Paladin PvE Leveling Guide GEARing Classic WoW HC

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all right ladies and gentlemen it is 5 46 a.m here in sunjun China um and I've been up for a few hours uh getting ready to make this video here um so actually I've been thinking about making this video for quite some time but it takes a lot of thought process um to try to give you guys some information on like what gear to use at what level and is there anything that you can find for quests and yada yada um can I uh get away with using um stamina Spirit Gear instead of stamina uh intellect gear can I get away with uh of the owl gear which I think is um your peer let's let's find it here real fast I think of the owl gears like pure intellect I could be wrong about that uh eagle owl owls intellect and spirit okay my bad there should be one here that's pure no it's just pure stamina all right all right whatever um can I get away with uh a double stamina gear instead so if you don't know how um gear Works basically um if an item like this uh that's a bad example let's find a more even numbered once we got no even numbers fine whatever if an item like this says 13 intellect uh 13 stamina and I was to go find the plate equivalent of just stamina um it would be uh 50 of that 13 um added to the other 13. so if if this 26 stat in total was a hundred percent um going pure stamina gear or a pure stamina on this would be like a 75 percent of those stats and we can find this here real fast uh so we got of the eagle you can see it'll add 15 15 at most which is 30 total stats uh but if I go of stamina it'll be 23 which is 75 percent of of 30 effectively wait a minute why the hell is this um 15 15. damn my current one is 15 15 and now my worker was 13 13. this is just better what the hell are we doing here level 43 oh is this no this is right so I'm just stupid basically for not having this is that what you're telling me right now all right whatever put that on Jesus um there but we'll we'll talk about this later um so for as for figuring out where the hell to get gear from quests uh I've decided that by far the best thing to do is just to teach you how to use the classic wow head um gear planner where to find things so for example uh at the top of the screen here we got cloth leather and mail if I turn that on it'll add cloth mother and leather and mail to LIT list if I turn it off it'll stick with just plate mail and very clearly over here you can see the source and the source uh um some of them would be questing sources some of them will be uh you know blacksmithing you know yada yada got a very very easy lemon squeezy if you want to know if there's any um Quest or gear that you can pick up here there in the world um but for me looking around the answer is there's not really a lot of quest Rewards or anything um out outside of going away from plate mail which we'll talk about in a second and I would not advise going away from platemail once you're past level 42. all right so let's get into it then um the other thing to note about the gear planner thing well I'll come back to it later is um oh screw it I guess I mean we can talk right now is there's a gear there's this level slider down here so you can adjust the level of the Paladin in particular which will help you search for gear all right so where are we we are in um World of Warcraft Wowhead and if you click on tools there's an option here called gear planner and you can pick class and you can pick race okay so I got Paladin dwarf yada yada at the top of the screen here uh you can put in your talents so you can have your talents uh affect what's going on with the stats and so forth and so on there's a level adjuster to help you search for the gear so we go over here to gear and basically you just right click on the item and see this is including cloth leather and mail and you got all the sources here you can adjust it via source which whatever I guess I could adjust it via source that will make it even easier to find Quest reward sources and you can adjust it via level obviously there's probably some item level stuff you could plug in here to help um do your search but I don't really bother with it because I want to see everything kind of a thing and you click you turn this off and it'll just give you plate mail so anyone trying to make you pay money for a questing guide or something to help you with your gear or it just this took me what five minutes to explain how to use the Wowhead gear planner I mean damn all right so I'm moving on okay so prior to level 41 level 42 somewhere around there you're gearing as a paladin is basically uh do whatever the hell you want whatever floats your boat um however it's highly advised that you have a mix and now that I've been thinking about it um you're probably going to want a mix while you're leveling to level 42 of intellect and and and um uh spirit care so specifically that's gear that's of the eagle and of the whale so of the eagle is your stamina intellect gear and of the whale is uh stamina Spirit Gear um yeah and when you search for them on the auction house you uh um and I guess I can show that real fast as long as I'm in a place uh recently Mage I earned four yeah sure we can go there yes I see you can we get on a mount where are we I'm at oh I was outside testing that's right I was fresh off of testing uh the fire resist stuff right right right right right right jump twist blink in we go open up the auction house so what you'll do is you'll go armor and you'll click uh mail or plates and you'll type in Eagle for example boom and it'll give you uh just Eagle Gear um the other thing I can do is I'll type in whale that'll probably be uh whale boom yeah significantly more options uh adjust for level you know that sort of thing do whatever the hell it is that you want if you click mail and you search whale or Eagle it'll get the same thing that pops up Eagle so can we spell today I can't spell today wow eagle what it I don't my brain just died screw that we're getting the hell out of here all right so that's how you do both those things so that's how you can search in-game and how you can um use the Wowhead gear planner to help you find if there's any Quest Rewards or whatnot yada yada I'm gonna tell you right now that um prior to what we're going to be talking about today I didn't find right so I looked through it didn't find moving on okay so you can see I've adjusted the level here to be a level 42 and then over here I have it as a level 47 or we're going to talk about gear changes from A to B um it isn't uh it is notable that um if you have a full kit of of level 42 you can easily survive in that gear for five six seven levels before the gear will start getting outdated enough that you need to consider upgrading it it's not really the stats that you need to upgrade