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today we're going to be telling the most spooky stories and The Last Story will literally get this video age restricted because that's what it did let's start with blaza long before time it was like five years ago before nadway yeah it was before Natalie I was at a sleepover very scary or someone was at my place you know did you know this person or was this just a random stranger in your house said it's on Sundays this was a Saturday it was the weekend okay no school day we could stay up as long as we wanted so my friend bought a bunch of spooky movies how long has he been your friend for that doesn't matter don't worry about that so you know who you're going to a sleepover and you're not allowed to have too much sweets or 18 plus movies or video games that are graphic but my friends genius idea he duct tape video tapes around his chest wait what so his mom wouldn't see oh it's like sneaking in candy into the movie theater exactly he had a couple discs in front of his couple bags of candy on the back didn't make no noise his mom didn't know my mom didn't know it's all right your mom's gonna know after this video don't worry about it so we had a wonderful night we ate snacks we watched the spooky movies I was kind of spoons and like Age Two what a spooky for you yeah like how spooky are we talking about so in the movie there was a uh a girl you know exactly that's why it started to go wrong but this girl was a demon she had like black hair and it was like covering her face very spooky I don't even want to talk about that's a spooky boy after we did all of that it was like 2 A.M so I started to go to sleep I started to fall slowly fall asleep until it was like five a.m I woke up I don't know why I kind of like slowly opened my eyes opening Saturday yes I looked to my left because I was sleeping on my left side and what do I see a little girl and I opened my eyes fully fully extended and there she was next to my bed staring at me in her black dress and her hair over her eyes why is little girls in your room don't worry about it it was long before time so I I forgot it was like five years ago so what do normal people do in situations they freeze dub they start shaking they want to go back to bed no I stood up I said what are you doing in my room and you know what happened demons are stance yes I stood up I'm a solid six feet four till I stood up what are you doing in my room and she didn't say a word she turned around and she started running and I was like no no my watch so I just started chasing her and I was running and I was huffing and I was puffing you ran after the monster I ain't no screwing me sucks don't you do it it's a little girl you read after the monster why you already done the hallway she jumps into another room I pulled the door open she was gone there was no one there there was no one in that room and I thought wow I really showed her I went back to bed I slept like an angel and I never never had a nightmare again aren't you supposed to run away from the Scary Monsters wait what happened to your friend he's asleep you have no idea nah he was dressed up as the woman he was dressed up as the woman it was your friend did you ever see see this guy ever again don't worry about that don't worry about that that was my [ __ ] sorry uh what is it eight out of ten nine out of ten maybe even a 10 out of 10. this is a five out of ten a five out of the diet spookiness I had storyline I had a whole more I had different character pulled up and you give me a five but you weren't scared you read after the woman you literally traumatized a little girl what if that little girl was that guy's sister like little sister and you just she's like oh doing and you just traumatized her for Life Alpha meal alpha male right here yeah usually I run away from women in real life too what do you mean in real life too what are you finally my story is way scarier are you guys about to be shivering in your Timbers after my stuff the story of my scares Anatomy now this is a little kid you think his own story's gonna scare himself yeah yeah dude he's not gonna be able to sleep all right don't scare yourself that way this story takes place when I was in Lebanon all right I was around 10. what is that what is this Lebanon is it like a food or something and then since you know since my grandparents lived there I went to go stay with them right so it was like 1am everyone's sleeping right but not me all right I want some ice cream so I go and steal a dollar for my mom while she's sleeping all right you're gonna go get ice cream in the streets for like a dollar at 1am yeah bro there's a corner store right there is Lebanon you know everyone with each other I go down alone all right my mind was focused on that ice cream all right I needed it I didn't care I needed that God ice cream why didn't you just door Dash the ice cream all right I went down to the corner store to go get my ice cream I got it goal one complete I was feeling like the man all right just barely escaped but I had it barely escaped yeah me me all right this is Lebanon all right there's kitty cats on the street I gotta be careful for yeah to not poopy his diaper in the middle of the street that'd be bad yeah I just got to make it back alive so I go back to the entrance you know of the apartment you know it's really pitch black because the light shut off for the stairs yeah what are you doing now are you playing Minecraft Xbox Minecraft he plays Microsoft Minecraft so I couldn't mess up the strings to go up the stairs because it was Pitch Black I'm like maybe I didn't think it was a strength I think you're just wearing like tall enough as a stairs who are who are you what do you mean I'm like standing right you see I'm watching this story okay God I'm watching you struggle to go up the stairs so I go inside the elevator it's small cramped and only has one light all right it's on your average elevator exactly all right I go and press the button while