Architects of the West Kingdom - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is monique and i'm naveen from before you play and welcome to the start of our west kingdom miniseries yes this is a game designed by shem phillips and sj mcdonald and published by renegade games today we are starting with architects of the west kingdom this is the first one in the series of three games uh and basically what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be playing through all three of these games with the tome saga expansion it's gonna be awesome the tome saga this is a debate in our household i for the longest time thought it was pronounced tomy saga i had no opinion until uh i had the right answer yeah i had the opinion yes yes so thank you to everybody in the community who corrected us on that it is tom saga because we are going to be collecting tomes and so if you're not familiar with the said saga this is a an expansion that allows you to play all three games in the series as part of one long campaign and so we are going to be playing with that expansion today as well as throughout the rest of the campaign so that at the end of the entire trilogy one of us is going to be the winner of the entire series this was highly requested by a lot of viewers we saw it multiple times in different comments once we announced the west kingdom trilogy uh i had no idea what that was so i had to look it up just like anybody else and so now we're pretty excited to play it and showcase it yes and so as per usual we are going to start with the teach of the architects as well as how the tome saga works then we're going to go into our full two player playthrough as well as a review if you're interested in jumping around we'll include timestamps in the description down below but before we begin if you can all do us a big favor and turn on your klingon subtitles just in case we need to make some corrections we can add them there we'll also add those corrections to description hoping not and if you'd like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing and with that we're going to get started so if please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up here for actually a three-player game of architects in the west kingdom because today we are going to be playing with the two-player bot mr uh constantine over here and so just to kind of give you the lay of the land this is actually a work replacement game so quite refreshing right we haven't showcased a worker placement game in a long time oh well yeah and so around the board we have all these various work replacement spots that are going to get us various types of resources money etc on the left hand side here we also have a virtue track because there's a little bit of morality in this game which we'll kind of get into in a second at the top right hand corner here we have the prison because in this game we can place each other's workers in prison we also have the apprentice offering for hire as well as some buildings that we'll all discuss in a second sure each player also has their own player board along with 20 of their workers to use during the game and on the left side over here we have the tome saga campaign board and so this game is set around 850 a.d and each player is playing as royal architects and we are trying to compete to construct buildings construct the cathedral in order to build up this west kingdom we're going to be hiring apprentices collecting resources in order to construct these buildings and at the very end of the game whoever has the most points wins and so the way the game works is each player is going to be taking turns placing their workers out onto the board there are two main spots there are these larger circles as well as smaller circles and so the general rule here is that any number of workers can exist on these larger circles that you'll see literally everywhere on the board except for in these three spaces these small circles only one worker per spot each time a player builds either a building or constructs a cathedral we're going to be placing our workers up here in the guild hall and so because we're set up for a three player game we're going to ignore these last two columns and just consider it having a capacity of 16 workers as soon as the 16th worker is placed in the guild hall that is going to trigger the end of the game each player is going to get one more turn and then that will end the game we go into final scoring and see who wins at that point now i do want to mention that there are two main types of cards in this game the first type are these apprentices which are all over here and so apprentices are going to be people you hire that'll allow you to do things better right each apprentice card will show a few different things on the right hand side here anytime you see a purple area with a lightning bolt upon acquiring this card this is going to be an immediate effect and so specifically for this gatekeeper they're going to lose you a virtue upon acquiring them a majority of these apprentices will give you ongoing effects that will help you when taking certain actions or when doing certain things this specific card gets you an effect whenever you refresh the black market which we will talk about later at the top left hand corner it also tells you what type of apprentice this is and there are three main types and the significance of that is for when you go to build buildings building cards look like this they kind of follow the same a similar structure that the apprentices do meaning they have a benefit at the bottom here in this banner area some benefits are immediate like this smithy which will get you four stone immediately upon building this building some of them will give you end game private scoring conditions so this lighthouse will get you one point for every four virtue yeah in this game anything that you see with the flag icon that's endgame exactly and anytime you see this kind of like a gold banner looking type those represent points just like you see here in the top right hand corner of each card because each building is going to be worth a certain number of points at the end of the game at the top left hand corner here tells you the requirements that you need in order to construct the building so there's always going to be a certain number of resources that you have to spend so for the smithy it requires four clay and two wood that you would spend into the supply and some of these buildings also require you to have a certain type of apprentice in your area that you've hired employed exactly so for the lighthouse this requires you to have a tyler of sorts and so building cards are going to be in your hand before you can build them you have a hand limit of six of these apprentices you can hire a maximum of five so just keep those two restrictions in mind so how do we go about getting these resources well there's these different action spots on the board so we're gonna namely talk about four of the resources the first one that we see here is the forest and basically what you do is on your turn you're gonna put out one of your workers so what it basically says here is for every worker you get one wood so on the first turn i would get one wood on a subsequent turn if i was to go there again and i still had another worker out there at this point because i have two workers i would get two wood and that holds true also for the quarry but instead of getting wood i would get stone so these spaces are all dependent on how many workers you have in that spot upon placing your workers for your turn yep so for the mines there are two different types of resources you can acquire here either clay or gold when you put out your first worker what you're gonna get is one clay plus one clay per worker there so in this case you would get two one naturally plus one for the one worker here if on a subsequent turn i had a second one out here then you'd get one clay plus two because i have two workers here at the bottom here you see gold and this says gold per every two workers so in the first turn when i put one work out here it's not even eligible i'm not allowed to get one gold for one worker because the cost is one for two on a subsequent turn if i was to put this second piece out right over here then i would get one gold from the supply now the silversmith acts very very similarly to the way that the top portion of the mines works where you get one silver plus one silver for every worker that's there so if i had two workers out i'd get a total of three silver and those are the four basic action spots that will get you those types of resources in the game there are a few other spots that'll get you these types of resources one of which is the king's storehouse and so going to the king's storehouse allows you to take one action for every worker that you have in that spot and there are two different types of actions you can take you can either turn in any combination of two resources between stone wood and clay in order to gain one virtue which is going up this track which we'll talk about in a second or you can turn in any combination of three resources using stone or wood in order to take one marble which is this really highly coveted resource type right here yes a lot of buildings require marble to construct them as well as the cathedral and i say that because you'll notice that marble is not one of the basic resources that you can easily get and again that is one action per worker of yours in there so to be clear if there are opponents workers in any of these spaces you completely ignore them when gaining your benefits the next spot we want to discuss is the workshop so the workshop is how you can hire more apprentices and gain more of these building cards there are two different types of actions you can take here they are listed here the first one is the top most action up here which allows you to hire an apprentice in order to do this you must pay four silver two of which are going to be paid to the tax stand so anytime you see these like red circles these are tax this is taxable income i guess you pay it to the tax stand so that people can potentially collect all the money that's in here in a future turn and the other two coins will go straight to the bank and so when hiring an apprentice if you look at this menu over here these cards are organized according to how many workers you have in this spot so if naveen were to take this action i'm here to place his work right here he only has one worker in this spot which means he's only eligible to hire one of these two cards because it's in the one worker spot although that's not entirely true if you only had one worker here and say he wanted to hire this squire over here he can actually pay silver in order to hire this squire he would just have to put one silver coin on top of each of the cards that are in front of it if he placed a second worker here then he would only have to pay one coin to hire the squire yeah you always place coins from left to right that's the hard fast rule the bottom action here is very straightforward it allows you to take a number of building cards into your hand equal to one plus one card for every two workers so if it looked like this then naveen would be allowed to take two cards from this deck straight into his hand now before we continue to the other action spots let's move on to the town center this is probably the most notorious spot in the entire game and one of the characteristics or one of the things that makes this particular game stand out from other games unique and the reason why is because this