it's more the armor that starts getting out of dated um so in this level 47 gear you'll notice that I don't have I don't have one of these for level 52 and Beyond and the reason for that is very simple because this level 47 gear is going to easily carry us to level 52 level 53 level 54 somewhere in that vicinity and by that point you've long since theoretically already gotten into BlackRock depths and BlackRock adeps is a dungeon that is absolutely chocked full of Paladin End Game Gear it is it is dripping in in good gear for you as a paladin so for example this Shield here which it has green armor and green armor is a highly coveted item for you as a paladin while you're leveling it means that some of the bonus stats in this gear is going to armor okay this one drops off of the damn Rock Elemental which is like the first boss in BlackRock depths and he's like a level 48 boss or something like that so you can see this Shield is like requires level 47. um absolutely an amazing Shield uh get that damn Shield just because any Shield that's telling you it's got green armor and stamina you want that damn Shield oh there's a lot to talk about where do I even begin um I suppose I can I should start at 50 000 feet and then work my way down to the more Nitty Gritty Nuance details of everything all right so at 50 000 feet um it's important to realize that uh so if I come here I don't want to deactivate it um let's say all the gear that we had up here uh the total armor value amounted to a hundred right like plate male Armor All This mounted to 100 points of armor uh I can guarantee you and this was like the best possible gear you could wear for your level right and that gives you a hundred Armor All This gear up here I can guarantee you exactly how much armor your Shield is gonna have if it is level uh appropriate and that is going to be 60. um the sheer act of putting on a shield increases your total armor value by 60 it is by far the most valuable item for you to keep up to date on your Paladin at all times you should be updating your Shield particularly uh noticing its armor level as often as you possibly can that doesn't mean um that that means you should be like buying a new Shield like every two levels every three levels at at the absolute most because you want to keep the armor up to date as much as possible it is the single highest contributed contributor to your armor value and it's always stupidly cheap to upgrade one of the reasons why it's so cheap to upgrade is because stamina intellect Shields basically do not exist in the game so you just go to the auction house find an updated uh a level appropriate shield and just buy the cheapest one you can possibly find that has stamina on it done and dusted the only reason you wouldn't do this is if you have a shield Spike on your shield and you are lamenting uh replacing it so what this means is is that once you get your AOE on at level 41 you become a little bit more nitpicky about what Shields you really want to wear because uh The Shield spikes are a thing however iron shield spikes are so cheap that it's not that big of a deal mithril Shield spikes are a little more expensive but they're also relatively cheap um especially for for the level but you just become a bit more nitpicky in trying to find shields um so for example over here we have um Aegis of the Scarlet Crusader just about everybody in their dog gets the shield because you know level 39 Scarlet Monastery got Cathedral like you know blah blah blah right so usually you'll transition from um a one Blue Shield to another to another uh past level 41 if that makes any sense so if I if I move up um three levels here and I go look for Shields I'm going to scroll down I'm going to see okay that one doesn't exist if it doesn't have a source it doesn't exist in the game it's just basically it used to be in it used to be in the game during testing and it doesn't exist anymore um desert walker uh 20 something percent drop chance stamina intellect if you find a stamina intellect uh Blue Shield wait this is a held an offhand damn I don't think I can filter for shield this all random enchants what weirdo oh okay yeah I guess I can't uh hmm yeah I can't filter for shield up here to my knowledge whatever we'll scroll down some more uh Mountain buckle or just a drop binds went a clip so it's going to be an auction house thing intellect stamina doesn't have yeah I'm not I'm not really that digging it uh let's get another example here let's find the highest level green item and compare it to one stay away from all the data that's going to be expensive as uh uh rescue Quest reward okay no stamina increased chance to blocks attacks is not the worst thing in the world 1578. I guess this is a durability increase this might be worth it um it might be worth it to do the rescue mission for the damn chicken in tenasses uh for this Shield you'll have to consider that but this is definitely possibly an upgrade for you just because the increased chance to block is both a DPS increase and a durability increase and it does go up slightly in armor that might be worth it maybe maybe maybe um but yeah yeah um but yeah you're not going to replace the shield for for a million years the Scarlet Crusader one is perfectly fine all right let's go back down a couple levels here all right so we are still working at the 50 000 feet Mark here okay so prior to level 30. um you're okay um no my bad prior to level 42 so you're leveling your um damn it what I want to say here is you're gearing prior to level 42. um can consist of leather and male gear as long as you have a nice up-to-date Shield because the vast majority of your armor uh when you're um when you don't have plate mail is is super super coming from your Shield right so if you don't know how armor Works um so if I go over here and I start including leather and mail I actually find some damn male armor here uh just okay there's some cloth all right cloth helmet okay this is mail helm that's a really bad example what the hell are we doing here go over here click on this thing turn on cloth and mail armor we're learning today um and no no no no no I I don't want plate I want some nice I want to just a piece of mail here okay okay so if you don't know how armor works from from male to leather uh um to to pleatmail if a plate mail item uh is has 400 armor then it's male equivalent is going to have about 200 armor and it's leather equivalent will have about 100 armor it basically cuts it in half all all the way down um so for example if I find a piece of leather here you can see it's it's almost about half right so this male one is 230 compared to our 404 on the plate mail and then the leather is 111 compared to our 404 so you can see it's it's almost cutting in half each time as it goes down all the way to cloth um however the shield