Palworld vs Pokemon: A Drama-Less Model Comparison and Analysis

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so in a now semi viral video on Twitter I stated about the whole power world model debacle that the video and two screenshots of a rotating cat model are not enough to prove or disprove plagiarism either way and that people should wait to come to any conclusions until they have their hands on the models that can look themselves a few hours later I was sent the models by somebody else in the industry after we were talking about this in DMS and I figured it might be nice to return to two of the pals in the ha seat at the moment bolt M and aerobe and attempt to make a more unbiased review of similarities differences between them and their supposed Pokémon progenitors there are also a few other choice subjects that people have stated that they would be interested in hearing me chime in about so here I am before we start however I want to make it abundantly clear that I am not telling you that these models are or are not plagiarized my goal is to discuss these models with an objective lens that being said the main reason that both models are being prominently discussed online comes from the initial claim that power plagiarized so a lot of the time I'm going to be pointing out similarities first before elaborating on whether those similarities actually matter or ways that they could come about I have to bring up claims or points of interest first that does not mean that I'm saying that these are plagiarized I just have to bring them up first in order to discuss them that's how the scientific method works I know I'm probably going to get one death rat from both sides over this so I don't know why I'm bothering but there it is there's my statement of intent lastly and this is important always always always get your info from multiple sources don't just take my word for it don't just take someone else's word for it read and research in no way is this a comprehensive analysis of the entire situation so seek out supplementary information and make sure the person that's giving it to you actually knows what the they're talking about anyways welcome to the thread that's right this is a thread of videos start here and start scrolling down now now the video is over you can stop watching now go to the next video you can leave [Music] we're going to start off with our favorite little lion Wolf the the luxray one for the sake of this video I will be using the models from Pokemon scarlet and violet for luxray I wanted to use the ones from sword and shield but I couldn't find them and I wasn't going to go rip them but before anyone DEC some sort of bias from this here's the 3DS model of luxray as you can see the models are near identical with a little bit of optimization here and there on the sky The Violet model that actually seems to make it lower poly than the 3DS model all Pokémon models come from the same database of Pokémon models that were made sometime in around 2011 for the 3DS games there's an interview that confirms that they always make a high poly reference model and then they make a low poly model from that still don't believe me check out luxray model from Pokedex 3D Pro any one of you can do this by going to the models resource and tracking down the luxuray model on DV on art for X and Y like I did I know the game freak has made opposite claims since but it's clearly the same models okay they're the same models speaking of topology changes not changing whether something has the same common ancestor let's take a look at the models shall we oh no I have to change the skill of the model because it's ginormous in order to be visible oh God I'm so biased that's what you sound like when you say that by the way fun fact a lot of models have different scales another fun fact for you A lot of those scales are changed in the game engine I say this out of a place of kindness if you want to make an argument against plagiarization make good arguments don't talk about things you don't understand for instance these models are at the very least not model edits the proportions are absolutely similar especially if you remove the head so you can see just the body the main part of the entire creature which I am noting as evidence because as this tweet by L was a mistake put so eloquently it would be highly unlikely bordering on impossible for independently created models to have the same limit connection proportions whether the model needs to be scaled to line up is irrelevant the joints eye body and tail are proportionally and positionally the same and for what it's worth despite misinformation otherwise the original author claims to have only uniformly scaled the model but don't just take their word for it I checked it myself lines up and if you don't believe either of us when the models are available go ahead and do it yourself it's not going to change the answer for the record this is not validation of the original video that original video is bad explains its points terribly and focuses on some very superficial points to make an argument that's absolutely terrible the fact that there's a way to scale up this model in which they are the same height where in which the chest is nearly the exact same size where in which the front and back legs come out in nearly the exact same area where in which the neck is about at the same starting area and the tail is at the exact same level as the other tail shows me that there was something going on but that doesn't mean it's a model at it look how easily I was able to download three different luxray models it's not that hard to take a luxuray model get a side view of it and get a front view of it take a picture of that and model off it for what it's worth while the topology is similar and probably certainly referenced from looking at the luxray model it does things slightly different that show competence and understanding what the hell they're creating the fur is much more competently detailed and also modeled very well into the model to account for crunch points on the PO World model well the topology on the back of Lux Ray tail kind of comes to a point here at the top with the fur in order to cut it off and kind of make a closed Edge Loop the tail and the power world model doesn't lastly while the PS are very similar on the Pokémon model there's two faces going up the front line while on the power world model there's only one it's possible to model edit