Meeting Online Friends IRL

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I met most of my friends online and only one of them turned out to be a murderer in real life that's great like most people dude's house being quarantined before I spent a lot more time online which meant a lot more playing video games and spending a lot of time on this app called Discord I usually spend all my time inside anyway so it doesn't really matter it makes no difference Discord is a online social platform where you can meet interact and talk to weird people online and most of the time you become friends with those strangers in order to meet people you have to join communities of people of similar interests your interests can be from like in the same game or even doing Roblox role-playing Discord together yes that is a real Discord yes it is for me I always wanted to be a YouTuber so I joined a editing Discord where I can learn how to edit and improve my own videos loser but that's how I met you glasses so I don't know I also joined a dating Discord server but we're never gonna talk about that as long as this is the part where you call them a loser that is Way Beyond losers I met a lot of new people but the two people I still talk to this day and met in real life were fat meme God and Mr blaza Batman God was that kid that your parents told you not to hang out with so I didn't talk to him much yet he's gonna be kind of like a background character did you find him in the dating server I mostly hanged out with Mr blaza because guess what me and him were both hired by Cypher PK as editors yeah we were paid so well like 50 bucks yes we used to work for this absolute gigachad of a man before he fired us and we got fired from your first job wait actually that was my first stop we lasted maybe two weeks working with him because after that he fired us but rightfully our our editing was bad it wasn't that bad for the time I guess it was bad sounds like an excuse that didn't stop me hanging out with Mr blaza so we started talking more and more uh the first thing I learned about Mr blossa is that he loves anime I mean loved it it wasn't that bad I loved it he wouldn't send a message without 32 emojis of some random anime girl dancing I thought it was funny yeah okay buddy that's what they all say I also realized that I've been talking to blaza for weeks but I didn't know if he was a boy or a girl I was hoping he was a girl so I asked him I was wrong hoping he was gonna finally talk to him covered with that out of the way we started talking more and more and even got me into anime and I still watched that to this day which is epic oh yeah who's laughing now huh and then that turned us from editing for other people and we actually turned that around to start our own YouTube journey and we started recording together we've been massively depressed ever since but before I talk about the absolute shock of meeting blasa for the first time let me bring it back and talk about the other guys fat meme God TBH honest and juice juice was an interesting fellow because he had more subscribers than me when I talked to him I was a fan of his content oh my God what can I say bow down to me right now flasher won a fanboy begging to be in juices private VC so I could talk to him and I would see him in my Discord and I would just drag him up to my private room and we would talk for hours somehow I got into his private VC and I got invited to his Minecraft worlds and I blew up his base thanks what a first impressions we became best friends ever since dude she's still looking for revenge on the other hand I didn't mean TBH honest until much later it was when everyone was playing a manga uh the good old times the dark times when I first met him I thought he was an extreme introvert he barely said anything at all and now he won't shut up wow thanks for that thanks for that that's much appreciated so we also became best friends the last person on the list is fat meme God I also met him in the editing Discord but how do I put this he is abnormally stupid he's the type of guy turn himself into a jar of peanut butter in Minecraft and get one million views how about you shove a jar of peanut butter up your sick and tired of this abuse okay let me tell you guys the real story of how I met stinky for what no so would get him someone get him out of here security this is my video now I'm kicking him out here get out get out of the door get out so about four to five years ago I heard about the secret Discord server going around okay where a bunch of editors we're gonna get together and we were they were gonna make fortnite the movie fortnite the movie Buffy was the Discord modder the person leading this fortnite movie yeah I was a Discord moderator so yeah my role in this movie was to make like a cool Montage thing like getting a bunch of kills and stuff we were making four not four night montages back then and you know who my partner was who laza me really yeah bro I hated man what did I do Plaza was the kid in the in like the group presentation who would dress up nice for the presentation but did like absolutely no work I did all the work what are you talking about our job was to get like clips of killing people with pistols and blasa would just be playing some weird anime games I don't want to talk about that he was playing OSU oh that was good so yeah I pretty much just complained about it to socks and he was like all right all right I'll help you get some clips I was wearing the nice Discord moderator there see I was helping you out yeah and that's when we just started playing together they started calling every day from that point on and now look at us best friends I hate you and I'm still really good at those two now that you're familiar with everyone we thought it was a great idea for everyone to come over to my place and hang out except for fat meme God because he still weirds me out there are many problems with strangers coming to your house I don't know what anyone looks like we never facetimed each other and it's too late now because on Saturday morning I had three strangers arriving later that night how do you prepare to meet someone you talk to every day of your life for the past couple years but you never actually met them with lots of lube and a medkit it's scary I started imagining how