto the next then the next and then the next in these times enemies may move or hide be slain by others or trade the rewards that they have reaped from the battlefield and even the mighty sons of sanguinius the blood angel are not without their losses thus it was that an oring took the spear into the dust of time but it was discovered again but not by one of the blood the location of the spear was discerned by an Inquisitor known to the blood angels AR ramus Stell of the Ordo hereticus he led a campaign of the blood angels to regain the spear and it was successful yet this was not his true go or tool for The Inquisitor as is so often the case amongst those who can be questioned or commanded by none he became that which he swore to defeat he fell to the blandishments of chaos and he conspired to bring the blood Angels chapter and Legion entire over to the worship of zinch the dark God of Lies so we now know the importance and symbolism of the artifact in question and the Twisted traitor who had found it now let us discuss the other players of the piece SEL The Arrogant sanguinary priest to quote sachel pressed on through the corridors of the Bellas his stride never slowing as chapter surf scrambled amongst themselves to get out of his way the news boiled inside him the sanary high priest was wound so tight with the message he carried that he thought he would blurt it out at any second Space Marines came to parade ground attention as he passed mailed fists tapping their chest plates in salute while servitors and surfs bowed low there had been a time when sachel would have chastised himself for enjoying the veneration of the faithful in the creedo Vite there were edicts and Oaths the sangary priests were acquired to vow dedicating themselves to the sacred blood of the chapter for swearing any glory for the El but those old weak words seemed so distant and removed now sacher's heart swelled at the notion since aro's ascendant a moment had not passed when the priest did not think himself blessed to Bear witness to such a miracle and more to be called by the reborn Angel to serve as his agitant and loyal Commander a smile crept across sacha's face as he entered the cavernous Cathedral making his way through the closers towards the inner sanctums since his youth he had never doubted that he was touched by greatness many of his contemporaries had called him arrogant for daring to voice such Notions let them have their Petty jealousies he thought because he had been proven right great sanguinius to whom sachel had dedicated his life had rewarded the priest Beyond his Wildest Dreams to be present at an event of such magnitude showed the lie to all of those who had braided him sachel was no mere priest now he was the hand of the blessed and it was glorious his fingers felt to The Velvet bag at his belt and the replica of the blood Angel's chalice he carried there not for the first time Satchel imagined the moment he would take the true red Grail in his hands and accept the role of high priest over the entire chapter the thought of it made his blood rush power naked and beautiful was within his reach end quote alas the fall of the priest was almost signal in its coming is what many would believe for sachel the canker in his heart was the ultimate the original sin Pride how could this not be discerned earlier it is more complicated than that for Space Marines must be Ardent in all things must be proud must be disciplined and utterly directed a marine that waivers in Battle Is Lost those who waver off the battlefield will inexorably fall to onwe or evil th a mighty opinion of oneself is almost obligatory yet most remain humble in their bearing if not in their heart and Satchel was away on the 10e long Quest on the Battle of arge Bellas attached to the sourn led by the painted Inquisitor he rose through the ranks to be given his standing who could say if the subtle Corruption of The Inquisitor had not egged him on in all of that time prepared the ground one might say of course he should have been immune to such corruption such blatant egotism but who could gainsay him when out there in the void of space on the holy hunt for the spear power corrupts it seems even the most pure and this Satchel did not like nor respect one of those also centered in the tale the hero of the pece one might say the brother raen so let us discuss the two who lost the most in this tragedy for one lost his brother and the other lost his soul rafen and Aro now the Lord has altered over time for originally reender ready is what he had been called in his period of training the older brother he had been sworn by his father to look after his younger brother AIO despite being two years his Junior the blood angels do not recruit annually thus the two were deemed worthy candidates for the same intake and they trained in the same cohort of supplicants rafen was forthright and brave as an angel should be but he bumped heads with sachel often rafen was a true son of the Angel as it is in him that the salvation of the chapter came as we shall see Aro the younger always lived under his brother's Shadow despite being able and Swift he was always seen as the junior hence he left at the chance to come out from under his brother's Shadow when the call for veteran Marines was given to take up arms on this decade long quest for the spear Aro could could not be talked out of it by rafen despite his lack of experience the ardor of his demand to join was not rebuffed Aro went with the battle barge Bellas and it was indeed a 10-year Quest but one must remember that the longevity of the Marine is far in excess of normal humans where we burn out before the end of even one the estares can live many centuries although long enough to mold and change a Marine this length of posting would be tan him out to a normal Tour of Duty or even less to a normal Soldier yet the law has altered somewhat for now it is WR that rafen was the Arrogant one who challenged one of the recruiting Marines and failed in his Venture and so he was left behind as a failure and Aro was elect in his place amongst the blood but it transpired that the transport taking the supplicants the blood angel hope fors was was taken out of the Skies by a storm and it was rafen who then came to the crash site and assisted those present when they were taken to safety by rafen Aro pointed out his Valor and demanded that his big brother be admitted to the ranks of the blood angels alsoo thus the Marine did Bend to this request and agreed to his initiation and rafen was taken into the chapter at aro's behest sidebar alas it seems my library needs be updated so I will hope that this is the only anomaly in law from the original compendium plus do forgive an old coder if this is not the case but do know I shall cover the later exploits of raen when I have the time to read his own collected works but let us push on sidebar over thus the players arranged and the scene set now let us get to the meat of the matter how did the Sons of sanguinius fall so far so fast well let me explain for it came in a moment the was cen's Revelation assign from the emperor himself they were led to believe that the son of sanguinius had returned and this this was a deepest hope of any of his sons the enemy knew exactly where to strike the noble Marines of the blood they longing for the return of their father after its long Quest the battle barge bers came came out of warp near to a world called Cil hearing a call for Aid they swept towards the world just in the nick of time for elements of the fifth company had been sent to the world of cibil to cast back an assault from the vile word bearers traitor Space Marine sons of the demon primar lar the first heretic they targeted a world precious to the blood the Imperium is so huge so vast that they have entire worlds set aside for the burial of the honored dead and cibil was such a world and there were the graves of many a blood Angel who died on a previous campaign yet to the word bearers the war between chaos and the Imperium is not truly about fleets forces and formations but the soul of humanity far more deep than just morale yet this was a facet of their Shadow War so they struck the very graveyards of the blood angels on cibil and a response was sent but it was not enough they had been