Pam Gregory and Bracha Goldsmith - Reasons to Celebrate!

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happy birthday and uh she got me lovely card and lovely books and yeah having a little quiet little chat good opportunity to record this conversation but what i'm not sure i need to do i think i've got to share the screen how do i do it so that we we share that we're both on it are we both on it now pami yes up in the top right hand corner have i done it no pass but i can speak i can see me in the top right hand corner ah i don't we're gonna get this right before we get to go in here let's just see how do i how do i get us both on i've forgotten i don't know i haven't done that before if i do this oh i've forgotten coming no don't let's lose out though we won't lose it because we both can talk for hours let's just see if i s is it screen sharing or is it i don't know how to do it there we go there we go i did it don't know how i did it pami it's such a thrill to be with you today well you're just finishing your porridge with a glass of wine is that right yeah it's been that kind of a day you got lost in the bus depot did you i did and worse it was just all round a bit stressy but anyway still we're in the standing of that mercury retrograde aren't we pali ah still so much more to come yes absolutely nice [Laughter] you just thought you know it would be nice for us to uh maybe share some of the things that we're discussing um what we're seeing coming up over these next months because uh some of the aspects look really intense and it looks as though we're getting more adversity but at the same time it looks as though there are some positive messages coming as well don't you think so pam what's what's your feeling on this yes and i i'm really um and i were chatting beforehand but you know i'm really not going to be articulate with this because i've got stuff kind of rolling around my brain which hasn't yet emerged but it's um you know it seems that yes we are absolutely going through a crescendo of energy i think you know you and i would both agree that brac i mean look at the astrology my goodness it's extraordinary so you know we're going through a crescendo of energy with many many peaks within that that we can clearly identify and you and i do that in our videos but it's like things are being kind of pushed to the limit in order to fully demolish the old building yes that's my feeling because if we if if we didn't have that crescendo of energy we could easily or many people could easily slip back into oh well maybe we could go back to semi-normal you know we could wear last forever and go back to seminole but you know you and i both know that that building has to be demolished that's part of where we're headed and so the push has to be greater and the push is incredibly uncomfortable we've got pneumatic drills going we've got blokes in hard hats we've got you know we've got a very messy building site it's never fun to live in the rubble and there's a lot more rubble to come you know we both know that but i have a sense that there's something that it all dare i say this as an astrologer that almost goes beyond the astrology that is energetic and possibly galactic that is gonna either overtake the astrology or raise the astrology to a completely different level i love this and yes well um so because if we look down the timeline i mean the astrology for next year is still very challenging isn't it saturn in aquarius square uranus and that still battles for our freedoms and you know that's very clear isn't it or autographic governments and battles for freedom but kind of energetically for me that's not fitting how do you feel i love this because what what i think we're moving towards right now with the squares with the capricorn planets to the mars retro mars in aries where it's the breakdown the capricorn of the ego the dysfunctional ego of me me me i must have i must have and when we transcend that and we go into a different paradigm if you like then all these really difficult aspects have got an immense possibility for transcendence beautiful yes absolutely beautiful i guess you know you've said it much better than i did you know that's kind of where we're headed that whether it's the the planets that when and signs that we know so well take on different levels of meaning or whether um we start to develop a galactic astrology dare i say or whether we start to investigate you know other asteroids and planets that we haven't typically done with our astrology it's something that it's that's pushing us that's so new and so out there in every sense that we may have to start to incorporate so the old astrology gosh dare i say this as an astrologer you know it's it's almost the the older strategy may be part of the old building and and i don't mean that in any native because astrology you and i love to bits and we've done it for you know all of our lives and we love it to bits so but there's something that's evolutionary there's something that's a quantum jump in the energy that's going to change the way we do it in some way absolutely but i love this pammy i love the way we sparkle just had a great idea for what you just said is that the square that we've got pretty much all next year between uranus and saturn uranus is astrology yes structure of astrology has to change it has to evolve it has to grow and break apart and grow into something for the new human absolute humanity yeah fabulous absolutely fabulous there's some kind of a quantum leap or a galactic people us becoming galactic citizens to inc you know heavens as astrologers you know we need to incorporate more of the galaxy in what we do because we've stayed small you know as i understand it the earth was actually offline for a long time it wasn't so connected to the galaxies now it's now more connected because the whole galaxy is part of this upgrade when it isn't just the earth upgrading it's the whole galaxy upgrading and if that's the case if there's this greater sense of integration and evolution and we're all in this together not just us on earth but them out there too then you know then new information is gonna come in new information new energy new inspiration new new abilities for us we're going to step onto another level of cognition or understanding or i don't know you know i'm not i'm not expressing this very well yet but it's just a feeling that um got to go towards the unity consciousness totally