Pakistani Food FAIL!! Underground Goat Cooking Goes Wrong!!

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our chef has some doubts that once we untable this goat whether it's going to be cooked or not oh boy let's see what is the result we have no idea let's go for it in this video you're going to see an ancient style of pakistani underground cooking this is gonna be a huge pit full of embers but i'm still not sure what it's gonna look like because there's a lot of dirt in here too does this method actually work is this cooked because sometimes it can look not cooked but could be cooked producing delicious melt-in-your-mouth juicy meat that looks you'll find out soon enough but first let's back up our pakistani journey started in the mega city of lahore with a population of over 11 million [Music] today aldi and i are heading to the countryside to experience a different way of life am i still in pakistan and a different approach to food oh okay so many things i'm not expected that are happening right now it all starts with breakfast we have nasim bibi who's a local woman here with us and she's making a very refreshing local drink for us which is called lassi lassie a dairy drink made from fermented yogurt was actually created in this part of the world so then she puts in her wood blender she secures this to it this kind of uh twine oh okay this is like a old-school gym equipment what makes this lassie special is that this yogurt came from buffalo milk it is going to take 15 to 20 minutes of doing this exercise and then the end product will be ready for us separate the butter from the lassie and enjoy am i still in pakistan you very much are in pakistan considering the kind of food that is in front of you meet ali he's the one who made this pakistan food journey possible by his side the lord of this mansion and the host of today's event mr muzaffar tarar we have a beautiful spread in front of us can you kind of give me a food tour starting from here these are the sweetened long aged carrots well it's a carrot yeah with the sweetened carrots wow that is super unique it tastes good like a carrot that's been soaking in sugar for three days i've never had anything like that from sweet pickles to the real pickle mango pickles i didn't know you could picklize a mango in this part of the world mango is the most famous form of the pickles oh very sour super salty it's like a green olive times a million but i like it here these are parathas but these are not your ordinary parathas because they have different stuffings going on paratha is a flat bread made from layers of dough with delicious stuffings inside like spiced potatoes it starts with the dough flour salt oil and water fill that with mashed potatoes coriander green chili pomegranate seeds salt and red chili powder add butter then a doughy lid on top [Music] it reminds me a little bit of two chapatis with some stuffing in between it's super heavy i can taste the potato inside i love the bready part on the outside and then it's just a burst of flavor from the masala super delicious i love it [Music] next up the fenugreek paratha smashed with the mortar until it becomes a mushy paste i'm gonna try a little bit of this one too it's super fresh it tastes more grassy it has a really strong chlorophyll taste to it that's really good does the butter go on anything here i use it on everything on everything that's the result of the lassi making right exactly so this is the by-product or for me this is the product because i love butter [Music] as a butter it's so different i think it's unsalted right so this you're just tasting really the pure fat but with all the saltiness oh i love it to cap off this breakfast we have the homemade lassi oh it's so good it tastes exactly like a sweet yogurt that you can drink super delicious cold refreshing i love it [Music] this is a great way to start the day a lot of new flavors and a lot of things we haven't tried so far in previous two days i've seen just a lot of meat here's a little bit of variety and the breakfast it's more about dairy products but as the day goes along things will start to get meatier so we'll take you around we'll give you the taste of some authentic local goat grilled underground then obviously we'll give you a taste of how the local people live all right from here we got a lot to see with breakfast out of the way prep for the underground goat cooking can begin cooking an entire goat will require a little effort from a lot of people all hands are on deck let's move some are tasked with the slaughter dispatching the goat skinning it and allowing it to hang so all its blood will drain out others prepare the fillings that will soon go inside the goat par cooked rice mixed with coriander seeds cinnamon black pepper and dried plums now we need the marination squad blending together yogurt lemon juice chili powder turmeric powder fresh garlic and fresh ginger last if we're gonna roast an entire goat hole we're gonna need a little heat cue the fire starter here we have the pit where the goat is gonna cook pretty soon i'm still not sure what it's gonna look like when the goat goes in here because there's a lot of dirt in here too so are they going to wrap it put it directly on the coals i'm not sure but i'm going to find out pretty soon with the prep complete there's only one man who can bring all these elements together meet chef mohammed saeed pretty soon it's going to be filled with this marinade right here and if you create more surface area like this more flavor is going to get in there so he's cutting all these little slits scoring it all over the body right now he's cutting off the butthole yeah we don't need that no one wants to see that anyways [Music] oh okay so now they're putting a stick through that is why he was making the bum a little bigger the stick goes through it goes out the other end like when you eat spicy pakistani food from here it's time to put the masala inside this is a ton of flavor in here but then now he's putting in the