I was going up I'm enjoying my ice cream all right it was golden all right well let's go on up the power shuts off bro oh my gosh beer kicks in my mind five nights is ready I'm in this small cramped elevator and I just pitched black all right I'm it's like in this elevator I cannot even see my own ice cream that's what you're caring about ice cream you're literally about like locked in an elevator maybe this is my only form of entertainment is the ice cream okay it's 1am and I'm stuck in there alone I didn't have a phone and I had to be stuck there until the power turns back on and it can take up to hours I just realized you're getting ice cream at 1am yeah crazy yes you're not gonna be able to go to sleep that way you're like 10 years old listen I was I was I'm so quirky nerd emotion all right I'm scared out of my mind right and I was stuck in there for 20 minutes all right and my ice cream melted I couldn't even eat it no how do you melt it you could literally just eat the ice in front of your face even if it's dark what's so hard about eating ice cream I'm freaking out I won't even tell you how hot it was in there it was you have ice cream though melted ice cream Mimi go sit on the other side of the campfire I'm freaking logical reasoning you just needed to calculate the potatoes you literally do not even wear deodorant get away from them all right continue that way that's the end of my story though wait how did we get out of the elevator not wait did you even get out are you still in there four out of ten on the scary scale that was supposed to be scary I told you oh wow let's pick another random yeah yeah pick someone who was actually suffered like me he's got a jar of peanut butter the next person to tell their spooky story is TBH hottest I think I think these guys should go all right baby you go oh yes is it my turn yeah it's your turn so my story happens all the way and I don't care in Halloween 2012 when I was just a 10 year old little boy there was something called Hurricane Sandy happening okay yeah like we know wait what so I was near the danger zone right I stepped outside and I saw 100 miles per hour is going by okay people drowning in waters screaming for help sharks swimming in the street how can you see the speed of wind are you sure someone wasn't just blowing on your face I didn't care of seeing the stuff right you want to know why why because it was Halloween and I wanted to go trick-or-treating in a hurricane that's besides the point what do you mean that's all horrible idea I I stepped outside right I was dressed up as Spider-Man I was like Punjabi Spider-Man right and I had like a little cute little pumpkin bucket I already planned this out for like two months in advance it was all perfectly calculated so that I can get the most amount of candy more than all the other kids I started walking down the street right I was doing the Shabba Shava and I noticed five minutes later for some weird unknown reason right there were no kids on the street oh maybe it's because there's a hurricane besides support okay it was literally just me right down the street I was like oh you know maybe the shark ate the kids or something I was like okay whatever you know more candy for me I got to the first house you know the guy had the whole house spooked out it was like all these decorations and everything I knocked on the door that's it check no one freaking opened the door because their house is flooded women I looked at the side of the door the window this guy was looking outside he was looking at me from the window dressed up as a vampire there was no [ __ ] excuse there was no freaking excuse for him to not open the door okay what an idiot got halloweening through uh Mimi you knocked on the door and said trick or treat without the guy opening yeah what but you don't do that you preemptively trick-or-treated yeah I was on like I was like speedrun he was like you know they just opened the door drop the canyon I'm like I I'm out next door candy out I'm not waiting for them to Yo nice outfit kid I just want my candy the guy was dressed up as a vampire didn't open the freaking door right so I'm just like there like open the freaking door I started banging on the door I'm like give me my Goddamn candy he didn't open the door right until five minutes later he finally opened the door right and I was staying there because this guy's rich I know he had killed him what a bad potato out there waited at a door for five minutes he had the most amount of candy for sure so he opened the door super depressed and uttered three words y'all know what the words were all right it's two words no wait he said Paul the ween is canceled and shut the door on my face I went to all the other doors knocking on every single one and they all opened the door and said Halloween was canceled because of the hurricane can you believe that was that scary don't worry that I ended too when did you get here you just followed us why is Juicy smaller than that way what is that supposed to mean stop standing over there and come near the campfire I'm coming okay you guys don't invite me enough come to my side you guys can sit together that was my spooky scary story there was nothing scary about that me there was no freaking candy literally a hurricane going on and your your story sucks okay you're like oh my God I can't get exactly yeah no conclusion my conclusion was that I was depressed and I turned out this way the elevator what do you mean wow this is awful this is awesome someone give me some money yeah you why don't you tell your story huh why don't you tell meme God I write your scary story zero out of ten right no candy can you believe that let's go to the Dollar Store and get one all right now it's time to hear uh an actual scary story random name out of the hat is it gonna be me no Ally I have a real scary story I hope so because what do you mean your whole show so I was at my friend's house for a sleepover no coughing okay I don't even know coffee I'm sick shut