Epiphany Series - Episode 1 - Interview Pam Gregory

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so welcome to the epiphany series my name is peter sanderson aka the preston poet and today we're going to be speaking to someone really special someone who in my eyes is one of the world's leading astrologers uh welcome pam gregory thank you delighted to be with you peter it's it's been amazing to have you here been wanting to interview you for so long um for those of you who don't know pam pam is a published author she's an incredibly gifted astrologer he's a following of 86 000 people on youtube and counting which is quite incredible one of the books that she wrote having read it back since covert 19 it's quite incredible to see how she predicted everything was going to happen um i've had the honour of reading two of her books um i think you've only got two books pam is that right or is there a third that i don't know about yeah not that i'm planning okay well the one that i really enjoyed because it kind of opened my eyes to the power of astrology was you don't really believe in astrology do you and and for me it's it just well i wouldn't say it changed my life but it certainly added a whole new dynamic to it and the thing that changed my life was actually my conversation with pam earlier this year and that's why i really wanted to do this interview pam it's an honor to have you as a guest on the show is uh anything you'd like to say before we begin the interview in earnest um just that i've had to slightly change my position because i get better reception at this angle okay and i thank you for that wonderful introduction blown away thank you it's a place of pleasure it's uh i only speak the truth so um firstly pam how did you initially get into astrology yes i stumbled into it thank goodness um after university i demigrated to toronto i joined a yoga class in the first week and there was a guy there that somebody else who was going to the yoga class said he's an astrologer a wonderful uh black guy called astor which is quite funny because in latin that means star um so i went up to him at the end of the class and i said look i know nothing about astrology but i'd love you to do my chart and i went see him a week later and i spent seven hours with him and it's i can remember as if it was yesterday sitting in this tiny tiny flat in toronto and the world was just splitting open to reveal this whole dimension of me this whole world of meaning that i've been completely unaware of up to that point and and what was and that was the beginning of my very long and continuing forever um lifetime journey with astrology but one of the the interesting thing was he he recorded on on tape at that point this is a long time ago he recorded the session on tape and in a house move i lost the tape but after spending five years in toronto the winters got to me and i was coming back to the uk and i was actually packing up the flat and i came across the tape again so i was playing it as i was packing boxes and it said september the 4th 1979 will be a major turning point in your life and that day was september the 4th 1979 so that was the day i was leaving canada and he then said october the 30th that year will be a a significant high in my life and on that date i was sitting at 19 000 feet in the himalayas so from that so it was a very literal high so from that point on you know it was just compulsive and and through the last 45 years i haven't really i haven't really stopped i did have a normal day job for 35 years but it's always astrology has always been a passion in my life yeah yeah i mean from what you know now you must realize that there wasn't a coincidence that you read that on the day that you were having the epic change in your life yes i mean it gets quite funny because the synchronicities and you know the literal symbolism and how it plays out i mean you've just got to laugh sometimes because you feel as if you're sort of in the magic zone with secret information you know so it's it's really fun as much as anything else wow wow well um what do you think is the most important thing that a human being can learn from astrology i mean you've mentioned in your books how it can become a map to our lives but i mean is there one thing if you could sit someone down and say what do you think is the most important thing we can we can garner from it yeah i think i'd say you know then i could talk for a day about the many benefits but um i think two of the really big things i would say are really understanding how interconnected we are with it with the cosmos we are made of stardust we are literally made of stardust so it isn't that we're separate from nature that we dominate and exploit nature we are completely intertwined with it and the greater our recognition of that the better our future is going to be going forwards because that's part of this whole um pivot point of transformation but the other thing i'd also say is astrology can teach you to be the best you can be in any moment it teaches you how to maximize your potential with which with whatever is unfolding archetypally for you in that moment and you've now got the map you know i refer to it as a sheet of music so you you now understand your sheet of music and it's up to us how we play it and something i've said all the way through my work is that the chart gives you your pattern it doesn't give you your level you've now got the sheet of music and play with a couple of tin spoons of the london philharmonic you'd have a little life or a big life that's the bit that's down to us that's where we have our latitude in terms of the level of consciousness so i think those two big things about be the best you can be in any moment but but recognizing how interwoven we are with the universe um those are two real really big things and a lot of other benefits behind that yeah when you say you've got a different level potentially how can you guarantee that that level is at the highest possible path or is that uh another of the uh the mystical things that we have to find out as well i think it is and it's really down to your own discipline you know it's very interesting i've now been doing this so long very commonly i've seen two charts that are quite similar between people they're born roughly the same time the same geography etc and it is amazing how their lives go in peril they marry at the same time they have children at the same time father dies at the same time but one of them may have had a much more dedicated spiritual search perhaps in spiritual practice and they may be living their chart out at a very different level of perspective and understanding now that is no judgement from me um it's it it's just their journey you know they're on a different phase in their journey so there's there's no judgment involved but but it's fascinating to see that that the chart is not fated in that way i mean if you look at hitler's chart he had a jolly nice chart you know you know his ascendant and sun sign are both ruled by venus planet of love so clearly there was a frequency problem and perhaps a karmic past life problem but he had a jolly nice chart to begin with so the frequency side of it is is so vital in how we play our music so the greater our level of understanding and awareness and consciousness the bigger that