rice the rice has just been par cooked because it's going to finish cooking while it's inside the goat after the goat is fully stuffed with masala and rice the chef adds a final fistful of almonds raisins and walnuts now he coats the animals from head to from neck to toe using the remaining masala once the stomach is sealed it's ready for the pit [Music] so we have our goat right here gentlemen please proceed anytime you're burying an animal to cook there's always a chance something could go wrong they've kind of built a groove into the mud here so as they put it down the stick fits perfectly into that groove timing right now i can see there's a bunch of embers underneath temperature it's very hot the distance between the heat and the meat these grooves are not deep enough so they're going to dig these even deeper so the goat can go deeper into the hole it all must come together perfectly now they're going to put it in the new more deeply dug grooves if you're off it's over and there are no redos they're bringing over a giant lid it might look like a table but it's absolutely not a table it's a lid i'm trying to figure out how this works because there is still plenty of space between the hole and the lid oh bricks so this is how they seal it because we want to keep as much heat in there as possible it's essentially roasting and steaming at the same time from here it's just about getting this kind of sealed so all the heat is going to stay inside as the goat is sealed so is the fate of this meal what you'll soon witness is one of the biggest food fails in video broadcast history trust me what i saw you don't want to see with that said i'm still hoping for the best i'm looking forward to it [Music] while the goat is roasting we're heading out of the compound and deep into the village [Music] where you'll witness an unusual food creation you'd never see in the city [Music] we've gone even further into the countryside here they're making a specialty what is this so this is sugar cane juice which is being condensed into a hard form called good ger a local treat made from reduced sugar cane juice this is how sugar was originally made in this region it looks incredible i love the color i mean it looks like they put a bunch of turmeric in there it's like vibrant yellow it looks fake almost it's the residuals that are coming up from the sugar cane juice it will even become more yellowish and brownish towards the end as it almost like caramelizes exactly [Music] boiling down sugar cane juice until the water evaporates and crystallized sugar remains from this point still the last product is going to take 15 to 20 more minutes the cook adds in ghee or clarified butter that is to make it soft they don't put ghee in it the end product will be a bit too hard the sweet liquid becomes viscous it's ready fill the wooden mold with textured treats like almonds pistachios raisins and melon seeds then the thick sugar cane goop they've poured it all from this huge pan into here i'm putting my hand just above it it is still really hot this guy's like you better not put your freaking handprint in there i'm not gonna but i might put my initials as it cools down it's going to become thicker and thicker eventually we're going to be able to eat it but it's still hot we are near the final process right here they kind of scrape it off they don't exactly have like a scale or an official measurement they just kind of see what feels right in the moment should we try it out yeah for sure let's go for it [Music] whoa oh how would you describe that reminds me of korean corn tea but also you could call it pakistani fudge the nuts and fruit in there give it some lovely texture it's so sweet so addictive because it is just that reduced down sugar what we call sugar right now is something very recent before that people actually use these chunks of good to sweeten their desserts or the milk and the teas people say that this is healthier form of sugar i'm not saying that's good for your health like you should consume more but if you have to have sugar might as well have this than the sugar sugar this has so much more character like salt and soy sauce aren't the same same comparison here white sugar and this not the same leather back at our farmhouse preparations for tonight's feast are in full swing three hours have passed and it's finally time to reveal the results of our underground goat roast gentlemen it's a big moment all day we've been building up to this point right here in this ground beneath this table there's a goat it's either cooked or it's not cooked this is the moment of truth our beloved chef has few concerns that once we untable this goat whether it's going to be cooked or not oh boy if we start down all the way pop it in the microwave if we're in the village we don't have a microwave we put it back back all right let's see whoa here's the moment right now so they need to carefully remove it oh i've never seen a goat that looks like that is this cooked because sometimes it can look smoky and not cooked but could be cooked what's the chef saying he seems satisfied but his voice is not very reassuring yeah he's not radiating confidence exactly what does it feel like it feels medium maybe medium rare since i forgot my meat thermometer at home we'll have to take the goat to the table cut into it and see for ourselves we have a couple different foods here the first one is this what is this for our appetizer bindi ghost chunks of goat slow cooked with onion garlic ginger cumin and kashmiri red chili powder oh and don't forget the okra the most vegetables i've seen since i got to this country tons of okra let's try it out [Music] classic okra a little slimy super masala spicy oh my god incredibly spicy wow but i feel like i can't scratch my throat you actually have that aftertaste when you try okra okra okra i'm talking about the chilies i'm talking about okra i do like the spiciness but it is intense i tried some of the goat very nice succulent juicy and so juicy there's one more food