funny animal stories

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today we're going to be telling funny stories involving our pet or you know just a random encounter with an animal we're gonna pick a random name in the Hat completely random Batman God my story is about my dog the cutest dog in the world you know the cutest animal again my dog his name is MacBook okay you want to see a photo of mecco dishes [Music] I know just to show you a fluffy ears look at this pretty cute look at his little hat since my dog is so adorable I am like very attached to it he's like my best friend so one day my cousin from India comes to visit my family right in America and the nicest way to describe my cousin is that she is the epitome of the b word some serious allegations they think they are so entitled and cool they can get away with anything okay they're the type of person to wash their hands and then just leave the sink on for no reason I mean you can't run out of water right water's infinite my cousin sees my dog and just like all the people who do when they see my dog they get very fond of my dog at First Sight it's like love at first sight but knowing that my cousin probably has some like brain deficiency or something I was always cautious and I had is supervised whenever she played with my dog I wanted to make sure she wouldn't do anything stupid but of course one day while I'm supervising my cousin I feel a little gurgle in my stomach okay you ate the dog I realized I ate too many good laugh challenge you know and you know I need to go to the bathroom and my parents were gonna come home in 15 minutes so you know my cousin was still playing my dog I was like if I just look away for 30 minutes nothing horrible can possibly go wrong in 30 minutes so I tell my cousin don't leave the house and don't do anything stupid right I will be right back I will go to the bathroom I went to the bathroom and you know I was quick only 30 minutes that's quick I walked out of my bathroom to see my cousin isn't there and more importantly my dog is not there I look all over the house Upstairs Downstairs backyard nowhere is my cousin until she finally comes back home and tells me my dog ran away no why are you do you know the range of emotions that were going inside my head I was Furious sad losing brain cells I was like you stupid b word how can you possibly lose my dog in 30 minutes he did do you a favor like who would want this dog anyway [Music] do a good little thing one is it you want to see we actually celebrate his birthday as well look how happy and not how that gun point he is dude he looks like he's out there dude he looks morally depressed in this image like he needs help oh he's a little bow tie oh my God that's what you're worried about she just doesn't say anything for a bit and just points outside in a direction like that's where my dog ran up to you know how in Popeye the cartoon the guy takes like a can of spinach and it sucks the whole thing I took a can of gulab jamuns and I literally just transformed into a full-on captain India mode possessed my soul I stepped outside in the middle of the night because this was happening at 10 pm in my baggy shirt and my white undies I was not wearing anything else I was just wearing underwear you wearing underwear around your cousin we were literally shut up I went for a run in the neighborhood to find my dog because I know for a fact that my cousin my fat cousin can't do that okay so here I am running in my neighborhood going full circles uphill downhill in the trees and do this for 10 20 minutes and I don't find my dog I literally just start crying I'm like extremely depressed and I just started bawling out loud and like you know I just lost my best friend like my only friend at the time I was like so sad dead dog took his chances he saw an opening and he went for it he was not trying to escape he's perfectly happy with me okay after searching a bit more you know left being defeated I returned home in tears and opened the door where I was greeted by my dog he kicked you out of the house it's even worse than that you know this entire time he didn't run away it turns out my parents came home while I was taking a dump and took my dog on a walk and now my cousin lied to me about the whole thing oh my God you're so gullible what do you mean yeah or anything you didn't see their car I was I was on the toilet watching something you know so yeah I was pretty mad I called her every single bad word in Hindi in front of my parents and her parents and then took my dog to my room and basically cried myself to sleep because I was traumatized is there a relationship between you and this dog that we should know about this is him totally not screaming for help okay well Mimi I'm gonna have to write that story one out of ten what that was the best story that was deep emotional made people cry I'm gonna pick a random name out of the Hat now who can beat Meme got story it won't take much Ally me did you get your notes Ally don't forget your notes yeah I scored yeah why are we in a campfire we're in the house that we are no I run a campfire I [ __ ] people of the freaking Eiffel Towers [Music] so when I was a kid me and my friends were playing on a playground and uh I have my cat with me um I don't know why I brought my cat I just did we were all wearing uh white shirts because I think we were like doing like tie-dye shirts or something we all started like playing with my cat and passing it around and like hugging and squeezing it bro or something yeah we're like loving the cats we your Huggy and squeeze it we didn't realize that the whole time the cat was just pooping all over us so our white shirts were just covered in cat poop how did you not know this I was not even possible I don't know