birth chart becomes for us and it becomes eventually magnificent for us to guide us well after you did my charm we'll talk a little bit about that later um i must admit i have moments in my life when i go hmm so i have to play this out as highly as i can because pam said so i'm sorry taskmaster thanks for that i said i think but what would what should i do and i think is it that i need to meditate more or is it but um i think you've answered it there by saying that the level of consciousness that we choose to live at and that ultimately is you know um making living living in our truth and walking our truth speaking our truth and and i guess meditating but not becoming consumed by the need to constantly um higher our level because otherwise that becomes a bigger story than actually living your life which is not the way it's meant to be i guess absolutely and i think it's really just about living from the heart right just living from the heart and everything you do kind of check back into the heart um living from love living with kindness living with compassion and those are kind of quite simple principles and i know life gets incredibly complex on the outside and particularly at the moment this year but if we just keep living life from the inside out rather than the outside in because particularly this year which is very challenging you're living it from the outside in you're just kind of the rubber hitting the road you know the kicks and knocks of you know you look at the news and your frequency goes down you know i haven't turned on a television in many months so it's it's living from the inside out with love compassion and kindness and that will be your guide really in every moment yeah the irony is here though that sometimes life doesn't tell you to do that does it because if i'm just speaking about conversations i've had with my boss you know with my mother you know he's not very well you know i'm i'm often getting told by other people to go the other way you know so that's you shouldn't be doing that because i'm coming from here in my heart and because to me my heart says do this but my mind and the other people are saying no no no no you should do this because that's the way you were brought up young man i think you have to trust your own inner guidance we're all unique individuals and you just have to check in and i often use um a pendulum right you know if i'm not completely shy i'll use a pendulum or my dowsing rods and they kind of extend or expand my intuition and that they are that's getting very very reliable now so i will trust that because it's still my own internal guidance it just becomes more obvious with the pendulum of the dowsing rods wow okay so everyone buy a pendulum and it's so simple you know such a simple thing to do you know show me yes show me no is this good for me is it you know so it's that is so elementary and we can use that all through our lives if you don't feel you're getting a loud enough voice in your intuition ask your dreams almost every night as i fall asleep i'll ask my dreams for an answer show me the answer to a b and c show me the next step you know what's in my highest good and it's amazing how often you get really quite surprising answers coming through wow well thank you thank you for that and that's a great tip so here's a big question something i've been wondering for a while especially since reading your books now astrology used to be one of the key sources of information for so many leaders in the past why did it fall so far out of favor very interesting question great question actually i mean astrology just as background as as you know peter is six thousand years old it started in ancient mesopotamia sadly now modern-day syria and because people were living there very open to the skies they didn't have cinema computers tell they used to tell each other stories about the gods that lived on the planets and they developed stories that became myths and those myths are the same myths i used today in the archetypes every day in people's birth charts so it you know it's just amazing isn't it six thousand years old and so astrology developed all the way through society really it became part of medicine you couldn't practice as a doctor in the middle ages without understanding the four humors and astrology it was intertwined completely with the mystery schools it was one of the foundational subjects for enlightenment it was also always part of university curriculum with theology etc um and in across really till the 1600s in every um royal court in europe an astrologer was part of their decision-making team even in the papacy they had astrologers so you know it was a really revered subject it was academic people of higher learning people of higher qualifications had to understand astrology to operate in life and the real crunch time came really with um because astronomy was completely intertwined with astrology you couldn't be an astrologer without being an astronomer the the subjects were completely together excuse me so and it was really when copernicus and then galileo developed their heliocentric theories that the earth was no longer the center of the universe but the sun was and the earth moved around the sun and the catholic church were horrified because this went against all church teachings of the earth is at the center of god's design god's plan and you cannot say the earth moves and is subservient to the sun that's an outrage so everything the baby was thrown out with the bath water astrology was thrown out with astronomy and heliocentric theory at that time and then really we moved into the age of reason with isaac newton and everything had to be measured and proved because you couldn't prove astrology there's no push and pull and gravitational force that makes it work um it was just dismissed of superstition and it became kind of almost you know gypsy tea leaves that you know to the much lower levels of society in terms of learning and understanding and it's really only very recently with jung krishnamurti jeff young it started to resurrect as a kind of psychological astrology yeah yeah and it's coming back into understanding well i was just going to say that to you do you think that now that people are starting to open their eyes consciousness is is rising at least certainly in the circles that i'm walking in do you believe that it's going to play a big part in our future absolutely i mean not only because people that need a lot of guidance now but as the outer planets move much more into aquarius um that's the sign of astrology it's ruled by uranus so i think astrology will become more and more prominent in in our culture again in our society and will be much more respected again i think and that really is my wish yeah you know isn't and that's why i will never do sunshine astrology right you know you will never hear me mention sunshine astrology you know because it kind of reduces all the symphonies of bark and beethoven to an advertising jingle yeah it is so much more than that and that's what we've got to get back to understand it's vastness and it's depth yeah and in some ways it's these sun signs that have taken the respect away from from this industry really because i remember reading i'm a capricorn born january 6 but i remember reading my catholic chord sign and thinking this is this