it is moving from from me to we me to we and we've got to have structures in our world that are no longer profit oriented totally the pharmaceutical industry for one you know drugs profit and that it is about unity and how we need leaders who bring unity and structures totally the good of all yeah totally totally and the whole the whole concept of leadership may be very different you know because we're going to be in in much more of a collective much more of a community that is that sense of of of the hive or global community in some way that will become stronger and stronger and stronger um and so our values you know clearly are changing very rapidly um so yeah it it feels i think the energy has shifted in this last week it feels exciting rather than daunting yes yes because i love this it's the first time i've heard you in months sounding excited yes in the wider perspective of the astrology it's yeah something's shifted i do feel this there's been an energy shift and yes you know it's still very challenging on the 3d level so if that's our focus we're going to get grim you know folks on the chaos we're going to get chaos focused on the fear we're going to get fear focus on the anger we're going to get anger but if we can raise our eyes to something as yet invisible you know bigger and more expansive and more exciting in which we can truly be a creator a real creator in this new world that has not yet formed yet is is jello you know it's not a film set it's you know we are creating it in every thought with every moment so if we can get a much better grip on that it's almost like holding hands we rise together as one holding hands in this you know because because people you know we still are 3d creatures despite our multi-dimensional nature so you know nobody's finding the demolition of the building easy but if we can hold hands not just digitally but also in a spiritual connection then we can change the world i love this yeah you know we've got to up our game in the astrology that's why we write a book about astrology for the awakened souls we have to have a different perspective yes we do and i i don't know what that is yet you know don't ask me because i'm based zero on that at the moment you know you know you and i know the current astrology very well but you know i feel that there's going to be information coming in that we can not only um not fit within our current paradigm because the the current paradigm has got to expand so dramatically but i feel the shifts are coming in quickly and i think that you know the next two month is going to be lickety-split in terms of my goodness that building's going down quickly but i'm just learning how to fly i'm just learning how to fly and so you know those will cross as it were um i don't know i'm just making this up as i go along but this is my feeling that i'm i'm not expressing terribly clearly but it's my feeling that we are in you know a very fast movement now and we're getting help we're getting benevolent galactic help towards something that is unimaginably better than anything you know we we've possibly experienced yes yes i mean i think we can create paradise here on earth yes and i mean 5d already exists some people are already living in it you know it isn't a different place it's a different frequency they're already living in bliss in every moment that's available for all of us in every moment right so you know yeah oh i love this i love this tammy no it's great and the more i'm thinking about the fact is that uranus is about flying yeah so what are we bringing in from outside because electricity will buy uranus invisible but it's there the waves the aquarian energy that's coming in the waves absolutely yeah i mean i think that i think it's going to be a very big shift from electricity to magnetics because for me uranus rules magnetics as well and magnetics are very um life-supporting life-enhancing they're very beneficial for the earth and uranus is in taurus the earth and you taurus physical bodies so this shift towards magnetics and i think we're going to see this in many many forms whether it's magnetic form forms of power you know you go back to tesla and free energy and all that or magnetic ways that we can enhance our health and i think they're going to be many many ways that's going to express that's a whole new episode in terms of how we power the earth and ourselves so yeah i think there's a lot coming i think you know that kind of technology is going to go again at a phenomenal pace i mean much of it is already developed but not yet publicly available yes and i think what our message should be maybe is don't get too caught up in the messiness of what's going on don't have your head in the toilet yes absolutely yes that phrase comes to mind yes absolutely it's all about where your focus is don't keep your head in the toilet yeah you might want to look for a moment and then flush it okay that's really the message here and it's a bit like uh not looking at the rubble and looking at all the things that we've lost or are losing but looking at hey what is it we want to build and what kind of new information can we bring in draw to us from a higher source a higher being a higher energy absolutely abs absolutely and think of yourself not as a victim of you know these horrendous circumstances we're living through at the moment but think of yourself as a creator you know blank sheet of paper what are you going to create if you if you were going to create paradise what would it look like what would your relationship with nature be like your relationship with other people your relationship with animals your relationship with the rest of the galaxy your relationship with with source and spirit you know what because that that is going to be our focus those are going to be our values not the kind of structures and constrictions that we've had up tonight which are getting tighter in every moment but that's part of the crescendo that's part of what's making it so uncomfortable that we can't stay in the rubble of the buildings falling around us right you're going to get hit by pieces of stone and you're going to be splatted so you know we we have to maneuver our way so that we as you say i love what you said that beautiful pound very very well and it's the speed it's the velocity yes why we need one another these transmissions these talks these inspirations i always feel uplifted when i speak with japan we've been through