Parents, What's The Craziest Thing You Found In Your Childs Bedroom?

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parents of Reddit what is the strangest thing you have found in your child's bedroom when I was about 13 I went to my uncle's house with my cousin and my grandma our for about a week or so while I was gone my mom called me and started screaming at me over the phone she told me she was going through my room of course and found weed on the bookshelf in my room she started telling me she was going to beat my butt that I was grounded and that I will only be going to church in school blah blah blah once she was done yelling I told her that it was Catholic for my cat and I asked her how I would get weed since I didn't have any friends she was silent and dropped the subject the funny thing is she works for the police department you think she'd know the difference between marijuana and catnip this happened to my sister sawed-off she had catnip for her cat stored somewhere in the garage our dad finds it and proceeds to smoke it then asks her later why she was hiding pot she laughed and told him it was catnip he basically said no wonder I didn't feel anything my dad used to smoke I don't know why he mistook the - but that's parents for yeah I thought my mom was going through my room so I set up my welcome to record on motion sure enough she was rifling though everything eventually she opened a drawer and found a very realistic-looking corncob it was really water gun that I got as a gag gift she inspected it and had the most terrified confused look on her face she stopped searching my room her gag gift my daughter now five has a habit of plundering the bathroom when she's supposed to be sleeping we've found every container of makeup toothpaste soap shampoo but the worst of it was the nail polish she raided the nail polish opened all of maybe 15 bottles and covered herself in it it was completely covering both arms about to the tops of the biceps she had smears of it on her face stomach back legs even in her hair it was all over the floor the cabinets the bathroom door handle her room door handles a trail on the floor a big puddle on the hard would floor in her room and a big puddle on her nightstand when she was still in diapers she figured out how to take them off herself she took one off and smeared poop all over the walls another time about that same age she covered herself and all her toys and bedding with an entire pound of Vaseline she did the same with a whole pound of triple paste except that time she added a stripe around the entire perimeter of her room your daughter is going to be a painter someday my 10 year old had a pillow that was stuffed with ladies underwear not sure where he got it all from he had at least 20 pairs of it in the pillowcase from all the hoses banging obviously when I was about 12 my parents freaked out and almost made me go to a psychiatrist because they found a noose in my room I was not suicidal I just had some rope and was bored and wanted to see if I could figure out how to tie one it took me forever to convince them of that though this they never bothered about the clove hitch or the sheep shank or the bowline but you tie one little hangman's noose it happens to be a very aesthetically pleasing Slipknot maybe it was the teddy bear dangling from it that might have been it for puppies fighting over who gets to eat a watermelon she swore that they came in on their own accord but I know the truth dogs can't open refrigerators unpeeled boiled egg in a condom in the drawer beside the bed and 15 bottles of KY lubricant under the bed I only have a son you have raised a young man who knows to buy in bulk he will do well between 15 and 17 I had a serious boyfriend who I basically lived with part-time I was staying at his house usually four days a week obvious we were freaking and his mom knew his mom and I were very close and she actually took care of me quite a bit because my own mom worked so much we are still really close anyways since I was there so much I had my own closet space and a little box in the closet for my clothes and personal items his mom would frequently do my laundry for me once she washed his clothes which was very sweet she would even warm my work uniform up for me when it got cold good person she I think she was hoping I'd marry him next to the box of my clothes was literally a treasure chest a little foot by foot potential toy treasure chest my boyfriend had as a kid and he kept this was the private box and had allowed condoms some adult toys pee and even some of my favorite lingerie in it we had just recently put it in the closet because he's moved his furniture around and it messed up our old hiding place I guess after washing my clothes one day she was trying to put them in my box off stuff and assumed that was another box we were using for my stuff we were watching a movie and when she came in to put clothes away we assumed she was putting them in the actual clothes box we heard the latch snap and before we could do anything she gasped jumped back knocked the private box off the shelf and ran out of the room condoms and lace and salads everywhere I stayed away for a few days after that but when I did some back over to the night I noticed that was a new brand of condoms in the box that neither me or my so had bought that wonderful woman had gone out and bought extra sensation for her condoms and put them in our private box it was kind of beautiful TL DR my ex-boyfriends mom found our private box and then added extra sensation for her condoms to it and never brought it up I found a notebook underneath my baby cousins bed it had very advanced calculus written all over it and neither my aunt or uncle knows calculus my baby