just isn't me and they said oh you're so financial based blah blah blah that's like this makes no sense whatsoever but then you know when you start to realize that you have an ascending sign and suddenly that whole map um of your star chart is just incredible where you suddenly realize there's so much more to it and every single day is kind of guided by planets stars and astrology it's amazing because it that's what takes me about six hours to prepare for each chart because there are about three thousand variables in in every chart and midpoints and harmonics and there's so many layers to it so you know i never want to get into mass production where i'm just you know chucking the consultations up you know i really want to help people in depth even though they're many fewer people i can help that way simply because of time capacity but but it you've got to honor the chart you've got to honor the sacred space you share with that person and the subject i think well you certainly opened my eyes and helped me so thank you thank you for that um now astrologers have been talking about 2020 for a long time um how in your eyes has this year matched up to those predictions well spontane so far but we've still got a long way to go um so you know the conjunction of saturn and pluto at the beginning of the 12th of january we haven't had that conjunction for 500 years and the last time we had that conjunction in capricorn was in 15 17 15 18. so if we go back to what was happening then that's when martin luther because of the the too much power of the church the abusive power of the catholic church um really got to him so he was really a radical in a revolutionary so he he nailed his 95 theses to the doors of the wittenberg church to challenge the power of the church and that ultimately began the reformation and would significantly reduce the power of the church in society because the church was everything then so we're getting we knew we were going to get a repeat of that about one of the big themes is about abusive power another theme is about containment as well control and contraction so we knew that but the power in society today is no longer really the church it's our governments our leaders and in capricorn it's very much a top-down vertical structure you know the elite that really um favor inequality because they want to keep on with their elitism and their wealth and their leader so it's a very top-down structure of governments and leaders telling us what to do what we can't do it's also things like corporations and institutions and in my long very long monthly newsletters i'm seeing how other um establishment parts of society like even our royal family are being significantly challenged so we knew it was going to be about more control more power from the top we didn't quite know how that was going to happen but we also knew that the whole process this year is firstly the deconstruction of the old order by it becoming apparent that leaders and governments have not fully acted with accountability with transparency with wisdom you know with right spiritual action and the more that emerges the more the their authority erodes and we can see right across the world you know governments aren't working it's dysfunctional people are taking to the streets that eris square pluto is writ large out there in the u.s hong kong so we knew there'd be a kind of collapse of that which is very uncomfortable because that's formed the structure of everything we've known in our lives you know we've grown up with governments that were supposed to be paternalistic and look after us and all of a sudden disclosure about what's really going on and you know lots of stuff about our leaders who we should have as our elected servants are making us question that so you know that's the collapse of the old and it's almost like um if you're going to put in a new kitchen you don't put in your new units on top of the old ones you've got to tear out all of the old units completely before you can fit the new ones so this is the process we're in and it's almost like an incubation chrysalis um period because of the lockdown as well but what we're going to emerge into if we manifest well and it's down to every single one of us we're not stepping into a film set but the promises a whole new world view which is much more humanitarian much more equitable much more compassion much more horizontal as opposed to vertical as we get into december into next year and really over the next few years it's not all going to be sorted in december by a long way but we start a different period with a little less density a little less contraction and it will take another few years i think about 23-24 but we're in that process of deconstruction so whether it's it's what's true what's not this shifting truth about can we believe and why should we believe anyway plus the riots on the street which i think will get much more intense in the second half um all of that is happening too so very strong outer events so just keep going inwards you know you can't fix all those problems through logic so just go inwards and create because that's where the creation happens and we have to get to an altered state quite a high level of being through meditation or or contemplation to to manifest effectively you know if we're just kind of angry and fearful we're going to make a lousy job of manifesting because we're just going to get more of that but the second half of 2020 is more dynamic than the first so this is gonna this is gonna this is gonna test our mastery we've got to walk our talk if we've had a spiritual practice for a long time it's gonna really be tested okay you know put that into practice on a day-to-day basis now so it's it's making us up our game in our spiritual practice if that makes sense and you mean on an individual sorry so again peter we're talking on an individual and on a global level here correct and the more of us that can do that the more we'll change the the momentum of the collective because there's always a downward causation from people at a high level of frequency that kind of influences the lower levels so it isn't that you need 52 percent of the world's population to be at a higher level you actually it this is getting into chaos theory with physics as well you only need about one percent and that brings much more coherence into the whole so even if you get one percent of the global population i think we've probably exceeded that now anyway you affect the whole to become much more coherent so all these spiritual communities that have been growing in the last three months are going to really thrive and help the rest of the the people who are perhaps slightly less conscious absolutely absolutely and i think eventually everybody will wake up you know different times different stages depending on their journey but the you know the faster we can wake up the better because we'll get to that end point more quickly and move out of this chrysalis phase wow wow and right now we're obviously in a spell where there's three eclipses in the space of five weeks i mean i don't know when the last time i'm sure you can probably tell me but even just walking around and speaking to people i can feel that something extra is going on there's a bit of anger in the air from certain people some people are really being challenged