Int / Stam Paladin Weapon Progression Classic WoW

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all right so while we're waiting for the soloing stitches video to upload um someone had a question about uh weapon gear progression for the stamina intellect Paladin um play style when you're leveling your Paladin either in hardcore or in retail when I looked into it and it's actually a hilariously short list of items like it's it's basically like um a searing blade all right so you start off with searing blade uh super fast 2.5 speed weapon um we've watched just about any early video of me uh doing anything with the auction house Andy my guess is turning into a series Auction House Andy uh series you'll see me using searing blade uh amazing spell proc um it's got everything it's got everything you want in in any weapon uh speed it's very quick got a weapon on on proc chance really good stuff um after that however there there's almost nothing for uh quite a bit of time um like the best thing I possibly found was like this Black Knight off the auction house um there isn't even all that good of weapons and like Dungeons or anything like that everything's kind of slow like you know or has really bad procon hits basically just want the fastest one-handed weapon that you could possibly find or the fastest 200 weapon that you can possibly find um the Black Knight off the auction house was pretty much the best thing I get my hands on but really from from level 26 onwards basically just use whatever uh but then you get level 29. Boop and level 29 by far the best weapon for you is crowd manual pumbler or manual crowd bummer why it's got a two second speed it's a two-hander so it'll have a 20 spell power ratio it's pumping out the same spell power ratio as basically a one-hander at 1.5 second speed which is nuts um it has a on use effect but it only has three charges so if for some reason in the open world you decide that you need to do the most DPS you can possibly do um crowd manual pummeler is actually such a good terrifying weapon that even at level 60 um the the weapon is is actually legit I I am not joking as long as you're using its activation the weapon is 100 legit it's a level 29 crowd manual pummeler if uh if you're doing hardcore um this is important thing to note um let's say you're a psychopath and you decide that you go you're going to go into um gnome Regan at level 29 and try to get yourself a crowd manual pummeler okay cool um that is perfectly fine you can go into gnomergan around about level 30 ish and do every single boss in that dungeon no problem with the exception of the final boss do not try the last boss on Hardcore in gnomergan unless you're with a super Chad crew and you're like healing with them and they know they they really know what they're doing and here's how you're going to be able to tell if they know what the hell they're doing so on the path on the way to get to the final boss in gnomergan there's like these um there's like a high ground area with Mobs and there's like a low ground area with the mobs and the the the aggro in there is notorious for for getting people killed okay um you actually have to clear if you want to go to the final boss you actually have to clear up I would highly suggest uh clearing up and down and hardcore simultaneously so you pull the guys on the low ground you pull the guys in The High Ground you pull the guys in low ground you pull the guys in The High Ground just to absolutely make sure that you prevent any possibility of a wipe in there super terrifying I think the mobs are also like level 34. um you could not pay me on Hardcore classic wow to go anywhere near the final boss in gnomergan um well so literally what what happens is if you're a gnomer gone and you're like a a group of like level 30s or like level 31s or something in hardcore uh maybe there's a level 34 in there and they advise that we're not going to pull both high and low on our way to the final boss just Hearth the out don't even think about it just be like nope and just get the out of there you got your crowd manual pummeler or you've done the boss already just just leave because that that is when you know you're not dealing with a crew that is going to survive um so yeah definitely crowd manual pumbler is the way to go and crowd manual pumler is actually your best weapon um all the way to to flurry axi it's kind of kind of ridiculous but at level 33 um nightly long swords come online you can find these all over the auction house um so the nightly long sword is basically what I use in almost all my videos at this point um it's a 1.5 speed weapon random enchant just pick one up off the auction house and you're good to go there is not a bet the only weapon that is better than Knightly long sword uh for a million years is crowd manual pummeler and the only reason why crowd manual pum owner is better is because it has like a 29 DPS right but it's two-handed versus like you know sword and board so um your best one-hander is nightly long sword your best two-hander is crowd manual pumbler even without the activation effect um this is Auction House Andy Series so I don't have a crowd manual pulmonarily yet but crowd manual pumbler actually absolutely ridiculous and then and then and then oh boy level 30 42. all right so here's what's going to end up making the video super short is Mr flurry ax right here okay so I've said it before I'll say it again flurry ax is the highest dpsing one-handed weapon in the game for Paladin uh like period like we're talking like um even when you compare it to uh uh let me go all the way to 60. so even if you compare flurry ax to the best one-handed weapon in the entire game which is hunger and cold so you'll see hunger and cold here 73 DPS next weapon 14 stamina bonus to sword skills it comes with 140 armor which is amazing a 1.5 second speed did I say that already this