spot allows you to capture other players workers or even your own wrangle them up in order to put them into prison and so the way that this works is say i am here in the forest maybe naveen has workers there some workers out and say naveen were to go to the town center going here requires you to pay one silver into the tax stand and in doing so it allows you to capture all the workers from of one player from a location so taking this action will allow navy to maybe take all of my workers from the forest and any of your opponent's workers will go straight to the left-hand side of your board it's kind of like the wrangled up area now in doing this action he can also instead choose to take his own workers so if you were to take that action instead of taking my workers he can wrangle up all the workers here maybe and anytime you capture your own workers they go straight to your board so that they are available to use again yes for each additional worker that you place in the town center you can pay an extra coin to the bank this time to wrangle up additional groups of workers but in a two or three player game you can only ever choose between two locations in one turn so if naveen had placed a second worker here he could pay the two coins one to the tax stand one to the bank in order to take all of my workers from the forest and then all of his workers back to his board choosing between two locations only in a four or five player game you can only choose from one location the tax stand is very straightforward you just go here you lose two virtue because this is a very non-virtuous thing to do because you're stealing all the money from the taxes and you get to take all the money that are in that's in the tax stand right now back to resources we were mentioning that there is another way to gain resources and it is here in the black market so the black market is a way for you to gain a certain combination of resources but it's going to lose you virtue so there are three spots here in the black market they're all small circles so only one person can be present in those spots at any given time and so the first spot here allows you to pay one silver lose one virtue in order to take whatever combination is in the bottom card here so in this case it would be one marble and one stone the third spot requires you to pay three silver loser virtue in order to take whatever is here and this is gonna change over the course of the game which we'll talk about in a second the middle spot is a little bit different you pay two silver and loser virtue in order to hire any apprentice that's in this menu here gaining any coins that may be on top of the card or it allows you to draw five cards from the building deck keeping one of them once all three of these spots are completely filled so say if it were to look like this and naveen were to take this spot then we are going to have a black market reset all three of these workers will go straight into prison and then we will do a series of things including flipping the black market card so that uh it's a new combination of resources that are shown here now before we move on to the last part of the teach here we do want to just briefly discuss this virtue track because we've been talking about gaining and losing virtue throughout the game and so at the beginning of the game we are going to start at 7 virtue which is right here and so over the course of the game as you gain virtue as soon as you get to 10 virtue here you're going to start being eligible to earn points at the end of the game for your placement on the virtue track so if you end the game at ten virtue you get one point eleven birth to two points etcetera the caveat is once you hit ten virtue you have become so virtuous that you are now no longer allowed to visit the black market that is not a virtuous thing to do and so you just be mindful of that right as soon as you go past 14 virtue every time you go past 14 virtue actually you get to discard a debt card which we will talk about in a second we haven't even discussed debts yet now the opposite is true if you lose virtue as soon as you hit five virtue at the end of the game it's gonna be minus points depending on where you are here in addition as soon as you hit the fourth virtue and below you're not going to be allowed to build the cathedral every time you have to go below zero virtue you actually gain a debt card and so debts look like this they're basically gonna cost you minus two points at the end of the game for every one of these you have in possession they're gonna be various ways for you to be able to pay off a debt including visiting the guard house which we'll talk about in a second and paying off a debt allows you to flip over the card gaining you a virtue also on this virtue track over here if you are so not virtuous at a certain point you start getting discounts on your tax so at this point right here anytime you have to pay tax you actually get a one discount on paying to the tax stand if you get down here you actually get a double discount so if i was went to the workshop and i was this low on virtue i would only pay these two to the bank and never pay the two to the tax we were mentioning earlier that we're going to be building buildings as well as the cathedral in order to build either of these buildings you have to visit the guild hall and that's what we're discussing about placing a meeple here and then going and constructing your building now in order to build the cathedral on the left hand side here it shows a certain number of requirements you must always discard a building card from your hand that's what that green rectangular symbol symbolizes but in addition you also have to discard a certain number of resources so for the first level it's one gold for the second level it's any combination of four wood or stone etc at the end of the game you're gonna get however many points is listed in the row that you end up in but i do want to mention though that if it looks like this where two players are kind of blocking the path now a yellow player cannot continue to build the cathedral it's a choke point it's a choke point yeah you can't you can't bypass that and each time you build the cathedral you also get to turn over one of these cards and you just gain whatever bonuses are listed on the card so in this example it looks like it's three silver and one virtue one virtue you'll always go up on virtue yes because it is quite a virtuous thing to do to build the cathedral now that we know how to build both types of buildings let's go back to the guild hall so we mentioned that this is the timer of the game it is also another way that the black market resets as soon as a worker is placed on the first spot of this second last row as well as the last row we are going to have a black market reset all of the workers get thrown into jail we flip over the card like we discussed earlier and then each time there is a black market reset this thing happens over here in this box any player who has three or more workers in prison loses a virtue in addition whoever has the most number of workers in here is going to gain a debt so it is not the best thing to have workers in prison no and speaking of the prison the guard house is the last placement spot that we want to discuss going to the guard house presents you with a menu of different actions that you can take the number of actions that you're allowed to take is dependent on how many workers you have here so it's one action per worker and so having two workers here lets me take two actions any combination i could even do the same one twice for certain types of these the first thing you can do here is you can take all of the prisoners that you've wrangled up say we have a bunch of workers like this i can take all the prisoners in my wrangled up spot my player board and place them into prison gaining one silver for each worker that i placed there so in that example i would gain four silver from the bank the next type of action i can take is i can just take all of my workers back from prison onto my player board the next thing i can do is i can spend five silver paying two of them to the tax stand or i can gain a debt and lose a virtue in order to take all of my workers from wrangled up spots on everyone's player boards so like this right here money can get this out of my little pen exactly if i had workers in constantine's pen i would be able to take them back as well and the final type of action is one of the ways in which you can pay off your debt you simply have to pay six silver three of which to the tax stand and so this is one that you might want to take several times if you have several unpaid debts and that is pretty much all the different things that you can do in this game like we're mentioning the timer is in the guild hall so as soon as somebody builds the final spot here in the guild hall the 16th point the 16th point then each player is gonna get one more turn including the player who triggered the end of the game and at that point you go into end game scoring so then you would tally up all the points that you gained from your building cards any points from the cathedral any points from the virtue track wherever you end up you lose two points for every unpaid debt you get one point for each gold or marble in your supply supplied because those are the resources that are harder to get one point for every 10 silver and minus one point for every two uh workers that you have that are still in prison and that is the entire game of architects so we do want to discuss the how to play that with the tome saga as well as the bot but we're going to get cleaned up and we'll discuss those two before we start the gameplay okay so we are ready to begin uh we haven't discussed the tome saga yet but we will do that in a second just to give you guys a heads up uh there was a draft that we did so we start with three building cards now we started with four we went back and forth so i have three monique has three uh monique is gonna be second player so she's gonna start with one extra silver so i start with three she starts with four and uh constantine does not have to worry about money and we'll talk about constantine in just a second now because we're playing with the tome saga uh one thing we didn't mention in the teach is that each player board is actually double-sided so one side has a kind of variable setup some of them will allow you to put a certain number of workers in the prison et cetera to start the game but because we're playing with the tome saga we have to start with the standard setup so everybody's going to have the same exact uh stuff stuff yeah the tome saga also has us a draft a an apprentice a starting apprentice and we also change our virtue depending on the apprentice we hire so i started with the gatekeeper and so at during the black market reset this apprentice allows me to remove two of my workers from prison i had to lose a virtue though as a result immediately so i start at six sounds pretty good um okay mine is the wood cutter it's real basic it's just any time i go to the forest i gain one extra wood that's kind of nice basic but uh but effective basic but effective now let's discuss the tome saga for a second and so the way that this works is this is gonna be an entire campaign for all three games and so the winner of the whole campaign is the person who collects the most amount of tomes and tomes are represented by these cards this is also an example of a tome each game that we play in the trilogy is going to have three of these cards set up here that's going to be