right now um you know what would you recommend we do in this time when we have this big tug of war between the heart and the mind yeah that's a really good point actually and the intensity is is really strong it always is at eclipse time but you know you've got a whole bunch of stuff happening in the second half which will bring up intensity as well we've got six eclipses this year you know as you know rather than normal four so it's a big big pivotal year so the head and the heart is really really important i'm glad you asked that because with more planets moving into aquarius that's head that's rationality that's intellect that's cool that's detached it's not huggy it's not warm we've got the north node now in gemini another air sign it's all about the mind give me more information give me so much information i don't know what to believe and you know i'm kind of all over the place because it's knocked out my old belief system because you know i'm getting new information all the time so it's very heady and we can spin in our heads but we have to keep bringing ourselves back you know minimum once a day but ideally more often to live in the heart because if we do that then as we're moving into a greater sense of becoming a galactic citizen the focal point between the head and the heart becomes this third eye and for many people this third eye is becoming more and more activated and this will be i want to see this growing like you know pinocchio's nose like a probe but you know this will become our our communication device will become more telepathic we'll be able to start to either see here or feel other benevolent races i mean many many people i know but many friends channel other beings benevolent beings who are here trying to help us right now because this shift that we're going through isn't just affecting the earth it's affecting our entire galaxy so it's those other races those other extraterrestrial beings who are affected as well so it isn't just earth and that's why they're becoming more involved and for a while the earth was kind of offline as it were but now we're much more connected back into the galaxy and that's affecting the energy lines on the earth and that's affecting us physically you know there's a whole circuit to this so this is i always give you very long answers to very simple questions but you know if we can if we can focus on this in our meditation if we can turn on our closed eyes up to this point start seeing fireworks and lights and we're starting to activate that and that becomes our focal point so it balances the head and the heart okay okay i must have know you've discussed before how earth is moving out of a certain sphere at the moment into a new consciousness but physically the planet is actually moving into a new kind of stratosphere is that right absolutely it's our whole solar system you know for all of our lifetimes and for many thousands of years as far as we know it's been spinning the whole solar system has been spinning in this area which is known as the magnetic cloud which has been like a cotton wool it's been like a buffer between the solar system and greater cosmic and galactic energies but now we've kind of dropped out of that magnetic cloud and we're much more open it's all you know it's almost like the clouds have cleared in the sky and on sunny day and no clouds so all of this new cosmic and galactic energy is coming onto the earth plane that we have never known in our entire lifetime um and so that is part of the activation to a higher consciousness but it's also activating the literal the energy lines on the earth which you can douse and find and they are all expanding and strengthening all the time because of this this greater interaction with cosmic and galactic energy so that in turn is affecting us physically so it's a good thing yeah yeah absolutely absolutely you know we're going to have leaps you know it's going to be it's not going to be gradual it's not going to be linear we're going to have leaps of insight and an awakening and perspective and that's going to keep on happening all year you know which is fabulous bring it on yeah absolutely absolutely yeah thank you for that very clear explanation amazing um so without meaning to be too negative is there any indication that there might be a second wave of covert 19 or uh is everyone asking you this right now are you sick of answering this question well it's it's certainly possible because you know i spoke about that very powerful conjunction between saturn and pluto at the beginning of the year that was like striking a tuning fork and it colors the whole of this year now that conjunction was at 22 of capricorn mars has just um right at the end of june 28th of june will be moving into its warrior own sign of aries and normally it stays in the sun for six weeks it'll be staying for six months because it's retrograding as what's going back and forwards back and forwards back and forwards when it's retrograde it's closer to the earth so it's super strong because it's thinnest enzymes super strong because it stays there six months super strong because it's closer to the earth but what it's also doing is re-tracking re-activating all of that saturn pluto stuff that was happening in january over and over again it's also coming together with eris who's kicking off on the streets you know so you know eruptions so the second half of the year is going to be stronger than the first so whether it's another locked i think i strongly suspect it's a greater sense of containment because mars is going to reactivate whatever was starting to happen in january and that was clearly the virus was in january was starting to become aware of the cases and then the lockdown the lockdown happened 23rd of well happened here it was all around 22nd 23rd of march which is exactly when saturn went into aquarius aquarius the sign of freedom saturn restriction restriction on freedom bingo it was absolutely to the day so my sense is that there could well be another lockdown whether it's a resurgence of covid or a mutation of covid or a different virus or there could even be some outer event that comes in that's very big and surprising and for that reason you know we have to be constrained and locked down and that will have financial economic hits it's our mental health hits it'll have you know um i think they're going to be issues on food district food distribution supplies is what i want to say food distribution supplies so the more you can grow your own food find the local farmers market that kind of thing because i think food supplies are going to be disrupted as well so for whatever the reason it's a strong second half but this will the purpose of it is to really really wake up those people who are not yet woken yeah because you do get this there's kobe 19 no i'm not saying it's coming to an end because obviously it's still very prevalent in the world but you do get the feeling living in france and certainly going over to the border to switzerland they're just walking around as if nothing ever happened and it's quite phenomenal to see and i'm really heartbreaking in some ways um it's nice to see people together but people abusing the rules i and this isn't me accusing switzerland to be about all the swiss at all but it's more of a yeah guys do you not remember what