Palworld Runs Well On Steam Deck OLED With These Settings

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hello everyone and welcome back to techno oo today we're going to be taking a look at Power world and whether it runs on the steam deck because power world right now has taken the World by absolute storm and it's broken records on Steam for the most concurrent players or taken second place sorry it hasn't broken top place yet but second place is still extremely unbelievable for a game like this and of course that's garnered a lot of attention from Nintendo and it's one of those games that I think is pretty decent and should be played anyway so we're testing it on the steam deck to see if it can actually run and for the sake of transparency I am running my steam deck just over there on the left hand side on my desk which is then running via HDMI into my Elgato capture card which hopefully you can see underneath my sound card there in my gaming rig that is then running into OBS where I am capturing my gameplay and then also on my right hand monitor here I am previewing that window so I can see what I'm looking at at the same time I am using a games controller for this game even though it is not completely compatible with games controllers um which we'll go through in a moment but um but yeah you need onscreen keyboard stuff but that is the setup I am using to capture this video so jumping over to the steam deck I am going to go across to my settings very quickly go down to manage no go down to properties and go down to compatibility Force the game to use proton experimental because that seems to work the best for me um for most of the things that I am testing just to give you an idea as well going down to the game info you can see the steam deck compatibility says playable but if you go into the details uh some functionality is not accessible when using the default controller configuration requiring the use of the touchscreen or the virtual keyboard so it has come up to say to enter text in this game you'll need to open the onscreen keyboard manually and I'm just going to accept that or it says on the right hand side open the onscreen keyboard by clicking the uh Xbox button on my controller and the X key which is of course as you know the one on the left so now we have made it to the main menu the first thing I want to do is just jump into the options menu to show you the graphical preset that power weld give you on the steam deck and as you can see the preset is set to low which gives you a full screen a resolution of 1280 by 720 of course you can't help that um because you're locked onto on the steam deck I have turned vsync and motion blur off anti-aliasing is set to TSR everything else is set to a medium preset now there is a couple of things that you can do to improve your frame rate limit and that is to drop the anti- aliasing down to FXAA or if you wanted to to TAA uh FXAA is is pretty decent that's fine uh and then view distance you don't really need view distance in this game and to because it is such a large game anyway having a higher view distance means of course more performances needed if you did jump into the um performance menu onto on the steam deck itself um you could put the scaling filter on if you wanted to I haven't but if you wanted again to improve that FPS you can do what I have also done is also disabled the frame limit um inside the performance menu just to get as much fps as possible possible not that you really need it you're not hitting 120 FPS in this game anyway you're not even going to be hitting 60 to be honest with you so we have just jumped into the game and as you can see we are running at around between 30 and 35 FPS uh mostly between 30 and 33 to be honest with you with a few dips that I have noticed under 30 late 20s that kind of thing 28 29 27 um that you can you can experience with the these Graphics settings but for the most part the graphics settings that we saw before jumping into the game really I would say personally going to give you the best experience in terms of graph le as you can see there down to 28 but everything at this kind of frame rate is running really really smooth and even playing with the controller moving around and moving the camera around it's nice and smooth again drop down there to 29 there is a couple of things that you could do to push the graphics even further if you wanted to squeeze as much performance out of this game as possible um I haven't put a Max FPS limit inside of the game either because what's the point you could lock it at 30 actually to give you that solid smoother uh frame rate but you don't have to if you wanted to try and push it further Shadows is a big one you can set that to low just to claw back a bit more FPS from your game but you are then losing a lot of detail for not a huge Improvement as you can see in base now we are hitting sort of 30s late 30s 39 40s then so you could do that to your game if you wanted to to Really push that graphical um lck performance as much as possible or that FPS limit as much as possible um but again it just now looks if you have a look at that scene in front of you it just looks extremely flat whereas if I put the quality of the Shadows up to medium apply those changes it gives uh your game a lot more a lot more character that FPS it will increase again it is sitting at 29 27 at the moment it will increase back up to the the low 30s that is something that you could do to really push that frame frame rate limit as much as possible the other thing you could potentially do is turn down your effects quality to low and maybe even texture um but if you turn down your effects quality to low again you're not getting much of an improvement up to 34 but then down to 28 again once things in the distance start having to load in the closer I get to them 35 there being closer to that one texture 32 is 33 so it's not making a difference having that set