very specific to the game and each card is going to have a specific objective on it the first player that meets that objective gets to claim the card each objective card also has a certain benefit at the bottom half that is going to be available to the person who collects it for the next game so these benefits are all going to affect paladins which is the second game in the series exactly now the player who wins the actual game is going to be able to collect a certain number of additional tomes that are face down no powers or anything and the number of those is going to be determined by how far the point spread is so if it's a major victory which i believe in a two-player game is more greater than 10 points 10 or 12 points or something like that we'll have to check then that player gets three tomes if it's a minor victory it's two tones so i believe and then second place gets to take one of these uh crests the significance of these crests is the first player to achieve four of a kind essentially is going to get the corresponding tone so that's pretty much all all there is to it and so at the end of all three games whoever has the most tomes wins now the three tomes that we're going to be using for our game of architects are having five apprentices so first of five apprentices the first person to achieve 14 virtue which i don't know if that's even gonna happen and the first person to reach level three of the cathedral oh okay that's gonna be quite the race interesting that one's tough now the last thing we want to discuss briefly before we begin is uh constantine over here so we're actually going to be playing with the solo player bot now you can play using the bot in a two-player game to make the board a little bit more competitive some more tension and so the way that constantine works is he has his own deck of scheme cards right here and so whenever it's his turn we're going to flip over the top card of his scheme deck it's going to require us to place one of his workers in whatever action spot it says at the top and then just do everything it says from top to bottom yep and we'll go over this as the game goes on yes that's essentially all there is to it he's not gonna build any uh buildings but he will construct the cathedral he's not gonna acquire any resources besides marble so his end game scoring is a little bit different from a standard players he also has a deck of future schemes which are a little bit worse and they get added to his standard deck as the game progresses yep and i think we are ready to get started are you i am ready all right so naveen is first player okay take us away all right so for my first move first action one worker one spot i'm gonna take this worker place him in the mines oh already uh the action i'm gonna take is the top one here i'm gonna get one clay plus one for every one i have here so i get two clay nice don't don't confuse them with your uh your workers we'll create a money bridge there all right so that's gonna go to me and then constantine will go third oh and uh in setup we are supposed to have four in the tax stand i almost lost virtue you took it you took a tax money yeah all right for my first turn i am actually going to do something a little different i've never done this before but i'm going to the workshop oh my god right off the bat so i have to pay all of my money two of which are going into said tax stand and two will go into the bank and i'm going to hire the this person the jeweler and so this person lets me take an additional silver when going to the silversmith so all done huh yep so we move these down and we're going to refill we have the trickster the trickster lets you pay one less silver when going to the black market that's actually an interesting one if you take them though you will go down one virtue right away true okay so now we have a constantine over here are you ready to reveal the first uh let's do it good luck all right he's going to the town center already oh my gosh oh no so constantine is going to the town center this is not good right off the bat constantine's gonna go here then we resolve going from top to bottom uh what we're gonna do is pay one coin constantine pays one tax and then constantine is gonna capture or wrangle up all our workers uh from the most the location with the most workers in a two or three player game it's going to be two different locations yes which means he's capturing us both wow gosh all my work to put a worker in there all my work and uh well you know what the good thing about it is at least this card is out for now it's going to stay in his discard until we have to uh until we have to reshuffle essentially well there's more than one in that in that deck that's right it's coming yeah but one is out of circulation yeah well maybe we'll capture him next time that's right okay so back to you wow okay well since i have the wood cutter i'm gonna go to the forest here so i get one per uh meeple here but because i have the wood cutter i actually get an extra one so i have two now nice we're working on gathering some resources all right well i'm going to go to the quarry okay so you zig-zag so one stone for me please thank you all right constantine what are you gonna do oh gosh scheming the workshop so they're going to go to the workshop and then they're going to pay two coins into the tax stand yes the tax stand is looking juicy uh and then they're going to discard this literally this card because there's a little grid here any silver on the discard apprentice should be returned to supply no worries and then we're going to go ahead and refill this unfortunately it also says that we must um add one future scheme card per worker yes two of the schemes discard piles one worker here yeah so just one so because it's in the discard pile we get to know what it looks like and it's gonna be a guard house card that these are more souped-up ones yes compared to the original okay we'll deal with that later deal with that later looks like they're gonna go to the to the guard house and do some stuff and read some havoc yeah all right so that's that's it for constantine back to you back to me we're fluent uh yeah well the getting is good okay i'm gonna go to the quarry i'm gonna get some stone okay we're trying all right me too i will go to the quarry but now that i have two workers here i get two stones two stones perfect all right constantine what are you gonna do oh gosh back to constantine yeah i don't like their turns the town center oh boy all my work oh my is this all you're going to be doing all game shuffle money so back into the town center they put one coin into the tax stand yeah so because i um i'm in two locations at the same we have to resolve by a priority so there's the forest is going to get resolved before the quarry for me so these two for you and because i'm tied here in order it's the forest then the quarry so they're going to take out of the forest unfortunately all right back to you wow i can't get an engine going i know uh they are being a little brute okay okay i'm actually gonna go to the quarry again so i'm gonna get two stone now that i have two workers there okay all right all right i am going to the mines so let's get some clay all right so you get two clay yep can't even do the bottom i can't do the gold yet yes oh gosh back to constantine here we go are you ready uh no okay wow oh my god perfect okay so they're gonna go to the guard house and they get to take as many actions as possible it's one per worker this first action here is taking their workers back from prison but because they can't do it that do that they're going to skip it and instead they're going to put all of us in prison and in doing so they're going to gain a marble yes so this marble is one point for them at the end of the game so it is quite possible that naveen and i could lose this game they're playing a good game so far to work together we're in cahoots naveen oh gosh that's not cool okay well back to you all right i am going to the mines so we're trying to get some engine going here uh i get two brick or clay okay there we go your turn yep i am going to go to the mines as well all right do you want gold or are you going to be taking three bricks no i'm going to take some gold please oh yes you are the gold master over there thank you so now i've had i know i have some stuff nice fortunately there is no uh mechanic that i know of that removes resources from our board or else that would be way too painful yeah it wouldn't be so here we go you ready no how many of those are there we should have counted that we did not count that i did not count that um well anywho here we go there's that so your two gets dripped off here and my two gets tripped off there i mean the thing that's good is it'll be a lot of bang for my buck for when i finally go to the guard house and take all my people back oh uh one uh goes to the attacks and by the way that's right that's real good juicy good thing i'm next one two three two virtue that you're gonna have to lose five so eight nine ten eleven dollars eleven silver okay i'm doing it no enough enough counting i'm gonna go to the tax stand i'm gonna lose two so i go down to five but i take all the cash that's pretty nice i need two hands for this why didn't i go there oh well two virtues a lot i already started at six yes but now i have money this is great okay well i'm going to go to the forest let's get some wood one wood please one for you thank you all right mr come on okay constantine this would be actually not a bad time for them to go to the dawn center do they have more than three of those cards no idea the black market market okay so they're going to gain the rewards below instead of the ones on the cards so they're going to the far right yes the far right is the the first spot here and they're going to lose a virtue good and they gain two marbles two marbles that's another two points for constantine over here constantine getting constant points man all right i'm gonna go to the mines and i'm gonna get a gold so because now i have two oh yeah all right so back to me i'm gonna go to the guild hall because i'm going to construct uh our first building time to build so going up here and i'm going to construct the treasury okay so the treasury requires me to have a tiller who i do have here with the jeweler and it requires me to turn in a wood three stone so here's the wood three stone and a gold okay there you go and so this is gonna be uh worth six points at the end of the game and immediately i can take either one gold or three silver and so i'm definitely gonna take three silver because i don't have any money sure i did not go get the tax stand uh cash unfortunately so this is done i'm just going to kind of tuck it in back here yep because it doesn't really do anything for me anymore so constantine again all right the guild hall hey okay okay so they're going to put a worker in the first possible space sure and then they get to move their player marker one space up the cathedral or the cathedral or the virtue they get a virtue okay and they also move their player marker one space of the cathedral and they discard the topmost reward card nice this just goes you want to see it do not see it it would have been that it would have been take one of these cards and virtue okay so i'm gonna keep the discard right there sure now this card actually says that they take the first possible action below in the following order so because they were able to do the top most spot we're assuming that they don't gain the marble so we're gonna skip out on that part i believe