transported by a ship that was targeted by the enemy and eradicated before their first landing the blood angels were beset on all sides by far more numerically powerful force of the heed scum the captain and officers mostly dead their armor and transports annihilated they hung on for dear life and amongst their number was brother ra F the battle barge baras tore towards the planet and took orbit chasing off the chaos ships above the planet then dropped down reinforcements as swiftly as possible the word bearers were threshed from above the reinforcements and the renewed Vigor of the blood angels of the fifth punishing them the word bearers broke and melted away yet in these events they were not beaten for their lord was secretly working in tandem with this Inquisitor Stell and they played their part even when they did not understand the cost it meant for behind the both Inquisitor and word bearers was the greater demon malax a servant of zinch not knowing that they were destined for defeat the chaos ships returned and a great number in turn chasing the Bellis from orbit and dropping down waves of their foul Warriors both marine and cultist scum the tables were utterly turned after maneuvered and outnumbered the blood angels attempted to withdraw yet the foul sorceries of chaos had left traps in Mortal form and chains of human psychers were activated so they expired in a messy psionic explosion the blood angels caught in the blast were thrown into the red thirst and fell on one another the red thirst the fear of all blood angels even more terrible than the black rage some say for the red thirst as a curse built into their very genetic building blocks by their sire sire yes the emperor intended them to bear this weight an all consuming hunger for battle and most especially for blood where a marine fell to this curse they would drop their weapons and attempt to tear all around them and to get to their blessed VTE their very life's blood a curse that the sons of sanguinius must face every second of every day to master and control and this was seen as the most disgusting attack upon them to strip them of their humanity and leave them as ravening vampires the blood angels were beaten back and even more diminished their greatest weakness revealed and used against them morale was shattered yet in this dire moment at night before the next DOR not unlike that of Henry V in The Shakespearean play a moment occurred one from the most unlikely of Origins and it came from the young Aro to quote by Nightfall The Last of the Space Marines that escaped the S blast had stumbled back to the Rally Point Ren's heart turned cold and heavy in his chest as weak warmth of the day faded as light Drew out of the landscape of around him so hope seemed to follow it in the Dank Shadows cast by the reservoir Dome injured men and battle weary survivors sat in somber silence Reen walked amongst them sparing a nod or a gesture her solidarity to those he knew personally outwardly his manner was neutral but within it was burdened with grim Mala there were hardly a handful of them now not a single man above Sergeant's rank or armored with more than a Bolter he passed chorus as a veteran spoke in low angry tones to satel his first order had been to tally up the ammunition and weapons held by the survivors and rafen could tell just by his expression that the numbers were poor Ren Sat by turo as he worked to patch his armor with glutenous sealant nearby a watchful Aro cleaned his Bolter Ren's brother had returned from a patrol with alaus to report the terrible sights of the traitor's victory Revels only an hour earlier the wind brought the sounds of distant shrieks for all of them to hear some of them belong to voices that rafen recognized once again we wait for death tisha's voice was a hollow Echo Not For the First Time rafen agreed forcing the doubts from his words but we will prevail we are blood angels perhaps on another occasion the sentiment might have been enough but here and now tuio met Ren's gaze and he saw the Spectre of dread there I pray that is enough brother or else we will join the men on Whose Graves we trampled today we will not die here rafen said without heat terso saw the lie and looked away you know that we will and it shames us all that these animals will dance up upon the bones blessed by the throne Aro came to his feet in a rush startling rafen no he said exasperated his voice carried iron within it what shames us is that any blood Angel would Count's defeat at the hands of the corrupted he Advanced on titio and pressed a fist into the other space Marine's chest the blood of sanguinius courses through us all it is a very stuff of defiance and honor but you speak as if your heart pumps water in its place the low murmurous speech in the camp was suddenly gone every man was listening to aru's words they were caught up by the abrupt passion that surged from him I face my fate with Clear Eyes teso managed that makes me no less a battle brother aru's expression was a mixed of concern and sadness my poor friend you have lost your faith and yet you do not see it here he handed terso his knife if you are so sure of death take this now and slit your throat Mario raim began but his sibling held him at Bay with a hand something in the younger space Marine's manner made him stop and fall silent take it he repeated you mock me teso snapped his color Rising without warning the space Marine's dispirited man broke and in it place was a hot rage I will take a thousand word bearers with me before I go to the emperor's side I will not end my own life like some muing broken imbecile the words flowed out of him in an angry Rush there aro's face split into a Savage grin inexplicably terso did the same bearing his teeth you see my brother there is the fire of our primarch there is the fire of Our Lord primer genitor look with in see it it still Burns in your heart I merely had to remind you of it the younger Space Marine turned to face the rest of them the knife glistening in his hand look at us Brothers have we escaped the enemy only to let them win without a shot did our comrades die today just so we might wallow in despair no a dozen men shouted out in answer and rafen was one of them speaking without thinking some bright and Powerful flashed in his brother's eyes and he was roused by it aro's every word was crystal clear each sentence resonating with righteous energy the traitors think we are broken beaten defeated he growled by lares I say this is not so I say we will yet bleed them white and send them running Reen's gaze locked with his younger brothers for a second AO looked about him taking in the faces of all the assembled blood angels in the dimness the Space Marine sharp angled face and his cut of golden hair made him seem like one of the Renditions of the honored Warriors of antiquity in portraits of the Fortress Monastery in a moment of strange disconnection raen saw Aro as if he were a blood angel from the time of the heresy an ancient face of all the chapter's most glorious past then the image passed and Aro was speaking again the traitors do have the honor to meet us in open battle they nip and strike at our numbers wear us down the word bearers do not just wish us dead they desire the destruction of our souls as much as our flesh but to the last man we can defy them A Chorus of ascent greeted his words but then one voice sounded above them all your order does you credit L said chorus carefully but rhetoric is never a substitute for gun and blade satel's face set him Pious indignation but before he could censure quess for his Interruption Aro nodded respectfully to the veteran the honored brother Sergeant is right of course but I have more than just words to offer explain yourself refen demanded he fixed his eyes on his sibling part of him marveling at a facet of his brother he had never seen before the young Space Marine stopped and holded something concealed in the long grass with a grinding of hinges a hidden maintenance hatch came open in his hands if it pleases my brother to hear it I dare to have a strategy a way we can take the fight to the foe even when numbers are small as their and still cut their hearts from them end quote and it did not end there for there was more to come from Young Aro that night he did not just come