this luxray into the power world electrc lion here but I don't know why you would but that doesn't mean that it couldn't have started from this luxray model anyway let me show you even though the topology would probably be not something you would edit into the other model it's still extremely similar to the point I would say that it's probably not too rash of an assumption to assume that Deluxe Ray model was at least on the computer of whoever modeled this a good example would be any Sonic the Hedgehog model you know there's multiple of them but if somebody's already made Sonic before why would you not look at Sonic when making your own Sonic we also can't rule out the possibility that somebody might have converted this into some Dynamic topology done a little bit of sculpting and then R apologized I messed around with the luxury model for about 20 minutes with the same philosophy in mind and it's certain possible at the very least if I can get this close to the other model in 20 minutes it's kind of hard to deny that these models are extremely similar in proportion and just overall stylization but let me also make it clear I find it unrealistic that somebody would do what I'm doing here with this luxray model I am merely denoting the possibility I'm not saying it's probable just one of those Fringe examples that helps explain why definitives are impossible in this situation it's much more likely that this is a new sculpt that just referenced the luxury model a ton and maybe the reference concept art it self was traced over in the image of that model like I showed earlier or the artist was looking directly at this model from a side view when drawing their side view which could be a form of plagiarism all of these could be a form of plagiarism which is why I'm going to make a big distinction here plagiarism is subjective not just in the court of public opinion but in court itself for this reason you want to be very prepared if you're going to sue something like power world if you're Nintendo or if you want to be specific Nintendo Pokémon company game freak and creatures Inc what I'm trying to say is life is not like Ace Attorney and this is is not your normal cease and assist a better defense in this instance is that while it's inarguable there are striking similarities in design rest position proportion and placement of the lens between both models the actual mesh of this model itself is almost certainly not directly created from the topology of the original Pokémon model if you were to ask me after spending some time with both models how this was created I would wager its creation as either the result of a retopologized sculpt of the original model with notable modification or is the result of a talented professional being given a model sheet that highly references or is directly drawn over the luxray model in question once more before we move on to the next model let me clearly State I am not giving my opinion on if that counts as plagiarization as I am both not a lawyer and not well versed in Japanese copyright law where this trial would certainly take place no gtin sibon does not count as a look into the Japanese legal system also it's totally a step [Music] letter next up is aerobe it might also be azero but that sounds stupid aerobe is interesting because this one was pointed out to me by the person who sent me these models who is separate from the person that made that original Terrible video okay moving on I would name them but they seem happy right now and I don't want to ruin that in fact they sent me an image to start which was this I didn't know what I was looking at originally so I just thought this is what the pal looked like but apparently this has the addition of Prim Molina's eyelashes hair bands and arms this image was made as a joke but it made me decide to look at aaro's model a bit closer anyways which is why they're in this video in the first place naturally seeing this fascinated me so we're going to talk about it but before we do I want to take a moment to talk about the team behind power world while we know there was a core team of about 50 working on power world we also know there was a lot of Outsourcing like a lot this means that there were likely a lot of Freelancers working on this game pocketer also stated in an interview about 3 days before the game came out that they had no idea how 3D worked before this game I bring this all up to make a very important Point even if you yourself come to the conclusion that there might be plagiarism that doesn't mean that it was intentional by the power world internal team bring Lancers can come from anywhere it's totally possible somewhere down the line someone will find near irrefutable evidence of plagiarism that doesn't mean that every model in the game was plagiarized one example here does not sink the boat it just means that somebody got screwed over and a third party didn't do their job right a good example of this is the game limbo the lost where the designers Tim Croucher and Lawrence Francis found out that the studio they were working with Majestic Studios stole pretty much every graphic asset ever if you don't know how 3D works it can totally happen I'm not saying that's what happened here but I am putting it out there part of staying neutral is making sure every Avenue is covered and I have not seen a lot of people talk about this but that's enough stalling let's open the model oh dear so maybe now you understand why I had that Preamble I'm going to go out and just say it I don't think there's a way that these could be this similar unless they looked at the superior model the topology is different but it's very very very similar everywhere else and I'm not just talking about on the model and we'll get to that in a second but first let's talk about this from a design standpoint the Silhouettes and shape of these two models are nearly identical unpeeled aerobe and Superior here basically line up in silouette almost exactly I know this was covered in that one post but the hair is pretty much identical this is this is there's like no variation here except for size they don't even try to add like other little wisps this is verbatim speaking of the hair as I was writing this somebody pointed this out to me Eliza non-arts that's Arts with a z reminded me that the reason primarina's hair is shaped like it is is because it has hair beads holding it together at certain areas the pal does not and if this doesn't convince