armor value doesn't really change so prior to you having plate mail um your Shield is increasing your armor value by like 120 like a hundred a percent to 120 percent somewhere around there it is an insane amount of armor increase for you prior to you having plate mail um it's such a large um increase that you can kind of that for those lower levels that you can get away with um not wearing mail of the eagle gear and you can go with uh leather of the eagle gear for example even though that is kind of hard to find uh all the quest rewards all all the leather working all the blacksmithing all the whatever um all that leather gear is always stamina agility stamina agility stamina agility stamina intellect uh leather gear is kind of rare but it does exist and feel free to mix it in to your build as long as your Shield is up to date um the other important thing to note however is um ideally you want about half your gear prior to level 42 to be of the Eagle Gear male and the other half of your gear let's go over here real fast um the other half of your gear to be um uh whale gear you want a mix of of the eagle and of the whale gear and the reason for this is that you're actually doing product you don't you can't AOE very well so you're doing a lot of single Target killing in the world and having having a mix of Spirit Gear Spirit Gear is really really good when you're when you're doing single Target killing I'll talk about that in the lower levels as to why but once you're I guess I can talk about it now once your AOE kicks in your spirit gear is absolutely terrible and this is actually something I wanted to Showcase here real quick so for single Target um killing Spirit Gear absolutely amazing so for example I got this Paladin here uh twinked out a little bit to go make some other videos real fast so if we look at her stats uh she's got strength on her weapon or something uh but you can see I've got a bit of intellect but a lot of spirit right so I'm a mix of stamina and Spirit Gear on this Paladin um and I just want to showcase uh what exactly the the problem is with Spirit Gear from for aoeing versus uh why it's actually so good uh for single Target so the main problem with Spirit Gear let's go here um is when you're okay okay okay so we're gonna watch our spirit tick regeneration so the way Spirit tick regeneration works is um you have it would you shut the up one second here this is gonna drive me insane uh go to hell all right cool woof I don't want to hear none of that anytime soon all right um so Spirit regeneration it's a fi you need to wait five seconds after casting a spell before Spirit regeneration kicks in and then after five seconds of uh after that five seconds you get Spirit regeneration every two seconds um consecration lasts eight seconds so you might think some weird stuff to yourself like you know hey um if I create a macro to artificially lengthen the time to artificially lengthen the time of consecration to nine seconds like 9.1 seconds or I just wait a little over a second in between uh consecrations I can get two spirit tick regenerations in um in between consecrations I am smart uh actually no you're kind of dumb I I thought about this and tested it in the past and there's a there's a benefit and a problem to it but let's just watch this real fast so I'm going to consecrate and we're gonna see uh actually I don't want to do that we're gonna see how long it takes for me to get straight I got a spirit tick and another Spirit tick all right let's do it again see how many Spirit ticks we get I'm gonna spam consecration all right that's one Spirit tick just one Spirit tick right all right let me wait a fraction of a second here let's see how long I have to wait is it one seconds is it two seconds okay one tick boom okay no idea how long that was let me tell you why that's that's good and that's bad okay so why is that good um the reason why it's good is you can actually gain uh somewhere in the vicinity of like two uh um you can gain a a fair a fair bit of intellect out of that for every AOE poll so uh the equivalent to like one piece of of the Eagle Gear um give or take right so you actually do you can increase the size of your Mana bar per AOE pull so for example um if you had a hundred Mana when you did an AOE pull um though that Spirit tick regeneration gain might increase your Mana to like 105 106 percent and this is even um including uh you getting punched in the dick a little bit more taking a little bit more damage and having to heal yourself okay so it could increase the amount of of actual Mana that you have in any given fight uh why is it bad um it's bad because it's going to cause your fight to last somewhere the vicinity of like eight um or or seven eight nine ten seconds longer so you'll do an AOE poll and that AOE pool is just going to last a little bit longer because you're waiting a little bit longer for that extra Spirit tick in between your consecrations right so in between your consecrations you're waiting for two spirit ticks as opposed to the one Spirit take which is what I got when I spam the hell out of the thing so we already saw that when I was spamming the hell out of the thing I only got one Spirit tick right Blue Bar only went up once maybe Blue Bar went up twice I really don't know please please just off I don't want to know oh okay mm-hmm anyways we'll run away from this guy for a second so why is it bad um well you're taking longer to kill the targets and I want to show you something a little crazy here um what is my spirit tick regeneration right now is it 20 I think it's 21 so I'm expecting like it's 20 no it's 30. 30 Spirit okay 30 29 uh 29.5 Spirit uh tick regeneration that's with um over 50 of my gear being dedicated to Spirit currently um why is this bad um well uh I don't want ice cold milk that's terrible idea where's my Hearth at Deep Water Tavern yeah sure no this is mobs in Deep Water Tavern I can I can kill while I'm talking yeah that's not the worst thing in the world yeah we'll go to Deepwater Tavern are you gonna this if you are aren't you yeah don't do it all right I think that settled it for us all right so why is this uh a bad idea in general um well it's gonna take longer for you to kill the mob so okay so it's taking us eight nine seconds longer to kill the mobs but we have more Mana while we're doing it isn't that worth it um the problem is you're taking longer to kill the mobs and you could be drinking so if it takes you eight seconds longer to kill all the mobs that's eight seconds where you could have been drinking and your spirit tick regeneration is going to be absolutely nothing compared to your um the amount of Mana you could be uh getting back from drinking if that makes any sense so it if you need if you if your gear is a little out of date and you need a bigger Mana bar to