up I'm sitting right next to you Mimi you better not give me I was at my friend's house for a sleepover and at one point she went downstairs to get some snacks and while she was gone I was just sitting there like oh my really poopy School laptop and I was really edgy I bought this what's so scary about this I'm sorry I'm not done she was a kid so I was on Tumblr like looking at dark edgy stuff some blur yeah Tumblr she's like 35 how do you not know this so I was like looking at dark edgy stuff like true crime documentaries and stuff and I had on like on like all the lights like because I was scared of the dark I still AMG but scared of the dark that doesn't make any sense I'm still scared of the dark woman am I right no no no it's not it's all right I won I win no you do not have the talking pillows it gives you the priorities to speak you can't say anything Mimi I'm sorry you don't have it either way throw you into the bush and no one would notice you're so tiny because I want him to be tiny in the animation while I was watching a clip um I know of like crime documentaries I was watching clip and I noticed from the corner of my eye it looked like a pale light gray hand reach up on the bed and grab it and then pulled the blanket and disappeared back under the bed at first I thought I was like seeing things that didn't happen it happened again but then the blanket moved like I swear I felt it like move from under me so I looked under the bed because I thought it was my friend just messing with me but there was like wait what's this anyway there was like nothing there so I kept looking at like weird edgy stuff and then it happened a third time and then I like ran downstairs and I found my friend in the kitchen and I asked her if she was like messing with me and she seemed like really confused so I told her everything that happened and she was like that's really creepy because somebody in the next house died while being trapped under her bed he died why did she move that area immediately but did you get candy did you get candy wait why did someone die is that it that's it this is so it's disappointed that was not scary someone died next door that [ __ ] wow what if this is like an innocent person hiding for their life like saved me don't call the cops I'm gonna have to write that a two out of ten on the show what do you mean not as scary as being alone in an elevator yeah baby the next person to tell this story is gonna be muffin juice what don't never be hello hello you better have a good scary story this is the realest story you'll ever hear in your life and the scariest story you'll ever hear in your life guys this is real this happens okay guys I was shopping at Costco I was getting twirling oh my God I was shopping at Costco getting a tortellini or something when I saw this tall shiny bald head down the dog food aisle I was like holy crap that guy's bald this is the scary part I said that out loud I heard stomping the ground was shaking I was literally pooping my pants and then I see him is Dwayne it's the red Dwayne was moving even more I was pooping this is real guys okay Dwayne he grabbed me by like the neck and he's like can I get a photo with you I was like my pad's soaked I was like okay so uh I'm gonna send the photo this is real guys here this is the photo this is the photo one more time oh yeah definitely real yeah not the scary thing okay the scary thing is I'm actually taller than Dwayne Johnson that's your scary story meeting Dwayne the Rock dude I thought he was gonna kill me I thought he was gonna kill me all right we're gonna have to give that a 10 out of 10. that was horrifying I don't know TBH because you're going next you guys want to hear a real scary story okay those nightmares actually count for a scary story okay no okay shut up Ali no one asked okay nothing come on goddamn ice cream not about candy not about the rock okay what I don't care about any of the meme God stay on your side of the bench I don't care okay what this is my time okay one day okay I was like I was like eight years old okay and I went to like a a Macy's and I saw a bear mannequin for the first time and ever since I saw that Anakin that day it just freaked me out I don't know what it was about a mannequin it was just lifeless human body at all no no lifeless listen all I know is there was a plastic human completely naked I like the man version better okay and it was awesome I hated the way it looked you know amen that's what I'm saying something about it just freaked me out so much okay so that night I was going to sleep and I made sure every light was on it's like the main light the lamp light I even turned on my phone and never let it turn off with the flashlight blazing my eyeballs okay I did not like the dark that night okay I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't like it okay So eventually I was able to actually go to sleep and I had a dream that I was in my living room and there was six mannequins around me just doing normal human activities you know one of them was just sitting on the couch you know chilling watching TV the other one was laying down chilling with the other one the other one was watching popcorn etc etc while I was in a very small couch by myself off and just was frozen I couldn't move at all but even listen Natalie it gets worse than that okay even if I tried to make the smallest movements in my dream all the mannequins would just snap their necks towards me okay what you know terrifying that is lifeless humans not even they don't even have eyes how do they know where I am I don't like it don't smooth episode lift up your armpit your armpit order just travels together I'm not like you've got to use deodorant I don't need deodorant because no this is why I'm sitting on this side with all these girls what you're saying next to them Mr animator did you take your schedule pills no I think he built the girls out of trees yeah look at this sofa finish your story but in my dream I was trying to break free