What gear do I pick for my Classic Protection Paladin?

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hey hold it from here so we need to make a video on gear and optimization for playing protection pattern and this video is gonna be for Fineman dungeon specifically and this is really huge topic there's so much different gear in classic and it has so many different stats that are going to affect your ability to perform the tanking role to varying degrees so what I'm gonna do in this video I have a different few different gear setups that I've put together and these will serve as examples for what you can do from the time you start doing dungeons and until you have pretty much everything you need but first off let's talk about the different stats ticking news first of all there's the strengths that and this is something you'll find on almost every single piece of gear that you'll come across and what strength does is it increases the white diamond she deal by increasing your attack power and also increase your block value and the thing with the strengths that is a lot of people assume that you won't strength to get a high block value I don't really agree with that because in order to get one block around you you need 20 strength and 20 strength is a lot gear typically comes with under 20 strength maybe up to 20 on some pieces which means that any single piece of gear usually have less than one blocker on it so strength in itself isn't something you should stack in my opinion because it one block value reduces the damage you take by the mobs by one but only when you block so there's other stats you can go for that or give you more value per point of stat and one of these stats would be stamina stamina increases your health cool and that's really what's gonna keep you alive when something hits here the damage freeze first off reduced by the amount of armor you have an armor is something that you don't really find on gear it usually comes on plate gear automatically and there's some items that have additional armor and on top of the regular armor as well as some rings some trinkets that also give you armor but usually you just get the armor from gear automatically so but stamina that's something you can get to varying degrees in gear and once you take damage and it gets reduced by the armor then it goes to your health pool and the more health you have the more hits you're able to take before you actually die and what this usually means is that having a heart health pool means that the healer gets more breathing room it will take you longer to die so the healer can heal other people and don't have to stress as much by keeping your life tank with a low health pool usually what happens is the healer just have to sit and healing that time over and over and can't really focus on anyone else so stamina is definitely important next up we have agility agility increases armor but it's just one armor per point so it's not something that's worth considering it increases your melee crate but Malik rate for palin's you don't gain an extra rage like a warrior and you don't do extra threat from the white damage because righteous fury only boosts your holy spells it does give you dodge though so whenever we get some agility on gear in addition to other stats that you want it's just a nice bonus dodging a little bit extra especially when you're doing big pools can make you take less damage and that's always good and something you note with Dodge a Dodge will replace a regular melee hit in the attack table which means when you dodge you're not getting your retribution or a damage so to the lower threat if you have a high dodge but it's not it's not really that much and I think it's better to dodge the damage and not take any damage at all overdoing slightly more threat and next set is intellect now intellect gives you a bigger mana pool and that's not really directly gonna help with your ability to take damage it's not directly gonna help in your ability to hold threat well well do though it's gonna allow you to cast more spells before you run out of mana which means you can be more aggressive with your spell's and it will allow you to fight for longer so it's easy to deal with extra mobs being pulled and you can do multiple packs after each other before you have to drink and just overall a good stuff I really like it and I think having a lot of mana especially early on when you're not that experienced with playing protection it's really gonna help and it also means that you can heal a bit if you need to do that say the healer does the mage use the Rasta on the mobs you run away and you heal yourself to fall that's something I've done multiple times and it saved the group from a full life so intellect I like to prioritize that on a lot of pieces whenever I can get it next stan is spirit terrible I wouldn't use it you don't really get a lot of value from it since you're not regenerating mana while casting and there's better things to do like between packs you just sit down and drink as far as your defense the stats go you have dodged parry block and defense itself and defense will reduce the amount of credits you take and it's also going to increase your dodge parry and your block chance defense is kinda important but not very you want enough defense that you're not gonna get create too much and just die from a burst damage but if you have too high defense especially for a fireman dungeon it will reduce the amount of redoubt proxy yet and it's gonna reduce the amount of reckoning procs you get so you'll do less threat from not having as much block chance through the redoubt procs and you'll regenerate less man as well through