people would look like starting with blaza I feel like with his boys he would be like this short swanny man while juice was some sort of English butler I thought TBH would be like a supermodel he's got a good voice damn okay I don't know if I should be offended or I'd be happy about that the first person to arrived with TBH but instead of him coming over to my place I decided to pick him up because that is the gentleman I am yes what a sweetie I am also not very practical because at this time I was driving a two-seater sports car and I thought I was gonna have enough room to fit all his luggage and if you don't see what I'm doing here I'm I'm foreshadowing as I was driving in the pickup Lane I called TBH on Discord because I still had no idea what he looked like somehow in the crowd of people I managed to figure out who he was because of his mouth movement am I weird that I was able to do that luckily he was not a 60 year old man and actually a handsome fellow and for some reason it was not awkward at all like I got out we did a little handshake a little bit of a dance and got in the car don't forget to smooch in we did a little smooching too and then I held him hostage but you know that's fine I got the money for the luggage that was kind of a problem because we had TBH sitting in front of the car and so did the luggage we squeezed it in so tightly I don't know how the car didn't just burst into a bunch of Lego pieces I felt so bad because when I sat down to drive I Could Only See Team be just little fingers sticking out from the luggage in his seat this is the first Discord friend I met in real life and I'm already messing it up and to make matters worse since I was a hurry to get home so TBH wouldn't suffocate and die I started speeding lesson here kids never speed the main problem wasn't that I was speeding it was a spider to come up from the sea I hate spiders why aren't aspire to see your car why are there spiders in my car my instant reaction kicked in and I took both hands off the steering wheel and smacked the spider into the window uh the win here is that the spider was dead now but no one was driving the car in that Split Second the car went off-road and hit the rail of the side of the highway I thought we were gonna die and the whole time TBH had no idea what was going on because he couldn't see anything luckily instead of smashing into the railing we sort of just bounced off like a bouncy ball and back onto the road so I guess we were okay I have no idea how we're still alive because we made it home safe TV8 on the other hand had no idea what really happened and he turned out to be a really nice guy but now I had two more people still flying games they were coming in together the reason was is because they were both Europeans so they decided to fly together which was smart the night time was here and me and TBH were hanging out and out of nowhere the a third person just came into the room for some reason I I recognized him right away with his teeth and he told me to go to the dentist straight away they actually give you a whole coupon and everything I actually have no idea how being juicy interacted but I believe he sounded like a real man when I met him not a butler surprisingly so you said to me oh my God you actually sound like a man I was like what do you mean the question is if juicy was here where was blasa that's when I saw it a giant figure approaching the door it was not human it was a monster you know how Doris have these like tiny windows on the outside like on the top and the side well you could see Hands just wrapping around the door we booked it we were out of there I ran into the kitchen TBH went upstairs I don't even know where juicy is okay we're gone I was hiding behind the counter trying to make as little noise as possible because that's also when I realized we forgot to lock the door because juicy came in he didn't lock the door behind him he's British he never died and as soon as that thought came into my head I heard the door slowly Creak open my heart rate started this fight the weird thing is I didn't hear any noise it was completely silent I was dead alone in the kitchen with my friends nowhere to be seen I thought I was about to get murdered I peeped around the corner to see if anyone was there but it was already too late a chill went down my spine as I fell in overwhelming presence from behind standing six feet tall four inches was a man I've never seen before I tried to scream but I was so frightened I was just sitting there and out of nowhere this dark figure said hello I didn't recognize the voice at first but then I did it was blaza but with a deeper voice and he was huge where'd the woman at the voice I've been hearing for so long for years and it was not even real and now that I hear it in real life his real voice it wasn't even the same person I'm like your house I've never been at your house I've always been home then who's in the other room I'm still in Europe what are you talking about a sigh of relief as I'm glad I did not get murdered and I just met one of my best online friends eventually everyone came down and everyone was just as shocked as me Blossom was freaking out because he said my face looked real which I think what real people look like it looked like high quality because I'm used to seeing you on like the screen like 480p 480p all I can say is that it's way better meeting everyone in person and all my online friends have been some of the coolest people I've ever met so if you guys enjoyed be sure to subscribe to their channels and if you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe as well goodbye
Channel: SocksStudios
Views: 8,501,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, animations, sasti animation, 2d animation, cgi animation, online friends, storytime! meeting online friends irl, internet friends, animationmeme, best friend, internet friend, sock studios, socks, sock arts, sock animations, socks art, socks for 1, socks animations, socksfor1studios, socksfor1, socksreact, storytime animation, storytime, storytime animated, short animation, storytime animation channels, animation story, embarrassing childhood stories, socksfor2, socksfor3
Id: jk9Djewv7_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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