was going on about a month ago you know and uh it's still going on in mexico and brazil in a huge way and in the uk um because you what you don't want is yeah people to be irresponsible i'm trying to be spiritual and not have any fear but at the same time i want people to be responsible and and sometimes i feel that there's a few people out there quite a lot of the young people who are being quite responsible right now yeah so it has purpose it isn't just you know jolly bad luck its purpose spiritually is to wake up more of the people who haven't fully awoken and that's when we start to get our you know our big breakthroughs with the big shifts in consciousness i mean it's happening with many many many people across the world but it's going to start to happen with more people wow well i i i get the feeling it might come in a different way the way you're saying it as well because the universe is just so unpredictable it'd just be too easy to have a second wave of kobit 19 wasn't it it would and kind of you know done that already but yes and it may even be something more galactic i'm sensing and i can't really sort of take it any further than that but i i think it could be something galactic which has been very unknown to us and you know eek could that be scary for some of us um and is that war is that not you know so there are many many layers to this but the purpose of it is spiritual transformation and the shift in consciousness okay well well um let's speak to each other in a year's time and uh discuss uh that one [Laughter] i'm sure so i'll take my my kind of very human hat off now and um i wanted to talk uh about something you mentioned in one of your youtube updates about the the fall of the financial system and this world of hierarchy and you've already touched on it a little bit already but as a society and if you could get in a room with donald trump and all these wonderful leaders of ours what would you what would you say to them right now how can we prepare as as a race as a human species to for what's about to happen well i think if i was in any kind of leadership position like that which i really wouldn't want i think um i'd be working very hard to reduce elitism and make societies much more equitable because the reason that people are rebelling so much is because they're not being heard they're not being seen they have this great sense of you know poverty and and equality and and that's right you know people are you know in desperate circumstances and in the states it's racism has never gone away you know in my newsletter today i've been writing about how you know we're getting astrological resurgence of of going right back to the american civil war which is partly about slavery and although slavery was stopped with the 13th amendment in 1865 it racism wasn't stopped so so you know if i was king for the day i'd be trying to get much more equality into society for all people financially no difference to skin color race religion you know because ultimately we're all just divine sparks in this in this soup so that's one of the big things i would do and then there would be enough to go round it's only because of the extreme inequality that societies are struggling so much so i'm really hoping as we move more plants into aquarius that that will happen i do think there will be um big challenges to the financial system partly because of this collapse of the top down capricorn is big business capricorn is big banks capricorn's the stock market so if i you know uranus has recently gone into taurus 2018. if i look back because that's an 84 year cycle if i look back to when uranus last went into taurus it was 1934 great depression saturn pluto conjunctions you know hard aspect between statin pluto between 1933 and 1935 again great depression so if i'm looking you know astrology is like meteorology or looking at economic cycles if i'm looking at repeating cycles it can be a very tough time for for the world in that sense if you've got cash a lot of cash in the banks you've got a lot of money in the stock market so you know i'm not a financial advisor but i would say trying to have a try and have a little bit of money in gold and silver even if it's a small amount and don't keep that in a bank either um i can't advise on crypto currencies i think they're going to be wild i think they could be very good and also very bad because that's uranus uranus is volatility and it's in taurus which is currency and the economy so i think that's going to be a wild ride and i just don't understand them to to give anybody any advice i think really going back to simple stuff if you're able to grow your own food work even with your neighbors work with your local farmers get an allotment going back to the simple essentials of life will serve us very well in the coming months so you know forget all the yuppie dumb and you know all this that excess consumerism and materialism because that's very capricorn as well yeah and that's ostentatious or ostentatious wealth and we're not in that age at all anymore we're in in a spiritual age and we're in a going back to the earth nature age yeah wow i had this very strange meeting with my financial advisor a few months ago you know when you start on this journey and he's still living in that kind of old old-school way of looking at things and shares and he's trying to say it's okay because the shares have gone down now but it's a great time to buy more and i was thinking i think if you spoke to pam gregory or any of the astrologers right now they'd probably tell you so actually would you uh would you recommend buying gold he said oh no no no don't be stupid but uh these people are living with a very kind of low chakra you know they're wonderful people but if they don't see the big picture then then they're not going to advise in that respect a very good guy to follow he's a brilliant financial astrologer it's a guy called ray merriman in america he's a very good guy to follow also christine skinner in the uk but um i mean coming up really we've had it this year but not exact going into even february next year we've got a square between saturn and uranus that comes up repeatedly when you have stock market crashes and that repeats through through next year so just kind of be aware that if you if you want to leave money in the stock market if you've got it then just ride it out for quite a long time that's okay but no it's going to be quite a long ride before it might come up okay you know we're into a whole different era now sorry that advice is a little bit limited but no i i think it's uh it's going to help a lot of people um so if you could sit down with all the unconscious souls on the planet right now and have 10 minutes of their time what would you tell them to prepare for in the coming years wow i would i would tell them to develop a spiritual practice even if it was just watching your breath in and out of your heart as if your heart was a lung i would tell them to live from the heart with love compassion and kindness as far as they were able i would tell them to focus on being grateful for the simple things in life food neighbors friends like-minded tribe living in a community perhaps going back to those real basics that you might have just taken for granted i think are going to be a much bigger part of people's lives