weapon is insane this weapon is nuts for Paladin this weapon is nuts for any class this weapon is a absolute monster and then you go and you compare it to flurry ax and flurry ax by comparison um basically it only does 35 DPS it does like less than half the DPS of hunger and cold it has no stats on it whatsoever it doesn't have sword skill on it they're the same weapon speed what the well the proc on flurry ax is so ridiculous that it effectively makes this weapon like a a 1.3 weapon and what that means is that when you do the math on it the weapon is literally um this weapon right here this weapon is the highest dpsing uh one-handed weapon uh well if we compare it to hunger and cold um at certain armor value ratios uh hungering cold uh does better but then after a certain point so it's like I think it's like over if your target has over 44 armor flurry uh flurry ax is objectively better if your target is below 40 armor um flurry ax is not as good um as hunger and cold but it's not far off you can see where we're where we're going here um what the hell I'm trying to say right but then once you get above certain spell power ratios um floor reacts just becomes objectively better so for example when I do the math on flurry ax and I'm like okay we have a 300 uh 330ish Bell power Paladin um we're judging Crusader with like uh the Libra fervor and uh we have like Max rank Crusader here which you can already see is like almost 200 spell power so if I assume that I've got a round about 500 spell power um like holy spell power so it's like you know 310 ish plus uh seal of the Crusader um that's where I get these figures of okay above 44 armor um flurry ax is better and Below 44 Army armor hunger and cold is better um but then if you start going up above that in spell power then then floor reacts just becomes better um so what all this basically means is that once you get a flurry ax you can buy one off the auction house again if it's hardcore it might be a super hard weapon to find um but once you get flurry ax it's basically the best weapon in the entire game and I'm not really sure what other weapon you would go for um other than a flurry ax if you didn't have a flurry ax you just have to follow the rules like just try to find the fastest uh weapon possible and the sad truth is crowd manual publisher is still going to be amazing um anyways uh yeah I just don't know what to tell you um and then I looked into it it's like okay so once flurry act starts basically you get a new rank of seal the Crusader every like um 10 levels so you get one at like level 32 level 42 level 52 is when you get your max right seal of the Crusader which is your primary source of spell power but every time flurry act starts to fall off um there are other factors that just end up making it better so for example you can get a flurry exit level uh 420 right the the other the other weapon that's decent if you don't have a flurry ax I think is like a thrash blade right thrash blade yeah you get it from a quest nah that's dog that's not half bad though honestly yeah see you you pick up a thrash blade because you get the extra attack on hit um AOE tanking comes online at level 42 and AOE tanking has completely different rules for um weapon progression if that makes any sense uh what am I trying to say here right so when you're AOE tanking you want to try to use like the fastest weapon possible let's see if I can demonstrate here in a second I want to find something a little well let's see not going to die anytime soon that might be nice I am in the field let me make sure I don't die to some random all right so I actually want to use up some Mana here is that rank one or Max rank I think it's Max rank yeah we're good all right let's look at the Mana regeneration of flurry ax now you might think Reckoning would help thrash blades not bad because if you're doing the AOE taking thing you're going to get a lot of Reckoning charges right which is which is pretty good but if you actually play test um AOE tanking at all um what you'll begin to notice is you really want um you you super super actually want um the fastest one-handed weapon possible so again flurry ax rayoe tanking is the best weapon for AOE tanking uh period possibly Edward the odd is the only one that I would even remotely consider um being uh better but let's just look at the Mana regeneration uh pullback off of uh off of a flurry ax here while I talk um what else do we got going on here am I missing anything I wanted to say something about all right I was going to compare it to Edward yacht you don't get Edward the odd until Level 57. um and flurry ax with its extra attacks its insane attack speed the amount of Mana pullback is kind of intense and insane um thrash blade's not so bad with the uh the Reckoning charges but you'll find that when you're AOE tanking what you really want is you want the mob to die slowly like um or the very least uh in you want them to yeah you want the basically the mob you're attacking to to die as slowly as possible if that makes any sense um I don't really have much to compare it to hmm if I was leveling what weapons to use uh mugger hurts not the worst thing in the world um 1.7 speed pretty easy to pick up on auction house has a slow effect I'm not really sure what you'd be using the slow effect for um anyways let me show the uh the DPS real fast of flurry ax make sure I'm not doing anything insane here I suppose I could put on a judgment breastplate hmm okay all right so let's just look at the damage here so this is rank three seal the Crusader I've said this before many times but we can see the DPS so as you can see we're doing like 93 um if I was using a trinket it would go up to like 125 and this is just one of the many reasons why this stupid thing and the judgment's not bad either does about 300 damage on the Judgment that was a low roll um so if I use the max