not getting reckoning so I like to keep my defense on around 30 to 40 I think that's just fine for most dungeons and if I would tank and say a pro Blackrock Spire or maybe Dharma north do a little bit extra 60 70 plus it's just fine for that using mobs do hit hard and get Christine there it's gonna mean you take a little damage but for everything else there's almost nothing that hits hard enough that you can survive with just 30 40 the important thing is you need enough health to just soak up those credits when they do occur so I prioritize stamina a lot in my yourselves but of course if you're a defense capped or close to it you don't need a smart house because the damage you take could be more consistent which is something you need to play around with yourself see what you feel comfortable tanking in and finally as far as defensive stats goes there's Dodge which I already talked about when it came to agility and then there is Perry and Perry and it's a pretty good stat so whenever you parry first of all you're not gonna take damage and secondly your next main hand attack is gonna come a little bit sooner so it can speed up your attack speed which basically means you can do more threat and you know restore more manner with judgment of wisdom so it's hard to get though it's not a lot of pieces with Perry on it but if you can get it it's for sure it gets that to go for and finally there's block chance a block chance is it really good stat as the same problem with Perry it's hard to get but if you can get it on some pieces of gear like the barrier shield from Dharma Hall tribute runs what it does is when you block you'll use more holy shield charges you'll get more blessing of sanctuary damage and just gonna make you do more threat and if I'm and engines especially once you start getting some block value as well you're gonna block a significant amount of damage because say the mobs hit for sixty damage in the dungeon so when you block if you have for example 50 block value which is reasonable to have in blue gear then you just can take ten damage from the hit and that's really nothing when you have 40,000 health or more when you're fighting harder hit doing anime such as bosses block is mainly just the threats that blocking 50 damage when the boss hits you for a thousand damage is really a lot so that covers the defensive stats so what can you do to actually increase your threat output I have a threat out but there's a few different stats you can use the main one being spell power and spell power increases the amount of damage to do with your spells which in turn gets multiplied by righteous fury so just having some amount the spell power is going to increase your overall threat and it's also gonna increase your damage so when you're thanking your fine man increasing the e total damage output of the group it's gonna speed up the run the problem is pearl peridot in classic coefficients for your spouse they're not really than high seal of righteousness for example is scaling at 10% if your spell power so if you have a 100 spell power it's gonna increase the damage with your sealer righteousness by 10 keep in mind that this ten damage does get multiplied by righteous fury so I was actually closer to twenty threat so it's still pretty good and of course it increases your damage on consecration especially which means your damage goes up the more spell power you have and it is noticeable when you have a large man as bell tower yeah it makes it easier to tanking you can really tell the difference between having nothing and having some other stats you can go for that increases your threat is spell hit spell hit I don't think I have to explain that T in too much detail it makes you land more spells so obviously landing more spells is gonna increase your threat it's hard to get though and there's just a few pieces you can realistically get with a spotlight on them additionally you have attack speed that's not something you can really get there's some enchants they will increase the speed you swing at but they're usually not worth it over going up the stats and then their stats like a spell crit Malik rate they W damage on their minions and on your judgement they're not very important tactic yet they're really difficult to get them gear naturally and if you can get them say on the tier 2 point 5 and enter set comes with some creative so it's gonna increase the why time you should do by accreting more and it will increase your threat somewhat but it's not a stat you should go for same with spell crit it's really difficult to obtain but if you do get it for free on items you would be using any way for the other stats it's gonna increase the 32 you have mp5 mp5 is more mana regeneration stuff but it's also kind of a threat stat because increasing the amount of mana you can regenerate in the fight will mean you can use more spells this is something you typically won't get in gear you'll get someone your death boneset maybe you can get a mindtap talisman if you don't have a better trinket but other than that it's not really uh there are other ways to regenerate your mana like seal of wisdom and judgment of wisdom and they're gonna be a lot better at than mp5 so usually you just want to go for other stats so now that we looked at these stats and what they actually do let's start looking at the gear that you can use to time vengeance with alright so here's the gear set that I made for sort of a pre dungeon setup it has some items from PRT but otherwise it's mainly quest items Beuys and items from lower level dungeons and this is similar to what I used when I started to tank dungeons the most important thing in my opinion is that you