certainly over the next few years so that would be my advice if you do know your chart as well that's really helpful for all the reasons we we've said but even if you don't you can still follow those those principles really and and i think cultivating cultivating tribes whether it's online or locally is a is a very positive thing to do at this time okay and so is there any particular exercise you mentioned your heart is along there that you would that you do yourself every day that you could recommend for people to do yeah you know a lot of these i talk about in my videos i mean every day i'll meditate i'll just close my eyes a very simple thing you know if you imagine that you're breathing in and out through your heart it deepens and slows your breathing if the if the weather is nice enough in the uk to be outside i'm lucky enough to have a garden bare feet on the grass their feet on the earth because that just instantly sucks up negative ions from the earth which are incredibly healing and if you go into groundology.com you can see the difference in your blood and all the biomarkers literally by just having bare feet on the grass for 45 minutes that makes a massive difference to you the viscosity of your blood and your um adrenal level lots and lots of different effects so i do that i close my eyes and i just imagine this white column of light streaming into my crown chakra and i will ask for new information new information coming in through that crown chakra because we have because of this cosmic and galactic energy we have much more photonic energy photonic energy is high high vibrational light light carries information so that is pouring in for us all the time so the more we can connect to that and just sit feet on the grass feet on the earth slow your breathing eyes shut see a white column of light and ask for that to bring new information into you and even even those very simple things will will help to shift you and also i often just listen to the birds and then i try and listen to the sound and the silence beyond the birds and your perception starts to get finer yeah yeah and certainly in recent weeks it's been incredible hasn't it just to hear those birds in the trees beautiful yeah oh thank you that's that's that is fantastic advice i i shall be trying that as well so um from an astrological point of view um i mean i don't ever like to bring politics in into it too much but are people like donald trump and boris johnson and all the other politicians around the world here to make us realize that we need to make a quantum shift in our human consciousness or is there another reason why they are currently leading the countries no absolutely to avoid politics completely because i'm i'm not at all political and you just get a load of hate mail as well so whichever side you're talking about so and i'm i'm just not interested in policy i'm looking at the bigger context energetically and astrologically so if the purpose of this whole period and this is really run until 23 24 if the purpose of this whole period is the deconstruction of the old order the political structure however that's going to happen it has to happen and whoever was in government in either country whether called tom dick fred simon doesn't matter that was meant to happen at this time so that kind of depersonalizes it so actually they have quite similar charts both of them but they're operating in very different ways but you could say that in both countries quite clearly and increasingly there is significant dysfunction in those governments the governments are not operating perfectly in either country whether it's because of corruption or disclosure or whatever it is they're not operating to their best and that is going to continually erode the authority of those governments so that's my kind of bigger view that and that's kind of quite reassuring because you think okay this is meant to be this is the process that's meant to happen we're tearing out the old kitchen units before we put in the new one so we have to go through this mess this period of dysfunction or a tree falling in a wood and it has to rot down completely before the new life comes up from the rotted soil as it were the rotted tree we are in that very uncomfortable um deconstruction so that's how i see them both and they are therefore playing a role that's fitting in perfectly astrologically with what's meant to be happening right now yeah and i just want to say now as well this is not a personal attack on anyone this is uh and it really feels anyway that they are just one very very small cog in the whole system and then a lot of a lot of politicians arrive and the politics is already set out and we all know what it's like to work for a big company and you think you can change the world when you first arrive there and then a year later you're like ah well i can't seem to do anything that i actually wanted to do so i mean i in some ways um we could be sympathetic towards these people who get blamed for everything but perhaps aren't necessarily driving everything yeah absolutely and just see it as part of the process and you see you know with astrology it's so helpful as a map because you think okay that's supposed to be happening it's not comfortable it's not great it's supposed to be happening because we're getting to a better place as a result yeah see the um the beauty and the learning in every obstacle right absolutely and we're moving from density you know that kind of permanent materials and consumerism home for life job for life car for life that kind of permanent sense of ownership i own this br you know these bricks and mortar that is going to shift significantly towards experiences towards information the digital age everything being interconnected and we being interconnected with everybody including the galactics right okay wow wow so as an astrologer how far do you look ahead into the future um and if that's 50 years what can we expect where's the earth going to be well i don't know 50 years ahead but actually having said that in general from 2023 to 2026 the outer planets which move slowly are moving generally from earth signs into air and fire and that means less density that means light faster um speeds are going to be faster with information and and maybe even though personal air travel has taken a bit of a hit recently i think we're going to travel in other ways we may travel in a kind of airpods they've already been invented it's a machine called a transition um that's a dry fly car that you drive along the road get to a field and you can just ignite the you know the motors and take off vertically like a helicopter so and that would be you know social isolation as well you'll be traveling with anyone so i i think many things are going to change to become more airy uh quicker and so the years 23 to 26 are going to be very significant in 2025 neptune moves into aries and that could be real spiritual leadership coming to the fore real spiritual leaders that we we so need in in our world so i see those years as really crucial to breaking through to a completely different paradigm we're in that process right now breaking through to a new paradigm and then there's out of planet stay in those signs for quite some time you know 17 14 and 20 years respectively so that's as far as i'm going because i won't i won't