up with a plan for a Counterattack he performed what many considered a miracle to quote the creature sensed the white and red shape in its peripheral vision and spun in a tight Circle as it did so it whipped out its Barb tail to knock down a dozen more blood angels with callous relish the shock of the strike pushed corus reeling against a tilted head Stone so that his fire was directed away from the creature's head rafen saw the Beast move coming a split second before Aro and he dropped snapping out a kick at his brother's ankle his sibling fell just as the spiny clob of meat at the end of the creature's tail thrummed over their heads watch it he added aro's eyes were elsewhere seel guard yourself the priest went off balance the Beast was Far faster than he had thought its huge legs bed to thing's Nimble movement he slashed the chattering chainsword at one of the meaty limbs but his cut was shallow and did nothing but anger the demon Beast more with its hindmost claws it tore into the Space Marine who stood to sao's right then threw his corpse into the priest the impact toss Satchel into a shallow crater and the lanyard connecting his sword to his Gauntlet snapped the blade buried itself upright in the mud teeth growling dark malice glittered in the creatur's Mirad eyes and it flicked at the dirt it resembled a house cat with a rodent unwilling to bring the kill too quickly for all the sport it would lose it ignored the bolt rounds a bit into it from the other Space Marines it wanted to play rafen squinted into the target sight of his gun and saw Satchel's face behind his half mask with unfocused eyes he was winding up his flank where the Beast had casually cut him Reen's finger froze on the trigger if he had to he would Grant the priest the emperor's peace rather than let him be a meal for this monster then like a raising rocket Ario burst from his cover and crossed the distance to the beast in a dozen loping steps the demon gave him a dultery swipe angry to be interrupted in his game but the young blood Angel dodged easily he swooped a snare Satchel's Fallen chainsword he brought the buzzing blade around in a flickering Ark and cut clean thre a knee joint a leg as thick as two men fell away in a gout of thick blood and the creature let out a thunderous shriek with one sped claw it pinned Sato to the ground and snapped at Aro with the others probing and shifting in place he's going to kill it raen heard tuo's comment over his ear bead the Space Marine was unable to keep the ore at aru's daring from his voice rafen fired into the Beast doing his best to cover his brother's action Aro darted back and forth beneath the animal slashing at soft parts that lay between iron hard pads of kiten gushes of black fluid spurted from the wounds with ropes of slick slime covered intestines drooping from their open mouths Satchel made some sort of strangled Yelp possibly a call for Aid or a warning to Aro and his hand flapped feebly at the creatur's claw the sanary priest attempted to stab the Beast with Aus placidus on his wrist guard but the steel needle could not penetrate the hard bony spines a shev ran through the demon and for a second rafen saw a shimmer of pain in its eyes the agony of its wounds was at last making its way to the thing's tiny feral brain enraging it even further before he could react the monster coiled all its movement into one Lightning Fast spin flashing out at the irritant beneath it Aro did not cry out when one of the creatures blade quills rammed through his armor the yellow cartilage emerged from his shoulder with a mist of bright blood above it rafen felt his stomach fill with ice such a wound would surely be mortal and his sibling's life was measured now only in seconds Ren's Vision blurred Crimson with a haze of hate and he bounded from cover heedlessly racing at the Creature from the edge of his rational mind something hot and black began to uncoil the dark shadow of the genan curse boiled up in inside him desperate for release he bellowed an incoherent war cry his Bolter running red hot as he emptied it into the Beast rafen saw Aku Dead cast aside in the mud with weing chainswords still ticking over in his mailed grip as Lucidity threatened to flee from him rafen had a miror bright flash of memory of his father on the day that he and Ario had set off for Angels for and the place of challenge watch over the boy raen I ask nothing else of you his father's face seemed to flow and merge like Mercury shifting into that of the primarch and Ario then the impossible became real before his eyes Ario Rose and one swift motion from a puddle of rain water and his own blood apparently ignorant of the vital fluids that stre his War gear or the black tear in his chest with a single stab he drove the sputtering buzzing teeth of sat 's weapon into the throat of the demon predator and buried the weapon to its Hilt the nashing blade severed the thing's vocal cords and cut off its tries in mid scream oo rolled the weapon back through the beast's gut and it came apart with noise like ripping cloth organs and undigested pieces of men emptied onto the grass in wet heaps the Beast wheezed and died end quote aro's plan worked and they took back the controls of the massive plantry scale Weaponry they fired up and blew one of the chaos warships to smithin and the tide turned above as below and the chaos Rabel fled Again The Angels were victorious the other dark ones both demon and word Bearer were either slain or put to flight back on the Bellis the only ship in orbit now there was a ceremony one for victory and in this meeting The Inquisitor stated he had tortured one of the word bearers taken in battle he now knew where they hailed from where they were hidden and he declared that they he and the blood angels should smash the sight of evil now some of the blood were not comfortable with this for Dante the chapter Master of the blood angels had given them instructions to return to Bal their home world yet still proclaimed that they should strike strike out immediately that if the lord of the Angels knew what they did that he would be in utter agreement of such Swift and violent revenge and to cover stell's Deeds another miracle suddenly occurred to quote Lord Inquisitor satel said quietly his voice barely audible beyond the confines of the pulpit I would of course endorse you in this action but the matter is unresolved if we were to to leave civil without sanction from Lord Dante stelle smiled thinly the commander will see the Merit in my order Sagel you know that to be true before the priest could answer The Inquisitor raised his hands to call for silence blood angels there is no doubt that your primarch turns his beneficent gaze toward us we are the soldiers of the Bas and we bear the very weapon that sanguinius was granted by the god Emperor himself self there was a movement behind the pulpit and a gaggle of shrouded servitors from stell's retinue came forward They Carried a lengthy case cast from solid titanium the surface intricately worked with symbols of the chapter the Imperium and Order hereticus rafen felt a physical shock as he realized what the container was for by the throne the spear a victory on civil was our sacred Duty Inquisitor glanced down at the assembled Space Marines before him but there is one among you who excelled who showed the true power of the birthright that sinks in your blood even when defeat was Upon Us star's eyes locked on refen sibling brother oio come forward oio did as he was ordered and stood up climbing into the pulpit St servitors halted before the young blood Angel and presented him with the metal case open it stelle ordered him in recognition of your daring yours shall be the honor of presenting the Spear of Testo Aro reached out and with Trembling Hands turned the latches that sealed the container closed behind him Satchel gripped his Grail and uttered the words of the lurus ingratas a joyful warmth infused the metal as Aro laid his hands upon it when he slid the clamshell container open he saw inside an object as bright as a Shard of the Sun the radiance from the weapon swept across the lengths of the grand chamber in a wave of pale Golden Light below the pulpit rafen stifled a gasp as a glow cressed the bare skin of his face from the corner of his eye he saw terso