have a good enough health pool and it set up like this it's gonna give you roughly 4,000 health which should be fine for early dungeons having a large enough health pool will allow the healer to relax a little bit so if the healing is the regeneration mana or he needs to heal someone else that's taking damage or just deal with something else then having a high health pool is gonna let the healer breathe a little bit and the setup also gives you a good amount of mana which is really handy if you're just starting to tank because that will allow you to use my spells and you can do less man as well once you get more comfortable tanking you don't really need that much but at least early on I recommend getting mount this gear set up dialed it does not have a lot of defense but the thing is when you just hit 60 or you're close to 60 you'll just be thanking Blackrock depths and Blackrock depths the mobs there are gonna be lower level than here so you're not gonna get created much anyway and defense it's not that important especially early on and I don't think it's important even when you're doing other dungeons I think it's it's a good stat but you don't have to really go for like high amounts especially early on there's all the stats that I'm more important to go for such as health and armor and the reason for this being that armored are actually reduce the damage you take from the mobs and the health pool allows you to take additional hits before you actually die so getting crit it's gonna double the damage you take but that in turn is gonna get further reduced by the armor and it also gives you readout Brooks which can give you block chance which well blocking an attack at least in low level dungeons usually means you barely take any damage if any damage at all so let's look at some of this gear I include the golems go home and this drop since IBRD but if you don't have that you can really just use any green with stamina on it it doesn't matter the questing sunken temple for example give a 25 stem in play town so if you did sunken temple while leveling you should have that and it's gonna be a good home to start out with until you get that golems go a golem scarless it's lower stamina when you get to 7 defense so it's overall a really good piece for the next lot there is not a lot of kid options here but I think the gem shout out if he did Mardon and this dropped it's gonna be an excellent piece for you to use if you didn't get this room are done there's plenty of necks on the auction house at least should be with similar stats so just pick up anything with stamina on it and intellect on it and that's gonna be fine for the shoulder piece just any green weights time and intellect it's gonna be just fine and same will cloak although right here I have the sprite castor cape and this drops one of the first bosses in BRD so it's really easy to get drops about half the time and this will give you some spell power probably gonna be one if you first spell half pieces additional it has intellect and stamina it comes in small amounts on the item it's all there so it's pretty good starting item for the chest piece just some green with implicant stamina I used one weight just slamming on it for a long time until I finally got my death ball but just any intellect them now or just any stamina green it's gonna work as well for a long time so for bracers I recommend the light Forge bracers this is something you should be able to pick up on the auction house for just a few cold and then you pair this with one other light Forge for the two hundred armor set bonus and I think about the second option here you could do the gloves as well those are also since those are BOE they're easy to get but the belt has overall better stats in my opinion because it has 15 intellect on it if you do want to use the gloves though there's a belt from a quest in burning steps it requires you to kill over master pi run outside of purity and it's gonna give you a follow up inside beard beyond Lord and Sandhya's and that has diamond eliten has defense if you don't want to use this piece there's something called a stone wall girdle this drops in society rina and BRD and this has 12 stemming as well but it has a lot of armor on either one of these bolts gonna be good for just getting into dungeons the next piece is the pudgy Gallego ants and these legs they're from a question on Quora the escorted to volcano so these are stamina on them and they have dodged so they're easy to get because it's just a quest reward and it's gonna give you some avoidance and reply it with stamina so there are decent piece and for boots you have the assurance and these are also from a question on Quora it's a chain quest where the last quest called poem captures Queen it's a bit of a difficult quest you probably need to find one or two other people to do it but again this has stamina and has dodged so we'll give you some avoidance and so decent starting piece if you don't have this though any green stamina intellect piece it's gonna do just fine for rings black stone ring for a marathon if you were lucky enough to get that yes stamina Newton has a chance so hitting more it's gonna give you more mana from judgement of Western and it's gonna make you land more mini hits with silver justness for additional threat if you don't have this any green ring with stamina intellect something like that it's gonna work and for the other slot I just picked a band of the Hierophant there's a bue item it's usually selling for just a few gold on the auction house intellect stamina just get stats out overall that's gonna do just fine for tanking beauty for trinkets you have with your strength this is