"Nintendo SUE them NOW!!!" (Palworld Controversy)

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pal World about to get sued hard I honestly cannot believe that the pal World devs haven't been sued by Nintendo I can't wait for pal world to get sued anyway I hope pal world's devs get sued because those designs are not even subtly plagiaristic LMAO how the did Nintendo not Sue the creators of pal world at Nintendo of America I'm surprised that you guys haven't sued pal World pal world to get sued like pal world is so getting sued now at some point they will get sued by Nintendo pal World makers getting sued and shut down by Nintendo in three 2 1 for those of you somehow out of the loop po World recently released to critical Acclaim and profound Commercial Success yes I have played it and yes it's it's very fun but with success often times comes controversy and power world is certainly no exception I was on the power world hype train way before it was cool and actually briefly touched on it in a prior video that you can check out if you want link Down Below in the description where I go over how expressive and varied the pals and power world are compared to Pokemon in Legends arus and Pokemon in general and I've got to say that video aged like the finest of wines but enough about the past let's take a look at the present day pal world has found itself mired in controversy with mounting accusations against it for a variety of reasons the main one being that of plagiarism others are making claims of AI use but from what I've seen those claims are completely baseless and are nothing more than an attempted smear campaign with the intentions behind said campaign being painfully transparent even if it was true that's outside the scope of this video as today I want to go over some accusations related to the former charge the word plagiarism has been thrown around so many times that it's making my head spin it's used and applied so brazenly and Loosely by Pokemon defenders Nintendo Fanboys and power world detractors that not only is the word bordering on meaningless but you can ironically apply the same charge to not only the Pokemon franchise but any franchise for that matter the definition of plagiarism has essentially been reduced to anything that is similar which are conclusions that can be drawn for basically every single franchise in existence with that in mind according to armchair legal experts over on Twitter Pokemon themselves is guilty of iism in more ways than one this general mishandling of the idea of plagiarism can be attributed to the Pokemon Fanboy nintend drones delusion that Nintendo somehow owns the rights of generic concepts for example something as simple as a sheep yes a sheep according to Twitter experts is owned by Nintendo anyone who dares to incorporate a sheep into their game is therefore guilty of plagiarizing Pokémon and infringing on the rights of Nintendo's intellectual property say hello to limal limbal is a a pal and power and as you can see is based on a sheep did you also know that limal is a clone of woodu from Pokémon so much so that it's blatant a blatant clone it doesn't matter that the designs are completely different and the only shared commonality between the two is that the monsters are based on the same animal that's irrelevant because lmal is a sheep and Nintendo owns that concept so boom plagiarism next up is LIF monk can you guess what this pal is allegedly a clone of if you guess leaf on then you win that's right Nintendo owns the rights to green colored animals with a leafy aesthetic but that's not all that Nintendo owns Nintendo also has the ability to go back in time to claim the rights of the Anubis you will pay a hefty price if you dare violate this Nintendo copyright Nintendo also owns appendages want to put a cute fluffy pink Critter in your game well too bad Nintendo owns that exclusive right the designs can be completely unrelated and share nothing in common and yet still n Nintendo's Twitter lawyers find a way to claim copyright has somehow been violated and plagiarism has taken place I could go on and on and on but I think you're picking up what I'm putting down the reach on a lot of these is galaxy-wide and I struggle to come up with any reasonable explanation for these attacks that isn't Fanboys being big mad that Nintendo and more specifically Pokemon is facing some serious competition here which is a very good thing in response to these ludicrous comparisons people have begun taking the piss at them and rightfully so this collage I showed earlier has been passed around a bunch and it's effective because it perfectly illustrates the hypocritical double standard going on right now when Pokemon does it it's inspiration but when power world does it it's plagiarism like I said at the start of the video when you brought in the scope of what is considered plagiarism to Encompass anything that is similar suddenly everyone and everything is guilty of plagiarizing to some degree which is the point this collage is getting across this collage is literally no different than the one that the Witch Hunt mob on Twitter are using against power world to claim that every single pow regardless of their clear and obvious differences are stolen or illegitimate in some way despite the overwhelming majority of plagiarism accusations holding no water there are a handful of Pals that are more heavily inspired and bear a stronger resemblance to their Pokemon counterpart there are a couple of potential explanations for this that we will get into later but first let's see what people have to say in this example you can definitely tell that this pal is inspired by cinderace absolutely I'm not denying that but to sit there and claim that the only difference is a change type is clearly not true hell they even went out of their way to circle the giant tail of the pal to the right but failed to do so through Cinder on the left because cind doesn't have a giant tail so the image itself that this person is trying to use to support their argument ironically Cuts against it they're just throwing circles on everything and hoping that will be enough to convince you that what they're saying is true once again Nintendo does not own the rights to anthropomorphic rabbits people are really harping over the similarities of the pals and po world but a main reason why there are so many similarities in the first place is because power world is effectively a parody of Pokémon and it does a fantastic job at being such despite it playing a lot differently than your more traditional Pokémon title it's often characterized as Pokemon with guns for a reason the sharp contrast between the bright and colorful Pokemon inspired monsters mixed with some darker elements like the assault weapons slavery Etc is the perfect backdrop for a Pokémon parody game a famous parody character that we all know and love Marvel's Deadpool shares many blatant similarities from the character he is based on DC's Deathstroke not only do they look very similar visually but they even share the same last name power is not the first a parody of popular IP nor will it be the last and so questioning why a parody of Pokémon is so similar to Pokemon is self-defeating and self-evident the real question