here i want to try that's a chicken right this is chicken karaki dispatching of the animal begins normal enough but then something i've never seen before rather than heating water and feathering the bird both feathers and skin are quickly removed together a bit more wasteful but certainly a more efficient method the secret about skin is whenever we are making curries we take the skin off but when we're drilling the chicken that is when you leave the skin the d skin chicken is cooked with tomatoes garlic onions ginger ghee and a local masala i can feel such a difference coming here from the city where we're eating street food which is meant to be super rich and decadent here it has a much more of a home-cooked feel the flavors are a little bit more gentle yes it's on the milder side and this chicken is just not just your ordinary chicken this is their home raised organic desi chicken all right i'm gonna try this out oh yeah that's that organic chewiness that's quite delicious very nice gentlemen the whole community has gathered here behind us right now this is the future of pakistan watching us as we reveal the status of this goat the goat doesn't have to be well done it could just be medium or medium rare or completely uncooked so we don't know because there is a thick cake of masala on the outside so i feel like something here has to be cooked and we're gonna take a bite i'm gonna cut it open now and see here we go [Music] guys is that the sharp sign okay here we go cutting it open that looks like half an inch roughly is probably cooked and then under that pretty raw i believe what i see on the table is goat's revenge right when it was being slaughtered i could see in her eyes you can slaughter me but you cannot eat me i think if we skim the top a bit some parts are done you want try these cheers cheers you forgot to put it in your mouth i'm waiting for something to happen to you it's going to take a couple days i do like that masala i think it's meant to be cooked to be honest the outer layer is fine yeah let's not go deep i'm not trevor james i am not going deep today we're going shallow how about i check the contents of the stomach [Music] all right looking pretty raw too i'm going to just put that back i'm sure the rope is cooked you want something i'll save for later maybe hang myself [Laughter] listen this happens sometimes we went for something epic something amazing something i think this chef has not tried himself before right this is from a different region so it's like me you know like banana bread i can make that nope can't do it same thing here so he had the idea the principles were in place just slipped a little bit on the execution my guess is that there was not enough coals the coals probably cooled down too much when we put it in there and i think when they bricked it up even they kicked some dirt down and that covered up even more coals so firefly went out an hour after it went in there could be thousand reasons [Music] aside from remote sugary sweets and dirt holes containing uncooked goats there's one last countryside experience one must endure before leaving this place and if you thought that goat was raw well it doesn't get more raw than this [Music] bro what am i looking at here what you're seeing here is a local wwe this sport is called it's intense dude and it's one of the main sources of entertainment in these remote parts it's very intense two teams oppose each other on the field of play the objective touch a member of the opposing team then run back to your side before any of the four can smash you into the ground what if i play against you we can do that i'll do it let's do it let's do it [Music] even with the aggression hard hits potential injuries scrapes bruises and hairline fractures out here on this barren field littered with stones amongst those who don't speak the same language you'll find what words can't convey [Music] sportsmanship and fraternity a place where the guy who blindsides you sending you hurley toward the rocky earth is the same one who will extend a hand to help pick you back up out here you'll find the pakistan that escapes news headlines and documentaries out here you'll find the real pakistani [Music] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace give it a little bit of not a flip no so as soon as the fire is ready the goat is going to go in maybe some of those goats too they're looking juicy put that in here yeah is it a good workout can i see if she's engaging her left now is he gonna cut the ball oh i could tell you one thing this goat is not gonna have any kids at all you just summed up the gold for us you know this is how it is exactly better than mark wings yes [Laughter] [Music] guys that is the end of our video i hope you enjoyed it just so you know everything that happened in this video today was responsibility of this man which man i don't see a man so basically it's me i guess i want to thank ali for everything he's done to put this trip together and make all these fun adventures happen so after today's episode now i think i should take you up to the mountains to get far far away from where you've tarnished your refugees exactly smart all right so from here this trip is going to get a lot different we're not only leaving the city we're leaving the village and going to a geography far unlike this guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time thank you ali and the peace all right let's go ah don't get some sushi i'm in the mood for something wrong
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,674,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, middle east country, pakistan, where to eat in pakistan, what to do in pakistan, travelling to pakistan, Lahore, hindustan, pakistan cuisine, pakistan street food, what to eat in Lahore, mutton, GOAT FEET, exotic food, heavy food, Village food, goat, whole goat cook, epic fail, LASSI, PARATHA, Ghur, jalebi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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