safely pull the mobs like you know five six seven percent to pull the mobs um it's not the worst idea in the world give me some melon juice thank you um it's not the worst idea in the world to go for these uh double Spirit uh regeneration ticks uh but if you don't need the bonus Mana um what the hell are you doing you're better off uh drinking um your damn juice so for example um this is giving me over twice the Mana regeneration not over twice uh matter generation over what what is it I gotta actually drink it to find out don't I yeah 34 Mana per second so my spirit tick is um 30 Mana every two seconds and this is 34 Mana per second and it will upgrade again when I am level 25 I do believe but I could be wrong about that it shouldn't upgrade again that'd be ridiculous and maybe yeah I guess it'll upgrade to level 25 so I'm yeah yeah so the point is uh you're wasting your time um trying to take longer to kill the mobs it's just don't do it and this bleeds into more Spirit Gear issues um so the way Spirit gearing works is that the more Spirit Gear you stack um the higher it escalates so um if you're wearing pure Spirit Gear is much more ideal than you having only a bit of spirit gear on because every bit of spirit you stack on top of your character does more and more and more and more and more for you there's a lot of classes when they level that really like Spirit Gear Warriors love pure Spirit Gear um Rogues love pure Spirit Gear uh priests absolutely adore pure Spirit Gear uh who else loves uh pure Spirit Gear um shamans actually a door of the whale gear while they're leveling uh paladins not so much but this is um however it is amazing for single Target and the reason why it's amazing for single Target is our AOE rotation is to concentrate as much as possible which means we're not we don't really benefit very much from Spirit at all but when you're doing the single Target rotation you have like 20 seconds of downtime in between killing mobs and so you can actually get an absolute ton of Mana back just from Spirit tick regenerational love so let me ooh myself which might take a little bit of time I want a little bit amount of here okay cool so we're going to judge Sor rank three um in theory I'd be putting down a consecration okay about half Mana right now and let's just see how much Mana it's gonna take yeah we're just going to murder him because I am a Chad right now but let's say that took me 20 seconds Let Me Seal here and we'll see how much man I get back in 20 seconds because you're gonna have about 20 seconds of down time all right let's see here it where was it before we started I want I want to make it at the L Okay cool so right about the L all right let's wait 20 seconds should have about 20 seconds of downtime so I was 57 457. that's 10 seconds of downtime mm-hmm and that's another okay done and 65 all right 69 Okay cool so 700. so we gained like what was that like 250 Mana that's that's a massive amount of Mana to go up um so for example if I come over here to this board uh let's actually get our man at a full rail fast just so we can see what the hell is going on my point is you if you do a mix of of the eagle and you do a uh um and Spirit Gear it's it life is just amazing um we'll put on wisdom just for shits and giggles all right let's get the rotation up okay one sec one consecration down and then we chill all right we're not doing anything else in theory I would judge for damage eventually um but we're gonna wait for out the 20 seconds and I'll judge damage on this guy just for the hell of it so 20 seconds goes away boom you can see I'm almost back to being full Mana which is actually ridiculous so I'm a big I'm starting some Spirit Gear is really growing on me mentally um while you're leveling one-handed and this is true if you're a two-hander or if you're one-hander or anything like that whatsoever so if you're going two-handed Paladin for example highly advise that you have maybe a third of your gear be of the eagle gear and the rest of your gear just be of the whale gear like literally stamina um uh Spirit Gear I know it sounds um but if you watch the stat video we're actually getting a lot more from Spirit Gear over time than we are gaining from from strength over time the vast it's like a 30 DPS increase to go from a one-hander to a two-hander uh as a paladin um it's not that once you factor in consecration it becomes less but in theory if you're if you're a two-handed paladin you also want to have consecration because why the hell not um so it's a 30 DPS increase to go from a one-hander to a two-hander if you have nothing but strength stamina gear on top of that that'll be an additional 20 increase however if we go stamina intellect gear like a third of it and the rest of it being of the whale gear and then you happen to have consecration um you'll the consecration alone the Spirit Gear and the intellect everything is just beautiful um so highly advised and I can showcase that real fast here I guess one sec you can do that real quick this video is going to be long as hell isn't it yeah almost always 30 minutes we're almost done don't worry about it I'll help you guys with your your AOE gearing here in a second but we just want to showcase some stuff boom so we did end up back here let me check the water real fast so I'm not a liar uh water upgrades level 25 yeah okay all right so let's say I'm a two-handed paladin I'm like I want to play two-handed Paladin uh palette time what the hell is wrong with you okay cool I don't have an extra talent I got two in protection okay cool um so I'm still gonna have consecration uh because you'd be ridiculous if you didn't have consecration if you're going two-handed you really want the armor Aura so definitely have the armor or on red order is not not all that great in the world you can try it but if um so why am I a big fan of of consecration well if you're going stamina intellect Spirit which is what this Paladin actually is um you just regenerate so much Mana so quickly uh uh how do I put this uh seal command the DPS you gain from CL command is negligible compared to uh what you gain from Consecration and just going stamina intellect so for example if your strength stamina two-hander versus uh stamina intellect slash uh um stamina Spirit Gear two-hander but you're using a fast two-hander with like sor your performance is going to be virtually identical except one of these two handers uh you have options right you can take dungeons um much better uh your healing is is much better because at least you have some of the Eagle Gear involved very easy for you to swap out um and more importantly uh you're sustained in combat for when you get in trouble is significantly better so for example you pull two mobs at a time you don't you don't really care you can go sword and board in a moment's instance