you that something might be up allow me to show you one more thing let's talk about the Hues on the textures and we have to focus on Hue because lightness and saturation are going to be affected by the fact that these models on the power world side are baked this basically means that somebody took the data of a light hitting a model and then put it onto the texture directly this means that some parts are going to be darker and some parts are going to be lighter and if you know anything about a light and shining it up to something it kind of loses its saturation after the six major colors on aerobe not including white and moving one of them to the side for just a second the largest Cube variation I saw was 10 out of a possible 360 if we were to visualize this with an American Standard ruler that'd be about a third of an inch and if you're wondering about that six color here it is the only reason I didn't included initially is because it's not a match for primarina it's a match for Pabla the giant pink ball matches the other giant pink ball who would have guessed it is not plagiarism to skill colors at all however considering the colors we're comparing against the pals come from this mesh it's very much worth noting well I'm not going to make any claims there's a very good argument to be made that both the primarina and Superior model were probably very very very very very heavily referenced while it's unlikely that they took the model and directly retopologized it and edited it we are getting very ship a thesias tonight as always I would like to reiterate that just because I'm saying these models are extremely similar does not mean I am sitting here and saying that this is plagiarism I'm not a lawyer okay not only am I not a lawyer I not giving you my personal definition of plagiarism I'm keeping out of this I'm just showing you what's happening what's right in front of you on the screen on to some miscellaneous stuff because God look how many videos I had to put out if you're still watching at this point go type com quad down in the replies to this specific video it'll make me laugh I want to see like 100 replies of com quad it would make my day that's that's all I ask a measly morsel of funny for this giant video this is my last one so this is going to be some rapid fire uh random stuff that I wanted to talk about that I didn't want to make a full video on here we go the PO of hu was in controversy for apparently stealing the design of a Creator named pupe sat poo 1 as admitted by the artists themselves this was a coincidence they made their design a year ago po world made this design 2 years ago just a misunderstanding happens all the time with character design po world's little chimo clone is cleared zatu and Toko Toco have very similar colors and theming and species and patterns but it along with many other Pokémon are not covered in this video because it's not like it's not verbatim there's going to be similarities but it's the same way that freedom planet is not plagiarising from Sonic the Hedgehog one of the internal file names for one of the pals is fire Bambi and I've been laughing about that this entire recording session I just wanted to share that there are so many hands that go into each po World model it's impossible to figure it out even if you do believe there's plagiarism somewhere who is directly responsible for that reason please don't go harass people even if something is outright confirmed with one of these people don't go on them I can't stop you but I can say in this video that I do not approve of any of that kind of from either side and if you're pen up to the point of death threats over funny Pokémon game touch grass type lastly no I cannot share these models none of them are mine either wait patiently like everyone else for them to appear on the model's resource or make a semi viral video which multiple people will call you a slurs for and then have it magically appear in your inbox it's either one all right I think it's time for the conclusion paragraph originally I was going to choose a third Pokémon to look over here but the the more I looked the more I realized that I'd just be saying the exact same thing that I said with luxray for most of these I could continue to talk about how interesting it is that score Bunny and whatever the this thing's name is happen to match up on multiple features their length of their features their density their everything when you scale them properly which I will continue to remind people is absolutely normal to do in this situation I swear to God but at this point I've gone above and beyond what the original comparison video did I've shown things off to people that actually want to be educated and given reasonable explanations for both sides trying to stay as unbiased as possible and lastly I believe I've responded to every single legitimate criticism that I've gotten directly in conclusion there are a lot of interesting similarities going on with the models from both the Pokémon games and the power world games when compared to each other that possibly raises some red flags and I have to the best of my ability tried to provide a video explanation with a bit of commentary as to understand why things might look similar why things might look different and how those similarities and differences can be both intentional and unintentional I'm sure this explanation which I have tried very hard to get correctly will be torn apart by both sides mainly because both sides seem to want to murder each other over a funny video game as for me I'm not on anybody's side I think scarlet and violet is a terrible game that the Pokemon company keeps forcing their employees to make heaps of in order to get stuff out quickly and even whether or not there was plagiarism I think power world is pretty impressive as just a feat of creation there's no proven AI in it yet so I might give it a try I don't know but only because I've got it on Game Pass and that means I don't have to pay for it if you'd like to send any complaints please send them to section 21 grave 76a of the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia look for the grave that says Henry Kissinger now if you excuse me I'm off to go play Animal Crossing on my Nintendo 3DS
Channel: ProjectAlpha Animations
Views: 14,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lGs4EvZ4D4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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