be around then so lots of the newest and if you are make sure you say hello please absolutely absolutely okay well that sounds like an interesting uh 10 years anyway um yeah now i i i don't get too personal but you did this incredible reading for me um and you open my eyes to a lot of things one one thing being that how important that nodal axis is to my my destiny for mine but for anyone's destiny if you're looking at that because it kind of gives us a guide of why we're here in this specific lifetime when you combine it with um you know the house that you're in and the sign that it's in can you just explain a little bit more about that to people who perhaps don't know about it and and why it's so important absolutely and and really i wrote the book because in in indian in vedic astrology it is the most important thing in the chart that's what vedic astrologers will talk about if you go and see a vedic strike that's the dominant aspect in the chart whereas in the west i mean for about my first 30 years nobody talked to me nobody taught me about um the nodal access so although astrologers are talking about it more and more now i really wanted to write the book to dig deep into it this operates at the soul level very much operates at the cell level it's not a planet it's not even a solid point in space what the nodal axis is is created by the orbit of the moon because the orbit of the the moon has a slightly weaving or bobbing action and it cuts the ecliptic which is the earth's path around the sun and when it's going north that's the north node and when it's cutting the ecliptic going south that's the south node and in indian astrology the south node is um so that they just i mean the word node means not knot which is this kind of electromagnetic disturbance in space and you think well how can that do anything but it does it sets up this disturbance which at a soul level seems to be incredibly powerful in your trajectory not just for this life but for many lifetimes so the south node represents the gifts and skills and abilities that you've developed in the past life or past lives that you bring in with you and the north node is where you've got to head to that's your virgin territory it's unfamiliar you haven't done it before you might want to keep falling back on your comfort blanket of the south node because that's easy you know to do that but we'll only get seoul's growth if we head towards that north node and carve out new territory for ourselves in a pioneering way and that's when you start to feel really satisfied at the soul level and when i was writing the book i had some extraordinary experiences of past lives i mean i could talk that in fact it'd be a great movie sort of allo da vinci code i had some amazing experiences of past lives leaking through because i had a lot of eclipses and heavy transits to my nodal axis at the time and it was leaking through from the past but it was leaking through in order to let go and release and resolve for this life as well as that past life so it's so mystical and this takes you into such deep places so the more you can understand that north node by sign by house and really identify with it you will be living out your soul's purpose in this life now many astrologers say that you've just got to head for the north node and kind of abandon the south because you've done it you've done it to death and i take a bit of a different year because i think you've got to weave it into an infinity symbol and why would you throw all that experience away so you bring that experience into this life and it's i almost saw it when i was writing the book like your this lifetime is just one stitch in the soul's tapestry of weaving those lifetimes across eternity really and wow that just blows your mind in terms of time and space and yeah so the nodal axis doesn't operate at the personality level it operates at the soul level but that's why it's so important to to really live it through live it out wow so you recommend we all write a book and then suddenly everything will therapeutic and everything will start coming through then about past lives but it certainly did with me but even just studying it because clearly i knew a lot about astrology when i was writing book but already by then but even if you just study it learn where it is in your chart and i also did an accompanying video to the book the book was as you mentioned how to go create using the secret language of the universe and the the video series it's only eight pounds it's very very inexpensive it's called video series um video companion series and that takes you on a deeper level of watching the transits to that nodal axis and seeing what's unfolding in your life and also a fabulous thing to do which i set up a whole forum for this at one point that if you can look at your nodal axis and see where your loved ones your parents your spouse your children do they have planets that conjunct your nodal axis north or south end doesn't matter it's an axis or your planets conjunct their nodal axis these are strong signatures of a past life connection is it the moon that connects was was you know was your your son your mother in her last life is is your daughter's saturn on your node laps was she your father in a putt because obviously we changed sexes through life so these these and it's quite fun to do but this takes you into a whole matrix of exploration of was there a past life there very likely were you lovers venus were you married venus were you siblings mercury or friends mercury were you you know mother moon saturn father this really takes you on a big journey of and it enriches your relationships enormously because you suddenly have this added dimension to you know someone you love very much and what i people loved it people just loved it um because it talked about it it's the whole dance it's not just the tango between you and your wife you and your mum this then that's your own universe of where you came from where you're going right your soul group and you know you've had these experiences before to get and the dance goes on as you say the dance goes on so that becomes i think transformational in how you see those relationships at a much deeper level and it really enriches if there's something say you've got a daughter and she's always a bit bossy and authoritative and it's actually her saturn on your nodal axis all of a sudden you understand that you understand how that's leaking through and where that's coming from so it gives you much deeper appreciation and understanding of your relationships too just and that just happened to fall out of writing the book really and making these discoveries but it's such a you you don't need to know much astrology to do it and and the video um accompanying the book will help you with that um every time i speak to you you blow me away with these kind of things it just comes through me well still it's uh it has to come from somewhere and it comes from you so thank you for being human uh the human vessel to to to channel this information to me and to everyone who's watching um so i mean you literally plotted my next two years when you gave me a reading and some of it i obviously believed and some of it i was a bit dubious about because you said i mean i've lived a life where i work in sport and every penny i've ever earned