cousin is a girl that was a message from the gods the prophecy was fulfilled over the years I've found many weird things in my son's room he's now 13 a few of them are a jar of urine a blow torch a utility knife various hunting knives many of these were stolen from my dad's house toothpaste smeared all over his walls and shelves he is an aspiring tf2 character they found me I was having some fun with my then FWB and her parents came home early she hid me in the closet which was large enough for me to move around in her mom saw the light was on in the closet so I acted fast borrowed one of her scoffs and grabbed the sweater threw on my best Lisp and let out a girl what were you thinking buying this it does not go with you skin her mom threw open the doors but undeterred I put one hand on my hip looked at her and said oh you must be mrs and % & % will you play a see tell your daughter to stop wearing this color she looks a salad I went one like this for a few minutes and her mom was so convinced that when I said we needed to go to the mall to meet up with my boyfriend and her mom gave me 50 bucks to help my daughter with her horrible wardrobe choices TL DR parents came home early I pretended to be gay so successfully that her mom paid me to buy her daughter's stylist it's hilarious what people will accept when it matches stereotypes that is some fantastically quick thinking when I was a kid I loved to cook but wasn't allowed to use the oven when home alone this didn't stop me one day I was making garlic cheese biscuits like at Red Lobster and my mom called to tell me she was coming home I panicked and hid them in a ziploc in my backpack a couple weeks pass and I get grounded royally bitched out for having drugs in my bag she showed my dad he said it just looks like a moldy sandwich but she was convinced there were drugs I think it's awesome that your secret rebellion was cooking about an inch of urine at the bottom of the Lego bucket in my boys bedroom closet there were 6 and 3 at the time the eldest said his sister was in the bathroom so they decided to make their own toilet of a holy crap I used to pee into my Lego bucket it was super convenient smelled terrible - I'm an only child though so I'm clearly not the one being mentioned by Opie she stole the eggs out of my fridge and proceeded to cook with them found them in her little play oven in a pot none of them broke that's my girl that's wonderful I enjoyed my son's mix-and-match lego man collection Harry Potter with a Darth Vader head was the first thing to make me smile all day when I was young I took my Mighty Morphin Power Rangers apart and mix and matched them to create the rainbow Rangers also I left out the black one because it didn't fit into the rainbow idea when my mom found them she thought I was a gay xenophobic six-year-old my mom found various feminine clothes some makeup confiscated them all then it became kinda a competition of me hiding stuff and more clever ways she kept searching sometimes found something honestly it was a major topic of fighting and misery as a kid the crap I got over that a book with boogers and what I think is glue in it you can't even open the book without ripping some pages she's 8 years old glue glue I found some little post-it notes on my seven-year-old desk she had written things like I can kill you and you are going to jail and frowny faces with jail bars drawn in front of them freaked me out my daughter is the sweetest most thoughtful and responsible little blonde moppets you can imagine and then there was that I carefully asked her about them and she said through them while she was watching a Looney Tunes episode she thought my concern was hilarious I casually left them on my husband's bedside table that's night in hopes of freaking him out but he didn't notice them I eventually showed him and he got that same look of panic that I had probably had at first : thanks a lot you just made me remember my awkward adult talk stupid sticky notes find the child in this situation my mother found on rings men at times not very nice when we make eye contact after I left one on the floor in the bedroom or something and I know for a fact she saw it because she picked it up and put it back in my wardrobe oh the shame in elementary and middle school my sister had a thing with tape she put hundreds of strips on the underside of all our furniture we still have no trouble finding strips if we look not a parent but I live with friends that are kids I had recently moved in in the ven four year old boy was a bit of a secretive klepto things would go missing only to turn up in his room later one such occasion was a cell above mine that he's still out of my room from under my pillow he got a talk about other people's things he also stole my cell phone around midnight one time and managed to call my very recent ex and hung up on him ex calls back kid hangs up cycle repeats for 30 minutes what the ex told me I woke up the next morning with no cover on my cell and a very worried ex I of course was totally oblivious to his midnight calls later that day found my cell phone cover in his room after the kid denied having taken it in the middle of the night he did have enough sense to put my phone back on my bedside table though luckily he's much better now and has for the most part stopped stealing or he's just much better now at stealing my sister's cash and jewelry would go missing along with my brother-in-law's watches and pocket change they found all their missing stuff in my niece's bedside table thinners she was three this continued happening until she realized what she was doing was wrong when something went missing they knew where it was my mom went to move the furniture in my room in order to paint the walls when I