so cool back to you all right all right i'm gonna go to the forest and because i have the wood cutter i get an additional wood so i get two total okay all right now that i have a little bit of money i think i'm gonna go to the black market actually i'm gonna pay a coin and lose a virtue so now you and i are tied even though you got there by taking some sweet sweet cash and i'm going here for a wooden gold it wasn't gold but let's try it that's good one wood one gold and that's me very good so constantine here we go the king storehouse so they go there and they're going to get one one virtue one virtue per worker they have one worker so they are gonna get one virtue they're looking good wow constantine is kind of a difficult opponent yeah right yeah very difficult okay back to you all right so i'm going to go to the guild hall and we are going to finally build something so i'm going to build my tavern this one require it's going to be worth 6 points it requires me to have a carpenter symbol which i have with my wood cutter it's going to cost me a lot of resources so three wood two stone and one gold so let's go ahead and just get that three wood so oh you have that yes three wood two stone and one gold is it gold thank you two stone three wood that's gonna be worth six points and oops and right away immediately i get to draw a uh take an apprentice wow yeah so all right let me tuck this under because it's it's done that's nice yeah so i get the free apprentice who do i want i think i want the squire so the squire it's going to get me the ability to have that extra type of builder the yellow carpenter i think or tyler tyler there he is instantly i go up on virtue and then if during the black market refresh i have nobody in prison then i'd gain a gold okay so you better work on that uh yeah i yes you're right okay oh we have the merchant let's go so i'm gonna get my virtue though sure before we move on going to the king's storehouse they can pay you can pay three uh three silver to gain a marble so it's an alternative way of gaining marble sure all right back to me yeah okay so i am going to while i still can because i am literally one point away from not being able to do this i'm gonna build the cathedral sure so go into the guild hall i'm gonna place uh my worker right there and in order to build the cathedral i have to discard a gold as well as a building card from my hand so here's the gold and here is the building card okay so let's put that in the discard discard and then i get to move up uh right there so at the end of the game if i stay here i'll get two points yes in addition stay there i get uh whatever oh two virtues virtue that's good i'm a little bit disappointed i wanted some resources but virtue i guess is fine but she's good and that's my turn so we are now going back to constantine this is a quick moving game right are you ready what do you think it's gonna be not the town center center let's go no guild hall oh yeah so they go to the guild hall and then they move their player marker one space up in the cathedral and discard the top reward card plus they get a virtue wow oh that would have been money oh that's a nice one gosh stinker all right back to you back to me huh okay i'm gonna go to the workshop and i'm gonna hire somebody so i'm gonna pay two to tax okay uh two to the bank let's go out and then uh because i have one uh worker here i can take from here freely or i can take down there but paying but i think i like this one right here this is gonna get me that third um worker type which i don't have and this says anytime i go to the king storehouse i could turn into money which i have a decent amount of for a virtue so nice i will take it that's going to be me right there all right okay so these get moved down yep and you paid the money um yes i did definitely that's why there's two here and perfect oh okay so we have the laborer the laborer doesn't give you any benefits but they're hard-working so they are actually representing one of each type of worker wow where's many hats okay so i am gonna go and i'm just gonna go to the guard house and i'm gonna take back these uh all these workers so that's it that was a really easy quick turn for me all right constantine do your your dirtiest town center oh my gosh constantine all right oh so they go to the town center they're going to pay a coin into the tax stand amazing uh so they're going to take my worker from the forest oh actually well they can't take from the they cannot take from the black market yes but it's tied between forest oh no i'm not in the workshop just kidding okay so the forest and then for you they're gonna take your workers in the mines these people yeah that constantine constantine we should have really thumb through that deck i know wow we didn't card count so this is all just we wanted it to be a surprise like a true it's a big third player right it's a surprise yeah okay what are you gonna do oh my gosh all right i think i'm gonna go get out of prison i don't i don't like where i'm at here so i'm gonna go there just take my two workers back i know this is happening here but i just want to get out of there okay smart that's me i was gonna go to the you're gonna go to the block yes and make you take a dab yeah i know all right okay i'm gonna go to the quarry okay so just one stone please thank you you're good all right constantine here we go what a waste of my turn oh [Music] they have two workers there now so they're gonna take as many actions as possible one per worker in the following order can't get anybody out of prison they are going to put all of our people back to prison yeah so amazing let's do that and in turn they are going to get a marble that's one action and then they could spend two tax dollars to get their people out but that doesn't work three coins two so you discard a debt they don't have a debt yeah discard a debt and go up a virtue yep all right so it's me huh yep well i didn't like that threat about you coming here and doing that that thing so now i gotta go there i wish i had some criminals to take to prison with me because i would have two actions there ah you're forcing my hand here monique what do you do i'm gonna go here because i i don't wanna be in prison i need to get out of there this seems like a sub-optimal turn but gosh i didn't want you to go here and do that thing to me that is not that's not an ideal turn unfortunately um okay well then i am going to go to the town center wrangling up so i'm going to pay a coin to the tax stand and i'm going to wrangle up i have i can wrangle it from two different locations so i think i will definitely take constantine's workers from the town center and do i take your worker or actually never mind because i only have one worker here i can only take from one location so constantine it is yes i mean i meant to do that i chose not to take your workers right now it's true true okay constantine let's go we have the king storehouse okay so they're gonna go here so they're gonna go here and they get uh virtue oh my gosh constantine working hard well now oh actually constantine ignores all the effects on the virtue track so even though they're all the way up here they can still go to the black market indicated by these yes so forget about it yep all right back to you all right i'm gonna return to the workshop and so here it's gonna cost me two to the tax stand uh two to the bank and i'm going to take this person here i was eyeing him okay so this one is instantly i go up one virtue so now i'm back to seven and then anytime i contribute to the cathedral i will be getting two brick that's an ongoing thing two clay do clay yes but i guess i don't know does clay turn into breakfast yeah why not all right perfect okay so we have the the miner this is a tyler person and whenever you go to the mines you just gain an additional clay nice it's kind of like my wood cutter so back to me and finally i'm going to the guard house so i have two workers here which means i can take two actions uh first thing i'm going to do is i'm gonna turn in constantine's workers you know how you like that for a change constantine and again one silver per worker that i place so it's gonna be four two three four and then i'm going to with my second worker action i'm gonna take all of my people back from prison so i did like a hard reset on uh on my people here and that is my whole turn i feel like i'm now inefficient because i wasted two turns doing this whole charade yeah but at least i'm free so something okay ready town center oh my gosh so there are a million of these town center cards yes there's way more than we thought so they're gonna go there okay uh so they're gonna pay a coin to the tax stand yeah my team come out yeah those two for you for me i am a tie between the quarry and the town center so it's gonna take this one center because this is the uh location that is in higher priority my two are supposed to go to the jailing spot trying to take your workers back i see um yeah my bad i realized it though so that's good all right back to you all right off to the black market i go here we go so i'm gonna go there i'm gonna pay two coins to the bank all right and then uh i'm gonna take the well you have to lose over two first i do have to lose the virtues i forget that unless we forget now i'm gonna take the top action which is gain any one of these you're trying to take the tome aren't you i do want the tone all right i'm gonna take the pickpocket so the pickpocket immediately makes me lose virtue which is not good but i do get to gain a gold okay right away so i'll take it that's nice and because i am the first one to collect five or employ five different uh apprentices apprentices i'm gonna take this so i have one tome so in the next game it says exchange all your remaining workers for criminals after passing that'll make sense next calendar yes during the holiday so i have one tome though naveen i'm coming i hope all of that work was worth it i hope so too cause uh technically apprentices aren't worth any points at the end of the game all right so we have the the patron yes and the patron gets you lets you turn in one stone for a virtue at the king's storehouse that's actually not bad okay so we have a black market refresh yes so all these people go to jail yeah all those people go to jail we get to flip over this card so now we have a different selection of resources that are offered at the black market and now anybody who has three or more prisoners i suppose goes down to virtue there goes that and whoever has the most gains a debt yeah my dad constantine gains a debt take your debt there you go so it's gonna be minus two points for you uh actually before we did the black market because i have the gatekeeper i was supposed to be able to take my uh two workers back so this goes back into my my player board very nice so that's actually kind of nice no penalty for me yep now i do have the squire had i had nobody there then i would get gold but that wasn't gonna work out and actually before i take my turn we just realized that uh my workers yeah a little boober when he took the town center action so they took my worker from the town center they were actually supposed to take these two yes from the guard house because it has the most amount of my workers right so there you go we have righted a wrong before it became a problem all right i'm going to go to the black market okay right clear it up so i'm paying a coin and i'm using a virtual losing number two i gain a stone and a marble marble just like that all right now constantine constantine here