avert his gaze he was overcome by emotion but rafen could not look away from it there before him was the Spear of Testo in all its malale affluent Glory the riger tapestries did not even come close to the Majesty of the Sacred blance the blade itself an elongated tear cut with a hollow in the center represented the single drop of blood the sanguinia shed when he saw fa to the emperor glittering with an inner light it rested a top a sculpted half that showed the angel of blood clad in the monastic vestments of a sanguinary high priest his perfect face was lost in a voluminous Hood and his mighty angel wings spread against the air and below that a single Purity seal that bore the personal Mark of the emperor himself it was the most incredible sight rafen had ever seen and his heart achd with it once more the words rang out across the hall this time from aro's lips for the emperor and sanguinius leen's brother felt the nerves in his arm tingling as his blood surged with adrenaline the Je template of the Spear's ancient technology could sense his closeness and the fragmentary elements of the sanguinius' stock that sang through his veins unbidden Aro broke protocol and touched the angest Lance no satel blurted starting forward to grab the blood Angel's hand he Advanced barely a half step before stale snared him and held him back The Inquisitor shook his head once Eyes Cold with Menace and the priest was suddenly C L aro's limbs seemed to work mechanically and he removed the weapon from the case raising it in his left hand in a mirror image of the riger artwork's last panel sanguinous Victorious over the corpse of Moraga the spear vibrated in his grip like a living thing a streak of Amber lightning frozen into physical form uncanny energy lit the tear drop blade from within and like a supernova a pulse of white like flared rafen saw the color wash across his brother's body and aro's flesh seemed to melt into the features of his Le Lord his Crimson battle armor turned gold and white Wings flared from his shoulders then just as quickly the spear grew quiescent again and the vision was gone end quote and from here the course downwards was Swift indeed for they Angels believed they so wanted so needed to believe that Aro was in fact the angel reborn all the while the last senior sergeant of the element of the fifth who had been refen Mentor could not be convinced he was the only one who doubted this young Angel chorus was his name and he also questioned the intentions of The Inquisitor he alone Voice's concerns that the Angels should obey their lord Dante and stay at Cil or head directly back to Bal he did not trust the uto member did not think the Angels should be under his directive any longer he also thought the further Quest fool Hardy when they had lost so many of the blood already why not return to Bal for reinforcements yet sachel pushed AO and chorus was overruled and the B set course for the enemy base on the planet shenlong of course this Rebellion could not be borne by the false stale and he tainted a drink meant for chorus with Chaos on the eve of battle the sergeant fell to the black rage his life was over when the bis arrived at Shen long he was sent in with the death company in This Way St silenced him yet this among others began a question in the mind of his prote rafen and soon raen was caught in the tides of Doubt as things progressed the feeling got stronger the blood Angel struck the word bearers on shanglong like a lance of judgment and during the battle Aro Who Bore the Spear of Testo into combat fought the traitor Lord isav the hated slaying him only after his backpack had burst off and two Pure White Wings had erupted from his back to all who viewed Aro his was not just a facial image of the Angel he was indisputably his reincarnation the de of sanguinous to all others this was obvious but not to his true brother not to rafen and he was right to think so for things moved swiftly unveiled thems to his eyes in an event where Aro addressed the remaining people of shenlong trying to find out where the word bearers may still be hidden they rushed at him aru's bodyguard a feared for their reincarnated primarch they did the unthinkable they opened fire on the crowd they blew them to bet and due to the guilt of the remaining people they thought this was holy only one saw through this to the horror that it was only rafen to quote someone jostled rafen and his temper flared get out of my way he snapped turning a Stern face on the man who had touched him forgive me Lord I wanted to thank you he was thick with dirt in a paner of brick dust but through it rafen could still clearly make out the pattern of a tattered plan Defense Force uniform an officer by the look of the sigils on his sleeve for what I do not know you oh no it is not for myself Lord but for my sister not only did your chapter release us from the drip of chaos but your Kinsman granted her the murder gift he bowed his head as he spoke murder gift the strange word left a foul taste in Ren's mouth you thank me because your sister was shot dead by the honor guard no no please the PDF Soldier pressed closer to him you must understand we were so close to cracking if another day had passed without an answer to our prayers many of us would have been sure that the emperor turned from Shen long his voice dropped to confessional hiss some of us we were almost ready to submit to the word of lar then he beat de at theen but you saved us from that my sister gladly gave herself in payment Madness raen tore his arm away from the man and Drew his combat knife in a bright Arc of fractal edged steel tell me if I told you to plunge this into your heart would you do it the officer tore open his tunic without hesitation and exposed his pale chest my life has value only by your command Lord he seemed ecstatic take of the possibility the ren might kill him there and then the blood Angel's face Twisted in disdain and he backhanded the man with the pommel of his blade be gone Craven fool raen stalked down the corridor Furious was this the state of the people he took an oath to protect with the men and women of the Imperium so weak of mind that they would spring on any edict no matter how loathsome and claim it to be the Divine word of the god emperor end quote Aro was proclaimed a sanguinous reborn yet only his brother doubted rafen was troubled he would stalk off to his own place to contemplate a burned and destroyed dilapitated place and there in prayer he was touched by the Divine for he was given a vision one that he believed came from the emperor himself his God had told him all was not well that his brother was a false Messiah and worse that it would be Reen's own hand that would end this infamy thus while the blood angels on Shen long Bast in the beauty of the primarch reborn they followed whatever he and his puppet master said Aro declared that he would take the very best of the normal men of shenlong and Forge them into a force that would support the blood Angels a total breach of the Codex of startis and 10,000 years of tradition yet he deced these practices as the past he the angel reborn was the future he stated that he was destined to unify and take the lordship of all blood angels not only of the chapter but of all the lineage across the Imperium he would unleash a crusade of such force that they would sweep the evil from the galaxy buten did not believe in him and he sent a secret message to Bal the home world of the blood angels and Dante responded he sent a prote of mephiston epistolary VOD and Captain Gallow who sped towards shenlong when they arrive vode with his psychic powers almost immediately detected The Evil Within Aro and attempted to slay him the AED faithful of Aro leapt to his defense and butchered both fod Captain Gallow and all of their men and Aro believing them traitors and unclean ordered their vessel the strike Cruiser Amaro blasted from the skies so the blood angels lost a mighty ship of the line and all hands on board a travesty beyond measure Ario egged on by the ego stroking of sachel who gained Authority through him now declared that Dante was to be replaced by force if need be and thus in their huus they sent their own message to Bal to quote kalarus Dante said gently as he approached the clearing before him a man in simple