was about 10 she found everything tied together with odd bits of ribbon string and rope I have no idea why I did this and she made me untie everything before she would start painting at this same time she decided to use a vacuum that washes the carpet she found a section that just suck it up I was too embarrassed to admit that there's ago I had put some of her fancy shampoo into a Dixie cup so that I could use it only to discover the next day that the cup had disintegrated and the shampoo had gotten over my entire dresser I cleaned up everything I could see but forgot that carpet was absorbent this for some reason seems like a sad story one day a friend of mine gave me this P magazine for my bday I put if somewhat hidden in my room it was in a drawer under a pile of things like the printer manual windows CD etc it stayed there untouched for 2 years it wasn't even fapping material so I put it there just because throwing away a present the same day you've received makes me feel bad then one day I recall about the magazine and I finally throw it away I took it outside with me while going out with my friends and I put in a trash can my mom wasn't at home when I went out with the magazine but the very next day she comes to my room and asks me hey where's that magazine you used to keep in your room I was creeped out when I came back from college I slept in my old room which is now my parents office every morning bright and early my mom or dad was in there and began clicking away on the keyboard like a cat pawing at a mouse one day two of my sisters came in as well to check out something on the computer with my mom then my dog came in and stuck her nose in between my mattress and box spring and pulled a week's worth of app Kim's out and starting eating them I thought my mom was going to throw up best part Falcons friend and junior high parents went through his room looking for drugs found some paraphernalia mary-jane and seeds parents confronted him and mom in the most piaf voice holds up the seeds and says what kind of pills are these friend loft got himself in more trouble I had a friend whose mom was incredibly paranoid her older brother took a sandwich bag of those white cheddar cheetah's to school for lunch didn't want to eat them and decided it'd be fun to just crunch them into dust his mom went through his backpack when he got home found the baggie and honest to god believed her sixteen-year-old son had purchased see was looking for something in my son's room found out that he's been stashing rocks in the bottom drawer of his dresser as in rocks he found in the garden he is only seven explanation there interesting maybe he wants to be a geologist someday I had quite the rock collection as a child I even loaded all of them up and took them to school for show and tell from the kid who hid stuff prospective my parents were super good at finding the stuff I'd hidden in my room I was a gay little kid and there were a bunch of Playgirl magazines in the far back of my mom's bedroom closet at the age of 12 I'd clip some of the pictures and put them in a book on top of my dresser for easy access fad material within two weeks my parents found them and there was legitimately no need for them to go near those books on top of that dresser and additionally growing up we had an old tres 80 our good old Radio Shack and I'd written a gay steamy story generator and saved it on the cassette tape drive at the end of a tape so it wasn't easy to find one day when I was 16 I was over at the neighbors and mom came over and threw the tape at me and said there's filth on this tape make it disappear I was a train wreck of a child so when I came out it was surprise level zero inches I just don't know why parents feel the need to snoop at all I feel like if I found anything like that I just ignore it and move on or at the most just say if you have anything private in your room please store it in a private location other side of the story I was snooping around my parents bedroom when I was around 15 and I found Lube several empty bottles of Lube and a big box of condoms along with it I didn't want to delve further into that drawer so I just left I'm happy my parents are still freaking together though garbage candy wrappers old batteries chewing gum bottle caps torn up baseball cards bits of string a 2 X 2 x 3 feet box of garbage none of it would have been an issue Billy 11 yo was hoarding hiding it and there were actual toys in it too I'm still confused we are not religious but we got a nativity scene as a gift we put out for Christmas my daughter who turned five yesterday has been taking the baby Jesus and hiding him in the second drawer of her dresser under her pajamas this is the third year this has been happening and she still does it has no answers or excuses in my family we aren't religious but my grandmother was so we still put out the nativity she bought us out of tradition but for years now we've been playing the game of hide the baby Jesus this year I plan on replacing him with a lego Darth Vader disclaimer I'm not a parent merely a sibling but the story fits the theme all right as my dad so for the past week I have been noticing small amounts of money $5 $10 never more than $15 missing from my wallet unable to remember what I had done with it and suspicious of my three boys the eldest of which had evidently taken to nabbing loose change to finance who knows I imagined one of them was stealing from me but was unable to identify the culprit after determining innocent surprisingly the two eldest boys I was forced to determine were theif to be my youngest seven at the time I entered his room took a liberal look around and found nothing hours later in despair and close to giving up I spotted a plastic toy ATM