has come from paper rounds but once i got to the age of 16 everything's come from sport and then you you really threw me that curveball by saying you're not going to work in sport anymore and i said but how is that possible i know that that's all i know and you said spirit is going to take over and it's going to be the whole second part of your life okay okay but where's that coming from pam where does it come from i listened to the recording over and over again and i thought no i just can't see it coming and then uh here we are covered 19 and uh i set up a spiritual forum called the sacred pause just because i wanted to help people um and suddenly that just you know blossomed into really really helping hundreds of people from all around the planet um and giving me this coming from the heart this desire just to to to make this my my life mission i mean how how did you do that and thank you i mean it does honestly as i say i i don't think i take any credit because it so much seems to come through me in kind of goosebumpy waves but your shift to the spiritual was so clear and and that isn't me telling you how to live your life because it's your life to live and and i can't dictate that but i'm a translator at that point what i'm doing i'm not a i'm not a psychic really what i'm doing is translating symbolism and geometry so i'm explaining the sheet of music to you now up to you whether you completely ignore every word i've said and and keep the trap door tightly shut no no we're going to stick with the old and the small or you you understand better the sheet of music and start to live it more fully and and actually those opportunities are going to come into you anyway but again up to you with your free will whether you take them or not but it was a very clear shift towards the spiritual and then you will make of that as you what you will because it's not my life to live to to to dictate but it can give you such a deeper understanding because if you hadn't known that it might have felt what's happening to me am i unraveling in someone i'm not the person i was and that felt very familiar and secure and who have i become or who am i becoming it's very unnerving but if you've got the map you say okay i'm actually on track and i'll just trust this whatever is whatever is unfolding for me yeah well there was no football to watch anyway pam so what can i say yeah absolutely so you're forced in to do something but i didn't see i mean i obviously i this is a journey that i want to go on but but at the same time it's always a little bit scary when you get told that your whole life is going to completely transform um and the only thing that's going to remain the same is the letter s from sport to spirit i have to say you know it was great to have that awareness and to see it coming because then i it meant that it felt right and you know when you do like you said if you come from the heart it does feel right and um yeah i think it's only the human fear or that humanness that kind of makes us scared when we're on this journey isn't it and when you tap into that because it's so unfamiliar but that's the way the whole world is going really towards that more spiritual consciousness that greater awareness so if at these very early stages you're already helping hundreds of people you're going to be one of the the leaders the the way showers the light worker one of those people out there helping everybody else in this shift and boy there couldn't be anything more valuable to do yeah well well no it's an honor to to to be part of that journey and i i hope that i hope that's the way it it comes through um thank you thank you so much for this for giving your time and for doing this interview uh and even this happened on a different forum to the one thing we thought it was going to happen on so i apologize to anyone who thought they might be watching it live on youtube um but it's been well worth it and if you come back to watch it so so thank you pam before we go i just wanted to ask you if you could give anyone advice um on if they if they're interested in doing astrology themselves what advice would you give where can they learn more apart from obviously going on your youtube channel absolutely um if they've got either of my books i actually list a series of teaching organizations uh across various geographies in the world really it's just an internet search are you able to or do you want to attend a real class with all the social isolation we're having and or there is an awful lot of good stuff online so you can just look online astrology teaching online there's some great organizations it depends what level you're at but um astrology university is excellent that you've got to know a little bit of astrology to understand that oprah organization of professional astrologers that is excellent too but there are lots there are lots and lots out there and actually if you just listen to various astrologers youtubes that will teach you a lot i've got some teaching videos that are on the product page of my website they will explain some of the basics to you as well and you really just find your your way in your journey and i mean there's some excellent organizations in every country in the world and most of them are online now yeah yeah but it's a it's a lifetime's journey i learn something new every day and i will never stop learning and that's one of the reasons i love it amongst many many others it's infinite we just keep growing and learning like layers of an onion wow well thank you that's that's wonderful advice and for those who are watching pam's website is thenexstep.uk.com is that right pam absolutely or pamgregory.com is the shortcut okay okay that's beautiful well thank you so much for your time i know you are very busy saving lives plotting maps stopping people watching football and making them meditate but thank you because um i think you are one of those enriched souls on this planet and i really meant it when i said your two books are books that i think will be helping generations beyond this generation you just get that feeling when you read it you're like wow this is something else so um thank you for for the gift of those books and thanks for being you really oh well i'm really deeply touched by the feature i really really am so i think they both came through me not from me but and and i think i'm touching something finer and wiser when i'm dealing with astrology i sort of shift into a different zone i can feel it happen and so that's it's such a wonderful modality to help people even from the very early stages yeah so thank you so much you've been so generous so kind in all your in all your praise i'm so happy it's it's helped you and the more people learn astrology the better because it's such a journey of self-understanding thank you
Channel: Peter Sanderson
Views: 3,494
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: sacred pause, pam gregory, pam gregory interview, second wave, astrology, thenextstep, the next step, peter sanderson, epiphany series, interview with Pam Gregory, spirituality, astrology 2020, eclipse, pam gregary, what is astrology, birth chart, planets, stars, sun sign, ascending sign, gemini, capricorn, epiphany series episode 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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