included because it's an easy piece to get normally you can just find this on the auction house for ten fifteen gold but this does two percent chance when you struck in comeback of protecting you with the holy shield and this is not the ability halla shield that you have as a parent it's similar to priests shield gives you two hundred fifty damage absorb we're just gonna when that procs it's basically like you had two hundred and fifty extra health so what's gonna keep you a lot longer and your reduction is also happening after armor so it's just exactly like having more health I will just buy you more time for the heater tool and the healing you and this is something you should get as a paladin anyway it gives us an excellent day we grinding trinket and the last drink it is somewhat the same it's also two percent chance to increase all stats by 25 for one minute it's called market to chosen and you get this from request and Mardan so this is just giving you two hundred and fifty half extra intellect extra dodge extra crit it's just it's easy to get and it's pretty good so you can get this as a starter drinking as well for weapon though here's where it becomes tricky I think flurry acts would be the by far the best choice but on a lot of servers this will be expensive my server this goes for everything between three four hundred gold I was lucky enough to get it for a hundred gold when I was leveling and I don't regret buying it I'm still using it and there's no work no try that I like more the thing with this is it's the fastest weapon speed you can get on the Paladin 1.5 and as an extra attack Brock which means this weapon is gonna be by far the best weapon in the game for regenerating mana so say judge Atari it with judgment of wisdom and just keep attacking it he attacks the extra attack Brock's in the 1.5 sphere it can give you a crazy good man return it has somewhat lower white EPS though so at least early on when you don't have any spell power on a single target having the extra white EPS it's gonna do you some threat but I feel like this is by far the best choice and if you don't feel like spend hundreds of golden weapon there's a very close second call Hans's word it's also a 1.5 speed weapon and it doesn't have the extra attack proc but it is this word so if you play human you get the five weapon skill bonus for shield there's different ones you can use but I include the sacred protector because that's a quest reward in play once you need a raid with about eight to ten people to pull it off but a lot of people usually do this quest when they're hit sixty you guys it gives good options for other classes as well so if you can do this you can find a group for it this is my recommended shield to get if not there's other items you can get as well there's some shields you can buy on the auction house there's a quest from the end boss in sunken temple that's still pretty good and this is other options but I prefer this one because 15 stamina 10 intellect is really good and it also has the highest armor and block that you can get their own Blue Shield's so that concludes my first dungeon setup for gear a few noteworthy mentions here though before we move on would be mera song and this is just an easy weapon thing yeah and so high light damage pretty okay stats for physical damage most important is from my questions comments so you just do you one scholomance and you get this weapon it's a guaranteed upgrade second weapon would be the right side from beardy and I mentioned his weapon because the proc on their skills were in spell power so if you have say 50 spell power the proc is gonna be increased by 50 damage because it scales at 100% so it's a pretty good weapon to use and lastly I had the iron foe and this is not a weapon you should expect to get it's really low drop rate and it's hard to farm so you have to do a lot of beardy if you want to get one or just get really lucky if you do have one though it's the thing with this weapon it's to point for speed so your sila righteousness damage is gonna be really high with it and because it has two extra attack procs when you do happen to get procs it's basically gonna do a massive amount of threat and mobs usually stick to you like glue for the remainder of the fight once it rocks so it's pretty good for say you pull a grip you get a proc on the first mop and then just switch to something else and start building agra so if you have an armful and it happens to drop for you then you should be using it for a long time all right so this is the second example gear setup that I have and you'll be moving on to something similar to this once you're done with BRD and you start moving up to other dungeons as well so in this setup what I went for there is the two set light Forge helmet and shoulders they both have excellent stats high stamina intellect and he also has strength and agility so at least two you get the 200 armor bonus I also went with boots of our drops from first boss in skull maps the curtain was the herald so that's easy to get to and you'll be doing that while you farming your death bones as well and the reason I want for these boots is they have the same thing as the you light Forge which is the two adorableness when you have the two piece so you can pair this with bracelets of Valor and because they are be easy to get and they have really good stats as well fourteen stamina strength and agility so that gets your armor up to the seven thousand range which means you're gonna be taking less damage from mobs hitting you and at this stage of the game you can start thinking about getting most bail pound here so what I chose here is the plate of the shaming