we go they lose two virtue so well they place their worker yes in the tax stand right and then they return any coins from the tax then to the supply yeah they just wipe it also lose two virtue and they gain a marble so they have five points right now yeah yeah minus two minus two that's true six into your six so yeah and you you let them lose two birds they they definitely i feel like we might if we lose to constantine we are not going to calculate their score in terms of the tome saga we're going to do it according to our own scores true so uh one of us will be victorious for the campaign in the end all right so i'm going to go to the guild hall and we are going to contribute to the cathedral i need to get off the block here interesting so this cost me one gold and one card to do so so i will get rid of which card was it it's gonna be this card because it seems to be almost impossible so that's gonna go out this is gonna be gold in and now i move up on this track and i get to flip this come on be something really good nice three coins and a virtue nice there you go like you needed more coins i know yeah you have your silversmith benefit i don't know why you're not yeah that was a mistake i was enticed but look at this look at how they look yeah they're so fabulous yes they have jewels all over the place all right so back to me i'm going to go back to the quarry so two stones please okay thank you all right constantine ah constantine i know the king storehouse okay they're back oh they're back so they gained three virtue three virtue aren't you gonna go to the town center at any time here uh i'm thinking about doing it right now actually okay yeah shouldn't have said anything yeah yeah that's where i'm going i'm going there and i'm going to wrangle up um so it's pay a coin i do have to pay coin to the tax pack i'm going to wrangle them up perfect perfect that's great good job all right so then i'm going to go to the workshop and instead of hiring an apprentice i'm going to take a card because i only have one worker here i only get to take one card one building card so it goes into my hand and that is it oh constantine interesting all right so uh for constantine let's see oh we're going to the end yeah the deck is running no i feel like i'm not doing anything okay the king's store house again good job gosh good thing i did that just go up one virtue one point wow if they go all the way to the top there they get to discard they could get rid of their debt yeah exactly our one saving grace it's a problem yeah okay back to you all right i will go to the quarry and pick up a stone cool okay your turn okay i'm gonna go to the guild hall and i'm going to contribute to the cathedral so in order for me to do this i need to pay any combination of four stone and wood so three stone in one wood it looks like it for you well i have four stone i can just do all stones it really just depends on what i need i'm gonna do all four stone wow so four stone and then i discard a building card from my hand okay so i'm just gonna do this one okay and then i go up here and now i get to take please be something good hey two wood and a virtue thank you virtue so i get to go up on virtue right there perfect uh back to constantine okay constantine here we go the tuck step stand okay so they return so here we go you put a worker here they return any coins from the tax stand uh to the supply go down two go down two virtue and they gain marble hey marble oh okay so we're not bad that's decent now back to you you know i'm going to go back to the quarry while i can yeah so yeah before he steals it's not bad i'm going to get two that's me happy turns i too shall go to the quarry three stone okay you got something brew in here i've got something okay constantine here we go i need black market okay okay so they go here the spot yeah they're gonna go right there they go from right to left in priority so they go there so they go down a virtue okay and then they gain two two of these uh marbles they're gaining points we are getting a lot of points so that's it for them so back to you all right i'm gonna go to the guild hall time to build so i'm not gonna contribute to the cathedral but i am so i'm gonna build the church and what the church requires is three clay and three stone which i have so three clay and three stone nice immediately it allows me to go up one virtue so i will go up one virtue again and then immediately what it would allow me to do is discard one debt i don't have any but i just wanted to get five points so five points at the end of the game that's awesome i'll take it so that's i think it's funny that we're just kind of hovering around this like yeah six seven eight one of these tomes has reached the fourteen level yeah nobody's getting not really happening let's be honest with ourselves right now it's getting to 14 part two all right so back to me i'm going back to the workshop and i'm gonna take two more of these building cards because now i have two workers here so two buildings and what do we have oh cool all right so uh now back to constantine second to no we have yeah second to last game card okay the workshop workshop okay so workers into here yeah where's the workshop the workshops here okay so workshop and now they are going to take pay two coins into the tax stand they're gonna remove this uh apprentice out of the game and if possible add one future scheme card per worker to the schemes discard pile that is not good so they're gonna add two of these bad bad cards and these ones we get to see yeah so it's gonna be the uh a guild hall which is gonna be a nothingness yeah just speed up the game and then uh that's fine i guess are we keeping track of how many times i think there's like five maybe six i don't know oh gosh plus we don't know what that one is that's nasty yeah all right back to you well seeing as i don't have any cards in my hand and i have nothing working uh wow i just want to let you know by the way that as soon as somebody goes back to the guild hall we're going to have another market yeah market reset so well oh wait wait sorry let's refill this don't want to uh to skimp skip out on the apprentices here yeah this is the conspirator so i think we've seen this person before sure they uh when you go to the town center you pay one less coin i believe so this card is specifically one less silver at the town center but you can never skip out on the taxable one right okay uh let's go ahead and go to the guard house oh so i'm gonna drop off i get three actions here so i can only only take two actions from what i see so i'm gonna drop off these three here okay gaining three bucks yep one two and three and then i'm gonna take my worker back as my second action uh i don't have any jets to flip over and then this is a pretty penny to pay just to take these two workers back so i'm gonna say no to that and uh that'll be it all right that is fair all right and i noticed actually something from a little while ago because i had this person employed when i went up here on this cathedral i'm supposed to get uh two clay so ah yeah resources are valuable and there's a whole reason why i spent four bucks on this guy so especially when you're playing with constantine yes so i cannot let myself skip there you need to uh get your resources while you can yeah totally well i'm just gonna go back to the quarry because uh this is nice having that me so i get four stone please oh my gosh thank you okay thank you kindly that's me uh constantine okay uh last card constantine the guard house okay so that makes sense they're gonna put their last person in the guard house which makes sense because now they're gonna take back all their workers so first thing is they take all of gosh their work is bad that's not good never constantine i mean that's good for them but not really good for us and then because they have three workers they can continue doing this they're going to put all of us in the slammer in the slammer for a marble and then uh they could take they could pay two coins to wrangle up people but they don't have that so instead they're going to pay three coins to the tax stand yeah and this is going to allow them to cancel out their debt and go up a birthday they gain a virtue too good too good constantine touche bearing it off constantine all right i'm gonna go to the town center we're gonna have to wrangle up some peeps so we're gonna go here uh the first one's gonna go to the tax stand and i have to take monique out of here this is i thought we had a truth no us versus them and then i can pay another one to the bank and who do i want to take do i want to take constantine out of there i don't know i kind of want to save myself i want to get out of here oh my gosh you're going to let constantine take all those actions every time yes i need more workers you're a nasty nasty person that's me well then fine it is time to claim a tome so we're going to go to the guild hall and uh i'm going to put this here so which means at the end of my action we're going to have another market reset which is ooh which is going to be bad for naveen unfortunately that's only one i guess this is a little bit of karma right that church of my people yeah okay so at the guild hall i'm going to construct the cathedral so this is going to require me to discard a marble which i have here as well as a building card from my hands so let's just do uh let's do this one okay and now i'm gonna go up to one of these precious spots and flip over one of these awards so two wood and a virtue please thank you go up one virtue you got it awesome well so since you've reached the third level of the cathedral oh yes that's the reason this i get it home i reach level through the cathedral so if you know paladins is gonna allow me to gain one provision for each laborer pictured on the unselected tavern card each round okay we'll explain that to you uh next video yes all right so that's me now back to constantine so all of their scheme cards have been used so we're going to shuffle and we're going to uh there are a lot of town center cards in here if you send mine but here would you like to shuffle sure so let's just keep a little tally here so we have constantine at uh virtue 10. yep uh i'm at eight it means it's seven and they have one two three four five six seven eight nine points justin marble they also have four points in the cathedral i think they're winning so they're definitely winning uh we're okay with that because uh so all right they're doing well so now they go right i think so yeah okay let's see so they oh wait before we do this we almost forgot the black market resets oh yeah yeah so so these guys all go to the jail they all go to yeah they all go to jail we're gonna flip this and then before we do all that stuff i get to take two of these people back yeah that's true because of the gatekeeper too good really awesome my square's useless once again nobody has three or more so nobody loses the virtue but naveen has the most amount of prisoners here so you get a debt that sucks at least now you have something else that you can do when you go to the guildhall yeah that's right it's another option for actions terrible okay so uh there's another guild hall for them no they now they go to the guild halls they're gonna put a worker out here we are at the last ish last half of the game here oh uh now back to you all right i need to get some buildings so i'm going to go here and just grab one of these cards perfect okay you like it okay well i'm going to go back to the guild hall and i'm going to build a building this time okay so