on low so why why would you when you can have a nicer looking game and then with the textures lowering that down to low again oh it hit 34 then 32 31 32 you're not again going to be having a huge increase in frames per second there uh purely because it's not doing a great deal to to the game at this point being at such low settings and a lower resolution as well having everything except that view distance set on medium is probably whoops the best way to go with the graphics on this game get that back to medium view distance on low and then again the anti-aliasing on FXAA I haven't gone really above that and to be honest with you I'm perfectly happy with the way this game has been performing at these Graphics settings it's not been really too bad at all considering this game the game and everything I'm assuming the game has to load is actually uh pretty pretty major and again even in combat yes the frame rate has dipped a bit which is really to be expected oh my weapon is damaged my armor is damaged everything's damaged there you go I hit you with my axe instead and I no I didn't want to bring you out I wanted to capture the Penguins there you go it's the right Mouse us to capture penguins are you going to capture yeah you're going to capture that's fine from what I've seen and what I've played so far in the 10 12 hours that I've put into this game it's been running pretty decent at the graphic settings that we have landed on so off camera I've been doing a bit of experimenting on how I could improve that fps to get it a little bit higher than what I was achieving with being between sort of 30 and 40 FPS and I've got some kind of solution but to me it isn't the best solution but I'll show you what it is going into my graphic settings just to show you where I am at with my Graphics now I'm on a custom preset still I'm at a window screen mode I'm down to a smaller resolution being 854x480 854x480 everything else is pretty much the same being low on The View distance and then every other detail is on medium now what I have done to get around the lack of resolution is if I now go into my steam performance menu scroll down all the way to scaling mode stick that on stretch and have the scaling filter on FSR it produces this sharpness up to five because if I didn't turn on that scaling filter you'll notice that the text especially where it says chickp pee in the distance awful so if you stick that on FSR uh with an FSR sharpness of five kind of brings back the detail not a huge amount but when you are now running around the world we are more consistently hitting that late 30s early 40s FPS Mark there is a bit of a trade-off there in terms of sharpness because you are having to rely so much on the FSR built into the steam deck at the same time if you are someone who wants to push that that graphical almost power to the maximum to get the best FPS then this could be the way to do it I could see people wanting to do it this way because it creates I must admit it is a slightly smoother experience as well now what you could also do although it wouldn't really recommend it is if you go back into your steam performance overlay or steam performance menu you could lock your FPS to 30 uh oh sorry there you go lock that to 30 so you get a more consistent frame rate although I wouldn't really I wouldn't bother because it doesn't make the game look any better and I would personally just keep that frame rate limit at 60 or even just disable it because you're not going to hit 60 anyway now we have got a raid coming in so we are about to see lots of things going on hopefully the screen at any one time I have got damaged absolutely everything because why not if I pause this game does it pause the game I don't think it does okay so in combat now now that there are things going on the screen we have dipped down to the 30s as you can see here with all the textures and the flashes and all the effects and all the all the things going on the screen we have dipped right down which isn't uh which isn't too bad I suppose if we were back on the older Graphics settings then I could see that being a bit of a problem and we're at the low 30s again I know it is nighttime but uh but yeah I just think there there's there's two settings for you there if you want the higher resolution which which I would personally recommend you're not getting a huge gain in performance turning on FSR I've got FSR switched on at the moment um and then the um um scaling to stretch you know getting a massive gaining performance it's still completely playable at the higher resolution so again it's it's really down to personal preference on how you would like to play this game but there are two options for you make of that make that make of that as you will and uh yeah either all I think is a it creates a playable experience thank you very much for checking out this video of power world on the steam deck if you did enjoy this video please hit that like button subscribe to keep up with our latest tech and gaming videos and if you have any questions let us know in the comments down below if you want to check out any of our other steam Deck videos there is a playlist for that as I say thanks very much for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Tech Nuovo
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Keywords: TechNuovo, Consumer Tech, Tech Reviews, Tech News, Best Tech, Best Headphones, Best Gaming Monitor, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld early access, palworld guide, palworld steamdeck, steam deck, palworld steam deck, palworld steam deck oled, palworld steam deck settings, steam deck best settings, steam deck gameplay, steam deck gaming, best games on steam deck, steam deck games, best steam deck games, palworld best settings, palworld walkthrough, palworld let's play
Id: PX94p0sY72g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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