prayer robes nail on one knee tracing his fingers across the Petals of a bed of white flowers my lord said mephiston glancing up at him I have not heard that name spoken in many years the chief librarian of the blood angels gazed at Dante with hooded eyes the burning gaze that so transfixed the mind of his enemies at rest I have not been brother kalarus for an age the commander studied the face of his friend and comrade Dante had been there on planet Armageddon on a night that he had emerged from the rubble of Hades Hive Reborn as mephiston Lord of death kalarus had been lost to the red thirst and buried alive thought dead until a vision of their primarch had guided him back to life forgive me said Dante for a moment my mind took me back today past two simpler times in this place it is easy to lose oneself in ancient history in this place it is easy to lose oneself in ancient history Others May doubt the Merit of this Garden but not I Dante gave a slight nod the psycho had picked up on his thoughts you sent word you wish to speak with me yes Lord I thought it best we talk alone less incautious ears or Minds catch wind of what I must tell you he gestured around I often come here to meditate Commander the Tranquility of Bar's past soes the path into the imperian D's face became grave he could tell from his old cohort's tone that mephiston news would not be good what have you to tell me vod's mind was silenced great one even as I rested here and projected my thoughts into the void I felt the edge of a ripple from his psychic shriek killed I mephiston said grimly and Gallo along with him every man we sent to Shen long ended in a blink of fire you certain of that Dante asked the ways of the warp are never fixed replied miston like desert sand the re slips through my fingers but on my sword I tell you those men are dead a cold sickening familiarity touched Dante one he had known a million times over since his first command as a blood Angel's Warrior he felt the death of each battle brother as keenly as he had the very first to die under his stewardship how I can only guess the CER added but if this Aro is touched by the ways of chaos there must be another explanation snapped the commander an accident perhaps an attack by enemy forces Dante's old comrade gave a slow Shake of his head no Lord he said with grim finality you would suggest that our kind have drawn blood against us Dante growled I pray you are mistaken as do I meston agreed he was silent for a moment before he spoke again the amar's mission will not remain concealed from our brothers forever Commander despite my best efforts word of it spreads amongst the men soon questions will be asked Dante shook his head I will not reveal news of this transformation until we know the truth behind it if talk of a second coming of the great Angel grows descension in the ranks will follow and a Schism is something we cannot risk he met tante's gaze my doubts are gone Lord I believe this boy Ario is a false Messiah only out of fear would he have killed Gallo's party but you said that you cannot be sure that this is what took place mephiston frowned dark threads gather out there they knit together in a web of Deceit and we are caught in them shrouded forces hatreds incarnate are at work manipulating events this Aro is at the Hub of them Commander we can only be sure by facing him in person said Dante until then he remains an unknown a tarot card unturned the psycher fell silent again studying the delicate plants at his feet you know this flower Commander redkin Dante replied it has not existed on this planet in the wild since the 38th Millennium mephiston ran a bare finger over the tough rubbery Petals of the white flower the serrated edge of it drawing blood instantly capillaries and the petol began to absorb the fluid turning the plant Scarlet the flowers Roots mesh with those of the others that surround it the librarians said it shares the Bounty at gathers in a bloom of crimson the ceration spread across each of the plants in the cluster maston's finger closed around the flower in his hand and crushed it spilling a trickle of his own Vite on the rusty soil like us one gives strength to all but if that Unity is broken he paused cocking his head we have company Dante turned at the sound of the block opening a spindly messenger servator ambled over on clanking mechanical feet once it had been a human being now it was a device and service to the Imperium mind wiped of any personality a featuress automaton made of Flesh and implanted steel its blank face swung left and right finally locating the blood Angel's Commander with your permission Lord Dante message from shenlong arise your attention only speak he demanded via the astropath duct anulan aboard the battle barge Bellas brother Captain idon commanding protocol omnis octo it recited relaying the trans speech from the monastery's own psychic communicators the angry high priest brother sachio chosen of the Blessed Aro requests an audience with the Lord Commander Dante on the Shrine world of Sabian in nine solar days on behalf of the reborn angel the reborn Angel meston repeated the title with a sneer on his lips this WEP has no need for modesty it seems Dante was lost in thought for a moment Sabian I know it well there was a blood Angel's Garrison there in the worst days of the fedra campaign who frowned many of our Kindred shed blood for every meter of that blighted planet an abandoned Monument World said the psycher an ideal location for an ambush he got to his feet fire dancing in his eyes Lord this is so transparent a trap of that we may be certain Dante agreed but this priest sael if he truly speaks for Aro knows only too well that I'm forced to agree to the meeting meeson's eyes narrowed Commander you cannot think to accept the so-called request if Aro wishes to meet he should come here to ball he will not Dante rorted and I will not risk more lies to bring him under Force of Arms no we must seek the truth about Aro and determine if he truly is sanguinous reborn or an impostor to do that I would need to turn my gaze upon him Lord Dante nodded and so you will you will attend me at Sabian and I will have this AO answer for his deeds mephiston shook his head I cannot allow that the blood Angel gave the librarian a sharp look do you defy me now as well forgive me great Dante but you are the sworn commander of this chapter your place is here at the Throne of ball I shall meet this oo alone as your second I cannot allow you to place yourself in such danger Dante went red with annoyance in 1100 years I have led my men from the front now some child presumes to the godhead over my chapter and you demand I stay behind meeson's iron hard gaze never wavered if it pleases the Lord Commander I am best suited for this endeavor for all your greatness you do not possess the warp site as I do my vision will see the the heart of this Pretender as plainly as day and I will not French from his execution when the moment comes he placed a hand on Dante's shoulder a gesture of familiarity that no other blood Angel alive would have ever dared to make my Lord when the men learn of this Aro there will be questions they will look to you for guidance and so I must be here to answer those questions D frowned after a long moment he spoke again very well your counsel has never failed me yet meston and I will accept it now on my orders assemble a force of your most senior brothers and take command of the battle barge Ur I grant you full power to speak on my behalf and that of the blood angels the Lord of death tapped his Bal fist to his chest and bowed his head in salute for San quinius and the emperor he said for sanguinius and the emperor repeated Dante end quote rafen was detected as the source of the earlier treachery and was forced to run hiding amongst the riged city of shenlong he eluded them for a long time when finally found by hunting Cadre of aro's elite guard he led them into a Munitions hold blowing it them and everything for six blocks around to Smith R all for refen slain and Satchel and The Inquisitor secretly rejoiced that the only traitor had been the actual brother of the blessed one huh it was not comfortable not at all but now it was over yet it was not long before the time came and they went to meet Dante or so they thought