and just grind it out your intellect is you're not being caught off by having um you're not going to lose a 1v1 fight ever because your your spirit regeneration is too high you're not relying on seal command too much allow me to just show you um so you can see my pole arm here is a 2.9 speed pull arm uh I'll show you what the Deep what the Sor looks like without it it's 15 okay cool let's get a judgment of Crusader on here and I that up so whatever it should be uh now it's 26. so it goes up uh more than 15 right so let's um do this properly is that a miss judge dead okay I actually want to heal myself to full and get Mana back and I just want to observe the sustain we have from a paladin like this uh and I'll talk more about armor kits uh when we get there I don't really have a reinforced armor it's only 16. damn that sucks I probably need to fix that geez I've fallen in love with armor kits while leveling particularly thick leather armor kits just because they're so so cheap and easy to get off the auction house all right cool let's find a level equivalent mob sweet and let's just watch our Mana regeneration here so you run up you judge we do one Consecration and then we chill we just chill we just let Spirit tick happen let him judge him dead um in that case I didn't even have to um judge him because of the spirit ticker narration because here our health is going up insanely fast do the spirit I don't even have to heal myself um I'd be on to the next mob already and yeah whatever right it's it's just super insanely efficient you can see I have about a biggest of a man of ours have a health bar which is really really good like how do I die here becomes a serious question or I guess I can just Parry Miss Perry miss judge yeah whatever kill him okay cool on to the next Bob what's going on here what do you want yeah on to the next mob judge hit him consecration it's level 20. he'll die real fast unfortunately my Mana is going down significantly more I'm just gonna I'm not gonna judge I'm just gonna let the spirit take regenerate um what I enjoy doing is just killing one mob with the seal and then running over to the next and then I would judge crusader and I'm literally just gonna kill this mob with Crusader I would just let spirit it's it's not it's not um XP per hour efficient but God damn did I not have to drink when I did this holy because um your Crusader seal is actually not the worst thing in the world you can see I still have it up I just go over the next mob and then this is the guy who gets the conservation treatment he'll just die super fast and then I'll just go over this mob over here and this is just your life as a two-handed paladin I'll judge on this guy or not because I just do too much damage lit Spirit tick regeneration we're almost all the way back to full all right cool judge Sor I could consecrate but it's gonna be like eight compared to what it would be if I um veg Crusader on it which is probably like 10 or something right now but you can see the stats they're just not going anywhere and it's beautiful I don't know what to tell you I don't know what to tell you how many heels before I hit him let's count them one two [Music] three four five okay I can't do that let's heal let's go completely home ourselves Let's uh let's um Pretend We're in a really uh scary fight where we're basically completely um and we have to fight one mob roughly our level damn it I want something a little bit higher level but that's fine for our lives all right we are going to simulate this real fast uh but I need some seal okay cool Sor rank three and we're just gonna fight this mob for our life and I want to see how long it takes um let's assume we're missing like crazy let's stop attacking him for a little bit let's see how long it takes before I can get a big fat Holy Light out of myself would you stop that please relax okay that took that long so it took less than 20 seconds for me to regenerate to the point where I could get a damn Holy Light in how long does it take again should be right now any second now get another Holy Light yeah that is ridiculous how do we die these are these are big chunky heels like how am I supposed to die on this damn Paladin anyways that's my advice so prior to level 30 whether you're doing a two-handed or a one-handed playstyle um God I'm about to level that's really bad um oh well whatever is what it is making videos LOL let's get the hell out of here um highly advised I'm actually falling more in love with a mix of um of the eagle and um of the whale gear stamina spirit and stamina intellect all right so that covers prior to AOE farming now let's go talk about AOE farming in specific all right so making the transition from going from male gear to Plate mail is painful but once you're in all that plate mail um it's really really good um the armor value is so extreme in the pleatmail that I'm I would highly advise that once you are in plate mail and you're doing AOE thing to not mix and match male and plate mail the loss of the armor uh um is is really not worth it I would only feel comfortable for you doing that with two maybe three pieces of your gear at most if you're like I'm level 43 and like you know three of my uh pieces of gear are male gear but my shield is up to date I'd be like that's fine but still do your to just pay the just pay the damn gold to get into the plate gear um it's it's super super useful however there were some things that that I did note so um there is um heavy mithril gear so you can see I have a heavy mithril plate helm a heavy mithril breastplate and a a heavy mithril pants and heavy mithril boots in this build all right so the rule of AOE farming as a paladin I've said it before I'll say it again the rule of AOE farming as a paladin is and this is what you do as a paladin so prior to level 42 level 41 specifically um you are you're running around you're questing you're not really AOE farming you can if you want to but you're not really doing just you're just killing one mob at a time one mob at a time basically uh just like I demonstrated running around having fun questing yada yada the moment you hit Level 41 is when your AOE farming comes online because that's when you can have both consecrate and blessing of sanctuary um and you have plate mail gear and once that happens uh you you you you want to start aoeing as a paladin you can stay um two-hander and you can keep doing the stamina intellect plate mail and then uh like what third of your gear is stamina intellect and then two-thirds of your gear is of the whale you can keep doing that as a paladin all the way to 60. um it's not the worst thing in the world um but it's it's it's nothing compared to the AOE um I'm taking AOE as The Meta basically all right it's wrong for me to say that it it it's nothing compared to it's it's just um