it's going to be the tyler's hut so this requires me to spend two brick or two clay sorry here we go one wood and two stone and at the end of the game it's gonna be worth five points in addition i'm gonna get one point for every tyler that i have and i have two of them no i one time one tyler so it's me worth one more point but five points is not bad so i'm gonna just go put it behind the tyler that i have so that we know and that's me so back to constantine over here we have we house this is our fourth person in the card house they're not really gonna be able to do much they get their worker back yes they do get their their one worker back i think that's pretty much it uh yeah nobody to wrangle they don't have anybody in their area here and they don't really pay anything that's it all right and that is it for constantine back to you yeah back to me okay all right let's go to the quarry let's get get it while the getting is good so one three stone for you three yeah okay okay well i'm gonna go to the town center while that is still good so this is gonna require me to pay one coin to the tax then and i am gonna pay one more coin for the second worker to take an additional set of workers okay so the first uh wrangle site is going to be all four of constantine's workers and the second site is going to be the three that naveen plays with the court you cannot let him continue to compound that spot so come on now that's me that's where i went and now we go back to constantine and he is going to the king store house okay so they gotta get two virtues one two they're just moving they're moving all right back to you you know i'm gonna go to the forest since i have that wood cutter i'm gonna get an additional one so i get one two three nice that's a lot of wood yeah all right so uh back to me i'm gonna go to the workshop and i'm going to hire somebody or draw cards i think i'm going to draw cards okay actually hiring somebody is not bad yeah it's not bad yeah if i hire this i have the money though to hire somebody oh no i don't no that's right so i will go to to draw cards so it looks like i still only get to draw two cards because i have an odd number of workers you do get to keep them all right constantine let's see what they're gonna do tax stand oh no they took my move oh you're gonna go there i was totally gonna go there yeah so they go there they wipe out the tack stand they get one marble and they lose two uh virtues so dang it that was gonna be my move so good constantine because i have this pickpocket every time i go to a taxi and i get gold yeah so i might as well get money while going to the taxi yeah that's too good that's too good good job constantine well i'm gonna go to the into the workshop here okay and uh so i'm gonna do the thing that you just did so i'm gonna draw one plus one for having two people so one two buildings and two yes all right well um i think i need some more money because that was a rude awakening not being able to hire somebody so i'm gonna go to the guard house and all i'm gonna do is place all of these workers into prison into prison so it's going to be one two three four five six seven seven coins yeah one two three four five six seven all right let's be okay back to constantine johnson what are you gonna do don't ruin my day gosh the town center okay well that was coming we knew that was coming so here they are okay so they pay a coin to the tax stand and then they're going to capture all of my workers in the workshop that's three yeah and all of yours i think it's from it's a three-way tie from the forest town center and workshop for you so town center then forest then workshop so it's gonna be town center yep yeah all right shoot back to you yeah all right i think i'm going to contribute to the cathedral i would like to get i would like to get moving on that track just a little bit shocking so uh oh man do i do that though i guess the concern is what if constantine goes to the cathedral then you won't be able to progress that far yeah you know i think i'm actually going to go to the prison and bail myself out here i don't like being there just in case just in case constantine ruins things yeah yeah yeah i need workers also that's not bad go ahead okay so back to me i'm gonna go to the black market okay actually so i'm gonna go right here it's going to cost me a coin and i go down to virtue to do this but i'm getting marble so that is me and now it is back to constantine nope yep where are you gonna go to the black market yes let me go here oh man i wanted to go there next okay so they go here uh they go down a virtue and they gain two of these yeah things lots of points constantine yeah so back to you all right i'm gonna go to the guild hall oh interesting and i'm gonna take care of this i'm gonna contribute to the cathedral here so i'm eligible to do so and i'm gonna get rid of this card and i have to get rid of four resources what do i want to hang on to four combination of stone and wood yes so we'll do three wood okay and one zone all right let's do that three wood and one cell i'm gonna move you up here yep and you're going to take the final card yes that's why i wanted to do it so i get ooh a gold oh gosh virtue i wish i had that card gold is so hard to come by in this game that is so nice yes there you go thank you you're welcome all right where are you gonna go that is such a shame because uh now if i were to go up the cathedral i only get a virtue yeah so my turn's not technically over because i contribute to cathedral i get two clay oh nice yeah there we go it's tough yeah what is gonna happen okay you know what i'm gonna go to the guild hall okay it's kind of a nice way for me to get more of my workers back anyway yeah so i'm going to the guild hall this is going to trigger a black market reset amazing at the end of this action and so i'm going to actually build a building no no i'm going to build a cathedral what am i saying i'm going up in the community i have everything you need yes this is going to cost me a combination of eight resources between wood and stone so i'm just gonna do let's see i think you have exactly eight one two no one two three four five six seven eight okay oh so you have one wood left over keep one wood which is really important because every resource counts counts in this game so there you go uh and in doing so unfortunately naveen took the last sweet sweet i had to i saw you had all those resources and there was no way i was gonna let that happen these don't get shuffled these you actually start the game with a certain number of these and once they're done they're done but i do get to go up and i gain a virtue along the way there's teeter-tottering at the center point here yes okay and so because uh i placed a meeple there we're going to trigger a black market reset all these go back or they go into prison we're gonna flip this card and now we have a different combination of stuff and so before we do this i get to take two of my workers back which is nice and because constantine has more than three work three or more workers they lose the virtue they do they also have the most number of workers in prison so take a debt a debt there you go that's what you get good constantine even though they keep they keep uh flushing it now i had nobody in prison correct wait sorry before i do that i think in order to do the cathedral i have to discard one of these cards yes almost cheated let's do this this is never going to happen okay so because i have a squire and nobody was in prison i gain a gold oh finally that's awesome finally good job thank you all right so we are nearing the very end here there's only three more spots before it triggers the end of the game but uh let's continue so constantine the town center center what are you going to do to us okay so first they put a worker there they're going to put a coin in the tax stand so they're going to wrangle you here they're right yes and then i believe i get wrangled out of the forest well it's either the forest or the workshop it's the forest it's the forest yes come on constantine okay so back to you back to me okay i'm gonna go to the black market so i'm gonna spend one coin oh interesting and i lose a virtue for doing this okay um and i'm gonna take one wood and one marble a valuable marble nice that's me all right so back to me ah this is tough you know i guess i'll go to the black market as well i had a feeling you're gonna go there so that's three yeah those two cards are good so you're gonna go down so three silver i go down one virtue and i get two wood and two marbles yeah only i had constantine's end game oh actually these are also worth one third at the end so if i don't spend them so i give you your wood i think you give me two two two wood and two marble perfect and you went down to virtue all right so that's me and now let's see what constantine shall do they're going to the workshop okay so two go to the tax stand so one person here first two goes to the tax stand they're going to ditch this person so this is a nice way that we're kind of shuffling through the apprentice apprentices not bad and unfortunately we must also add a future scheme card per worker to this game's discard pile so let's replenish this real quick we have the acolyte that's kind of like the guy i have over here yeah whenever you build at the cathedral you get to draw a building card that would have been nice okay so future scheme cards there's gonna be three of them i don't even know if we're gonna get through this anyway but here we go a guild hall a another workshop and a guild hall so they basically want to say wrap up the game yeah basically let's go let's go constantine's kind of in a hurry here all right okay get back to you that's that huh okay i'll go to the guild hall okay and uh now that i have this marble i'm gonna move up here and it's gonna cost me a marble and a card so i'll get rid of this card this marble that goes out okay because i moved up i get one virtue nice and because i have this i get two more clay nice what virtue do i have how much can i stand to lose uh you can stan if you don't want to lose a point you can stand to lose one one one virgin okay well i think i'm gonna go to the black market again wow yeah i don't know what i'm doing here i'm just spending all my money i'm going here i'm gonna spend two silver go down to virtue please and i'm gonna take four actually five of these cards and i get to choose one so one two three four five this is going to end up resetting the black market in a second let me just choose my one card right i get to keep from all five i'm basically going to try to take the card that i can then most likely to fulfill okay i'm taking that card these go oh i think they go back to the bottom at the bottom yeah of the deck here and then we're going to reset the black market so all of these people go into prison we are going to flip over that card i get to take two of my workers back this is now my new method of collecting yeah that's a nice that's a very nice thing yeah so constantine goes down over two because they have three or more and they also collect the debt good so it didn't really affect you you just happen to end up in prison well i just don't get the extra gold for being in free of prisons oh yeah that's the square is a little tough to manage here all right so back to constantine and they are going center of course center oh gosh this is the last worker this person lives in the town center all right so one coin to the tax stand yeah and well here's my two comes off i guess my one person that they're gonna take is