who they met there instead brought an entirely new complexion to the encounter for as we have heard Dante did not attend in his stead was The Lord Of Death mephiston Chief librarian of the chapter and arguably one of the strongest sarti Pyers who has ever lived in all of this inqu stelle had used his cunning and warp trickery to hide the true nature of the change for he had long ago placed a warp tainted kernel into the young Aro this was a secret this was a Genesis and Wellspring of the power the might and the mimicry of the Angel the chaos infection that had changed Aro slowly at start hidden only by the Wilds of stale Ario did not know of any of this believed in himself and his metamorphosis with all of his heart yet could he inadvertently fool even the chief librarian H to quote the Gaze was a lens that opened up the Hidden World to maston's perception the power burning inside him Shone through the gates of his vision like the beam of a devout search light pinning the weak and the unhallowed as it fell upon them his sight Beyond sight Stripped Away the illusions of reality and Beed Souls so that the Lord of death could examine their pale naked truths he saw Aro as if he were an anat iCal sketch drawn from some textbook of the megus biologus layers of skin bone muscle and nerve visible to him the boy was glass a maston's gaze Shone into him Illuminating every corner of his Spirit a seing sunlight falling through a prism there it was concealed well buried beneath the levels of wards and minded baffles the matter of it worked into the bone and meat of the space Marine's body but the taint could not hide from the unblinking eye of maston's powers the black ellipse floated among the Perfection of arus aarti's physiology ruining the sacred organic design of the blood Angel the seed of chaos glinted and PED in a faint way meston was slightly disappointed perhaps there was a part of him however tiny that had hoped aro's story might be true but instead mephiston found himself confronted by a dupe a mutant ignorant of his own poisoned nature other men might have felt pity then but not he the Lord of death marveled at the Perfection of the Ingenuity of the taint it was truly a work of psionic art the construction of a maker both genius and madman it bore the unmistakable fingertips of the changer of ways across every aspect of its form he traced thin thought filaments from the infection tracking the lines of their mutation the recording of fleshy matter that had altered the boy from a marine to the simulcra he was now faint glimpse of contact danced in aro's order bending like flowers seeking the sun all of them turning toward one man still meston could smell his emotions like spilled blood a cocktail of arrogance Waring with controlled fear desire and avarice raging beneath the thin veneer of his icy civility but the Inquisitor was not the Puppet Master here like a mirror within a mirror St in turn was being directed by some other intelligence he let his vision slip over the woman she was like oil on water repelling it instantly meston side could not p purchas on her tell me Lord said Aro now you have looked into my soul what do you see the tension in the Square came to a knife edge on his words will you deny the work of the Great Angel upon me or will you accept that I am the Incarnation of the de sanguinius neon Drew back with a grim sneer on his lips if only your Divinity matched the scope of your arrogance lad you might be what you appear how dare you blurted Satchel stepping forward he is a reborn Angel the light of Silence priest the PSA Steed him with a single glance and sael clasped his throat coughing the gracious expression on aura's face faded into a blank mask of neutrality mephiston tread carefully I offer you the chance to join my blood Crusade do not be so quick to judge me come to my side and I will welcome you as my battle brother he arched his eyebrow gauging the moment and if I do not it will go poorly for you Lord of death the signs of your life have already run thin on borrowed time time if you test them again you were not to be so blessed as you were on Armageddon a soft laugh escaped the Psy's lips he decided to allow the boy to talk your presumption amuses me Aro tell me this Crusade of yours what gives you the right to dictate such a thing you speak as if it is your voice that leads our chapter and so it will be aru replied your master Dante has lingered too long in the command of the blood angels He will step aside for me the cold humor vanished from maston's face in an instant he will do no such thing for a pretender welp like you the librarian's voice was iron hard and full of threat ARA watched him carefully perhaps not if he cannot release his Petty fear of me then we will absolve him of his office with all the due effort that may be required to do so the golden armored figure sumed a trio of sao's Honor Guard and the men arrived with a titanium cylinder between them Aro opened the case and let the radiance of the Holy Lance light the darkening landscape with a single Swift motion Aro drew the ancient weapon and swept it up in a brilliant Ark of light the Spear of Testo the words fell from the lips of the Tech Marine in a humbled gasp oio pointed the spear at mephiston sighting down the length of its half him I swear this by the blood of the primar in my veins know me librarian I am the blood angels incarnate I am sanguinous reborn Golden Light arked around the teardrop blade at the tip of the spear give me your faaly or perish the choice is yours for one dizzying horrible moment mephiston felt his world Lurch around him as the Lance Hove into view how can this be he Wheels the sacred weapon a storm of chattering doubts engulfed the Lord of death it was impossible to think that some debased impostor could ever be able to lay hands on the spear and yet Aro held the holy Lance like he was born to it have I been mistaken could he really be the reborn Angel who else could know the might of the Testo artifact meison shook the churn of thought away with a shake of his head tiny darts of blue fire cracking along his crystalline sigh Hood no he growled there was some magic at work here aery so subtle and Insidious that even a weapon forged by holy Terror could be deceived by it I am not Cousin Pretender your parlor trips me nothing against my faith the blood Angel's hands dropped to the hilt of his Arcane for sword the ancient mind Blade vitaris no true son of sang guus will ever Bend his knee to you charlatan you are false a surge of anger thundered through the Warriors of the reborn and cries of violence burst forth from aro's loyalist rafen LED them jostle him forward Aro shook his head in annoyance poor old fool you were infected with Dante's fear just as vode and Gallo before you just as every misguided man who sits under B's son and believes himself a True Blood angel I am the way he shouted brandishing the spear I am the truth reborn your blindness sickens me mind which I pity you maston's troops knotted together breaches clattering on their bolters in a rush of noise the librarian Drew himself up to his full height towering over aro's golden form and Brilliant White Wings save it for yourself fool you and your ordos accomplice all of you are black with the stain of chaos it reaks from you he stabbed a copper covered finger at The Inquisitor who met his accusation with a snear this weakling is a Lackey of the ruinous powers and those who heed his words are equally disgraced with a stigma of heresy the Psy's words Drew A Chorus of denials and vicious retorts Ramia steel I name you traitor you conspire with dark powers and reveling Corruption you are the architect of this apostasy no roared The Inquisitor the shout slamming into the distant ruins like a thundercap the blessed is right you decry all that you fear your words are lies mephiston lies Aro is sanarus then he shall prove it the Lord of death spat in the book of Lords the pure one has said to be the match of any Warrior that lived if this is so then perhaps your so-call blessed would be willing to face a True Blood angel in single combat neone be his fangs if he is the vessel for the will of the Angelic Sovereign he will be victorious if he is a mere Pretender he will die he watched the consequence of his dare as it spread