we were kids smell it this might be a British moment it might be worse than a British film it's an alley moment I have another story about the same cat though I have another one I have another one so another time I was watching my favorite movie which is um Over the Hedge is this like a British movie or something how dare you say that you don't know about the Terminator British what are you talking about and then I decided to lay down on my back with my cat and like play with my cat and um I was laying on the bed and I was holding the cat above me and then all of a sudden the Cat decided to like stick its claws like deep into my nose yeah it hurt really bad and it would not let go and I was just screaming and crying for someone to help me for so long I don't know how long and the cat was just like looking at me like bruh what's going on like and it did not let go for like so long I was just screaming the entire time why did you pull it off I was too like it hurts so bad like I just couldn't move at least I got a free nose piercing is that the story that's it oh my God there's no way you're gonna come way better I literally lost my dog and cried I'm gonna have to write that a five out of 10. the next person to tell their story about an animal or pet randomly not in the order of this Discord is that way wait Blossom did you change no what about you I tell my story last that's how it works it increases retention time all right it's my time to tell my story about my beautiful kitty cat my beautiful meow meow that's her name meow meow you named your cat meow meow yeah you got a problem this one's recent in the yard this is probably like a year and a half ago so when you were 12 all right yeah you know what all right sucks when I see you with ramps it's around 1am and I'm chilling in my family room mate I'm watching some TV eating snacks chilling I see my cat sitting in the corner or watching some I don't know Amazing World of Gumball or something okay best show all right that's watching Amazing World of Gumballs all right my cat doesn't want to run away all the time my cat actually likes spending time with me all right all right so and then I see her stand up and she walks away I'm like okay bye meow meow all right she left after an hour I'm turn off the TV I'm about to head to bed I don't see her or hear from her while I'm going upstairs I go upstairs and I see my doors unlocked and oh I tell you my cat is a skin walker she could open door she can open doors all right I find that scary and I see my window all right my window was already open but I go to see the screen to my window feeding outside and I see that it's open my heart drops bro I go and wake up my brother and I'm like I think the catch on the roof I just walked it down to the roof yeah open ing your door how to get to the roof I opened the window screen I don't know but my window was open and it opened the screen and went on the roof I don't know how I don't think your cat's a real cat dude I go to my brother and like I told him to catch on the roof I wake him up at literally 2 A.M now he has to go on the roof at 2 am in his boxers because the cat was running around the roof was the cat actually up there yeah are you sure this is not just a person in like a cat costume that's like I checked for the zipper I don't see one bro I don't know what to say so you're telling me my dog wanted to run away but your cat wanted to jump off your house you guys just all sound like horrible pet owners oh my goodness what do you mean look at how happy and cute my dog is like in this picture that's the same image it looks in pain look at how happy and uh totally not like depressed literally the aftermath of you shutting up your dog well that way I'm gonna have to rate that story I don't think you actually have a real cat let's just say I'm gonna say four out of ten the next person randomly out of the Hat totally not the next person in Discord bloza bee yeah I have a haddock I had a couple like I had a couple cats in my life right I don't think there's something good make that from what you will be the best owner but I had a couple cats like three I think I don't count those my cats are a little bit of a weird Goofy Goober one of my first cats you like to eat a lot I want to say a lot I mean like not a lot but like weird things yes I was behind my little computer right what was I playing I was on the hives you know what hives is That's The Hive okay it was like Facebook it's Facebook for like 2012. you follow me on hives please yes it was very cool actually my mom helped me set up the accounts getting worse and worse and on my left there was like this big door that you could like scoot over like and it was made out of last we could look outside and I saw my cat playing outside we had like a little Fountain fruiting water [Music] I appreciate the side effects by the way no problem oh that's cute let it play for a while I finished creating my character on house and I looked to my left stop laughing about me I tried to tell a story I hear a little meow to my left but not a normal meow it wasn't like a meow it's more like a meals like what the heck is that I look to my left it's my cat saying that what's going on bloopy what is going on tell my story so I look excited yeah it looks weird looks like he's something in his mouth I have what he got there and I tried to force it I grab his jaw and I try to force it open you know like you do and I'm like what the heck is that and all of a sudden he puked it out and I was like oh wait what is that let me get that let me get that out of the way it was just a pace a paste of like brown oh like what the [ __ ] did you just throw up on my floor for and all of a sudden it started moving I was like what is that this is something from Alien