is how similar is too similar in order to cross into the realm of actual real plagiarism as not at all a clear-cut case as many on Twitter would have you believe that accusation is muddied even further with a another element namely coincidence there was a user on Twitter who was under the impression that power had stolen a fakon design that they had made accusations were dropped in a similar manner to the ones we see nowadays and the devs were henceforth labeled as thieves turns out the pal in question hangu was featured in a trailer well before the Twitter users fakon even existed and it was just all one huge coincidence the moral of the story being that you shouldn't jump to conclusions no matter how plausible they may seem a story that may very well repeat itself some people have taken it upon themselves to dig a Little Deeper by scrutinizing the power world models using 3D model viewing software with many insinuating that pals are nothing but stolen Pokémon models the motivations of some of these individuals are questionable to say the least from what I saw there wasn't a single perfect match but on the surface they definitely could be convincing comparisons as they are quite similar which as we've been over comes as no surprise in a Pokémon parody and could also be chocked up to mere coincidence some users with 3D model backgrounds clap back back at these allegations by asserting that the models are entirely different models and therefore not ripped or stolen assets others insist that such similarities are an impossibility some Pals appear to be inspired by amalgamations of several different Pokémon a clever design Choice as you're able to create monsters with a sense of familiarity while simultaneously feeling new and fresh these Pals don't look like any single Pokemon in particular and so therefore aren't similar to any single one exclusively if you need to appeal to several different Pokémon in order to claim plagiarism doesn't that suggest that the monster in question is distinct and unique enough to differentiate it from whatever is being compared to the only example that got a reaction out of me was this pal Aur robe whose hair Bears a striking resemblance to that of primarina right down to the Wicks that stick out on the top and bottom for an eyeball test you can tell they're not exactly the same and some have added that the meshes are completely different yet the similarities are undeniable the pal itself looks in nothing like primarina and is an example of an amalgamation pal but the hair is quite similar for sure but how similar is too similar where do you draw the line in the sand speaking of hair power is not the only one to take inspiration from luscious locks Pokemon has done the same even in their most recent generation Gango for instance the 1000th Pokémon has hair that shares a similar striking resemblance to that of the ches string man of all characters right down to the single lock of hair coming down towards the face how similar is too similar I'll leave you guys with one final example that puts Pokémon in the spotlight Gastly is a familiar face that many of us have grown up with over the years did you know that this is what Gastly initially looked like when it was first created this happens to look very similar to that of smog in Dragon Quest who was featured in the collage from earlier smog was a gaseous creature with a malevolent face featured in Dragon Quest 2 a game that came out in 1987 gassy wasn't conceived until around 1990 about 3ish years later and also just so happens to be a gaseous creature with a malevolent face how similar is too similar if Twitter existed back in the '90s and had seen this comparison Pokemon would swiftly be accused of ripping off smog charged with the heinous crime of plagiarism and shortly after followed up by the mob demanding Pokemon gets sued into Oblivion it wasn't until 1995 where gazi adopted its more modern look of being a ball within a cloud of smoke that we are all accustomed to was this done in an attempt to further distance Gastly from the smog and Dragon Quest to squash any potential legal disputes in the future perhaps we'll never know for sure but it's certainly a possibility to conclude almost all of the plagiarism claims against power world are bogus nothing burgers made by desperate individuals who feel compelled to defend the sanctity of their beloved multi-billion dollar company or by those stunningly ignorant of copyright laws pointing out that a parody of a thing is similar to said thing is kind of the whole point of a parody and is mostly rendered redundant as a result there are however a small handful of examples that may potentially hold some weight but it's ultimately not up to us to decide whether these claims are legitimate or not Nintendo is well known for aggressively protecting its int intellectual property often times to a fault they already strike down a power world Pokémon mod within days so their eyes are clearly on the project the Pokémon company even felt pressured enough to release a statement acknowledging the release of power without referring to it by name of course and stating that they will investigate further which sounds like nothing more than PR corporate speak power has been in the public eye for several years now with some of its more problematic Pals being around for just as long so Nintendo ancest ory Pokemon company actually had a case it's likely they would have pounced well before a major competitor blew up the way it did maybe some new developments will come to light and like the Pokémon company said they're looking into things more as we speak only time will tell until then pocket pair and by extension power is innocent until proven guilty and anyone claiming otherwise is just straight up wrong how I see things is most of the pals are clearly distinct enough that they will go completely ignored a few may be targeted by Nintendo if they feel confident enough to go forward which in that case pocket pair the develop of power world will either fight and win or end up being forced to adjust those Pals in a similar manner to Gastly all those years ago in order to make them slightly more distinct pocket pair is probably praying for Nintendo to do something at this point as that will surely Propel their explosive rise even more so than the legions of power world detractors on the internet have already done for them thus far anyways that's my two cents on the power plagiarism Arc I definitely have a lot more to say about power in general and will most definitely be dropping some more vids in the near future so stay tuned I got to say it's been quite a while and I missed you guys and I hope you've all been well make sure to leave your thoughts on this whole situation down below till next [Music] time
Channel: DistantKingdom
Views: 43,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, sv, scvi, gen9, gen 9, generation 9, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet and pokemon violet, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, swsh, high quality animations, gamefreak, lazy, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus
Id: IvSEZ04z0c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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