out amongst aru's loyalists sensing the merge of anger and fear it engendered he nodded to himself exactly the ction he had wanted playing the young fool into his hands methon had brought him to this moment and now he would butcher the impostor like a prey Beast such a brutal and very visible destruction of this golden figurehead was necessary when Ario died on the tip of maston's for sword his disciples and helots would break their confusion would make it easier for the Lord of death to execute them this Insurrection had we smashed in the most public and bloody way possible men on both sides began to draw back granting room for the coming duel and Satchel had found his voice once more it's a trick he sputtered the veins on his neck corded and tight with anger bordering on Madness you cannot accept blessed the PSA is goding you Aro gave the priest a brief beneficient smile sachel my friend your concern for my well-being is touching but misplaced I will not dismiss this challenge if mephiston wishes to see the might of the red Angel enrage then by The Grail I shall show it to him he stepped forward in a grimaced Swagger the holy Lance at rest beneath the curl of his wing I will face any man here Aro told the librarian and I will send him to the emperor's Grace knowing the truth of my Divinity he made a show of opening his arms wide to the assembled men blood angels loyalists slave solders Alik who here would take up arms to fight me which of you will shed your blood to prove the righteousness of my decree the sword vitaras whispered as it drew free of its Scabbard AO growled mephiston it will be my I will face him the cry cut through the air and set heads turning hands Frozen on weapons who said the sergeant of meeson's flank it came from over there veteran indicated ated the mob of oo's men with the barrel of his Balter the pika's perplexity increased as the crowd of ragged slave Troopers parted to allow a single blood Angel to come forward his armor was discolored by blood stains and there was a gouge in his chest plate as miston watched the Space Marine step past aro's retinue and remove his helmet for the first time he saw an expression on The Pretenders face that wasn't anger or arrogance but pure raw shock rafen end quote rafen had returned and from there it was shock After Shock for the followers of the de of sanguinius the false prophet of the blood for refen requested and then was granted the chance to face his brother in battle despite the speed and power of Aro he had not the experience of his brother and refen struck the false Angel drawing blood and with that everything changed most especially for the priest Satchel to quote no the word was small and plaintive a childlike denial of something that I saw but refused to believe satel's hand came to his face and it was only then that he realized the voice had been his a great splash of crimsom disfigured aru's Immaculate golden armor and the sight of this fence burned into the priest's Vision like a brand the sharp tearing Agony of the wound seemed to be instantly translated to every member of AR's retinue the sheer shock of seeing their Le Lord injured by a mere Space Marine hit them with a physical Force for a long second all of them were struck dumb by the enormity of it and Satchel could smell the blood the scent of living Vite was as distinct as a bouquet of ained wine or the aroma of delicate flour Satchel had known blood all through his Service as an apothecary to the chapter he had tasted a thousand strains and touched a thousand war in his duties on battlefields he had seen Great Lakes of it shed by enemy and Ally alike he had witnessed it gushing in red fountains from the arteries of men screaming for the emperor's peace sachel knew the scent of his own blood and that of sanguinius himself as it lay captured and preserved in the red Grail on Bal the St of what leaked from AO struck his senses like a male fist he sensed corruption black and ruin us some foul seed of pollution swarming and Rising inside the blessed's blood sachio stomachs turned to rebel and throw their contents on the ground it was impossible the priest scrambled inside himself for some explanation and found none his senses had never betrayed him before and they did not betray him now Satchel turned away blocking out the sight even though the smell was wrapped around him in invisible wreaths his gaze fell on stale The Inquisitor growled some order at his hooded swich stelle caught his sight for a fractional instant and sachel saw him start you sachel managed the word bubbling up from a deep hidden place you like breaking glass the compulsion steth had placed in sachio psyche aboard the Bella suddenly shattered perhaps it was the shock of aro's injury perhaps some last fragment of sagel's honorable self rising to the surface but in that instant the priest was freed of the psa's hold on his will such's world so perfect and so rationalized so carefully assembled to serve his ego Came Crashing Down about him floodgates of denied forgotten memories disintegrated and the priest was knocked to his KN by the force of them wailing every line he had crossed every choice he had made in order to aize himself and stelle had been there to help him do it sel's Gorge Rose as the stink of mutation filled every pore of his skin contaminating him and choking the air oh Lord he wept bitter tears falling from his face what have I done he looked up at Stell and saw The Inquisitor staring down at him an expression of utter contempt on his cruel lips what have you done to me stale nelt and whispered in his ear I gave you the tools to destroy yourself end quote AIO fled diving into the skies upon his wings and his followers attacked the cluster of meeson's loyless blood angels waves of the ragtag scum of the blood Crusade hurled themselves of the Marines of course the two sons of sanguinia slaughtered them with efficiency and ease but there were many the blood angels of Aro would become conflicted but not yet they too assailed the positions of the men under mephiston blood Angel slew blood Angel for his part rafen demanded the right to follow Aro and end the matter with a jump pack now gained from a Tech Marine rafen took after Aro pre-organized and aimed missile saw salvo's then covered the area as more as salant entered the fry above the planet a deadly Duel of battle barges began as the europee maston's flagship and the Bellis began their tussle alas it was then that a chaos vessel interrupted made the battle what many would think a three-way but the true crime was getting worse as a captain of the Baris the supporter of Aro would not even fire on the chaos ship despite it being the larger and infamy Beyond infamy they actually worked with the chaos ship at first concentrating their fire on the europee events on the ground erupted into a new level of Rage when word bearers assailed the forces of mephiston as well some of the blood held shocked that they would be asked to fight alongside the scum and the battle of the brothers began a new the confrontation between Ario and rafen is epic indeed as Ario mutated as moments passed with each blow struck by his brother he worsened Ario had now utterly fall into chaos and it showed on his face his body his wings he claimed he had been elevated to godhood he would take the stars or stuff them out if they resisted he would be a new God beholden To None above all others both mortal and Immortal anden stealed his soul as he struck again and again at his foul old brother Aro should have been the better in all things for he was faster stronger armed with the Spear of Testo yet he was not touched by the true angel that blessing was gifted to his brother rafen the spear now sensing The Evil Within Aro as he degenerated resisted his commands it fired rafen but once yet he was of the blood and it could not harm him thus the spear would then refuse to do so again as a battle progressed and later as the corruption with Aro was manifest it twisted in his palms fought against him until it eventually turned to Fire and heat and burned Aro so badly his gauntlets melted Ario dropped it as he had to and aen came back on the attack with jumpack Boost he had met his winged brother in the air time and again now the end was here the two armor smashed met again with fists