rank seal by comparison oh this is always fun to show okay so let me show um so this is three at spell power ratio without and then we switch over to the max ranks this is Max rank you can see it does less right so combat log so you can see um max rank was doing about 53 and then um Rank 3 was doing only 50 right so it went down but watch this real fast okay so now we're gonna do Max rank with even more spell power ratio that was not helpful so now you can see Max ranked us uh 69 about right combat log yeah Max rank is doing 69. and as we saw before our Rank 3 does 93. and that again one has a 10 spell power ratio the other one has a 15 spell power ratio that's why we're using uh rank three ah so I looked into it and there just aren't any better weapons than than um there just really aren't any better weapons than what am I trying to say ah there aren't really any better weapons than flurry ax uh when you're leveling and the the other rule behind that if you don't have a flurry ax would be to find the fastest one-handed weapon that you possibly can and once you start looking for the quote unquote fastest one-handed weapon that you possibly can you begin to realize that your nightly long sword even though it's it's horribly outdated and it doesn't really do much damage is still a 1.5 speed weapon so it's not like uh you're going to outgrow the thing or anything like it's still good like level 42 level 43 level 44 level 45 your nightly long sword is still really good um personally what I would advise is you just mess around with it right so you have a nightly long sword and then you go out of your way to get something like um this is there's no way yeah okay keep going down brain hacker iron foe got it keep scrolling down scrolling down Black Rock slicer keep scrolling down anger forged what keep scrolling down um you can mess around with it right like if you find a really fast uh one-handed weapon then you can replace your nightly long sword but I would highly suggest uh whatever you get as a weapon upgrade just comparing it to your level 33 nightly winter spring level um but that's like really high level 1.6 might be all right yeah I would just compare it to your nightly long sword at uh for a bit and see which one you like better and you'll begin to see real quickly or what I mean by uh once you start doing the AOE tanking thing it literally doesn't matter what um what weapon you're using um you would you just want to be using the fastest one-handed weapon uh possible which threshblade is definitely not the fastest one-handed weapon possible um threshblade is really nice with Reckoning though um but honestly it's it there just isn't a good weapon besides either nightly long sword or um damn it what is it uh flurry ax yeah so yeah I keep looking I'm not finding anything I don't I don't know what to tell you um everything is nice and slow and slow and slow and slow rune one-handed 1.6 speed weapon does do more DPS Rune long sword might be a a really good upgrade to your nightly long sword yeah I could definitely see that what's its required level requires level 46 so replacing nightly long sword at level 46. all right cool uh anyways yeah just keep tinkering with it uh uh yeah I don't know what to tell you okay all right I'm gonna end the video here at uh day assault boys yeah nightly long sword it's just it's just nightly long sword crowd manual publisher is also ridiculous I'm not gonna lie King the decapitator [Music] um uh a really good weapon that you'll never get your hands on uh is brain hacker brain hacker might be the best uh two-handed sword for my style of Paladin play in Phase One and I'm not joking I'm talking like I have access to next uh not Max ramus uh molten core gear and all that stuff and this stupid little level 55 auction house um epic that sells Dirt Cheap because nobody wants a 2.1 speed two-handed ax with a proc on hit uh might actually be a thing and it might be such a thing so much so that I'm actually uh carrying one around for for play testing I got another flurry ax for um for test valley I picked one up pretty cheap um just in case I want to try some other stuff with our uh our test valley boy um I was thinking maybe I would go try to kill uh vile Priestess hex you know that that that stupid that doesn't die um in the Netherlands see where is she at Hinterlands yeah in this area you know what I'm talking about the one that hexes you and then hexes you and then heals herself and hexes you again and she's got like more hit points than stitches had um so that could be interesting where's my brain hacker yeah so I picked up a brain hacker on the cheap um I really want to go test it out I might actually go do that like right now um or or did I want to save it for test Pally like I really don't know um but yeah like phase one man brain hacker might be the way to go people tell me that the damage is physical and therefore is subject to [Music] um armor like the proc on hit remember the proc chance right um in the past or Cova did talk about how brain hacker was amazing um so I guess now I'm just catching on um but when I get a chance I'll have to go make a video um my next video I'm gonna go try to make we're gonna take test Pally into gnomergan so he's officially not going to be an auction house and I'll keep him auction now Sandy but he's not going to be an auction house uh Andy palette anymore but we'll take him into nomergon and I can show you how just doing the punch card quest line don't even need the quest uh just do the punch card things inside gnomergan and you'll get major Recon bobulator Ray you'll get um discombobulator Ray you'll get get all the good stuff so anyways uh Davis fault boys
Channel: Pallytime215
Views: 8,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2LwW1Kckchk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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