machine one with buttons and a speaker to beep at you as well as a cash drawer for the irony of it alone I decided to pop open the toys cash drawer only to find myself gazing at $400 and some change all of which my seven-year-old stole from my wife and I over the course of several months without us noticing a thing his plans for the money unbeknownst to the denim but boy what a surprise given that I had only noticed about $45 stolen from me at the time my sister and I shared a bedroom my dad built us these beautiful beds with dresser drawers in the bottom one day I was studying in my room with my friend and we heard a strange noise coming from my sister's bed it was a baby Mockingbird it was all cute and scraggly and Crippin and then its beak caught on a sock and it broke its neck right in front of us another time my mom found a bowl of dirt in our room she asked my sister why there was a bowl of dirt in our room oh no she cried my worms escaped my mom once found cherries in my sister's piggy bank my sister didn't want to share so she decided to hoard them she found them because there was fruit flies in my sister's bedroom why because moldy cherries I had a friend who once purchased direct aisle distinction pills to pull a prank on someone and he forgot that all the extras were left in his room his mom found them and asked him why he was taking steroids pills were out of the box he had to look wordly explained they were not steroids but boner pills dead birds hidden inside of a Thomas the Tank lunchbox symbol was skeletonized some were mummified and a couple were fresh he was about four at the time I am the child my aunt slept over my house while I was at a friend's because she was fighting with my uncle I kept my cell up in a pillowcase because I figured it was the best place in the middle of the night she flipped over the pillow and it hit her in the head she flipped out and showed my mom my mom threw it out and called me to tell me what happened I don't think I have ever turned that red before in my life I ain't a parent but when I was like eight whenever I needed to take a whiz while in my room I would relieve myself in the corner of my carpeted room thing is I had a dark-colored carpet so it wasn't noticeable at all there wasn't even a smell as you would think got away with this for about two months before it started to smell and I got found out parents freaked as you would assume also I used to be a massive pyromaniac back then too I used to steal my parents lighters and since burn light melt anything I could all in my room where practically everything was super flammable I knew the danger of fires and quickly put em out nearly as soon as I lit them but that was still dangerous as crap looking back on it all I was a pretty flicked up child my eight-year-old daughter saves every piece of pencil led she breaks and stores it in a baggie or currently she has a full-size Ziploc baggie full we are all about in one stroke eight of inch long and a variety of colors and shapes my four-year-old son is an eater and I find pockets full of random food in his clothes we will be out somewhere and I will see him munching with no idea where he got the food I just stopped asking my daughter once it eggs flour and sugar so she had an emergency pancakes - she brought it out when she asked her grandma if they could make pancakes and they didn't have any flour or eggs she was four years old at the time I used to steal the bags of hand sanitizer out of Porto Jones and bring them home my mom found them in my room and didn't know what they were when I came home she was freaking out she thought it was drugs of some sort ah good times I don't leave my drugs in my room mom lol not me but a friend of mine has found kitchen knives baker's chocolate shoppies and a host of other random things in her six-year-old son's bed he swears he has no idea why he steals them they just end up in his bed well I had like five FAP Kim's by my bed went out came home room clean oh god no please FAP begins all gone cringe sorry mom I had a really really runny sticky nose I'm not a parent but I'm sure my mom found my girlfriend's salad in my room seeing as it was hidden in one of my drawers when I left for school that day and was on top my dresser when I got home just for reference it wasn't a huge corn cob that vibrated or anything it was just a discrete little band with a small box that vibrated that you can hold over your ladder bits or use the band to put em around things when I was 8 I got a book on World War 2 and was read in Captain America comics with the Red Skull in them I drew and cut out a Nazi Eagle clutching a swastika and taped it in my closet my mom who was born in Germany during the war found it and was not happy to say the least reach Sadler's are pretty cool sucks the Nazis had to ruin them for everybody else I'm not a parent but while I was in the military I had a soldier that worked under me we had room a random room inspection one afternoon after our workday was over I went to check my soldiers room who we had some trouble with before and found some small rocks now first thought as a squad leader was crap my soldier is doing bath salts but to my relief it was cat litter we searched and searched his room for the drugs until finally I pulled away one of the panels of the sub ceiling this guy had smuggled in a semi feral cat litter box and cat food he said he had it for almost three months without his room mate even knowing if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting hacks, parenting 101, parenting is hard, parenting teenagers, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: E3SHfx9Ei5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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