and I look closely and the thing started hopping and I'm like bro that's a whole frog how do you swallow oh [ __ ] hey I had to pick it up and it's like a little toilet paper and I just needed it outside back to the river your cat bloopy swallowed a whole frog and ate it yes and I was I was so worried I was like why does it happen I started Googling and apparently your cats started catching things if it's like you I guess it's for like a little present I'm like ah that is so cute but I don't accept frogs for payment that was pretty funny out of 10 I'm gonna have to rate that seven yeah that is that is seven more than Mimi not last but certainly not least Mr TBH honest not last but why okay whatever you know what bye Skip over him no excuse me I'm gonna come up with a better story than me and God everywhere okay I always wanted to go horseback riding because who doesn't want to go horseback riding isn't that her ROM why would it be Haram oh no you said it was like a stuff about that or something you said when what horse hey can someone push him off the Eiffel Tower quickly sucked for [ __ ] oh he flew back it's okay but it's a creative mode all right I wanted to go horseback riding more than anything in the world okay so me my sister and my oldest brother wanted to go and they all they all pretty much look exactly like me just like different variations of tallness okay okay like my brother's like really tall like he's double my size myself like half my size but you know like they all look pretty much exactly like me with just a different kind of hair as well okay aren't you afraid to go horseback riding like won't your balls get crushed even better oh that's my favorite part honestly that's the wrong part really why are you still here get him out here so we all got the horse I got bet she because that's that's the one I wanted I really like fantasy she's really cool right my sister got like a zebra looking thing you know that probably it looked illegal okay but it's fine you know it shouldn't be it's okay you know if you the more questions you guys the worst it gets okay and then my brother got the big rotten basically half dead horse okay oh my God isn't that skeleton horse from Minecraft like imagine a skeleton horse from Minecraft with a bunch of Flesh that's like drooping over like granny zombie Horrors okay like it's all saggy it's all wrinkly I can see some bone it smells there's a bunch of flies all over it oh no I mean it was standing up it's good enough you know still standing it's still standing it was like 100 years old I don't even know if horses can live that long but it should be okay you know uh so you might really took that because he's the oldest so if he died it would be okay you know it's no issue right so I'm riding my horse you know it's very casual very happy Galloping you know like I I'm super excited okay the problem is I'm super young so I have to be like trained like I'm on a leash basically and I'm being dragged everywhere to go right my sister you know she's a little bit older than me so her right of the horse you could go wherever she wants so she wanted to like drive into the middle of the ocean it's perfectly okay the people let her do it but it would be bad okay but my brother he was terrified to ride this horse okay it was like a snail every time that uh the the horse moves a single limb all you hear is like bones cracking everything it's just basically done no okay it was the worst experience obviously like I've actually felt so bad for the horse okay the horse needs some WD-40 yeah a little WD-40 maybe some duct tape it'll work do some wonders okay what the owners of the horse didn't tell us it was the horse actually had fleas which is why it looked so gross all right the horse wanted to scratch off the fleas so I don't know if you know this right but cats whatever they scratch they like you know they sit down and they reach their back paw to their ear right but horses they can't do that so you know what the horse does to scratch the fleas off its back jumps up in a complete stanza like a human and flips backwards WWE rko's my brother like a goddamn wrestler oh my God he's like who's the horse now is over there pissing his pants as a high schooler at the time uh and he's he's been pissing it doing whatever you can think to ruin your pants Eddie's Car meanwhile the horse is laying on him just like scratching his back using his entire body like it was just really really weird the horse owners they just picked up the horse chucked it away like oh this is a bad horse I don't like this one back into the stable because you know they have to teach it a lesson you know like spray it like a cat right oh my God he don't survive that my brother is not terrified of horses I would be well TBH that was actually a pretty crazy story so I'm gonna have to write that nine out of ten nine numbers now for the final story it's gonna be me and it's gonna be about three cats all right one fat one one small one and one old one but you're gonna have to hit that subscribe button because that's gonna be another animation in three to six months
Channel: SocksStudios
Views: 7,203,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sockstudios, socksfor1, socksfor3, animation, animal stories, funny animals, funny animals life, moral stories, animals, stories, 3d animation stories, bedtime stories, animals stories, funny cartoon stories, animal wisdom stories, funny animals 2022, panchatantra stories, 3d animated animal stories, animal animation, funny horror animation, funny animals tv, cute animals, funny cats, funny dogs, more embarrassing childhood stories, socks, animations, funny dog, wild animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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