a few things together but you know we we do that and that's you know that's what we are here to do on a wider scale is so that each one of us lifts and lifts others so that you are pulling one another out of the buildings that are falling helping one another not to be in the debris and showing that we're creating something different yeah we are all in this together we are all helping each other together we've all got a different role to play and just imagine you know we are all holding hands metaphorically digitally spiritually emotionally we are all you know living through this rubble and we are all in this together and the more we can get that sense of not being alone especially in lockdown but being together with everybody then we can really develop a sense of momentum to create something amazing yeah and i think through the technology we're going to be given many more gifts yeah many more gifts are coming in that we're going to because you remember taurus rules your talents and your gifts yes absolutely and inspiration and your your super conscious and your super nature and all these new talents that are going to come in that we can't even imagine that this is at this point but just to be open and to know that the way to it is through our connection with one another yeah positive kind loving connection with one another and if it ain't nice don't say it yes totally totally totally because you know division and polarity will only delay a better world you know it will only delay we need to have a sense of expansion and connection not constriction and division exactly and i think that's what's going to be torn apart during this coming year and i think we've got many wonderful opportunities coming up this year would you agree pam yes totally yeah yeah and and again i can't i can't yet put a finger on it it's just something i'm i'm sensing in the ether but yes i do and we've just got to hold our face in into the invisible we've got to hold our faith our spiritual connection keep our spiritual practice going whatever that is candidate be in nature i mean go hug a tree you know have that deep sense of connection and um i mean that's really what helps me a lot being in nature i i go mad without nature so um it can be that simple yeah it can be very very easy and most important is that we connect with one another yeah the technology is giving us the ability to be globally 24 7 connected and for nobody ever to feel lonely ever again yeah that's so it's so so so important moving from me to we and just keep that as your mantra you know that's what we have to move towards because if we don't do that i think we're just going to extinguish ourselves from the planet yes and i think we're going to be partly forced into it on the 3d level because if things you know do get tough in more lockdowns etc many parts of the uk in the north midlands or on lockdown you people are getting to know their neighbors that they haven't got to know in many years you know they're they're swapping skills or swapping vegetables or that you know there's almost a network building like a spider's web um of local connections that are going to sustain you especially in winter months in the northern hemisphere if things get tough so even in local communities i mean they they may be people who are very different from you it doesn't matter we're all human beings with the same needs at the end of the day exactly you know so yeah and you develop heart energy doesn't it this develops your compassion your heart energy and that sense of this sense of sharing that i will give to you as if you were me that sense of sharing yes that's beautiful really you're putting it really uh very eloquently and clearly yeah because i think that the more of us that really just get this the easier this transition can be this transition we can either make it really really really long and drawn out yeah yeah we can transit you know we can get on the fast transit yeah yeah absolutely and in the last video i was talking about you know if you're going from london to edinburgh you can fly a one-hour effortless flight and that's the fast track or you can walk that would take you about a month with a lot of effort we're still we're all going to get to the same destination but the speed i believe the speed at which we do that it depends on our level of collective consciousness that's what the level of our connectivity and how willing we are to see that whether you like them or hate them we're all connected yeah we are we're all human beings you know at the end of the day so yeah working on that heart energy i mean as you and i know that aquarius energy is very mind-based yes it's very intellectual it's very mind-based so we've got to live from our hearts to create the balance to that whatever the astrology is saying you know absolutely but then there's always the opposites we're always in aquarius we're always working with the leo energy we've got developing the heart leo energy so that the heart and mind are balanced yeah yeah that's it's just such a joy always to be with you and um yeah i just want to thank you for saving for making my birthday a special birthday today and uh yeah let's i'm sure we'll talk again soon but thanks for the inspiration oh well not at all you know that's obviously what the remains of my breakfast orange look lots of red wine do for me [Laughter] after testing week but anyway still standing right now i i just have to laugh here because most of you really think pam is awfully posh and all this you know you have no idea there is a plumbing that i can tell you it's just been one of those weeks anyway we're all still here helping each other all right we're going now okay much love everybody much love you all bye for now
Channel: Bracha Goldsmith
Views: 46,677
Rating: 4.9607739 out of 5
Keywords: bracha, goldsmith, bracha goldsmith, pam gregory, astrology, changes, transcendence, transcend, aquarius, aquarian energy, frequencies, energy, technology, predictions, astrological discussion, chat, universe, galatic, pleiadians, channeling, spirituality, spiritual, nature, community, connections, neighbours, neighbors, #pamgregory, #brachagoldsmith, #astrology, #positive aspects, #saturnsquareuranus, #channeling, #ET, eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle 2020, eckhart tolle the power of now
Id: EMht3qZwmb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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