a different flavor of you running around doing what it is that you do in the world all right so let's move on okay drink a water here real fast oh that's better talking almost an hour aren't we yeah um but I'll note uh I'll direct your attention to the fact that I have some heavy mithril um plate gear here um so we we just talked about how uh whale gear Spirit Gear is terrible for AOE farming but it's absolutely amazing for single targets um the only real substitute gear other than stamina intellect gear while you're AOE farming is either um gear that is green armor with stamina which is what this heavy mithril pants and the heavy mithril Helm and and the heavy mythical gear set has um or gear that is just of stamina um which uh will be the 75 static thing just just pure stamina right but the rules of AOE farming is Paladin are very simple um you want enough you want enough Banner Mana in the tank that you can successfully Farm however many mobs you're trying to farm plus 20 why do you need an extra buffer of 20 well sometimes RNG gets really really interesting when you're doing an AOE poll and you actually need that extra 20 for not to get real and hit the fan um it is rare enough um uh that AOE can vary on your AOE poles that you can get away with using lower level Mana potions to bridge the gap if you really want to get away with having um less bits of of the Eagle Gear um but just having more armor and more stamina is is basically the next best thing because that that heal yourself less blah blah blah blah um what else is there to talk about yeah so this of the myth uh this heavy mithril gear set can be made by blacksmiths um so for example if I go on to my Paladin who is in fact a blacksmith okay in theory I'll get on my Paladin who is in fact a blacksmith oh good we're still out here from the last video all right blacksmithing I'm going to turn off everything except uh no we don't want any mail just plate okay cool we got the ornate plate so you can see I have heavy mithril shoulders uh it wasn't that good I looked at there's no green armor there um heavy mithril blast Freight is right here 16 mithril bars so feel free to compare the cost of a heavy missile breastplate for 16 mithril bars um to say and of the eagle piece that you would buy which would be its equivalent on the auction house um you have ornate gear is terrible stay the hell away from it but the heavy metal boots a good chunk of heavy mithril bars heavy mithril pants uh this ornate isn't it I guess I don't have the rest of the heavy mithril set but you can get the idea you can grab the nearest blacksmith make him make you um some of this heavy mithril gear that we're talking about right here um why am I spending so much time talking about the heavy mithril gear um because this heavy mithril gear is so good it is so good that it can actually last you something stupid not like five levels it can actually last you like six seven eight levels somewhere around there so if I go over here which is the gear that you wear at level 47 know that this this gear right here is actually competitive Boop plate only heavy is actually competitive still with the heavy mithril helmet so you can see the heavy mithril helmet is missing suddenly this is the difference in a level 42 item and a level 47 item requires level 42 requires level 47. um it's missing 15 intellect but it still has a hefty chunk of armor attached to it so the heavy missile gear is actually absolutely amazing particularly if you start throwing on things like good leather kits um so for example um I've absolutely fallen in love uh while leveling with the um the thick leather armor kit uh why is this uh because the other enchants are kind of expensive in meh for you as a paladin by comparison but the armor kits are just absolutely amazing so for example that that um this thing says here thick armor kit requires level 30. uh if you don't know how armor kits work uh rugged leather is is expensive and hard to come by medium leather is also expensive and hard to come by light leather is super um uh easy to come by uh my bad medium leather is is easy to come by it's it's rugged armor rugged leather and um heavy armor heavy leather is is expensive because it's hard to get but thick leather thanks to the Raptors predominantly in anguro Crater is stupidly cheap and making thick armor kits it becomes stupidly cheap and you can start putting them all over your character um early on absolutely amazing at level 30. I gotta get uh um I fall in love with armor kits by all means uh slap armor kits on just about everything uh the only other things that are are remotely good around here are like uh enchants for plus 70 armor to cloak pretty damn cheap and really really good um I put 100 Health on this guy I don't know how expensive or how cheap this is but since I had a bunch of of the Eagle Gear we'll talk about this in a second uh yeah yeah but the point is is that this heavy mithril gear um particularly the helm the pants the boots and the uh breastplate not all not all the heavy mythical gear is the same so for example if I come over here and I type in uh heavy um we'll be like yeah heavy mithril shoulders it's it's terrible compared to what yeah I could I could otherwise wear because it doesn't have any green um armor stat to it there was another piece around here I think no no no no no was it gloves yeah heavy metal gauntlets let's let's look at this real fast all right look at how stupid this is so these several mithril gauntlets require level 40. they're telling me they have an armor buff because it's 268 green but somebody actually forgot to increase this damn thing's armor because if you look at the level 42 gloves of the intellect you can see it's 284. so this thing is is just stupid so not all the heavy mithril gear is made the same some some people like forget to actually increase the damn armor of these things um but the helm is good breastplate is good uh pants are good and are good so back to AOE farming metrics huh um you need just enough intellect to kill all the mobs around you plus 20 percent and past that any any additional intellect that you have on your character is just kind of buffer and is kind of wasted um there are two farming methods uh farming method number one uh for um paladins is you you gather three mobs at a time it'll cost you about two-thirds of your Mana bar or however much it costs to kill them um so you'll have like forty percent or like 30 percent of a Mana bar remaining by the time you kill all three mobs um then you drink to just full enough that you can get back up again and grab another three mobs and rinse and repeat um not rinse and repeat so basically um if I grab three mobs and I spend two-thirds of my manapower to kill them I will then sit down and drink until I'm about seventy percent Mana then I will