here yeah gosh all my people are in this area right there same that is unfortunate how much it costs it costs so much to get all your people back yeah you need them to actually go to the guard house right now is what you're asking is what you want yeah all right back to you all right back to me so uh i think i'm gonna go to the guild hall and build so oh we are going to be building i don't want to build this i'm actually going to build this it's worth six points versus going up there for five points so uh this one it required me to have this yellow symbol which i have one of each three clay two stone and one gold so here's three clay okay two stone and one gold and it's worth six points and at the end of the game if i have the most clay in possession then it's worth an additional two points so that's why i'm hoarding all this clay nice so it's worth six points plus potentially two more so that'll be nice wow yeah you're gonna have a nice little payday there yeah hopefully okay so uh that is my turn okay so back to me and i think i am going to go back to the black market okay so we're going to go to this spot right here so it's going to cost me a virtue a virtue yes a gold and a wood so may have a wood please yes thank you and that's me so because constantine doesn't have any more workers they actually get to collect all their workers back and then we reshuffle their deck so and that includes the prison yes every they basically take all their workers back from anywhere on the board except for the black market and the guild hall yes there's that because they had to bring back all their meeples they skipped their turn so it's my turn it's nice for us good yes because there's only one more spot there i know they they have so many of our i kind of want them to take their turn though to go drop people off in the courthouse because i have very little workers now all right i'm gonna go to the king storehouse and uh what i will do is i'm gonna pay two coins because i have the patron i can pay two coins to gain one virtue so i'm gonna go ahead and do that right now so two coins to gain one virtue hopefully i can just creep up that virtue track all right all right my turn oh gosh i don't know i don't know what's going to end the game that's the problem yeah we need to see a guard house badly we both really need constantine to pull a guard house yeah because we don't have workers to do what we need to do you can rob the tax stand for two of our two now and then take all the money and then go do you know what i'm going to go to the mines here we go so uh two clay please interesting i see what you're working on you're trying to get gold on your next turn i see constantine oh yeah if constantine town centers that's bad i'm going to be so mad if class team town centers me guard house oh perfect okay excellent so they are going to just take one action okay and it's going to be they don't have any workers there nope so they're going to put all of us in there so would you care to do the audit sure they get a they get one marble one marble anything else happens to them nope they only have one worker at the guard house locations which is one action nice well there's just a massive people there it's a lot of a lot of my workers wow wow wow wow well fortunately it doesn't seem like we're going to have a black market reset because the two times that we would do it here is used up and it's going to require two people to go here to do that so it seems like we can like ignore it man okay i'm gonna go to the king storehouse again i'm just gonna try to tap this uh so i can now take this action twice so i'm gonna turn in two uh wood okay and two coins because i can do it with this person to go up one two oh now you're getting points yeah oh my gosh all right what you gonna do you know what i probably should have done this last turn i'm i'm like one turn uh delayed but i am gonna end the game okay i'm gonna go to the guild hall and i'm going to build a building actually building yes so i have the silver market okay and so this is going to require me to have a tyler which i do to wood a gold and a marble nice so there you go and it's going to give me six points at the end of the game it's also gonna get me two additional points if i have the most uh silver in my possession right now i have a tie with the beans i don't know if that's gonna happen but i'm gonna go ahead and build that so that's me that ends the game technically uh so everybody gets one more turn including myself at the end of my turn then the game will completely end and we'll go into endgame scoring gotcha so so let's see constantine's final turn what are you gonna do to us for the last time constantine the king storehouse okay that was a uh anticlimactic final turn constantine i am disappointed in you you're gonna end the game with two unpaid debts all right so what are you gonna do for your final turn okay last turn uh we're gonna go back to that king sore house so i never got my people out of prison and i never got rid of this debt i built that church early the church let me tear up a debt i was just trying to get points but okay so king storehouse we're gonna go there uh now i get three actions here so the first action i'm gonna do is turn in uh these two i think i'm just gonna do this three times yeah one two even though you need most money to get two points but i really want this tome two and three right here and the reason why naveen can spend money is because of one of uh yeah my patron your apprentice oh yeah you're a patron yes it's your money to go up a virtue going to the king store house you made it all the way to 14. i did made at the very top which is one of our adventures here well i wasn't at the impression that nobody was going to claim that hey i did it good job yeah this is for if you know paladins it's increase any one attribute mark or one space if you are the first player to pass each round what yes oh no monique you're very familiar with this one because she has uh used this card before in the past unfortunate yeah all right that's well that is my game i think i'm gonna call it uh my butt is gonna get kicked so hard in paladins i don't know we'll see yeah you have two tomes okay well we'll see all right seeing as it is the same difference i'm just gonna go to the king's storehouse okay and spend two wood in order to leave this non-virtuous place okay it's the same thing one point either way i might as well look you don't want to spend your brick virtuous huh you don't want to spend your brick by any chance why maybe because i have a card that says if naveen has the most brick he gets two points oh what are you hiding well that's why i said it okay i didn't know that that was there i dropped a card okay yes seeing as uh there was full disclosure all this i am going to spend the break what you are no no i'm not going to spend the break seeing as i was so honest it's clay first of all second of all my brain reversed it you're right i'm keeping the clay i'm keeping the clay because we have limited space i felt the need to tell you that i was gunning for clay thank you that is virtuous of you you deserve the 14 i should be able to go up the virtue track and discard this too negatory for being so honest all right we're done the game is done we're going to end game scoring right now okay so uh and this is going to include constantine unfortunately constantine um all right there is no score pad so i'm going to use a notebook to keep track of this this is going to be i think this is going to be very close so who went first you uh i did go okay so n m and c constantly forgotten should we count constantine right now yeah let's count constantine right now first thing is cathedral so they get uh four points the reason why we're doing constantine first is because their end games growing conditions are a little bit different from ours so cathedral is four points okay okay uh where they are in the virtue track they get zero points okay okay debt deaths they have two debts so minus four so they're at zero zero all right okay one point per marble two four six eight ten twelve thirteen uh minus one point for every two oh i've totally forgot about it i know me too oh no there's so many people in prison i have seven people which is good my people from prison you should have oh man oh well you snooze you lose yeah we both snooze okay well just know that i would have removed them had i remembered but remembering is half the battles that's true okay so they don't get any minus points for that but they do get one point for every person in the guild hall of theirs which is three yeah so they're going to end the game with 16 points 16 for constantine we'd have to beat 16. i mean just 16. that's it i think i think we can do that okay so buildings naveen you first okay i have six plus uh five plus six uh 17. so 17. there you go you already beat constantine um okay so i have i have these three buildings so it's six plus six plus five so that's 17. same thing also oh man what are we i also have if i have the most amount of money which i do with my two coins i get two additional points yeah and one point per tyler and i only had two apprentices so it's just this one uh right there so it's going to be an additional three points so that's 20 points in buildings all right next scoring condition is the cathedral where did you end up in the cathedral uh i ended up with seven points and you ended up with 12. okay so 7 12 uh virtue you have a lot of points i have seven of the max seven i have zero that was not virtuous do you have one dead one okay so minus two i don't have any debt no doubt um do you have any you have one i have one gold so you're gonna get one point for that i have two marbles so i get two points for that on the wall nobody has ten coins no i spent all my coins no i'm getting points for that minus one point for every two people in prison so naveen you have one two three four five six seven so it's only three points three points minus two points i have one two three four five six so same thing minus three ah i think you got me all right some math okay so final scores are in okay constantine with 16. okay um naveen with 27 and monique with 31. so wow i won you won unfortunately for me it is a a small victory minor vote a minor victory yes so i don't it's not as cool as a major victory okay so a minor victory means for the three tones that weren't here uh you're gonna get two tomes okay uh a minor victory is basically if she wins by less than ten and so she won by five four i won by four four points wow so minor victory so you're gonna get two tones which i'll grab from the box and they're gonna be face down they don't give me any benefits for paladins and i get one because i'm second place you get a tone i get a tone yeah okay and the game with equal tomes yeah you get two benefits for paladins yes oh i'm done i'm done i'm done oh my gosh because my my benefit is not even that cool it's cool whatever it is i don't even know what it is you're going to hate you'll see okay you'll see in the next video okay so would you like to hand out the tomes all right monique so we have some tomes here to hand out these are your two thank you one so make sure you keep it uh face down so that we know exactly what it's so three to three three three the score of this game does not mean anything yeah it's all about how many tomes you collect we are tired going into paladins then i am so unhappy about that i wanted to win though that was so then nobody gets a crest nobody gets a crest because it's not a third player technically constantine would get across