King that drops from LPRs from one of the first bosses has high stamina high intellect some strength high armor and you get 18 spell power so this is a very well like a nice piece and if you can get this you should probably use it you'll be using this for quite some time and we can work in multiple different gear setups we also have the cyclopean ban and you might be unlucky and you may not get this drops from the arena and BRD this is easy to farm so if you just be doing a lot of purity you might have seen this drop and if you don't have this that's fine you can just you keep using something else like the black stone ring or even a song stone of fire and forge because that's from the quest sorry I'd be Rd to say the princess so that's a guaranteed upgrade just not stamina but it has more spell power than this cyclopean so again I'm pretty good piece and you probably have some deaf bone at this point as well so if you have that girl and gauntlets they are very well itemized and you also get your legs 20 stamina which is the same Mandelstam has any other legs you can get this here so that's pretty good and that will give you the defense you need so in this set up we actually have less defense than the previous one but that's fine because you have higher armor about 500 more arm and then the previous setup so having a little less defense it's not gonna kill you alright so with the previous set of gear that we looked at you can tank pretty much anything in dungeon again without the problem but you probably still will not improve your character so one of the possible set up so you can do is attack here's the light Forge six piece set and what this does is do you have a chance in here to give you ninety five spell power that's a lot of spell power and the proc chance is pretty high as well so this can be good for threat if it procs at the right moment but it also increases the damage that you do while you're tanking and because paladin damage is so high while tanking I think another nearly HMDA spell power on top is actually going to contribute to the overall group DPS by a high amount the only problem with this setup is it can take a long time to gather the six life which pieces that you need and then the pieces I recommend for a setup like this would be the helmet shoulders chest brazier leg and bits and the reason for this we need that these are the in my opinion best itemized pieces and also let's use the gloves and the belt of the death bone set and this is where you're gonna get your defense Union yet 10 defense on the gloves 9 on the belt and then 3 from the set bonus and with this setup you can have not that much defense from other pieces so I have included the read out close this might be hard to farmed off the drop rate and this seems pretty low so if you don't have this what you can do is you could just keep using the sprite cast drape and then for next piece you can use medallion of Grand Marshal Morris for example I've seen this on the auction house for 2030 gold so that's not too bad and it gives you 10 defense if you don't have this you could use draconian deflector for example for 7 defense and that'll get your defense up to a forty plus it should be fine for anything this has about you in your arm and less than the previous set up but you get a lot of man I would decide up 3500 mana and you get this tournament of health and of course the damage from doing the light portion so what I did have in this setup is the Nagle ring from BRD that's quite low drop chance but if you get this is a pretty good drink as armor stamina defense I also has returned I'm entering your head so it's gonna add some extra damage to the mobs new tanking especially a big packs I also have bribery trading this setup and this is something you might have to do a lot of public expire for I probably did 50 of her luck or aspire or something I got really unlucky with it but it should be just fine if you can find the rend ran or something where a lot of melee you might get this pretty quickly but this is a good passes for power so I'll use this with the 4 so we'll just extra defense and with this setup it's gonna be good for doing dungeons with a group that has more gear so you can do more damage to include dungeons faster so it's a fun setup I recommend trying it out if you have the six set like Forge if not you can just stick to the previous gear setup and finally we're gonna be looking at some more high end gear set up another stage you start to incorporate more bue items into your mix and this includes the lure bringer belt and the Lord bring embraces because they have a high stamina your high armor high intellect it means a lots of defense though you can make that up in all the slots so I include these stockade pauldrons a high armor stamina and have ten defense so and you still want to stick to the TP slide Forge so say the helmet or the boots or the helmet or the chest something like that I also have picked the barrier shield for this setup from normal north with two percent block enchant on it now this shield don't have stamina on it it has block value and has block chance so it's an excellent shield gets your block chance higher which means you're gonna be blocking more especially in big pulls and that's gonna increase your threat and it's gonna reduce the damage you take because your block value at this stage should be pretty decent so with this setup yeah I have high man high armor and pretty good amounts of defense in this setup so this is similar to what I'm currently using I have some additional tier 1 pieces I have the tier 1 chest so I don't use the light for channel many more I just use the gifts girl from a black rocks