get up and grab another three mobs and burn them down so I'll now be at like around about zero percent Mana somewhere around there and then I'll sit down and I'll drink to full and then from there you rinse and repeat rinse and repeat rinse and repeat in gear like this um I would probably feel very comfortable Gathering uh four mobs at a time burning them down drinking to full four mobs at a time uh burning them down drinking to full that's the other way to do it uh when you're in pure stamina of the Eagle Gear um you can handle but uh five mobs at a time burning them down drinking the full burning them down drinking to full if this is Hardcore you need to be a little bit more um careful about what's going on but it's usually not that big of a deal because uh meaning a hardcore I would never pull um five mobs ever it would my Maxim would be four mobs uh why is this uh because you can kind of survive forever healing yourself and Mana potions and for backup and your major recombobulator Ray as an emergency trinket um worst case scenario kind of a thing but you can see here up to date Shield um heavy mithral gear the heavy mithril gear can carry you all the way into BlackRock depths um so uh you'd only want to change out the heavy mithril gear for some stamina of the Eagle Gear if you're going into BlackRock depths but you take you grab these uh pieces you throw thick leather armor kits on them and they will carry you all the way into BlackRock depths where you'll start getting the the really good gear um upgrades if that makes any sense um rings are probably your most expensive of the eagle buy that there is uh period there's no way to get around it but the good news is is that um they don't really upgrade all that much so you can see we've went up five levels and we've gained almost nothing in in the ring category and if I go up to like level four like go up another five levels and I look at how much uh the random will increase whereas of the eagle no of the eagle all right cool thank you I don't want that come on don't the rock wall uh of the eagle no just regeneration whoa regeneration qual Health per five no okay of the eagle yeah yeah so you can see at most it goes up like like a point like like like what the hell are we doing so the moral of the story is uh yes rings when you buy them are quite expensive uh however um you can let them get out outdated um rather horrifyingly because their stats just don't increase for uh so for example if I go over here and I look at my of the rig of the eagle rings they're eight stamina and seven intellect by the time I go up 10 levels from here it's nine intellect and nine stamina like whoop Dee do the rest of this gear is increasing rather uh dynamically so this is ten and nine and then five levels later it's it's uh 10 and I guess it's eight so this isn't going up either but the more important thing here is that the armor went up uh significantly probably so this is uh 341 and this is 366. again I can just let this gear get outdated it's it's not the worst thing in the world you're allowed to have your of the Eagle Gear out date it's actually pretty resilient to outdating uh believe it or not the most important thing of course is to keep your your Shield up and to make sure that you have a thick arm markets all like four of them like all over the place put them on your damn boots you don't need to run faster put them on your pants put them on your chest put them on your gloves like a um thick uh thick leather armor kit it'll prev it'll make the piece of gear last longer before you really start feeling the effects of of the diminishing armor going on so for example this gear right here um with the exception of I might want to eventually replace uh these thick leather armor pants and breastplate with of the Eagle Gear the heavy leather mithril gear could easily take me into BlackRock depths like not even a problem so as long as I I switched out this heavy mithril plate gear for of the Eagle Gear eventually before I get to Blackrock depths I could easily just step into BlackRock depths and tank and heal the dungeon uh no problem um with with this gear right so you don't even need like a heavy upgrade but this is a heavy upgrade you can see that the stats change somewhat but a lot of that is level so for example if I come over here and I just increase the level to 47 so that there they are equal you can see that this is 2850 this is uh 2 900 not the worst thing in the world you can see I have a thousand more Mana um on the gear because all the gear is horrifyingly up to date and my HP goes up by was is that like 300 some or so some of this is due to differences in enchants so for example I think I've got stamina over here which is being Enchanted where's the uh no okay this is the actual level 47. uh this should be uh yeah I got stamina here but you might want intellect enchants instead bring it back down level 42 okay cool so a it's a massive intellect increase when I able to switch out this heavy mithril gear so for example let's just do this real quick I mean in for a penny in for a pound this is going to be an hour long video just suck it up um let's go of the eagle uh let's go of the eagle so let's say I'm I'm upgrade uh that's terrible uh let's say I upgrade my gear to of the Eagle Gear roundabout level 47 uh give or take um and then let's let's compare the differences uh from there I'm actually going to pause the videos because this might take me a hot second all right cool we are back all right so now let's look at it so I took my level 42 character and I upgraded him uh all I did uh was change out the heavy mithril gear pieces to five levels later for up to date of the eagle gear and we'll we'll now look at it so you can see I've got less than 100 uh Mana difference now a little that's 110 Mana difference exactly um some of that might be due to the enchants but I doubt that um HP is still a little lower but it's not the worst thing in the world right like so this is what I mean by um as long as at some point you're you're swapping out the heavy mithril gear into of the Eagle Gear before you get to Blackrock depths you're going to be solid if that makes any sense but the other uh the heavy missile gear is definitely some good gear it can be expensive you notice it was like 16 mithril bars 15 mithril bars you know um blah blah blah blah so compare the cost of buying uh getting somebody to uh make you um uh the heavy mithril gear set those four pieces Helm chest legs um feet um two um if you just took that golden bot of the Eagle Gear right now um but that that's my gearing advice basically and you can let the Rings go out of date to all hell all right cool so the only other thing to really talk about here besides you know have an important up-to-date Shield blah blah blah a lot of people ask me what's the best