and teeth and claws Maro bear hugged his brother breaking him and casting him down into a dark pit yet though raeng should have died he was Touched By the Light of the true soul of sanguinius and he was energized he came up again bursting on Wings of Fire from the darkness of the pit he had been cast into and the vampire of hate that was once his brother was blindsided and raen punched his combat blade into the very center of AIO dying AIO fell landing on the upright standing Spear of Testo Justice had been done but what came next was hard for aen landed and saw his brother not AO the Blessed not the day of sanguinius not the vampire of Chaos in his last oo returned to sanity to quote [Music] rafen thust a pack ran dry when he was still 30 m from the ground and he tumbled and dropped as if he were made of lead slamming his bald fist into the release switch on his belt he felt the dead weight of the pack attach and freed of the burden he turned into a spin crashing through age rotted beams to land with a bone jarring crack of sound a ring of water scattered away from him in a ripple from his kneeling stance rafen Rose his eyes narrowed against the biting winds he scanned the interior of the church afraid of what he would see and there he saw it pinned to the stone as a gigantic collector might exhibit some rare moth or butterfly Aro lay with the Spear of Testo run through him all about his sibling was a spreading Aurora the color of autumn a most unearthly Golden Light favoring his injured leg raen jogged across the transcept and came to aio's side brother raen gasped in amazement despite so brutal an injury Ario still clung to life with Fierce tenacity his siblings hands were class to the Hal of the spear the burning glow crisping away the flesh oio seemed not to notice the pain brother Reen repeated searching his siblings face for the shroud of contamination Aro seemed as ruined as the shattered landscape of the city Shrine about them hollow inside the black trains of poison boils still seeed beneath his marbled skin but his eyes his eyes belonged to the AO that raen remembered from their youth the naive and bold soul that given him strength and loyalty there was pain there of a Kind refen had only seen in the eyes of Sinners and turn coats Fallen to the Lord War of the Inquisition before he had never questioned it but now he saw it for what it was regret so powerful and so heartbreaking that the emotion could barely be contained by human will what have I done Aro rasped holding his brother's gaze I have broken every Compact and promise I have turned my back on what I am and embraced the the void he shuddered and wailed oh Lord Emperor I have betrayed all I hold dear his hate rage ebbing Reen found only one answer in the echoing chasms of his heart yes the hubbing of the spear gently Rose and fell in the fading rhythm of aru's secondary heart each Peak and trough grew longer as life ebbed from him into the stones in the rain I was weak he managed I thought I could protect myself from this he gestured feebly and his wings joked in response from falling from the path my arrogance I believed I was belied it I am sorry AIO rafen said silent tears falling from his eyes drawing lines and dark smears of blood and soot on his cheeks I am sorry I was not there to stand with you turn you from this corruption no Aria whispered you share No burden with me Kinsman I will bear this stigma he shivered a duol of blood escaping from his lips my error I was weak Aro no you were human he forced a w smile fear not reeng this is Our Fate both of us sore it raen gasped you knew this would be by my hand yes and so it was his ruined fingers crossed Ren's chest plate and touched his brother's cheek You Weep For Me that is all I ask Kinsmen the emperor will d at me for my Folly and I accept that without question but you I ask you to forgive me I recant Reen please forgive me my brother I forgive you Ario on our father's grave I swear it Ario gave a shallow final nod of thanks that is Mercy enough his eyes flattered closed and the spear fell silent rafen knelt there for an age no sound in his ears but the rush and thunder of the rainstorm no feeling inside him except the roar despair of loss finally his heart brimming with its Grievous remorse rafen came to his feet with his brother's body in his arms the holy Lance excised from the dead man and there at fen's shoulder the warm eluent light of the spear illuminated the ruins about him and he held oo high he seemed to away so little now as if the burden of his tainted change had run away with his shed blood in the near distance raen saw the Firefly Sparkles of bter discharges and on the wind came gunshots screams and the chants of the word bearers the blood Angel's face set in Grim determination and he Advanced toward the fighting he left nothing behind him but his doubt end quote rafen showing the courage of his convictions then did what many could not despite his brother dying in his arms despite how rafen must have wanted to hold him in his Embrace and howl no he did what was necessary took the broken and obviously corrupted body of his brother and displayed him on a precipice above the main battle and there he called out and showed the faithful of Aro what they had been following he threw down the body of his brother to break further on the battlefield and the effect was instant the faithful blood angels had been duped and they knew it this was proof enough it broke the shackles of psycher and psychology that had held them to Aro they turned on the blood Crusade cultist and the word bearers both they rejoined the pure and fell in line with the Marines under mephiston and then they slaughtered the word bearers the perverted Inquisitor Stell was himself betrayed by the demon malx swallowed into his own form subsuming stell's Soul into the greater horror of the demon sachel was dead the battle barge bis the strike Cruiser amarelo and all of their crew were gone and hundreds of blood angels would never battle evil again yet the Civil War was over the sons of sanguinius were unified once again the tales of rafan of course continue but that I will get to at a future date and thus we see in the Grim darkness of the far future that faith can be both armor and sword but it can indeed make one vulnerable for there are none who are more devoted to the cause of the Imperium none who are more Ardent in their defense of the realm none who are more filled with Zeal than the sons of sangers yet it is based not on faith not belief not blind obedience the blood angels have such conviction due to the battle they wage against their flaws the control it takes to D Dominate and resist the urges to kill to drink the Hearts blood of all around them it is not Faith or belief in their God that dries them it is the knowledge that they must resist evil in all of its forms for they wrestle with it every hour of every day they know what is there in the darkness of the pit where others dare not even look for they carry it within themselves they know evil as they know how to defeat it Courage honor Duty and most importantly sacrifice their own I have been baldemort now if you've enjoyed this entry please do consider liking and subscribing and look in the description to this video for more tales of the blood angels and link to our other channel living mythology and you may just find some other links that might be of interest to you so go have a look I won't tell you what go check now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun Tulu
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 90,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40K lore, Warhammer 40K lore, Blood Angels lore, warhammer 40000 lore, warhammer lore, THE FALSE ANGEL : THE BLOOD ANGELS CIVIL WAR, blood angels civil war, Sanguinius Lore, Spear of Telesto, Arkio, Rafen lore, Dante lore, Mephiston lore, space marine civil war, Baldermort, Guides to warhammer, Distractible narrator, Living Mythology, Blood Angels Civil War, False Angel, Rubrio, The Angel, Baldemort, Warhammer 40K audiodrama, 40K audiobook, Blood Angel Audiobook, Sanguinius, war
Id: RLUYinF-scY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 25sec (6505 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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