bar for extra defense and I go more spell power in the other slots but you can just mix it up as you see if it again like it's important and just consider the total amount of stats that you get from your gear so you want to combine the different pieces then access to in the best possible order just to have a high health pool high mana high armor and not enough defense that you don't get to create too much and of course how much of each stat that you want is just something you have to do according to your own needs that's gonna be based on your experience tanking the DPS of the group and gear of the heater how many mobs are gonna pull at any given time it's also gonna be a factor as is the dungeon that you're gonna be doing so on some vengeance you may want to use more heavy spell power gear other dungeons you may want more mitigation and this is something you're just gonna learn by doing the dungeons and seeing what you need so if you find that you keep your and killed in the dungeon just wear more defense or if you keep losing a grow but the heater has no problem keeping you alive just use more spell power for example it's just something you need to feel out by doing the dungeons so note that I'm still using a flurry axe and all these setups and that's just because I really like it but other people have other weapons they prefer so I do recommend you try out different weapons just to see if there's something you like more than the flaring axe I think in mana regeneration from this axis really I would just never replace it for dungeon farming but if you find that mana is not an issue or your group is going slower and your time to drink or something like that you can try out other weapons and you might find something you like more than this before I end this video I'm gonna be briefly talking about and chance for your weapon slot and there's a few options there there's the crusader enchant used by warriors and you have life steel fire weapon icy chain 30 spell power 15 agility there's a lot of different ones including the one from badlands called fiery blaze and that's the quest reward it's pretty good for just doing AoE damage there's damage to you every single movement on you when it props and it doesn't do a lot of damage but it's good at least at lower levels to pick things higher levels though I don't feel that gives too much value the damage is pretty low instead your options are on the higher level and chance and Crusader what this does is first of all it's gonna heal you for a small amount it's gonna increase your strength which in turn gives you block value and attack power not being chance so if it gives you about five blocks value thirty percent next try if you have the shield specialization talent and it also gives you additional wide TPS my TPS it's pretty okay for your single target threat it's not scaling righteous fury so overall Crusaders the less worthwhile for paladin than non c'รจ warrior the other enchant you have is life still and life still is pretty great that's what I'm currently using it has a high procreate it does shadow damage and also heals you and the thing with life still it heals a crypt so other ones can do a little extra damage and I guess appropriate is so large especially with sailor righteousness which can proc your chance it's gonna prop a lot and thus do solid threat especially in single target so this is definitely something I would look into if you just want something relatively cheap a similar enchant is the e fire your weapon fiery weapon also have a high props right it does not heal you but it does slightly more damage than life steal this 40 damage and lifesteal is 35 so this is something you can put on your weapon and it's gonna do fire damage whenever you procs I don't like this too much though because getting the extra little heal it's kind of nice sometimes and also if you're tanking something in BR de or Blackrock Spire there's a lot of fireman ops there and ya done the enchant is not going to do any damage the last chance you can get are the more responsive once it's 15 agility and at the time that I'm making this video it's not currently available in classic when it is available it's gonna increase your malik rate and it's gonna give you a little bit extra dodge it's not something I would recommend instead the chant I would recommend would be de 30 spell power and 30 spell power it's gonna always increase your damage of both AoE and single target it's always active because it's a passive so it's not a prop so it's not reliant on RNG where it may not prop when you actually need a threat instead it will always just give you a slight damage increase so it's a pretty solid enchant and it's the one I would recommend using but it's a lot more expensive than say lifesteal or fiery weapon so to start off with our just recommend you get lifesteal or something and then you can try out 30 spell power later on if you have the goal to spend but I absolutely do recommend that you get the 30 spell power eventually it's just when you get some spell power on your weapon and some on your pieces and eventually the shoulder enchant from so Europe just having a little bit spell power here and there it's really gonna add up and it's gonna help your threat so with that said I'm gonna end this video I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any questions please leave them in the comments all the frog out
Channel: Holyfrog
Views: 26,605
Rating: 4.8472223 out of 5
Keywords: Protection, Paladin, lolprot, 5man, Classic, World of Warcraft, WoW, Guide, Gear
Id: AnMeHhYglac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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