constant participation yeah so anyway that is it that is architects of the west kingdom uh let's talk about a little bit shall we yeah so what do you think uh cool i'm so glad we played with the bot because the bot definitely mixed it up it caused us to have some problems so yeah i agree it's pretty fun um i really like that mechanism of stealing people and putting them in prison to make money yeah i think that's a really really cool thing that they designed yeah i think this is a solid start to the west kingdom trilogy you know the neither of us have played very many of shem phillips designs so that's the designer of this game he also designed the other trilogy i think it's another children's the north sea the only game i think before starting this that we had played was a filler type a super filler type game called noctiluca which is very light and it's very very much so not the same as these games so this is a solid start to the series i'm excited i do agree i think that at two the bot makes it so much more fun you never know where they're gonna go it's uh it's you know the fun in this game is that like random spice right the pressure the pressure the player interaction you never know when you're you're um your workers are going to be safe and so without that in a two-player game it's a little bit more cut and dry it makes the competition between the two human players better because constantine yeah we never really thought that constantine was going to win we weren't like oh we're gonna lose to this bot even though we were joking about it it's just that constantine creates problems for us so that if i'm competing with monique now i'm really trying to like get that edge but i think that's why i like the bot so much because i don't really care for it to be that much of us you know in other games i i like it when it's a lot tighter a lot more strategic in a two-player game right but for this game i don't really care for that i like it to be that like fun factor that you never know what's going to happen next yeah right so what about starting with theme what do you think of this theme just for for architects sure it's a yes it's a it's a euro so uh it's interesting that um you are building up this town you're getting the resources you're hiring apprentices to help you build it um it's your virtuous if you're building towards the religious center which is the cathedral uh but you're also gonna score points and and be considered renowned for having your own buildings um so i i yeah it's pretty thematic um how about yourself the big picture theme it doesn't really stick in my head too much like i don't know that i necessarily care about the architects part of it but what i like about the theme is the way that it kind of uh weaves the mechanics together yes like the virtue which is something that we're the virtue in the debt which is something that is going to be a recurring theme throughout the whole trilogy i think is really cool that is the thematic tie that i like really care about yeah right like in hiring the apprentices the the people who are not necessarily doing things that are considered to be morally high are going to make you lose virtue yeah like you you go to the tax standing yeah and you steal tax like it's like hey that's that's shame on you don't steal taxes yeah you have a black market where only if you're if you're uh you know under a certain virtue you're allowed to go because people who are virtuous are not going to go to the platform they would never do that but if you are too far down you stop paying tax you don't get to build the cathedral because why would you do that you're very low it's very very interesting it is interesting yeah the big thing in this game that people remember the most is sending your workers to prison right and i think that that is a really interesting a dynamic thematically intertwined right because you're call kind of like a citizen's arrest yes we're we're we're putting the law into like that's enough you've been you've been robbing from the quarry way too much so you go there you go to the guard house and kind of gives you abilities to get your prisoners back i think it's really really really interesting um in terms of the components the thing that i think is really cool about this game that i think is also present throughout the entire trilogy is the symbology is very clean once you learn the symbols it's gonna it's very consistent and you you know that that little gold symbol that's gonna be points you know what the debt looks like and it's very very consistent throughout the entire thing which i think is really cool what about you yeah um in terms of the illustrations and all that stuff yeah totally um it has carried over you know obviously we've played all the other games and we're starting with this one though just filming-wise um going through each game it's very easy to kind of pick it up um you know where you left off on the previous one which is really really cool yes the concepts stick with you more right exactly yeah so um in terms of the art i am a big fan of the art everything except the uh the characters for some reason the characters kind of throw me off they're a little car yeah right they're just very exaggerated very exaggerated yes the art style on the board is is really cool i think that yeah that it's really well you know the colors are very bold who the illustrator did a pretty pretty good job here in terms of player count and replayability we already spoke a lot about the two-player version of the game uh i still think that this is probably better at higher player accounts so that you don't have you don't need the randomness of the bot yeah you can just kind of uh count on other people around the table to create those moments for you right right yeah and i think in a higher player account everybody wants to hire these um apprentices so you see that slide down a little bit more that is true i feel like there should have been maybe one more card in that deck that would help kind of facilitate that movement yeah it seems like the bot's main intent was capturing people like that's what the bot was doing yeah causing you problems yeah yeah so it is better at higher player accounts in my in our opinion because it's a lot more natural the things that are happening you can kind of foresee like oh well there's a kind of a big concentration of workers there the next player is probably going to go here unlike the bot who it's completely random right right right in terms of replayability uh this game has quite a bit um especially with the different mechanisms that are kind of intertwined we've played this now a handful of times and every single time i'm i'm very excited when i get when i get to play it you know yeah it's always a different different strategy that you're building you can play with the opposite side of the player boards which has a variable setup and that impacts the game quite a bit there's one character that i played with once whose uh virtue started at like 12 or something all the way up there so you know right off the bat i wasn't allowed to go to the black market and so that was important for me i kind of was like weighing do i want to do things that are going to cause me to lose virtue i'm so far on top already right so that does impact your play style which i think is cool the tome saga yes has he comes with the ability to play co-op so you can play co-op and i believe it it has rules for all three of the games all of them yep so i thought that was interesting as well yeah we haven't experienced that yet but maybe in the future and uh in terms of the weight because that's something that we like to talk about now what are your thoughts on this one uh it's it's relatively light but there is enough decision making so that it's good enough for pretty much all gamers i would say yeah feedback intro gamers or even the experienced gamers um i'm still constantly trying to figure out a way to kind of make things work for me so i can score the most points obviously so um yeah i think it has a good it's a nice good introductory weight into the series into the series yes because as the series progresses it definitely changes yes so we are going to have a final wrap-up video for the entire trilogy so we're gonna try our best to not talk about them too much right now okay and finally in terms of mechanics anything uh that we haven't talked about that you wanted to mention uh well you know the thing that i just want to mention about this game that i think is cool is it's bringing us back to the original feel of work replacement games you know when we first started getting into the hobby the big craze was work replacement everybody was coming out with work replacement games because that's like what are the simplest mechanics to understand right you put out a worker you gain resources that's that but this puts a spin on it you put out workers it's going to give you increasing returns on yeah on your workers the more that you keep your workers there but there's always that risk you put the bullseye on your back yes yeah because for one coin i can go wrangle you up with four of them turn them in for four you know so so it's like it has that that mechanic but it also has that risk and i really like that balance um i also think that the tempo of this game is really beautiful it is you know you put out a worker you do the thing you keep on going keep going going going going in circles until the game ends and uh i think that that's really cool and in general i think that that is my main takeaway just the overall structure it has a lot of separate parts that make it into one hole very crazy but it is cohesive yeah you know the way that the cathedral works versus the buildings which one are you going to build uh if you want to go to the left lower left side of the board those actions are a lot more tastier but they're all also a lot more riskier right they're they cost more in virtue and in money yeah so it's really really interesting i really really enjoyed it yeah what are your what are your final thoughts yeah my favorite part of the game i think is that virtue track um i really enjoy the fact that there are certain actions or activities that you do that are going to harm you on that and then there's certain things that you can do that's going to help you on that and that teeter-totter you know there's negative points going down but there's positive points going up uh that's that's probably my favorite part of the game yeah so that is architects of the west kingdom thank you so much for watching we are going to be continuing on the next one with paladins which is the second game in this series and if you'd like to see that please consider subscribing as we're going to be posting another video soon thank you all so much for watching appreciate it thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 25,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: architects of the west kingdom, architects of the west kingdom board game, how to play architects of the west kingdom, architects of the west kingdom rules, architects of the west kingdom tutorial, architects of the west kingdom review, architects of the west kingdom playthrough, architects of the west kingdom gameplay, architects of the west kingdom how to play, shem phillips, Architects of the west kingdom, board game review, architects of the west kingdom thoughts, review, games
Id: 4P2cluVtsT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 23sec (5243 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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