my experience being HOMESCHOOLED

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today i'm going to tell you guys the story of me being homeschooled that's it end of the video give me your money thank you very much bye see you next time the first question most people ask me is why i was homeschooled in the first place that sucks i don't remember asking when did i ask you in this video oh and to clarify i was only homeschooled in my high school years anyway when i tell people i'm homeschooled they think it's just so i can play video games all day jokes on you i didn't have any friends to play video games with the other reason people would think is maybe i was anti-social i mean they're not wrong look at you now look at me now the real reason i was homeschooled was actually to have more time for a sport no it wasn't toe wrestling wow i was just about to ask that well i was gonna say i know you weren't thinking about that but did you know that's actually a sport like i just figured it out like the other day he won in tourists yeah it exists imagine getting a sponsorship to college for tour wrestling wait there is actually wrestling yo i'm calling out jake paul right now the winner what if they have like warts and stuff on their foot yeah i know you do would that be an advantage fungus imagine like you're basically making out with another foot is it illegal to make your toenails sharp oh my god he's asking the real he's used a knife i played a sport called tennis they get a load of this guy he put it sticks and balls oh my god well not to get sidetracked but the reason i was homeschooled was i was able to train more for tennis so i could get into a top d1 school everyone can agree on me on this like school takes up your entire day all right by the time you get home you only have a couple more hours left where you usually have to do homework anyway just don't go to school lol well what is nice about homeschooling is it allows me to go at my own pace so i would usually finish my school work in about two hours or less for the day oh wait that's kind of lit that the entire rest of the day i could do whatever i want meaning i could train more that's also which allowed me to start my youtube career and more importantly my heroes of the storm addiction oh no oh yes it's not an addiction it's a lifestyle i didn't choose the game the game chose me most people think i was taught by my parents in some people's cases it's true but not mine some people like their parents would be like walk outside look at the trees for their science class play assassin's creed for a history lesson all right that's not what happened here i was taught by a computer hey alexa teach me math give me math knowledge now one plus one what i mean by top of the computer i meant there's courses online that i read through and then i take a quiz that is graded by the computer but anything written is graded by an actual teacher there is also no schedule so that means you could do as much or as little schoolwork as you want as long as you get it done by the end of the school year this means you could do absolutely nothing all year and finish everything the last day if you wanted and that's exactly what i did oh how did you manage to do that let's start from the beginning on my first day when i like sat down in front of my computer i was expecting some sort of orientation or something but it was literally like i opened my browser and it was like here you go do school now right there was no structure no assigned times you could do as much or as little as you want and because of this there was a huge responsibility on my shoulder they expect me to make my own schedule i still forget to floss my teeth or even brush my teeth you know you know what really helps helping with your assignments just do it tomorrow i mean for the first weeks i mean the first couple of days i i took upon myself to learn study be on track a good kid i was a learning man it was great good man adapting but then things came difficult i was taking ap calculus online if you're someone who likes math let me just give you a firm handshake right now because congratulations you're a genius the main problem with homeschool is that it's so easy to do something else all right just one click one tab you open up youtube literally just turn your head away from the desk you have your xbox controller on the floor another turn to the left your catch is sitting there you know you're just looking more adorable than usual because of this i hit myself with that one liner you know what i'll understand this tomorrow all right yeah oh boy the procrastination it's happening it's starting and i did this day after day eventually it was weeks oh boy and like i said there is no punishment for this as long as you finish everything by the end you pass months i mean months go by you're just like trapped like in you just playing the store in the animation the whole entire month everything going by and just in like a room playing here all day we were about two weeks by the end of the school right two weeks left all my other classes were finished 27 weeks of earth science and literature all complete with flying colors i did those on time because they were nice i understood it i studied wait wait wait [Music] let's say gym class all you had to do was log into activity and i love that system because you can basically say whatever you want you could lie what a lie my youtuber my favorite you would never lie bro it's not lying you just bend the truth i did 50 bicep curls with a mouse well it's not like i needed more fitness anyway the whole point of the home school is so i can play tennis like six hours a day weird flex but okay wait do you want to field trips no that's so sad wait did you join clubs at home school like you know like you joined math club or something why would you join a club home school you're going to join like a book club with like barbara and beth that are like 80 years old my barber and bet like there's like notes old people's name exactly and they're the most likely to join a book club guys i can't play after school af i have anime club with uncle ronnie at 2am 2 a.m bro anyway i was about to walk away from my pc and that's when i see it ap calculus sitting on the top left of my assignments that are due it totally left my mind all these months so if you didn't know a school has about 27 full school weeks and i just submitted my week 27 assignments on all my other classes but ap calculus was still there on week one i didn't even get through the first week oh god and there was only two weeks left before the end of school now they can't do anything if enter is out what are they going to say like there's an extension that was out for the past 11 years my daughter i was grounded at home i was grounded for home school at the age of 17 i didn't think it was possible to have a heart attack because that's exactly what just happened how am i supposed to do 27 weeks of ap calculus if i can't even pass the first week by myself there was only one thing i could do and that was tough cheat oh yes now you're still sweet i mean no no cheating [Laughter] what is cheating should be easy right there's websites like math way that solve questions like instantly you just copy and paste pow pow pow pow i can give you a list bro oh how i was wrong the questions weren't just math questions all right there were math questions with words why does that exist it was about the man with 900 shampoo bottles and you had to figure out why he had 4 000 watermelons all right those were the questions it gets worse turns out these questions you think yahoo answers would come clutch but no turns out these questions were customly made for that yearly of school so you can't cheat all right there was no google then use bing this means i would have to learn no no i windmilled my entire desk away it was time to study i cancelled everything i had to do those weeks all right even the play dates i'm sorry jimmy no jimmy from mr beast my mom tried to lecture me about responsibility but even that had to wait at the rate i was going i was finishing an entire week of math in just one day i was actually learning though i never felt so much pressure but at the same time it was nice to have a schedule for one but at the end it wasn't enough i wasn't gonna finish in time i still had 10 weeks left on the last day of school i failed dude why do you speak these stories you need to like have like some sort of pause or something staring at the camera in desperation for the first time ever i emailed my teacher that i needed more time i never met this person or talked to them in my entire life or in this entire time of school but i will never forget this time miss johnson turns out i was submitting things so fast that she didn't even have time to finish grading them for the first time i was actually thankful for math questions that were asking for show your work because that means the teacher actually had to go through and grade it he comes over like oh explain how you did this i'll show you i'll show you i would show you my work you want to see my work it means the teacher also needed more time to grade stuff so that meant i could actually get an extension how much more time i needed for my school i was a teacher i would have just failed you in the end i was able to finish my entire class of ap calculus in just under a month and actually learning a thing or two a thing or two you're telling me you're just extremely lucky yeah pretty much and that was my experience homeschooling and the lesson here is make sure you have a schedule so you don't get in the same situation i was in
Channel: Socksforart
Views: 4,881,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: socksfor1, socksfor2, sock animations, sock arts, growing up with strict parents, my epxerience being homeschooled, animations, sockstudios, fatmemegod, blaza, laff, nadwe, animation, growing up, jaiden animation growing up, growing up as an immigrant, growing up african, growing up in the 80s, my home school experience, my experience being homeschooled, my experience of being a homeschooler, experience, my experience being a christian homeschooler, my experience, my experince
Id: tlJLmPr5-98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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