from these mannequins for like in three minutes 30 minutes okay not not the dream YouTuber in my mind no not dream okay my brain my brain has like a YouTuber on it okay listen no this is real okay like muffins story it's completely real yeah mine is really real so every time I tried to break away from these mannequins they were just like coming closer and closer to the point where I was even trying to jump out the window but they would just lock me in this couch and just hold me right so I was being locked up like like arm man handle eventually though I managed to escape their grass and start running away and I had a army of mannequins just chasing me down my house and eventually they ended up catching me and ripping green okay I woke up okay it was not a very good night but you know I'm not scared of mannequins anymore so that's good wow that was supposed to be scary scarier than your candy [ __ ] I'm gonna have to write that seven out of ten on the scary scale yeah yeah yeah yeah doesn't beat the Rock story but definitely beats Halloween of course of course yeah you guys are just privileged that was pretty scary actually you literally got ripped in half real juicy Jesus you're telling spooky stories today you're a campfire lighting up so I I search and I with my Katana I hit the bushes and I saw you guys in a distance juicy can you say water bottle [Laughter] what do you mean now it's time to tell another scary story and it's gonna be me this actually happened to me all right it's gonna be like even scarier than getting your socks wet so this spooky story happened to me in my own house well in my parents house I was just a child no concept of Life still eating sand normal kid things I was spending my Thursday afternoon doing homework like a good boy when my parents told me they were going out for dinner and they told me that Grandma was gonna watch over me and I shouldn't do anything crazy why would they think I would do anything crazy like do they think I'm like a bad son or something I'm not gonna do anything every child does something crazy as I was thinking this I was already sneaking behind my sleeping grandma so I could get the stash of cookies in the pantry what's in the pantry you don't know what is it like where you store food oh I actually done a fridge right it's a closet [Music] I was being ever so quiet but I guess my dummy loud cheeks were just a little bit too loud because grandma she was waiting right behind me as I was about to grab the cookies she swiped me without a word and I thought I was just gonna get spanked it was over and she doesn't speak English so I didn't even know if she was gonna say anything but no it wasn't a spanking it was actually way worse she started tickling me ball all right door pull all the way to my feet the worst I was screaming with a mix of laughing crying it was just like all the emotions happening at once it was the worst I hated did you get the cookies so you're ticklish nice noted honestly I'm surprised that tickling isn't like some sort of torture method used to get information from government size it's horrible but she went on for about 30 minutes when she finally got fired 30 minutes of tickling I was basically dead on the couch at this point you would think that this is the horse part of the story but no this is just the start I learned my lesson I wasn't going for the cookies anymore but that didn't stop Grandma every day for the whole next week she tickled me no matter how loud I screamed or cried it happened every day that's not normal not normal they're worth 10. everything happened when we were 10 supposedly there was only one place left for me to hide all right it was my room or at least I thought it was the dead of night I was sleeping like a log for some reason I started to hear my door handle wiggle I thought it was my cat so I ignored it no but then it went from wiggle noises to opening door noises cats can't open the door I panicked I sheltered myself underneath the blanket of solitude I was I was sweating I heard my own heartbeat but I felt safe from the Shadows outside my blanket I saw two giant arms raised up I thought I was gonna die but it was worse than death it was Grandma she started tickling me at the dead of night I was screaming crying everything Grandma was recording some sort of 3 A.M YouTube prank challenge all right 30 minutes this went out for hours hours of tickling eventually I was passed out he personally I wouldn't take that you would think this is what was so scary about it but no eventually I had I I had the courage to tell my parents that Grandma was going too far I couldn't handle the tickling anymore they looked at me with strange eyes and they started laughing I asked what was so funny I never laughed at you they said Grandma left a couple days ago what what do you mean girl who the hell is tickling you I don't know besides my brother my grandma getting views from Facebook and that is going to wrap up our spooky stories for today I would rate that like a one out of ten We're Not Gonna Hear Juice's story because I don't even know how you got here I snuck it his scary story is going to the dentist all right he's very scared if you guys like this and you want to see more make sure to smash that like button and subscribe and uh make sure to check out my friend's channels I'll link down below
Channel: SocksStudios
Views: 10,797,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: socksfor1, socksfor2, socksfor3, sockstudios, scary stories, scary stories animated, horror stories, true scary stories, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, animated stories, animation, scary story, scary animated story, horror animation compilation, stories, scary true stories, creepy stories, horror animation, true horror stories, scary animated stories, true horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, imr scary tales
Id: 0uh0cQtCILI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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