uh enchant to put a fiery Blaze on the answer is just a damn nightly long sword preferably of stamina um while you're leveling 100 10 000 percent put fiery um Blaze on on a on a damn nightly long sword um easy peasy lemon squeezy if you're not on a hardcore server and or you have lots of gold the answer to that would be uh flurry ax put it on a damn flurry ax um if you have a lot if yeah if we're talking like uh I want the best possible AOE tanking setup for being level 60 uh put the damn enchant on a Edward the odd I do believe but for leveling purposes yeah it's still running rightly long sword and call it a day uh what else is there to talk about here um Uther strength trinket so I've been hesitant to tell you guys about this trinket for one simple reason um this trinket you can usually get very very cheaply off the auction house she's like 50 gold less than 40 gold somewhere around there uh or even less um this trinket the moment I tell people about this is the moment I'm going to be responsible for doubling the cost of this damn trinket so hopefully the community doesn't catch on when I tell you this uther's strength is one of the best trinkets for AOE Paladin in the entire game and it is so good that we even use it in Era for PVP like I just got done doing the dracova versus a hunter video and you'll notice how much I'm praising him using Uther strength Trinket in that duel Uther strength is actually objectively insane I don't know if the shield scales with you um as you level but what I do know is that when you pick it up at level 47 it feels like it gives you like a 300 HP Shield but when you use it at level 60 it feels like it's giving you more like a 500 HP Shield I have no idea what why the hell that is at the very least it's like not 500 it feels more like 400 450 like something like that at level 60. uh what it might be is that when it procs it's actually just giving you a 400 HP Shield but it feels like it's less effective when you're lower level because you're wearing a bunch of green gear your armor is kind of low um that the damage uh reduction uh factors in armor and all other effects of armor so it's not like you know a boom 400 HP um yeah you get the point right so the more armor and the better gear you have the the more powerful Uther strength is absolutely amazing trinket we use it all the time in in PvP just because paladins are so hard to kill that this thing's going to proc all over the place and it's procking lets you do all kinds of crazy things like it's an amazing trinket um get it get it get it get it while you're leveling one of the best purchases in the entire game is Uther strength Trinket Mark of the chosen is another amazing trinket there was one other one that that I thought about which is a quest reward um the heroes of old trinket you know blah blah blah blah um this might be really dangerous to do though um because it takes you into the Blasted Lands and if you don't know there's a giant Death Dragon of of Doom in there be advised and the quest itself might get you killed blah blah blah but you know MP5 and restoring health per five isn't the worst thing in the world as far as the trinket is concerned Margaret had chosen however is far easier to get just find a more veteran player to help you kill the cons and maradon it's not the worst thing in the world um two percent chance one struck in combat to increase all your stats by 25 for one minute that might not sound amazing if you know how increased stats work on your Paladin but when you're pulling four or five mobs this thing is gonna proc really really fast so in the grand scheme of things it'll give you like 20 stamina um 20 um uh uh intellect worth of of Mana every time you pull mobs which is absolutely amazing it's it's super super worth it um is it better than major recombobulator uh Ray um hard to say like straight up it is hard to say which is better um the guaranteed emergency 500 health and 500 mana on a five minute cooldown uh trinket major recombobulator or um Mark of the chosen which is going which may or may not be there for you but it'll probably always be active when you're AOE farming are almost always active when you're AOE farming uh effectively giving you plus 20 stamina and plus 20 intellect um hard to say I would say that uh uh if you don't have Uther strength trinket obviously Mark of the chosen major Recon population Ray and just just get on with life if you have an Uther strength trinket then uh Mark of the chosen I think becomes a much more viable option because one of these two trinkets is going to be there for you when you make a poll right either who's your strength is going to be going off like crazy or Mark of the chosen is going to be there for you and it's just uh goody goody gumdrops absolutely amazing good stuff here but uh spend the damn gold you do their strength trinket you will not regret it um okay so I think I'm gonna end the video here um I looked around the tldr is that outside of BlackRock depths all right outside of BlackRock depths there really isn't any crust Quest rewards worth of damn to help you gear as your Paladin the best way to gear your paladin on any server if you're fresh is to literally just stop and farm gold and that'll take the the form of um fishing herbalizing um or mining or and to a lesser extent skinning I would not advise skinning so you just go farm some materials and sell them on the auction house and get the gold and then turn around and buy of the Eagle Gear like actually stop your leveling spend a day to fish and to farm gold and then to upgrade your gear I'm not joking I know it sounds stupid I know it sounds painful I know you want to go go go go go go um but just spending a damn day to chill the hell out and fish and do whatever the hell um to get your gold is to get your gold um really good places to fish uh just look at what's selling on the auction house as far as fish is concerned usually a black mouth sells really good fire a fan Snapper sells really good uh What else tends to sell really good um the stone scale Eagles and tanasta sells really good um yep just Just Fish Farm fish farm fish farm get your damn gold upgrade your gear and move on with life um but the the good thing about the of the Eagle Gear is that as long as your Shield is up to date um uh you can let your plate of the Eagle Gear last for a long long long time just don't forget armor kits uh don't forget to enchant your cloak with uh plus 70 or more armor and um day useful boys basically all right we cool all right so we get another video here and uh day assault
Channel: Pallytime215
Views: 8,160
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Id: ftivG5FrdmQ
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Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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